war VI tmr MM I W 1 9 r . ! h ? ihE FM It '!. m "Mitel. Harriot T. Clarke. less Lore. houirli sleepless nlnlita, i spirit fights, loro to meet of defeat 1 ml oyos nay socm cam, bosom know stings below I 'I rill sometimes keep ndi a socrct deep, beneath tho day h a noiseless way I irtl o) fen glci u and 1 fiat stii J. In Bavao pail heaven, I vrfll i I, ol iron'rulo, ars "tool I m attain," Ln haunts tho car frords of moagor cheer; i tvrannio nccil gio liko a rocd ! Iho voice of our distress, fetch hand toward nothing lMirlmincd river bo arils no rccoptivo scat" pang so keen as lies izo of worshipped eyes, cctloa lovo Intcnso pf dirierenco? i ever borno mlitlcs of scorn bnto lovo can give i ley ncgatlvo I vhllo It sitihs Idcroat replies, rut tliat ilrivai tuo uiauo tho wound it mado 1 Edgar Kftwcott. rime's Changes. '!ATT1R W. TOnltKT. I sang in other years ; us now no mora; ; roused our bottes and (cars. aed now, and o'er. ire lovo are scattered wmo, cones aro chanced: that onco were truo and tried. u, or ot ranged. Iswcotcit smilo that woro; i that bloomod moat lain nat (harmed ua long Iw.'jro, tia rich and rare; koao lishtost Blanco could still Its with lovo enthrall. Ilo could bless, whos frown could pged, or vanished all, ras brlitlit before us then. nine day seemed fair: ed with our fellow-men earts to do or daro. i of youth aro faded now, red dreams are nast: f, upon our furrowed brow, very shado lias cast. are chanced, but not in heart B imn may do his worst, t from remembrance part ing wo loved at lint. i mav dim. ihs cheeks crow palo. lows of ago may fall, 1 our memories novcr fail od affection's call. A.BtMlkle Mother. lly pitiful to soo n good, con 1 "Ittlo mother resolutely shut pu away irom so mucn mat is ;i nwuuiusi in iiur iiiiiuiuu a I tho sako of tucklnjr their F iu ruffling tholr pottlcoat. I vIscd and grlovod slio will bo ) hbr boys and girls, at six u "mothor" chlolly as a ant porson to keop shirts In o mako now dresses, and as to whom thoy enro to go for companionship. Yet, boforo i suubbod out of It by ropcatcd such us "run awny, I'm too liston to your nonsonso, ' chll aturally so 10 tholr mothers their Borrows and pleasures; "mothor" can only enter Into plans, how-ploased thoy aro. diout ol' delight as I heard Inst r from Mw. Frlcndly's croquet when her twollttlo girls wcro M goody, goody, mamma llay with us." Sho was y, too, and I know would .'referred to uso what fow ifocroutlon sho could snatch ilng moro Interesting than '"croquet with llttlo children ich tailor than tholr mallets. ofton said to mo, "I cannot lot drou grow away from mo, I ep right along with them all e,. and whothor It Is croquet e tttle ones, or Latin grammar e balwlth tho boys, or ' ncli tij and twsh ribbons with tho assist be 'in it' as far us I can. r ' ' MKt Fringe. sWthat It will mako thorn look f bit theiUt Is tho fashion and lo It II R nnnL-n 11 nintlinr wlin nito upply tho scissors to cut 10 hair from tho foreheads of to daughters and mako thorn "v Digger Indians. What a n is, ana wmu a sacrweu others of our girls aro lay- ret when they thus mutllato of tholr children and dls- nt fni. ffift nraonilf tltlf I, IIUII lUi ww 'lii """ trllfo. Do thoy know that t modo of cutting and comb- air of tho girls, if long enough will result In a race or with low. Idiotic foreheads? ey know that combing tho hair pon tho forohead inclines tho spread In that direction, and lly creep downward toward tho --I?---1 What Iowa Girls are Taaght. At tho Iowa Agricultural College ovory girl In tho Junior Class has learned how to mako good bread, weighing and measuring her Ingredi ents, mixing, knondlng, and baking, nnd regulating her flro. Each has also boon taught to mako yeast nnd bako biscuit, pudding, pies, nnd cako of various kinds; how to cook a roast, broil a steak, and mako n lragrant cup of cofleo; how to stuff and roast a tur key, mako oyster soup, preparo stock for other soups, steam and mash pota toes so that they will inclt in tho mouth, nnd, In short, to got up n first class meal, combining both substantial and fancy dishes, ln good stylo. Theory nnd manual skill havo gono hand ln hand. Vast stores of loarnlng havo been accumulated in tho arts of canning, preserving, nnd pickling fruits, nnd thoy havo tnkon practical lessons ln all tho do tails of household management, such us houso-furnlsh-ing, care of beds and bedding, wash ing nnd ironing, enro of tho sick, caro of children, Ac. Tho girls, wo nro in formed, nro also thoroughly grounded in science, mathematics, nnd English literature; but this is of slight moment compared with tho foregoing catalogue of virtues. Ifthoro is anything that challenges tho unlimited respect and devotion of tho mascullno mind It is nblllty in woman to ordor well lior own household. Each one of theso charming Iowa girls, It is safotosay, will marry within six weeks after graduation. Rooipos. Woodkn" Howls. In buying a now woodon bowl, it is well to romombor thnt If you grcaso it well on tho Inside, and stand it near tho flro, where It will soak ln, it will savo it from crack ing. To Clean I) lack Law:. Squeeze softly and ofton In skimmed milk, when it scorns clean put it In clean skimmed mill: squcezo again, lay it on shoots of stiff papor, draw out scol lops and edges with fingers, cover with stiff pnpor and a heavy weight till dry. Scotch Siioktiiukau. Hub to gether Into 11 stiff, short pasto two pounds of flour, ono pound of butter and six ounces loaf sugar; mako It into squuro cakes, about half inch thick; pinch thorn ull along tho edgo at tho top; over tho wholosurfaco of tho cakes sprlnklosomo white comfits, put tho enkos on tins so as to touch each other on tholr edges, and bake In n slow ovor .. . - About Eggs. Wo havo soon dyspoptlcs who suffor cd untold tormouts with almost ovory kind of food; no liquid could bo taken without suffering; bread bocamo a burning acid; meat and milk wcro solid liquid firos; and wo havo scon tholr tormonts pass away and tholr hungor rcllovcd, by living on tho whites of egfca which had beon boiled iu bubbling wator for thirty minutes. At tho end of a week wo hnvo glvon tho half yolk or tho egg with tho whlto, and upon this diet alono, with out fluid of any kind, wu hnvo soon thorn begin to gain flesh and strength and qulot, refreshing sleep. After weeks of this trcatmont thoy hnvo boon ablo, with caro, to begin other food. And all this without taking medicine. Hard boiled eggs nro not half 60 bad ns half-boiled ones, nnd ton times ns easy to digest as raw egg?, oven in egg-nog. Indiana Farmer. A llcautirul Taper lor Uojs and Girls. The April number of The American ioung ihlfo, published at Topoka, Kansas, eomos to ui full of tho very best reading mattor for our boys and girls. It Is a paper parents need not hesltato to placo in tho hands of chil dren. It Is finely Illustrated nnd com bines nil tho requisites for a first-class youth's paper. It Is sont ono year for 60 cents. Tho publisher oirers to soud a Ham pi 0 copy frco for examination. No cheap humbug premiums aro offer ed to sccuro subscribers, but tho best paper for tho lenst money is given. liver is King. The Liver Is tlio Imperial organ of Iho wlinlo human tystom, on It controls tho Illo, health and happlnes ol mail. When It is disturbed In Uh proper notion, nil kinds of ailments ara the iiaiuaal result. The diges tion of food, tho movements of Iho heart and blood, (bo action of the brain and nervous system, aro all Immediately conneotod with the-worklngs of the Liver. It has been suc cessfully proved tbalQieen'a Auuust l'lowor Is unrquallod In curing all persons aflllcted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, aud all the numerous spmptons that result from an unhealthy condition of the Liver and Stom ach. Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Fes tively sold In all towns on the Western Con tinent. Three dose will prove that It Is Just whar ou want. A llttlo girl, when hor father's tn bio was honored with an esteemed guest, began talking very earnestly at tho first pause of the conversation. Her father checked hor very sharply saying, "Why Is it that you talk so much?" 'Tauso 1'vo dot soraesln' to say," was tho Innocent reply of tho llttlo one. Iu tho midst of life wo aro in debt. LUlig by Llteratir; Thon thoro 13 another troubloln libr ary work; it is vory poorly paid. I do not moan that tho monoy is not paid In proportion to tho work, for I think it is, O3pocially to n popular wrltor; but tho troublo is tho long waiting for that which you hnvo earned, nnd tho un certainty of a paymont doponds upon tho timo of printing tho manuscript. Thoro aro but two firms In this coun try who habitually pay on ncccptanco; clsowhero tho writer must wait any uncertain length of tlmo for nn uncer tain rosult. I havo myself beon put off two yoars and a half in ono instnnco; frcquontiy a year. Tills makos writing n precarious modo of gotting n living indocd; it involvos authors ln necessary debt, and llfo is n steady "grind" whon wo dread to moot our fellow creatures. I havo n sinking heart to sco thorn pass tho hotiso because wo owo them for tho vory necessaries of life, and cannot pay our bills till it pleases this magazlno or that papor to print tho artlclo which means to us, shoes, or potatoes, or ilourl To bo at liberty to do tho host work, an author should havo somo regular incomo bo- sldcs thnt which lio earns; but how fow hnvo I It follows, of courso, that tlioso pub lishers who pay for manuscript havo tho cholco of tho best, nnd next to them como tlioso weekly papers which pay for contributions. Of theso Inst I know of only ono which Is regular In Its paymonts ovory nrtlclo bolng paid for tho wook nftcr printing; tho rest delay, nnd linger, nnd possibly havo to bo dunned a most distasteful necessi ty to a lady boforo thoy pay such dobts. Ono papor, odltcd by two clergy men, I hnvo ceased to wrlto for, bo causo I could not afford to wait so long alter an nrtlclo was printed as I was obliged to wait In ovory instauco thoro for my monoy. To havo a regular salary such ns 11 toachor, or a seams tress, or a housokoopor, or n servant receives, would bo delightful compared with this constant work and constant debt; for though checks delay, hungor nnd cold nnd tho thousand needs of dally lifo will not; nnd living on noth ing whllo you wait for publication Is n poor experiment, Thon, ugain, you need health and strength to wrlto, for It is hard work. Nothing oxlmusts so utterly us a day of writing; nnd how Is It with wcoks nnd months? You fool that a clergy man earns n largo salary who wrltos two sermons of 0,000 words each nnd ovory wcokj nnd I generally wrlto about 11,000, and hnvo written as many as 15,000 words in flvo days, and at tondod to my houso and tho needs of an Invalid bosldos; yot I havo novor mado a thousand dollars In n yonr "Whon you wrlto," 6nld my physi cian to me, "you draw from tho vory sourcoof your vitality, not from its distributed onorglos; no wondoryou aro exhausted;" and I havo felt tho truth of his words In tho aching head and cramped fingers and weary irrita bility that will follow montal oxortlon, ovon ln such good hoalth as I happily possoss. Not thoro Is no royal road to literary work any moro than to wash ing aud Ironing; It Is poor pay for tho oxhnustlng labor, and it Is work novor dono, nnd vory hard work nt that; all tho harder bocauso of its Mow and un certain roward. Jtose Terry Cook. ites C , rEHBOXAL. aenornl Garibaldi has given his for mal approbation to tho fichemo of his son to colonlzo NowOulnon. Ex-Governor Vance, of North Caro lina, now In tho United States Sonato, was a mombor of tho National House of Representatives whon ho was twon-ty-sovon yoars of ago. Mr. D. It. Locko (Petroleum V. Nas by) has written a play founded on tho "Widow Uodott I'auors." If thoro Is any of tho Cross-roads humor In It it ought to run for a spoil. It Is asserted that Clark, tho prize flghtor, lost tho battlo bocauso ho was trained too much. This can't he. If ho had beon properly tralnod ho would never havo beon a prlzo-flghter. IdiiNtDrKf. . I,,, 1, . . ----- -i.L.i " ----h-.-,-, ..,, . -- C- V , ". For ,n method of converting honoy into n form of crystallized sugar, tho Deo-kocpcrs' Association offers n prlzo. Tho skin of tho stlng-ray, rara clavlta, is said to bo tisod Instead of isinglass for tho clarification of liquids. A Fronch contractor has just obtain ed a concession for tho extraction of tho chloride of potassium from tho wntors of tho Dead Sea. Thotomporaturo of tho sun Is esti mated by E, Itosettl to rango botweon 12,000 degrees nnd 20,000 degrees C, or 21.G32 degrees nnd 30,032 degrees F. 15. F. Nowton, F. G. 8., has Just read a papor boforo tho Quokott Microscopi cal Society on n now mothod of prepar ing n dlssoctcd model of nn insect's brain from microscopical sections. A Gcrmnn doctor has propounded tho doctrlno that vegotnrians and mcat-cators nro both wrong, nnd that tho real means to health and long lifo aro to oat all food raw, whether ani mal or vcgotablo. Professor Koonlg of tho Pennsylva nia Univorslty has rccontly invented an instrument for tho purposo of mak ing exquisitely delicate determina tions of tho presence of certain metals in crcs. M. S. Meslnler has mado mixtures of iron nnd nickel chlorides, reduced lly hydrogen nt a red heat, yield well defined alloys, sometimes admirably cry8tnlllno nnd closely analogous to tho meteoric alloys of iron nnd nickel. Tho closo similarity botwoon tho skulls of tho Gnltchas, of Eastern Turklstan, and tho Celts, of Western Europe, has lod Dr. Paul Toplnard to bcllovo that tho two races aro, in reality, branches of ono common stock. Gronat, nn incldontnl product in tho manufacture of fuchslno, is usod to color wine. Although a largo quantity may bo takon without directly kll'ing a porson, it cnusos, ln very small doses, serious functional dcrango-mouts. Gonnnn tnnnors nro clamoring for protection bocauso this country Is out soiling thorn in tholr own markets. In 1808 tho Gorman Importation of Ameri can leather was only 23,733 cwt,, but in 1875 it roacliod 155,773 cwt. A solution of chloride of magnoslum of 1,201 specific gravity lias boon tried with success for filling wot gas motors It stands a low tompornturo without froozlng, docs not need frequont re plenishing und has other advantages. Profossor Tnto has found thnt India rubbor, nftor having boon stretched for years and bocomo pormanontly strained, or if it bo strotchod whllo warm nearly to rupturo, will recover its former dimensions whon it is dippod into hot water. A Nicu Pavku KNiKf.'. Tho ton of a cigar box (of courso husband doa't smoke, but vou can sond to town and get an empty 0110). Tako a plcco tho length or tnu box, aim as wtuo as a caso knife. Round tho ends nnd dress tho sides nnd ends to nn edgo; thon, nftor sandpapering, put on a coat of varnish, and whon dry you will havo an oxcellont papor knife. "Can a man belong to a braso band nnd bo a Christian'."' asks an exchange. Wo sco no Impediment In tho way. Hut If ho is a member of a brass band and is given to practicing on his cornet or trombone at homo, It Is an utter Im possibility for tho man living next door to bo a Christian. Llttlo Nephew "What aro fowls, auntlo?" Auntie "Creatures with wings, dear, such as hens and ducks." Llttlo Nephew "Angels aro fowl, too aren't thoy, Auntlo?" "All men aro born freo and equal;" except tho Indians and Chinamen. TT'iyy-i tl'oko bonnots aro tho stylo. Scoop bonnots will bo the stylo. Shodldor capes aro fashionable. Novelties in sldo sntchols nro shown. Tho Trianon is tho coining polonaiso Tho latest shado of rod is tho Prlnco of Wales. Black chip Is tho favorlto bonnot for nil occasions. Itccd greon is n now shado of this popular spring color. Trains and doml-trnlns nro no longer scon in tho street. Thoro nro many artistic Ideas glvon in millluory this season. Gloves nro long, reaching to tho olbow for full overling tollot. Now carpets nro of dard, rich colors, in small Moorish patterns. In ribbons and materials for trim ming tho vnrioty Is very groat. Now parasols hnvo flatter tops than tho canopy onos of Inst summer. Velvet grenadines nro shown in a great varloty of colors and designs. Parasol linings nro somotlmes of gay Scotch plaids or bandana goods. Cotton goods of nil kinds woro novor so handsome us thoy nro this spring. Tho nowest sun-umbrellas nro ln tho vory dark wl no-colors or gondnrmo bluo. irandsomo chairs for tho parlor and library nro upholstered with mummy cloth. Ecru Is n favorlto color, and Is sty lishly united with black, cardinal, bluo or old gold. Itandana nnd gay plaid handorchlofs nro mado up into drosses for missos nnd llttlo girls. Vory Inrgo flowers, especially roses aro chrysanthemums, nro used In bon net decorations. A now fan has obony sticks with n fcathor top, nnd Is paintod with a viso of morning-glories. Mantles for spring nro of black camol's hair, of dolman shapo, with squaro Hungarian alcoves. Tho gingham parasols to woar with gingham handkorchlof drossos nro shown In tho gayest bandana plaids. Elegant bonnots nro trimmed with plain satin or satin nnd gros grain rib bon and dainty lacos put on light, nlry flowers. Charming loaves approprlato to spring aro mado of crapo, and ns may bo imagined, aro very thin and deli cately wrought. 'frea Mr Am'.taafr. ' TO TUB CUILDRIH OF CAsrBMDOB Who presented to mo on my Soventy-sccoaol n:.ikj nut. ot tana !.:. rn..T. j 5 from tho wood of tho Villngo Blacksmith' uncstnut xreo. Am I a King, that I should call my own This sutcndld ebon thronoT Or, by what reason, or what right divine, uan 1 proclaim it minor Only, perhaps, by right divine of song It may to mo belong) Only becauao tho spreading chestnut-trco ui old was sung uy ma. Well I rcmombcr it In all its prime, When in tho summer timo. Tho olllucnt foliaeo of its branches mado A cavern ot cool shade. Thcro by tho blacksmith's forge, lcs!do tut) st root, Its blossoms white and sweet Enticod tho bees until it seemed nlivc, And murmured liko a hivo. Aud when the winds of autumn, with a shout, Tossed its great arms about, Tho shining chestnuts, bursting from tho sheath, Dropped to tho ground beneath. And now somo fragments of its branches bare, tShapod as a stately chair, Havo by my hcitrthstono found a homo ftb last, And whisper of tho 1'ast. Tho Danish King could not iu all hlsprido ucpcl trio ocean title, ltut seated in this chnir, I can in rhyino, ltoll back tho tido nt timo. I sco again, as ono in vision socs, Tho blossoms mid tho bees, And hear tho children's voices shout and calf, And tho brown chestnuts fall. I sco tho smithy with Its fires aglow, I hoar tho bellows blow, Aud tho shrill hammers on tho anvil heat Tho iron white with hoatl And thus, dear children, havo yo mado for ma This day a jubilee, And to my moro than threescore years and tea llrought back my youth again, Tho heart hath its own memory, liko tho mind, And In it aro enshrinod Tho precious keopsakes, Into whloh nro wrsught Tho givor's loving thought, Ouly your lovo and your romombrauco could fliva lifo to this dead wood, And mako thoio branchos, leafless now so long) Dlosjom again in song, Fob. 27, 1670. Hkniiv W. LoNarttLiow. Tub Pacipjo Tidkluss. Thoro is no tido in tho mlddlo of tho Pacific around tho South Sea Island; a pho nomonon explained by tho probability that tho coral reefs in that part of tho ocoan havo tho effect of obliterating tho tido wnvo; for Mr. Ilussoll found during his researches on wave that tho slightest obstacles placed at tho bottom of tho trough woro sufficient almost In stantly to oblitorato tho tidal wave; In somuch that whorcas, at first, ho had to wait, aftor tho experiment, (some times fifteen or twenty minutes boforo tho surfuco was still enough to com mence tho noxt; after ho discovered tho fact, ho could at ploasuro qulot tho surfaco by elevating certain pieces of wood, which, in general, lay ovon with tho bottom. Now, tho coral roots wcro Just such obstacles, and tho tido- wavo bolng clearly proved a wnvo of translation, ho had llttlo doubt that thoy would furnish nn explanation of tho fact. Tradition. It was on tho sunny an luxuriant plains of IIlndo3tnu, ln tho vulo or Cashmcro, umid thoreglonsof tho sky cleaving Himalayas, and on tho lotus decked banks of tho Ganges, that tho human Imagination put forth somo of its wildest and most beautiful dream lugs. Tho country of tho first men was ospo.lally fitted for tlio iiovoiop iiiunt and play of tho Imagination. Tho tradition, which Is htlll common to tho rustics In our secluded country villages, that when that peculiar tremor or shuddor known by tho namo of "live-blood" passos over tho framo somo ono Is walking over our future grave, owes Its origin to tho playful fancy of tho dreamy Hindoo From Ulndostan it traveled Into Egypt, wua carried thenco Into Greece, brought by tho first Celtic tribes into Western Europe, and porpotuatod by their Teutonic hucceasors. A.v Explosion Tiihkatxnki. Small boy Auntlo, what's a torpedo? Auntlo Somothlng that blowd some body up, my lovo. Small boy Thon urcyou a torpedo, auntlo? Auntlo No, lovo. Why? Small boy Because I heard undo tolling pa you woro nl ways blowing him up. It requires wonderful insight, to keep your conscientious scruples and your liver symptoms separate. POTTERY. AJTEIt A r-KRIOD OF IDLKNKAH. TllBS woi ks hare now for moral months ben ln fun operation mtnnrsctnrlnz a snpsrlor and ImproTod article which I am ablo to offer to tho trade as of Xl-s-t Ovs-nllt. Mr prewat stock Is stiporlor to snjlblnc msnnfse tnmd st this 1'otterv for lira vesrs uiftt. and Is Cfiull to bct eatthenwaro for strength snd durability. I Guarantee SullNlncllou. Orders, or ronnctts for Informal Ion si to nrlca lltt. he-old bo sddrcitcd to A. M. SMITH, Ilatna VltU. Aug. 30-tf Proprietor. Guns! Guns! BENJ. FOR8TNER. HuloMi, Oragou, H AS a ijmuii: stock ok CIIKAl Military Brecch-loadM Rifles urh u tho Kl'KNCIill, HIIAIIl'K, IIKMINOTO.V, snd m.Mllr-flf.ll. a i, a lull SMoruucnt ot Broooli'loadlna; SIIOT-OUNS and HI'OUTINO lllr'I.KS, vl nil ttandard ntc. A lull lino ol rocket Cutlery, Knives, ICazora, vd bCIK.SOIIS.illrert from KnxUml. Altu l'lslilllK 7Vkl Will sell ns low aaauybodr, iM (MURDER ! Dfhlfhlirltriftr rrlnltn2.1t Ms!!' flrani Tllnt I nir Itumufc. talcm. t'.vvrt fullllv fur llm iirrfl and IrtjAI xriittn,i r.l wrrk st lw ralcf, lAnctt ttut I ! I, HI) A I, III.ANKrl in lli KUte, IcKlJllns all 1 mil. wr uinuii. ..vijiiijr, rrnuui ml wuiiiit- Courti. HciiJfoi Clnultrtud 1'ilnl.t.u AJJro, 1:. ji. lvtiTi:. I Nit urn l'rlnlrr iiimi IIouUI.IikIi r,V jc.itf't mock.Huto ttnt, hai,i:m. oi:r.).v. JOHN MSN TO, EnssDcu or MERINO SHEEP, rilAKES plrarKre Incflerlmc tn Iho Wool-flrowers ol a. urt'znu ami iuu utimiuinic ivmiuriMi 1110 cnuicc to I'urcUte THOItOUUII IlftHK .MhltlNOS, snd si urliu-utrtlftlntemU'il II ul iner isn. end will hi- ileHvur to. -rll HIioi-ji of llm isir.p ijuillly nnd vjlae at ailill wnr.Air.it UAir.n iuu utu tiu iibiuij bo Imported. Kismlnatlon and rompirlxin with oth er Sheep offered la tliu rairket r ronlMW Inrttod, Auurcfi ifuiin 4iti f, Salem, Oreiroo. K. n ThA IlAma and Itam fmba of Iho flock can lie lorn ou U10 ISLAM) VAUM, sdjolnlnx H-era. TheKwtican bo seen at Iho Mint pUce, or at tt HI 1. 1. rAIUI roorsnunnaii imiiiruuui oi uuicit Haleni, September IU. lens. r-7aaSX-s-ZT Wm-'X--u as .-swi ell Drilling, Boring, tott-iLrucRCTnttau osahtci toeu. Illsaett aw wd st OaUnnial ihlbitioa, rk-nd for IiietorUlc-t4oguo sad pruo-Ust, froo. AgtfiU wsntod. in ptr dor KUarsauod. Band, boulders, snd rwk "iilrTaiwJItd" Address, HEltCK WKLL KXOA VATOU CO.. CM Kim Are ltiUdtlphla, I'tuu Ull. . Y. CUASK, BltEVKT Lt.Col., UteBnrKonU.H. VolmUeza, Ofaco. Durbla's block, ap stairs. ssTf Whatever objection may bo,opposod. to whipping, It is at least undoclable that it makes a boy smart. A llttlo Mllwaukco boy recently drank a pint of rod paint, thinking, apparently thnt his stomach ncodod a' now coat. A llttlo four-yoar-old camo ns noar right ns any ono olso whon sho said tho Lord was tho author of "boautlful snow." "Tho reason I got my cars boxed," said Johnny, "was 'causo whoa the mothor fluid a neighbor had borrowed a lion of her, I said tho lcnt-hcn scasoa had nrrlvod." t mm . gue mixture GhlllS and Fever nro permanently curod by Dr. Jtsynn) Agno Mix sure. Willi a llttlo caro on lliopsrt of tho patlont to ovoid exposure, nnd U10 occasional unoof Jaynic'h()ana TivisI'ir.LH.tlilHrorncKjy will bo found to bo certain In Its operation, nnd rad ical In ltn ofloctM. In ninny Hcutloim of tho country mibject to Agtio mid oilier mnlnrlnl dlsoaNox, It lion nn oh tabllHhod clinrnctor rjt a iopiilnrBpo clllo for tlioso iKirraimlnKcoiiiplaliits, ami tho mtinbar of testimonial)! ro colvod hIiow thnt I til ropittiitlon Is, constantly Incroiv-sliijr. ' Intermittent and Romlttent Fovors nrocll'ootimllycnnHlliyDr.Jiiyiui'H Aruo Mixture. In tlicmj com-l plaints niro nIioiiIi! Iio tnken to follow tlio direction.'! closoly, mill rn"m utlcntlim kIviwi Iu tliu llvor, wKii li M1011I1I lio iixhIaUmI In parfiii 111I11" Its functions liy Hit. Javni.'hS aiivk I'm. 1. 1 f Jo "so sndpub-. Wa- froufhl I f. m I J Intar- lionov, DAA'IB Ji CO., Wholesale Aitenls. I'orV- "J . (nnd, Ort-kon. oelDml d. tujl -- .. rW', te SALEM PHOTOGRAPfit GALLERY. -- W. P. JOHNSON, Arti i Orcr Wiu.it' Hook itoro, ( T STATU ST., . . . BALE! IllCTUIlKH TAKKN IN I.ArtHT tjT,VL?S, Jo Mlnlaturn picture to Jy.ro lilt. ,.H ' ci.rir.fi Kni.Aiiiiisu 111 anr n( titntred. March IS. lVTtjtf msyTTsssssri n. -i.'. J-.'. & i'.-a ----.---B-B----H-H?M-HMM-WS AfiUUlialouirilKIIMkMIM(;iTI Mft 4 IIII1WH I. ff VT (vMAMCM 4 HsWI-l gA-Bfgg: Ji il uria-lla t4J, wllk alam MAS)NU "T"i" "-."-; - X.X70ZUB Sacceaaor to J. M. Kssua A Co., a.iucrsi' , m nno avsosaa ComitilNMloti -front TTOK I1UVINO AND FOItWAUDINa VltO SV New York rla Ifthmas, 1'acinc Hallroid, IJ&Da Horn, all kind a of Merchandise, and for the of Vrodocu front lbs l'aclfle coast, for the coUecUi of nocor. c. I ' I ft t I a r I I , and I Uierl. f -7 t w. s t ."?". Sf He N lUunv J ' -its. 7 ' I i' iil -,,' . i w ... 1 ' tw f- t u- " S3- JU JL. s?2jm "'3S, 1 i-- -- Mis5r---rJ4B