t, t :i (i :! j ' ; v I 1 fe Ipilfonwit arwtr. ISSUKII KVKBr I'lltDAY, IIT OIiAIlIX eft OIIAIG-, rmu.isiiKr.s ami ruoriiiKTosw. TerniN or.iiilicrlilloiii ; One copy one rar (M numbcra),lln alliance., ..2 !0 OnocopjrsU months (M'mimlrfrj) 1 2fl On ropy lliTnoinonllil(l3 niiiiiiwra) 75 Air II not inlil within nix Moulin, M will 1 ihargcil "neycirVsiilisorlpllon. MZMl JJVC-M POM'bAN I)," A I'M I.SsTl fVJ. "telegraphic. IIASTKKN .STATUS. HltlliiK Hull Hrllltli nlir. Yy'asui.nutoN, April 20. Tlio sccrctniy of war linn addressed n letter to Orncrnl Kher mon, directing Win that in entio Hitting Hull or nny of Lis follower cross from llio Hrit tlsh possessions, they will bo held prisoners of wnr until further orders from t ho presi dent. In view of this ncllon, Sitting Hull and his bind hnvo volnntitrilv subjected themselves to tho nuthorily of Orc.it Ilritaln nud ceased to ho subjects of thu United Htatos. They will not now ho permitted, even with penrn Intentions, to locross tho frontier. Jlosis' (liilill. Chief Menus mul other Indlnns called nt tho executive! mansion yialerdiy mul wero prcnaiitedto tho prcnldeiit, who H.ildto them: "I nni Kind to hco yon, my friends. 1 hopo Herniary Hilmrzwill motion Ncttlcinriitwllh yon Hint shall ho latbfiictory. AVo nro friendly toward you, mid want to dcnl with loxnct jiiHtlcc. I hopo juti will idwiiyHbo our Mends." Homo Unintllln Indians yct.turit.iy inortilnj; nt Hi" ofllcu of tho Hccrctiiry of tho interior, expressed tin ir disHatisfaclion with tho terms ngrced upon jratirdny. Chief Mourn, how over, stands to tho contract. Tlio IViiIIiMn. Js'kw Yoiik, April i!U. .OIImoro'H gaulon was crowded Inst night, nnd tho tun pedes, trlans left out of tho forty that started last Monday wero llhernlly applauded. Punched nppcurcd fict.li, hut wiih uctually llrtd out. Merrill's feet vscro in fearful condition, mid nveiry step caused Intense palli. Khrouo vlthdrcw nt 8:51), nflir completing '155 wiles. Ho hcciiiiiI to ho completely used up. O'Jlriui wallivd slowly until near tho close, when tho music nud excite incut ipifckcucil his pace, llimllo looked fresh lis nny, mid did miuui wonderful tinvelliig for n luil. Punched withdrew nt 10,-i7 p. m.. hav ing covered ISO 5-H miles, nud Mcrrllt ro tired nt in."2:i, e'luiiplcllng 175 fi.rl mill s nnd holding tho record of Kinds in tho interim tluunl tiinldi. Hritdlv wentoir nl 10:50 v. II., bavin;; gone !I71 miles, nnd nil Ihn olh cri followed within ten minutes, (lurlhi presented Pmichnl with tho licit nnd lold jdlil ho would Ri't his money nt tho (Hipper ifllce on Mnnd.iv. During tho week O'llrien traveled !., ;i-M miles, Notion .IJ5 7-H, llryno la? 1-1, Willis 310 f.-, Hlnnle-y l!7l)7.H, nnd Day !! ill n-a. I'olori'il Ciiiiveiitliin. Ni.w Om.KiNH, April 110. At tho colorecl I'oiivrulioii yesterday npecrhrs vtcro Hindu on liiiinigmtluii, lluihert von for imuirdi nto Immigration, Millng that colored men oonld et no Juvtlco hcio; tho (Joiigrt hiiicii now in Congress hnd their credentials writ tun In tho Mood of negroes, mid tho Juill' clary In in); in tho interest of tho worst cle ment of tho Democrntlo pnity, A rotoln tlon hilorslng immediiito immigration was paused iiuuiiluioindy Ainilliei- Vcxxe I lor AlitMlin. Wasiii.sutos, April 1!2. Secretary riher mail Iiiih ordered tho lovonun steamer Itush to tako mi hoard miftlciciit supplies lor i 11 vo inotitliH' cruiso, leave Han Francisco not inlor limn May 15th mid proceed to tho waters of Alaskrt for tho purposo of enfore log tho provisions of Ihn law, nnd for tho protection of tho Interests of Iho govern, meiit In tho seul Islands nnd on tlin seal otter hunting ground throughout Alaska generally. I. mul KcrUlom Tho roso of W. II. l'latt H tho Union l'n- clllo Hnllroad (.'onijiuiiy, iiivolv'jig tho right cl seiners In liro-e-nijil i.iiuh ;rjuicil ny i;on i;rcss, to rnilroad companies under Lection II oi inn net ol .nny J, iwj, was necnieil in tho U, K, si'vrinio court llii.1 niteruooii. Tho net refined to provided that nil lauds tliut wero grantid to Iho company hhould ho linhlii to pri'-emjitlmi if not "..old or otherwiso disposed ol" within Ihrco years niter completion of thu entiio road, On tho lid of Seplemhcr, lh7B, tho neerctaiy of tho interior decided that n moilgago oxecutcd liy I'm company upon tho Uuds in lHli7 was not u iIIhiiohM of tho Mian within Iho menu. InS of that statute. This couil, however, reverses tho decision of tho interior depart, incut nnd holdH that tho mortgage vim Mich n disposal, nnd that iho tractor land claimed liy (omplaint was not open tu pre-emption, Mud ho was not in ciiuitahlo titlo. Doerro filed. Ilctlcrinliisf lloiuls. Tim hecrelary of tho Ircniury will this nf tornooii issuo it cull for tho redemption of 'Ji,tiH,;iUJ id iu iioiuh. Coiinllluiloiinl 4'iiui'iilhiu. Ni.w Or.LKAsa, April '.'1. The Htnlo con jdilitllonul eoinentlon met to-day mid was called to order hy (lovernor NleholN. Tho eouveiitiou inljouriieil till to-morrow. llealli'N 1IiiisIo'hII. Xtiw Yoiik, April '.'2.- tlencral John A, U died to-night nt 11;0. Illil lloiiiliilon IteUl. ItiriiMoMi, April 'J2. -The council of for eign bomlhohWrv, Ihi'ough their Now York ngents. uotilled (lov llolliday of their no- ceptanee of Iho plan of setllemeut of tho irgiiiiiM.uo ileni ns provnioil lit uiu mil recently paed hy the general nsomhly Ni-inile I'roeeetlliiu. NYamiimito.s, April 'iX Thsro was n shaip discussion In the Henato to-day ovtr h I evo lution to rcociud the rule regarding tlieie movnl of Innate employes. Tho Heplihll cans lusalled t!u eMiirso of the De-moerats and pul tin iu on tho defeiuive. An amend lueut pioposeil 1 1) l'eiidlelou tint rmplovis khall lu old) retained io louif h neoeplumo l n iiinjorily of the reuato was mlopted hy n vote of :ii!o'J:i l)i(iii,iiii coiitiuvcd un til Iho expiration of ll.o moiniiig hour with out tho rotolulioii heiug disposed of. Do li.ito on the army hill was then icumcd ly Willluuu. CouUIng gvvo notice tint he .should Hddresn the Seualii to-monou t nUlnel hikslon. Tin i ihini I in-day dlKciUM'd the Indian trouhleo and eul lUher.v luleiets of Alsnl.i In Meitinr.v til lllv. The ilialh of lieiural Dix was noted, and llsg on .ill public and many private build ing are i.t hvlf mast (.'.ill lui- lluinli. A call was usued lo-diy by the secrolniy of Iho treiisury for baluicaof Iho loan of 1851 live per fcuts, amounting to f '.'.'.0,000. Thev nro all rogUtered, TJu liolders may nt any tnue wllhiii leu days cxehaugo tliim far four ) or cutn, at par, with luti'reit computed on each clans of bonds lo (Into of exchange It not exchnnged they will ho paid nt maturity of call. An IMIIor's Iilen. New Yoiik, April 'JO. Tho Iliilllon, n now miniiift popcr, hns Rtiggestcd n nnllonnl law rcrpjltiug nil gout nun sliver mining compa nies to innlco nt least ncml-nnnunl imblio ex liiblts of their operations nnd condition, nnd particularly of their exnet product. IU edi tor has received n letter from Hccrttnry Sher man as follows: Your idea heems n good one, nnd tho matter will bo referred to tho director of tho mint nnd considered before the next session of Congress. Iliimll tlllier. A Yuuhington special says thnt n careful canvas of tho Kcuato shows thnt tho hill making silver coins below ouo dollar legal tender up to twenty dollars, will probably piss thnt body this i.esslon. Ni'Kro linmlsr.'ttloii ( leeclietl A gentleman jtut nrrived hero from Caddo parish, I.uuUiaua, nud who owns nnd workB n largo plantation there, reports that tho do parturo of negroes had nlmost ceased. Tho exodus hns been temporal Hy checked, not becauso of nny cliango of feeling on tho part of blnck men, but hecauso they will ho in bclte r condition to cmigrnto when tho coining crop is disposed of, unless In tho mcantimo tho Louisiana constitutional convention bo nets as to guarantee theso pcoplo nil legal right, nnd thus remove tho present cnuko of nlnrm. IMllill ISoulli Hhol ill. Ciiicauc, April 'l'i. WMlo Ldwin Ilnoth wai giving tin- Milihxpiy In tho hint net of Klehard 111., lit MoVickcr's thu.ilro to-ulght, i) shot was fired nt him by u man Hitting in tho lott-luiud upper gnll.ry. Booth nat Htlll, until niter nhout tbrec seconds n second nliot was llrod, when ho loso and Marled toward tho left wing of Iho stage, pointing out ns ho went tho would-ho nssncjtin. Tho latter was lit onco seized, nnd but for tho interven tion of oMoertt vould lnvo been roughly handled. Ho fdntiH that his nnmo is Mart Clitiy, that bo l.i 'Si years old, nud dry goods clerk of til. Ijouis; that ho tins been thrco yearn preparing to do this deed, Is greatly nurprUed thnt ho failed, nnd his failure to kill lloolh Is tho only part of It which ho re grotu. Ho rof uncs to htnto the cnuso of his action, but snys Hint his reasons will ho re garded ns Kiinicicnt. Mlncrx In I'erll. Wii.itKsmniin, l'n., April ill. V civ in n mlno nt nugar Notch has liuprlsnncil veu men; two hundred men nro winking from tho surface to rescue them, Cultiollc Iliilversily iliirnetl. Pllioielo, April '23. Houth l!indsiacl!il says that Kotro Daiuo Catholio un.vcrsity Is entirely burned down, Tho Iiilltmnry, old nun's home, music hull, nnd Minim's hall adjoining, wero nlso Imnuil, No lives lost, Thu losals intimated 'it from nun hundred nnd llfty to two hundred nud llflv thousand dollars; iiisuraneii on Iho university building Sfili.OOtl. Iintliiii Ti-nitlilei In Caiiiulit, OnAvrv, )nt., April -'J. DisjiatcliiM fiom tho northwest uuiiouuco great sullcring nuiong iiiuiin Indian Iribes iu Hie ('aimdinii tertitnric s. At 2u bee I, ntarving baud broke Into tho Hudson Hay Company a slmo nud pluiiderud it; mid H.iioipio, u noted Indian runner, leporls that uiun (Iroeii duid of huu gi r on tho pUins suuth of Thunder llrccding Hlllx. Col. Molitod, (hiet otllecr (if tho mounted policu force, h.ijh that Iho authori ties nro fnco lo faeo with u danger that limy iiivolvo very serious comidlcutions, viz: Tho cxtiiictioiiof thu liulialo. Hllortswill boinndo during tho Hummer to Induco Sitting Hull nud his follower.! to return to tho United States, ns tho C.inmliau Indl.ius blnino them for thinning out tho buffalo nnd drivlug tho herds southward. Tho Sioux nro i.enttcred iu small bands idoug tho frontier, nud com plain liitteriy of privivllous. Thoro Is no talk of war. Tho bauds traveling south of thero lire simply looking for food. ToKKiinaiwisT NiUH'i"'lii(. Hi'voliillonUlN. Sr. I'h-rKiisiiunii, Aiiril l'J.- Tho uknso or- ilerlug thu nppointniont of governors-general for six of tho moid populaus districts, with perfect despotic powers, begins by stating that rcccnts events hnvo shown that tlieru exists iu Jttuudn bauds of criminals who, though not iiumeious, nro very deter. mined mm mm m undermining llio hlalo. After refenug lo recent murderous attacks on higher ofllcials nud ntleuijited nssahbinn lion of Iho Hmpcror, Iho ul.aso continues: Theso crimen have iiuulo nicessory provis ional adoption cf cxce-ptluual measures to peimit (f exemplary punishment of guilty persons, nnd provide government ulUci.vls with necessary powers for Maintaining order, Tho uknso nuiiounccii llio provisional ap pointment of governors-gem ml of St, l'oters lung, Charkotl'nnd Odtssn, invested with ex tended povvirs, Himilar powers nro con ferred upon tho governors-general of Mos cow, Iviill', mid Warsaw. Civil adminis tration in Iho mentioned districts ti placed under loutiol of govcrmna-goucrul in tho name manner as theynrcHuhordiuntotocom-maiitler-lii-ehicf of llio niiiiy in timo of war. Iu dlktriets where imirtinl law has been pro claimed, control of nil educational establl.h incuts Is vi-sted Iu thegnvcrnorK-geucralvvho nro also empowered to send befoio military tribunals nil civ ili.vns iu elitiicts over which they piesido. Tho governors-general nro further nutliorUi'd In iiuuimarily remove from their nspectivo dibtricts nil persons w hose coutinui'd resideuco may bo considered dangerous, to order Iho arrest of nny per sons who ever uu their juJgmcut and responsibillly, In hiipnres-i temporarily or permanently nny newnpaper or periodicals should they uppoar lo follow tmbvcridvo ten dencies, nud generally to adopt such meas ures ah they may consider uecesiary for tho preservation of public peace, ClirlsllniiH Jtiiouereil, lUi.ui.m, April 20. It Ii stated Hint it foi co of Albanians hnvo taken possession of Kurshiiuilio iiiid mat-sncrid nil tho Cbriatinu iuhsbltauW. I'lUllllMKT llio '"Ills. l.oMHis, pril '22.- Advices fiom Capo Town to Apnl (1th, vl.t St. VilU'etit, say Lord Clicluihfoid's c.iuip ut Oiuglu l.oviv on tho road In HKon-e. wns atlaeked nt dev break oil April 3 hv 11. Odd .idns, who made frrqiieut nud dcMui.in iit.ivks on nil aides, but wero npuUid nud pursued with gicat lias Four hundred nud aeventy one Zulus wero found dead around llio trioleins. Tho llusl attach was led bv llobtilemanzi, whu couiin.iudid nt lsauiileli. Tho Hiitlali loss is small. On tlwlthinsl. Lord Chi Imaford with llu PUt, fiOlli and 67th ii:iments, and iv body of ma ilnrs, left camp anil relieved I'.Lowp during the lilghl I d. I'liilaoii nod Ids guriuon lnvo re-nclu-d UuiMill nud will aruvi' at Til geht Apnl 7llt. Captain llaitoii, Itaiou on Miithruli.u nud (a) men vvein Killed on Hie '-th. Lieu a. Nicholson nud Uruht were1 killed Me'or Haekett was aeveielr voiiudal, nnd Lieut. .Smith, Cuuls. O.ildiuer, Cox and Peniae wero vvouihlod. Tho total of Hritish lows in both eii.iyiuieuH is climated nt 'J'.'O tilled nud wounded. The Hilllla lot '.J.rilKi men. An .Vuieilenii lltiri'.tlril. Tho Amine in hoiscv P.uolo won tlu City mul Submb in haudicup. An Hpsoui concpouJoi.t, .writing last night says: l'nrolo has created fiuch n favor ablo imnrcssion upon tho inlud.i of backers generally that tho flnnl quotations nt Tatter sail's last night for tho City nnd Suburban handicap, was only U to 1 against him. Hjiniilsli Elections. MAimiD, April 21. Returns from elections show tho following result: Ministerialists elected, 275; Constitutionalists, 32; mem bers of other parties, 38. Among tho dep uties elect aro Castclar, Segasta, Hchcgarray nnd Mnrtos. A great number abstained from voting. Sr. l'KTKiisuuiio, April 23. Lieut. Hebro vln has been m rested near Novgorod, sns- pecteei ns ono oi mo Cliii-f members of the rovoluliounry commlttco. Tho assassination ui uiiuuiui rijijf nuu uuirnjcii ino wnercauouis of ft socrct printing oQlco nt Toprovo, is ro- ported. Tho czar until Intely eliovo out uu ..Hn..!lAi1 lillt lirii. I.la ...J...A l .... .....1 by Cossacks. General Qourko, nowly appointed Governor-General of St. Petersburg, lias ordered nil gun makers to send it list of their slock to tho city commandant, and sell only to persons presenting spccinl authorization, under penally of coutlscatlou of Btock nud prohibition of trade. Private persons pos sessing nrms enn only retain them by special permission. Porters must bo kept nt tho doora of nil Iiousch elny nnd night, to prevent tho posting of placards ami mattering of ex plosives in the streets. ltoMB, April 23. General Gnrib.ildl, nt it meeting of Republicans, declared Hint Italy must bo nrmed nnd rendy to elnlln her unre deemed provinces. London, April 23. Parole, tho American horse, won tho great metropolitan slakes nt Epson. Thoio is report of inoro lighting in Zulu laud, nnd it Is clalmod that tho Zulus lost 1,200 men. CAUiriGt'UAhr. Ihircleu Ihivelopoil. I'um.KA, April 20. A flro broko o'.it at 10:30 last night mul burned until morning, destroying half tho city nnd At least two thirds iu property. It tilurtcd on tho cast sldo of Main street and swept nearly tho en tiro titrect besides Mjvfcml cross streets. Tho pustofllcc, telegraph ofllce, Jacknon Ho tel, l'axtou k Co.'s bank, Masonic building, Sentinel ofllce, nnd most of tho heaviest merenntilo i-slablishmeuts wero destroyed. It 14 iinpossillo nt present to cstlmato tho loss. No mining property injured. i:.iliisloii in u ('out Jllliiet. Vii loiit.v, April 20. On Tucsdny luoru lug a flro wns discovered in No. 10 lord of tho Wi llinglon conl mlno on Departure' bay. It was supposed lo lmvo lieuu extinguished on tho following day, nnd on Thursday morning when 25 or 30 miners entered tho level to resume work, n tcrrlflo explosion occurred, blowing tho working apparatus of tho level into ruins, killing 11 men nud in juring other. seriously. Thrco Chlu.iiiuli nrn still In Iho working, but thero is uu hope for thciii. Volunteers who lutored thu level in tho nftciuooii report tho foul nir co strong Hint they cannot remain below for r.ny length of time. It Is reported Hint Ko. 10 level will hnvo to he Hooded, us tho mlno is on flro in that vicinity. Tho Vancouver Coal Co.'n men liavo stopped work mul gone to assist iu tho work of jeseiio. The mcjio nt tho pit'A mouth Is heartrending; wives mid children weeping for hiisbauds and fathers, nud parents for childien. The names of tho killed nro ,1. Ronnie, ngedfil; Reuben (lough, 1G; .John lloskin, John 1)1 von, (1, Campbell, L. Prclln, A. Ucmey and four Chinamen. Kieiiinslil,) Illsiilileil. Tho anxiety rccontly felt on account of tho non-arrival of tho Pnclflo Mnil Htcmnur Alas ka nt Yokohama, for which port hIio sailed from hern March Cth, wns dispelled this evening by news per brig Nautilus from Hon olulu, of her arrival thero on April 1st In a disabled condition. Tho Alaska met n succession of westerly Kales until March 'JCth, when n hurrlcnno set in, during wulcli tho sea ripped up tho nro supposed to follow onus breeding nro guards forward on tho port side, started her only re.dircd when emu of thu (larents is pure beauiH nud coviring board, ktovo In tho for- ly bred; and in theso times ot close margins ward hom.e. tilled tho ciiglno room, mul del uged tho ship with tons of water, Tho rud der was temporarily disabled. Tho stoamcr fell oil' In tho trough of tho sen, hut was 11 tinlly brought to. Tho engines ngaiu Htarlcd nud sho rend icd Honolulu without further nccldont. Thero it survey was held mid it was drcidrd to repair Iho ilamages thero. Tho machinery and boilers wero found in (act. Tho repairs will rceiuiro 5,000 mid a delay of ten days. Hum Dill II. A German tailor named Pool suirided this morning in hUroom, No. (131 Pneiilo street, by blowing out his brains. Ho had been drinking heat liy lately. ruin or s resn. During tho rain of Saturday uiaht it hcavv hliuvvcr of herrings fell near tlio Odd Fellows' cemetery, probably taken up by it water spout. tiuxrut in mi itrsriit'. All adjourned nice ling of citizens, to con cert measures for Iho relief of sufferers by llio i.urcua lire, wiis neid mis loreuoon ut tho chamber of commerce. It was mi. iiouuced that tho supplies already contrib uted liavo gono forward m n special car ut t.ichrd to tho passenger train. Committees wero uppoliilvd nud Iho city districted for tlio purpose ut it canvass lor subscriptions, Mayor llrj nut wailed upon tho Sail Fran cisco Stock r.xehaugo, mid was Informed that the board would contribute liberally. Alilliij? Diin-Uii. San l-'iMNCistfo, April 23. -Tho tluanco committee of tho merchants' l'.urck.i relief committee, met to-day, wheu tho total amount of collections was reported tu bo Ji.uw. llio llti.iiice comiiii.teo ellkpatclicil n car loaded with coffee, iugr, riee, tlonr, tea, canned piovUious, bacon, salt, etu. Thus far thero h.t bcmi scut to tho Korean milTcfcrs nbout $1,000 lit cash mid goods. A Ilriitul lluriflur. Etojm)n, April 22. At about four o'clock this morning n burglar entered Iho house, of S. P, Mllltrd, on Mormon itvenuo. Mrs. Millard, Lc&rlug ,t noise, aroao from her bed uud puaaed iulo tho parlor Tho burglar htruck her on tho forchend with it club, (ell ing her to tlio lloor, fracturing liar akull, and then escaped. Mrs. Millard's rocovcry Is doubtful. Tin Low rr I.eveli. ibtiisi v, April'JJ. Sieir.l Novml i was v.s Ited bv n uuiubcr if ttpeits Uwlny. 'l'uy re poll rich oro iu the bottom of the incline. Tim highest assy is ?2SJ, the lowest $.70. Ophir Is reporlnl vilh hcnus of low 1!t tde oro pitching wei. Suvcel tfoiu lleilruelluii. I'onr ToKNaiiMi, April 22. Tho llritih bark Stsghound, from llurr.vrd Inlet with 1'iiiib. r mul span, for Ihe l'.ugltsh govern ment it Capetown, drifted, with all her anchor ml, one cable' length off the reef six mll.-s lU'ith cf I'lsttoiy rockion tho leith. Th revenuu cutler Corwiu, Lieut, llt.mn. i-uiumaudii, fiimi the Coluuibuv nvcr in Neuh Hiv with aiipplies for Iho life a.ivinu station, thu novt inoruliig diacovercd lies situ vtiitu and eiit Haautsnev. They louud tho olllciis sud crew exhausted, ivady to sliiudiiu ll.o ve'HSfl 'lha Coiwtll indalw! in getting tho nnchors nnd towed them fifteen miles to sen. IIIrIi mill ry. Tho bark Idzzlo Marshall Is still oshoro nud tugs uro endenvoring to get her off. Sho Is completely dry nt lew tldo. Callfuriilfi nml Jtcimlii. Sas I'iiaschco, April 23. The tolnl hi snrauco of tho l'.ureka flro foots up $130,087. divided in f mall amounts nmong nearly nil coinnauies doing business on tho coast. Vti.nfs-i. Anrll 22. Oltlto nil e-xtciiilvo ram rwlirred 111 tliO Slllro tltlllicl tills nftlT noon mar shaft No. 1. Ono man is My- posed to bo in tlio cave. I:tit.pm. ;;v.. Anr 23. Iho leliel committee telegrnplied to principal towns ilccliniutt further ntil. llio lnimciiiiuo wains j 0( ti10 ucjtltuto nro now provided for. - 0oplo nro in good Miirits nud building it' ' (.. ., .....-... 1JIU has commenced. Weather pleasant. Auollirr Sen Trwee-ily. 1'nnr Tnwssnso. Anril 21. Tho ship Olago, Harding master, on her way to the) Sound, saw lo tho westward n dismastod vessel, which proved to bo u schooner of about 70 tonB. auer passing wm wrcc n titiBtler of it mile, they saw a man wavo n shirt. A boat was lowcied nud sent out to her, nnd returned nt iilno P. M with n man liiReuf Iblo and unablo to move, having boen lashed to tho wreck. On recovering ho said that his natiio wns ictorino lloper, n l'ortu gucso. Thoy left Sm lrauclsco nuotil n mouth n;,'ovvIthll unn, bound noith on it tradliif.' vovnue). Six days out Iho vessel tiovo uu her beam cud and bocatuo watir loggeil, during a southeast gale. Sho re mained In this condition nbout two hours. where her masts wero carried nwny. Sho righted ngnlu, nnd of 11 men Owero drowned in Iho forecastle. Tho captain was drowned from the deck, and O'llrien, tho male, sea man l'clcr, nnd a young mnii nbout III, known ns Johnny, nflcr tho accident, wero lashed to u gallantmast, where) they died. Thoio drowned Iu tho foreemtlo were a col ored cook, ft cabin boy, Johnny, (senmnn) l'clcr George, nud (mother person. Thu survivor's mind is uusittlod mid hu docs not remember tho uamo of tho i.choouer. Shipping intelligence reports that tho scuoouer J.. .1. .Mcikinnon, uiirion uinjicr, which sailed March 20th, nnsweutho de scription, TJso Only Thoroughbred Mulls, Wo cannot too often nor too urgently recommend armors to mo none other than thoroughbred hulls upon their licnlf. No matter what tho breed may bu thnt ii chotcu, whether it lx-Short-horn, (Unifon!? Devon, Axrtiiiiv, Holatein orJerse-y thonialo should alwaja butvpiitclv bred animal of tho rnco. Occulonally wo Iiiid grailes that hnvo proved imprudsivo silos, hut such iiistancci aw very rare, nud constitute thu n.cvptiui rather thati the rule. There is a Myatcriuu inlliience, not nt nil understood, nud which tho ablest scientists liavo Dcuc'ly attemptod to explain, that follow .1 tho use of n thoroughbred mala upon a stink of mixed blond. It slious Itself iu increased aire, gi-eater vigor, and hotter feeding rpialitios--very often iu tliuu par tiuul.ira excelling thu tliui-uugiibrcd parent r and it is v.orthy of sicuial notieo that, iu gen cral, tlio more purely bred tho tnalo may Ikj, tho moio markod nps'nrs to bo tho etl'oct of llio ci ii. With cattle raised especially fur beef, it shown itself not only in greater weight attained from a given ipuutitv of food, hut in nil improved tpiantity m well, ru that while thu farmer may, by thu uto of such n bull, not only raixi mnro pounds of beef from thu ramo nmoiit of food, ha will at thu same timo produco animals that will bring it better prica for tho Mine, weight than when breeding from common stock. Hvcu tlio Western ranchmen h.ivo found that tho calves got hy a good thoroughbred bull will, when inrco years old, sell lor nu average nt at least thirty-thrco ter cent, more than thoso of tho tamo ngo nnd that liavo had precisely tlio lamo treatment, got by bulls of mixed stock. lirauo nulla rarely ixiisoss mo magical clo ment of iircnotcucv. nnd thu rrood effect Hint and nctivocoinjMtition, when our farmers up on iiieir nigii-priccii lauu unn iiicmveirci con frontcil in tho market with cattle tint liavo been raiseel upon the iVeatcrn plains, they cannot afford to throw nw.iy nny of tho aids to success. Tho timo has gono by when it aingio lanncr in miy oi mo ntatcs cm com. peto successfully, in tho markets for beef cat tle, union ho limn thoroughbred bull, llo can no longer nllord to uao n scrub or even a grndo bull, llo must mo thoroughbred males only or ejuit thu business. I'ortuuatcly, goesl Short-horns nro plenty, cheap, nnd widely eliiruseel oyer the country, and thero is no longer any excuse for it failmo to into them. Hut wo want to impress upon tho miiiiU of our reader tho importance of knowing that tho imiiiial to ho used is n thoroughbred. Ho assured that notion:' short of this will till tho rviiuircmcnt. Graduj nny look ns well oven hotter - but when they coiiio to lxtiucil fur purposes of piocrea'.ion upun nu ahv.idy mixed stock, they will fail to effect material improvement. -National Live Stock Journal, Chicago, Pr.ioi; to tho eliseovcry of this continent by Columbus, say a co'itcmiHirary, thero was no cereal in America approaching iu nature tho wheat plant. It wa-i not until l.VU that wheat found its way into Mexico, nud then only by chance. A sl.ivu of Cortex found a few grains of wheat in a pauvl of rieo and showed them to his m.uter, who ordered them to lie planted. Thu result showed that wheat would thrivo well on Mexican soil, nud to-day ouu of tho liucat wheat valleys in tho world is near tho Mexican capital. From Mexico tho cerial found iu way to Pom, M.vria D'Ksco bav, wifo of Don Diego do Cluuvea, carried a few grams to Lima, which wcio phutcd, the entiro product lwing used for seed for several succosaiva crops. At Quito, in F.iupuilor, a monk of tho order of St. Francis, by tho ntiiiu of Fray lodosi lltxi, introduced tlio now cereal: and it u said that the Jar which con tained thu aeeds planted is still preserved hy tho monks of Qaito. Wheat wns introduced into tho present limits of thu United States contemporaneously with tho settlement of our country by tho Knglish and tho Hatch. I'uur.M Fiat. List ye.tr tho llites' maslo u sittle.nent on Furol.a I'Lit, until then nu untiiesl and much douhtcsl tract i f level land, hying Ifitwetu tlio Touel.et and SniUo I'.iver, and rxtoiub I from Mow the Pahnisv farry ut tho dltcotiuii of W alio! i .am.- twenty t'lvo mdtvt. Thu whole .: th.a U -t is cowu-.l with li'iiich gra. .iHluwtmg pinliutive ipi.t'itiL'sopivl tu my laud iu t'n v aIU, but iiileititutu.il ., .it..- .in.i (indnr 'llo latter is easily obtvuuil fnu.i 'nuf ltin-r. t an I'Xpcusciuf forty ilolbn, om; .i the l-Utea iua.1i .t cuteiu hat Fall, holU.i .iu hundred and fort) hiirels, v. hichwith .tdditiuus fiom spring miiu. w ill j;ivo him ,t upply for mouths. K.tus vthuit, i..'.vr!y two huudrvd .i.-ie, .ipaxiis it well aim i.t of tho Fall n ekl wluul.iKnit .in, a vers eiioour.iTing in dimliwll to till" ' 'iu h ivm .oada litiMtluiia uu tho Mat, a'j.l n.i'.rvma; iii.liH,r.nt ti othtra in uiar.e ,t trul in Hw h I'lntUtv Wallt Unii. W ilkt Inbreodlng and Crossinp;. There is no ono iioint upon which practical breeders as wcllns fcicntists nro inoro lier fectly agreed than that the ultimate tendency of breeding in-nnd-iii is injurious-that when carried lo eiccss, it w ill always result in n low of constitutional vigor In the produce; that while its tendency mny bo in tho direc tion of fineness of texture, lightness of bone, smoothness, evenness, and polish, it is in variably at tlio expenw of irtbustneis, slroiitdh. vicor. and nower. On llio oilier hand, scientists ni well ns piattieal hioedci', with perhaps eepi.il iiniuimity, concur in the belief that ft cross iu thu blood usually gives incrurucil sizo and vigor to tho produce j nnd that cruu-bi ceding, or tho pairing of nuiuiah of distinct varieties usually results in iu cre.ued fertility. Hut it is rather singular that, whilo this rosult usually attends tho pairing of varieties of the samu species, if crtMs-urcciling bo carried to far ns to iinito distinct species, although increased slzo nnd vigor is still ntt.ilned, fertility is nlmost en thcly lost. It is a singular fact, that n Ios of fertility is nlso ono anions tho very hist bad results manifested fioin long-cuiitiiiucd in-itiiil-lit lirccdiiy, width Is tho courciso or e)ip03ite, of violent out-crossing: and yet nil experience proves this to bo tine. Wo shall nut eater upon nn ikibmnlo dis cussion of thu principles of genesis hy which this apparent contradiction l" explained, and which forms tho basis of iv direct linden tauiling of the law of herelity. Hut, iu onlcr that wo may got n littlo farther below tlio surfaro (u our iliscuxion of this epiestiou than has usually been reached by those) who lmvo written or discoursed nbout it, wo would invito Attention to a statement of some of tho principles which, in our opinion uudcrllo tho whole subject of hilruciUng nud crossing. It UftWcll-estoMislii.il fact that in ordr to produco n sexual union which shall ho fruitful, and call into life n now organ ism, it is cjcutial that tho sperm-cell nnd tho gorm-ecll whieli, united, form tho source of life to tho new liclnjf, shall c.ieh proceed from '.ilTeront urgnninns; and thnt breeding in-and-in, ns usually practicedhe ing thu Kulociiou.i of individuals of ns nearly as may bo a similar organization, with the avov.eil purpo'c of crc.ttliig iinifonnily of (iharacter w ill, iu eourio of tunc, it not cotintoractud hv opposing iulliicneoi, iiroetuco s'.tth n unity of organism in tho members of a LMVe-n family ns will re-sult in ft los of thnt elilloreiitintivii which will nmtear nocesn.iry in order to UMiiro the fusion of thu npcn:i-Ce!l of tlio olio with the germ-cull of thu other, nnd call into life n new being. Or if, porohnneo, tlili txivtcr of fusion Ito not entirely hut, it may become so impaired that tlio result will ho n feeble, aickly ofTsprluz nil imperfect creation .in illustration of Hist pre-natal condition which, for lack of abetter term, wo call ft want of constitution National Live stock .Ioiirii.il. Chicago. University Apparatu!. Tlio (iuanl soys: Tho apparatus for tho htatu University has arrived, nnd tho pro- fetaorj nro engaxed in unpacking nud placing it in position. Tho instruments obtained In cludes nil that is necessary to disclose to tho student thu mysteries of thu heavens, nnd of tlio lot oe mat (iirioiiuii us uisjii tins gioiio. Tho mathematical Instruments consist of ouo complete combined transit, and leveling in strument with tho necessary noccsorici ouo solar compass t "o barometers ouo portable inmiib Willi ii uircu uiun ihijuui. giaas, imiii thrco nud ono-half feet focal lcuutli with extra trinoel stand, movements iu attitude. glass micrometer, itc, etc. Ouo sextant; ouo ustrououiic.il clock eif great beauty nnd per- leceiuni n auiaii vernier vuiiiiKiaa wim cuiuiir, plus mul ranging poles, nro of tho finest iluiili nm lHiles. ilicso iiistriiiiieuts aro of tho fluent iluiili nnd workmanship, ami have been subjected to tests that prove their complete accuracy. Tho cost of thin class of thu apparatus was S2,l'Jt '.'.". Abiiiidant up naratus for tho illustration of cliuuilc.il changes, and (fleets have been provided, nud thu student of chemistry will bo compelled no longer to rely on tho bare description of tho text hook. Magnetism and electricity hnvo fur their illustration nil tho apparatus wiuisitu to convey to tho inquirer it knowledge of thoso silent,. yet potent forces. For nil tho branches of natural philosophy provision has been mado by securing tho articles necessary to niuairaiu hums laws mat govern our uni verse. Tho entiro cost of this apparatus will ho about S.r.,000. Tho Sttto University now eiffers advantages to students that no other institution of its kind in Oregon possesses; with it competent corps of teacher devoted to thoir work, with apparatus sufficient for all material illustrations, it will become, ns it deserves to bo, tho center of tho Cilucation.il iiitciesta of Oregon. Wnllaco'3 Monthly. Tlio Apiil number of this ttcrlin pciiodical opens with it superbly illustrated ami highly interesting article 140:1 tlio raco horrn in America, fiom tho pen of tho editor, Thero is nu exceedingly will written pai.or upon Hiciduig Ponies fur Profit, by "Topside" a wcll-'..uo'.vn wcitcrn breeder, also another on llrt-ediiig thu Park Homo, by Frank 1). Red field, it uamo familiar to nil horsemen. Tho origin of Col. lAiwis, by his owners Homier' Lilvvln Forrest, Washington Co., New York horses, and an illustrated article upon horn less cattle, by 1 S. Hardin, form some of the principal topics discussed in tho Monthly, To thoio interested hi trotting stock, wo would roooiumcud tho editorial icgardiujr, the 8t.1nd.1nl of admission t tho Trotting Regis ter. Mr. Vallaco take a now depart uro in this rvipjct, au.l wo aro coufldent that Id view will bo regarded with favor by all dis criminating h'-rsemvii. Tho milch cow test, which seems to bo meeting with favor, i treated upon by Mr. Hardin, who also has something to say abous the plcuro.pueuuionia acaro two articles which cattlo breeders and dairymen should read aud digest. Publica tion office, 'JPJ llroadway, New York. Terms, $3.00 per year. Reckless Conduct. An Amity correspondent of the licpoiter tells the following story 1 A short timo ago it cauplo of girls ciino over from Salem. They dashed into town m lino stylo, 111 .1 buggy drawn by a wlutu horse. They diove- to iho stable, uud then chahiyed around town iu search of a room. Ono wore a short dreai, and the othei shortened her more than tho mud or decency warranted. They walked down to the China lioiiao and theru asked for opium and n pit. Xow, think of two girls t'oiiig among ten or .1 elozen Chinamen to havo an opium drunk, to become insensible, and -- They g.tvu tictitiou names nt the at.eble and hute), but some people lu-re know tlu-ni, and now wo all know them -know tli.it thoy belong t f.uniliea that aro called ie iKVtiblo, 111 .Salem. They left town thu aame evening, went to & tarm-house, lopre. aeiiteel tlicniaelre as liemg lost, and stayed .ill uiht. Next morning thoy came into towu Irwin :i different direction. While here, the Ii0.h11uIIIS had .I iollv tima follnn-in . i.,,l whooping ifter them, Ono was about Hi, tho owwr apparvntiy is. THE NEW INDIAN RESERVATION. zzz:-wi& Moses nnd liii nssocintcs liavo been greatly inipresscel with their visit to Wnsliiiigton, mul wo learn tlml tlioy liavc licrn nutelo lmppy uiul sittisfiej with tlio proiniso of n re.servntion on tho northern border, close to Oolville. It wan ncceswy to iro to tho ciicIm of crea tion to lit nl rt vacant place to locnlo our lcmniiiiiig Inilinns. They nro nuelly itl tlio way mul it in necessary lo plnco tlictn whore they cannot, be troubled uiiel where civilization cannot reach tl 1. Whether the- legion wlected will provo tho right spot lcinains to bo seen, but it is li.mlly possible that nny spot can be chosen rcnioto enough to nvoiel chishing interest;! ut hoiiio future time. Tiny uro bordered on tho north by the Uritish lino nud thoro is hoiho safety in the fact that American pro gress cannot entirely mtrround them and mi may not wish to steal their laiuls. It wiih not possible to choose a inoro re mote locality and enough land haH been sot r.pait to answer for nil other tribes that are in tho way, especially the Uitia lilliisiind perhaps the liibes nt Wnnn Springs. Tho rule of tho survival of the littcst doi-Mi't give the Indian much of 11 loaiso of life, or claim upon what he considers hiti iuhcritutuv. Tlio Indian re-munis much as ho was, unless the while man by tho feirce of bin ilcteuuiimtion nml power of hiii progicss, dr.igs him iu his waki in a wirt of Hcnii-luibarous civili. r.iitioii. Tho world moves too fast, nnd niTtblo land in woith too much for agri cultural puiposiw, to onablo tho ubori"i nco.s to hunt iitid llsh nnd renlir.o tlio nomadic idea that corresponds with their nature. Wo may Hymp.tthizo with them to hoiiio degree, but it hecins im posaiblo to help them iu a satisfactory niaiiner. . .May their now rt-iwr.vatioii re mot 0 them from lejinptulioii and iuxuro them pe.ico and eiuiet. .. (Jov. Tii.tvr.it freely expresses his opin ion that thu Kcriei of n'liool books iuusd iu this Stuto uro not tho bust nud wero injudiciously selectud. Jlo says: So far us f inn able to judge, many of tho hooks now iu line were injudiciously sulectcel. Tito price is not so objection able as tho ejuality mul excellence of tho work. I havo recently been shown n. scrim of reader:i thai, in my opinion is far superior to those in us", uud if a chniigo coulel bo made without interfer ing with tho plan of tho law, or estab lishing it precedent that would be likely to opdiiito injudiciously in tin- future, I would bo iu favor of it; but tho present selection wiui so recently made, mid tho regular timo for making 11 change, if donned uccos-i.try, not far ilisdunt, that any MiriotiH elamngo is likely to icsult from uou-nction in tho premises on tho part of the board, thnt I do not feci justified in directing circulars to be is sued for tho pmposo of effecting a chango nt this time. Tlio proceoding is nu unvvielely iiilitir at byst. Tho result of it chango would,, necessarily, crento in tho nggregato a largo expense to tho community; possi bly subject tho Stnto to it el 1 urge of bad fiullt with tho publishing houses that havo contracted to furnish tho books se lected eluring tho period provided iu tho original net, nud tend to establish 11 prec edent that would provo pcuitcinux. I think wo had better "heir tho ills wc lmvo than fly to others," etc J shall therefore oppose tho issuance of such circulars ut this time. Rolloving Choked t'nttlo. When cattlo aro fed wholo apples or potatoes they not mifrcenicutiy get "choked," tho animal not being ablo to pass tho obstruction 1 11 rou e;u mo ei-sopiinp,ua; loieliovo llio mil forinjr nnimal, very harsh means nro Home- times resorted to.. Wo have know u farmers (other means failiiirl to resort to tho iilacini it hard aiibstaucu 011 ouo aido of tho npplo and then with n mallet ejivo n blow upon tho other sido sufliiiently hard to mash it j lint mis 11 nt dost limtnl, itud not unattended with danger to tlio animal. A much more humane method of piocccduro is the follow, mi;, as given by n member of tho Rlmirs, N. V., Farmer's Club. My way i to ojicn thu mouth of the nnimul and insert a clevis wido enough to keep tho jaws elistcndcd, nud glvo hpico for the pas nago of a boy's hand. I hold tho clevis in place, while my boy passes his hand through aud picks out tho npplo or other obstruction. Any boy whoso baud is small enough to pass without crowding, can caaily remove tho trouble with entire aafcty. I have tried to 1I0 it myself, but my hand is too large, riicro is no dilliculty or danger if tho clevis is held fipnly in position, Farmer's Roview. Comstock & 1'n.cofcit.- Thia well-known liouso is constantly receiving new additions to its stock. Farmers can get anything they want at this store. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Their supply depart ment i a great convenience. Call or send for" a catalogue. This spaco wTll bu occupied next week" by 1)11. JAMKS Ki:Clv. who is i.iak- ing great cure of Catarrh iu this Estate. npj i 1 v. t t.