-JJV -WFf""", ii mirmftjttmmmttmKtm -; .-titcTrcK -cartrtK AMw; -m-g uao?g&v r? Trr??y.w-aryaie.a.l, m-yff - WTULAME3TE FARMER wtsm 1MUSD XVEBT rMDAY, BT CLAKKB JS OKAIG, ruiiueiiEiM akd rnornicTOtii, B. A. :r,AUKIC. O. W. CKAKJ, Tornn of Subscription. Oae copy, ono year (JJ numbers) 92.50 Oaacopy, six months (28 nmr.'jcrs) 1.115 Ono copy, three month i (IS numbers) .., TJS 1'OKTLAND, KKIDAY, MAY 2, 1870. Pruning In Forest and Orchard. Tho Ideas tlint "all pruning Is wrong," that "finger and thumb" pruning Is iho truo way, nnd consequently "sum mor pruning" Is tho best, nro nil "bet tor than beautiful," nnd mnko flno talk, but unfortunately, wo nro oft on confronted with specimens fur boyond tho slago referred to in training "up n treo (child) in tho way," etc. Woiilnd '"as tho twig is bent, tho treo is inclined," and it is important to know how to modify conditions wo couli) not control if wc cannot absolute ly lorrect tlitun. In nil pruning, tho great thing Is to study tho progont conditions, natural modes of growth or "habit," nnd tho object aimed at in pruning. In tho orchard tho mode of bearing tho fruit, nnd tho effects of tho crop on tho form of tho treo must bo thought of. If tho troo droops naturally, or is up right; if tho head Is open or dense; If tho f Ai It Is evenly distributed, or in "clumps" or In "ropes." Hearing troos gonorally want cutting ofT from tho un dcrsldo, to glvo air, light and room bo low; nnd to counteract tho growth of tho fruit at tho oxtromlly, shorten In. Ono of tho most Important points in good pruning is to Induco now growth wlioro needed. "Wntor shools" nro tho dread of many, but tho Joy of tho philosophical prunor, nnd tho rcjuvcim tor of tho tree. To forco dormant buds into active growth Is a nlco nnd im portant process. Heavy cutting cuuscs tho growth of water shoots," and they aro most do fllrablo, ho as to furnish tho mntorial to gradually renow tho treo. Tho prunor lias to calculate for his olfccte in years to coino. In dealing with such shoots, instead or whittling thorn all out, .ami this Is tho ontiro extent of much so called pruning, wo aim at solectlng and regulating with viow to futurity. Whoro too closn wo cut out a portion, after solectlng tho most fitting, and lialf-cut-through at nbout an inch to an Inch nnd ono-half from tho Inser tion, of a portion, this arrests tho flow of sap, and converts tho stubs into fruit spurs, when tho remaining por tion can bo cut on, without dangor of a now crop of "shoots." Somotlmos it is best to brulso tho baso of tho shoots by bonding them over, so ns to offect tho aarno object. Pruning and thinning out tho fruit is often accomplished in tho samo operation by romovlng tho fruit spurs on tho limbs by tho knlfo or trce-pruner. All tho idlosyncraslosoftho different fruits trees nnd varlotics must bo thor oughly known. Each subjoct will do mnnd different treatment, and It will bo found that "brains" makes tho bost troo-pruner practico produces truo oxcellonco. Management or Young Com. On sorno accounts, says a correspond ent of tho "Itural New Yorkor," it is probably belter that cows should bo fed and grown on tho farm whero they aro lo bo kept. If brought to n strango place, It takes sumo tlmo for them to become wonted to tho locality nnd to tho other stock. A caif utvoil for u cow will be petted and humored in such n way as to bo undo gontlo and kiudtohaudU. It will also probably bo a bettor feeder, nnd this menus n bolter mllkor also. Theso hearty fowl ers should bo ullowod to breed enrly, so ns to determine tho flow of vigor to tho milk glands ns enrly as possible, and thus Increase their size. After having ono calf, tho hclfor may be fed liberally to keep up tho How of milk as long as possible, nnd also to increnso tho also of tho cow. If tho holfor Is of a good milking strain, slio will, with such treatment, make a suporior cow, and in any ovent, this mnnngomont will bring out tho best lesults of which alio Is capable. Variety of food is especially impor tant for milch cows. It ensures heavy caters and u good digestion. Cows that have been trained to eat any nnd overy tiling etllblo nro much surer to bo profitable, because they thus cat more than they could of u single arti cle, no matter how rich or palatable It may be. Ono of tho best cows I ever know was grown on tho farm whero sho always lived, and nover Inst tho liking for tho sour milk which sho ac quired whllo n calf, fed from tho pall. This liking for sour milk is often n vnluablo point in n cow nt times when thoro Is no other way to dlsposo of tho surplus. It used to bo thought hard usago to keep cows in tho early settle ment of tho country on "browso" tho buds nnd tender twigs of fallen trees. Hut cows ho fod had always hay, hoiiio corn stubble, a fow nubblngs of corn, nnd tho wnsto from tho kitchen. In this way tho great variety of food they received was much moro fuvorn- blo to health and a largo production of milk than a forcod feeding on ono or two articles of food. High feeding Is profitable for fattening animals, for with theso, impairment of tho constitu tion is thought to bo of loss Impor tance, as they nro to bo killed so soon. Uut In feeding cows, nnd especially young cows, to induco a largo secro Hon, tho high feeding should includo u great variety of nrticlos, nnd thus in duco a habit of hearty nppotlto which will continuo through life. SMOKING MORBUS. Contrary to tho usual doctrine, I bo liovo tho shoo should bo perfectly lovel nnd smooth for a sound horse. I linvo uniformly met with success in shooing contracted feet with what may bo call Tho Irish Language la Ireland. Early in tho present century tho Irish language was spoken moro or less In ovory county throughout Iro Inud. It Is estimated that one-fourth of tho gross population, or about 1,000,- od conical shoes, whero tho Insldo of . 000 people, spoko English exclusively, tno won was tnicKor man tno outside. whllo probably an equal or somewhat greater uumuor Know lrisn oniy. in tho intervening period down to tho present time a groat chango lias taken place, as Is conclusively shown In tho censuses of 1801 and 1871. In nil Ire land now only about 102,400, or ono in thirty-six of tho gross population, still know no othor tongue thnn Irish. Whon Cnrloton first Issued his "Traits nnd Stories of tho Irish Peasantry," his nnrrntivo contained a largo number of Irish words which in subscquont editions ho found It necessary to re move, ns they woro no longer under stood; nnd Dr. Humo tells us that oven In their modlllcd form thoro nro hun dreds, probably thousands, in Dublin whotnnuot enjoy Carloton's stories. Tho existing dialect, which is moro or less provalont over the thirty-two counties, with of eourjo local variations here nnd (hero, Is tho result mainly of tho succofslvo English nnd Scottish Immigrations. BKECHEB. Mr. Beccher thinks well of tho China man nnd in a recent lecturo caused n actuation in this wlso: "Tho Chinaman sonds only Ills wages home. Ho does uoteond to China tho railroads ho has helped to build, or tho improvements ho has helped to mako in tho soil nnd In tho Industrial facili ties of tho country. No ono murmurs bocnuso hundreds of millions of dollars aro sunt to Ireland by emigrants who left their relatives in that island when they became American citizens. Hut It is suid that tho Chlncso nro lieutb ens. That is true. It is urged that they worship idols which tholr hunds liayo made. That Is true. It Is claim ed that they won't becomo Christians. "Well, wo imvo clubbed them, stoned thorn, burned their houses nnd mur dered somo of them yot thoy refuse to bo converted. I don't know nny way except to blow thorn up with nl troglycorlno If wo aro over to get them to Heaven. Sorlously, I think tho Chinaman deserves credit or his stub bornness. If I wero n Chinaman I would rofuso to accept a religion that wa3 Interpreted to mo from tho point of a sword or from tho side of a club by a whisky-drinking, tobacco-chow-ing nibble." Whon Professor Graham Boll was in London ho was asked how ho account ed for tho fact that a largo proportion of now inventions came from tho United States, und how it had coino to pass that he, a Scotchman, born and oducated at homo, should elect to' go and llvo in America and dato hlu .dis coveries thenco? Ho said thatA tho fact was, In his caso and ho know that tho difficulty was felt with others that ho could not easily obtain in England theso appliances which his work required. Why Ciiickuxh Sciiatck. In stincts must originally havo been of tin Intelligent nature, but tho actions which thoy prdciiptod, having, through successive generations, boon frequent ly repeated, bocamo at last organized into a purely mechanical redox, nnd thoreforo now nppoar as actions which wo call purely automatic or blindly in stinctive. Thus, for instnnco, the scraping of graminivorous birds in earth nnd stones was no doubt original ly an intelligent action, performed with tho conscious purposo of uncover ing seeds, but by frequent repetition through succosslvo generations tho ac tion has now becomo blindly Instinct ive. This is shown by tho following oxporlmunt: Dr. Alton Thomson tells mo that ho hatched out somo chickens on a carpet, whero ho kopt them for sovoral days. Thoy showed no Inclin ation to scrupo, becnuso tho Htlmulus supplied by tho enrpot to tho soles of tholr feot was of too novel a character to call into action tho hereditary In stinct; but whon Dr. Thompson sprinkled a llttlo gravol on tho carpet, and so supplied tho npproprlato or cus tomary stimulus, the chickens Immedi ately began their hcraplng movomonts. Yot, for aught that theso chickens can havo known to tho contrary, thoro was as good u chanco of finding seeds In tho carpet as in tho thin layer of gravel. And numberless othor cases might bo glvon to prove that animals ncqulra Instincts by frequently repeating Intel ligent actions, Just ns wo oursolves ac quire, oven In our Individual llfetlmo, an Instinct to adjust our nightcaps an Instinct which may becomo so pro nounced as to assort Itsolf oven when a man is in tho profound unconscious ness of apoplectic coma. Tho Mno toonth Century. A lady who loves floyers propagates thorn In tho following way. Any lady may practico her slmplo mode. Sho places a deep plate filled with water In n warm sunny window. In this aro placed various cuttings of colons, gera niums, hollotropes, roses, etc., and in a surprisingly short tlmo whlto roots nro omitted from tho base of tho cuttings, whon they uro potted ofT singly Into pots. In wlnlor, this plato of cuttings Is almost ns refroshlng to tho oyo ns a plato of cut flowors; so that Instead of being objectionable, It is really an orna ment. Every florist knows that oleander cuttings suspended In bottles of water will always succeed bettor than when placod In sand, nnd they really havo a pleasing offect in tho "window greenery." Strango to wiy, no fellatio whatovcr Is glvon tho ubovo, but tho full rays of tho sun aro allowed to strike squarely on tho cuttings. With such u shoo, In ovory motion of tho animal bin weight is u level to wards expanding tho foot. Ono case was so romnrkablo n cure, that I recount It: Ono of n vnluablo team kept for park use in Philadelphia, when ho enmo into my hands was so crippled by contracted feot nnd Its fre quent nccompanimont, "thrush," thnt ho could scarcely hobblo nro und In his stall. I first sawed his hoots ofT with a hand saw as being less troublo than cutting, sawed a barrel in half, putting n doublo bottom in ono, so lie could stand In it for a couplo of hours ovory ovouing; filled It with water ns hot us I could bear my hand in. On coming out of this I stood him tlio rest oftho tlmo In poultices; put very conical shoes on him; tho Insldo of wob proba bly thrco-sixtcontlis thicker than the' outer. It Is easy enough to get such : alinna n lur rlttil,,f. flirt nnlta uf.l ' and sulo nbout, und not clinching till nil nro in place. If ono side Is ladled first It will cause tho other side of tho shoo to gape. I bellovo this n prefer able modo to that ofton practiced by smiths, of putting u pair of strong tongs between tho heels und bending tho shoe, us should tho shoo break tho foot would recclvo a sovero wrench. Working tho animal mentioned ovory day, uvornglng 18 mllos, ho was in two months sound on his front legs, and nblo to show what was really wrong with him. I had noticed what is technically termed a "Jack," but thu pain In front obliterated tho pain of tho spavin. Ho communcod to hop ns tho front ones wero reliovcd. Losing sight oftho horso soon altor, I cannot say If thu contraction euro was pormunout. A man who thought ho know moro about horses than I, bought him to euro tho spivlu, by a process which he informed mo was us follows: Ho punctured nnd cautcrlzod it, nnd then, equally sonslblo, thought less cruel, bound on u llvo toad. Country QcntlC' man. Slnco tho hog markot has boon so low a correspondent writes nnd nsks "do hogs pay?" Well, wo know somo that don't. Thoy subscrlbo for n paper; read It a fow years for nothing, und thon send it back to tho publishers Inscription: "Itofujcd." Such hogsns that don't pay anything. A correspondent writes us from tho Sandwich Islands, saying that during a long Ilfo spent in tropical fovor districts ho has been nblo to escape Infection and miasma by tho uso of gunpowdor, supplemented by u few simple precau tions against sudden changos of tem perature, sunstrokes, bad water and tho like. Ho uses no water thnt lias not been boiled und afterward kept from air contact; but his mnln reliance is upon tho practico of burning a thim bloful of gunpowdor in Ills bed room nnd very Hinnll quantities in Ills trunk, I wardrobe, etc., so as to keep his clothes in un atmosphere feobly charged with gunpowdor gas. In Madagascar, Jlo. union, Mauritius, tho East Coast of Tropic Africa und othor fovor-smitton lands ho lias found such slmplo means a sure provontivo of cpldomlo diseases, und has thereby been often brought to tho philosophic reflection that gunpowdor is destined to Invort tho nlm Intondcd by its fabrication. Sctentljlo American. Tho farmer who is habitually careful with ills seed-grain, so as to get only tho bost, is doing much toward ad vancing tho products of his fields, not only in starting his crop In which It Is ho Important but throughout Its en tiro growth, including tho berry which Is to form tho fcced for tho succoodiug year. This Is apt to bo plumper und sounder, nnd much tho bottor calculat ed for the noxt sowing and nn Improve ment upon tho Inst. I concludo with the grains tho scod also of tho forogo plants. Always tho best growth should bo selected, tho greatost dltllculty be ing to obtain clean seed and keep it clean, nn account of tho fdul condition oftho land. Tho cultivation nfclnchona, tho bark from which quinine Is extracted, has met with complo success In the Eng lish nnd Dutch East India possessions. Holland has at present 2,000,000 and England 2,C00,000 trees In good condi tion. Franco Is also engaged In ex periments In tho Island ofileunion. Somo trees in tho English possessions havo yielded 01 Instead of .'17 per cent, oftho product In South America; on tho latter continent tho forests of cin chona wero bolng rapidly destroyed. FRUIT-PACKIHQ MACHINES. W. A. Collver of Coos I lay, in inventor of a nrcss for packing dried hoi, fitiit nnd vegota IiIm of all kinds that havo liucti iimnerly ilricil by nny jirocoM, mm A. II. t'ollvvr is now can vailing tlio Willametto Valley fur tho into of theso machined. Thoy cost $2.1 to $.1.1, accord in;; to flniih, nml will pack tho fruit In two pouml package, in paper ltoxes, a fast a a nun can posuhly weigh It out, nml faster than tho famo forco can pack tho tamo fruit in fifty pound boxes, nml at leas coat, ns tlio weight of tlio paper boxen goes in with tho woight of tho fruit. Theso paicr Imxus handsomely lalxded nml printed, can ho ordered from tho makers at tho I&ut nt a trilling cost. Kvery man who has a I'liiminor dryer or any other good dryer, should havo ono of tho Collver machines. Air. A. 11. Collver travels with ono of his machines, mnl gives a practical exposition of its working. All who purchaso them can also order boxes of Mr. Collver. Tho machines nro inado and sold nt tho fumituru manufactory of !'. J. ltabcock, Salom. Specimens of tho lucked fruit can ho seen nt tho ollico of tho Willamotto Fanner. At prcsont Mr. Collver is canvassing tho cast sido of tho river, between Salem and Portland. Nov20-78-tf Adlvlnopasslngu fashionable church, on which n splro wnu being erected, was asked how much higher It was to be. "Not much; that congregation don't own very far in thnt direction." A Qcntlo Hint In our etylo of ollraato, with lis nuddon changes of tompor.itiire, rain, wind, nnd Himsnlno often lutnriulnKlod In a slnglo day, It Is no wonder (hut our children, frlonds and rolnllvon nro ho frrquently Inkon from un liy iuglcctd cold, half tho deaths resulting dlroatly from this cause. A hot tlo of Uosoheo's Gorman tSyrup kopt nbout your homo for luimodlnto uso will tirovont sorlotts elcknesj, n largo (looter's bill, nnd perhaps death, by tlio two of thrro or four doses, For ourlng Consumption, llomorrhngos, Pneumonia, Sovorn Coughs, Croup or any dlsonso of tho Throat nr Lungs, Its sticooss Is simply wonderful, ns your druggist wilt toll you. Gorman Syrup Is now sold In nvory town nnd vlllngoon this contlnonl. Sample bottlos for trial, iuo.i regular hizo 70c. HARPER'S BAZAR. 1870. ILLUSTRATED. Tlio t'eiilnur Mnl.'iicnlN aro of (no kind. Tho Whlto Is for tho linmin fimlljr; Iho Yellow I nr horecf, ticep, snj other animals. Toitlmo nt< of tlio effects produced j (Iiojo remarkable l'repiratlons nro wrapped nrounil ever bottle, and may to procured of any tlnmtf I, or liy mall from tlio OfllcoofTniCiNTAi'ii t'oxrinr, in Dcjr Strict, Now Voilt City. PT1tJs f HdSiAHDIDf' Stato Grauijo SepnUeo ivx 1878 nR Co. Ttiomsi Smith, UUcr CIt7. Ilurui-A. Holder, OorialUs. ULAcxims-U. N. Wait, (iinln. Curnor W. II, (Iray, Young-' Itlror. Im:oui- II. H. It, llulclc, MtrtUCnvk. Jumo-J. N, T. Miller, Jaikaoiitllli. Joaitrillns-Juui.il I'ollcak, UiUml. t.txx-ltuaixM hnox, Crotvcll; Allan IloiiJ, Kunno CUT, Ijxj- It, A. Irilno, AlUnr. MiMox-J, W. luchcllcr, llutUitll!; W. JI. Illllearr, Turnrr, leLToviii-rirmton Kolljr and Jaooti Johnaon, IVit l'ort&uid. rom-K. A. Catteraon, Dixie. Tiutvoos-J. (J. llwley, TUUniocV. ukiuk jonn iriunion, union. Tho Imported Clydcadalo Stallions ROB ROY na MERRY MASON .Will mako the ttaion as lollowsi It OH HOY, at Durbln's Stable, HAI.RM, Mon notices oi' Tim rnrsa. ToillYMOCCTrntn?t ItirWj IUmrwIU K. ul nnd ambition o! tho woinon'o! AmTrieV-n!,-! BCTipi. As a faithful dironlclool (union, and a newanil .iPi!S2.i,KlMy?.P!H 'or I tlilhnFtlullrirt.I.JIu' f v i.J. " T? m -..,....,, ....,-. i. nTtDinjiTjft Tho Volumes of the ILmr hcga with Ua f, (or Jmiuvt ot rt) y3ir. When nn tima i. ,. will bo undentoosl tht tho luUcrlber wbhlii inAtin ttllh that Wnmhi. n.t -.... "uuv" ' onior. Harpor's Poriodioals. IIAItl'ElfS MAUA7.INK, Ont Year IIAllPKn'S WKKKI.V, " IIAItri'.irS llAZAIt, ' Tlis TllltKU publication!, ono Jrar...,, Anjr TWO, onejrmr M SIXsubtoripUont, onocnr ,, Tunns for xtjgt clubs turnlibcd on applleaUon. 1'iwUro Froo to alt nlncrlhcrs In Use United Ouuuu. Tba Annual YoIuium of lllun'i DutLla a blading, will tj sent lit cxnrax. f JVll tllad the (night ilooi not e iOMd ont dillti jJti (or 97 w etch. A uompleto Set, connrtdat fcaj iuqics, aotit on rocolpt ol cxili at the rite o(n 1 uine, freight at cenw of purchaser. Cloth Uuhs (or cuwli volume, aulUUt for blm wo iw'iia uj iiiuii, M.,uiu, vn rrcvipior si Daa, ItemltlAncrs Klioulil Ik) nude hy lx OiBca ' dor or Droit, to atold dianra ot Iom. Ne iaicn nro not to copy Uil adrertlmcat J tho oprnu order ol lliarr.a h llacmiaas. 1 Addrou IIAItl'im ti imOTIICHI.Nrw'j ilay. Tucadar. ami Wntnraday, each week, and Jit w.im ruuu d rAiui mo inrco uaja louowin. ItIKIIIIV MANON, Dnrbln'a HUble, HALKM, Thnriiliv VetAmv anil alaliie.laii aajiait. i..i .. .a ttioold DKLANKY KAH.M.a mllaaml a halweat or lorner.on aionoajf.Tneiaaje, and Wcducidije. TKIIlTIN-rlMenn, 30, pajablo at end o( sea eon. Inaurance, SO, paiablo when maro known to bo with foal, or la parted with. II, N. cold colli. aplfl (JIIIICKNON aV l'U'ill. Tho Celebrated Draft blnlllon LOUIS NAPOLEON Will inaka the anuonol lb70ai (ollowa: At my rariii,ln Wald'illllla,MondarsandTuea.Ure. Nl'AVTONt WcdneadajfaandThuradaye. MtllUt t'rldajra and Haturdaya. TKIUIS-Uap, IO( Scatoii, flfi liuurance, ((301 Tit Kcason will begin April 7. Dawaimoi Ann 1'rnliiam.- Loula Napoleon la a Lean. tllul dapple gray, 10 hand, high, and vtiLthe 1W) lha. lie xi alreI Ii Iho lmmrll Norman honu Wiula Noloon, and Ida dam by lloyal KainHn, Imjurted hy Col, (UVtcy o( Taiewell co., III.; hlairrandilam ata KrcmhUinadf. an mare. Coma and am the huno Ih(oto maklnir other arrangemcnU. mli7n3 T.J. KDMO.NDnON. IIIAYH Nl'KOIFKl ITI1CDIOINK. Tlio (Ircnt Knullali llemrdr TtlADC MARK. A .,,,1.111,, , ,.,.. ,. nADE "M!. heinlnal tttalnraa. pwniuiorrnea, nil' IKjtetier. and nil Die. raaea Uut follow aa a 9 -X!?T Srvlaf A Comdeto Set of lltarta'a Uaoitisa, now c ui ,u(uiiid. in nn, tiuui Dinujng, win vo li iiroaa. (rvlglit at eiicnau ol nurcliaaer. (or ti '. ume. Slnglii tulumua. by mall, luattudd. ftt ( mm, (or binding, 3-1 conu. by mall, imatnald. UvuilttAnco ahuuld bo made by loatOinos Ml cut, (or binding, 3-1 con' ncr or Dnut, to atold dome ol loaj. Vaaco John lln.l, Trgii Valley, plngton, Oaaton. WaaiusuTOS-J, A. Hltliardtuii, TuaUUu; J. Y. 8up. Tlio Nebraska fhrnifr remarks: "Moro failures In fruit treo planting nro nttrlbutnblo to tho uso of very 'cheap stock, nntl cnreleas IiiiudHnj,', tiuui to nil other causes cjinhliied. A Very largo proportion of trees sohl by professional traveling "treo potldlors," nro thoo condoinned or dlscardod, for somo cauuo, hy rot'ular nursoryinen, or aro "culling" remaining nftor all good ones nro ussortcd, nnd obtained for llttlo moro than mere dlggjug clearlnt: otr tho ground. Any variety called for can bo had from tho same trench. This class of operators nover owned u nursery nover will. Solid Merit wiU Tell. Tor all the bitter opposition of Jealous rivals, no better illualrallnn could be bad o tula fact than the Immense aalo already atj tilntd by the (treat Throat and J.uuif I to mo. dy, Dr. Aug. Kalser'a German Klllr. For the cure ot CouRbaand llrouchlal Airclloua It la truly wonderful, even those aullerlog from Oonbumntlon In advanced atauea llnd crest relief, aud numbers of patient have tounu.to tiielr uellgbl, not only relief but com:. It being jtorfectly barmfewi, makes It at onoo popular wllti mothers, who of all others havo felt the iiwemllvofsuch amedl- olne. Tho genuine lam the 1'russlan Coat of Arms, (he fao simile signature of Or. Aur. Kaiser, and has bis name blown on every 75 cent bottle. A (rial alio may ba bad at the Drug Store of forlM cents. Yasmu.-lt. It. litughlln, North Yamhill, waaiiixoroi TsaaiToar. Colt am -Thnmu TliriMMrll, iuion. Cumcr laiM Hlwnp, Vanruuter. Coauu John H. Iluurth. I'iklil, Uu-W, II, Miller. Ilol.fort. Waiu Wall W. II. Thonuu, Willi Walla. Wiiitsas llllaui Kin, PaIoum City. I'jlroiu In flow) countlea In hlUi no Deputlea hate len apjiolntr I uould miuh (.bilge mo by dialgnatlng llroUiera suit .do to act In Uiat caiauliy, A. II. Suirusr, UaiUr Or. M. Orange, ac(Utincc o( iol( abiiao im ln o( Memory, linlicrul Ijuaitude, Win In the. Hock, Boforo TokliiK KSSSiilI "a."' After TakW and many olherliUnuea that Iraul lo Inaanlty or(U)T. umptlon, ami n Crenuturo (Irave. til' Full lurtlculan In our lamphltt, hlcli we dc.lro to aeud Irw by mall loolerroiie. gTTlia Hibiflo ifr.llrln I. u,M l.v n druggi.U at (1 wrukage, or aU iiockairca (or U.w III lr Mint In-a by mall on rccolpt of the money by ad. dreaalng Tllli UH,tY HI KBIDIIVIi ;,., - .... !? x" M.oihanlni'llloik, Dnaoir, Hull. .nd..y;hiVind ,u,:gX,r' HARPER'S WEEKL' HARPER'S MAGi 1870. ILLV8TKA1KD. NOTICIM OK Till'. MES1 Karpcr'a llagailne li the Amorlrrn Mai.ubx literature and art, lloaton Tnaelh r. The moat opular Monthly In the world. N I acrrer. It la an excellent companion (or the outf , m. ,na mature. poioco ior uociuiing etff,- Courier-Journal. ' No oUier MonUd In tha world nut trw Hat of cuntrlhiitors: nor dooa anv fumKh I la t so great a variety and so auperior a i4iallty cM -,,IV.II(II,, IIU.WII, Tlie tolumra of the tlagulne begin with for June and December, of each vnar. Whm tiieclfled. It will lr underatood Uut the Bubacrtbel io begin witii tno current NumUj-, IIAUPKR'N rERIOUIOAl IIAItl'KU'S MAUA7.INI; One Year IIAIU'KICH WKKKI.Y, ' IIAIU'KlfH IIAZ.M1, ' ' TheTIIIIKUpiibllratlona, nneyoar Any TWO, ono ) oar , SIX eutualptlone, one year Terms (or largo tluba (urnlvliod en applleaUon. IVaUVe Tree Ul all sutiKribers In the United I Canada. Ncwinantrs are not to coot Uila adrertlarmenl um eiproM orucra i iiaaraa at naottisaa. Addreaa IIAIU'KII A IIIIOTHKIW, New DO NOT FAIL In rml rnitiiat rontAiim prlrr nilifrari'tpllint tif m un i rfy nillrJn In an '111 UNM. alfttl l-ei nlunlilrlo ANV lf-.IIH.K r.mf riuHnf UK thr inrrliuiinir nny nrllrlt Tur 1'tr unnl. FMiully r AiKrlrMtfiiriil nwe, s linrluiift it inrgr limit llir iiiimI uritHuti 111 lh rrmulf . irl4 u Hit 'IVri'llurJrM, nml lin ulili friV rf itloii cvi imI nl Hit rvJiertiitlMii of thn juirrliniT f'T.I.O I'.H TO Aft V .liUI. ' cliiniilMtf lo linvi nautt o nntlttt' to tut llff frill, lt beJtsil rfMi DinEOTOIlY. OF I' IC I tSolllio NATIONAL (illANfilC. Samuel K. Adams, Mojiticcllo, Mill- I'lll'.i:. III'IIM Afl'I.K'ATIO.S. Ital( uiir k,mU lunll iniiiililiiil ill vln.l..iln Vilirrpi lit iinniillllr1 l Nt,t. llrWlt JlCf. Iiil niilluiml li,iiili,4'lilrrtgu. M3XTQ0MEnr WARD & CO., eiiiuliml firuiiti Hiiiily Jlt,e, t7.VU4U tVabiu-h,Vvt.,'lilrni, III, r .1. .1. Woodir.nn, Pawjaw, Mich, r Mortimer Whitehead, Middle. V. nl A. J. Vauuhan, Memphis, Teim. tut H toward William Kims, Topvka, Uin A 111. .urcr itary- P. Korsythv, liahul, IMgur V. M. McDowell. Wayne. N. Y. W. M. Ireland, 'loahingtou, KeejKil O. Diuwiddiv, Orchard f Srnrf, Mrs. S. M. Adams, Moutieillo, MIu. Mrs. J. J. Woodman, I'atrpiw, Moore, Handy Kpring, Apa- '1'. Mntte neaota. Over. Ict bush. ! Ktw Assi Knnsa Ch COUIII Tr Si U.i a tun .la t' -ea now.'.a, I'linoim Mli'iiiian. Mora Mr Miih. Udy Ass't Steward Miss f. A. Hall, lachicola. KXKL'irnvi: cojimuti;!;. Kamnel K. Adams, Chnirmau, Monticello, Minn. Ilcnloy James. Marion. Iml. 1), Wyatt Aiken, Uokeshury, 8. V. H. II. ICIlis, Spriughore, Ohio. OI'I'IOKU-S OUKUON NTATIi (.HANUK. Maftcr A. II. Shipley, Oauego. Overaecr I). S. K. Ituick, Myrtle Crick. Leiturcr S', II. Thomas, Walla Walla. Steward W. M. Ililleary, Turner. Ass't Steward M. L. rlicholos, Ikaverton. Chaplain W, II. Cray, Astoria. SecrcUrj--N. W. llandal), Oregon City. Treasurer David Smith, Leianon. (iato-Kcciwr-O. N. Wait, Canby. Ceres M, J, Train, lfarrithurg. Pomona O. K. Shipley, Oawego. 1'lora H. 1), Durham, McMinuville, I.. A. S. frcno I.. Jlilleary, Turner. kmx'ctivis foMuim-K. A. It. Shijiley, Chairman, Oswego (I. W. Hunt, Sublimity. A. Holder, Corvallis. 7BrwauKajiuijfa- ' I laa i 11 IRUIITa.ra-v. j2ct2fim m i mj ,jmiwAzwi Kim r A I r.L i II BaV'llI tllll. Ill fJt 1 ' i4 l Uwi. VOtbirTlar. sVtXUl I'Ji !! ! foil 1MrlMla. I i ttlill I tittt hi iJallJtlat tllMl JOTj i4r. u t tt vciitktu u4 ur (m fUktia n, rk lurulai n til. fiMii fr it. Miwt n.M.FEItnYftCO. Detroit Mich. "jema a Z. . , . r. cunTtnc AiiuncuiT. 'i'lllUTY-I'orjIt'Jll VISA It. The Most Popolar Scicaiiilc Paper in Ibc World. Only S;j.!i0 it Year, lucluilliijr I'oiIiiko. Wfokly. fJ Numbori it year. 1,000 book piiKOf. 1 H70. irall.UHXKA.XiaD. NOTICK!! OV TIIK ritDW. The Weekly remains raudly at the head nl III ucra uy im lino uirrary iiuauiy, in beauty ami woodTuU. Hprlngncld Itepublluui. Its pictorial attractions am auperb, and einbn niiyui auojwt anu 01 aruaua ireuiinenl, t aiu, lloalOII. Tho Weekly It a latent agency lor the dUaoaM correct iiomii-ai pnncipiiw, ana a owcrful IIm heater. wid Ulao irttncva. - Hrcnlngl Tlir. rkiixnno Asiu laahrgo lint tla.14 Wexkl) eaairo(Klltu.li fmliM. Ulintul In tho lmt Uuull lul at)!v, proutily Uhitralttt with Yi .(( tnijrat tnqi. rturMentlng Hie iievct ruent AdiAiK-ta In tlio Aria and htlincoa; liiiludin New and InUrwllngl-VU In Agrkultuie, Horticulture, the Nutii rut a until lartimnU tarn Ttrma, eU4lpw juu, 4.m 1u.11 -, Biilim nc.udes llgl itelagc. Ili wint ui AyciiU rllnglo coidea, ten 1 .11 la. Wil.1 by aU Niwalilcra. Itimlt by tal ordtr U) MIINN A CO . llibllalwrs, 37 IMik I tow, New York. 1' A 'I1 IIVI' '" eoiinevtloii Hlth the i.&5-rL.ft'- .?? Bnawirw Asaaieas, llwr. MU.-tN A 111. aro tvJkitors ol Auierlmn and Konl.-u I'atenta, Into IumI 31 year esrleiicv, and now hf,o the Urgent nUbluhment III the world. Talents aro ol.Ulned on the beat U-nna. A special notice U maje In the Kiirrinc Awraicax o( all Intentions puU nlSl thron.-li thU Awncy, with Uie name and rwUlenio ol U.e IUU11U0. Ily the Immense circulation thus itlven, public atumtlon a dlreetul Ut Ihe intrita ol Iho new luUnl. and whs or Introduitioti 0IU11 iiullj iffwted. Any n,n wholuuuuulo a new discoury or Inun tlun, can iMcvrUln. (reo o( Unrwo, uhcthtra utrnt urn robibly bo obulncil, by wrltLi to the uiideralyned. J oal send fr4 our Hand Hook about tho Tatint l.ia, latent, fttlrcuta. Tnulu-llurka. thvlr .i.ta. ami how nro. curtal, win, IdnU lor pruurUi adianciM on liitvntlxis. nuwwi lor ino inir, or (viieenuny I au.ui, iltlN.S' A II) . SI IVrk Itiw. Now York. . Ilnuuh Oir,i, Our. f Sta., Wmhiiu'ton D. '. The Yolumea ol the Weekly brtrln wlUi the fl J bcr for January ol tvuh jcar. When no time I Honed, It will be iindertoil that tho ulau'rlUirl ixiinmiuce with the Number neit alter Ihe reocll oruir. HARPER'S PERIODICA! IIAItl'KU'S JIAUAZINi:, Ono Yer IIAIII'ltU'H WIIKHI.Y, " .1 IIAItCKIfU llAZAIt, ' I ThoTllllrXimhllmtloni, nne rear (. Any TWO, ono year k. MX aubrltloii,ona jear...,. , Tinm for largo (lube (urnlahcd on appllcaUu l'ftajo Trie to all subscribers In tho l'nlU'4 illllUU, Tlio Annual i.lumia ol llnri.K' Wisml rioUi blndliiK, wllllw aenl by ciproii, (roe il (prut Idut tho In l;'ht docs not esctt-d one ibdial ume, inr ( iu luni. a niii.li.14 Mel, roiiHifl.s ty-twu Volumes, tent on rcnlpt ol cash at II oj iu ir volume, uugiii amiK'n.o 01 purclu Cloth Coses (or mill volume, tututbla (or bli no atiii ny msu, mmi iai,i, on rocupt oi si W.J Ituiiltuuicui bhould li m.vle by l'(t OIlUo ikr or I 'rait, to avoid Ounce ol loaa. Nciioiers aru not to copy Dili adrcrtlwincil me vipreaa orutr 01 iiaaisa a. neoriitu. Addnss llAIII'KIt & ISIlOTllKlts. .Vrl ItUPTUKE! Usn 110 mora TKUHHKrl. No mora irou Iron bcops r steel r 1'lerce'a HuteiH M lUustlu True la trorn with esao am NIUHT anil UAY. and form radical curea when all others fall. 1 ruptured, try ono.Jand you will never regret (or lllnairatwl Hook and 1'rlco I.lrl.. MA KI.AHTK) 'rilllHS COUI'ANY. OOtHcrai riAn riiAni.iBi.-u, UAk ixr- btuwr tot nsrts of the woiUl.tl I Ol3 OJDZi (lltll.t MltltO, I ciir.rcsTir-7 lanil-a im 11. , f Cr al onai lar,iaflUl,aiua, HalyauU.tairj,; f J.BniDB&fl tJlUr-4..,, ,W . N.. lUaatnUd MV N?,l'JaabM. 7 ' C f ytf- - -fsi' iiwiaK"-rrsjM(ajJMy