Otia Bnoks Ont. lieBondiro-Otis difficulty, which lins 1 Under investigation nt Vancouver raoka for several days past beforo maruai, nas assumed n now phase. position lina been submitted look- toward an rtmicablo nnniiccinciit royablo to both particH, and it U liopctl differences will bo mliiiRtml. Onl. la will bo a passenger on tlio outRoitig amor. Boat Xinnnohcil. po new ferryboat for tlio Columbia r, to ply between Vancouver and tlio 0X1 aide, has been ln.uiirlinil near lth8 mill by her owner. fJatitain or. Sho will bo named tlio flavor ina, o Vancouver, wlio will present wnu b boi ot colors on tlio occasion ler first visit to that place, at which o sho will bo christened. This now ' will bo rcodv for sorvico about tho i of May. After Ym of Absence F. Mttgors, son of Dr.W.K. Miigurs of vais, roturnod from tho States lutclv. ring graduated at tho law school of university of Michigan, at Ann Ar- Jnr. Alncus is n youiiK man of at and writes a very lino letter, as ' proved by nomo interesting corros- ionco wo had published from him at Place. Wo may expect tliat Iio : how results to cnual tho nilvan I ho has on loved and ato chid to i with many friends in welcoming : homo. The Dead Maroh. Faaaral of Ganornt Sully. Iio remains of tho Into Hen. Alfred Hjr wcro brought on tho steamer Lur- from Vancouver this afternoon. A al procession was formed at tho of Aldor street, headed by tho inili- band from Fort Vancouver, then owed companies 1). G mid K. 121st iraont, commanded bv Col. .Mason. wing was tho casket liearing thb re- tjcouulouupon n mm caisson. 'I ho k-at was covered with a flue and fusiou of flowers. Gen. Howard and Howc-il, on foot, whilo civil officers itOYofiimcnt of this citv nnd Van- brought up in tho rear. Tho pro- inovod west on Alder street to kt, thence to Oak, thunco to Hixtli, pro tho' funeral services worn held, in lty Church. 11m baud played u marcli as tlio procession moved . Tho streets wuru crowded with iio along tho route and a largo mini- I went to tho church, to pay a tribute He patriotio dead, 'llio remains uro placed in Captain J I, Cooke h until tho timo comix to sond "East. Caught at LaBt. t4f IbA Sharks Captured Naur IWaray Marshal Mlato of Solum llkat iaTDlokay af Ll Coaaty For sorao timo jmst an organized gang Jevon and burglars havo been "do- ' tho Wlllamotla vallov with moro i succoss, escaiiliiL' tho vluilunco of i victims and officials aliko. Kalom , Albany were tho last Hiiflcrurs bv tr depredations. Among the roblier- f tlio party at Malum, says tlio suian wcro the following: )n Hunday niirht, tho 'JOth iust.. the Idonco of Mr, .1. J). Hull was outorcd robbed of a lot of clothing and cat- ba to tho vnluo of about thirty tlol- )n Monday uveniug, tho 2 1st insu, ycen tlic hours of 7 and 'J o clock, I i-oaidonco of Dr. Jessup wits eutorrd robbed of about S.ifiU worth of ur- Among tho list taken wcro a i cf instruments vulued at 150, two of clotlicn, a gold neck chain uud tot, soveral gold rings, and an almost amorablo numbor af small trinkets i na gloves, bed clothes, jmiiiRols tito. i Tuwulay evening, tlio --d, tlio nuw of Mr. J. 0. Ilrown was entered I a lot of carpenter tools, belonging to W. J. roily, wuro stolen. )fllcur Minto was uotitied of tho rob and at onco set about working up casu. liy keening lin own counsel, I vigilant search, ho fiuully succeeded I spotting tho right parties, and on lurday morning lust, finding that thoy left on tlio south bound train on ineaday beforo, ho at onco staited in tit Arriving at Albany, ho found , parties answerini; to his description . bilked tlio proprietor of tho Kovero out of his hotel bill, and had also to pay a livery bill at Cannon s tabic; Mr. Minto, in comixmy Blioriff Dickuy, of Linn county, i into tno country in tue direction I party had taken. About 7 o'clock like uveniug thoy camo to a houso i tho party Imd stopped. Knocking be door, uioy wero rcwmi admit- They broku tlio door in and d tho entire mrty, coiuistiug of lUaw F. Walters, (icorge ileumtt, kUat-a Jlnulslnxw, Jottio Maguiro urn' Cooke. lhu houso was thou bed, and almost all tho inissiiig found. About $40 wero not ro I. be prisouem weiii urougm to mis , in cliargo of Mr. Minto, on Sunday On yesterday tlioy weio examined i Jlecorucr isowio, wno douiiii tnciu i uwait tho action of tho gniud ir bonds being placed at fc.100 illng to givo which, they wort aiL Minto deserves it giv.it deal of ; in workini! tin the case in tho sue- fill manner in which it was dona. Stato and Territorial. Wlllt-imelt-nVnllry. SchooLi on tho Long Tom nro said to Ik) floilrlsliing. Tho lemons arrested nt .Salem for incendi arism havo nil Ijcctt discharged. Tlio Orcal ltcpulilio Wrecking Company havo filed nrticlcs of incorporation. TLo cmpal prisoners from tlio Morion county jail linvo not yet bem retaken, Somo scamp tamtcrcd with tho pilo driver nt Mc.Mitiiivillo and deserves severe punish ment. 1'liu latest idea at Jjiic Tom is a lionto raco fnroata delivered alter liarvest, to eomo on" Mny 1st. I'ttll sown crain in atrae parts of Lano county slinwa tlio effect of cold weather -looks yellow. Tlio Kiicuiio Journal says J. If. liowhlcr, a cripple, fell down the .St. Cluirlcs hotel stairs and cut his faco hadly. (Jen. .folia K. Miller, of .Salem, will send his liorso Hycatraw to tlio Dalles to enter tlio races to como off tlicro on May IStli. 'ilio I'olk County Teacher's Institiito just closed at Monmouth was a comjilcto success. Tlio next scsiion will Iio held nt Dallas. Ivugcno is to have n grand excursion May 3d, down tlio river to llarridjurg. under tlio nunpii-cs of the brass hand of tliat place. Inlin hick, n tinner on tlio .State House, fell "0 feet and was lucky enough to break no honei. Tliu Statesman says ho had a heavy fall. Wo learn from tlio Yamhill Kcnortcr that llonry Arthur, tho lad who lives with Mr. (iault, had his faco hadly scorched whilo lighting a fire. 'Ilia Statesman says Joshua Chitwood, an old gentleman who lives opiosita Satcm in I'olk county, was thrown from his wagon and considerably hurt. l)rn. Ycrung and Callvcattc, of Lafayette, removed a cancer that weighed half n pound from tlio breast of Mrs. Mitchell, who lives near McMinnvillc. Itnhhl May of Portland delivered his lec ture for tlio tho benefit of tlio I'rcshytcriaii Church at Salem, to n select midience, nnd all wcru highly entertained, Tho ladles of Kock l'oirit. Marion county. nro proposing to hold a picnic on tho farm of lion, (irorgn Downing, .May IUtli, and havo a dancu nt tho hall near by in tho evening. Kdnoii Savagu, a sou of Win. Savage, near Sheridan, had his shouldor broken by a vicious homo throwing him. Hu remounted nnd rodo liim home, though novcrcly in jured. Mr. Flint, of Independence, cut his wriat hadly nith a hnti.hct, nnd tho Itivtmido says n daughter of Win. I.eiiiiiu, nlsn of that place, four years old, cut hersgif painfully in tho In-fast. Win. II. Crawford win convicted of Imrtr- larizing tho safe of tlio O. .t C. K. It, Co, in Kiigcno and was sentenced to flvo yearn in tho penitentiary. This Hcntcnco w.11 tlio full ox lent of tho law. Mr. Jacob Wisecarvcr, of McMinnvillc, was iiasHcnger on tho (Heat Hotmlilic, return ing from a visit tu friends in California, and lost his baggago in tho wreck, liko many an other unfortunate. 'lhu residence of Mr. Kletchall, situated about livo inilus north of ICtigcuc, was des troyed by flro with nearly nil its contents on Tuesday night, April !M)th. Tho liru origin ated from a defective tluc. No insurance. A man calling himself Sholc, Is tramping up tho Bantiam, pretending to buy farms and bo n capitalist, when ho is only n bilk. Ho Is n feet H inches high, weighs 170 pounds, has sandy hair nnd beard nnd says ha Is CO years old. Kugcnu losses by tho wreck of tho ltcpuli lio arojthus stated in tho (luard t ltobinson k Church had on board a car load of wagons valued at nearly SJ.OOOj Cherry llros., furni ture, $l'JTi A. 8. 1'Artcrson, stationery, 8lW); It. (I, Callison, 3IC0, Nona wcro insured, Olficer Minto, of Salem, assisted by Sheriff Dickey, of Linn county, arrested f'etcnion and wife, Worlhington anil wifo and a man whoso namo is unknown, aliout tc miles f nun Albany, charted with robbinc tho resi dences of Dr. Jcsaup and John licit iu Salem. They uro nn orgauiwd baud of tram. Stol en goods wero louiid on their persona. Tim Yamhill Honorter mvs that tho cirects of tliu lato iiiariuo diaoater como homo to jKioplu there. C. II. (2ook nnd wifo (aon of II. 1 1. Cook of that idaco) wcru robU'dliy tho cik of nearly all their worldv nossoaaioua. Thuy had on iKianl a carriage, wagon, har ness anil four (ino horses, and had planned to laud at Portland nnd drive up to Yamhill and stirpriso tliu old folks, but loat tho above, as well ns all their household effects. Huullirrii Orreou. May day i to bo aiiropriatrty celebrated in Koscburg. Jackaonvillo is discusaing tho project for a public iark, Nn frosts havo damaged fruit prospects in Jackson county. I'unncrs iu Umpipia nro generally through with Spring seeding, Tho Western Star tells of a rebellion in tho Looking (Haas school, K. M, Mocm contemplates erecting a brick building in ltoaeburg. Mail sen ico is inercaicl to tri-wcckly be tween Jackaonvillo and Waldo. Stages on tho overland routo aro preparing for short timoj aru already ahootiug in. I toads aro improving and time-will bo short ened after this ou tho overland atago routo. Mining claims uowly located on lliiggs' Creek) aro-taid tu bo aying $3 to 50 a day to mo naiui, A. (I. DeardoriT, formerly ot Oakland, was lately married at Keokuk, Iowa, to Miaa K. M. llsrman, Jo Thomtou's dog tried to lump through Marks' window nt ltoaeburg, Thornton paid for tho window. The Centennial, at Willow Springs, is yield ing over an ouneo to tho day to tho hand aad running thrvo hands. Tho Jacksonvillu Times says a number of merchants and others of that place had lost by tliu Itepublid diaaator. Joaeplnuo county had ouo saloon a few years ngo, but now lias six. Is that improve ment or fungus growth 1 Tlio routo K'tw ecu Jacksonville, ami Cres cent City ia to'bo examiued to sco how a rail road can bu built over it. Parties arv FAing from Umppja ferry, with mining outllta, to placer diggings at Olalla, tliat jicld a to W a day. Tlio iK'tocnariau bridegroom at Uniking (llass threw olf on his promiacd brido and has gouo courting vlaow hero. John Holt ia piping iu his claim ou Karris gulch, on rich ground. Pieces worth throo and four dollars aro frequently picked up. V, S. Italia, of Willow Springs, cleaned up lat wck iui average of four and n half ounces per day for tho work of three hands, ground sluicing, A CaliiKuiia correspondent of tho Star saysi A quarrel took place hero last week between I 'red Kalf and I'M. J, PieliU aUiut soma to bacon, w hich might havo rvaultetl fatally to both parties had it not liven for the poriua aivo iiitliuiico of a fence rail in the bauds of W. II. Cole. Tlio Plaindcalersays tho Orange warchouso In lloscnurg, when tno improvements nro add ed; will havo n storage capacity for 100,000 liuslicis. Tlio residence of .1. W. White, on Apple gate, was burned to tho ground on Sunday af ternoon, whilo tho proprietor was visiting a licighhor. Tho Itoscburg Independent has n communi cation from tlio County Superintendent, rpcakingin tho highest terms of tho graded schools of that place. Tho Now ldrian cinnabar mine, iu Douglas county, h to havo a now fumaco and tlio lead presents it splendid face. Ho the Stnr lcnrns from tho siitMrintcudctit. It is roiiortcd that ox-(lov. Chadwick lias bargained for tho purchaw of tho Honanza cinnabar mines in JJouglas county, for i-SO,' 000--in tho interest of California capitalists. John Hess, tin Yankee Creek, Jackson county, incidentally shot himself, nnd had his arm shattered, whilo out hunting, so the arm had to Iio amputated. Ho is "fl years of age. din Ixm, tho Iioss Chinaman of Littla Ap plegate, cleaned up on Wednesday nfter 1!1 days' run nnd washed out ono hundred and fifty ounces of dust, worth $2,077, or tli!7 lcr day. J. K. Peebles, ot Crccnwood, Umatilla county, was thrown from his horso and se verely bruised; also, M. Cooley, of Twelve Milo House, Cmntilla ccunty, met with tho samu aocnlent. Charlie (Iraham, a mischicvinus hoy tight .....M ,.i.i ....,.w..i mH.i... . .. . i.. L-u,n win, unii-iuii iiiuinaiv vif. n nburu III Koschurg, cmiiticd '25 gallons of kerosene nnd other wasteful things, and says ho intended to set lire to tho store. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carriu Thomas Applegato nnd Miss Lucy Hurt nro going to stnrt from Yoncnlln to Kastcrn Orctron on next 'IHicsdav. They will tako up their residence In tho John nay country, llicy nro going into tlio sheep business. Tlio contract for carrying tho mails between Ashland, Jackson county, nnd Lakovlow, lake county, is relet to II. 1 Phillips, of Ashland, nt SI,(iOOa month (probably Col well, tho old contractor, could havo carried it nt tho samo price). Thomas Sutton, of Couao Creek, Umatilla county, accidentally shot himself a few days ago; tno ball entered tho thigh iu front nnd ranged downwards to tho kneo jo nt r.piicrson was called and ex and ha is getting along well, Dr. Kpiicrson was called and extracted tho ball, Tho Sentinel savs tho vcrv lato and con tiuuu 1 rains aro a blessing to that section, keeping up tho supply for mining purposes and assuring tho heaviest crop of grain ever raised iu that valley. In fact, tho only ques tion next Kail will 1x3 what nro our fanners to do with their grain? ICust ol Clio .IIoiiiiIiiIiin. Hay brings 81H a ton iu Walla Wnlla. Thousands of fat cattlo are grazing in the Yakima country. Kd. Sharon has made n map of Umatilla county for county uce. Tliu Walla Walla fruit crop has got a good start, with no probability of ilamagu by frost, Stcrlin llrinley, living near Pendleton, has been pronounced insane and sent to the asy lum. Veins of gypsum nnd sonpstono have been discovered on tho Columbia, near tho mouth of Snake river. The County Court has decided to hridgo Umatilla river on tho Weston road, and also at Ibppy Canon. llcgga, one of tho drivers of tho U. I. k 0. Stage Co. Umatilla county, was thrown from tho box nnd hurt to such an extent that ho concluded to lay up for repairs. (luisor, a (iennan living fifteen miles north of I-owiitoii committed suicide on Kriday evening tho tUlli, by taking a dosa of strych nine. Causn domestic tribulation. Coal has been discovered in paying quanti ties near Hcppncr, Tho vein is 12 feet wide and -I feet in depth. Thoy aro using tlio coal in tho blacksmith shops at Hcppncr. Tlio Pendleton Indeiieiidcnt learns that a dwelling houso foil tho farm of Jonathan II. Keeiicy, about threo miles ahovo Pilot Hock, caught tiro from a defective stovo-pipo,aud lie foro assistance nrrivetl, was burned to tho ground. Tho houso was occupied by tho families of James H. Jones and S. C. liar deaty. Tlio Mut Orogonlan says reservation In diana havo commenced running horses (.igain, alsivo tho agency, Several of our citircns wero nt the races last Sunday and rrportod heavy bets being inailo in tho w ay of blankets, etc; These Indians delight in norsu racing, and havo very littto pity ou horso llcsh, as their races are from ouo mile to six miles in length. ruurt Nniiml. Col, I.arrihco has returned from a visit to tho Hut. Tho Seattle Post speaks highly of Miss Hosu Kytingo's poriormanco there. Tim convocation of Weatern Oregon nnd Wellington assembled nt Seattle during last week, Tho Tacoma Herald says thcioaro now Id families located ou Vaahou'a Island, which lies iu the sound opposite Tacoiaa. Tho Dakota ou her laat trip from tho Sound took tho largcat liat of iiasaengers that has left the Sound for a number of years. According to tho Trauscript the slaughter houso of J. M, I.iinoti k Co, was robbed of moat, probably by Chinamen or Indians. The Seattle- Post givos interesting particu lars of tho rcacuo of the Portugeao sailor, ia the dark night, from tho wrecked schooner MoKinnon, Tho Olympia Kxpcrimeut aaya: Wm, John son was killed in a logging camp near Olym pia ou Saturday afternoon by the falling ot a tree, a limb of which struck him in tho temple. A coroner's jury has found a verdict that seven whitojnen and three Chinamen came to their deaths from a gas explosion in the Wel lington mine, caused by a Chinaman passing toward the faco ot No. 10 level. The Nw Era Saloldo. Tho evidence adduced and Uio verdict of the Coroner's jury nt the inquest on tho body of H. S. Jlccd, of whom we mado mention yesterday as having com mitted suiciilo nt Nuw Kra by shooting through the breast, showed that deceased had been in declining health for about two years, and was subject fainting spells; thnt tlio pain becoming acute, he resorted to taking laudanum, nnd tor this icason, superinduced by liiiuucial difficulties, ho was templed, in a fit of temporary insanity, to nut an end to his Hiiflfirings. It was not produced in ovidonco that deceased's wifo separated from him somo timo since, but subse- qcntly roturncd, nnd that ho was subject to fits of jealously. Jlcside his wife ho leaves a daughter, Minnie, nged twclvo years. - 4, Dn. James Krck, of Portland, has an ml, iu this issue. Anyone suffering fiom that dread disease, catarrh, would do well to call on tlio doctor. Dr.Mintio's Nonhreticnm Works wonders. In nil cases of Dropsy, Ilright's Disease, Kidney, Illadder nnd Urinary Complaints, or Itctcntioii of Urine, nro cured by tho Ncphrcticum. Female Weakness, tlrav cl, Diabetes, pain in tlio hack, side and loin aro cured when nil other medicines have failed. Sco what tho druggists of Portland and San Francisco say about Dr. Mintio's Ncphrcticum nnd Knglish Dandelion Pillsi "Wo havo told n largo amount of Dr. Min tio's medicine, tho Knglish Dandelion Pills; also the famed Ncphrcticum, and iu nil cases highly recommended. John A. Cliilds, drug gist, Second street, Portland, Oregon; C. 11. Woodard k Co., druggists, cor. First nnd Alder, Portland, Oregon; Messrs. Abrams it Carroll, druggists, Nos. .'I and f Front, San Francisco. Wo regard Ncphrcticum ns tho host Kidney and Illadder remedy before the public." All druggists keep them. For all derangements of tho Liver, Uao Dr. Mintio's Knglish Dandelion Pills. For liilioutncts and Dystonia, Use Dr. Mintio's Knglish Dandelion Pills For Fever and Ague, Usu Dr. Mintio's Ktndish Dandelion Pills. Kvcry family should not fail to keep tho Dandelion Pills on hand. UTAWJLEY, BODB & CO., Perilansl, Oiwgon. OFFER FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES, A FULL LIRE WF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Solo Asronts for tho BUCKEYE MOWER REAPER, The Lending Harvesting- Mncliltic of tlic World. So largo a portion of tho Grass nn Grain Crops of tho Pacific Const luivst liocn cnt by tho J1DCKEVE. that no far mer horo cau bo ignorant of its morlUj or rcqntro nrgnmont to convlnco liim its superiority; ns it is too well and fa vorably known to need comment. It tsi tho perfection of nil Reaper and Mow tag Machines. Q A ST 5? JKF We call especial attention to our Ncm and Perfected PITSS "EEEEfcElPSXHEt., cv 111 detail mill gen. crnl fcnttirc. IHHTINCTIVI5 and imiCITI.iak, mid It now HtnmlH tlic CHAMPION THRESHER Of THE WORLD. Threshermon who hnvo used or employed this now stylo of Thresher, nil nnito in testifying that they nro tho CA? HHXCr xmi:m ct c:z: it is dosicned nnd hailt expressly for Oregon nnd Washington, hr ono who thorounjhly nnderstnnds tho requirements of tho country, nnd the -"IWimllf to ho overcome. AkciiIh for HAINES' (Genuine) SINGLE GEARED HEADER. Specially Improved for this Sanson Ton or Twolvo foot cuL' SOU AOCNTS TOn IHt OLD PUIABU Schuttler Farm, Freight, nnd Spring Wagons. Studebaker Wagons, Studcbakcr 4 Spring Hacks. Regulator, Wind Mills, The most complete windmill in oac Elward Harvesters, Vastly superior to any other hand binder Harvester in market. Will handle lodged or fallen grain, and elevate il ucucr man uny Kiiunn macmnc 01 its Class. Taylor Sulky Rakes, Self Duma, ing nnd Plain. Monitor nnd Straw Burning En gines. Stntl for Special Catalegua, alio Ian our New Price Cist. naj Choico rinco Near Salem For Sale. . S. A. Clarke, editor of the Kaumki:. olfers for sale a olneo in tho hills, overlooking tlio river, one milo and n half south of Salem, containiiii! slxtv-tlireo acres of land. On it is nn orchard of ,1,(XX) plum and prone trees iii.it nave nan several years cultivation, l'iftccn acres in wheat, ou land nowly cleared. An unfailing well on tlio placoi and fenced In three Holds. The oroliard will soon yield a handsome revenue, being of tlio choicest varieties of fruit for drying and canning. The soil it leat hill land, and tho place com inands one of the most beautiful views possible. To any jicrson desiring a pleasant location near town this place would prove very desirable, VALUABLE LAND 1 Large Tract ot Land In TH t laniook County In offered For Halo. MIL JOSKni CJRAIIKL. cl Iinir rralrtr. Tlllimook Countr. Orrcon. ollera lor sala !iirt .vnil . -- . . - . - . . , r r.- .--. ui a gwi jnu mm mny ono roum aK lor in OH' try. uvcr juu arrca i bruiii land all level, wilt IV couii. bcr anil Over JOO wrca inlila land. Ths tlrnl :h DIentv ol uirk ruiirfl. houae; two tarns; nearly all fenced: two good orcharda Oood da A of etrellent fruit; 1 ktrnt of timothy uieadow, iroou loraiion lor a, lUIrV (arm. I'rlra reuonalile. Addrcai or apply to J03XNI (IKAIIIU, inayt-lni fooled luid. on the farm. Oregon and Washington TRUST INVESTMENT CO. lalMITUD. Sums of 8500 to 310,000, to Loan wn urMficrjcr rarro LAnaaana Iiaprueu Lily rom'rly. lor two to five vntn. rriviLLI l,v iiutA?!. menu or otherwise, to ault borrow era" nt entente. IToixrly, lor two to five yer, rtyaU I iiutaU First Sf., Portland, Or. Office, .18 inayj 6tn W. S. FALLING, ve-uiic to nnsar uaans, Wlioloaalo aud ltctail Dealer iu POULTRY, GAME, Botckee'a German Syrap Can now bo lmrehaaed right at home; it is tho moat aucceaaful preparation over intro duced to our people. It works liko a charm in all ctaes of Consumption, rncuinoma, Hemorrhages, Asthma, severe Coughs, Croup and all other Throat and Lung Diseases. No erson has ever used this medicine without getting immediate relief, yet there are a great many poor, suffcriug, skeptical crsons going about our atrvets with a suspicious cough, and tho voice of consumption coming from their luuga, that will not try it. If you die, it ia your own fault, as you can go to your Drug giat and get a Sample Itottle for 10 cents and try it; three doaes will relieve any case, Reg ular aire only "S cents. Many readers of this paper littla think or even suspicion that they aro the selected vic tims of a cry dangerous disease that is slow ly but surely fastcuiug its intestine and can cerous faugs upon their system, and dragging thcui down to mi untimely grave. It is CATAUKH, in its iucipiency: and delay in treating it is extremely daugcrous. If any reader is desirous cf obtaiiiiuc relief socedilv. an J a permanent cure, wo would recommend to tiso the remedy of Meaars. Dobyns k Mitch ell, North Middletowu, Ky. See uvvertise- uieni iu auotnvr column. Fish and Oysters ! Aud UaJor In all Vuletloa nt Tlitiroughbrcd Fowls and Eggs ' Kor llreedJnri Has for sal H.het's llreedlnr and Show Coopa, r red lloppcra and Water t'ounUin, and wUl keep on hand ail the requisite of the I'oullry Yard, au treadlag the fol owing pure-lred loU: Wiiitk Ijcuiiork, Hkown LiaiiioitNs, Daiik Hiuiimas, I'lyuoutii Hocks, and UllONU TeitKKVS. My trewllnf atoek la wtll aelertcd aud pura, and 1 ruaiante uturarUon. IVvswamntod punandoare fully paekrd. Vrdera aoUdtod, Any communication ietauiij( mi u,v vuiiry vuinca win vm prompuy an awered. Stalls Hand 12 Central laft...Porttati. luarT'tm .. OH! MY! BACK! nuKra KKMKDY. TIIK (1UBAT KlUNKV HKUICINe.curealalaa la the Uek, Bide or Loins, and all dlaeaaea of the Kidneys, illadder and Urinary Orrans, t Hroay. OraTcl, Uiabo- " Uw, Uritht'a IHwaae ot the, Kklneya, HeUntlon or lucuntinenea ol Urine. Nerroiui PUeaura, Female Weakneaa and einaiea. lll'.MS llUMKllV U prepare! rl'llliLY for thcM dlteasre. I'KOVtcaMir:, IU June 10, 1874. Wu. K. Cul. Dear Kir: A member of my family had tern troubled for several years wllii Kidney DU ei, and had Wed numerous remedlM without relUf; niv uwt ui'.-i a luaraii bjiu was euuipMieiy eurvu. ItiejHvUully yours, S. A. Arus, 3 Kxrhange hi. MiaaaaroiM Ulnu.. April T, 1S7S. Wm. K Cuakr, lkr Sir: I saw HUNTS ItiailUY uedlnarua of Dropsy with perfect ucm. I did not treat the patient, but four attending physicians lud Elten up the caw aa hopla. 11 U.N" l"S He VIIJIY wu then um1 with iierfect euecews, and the patient i welL I .lull (it MUM'S KKMEUY In llrviJcwl and KUney )Uitlul:v ioura. l .V,ltcis. M. .......u. ....I.......T 1H.MJ ltaJIMlY u 1)1kus. I. punly Vrpitaclo, aud la ii'r.1 by tho adtlcevl ThyaVlans, llhwiUvxl the bat vt time for SO )ur, ojiJ Uio uiiuot teraiice, uuy tio puctM. in it. ONUTIt ALYSILI (AINVINCK YOU. eenJ lor ruui'hUt to W . t: IVaaaa, I'ruv Idenco, IU I HUNT'S REMEDY Sold by all Druggists. Ukll'j rSsVs-fUtliaill Itnrtrnltytroutlf.llihL'altuTUfrtlil.caUvrtu ytvt, nl nsw U't nilns tti "imiYb'nUHiis;uKii,,iiurjrioutnj(riiifMiTriT iiim wf iri ioi i CIIDF P F I D C Ief Catarrh, Oifimt, ffeumhl i1 AVwm IttnttUtrh. Itnv Frttr. fwtnjIsOnU rtiulllntj irotat'eU swil:nufT TI:o 1UUO JUDDER KGlMjAMrN rKANICI.IN iiutUntn lHtUyia' bvUiiVV'' v$fiuttart lhnff.un.tvPtorjMfV U list frt (UIlir.h'hCKIICUKI'IOOCi- tism,t irt teen In ruttleD'arljr all im tint, and 1 1 hat MtMrMiMy girt i.f il, i rill. n, im Hit mil itr hinii.i mcinnuit . siri tU.lihaIWIlVvaUlltrllIMf-!Mrin.l ststJ it tit I imtt i A, ,..--.,..- ,.-. 'iiimh "!':,"'. :" ;. ..- i . n.. .n ililivs4iKinsiuli MLPili'iimoniai uar u",'lT(r'A,L.li,.,V.Viil iniiavcmmtUMiiur Wiiitontiarcnu insi. niiin: ni'i.n .v ttj i i.a.t a. I asa .1 a s.t-.s .. ....Is. .IUkibw ttca taaaa onAneiK (a irn ii rvniuni laiuirnt vo isiinr mnui. hi tban .- -. .- .-..-..- iirrirrBiarlc,niAioiii n iimvi ubiihj hi ihhsiiiwiisi.ii f rem itivratlrt trntl In th ttfttt aUnl Urnoutht ran tplrrsr thai wfrlbi iiitritini'vu i in- n jh i uij hi. Imntrmi'tv pirrnrrn, tl. Ill, aatii ,"I UTt 1 hat y rrrom mntil if.' ' lJE.rnri itri riinin J (UK a. ...j k nail lf.iai.ij f r.ra l.u.a I I A litUil I SYklnlilSl Unttorarrr ai.il bMatalltluiOahUail voii terl it.kly jilt IA ttry fint ap 'at BUil BlrfiSHlV ti i. .! aa nall aillsit srlll ,nkthrsMU I Ml ,IHIll VKH' H II I w .. a. a 'w.y ...,-...-,...-, T-... ...... -,. , - - .. - ....... -- - -- - - - . atrtMl Jlitgtml itnt.tr wwtr Iii4n?iip utmi'ia af;i nirmirvi. ia vonTta LI UK" rr form rmrlt rnra , WfB1 Kr. In rdrik writ vaur DOllYM A; .njlXCWi:!.!. iwyvu frccDi ctiarrt.toallarrlkriaU. it-ralitr(lnIft1lar iff ltt r nrTLr-4 Uim for Tw DclUra. In rtmiltinit If V O. OrUr rrt thrm narallt at Tarti, AuMf. iwf-rff, County ut SUlt fluimly, abd .ur vrdert will rU- frvni! atua cprya rrfrml - v this .mrJprnTMr.111 la iiulUd frt ol a I arMktnU :,, North IddSt'towii, Ilourlioii Co,t Kr ilLLINERY ILLINERY UiLINERY ELLINERY AN il OTIONS OTIONS OTIONS I OTIONS! I aEi,n.oy and S.t;svrl Ooods. -AT- ' T7VI2L.2LiI-A.3V!: 2VtIH.2L.XO-A.lVS, N9xt Door to Broyman Bros , SALEM, OREGON. JutnrrSviUfioui&tnr'ram,to,aKl aeleetnl wltlm full amrecLitlon ol tho w.l. t ,... .. AvrVtf uAn? ffif" '.rT' : ."W?.!?. 3ftfi&Sil? '!,'.,"."'. ""f . ouak". lUlland..;. - """0 vcui i.y any in ui .. . apujm titute. INCOUI'OltATKl) 1S(H. HOME MUTUAL INSURANCE CO,, OK UALIFOKXIA. 37iro Only ! LOSSES PAID ciCon $1,334,633,44 LOSSES Paid luOnmonisS $162,363.29 Oregon Branoli Offlco, Goo. Ii. Sfcory, Manager, Southeast corner Virst anil Stark Streets, Opp. LnU k Tilton's Bank, rutt Xortlja.ca, Or. and Notioo to Farmora 8took Raisers. ell oiv teasaJKiiHa I.. .1 I....I ..---".. -" " ......V.UUM.S wu xree hi rood fwrjen sail. partleuUrs ailreae JOANNA M1LLEK. lMil Uland, Joephine Co., Ofn. For HORSE MARKET ass BOARDING STABLES Cor. Third and Ash Bts , ronTiAWD. Weat from O. B. N. Oo'a Yharf three block i. SUMMONS. INJUHTICU-rtfOUKT l"0lt Till! WIKCIXCT OK . foitli 1'urtland, Coualy of Multnoiiuh, Hut ot urejfom .H,A-'. 1'.'-s'0'.l,lnl Isnlrwss under the flnn name and !ifl?,1.LfAi,,,WnU-,J' 'S.II0NO AUK and . . '. .Ji:ilo,"ir.l.'.ul,";" un" lb arm name and 'O'8 f I" Oion;r VJnj; A, Co., ilefendants. iiill Action to recom money. To the above named Utfendanta: In theuamoof Uie State of Orreon you are hereby required to appear befors tho UDdenlipied, a JuaUe U the l-eaco lor the l'rerlnct aforesaid, ou the serenlta day, of June.lrtH.atlOo'ilotk In the forenoon of said ilu, at the offlco of avid Jmtlce. In said ITeclnct. to aniwcrthealiove-iumedruintlu'lncltllactlon. Tho IMeniUits Hill take notice that If they fall to aasr Uie Complaint herrln, the llalntlff will uio Judimient acalnst them for ttiD.U, aad for co.U and dUUineincnts. at M .1 tilil i '.or "! IubHc,?" ' th J, summons rnaJe tide S3d day of April, I87B. JOSKI'H It, WILEY. apiMw JmUwdI the Pear. EL'QENE J. WHITE, roruana. J. 8. OILTNElt, oan rranciKO. WHITE & OILTNER. STOCK, MONEY AND EXCHANGE I Central location In the elty, eUUe new, lan-e and -,m, ,'cux ii. iiynt man air, Juaxve. Wll commodious. room; ly atable. quiet alreeu, maldneitadeairakle pUrefor UtUIdl- rm.1 jrhborliuod, hard and guuj lomca, hlch I nuke a siweUllr, 1-articuUr atUnUon ald to buytnir and Klllng hone . iwitnuiuuvum meriijr, imruea uruijr at a diitance, ho Ul cnd mo a minute d cacripUon of auch hones aa they have for sale, and file the age, heltfht, "HtM, color, OUpoaltlon, atjle, price, tU, hih i ill poet on a bulktln board at the atable, and alio record In a book for the reference of ptutice olihinir to purrfuu, that when I Bud a puivhaser 1. Mil i.otlfy the owner of thxkllutU dcairvd. irltliur Iheui chanee, at lout, to rind a purchoaer, thereby sailtu; much time and eipenw. ". IhaTeuudeanarranscmtBt with P. f, Oastleman n ho has an raKrience of more than VO years aa a Vtt eriuary Surxyoii and Teather ot llorMuunthlp, and is author of "The Cuuinton r-enae St steal of Educatlm; andUiKtorintflloneeaho will he In attendance at all tiniM to look after I he welfare of Invalid,. Ali lo correct or indicate any had or vicious habit that any lwo.t nuy u-e contracUxl, auch as iduniHb-,-, kkkin.'. IkilkiiW or runnlns away la hirmu or bm llu.-. hyu ornot.Undiu,!toU)tnount.or hltrhnt up Li lar. bim, pullJiig oil trUle or halters, cribbln, carrilnc the tcujue out of the uiiuth, etc. He will prescribe torhorwat a disiaiK. sending i be medUInus If de sued. t e-ut. and durvipg ajl.tO for preset ipUon with out the Uiedicme. A HUral lau oj jour ewtranag la reepejeiully soils- H. D. MONTGOMERY. '.iwltoivrsef f, CASTLEJIAX, V 6, '' J'crUanJ, 130 Firt St., Portland. MIKINO STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COM. mleslon and carried on Martins. !i4V?fil?cred.our'"luu 'r the purchase aad rt ! Hf J-l'- " off" -"-ta(reePto operaSri not to be hadeUewhere. i"rfotl wrurllr tlaianH P 'OffTi Sffslssl l( of llort. iTornlrlrSS Lvenlng-iloard Quotations received idaily by ? telirn Genewl Agents and Collectors. thtuKacRrimuhiw -srarift Insurance. Fire and Marine, r.m5!c.,lA,nU'.eJ,rt,u,,,,no " companies, at co.l-ullin.tructlonsw.th ,a,tKlrt Kiciapir EUGENE D. WHITE COnMISSIOM-lt OP DEEDS aoiiry rukllr sad ce.trsl ws,7Fr. 8t anTl'Aril;nVonil'un.to"ie uvln- ol IXposlUons and Acknoaled.mietits, Deeds. Mortem KmVT.s Attorney, end all otherru ffi insSuliln ?i KIT8'1-' "n1u,- acknowledge? for rtoTthJ (Iennan Jw,rs of attorney eae.nted and legalised. THE BEST HAY PRESS. .. 1' ' 3S IS TUE BtSJt ana cheapest. Opera IcUwUiYhorsosSd Smen. jotoos of lii naycanbeioKlfdlji Ulvor,llnrlir... TlieonlystricUypor- -4HHBL table ei. SmmtSSSSSSSSL StTaudanXtS aulSIt Jacturtr.Qutacy.lli, Effir? M?n -s PRINTER! fcMl-it-r.iv t ll,M. . t. . Ill . iswiMiL...!-. ,r.'",V' ri. m:Ummz;zs;2Si " c--J I riata,Cas i i I IMbssBBattealaaell