Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 25, 1879, Image 7

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    DiodCSmldenly !
Mr.' Hugh Owens, ono of tlio oldest:
citizens -of Salem, n incrcliniit in south
Sftlcm and much respected, died Wcd
nosdny nfter a short illnoss. Ho was n
man oMtiml licart nnd oxccllont charac
ter, and will bo much missed from that
locality-by many warm friends.
Annual Commenoemcn'
Dr. Lindsloy, of Portland, will proaoli
tho Uacalaurcato sermon for tho nnnunl
commoncomont exorcises of tho Wil
lninotto University, on Sunday, Juno
8th. Hon. llufus Mallory will deliver
tho. ad dress to tho graduating class on
Thursday evening, Juno, 12th.
Land Xiaad
Mr. i J. M. Coulter, tho East Portland
cooper, J3 loosed ono hundred foot'
squaro of .land adjoining tho East Port
land depot for a term of ton years. In
.a, few daya .tho building now occupied hy
Jiiin i.afc.tho. ferry landing will bo removed
to his leased lot and business carried on
.as ofyoro only jOiFfpi'uch larger scale.
(The N. P. R. R.
By ulisimtclies received from Now
York it .is statod that tho subscription
.for bonds .and stock for tho Missouri
division of tho Northern Pacific llail
road, limited to two million dollars, has
nll'bcen-takon; nlso that General J. W.
flpraguo has lictm appointed General Su
perintendent of tho business west of tho
Rocky Mountains.
. 1 i
Road 'Work Within City Limits.
Tho icity of Salem is at outs with
Marion county concerning tho right to
colloct and. expend road (axes within tho
city. Jlorotoforo tho city and county
have united on tho uamo supervisor and
thus Imvo secured harmony, but tho
county oppoints its own supervisor this
year, untl.Uio city also appoints its own,
iind tho question of law is to bo tested.
An Jnnooent Indian
Tho condition of Okh-kho-not, tho In.
diau acquitted of tho murder of Hrown,
in not no forlorn as was as first supposed.
It appears Alio thrco witnesses two
bucks and ono squaw woro paid 31G2
each, and after .paying their necessary
oxnenses, will li'avo from SGO to $80
apicco romainuig. Ah tho woman Anna
was living with him provious to tho
trouble, and as tho two men aro friendly
toward him, it is not likely ho will bo
left to want
New Matte
Tito popular music dealers, D. W.
Prontico it Co., havo laid on our tablo
tho first number of their Monthly Mu
nical Journal, which contains ono dol
lars' worth of now vocal and instrument
al music and choico reading maker. Tho
nubscription prico is put down at tho
low prico of 75 cent or year, thus fur
nishing subscribers with $12 worth of
now music nnd musical news during tho
year for 75 cents, postago paid. Wo
hopo that this now onterpriso will re
ceive tho liberal patronago of all our
musical iooplo. Send iu your names,
together with tho subscription prico
(75c), to D. W. Prcntico fc Co,, publish
era, Portland, Oregon.
From Sltkn.
Tho stoamer California arrived lasi
night, at 7 o'clock, from Sitka, Alaska,
Sho inado tho trip in soven days, includ
ing anchorage ou tho way. Sho encoun
torod during the trip tho severest storm
her captain over experienced in tho
trade, and was compelled to anchor
several times. Tho Indians in the
country aro very quiet now and will
remain so as long as n man of war is in
port. Tho weather is very pleasant;
more ico formed in tho Columbia river
than at or around Sitka during tho
Winter. Tho California brought a
quantity of halibut, hido, household
gwds and machinury. Sho will sail
about tho 29th or 30th.
NaucUtr Okh-kho-not-
Tho Alaska Indian rccontly acquitted
of tho murder of Brown, who is stop,
ping at tho Thompson houso with his
tillicums, inado a raid on tho treasury
of his klootchraan Anna yesterday, ex
tracting therefrom sufficient whorewith
to go on a rip-roaring jamb. In
tho moleo which ensued the
whole party dmky participated, in
eluding, wo understand, somo palo faces,
and did not terminate till Okh-kho not
was adorned with the most improved
Htylo of mansard, no was arrested and
fiued $5 by Judgo Stearns to-day, and
aenu on his way rejoicing. Tho question
naturally arises, who furnished tho
whisky 1
Tha afldnUkt Auaula.
Night before last as a man was going
homo at about ten o'clock and when
near First and Yamhill, was felled to
tho ground by two heavy blow3 in tho
face. Ho remained in an unconscious
condition until iast midnight, when ho
revived and found his way home. Ilia
pockets had been rifiod and a few paltry
dollars taken. The assassins had hid
themselves in tho dark rocesses of tho
building and probably waited for tho
first ono to pass by. The object was
robbery, of course, but at tho cost of a
human Ufo if necessary to accomplish
the purpose There is to much of this
kind of work going on and tho only
way to drive those robbors and asuassins
from tho city Li to havo no mercy on
John B. Cough is sixty-two, and he
is still able to lecture like sixty-too.
Spring Fashion3,
Marabout feathers aro most used in
millinery this spring.
Tha turban is tho fashionable cap for
young ladies aud.young married women.
Tho panier Bcarf draperies of Paris
made dresses aro stiffened with crino
line. .Fichu collarottcs and jabot collar
ettes givo a drussy efi'ect to a plain
Caps uuulo of silk handkerchiefs, in
turban of Nonnnny form, aro much
Bandana anil gay plaid handkerchiofs
aro mado up into dresses for misses and
littlo. girls.
Shades of ydUow, irom palo straw or
corn, to doepitan and old gold, aro very
Tho marked .feature in now ovorskirts
aro tho shirred .fronts and bouf-frout
back drapecios.
Scarfs of Hue not, edjrod with Breton
.lace, aro as often worn for bonnet-strings
as for neckties.
llhiuo pebblo buttons look like dia
monds at night Tho price varies from
Hovcnty-flvo cents a dozen up.
French bunting, a fino light wool
goods, is tho material in uso for Spring
and Summer half-mourning costumes.
Very largo flowers aro used in mil
linery this spring, a single roso in many
cases fonniag tho crown of a bonnet
Datnosso bunting is a now material
designed to tako tho place of gronadino ;
it is much stronger and equally as cool
for summer.
Bonnet strings aro tied in a largo
looso bow under tho chin, not at tho
side, or they aro simply crossed in front,
tho onds forming a jabot
Neckties and fichus aro mado of
Breton laco in all shapes. A very
firctty fichu is of cream colored crepe
isso, embroidered with a garland of
flowers in pale, natural shados.
Fans are now made to correspond
with tho spring suits. Somo aro of
" Pokin satin " in all shades, trimmed
on tho upper bonier with a very narrow
galloon embroidered with different flow
ers. Tho panier bosquo is tho foundation
of tho many rumors abmit largo paniers
being again worn. It consists of a long
side form, plaitod and caught in tho
back drapory, to form tho small panier
on tho hips.
Slippers aro of glaco kid, embroidered
at tho end of tho foot with flowers of
every hue, and trimmed with a rosctto
mado of satin loops in all tho shades of
tho cmbroidciy. Black silk hoso aro
worn with theso slipicrs, which aro em
broidered on tho top of the foot and up
per part of tho leg with many colored
The Green-Eyed Monster.
Mr. Krocgcr was tranquilly eating his
breakfast a morning or so ago, whon his
boy broke tho silence by asking him for
fifty cents to go to tho minstrels with
that night Mr. Krocgcr promptly re
fused on tho ground of hard times.
Mr. Kroegor's boy is mora than a boy,
and when ho sets his heart on having
anything ho generally succeeds iu get
ting it; so, whon his father refused to
comply with his request, ho moved over
by his mothor, and said :
"I guess I'll tell ma what tho cook
Baid to you last night."
Mrs. Kroeger's eyes flashed like two
balls of fire.
"You'ro a nico man," sho said, sarcas
tically, "to como homo and pot me, and
kiss mo, and call mo your littlo dew
gemmed tulip, and then go and receive
tho caresses of tho cook. You miserable),
frog-oyed runt, for two pins I'd go over
there and rako tho eyes out of you !"
"I, ah P stammered tho lord of tho
manor, when his wifo broke in.
"Oh, yes, I'll ah you I" and turning
suddenly to tho boy, sho demanded an
explanation of tho wholo a II air.
"Will you givo mo fifty cents 1"
"Yes," sho responded, "what did sho
say to him 1"
"Givo mo tho fifty conta first I" said
young hopeful. "I'm opening tho year
on tho C. O. D. principle"
Ho soon had the money and rclfcvcd
his mother by telling her.
"Lost night tho cook camo up to pop,
and got pretty close to him and "
"0, you wretch," hissed Mrs. Krocgcr.
"And when sho got besido him sho
smiled vory sweetly, and said :
Tho boy moved cautiously toward tho
door, and his mother yelled :
"Come, out with It 1"
"And when tho cook got pretty close
to him, sho whispered :
'Mr. Kroeger the potatoes aro getting
pretty low, and you had better get an
other barrel in a day or two.' "
And then tho boy got outsido as fust
as possible, whilo his mother sank into a
chair. Mr. Krocgcr lifted tho morning
paper beforo his face to vail tho smile
which made it look liko a calcium light.
N. Y. Dispatch.
A blacksmith, in Burlington, Ver
mont, who must havo graduated from
Boston, has opened "a conservatory of
A Virginia colored man was indicted
for soiling liquor without license. When
ho saw tho jury before whom ho was to
bo tried, about equally divided between
whito and black, he exclaimed; "For
God's sake don't let them niggers tiy
mel" Efforts wcro mado to pacify him,
but ho insisted that "niggers would hang
a man just to see him kick."
Stato and Territorial.
Willatncito Vnllty.
Wheat is oO cents a bushel, sacked, and SO
cents uusneked, at Dayton,
Tho Town Talk says that diphtheria is
prevalent on Howell Prairie,
Freight between Portland and Dayton has
raised from SI GO to 82 per ton.
J. L. Collins, of Dallas, is offered tho re
cortlcrshiti of that thriving place.
Wednesday morning tho express train from
Alhany reached Balem without a passcngor.
Dr. Watts has removed from Lafayette to
Oregon City to tako charge of tho land ollicc.
Sheriff Dickey has collected all but about
810,000 of tho county taxes. This is a good
Tho Courier says Mr. Weiser's children,
who wcro ill of diphtheria at Lafayette, aro
Turner was Utoly enlivened by a stand up
encounter. Too much practical joking and
such noniensc.
Tho wolvos aro vory troublcsomo to tho
sheep owners In tho hills of Denton county,
tho Uazetto says.
Dr. Herbert McCornack, of MendicinoCity,
California, was married to Miss Nellio Condon
last Thursday morning.
Kugeno had a narrow escapo from a most
disastrous fire last week, lt.originatcd in tho
south end of tho browcry.
The Oswego Iron Works commenced opera
tions again on Tuesday after a suspension of
several mouths in repairing.
It is current that $30,000 is to bo raised to
build a steamboat to run between Dayton,
Yamhill county, and Portland.
K. C. Koyt, of l'crrydalo, contemplates
taking a trip Kast at an early day. Ho will
bo accompanied by a son and daughter.
Tho Albany Register tells of a fellow full
of whiskey and natural cusscdncss, who
knocked down a Chinaman and belabored
Tho Itcmizor sayst Dr. A. Hpraguo, for
several months a resident of Dallas, has con
cluded to locato iu l'crrydalo for tho practico
of his profession.
Key. Isaac Uelknap, from Nebraska, is vis
iting among his relatives in tbo "llelkuap
neighborhood," Hcnton county. Ho likes our
valley and intends to solid for his family and
scttlo among us.
A temporary raco course, two miles from
Lafayette ou tho Salem road, lias become tho
locality for Saturday gatherings and lively
races. Last Saturday thero wcro thrco races
and COO pcoplo attended,
Tho Fall sown grain looks very promising
in tho forks of tho Santiatu, and, if tlio. Spring
crops can bo counted upon as average, tho
pcoplo of that region will bo blessed with an
abundant harvest and "easy times" this Fall.
Tho Salem Statesman sayst J. C. Johnson, a
nciiliew of 11. A. Johnson, Ksq., arrived in
Salem on Saturday last, IS days from Chcm
ing county, Now York, says when ho loft
New York they had fino sleighing and ho was
surprised to find vegetation so far advanced
iu this country.
A man giving his namo as Win. H. Craw
ford, was arrested at Cottago Orovo on Tues
day of list week by Jcromo Knox and K. It.
liabcr, who is supposed to bo tho person that
robbed tho safe at the dopot at Kugeno a short
time since. Ho was bound over iu tho sum of
Mr. H. llocn, ono of tho old settlors of Hen
ton county whilo at work In his blacksmith
shop in ionroo last week, accidently stum
over a picco of iron; being lame, ho could not
help himself, and in falling, broko ono of his
thighs tho Corvallis Uazetto says. Ho Is do
ing well, and is iu a fair way of recovery.
A terrible combat occurred at Independence
between Professor Uarrigua and his advanco
agent, Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller drow tho first
blood from his antagonist's nose, but (iarri
gus got somo claret beforo the parties mutu
ally agreed to quit. Afterwords Miller tried
togointoOarrigus' castlo, which was noldy
defended by himself aud his beautiful daugh
ter Annie. Tho rcsutt was that tho foo was
gallantly repulsed and ho fell over Into tho
arms of tho town marshal,
Tho Democrat also says i Scio has a popu
lation of between 400 aud 600 (including both
aides of tho river "Jerusalem" aud "Jerico")
and contains 3 stores, 2 saloons, (both about
"frozo out"), a drug store, a livery stable,
millinery store, 2 tiushops, tho usual number
of blacksmith and shoemaker shops, and two
excellent hotels. Scio has II churches, a city
hall, a commodious school houso, a Urange, a
Chapter of 1 loyal Arch Masons, a Masouio
and Odd Follows Lodge, a Illuo Kibbon Club
and a Tcmpcranco Society of tho Ltgion of
From tho Democrat wo leant that Halsoy
is situated 13 miles south of Albany, on tho
O, k C. It. It., in ono of tho richest agricul
tural regions of Linn 'county, and, although
billy about eight years have elapsed aiuco it
was founded, it now contains a imputation of
something near 300, and is ono of tho neatest
cleanest and most orderly towns in Oregon.
Its business houses aro un to tho first order
of those iu country towns, and may bo classed
as follows! Thrco dry goods and pcncrnl
merchandise stores, owned by Messrs. Thomp
son & Sons, Koontz, Lamo k Co. aud Pearl,
Ulack, Porter tc Co.: 2 drug stores, 2 tin
shops, 1 shocshop and ono largo planing mill
aiid sash factory. A a proof of HaUoy'M
high moral stailning, thero is not a saloon
within its limits and never has been but one,
aud it closed by tho tragic death of Mr.
llayc and tho execution of the proprietor for
his murdor. There aro 0 large grain (ware
houses with tho aggregate storage capacity of
a!out 300,000 bushels, nearly all of which is
annually occupied by tho products of tho
thrifty fanners of tho surrounding country.
Tho railroad company claims that Halsoy is
the best shipping iwmt on the line, except
ing Alhany.
Moullieru Orison.
Lato freshets havo cleaned out tailings that
have accumulated for years.
The Sentinel says a vast number of quartz
ledges are being discovered in Jackson county.
Foot racing is all tho go in Jackson county,
and last, but not least, the fat men aro going
to go it.
Wool of the new clip was coining into
Jacksonville It will not bo so largo as last
A daughter of J, D, Caldwell, of Williams
Creek, was tin own from a honso and had a
fractured skull, Is doing well.
Tho Sentinel protests against the removal
of tho Klamath Indians as contemplated in
the bill introduced into tho U, S. Senate hy
William Slater, as inhuman, impolitic and a
violation of good faith.
An emigrant pre-empted a picco of land ou
AppU'gato on which a school house hail been
built, aod notified the directors to rv-movo it,
forbidding them to ojen school. A number
of persous attacked him wjthknivesaud clubs
ami ero arrested. No trial rcjiortod yet
limit of the Moliutnliii.
A telegraph line will soon be built from
Dayton, W. T. to ltoieburg.
I'alouse (tcojilo threaten the longevity of
bona thieve, of whom they havo tuO niauy.
Tho Paloiuu Gazette denies that theru was
great suffering there last wint r, both with
people and animals.
llr Heck, of Iowa, i visiting Palou) W
report to'a largo circle of friends at home'
Ho speaks well of his discoveries.
California Joe, In jail at Colrille, confirms
that tho evidence iiu gavo to convict Mr,
Vallin of burning Mr. Brace's hay stacks was
a lie.
Tho Lcwiston Teller is informed that a
new chief of tho Nez l'crco Indians has been
fleeted, by the name of Felix, and James
Lawyer steps down and out.
George Kline, who was arrostcd somo tituo
ago for shooting at Mr. Hcis at Lcwiston, was
indicted by tho grand jury, and, on arraign
ment plead guilty to tho indictment,
j. Mr. Olllcld, who has a land claim ou Suako
river, near Wa-wa-wa, has had his life throat
cned by a man named Trimble, but tho Jus
tioo refused to binl him to keep thu peace.
Tho Owyheo Avalanche tells of tho discov
ery and location of a coal miuo 12 miles from
there, on Siukcn Creek, wlrch has been tested
and is believed to bo valuable. Tho vein is
12 feet wide.
Last Thursday morning a mule pack train,
30 or 40 animals passed through Dayton, W.
T. going in tho direction of Lcwiston. Just
a fow years ago all the commcrco of tho coun
try was carried ou in this manner, and tho
only persons soon hero wcro miners going to
and from the mines.
A Mr. Overacro aud John McKinncy wcro
arrested and brought boforo Judgo Warner, at
Lowiston, on a cliargo of shooting at Mr,
Whitmoro and Mr. Spencer (with intent to
kill. Tho former was examined ou Wednes
day evening and held to bail In tho sum of
8300. Tho latter waived examination.
Tho Columbia Chroniclo sayst Major Vcd
dcr Informs us tho wiro for tho now telegraph
lino from this place to Lowiston has arrived,
and tho poles lor tho lino aro all cut; tho
hauling and delivery of tho poles will soon bo
completed. Tho Major estimates, if tho
weather is favorable, tho lino will bo in wcrk
ing order by tho first of Jnue.
A Fatal Fend In Wssoo County
On Monday evening, Wm. Wilcox, con
stable from tho ncighuorood of Pino Creek,
Wasco county, brought to Tho Dalles Harri
son Huntley on a cliargo of murdering his
brother, William, moro generally known as
"Hudd" Huntley. It appears that William,
in company with ono or two of his sisters, was
pasting Harrison's place on Friday last, nnd
tho girls stopped and went in tho house, whilo
William remained out in tho front yard. Pre
vious to this, however, thero had boon troublo
between tho brothers, and Harrison had for
bidden William to como Into tho houso. Har
rison seeing William in tho enclosure wcut
out and ordered him to leave; but refusing to
do so, ho picked up a spado that happened to
lo lying convenient and approached his
brother. As hu did so, ho says, his brother
acted as if ho was about to draw a pistol,
when ho stntck him, first on tho nrm and
then on tho sldo of tho head, Harrison was
arrested for murder, waived examination nnd
then taken to Tho Dalles to await tho action
of tho grand jury. Harrison says ho Is very
sorry for what ho has done, but thinks ho was
justified in doing as ho did. Tho parents of
theso boys aro vciy old, nnd wo nro told that
tho mother is about to die from tbo effects of
tho result of this sad affair, Mountaineer.
Tho Huntley family consists of Joseph
Huntley and wife, their two sons Harrison and
William, thrco daughters and tho family of
Harrison Huntley, tho eldest sou. Thoy
rosid iu Wasco county on tho John Day river.
Tbo Philosophy of Poultices.
Tho effect ut jioulticeH is probably
difforuut from that of blisters, although
ultimately productivcof similar relief; fur
if wo again tako the simple instance of an
intlamcu uanu in cousequenco ot a thorn
having run into it, wo find that wo can
reliovo tho pain in two ways, cither by
putting tho JmiHl into cold water or by
plunging tho finger into a warmth poul
tice. Both of theso measures, apparently
80 dissimilar, will produce a like rcsuft
iu regard to tho inllamed point; that is,
both will lessen tho pressure of blood in
tho vessels whero stasis has already
taken place. Tho cold, npplicd to tho
wholo of tho hand, will cause tho arteries
leading to tho finger to contract, and
will thus diminish tho supply of blood
to tho inflamed part, ami lessen tho pres
sure iu tho blocked capillaries. Tho
warm poultico will also lessen tho pres
sure, not by diminishing tho flow of
blood to tho part, but by dilating the
vessels around thu point of stasis, and
affording the blood a roady exit into thu
veins. In tho case of internal organs,
tho blister applied to t ho sk i u probablyacts
liko tho cold water applied to tho finger,
whilo tho warm poultice placed upon thu
surfaco of the thorax or uhdomen affects
tho dcopcrdying organs in thu same wny
us it does tho superficial ones, tho wurmtli
pcuotrating through thu thin thoracio or
abdominal puiietics. Ou this account,
wheu wo wish tu reliuvo pain iu tho
chest or belly, wo ought to make our
poultices iu a particular wuy, Tho
common practico of mixing tbo
liuseed-mcai with hot water, uiul apply
ing it directly to tho skin, h quito
wrong, because if wo do not wish to burn
tho patient, wo must wait until a great
portion of the heat has boon lost. Tho
proper method is to take a flannel bag
tho size of tho poultico required, to fill
this with thu linseed oulticoaH hot as it
can possibly le made, and to put lietween
this and tho skin a second piece of
flannel, so that thero shall bo at least
two thicknesses of flannel lietween tho
skin and tho poultice itself. AIjovu tho
poultico should be placed more flannel or
a pieco of cotton-wool to prevent it from
getting cold. By this method wo aro
able to apply the linseed boiling hot
without bunting tho patient, and tho
heat gradually dilliuing thiough tho
flannel affords a grateful houso of relief
which cannot 1 obtained by any other
ineaiiH. Them are fow ways iu which
such a marked relief is given to ulxlom
iii.il pain as by thu application of a poul
tice iu this iiuuui-r. 1'opulur Science
Lady Jane "Your great ancestor I
You como from a French stock, then 1"
Parvenu " Well, yer ladyship, you
ir.uy say that ; hu cume over with tho
Conqueror." Itdy Jano " What, in
tho costume of Louis Quatorzot" Par
venu " Eh 1 Well, no, Fact is our
pcoplo was always so perticler about
being in the fatduon, that thoy had him
painted fresh every time a now 'en
coiuo up '," Pencil.
Valuable Land for Balo.
Mr. Clarke, of tho Fahmkii, having ro
moved from Marion County, offers to sell fUO
acres of land situated at a point where tho
Miuto 1'ass I toad leaves tho valley, in tho
midst of a tlilckly-sottlcd and very healthy
region, most of tho land being .mder fence,
and nt least half of It can bo mado good wheat
land at a cost of four or fivo dollars an acre
for clearing. It is well coded and watered,
and is a region unexcelled for health. Tho
improvements aro of valuo to a new settler.
Prico So. 00 an acre. $2.00 an acre cau bo
left on annual payments for a term of years
at low interest. This is ono of tho best land
trades to bo made in the State. It is a favor
ite region for Hermans, and several (icrman
families could divide it among them. It
would mako an excellent rauch fur sheep and
Angora goato, with which it is now stocked.
Albany J. E. Hannon
Aumsvillo J, A, Langworthy
Alsca , Postmaster
Amity It. L. Simpson
Ilucna Vista D. M. Calbrcath
llothcl L. H. Frnzer
Hutto Creek J. L. (hilliford
Iiuttovillo J. W. Uatchcllcr
lirooks Wm. Harris
Hrownsvillo W. It. Kirk
Mcllevuo Jeff Davis
Cottago Orovo J. H. Shortridgo
Cornelius , , H, O. Drown
Canby Wm. Knight
Canyon City D. II. llinchart
Lovu jnlin . Clark
Corvallis U. Woodard
Cnrtwright... 0. E. llusscll
Crawfordsvillo ltobcrt fllasa
Chcsher Geo. Shuttz
Damascus K. Forbes
Dayton 12. C. Hadaway
Dexter J, H. Hunsakcr
Dallas J. V. Leo
Kola Thou, l'earco
Kllensburg M. Ililcy
Kugeno J, II, McCluug
Klkton A. H. Haines
Fox Valley A. I). Gardner
Forest Orovo W. L. Curtis
Goshen S. Handsakcr
nervals M. Mitchell
Goldcndalc, W. T Ames k. Wotmoro
Hcppncr C. M. Mallory
Harrisburg Hiram Smith
Hnlsev T. J. Black
Hillsboro W. D. l'ittcngcr
ltiiicueniicnco . i.. jiouinu
Jacksonville Max Muilcr
Jefferson J. W. Itowland
Junction Smith, ISrasfield & Co
King's Valley Conor & Crosno
Lincoln it. Alirnms
1cbanon It. M, 1'owera
tafayctto Dr. l'npplotou
Lowisvillo I. N. Vokes
Marion It. H. Ituthcrford
Mt. Pleasant F. S. Thayer
Mchama J. J. llfalr
Monroe W. F. llocn
Miller's Station II. Newman
Monmouth W. Watcrhouao
McMInnvillu A. Itcid
Needy Jacob D. Hitter
North Yamhill D. C. Stewart
Newbtirg Samuel Hobson
Newport M. Williams
Oakland J. II. Shupo
I'rinevillo 0. M. Princlo
Peoria. William Holder
Pilot llock K. (llliam
Powell's Valley UK. Williams
ocm . II. t. lrviuo
Sublimity John Downing
Sheridan II. II. Sorr.crvillo
Scattlo, W. T Julius Horton
The Dalles S. L. llrooks
Union .John Creighton
Upper Ochoco Jns. Hunsakcr
Vancouver, W. T S. W. Ilrown
West Chchalum J. M. Coulee
Wheatland A. D. Pettyjohn
Weston W. A. Whitman
Walla Walla J. F. Hrowcr
Waterloo S. D. Otgcr
WaiUhurg. W. T...... W. N. (smith
Yoncalla J. 11. Kllison
To ill who are fuffenng (rain Uis errors and Incllfcrc
Horn ot )OuUi, nervotM weakness, early ilecay, 1cm of
manhood, t., I vtlllxnit arcclpo Uutwlll cure you,
KltKKOrcilAllUi:. TtiU irriat rtmedy u ilUcov"
trwi uy anuuionary in noum armum. cnu a mh.
aililrnuw cnvdoiM to tho Itr.v. Joeiril T.Jukim, Sta
tion 1), Itlblo House, New York Lily, JinJlly
Dr. Mlntle'i Nephroticnm
Works woudors. In all cases of Dropsy,
llright'a Disease, Kidney, llladdcr and Urinary
Complaints, or Itctentlon of Urine, aro cured
by tho Nephretlcum, Femalo Weakness, Grav
el, Diabetes, pain in thu back, sldo and loin
aro cured when all other medicines have failed,
Sco.wh tho druggists of Portland and Sail
Francisco say about Dr. Mlntio's Nephretlcum
and English Dandelion Pillst
"We have sold a largo amount of Dr. Min
tio's medicine, the Knglish Dandelion l'ills)
also thu famed Nephreticum, and in all cases
highly recommended. John A. Childs, drug
gist, .Second struct, Portland, Oregon; 0, II.
Woodard & Co,, druggists, cor. First and
Alder, Portland, Oregon; Messrs. Ahrams ft
Carroll, druggists, Nos. .1 and .1 Front, Sail
Kranci.co, Wo regard Nephreticum as the
lMist Kidney and llladdcr remedy beforo the
public." All druggists ktep them.
For all derangements of tho Liver,
Uso Dr. Mintie's English Dandelion Pills.
For Ililiousnow and Dyspctuia,
Use Dr. Mintie's English Dandelion Pills.
For Fovcr and Ague,
Use Dr, Mintie's English Dandelion Pills.
Kvery family should not fail to keep the
Dandelion Pills on hand.
JOHN IV. filXUEIlT, H.4M:iI,
Hu tlirra lltUra of TtioroutrtilrnJ J:ak.Ure I'lt,
mil uii lurply thoie dMlroiu el Mcurlng- tho Ut
train of aUxk with M (holes anlnialu m tan 1 ltt4 Iu
tha 1,'lUUd KUU.1.
The Hoar Uuon llutwwtll, No. z,SS, l rocordc.l hy
the American litrkthlre Awodatlon In Vol. Ill tt the
Ainerlrui llerkahlre lltroril ufarrooul May HI, IMS,
brl by Uttr Jlroe., of heteuhainiitofi. Kuk1xi1. Jll
oeieol the L'rott ii I'rlnte family ol lieikahlrui. AU
Il' kiUitrto aol.1 by Mm hate Liun full latl.fattlon.
lor uuUcuUra and iirUe adJrua
ai.lMr J. W. M18KKT, laltm, OrtKOB.
I. 2 Xi
Look out fur thu I. X. L. Store
V.'hkh ! opening during thW'wonth wlUi a Ant-tlaM
Hats, Boots and Shoos,
Ladles' and Ucnis' Furnishing Goods.
Will I aol 1 ttvluilvtly (or tuh at th IJWr'.ST HAK
KltANCISCO KATKH, lnM.Ut Hoi King's Urtry
toll Iru
TRADE, 187J),
One or oun Finn now iikino in ban kuan.
clico, we are happy to Inform all our ciuterncra
that our (roods we now arrttlng on ctry steamer.
Having bought the sanioat unprtccdently fow fhrurca
on account of stagnation In builntss and hcary failures
there, e Ran git o our patrons the bcntflt thereof. Aa
we arc only bu Ing for caih In hand, we ran hold out
better Inducements than rnont any other house In the
country, as well aa In Portland. We aro already In re
ceipt of a large lot ot Domcillc and
Mens' and Boys' Clothing!
Hats, Cspb, Boots, Shoes,
Qrocorios, Crockery,
Carpets, Oil Cloth,
Window Shados, Pixturos,
Etc, Etc,
Alio which will be sold at extremely low rlw. No
so-called auli store excepted.
special" notice
To our fanner filendi ami patrons gcnerallyi Anyone
wlthlng to buy goods In uaiitiUc, wo will glre you all
Inducements to buy them right here, In plant of l"oit.
land. As the country la flooded with printed catalogue
gotten up by l'urtland lloumi, we will ghe)nu the ben
efit of their printing the lame. So bring them alone
and quoto Uielr price.
Tho faclllUea wo hats for cittlng gooiU from the Hut
and Han r'rancUco, we are enabled to hold out eren Ut
trr Inducements Uiiui thtrrln ottered, no matter what
Uier publish In their ao-catlcd rotaltigucs, and Itealdni,
will not glto you auction truth nor eucond handed
goods, but all reliable a uiual.
Wo Moan What Wo Say I
Como la and Iu ronrlnctd, and tata by It llallroad
h'teunboat and Hotel bllla at 1'nrtland.
apl Sin
Farmer, Attention !
Wultlmm and Elgin Watches,
(lrnutne Klgtn Movement, Chronometer luluwe, four
Jewclf.AlbaUCaee, tD.W).
Bams movement In two ounco Silver Cue, Sit. 00.
YValUiam Watthee at tho unio prices.
A largo ttrlety i4 all kinds of American Movements
constonUy on hand.
All watches warranted. Mo Agent for the oubbrall
ruirtVIN'. WATI'IIU. which nlvcd lint medal. In
all UKltions In the world,
Watch Repairing A Specialty.
All orders forwarded through Wells, r'argo & Co't
Kiprew 0, O. I).
Flxiclal Attention paid to ltclring tin WaUhc.
108 First St., - Portland.
apt. Im
Until ) on aco what has been ac.
compll.lied by Dr. fierce lata
Intention. grTMend for lojh.
let and llercu'stlvurUe Journal.
CO., 0 Bacramcntci M., Han Kranclacn. (Nit, marl Or
CA It! H. all Oiromof . or 15 -Mm. Hno HaWa. !)...-
Jiwau, N, V
a, vie,, wiui nainr, lur. aimiu UAMb Co.
- ... ..in. .... .-..:-.. .--
Stump Puller
In offering theao maenuita to tho farmer wo iio"so
wltlietery rontldciuii as to their sujierlority over any
oUier tuini puller Introduced on the Northwest Coast
and woidd refer to notice of work done, etc., an iIm
iUhul thla week in this and oUier puiwra. We alio
wlahtoiall attention tint wo supply only Wroiuibl
Iron KcrewawiUitaihriie, and are offering theao to,
thlnui at jirliM tliat are within the, readi ol all inter,
eatixl in clf-iriiig land.
Trlco lor Iroiu only according to strength anj alu..
fromllWloltfO. Wooding ftfestra II dixlrod. Kull
Information, pamphlet, containing t.llmoiilaU, etc.,
will b upplli.ijby application to ' '
ii .tJ. i i. c. .A"nU '"' Northweit tVa.t.
Omoe, IM (iolumbla lit., I'ortland. apt tt
I'uyiej CiihIi J'or
Hides, Furs. & Pelts.
-.o, , . . . ........
t.iiuiiiieroiai at., SAlil'.M.
1879. STALLIONS, 1879.
The well known half-breed ClylcwUle ,orw j t
hmiieror, theflrtlui,rtKlof thlrtnorie. breej it
Hteh horea Into Oregon in lnCU. Itomancn lutUii
tery aucuWul In the how ring, gaining at the (Yxintr
Kalrflrat prize as sucking colt for ilralt. Alto Or.t ai
juirllng and two-tear old, and along with Ida brother
Ailri'iiturvgaliiKlMnta Ut farm Uam at the Ub
Fair two ears In vucceiwion, whilo a tmin of auters
gained aeuwid prite In 177 all four by Kuij-foi,
Tlio proinWng three-year-old aired by AubK-rat anil
Ida Urgent colt late teen, I 111 uao, a ihorouglibritl
mare of Uieaanwatoekaiid color, dccn.l of Amir',
can Kcllw, lioTUd Iroui the, );t vjlwu two iiJf'
TheM stallione, bred by.auiltlM iTMairir of w
rioinere. (Joniella Kami. Va.Mn'i,.T, li?.7.?' "
uuy bo found during Um ittlii ,(, ,., UuHXHi
aniTuwUy at Mr, II. Ilultons. VorJ "2 W
iievlays and : Thursday al t Mr. fielfiW, IIIO.b.,ro.
rrldaye and baturdays at home. .-Teruu for uh
payable wheit'nwe4re'k'iiowri'to iVlii f al.
"'r"-,. W. OfrAtiMUHH.