TTader AdvJacacBt. Tho caso of W. 0. Griswoltl, plaintiff in error, vs. Tho United States, in error, from tho U. S. Bitstrict Court, -was nr fjned nnd submitted yestenlay before Jndgo Sawyer in Chnmbors. Tho ques tion involves an important oint of law, nnd was taken under advisements by tho Judge. ToJea Caro of Him. Okh-Kho-not, tho Alaska Indian who was acquitted of the chargo of murder ing Brown near Sitka, was turned loose yostcrday. Ho is now loafing around tho court lioufio without money, shelter or toou. no m in a uaa way. some thing must bo dono for him, as it will bo inhuman to allow him to suffer. Ho was brought hero by tho government nnd should bo provided for until ho can be, returned to his tribe. Peroharon Colt. Soldi 'The Ashland Tidings says that W. C. Mycr and others havo sold from Jackson county up to date, forty-fivo Pcrcheron eoltfl, for which they received 813,317, an nvcrago prico of about 8290. They cro nH sired by Whito Prince, which horse has not mado a season hero foriivo years, and tho sales exceed those of any other horao in Oregon. Tho colts aro mostly sold when under two years old nnd many wcro sent away as soon ns wcancL They went to California, East ern Oregon, Washington Territory and Idaho. An Iadian FffUter- Mr. Sam Glover a well known miner nnd prospector lias been spending a few days in Walla Walla. Ho is celebrated for his honor and bravery; ho never -went back en a friend or missed an 0t portunity of fighting Indians. In early days, with threo other men as good as himself, followed up tho trail of tho Snakes who hud stolen their horses, sworn across Snake river, fought and killed every one, and returned with tho Indian horses and their own. They did not npply to tho military for protection in those days. Walla Wnlla States man. ' I 'H I Clarions Inoidant- Last Sunday ns Mr. Ccorgo Herren was attempting to closo tho door on tho Jswer floor of the Farmer's wharf, it fell from itH hinges and catching him in its disccnt felled him to tho floor. Tho door is a largo one, weighing in tho neighbor hood of 750 pounds, nnd had there not been n pilo of sand on tho floor upon which tho door fell it would most likely havo killed Mr. Herren outright.. As it was, he only received a few bruises nnd a good scare. It was somo fifteen min utes before ho was nblo to cxtricato him self from under tho door. Just ono year te n day and about tho same hour his brother was caught in tho samn manner, by the Kami) door and knocked sense less, where ho lay for somo timo licforo being restored to consciousness. Kat her a curious coincidence. Statesman. For tho Penitentiary- W. II. Hell, tho convicted bunko sharp, was taken to Salem this morning by Sheriff Norden, under hcntenco of ton years' imprisonment. Tho efforts of his f i lends to piocuro a pardon aro be ing vigorously prosecuted, though it is thought tho allegation against King and JJernanl, whouro pardoned convicts, will uiiliUto against their success. Muny wlio at first considered Hell guilty, now, through Mibsofiucut developments, moro firmly beliovo him innocent of tho crimo with whiih he was charged. Wo could iianio at least ono member of tho jury which convicted who is ready nnd will ing to hign tho pardon for his rclcaso, nnd it is said that others havo oppressed their willingue.s.s to do so, if it Li shown to their wUitifnctitm that tho prisoner won not tho man concerned in tho rob bory, which is believed can easily lx done. Tho namo of tho party, who, it is ulleged, in the ono really guilty of tho crimo is John (not lVte, as previously Hinted) DiitTuy, who left tho city at tho timo of arrest, and who has not hinco been he.ird from. Tho Alaska Atrocity. Kot-lin-wot Cauvfotod. nnd OliU-Utan-not Acquitted of thn Mnrdttr of At tlio conclusion of tho uvidouco of A-ta-chin Thursday, and ono other wit ness, who corroborated tho umc, tho coso was submitted to tho jury at ten minutes after 5 o'clock. At twenty min utes after C o'clock tho marshal notified tho judgo nnd district attorney that a verdict had been agreed on. Tho jury camo into tho court room, and uixm lcing asked by tho Judgo if thny had agreed upon u verdict, tho foreman mi sweitjd in tho affirmative, and hauded tho judge verdicts written on two sep arate slips of paper, finding Kot-ko-wot guilty and charged in tho indictment, and Okh-kho-not not guilty. Tho jury was discharged from further uttendanco on tho court, Okh-kho-not not released from custody and Kot-ko-wot remanded to tho county jail. Dr-frnoviso Insect.-. An insect, unknown to local entomologist, has attaslcd James Hamlin's field in myriads and injured about fifteen acres of growing grain. It is small in aire, resembling a ilea, and detours tLo stalk down to tlio very seed. Its ravages, being confined to a certain locality, arouot etwi s'ito thus far. Mr. Hamlin informs tut that tbU insect has mado U apticarauco in fortier years, but nothing whereby ho can rid him self of bis unw oleoma visitors, has auggested itself as yet. Jacksonville Tunc, Tho Hagor Homicide. Thn Arrest of Bernard at Seattle He Danle Any Complicity In tlie Crime i bnt Malice Contradictory Statements. Geo. Li Recque, of Oregon City, en gaged by Marshal Thorndyko at Scattlo to assist in his pcarch for Frank Ilernard, tho alleged murderer of Mrs. Haccr, visited tho thcatro at that placo on Sat- ( uruay niglit last, wlicte ho immediately detected aud caused the arrest of tho fugitive. Marshal Thorndyko approach ing Bcrnatd, said, "Is your name Frank Bernard, of Portland "" "It is." ho re- plied. Tlien you are my prisoner, said tho marshal. "For what!" asked Bernard. Tho marshal hesitating, Ber nard said : "I know what for; I know nli about it, so that don't matter. Damn them; if I go over thcro I'll show them what I am. I will learn somo of them n trick or two; they'll pay for this." Barnard is n young man of rather pre possessing appearance, clean shaved, and evidently about 25 years of ngc. Ho de clares, however, that ho is hot yet 19, nnd a step-son of Mr. Pulsky, of Van couver. I lo had lived in Oregon several years, and was in Salem, Oregon, somo timo in February; left thcro in company with James King, for Portland, and don t remember tho date; had not a cent nnd walked all tho way; did not tell parties in Portland ho was going to have a raiso in a week if it cost blood; left Portland for Oregon City a fow days after. Tho captain of tho steamer McCully gavo King 'and him passes; went to Oregon City with King to sco his wife; returned to Portland on foot; don't remember tho date; didn't have u cent all this time; got to Portland mid went to Chat tin, president of tho Y. M. C. A., and told him ho was tired of doing wrong and wanted to get out of Portland nnd go to work and get an honest living; ho gao him n pass to Vancouver; left Portland tho next dny, February 24th; from Vancouver ho walked to Olynipta, got u pasa down to Scattlo and went to work as pantryman in tho Occidental Hotel there; went to work nbout March 1st; never heard a word about tho linger murder till ho heard a man speak about it in tho Occi dental Hotel two weeks ago ; never knew thcro was a family iu Ore gon by tlio namo of Hagcr; hopo God would stnko him dead if ho ever thought of committing such an nwful crime; rend a piceo last Thursday saying that Jim King had said that no murdered Mrs. linger, and was going to write over lo Portland Sundny aud tell them ho was here. The man Fnirchild, who is also charged with complicity in tho murder, at last accounts, had'also been shadowed, aud probably cro this has been arrested. Bernard has since admitted to tho city marshal that, although ho had nothing to do with tho murder of Mrs. linger, ho could tell them something about it if necessary. The polico authorities of this city havo been officially notified of tho cir cumstances ntnted above. A requisition for tho man will bo obtained from Gov. Thayer, nnd on Tuesday polico detectivo Hudbon will start for Scattlo to bring tho prisoner to this Stnto Lottor From a Farmer. Y. 1'. A. writes to the Albany Itcgisttras follows: Ijmm Coujty, Or., April f, 167!'. I raw in tho Itcgutcr of March 21st, under tlio heading of "Suggestions from a Farmer," ait articlo which contained tonic good gostioi's. In conjunction with Furmir I would bo glad to sco every farming implement and machine used hero manufactured iu our joungr.nd grouiugStato. fanner says tint tho faimcrnaro to blamo for tho hard times. I go further and assert that all laboring men nro to blamo for tho hard times. Don't you Know, Mr. Fanner, that so Ion us interest on money is higher than any farmer or manufac turer can mul.o from his farm or machiuu shop wo will havo hard times! As farmers, wo can not inatto moro than four per cent, on tlio product of our farms, whilotl.u law of tho Ktato allows twtho percent, interest to ho chargvd. Now, f you hiro ouo hundred dol lars r.t twelvo per cent, ono year, jou will Imvu to ios3CJ3 threo hundred dollars' worth of farm property to pay for tho uso of thu ono hundrod dollar.! that ou hao hired, and you aro bound to coma out behind on your interest acsount. And it is juit tho samo with tho laboring man and all legitunato enterprise. As long tut a iniut can make as much out of ono hundred dollars in cash through loaning it as ho can by tho investment of threo hun dred dollar iu fann property, ho will not in vest his cash in agricultural pursuits cr ii manufactures, but continue to loan. Thus tho farming interests, tlio building of manu factory, and all other interests of public utility aio retarded, because the capitalist will not invcit in enterprises that do not promiso to pay at least as much as "legal in tcrcl" twelve per cent, per annum. Tho interests of tho mechanic, laboring man aud tho farmer aro identical iu this matter; an I they should work together to iflect an nn mediat'i and radical changs a chango that will bo productive of universal good. Further, .Mr. Farmer advised tho cultiva tion of a vancty of crops that we should not place our total dependence in wheat. This, too, is good advice. My own experience proves it. Last spring I sowed a few ncres oflintf'.aT, following in tho fall by sowing tho samo ground in wheat, and novr I have tho host prospect for a heavy yield of w boat in that liold that I hav o had for years. I iutend ta tow a fow acre of lint llax this spring, fur 1 am satifcuod it will pay I am in favor of a diversity of orous. because I believe it is better for tho ground and hotter for the fsimer'a ockot. Mors w heat was sou n m this part of Ucu County last uu tuta ler several ywi pat., jd it looU fee. State nndJTorrltorial. WlllnmrtfcTnllry. A. .T. Edgar is very ill of consnmptien at Marion. Portland men are buying up horses around Kugcno. Tho McKenrio Koad Co. is going to bridge Bluo river. It ib claimed that Marion, Manon eounty, shows improvement. A annoying party has left Kngcuoto locate a road down tho Siuslaw. Tlio tcicntillc apparatus for tho State Uni versity has arrived at Kugciic. Tho wass w idow crou is reported above tho nvcrago over on tho Long Tom. Tlio Salem brass band w ill nccotnli&nv tho Odd Fellows' excursion to Portland on the 2Cth inst. liucna Vista woiile havo religious services only once a month. They ought to lie alio to stand long sermons. A number of tho citircns of Kuccno havo left for the I'alouso country, and many mora aro about to pull loose for there. l'crrvualo is eoiuk to have a brick in its hat. Tho kiln has been started and 100,000 will be ready for market by July 7th. Tho Kuccno Journal makes somo sensible suggestions on fuo matters to Eugcno people, which they will do well to heed in time. Tlio pnpeni and documents stolen from tho depot sato at Kugcno wcro found behind a warehouse, whero tho burslars had thrown them. W. It. Carter, State Printer, and W. P. Kcady havo tmrchascd tho Messenger lob office at Monmouth, aud will remove it to Corvallis. Last Saturday a Mr. Laughcrty was ar rested for selling whisky to an Indian. Ho had on examination licforo U. H. Commissioner alton aud was sent to Portland for tnal. Tho City Marshal of Gcrvois arrested two boys, Charles Jennings and James llocho, for smoking opium. They had a hearing before the Kccordcr, aud wcro scut up for five days each. Tho Kuccno Journal says that a company of California capitalists have leased Kuotts' quartz mill at llolicmia, and quite a crowd of miners started up to begin work on Monday ait. Kuccno Journal i What's wrons with our saloons. Threo months ago wo had eight in full blast and at tho present timo there aro only four. Four of them havo bluo ribbon on their front door knob. Hon. llufus Mallorv will deliver the address to tho graduating class, and Dr. Lindslcy, of rortlaiul, lias iiccn selected to prcacit tuo llacalaitrcato sermon on tho Sabbath preced ing tho commencement exercises of tho Wil lamette University. Tho Dalles Itcmizcrsay that Messrs. Doty, ltav k Laws havo sold tho llonauza ouicksil- ver mino in Douglas county, to a California company, receiving $-10,000 for tho portion of thu stock owned by them, 12,000 shares having been diiposcd of prior to tho sale. Knot ol tlio Mountain. Pendleton is rapidly improving. Coniidcrahlo freight is being hauled from Umatilla to Pendlctou. Tho (Iranito Creek mines are Wiimiug to attract much attention. A valuable denosit of roal has been discov ered nt the head of lthcn creek "0 miles from Hcppncr. Weston complains of having too many pill mixers. Aru thcro no wood piles on which to turn them loosoT Many of tho Hcppnor stockmen havo sold their cattle to lastcrn buyers, and aro now busy gathering them up. Noutiiern Urrcnn. Crops in Sam's valley aro nil iu and looking well. Southern Oregon niinm aru all reported ns doiug well. Tho aged father of C. C. IScckman lately died iu New York State. dross is getting short for "eminent physi cians" about Jacksonville. Wm. Applegato was liound over ou a chargo of stealing n pistol at Ashlaud, Tho Jacksonville Sentinel says gold dust is living around. Head it this way, liarncs K Helms will soou start MX) head of rattlo from Jackson to Iako county. Ashland nnd Jacksonville boys nro contend ing with each other iu foot racos and bawj ball matches. Aahland district has levied a ten-mill tax for school purposes, but thcro may ha trouble alout it. A Scottsburg man lliugH a half-column of jiootry at n neighbor, and jet prctendi to be lus friend. 1'wo Cimyouvillo women cugaged iu a hair pulling match last wcol:. What vas pulled ean bo worungaiu. Mining is very active in Jackson county and tho abundauco of water give a promiso of gfxxl pay and good timus. Tho ihetilTof Jackson county wants to trade oUn jack. How will you trado for a good largo dog or n bald face nabJiT ThoJaehsonvillo Tunes speaks of a rumor that a nugget worth sovtral hundred dollars hil bocu itund on Silver crutk, Thn Itoscburg people aro puhlio-spuitodnnd nro getting up a fund to pay for uniforming tho Umpquaduards. Commendable. hhcop-shcaringMs fairly under way in Jack sou comity. Tho wool is of excellent quality, but the yield this seasou will hardly bo as largo oh usual. Tho Jocksouvillo Times saym Tho condition of Mrs. Dr. liobinsou being much unproved, her mother, Mrs. Dr. II. A. Kord, retuniod to Salem Thursday morning. Quito a number of Indians, belonging to straggling bands, aro imprisoned at Fort Klamath, awaiting removal. It is supposed they lielonged to thu raiders last Summer. Anlorla. Judgo Cullender has returned homo again, from his trip to tho southern latitudes of Anzona. Tho Astonau saysi Somo prospect uxists that a company will organise to furnish gas to thu citizen of Astoria. Tho half breexl Hank White will stand trial for anon, as a result of his recent eUbrt to burn Ins way out ol jail at Astoria. Mtrs. Jackins & Hants are employed st present in turning out a lO0-gillon thecso vat for the Clatsop factory of Mr. C. S. Moore. Mr. It. D. Humo will contract to put 3,000, 000 lolinou into tho Columbia annually for U n vears at $.',0(x) per year. His experieuco is in hatching salmon on Itogue river. A small lioat, loaded with sailors from the hark Scawfell, left shore yesterday aftenio-jiJ, but before reaching the vessel tho boat swarajied aud mode things lively for a while. A fnhennan'a cnion i to )o organized, torn jxwod of men who live here, and aro idctitifiud with thu butiness as a protccticn against thu hundreds w ho tomo hero only for the annual ruling fcoa&on The body of a man was picked up on the tek-bvach, Utween thu farms of Cant. Host brooks and L. A. IxxiieU. The bead jthuv.ed tho ttleet l.ruiM. The feot were ii.cs-a.1 in short (Aim boots. Ha waa identified ns Marts, I tie (!ray rivsr mail carrier. e Aslonan mvs i Wo nro inionni tho citizens living nenr Ilwaco havo found, and decently buried, thn remains of n child, apparently two or threo years of ogo, between Itwoco and the mouth of tho Wollicut river. Tho Astorian Bavsi A "snide" accnt for a magazine collected about $100 in Kalama last month from green subfcrilwrs. Of conrse they haveuover rcccitcd a copy of the maga zine. It is astonishing, tho number of fools there arc in the world who persist in being humbugged, A bungling attempt to commit suicido was mado at Astoria on Sunday by a man named Otis. Leonard. Ho shot himself in tho car with a pistol loaded with powder nnd wad. Two chamlicrs of the samo pistol had bullets in them, but he took tho wad and survives the shock. i Leonard was an employe of tho stago at Music hall, and the cause of his strange conduct is said to bo iinrocompcuscd love. KMt of thn Montitnlns. They havo lately had severe frosts iu Wolla Walla volley. Hunch gross lcct is found in the Walla Walla markets, as fat as it can be. Z. K. StaJght Is coptaiu of Wolla Walla Homo Guards, tho Statesman says. The Wolla Wolla county fair will meet Tuesday, Sept. ICth, nnd publishes a list of premium. Tlio Walla WallaDcrby. July 4th, promises to bo on exciting tiino with tho turfites of tho upper country. Tlio Kast Oregocinu saysi Hcrry llri. hsvo bought COO head of horses of tho Indians and started with them to Montana. Senator Slater writes that he has inter viewed the commissioners and the prospect is good for tho removal ef thu Indians from tho Umatilla reservation. Larger crops thau ever this year. Kor fmit nnd grain Wallo Walla valley con beat the world. Oct tho finest specimens for tho fair and wo will givo a prize. The Walla Walla Union saysi A man named Vallcnce cut himself badly by accident, exposing the artery of tlio leg, which was tied with somo difficulty, Lieut. Farrow, of tho fighting 21st infantry, is stationed at tho Umatilla Agency with six men, his object is to protect tho redskins from tho constant worrying they get from a great many looto characters over iu that section. Tlio llotseCity Statesman lcams Ten Doy's band of llannocks havo been ordered to go on thu Fort Hall reservation and have refused. Tlioy have disappeared from their old haunts and it is feared they may prove to be hostile. At a meeting of the Walla Walla and Co lumbia Kivcr Itailroad Company, tho follow ing officers Wcro elected for tho ensuing yean President, D. S. Maker: Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, K. V. llaker; Direc tors, 1). S. lUkor, W. S. Lad.1. J. V. Aim worth, T. J. Pcabotly, II. V. llaker. Cant. J, A. Simms, of tho Colvillo Agenry, tho Statcrman rays, reports thu Indians under his charge as doing well except that they re quire assurance that tho farms they liavo taken up and aro cultivating will not bo token from them by the whites. Many of theso farms are on railroad land this is taken ad vantage of by new arrivaN and will causo considerable trouble unless the Indians are protected, Tlio Walla Walla Union soyst Tlioenglnccrs aro still in tho field making preliminary sur veys of a route for tho extension of thu W. W. & C. It. It. toward Weston, So far, they have found tho country a hard ono to climb, Wes ton being 1,!K0 feet obovo tho railroad grodo at crossing of tho Touchct, and some 1)00 fet above Walla Wolla. As the distanco is n short twenty miles, tho grada will doubtless Do a Heavy one to naui up ircignt on. l'ugrt Hound. Stock sheep aru being shipped on n small scalo from tho Sound to Peru. Look out for colored eggs, says tho lCxperi ment. Out where? in the brush or hay-mow, Tho Experiment says that oysters aro cheaper than ltoel. Is a man dishing or fanning while digging them? A cow and several sheep wcro killed last week by cougars on tho Sound. Thu xyn aro going to hunt thu varmints. Tlio Olyinpia KxM.riment folks must have a food sized office. J'hoy say that tho steamer llakcty madu them a morning call. Did idio have to lower hcrainoko-stnck? From Eastern Oregon. Ul i i:it Ociloe-o, March -9, Ih7l. IMitor Willamette Firmer Thinking a short sketch from thin portion of our State might not bo uninteresting, 1 hasten to rend tm a few lines. Tho winter was long aud severe, hut n far as I can learn, thu Iimm iu stock has Ikjcii small. 'I ho Indian scaro last itutcon did much to retard emigration and improvement in thin section. Thu foundation of a fort, com menced in tlnmo exciting times, rc-mainx. Hut it !h to Ixi hopod that it will never need to Ik finished. Our jiceiplo aro prosperous and generally contented, this being ono of tho most health ful sections of our groat .State KickuosH and discoso aru quite tare in our midst, except tucsowbouow and then seek this healthful section, but uomu too latu to repair their shat tered constitutions. .Somo mouths ago there cuuo n poor family, tho father of which wai aQlictexl with tho need of that fell ilcstrojcr, consumption. For tho last six weeks ho has been down bedfast, anil dependent on thu philauthropiu and eharitsbh-, Alas for these virtuosi Do they havo any existence amoug ui? It would seem to a limited extent, for with a few rare exceptions ho has liocn totally neglected. Havo wo Christians among us? Yes, many professing, o Sunday School, and uinistcrs of the gosjcl. liut wo must in truth and candor say that a missionary could find employment iu these parts. A sou of this olllictcd family, on whom they were dcicndcnt fur n living, killed a deer and hung it on thu friendly bronchi of a neighboring tree, then goiug to get a home to convey it home. On hut return ho met a human coj oto who had stolen it. Comment is unuccwuary. Your vwdoly-eirculatcd and influential journal has quita n circulation in this viemity. and I think our fanners uru Uiug much ben efited by it. Ciruu TlitiiKR I.VMi liurKiin, ArrKSTio1! Un der datu of lUi 17. the t'oininnsiontrof the (ieticrsl 1iud OJito uittrucU til Ksgutcr and Kecivoruttho LsndOtiicu that "uliero an applicant uu ler said a'.'t (the act of Juno .'I, liTK, authorizing tho tub of timber I'.nd), iIqos not follow up his abdication by furnish ing tho required testimony relative to the ehxracter ol the land, aud pay fur tho mmv at t!iD nxpiration of tho sixty ektys iwtloe j.wwdd for in the third section .f the act, ho KWiKlrac u-j right t tii v tryjt, an I it it nbft tstryu8dsr & set ly any ether party, Japanese Penlmmon. Portland, Or., April 0, 1870. Editor Willamette Farmer! Tho following correspondence is copied f rem the Christian Union of March 10th, 1870. in regard to tho hardiness, etc., of this now and popular fruit. I beliovu Oregon to bo well adapted in climate to tho growth nnd ripen ing of the persimmon, nnd I would odviso tho plautcrs of trees in various scctious of tlio State to set out a fow trees for tnai, and as they bear while Jet quite small, they will soon show whether it will bo worth while- to plant them in largo numbers or not. H. M. "I do not agree with Mr. Coleman that wo Jioor Northerners needn't cxiect to grow the lapaneso persimmon, for tlio winter cold of Japan is for a short reason m bitter as that of Now York, as I havo experienced during seven years' residence there. Tho fruit about the end of July is not unlike a bright canary colored conical shot hard, but sweet, and with a roueh flavor not unlike that of an un ripe medlar. At this stago it is a favorite n.vii wuiiva, ttiiu ifimu iiu cub lb lis nu HJJI1U, In August tho fruit is ripe. It is then tlio sizo of a largo orotice, with a thin, semi- transparent skin of red lead and sometimes scarlet hue, filled with a delicious pulp, so soft that it has to bo eaten with a spoon, liko jelly, exceedingly sweet and of n flavor at first mawkish, but which grows on ono liko tlio habit of mango-eating. Kxccpt tho man gostccn, I know no Fostern fmit so delicious. I have seen this persimmon (kaki diospiros) growing and bearing iu Kow Gardens, Kng land, where It was sent by my friend Mr. Kramer, tho botanist, selected by Sir Joseph Hooker to accompany tho Knglish Knibassy to Ycddo. While the kakl is in its toft state it is dried on bamboo hurdles hi tho sun and put up in fcoxes, liko Turkey figs, for winter sale and export. They aro superior to tho Utter, whether fresh or drieel, as a dessert delicacy, but aro different in their medicinal cficct, tho kaki acting as an astringent and being liablo to produco constipation. I bo llevo Ocnoral Capron sent somo young trees to Waihiqtou.n but never heard what became ofOiem." W. T. K. Fine Horwi at Walla Walla. Tho editor of tho Wollo Walla Statesman has made a trip to the Wolla Walla Driving Pork and drscribes the fino horses In training there as follows i The first horse was Snow stonn, n very pretty spotted stallion with a trotting reputation, owned by Mr. (llasford. Then Dr. Mack's Mark Twain, a bright boy, and a chestnut sorrel lilty, Mr. Isaac has a very promising three jear old llellfounder filly, entered for the threo year old takes. Lieut. Miller a pretty llellfounder stallion, which looks liko a victor already. Hogoboom is tho owner of lllackbird, a four year old gelding of a very promising apiaraucc. There aro others belonging to various citizens being trained and broken, so wo wound up our inipcction with Conway's Itolicrt K. Ler, and S. I'. Patchcn, a very fine, well made, sorrel colt, which is and has proved himself to be everything represented by his fortunate owner. Tho coming summer will prove to bo very profitable to thu city on account of tlio Walla Woll.i Derby races inaugurated by Mr. Collins for tho first time. As wo wcro re turning from tho raco track wu were over hauled by Tommy Cole who took us under his protection and kindly offered to introduce us to Mr, Olasford's colts, which nro iu train ing for tho forthcoming races. We first pros pected Stortlo and Gold l'uil.both bright bays aud very pretty, the latter n full brother to n maro sold by Mr. Ohtsford for 3,000. They aro both very vatuabla animals, and thought highly of by their owner, but his favorite is a block moro which deserves oil tho encomiums lavished upon hor. On not tho most enterprising and growing establishment to lie seen when you vimt Salem is tho retail and wholesale Millinery mid Fancy Notion House of William Millican. Ho h.-w lately enlarged Ins stiuc, and now hast decidedly the best assortment iu the city llis stock is carefully selected in San rrniiciH, co every scomiii by an ui(cri('iiccd milliucrj nnd nulled to tho wants of his customers thus enabling him to ufTur superior induce iticnU at to stylo, quality and price. Among tlio many varieties in Minuet trimming nr' uoticablu tho beautiful shade III ostrich tip, tho delicate tints hWng mojt prominent. '1 ho Ahutlau Ihiwh are worn on tho hair, and ! laka a prominent placu in thu trimmings on tlio hats. Ho bit exclusive rale of thu "P. Cviitciiicri kid glovo" iu Salem, which finds n ready mar ket uud in becoming a noruiuary articlo with tho ladies. Ho is also introducing into stock mich ktuplo goods iu tablu linen, toweling, toilet quiltB, hosiery, P.irawds, ciubrnidtriui and whito goods, also making a niiciiiility of human hairgoeds, puilaaud curU t tc. At thui starou ol the vu.'ir it wilt well rcuy any ouo to Hpeiul n little time iu looking through Ills VUIILllUH, Choico i'lnco Near Salem For Balo. .S. A. Clarku, editor of thu Faiimmi. o for nolo a place in tho lulls, overlooking tho river, ouo mile mid a half south of Haluu, containing sixty-threu ucn of laud. On it is on orchuid of II.CKKJ jiliitn uud pruuu treeu tnat havo nan soverai yeuin tiiitivniioii. Fifteen acres in wheat. 011 laud newly ilcirul. An unfailing well 011 tho places and fenced in threo fields. Thu orchard will soon yield u haudsomo ru venue, beiug of thu ihuicest vorietitj of fruit for drying and canning. Tho soil iJ best lull land, uud tho jilaeo euu mantis ono of kliu most beautiful vieu iiossihlu. To auy jiersou desiring a ileasant location near town this placu would proe ury uesirable. This space Hill be oxitiuui nuxtwee-k by Hit JA.MIM KIUJK, wh-j is iimk lug groat curtM of Catarrh 111 tint hUto. opj tei nepDrencnm Works wonders. In all cases of Dropsy, Brighl's Disease, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Complaints, or Retention of Urino, aro cured bylhoNcphroticum. Fomalo Weakness, Grav el, Diabetes, pain in the back, eldo and loin aro cured when all other medicines havo failed. Sco what tlio dniggists of Portland and San Francisco say about Dr. Mintio'sNcphrctlcum and Knglish Dandelion Pills t "Wo havo sold a largo amount of Dr. Min tio's medidne, tho Knglish Dandelion Pills; olso tho famed Ncphrcticuni, and in all coses highly recommended. John A. Childs, drug, gist, Seccnd street, Portland, Oregon) C. II, Woodard fs. Co., druggists, cor. First and Alder. Portland, Oregon) Messrs. Alrams It Carroll, drtiggists, Nos. 3 and C Front, San Francisco. Wo reganl Ncphrctlcum as tho best Kidney and liladdcr remcely before the public." All druggists keep them. For all derangements of tho Liver, Uso Dr. Mintio'i Knglish Dandelion Pills. For Diliousncss and Dyspepsia, Use Dr. Mintio's Knglish Dandelion Pills. For Fovor and Agur, Uso Dr. Mintio's Knglish Dandelion Pills. Kvery family should not fail to keep the Dandelion Pills ou hand. THE BE8T HAY PRESS. nta sm-it, xcoxrmr ha mem utiu sir and cheapest Opera ted with l horse and 2 men. I o tons of Its nay con be loodM La anrorainsiT dox car. TIia onlT ttfieUv t. wiwiv liu ui usu, ou nuiTiuie-u ur muovj remna nt, flefore buying srt my circulars, oeo, RUTKL, rotenteo and Manufacturer, Qulncj, la lit, sp18 U WE WANT 17IVERV FAIIMER IN OtlEOON ANII WASUINO- ton Territory to scml noma anil poit otneo iu dreM, snd e will msll them free our ew Cslalom ud LmnrOYtJ AgrlculUirid Implement, Ksrm sndMUl tor itv. Th innit eoniplets CsUIoruo ol Snt-cUM Mwhlncrr.cttr inutilln Oiriton, with rlcri to lull tb.llmf.. KMiH", HtKKKll lfl s) t-oriianu, urrou. THOROUGHBRED BERKSEQRB PIGS JOHN XV. GILBERT, tULEM, 11m three litter of Thorouxtitirrd llctkililre pejt, and ran tupidy thme ilolrom cl securing the Ini trtln vl ttock with as tholce snlmaN M rati tic Lred Id thn United HUlci. ' ThslUur Huron l(opeel!, No. 2,4M, l recorded ty the Asicrlmn llerkihlro Anwlatlon In Vol. Ill cl tho Amerlran llerkulilrs Krcord ultrrmcd MST, ISIS, Irvd tijr Hewer lira., of hot enhaiiipton, KnitUnd. Ills aro of the Crown Prince family of llrtkohlm. All ilc hlllirrta Hold ly him hir dull full natlitmtlon. I'or tmrtUiilnrs nd lirlet, sdilrra splslf J. W. (iltBKKr, Kalfnt, Orrnon. OH! MY l lll'ilia Klisiniii. Till! UIIKAT hlDNKV llblUCINK.eurrsPslDS In tho llsek, Hlda or I.U. KM. I. II. II .... ttitt"ttj niiitmv tho Kldnryu, Illaddtr mid llrlniry Orssns, l)rxt, (Irani, DUrw t"V Ilrlitlit's PlwSH Of tin Kldnc), lletonUon er Inamtliu-mo of Urtnej .i.iii-. hiiii uii m- wnui BACK! Nervou Dlanuri, Kcuiido ViVncui nnd oxeuana, 1IUNTH IlKMhDV li rrund ILM'ltl'MtL.V (or thM dluaiM. . . ruoitucr, It. I., June 10, lsTri. Wu. li Ctr, Hear Wr: A member ol my funllf lud Iwn truuliln) for tevcril yrsrs NlUt Kidney Ilia- MX1, widmul tried mum rum rrmeiiiiw wnnoui reuci; thoiued HUNTS llKAir.UY Mid as eumpleUly cured. llcJix-cimlly ours, 8. A. Ami, a lUclisnira Ht, ilivsumus Minn , Aru 7, mis. WM. li Cuut, IW Hln I ww HUNl'H IsKUEIIT utedluamw of Hrupty with lvrfect suocrw. I did not treat tlio natlent, hut luur attending tiliyilelans li4 clvin uittiuta40aliotKiiR. HIINTMUctlKliy WM Uien umiI wltli in-rfeet nitw-M. and tho tntlent l wll. I klull tlio IIU.SrH lli:MU)V In lroilel and Kidney irotwl II. Ill 1Hvui HUNTS ItKMKIIV uelH eiiuuy lourv, v. 11. iilti-kkh, h. nurily VlfiUble, ami la uaeilLy tho lull loo ot 1'liTilciiuia. Itluuitood n HUNT'S Iho Uit ct tlnio fur no yuan, and lllo utinuat rouani'ti nm no piocwi In It. OVIIThlAI.VlLtl ItlNVIM'i: VOW. Kml REMEDY for l-amplilet lo Wm I. CuaxK, l'rolilcnce, K I, Sold by all DruRgiats. fddlly Sawing off a Log. ItiU HAW MACIIINi: Is 11 waiiilrrful liu trillion, Tim wi'lglit of tlm limn wlin la (inuliiKdortlinlfor tlm work. It saw logo ofitny six-, iiinl ulllsaworTu 2 f""t lop; In 2 mlimti'S. rircolars friKi. Address, Wm, UII.1M, (1UII W.Uth NU, L'iticliuiatl, Ulda. Evcr7 Han rifs rj,-,r maiTiiiaiwwiii'iiTTiii Li oU if Ik lUlunrtlu.. I St t .1.1. ul. t.t.1. .1. lit .UtleM flY.M, ft, (lUsU, f? Iftsrrlliltrwlln if(iUm, Lb lsll i. t I il.liiraa PRINTER! MiM'lltw HEARING UKUDHKU. l'arll(UlsisrUE.I reuui c nmrKU, i.plb-st Jlatlion, led. .5. W. GILBERT I'liyw OiihIi for Hides, Furs & Pelts, Hel rvuniiioralnl ft., HAlaKM. lyl r FkinIi anil Tru To JVuuio' Wo will Mini the fullowlriu; stwdt Ktpxldon ril iwipiiu 1 nvr ihih i.y j- r. niuuuy utuir cr rHjaia4' UII!W llMit,i.rM. Jo I IVrviln. mriii . .110 IVmit, ' le IU.I1IUI1. . . It Uitlu.'e, l r (M Vm Hi.lnruuti. ' . . U lttuw, " . Uo 'rumlp, " , .Hi Oiilofi, " . , lto Tuuuto, " , . IK Atwlnio -iit paekets, all rorleUia cf VivetaUtJ riuwir tuiu-iriMjncoua. nenu lortriiienu rruv uat. 'IIIIIU A IllV ivl "I'll 3tn I "J l,tX7 ll'wjjil btnet, hull YtnrW. I Lai uX XlM IoU out for thu I, X. L. Htoro A.T CORVALLIS I uq-tLlri,: Uurln; UiUiuoiiUi vtlth uflrktiU Ust K Itf DRY GOODS, OLOTniNC Hats, Bootfj nnd Shoos, LniUcs and (Jents FBrnlsJiluir; (iooill Will Iw aiild i.u hit Inly for cu 1 . Us UI'.VI TI'J I'llANUIbUO UATLH O.pill I I HI V Halle rOLo ' u()ll-in ! tV -i: Yx a&Vft:frwr-p.TT 0 A