M&f33i2SSNMMMk4t:l wadiisiawisMM w 1 ? i y MARKET REPORTS, WIIXAMirnC I'AHMKIt okiici:, ) April SI, 1S79.) Lcyal tenders In t'orlltml, liu) Injr, WJ, Mid wiling at par. Hllrcr coin In Portlan I tho lnnl quote at iljwl per cent discount niOIIIU IM'OllllCI! ."tlarUot. Corrected wcckle by Uonntnik k Plliwcr, proprietor! ol thoflrcat Amcilrari Store, Hccnnil Street, bitaccn Morrlion and Yamhill, Portland. Tho folio IriK rcpronnt whnUsale rates from produ cr or flnthandi: r'MJL'll In Jovliln loti standard brand", to; lct country brand', ( I wl to WIIIIATrl.M, '1'ilet OATS-hlte, tOe'lSO V Imilicl. ONIONS-10c V IWATOKS Quotable at IJ0c V buih. (Joining In frccto. MIDUI.INOS Jolibln, far lecil, W)2V, line, f2i Q271 t ton. MIAN-JoMunir at It V ton. JlACOX-Sldcs, 9e i llam., llI2ci utioulicrs, 0to7 LAM-ln kein and tint, lOe. IIUTTKfl-Wo quota choice fresh roll at M to Me; tfootl pickled roll, lie; aolld In kcire, lie. CIIKKMK-Oreiron, 11813; California, 10c, OIIKEN mUlTS-Applei, If1 tIis P" ! WaTCo, DIIIKI) fltUITH-AppIss, tun dried, 4-SSe; machine dried, Tp6c, dull sale. Fmn, machine dried, 75e. rinma, tun dried, 1J11 KOOft-loc, irootl demand. roULTUY-Chlckens, jounir, IMS Mperdos: old, I4K4A, and aanUd. IIOflM- llrfwwd, Je; on foot 4e. IIF.rr-fJn weight Jj and 3 cl. for choice flltrr.r-IJtt wetffhl t and 3 ets. WOOI-Katcm Orciron, II15: Wlllametlo Valley, loVrflKe. Illlitti- 13e. TAI.UlW QuoUM at ft and l cU. IIAY-Tlmothy, baled, burlnic at 110 and 111 V ton, General Irtcrcliainllttc. t)orrled by Oomstork k I'fliuttr. lUUB-Chlna, No. I, uone I Chine, No, .', 0J cts., Jkpan, 7 rla; Pandalih Islands, 7c. TKAS- Japan, Stand 40c; lllatk, 01 and to; V. II., 85e, COPr'KB-Oda lllca, IS and 10cJ Jara, Sljill. HUIIAIIK -Mallet well supplied; Criuhod A, He: tlno f nnlied, l!ej Oil, lie! Kitra C, 10; tloldes V, OJc; Hand Ith Islands, 7 and 0 e. HYKUP Heal (10c. OAN4)I.IM-ltandl. HAININS Imported, 11 Wand W 10 a bo; (iilllor. nla, fl and gt. hOAI'H-lluod.Tteand I W. YKAST POWIlKII-lMuicll), 19 and JVl.Vlfiwn; I'roatoii A. Merrill 54c wr nM. 01 Mi Ordinary brands of il, SSi hlh grades, Downer ACo.,371 and Uci Rolled Uivcd. Wc; Haw Unare.1, l; Vun Urd, tl 54 and II 4U( Cutor, It M andtl 40; Tunfiitlne, (W and 03 cent Dry ooi!h VAc. Uurrvcteil by OmuUxk k I'dnjer. Iletall ami Jobblnir IUte. Ult, A., lo7c;Oilit W.,71 1 8e; Calif , t,l9c, (llnahxniJUfllletwblU Itork Miulln,(c!whltloiKU dale, iloS;iither l.rn.h of hlUiMulln,7Hl5e;re.l all wool U.nml, 3rtc; wtdU all wid llannel, 3nMXVt Canton niaiind, bleached and unbhw hnl, 0"MVj; fhcrlota, lor hlrlli, ltit(lr Table IJnen, 34i.i; Waleri.rwd, IknKki Crali lowelluj, 1MI&; Keiilticky Jeaiia , i37; red all wool IllanktU, iVjtH.U); white all wool lllankiK, Ml tVtton lUttlnK, V;(We tb; hlrtlnir Haiincl, Jiv4iV; l.liik and cidored ( WinieK; 4&ua.l.7&; Huttrr and Cliceee cloth, U7c, ! anilene Hacki, jJejCw.liiierntliilli,t!ajl.3i1Tltklnir, UJaiV, lenlinani llnrk, lUa'Juv; I'arniera' Ikmte, ri716.tx); ilo Mima, Mrm", ILWat i");doild llle', calf akin, ll.71a'i'n; iludo Chlldrem' hlwra.nll akin, tl.Ma l.t0jHota,1lkta,ll.MJ.WJOurall,Kk!l.aiJuinp. ert, IA;al.SJ; rUnnrl OirmhliU l.Ual7a; Mem' UndtrthliU andliraer,37Jca liDO; Oterwiala and L'l.lf m, I7.MI a taut, (lotliliiir, aulK, 7 W a 3.VU); Uaml mere PanUtawail.W Nan I'ranclxco itlarUcf. H I'xmmi, April Si. Wheat Offcrlnjre Unter; aller Renerally antloiii, huycrebldluwir; II a bii)r liulte.l In nerywa),ha a) m h th at II ttt; market didl, w llh d llnlnv ten ! ( lie) . Hour Market wiltaupplled; there It demand forlu leilorforalilpnienttutlhUia, the country and itroeer) denund It lluht. OiU-MIIIInc nomlivtl; M rryi"'' and muktt ll tiijl'llrd. Potttote (ViU (iioUbl at II for fair to choice, inaikctduU. CIiIciiro .Market. CllK'l, ApNlSt WheaV-ttlci'or bu Ud lor May dellrery. Ilcttrltohni'N Wheat Market. Iomh), April :1 HoUhk ravce, ipilet but aU.y; carvoee pu paa aage and fvr ihlpimnt, eery lllllo drmtiid, Mark Uue inlet. Quotation f . mrgoe, cfl coa.t, ) tt.e. damage fcr h Her e a.vount, liwa ueual t! a r cent, mm inlblmi; Mel., Hi or Mil, 4J; lied MnUr, 4MS I J; CalilomU, lU tt, ltandli. (Iuo.1 hlpiln tUllloniU on wuwac, per W1 , IfUetn.town lor ole1 Jutt thlppvd or to I prwuplly ahlpul, 4li; neatly due, 4I; arirt,'0 111 or Mil for ahlpment diirlnj( the prvnt month and following one, V 4S0 IK wi Amerl.ua tenut, 39i'Ja 0d. Oreifoii lor ehipment, 4ia 1V1, Uverl W heat, epot, iuiet, IJtcrHul fair to choice ehlppluji club vt nUl, Ot 3da3a W UerollalrlocholeehlpplnirCal r cental N lldttw. Uuipool Hid Am hprlmr ehlpplnir No 1 to No. per re 11 7i 7Ua Vd 1'aV to Kod ahlppia Ofimon, per cental, H 3diua hi; 1,-oo.t to iholc Jilpploi: Oregon, per cental, P Ulw7d Am. hUU rtour, ler bbl ld H, lltSd, l. Urerpool Am, iMin Htate flour r bbl W Iba, lit 14 Commercial. Tui'itslivv Miiunimi, April '.'I, 1 S7l. 'l'luru it actually notliinj; of i injur t. into trauiriiiK in tlio );r.tin iu.trl.vt. No ooU nro on tltu Krtli, no whu.tt u in aiRlit to lo bought or Iil, mul iiiilloni nro only imr i lioauni of MiitH loti to Ui'i'p tlu'lii aiipplli'il (nun il.iy to il.iy, literally iloinj; n li.iml-to-liioutli limine". l'iuroa irui.iui titliout cli.inc. 'l'liv Kiirupivtn m.uUct u ilull a ciu lie, ami ory likvty tlio aupply m Aiurru'an luiuli ami tin' iroapvi't uf a fjnat lurcat ami uuuaiul aurpliia mi tlaa coutimiit liai a groat tlr.il to ilo m ith tlio iU'iiri'4ion in liri.ulitnlls. Tlio ri'Hirta from rniKin iMiintrica it ratlicr liulit'Ativu of Jntor iroiw in f.irni nulioatioua can Ihi iimlcratooil, tint all orrtliii continent, from l.itcat aiviunita, tlicro it j;ihhI proeik.t of n gtMl yivM III tlio ciiiiiinj! lum-at. Wlan t ti is u nmlcratoiHl, tlicro la nothing inorti of iuiiorUnco to Ui iuiil. Wo mut await tlio coiniiiL-of liarvt-at to fonn any con- elusion iu to tlio prion of liiv.uUtulla in tlio futtirw m Th. Urlawold Oai Tlio iijiiK'it! caso of V. C. (irUwolil mj tltu Uiiitod Statoa w iIccjiKhI by Juilgo Swjcr this ftftemoott in tho U. K. Cir utt Court, whithvr it hati lxtn taken on n writ of error from tho District Court, This tlocisiou rovorbos that previously rciuicriMi hy Judo Doudy, mul jihuyd tho lilnintill' in his ordinal liositiou, iu whiclt ho is held iu $10,000 bail. A Homo in Salem For Salo. Any ticraoii mliiiig for a ko01 homo in Salem, at for inalanco somo family from tho country Misliinu to eilucato Urn cliildrrn, will lo well to look at tlio rcniilcnco lately occupied liy H. A. Chrku tilitor of tlio I'aii mi:ii, luhcrtiecil for Halo in tliln iinuo. It 11 n very cntnfortalilo liomc, rmo of tlio imut ilcairnlilo anil licaltliy locations in that licantiful city; tlio well h mink forty fcit In Injil-rock, ami furiiislicx pure anil ilclinoun water; the atahlc1! arc itelnio, there w nliiiliil.tiico of ehmi o fruit (tun in a on the place mul in nil a full m n of routnl. Ilcail the ailvcrtiie muit. Valuable Property For Salo. I oircr for r.ila my homo in Halcm, ouo uf tho most ilesirahlo locations in that citv. I very comfortable dwelling liouan with omo acre ot ground attachcu, vaiuatilo truit on tlio place, good stables, excellent well of living water, nunk deep in tho bed-rock. Prico $!,MU. Alao nixty-thrco acro4 ono iniljnndali.tif from town, ono-fourth in plum and iiruno orchard contains 3,000 trees in good cultiva tion, oiio-fourtli in wheat, ground nowly grubbed. This is n vntuablo property, with a well of living water on it, fenced in throo Melds) cabin and stable. From it t horo wi one of tho most lxiautiful views to bo found in Oregon, l'rico 90 on acre. Terms of payment con bo mado easy on both those pieces of property. Adtlrtss, S. A. Ci.AnKi, Farmer Offico, Portland, Or I). W. CiiAlit, Parmer Ofjice, Salem, W. S. FAILING, MccriwoaToiiinMr mariK, Wholcsalo and ltetall Doalor in POULTRY, GAME, Fish and Oysters ! And Dealer In all Varleth of Thoroughbred Fowls find Eggs I Tor llrccdlnir, llu for aale Kldier'a llreedlng and .Show ConM, leed IIoperi and Water r'oiinUIn, and will keep on linn. I all tho rejiiLllci of tho Poultry Yard, I am brcxllng tho 11 owlnj pure bred fowU, - Winn: f.Kiiimii.v, Iluow-y T.koiioiini, Daiik DllAIIMAS, Pl.YMDUTII UoCKH, AND HllO.NZK TUIIKKW. My lirrodlnit atork It well wiIwUkI and pure, and I ffuaranlve aaOjfactloit. Vfirt warranU-d pure and caro fully arkiKl, Ordera aollrltvl. Any cummunloaUon roUtlnir to the oultry IiuiIiimi villi be promptly an xcred. Stalls Hand 12 Central Market, Portlaifl, mir72m INTOIIPOKATKI) I80I. HOME MUTUAL INSURANCE 00,, ()!' C'AMFOltNIA. JPlr Only ! LOSSES PAID nnra'tLutlon $1,334,633.44 LOSSES Paid in Orcwn!" $162,363.29 Orogon Branch Ofllco, Goo. L. Story, Manager, Soutlicut corner first and Stark .Htu-cts, Opp. I.xld A. Tilton's Hank, apii if Xox-tlxiDl, Or. -: JjHTHEK JIYKKS, rWM SALEM, rifiCiM o xt m 3k-0 3JJ". in nnnmiim OX IMPROVED POULTRY! bend llirie-tent lUniii for Ihoorlptlre (krnilar and Prle- I.ll felOM 3ni HBARLN6 rP'SKT IcVcnIi anil Truu To .Mi mo ! We Milt aend the following aeedt ORtvtldJon re eclpt i4 price, Iteuilt ly I' O, money order or p-Uje Uiiipa. lleet, iwror. loo l"arnlp, per 04. . loo larrut, " I1V1 lUl.ll.h, ' . . 100 (Vhic, p-r i Oc Midnnaih, " . 10a Uttuee, " IN) Turnip, " IM tlnlon, " ISo Tomato, . in Alai In 10 rent packet, all varletlea of Vcirelahlei, lo er and Tree Sw.U (tend for ceneral Prlcv Utt, TlllW. A. tMX A, li.. apll Sni l 1,047 lloaard Mtreet, San Cnndaoo. WEWANT 1vu;v i'akukk is nuruos and washi.so- ton Torrltury U n4 nuiiu utj iot titlU at tlriM, anJ wtollt null tticnt frc our ew lUUvue furlriTvl. Tho mt tvntnlfUi tUlomt of Ante: ami tmprotr! Ariculturu luipUmvnU, Krm aiu, Mill Mathtnrt), rtcr iut In Orvirt, wllU yrU-v to suit uhMiimvL irnrr, niiuiiMb a iu., ttUlHi IVutUnl, Orison HORSE MARKET ao BOARDING STABLES Cor. Third nucl Ash Sts, WoetfnmiO M, N (VeWharf three likokt. (Vntral UMitlon In Ihe ill), U1U' lie, lanre and comiiwllout, ullh pliiitt of ll.'lil mid air l.aivc, roomy (Utile, nulet iielxhboiho.i.1, hanl and i;o.l ainntt, inaklns ft a ttnlreM U.-eor Uunlin road horxv, MhUh I make u pcvialty. PuitU-uUr atU'iilKiii uld U till) In and k lllnc hone for url Ice In and out if Ihoilty TurtlM llitiif at a dUuuivV, ho UI iwiid luo a inluuto ilc rlpll.m of aik h horwa at the) lue lot aali, and irho thu av, luvlil, kiUhl.ivkir, iiuptultloii, t)le, prhv, el... vhhh I will pott on a Imlkitlu tHianf at the UUe, and alo leeordln a lwk for the refereiuM of iartlet Uhink to pun Iuh-, ki that vihcn I And 11 purvhaaer I Mill niillly Ihe owner U attxk Itut l ilealrol, k-lilus ihiiii hncv, at leiut, to nnd purvhiwer, llionby eating luiuli lime and tipciuo, I Imunajean arnuineini'lit with 1' V IXutltinan, Mhohatanvprleiuof more than V0 core u u Vrt irinar) burtivu uidlacher 1 1 lloreuuiihli, and U author vt 'The tViiiimon ieiio bttteai ct flucalliic and mHtoriur llorx," ho ail) Iw In alU-iuLuu-e at all Uniee to look after ihe melfare ot intallda. AUi to ivrnxt or tradicaU nj lad or tlolout liatlt tliat aiiy IhiuI may lute contracted, euchaa pluntirv. kkkliiir, lolllnc nr running aay In hanieaa or tm kliif, ahy tnv, or not eUndin lo w mountel or hlUhed up Iu lur bom, ladliiu; ou krldle or haltere, eitbbinf, carrjlrur the lorurue out of the lueuUi.eto. He ill prc-ribe for harKa at a dlttanee, aendlnf ihe uedtctnia If de lnd. Mt ct. and chirilui; tl 00 for prtacitptlou with iHit the medicine. A litvral atiare of your patronage U rvepectfuJIy nolle- H. D. MONTGOMERY. Dirwt to ire of V, Y. C.WTl.tMAN, V. 8., febti Portland. THE AUSTRALIAN SCAB EXTERMINATOE ! A 1'oison for Kxtcrnal Uec, for Precntion and C'uro of tlio Scab, 1 liu (icncrnlllialtliand Condition of tho Miccp I'rninotcd liv its L M.-uula 'lircd ! WILLIAMS-f O. GILMAN & YOUNG. 42 First Stroot, Portland, Or., -A-CHEJISrTS For tlio Maiiufacturvm for Oregon and Wulr tnar7-!lin Ington. J. W. MEREDITH, Dental Itooms at tho old stand, aruswoLirs iiiaock, opp. tuk hank, SAIaliM, OREGON. fel-ly iirr.tnt,iHHKD in imj. WILLAjSOITTE NURSERY, 0. W. Walling & Son, Proprs. Oswego, Clackamas Co., Or. Repedal attention irlren to rtam, Prune and Cherry Tree. C'orrwDondenee olleltl. Ieblt-3m HO ! FOR RELIANCE ! THK CKLKBHATKD Black Norman Clydo STALLION "RELIANCE!" Formerly owned liy .loicph Ponrl, of Linn County, "ill inako tho coiiilnir season com. moneins iMnrch '-'1st niul '.H.M at LKUAXONt 'J Ith ami lUtli at JIALSKVt 20th nnd 'J'th nt tho farm of W. P. ANDKKSON, two miles cant 01 llolieits brnlgo, on tlio talfttmoia. Torms, $25.00 for tho Soason, Secured liy note ixnjaMe on or licforo .Scjit. 15 th, 1870, and $30 hy inaurauco, alio secured by noto payahlo on or before April 1st, 1SS0. All liuU'H will liu required nt time of service, nnd to bear interest nt tho rata of IS icrcciit. lr annum from tho timo tlioy becoino duo until paid. All marcs bred by Insuranco and afterwards traded, sold, or taken out of the vallcv. will lio conaidcrcil In foal, and tlio notes collectable, unless satisfactory proof m protiuccit tn.it sucji marosaro not In loal l'oatura'o will lo procured at rcasouablo rates. Wo will not lio rcsjioiisiblo for any accidents, but will tako rcawnablo cam of alt marcs left in our charge. All inquiri'd ml dressed to J. T. .Stewart will receive prompt attention. SOUTIIKKN & STKWAIIT, Proprietors. Li.nvNns, Or., March 7, 1S70. mar7-Cw GOOD CURE for HARD TIMES A PUNTATIIIX UK KilllV 1'UULIr'IUaBt Kt-LUMCst ItAHPBKKHllM. 100,000 PlaiiUfl'll MIK nl.o'JOO.OOO Cinderella will ContlneiiUl htrawlrrv 1'lante. Mil- other Plante. Trees, etc. Kvcnlhlne lien. Hotel and rare. Prlret low. Send for Dexnpriiellr ciiUrtnlimviV A. BltMNKTT.Anncrymcnand fruit (irawtrfi Woodbury, N J iiurijsm CUSTOM GRIST MILL! In Salom. Orogon. Tlie undenU'iieil ha e lea.e.1 and are now running the tlrbt Mill In the Agricultural WorKs IIiiIIiIIiik, Anil arc prrnred to onxjvjj anon tozjXi ! At rrotoiuhle radt. Will ulo lil'V Wilt: AT at tho market price. llt'L'KI.NIIIIAM k UMITII, HAlrg, Dr., I'eli. lilh, IS71 (eMI t( WESTERN FANN1NUMILLS Warohouso Soparators ! Folton Horso Pow0r3l I have iiunufMtiirvd and mild hiuidredt nf the Wet tern r'antilnir Mlllt, Ihat oro In itrneral mo mul slto (jon-l aatiihutloti, Prlif, JLM. Mill and Warchwiw Hennratori mvle t) order of any dMlrcd cxully. Cott, U(i to ao. I Ot't'KltTuU BALK, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, 20 PELT0N HORSE-POWERS liKh are knon to t the Beit Ever Used In Oregon-A Great Bargain THOS. HOLMAN, Elnloiu, OroROU, feM-Mlm HILWAUKIE NURSERY, Milwaukio. Orogon CflKUTANTM ON IIAMV M.L KINliS W Fruit Trees, SHRUBBERY, ORNAMENTAL TREES AND VINES. Only First-Class Goods Kopt, Allltliv SETH LUELLING & SON, Milwaukio, Oregon. )aiHI if J. H. THOMPSON, Importer and llrevd-r ct ouly the Bost Strains of THOROUGHBRED POULTRY Bark Drahmas, Black Cochins, And non-iottlDfr Black Hamburgt Al.o, MI.VBK MLV llltiaifT nnd bll.VKIt M'CK WIM1 (lAMK I1ASTAMS, all importeU b) u$lt. i:gc;s ai fowis i season. fomuiiiiNDiuNOK Miuomni. J. II. Thompson, Halsey, Linn Co., Or. fel U ti Xoating's Oough Lozenges. KEATING CtU'llll "u7.2iUrS. TtlE GREAT Hnti.ll liemedy, Tlieni U unquotlonably uoolh er remedy ao certain In lu tiTetU. ASTIIM, VSINTKKlMl'llll. blUi.NTIIITM. and UlbOlt lltlW OK the TIIKO AT alike yield to lu lufliKnce, The hUheet medUl teetlmoii) tUte no Utter cure lerlheee tximpkilnU exUta (now proicd byoierrulf a ix-nlur)'t eiperience.) They contain no opium, morphia, o, my W.nt dm.-. htaTIMI'S (.Willi LOUlNUl. pce panxl t TIIOM.es KK.TIM1, lndon. tiriuln. are 1J by all drui-yutt Areata for the IVillo iiait, JOIIS II. HKCUNUTON & UI., and W1A& LANOni A CO bVaii tYaacboo. fault Soj &z&S-' FOR SALE. 640 Acres of ON Till-. I'NU OK THE Mt. Jefferson Pass Hoad. Mltn i"n on in. .i M liaiiu, hi Marlon County, 'OOairn unilir f i -ll tinl ml, -ll itinl, sonic linproiitncnU, and a portion In cultiratloii Thin luid l sltiutetl on tho 11U0 ttt tlio I'M ails Mountain, nt Icatt hilf of It can lw choaply clcareil, ami l rltlieiit nf mountain soil. It 11 rn-liul hy n le el road from falcm, no hll!, nro hours' cwydrhe. It ie In tho raldit of n thickly ct tied country, wlthuood neighbors, and a more healthy realon oinnot Iw found, txhootliouse a few rodi tfoui the line. lUcelltnt for stock rn?o, and hundreih d acres of land that can lie cleared for wheat at a coot of y, an aero. ThU l a farorahlo opjiortiinlty for somo farmer dwlr on) of going Into tho stock hu.lnem extensively, or for a colony of throo or four f-unllles of Clernum. There are many Uerniam settled In the vicinity, and they ilka Part of the purchiM price, 13.00 an acre, can be paid for a term ol years In annual Instalments, at low rate of interest. CWI on or write to S. A. CLAIIKE, Parmer Offlce, No. t Waahlorton fit., Portland, Ortvon. Ol D. K CHAIO, Salem. si'jsTeijjTiiu.i.ii.naisrajasPrasj WBBkl.l. EVERYTHING rOBTfTJs k.' -' - ' " ' aeaea. I GARDEN : Deacrlpllre Catalo:ues-of 17 pares sent Fret ! PETE1 HENDERSON kCO. y 3J Cor t la run at,, fitte xortu Hi VaTIsssssCTSIsisMsssEsssI Dr. JAMES WITIIYCOMBE, VETERINARY SURGEON, WILL fltAUTICE IS PORTLAND HEREAFTER II ivlnir had an elenslro practice Ih Orcron for the liat eight Jeure, l n suttlcicnt jru-irantea of ability. I'l send prescriptions and Information for tho treat nient of any illmtno on receipt ot ono dollar. State th symptoms as near as powlble, als-j neir the ajjand eli(htof hOTM, OHlcoat lIIiAGK IIAYVK STAniiES, I'ORTIAKU, OUKOOV. feb7-linp 49ft B. F. SWICK, DENTAL ROOMS Ovor J3royman Bros. Storo. NONE UlT KINI.SHEO (IPERATIO.Va PERFORMED frblS tf NOW IS YOUR ", IME! EGGS FOR "HATCHING I Of the Pure Rroil Drown LiNthom t'oali. Tlieyaro well knoan for their superior laylm; qualltloe, and hardiness when younif. They are "nonettrs.H We warrant all i ircl sold hj us to le true to name. Orders promptly flllid. Price, S2.00 por Sotting of 13 Eggs. We will nd by etpreet to any address carefully uiihj on receint 01 imce. liens. l m ea inaloMnlionliand. Add real II. J. IIIIOOKM, II arch 18. li79 UiihalU SUtlon, Lewis Co., W T luarll-lm Salem .Flouring Mills. lllIttT FAMILY rLOUK, IIAUEII'H UXTKA, XXX. BUTBllrTNt: AND OIUIUM, MIDDLINOS, IIIUV, AND rJllOilTt Constantly on Ilund. XIIurliONt Frlau lit CASH Paid for Wheat AT Alt TUtfES. n. c. KiNNEy, Beptiatf Aaw 8. r. M . (s T. C.SMITH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....AND ... l'atton's Mlock, State street. Salem. Orejoa. PARTICULAR ATTENTION OIVHN TO l'RK. scriptlons, ami all orders by roatl orvzpreif flUvd promptly sod accurately rhrslclans and Counlrr Dealer will earn monee he ciamlnjuj: our stuck, or procurlui; our price, before purcnaamg ciaewuere. uovo-ir. English BERKSHIRE PIGS I ENTERED PIOs AT THE LAST STATE KAIR took rJaeeliitakee for bert litter, alaa for bent boar on the trround,, Ukln; elbteen prices on my entries U nsrs. 1 ran furnUh URIXDINtl SOWd. younz and ozod. to order. Also, ihoh yount UOAIUI, us well brvlas any- limiy ruu you ,vi ireaj JOHN WE8T, New Meat Market. NALKn, Or. jalntf OREGON STEAMSHIP 00. UEQULAIt LING Between 1 ortland and San Francisco. 'I illlUIiail TICKItTS Can bo pur ised at the principal citation, of the U. & V, II. !(., SI Xt .cUioocl Xlrttoss. tcsmcr b o both I'ortlind and San rrandtco aboat 3vory Pivo Dayo, carryini; sent;ers snd Freltht at tho LOWEST It AT1. it tho only line earr jW tb U. h. MAILS sud WEI i. FAltlSO A CO.'S Eil'ltEbS. Tho bli nehlps of tills Company are rated A 1, and aru uev .-.-ant. and couiulete tu tterr particular. aud conti of the S:ate of Oregon, iNeu- -i W) tons harden, Ceorge W Elder, iKOO tone Oity of Chester, (10 tons AjaX, ldtonj For freight or paiaane, apply at tao Comiaoy's ol dci', corur l' acd Front eUivle. lNiiiruao. ,.otf GEO, W WKIOLElt, Ant. RAILH0AD LANDS. LUicral Tormti! LOW THICKS! LONll T1MK! LOU INTKHBST Tie Orcgoa and t'allforila ami Orfgea lHirai Kauroia iopanrw . OFFEU their Lands for sale spoa tbe foHewing libe ral term.: One tenth of Ihe price In cash; lotareet on the balance at the rats of eeren per cent, one Tear after sale: and each following year one tenth of the principal and Interest on tbe balante at the rata of wren per cent per annum. Doth principal aad Inter isl payable In U. tl. Ourrsncy. A dlscoant of tan per cent, will b allowed fur cash VT Letters to be addressed to T. bCilULZB, Lao Agent O, C. H. K Portland. Orscoo. Farmers7 Mechanics Store Mnro tlio short time that no aro o tahliihcd. our huslnc. has to in trensed that we found It n iicccmII to hnto n Standing Ilujer In New York, and I nm happy to Inform tin Public that 1 havo succccikd In tn.i'i ItiKtlie necessary nrranircinents with my brother, Ir, Willi tin Prater, ot New York City, w hereby OUR STOCK OF GOODS ! Tor tho Voar 1379 WILL BE GREATER Than Ever Before I Thanking ths Farmers and MoJunles, Laborers and Trorklngmen, as welt as the public In general, for the Mboral liatronage of the put, I be; loare to assure all my cuitomers that ths reputation which the Farzners'and Mechanios' IIm acquired In the past will be carefully maintained In lbs future. Our OnoaPrloo Syatem will be strictly adhered to. All Ooods are plainly mirkiwl thu flI.T.tVn PnlrR. and aa law as Isrltlmata bnalnMa will iwivmle Customers will Always be oiaiion in uooas, And with facilities now obtained will be enabled to undersell any House In Oregon. Inviting- an Inspection, FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' STORE, apt im 183 First St., near Yamhill, Portland. Oregon. - CLOTHINOi MIY G0ODS! DltY GOODS! CLOTHING! CLOTHINO Clothing! lothing! lothing! lothing ! Dry Goods ! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! DRY GOODS! DKY GOODS! CLOTHING! -A.3NT3D iSozxcl for Ir - ioo P. SELLING, Car, j,'. . jaojfc -uj.-i. THE NEW Establishment Contonnial Block, Tho Middle Storo, Bot. Morrison if iTT IpwGREAT and Yamhill aEBJ j$pP and yamhiu Streots.. Streets. IMrOHTKIW, AND WIIOLKSALK AND HKTAII. DKAI.KUS IN General Merchandise, DRY & FANCY GOODS, SILKS, LATEST NOVELTIES CLOTHINGANDFDIINISHINGGOOO Boots and Shoos, Orocorios and Provisions. rtlerH From the Couutrr Solicited. All KludN ol Produce IIoitBlit nad Mold. " 00MST00K AND PFLTTGER, AGAIN IN MANUFALTUHKR SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, WHIPS, SADDLERY HARDWARE, ETC. XXO FHONT VC.r 2Ht Slcio, IOXI.TPXslTJX. Ajent lor OutU Peha and Itubber Manulacturln CJompanjr. "ull Aesortment ol Hre and oilier klnda.oi.IIoav on hand at Han rrandco price. A roo Awortment ol Concord Htaje llarneas. ftaw SUxks ' and Uuhea ol tbe beet cuallty on kand. AUo, a ireneral awortment ol Farm Harness, ol all kinds. N. 12 Re. "KISBER" AND "ROOKWOOD," Property of Bodmond & Smith, dl serre mires Ihe ensuing seawn ol I j73. conuntncfciY April lit and cndlnj JuIt lt, At thoir Stable in Portland, Near the OreOT Tranilex Companj's ftuble. TerniN, S"0, payable wlici .tlnre Is lu Foal. All Accidents oc 'iirrliirV to !Iarcs to bo at RISK ot their Otvncrs. KI8BER'S PEDIGBEE. IUTSlallion, stnpls tlitlatv; white near foot slilte hind Ugt; loalct May ti, 1373; V0' 1'? Rrsdik's llanitileunian. l.tdaHi jid I'aUloe, b Ul)'s Au-erkan tftar SJ dim l) Lonj iiUad lilwic llaak; Ilanible Ionian (It) d) k'sX by AbiUlUli, ion o( Maubrlno P.OOKWOOD'S PEDIGREE. IHrkbay; rihtfore loot and Mt hind (ootuhlto. Foaled Mai IT. H75. blred b Fleetirood, son ol Happe Mediuui, be lljrfeljk's llaaibletonian lt dam by Alexander AUUlUh: U dam by Uray Mewxivri Sd lUniby 1-irateWhlp, 4th dam by llarolltonlan (a runcUj liorw); Fleitnuud's dam bjr Near York lilaek Hawk; ll.n Mlliini ilini I'rin.1.' IirOorreiiundence sotuted and iirmptl,y an apll-Im iiirouir.t:, wholimau: AND IlLTAII. PE.M.ER IX SEEDS! 1S79. SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS - FLOWER SEEDS, FRUIT AND EVERGREEN TREES, ' PLANTS, ETC Alfalfa, Grasa and Clover Seeds, in Large Quantities, and oflered in Lots to Suit Purchasers. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEED WAREHOUSE. 315 f.ua-jm Gin tr TRT" " . . Wo arc determined to nCTor unusual Inducciuctibi, and to carry a lino of GOODS SUITABLE To Meet tho Hcmaiids of the POOREST S WEALTHIEST Wo shall carry a lino of the FINEST QUALITY Goods I Te be found In any store In the city At Moderate Prices ! I Givon the Advantage of Depre ! m - - DltY GOODS! IGKOCKKIICS! DKY GOODS! OnOOEIlIES! (IHOOHItlKSl Irooerios ! G: rooenot ! rooories ! rooories ! IGIIOCKIUKS! GKOCKUIESI DRY GOODS! DUY OOODS OIIOCKRIE3I t - XslsMt. or Onll on First and Yamhill Sts,, PORTLOD, Or. npii.im THE NEW Establishment On Socond 8troot, Tho Middlo Storo, trn mfItvm Bot. Morrison BUSINESS! AND IMPOltTEIt OK pairing I'rvuipujr aiwnucM u. iiiu pj. Trotting Stallions Orogon, on Sixth and I Streets, ered. Addren REDMOND & SMITH, Portland, Oregon. AND 317 WASHINGTON ST. - -sct -.k. . es.