Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 18, 1879, Image 6

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rusuanisa AMD rnonuiTOBS.
Term of HulMicrrpMon.
Ono otrpj.otio year (Mnnmbcni) ja.SO
Onoeopy, six months (W Barriers) l.'JS
Ono copy, threo month (IS numbers) "
l'OKTLAND, 1'UIDAY, Al'Kir. 18, I87H.
Live L'nttlo Importation.
Ainorlciin fiirmera liuvo a locp In
tcroslln tho recent omlmrgo placed
upon tlio export or llvo cnttlo lo Ktig
land. TJio order iiindo by tho Kug
"Ilsh Privy Council requires tlmt all
Huch entile nliull bo nlittigliloretl lioloro
leaving Hit) dncltH, or In other words,
thoy fllmll not bo landed at any ilrlti.sli
portnllvo. If llio atitliorllloH go no
rfurllior (linn UiIh llio tll.llcitlllos In llio
way or llvo mcnl nlil'iinenls can reiiilt
ly bo overcome at no grout expense.
Uut It It lo bo fented tlmt this Ih only
tho beginning ol a war upon this Im
portant business which will not eoaso
till inenmires are (niton lo eireetually
stop tho exportation of American llvo
cntdo in Hint direction. Tho coin
iplalnt upon which tho ombarRo Is
founded Is n inero pretext, as mieli a
dlBonsonH cntllo plnguo loen not oxlftt
In tho country, except in two or three
restricted localities; and to guard
Agnlsl llio exportation of thofowdls
HMViod cnltlo that might bo Kent from
'those Infected dlHtrielH, a cuttle liiHpec
tor, tinder Khi;IIhIi aulhorlty and pay,
might bo employed (o oxninliio all
Htock offered lieforo being put ubotnl
.ship. Tho Hccrcl or tho dillleully Is
not in (ho fear or tho meat coimtiinurM
-of .-.ui'liinil Innt they will buy an tin
avIioIchoiiio urllcle, but In the Jealousy
or Nhi'IInIi entile glower, who nee
their prolllH leduced by (ho badness.
Ho fur as their liilluoiu'o goes It will
tond to (MiilmrraH at.d injure tho trade,
4)tit IT It goes to tho extent or tnpplni!
it altogether, American Ingenuity will
hook invent Homo simpler and cheaper
iiieaiiHdf Hlilpplng freali meats than
that now In n-o, and tho dllllculty will
lio overcome In that way. Fresh meat
hhlpmenls have been HiiiTomfully
made, but at too great an expense to
compute with live catllo oxporlallon ir
(ho Inttor wore unrostrlcteil. So long
-aa Kngland wants our beer, and will
rimy n higher price lor It limn It brings
f lioro Hho iniiHt liuvo it. For ncores or
yearn to como tho rich pasture hinds or
tho Central and far West and .South
west will produce cattle more cheaply
and prolltably (hauotherartlcles of ex
orl, anil a way nitisl be provided for
Hondlug them to foreign markets
where the best prices can bo obtained.
During (lio year 1H7S the average
weekly shipments to Kngland reached
nearly SI,liUO head, and the business
was constantly Increasing. As the de
mand was steadily Increasing and the
'tiupply hero Is iiliiiint unlimited, the
rate might soon be doubled or oven
quadrupled, ir tho i evictions were re
moved, to the advauliige of both rutin
tries. Indiana Ihrimr.
Tin: CoNst Mt-rioN of Ki.iis and
I'oui.tiiv. Very few pemons not ac
quainted with the poultry and egg bus
viness could realize the vast amount of
capital that is devoted to this Impor
tant Industry. It Is statistically to-
ported that tho city or NOW orK Uses
four million dollars' worth ol eggs each
year, the average receipt or eggs In
the city being aboul I MM) barrels per
day, Iho value or which will approxi
tnato In a year $8,7;i,000. Two poultry
tmorchanbi in Uurlliigtou county, Now
Jorsoy, shlpicd (o New York In six
months, about 117 tons or poultry,
worth nlKUit $05,000. Cincinnati alone
is Hiipi03cd to export annually, about
2fi,000,000 or eggs. Kngland Is wild to
bavo u constant Investment in poultry
nfovor $50,000,000, and yet she is tho
largest Importer of eggs and poultry.
Ireland alone Bonds lior annually over
70,000,000. l-'mncclind llolgluni havo
nont her In ono yeur, nearly 530,000,000
eggs, worth $5,000,000. The produc
tion or eggs In Frunco Is estimated at
$48,000,000 a yenr, and the total value or
egg, lions, capons and young chickens
marketed yearly, Is $80,000,000, and
tho amount or capital Invested lit poul
try will approximate In round figures
$75,000,000. Tho result Is certainly
astonishing, but the figures aio true.
They show that this business yields to
tho French oultrymon about one
third much in vnliio every year as
tlm nveraeo wheat cron or all the
States of the American L'uiou, and
nearly twice as much as tho gold mines
of California produced in their best
A Ciuu: foii Hon Citot.r.HA.
Kvcry (apor In the United States
ought occasionally to keep the fact bo
fore Its readers that burnt corn Is a cer
tain and spoedy euro for hog cholera.
Tho best way Is to make a pile of corn
on tho cobs, eireetually scorch It, and
thou give (ho affected hogs free access
to it. This remedy was discovered by
K. !. Locke, at tho tlmo his distillery
was burnt In this county, together
with n largo lot of storo corn, wlilcl
wus so Injured ns to bo unfit for use
and was lmuled out and trrcoillly enten
by tho hogs, Hovoral of which wore
tlvlng dally. After tho second dny
not ti Hlnglo hog wns lost, and tho ills
caso ontlrely disappeared. Tho rcinc
dy litis boon tried In u numbor of
eases since, and novor failed. Indiana
A Minoui.au Casb.-Oiio day last
week tho lino inuro of iMr. Myron II.
Weaver, or this place, was tnken kihI-
donlyslel:. Several of our horscmon
were called upon lo ascertain, IT possi
ble, the nature or her Mckness, bill nil
round It difficult to ilolorinlnf; some
suggesting ono remedy and homo an
other, but nothing seemed to do uny
good. Finally sho was taken to Mr. C.
.1. Dowltt, a blacksmith or thisplaco,
who upon learning that ryo straw line!
been used for bedding, and that occa
sionally who had been rod with It, hoon
round tho cause or her ailment. Pul
ling his hand in her mouth and raising
up her tongue, ho round about two
handfulsof ryo beards, which being
removed, tho niiiro got better at once,
and Is now as well as over. Wo pub
lish this item as a matter ol Informa
tion to owners of horses that nro fad
straw, and particularly ryo straw.
Havana, N. V., Journal.
Collulsonu of tho most fatal dis
eases horse tlesh is heir to. Tho symp
toms or col !o nro readily dolecled. Tho
animal scrapes with his foro feet, kicks
nl tho belly, and shifts about, (urns
around, Hindis tho lloor, crouches, puts
the no"o to the Hanks, lies down, rolls,
remains for n (unit on tho luck, and
breathes heavily thiougliout. Hut
there Is u ready and wife menus of re
Hernial cure In every homestead In
tho laud a means utid method recent
ly brought forward til a meeting of the
London Farmer's Club, by Mr. Fred
eric Street, a gentleman or great skill
and experience In the training and
maiuiL'cnioiit or hor.-es. When tho
horse shows the symptoms of un attack
or colic, up ply at once, says Mr. Shoot,
a lior.io cloth, or woolen ruir. wrung
out or boiling water, to tho belly and
tin the s ties, anil cover Willi nnoinor
couple of cloths, lo ret.iln tlio heat. Ah
Ihey cool renew the cloths, as often as
needful. A largo bran imtiltloe, as hot
as eau bo borne, Is equally effective,
mid retains tho heat longer.
Tho I'M'.s of IntcclH.
Wo often talk about the plague of In
sects. They are often great plagues,
but wo must not lorget (lint wo owe In
sects a great debt or gratitude us well.
Only a very small portion or tho Insect
world Is noxious; tho others are en
gaged In good work for us soiuo en
gaged In warring against Iho same In
sect foes that wo war against, and the
others In clearing away dead and
injurious matters. On this Inst headi
an Kngllsh scleiitllle paper well says:
"Insects are useful In destroying
dead vegetable subitances, which are
even more pernicious to man than ani
mals In the same condition; mid not
only the soft and succulent portions,
but even tho solid wood Is destroyed
by them. In the immense forests or
the tropics, tho ground would bo cover
ed, and now shoots bo choked up, by
the ruins or trees which had fallen by
accident or ago, and which It would
require ages to dispense without tho
aid of Insects. Hut no sooner Is a treo
fallen than one tribe of animals cuts its
bark to pieces, another bores holes in
It In all directions; so that tho molsturo
from dew or ruin may stand, decom
pose and soften. Others come In to eat
off tho parts that are softened, and so
on till it Is entirely broken up and
scattered; and thlH is done with such
expedition, that they will In n few
weoks destroy and carry away th
trunks of largo trees, without leaving
a pnrtlclo behind; and In places where,
two or throo years before, thero was n
populous town, ir tho Inhabitants, as is
frequently the case, have ehoson (o
abandon it, thero will bo a very (hick
wood, and not a vesllgo of post to bo
Professor Caldwell, of Cornell Uni
versity, regards lomcic acid as tho
best antiseptic agent ho has found for
preserving milk sound for unusual
lengths of (line. Ho found that with
(ho omporu(uro of eighty degrees
Fahiculiolt one part or bomcio acid
added to 500 parts or milk caused It to
remain swoet ror fifty hours. At this
temperature natural milk soured In
twenty to twenty-two hours. With
(he temperature at twen(ytwo de
grees ono part of boruelu acid In 1,000
parts of milk kept it sweet for fifty
hours. When applied to (ho milk
warm from (ho cow ono part iff acid lo
1,000 parts or milk will keep it sound
twice as long as milk not so trenteu.
Horacle acid Is not detrimental to
health used in the quantity named,
Professor Caldwell having uod the
milk freely without harm to tho stom
ach. Kentucky J.ive Slock licconl.
Petroleum 1ms beon discovered In
Some 6dentl3 c gentlomon in Wash
ington hnvo organized tin Anthropo
logical Society.
Cats and birds do not mind being
laughed nt, but dogs and horses nro
sensitive to ridicule.
Most of tho enrragrcen or Irish moss
used for cooking purposos in this coun
try is gathered at Srittmte, MtiS3.,
where nbout 150 families nro engaged
in Hint labor.
About two million shank-bones of
oxen nro worked up every year In
Shellleld, Knglnnd, for kulfc-htiudlcs,
tooth and nall-hrushc-, comb.", funs,
button-molds, etc.
The water or tho Ouir near Key
West, Fin., is so putrid and poisonous
that fish ilio, tiuil the biislnossor fisher
men Is almost destroyed. A scientific
Investigation Is urgctl.
Intoiiso cold develops paralllno on
the Inside or oil-plpu Hues in tho oil
regions, so that thoy hnvo recently not
been able to transport oil enough (o
keep pace with production.
A Uusslan Journal, tho Siberia, slates
that In 1878 the nmoltlng-liouu's ror
tho single province or Irkutsk turned
out no less than 111:20 pound's or gold
(i:j,GBilln. Kngllnh).
A llermitn Iiiih reduced the fibers or
thojuto plant, by lino subdivisions, to
such a silky thread that it will hi ex
tensively used by a Manchester (ling.)
firm In tho manufacture or fabrics.
When trout spawn Is examined un
der the microscope in various stages
or development, tho embryo's heart
heart may bo seen pumping the blood
from a vein stretched ont on the Mir
race or tho yolk.
An important discovery or graphite
has lately beun made In the interior or
Wellington Province, New Zealand,
where largo' deposits are bsliovotl to
exist, very pure in quality and com
pact In texture.
All Attonlshcil Killtor.
An exchange says: Wo find upon
our table ono ol' tho newest pictures.
It Is beautiful in design, small, but
showing gj eat artistic skill In Its make
up. The prevailing colors are green
and black, the two blending so harmo
niously that tho effect. Is pleasing In
the highest degree. Wo shall not, of
course, presume to glvo an exact do
Hcrlptlon of this picture, but some of
the characters look so noble, so strik
ing, that wo cannot refrain from de
scribing them. The head-center, or
rather tho hero, of the picture, holds
In his left hand a banner, In his right
hand a sword; his lint Is thrown on tho
ground; his head Is thrown back, his
left foot extended, anil, taken all to
gether, his appearance Is that of one
challenging another to mortal combat,
waiting for tho other fellow to knock
off the ublii. His eyes are cast up
ward, resting on tho word tl Hello!
what's this? Oreat snakes! ir It Isn't
a llvo dollar bill! Wo took It for some
new kind or u Christmas chrome tlmt
had come in tho mall. Hut wo see how
It is either our "devil" has been
robbing a bank, or some delinquent
subscriber has been coiisclenco-strlck-en!
Party bouquets should bo flat.
Knr-riiiL's are unite small now. small
gold balls, or a solitaire gem, being (ho
prevailing stylo.
Spring bonnets will bo much larger
than those worn this wlntor, and will
tlo closely under the chin.
Houmiuts worn in (hobeltsomotimcs
havo sprays and tendrils extending
up to the left shoulder.
A bow and arrow or Immortelles Is
the newest and among tho prettlost
designs In preserved tlowers.
India muslin dresses are finished by
musses or little sort rullles hemmed
with whlto or colored floss.
A Qenilo Hint-
In our Btyla of climate, with Ita sudden
ohUK of louiporture, nln, wind, and
sunslilno oRon InUmnlniiletl in a stifle day,
-It U no wonder thai our children, friends
mil rnUilviM are bo frriiuentlv taken from
ub by ueelooted cold, half tbe deaths
resulting directly from tills, oauae. A bot
tle of Uosohee' German Sirup kept about
your home for Immediate uso will prevent
orlou alokne&a, a Urxo doctor' bill, and
perhaps death, by (ho use of thrts) or
smir noses, ror curing lonsumpuou,
lluuiorrhaires. PiKUiuonl. Severe Coutihs.
Croup or any disease of the Throat or
1.UI1KS, 11 success is aimpiy nuimeriui,
as your druggist will tell you. Gorman
Syrup Is now sold In every touu and
vlllageon this oontlnent. Sample bottles for
Kim, tuv i irumi Btu iti'.
Liver U King,
The I.Ivor Is the imperial organ of the
wnoifl unman system , as u controls me inn,
health and hanplnes ol w.ui. When Ills
dUturbed lu Ita proper aoUon, all kinds of
auuieuis are ino naiuaai mull, 'ine uiges.
lion of food, tho movements of (he heart and
blood, tho action of tho train ami nervous
system, aro all immeaulely iwnneoted with
tho workliiKs of tho I.Ivor. It has been sno
eessfully proved tbuUl teen's August 1'lower
Is uuequaueu in curing an persons atuicted
wilti Dyspoptla or l.lvsr Complaint, sad all
tho uumerousspmptons (bat result from an
iiuheaiiny roimaiouoiiue i.iver ana stmu
nnli. Ssmnle bollles to trv.lOceiils. lYu
lively sold in all (owns on tho Western Con
lluent. Throo dose will prove that It Is Just
w nai you warn.
iPTofs r H-VIY'
State Grange Deputies fior 1878
nAKicn, Co. Thomu Sinllh, Bsktr C7
llti-Toi A. Holder, Corrlll".
OtACKASiii -O. N. WAir. Canti.
(.tAitwr-W. II. Oray, Younir s Hirer.
I)ouola-I). S. II. Ilulik, Myrtle Creek.
Jacmok J. N. T. llller,Jakinvllla
Jomrmii- Jo-ejih Tollo. k, fosaml.
I.aks-IIomoo Knox. Crnocll; Allen Hon I, Kujcne
'.lis II. A. irrine, tiuanr. .ini....
Mahioi -J. V llacheltcr, llutterlllc; W. M. Illllcurjr.
Turner. , . .....
U.nillll ! vmlllOll KellV SIM IMOU donniUM, rx.
I'olk-K. A, I'atterion, Dixie.
Tillamook -J. V. Ilcwler. Tillamook
t'KKM-Jnhn CreUlilon, t'nlnn
Waiico John Kml.Tjuhl alley.
VtAfilMUTOi J. A. Illtliariliou, ToiUtln; J. . Sap
plnjton, Oa.ton
Yimmill II It tiuulilln, Jiorlh lamlilll
WAMIIHimM Timmnr
(MLrvniA Thom'wThrn.Hll, Da) ton
Clahkb DulJ Stamp, Vsnmuirr
I'oaiiT JohnS. ISoiarth, I'ckln
I.Rl W II. Miller, H.ltort
Wall Wall Y II. Tlinnur, WbIU Walla
UmrsiAi- William Klnx, Halouim Clly
.. . I. l -. .-St.... In .l,tk I.l tiltllllA4 llAVH
been ipinlntvil wiiM mnrh otilVo mo i UiwUnaUnif
ItrUlIll r milUsUlU HI IM- III Ml Ik lajsxs it
it u. .. r.iA.tl,-ii. ui ilraiirii.
Master Samuel I), AJami, Monticcllo, Mln
IICKOtl. ....
Overseer J. !. Wooilmaii, r.iwp.iw, Jllclt.
Lecturer - Mortimer Whitehead, Middle
bush, N. Y.
ritowanl A. .1. vaugiaii, .ticmpnis, iunn.
AmUlaut .Slownrd Willi.un .Sims, Topck.a,
Chan a ii A. r. Foray the, isanei, r.igar
county, III.
rre.'Hurcr r. m. nieimnsu, uiivno, .1. .
Secretary W. M. Ireland, tashini(tou,
I). (J.
Oale-Keeiiei 0. I) mwddb, Orchard 11 rove,
Ceres Mrs. S. M. Adams, Monticcllo, .Min
l'omoiia-Mrs. .1. .1. Woottman, t'awpaw,
Flora Mrs. S. T. Moore, Sandy Spriiiir,
Mich. . .. .
I.ii vAKa'tStownnl-MiiwC. A. Ilnll, Alu
iXKUtrrni: niMiirrTt.i:.
Samuel K. Adams. Chalrniau, Monticcllo,
llculey .lames, Marion, Iiid.
I). Wjirtt Aiken, Col.vslniry, 9. I'.
rt. II. Kills, Sprtn;linrH, Ohio.
Ofl'irE'lVl l)lit."iN STATU (JltANIli:.
Mafter A. I!. Slnpl.y. Ojwcgo.
Overseer I). H. K. Itnlck, Myrtle Creek.
U-cturer-W. It. Thoiiuu, Walla Walla.
Steward V. M. I lillrary, Turner.
Ass't .Steward- M. I.. Nicholas, llvaverton.
Chaplain -W. II. (Sray, Astoria.
Secretary N. W. Itandall, ()rc(fmi City.
Treasun-r- David Smith, IaIkiikiii,
(lato-Kcuiier C. N. Wait, Canity.
IVren M. .1. Trniu, llnrrisliurt;.
I'lPiiioiia -C. K. Miiil.y, Oswvgu.
Flora S. I). Durham, Mu.Minnville.
L. A. S. Irene I.. Hilleaiy, Turnir.
Mict'iivi: ix)Msiitti:k.
A. It. Shipley, Chairman, Oiwej'it
li. W. Hunt, .Sublimity.
A. Holder, Corallii.
feature or (he (Irnngc iloicment.
One notk'i'iible fen t tire or tho f,'nuiK0
movement Is the cluinco which Is Riv
en to women or ttiklnir uny imrt ror
which they iiiny show themselves fit
ted. In some plnees in Ciiuiulu Indies
nro uiipointcd us seereturics, iiud ore ns
well (tmllllod to perforin tho duties or
tlmt olllco ns urn tho brethren. This
fiNittiro lu the Kfiu-KO Is ciiletihitcd to
hnvo tho very host effect on tho insti
tution, we believe. In (ho hull sho
has the name rljjlit ns uny to dike part
in uny dK'ns-dous that inny arise, and
her nrcsenco hiii u reflnlne; inlluonco
which cannot hut tend to benefit till
the member--. An ercanlatlon which
depends on the whole community,
both male mid D-malc, for Its .support,
tsks for aid on much more Intelligible
grounds than it' only one half wcro
allowed to take part In Itn delibera
tions. Tho Krauze was dovlscd to
benefit not only men, but women ns
well, and It how.s tho wisdom of Its
founders that they recognized tho
right of tho latter to representation iu
the assemblies. It wns a move which
concerned not only tho matorlal, hut
tho Intellectual mid social welfare of
the people ns woll, and what was more
fitting than that thoso who hnvo by
Tar tho largest share In moulding tho
characters or futuro generations should
bo allowed to have a voico In the man
agement or nn institution especially
calculated to supplomont hor work
with the chlldrott sho Is rearing. Ca
nadian Farmer.
lu tho gr&ngo meetings, tho young
and thoso who are illuldont should bo
urgod to give expression to their vlows
on the various topics discussed. This
may bo accomplished by tho lecturer
or maslor, who, by asking tho most
illtUdoiit member in tho grango ques
tion niter question, witl elicit replies
or tho most instructive nnd practical
Black whet Uitult around tho neck are re
ivoil for evening full-dress occasions.
Kmbroidcry is lavished on all dresses, and
not only on dresses, but on the accessories.
Solid Merit will Tell.
For nil the bitter opposition of Jealous
rivals, uo loiter Illustration could be had?
this fact than tho Immense talo alroady atj
UIuhI liy (he Kreat Throat and I.unj: Heme
dy, Or. Auk. Kaler's German Kllxlr. For
(he cure ut CoiiKhs and HronchUl Atlecttons
It is truly wonderful, even thoso sutlerlut;
from Consumption In advanced stat-to tlml
creat relief, aud mi tutors of patlsuls have
lound,ln their delliiht, not only relief but
I'UHK. It teliiK perfectly barmless, makes
it at once popular with mothers, who of nil
others havo felt (be nece.sllyofsucti a medi
cine. The Kenulue Wra (ho Prussian Coat
of Arms, the faosimllo signature of Dr. Aus.
Kaiser, aud has his usmu blown on every 75
rent bottle, A trial size may be, bad at the
Drug Store of for a cents.
A IlKimnw i'MA von Tim Chin
ks'. Tho Jewish Kccord protests vory
justly against tho action or threo He
brow lttibbls in San Francisco, who uni
ted with sovcrnl clorgymon in tlint city
In urging the President to sign tho
Cliincso bill. Tho A'ccorJ says: "Wo
assort that tho action or tbeso gentlo
nmn Is nntl-Jowisli. as well ns nntl-
Amerlcan. Tho eternal doctrines or Ju
daism nroclnlm tho ctiunllty or nil clas-
noa TCn Hlrnnirer robllko to tllCSO TOV-
crond gentlemen can bo uttered than
tho injunction: 'Thou shalt noitnor
vex a stranger nor oppress him. ror yo
were strangers in Kgypt.' And with
still greater emphasis comes tho divino
commnnd: 'One law shall bo to him
that is home-born nnd unto the strang
er that hojournoth iiinong you.' The
Inspired prophet, Miilnclil, in his re
proor to the priests, exclaimed:
'Have wo not till ono rather'.' Hath
not one God created us.' "
The revenue o tho I'ligliih Patent Oflleo ia
imv.iIIv increased nt present by the number of
applications for patents on olcctric-lifjlit ap
paratus. Two or three applications nro men
nearly every day.
The I'eiilHiir I.tnlnieni ate of two kinds.
Tha Whlto Is for Ue hnman family; Ilia Yellow
Is or hornet, sheep, anil oilier oulmals. Tojtlmo
nlals of tho ciTects produced hy Itieso rcmarksble
rrcpsrallons aro wrapped arouml erory bollle. and
may bo procured of any dnuxl't, or by malt from
tlm OHcoofTiiaCKNTAUiiCoMriNV, 10 t)cy Strrct,
New York Oily.
Tho Imported Clytlcstlalo Stnllion3
Will raako tlio reason a iil!ow:
Itltlt IIOV. nt Dnrhln's tablr. HAI.C.M. Mnn
iUy. TiieHhr, snil Weiti.esilsy isrli uik, ami 'it
JOHN rL'lllt'ri FAUM UmllircoiUislnlluvlii..
.limtlCV .MASON. Darliln's Mabl. HAM'.M,
Tliiirnlay, I'rlilay. and saliuda). rarh uteli, iml at
timiiM lilll.ANKV l'Alt.M.n mlleui.il a hall mil of
Turner, nn .Miinun),Tiicnlaj, aid Wtilmnlsys.
TIlt.ll.S-Seann. fill), iiaya'Ho at end l ca
oii. lii.nrance, $50, nidii ulirn nnn kniinu
tuba with foal, or parted with. V H. uold ruin.
npis (.iiii:umn .v I't'un
The l'cTcl)raTcil lira It StnllTon
lit nuke th i mwiiiiiI lt;'iati)ll'iw.
At lit V I'n nil. In W aid II11I-, Mundnti&ndTuixlaya
N t'A V'l'OIM. Uiilii.U). and 11iurnlt
M:iO, Irlil-viandSsiuriU'.
TKHM.S Uap, till) Srawn, ?15j iivurjn.v, :i()I
Tlui Si-Knoii will bruin April 7.
lKjuKirtinv ami 1'mhiiskk. IiuU .NaiHiIoon Ua tmn
tlful U t)l trniy. 10 band, hlirli, and wrlzhr IUI lb. Ilu
a .Iriil by the lmiurttd Norm in burn' Null. Naimloon,
and lil iUiu b Kmol Mmixin, Impcitrd by Cul. Oallov
i( Tuiiwrllii) . Ill , hlizruiMihmwaia Ircnclil'aiuvll
un inarv. Cunij and . Ibu liorw Mara i.uktn- ntlur
ntraiii.tincil. ImbTnCl T J tliilDMiiON.
(illAVLS M'llCll'IO .tu:iici.M:.
The limit HimlUli llenirdy
mini; rilAntf. . .... . .... .... "ADE JAJ.
.oV Seminal i-akni,
pwriiMii'Tiiii,. iiu
H.toni'r, and all !n
i-ih'S lliut follow ix n
Miiurm v or p. If -abu.
m l nf Mi-mor), .i1i)S!iC
1'aln In tlM liuk.W,-"!:
iliunus ..' .VUbin, .j,.V,.,
Mora ToMagi:;:,;j;irin;,I.;7r: After Takk-.
anl mvny othrMIouu thit wm - Irmnltj trt)ii
fuiitptloii, nrila rrimitrio (in &r Kull lurtUultnt
In our luinpliUt, whkh uu itfitv to -HnJ (nsj I) i:all
to vary out? j Tin si in Mtsllunu f mM by siti
ilnuci't-. nt $1 iKTu-k3irt- r n i-u-kai-H fur -i, cr
will lirknt (rr b null i riiMpt nf tlu nurut h od
(irmm; J Illi m W .flKIMCI.NK '0.(
No lt Mi iiw Jl! s I'lTuui. Mull
JT '"i.i.i II i an.' . n't n in tlio 1 il't i SUU
H B m B o mnrt fofiinr
H HI H tE CniHlostirw
fH im H H rontaim irrr
! W H JH Knailmrrlitilmt
aB BMy nillrlo In smi
ssBI Bsls rritl uor.nmt
vnlunlflo to ATV II'.1CH(I rontfiuiil it.
liiff Uv iiiirrltuiif nn iirflrlr for I p.
cmihI, rauilly ur Asrlriilliiral iihi. n
hut tilling n Inrffoirutli tlir luinl hcaoii
In lir rmufr inrt ul'tltf Tri rlturlm,
autl lmr ulllttrv r rr pi lon. errU
r (Im rvirctiirioii of llir iitirrluirrt
mi nny rlatniliic fu lino itiutlt m ulutf
ut 40 iu no ir rnit, Wo mm II W
4TAI,04J1'f.H TO ANV AllllHKMn.
rilllU, ll'ON AllLH'.TIO. V.-1(
r (imkU lu nil mmiklnil Mt u liolraHln
t lr- lu fumitltlr to ult. Uetrrrucv,
,'lnt Amiuitfil lianU, i'iilrugi.
Orlitlnul 4Jrnitn Hupplx IIuHr,
7 A. ii U'lttJU AW., eUlcuso, HU
BiilaJ rftEKt
ilU ittUiuu. lift
Uu I ir4 pUut. A00ttnlBfli
mi in rMi nn iMri
wmsj &mi dlrswtUBa hsT bl&BlisU
iiiuaH f tutu 4 rNtr iUi ruau. bmm, b
UrsUitU U HL M for IL A4r4
D.JCFERBYfcCO. Detroit XloK
The Most Popular Scientific Paper in tbe
Only $3.20 a Yenr, including Pontage.
Weekly. 52 Number n year. 4,000
lmok pages.
TnsScisvnncAsiciHaUrir KlnrtCUM Wllj
V(.iwrolSUhvn l-Atrea, urbitoil hi tlw inot UmuiI
rul st) Iv. JtvuHly UluttraUd ulth tjJrtiiliJ tngrar
Ingt, ttprveatinx the nv.t lnrnUou and Oio mo-t
rvvent Adisncvs In Oie Art sji4 Jcieikii; liKlulln Xew'
anil InUnwlln; Facts In Anculturo. Horticulture, sh
Home, HeulUi, )IMicvl PrevTM, Svll biience, 'atursl
lllitorT, Oi-olY, Attronomy. The mot aluabl
praclUiu uvra, ly entlntnt rtur in all iirvartiucuu
ut Selrniv. ulU hs tisin 1 lu th sientlrt Amerliun:
Teruu, 43.) r)iiu, Sl.tu u-.li M , anu'iii uc.uilos
KMt&xe. IHscoutit to AtrvnU. lngls copirs, un wnu.
hold br all Ntnadealm. Iltmit b) no.ul orJ.r to
Ml'.NN A. CO.. 1-uMUhers, S7 llirk U,S York.
1 4 fl?TVJTtt In renncrtlon with ths
. 21. J. Alill J. t. vricvririe Asiticss, Xeure.
MU.NN l.. ar hoUdton el Amerton anj (jprri.-n
Intents, hire hail 31 1 cats ekvrlaniv, an J now bX e Uio
larirMt MUbliahnitnt In the orlil. PatxnM ar obtainnl
on the tw.t ternu. A iweUl nolle U nuU In the
KicaTirie Asimcas el all Intenlioiu (uUnuM through
thU Asvnv), lth Uie nauio anj iu1Jihv ol the PalcuU-c,
l'y Uis iiuniciiM) clrvulaUon lhu irirvm, ubllo atKntlon
U din-ot.J u Uie ui.nu ol the nev atont, and tales or
Introduction onn tltj etTevUi
.Vny person ha huuiaJe a nevr i!UMiy or Imcn
tlon,ouiairtaln, frw ol Uuiyt, hether a alnit .un
lrututlr bo obulnoa, by untuw to th4 uihlenik-ned.
We al-o ni (ri4 u Haul Hook about tha Patent U,
Pausuts, luuu, TraJe-Jlark", their coo, anihowfro.
rurwl, IOihinu(or Tixuria.' a-trnrcs on Intentions.
AlJns lor the llipwr. or uoneernlni; PalenM,
Ml NN 4. CO., 3T l-ark llo. New Vork.
Branih Oflw, Cur. ' "-U-, Waihliwwn JJ. tt
To drcM aceorrilng lo IIarwr's llazar will bo the at
anil amotuon ui uiu wujh w. ..iiiviii.,u,H,n Trsi
As a (alutful chronicle of (aalilon, and a ncwipapei g
dotnestlo and social character It ranks without a rim
Ilrooklrn Kagle.
Tlil, lAiMr hM arnulreil a vrldo nonulirltr for u..
slda enjoyment it altord, and liasbooomo an mUhUahM
authority with tho ladles. N. Y. Krenlng Tost.
Tho Volumes ol tho llaiar Iwgln IUi tin drit Numbs!
lor January o( each jmr. When no tlmsl upwined II
will bo undenUiod that tho "ubierilicr wUhci U, coin
mencowlUi tho Number next alter Uio receipt o( hli
Hai'por's Poriodlcals.
IIAIU'llll'S MAOAZIN Ono Year J( 00
llAltli:i,.S WIIKKLY, ' " (0-
HAIirilU'rt IIAZAIt, " " too
The TllllEi: publication.', onj fear loco
Any TWO, una year...... , 704
MIX tutucrlptionj, ono year 20 CO
Ttrins for largo clulu furnlhc-l un appllcaUon,
Postata Kruo to all niUvcrlhors In tho t'nltol KlnUs tt
Tho Annual Voluuici of llnrr.K's lUnn. In nmt cIau,
binding, Mill bo .cut by ojprum, treo n( ckjienm ore-
viueu uto in.ii(iii uue. uu. uxi-urii unu tiunir ier ruiumtl.
for 97 UQcach. A complcto Met, coniprliln Klercn Vol
umes, sent on receipt i) cull at tho rati) ol S3 26 wr ol
uuic, LTClKnb a. uieiij ui iiurtiiiver.
Moth Cimos tor each rnlume, suitable for binding, Ul
bo sent by uull, nutialil, on rrcclpt of SI (HJcacJi.
llrinltUneusrhouldbomado by Pont-ORIco Money Or
der or Dralt, to uwld clianco of loss.
Kewinaiiers aro not to cony Hill AilrcrtlKment irltliaut
tho express order ol llAsnut U IlROTnsns. h
Ad.lresl IIAlll'lill & IlltOTIIKIlS, New Votk.
notickj or Tin: nas
llar)vr'slarulnoUlho Aiuerlin Ma.ulm In
lltcnturo aud art. licutuii Travell. r.
Tho most lopul.ir MinUily lu the world. N V Oh
irer. It l an excellent cmnpanlon for the joo!,', a oc.L-ht
ti the iiuture. u sul.iee lor declining n. luuvlll
Courier Journal.
No other Monthly In Iho world can hIiowm hrlllluita
Hit of lontributon; nor doi-i any fuml-lt Its realtors ulOt
Miureatn tark-t) and mi superior a quality ol UUraturv.
i atchinaii, nu.tou.
Tho lolumrjn! tlio M.v.ulno bok'lu with tho Number,
for June and Pcivinber, it lull yiur. Vi hen no Urns Li
Mieclllcd, It III bo underaUnxl that tho auhietlber wuJiei
to liejtlu with the current Numbor.
aMi:rt:ii's I'jisiioincAa.s.
IIAitraid WKKKI.V. " " (W
IIAni'IMCS IIA.AII, " " 100
ThsTUIlKKpuMliutluiir, one) ear 10 00
AnyTWO, one )oir 7 00
blXiubvrlptlons, ouejrar HO 00
Terun lor lan;o club lurnUlieil nil application.
I'totai; I'rre to all ulueitlxri In tlw United Hates or
A eom)4ito Sit ol lUsrrs's Mtnuir, now (oinprliln '
57 volume., lu nwit cloth blndlnjr, will be sent ty Cipro-,
fnlk'nt at espeiuKi id purthax-r, fur $! iA vr ol
ume. Hlii'rlo tolumea, by mall, lpaUI, i3 OX CloOl
raw, lr binding, US rents, by mall, jMMlpald.
ininlttancrtfhouldbeioailebv l'oitOUlixi Money "r
dcr ur llralt, tu avoid rlunee ut lou.
NewAitn aro not to cop) (his aihertl-eintnttrithout
Uie expreu urden ul lUsris .'i IISftTlirKi.
Ad.Inii IIAIII'KU U IlllOTIil'.ltS, New York.
NOTICK.1 OK Till: l'lllS
'Die Hull) nuutln.esilly at the htad of llhutraUd
uKri by IU fine linrory iunllty, the Ik out)- ul Its typo
and Hood cut.prin5tUld lttpub'.lcan,
III pictorial attmcttim4 are luperb, and imbrsiv frtory
nriety ol .ubject and ol aril. tic treaUnent, Zlon s Her
ald, lluatoll.
The Weekly li a intuit a;enrT tor tho ilUsetnlnaUon ol
correct olUlcal pruiclplea, and a powerful opponent of
.ham, traud, nnd lol-e pretences. I.cnlli Kxpreet,
The olumei of the Weekly bevln with the nrvt Nun)
ber for January of each tear. When no lime Is men
tioned, It will be usdentoud Uiat the sub-cribcr wliliea la
commence with the Number next after Uie receipt of tit
llAlU'KlVa MAO.UINf. One Year l.W 00
llAltrKICS WEEKLY, " 4 00
llAUl'KlfS DAUII. ' " 4 00
The TllHEU publications, one )var.. 10 00
Any THO, one )ear 7 00
SIX iub.-riptloiu,one year.... SO 00
Terms for Urge dutx fumiihed on apilicatlon, ,
Piatage Free to all sulwcrlbers In the United States or
The Annual Volumes of llisruk's WtccLT, In neat
cloth binding, will be sent by express, tree of expenso
(proilJed the frcifht does not exceed one dollar per rot
ume), lor 47 OOeach. A complete Set, comprising Twenv j
ty-to Volumes, sent on receipt ol cash at the rate ol '
4 SJ per volume, freight at expenre of purchaser.
Cloth Cuce for each volume, suitable for binding, will
be sent by mall, iiost-pald, on receipt of II 00 each.
Ilerolltances should be made br I'o-t-OnVe Money Or
der or Dralt, to aiold chance of low.
Newipapen an not to copy this adierthcmcnt without
the expreM order of llasrsa & llaomssi.
Address IIAIII'EIl & IIItOTIIEKS, New York.
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