, II r; r J' 1 1 , MARKET REPORTS. WIIXAMKITH FAIIMI.lt OH ICK, ) romAM. (Oil.), TllUlUUAt Moiinimi, V April 17, I ff J ) Jajjrol lend n ui 1 orlland, liuylnir, f.'J, awl w..lin,f nf. Illlvcr filn In I'o'tUn 1 t'.a l.tnlu 'i'kUi a(3 P"' ccut. dia wnt. C:oi3iu SToiIiicu iilurUot. Ojt.i' ' .1 w.oty by UomtSneli ft IT.uifer, proprlolnM Ui ilr.nt American Hlor, Rgamd Btrcot, IioUuh Morrl n ..id Yamhill, Portland. Tliof llm,!.),- riprawml whnlitnle mtM from prwiil rrir In, ti&mU. I'lnrit In iliWnj lot) il.in.Linl m-ml, ti ; bet county l.rondi, Jl O0sM W. tYIIKW- Jt.W, qaM. OAl'V wliltJ . njH3 T Inielnsl ONIOMt-ltUVIb lWATOIIH (fiiteM it IMxa ' Muh. Ujroln,' In frooly. MIIIW.IM.'J-Jnbb.n,-, fr feed. taO'-rir. , fun, til OJ71 V I'm. lilt AN-JoLMii? hi 15 10V ton. IIACOf-Wdui, Oo i Ham", lle'12c, ihouldcM, t to7e. i.AKI-lnlcjrian.ltlmi, 10c. IIUTTKIt VaiUubjcholcotrcliro!l atiOto!c,if'l pickled roll, IU; eolld In kiip", lie. CIIKI'.HU Om.'on, 110113; (iillf.irnlt, 10c OKi:i:: I'lltllTH Apple", Rood ktrplm, a.r hot, JIltlKI) r'HUITS-ApIi,Min ilrlul, 4fAc; nuchlm dried, 7i Mr, dull udo. Point, m Mno ilrkil. "f'f. ritiinn, inn ilfiml, IVIH WHIM 1-, Rtwl ilcrutiil. IMUI.THY .h!iin, jtHitisf, 1,161 ffl per dar r,l I, tl(ll'i, anil wanted. IHHiS 11ikhJ, &e; vn foot K'. IIKI.T tiro wi Wit 2) nnd 3 eU. furdioWv IIIIKKP IJo weight II x'iJ3cU. WOC I, liiiUrti(lri-iu, ISulO; Mllltmctte Volley, 10MU llllil.l l. TAM0V "J.K.Ut.lom tiiiH'ISl. HAY Timothy, lid-d, bujlnif .UM and SIX Inn, Munurul DJt'rcaixiiiillM'. l.irrecteil liy IJron.'oei & Pfluirrr HK'i: Miln, He. I, none j China, Isn , BJ r.to. damn, 7 i L; KandwIJi l.liedl, 7ft 'IKAH Japm, 35 and 4'Jci llluk, (V wmIuO; Y. II , BJe N)KPl:i: (JojIh Itlon, IB wnl IOJo 1 Jura, IIHV7. MHIAUri Market mil upJ!..li Orutlu.l A, lf: Onotniiliml, ISc; Cube, lie: Kxln ( 10: (loMcn V, O'c; Hwdwl. It l.lan.lii, 7 and 9 c. HYIUJI r.iriinv- IUMlM.1 lUmlia IIAIKIN.H linK,rt,l, JJ t'laiil fj y1nn Uilli.r (iLl, $i mnl ftl WIAIM (Irani, 7to mi. I 1 CI KAMT I'UWIIKII Idmnrll), U unl Wo . V ip-ww; I'rmUm It Mirrill tfli rpii OHM Opllmty liruii.l.i of nnl, 3fKi ; f.Uh xra.uJ, lluwrirr A(L,37lnn.4'Je: Itol1-l Uno.l, UV; liaw Un-i.!, OVj l-iin. Inl, (I 'St ninlll iv, utir, II S3 ami fl 4'i, Tiir'iitliMi, i) uinl ( vnU Dry i.'ooilN i:ic. (Minitil ly (mut.K h lltuor lUUIUuil Jol.l.lni; IUt- (Sil.t, A.,411 ttTr;(iv)Ft Y ,71 tnHiiCUIiw, fv; IIIiikIuiii, IUili;liltollik Miillu,l: wlillo limli ilJ', itn tk,, ullior bnu.li ol xl.ll.i tliullii, 7Kllto, ml all oil l-'uiiii.l, vDkHVi, hlln nil iil I'IhiimI, IHHimVV, (tanton llhuinM, Miwhi'l irnl lHil.lif.rln. I, t1u. (ImtbiVi, fir Klilrllnif, I4M)IV, Tal-k Um n, 39lKi. WitUrpMnr, TMnKViCrvh 1'iwi-lliy, KK'tlft, Ivcnliirky .htuii , 'hMH7s nUIIi"l llliiiikiM, JiVnlW vliltn II wo.. I llUnkiitii, fiKUl; Oilbm lUUliiif, Vi ll'-i II.; I.lllli. Iluiiii I, S'frtUi, MnJkinininrtUwl,iiB,", 4'o ik.it.75. Holler mi.I I liiiw) i Uli, (7i , :(iiiili4 Kn k, SCKi(lvk'li,lrniiiUtIitli,lnull V. 'd'H'W, Uu.t-r, lh nlm.nu. I l)iik, H-ikViic; t-Viun.' H.t, H7Anr..(, iln HIki, Mi'iu', )t.US.i,iliilo IaiIIik', mil kin, ll.7tii, .1.1 ill (.'liUlnima' Hli'M,mll Ulu, l . l.W; llurn' IkmU, !!. I W.On.rull', (Ami , Jiiini- rra, Kkinl.'je, M nihil (l.ir.l.llt. ll.a.nV7i, Mn llnilonililrU Mul llrowrni, 37l' M', (tirivU iui.1 II I.I. m, f,yl IH.i. CI.tl.f"C. 'ilM, 7.W i 33 u, Cwl incio lUulnjaolallwl Nun I't'itiiriNCt) illnrlti'f. Kt rRsnl., Apill 1.' Hliivit Tl.i'tu wtli low I.iijmv In ill), iivtrkrt U'll'K 'IlliW't l.y uUlt'u (rum i:un.i Uviiuk, but nttiiuota l.ltlowir rluur MUttlyuniliiilvt. O.iU Mllllntfiiomlnil, ll tiryquU't ami lairlrt mt1I nuf'lwtl. IVUtraa (W All vrbtin In iifinbKk, rounlry ami croi tj iluiuiiJ bury IL'l.t; iiurl.it urytod, wltli til ttocka il.flliilniT, prlci Flit it HVMV lir lair to jwat; 7lk(flVj lr (ikal to rlwl.v, ni.il II for I lino tJ.lt ClilriiKit ,11tii'U't. I'lllctbO, Apul " Wh-Mt Sr vr I'M pU.1 ()r Miy iMIii r) Ilvurhiilim'N Vlituit ?ltirltt. UlMait, April H. KlnulInK (Tin;o.x, iptUt but l'ul); iarH in o MKiJ lr lilpinriit, ety lltllo iluiuiul, Mil Ijuiu fuUL Cllu(AlU.l1 (l hm iurk?kV, IT 1-lt.w.t, 4SD Ui MA iluiuv lur Mllrr'M iwvount, b- utnal i kt nut itmt liiUbm; ttvl., CM or Mil, 4J, ItM Ulntir, (l( ui; OUKcmki, l Do, U I'.Kr.. (Iuu.1 kbippln (VllloniU mi pwwi', nr (0 B, (juiviuttiwn for t.r.bTi, Jiut bipHl nr to l.o prinuj Uy l.l.il, 111 (kl, mswrly due, 4U; nnno(1i ir Mil fur 4ilpun.nl ilm iiijT II. J prvavnt in mill ami Mlno lnH- one, V . tt.. mi Aminiuu iurm, V IJnqK. Vhul, "i".!, alituct, Uvvruol fair totliolM)ilpiln club wr unlal, tk, JdaOnCNl IJorixvilUir U chobM iblpplu (UU prr (vuUI tx alkt&l. IJmrpi.il IUJ Am Hprtnif lilppluff ,' 3 N iv mlal 7. kUm 41. tK to i.m.I IJpJnx' Orvxtm, H-r iwiUI, Ui 3Uvnu M, giu.1 bi iIk)K rfilppliu; Oimwi, l 4wUI, ti C.(Ou 7d. Uommercutl. Thuilhiiay MiuiNlKii, April 17, IB7i). Wo c no chaugu liauo lut wick, in tho Uruiu inatket. TIhto i litvratly nothing iloinj;, no i;raiu uiuiii;, no iiliiiu cliartvml or loading, no traixactiom to bo rvoonUJ. 'iltcro i noiiio ilcuuml for clioico nulling; whe.t in Salt Kraiieiico, bat Oregon nillU nro upplicJ for the utvacnt. Tho I'jiliah ami French nitiuUon in jjivcu in cablrrania from tho Mark Iaiio r.ntirnJ, m fallowii IxiNbON, Aml 16. Th Mark I.ino Kx proaa ay rtUtivo to autuinu totiii wheat, if tho coutiuuaiico of wuathur niuiiUr to Uiat of the lut fuvr ilaya duo not injure tin plant, there will bo no oauno of anprohciiiion. I'ruli ably lea than tho avrraKo arva won kiii, IauJ in South Scotland i rvjiorti'd in excel lent working ordor, nud "Jirin aowinj; it now onoral. In ujilaud diatricta It la moro luxek. ward. I'Mtunii aro atill very backward. Hay and atraw aro acarv-o. rarmora oHi'rvd wheat tolerably frvvly duriut,' tho week, lioth in Mark l.auuattdlii tho country, but luuinci. waa dull without any wcial (r.ituruol inter L iiilllcn oulv onoratnik.' for iminotliatv r ?; niniincnla. uttlo M ilono in foriii!ii whc.vt. iniHirU into loudon uero ummially bijht, lliivcni. honvvcr. aro utulied tlut Aim'rii'.n rcuorvo it amply aullicieut to rouipvnuto for any ilehciviicy irom otuer oun-o. icmnng Uovclojmicut of action of Ainuncaii iHirtt'r it ia nuito iiuMiiKlo to forcCMt tho futuiv of iiricoa, but it i notvwort hy that aoino circle holivvo tho pxtcnt of American resource to Ki nvurratiHl bcrv. lko boluUK mcrvuoa their usual ilcnivasiiig iiiiluuncc. Kjiorinout arnvaU ol mauo reuuecu ua vaiuu io au uu iirocodcntcd jwint. Sale on ajiot wcro clilli ult. Tho (iriuciival dUtillora aro already overatockvil. Verfcct cartoon off itvut aold at 22n ror ISO iKiunds, but 20s 9d02ls ia thv hh;!n:st jinco iiiTcrrd for promtit nlnpmcnt. ltirloy nnd oiti uict, but fairly steady, , fn IV..ni'u tho wcntiicr has bocomo wot and nil, clii;i in,.; vegetation nnd rowhij. For liuint ly tlio i.aekl.ird coLditlon of Kccding F.ivis tlio n ft 'in much danqcr from fruit (Irowcm' hIuUoi .iro largci Uinn wasi.uppon d. I'ruoi ileeliiioil in .1.1 i.ut of 0;i inailcetu, be u.i'uo of imchmciI KUpplim. Hour li lotvor booatii'o of nlriiktiiitiK eon Hiimplivo nnd uxpmt domatid. Mnrketi aro nvcratockod with luirloy ntul oati, but last wneh'a rate nro malntnltipil. Increased niii plica oituriid Amnr.can wheat lo doulinc '.'."iCA fco ei iitnni'1 ui tho wool. Elicit on npot m t'.-i d nil ned 4') (.uiitilnun on tho writ - 'i '. imii. maii: i.r There i.i ioMiiii.,' I'niii ; in W')', thiugh am.ill lot, (nctnlly inferior, r.ro received from li.ttont Oregon. Tlio Irado ii doaiorab izoil, and will tint tal.u dcOnito khapo for c.ok to come. Our rcjHirt ives tho figurcn olTcrvd in thin niarkut. A Uomo in Salem For Sale. Any person willing for'a cood hnmo in Salem, an for instance soinu family from tho country winliiiij to educato tlio children, will do well to Inolt at tho rosuluneo htcly oectipiud liy H. A. ('lur lie (ilitor nf tliu I'.ui Ml'li, advertmud for baIii in thin neiuo. It m a very coiiifiirbdilu home, ono of tlio niont loftirohln and hciltliy luc-itiotii in that Ixuitliftil city, tliu wull ii mink forty feet in loil-rook, ami furiii3liu puro and delieioiM water; the ntablu nra inlcnime, thero i.i abuinlaiicu cf elmiwj fruit i;niwinj! on tlio plauc, nnd in all a full ae.ru of ground. Head tlio ndverlisciui'nt. Voluablo Property For Sale. I ofTor fur eatu my homo in Hateiu, ono of Ilia innet ilciindilu locstionn in that uty, vory oimfortablo ihvUlinjj liorjio with nan asm of lirouitd atliv litxl, . tillable fruit on thu plauc, (,'ikxI ntablott, uxeellent well m livuii water, mink deep in tho boibroch. l'rico Alno nUly three nero.1 ono mile and a half fiiini town, onodniirtli in plum nud pruno orchard eoiilaiiij .'l.dllO trees in hinkI eultiv i tiiui, oiudourth in wheat, ground newly ljliilibed. Thin it . i valuable propertj, Willi n Moll of living water on it, feiiecd in threo H.I.U; eabin nnd ulable. i''inni it Ihuru ih ono of tho iiiuhI lio.iutifol viiiwk to bo found in Oregon. I'nco $0 nu acre. Teriiin ol uy mcut can bu nuilu easy en both theno piceen of iruptrty. Illlrcu, .1. A. (J.AUKI', Fniinor Olfice. I'ortlainl. Or l. V. 1,'iiAlii, Farmer Ollicc, S'alcm. w. s. FAILING, I Ml IMa.il. HI IIKIKT WAI TIN, Whiihiuile and lleUnl Dcihr in Pish and Oysters ! Anl ImUiriiiull Yarirt .in wf Tlioroulilired Kowls uiul Ify ' Pit. llnu.llu Hu It r ,aln Mtlinr'A llro.illiu ami hlmw I'aipi, t-ttl lln.ari iei.1 WtitLr KiitiuUln.ai.il . ill k.vp in ti-iriil all tint h-inl'Mi nf tlio P.MiHry ar.l I nni breolifeU (bo fi.lf.alni;piirv brnl f.iMh WllllK liUIIIIIIlN, Hll'lUII filUIHOIl,, l)AI.K HltAIIMV, l'l. lllltnil ItdTK.I, AMI lliinin: Tin:i;i:Tri. My lirtHl!iiB atarH U wrll wliK-Uil anil puro, anl I lMiriUitiM.au. on Urn. r.viwurililivl puru an I euro fully pu'kol llr.lcn ..lliltil. Any iiiininiiiiltntlou imUIIhk In U.ii uiiltr biitlnaa.4 will ta) promptly .to- 5j 11 ami 12 Central Market.Porltaaii. liurT '.'in IM'OKI'OUATMK I V.I. HOME MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., OF CAI.IFOItMA. LOSSES PAID eriion $1,334,633.44 LOSSES Paid ill Own !'r $162,363.29 Orogon Erauoli Ofllco, Goo. L. Story, Managor, Southeast corner t'irat and Stark ytrA'eti, Opp. I.idd .V TilUm'a lUuk, I'Utf Xoxtl4.xii. Or, I...T1.1.U MYEIIS, '.1 SALEM, 'iViKv onmooiv. QTllIlUQXiri 03E IMPROVED POULTRY I Hnl lKnotvnlUinp for I)iot1Uv drcuUr anl Frio 1.1 t rvttOui HOR8E MAaKET BO ARD1NG STABLES Cor. Third nnd Ash Sts x4Dxt.aiXAvajNrx. t from (I. . N lV Wharf thrva bkwk. IVntral lotlon In the city, itabliat new, lorm onj iviiiunvlloiu. with plenty of 1 1.' lit and air Largt. nKHii table, quiet nriftiborhuod. banl and cvu.1 lrvU, making It a dralrat'lt pLu-o for baardinf itd bonr. hit h I iitai a .larUll) paitliuUr atlnllon pul.l to buylni? and aclllnx horwj for ullr In and out td the city. I'artiea llvlni; at a dWumv, l.o III wnd loo ainiiiubi dnalptloa of euh horw oj they luty for ode, and kiie th , h.k-t.L itUht, color, ilUiMtitlon, t)l, prii-e, etc., whbh I willH.ton a bulletin bturd at lb (table, audi ab rtaMtdtn a Uwk for (he reforfnix of partita oUhlne toiunhaar, an tlul when I nnd a purchaser I wlH notlly the ow n r of ilovk that I. dralre.1, ctmj kbeia iluiuf, at haul, lo nnd a nhoaar, thereby lailni inuih tluwand ep.nH', I Iuyc niAda an orraiinrint'iit tilth PH. ltleman, who li an experience tf moro (hanSti)tatra unle4 trhury burxvntn.nalier of llorxMrunihlja. ou.1 U author ol "Tho ('oiimun Memo Mitem ol Kducallm; and Itoelorliia-HorMH)," who will t In attendance at all tiiUM to look aflrr Ihe wilfare of Imalldi. Abu to rerrtxt er eradicate any latd or lciom liabit tlut any Uva.tiiuy liAtoeontntcKal, eiuhu plunirltv. kk-klnjr, latlklniror ruiuiluiiaway In huneaatir l.ncklnjr, aJi)lnk-, or not Uniting to be mounted or hitthod up lu bar no, pulluu; on bridle or luliera, crlbbln;, earr)ius Ihe tongue nut of the lueuth, etc. lie will prvexrlbe forboraaitt a dUUnce, aendinihe uwduloca If de al tv.1. at coal, and thartiti,: It 00 for prvwitption with, out the medicine, A lib. nd aliarv of ) our patronage U rpcoKully eolU. rted. H. D. MONTGOMERY. inrett to ta of P. Y. CAST1XMAS, V, B-, ftbjd l-ortkod. THE AUSTRALIAN SCAB EXTERMINATOR! A l'oi.m lor IMcrnal Use, for Prevention unl Cure of tho Kaili Tho Oeceral lleallli ruid ' M.. "..'. "t lilU'lj -Til (Vlllilltinli of ihn Hliiw.fi t i.:a,tM a '.. . ... - wjca P J! I'romoted by ita Uxn. rV$MmJtT'8B'Z .lanui.wiiirci uy ik&SSiK'- V WILLIAMS A CO. OILMAN & YOUNG, 42 First Stroot, Portland, Or., Fur tin' Matiufaclureri for Oregon and Wash-mar7-!lm ington J. W. MEREDITH, 303E3 BaTTISSTP Dental I'.ooin,". at tho old ttand, (IKISSVOLD'.S DliOC'K, OFF. Til K HANK, SALUM, OTIEGON. felly laTAHMSIIED IN ISM WILLAMETTE NURSERY, (. W. Walling & Son, 1'roiirs. Oswogo, Olacknmas Co., Or. i:peuil ntU-nlion t;lren lo I'pjm, l'runowil Oiorry Treftt (.'orriaiialflrjeo notlcltud. lobllSm HO ! . FOR RELIANCE ! nu: ( i:i.i;i!iiATi:i) Black Norman Clyde STALLION "RELIANCE!" Formerly owned by ooieph IVar, of Linn Omnty, will Puhu the unnini; ncbwui com mi neiiu; March -Jlft and ISM at I.F.IIANON) Uttii and tf.itli it IIAf.SF.Yi With nn.l !27th nt the fnnii of V. I. AMDHIWON, two 1111I04 cost of Holinrt'it brulge, on tho ('auiKc)ia. Tonus, $25.00 ibr tho Soason, Sinirod by noto pijable on or before Sept. ITitli, I.S7H, and SID by inniiiaiice, ivUm eccured by nolo nayablo on or lieforo April Int. ISSO. All nnlen will bo ri'iuirxil at time of aervicv, and to bear interent at tho rate of I- percent, per iimiiiiii from thu time they liecomo duo until laid. All nmrci bred by iniuraiico and nfterttariN trailed, nold, or laln nut of tho valley, will bo considered in foal, and the noli'j collectable, union mtisfactiiry proof w priKiuccii tnai fuc.'i inareanro not in lo.il. l'astnrai;o will bo pnienrud at rciviuihlo rates. Yo Mill not lie retponaiblo for any accident.'), but "ill tal.o rcanonahlo care of all marcii left in nnr barge. All imiuinc-t ad ilrcniH'il to J T. Stonart will rccclvo promj.t nltelltioll. MlUniKKN ft STF.WAIIT. 1'ropriotor.s :.p..Mts, Or , March 7, lt7!. mar7-l!w GOUD CURE (or HARD TIMES A 1.TVT1'X Of I'.till,, rilDtll'IOandltKLIlMIt Mi'nni i.i. infl finn llmuF'U Slliri it'i23l),O0l (InuVrvlU IUUiUUU o.'l r'.mtlnnUI Stntalvrry I'hnU Mil llunt'nf .nhef Plant., Tree, etc. Hvirythln new, mm I uad r.irr. I'iiv I iw. Suul for IM.'rlprlvc (1r mUr to dill i "i .'. IlKMAKrr, Mircr)l.1CII and mil droHCCi, Woodbury, N. J unriKiut 3Xr33"J7Cr CUSTOM GRIST MILL! In jalom. Oregon. Tim wnlTi'itiiialliai.i lnwal a-id aro no rdlii ittii (liallrljt.llll in U.c ,ai;rl:ti(uttil Vorlts Itultdlnpr, And an pretirol In cvi:-iX3xrx ai7. tolii : At nur.iiiil.lu rati. Will kUi III.'. VillKATal lliomiractp Uxv llllrhlMHIASI & i.MII'K. Maiji, Or.. IVIi leth, lrii lebjl tf WESTERN MMINGMILLS" WarohouBO Soparators ! Polton Horso Powors! I Utvu inanufarttiroil arid II hundrvd. of the We tfr i l"annlnx IIIIU, Ibit aro In irentral two nud 1,1'V irixal mtU'faUlou. Prlte, eXIO. Mill and IVartboUMrk'pnmton inado to order tdanj dnjlrcl ctpulty t'o.t, ju.i to iso, i avrvw iim ai.i; AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, 20 PELTON HORSE-POWERS Wlilili nro known to bo ttni Best Ever Used in Oregon. -A Great Bargain THOS. HOLMAN, Snlom, Orogon, dtii (.in MILWAUKIE NURSERY, Milwaukio. Orogon. (VNrtTANTI.Y ON HAND, AIX KINIVI 01' Fruit Trees, SHRUBBE.RY, ORNAMHNTAL TREES AKO VINES, Only First-Class Goods Kopt. AUllllbSS; SETH LUELLING & SON, Milwaukio, Orogon. jamitf J. H. THOMPSON, Importer and Prredtr Of only the Boat Strains of THOROUGHBRED PODLTPY Dark Srahmai, Slack Oocklni, And notviettiag' Slack Hamburg! Alto, HILVBK bilk imiOirr and SILVKH IH'CK. W1NH tlAMK UANTAktS, all Importtnl by mywlf. EGGS AND FOWLS IS SEASON. COH11KSPONUK.NCE bOUOITKD. J. 11. Thompson, llalsey, Linn Co., Or. fvb It kf Xoating's Cough Lozenges. KIUTIMI'S IXUIllll UW.K.N(lr3, TIIK OIUUT llritlali llt'innly Tht rv It uiii)u.tloiuW,r no uth. rr remedy m rerubi In lu irt.vt.. ASTHMA, WINTKIt fOUllll, UlUi.SL'HITISi, and UlMllt. 1I1UIS 01' the TIIKOAT alike yield to lu lnSuenoe. The blghcat medical toetimony eutUat no betur cure for Owwe nmiplalnU etUU (now proted by otrr half a rentury'a exporienre ) They contain no epluut. nion.hU. or any tlolent drurt. hKATINUX IMl'llll LOZIINUU. pr vml by TIIOMtU KUVTIM1. Ixindoa. lbrluln. an old by all druxgUU. AgenU br the IV-i&e IVaut, JOHN II. IIKDINUTO.N a tM., and I'll.kS. LANOLYIk COt, Boa ttoacieoo, JonlA ta FOK SAJLE. S40 Acres of on Tin: mm: i ! IKTt. Joffcrsou Pass Road. MtuVcl nnomtli nbiro Uebinia, In Mirlnn (luuiity, H.Jn'-ii-i timlcr finer, wUl Umbered, well tfotcred, jiiio iruproTeini'titd, an I a portion In nilUvt!on. Thl lind h tltmteil mi tlw eil of tho Viaiwlo Ma'inttlna, at Inut half of It can Iw ilicaply tlowl, -Jul I. rl h"t "I inonntaln imlL . ... It I. n-v hnl by n lvel navl from Ktler", no hllM, ne li nr.' i-vy .Irlvi. It l In tho raid it f a ll.liklyacb (I. ilit.ui.tr. wllli goial nrtolilmn, and nin..re healthy mriun innnot lie found. N hoolliniiao a few mil front lli.'llne llxe, llent for tn k mniri!, and hundred! of i. ri' of lind that itn Ik i lo-tred lo' wheat ut n o.t ut I . an ft'Te . , , . Thii li a liiorahlc omrtunlty fnr wmio fanner tkilr ou.1 of irolns Into tho utotk butlnew etten.in ly, or for it colony of three or four families nf (linmii. Tliero ro many (lenranj ncttleil In tho t li Inlty, and they liko Part of tb punhao price, 8" on an aere, ra bo paid fur a term of yearn In nnnutl InatalinetiO., lit low rato of internd. Call on or write to ! A ('I.AIIKK, Knniiir Olllee, No 6 naihimrton Hb, PortUml, Oregon. Or D. W CIlAia, Salem. iMSMnmimM. wttsi eVCRYTHINC ronTllB t ft 'W"S TM 1 &JLJS,JUJBLAJa tq I. 'Ipuv. laul ,u.of iMpJCencntrreo PilTERHE.LIERSiJNV.GaJ. 7." CortltritUl ni .eie lone. nS3!S2S012KIS i)r. JM1 W1TIIYC0MK, V2TERIRARY SURGEON, vn. i, pp. mtii i" in i .n.ii.wii ui:iii:uri:n lltvlni; lu.l .in oxtoi sno .ri tin ill Do-.m fur tbo Uitillit ynir., U i Mitll. uf.t ith-.t i'. id uMllly Will Ni.rid pn-ripllmii 'in. 1 'ii unnatlin for tlm Irenl. uiaiitnf m.j illndto i.ii tv. Ipt id ..no dollar Htato III iympbim ti miir i. p....il b, itUo mtir tlio n,oi.!id uaUl.tof It Can illibv u'. EU.irfc'. HAWK STASTBeKS, POllTIANii "KUIilN feliTImp Q. F. SVVICK, ? IICNTAI. KIIOMH Ovor JBroyman Bros. Storo. nom: hit hnisiikh opi:u itio.ns pi:iikoiimi:i) I .bl If NOW IS YOUR 1 IME! EGGS FOR " HATCHING ! Ollt.ol'nr ': j I Up . it linjii'm I'owli. Tliey am well knoan f .r I'nlr aiuu'rl r Inlnir ipitlltbH, and btri'li cat whin " nirf 'ib.'i arc ".."n wttirV' Wo tvarrmt all tip n .1 1 In ! bi 1 true t.. . tine. Onl:n promptly llll.J. I'rl. . $2 00 por Sotting of 13 Eggs. IVo II wnd by prei to any nd.liva. ranfully ptokiil mi mtipl "I pritc. llciu, afl.Ui each. No iiulo I Inlt en liai, I Aitdrtvull. J. llllllllHM, Man !i l.a, Is71. iliclialui Ktatlon, I.U CO., W T i.iirJI.lin Salem Floui'ing' Mills I1GRT FAIdlLY PLOUJt. 'lAUEIfS UXTltA, XXX nUPEUVtMH AND (lltAltatM. MIDDUNOU. VlllMi, AND CU0KT. OoiiN.t!iatl- ou IXttiid. XXiurliOHt I.1m In CASH Pfiid for Wheat A'jaaaii tzdisc. . C. KINNEY, KPtlSU AfentH. V. M. V T. C. SIV.STH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ...AND... Xlifvi'xanolRit, l'atton'e lltock, Btatu rlrctl. Mtlcm, Oic.-ou. IJAUTICUI.AU A.TENTION (1IVUN TO I'HE . irrliillcin, and all imIit by ruail ur expreer nlkol promptly and arcnrately. riiwlclan and Country Dtalu.w i.... ...omnnev bv e-tomlnU.g our Kto'k, ur procurlni; out price., Ixforo purcuaviug t'liuwurro. uot-tl. Enolish BERKSHIRE PIGS IKNTlMtKIl PIP..S AT TIIK I.AST bTATK FAIIl took MwHiatakei for Kit litter, alo bir !( boar on Uieirrouud., taklnjr ilbUcn prlii on my tntriei of litre. V out funil.li IIUKinXNn fCIWS, tounand a;cl. to onler. Alao. ttule toune HOAltS, oj vtvll bred fat any tMuy naa cut. anurvw. JOHN WEST, Ntw Meat Market, W,la.K!W, Or. JAllHt OREGON STEAMSHIP 00. UBOULAK LINK Between Portland and San Francisco. t'llUODUH TICKRTN Can bo i .-choeed at tho principal Htatlena of the U. A a It. rt, at X (.ocUiood Ilatoa, tltoamer. rave bolb I'orlljnd and Baa PranclKO aboat Every Fivo Says, earryliu PaneeoKtra and rrelcht at th LOWMT UATK la the only Una carrjW the U. St, MAILS and Wl bL8, KAltlMi A CO.'S KXPKKilti. Tho MOAtruhlri of tblt Company ore rated A 1, and are ur' vleitant, and complete la every particular, and to .let of the 3tate of Oregon, iN'ew ixxa tone burden, George W Elder, iTWO ton City of Chester. (1S60 toiva AjaX, lUOIonO Por frelshl or paeaase, apply at Iim Company' of Hc, comer V and Krvut eUevte, loaTtJLiu, H0f OEO. W .WKIUUUt, Aal. RAILR0AD LANDS. X.lIoral Tonini! low thicks. lom tjjik! IOW IriTCItnBSeT Too OreKoa and Valirorala and Orfgofl CBtral Kallroad Compailw OFfBU their Landa for loleupoa tho followtnjt lib, rol ttunu: Ono tenth of tbo price la rub; totereet on the baluco at tho rat of toven por ccut, one year after eale; and each following year ono-tenUi of the principal and Interoet on tbo balacto at tbo rato ol Mvta por cent per annaai. lioth principal and Inter Ml payable In U. a. Currency. A dlaooant of loo por cent, will bo allowed for coas VT LotUr to bo addreeood to a. bCllULZK. Laa Ai.t 0,oC.K. K.. l-oplUsil. OrocoAV. Klneo tho short time it ' wo ea UMl.hcd, our l.ti.tieat 1.1 ii In eiciued that wo f inn I it a nnarally lo luvo a Bt'Uldlttr lluy. r In N w York, and I am happy t .' ru iJie llibllollnl I batoeu. ..I Iiim. Ingtlio niHiiaaory prru.f 1 1 n a Ith my l.roUtcr, Mr. Wll'ittin I rner of Now York City, lu y OUR ST03K OF ftOODS ! I'or tho TToar 2079 WILL BE GREATER Than Ever Before ! Tt.MiA-lf.' tn VirtnrM an 1 MocrunlC. jirunaw ut fcj mi mw : sr ;p.s-e?. "4i vmv Farmers' and Mechanics' m II 11 nr.uircil In tin- pt.t will l carefully m tlnltltwl In tbo future Qlir OnoIrloo fSywtOlXX 1I1 ! rtrWIj n.lhere.1 to. All (loo.li am pla.nly ui trial tha mXUNll I'ltlOT., nnd M lo M tctftinvtte buluevi will wrmlt. Cuntomors will Mwnys bo Givon tho AdvantaRO of Dopro- ciation in Goods, And ltli f vllltlci now .ibi.ilii.al in I I.i ciu.,.1 1 1 un I'tkli MJ lloutj In Oroiton Innllnrt an Inrpcrtmn, FARMERS' ANI3 MECHANICS' STORE, H "" 183 First St.. noar Yamhill, Portland. Orogon. THE NEW Establishment Contounial Block, Tho Middle .Storo, ' .GREATx wfV n0 i&y "Got. Morrison 0. aiid Yamhill Stroots tsmZLirfBam iz)l$ys 2q I.M.,0l.TK!..s, AND UOI.tAl.H AND Kl.TAIt. DIJAI.KIW IN General Merchandise, DRY & FANCY GOODS, SILKS, LATEST NOVELTIES CLOTH! NG AN I V V RNIS H ING G GO D Boots and Shoos, GrocoricH and Provisions. Order J'roiti tlio Counfty Kolltltcd. All lilniln of B'roiluco Itoui;lil mill Sold. 00MST00E AND PFLUGER. r$c iBo ocascs-SjiaESs AGAIN SN Ml.NriA(TlUI-Jl mm warn, mm, mm, SADDLERY HARDWARE, ETC no ir,xio3Jrx a'j?., j3ctat sicio. ron.TXiA.iMX. .intlor(iiiitAl'tjlnnndllublar Maiiufaeinrlni:(.Viii.int I u'l AMortment nf llroond other kind, of Hofo on lian.1 at Man f'poie'a.i ainai, Ak""od Anoitn.viit of CoruoiilbU.'o llAn.rim ruwoMoike - and lAahnvf Uio Iwl qiutliy on band. A)n, a Reneril oaJirtirrfni of lirni llanioM if nil kln.li, H. II lie- uUrin pnraptly attcndml bi. JanJItf a MrvraMMiragtgrejgrrgta-rirMMJt laaa.or'tjgt.OLt: Notice FARMERS, STOCKMEN, MECHANICS AND OTHERS Wo Houlil rcatiectfully call attention of nil ,v.rtica intcreeteil in olitnlning For Kkory thing In tlia I.ino of DRY at ry n RY IT RY U OODS MLOTHING- MROOERIES OODS CLOTHING I IROOERIES OODS ..IiOTHING IYROOERIES OODSi UliOTHINGi UROCERIESf 33TO,, 33TO. Tliat o nro jireiunnj; to isauo our Spring Prico-List for 1879 AatoniBhing Roduotions ! IN ALL CI.ASSKS Of ROODS, AND Iaai7-tlxi.tTDlo Inform ation .To tlioso tlcairiug to mako purchaica, whether in loriuuu or (ituorwlee, aud win mail P. SELLING. . O. Z3ox -CaX-a. 3P XX.i3!BXjiESaL7CWXlLlNr " KISBER " AND ROOKWOOD," Proporty of Bodmond & Smith, VH ecrro tnaree the cneuim; Mown of 1K7D, tvmmencmj April lit and ending duly let. At thoir Stablo in Portland. Orogon, on Sixth and I Stroots, Near tbo Oregon Transfer Company Stablo. TcrniH, $30, payable when Mure li In Foal. All Accidents oc curring to MarcM lo be at Risk et tltelr Ownem. KI8BERS PEDIGREE. lUyitoltton, ttrlp In rhe fooe; utiltonotr foot; whiu bind kfi; foaled May X, 18TS; trot by Itndyk-'a lluiblctonlon. lit dan Lady talhoe. by Levly'a American SUr: U dam by Looz ItUid black Hawk; Ifamble Ionian (ll)l;k '), by Abdallah, eon ol Uambrioo. ROCKWOOD'S PEDIGREE. Dark bay; rijhtrore foot and left bind foot while, roaled May IT. ISTa. Sired by Fleetwood, woof Happy Medium, by Ilyedyk'a llambletomon. Ut dam by Alaunder Abdallah; id dam by any Ueeeennr; 3d dam by Pirate !Jp; ith dam by llamlltockan (a running hone); tleetwood't dun by New York Ulock llaiek; Happy Medium dam lYineeu. tdCorrMponileaoo loHeltol and promptly anawvtod. Addrea: apll-in IllPOUTER, ITHOLKALK ANO IlETAIL nEALEIt IN SEEDS! 1379. SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS - FLOWER SEEDS, FRUIT AND EVERGREEN TREES, PLANTS, ETC Alfalfa, Grass and Clover Seeds, in Large Quantities, and offered in Lots to Suit Purchasers. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEED WAREHOUSE, 315 AND 317 WASHINGTON ST. .WB-JOi BaOVk ll as?., Wo rro ilfltorm1no'l t" ofTrr tintMiut tiluoaurnltt ii.nl tJ cxtty a lino of jfey GOODS SUITABLE , 1 j Hietl i.' Uti'fillof lie fe4 POOREST : VBAWniEST 4 ' t It i ' i r Che ! FINEST QUALITY fjoods ! To bo found in any atora In tlio elty At Moderate Prices i Irtboren unH Worklnxtn n, ai ..ll ai the piibllo In ireneriil, for tbo liberal Intro lo aw are all my cu.Umieri tluat Uie raputallou which Uio THE HEW Establishment On Second atroot, Tho Middlo Storo, Bot. Morrison and Yamhill Stroots. BrSINKSSi AN" UI."01:TKH HI :7rEiifi FREE To ttartics seniHng tlieir ail il resit to PORTLAND, OR. marlllm Stallions REDMOND & SMITH, Porttend, Oregon. A Arl CfeMe. " Jm9m