Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 25, 1879, Image 5

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Loss of tlo Steamship Orcut
Republic ami Ten Lives.
Sbo Grounds on Snntl Island lit tlio
South. Ohnnnol of tho Columbia
Tucn'nml Stoninora to tho!Rescuo
Pnasoucorn Nnrrowl7 Eionxio with
tholr Lives Imincmo Loan of
Frolcht Portland Sufferers Destl
tnto PntRonuors Ju Astoria State
ment of Copt. Carroll. Kto.t Eto
Tho startling dispatches received
from u correspondent nt AHtoria whicli
appeared in tho Daily Hei:, fdating Unit
tho Great ltcpnblio had grounded on
Sand Island in tho south channel of tlto
Columbia and predicting that, if not
rescued that evening, would go to
pieces, has proven only too true, mid
another terrible) disaster involved thu
community in consternation and gloom.
It appear that on Saturday lust at 1:23
A. .M. the . vessel grounded i.ear tho
lower end of Sand Island wlitlo coming
in. Having passed through tho houtli
channel, and whilo on her course inside
of rough water, headed northwest, after
passing buoy No. 2, and corning to tho
end of tho course opposite tho foot of
Sand Island, sbo failed to mako tho ab
rupt turn necessary there, tho pilot be
ing unable in tho darkness to see tho
beacon by which the vessels are ordinar
ily guided. Copt. Carroll, the com
mander of tho vessel, Haiti to Pilot Doig,
who was directing her course nt tho
timo when tho turn should liavo been
made, "Wo aro at tho end of this
course." Doig responded, "no wo aro
not; alio wnnti one minuto more." That
minuto was fatal in loss than thiity
Kccondii her bown touched the Hands, and
as her engines wcro driving her ahead,
she ploughed deep into tho treuehcrouu
wheals. The darkness vas intciiMi and
tlin tide had been ebbing two hours.
After few ineffectual wtruggles to re
treat, tho vessel lay until morning. Sho
went on drawing dovontecn feet of wa
tm' and could bo approached by tugi at
low water near enough to gut out a line.
At 1 2 o'clock noon tho U. H. nteamer
Shubriek, Capt. Kurtz, arrived at Ah
tori.i from l'uitluml, mid immediately
hastened to tho scene of tho disaster.
On tho way down sho mot the tug (Jo
luinbin, having a lot of pa!ii,'ern of tho
Republic and Capt. I'lavol on board, and
Hpcahiug tho Shubriek tho Columbia re
quested that alio bring oil' as many pas
Ktngors an hIio could. Capt. Kurt, ap
proached as near tothoKtramlcdHlaiiner
as was considered Baft', lowered two Hfo
boats), manning ono of them with u crow
of volunteer under first odlcor Lcnnon,
ami tho other with a crow inado up of
volunteer and Hhipmcn under conmiand
of second ollicer 1). Davis. Tho boat
of thu Itepublio wuro also engaged
bringing oil passengers, some of whom
wcro brought tothoShubrick,Bomototho
Urcnhani, somo to tho Canby, othors
to tho Kip Van Winkle, and others to
tho Kntata, etc. It was very dtflicult
to recoivo passcugora on board, in con
BCipicnco of tho heavy swell of tho sea ;
but they all worked nobly. Tho volun
teers were Win. McCabo of JJrown it
"JlcCabe, Capt. J. Johnson, Albert John
son, Kugcno Divoort, A. Olson, Michael
Doylo, T. Driscoll, Harry Dickon, .Ino.
Nicols, lliehard Tymer and othciu
Capt. J. ltced was prosent and rendered
valuablo assistance, utpt, jvoiiz no
nerves many thanks for bis painstaking
cflbrt. Chief l'ngineor Frank Cookson,
Assistant Engineer W. D. Scott, and
every seaman on board tho Shubriek
proved themselves truo uionof tho right
metal. About 1,160 p.issongera men,
women and children woro on board
tho Croat ltepublic, of whom tho tug
and Btcamcru brought to Astoria fully
900. "
Thcro now remained on boaid about
350 passongera and all tho otliccrs and
crow. At 3:25 tho lost tug orrived at
Astoria bringing news that at 12 o'clock
tho lost boat left tlto nliip with 1st ollicer
Lcnnon, Mr. Davis, 2d ollicer, tho boat
swain, two sailors acd eight waiters,
ends, and tho ship began breaking.
At high tide, 1 1 o'clock, an effort was
mado to pull tho steamer oir with tho
tugs Urcnhani, Astoria and Columbia,
but failed of their purpose.
At 8 o'clock last evening Capt. Carroll
and Pilot, Doig arrived at Astoria on the
tug Canby. At tho saiuo timo tho Cali
fornia arrived from Portland.
Tho following list of persons known
to bo lost is furnished by tho pitrsci of
tho Great ltepublic, who has just arrived
on tlin California : Hugh Lonnon, 1st
ollicer, H. Davis, 2nd ollicer, J. Connor,
boatswain, William Johnson, cnipenter,
Peter Piogers, watchman, Tlios. AfoKvoy,
messman, Sam MaMurray, water, Frank
Connelly and Alex. Scott, firemen.
thirteen persona in nil, ten of whom,
Lennon, Davis tho boatswain and kovoii
nlliera wero drowned bv tho cansizins of
tho boat in tho surf. Thrco men clung
to tho Iwat and drifted ashore with it.
Savon horses reached tho island alive.
There wero 27 in all on board. Tho ship
was now going to pieces, and breaking
up very fast. Her mainmast fell during
tho night. Tho engines had broken
through tho bilgo and tho ship listed sea
ward, breakers wore washing completely
over her and bedding and furniture, etc.,
washing up with tho surf on tho beach.
At about 8 o'clock in tho morning, at
half tide, heavy swells from tho south
west commenced to corao in, and soon
lifted her stern, whicli still floated,
around to tho northwest, presenting a
broadsido to tho sea. Kich swell ca
reened her over and drove her higher on
tho sands. On the receding of each
swell tho weight of her iuimoiiso hull,
machinery and cargo, drove her deeper
into the sands. The Canby ran under
l... SMit. Imw of tho Renublic at 10:30,
and Capt. Grav of that tug iiuiiiimi of
Capt. Carroll whether ho needed aid.
Carroll answered, "Lay by till high tide
and send ths captain of the Urcnhani to
hip." This request was transmitted to
all the tugs in waiting, and obeyed.
At 9 o'clock a iouthwet gale set in,
rendering it impossible for tho tugs to
get lines aboard the stranded ve.v.td,
making furious thi Iwating waves, and
henling her doom. Tho breakers dash
ing over soon threw hr on her bwm
Statement of Copt. Carroll.
Capt. Carroll, of tho lost steamer has
made tho following statement : I gave
tho steamer over to Pilot Doig at tho
automatic buoy at 1 1 :30 Friday night.
It was clear starlight, not it ripplo on
the water, which was as iniootli on a
mill pond. We canio in over the bat
on a slow bell all tho way ; crossed tho
bar all right, reaching tho inaidu buoy
in safety. Tim first and third officers,
freight cleil: and myself wero on look
out. I had a pair of glasses and was
tho first to discover Sand Inland, mid
found bearings nil light. I reported
Sand Island to the pilot. Ho had not
seen if. Wo run along probably two
minutes mid then I told thu pilot that 1
thought wo wero getting too closo to tho
island, mid that ho had better haul her
up. llo replied "I think wo aro not in
far enough." A minuto after I told
him to "port your helm and put it hard
opoit, as I think you aro getting too
near tho island." llo mado no reply
but run along about five minutes. Then
ho put tho helm hard npoit. Tho vessel
swung up, heading toward Astoria, but
tho obb tido caught her on tho r.tar
board bow and, being so much nearer
tho island than he expected, set her on
tho unit, She went on mi lightly that
only a fow know it ; but as tho tido was
falling wo had no cnanco to git mo ves
sel oil' that night. Next tide on Satur
day morning was u Hinall ono and wo
wero btill unablo to get oil". Tho barom
eter was going down, indicating u nlorni.
.1 sent Mr. Peck, tho ii'ii-jer, in a small
boat to tho Canby for iit-sislanco and
boats to rcmovo the paseuger.i. Tho
tugs l.rciihnin and Canby arrived rind
sent small boats to tho stuamer immedi
ately for the transfer of p.uitciigoi-H,
whicli was done by menim of hniall
boats l'ho tug Columbia and tho Shu
briek hal by this timo arrived, each
taking a loud' of passongera. Tho llren
ham mado two trips. Tho entire crow
remained on board. 1 mado arrange
ments with Capt. Flavel to l.avo threu
tugs at tho steamer at high tide. In
tho meautimo I had tho crow emnloyoil
heaving coal overboard to lighten thu
steamer. At 8 o'clock last night a
southwest galo htartcd in, making a
heavy sea, which chopped to tho houth
east about inidnisht. At this timo tho
Kliip was lying easy, making no watet)
Hut a heavy sea prevented tho tugs from
rendering any assistance. Tho heavy
wind and soa drove her higher on tho
spit. Shortly after midnight tho hhip
began to work, breaking all tho bteani
pipes and disabling tho cnginrB. A few
passengers that remained by tlio shin
during tho night were landed nt 0 o'clock
this (Sunday) morning, and wero fol
lowed by tho ci ow. Tho idiip nt C
o'clock was breaking up, fo that it was
dangerous to remain longer aboard. 1 no
last boat left the ship at about 10:30,
mid in going ashore tho Peering oar
broke, tho boat, containing 11 men, cap
bized, mid all but three wero drowned.
About tho Minio timo a heavy sea
boarded tho ship and carried away tho
state rooms on tho i-tarboard side, gut
ted tho dining room, broko up tho floor
of tho social hall and carried away tho
piano. Afterward hoveral fccas boarded
hor forward and carried away tno
starboard forward, guard and officers'
room forward and steerage deck. Urn
saino seas carried a number of horses
overboard. I remained until 0 o'clock
this evening, when tho pilot and myself
lowered n life boat and canio ashore. He
fore leaving tho vessel 1 went into the
boys' room and found a waiter, worn out
and badly scared, and brought him with
us ashore. All valuables and tho ship's
papers are, I think, saved. I return to
tho island in tho morning and will en
deavor to savo all possible. I consider
tho causo of tho wreck an error 01 tno
pilot's judgment, and a miscalculation on
ids part as to tho distanco from tho
island. Tho ship is partially insured.
Captain Carroll is greatly fatigued, and
in giving tho above showed great sudor
ing from exposure. James McDovitt, n
sailor, Chief Engineer Hulton, tho crew,
tho steward and assistant leave for San
Francisco on tho Alteon in tho morning.
had been no other boat around, then I
should have gone back to bco what tlip
troublo was. From tho position tho
ltepublic occupied I thought sho might
bo outside of tho bar when I lust saw
her, and her steam wan down which be
spoke trouble. There was nothing said
about her when I left Astoria. Sho
stranded about 200 yards west of Sand
Tho Captain was inclined to bo reti
cent and declined to give an opinion ay
to where tho blame rested.
Snlcm Lomesi
So far as wo have been libit! to learn,
says tho Statesman, tho loisea sustained
by Salem business men by the loss of
tho steamar Great ltepublic, mini up as
follows : Wait ft JJrown, $700; Dr. J.
W. Weathcrford A Co., $700; 11. M.
Wade, $700; James ColToy, $332; J. U.
Farrar, $350; Martin & Allen, $70; Mc
Cullv & Gilbert, $10; I'. Obeiheiui, $33.
Stato and Territorial.
Caj.it. Connor's Statement.
Cant. Connor, commander of
steamship Oregon, was interviewed by a
Dei: reporter this morning who said: "I
brought my ship over tho bar in broad
daylight, by tho north channel, leaving
tho Great Republic outside, waiting for
high tide. Tho tido had been flowing
about an hour when I ttartcd over Iho
Republic was seen until dark I'riday
night. On Saturday morning when J
loft Astoria for Portland J Haw tho lte
public, but thought sho was still outside
tho bur. I wntchad her with my glass
until my ship was ten miles from Asto
ria. As tho republic did not move, I
thought that sho might bo grounded, but
I could not go back to assist her. I had
no right to go as there wero tugs that
could render assistance, when I could
not go any where near her. If there
Houllicrii Oregon.
Hoodlums at Itoscburg linvo uinllt-citail a
Tho slicriu" of Douglas county returns only
S'jail fit tlclluqtitMit taxes.
A mirrinso liotweon persons over SO years
old ia tr.lkud of at Looking (!!.is.
Many persons from lliitto county, Califor
nia aro t.ilklugof removing to Douglas county.
Tlio Western Star rays old Ucncral Lano
lias recovered bo m to nahi appear on tlio
Connor Walter, of booking (1Ias had his
collar bono fractured while playitii; "whip
Two litilu lioys out Inmtinj; bears, found,
near tlio mountains, in Douglas county, two
nccdlo carbines and CO cartridges.
Immigration is rapidly Mowing into South
ern Oregon, Kvcry train that comoi to ltoso
burtf brings cttlcr, visitors and prospectors.
Tlio mining season In Southern Oregon is
proving to bo favorable, and continue longer
than Mas expected, as tlio water supply Itolils
, Tlio Democratic Times says Clarrtt Crock
ett has been appointed receiver in cao of
tho (Jnyoto Creek Mining Cosipany vs
Vour srcliuns of agu bnuli laud, between
Sumner Lake and Cliuivaiican, I.iko comity,
liavo boon claimed in oiu body under tlio des
ert land net.
'J'liu ladivs of Hound Prairie tiou grain of
corn to o liorneluir and a crow wallows it
and then kill tlieiiiselvci trying to get thu
hair out ol their throat.
I!iiiuci4 of nil kinds on Coot Day, just
now, is much ilcprcsned, tlio mills only run
ning on iihort timo just enough to keep tlio
vrowi toetlicr lor lietter nines.
Tho llotuburtf Independent says Win. Ilia
l'Iiiii h:ul n clini'hodiluhtl uitli a brown bear,
amltliey rolled ami tumbled, lliggin got
away without ferinus damage and m did tlio
Win. Applcgato, nrrentod for larceny at
Aslitaud, lias escaped. Not being of cry
twiiiul mind tlio county haa escaped tho ex
H.tiK of a trial and ho was probably allowed
to get oil.
II. 1'. MeN'ovin, tho mining export, has
goiio to California, but will return Itcforo
long with his family. Hu will tlioiougldy
prospect bcvcral quaiU ledijes in this eection
in tlio interests ol capitalists from abroad.
Tho l'lalndealcr tells of a battlo nt ltoso
burg between a young married man and his
iiiotlicr.iii-law. Tho L'cntlcmau cot so mad
thatholinallvwhiiined tho old lady, poker
and nil, though sliu wielded it liko an expert.
Many cattle liavo died In Silver, Suinncr
and Abbott lako valleys, Tlio ucctiou. a cor
rcipondcnt'of tho l'lainilcalcr ay, has Lccomo
overstocked. A largo number of ihccp liavo
been wintered on t'uu deserts, as tho valloy
range wcro too small.
Tlto Democratic Times taysi Sinco tho
advent of Messrs. Chadwick aud McNcvin in
our midst tho quart, interests of this section
liavo nuuinvd on hnportauco they never before
Knitted. I .edge that liavo been abandoned
loryeais nio king ro-located,
Tho directors of tho Umixptaaud Coos Day
I tail road nnd Telegraph Company met mi
Wcdwxhlay last, nnd elected tlto following
gentlemen as otliecrsi 11. Hermann, Presi
dents S. S. Maun, Vico Presidents T. It.
.Sheridan. Treasurer; It. Kcwcomb, rocrctarys
(I. W. Webster. Af3ilant "Secretary! L. !'.
bano liuil 1j. V. Mother, Attorneys.
Tho Coos Day News says whilo a certain ox
odicial was having a sail on tho bay with n
female for company, another woman, revolver
in hand, stood on tho shore and claimed nn
intercut in tho gallant eailor. She ullcred
Sim tulKitakiiii nut. ami a callaut tar tool;
up tho oiler, and wai about to overlaid tho
other boat, but was atraid tho woman would
iiso tho revolver and didn't cIojo.
W'illmiif tl Ynllry.
Yamhill has 87,000 Stato and county taxes
Four more Tcnncsiceans liavo arrived at
Kugono City has a firo fund of SS00, and It
is proposed to pay tho city ikbt with it.
Tho Nucleus says Harrisburg is solid for
Foulwcathcr as the sito for tho harbor of re
fuge, Tuentv.iiino iicrnous liavo joined tho Chris
tian Church nt Kugcno iliirin tho last few
Tho Itcportcr says thrio succcsslvo frosts
have imperiled tho fruit crop of Yamhill
McCoy in to Ihi tho namu of tho new rail
road town in Polk county, between llethel
and Pcrrydale.
MUilMlnnia Hoult, daughter of K. Hoult,
of Harrisburg, camo near dying from the ef
fect of poison oak.
Tlto citiieits of Amity ma, and resolved in
favor of Capo 1'oulttcathcr as tho jier ioint
for tho harbor of refuge.
II. II. Morgan, sheriirof Washington coun
ty, has resigned, and ; James It. Mathowii of
Forest drove, has Ucn appointed to (ill tho
Col. 1. P.. Muorei.. of tbi city, will bo
tho (iraitd Marshal nt tho ilodiiation cer
emonies of tho new Odd Fellows' Temple,
Albany, May JSd.
Kox Valley subscribed over nine hundred
dollars of tho capital stock .of tho "Miuto
Pass" road. Meluinaand Stay ton subsenbed
aljout three hundred.
Tho Statcsmp.a says tho Salem 1'.' O. is now
fully tured over to (-'apt. 1.. H. Scott, tho
miivnatlon of A. M Thatcher Im taken due
effect. .Samuel Church and Miss Thatcher
will remain in their jwsitions as clerk.
The Marion and Wasco county waggu load
company has organised at Salin, capital
atocfc, M.WW. "f which half has leu sub
scribed. Hid. will I advertised to o;wn a
trail through thu Miuto Pas to l'riiuiville.
and tho company intend to have the read
ready fortcama to pas by Spt. 1st.
Mr. Orciilt's engine for the Knapptoii
packet was on board tho ltepublic. The
boiler, etc., is on the Mclaiicthon.
Tho Astoiiau rcjHirts that considerable
baggage is King found alloat, supposed to
bjlong to passengers on tho ltepublic.
Wo had como to the rouehisioii that n life
saving station was a big thing. It may bo, to
look at, but thu etntion at Fmt Canby is use
less, and might as well bo abolished at once,
unless it can lie brought to a greater atato of
pcifcction than it is now, being littto better
than n f.irec.
11'lM ol flic Mountain.
Kleven thousand head of cattle will be
driven Kat from the Malheur country this
It cost Chris Kntiis SI J oO for driving
faster thnu a walk across a bridge at Walla
Tho Dayton (W. I'.) woolen mills propose
to increase their capital stock nxd duiihlo their
Tho editor of tlto Watchman confesses to
an unpleasantness with O. P. llownul, but
Bayshe "staid with hint.''
Sa-lus-kiu, tho Indian who confesses to
liavo been i-ngagcd in tho Perkins murder,
has ngain been arrested and taken to Yakima.
County Treasurer of Umatilla, has paid over
to the Stato taxes amounting to $11, '.'DO, and
there now remains no delinquent tax duo tlio
ntaio ironi umaiuia county.
Tho Watchman says indications for crops
are good and a golden' harvest almost certain
in tho upper country. It advises farmers
theieapouts to sow allalfa for hay.
Tho Walla Walla Watchman says Spokano
Carry, tho old chief, is a great mitchicf
maker and bears false talcs to tljo whites to
foment troublo with tho Indians, lloougnl
to bo sent to Washington.
Tho nuw steamer constructed at Cclilo for
tho O. 8. N. Co.. aud recently launched, baa
been named tho D, S. ltaker, after Dr. llaker
of this city. She Is a mate to tho Aimlo
Faxon, though drawing less water.
Dr. (I. M. .Stcrnborc. Surgeon U. i. A., ato
Walla Walla, received last week a telegram
from Washington asking if hu would accept
a detail to proceed to Havana, Cuba, and lit'
vestigato tlto Yellow Fever. After soiuo de
liberation ho telegraphed his acceptance.
Tho Statesman iayst There is no prettier
country than tho Walla Walla valloy on tho
Paeilic slope; tho hills nnd valleys are now
clad in tho deepest verdures (lowers nre nit
blooming in tho gardens, and tho orchards
look liko so many lingo boipicts,
Tho Walla Walla Union rays t Tho subject
of n herd or no fencu law is being pretty
generally discussed by our farming commu
nity, 'the almost uiiivurial expression seems
to Ihi in favor of tlin proposed law. (lentle
men who n fow years ago wcro earnest in their
opposition to it are now just (u carncut in itx
A t-iirrcaionduiit of tho Wnlln VA'nlln
Statemnn writes from Colvilloi Tho Deputy
Mierill', Wm, lir.uiger, and ono Mr. Johnson
from Okaitagau, have jut arrived, having in
cltargo Wy.eimc-cott. This Indian was thu
principal uiatigntor In tlio Perkins minder,
llo liHikn everv inch what hu is, a downright
Bcouudtvl. Mr. Thorp, from Yakima, mado
tho nmi'. of inoothor Indians who wero
with Wyeiiue-cott, They liavo been taken
liclow. Ten ns-kitt. chief of tho Okauacaui,
assisted tho uherilV in making tho arrest of
YYy-cimo.cott. it was inauo at. nigiit. it
anneals that a baud of seven were camped
about .Iftccn miles from Smith's place. A
family cptarrcl arose among them, mid whilo
this atato of feeling existed ono uf tho parties
lolil tno location ami charnntcr ol tno camp.
It was tho custom of Wy-eimo-cott to lay out
in thu mountains during tho day and como
down to tho camp at night, 'litis fellow com
pleted tho baud of levcn engaged in tho
Perkins murder who are all now in tlio hands
of tho civil authorities,
1'nKrt HoiiiiiI.
There are now 81 patients hi tho f.uuatio
Asylum at Htcilacoom.
'l'ho bark lleelio Is to load with long mid
aipiare timber for Now Zealand.
Tho Piicet Sound Courier says Judge Ja
coba, ox.ilelcgatc, has returned from SVnsh
Ono of tho Kymoii boys on Lincoln Creek,
lost his buiisoaud all its contents by lire ono
day last week. Tho hotiso waswcll furnished
nnd tho loss ipilto sovcrc. Tho lire originat
ed Irem a atovo pipe,
Tho Transcript says, owing to tlto depres
sion of the oyster trndo at hhoalwatcr bay,
and letter facility for shipping from Olympia,
Sound oystcrman are removing from tho for
mer placo to tho I-tter.
Tho Olympia Courier aaysi Heps will bo
tho rrop lor Whitu river farmers this year,
while tho blooming liotato, alt in a row, will
engage the attention of most of tho Sound
fanners. Potatoes, salt nttd clams will bo
chenpnext Winter, so let that immenso immi
gration como as soon as it pleases.
Some despicablu thief has been breaking in
to tho cabins on tho hill, n fow miles north of
Pendleton, and stealing various little articles.
Wo hope ho will bo caught and puiiishu.'..
An effort is being mailu to get Thomas, ol ,
Umatilla county, who is bound over to op-
war before U. H. District Couit, on n chargo
of shooting at Indians, released on a writ of
liaucos corpus,
Taito in Ornamental Trco Planting.
Mr, Samuel Parsons makes thu following
suggestions in a paper on "Lawn-planting for
Small Places" in Hcribitcr for March i "As a
rulo, also, never plant a largo, dark nvergrecn
in front of, and very near, a brilliant light
colored, deciduous tiec, for thus planted it
will dwarf and weaken thu latter. On some
lawns, however, a few massive dark evergreens
may be used with effect in tho extreme, and,
if jiossiblc, northwest corner of tho lot. They
will give character to tho place, and heighten
tho effect of tho deciduous tries, A very
striking contrast way bo obtained by inter
spersing a few whitu birches among, and in
front of, these evergreens, They will serve
in this cass to hriiditcn the picture both
winter tt'id summer though usually wo pre
fer not to mix evergreens and deciduous
trees. This hsriionious and contrasting dis
position of color requires careful study, uen
perhaps a natural gift. For instance, it is
bettor to introduce gay, bright colors in well
judged proportions. A fow bright llowois of
dovp red, blue or yellow, will have a better
e'.lcct disponed lire and there about the
lawns than in eir gnat maw.. Introduce
them, i') that by mums ef their ilirT.rcnt
ii.ituris there will I in slwava during the sea
son n fow gty points in tho picture. '
Tiomk of i.ur iua.lii! ul.o aro intending W
gc. n.--v und substantial l.arnesi, suldles
t: , uotild.li Mill to call on J. II. Cuiigle,
Portland, Oregon, and ot n complete outfit.
Wsmott heartily endorso Mr. Couglo and r
commend him to all,
ltaviiwOM '. lion is us kavotoeured Mr. A.
II. Wiilssu to taku chargo of their operating
looms. His known ability as a photographer
U a jwlUeicsit gtiaranteu that their work will
not fail to p!uc.
Stallion Shows in Spring.
The awarding of a prize for "tlto best stall
ion" in any given class at a county fair held
in tho autumn docs good undoubtedly. It
furnishes horse breeders with an opportunity
of seeing good liorset, If tho prizo is for tho
stallion and a showing of his colts, it gives nn
opportunity for aecing thoso whicli have
proved their excellence as sires. Hut thcro is
no certainty that any direct future good will
como from such a pri?c, beyond its atimulat
ing elTeet. Often the winner is not owned In
the country, or, if ho be, hu ia often Fold or
removed for tlto next season.
Would not awarding prizes to the best
stallion to mako tho next season in the county
do much mora good! Our circumstances aro
so different, wo cannot well adopt tho plait
which has proved so successful in Scotland
of having representatives of various societies
annually como to a great national stallion
show and pay handsome premiums to secure
tho standing of their choico of stallions in
their district.', with a lived service fee, but
there is nothing to prevent a more general
holding of spring snows of stallions, thus
giving breeders an opportunity for comparison
and selection! and tho nlan of oflcriiiir prizes.
with condition of tlio season lieiiiu tnailo lit
tho county, would bo an advisable step. As
tho taking of tho would piso give soma reputa
tion and help in receiving a good patronage, it
might bo well to iucliidu in tho condition a
moderate sum as thu maximum fco for service.
- National Mvc-Stock Journal, Chicago.
Dr. fthnMo Arrived.
Dr. A. I'.. Mintic, of San Francisco, who
has becotuu famous all over tbu Pacific
Coast, for tlio wonderful cures hq has mado
in such diseases as nervous deututy,
liuusted vitality, nominal wenkness, upcrma
torrha-a. paralysis, loss of memory, dobllltnt
inu dreams, mid nil nervous troubles brought
on bv youthful Indiscretion or excesses In
maimer years, together with kidney nud
bladder complaints, arrived on tlio Oregon
Saturday. Dr. Jllntlo will remain In l'ort-
land only thrcoorfourdnyslongernndfortho
convenience of IIiomi who wish to consult him
personally, ho has taken parlors Nos, 1 and
'2 ProgrcMi club rooms, corner Front nud Al
der streets, where ho enn lu Keen dully bo-
twecn tlto hours of 10 A. 31. ami 1 r. M.
Ml persons stiflerlnu' from any of the above
troubles aro cordi illy Invited to cull. Co -sultntlou
free. Thorough cxamtnt'i n mid
ntlvlcc, including nuiilis of urine, f . To
thosu who know Dr. Mltitio nud his ousel-
enlloiH cotirKoiu tru'tting diseases, it ts need
less tn say all get i ur dealing. .v iniso
lights are held nut. No iputck stratagem is
resorted to. Common kciihc, medical skill
and experience lias no need of such clap
trap. Dr. MIiiIIj in n graduate ol tlin Uni
versity uf I'enn.. has largo Hospital expert
i'iii-o and Is thoronghly up in bis liuniuess.
Parlors Nos. 1 nud t! Progress club rootui,
conur Front and Alder streets.
Choico Plnco Wear Salem For Sale.
S, A. Clail-.e, udituroi tho F.tiiMt.11, olb-is
for sale a pl.vu in tho hills, erlookilig the
river, ono milo and n half south of Salem,
containing aixly-thivu acres of l.iiul. On it is
an orvhatd of tl.OOO plum and pruno litis
that liavo had several years cultivation.
Fifteen acres in wheat, on fun! liowly cleared.
An unfailing well on tho placet and fenced
in thruo holds. Thu orchaid will noon yield
a haiidsnmu rcvi'iiue, being of thu choicest
varieties of fruit for drying and canning.
Thu soil is best hill laud, nud tho placo com.
mauds uuu of tJio most beautiful views po.niblo.
To any pcr.on desiring a pleasant location
near town this placo would prove very
! Fancy, an! staplelooilsli
- AT -
.lu.t nnUil from San l'rniivico, anil si-te. IcJ w Ith a
dill ajiprucl Ulon of tlio usnU clour tuitoincrs, at
Brest rvtluclloiis from former price, wo nro rnalilcil to
-be nor I'li.tompM llio lwncflt of llio atiH,( mul OUAlt-ANTI-.i:
ut'AI.ITV UK (lOOP.S nnU 8TVI.B Ol"
WollliMANSIUI' unerallrit liy any In tlio State.
Call anil sec.
Noxt Door to Broyman Bros.
0 liS.lm
Music we!
108 Pirfit St., Portland, Or.
All instruments sold on the installment
an. nro at our regular CASH I'ltlCI'.H. Ow
iattos and Organs aro front tho best makers,
our prices and terms nre tho rosiest of any
hoitso on thu North P.icilio Coast. Wo fully
guarantee uvery instrument wo sell, and each
Piano and Organ is also accompanied with ft
guarantee from tho manufacturer. " '
Installment terinsi fJTiO, 8100, or more, cas.li,
bal.tuco, 815 or ?i0 per inontli.
m mSad
Inslallmciit terms ?,-,", '.0, or mile
lialaiii-c 8l"i or a-0 i" month,
lintalhii-nt t--nn f'l"". ?ii, or more
Imlnliro. (JIO ol 1 pi- inontli
I'.vmiV reader of this paiier can have run:
ono month's subscription to our illustrated
Magazinu of choico litumturo bKISUKK
IIOUK.S, by sending eleven cents to pay for
mailing thu premium that goei with tho mag.
nrine, viz., n pairof Master Cross Chroinoi.
These crosses aro entwined with calla lilies,
ferns, grasses, etc. Wo shall feel fully re
paid for this gift if thu articles are shown to
your friends. Catalogue of 1,000 desirable
and curious articles sent to nil; lo and '.'o
tamps taken. Address J. I.. PATTr.N ft
Co., 47 Harelay St., Now Vork.
npl l-eow It
Notico to Parmora and
Stook Raisors.
7-ii,i. i:i: Koi.il Am:u may t i
V T Ik's1' "' sIiim.')) uisl "i'M lamln llonsln to tlio
ittAtool J. W. Mlllir, iIoomk.1. Ali it) nirci ol
laml liiiluillns ten n its ol e"l s.-inlen will. Fur
uirtkulsn siMutl JOANNA Mll.l.l'.ll,
upriliul jl'mi'I, Jo.JiInu !., !;".
MUPIl INK.i'Urrs Pairs
In Ui Itaik, Klilo i r
I oui. Mul nlili'w ol
tin Itl'lney., Illwl li r
unit l."rlni.rv (Inmlil.
1) Pruiy, irel, llulw
' f.M llrlvlit'd lltkPIIMi f.f
tho hi'lmjii, Itetrntloii
or I itcoutl nenro of Prim.
N'snnus lllteAMs, KtiniJo UrakiiiM HnU mtn
HUNTS 1II:MI;IV i iimarcl KM'IIIHI.V for llm
itUedSIM, ... ......
rsowcSHtr, n l . J urn) iu, mis.
WM. 1". (riASSR. Vtu hlri A liwinbcr of my Ismlly
liailutxiitroiilikulurii'versl irs with KiJnsy JJU
mo, anil livl Irled nuineroiw rtmodltvi ultliQiit reiki;
tUouwd HUNTS IlKMKIlV and UM(vui.cUly cured,
l'.tirtfullv lours, . A. Arui, 3 i:i(tisii;o kt.
SliNissi-oui Minn.. Afrll 7. IS78.
Wm. K Ci.si.ii, Poarhlr' I sa llll.NTH IlKMEIlV
uwl In u can) of pruiay MlUi rlct iucccm. I did
wit Inst tlio latkiit, but t-jur atttrndliu phjilclMH bad
Btn Ui Hie uw at hole, HUN I 'H UMIKIIV iu
Own uwl with icrltit . and thu patl'iit I. will,
I .tisll Clio MONTH IIKNKIIV In irirai snu Kinney
purely Vt (.' Uljlf , snd
Is utd liy tho sdlKuof
rilJ.Uliin, ltliwUyl
tho lot of Hum for 0
year, and Ilia iittnot
rePsnco nuy bo placed,
in It. li.NKTII AI.WII.I
(XINVlNCi: (iV end
or I'jinnlilit to WM, I:
CtiSIK, rruitilriiit. It I
Iiiitillmuiit lennsi Sin, fj-jfl, or more, cash,
balance, i' or $10 per mouth
If iiMlallun nt terms ns ipiuted abovo do not
exactly phtase, they cm Im changed tn suit
convenience of customer.
And Piiblishcra of
D. W. Prontico & Vo'a
Prico 75 ContB por Yoar.
Contains PI.' ttorth of Ken Music each year.
a)..'.! I-.
s.v Ji.h'i'ii'Hs ciinrr Fun thi: piiKoiN'trr w
I Nmlli rortlsud, Cuinil) if Mullinuiuli, hUtu ef
NAM I'IMI, il'ihu lii-lne4 under tlio firm namoaml
ttyluof V Arl. A.Co., I'lJiitlll, t. IIONII AUK ami
HAM HOW, d'Jiuf liiolnesH iiiuli-r tlitttlrm namu anit
style of III (,'licuu Win); ,V Co., iltfcmlsiils.
iNill Aitlun tu rittiirr money.
To tho aljotit'iuiiit-il di-fi'iidanUt
In llio luinu uf UioKUtubf Orii;vii )"i aro lurcliy
ri" Jlrid t'i n)Mr Ufuru tlio umli'rili;nvl, u JiisUco it
lliu IVivo fur His I'rrvinct arurvNiid, uti tho svicntli
Uv ol June, lH7t, at 10 o'llmk Its His furonoon of txUt
iUC, atlliooili uf sild Justliv, In iuld I'mlmt, to
aii.rr tho abute-luini'd 1'l.ilntinf In dill aitloii.
Tho IMtiidmU will Uko iiuth-o that If llicy fall to
nusttir Iho (.'oinplatut liirrln, tlio I'Ulnllll still takii
Jiiilzmerit airalnst tlirui lurHW.05, aud lir rwls anil
Order for tho nililltloii ef tho alKu siiuiiuoiis inada
till, vad Usy ut April, IS'U.
jusr.i'ii '.:. wii.itv.
aiil Cw Jtutlco ul tho Puuti.
ixoiini: ii.
J. H, (lll,TNi:it,
Nun KraiulK-o.
Sold by nil DruRRiats.
t Lit 'i
Sawing off a Log.
This SAW MACIIINi: Is h womlrrful In.
srntiun. Tlin weight of tlm man viho la
aanlni; ilous liulfof tho work. It saws logs
uf any slie, mill will saw off it 2 foot loic Iu
2 minutes. Circulars froo. Address, "Viu,
(lll.KH, OUU W. Oth (it., Ciucluuutl, Ohio.
Dor.n.1 11
ijllil' 11 itt.
PRIil Eil !
iMif-.tAcf lit I J Uirtrtlsvi
ir btultuJ . vUniif 1 tua j i 14
Cadf !', Tif-t, i 4s,
rfttl U .mt'iHi iriji.asi.
130 Firat St., Portland.
MINIMI hTIM.'KS 1101 (illT AMI hOI.I) (IN COM.
inlislon and rnriltd en Msrlin.
listing Inireatul our fuliiUts lor tho tiurihaMi ami
alaf.l Mliilni(Xtuil, uoollrr aihsntsirus to uiieraturn
not to 1st bad eltcv. hire. I'frlMl hrrurlll l.uaran
Ircd llujrrl stftlskt low or'liirlt, .iforiilna- and
Kvinlnif H.rilt;ii(Hiitloinniilii lally hy tiloiraili,
(iiiiiDMi duiiis ana uuiicciors.
Will Irsiivv.tli'eiliii'U for pirlles liilui;i,t a dlitamo
as Afir.t.or ctherwUo, In id I lixUme uiunuitnint;
ati.luctlon and modirsto Ouris, llur tufvrinivsara
t.o lieu In l.'itxllj.
Insurance. Fl re and Jlarlno,
i:flMtlln llic lij.t toi, moil rillatlj cimpaiiliiS, at
rigour rstei. 1'rop.rtj i,wii llilnir In ill.lnit towns
orlnthoc'iuntry, undiiot UlniiroUitwl altut l'
hi llru will Unci It uruutly to Uitlr adiunUt to arranvo
nit'iuitnhatot'iitr .ioirty fully liimtol at small
cj-t. I'ull butructl'.m Willi iitliulies i-it on spoil.
cation. ' '
C'O.MMItSIO.MMl OH' ii:i:i)s,
,Noiar rudllc tut (.rnrral lo.tijaxcr,
biwUlatti-'itiuiia-liiu to tho I. ,1.1m- u( Pi'iitloni
and Aian'Mlulxiiicfitt, licidii, Mftrtairos. I'uwers ol
Attorney and sll oilier Ioiiih l lial lii.truinintt
irop.'rl. iiii'uUd slid aisnouU-dnl for all ol Uio
htalsi und Terr't jf!i-, and the lihtrkt ol (Vilunil4t.
(I 'riiiit iioweri tl attorney t-io -uUil and 1c ntlAd.
0. If J ' "
tiik rnrri. r.co.s'ouv mr rums istiii: urr
aiiililir.-iiK--!. Ojitra
led Willi I linmo unit
1 men. Id torn ol lis
nuy can he lo.uii'u in
llio.iiilr alrlctlv nor-
lauiu jiii'M in ii-. mi tt iurunii'u or nioiivy reiiiiiu
rd. iK-fnie hiiylnx trrt my circular. IIICO.
Klt'Ii:i I'stentto and ilauiifaclunr, (juliicy, lib