Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 25, 1879, Image 2

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    - htfM4lLwn
,i i
iilltimtile Jftrrmfr.
rUllLHIIKI'-S AND rilOr-lllKTOJUl,
Term orPubscrlpllont BTIT
Ono copy onoj car (52numtKra),llndrnce....t2 0
Ons copy six months (20Jnumlr).... 1 US
Ono copy tliroo months (13 nwnbcrs). 75
tcT 1( not palit wltliln six montln, (0 will l iliarirM
ono ear' sulmcrlpUon. ... 'HWCtfl hHBCJSI
PORTLAND, Al'itlli 2.1, 1870.
Tho WitlWsl.
Nivr Yobk, April 17. Only 13 podoslrians
nro loft on the track at Olunoro'a to-night.
1'anoliot continues to lead, hnvinfr nindo nt
10 o'clock 331 inllci, beating Harriman nnd
Ennls In distance Ono or two others nro
well up, but tho rest look terribly jaded.
Pnnchot surprises ovorybody and is In good
Ballooning- Across llio Alloullc.
' Tho Herald to-day prints n comtnunicn
lion from l'rofossor King, tbo balloonist, in
which bo claims to haro ovorcomo tbo hith
erto lusuperablo difllculty of sustaining a
balloon at a rrrcat altltudo against tho loss
of lifting powor by leakage increase of weight
by abiorption of nlmosphcrio moisture, by
contraction at n low temperature, gradual
loss of ballast, etc. Ho proposes to attempt
In das season to cross tlio Atlantic in tho
air. Ho says bin Invention nnd plans hnvo
tho approval of n number of gontlonicn of
nruplo means, and ho hat fundi at command
to prococd. He intends establishing works
at Manhattan llcncb, whero already bo lias
secured n slto. Ho will build shops, gn
works and construct two ballons, 1GS feet in
diameter each, with which to mako captlvo
ascensions with a cnblo of 1,000 feet.
lulhraiia Transportation.
An nmondod contract botweon tho 1'nclflo
Mall Htoamshlp Company and tho l'nnninn
llallroitd Company has ll n ally been signed
by tho o (Beers of each company. Tho re
duction on the freight contract, obtained by
tbo l'aclgo Mall company, it $10,000 per
month, payment being fixed nt JGO.OOO In-
ntood of $70,000, ns formerly. The further
reported indebtedness of tho 1'nclflo Mail
company to tho l'annmn Itnllrond aompany
lias very recontly been roducod $125,O0O,nnd
It now niuounls In total to $2,030,000. 1'iiy
monts to bo mado on this account ninount
to $25,000 monthly as n reduction of princi
pal together with monthly Intorost. Tho re
ceipts of the l'nolflo Hull company ninount
to nbout $200,000 per month nnd expenses to
nbout $7r,000. Payments nro to fo mado to
tho I'nunma company as follows: 2an 1'rnn
Cisco freights, fGO.OOO; South American
freights, $15,000; Interest $9,000. l'ny.
wonts on prlnclpul of Indobtodiicss to ilia
l'annmu llullrond company, $25,000; loaving
nbout $10,000 monthly surplusjind n month
ly reduction of $25,000 of tbo principal of
vlow, but that tho revcrso was corroct,
namely, that If proper to repeal It, it was
In nowiso revolutionary to put it In tho np
proprlntion bill,
Trensarr Clrcnlnr Iti-selmlnf,
Wabiiinotok, April 18. Tho Secretary of
Iho Treasury nnnounccs that in conscqnonco
vi iue proposal oi ino gyncllcato to tako
$150,000,000 of 1 per cent, bonds, and $10.
000,000 refunding certificates, tho circular
oucring bonds forsnlo will bo rescinded.
Wo Ilrnt tho World.
New Yonit, April 18. A prominent banker,
n member of tho syndicate, says that tho en
ormous retail trndo of tho past week shook
tho entlro 10-10 Hue, nnd bankers saw tho
necessity of securing them nt once. Ono of
tho hnppicst effects of this largo subscrip
tion will bo to ndvnnco the prlco of four per
cent, bonds in tho English market and make
them much sought nftcr. Thcso enormous
subscriptions only lllustrato tho great ma
terial dovelopmont of wealth in tho United
States during tbo last thrco years, which
C asses tbo understanding not only of Europe,
ul of our own financial men. Tho ovidonee
of it is in our ability to import and to pay
for with our surplus nnd eiporls principally
nil tho looso United Btatos securities held
nbroad, so that tho nmount hold thcro,
which flvo years ntto wns cluhl hundred to
ono thousand millions, cannot now bo ovor
ono-iiftli, possibly ono-slxth of that amount.
Tho ontiro importation of bonds bos taken
placo without any material export of gold,
and has bcou paid for altogether In our
dreamer Jnmborce.
A cablo dispatch reports n revolution in
l'nnnma. Fonrtoen hours' fighting in tho
Rtroota occurred, Many wcro killed. Quiet
is now restored.
in tho houso would hear tho shot, nnd eomo
nt onco to tho room. No ono enme. 1
found tho boll outsldo deserted, nnd sup
pressing tho flist lmpulso to roport the caso
at tho office of tho hotel, I camo to tho po
Jlco station to glvo myself up; found no ono
in tho upper office, and not boing familiar
with tho building, loft after n while and
walked nbout tho streets.
IIiiiikihI lly n Slob,
llALTiuonr, April 17. When tho train
which loft Washington with Jmnos Carroll,
tho negro accused ot outraging Mrs. Thomas
At I.icksvlllo, lid., rcachod Washington
Juuctlou to-day, 15 or 20 inuskcd mon
boarded it, and nftor despcrato sirugglo,
fliiocoodeil in overcoming tho policemen.
'Tbo prlsonor was dragged from tbo train, n
ropo thrown ovor his head, nnd ho wns
pullod ncross. the field to tho nearest trco nnd
Itratltntc Negror,
Kansas Uitv, April 17. A largo number
of colored pooplo from tho Houth haro lauded
nt Wyandotte, Kansas, within tho last few
days, In entirely ilcstituto circumstances.
They nro occupying tho churches and public
balls of that plitco. Many of them nro siok
and dying from exposure. Tho mayor of
tbo city bus tologrnphrd totho secretary of
war, asking that rations for tho dcstlluto
bo issued fiom rort I.cnonwortli. Secre
tary McCrary says that ho has no authority
to issiiu HUch uu order, and ih Congress is In
soaidoii, the application for rellof should bo
mado to Ihnt body. Tho Wjundotto relief
commltteo has issuud n circular to tho gen
erous citizens ol tho United States, calling
for immedinto financial nid. Ill nddltion to
tho .Hiivcn hundred already there, they suy
that thousand more, in Iho hiuuo destltutu
condition, mo on the way. All contributions
should bo sent to Noithrup A' Sons, bankers,
r'tir Turturti iiikI Murder.
Omaha, April 17, To-day at noon, nt
Hastings, tho jury in tho Olive murder easo
relumed it erdic( of guilty of murder In
tho hocoiuI degree agnl'ist Olive and l'isber,
mid the judge sentenced them to life im
prisonment nt hard labor, Ureal indigna
tion is expresiud nt tho result,
Jliwin fli'ls it Itrii'rtitllon.
Wasiiinoton, April 1H, t-'hlef Moses mid
it party of tenser chiefs, who hnto been in
this city for nearly two wools, have had
Hotorul lutenicvrnttlth Swri'lary Hchuu mid
tho president, mid tho result is that it wry
largo reservation bus been set itsldolu Wash,
iugton Territory for Moses mid bis people,
mid such other Indian hi uiiiy nlHliato with
them, those tho secretary of Iho interior may
scud. Chief Moses hits agreed lo this ar
rangement, mid declares his full satisfac
tion, mid sajs Hint ho is n friend of Iho
Mornm mid tbo chiefs with him had it final
business interview with tho secretary of the
interior mid the commissioner of Indian af
fairs to day. An ngrocuiont has been mado
with tho Indians by which they surrender
the laiidi heretofore occupied by them In
Washington Territory, and accept a reserva
tion set upart for them by the execiitivo or
der adjoining and west of the Oolvillo reser
vation in the northeastern part of the terri
tory. This rcscrtntlou is u largo ono, larger
than lliu Yakima reservation lit the name
territory, which contains 800,000 acres. It
runs northward to the ltritlsh possessions,
westward to the -tlth parallel, southward
alouu tho Muthaw river and eastward to the
llohillo reservation.
Aioliiliiirui lor tllllry,
Henry It. Kineaid, of Oregon,(eiuployel
for it number of j ears in Secretary (lorlmiuV
ollloe, was uotitled to-day that bis place will
be heruafter Oiled by another OrcgonUn
uiiinud (lllfry.
llriMililli'Hit t'nuriis.
A joint Itepublicau caucus of seuators
mid rejiribfiitatltcs was held to-uight, Hep
resentutitu l'rye acting as chairman. A ie
oluliou heretofore adopted, deelariug that
no moro pulis aliould bo made by Hrpubli
can members o tho bouse, was loconsid.
trod, mid it was agreed that the execulho
coiiimltteo should desiguate a committee to
tako charge of nnd arrange for the pairing of
geulltiiieu who may tlasiro it. The caucus
decided substantially to follow the lino of
action mntked out by ex-Secretary Itobesou,
mid to Iguoro that outlined by Oartleld.
They decided that (Urtlcld's pojitlmi-th.it
Iho repeal of tho election laws was proper,
but tilt it was revolutionary if tacked to
I'allnre of Ornln limit era.
Chicago, Apill 18. Harding & Savage,
who bnvo been ngonls for txtenslvo pur
ehnscs of whent on 'chnugo, suspondod to
day, owing to tho falluro of their customers
to put up margins of 750,000 bushels of
wbont mid 250,000 bushels of corn, thus
thrown on tho market. Thoy nro short
375,000, but expect to pay up nnd continuo
business shortly.
Colored Convention.
Nkw Ohlkans, April 18. In n convention
of colored pooplo, n commltteo on address
roportcd nmong other things n disparity in
tho mailer ( population as between white
and colored in tho Hod river parishes, thcro
being two colored to ono whlto innn. Tho
tiolntwas mado that if negroes werogiteii
moir rigiiis moy would carry Iho elections,
Tho colored pcoplo, howovor, proposo to cm
Igrato mid sctllo whero they would bo free
from shotguns. Tho nddross touched on
emigration, but mado no doflnlto sugges
tions A resolution to omlgrato and asking
ma oi mo norm, provoked n discussion
which led to soma condition. Tho conven
tion adjourned till to-morrow.
Tim Zulu Camiinlffu.
Cavk Town, April 1, via St. Vincent. Tho
plan lor tuo relict oi Col. i'enrson s com
mand at Ukowo.is to forco a passago through
tho enemy's linos to Kkowo with nil posslblo
rapidity, exchange garrison, nnd provisions
nt tho fort for ono month and form another
post on luglugsluri Heights, and leaving It
supplied lor nnoinar period, i'crunps n
third post will bo established nt Inyonl river.
Tho rolluviug column will tnku tho coast
road whero thcro Is llttlo bush, and movo ui
dor tho guldanco of John Dunn, formerly ot
Cetownyo's division, No tents nro to bo
bo taken. Each night thoro will bo n bivouac
nnd tho camp will lie ontrcnohod.
TIip Urrmnii TnriflT.
IIkulin, April 17. A conforenco of dele
gates from from Gorman ports has resolved
lo iictltlou tno reiclistaa ssalnst rota latorv
diilios nnd imposts on corn. iro nnd wood.
They consider tho duties projiosed on tea,
coffop, tobacco, malt, bucon. iictrolcuni far
100 IltgU.
Itpvolullounrjr Mussina.
Mauuillxs, April 17. llussimi ofllcors
on furlough nt Nice, Monaco, nnd Mnrsoilles
hnvo been recallod in couBoqucnco of pro
jected ropressivo measures since tho nttempt
on tho life of tho Oar.
London, April 17. Tho chief of pollco ot
Yalta in tho Crimea has been arrested as it
revolutionist. Iloportcd nrrosts at Kharkoff
and Kieff number Novcral thouiaud. Herlln
nowspapors assert that ltussia lias demanded
tho extradition of certain nihilists from
Hkiii.in, April 17. (leu. Xuroff, prefect of
St. 1'etersburg, ban resigned, becauso of
threats to nssnssinata him. Martial law has
'.icon proclaimed at Odessa as n precaution
ngahut expected outbreaks.
Will Nut NliiilUe air.
IIkulin. April 17. Count Schouvaloff, de
frrriug to tho Czar's wish, has withdrawn his
leipiest to retlio to private lite, nud will
jirobnbly lemalii ns Itussiau anibassador at
Iuiirloiii'tl Minn.
llmihhKi.s, April 18,-Of 210 miners Im
periled by the explosion in Agrippa coal pit,
rO hato thin far bicn rescuod.
I'luoil In AnilrlH.
I'Kirn, April 18. -The liters Maroj and
haros hnvo again broken their dams, Zercnd
is dektroyed and Arad endangered.
Tin 4'snr'M Ansallniil,
Sr. I'ktkhhiidwi, April 18. Solovloft who
fired nt the ruir, is the kou of n uroom in the
houso of grand duchess Catherluo.
Probnblo Wreck.
PonT Towssmd, April 10. Tho bark
Lizzio Marshall, Dobler, master, from San
Iranclsco for Port Ulakely, wont nshoro last
night at 11 o'clock nt Dungcness, Tho cap
tain tried hard to get her off but failed. A
Bieamcr is going to Zicr assistanco to-night.
No lives lost.
Pont Towmsbnd, April 10. Tho sloro of
Major Holler on Whldby Island was robbed
on Saturday night of goods valued at $100.
California Items.
Leading mines on tho Comstook are lovy
ing heavy assessments and paying no divi
dends, h. O. Hall, charged with lareonr nf fund
of London nnd San Pranclsso bank, is held
uu 9o,uuu nan.
. SchultZ. OX-Prosldent of Jmdir.n Mlnlno
uu., cuargcu wuu omoozziing fZ&U.UUU, has
given bonds for $300,000.
Two CUlnnmcn, mlnlng'nbottt olght mllcB
irom unico, wero urea upon and killed by
whlto men. Thoro wcro sovon Chinamon nt
work and threo whlto mon assailed thorn,
Fatal Fall.
Sam FnANcisco.April 17, About 11 o'clock
this morning Thomas Nolan, a driver in tho
quartermaster's department, U. B. A., foil
from his wagon on Uough street, near Union,
nnd wns almost instantly killed, tho wheels
cutting him in two,
I'nstlon Piny.
James O'Neill arrested on ncbargo ofhav'
ing violated n city ordinanco, proscribing
sacringious penormancos, was uoforo tbo
police court to-day for trial. A domurrcr to
tho complaint was onterod, but was over
ruled, nnd tbo nccuBOd was found nulltv as
ohargod and ordered to appear for sontoneo
to-morrow. An osort will then bo mado to
tako tho csso boforo n bichcr court in order
to tost ino validity oi tno ordinanco, Uthcr
cases wcro continued until Monday.
Cla-nr l-'netory Melaed.
Tho cigar factory of Gulp ft Co.. San Fe
lipe, San llcnlto county, was soiled yester
day for violation of rovenuo laws; stock,
$80,000, Crookedness has been going on
uirco years, no ino dooks snow.
I.ndy Hilled.
Nai-a, April 17. Mrs. 0. 1 Wenlzel, llv
ing near ltulherford station, was accidentally
killed on Tuesday night by falling of tho
porch of her dwelling to tho ground.
Hoy Iliiriiixl.
A thrco year old sou of W. H, Chapman
uoar town, was savorely and it is thought fa
mily uurneu tnis morning iy bis clothes
catching fire.
l-'roiit Alnakn.
VicToiiiA, April 17. Tbo war steamer
Alaska is just in from Sitka. All is quiet
there. Captain llrown beliovcs further steps
unnecessary. He reports tbo Indians quiet
nnu uoos not nnucipnio any trouble, no at
tributes tho oxcltomont to a scaro. This
judgmont is challenged by tho residents of
Sitkn and tho collector of tho port, who still
profess to entertain groat alarm.
Mouth America.
IltiXNOs Aybks, April 17. Tho Argontiuo
confederation has ceded tho city and district
of Villa Occidental to Paraguayf in accord
anco with tho award of President Hayes.
The Theatrical Trial.
San Fium-isco. April 18. James O'Neill.
who personated tho loading character in the
I'ussiou I'lay, was this morning fined $50.
Jio roiuscd lo pay it anil was sont to jail.
Judgo Morrison, on petition of Salim Morse,
tho writer of tho play, has issued a writ of
habeas corpus returnable to-morrow, whon
tho validity of tho Passion I'lay ordinanco
win uo tested.
Tho body nf Jacob Summers, a German
bnkor agod G3, was found hanging to tho
limb of n treu near tho cemetery this morn
ing. No causo is known for tbo act.
Ntnrk Hult.
In tho suit of Alvinza Hayward vs flco. K.
llogcrs, to recovor iu tho neighborhood of n
quartor of a million of dollars, alleged in
(lebtedniss growing out of tho Savago deal ot
18711, a vcrdiot was rcuderod to-day for the
Mlurra KIIIcmI.
VinniNiA, April 18. Charles Anderson, a
miner, was struck by a descending cago in
me upinr Hiintt, at i o clock this morning,
nud instantly killed.
Patrick Thornton fell down a winzo on tho
1,059 foot level of tho California at 3 o'clock
this morning and led iu n few hours.
Wamiinotok, April 10.
Consideration was resumed of tho nrmy
bill nud Peck contlnuod his speech.
Under call of committees, Stephens, chair
man of tho commltteo on colnago, weights
and measures, reported a bill for interchange
ot subsidiary coin for legal tender money in
Bums of $10 nnd multiples thereof, nnd
mnklng such coin n legal tender in nil sums
not exceeding $20. Tho report of tho com
mltteo states that tho bill is based upon pe
titions referred to tho committee.
Tho morning hour expired btforo any ac
tion was taken on tho bill, and it wont aver
until to-morrow.
Tho House went into committoo of the
wholo on tho legislative appropriation bill.
After discussion, an amoudmont to repeal
alter March, 1680, the act creating tho
southern claims commission, and to trans
fer to the court of claims all cases then
pending beforo tho commission, was rejected.
At 2:30 tbo o mmittoo had disposed of all
tho bills except tho portions especially re
served for gencrM discussion.
i.tTbrt was made to limit speeches to 30
minutes, but it failed.
Tho chair said thoro wero 90 names on
tho list of those desiring to speak,
Lowls opened tho dobato with n legal at
gumont against tho election laws. Ho do
nlcd that tho south was solid for any illegal
or unconstitutional purposo, or out of an
tagontsm to tho north. Tho southern pco
plo need help nnd svmpathy too much for
Samford was tho next spcakor, and when
ho concluded, Kelly obtained tho floor, but
yielded to n motion, wlilcu was adopted,
that tho commltteo riso.
Washington, April 17.
On tbo expiration of tho morning hour
tho army appropriation bill was taken up.
Morgan said that hereof tor ho intended to
speak in vindication cf tho attitude of the
southern mombers in Congross, which had
been tho object of much asporsion. Tho
Bouth was not responsible for tho cxistenco
of tho quosllou now agitating tho public.
After tho reading of tho journal tho bill
reported yesterday from tho commltteo ou
coinage, woights and mcasuros, providing
for tho oxchaugo of subsidiary silver coins
lor legal tenders in nil sums not exceeding
$10, camo up. Tho question was, on a mo
tion mado uy iiuckner, cuatrman oi tuo
committoo on banking and curroney, lo re
fer tho bin to that commltteo. After n lone
discussion, tho previous question was moved
and n motion to rofer tho bill to tho banking
commitioo was rejected, ea to Y.
Tho bill was thon boforo tho Houso, but
went over till to-morrow.
After tho mornlnc hour, Atkins moved
that dobato on tho legislative bill closo on
A pointed porsonal tilt ensued between
Atklus and Conger.
Atkins then substituted Tuosday, and
Garfield movod Friday next. Agroed to,J131
to 01.
The Homo thon went inl commltteo on
tho legislative appropriation bill and Kclley
spoko thorcon.
Kclley said that ho proposod to stato his
conclusions In tho commencement of his re
marks. Ho would vote for a repeal of tho
teat oath for jurors, should it como beforo
tbo Houso as n separato measure
Tho Aurora Colony.
Ucurt ul it lllrlt Mlrlkc.
San I'banouco. April 10. John Lander
has just arrived from Lil.o district, 15 miles
from llodle, and brings a apeciuen of ore
from the mammoth mine, kparkllug with
gold. He reports the ledge to be 10 foot
wide as far as cut and thinks it will run 40
feet iu width. There is considerable excite
ment over the matter.
Tbo llnldulu Hotel Tragedy.
Dr. Chalfaut, the dentist who ahot and
killed Joslsh lUcon last Sunday at Iho
llsldwiu Hotel, surrendered himself nt the
central police station this morning. He is
veiy haggard ami worn, having been roam,
ing about over the bills iu the suburbs siuce
Sunday, almost entirely without fcod or
rest. Ho has made a slaUinent to the fol
lowing effect, Friday last llacon brought
suit against mo for the infringement of a
patent, mid subjected iue to a very hard ex
amination in court, and threatened to have
mo committed for contempt. I was much
exercised iu mind oter the matter, aud
called nt the llaldniu Hotel to see llacon
about it. Did not find him uutil Hund-ty
morning about nliio o'clock. At first the
interview proceeded moderately, but llaeon
tsion changed hU tone and became very
overbctriug and arrognut. Iu the excited
statu of my fecliugs, I drew a pistol from tuy
pocket with a view of compelling respectful
treatment, but with no inteution of firing at
him. Harsli words followed, the dispute
waxed warm, mid iu my excitement the
pUtol went ott; bow, I hardly Inow; but
not with intention ou my part, llacon fell;
1 laii to him, raised Ida head. Ha said,
"ilon't," ami rose to bis feet, fell aralu. aud
Immediately expired. I rtmained in the
mii a (cw uiomeuts. enwctlnu I he iwoule
Mrxlruit taller.
City or Mr.xico, April 10. Hlpolito lto
mlerez took tho portfolio of tho treasury,
vice llomero. This appointment gave tils,
satisfaction, llnmlcrcz being it former im
perialist, aud niter three days of official life
Itamiercz resigned, giving tho place to Trin
idad Garcia, Minister of Ooberuation, Kd
waul Parkhurst takiug tho latter position.
Work slopped ou Iho exposition building,
Garcia refuting to furnish money iu advanca
of an appropriation, Cortina is very ill, in
prison, here.
Midden llealb.
Skattlk, April 18. Yesterday ouo of tho
employes of the Now Kugland hotel of Olyni
pla went up to tho room of Mr. Wm, Young,
tho proprietor, to waken him, be not having
mado his appearance at the usual time. Fil
tering tho room, the young man found Mr,
Young cold iu bed. ho havlue apparently
been dead aluco tho previous oveulug. He
was lying bolstered up in bed with a clear
his mouth aud a copy of the Police Qatette
iu his hand, which he evidently had been
reading when death obscured his visiou. A
post mottem examination revealed the fact
that death had resulted from paralysis of the
A dispatch this morning from LaConuer
atntes tint a Mr. Armstrong, a passenger ou
mo hteamer josepuine, leu overboard from
the deck of that boat on Monday last, while
the was asceudiug the Skagit river to the
gold uiiues, auu wi drowned.
Ctit .iiiim.iii learn arithmetic. Ait
ptroiitly, yes; for theio is a unilo out in
Halt lake City thnt o.ui count. It is
driven in front of . .tivt'v car, is Rviior
ally on tho iiioniinj hliift, nml litis to
uiitko five round trip beforv tho team
is changed. Kverjr day us ioon as tho
iiiulo comes ou the fifth return trip from
tho upper end of tho line, it begins to
whinny a half a block before reaching
Sivoiul Rut street, and if tho diauo
team does not happen to be waiting,
and tho drivcflias to run to Uio Kink
comer and return before changing, it
Wasiii.notom, April 18,
Consideration was resumed of tho Wallace
resolution to alter a rulo of tho Sonato so
that removals and appointments may bo
mado bo mado by tho secretary of tho sen
ate and scrgoaut at arms, respectively. The
rulo proposed to bo amended requires re
morals and appointments to bo approved by
tho president of tho senate.
Tho army appropriation bill was taken up
nud ltandolph spoko in favor of tho mon-
Qroonio cited several cases whero the
army had been used in Maryland; also a
letter from Prcsldont Grant to President
Johnson, expressing hopo that tho army
would nover bo used on the eve of an elec
tion. Ho wondered If tho party now intend
ing to trust its fortunes to tho prcstlgo of
Grant's naino, concurred iutheso views.
Aftor cxecntivo session, scnato adjourned
till Monday.
Tho mornlug hour was dispensed with
nud tho houso then went into committee of
the wholo on tho legislative appropriation
MoKiuloy spoko in opposition to tho pro
posed lepenl of tho general election laws.
McKluloy having read that lllackburn, at
tho lust debate, said that the Democrats
meant to wipe from tho statute book all war
measures, lllackburn left tho chair and de
nounced tho want of fairness nnd truth in
presentiug from bis speech nn incomplete
Prico obtained tho floor nud tho commit
tee roso.
Sessions wero ordered for Monday, Tues
day, Wednesday nud Thursday ulghls of
next week, for dobato only. Adjourned.
Mr. Clinrlcs NordhoiT has published n
work on "Communities nnd Colonics," in
which ho sketches tho history nnd success
of soventy-two communities, who onch
hold nil things in common scattered
through tho United State?. Among thcso
ho enumerates the Ocrninn colonv, at
Aurora, nnd expresses surpriso that after
in years laiior they liavo ncqiured no
moro wealth. Electing Air. John Ulcsy
in town recently, one of tho leading
men at Aurora, wo alluded to thishtate-
incut and gathered from him somo inter
esting facts with referonco to tho Auroia
community. About twenty years ago
a company tinder Dr. Wm. Kiel left tho
parent community in Missouri and
moved to Oregon. Jlr. Uicsy, while in
terested with tho others, located in tho
Sound and lived thcro soven years, own
ing his farm individually, howovcr, and
yet retains it. So with others, who hnvo
an interest in tho colony, and havo pri
vate interests beside, so that tho wealth
possessed iu common docs not roprcf.cnt
tho total properly of tl.o members of the
Tho original settlement of Aurora was
mado in a heavily timbered region nnd
was intended only ns a temporary stop
ping place, but proved a permanent
home. Dr. Kiel was a man of easy
temper and genial qualities. Tho colon
ists wcro prudent nud economical nud
havo worked wonders in tho wilderness,
doing what has not been dono to tho
samo extent elsewhere in Oregon in con
verting heavy fir forests into good farm
ing land. They wore, liowover, easy go
ing ns a rule, nnd whilo u fow wcro
pushing workers, most of tho them havo
gono comfortably and slowly along, gain
ing something from tho forest overy year
but not working as luird as many of our
Oregon tanners, 'iho doctor himself
took tho world easy. In a score of years
moy liavo mnuo progress anil liavo pro
ssrved hnrmony, for discontented ones
could draw out at will, and Mr. Oicsy
says thoy generally tho best end of
tho trade in settling with tho colony.
Many o: tho colonists own nnd work
their own farms. Somo of tho young
mon follow trades in neighboring towns.
'Iho possessions of colony and colonists
lie within n radius of 1G miles, Aurora
boing tho center. Thcro nro, iu nil,
COO individuals in tlu) community.
Thcro is tho hotel to maintain and its
guests to feed, which requires a, good
part of tho produce raised. Tho com
pany owns grist nnd saw mills and
there is a good thing for all, and tho
superannuated nro treated with great
Tho idea that tho colony hus been
very money making scorns to bo errone
ous. Thoy havo been prosperous, Imt
do not seem to bo moro successful than
tho ordinary run of fanners around
them, which is a fact that Mr. NordhoiT
alludes to in his work. Under Dr. Koil
thoy havo led n prosperous life, somo
drones in tho hivo ns well as good
workers. Tho universal conGdcnco' re
posed in him wrought pcaco and har
mony. Had tho samo labor nnd means
in tho beginning been invested in a good
farming region, no doubt tho colonists
would to-day liavo been twico ns wealthy.
Tho death of tho old doctor has brought
tho necessity for u settlement of affairs
and a division of property. Thero has
already been a partial division and
much of tho property was flooded to in
dividuals in lvr. Kiel's lifo time. Tho
hotel nt Aurora belongs to two maidon
ladies, who do not, however, Jivo iu it.
or indeed control it, for tho house is con
ducted in tho interest of tho colony. At
tno prcsont timo tluco ot tho Aurora
people aro on n mission cast to sottlo af
fairs with tho parent colony in Missouri,
for it scorns that whon they left thoro it
was as a branch, nnd no scttlcmont has
been had or no division mado during
twenty years. Mr. Gicsy thinks that
thoro ought to bo soiuotliing coming to
tho pcoplo nt Aurora, and how much.
Stock Gambling.
A letter from a citizen of Washing
ton city, sojourning in San Francisco, is
published in tho National Republican
and contains tho following scnsiblo re
marks :
"You fcay that if you unexpectedly be
came heir to a certain sum of money,
you would invest a portion of it in min
ing stocks." Let mo Bay to you that no
cud of wnys to disposo of idlo capital
would present themselves, nnd I know of
no easier method of being rclioved of
ono's ready money, howovor largo au
nmount, tliau by investing it in mining
stock, unless it bo at tho gambling table.
Tho stock board nnd exchango of this
city has ruined moro men than over did
tho gambling room; nnd whilo I am on
tho subject, let mo sny that tho pooplo of
tho East hnvo but n vaguo idea of tho
evils of this business ou this coast. I
think it might bo said without tho least
exaggeration that all failures that have
occurred, or do occur in this Stato aro
caused by investments in "stock. ',',
This business hero differs 'from1 its liko
in Now York in this respect, that in
New York stocks ore mostly confined
within a certnin circlo of investors and
operators, whilo hern nil classes interest
themselves in them. Lil)orein,mcchnnics,
merchants, clerks and even ministers,
nil sceui to bo infatuated with ihis ap
parently easy way of pelting rich quickly.
At tho closo of each day it is a common
sight to sco groups, especially the poorer
classes, collected nround tho windows of
tho numerous brokers' olliccs cagorly
perusing the bulletin list of stocks.
Women, too, from tho horvnnt to tho
mistress, are largely interested iu this
deccptivo scheme, nud ninny a man in
California has becomo poor from tho
secret investments of his wifo in stocks.
All aro stimulated by tho hopo that as a
fow, liko tho bonanza kings, who sprung
irom tho obscurity to tho positions ot
millionaires, thoy too liavo n chanco of
nt least making n near approach to thcso
unprecedented lucky fellows.
Alas, it is only n chance, and, too
often, n nnd chanco at that. The fortu
nate ones fow, whilo of tho unfortunate,
their namo is legion. Moro than half
tho real estate in California, farming ns
well as city property, but moro especially
tho latter, has been, nnd is, mortgaged
on account of this plague.
Floors and Carpota.
iiiu tieiegtmon easi navo to fictoimine,
will stretch out its nook .uid whinny
again, louder than before, about the
Spare the Children.
Au indignant parent lately complained
of tho sovero tasks which school children
aro compollcd to accomplish. Tho com
plaint is well founded. Whether cduca
tiou or mere Uiscipliuo is tho object of
attendance at school neither justifies tho
physical constraint nnd mental exertion
to which hundreds of thousands of chil
dren nro subjected every day. Few sol
diers aro ns severely taxed on tho drill
ground as many children nro in our show
schools nnd others which aspire to high
reputations for order; but, as if this
cruel training was not destructive
enough of health aud spirit, tho custom
grows more aud moro popular with teach
ers to mako school hours merely tho
time for rcciUtion, tho les&ons to bo
studied at home. After tix hours spout
in tho school room, and from four to
six at study at home, how much timo
and inclination has a child for reviU
tionl Parents should romcuilier that
they have rightfully a voice tqwu the
course of studies to le followed by their
children, and rhould refuse to " allow
homo to bo turned into a school room,
unless they aro themselves going to of
ticiato as teachers nnd save their children
from doublo rtwtraiut and double duty.
New Yoik Herald.
a.iuw dutaueo re it uuche-s Uio place.
Justico has scales
I often on her eyes.
in her hands, and
Thoy write luck that ovcrythinc looks
favorable for nn equitnblo settlement.
au: tiicsy says, a fow months will do-
termiuo if tho colony is to bo continued
or the community system cease. Tho
division of property will bo mado and
thoso t ho choose may unito their in
terests as it community, but if they do,
it will bo under n well defined system
and not in tho easy going, Imp-hazard
manner in which tho matters of tho col
ony havo heretofore been conducted.
Mr. Giesy says that whilo tho colony
has been reasonably prosperous and har
monious, nnd may Ik continued under n
reorganization, lio is iinnly of tho opinion
that tho system is not tho best, nud he
would not advise any person, again, to
join a colony in preference to his de
pending on his individual oxcition. Tho
stimulus to excellence evidently
docs not lio iu tho comniuuo system.
A good story is told of ltov. Hndlnv
Proctor, who onco preachod at llutland,
Vermont, One bitter cold day, when
the church was but half warmed, Hrothei
nwiur iiau tor ms text a very warm
verse, addressed to those on tho left
hand, and liko tho rest of us, lio seemed
to feel tho antagonism between tho
weather and his subject. Just before
tho benediction he leaned forward and
said to oue of the deacons in front of tho
pulpit, in tones loud enough to be heard
by all, nnd in a nasal twang that can
only bo appreciated by thoso who havo
listened to tho venerable Eli Jones,
I'Hrother Griggs, do seo thnt this houso
is better warmed this afternoon it's no
kind of me for mo to warn sinners of
the dangers of hell, when tho very idea
of hell is a comfort to them." Water
villo Mail
There is a stroni! protest offered, in
different ways and from vnrioui sources,
against our long established pmctico of
making oor floors, with tho design of
keeping them covered with carpets
stretched and fitted to overy part and
carefully tacked down. Cnrpots in daily
uso cannot bo kept clean except by vory
frequent shaking and beating, and thoy
do much toward corrupting tho nir by
retaining impure gases, hiding tho finest,
most peuctruting dust iu their meshes
and underneath them, and by giving off
particles of lino wool into tho atmos
phere, with othordust, as they aro swept
or walked upon. Thero is n domand for
better floors, not necessarily mosaics,
of different kinds of precious wood, but
made doublo of strong sensonod wood
that will not shrink or warp (spruce,
liowover woll seasoned, is almost suro lo
wurp), and then carefully finished so an
to bo durable and easily cleaned. Car
peted floors seem n relief to tho houso
keeper, when onco tho carpets uro pro
cured and fitted to tho rooms and tackod
down, becauso thoy do not show tho dirt
as tho bare floors do. Hut oh I when
thoy do get full of diut I And when
housoclcnning timo comes and they
must bo taken up nnd shakon nnd whip
ped ns thoy woll deservo I With warmly
mado floors nnd largo warm rugs, couldn t
wo do without thcso nbominatious oven
in Winter 1 Certainly our rooms would
bo cooler and sweeter without them in
Summer. Hut in that caso wo must tako
moro pains with our floors, and wo must
have something better than common un
painted ones. American Agriculturist.
Notions About Bats.
Numerous fanciful notions nro cntor
tnined regarding bats. Thoy nro said to
bo nblo to seo iu tho dark, and that they
nro bloody nnd vengeful in their nature.
As concerns seeing iu tho dark, that is
quito erroneous. Their jiowcr of avoid
ing obstacles when flying in iho dark
ened places is not duo to their eyes, but
tokeen sensibility in their wings. Tho
thin leathery wings of bats are their an
tenna) or reelers. Darting about in all
directions iu utter darkness, they nro
nover bv any chanco impeded or injured
by obstacles that happen to bo in their
way. Experiments havo beon mado by
stretching strings across darkened places
iu which a number of them aro confined,
and no btring is over disturbed in their
flight, Tho exquisitely radiated system
of nerves in a bat's wing offers ono of
tho finest htudies in animal physiology,
or, wo might say, in natuial theology.
Shall a creature so ingeniously formed
bo spoken of with sentiments of hostility
or derision On tho contrary, it should
excite our warmest admiration. Artista
from timo immemorial havo been in tho
habit of depicting malovolout demons
with wings en the pattern of thoso of tho
bat a piece of conventionality wholly
at variance with what is learned frorn a
contemplation of tho actual facts ift
nature. Tho bat is uo more fiendish
than tho Bwallow or any other bird which
has been appointed to rid the atmos
phere of supeitluous and destructive
insects. Chamber's Journal.
What makes a woman wild is to wait
for tho mail currier for an hour and seo
him go by indifferently.