Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 02, 1879, Image 2

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h r
fSillif mitt farmer.
Trrnu orPuliscrlptlom
One copr ono jeor (J2 numlxniVIn alranco....l2 JiO
Onecopyals monU(28 numbers) 1 25
Ono copy lliroo months (IS immlwrf).... 7S
nr If not kiIJ wltliln lx niontM, $3 will bo tliarg;cil
ono yor iwwcnpuon.
I'OUTIjAND, MAY '2, 1679.
MonrV Trenclicrj.
Washington, April 21. Tho Interior de
partment entirely discredits tho story of 8a
luskln, tho Indian prisoner, rclatlvo to tho
alleged treachery of Moses list Hummer.
Tho department tins amplest ovldcnco from
civil and military officers of tho Incorrectness
ot tho Btatcmcnt. Tno department Minus
tnoro Is n dcslro on tno part oi certain wnttcs
of Northwestern Oregon nnd Northern Wash
ington to provoko hostilities In order to lead
to expenditures of money by tho government
in that vicinity. Tho Indian bureau somo
tlmo slnro received advices from rcsponsiblo
partlcH that every rfTort would ho mado by
certain whlto men In that locality to provoke
Indian hostilities wllli this end In viow. Tho
story nhout Moses is n rovlval ol Ihuold can
nrd of last Hummer which was Investigated
and disproved at that titno,
llltniiftlnii ItfNilliiril.
At 10 o'clock to-day tho Houso resuming
Wednesday') session went Into committee of
tho wholo nnd continued tho illscuuiloii of
of tho legislative npproprlatl n bill,
I'mirrnl ol flenrriil lllx.
Nkw 'ioiiK, Ajrll 111. Tho funoral of Gen
eral l)lx took placo to-day from Trinity
church, which was Illicit by iho most distin
guished cltirciiH.
Negro Immigration.
At a meeting nt Cooper Union last night,
In aid of tho negro refugees, n colored mnn
having chargo of thn relief movement In Ht.
Jjouis, said that within tho last fow wocks
5,000 had arrived. Ho hnd bocn In Wash
inglon to nsk government help. IVodcrlck
Douglas received him very coldly. Ifo went
to tho president, but ho ovmlcd tho question.
Ifo then went to ltoscoo Colliding, who ro
crlvrd lilm very cordially nnd gavu ciicoiir
ngemont. After that bin work wan easier.
Kilwln llonllt'M ANxnllmit.
OmiiAiin, April i! I, Mark (Irny, whom
touipted to shoot lldwln lloolh last night,
was beforo Justlca Huinmurlleld this morning
on n chargo of attempt to kill. After Idcntl
flcatlon nnd a brlof recital of tho facts by Mr.
llooth, Gray plcadod guilty. Tho magistrnto
remarked, "It Is lucky tho chargo Is not
murder." dray replied, "I wish It was."
Hall vim first flied at $10,000, but as llooth
represented that ho hail bean told (that dray
had expressed n determination to kill him
when ho was froo again, it was mado $20,000
and tho would bo nssaisln went to jail.
Army Hill IeU.
Washington, April !2G. Tho' passage- of
tho army appropriation bill by tho Henato
without any amendmont has so long been n
foregono conclusion, that tho occurrence of
that event to-day and the blll'H consequent
transmission to tho President called forth no
comment except general expression of satis
faction that ono atep more had been mado
toward eloslna tho contest of the aesslon: for
woaiovor may to mo tiltlmntn result, every
body ia already impatient for tbo session to
terminate. An effort will be mado to con
dado the dobato In tho Houso of ltepresenta
Uvea on ttio appropriation bill under tho flvo
minute rulo to-morrow, so that tho Henato
may commenco Its discussion of that meaa
uro early next week, Tho Democrats bad
decidedly Iho advantsgo In the House dobato
to-day, tbo speeches of Hooker, doodo and
Ewlng being in every point of view strongor
and woro effective than any that havo been
msdu on the ltepublican ttldo In that body
during Iho past 4H hours, (len, KwIur's
speech was only partially Unlshrd nt ad
journment, nnd ho Intends to completo it to
morrow, uen. uaruelil will ulso probably
msko a brief closing speech for tho Itepubll
cms. Tlio IihIIhii Territory,
At a session of tho cabinet to-day, quito n
protracted subject, thn alleged contemplated
invasion of the Indian Territory, under Iho
galso of n settlomont, formod Iho leading
topio. It appears that n claim has been not
up that by tho salo of certain Indian lands
to tho government, such have becomo Iho
property of tho United Mates nsotlur publio
lands, and llko them aro open to sottlomont
under tho homestead nnd pre-emption acts,
nnd that n company or companies havo at
ready been formed fur tho purpose of settle
menu upon u portion of tho lundu in ques
tion. A different vluw of tho law was, how
ever, taken by tho cabinet.
Ah n result of the disburiomvutH regarding
Hie territory, ft letter wns written by tho Sec
retary to tha Commissioner ot Indian nf-
fairs Bolting forth that there nppeurs to bo
an organized movement to settlo wmto per
sons upon such part of tho territory ns lu
dlans huvo not already settled upon, it being
claimed that it Is freo to settlement. Tho
Herretary states, however, that settlements
tbera can be made ouly iu accordance with
the intercourse lava of 1831, iiml that no
part of the territory reuiuiua free. Utmost
vigilance Is enjoined to secure removal of
people who hae settled without acquired
privilege and right, nud to report each case.
f attempted trespass,
KrrunUlut; OrllUratra.
The treasury department states that tho sale
of refunding certificates is rapidly Wrens,
lug. Tho department expresses much am
prise that postmasters in lending cities do
uot show snutu euergy,
Hlur-UrnM llurx-a.
Nkw YoiiKAprll 'JS, Lewis Clark, Jr.,
E resident of the I.oulsvillo Jockey Club, Is
ere, arranging with Lorillard for llvo yearly
races, for $10 000 each. I.orillsrd to run n
thrco year old ot his own breedlug against
one to bo named by Claik, bred iu Kentucky.
Two of tho races will lo run at LouUvilto
uud two nt Monmouth l'arl..
richtlnr la (he Eaal
DlLonlDK. Anrll 24. Turkish troona as.
elated Servians who wcro operating ngalnst
invauers. 'J. no bcrvians lost many oaicera
nnd men, but tho Albanians wero driven from
Scrvla, leaving 200 dead behind them.
CoNBTANTiNortK, April Ht. A body of
Albanians 1,000 strong has been driven from
tho holfzuts ot MarcolT.
An insurrection has broken out at Has-
loria In Macedonia.
French AnmcMy.
l'Am.i, April 21. Ily tho amnesty law nil
who aro paidoncd within thrco months nro
Ipso facto amnestied. It is certain Hint Ulan
qui will not bo pardoned prior to tho 3rd of
June, nnd If pardoned niter that date, ho will
remain incllglhlo ns n enndidato for Iho
chamber of deputies, ns nn ordinary pardon
docs not cflaco civil disabilities.
Foreign Notes ly TclrffNiiiIi.
Garibaldi is determined that Italy shall
know universal sufTrano. nnd havo back nil
provinces sho ever relinquished. Tho old
man don't want to dio until his work is com
pleted. Tartars nt Orsk havo burned that town nnd
murdered tho officials, on n suspicion that
thoy wcro to ho baptized forcibly.
Queen Victoria nnd I'rlnco llcntrlco havo
"dono" Italy nnd nro on their way back to
tho foggy isles.
Two thousnnd persons havo been arrested
within n fow days nt Kt. Petersburg. Soldiers
coming back from tho war nronoimlo revolu
tionary Ideas, nnd tho nrmy discipline Is to
oo moro Hiringeiit. ,
Tho negotiations between Germany nnd
tho 1'opo amount lo nolhlui:. Thoy havo
continued n long tlmo but no harmony seems
Egyptian nffalM nro :nddlod nud tho
Khcdlvo is creating n council of Htate, com
posed of n mlxttiro of unlives nnd Europeans.
Tho fliinnccs nro managed by English nud
Trench comptrollers.
ltrtoliitluiinry Itiiilniii.
Hr. I'fiTKMUUiKi, April !2G.-llccruIts for
tho Itusslnn pollco forco nro being sought
for in Paris. Hixtccu professors in different
universities hno resigned. Houses nro
Hoarclicd nt night nnd every occupant whoso
passport Is fouud Irregular Is nrrcsted. Tho
Itusslnn nmbassador nt Jonstantlnoplo has
nBkccl permission lo opon nil loiters leaving
for lliissln.
A milltnry tribunul assembled to-day to
pass judgment on nn ofllcor of tho army who
nreu nt n gen il'nrmo wlio had been ordend
to search tlio officer's houso.
Thrco students will bo Iried to-morrow for
high treason.
Another Flood In Iliiiignry.
1'khtii, April 2G. A tributary of tho Drat a
has ovcrlloweil Its banks nud dcslroyod many
nouses ninzigiivnr. J no iniiamtanispicrcctl
tho dams to permit wnter to How off, nnd
hopo to escape tho fearful disaster that
throatcus them. Tho river Thclss nnd wnter
iu Hzegcdln continues to rise.
Tho War In Noutli Aiuerlcm
Londok, April 25. A prlvalo telegram
says Paso, Gun, Peru, has bocn bombarded.
Guano loading nppllnnccs nt Hunnllns nnd
Pnbollondo l'icn havo been destroyed.
Iqulqul is still blockaded nnd all salllntr ves-
sels havo left. Workmen havo fled nnd bus
iness in tho Interior is ontirely disorganized.
French IMarittloai
Paiiih, April 25. Tho council gonoral has
passod resolutions condemnlni! i'errv's ed
ucational bill. Tho government has placed
uoioro wo joudoii oi oiaia a pastoral ol Ine
Arohblshon of Atx. attacklnn the oducnllnnal
bill, taking the ground that tho pastoral is a
urcscu oi mo taw. ino government is Urmly
resolved to prevont controversy on the sub
ject ucwg ronrouueou in tno form or pas
torals designed to bo read in the pulpit, thus
Introducing political discussion into religious
i:nsland'a Neutrality.
In tho Houso ot Commons U-day Sir
Btafford Nortbcoti said that the government
was considering tho advisability of Issuing a
proclamation of neutrality in tho South
Amorlcnn war. Ho said that 202 cases of
cartridges from America had been landed at
Glascow on tho way to Liverpool addressed
to parties in Valparaiso.
Urltiuir Ncared uf Vs.
Iu tbo Houso of Commons laBt nlaht Itv
lend (Liberal) moved n resolution censuring
too increased expenuituro or mo government,
lluxter, lu seconding tha motion, warned tho
Houso ngalust too Implicit faith in boasts of
r.ugiauu'ii supremacy in arta and in com
merce. Ho Initauccd tho enormous Ad
vances made by Americans iu inventions nnd
ant stoallna was coins on
pollco to" inerfac
in tho mint. Detectives Slono and John
wcro detailed lo work np tho case Tuesday
night they arrested Henry Smith, colored
night watchman of tho mint. Smith as
serted his innocenco of nny criminal action,
but tho officers, on searching his premises
on Ilroadway, found burled in tho garden a
small melting furnaco nnd benn not contain.
ingn number of Ingots of gold worth nbout
o,uuu. xnoy niso louna $1,000 in coin In
tho house. Hmitb now acknowledges that
ho slolo gold In n crudo stnto from tho mint
nnd reduced it in his own premises. Ills
operations havo extended over nbout thrco
years, during which tlmo ho hni stolou $Ur
Murdered lor Money.
HAN ItAFAEI,. Alrll 25 Tim lindtr .if 1'niil
Itlcger, of tho firm of lllcger fc Co., l'ront
street, San Francisco, was found to-dny near
unrcia siauon, on 1'apor Will crcojr, In n
clump of bushes, with flvo bullet holes
through tho heart. Itlcgor left Han Fran
cisco on tho 10th for Olcmn. Not hnvlng
roturncd, ns intended, Bcarch wns mado with
tho nbovo result. His gold wntch nnd chain,
his pants nnd nhout $13 wero taken. No
cltio to tho murderer.
I'rosresn or the . I. It, It.
Yoma, Apill 21. A special from tho front
to Iho Arizona Scntlnol says: Tho track is
laid to a point ono-holf mllo cast nf Mari
copa, lD5- miles cast ot tho Colorado river.
A sldo track, turn table, do., will bo finished
lo-ciay. mho station ana outfit nt Gila bend
has been moved. Maricopa will bo open
for Iraftlo nnd reculnr trains will bn riiiinliii?
to that point on Monday, April 2Sth.
Nlltmtloii nt HIlUvi
Pout Townsknd, April 25. Delayed dis
patches from Alatka received to-day. On
leurnlng of Copt, llrown's Intention to leave,
n commltteo of citizens nsked lilm to stny or
tako tho women nnd children aboard. Tho
RtipcrlntcndontH of tho mining companies
nnd Cuttlng'rt cannery mado tho samo re
quest. Hrown stated that orders compelled
him to return, unless ho saw evidenco nf Iho
Intention of tho Indians to inoko nil ottnekj
ho saw none, nnd said that tho ship had no
nccommodntlons for tho women nud chil
dren, but offered to tnko tho collector's fam
ily in his own cabin. This was declined.
Ho left n largo supply of provisions for tho
Dvcrythlng is quiet in Alaska. Drown left
nims enough for tho fighting population,
which is scattered loo much to bo un effect! vo
force. It Is impossiblo to get moro than 20
tocuthcr nt ono idacc. Tho town Is llkclv to
lie seized, nud citizens nro uuablo to pursuo
tlulr usual avocations.
FizUQ and Kl-NinD.
Tho London Wnlk.
London, April 23, 3 A. M. The con
stands, Hrown -103, lluntel .tS5, Corkey 305,
WeUu 317. Tho lesult U lookml on as a
foregone conchuion for Hrown, who has
boeu backed to cover 501) miles.
Lust mi Hem.
Tho steamer Humboldt fell iu with tho
Gladiolus, Capt. Williams, which wah water
loggod, and resetted ous lu.tn. All Iho rctt
wuro washed overboatd,
Tha Hecout Horror.
Tho number of persons killed by the flre
alamp eiplonlou in tho Agrapho coal pit near
Menl. Delgium, April 17lh, is ascertained to
ba 117. (July 47 corpse.t Lavo eo (ar been
Vulue or Nllvrr Coin,
San I'niNcikco, April 21. Tbo gold vnluo
of Bubbldlary silver lu Iho market this morn
ing was quito irregular. Half dollars havo
beon taken by brekers this morning nt from
', to V, per cent discount.
CouitunulsU on Iho t'hlume.
Australian advices stnto that a boat con
taining clevcu communists, tlxteen days from
New Caledonia, landed on Morotou Island
on March 13th. The pollco took chargo of
them. They suffered considerably from lack
of food nud water.
Duncan Aanlu on Trlnl.
Tho ro-trlal of Joseph Duncan, secretary
oi mo iieiuuct rioiuter jianic, lor lorgery,
began this morning in the municipal criminal
court. Tho indictment charges Duncan with
raining a certificate of ten shares of the Safe
Deposit Co ii stock, No. 433, to 1,020 shares,
which Duneau hypothecated with the Londou
nud Hau Francisco llauk,
Nf craalou of KrltUli t'oluiublo.
Vicroau, April 21. Tho stato of publio
feeling is daily beccming mora uusettled as
tho 1st of May draws near. The altuatlon
is . arming as it threatens the permanency of
Canadian couutctiou on tha Pacific, it It
does not imperil HritUU connection. This
nftcrtioou, ou motion of a momber who has
Hlwnys bevii distinguished for his loyalty,
Iho galleries of the Parliament House were
cleared, nud Iho body is now sitting with
closed doors. What the result of tho uncer
tainty will bo oau only bo cocjectured, bet
the bot frieud of Canada iu tho proinco
aro despondent nud gloomy, aud discuss
secession us a probable outcome of tha ex
isting statu of uffalrs.
Parliament has just risen. The dUcuhslou,
which was long uud exciting, was concluded
with closed doors. It has transpired that a
stringent resolution was passed nnd directed
to kt cuWtd lo Loudon to-night. It de-
mauds that becauso of tha uou-fulfillmeut
of treaty obligations, the proviuco be allowed
to secede on May 1st. Tho uctiou of the
House seems to meet with popular indorse
ment. ,
I'lio Font !Ului lllaaslrr.
Tho total number ot deaths by the Wei.
liugtou coal uiiiio catastrophe is twelve. All
tho bodies naothat of ouo Chluamau were
recovered. Tuo level in which Iho exnloslon
Nook placo Is now bolng tlooded to put out
mo uro wuicu u sun raging in tue slope.
Two thousand people followed the remain
to the grave. j
a sauus aims tomtit
Washington, April 23,
Tho morning hour was principally occu
pied with n resolution rolativo to removals
and njipolntinouts to oflico without interven
tion of tho presiding officer. Several amend
ments wcro ngrccd to, but boforo final action
tho morning hour expired.
Consideration wns thou rosumed of tho
nrmy bill.
Uho chair appointed Hampton to commlt
teo on military aSatrs, mines, and transport-
auon io ino soaoooru.
Dlalno withdraw his amendment to tho
army appropriation bill, ao that tho sixth
section might bo voted orJakeparately; but
said that ho would submit it Agalu, as he de
sired to test tho sincerity of the Democrats
to havo no coercion at the nolle, for he bo.
lleved the fear of tho army waa mere chim
era, while tho other menace was fruitful of
danger to tho ballot.
Turner donles that he had called Burroughs
a damned liar in the debate on the 18th, as
bad been stated. However, ho would rather
be denounced, than a poltroon who submit
ted to it.
On motion of F. Wood, a resolution was
adopted requesting tho Prcsldont to consider
mo expeuieuoy ot entering into a convention
with Franco for tho negotiation of a treaty
which shall securo moro equal interchange
oi prouuets ana manuiaciures ot ctcii coun
try. Tho Houbo then went into committee of
tho wholo on tho legislative bill.
Washington, April 23.
A long discussion Lttwccn Windoni, Conk,
ling nnd lkdou ensued.
Windom nsked: "Ha tho Government
tho right lo punish armed men who conio to
the polls for tho avowed purposo of prevent
ing frro exercise of tho right of suffrage at
congresiional elections?"
Faton replied "No, not until l.tw wns
mado to allow it," and he would never voto
for that law; Congress had uo right to pass
such a law.
Windom's amendment was rejected, 32 to
21, a party vote.
Discussion nroso upon the tlmo to bo fixed
for closing the debit J. It was ngrced the
voto on tho Bcctiou, nud pending amend
ments, bo taken at 3 P. M. to-morrow. Ad.
Paddock is entitled to tho floor to-morrow
on his amendment.
Tho Houso immediately after assembling
this evening wcut into commltteo of the
wholo on the legislative appropriation bill.
Speeches wcro mado for and in opposition to
ino proposcu repeal.
The commlttoo mo, tho session of Wed
nesday euded and that of Thursday began.
Tho House thou went into commltteo of
the whole, lllackburu in the chair, ou the
legislative appropriation bill.
Delamatvr continued bis remarks, and
when his tlmo expired, Weaver movsd that
it ba exteuded.
Huzleton objected.
After further colloquy ou this point Dels
matyr again took tho door and charged that
legislation slueo the war has been in tho in
terest of wealth, uud the poor people had
beeu oppressed my near beyond endurance.
lluzicton reproved greenback representa
tives for apparent readiness to stab the cred.
it of tho couutry. Ho then reverted to the
evuionce oi iramuuiut murder lu .New tork
aud South Carolina elections.
Dcuster denounced the uctiou of Daven
port In New York.
llrugg said tho lleimbllcaKS had failed to
excite publio feeling ng.iiutt tho South, aud
weretrjlugtostitten tho Presidential back
boue. i:kmnii sriiioN.
Sho wasn't nftor hair-dye, cosmetic?,
scented soap, or nny of tlioso gimcnicks,
but when tlio druggist hnd finished put
tint; un a nrcscritition to euro n lone-
faced boy of n hacking cough, slio turned
from tho xtovo miu asked :
"Do you keep drugs and medicines nnd
jiizuns nnd ho on."
"Oil, yci, wo keep all such tilings."
"Ami hi-iiinc-V
"Yoi, wo liavo quinine."
"Well, I called in lo hco nbout ccttiu'
some pizttii and some ki-iiine, but I dun
no. .So many folks liavo liecn slaugh
tered by druggists' mistakes, that I'm
cancmost afraid to nsk for camfur gum,
tho I stipposo I can smell camfur gum
further oil' tlinit nny other womnh in
Michigan. Havo you ever killed any
body by puttin' up morphine) for bakin'
powder 1"
"Been in tho business long 1"
"Only twenty-ono years."
"Well, you ortcr know gum 'Itabio
from sweet oil by this time, but somo
men arc awttil kcorlcss. Ivo hail n
brother pizuued by wrong medicine,
and I'm n little slinky. Wlioro's your
"This is it," ho replied, ns lie took tlio
jar down.
Hlio wet her linger, put it into tlio jar
and then rubbed it on her tongue.
"Tnstes liko it, but I tltinno. Suro it
am t morphine?
"Ves, very sure."
"Hiiro your clerk washed tlio jar out
clean uforo ho put tho ki-niuu in V
"Oil, 1 washed it myself."
"If tins shouldn't bo ki-nino vou'd
havo tlio law put to you the worst Idtul.
VvVvo got monoy iu tlio bank and wo'd
never settlo for no 10,000."
"I know it to by quinine.
"Well, then, gimino fifteen cents'
worth, and 1 want down weight too. If
I'm treated well I'm u gicat hand to
trade nt ono place, but tho minit J hco
any stinginess or cltoutin' u yoke of oxen
couldn't pull mo into that storo ngain."
ilo woig'.iod out tho drug, labelled it
with great cure, and then sho said :
"Now 1 want ten cents worth nf
piztin to kill rats."
"What kind 1"
"Why tlio pizun kind, of course.
Pizun is pizun tho world over. Don't
seem ns you wcro used to handling 'cm."
"Uo you want arsontor
"Certainly : but you want to bo pow
erful kecrful I I'm a woman of. liftv
and I'vo nuss'd tho nick over sinco I was
n girl, but I nover liamllo pizun with
out a chill crccpin' up my back. Whiro
is itT
Ho handed down tho jar, nud sho
smelt ot tho stopper, shook her head,
turned tho jar around nnd whispered :
"mat looks a powerful sight liko
cream atartcr I"
"Oh, no that's arsenic and no mis
take" "Well, I'vo got to tako tho chances,
Is'pose. I'll tako ten ccnla worth
down weight. Any ono who will bo
stingy sellin' pizun will bo stingy in
other tilings, nnd I do hato t stingy
person. My first husband was power
ful Btingy, and ho was struck by light
Wlion tho poison had been wcicued
nnd labelled sho carefully took up tho
pneknge and said :
"Now, then, writo on this that it is
to bo kept iu tho old china tea-pot, on
tho third sholf in tho pantry, nnd that
it'a for rats. Then writo on this kt-nino
that it is to bo kept in tlio old coileo-
It is not long ago that our Govern
ment had a considerable floating dobt in
ho slinpo of treasury notes bearing 7.30
por cont interest, and at that tinio
we consiJcrcd oui selves foitunatc that
government credit wns near par in gold
lor U. fc. bonus that drew 0 per cent,
interest. It was not very long bo
foio that, in tho exigency of war time,
gold hlooil at 'J0O, and tho greenback for
awhile ranged m gold vnluo at only '10
to 50 per cent, upon tho dollar. Jt is
ono of tho wonders of modern fliinnco
that out1 national bonds nro now so wcl
appreciated that our four tier ccntt
funded loan is nt a trifling premium in
gold, nnd gold itself is mthor n drug in
tho market, as a conscqttcnco of the
wonderful success of resumption. And
this four per cent, loan is wanted nt
home, eagerly claimed and husbanded
by our citizens, not tho wealthiest and
mo3t aristocratic class of citizens cither,
uui. jieupiu in iiiuuuiiuu circumstances,
women, clergymen, professional men nnd
persons of small means, not often ovor
1,000 being held "in ouo block." Our
national prosperity is apparent when wo
rccognizo that from tho profits of a few
years past our people nro nblo to call
homo hundreds ot millions of tho Gov
ernment loan anil own it out ot the imr
plus of their earnings and profits.
At tho present limo we havo reached
tho limit of G tier cent, bonds subject to
redemption, and must wait until duly,
1881, for nnother installment of Iho
debt bearing C per cent, to full due, or
bo subject to call. In tho mean titno
about $200,000,000 of fi per cent, bonds
aro probably to bo redeemed by tho isstio
of 4 per cents. About tho ltb of April
subscriptions to tho four por cent,
reached tlio enormous figure of fifty mil
lions of dollars iu ono day. lice.
Tho latest advices from England show
a prostration and stagnation in tlio tjrain
markets that is remarkable. Prostrn-
nf industries and depression ot
A Quostlcn of Damages,
Somo lawyers tnko very practical
views of cases iu which thoy nro re
tained, In n certain town in Missouri,
Hquiro O was defending a chargo of
malpractice. A colored man was Mimg
- .i i. ... ....... i, i . .b
iur uainagu.i, iiih wiio Having tiictl snort
Jy nfter nn operation for tho removal of
ii cancer. When it camo Squire O 's
turn to cross-oxnmino tho plaintiff, ho
asked: "Mr. Wilson, how old was
your wife when tho dicdT
"About forty live, sir."
"IJccn iu fecblo health a long time,
had sho not, Mr. Wilson and cost vou n
great deal for medicine and help?"
xcs, sir."
"You havo married ngain, havo vou
"Yes, sir."
"I low old 'a your prcsont wifol"
"About thirty-live, sir."
'Is sho stout and healthy, Mr. Wil
"Yes, sir."
"Then, Mr, Wilson, will you pleaso
stoto to tho jury how you nro damaged
in this caso 1"
Mr. Wilson had ovidently nover taken
this viow of tho matter, nnd could mako
.. nil i
no answer. j.no goou ana truo mon
thought ho had mode rather a good
thing by his bereavement, and brought
in a verdict for tho defendant. Har
per's Magazine.
Debato was continued on Iho IcgWlMlvo
After several speeches tbo commltteo rose
nud tho llotisetook recess till 10 to-morrow.
It ha been found that ojio swallow
dooMi't ui.iko a spring. Thotvfore, if
you uro in u hurry tor Spring, tako two
or thiisi hwullowtt.
Never uso slang. It may not always
apply. Listen as A comes into ll's
pot iu tho cupboard, and that it's for
Tho druggist followed orders, and tho
old lady put tho "pizun" in her pocket
and tho "ki-nino" in her reticule, and
went out saying :
"It may bo nil right, but T tltinno.
If my old mnn is took oil' instead of tho
rats, I'll begin it law suit next day after
tho funeral. " Dettoit Kreo l'ross.
"Farming (Jndor tho boa."
Tho fact is not generally known that
within three hours' rido of Iloston a
largo and profitable business has been
carriod on sinco 18-18 along tho sea
shore, and which is nothing moro nor
loss than "tanuing under tho sen."
Everywhere upon tlio coast of eastern
Now England may bo found, ten feot
below tho water mark, tho lichen known
as carrageen tho "Irish Moss" of com
merce. It may bo torn from tho sunken
rocks anywhere, and yet the littlo sea
port of Scituato is almost tho only
placo iu tho country where it is gath
ered and cured. Thin villogo is tho
great center of the most business in tho
country, and tho cntro Vmon draws its
supplies ironi tiioso ocicnes. l.ong
rukes uro used in tilling this marine
farm, and it does not take long to fill
the many dories that await tho lichen,
torn from its salty, rocky bod. The
husbands and fathers gather tho moss
from tho sea, and tho wivai and duugh
tors prepare it for market. Soak it iu
water niul it will melt away to jolly.
Hoil it with milk and a delicious white
and creamy blauomango is tho result.
Tho annual product is from ten to fif
teen thousand barrels, and it briniw
50,000 into tho town, which sum is
Bhatvil by onu hundred and fifty fami
lies. Its consumption in tho manufac
ture of luger beer is very large, and tho
entire beer iu tho country draws its sup
plies from Scituato beaches, as tho im
ltortation from Ireland has almost
ceased. It is generally known that tho
moss, as nn article of food, is called "sea
moss tanna. Kxchange.
tmdo havo something to do with it, no
doubt, but tho feeling of disquiet is in
anticipation ns well ns from present cir
cumstances. There is no unusual sur
plus there, but it is supposed that Amer
ica holds buck an unknown quantity of
wheat fiom the last harvest; that
this continent has an immense nre.t
sown to wheat and corn, nnd that
throughout the United States nnd Can-,
mla tho outlook for crops is tinoxum
nlcd. Iho aspect of farming operations
is not nearly so favorablo in Europo ns
with us. Tho area of nheabin England
is lessened and circumstances would fa
vor an advanco in prices only that
across tho water, in tho now hemis
phere, tho superabundant energies of ft
vigorous race aro developing now regions
nnd sowing millions of acres of virgin
soil to grain.
Wo havo dono our share nf boasting
from timo immemorial, nnd tho national
trait is proverbial, but never did wo
possess tho power and exercise tho influ
ence on tho world's commcrco thut wo
do to-dny. Our workshop? uro running
on full timu whilo tlioso of England aro
many of them closed, nnd busy hands of
Franco aro standing idle. In that re
spect wo surpass ourselves nnd outdo nil
that has been predicated upon tho past.
All of our products nro pushing their
way into European mid nil other mar
kets, and thcro i,ecum to bo no limit to
our power to interfere with tho business
relations of tho world.
It remains to bo seen if, having
spoiled tho wheat and corn markets of
Europo by our excessive production, wo
havo Huflicient left to reward our pro
ducers for tho labor expended mid tho
soil exhausted. So far, tho world lion
found uso for our brcadstuffs, and whilo
wo havo not always been enriched wo
havo not failed to live by production,
but it looks n littlo in if American com
petition might mako agriculture unro-
Wo certainly can compel tho laborora
in tho old world to reconstruct their in
dustries in it great degree. Wo havo
already unbalanced them to n fearful
extent, und it remains to bo seen if in
tho readjustment wo shall bo gainer to
tho extent wo hopo for. Demoraliza
tion of forces may result in disaster, for
commercial crises aro sure to follow dis
turbances of lixed methods. Year by
year wo bring into uso greater product
ive areas. Tho wheat fields of thn con
tinent movo west and seek to exhaust
now lands, leaving tho Eastern States
themselves somowhat in tho samo condi
tion, as to tho agricultural methods and
productions, ns tho costly farm lands of
England and Europe. Even tho amount
of grain shipped from our coast has bo
conio an important factor in tho world's
supply, and that will bo greatly aug.
mented when tho unused lands of Cali
fornia aro cultivated, und tho habitnblo
areas of tho Upper Columbia aro mado
available, as thoy aro fast bocoming.
Wo have a personal interest, second to
no other conntry, iu this intricato prob
lom of production. Bee.
Littlo Johnnio's Anocdotes.
San ruthctsio. Ai'tll 25. Abcut a vear room. Says 11: "How do you liko my Thero'must bo a nerve-secnter komn.
i ago Oeu. Dodgo called the atteution of tho I iwwshoest" A "Oh, they're immense! ' whore in tho nose.
Woodpeckers work as carpenteis, but
thoy wud mako more monoy if thoy
wud go in for colo minin, cos a man
wich had it colo mine went down in wcro
his men was to work and said if thoy
diddent work fasser ho was it goin to git
somo woodpeckers, wich wud dig out
moro colo in a hour than thoy did all
day. Then tho men hold n meeting,
and nil struck, for thoy thot, tho men
did, that woodpeckers wns somo now
fanglo mashine, nnd wen tho men baid
thoy was birds, und it was all a joke,
ono olo minor ho spoko up and said hedo
liko to krto wot birds was, but it other
fellor said ho now wot birds was woll
onttff, but hedo liko to bo toln what
jokes was.
Woodeckers hammers it treo full of
holes and gits worms out, but I spect
when ono is gittin 'om out n other is a
goin to tho holes ahed of him and
stickm 'em in, and now for tho story
wich I said 1 wud tell you.
Onco a man wich lived in tho woods
was cuttin down trees, and ho had so
many children that his wifo cudent
mind 'era all to home, so ho tuko tho
baby with him and laid it on a stump
Uflltln llA ihaJ.1 fPI. 1 i '.
-" uv. j.iiu oaoy was rod
heded, and tho woodpeckers there is red
licded, too, and ono was a settin on a
limb. Pretty soon tho baby begun to
cri, ami wen tho woodnrkir i. ;.
mouth oiieii nud heard it a. crino it thot
to lUcf oor thing, wero is your olo
birds, you mus bo otllo hungry, Uo seo if
I tu .lo anything for you ; and when
tho man conio up to tho baby to say
gitchy, gitchy, gitchy, ho seo tho wood-
nx-hiT urop it long red wurm in tho
babys mouth and fly back to tho limb.
I hen tho man pulled out tho werm nnd
looktat tho woodpecker and said my
good fellow, if you keep a bordin houso
here wot is your terms 1 Hut tho wood
pecker only srugged its shoulders liko a,
rrenenman, as it it said you ugly thee'f,
1 be co vo it it wascnt hatcht out yet you
wuld suck tho eg liko a cuckoo. Argo
from tho mountain streams last week raised
tho bpoVauo to such a height as to carry away
tho new dam nt tho falls, which lad but late
y been erected at a heavy expenso to the en.
turprumg portion of the citireru at that place
tbo damage is considerable, for besides car
rymg dowii a largo number of logs, Iho flour,
mg and saw mill must necessarily stand idle
until a new dam can bj built, which may not
bj until lato in the season.
SrniNd brought us a few balmy dnya
early in April, that Miovcd tho artful
rhymester to train his muso to indtto
verses in her honor, and threatened
many of us with fovcr attacks peculiar
to tho vernal season, bui they did not
last. Tho inspiration, or pcrspiratioa
was checked without ovil consoquonccB.
Tno budding vegetation slowly responds
to tho climatic influence and soon all
tho world will bo May. Twenty-sovon
years ngo, today, n blacksmith's shop
bioou on tho otherwise vacant southwest
corner of First und Morrison imnt
and old Vulcan's anvil jangout ft sturdy
aecompnniinent as ho gaily uang "All
tho World is May, Lovo " Tlio Siirinir
WW uim Rougsicrs mat jtavo followed
him havo uot always piped as loud, but
havo nover been moro in earnest. Sinco
then tho Spring times havo como and
gone, to seo tho stumps givo way and
tho aboriginal forest givo placo to ina
plo avenues und charming plats and
lawns. Tho aristocratic roso responds,
to culture, now, in sunny yards, where,
beneath tlio forest shadow, her mild and '
modest sister sinned thn ,!. -.i
blushed unseen of old. Homes oE
liAftntw IIiwihi. I 1 . 3
w...mV uiuujj ft lauuscapo wuero stood,
a solemn wood that could havo f umishod
spars for many a "tall admiral," and Q
stead thereof wero worked up into first
class saw logs. Each returning Sprints
timo has been tho harbinger of change
of progress, of growth, and tho Spring
times that aro to como and go will shiS
tho scenes and chantro tho nn...J
it i a O -- Mi4wviii:tJ
until tho great city of tho future wil
beckon tho commerce of nil l,n .... - j
claim friendly tributo from all tho casA
ward lands until towers and dotni
and roofs of palaces and temples AloJ
din.like shall tower to heaven to mot
tho Springtimes that havo gone befoX
The City of Dublin.
rri. r . i . .
niisn uarK. City of DublL'
which fnitmlnnr,.! .. . i
.w ....Wl.U OOU,0 Ume mnco n .j.
no mouth of tho Columbia, was recetV-
" "amnion a: nn... r m..
my, for 1,000, who has now a forco?
men engaged m efforts to raiso her. Sjo
is in good condition, and a , r.vL
sco tirui is under a contract of S30.COQ
will probably be worth SGO.000.