it m W nlf i w. ; i i r r L" ! : tifamttt Jtiirmtr. IfSSOJtD XVKRY FWDAY, BIT 1-rr.jvir-mi eft) OIIAIG-, rnntjsttzns and rnornnrrcxw. " !L Terms ofsmbserlpllonl "" " Ooo cojij on jr (62 nurabcrt),'In advance.. .2 SO oecopysU mooUu (Mlnmubera) - 1 25 One copy throe months (13 nunuwri).... 7S SOT H not rM wlUiln ids months, (3 will tw ihugcfl ono yer' niUtripllon.,,. "HMCJM liMs- SM 10KTLAND, Al'Itlf. 18, 1870. TELEGRAPHIC. EASTERN STATES. Army Approprlntlon Hill. Wawiikoton, April 12. At ft well atlende d caucus o Republican senators thin nfter noon, Ihcra was An Interchange ol viows con cerning tho course to bo pursued by the mi nority in regard to tho army appropriation Mil. No formal action wan taken; but it was ifrrccd that OTcry possiblo effort should lie mailo to defeat tbo passage of the bill in its present shape, for tbo reason mainly that the enactment of tho sixth section would prevent nso of a posse comitatns on election days, and for tho execution of civil process of any and all descriptions issued by United Btatcs authority. Hovcral other provisions of tho bill woro also considered very objee tionablo, and In need of essential amend ment. Among them, tho clauscx which prohibit appointments and promotions in tho army until othorwiso provided by lnw, whllo at tho uamo timo tho bill holds out inducements for tho creation of additional vacancies by providing that all ofllccrs hero after retired by reason of wounds xhall bo roll red upon tho highest ranks respectfully held by them in tho regular or Tolnntecr ncrvlco beforo retirement. A number of sen. tors expressed their belief that tho purposo of thoso provisions is to pavo tho way for tho appointment Into tbo army of friends of the dominant party In Congress, nlthough no propositions wcro formally adopted. Sev eral amendments to tho sixth section, of which notlco has been given in tho Hcnate, wcro spoken of with general favor, especially 'those submitted by Illalno nnd l'addock. 1'rom tho tenor of theso remarks, It seems probublo that many speeches V.-IU bo mado upon tho army bill. Postal 4'liniiBrx. Pacific Coast postal changes for tho week nudingyistcrday; Kstablished- Iligl'ralric, Iiano county, Oregon, Addison Illack, post roaster; Ktnrk's i'rnirio, 1'nrifio rniinty, Washington Territory, Mrs. I'. J. Stark, postmistress; Kteriing, Whatcom comity, Washington Territory, Frank Hcott, post master. 1'ostinustem unpointed -Donald 1). HoHcan, Casrado thicks, Wasco county, Or rgon; Larramio Mayor (?, MollaU, Clack nmas county, Uregon; Henry Hhnrring liauscn. HcappooBc, Columbia county, Ore gon; (leorgo W. Itlguey, titoilacoom City, Pierco couuty, Washington Territory. A H'omuii lu b ItndRiMl. Louisa Wallaco, colorod, rouvicted o( tho murder of her Infaut child in April, 1870, was to-day sentenced to bo linnged on tho '.!0th of Juno. ItrcUBrr'n IIodiIm. llccllQors havo prcsontcd n ineruuriul to Commissioner Itaum protesting agaiust n clausa lu tho Interim! rovenuo bill passed at tho last session of Congross requiring recti fiers to glvo bonds, Nllvrr Holism. Judgo Kolloy haH prepared nnd will to morrow introduco in tho Houso of Represen tatives, uudor the call of HtatcH, if Pennsyl vania bo reached, ft bill which is designed to remedy tho inconveniences and looses occa nloncd to workmen nnd retail dealers by tho nccumulalion on their hands of certain de nominations of silver coinage. It propose to requlro tho treasurer ami nil mib-trcannr-orn of tho United HtatcH to redeem with legal tender money subsidiary silver coin whonov- cr preheated for redemption in sums of tlvo dollars or muUMen thereof, and provide-1! tbnt tho further colunro ot trade dollars shill lientoi()ed; that IhvysuaUfortmilvouiontliM bo rccoivablo at par fur customs or any other obligations dun Ilia United States, mid that when no received tlioy nhull bo leeolmsl into h'ftudard llver dollars ulM'lH grams htiiiillil Ditlien on NnllilUX. I)sil)Wcoi, April 13. A hiiiiiII bund of Indians, who n few day hIiioo killed nnd ttculped piivato Ieo llader, nf tlio'Jdcnalry, und herloUkly woundud Horgeitut Kennedy, of tho higiiul Hurviuo, wero captured by Horgeaut TliomaH II. (Hover, of tho'.'dcav ulry, with n detachment tit ten men, and taken iutii I'urt Keogli yestorduy. Tho In ilhtim Hiirroiidured iimnediatuly on tho ap proach of tho Hold ers, not tillVrinfi any ru sIhIuiko or uttunptiui; to rreapo. Il.i'ler'ii horso and hcalp look won) found in their possHtsioii. Deiilli ol Jmr-rat Illrl. Tiotoe. Ni;w Yuuh, April II) (ieii' ltirhaul Tujlor, of tho CoufudoMto army, died hero to d.ty. Illi, no! Tliero Nmei' l'. Wjuhiinotiin, April 1 1. Tho Commiulou or of Indian All'ilrn to-day u'cihcd iv telo- Uruni (nun Fori Kill .i)lng that there) u nut tho slightest foundation for the repoit of u (Jlieyeunt outbreak. Ilin Vlrn'nl" 'uii. Willi tlio consent of counsel lie.uii'n oi nr guuieut, upon tho polltiinii ot Virguiiu for wriu of niuiidiimcs, Imbed ootpr.a and certiorari, in tho Ulrn lulled jury i'jiscs, lias been pntpoiiud till tlrst Tucsdit) of next term, or until tho full bench of juxtioen in present. Tho Attorney -Ueneral drxiieii that urgumeiit should bo heard by the full hem h. A case from Tenueaue, imohiiig similar luistioim, will lo nrgued ut tlio wuiie tune Mitri'll . Nlnlllej. Nsw York, April 1 1. Tho de(eiii.o i begun to-day in tho lfureu-Stauloy eiuo at departtuent headiiuarteiH, (len. T. 1. ('ilt teuden um tlio tirht wituoAB, Ho iaid liU dUiiiount tho battle of Hhiloh, formed mi tli ritht of (len, NeiUon's, and tliero was lighting when ho got there. Tho Imtllo end ed about thna o'clock, and tho confederate letlied. (Jen. NtiUuu nsl.ed hlin if he had s.tld uii) thing lu his report about (leu. llann, uiid wittier r i piled that 1 1 had nothing to do Milh ll.uen; that tho latter belenurd to KeiUoii'a diiiiui. Witiut ius abked if Htrcn'ii mincomluct was Ire iiuiiitlyiu disciiHHiou in lluell's army after the b.ittle id riluloh, uud replied thut ho iiiiild not say. I lie VXiiiiiiin lluirlirr. Madamo lleri;ir. convicted of cavuiug the death of t'or.i Kiieimx, in Febvisry I Hi, hai luell eittineed to tweUo )eaii in thu ritutv prihon. Couurel ill iuiino lor u new trial. Hire ol t'Uui n A siuicil, 1'r.Muciu.A, April 11. A huil Morni ik vumd here tuil.iy, a thing uukiiowu brfure. Hull ft II ns huge us i i,v' Nlllll) MlllllllllllU 111 I 111' MM. ilicui'uiH, April 1 1. C'upt. llo,viituup.t4cd iloMuiho run to-do. I limiuliil l'is. VA81llN41tOit-, Apill I&.lH eOlHWipiiUi,, T of yesterday') discovery that committees can report measures back only on petitions, nu merous bills in tho guiso of memorials, signed, by Congressmen, having keen dropped Into tho petitions box ol tho Honso ot Re presentatives, and in view of tho wild char acter of many of theso measures thcro is reason to fear that the reccptaclo will shortly provo to bo a regular pandora box of mis chief. lllscimnlnir DIumimm. Tho Honso committeo on agriculture has referred tho wholo subject of pleuro pnou- monla In cattlo to n sub-committco with in structions to ascertain all the facta pofslble In connection with tho dlseaso and report Tliurmlay next, if possible foutleil 'nicrclonnl Crinlrs. Tho following lists of roprcsentatives in tho present Congress whoso scaU aro to bo contested, together with tho names ot the contestants, was furnished tbo lioaso to-day by Clerk Adams and submitted by Speaker Itandall immediatoly beforo adjournment: From tho Ctb Massachusetts district, Denton against Lorlng; from tho 20th Pennsylvania, Curtin against Yocum; from 1st North Car olina. Yates against Martin; from 2d North Carolina, O'Hara against Kitchen; from tho lib Alabama, Harrison against Shelley; from tho 3d Louisiana, Herbert against Acklin; from tho 3d' Louisiana, Merchant against Acklin; from tlio va Arkansas, ilradley against Stcmmand. from tho 2d Florida, Uis bco against Hull; from tho 3d Minnesota, Donnelly sgalnst Washburn; from tho Stato of Oregon, McDowell against Whlteakor; from tho 2d South Carolina, Mackcy against O'Connor. t'oloriHl Convention. Ltrn.K Hock, April 15. A convention of colored men hero has adopted n resolution approving tho lato resolution of Senator Win- Uom, introduced in uongrcss, and asserting that many Arkansas negrocn aro not allowed constitutional rights. A Fiut rellow. Cuicaoo, April 15. Francis A. Oppenhcim, n young German, who sinco 1871 baa been employed by Wosmansdorf & Hclncman, bankers, was arrested this afternoon on a chargo of forging two drafu on Uerlln, ono March 24th for 23,000 marks and ono April 1st for 10,000. Tho sum Involved is about $7,700, which it is said his friends will pay. Ilunlnrwi llnrotH. Nkw YonK, April Hi. Dun.lllarlow k Co, report tho total nambor of failures in tho United Slates and territories for tho three months ondlng March 31st, at 2,531, amount ing to S43,CtS,0'J7. Total lumber In thn I'aclQo States and territories, 287, amount ing to $4,8,VJ,UI7. Truilc Willi t'rnnre. Kt Iiocis, April 15. Leon Chottcau, rep resenting tho French Government, to-day mado an address at tho merchants' exchango urirlnu reciprocity of trado between Franco and tho United States. Resolutions looking to that cud woro adopted. Khiisim Crop. Toi'KKA, April 15. Iteports to tho Com mouwcaltli from tho heaviest wheat produc ing counties in tho Stato say that lino rains havo fallen within a fow days, and that n good wheat crop, both Spring and Fall, is assured. FumierH aro all jubilant over tho prospects for n great ylold. Corn is being planted rapidly nndthoacrcago will bo large. Tun i:irrllou Cmmmi. Ciunuuntuf, April 14. In tho U. S. court to-day, Judgo Iloud decided a motion mado on behalf of defendants in tho election caso to set asldo tho juries as illegally formed; also n motion for continuance of tho cases, nnd also n motion to prevent tho application of tho test oath to juries. On each of tho (iiestions Judgo Ilryan dissontcil, and Judgo jiomi announced mai pending an appeal on theso issues to tho Supromo court, tho ac cused, if convicted, would bo admitted to ball. UimluriM Accumulating. Wahainuton, April 10. Member of tho Houjio continued tiling petition to-day, ac companied by bills of nil descriptions, for tho purposo of having them referred to ap propriate committees, in order to secni'O con sideration by tho present Conuress. Nil U- nuncial measures wero placed in tho petition wv u'-wiy. 'I'lio Trt'HMiry. Tho toatury department for tho last tto months has not pureli.ii.ed as much nilvcr bullion iu usual, hcruuso tho nmount of bul lion im hand was in execs of tho tlvo mil lion limit llxed by act of Feb. !!, 1U78, ro. iding for tho coinage of tho tdandartl silver ilolliu. Added to tho nmount on hand at tho pasungo of tho nut, tbo excess had grad ually nccumul.ktcd, and purchase wero mado ut very favnrablo rates; but it was deemed b( st tu reduce thu amount ot coin age to tho limit llxcd by law, which has been donw. Hereafter purchase will bo mado morn fienly from tlio nilvcr producing re gions. Tlio only purchase of nilvcr bullion mado by thu tiiasury to-day wax "0,000 ounce for the H.m Francisco mint. Four 1'er Onl. I.nun. Sfcrotitry Sherman box just isMicd it circu I ir, iiU'erlng at uiiu-half of ono per cent, nbovn par and accrued Intercut tod.itenf hub hcriptlou, 150,000,1110 of thu four per cent, funded hull of tho Uu.tid titutui, iu ilenoin uutioiii, in : CutipouboiidHid $50. $100, $500 mid $l,0J0; uud uuUred bond of 5u, $iuo ;.oo, S.I.01KI, sf.,000 tnd!?it), U0U, thn piueeiil tu luMippIiid to tho lo deiuption uf 11. S. boiidn iMUi'd under the act il Miinli, lhOI, nnd Known us 10-to bond.. I'liii tmiidi ollVteil mo ledwumblo Jul) Ut. I'JOT, mid bear p.iyablo jUMitnly null eiir, uud uii) eiempt'from filiation in i.ii) foini. Oiiieighth of one percent, euiiiiiiiKSiiiii will bo allowed on sub leriplionsof $1,000 or over, uud tho bond will bo trmiHUiittitl fiie .of thargi. to nub Hcrilu r All lulionul l..iuks, upon comply iii with Mvtiiin 5,11.1 ot tbo nled utei of tlio United State aro invited to K' I'liint) agent of tho government auddeposi turn ol public iiiouej received oil tho salo of thibo bo mln. All pcrMiu aiding iu plac ing thono bonds can iii.iko their ttrruuguueut Ihiiuigli iiiitioiuil bunks for the dejMhit of pureliiuw n-ouey The ai-itiiut tivAsurer'n otllce nt ri.m l'iiilieini.i. u uue of tin. ipliiCfH deeiguiteil whre p'lyineiilhiiiay be ui.ido. Mill They Come. Si Lout, April Id After somMhiug Vf u lull in the tide, coluiM emigration from tho South hai het iu ugitiii IhU week, nnd huiio thieo or four hundred people havo arrivid hiiiii. .Siiud ly. I lie Tckuii Torliirt-. lUsriMx, Neb., April 111. -Argurueuts bo foin tho jury in the Olivn tiial li.ive closed, and tho jury havo Wen out ftvu hours. Tin re i ii probability of a diiugicriuetil I'll.- When I turner. CiiU'uio, April 10.- Tho Tribune lias ei pbcroljuut jirolilcn, uml tlinU Hint Koeiie must pay iiliout fi'.'.UlH) uiauthly for utorugu en wliuit hcucefoith, prouded lie lis tho amount he is crcdittd witlii uiul union late meiid materially, lie vll lee m thn long I mi. Ho ha tu gigvd ktoi.tyu i.t Juno Ut. Nirtiierii iMillle r.niii Wih-iiii'i!. Nkw Yum, iiill 10. .V loau of two mil lion vrea novnifxl to-iUv on k!. ivr cent. lBltOf Ik Northern lilil uiWiJ, fur extending tho road 200 miles from BIsmark to tho Tfcllowstone.; X;RlPJi!?!f,,'', imrA NIllKUlar NpelaclG.1niul Tho Academy of Muslo was well attended to-night on tho occasion of n gamo of chess with living pieces, Tho gamo was played by Captain Mackcnzlo nnd liugeno Delmar, and was won in thrco quarters of an hour by Mackcn7lo by n move of "queen to knight's second squaro." Republican Vole In Wisconsin. Cuicaoo, April 10. Tho ltpub!lcans rolled up n round majority in Wisconsin Judgo Colo being ro-clcctcd associate justice of tho supremo court in tho Into elections by ;ij,ijj majority, Tho total voto was l(ib 000 iu tho Stato, Colo receiving over 100,000. FOKKI0N NEWS. IleiMtljr Hatchery. St. Fkikhsudbo, April 11. A Kieff cor respondent to tho St. Petersburg Journal gives tho following account of tho outbreak: Tho prisoners in Kf eft prison resolved, somo timo ago, to tunnel tho wall and escape. The schemo was betrayed by one of tho con spirators, and the authorities allowed tho prisoners to continue tho excavation. When tho tunnel was completed and tho entrapped prisoners had entorcd it ono after the other, intending to como up through tho opening beyond tho prison precincts, soldiers previ ously posted at tho opening shot tho prison ers as they appeared. When tho bulk of tho prisoners, terrified by tho noiso of the firing, stopped and remained In tho tunnel, tho soldiers wero sent in from behind, and tho unfortunato wretches, caught between two Ores, wero nil shot down. Tho pro ceeding seemed to givo tho officials much amusement, and tho directors of tho prison wero praised nnd decorated for having acted with such cleverness nnd decision, lCjryptlnn ExtrcmltlcM, London, April 13, A dispatch from Cairo states that business is completely suspend ed and is likely to romaln so till the decision of linglond and Franco is known, The government is collecting money throughout tho provinces, using every means of com pulsion. An immcdlato lovy of 10,000 sol diers has been ordered. A special envoy has been sent by tho Khedive to Constanti nople. Ho took with Itltu a largo sum of money for tho Sultan, Tho War InNonlh Aincrlcn. Panama, April C, Tho Chilian forces havo occupied CobIJa nnd Calamans, and reprisals aro being mado for tho confiscation of tho property of Chilians in tho interior of llollvla. Calamaas is n strong stratcgio point on tho river Lou, about sixty miles north of Caraco. lis. A small detachment ot Bolivian troops inado slight resistance A ministerial crisis is announced in Chill. Tho Star and Her ald nays thnt it Is proposed to issuo ten mil lions of pnpei monoy of tho samo character as tho greenback issuo of tho United States, and niiprclionds therefrom ovil to tho com merca of Chili. President l'radohas called an extraordinary session of tho Peruvian Con gress for tho 21th of April, when Peru's utli- tudo towards tho contending parties will bo determined, tircat enthusiasm Is manifested in Bolivia, and troops in tho interior aro marching to tho coast; but It will bo ten days or moro beforo they can reach tho i-cat of war. CiMiI Ml ii cm' Nlrlkc. London. April 14. Thn master's commit teo at lJuruam lias finally agrcod to call a general meeting on Wednesday to discuss tho proposals of tho minors. Tho men at twenty moro collieries will utrtko to-day, n majority ot them bocauso of threats. Prevent Amerlcn III HheT A dispatch from Berlin states that Ger many, though entertaining no idea of an nexing tho Samoan Islands, intends, to pro tect (Jcrman intorcsts and prevent 'Ameri cans from establishing themselves thcro to thu detriment of other nations. Attempted AMiiwInnllou or the Cinr. Sr. Fbtkhsuoiio, April 11. Whllo tho Czar was taking hi morning walk early to day, near tho palace, four shots wcro fired at him, but ho was unhurt. Tho uinn wh fired tho shots was nrrCtl hy tho crowd wuicn tno tiring attracted, Hpiinlsh Niylr, MAnnin, April M. Two bombs wero yes terdiy thrown into tho church ot San An tonio, Sovillo, with tho object, it in sup posed, of creating u pauio uud ntcalim; valu able tmernmental pinto belonging to tho church, Hovcral pcrsou wero iujurcd by tho explosion. AllemtHrJ A'viwvlillitloirol llui Cr.ur ol ltuln. Kr. Pnrrnsiii'ito, April 15.--Tho wonld-bo ussansiu of tho er-ir fa now undergoing ex amination. A full official nceouutof tho af fair say : Toward H o'clock this morniug a tho emperor w.i taking his customary walk, respictably dressed man, wearing n mili tary rap with cockade, advanced toward him, within two paces, drew it nvolver from thu pocket of hi overcoat uud fired four shot at him. The iiinnusln, before- submitting, llreil another hhot, idightly wounding n pur foil in the crowd. A great throng nhieh had iistit mMcd, ctithimiastically chirml and con gratulated tho emperor, who thttiked tkem fur their proof of fldclny, It.i mild that ho km w that bo hid tho Mippori of all rispert ublo people. Tho emperor dmin to tho pal iico without (sort. Aftcnvard ho droTn to linnu without fkcort, to return thank for thu preservation ot Ids life. When receiving tho congratulations of offi cial of thu empire nt noon, the rxar wa so much ovi rcomu by hi entliualmilo reofi tiou a to bo unable tu uprak for hoiuo luiuute. On recovenug from hi cmotiuit ho Kaid. Tlit i tho third lime (lod ha wnml uie.' It i supposed tho impcror'btiiallaut took poison beforo hi attempt nht vomited after id iirrvi-l Poiou wu aln found under hi linger null. Antidote wer adtuinUtorcd, It i thought thut tho mini was in tho cm ploy ot the luinl.try of fhiauco and nil a.joi.l nf tho ititeruatioiialut. Tho sullaii anil all European Miveieigiik telegr.iphtd rongrutu latioiw to tho cr.ui. The tuipiror's iiMtullaut give the iiumu of Sjl..vjlff. Hei a n tired lutictionary of the mini itry of tlnmico uud iiiibiuit IJUjeurK old. Kolowjiir hot at the pollei1, Hhatteriiig the Jaw of a ditective. Finally, ti gentleman kuoektdhlm down uud held him until ho wus tieeured liytl.oniUierii. Ono thiiuvitid uiul liundri-tl uud forty revolu lioiiiii havi lei n aiittktfd in Kuk.iii within the l.ii fortiiiKht. The city n ill jmlnatwl to-niht unit thigs it n i.verjwiero dispUjed. Tor frit. Triiile. Seven llHIhlred liiembrl nf Ui ll.-flmll llonro and otlnr. mei April Jfi tn d'.-us tho l.uilt, nnd after thm )iurn' debati, bv nil Kvurnhelmiu volt. .u-. q.t,-d the fn-' trade view of llie Bn tutu CUmber 1.1 d-iu inrrci' Tlio ur in Atflrn. CaiT Town, April 1. Cutcwii)o h.i sent mev-oiigei to Lonl Clu!uiford with over, turn- inr peine. It u thought, howavcr.thut thn i iiinl) a unit in nbtain iuforui.itii.ti lit ihu lUviViUcIlt ll the tlOOUk. The Kkowe rebel imIuiuu. ivi iiU.ri.irfP,o0(, ktu.t 1 ed on tho isth of March. Lord Chc' kUdklHiliiro with thn rir guard. All w , wi-ii with tno column up t the 30-th -l M.ueli. Col Pimmon us that .lay iii;u-ilK.I 1 friMii Kdowo that Ua ooull n-e. it'ie ked ot tUu .jimuneutttuvaiHtf w AwnudvU rtvtr. Col. Peorson signalled on tho 27th of March that 1C0 of his garrison wsro ill nnd fifty wounded, nnd that only COO of his mon would bo ablo to assist tho relieving column, for which 3,500 Zulus woro lying in wnit. Adjutant Davis of the 09th regimentds dead. Col. Wood nttneked Umbcllni's stronghold on tho 23th ot March nud captured n number of cattle. Subsequently 3,000 Zulus retook tho cattlo nnd on tho 20th attacked Col. Wood's enmp. They wcro ropnlsed nfter four hours fighting, but tho British loss wns heavy. Soven officers and sovenly men wcro killed, including Capt. Campbell and Pict Mys, leader of n detachment ot mounted Boers, who has several times beon mentioned in dispatches tor distinguished services. J nil ti Ilrlslit on John Hull. Eondon, April 10. John Bright addressed his constituents at Birmingham last ntgnt. Ho was enthusiastically received. Tho wholo tenor of his speech can bo gathered from tno concluding sentence, which was: "The gov. crnment aro Imbecile at homo and turbulent and wicked abroad, and I leave them to tho judgment ot their constituencies and mo heavy condemnation of history." A MurileronnI'cdiiROinic. St. Pirrnsvcao, April 10. Tho namo of tho would-be assassin of tho Czar is Alexan der Solovicff. Ho is n school master of Targpoz, In tho government of Pliskov. He will bo tried by thohiBhest criminal tribunal. Ho wns severely injured by tho popnlaco, who would havo killed him but for tlio police. PACIFIC (XUbT. Hnfo Itobhcry. San FnANCisco, April 13. Somo expert sofo crackers broko Into tho plcturo storo ot Llppl Bros, 876 Market street, last Thursday night, and broko open two safes, getting away with $C0O in coin. They first took tho safo of tho firm, removed It to tho back part of the store, and blow it open wMhgunpow dcr,findlng $400insido toroward them. They then went to work on that of J. Kaplan, n money broker in the building, and opened it with n jimmy and drill. In this they found (200 and fivo gold watches. They then re tired through tho back part of tho store by which they entered, and escaped. The work was ovidently dono by old hands, nnd tho burglary wns ono of tbo most during and successful that tho city has known for n long time. Ueorsc Mill IJiiRcra. Qcorgo Schultz not havlug yet succeeded In getting bail, remains lu tho city prison. Ho is reported to say that ho won't try to ob tain ball. Ken Nlrnmer. FonT Townsknd, April 13. Tho now steamer Iris was launched last night at Port Ludlow. Sho will sail for tho Sandwich Island. Tho krol for tho twenty-fifth Tcssol will bo laid to-morrow. Another Asonnlt on Kenruey. San FnANCisco April H.-Kcnrucy got another beating this aftcrnoou. On tils re turn from Martinez to-day, whllo going up Oak street, ho wns nccoitcd by n mnn named Chas. Davis, who said that ho wanted "that two thousand," nnd on getting no satisfacto ry reply, struck Kearney with a stick, nnd in tho molco which followed, cut open hi lip nnd hammered him miscellaneously about tho head. Davis was- taken nway by nu offi cer nnd rolrased on ball. Ho says that some timo ago hc.In tbo interest of certain parties, paid Kcarnoy and Wcllock $2000 as a con sideration that they would awing tho sand lots ogalust tho constitution, with tho pros pect of 125,000 in nil. Kearney and Wcllock pocketed tlio monoy and went baclc on tho agrccmont: henco tho assault. MynlrrtoiiM tinnier. This afternoon Joslah Bacon, treasurer of tho Uoodyeur Dental Vulcanito Company of Boston, was found dead on tho lloor of 111 room nt tho Baldwin Hotel, from tho effects of a pistol shot wound In tho abdomen. Ho had evidently been dead somo hours. Tho nolso of tho shot was not heard by any ono in tho hotel, nnd nothing whotovcr is known of tlio circumstances attendant upon tho tragedy. No pistol or other firearms was fou d in tho room of tho deceased. No ills Order was vislblo in tbo nimrlnlfnt. nnd nu mo wound nail oicil internally only, nothing coma uo juugcii oi tno movement:! ol tlio deceased nttcr tho fatal shot was fired. Tho body lay iu trout of tho dressing bureau, ns though tho deceased had been engaged on his toilet. No Utters or nuythiug olba wcro found to shed any light on tho mys tery. Deceased camo to this city from tho East a fow months ago. Ho was a nalivo ot MtuMucuusctU and nged 40. About U o'clock this morning nu unknown man called nt tho ofllco of tho hotel, nuked tho number of Ba con's room, and aho for n description of his personal nppearance. Tlio unknown then presently went to the room of the dcccaecd ami wa not seen nftcrward. Tho Motel Mnnter. Kin Fkancjsco, April 15.--Ofllceni havo aseertainod tho uamo of thu man who nulled nt tho ofllco of tho Baldwin Hotel on Sunday morning nnd inquired for Dacou, It has slucu been found out that tho man was u den lift vhom Bacon hud prooocutcd iu throo different States for Infringement of patent. Tho man left hi ofllco on Sunday, nt 10 A. M., Knying ho would bo back shortly. Up to midnight to-night ho had not returned. Tho police- nro looking for him, thinking it n cluo to IhoinvBterioiuufTair. 1'roMpeelliis: I'urlj. I'liKsi-OTT, April 10.- A party of about bix ty men, fully iirnud, started this morning on n prospecting trip to northeastern Arizona, under tho tcaderkhin of Hill nud Freeman I.OWO. Year ago 11111 and Freeman discov ered rich gold mine, but wero driven off by the Navajo nud Apacho Indians, nnd havo mado several other trip with Iiko result, Tho present party will bo met at Oamp Ver di by au equal number and tho wholo party will go from thero in n body. The Central Ariroua Minlug Jo., uro shipping immenso amouut if lumber to their mill site, near Wlctonberg. Weather very dry and crops will fail it no rain soon. Hum lira lliiat'iipn. Thu houke of Kliue k Co., Nos. 2C und 23 Battery street, dealer iu haU and cap, havo mado au alignment for the benefit of creditor; liabilitie are between $90,000 .mil $100,000. of which houio 27,000 is duo for luerelmiuli to, uud tho balance borrowed money, Liuurd Frere .t On. ore mentioned n i thu heaviest creditor. MKXUXl. I'rmlilrut IIIhi lu the Hexie.m t'iiuirrrkl Cm or Mkxico, April 7. Cougns opened on Iho l.t itut., when President Diaz dtlivtred an important mestage. He in fer ilk Cungrck-i uf tho conclusion of n eon tract by the ktcnuryof public work for living .i subiuitriiio uud laud lino telegraph fiom some gulf port of thu Vuited State uluug the lk-uc.,ii coat, touching iitvail ou Mexican it, uud piiiti by way cf tho ltl;iuu. .f T b mutepec to tho Pacific ('.!. ..Inn it l ti to.-uilu.ite. President l)ia conn U.u that vln order of liettcrit'i piit-M.uig wider aorok-i tho border is h.ul ii. fiuee. aid tbo treaty ot lbli i vio UUl. I'wmiiMit i)iis hops that the United Stale will rvoie that ordir, a it U con trary to intkruitioa-tl lnr, Letter from Minnesota.) Editor Willamette Farmer: I have been silting by thp fire this morning reading tho Faiujkii of Feb. 28. It seems curious to rood of crops "looking well," etc. It is raining hero this morning, the first rain since November last, and not snow enough to mako any sledding. Somo cold weather, hut on tho wkolo rothcr a pleasant winter. Tlio wheeling has been excellent all winter, and the settlers havo mado good uso of it in haul ing wood, etc. Wood his to he hauled 15 miles from where I reside, and mony haul it twice as far. Hut tho ncwly-coniplttnl rail road into this part of tho Htato Is a great help. 0 lad to know that the Northern Pa cific Hailread is to extend its road tills toason, When Minnesota and Oregon can clasp iron hands over tho ltockles, I predict tlio pcoplo ot tlio respective SUies will como to know each other better than they do now. I think thcro will bo no step-sister relation between the sister States. They will havo to many interests in common that I trust their rep resentatives in tho councils of tho nation will ever bo found shoulder to shoulder, working together for the best interests of tho two States. Hut to quit speculation and como to matters on hand. It has been cold for tho last ten dayr. Previous to that timo considcrablo wheat baffl been put in the ground. I have never known farmers towing wheat witli so littlo faith as now. They nut with such a bitter disappointment lost season, added to the grasshopper years previous, that the ques tion universally asked among farmers it, "What ncxtl" I am surprised at tlio prices ot produco and grain quoted in tho Fahmkii, especially oats, mill feed nnd hay. Hero, although wo must feed all our stock on an avcrago 200 days each year, it is rare that good hay brings over $4 or $5 per ton delivered in tho small towmt. Bran has lieen as low as $3 per ton at tho mills this winter, 1 bought n carload of bran and shorts mixed at $5 tier ton, nnd butter, checsu nud cg.i bringing twico as much iu your market as here, I do not understand. Wo will tread on jour toct, you Wcbfoot farmers, if you do uot look out, when that railroad is done. As it is, much of McLcod County butter goes to tlio Black Hills, and somo to Fort Benton and other points on tho Uiier Missouri. A Hutchinson firm thipiicd hit week to Bismarck 3,500 dozen eggt, I havo liccn ft practical dairyman for many years, and 1 have had it on my mind to writo an article on chccie-making iu n small way, for your columns. I havo not a word to say to your professionals, or makers of "Oregon prime," but it strikes mo that among your readers thcro arc many that aro owners ot ft cow or more, that do not havo a tatto of that excellent and nutritious article ot diet, cheese, that tho remits of my experience, in plain language, would cnablo them to havo on their tables every day in tho year, if thoy chose. Tho Irishman said about cheeso that "it was mato always cooked, 'asy to caryo and nary a bone." O. D. McKwkn. IlCTCiiiNbo.v, Minn., March 2.1, '70. lVc shall look for Mr. McKwen's com munication about checto with interest, and hopohc won't neglect writing it. Ed. Faumkk Plymouth Rocks. Wo bchovo all writers concur in tho opinion that this, breed is American and ot Now Kng land origin, Their make-up is a matter of supposition, but Mr. Fclch, in his "Amateurs' Manual," says that they aro "cross-bred iu foundation blood, with topcrotscsof Domiuiquo tosccuro tho color," andoro produced hy "Black Spanish on Whito Cochiu, Black Spanish on Gray Dorking, Whito Birmingham on Black Java, all top-trots with Dominiquo on llulT Cochin hens." Mr. Todd says: "Tins is a crosj originally liotwccu tho DominiqiiLd and Ulack Javas or Lochinv, and then bred for uniformity and color in points, which has to far been accom pliehid that thoy now breed true, nnd aro now admitted into tho '.Standard, '"niid quitu popular, llicir color aro Dominique, of uliatlcs varying from light to dark, combs ainglc, ami legs clean and yellow, or ilmky yellow. They aro ft symmetrical, rquaru built, heavy bodied, spluidid looking fowl, oven rivalling tho Asiatics in nice. Thu longer they aro kept, tho hotter they aro liked, nud, of oil other breeds, Plymouth llocls nro tho fowl for tho farmer, nnd for guiond iutiKM0j. Thoy combino moro iu themselves than any other variety. Aro so hardy and healthy that they teem proof against tho diseases t.iat annually carry off so many fiuo birds. Tho thick aro lively and strong, and mature very rapidly, Incoming, anil very early fit for market. Their Ilcsh, in quality, is fiuo grained, teudcr and juicy, and, m dressed poultry, thoy aro plump, full breasted, and, with fiuo yellow skin nud leg, look well and sell well iii the market. They can bo depended on for egg all tho jear round, remarkable fino for tho table, good sitter and mothers, easily kept in confine ment and jet good forager when allowed to roam; what moro can bo oaked! Tho chicks tlirivo from tho timo they arc hatched until maturity, a qualification that wo havo never seen iu any other breed." From our experienco with this breed wo aro satisfied that tho larger number of tho prominent breeders havo different mothods of originating and iwrfecting itj but withal, wo do not hesitato iu claiming that beforo Ung they will bo tho breed selected a best adapted to Oregon, and most profitablo for tho farmer, cottager, mechanic, and iu fact no ono who breeds fowl for pleasure or profit will Ik) without them In tho fallof 1S77 I received from Now York my first start iu this variety, and from Jan. 8th to May Mil 1 received US eggs from twopullct. I soli several dozen and raised seventy lino chickj. To hatch Plymouth Bock eggs with good suocc thoy should bo i dampened a littlo each day with luko warm water ii:ht or ten days before hatching, as it giro strength to tho chicks and also softens thu shell, which is very bard and thick. Sauu, Or. LcTunn Mvkiu. Intorcsts of the State of Oregon, j Bo It enacted by tho Legislative Assembly of tho Stato of Oregon I gSr.CTlON 1. It shall bo unlawful for air person not tho owner or owners to talc or drive from tho rango or placo whero the t&m may bo lawfully grazing, pasturing or ranging any home, gelding, maro, foal, mule, m. jenny or bull, cow, heifer, stoer, calf, shM. hog or any other description of domestic animal or animals, from whero tho samo may hs lawfully grazing or in tho habit of ranging, Cr where tlio samo may havo been herded or placed hy the owner or owners thereof, for distanco of moro than ten miles from snch placo where the samo may havo been i located or placed by tho owner or owners thereof, or whero tho samo may be in tk habit of grazing or ranging. Sec 2. Kvcry person who shall take, dnt or cause to bo taken or driven, or who sttf j --!! Ih .Ih.I r- nt l.l.Mrt .......a. f . . '! luisisb in uiitu, u, -u-w.j unuy irom tbs range any of tho domestic animals enumerate in section 1 of thin act, shall upon convicti'oi. thereof Ikj deemed guilty of a misdemeanor' U and shall upon conviction thereof bo fined Is M any sum not less than fifty dollars, nor more than four hundred dollars, and shall bo liable to tho owner or owners of such animal u animals for all damages sustained by reason of such driving or taking away of such domertie animal. Sec. 3. All fines that may bo collected f violation of any of tho provisions of this u-t shall bo paid over to tho County Treasurer ' of tho county in wliicn tho oDcnse shall havo been committed, and shall bo used for tho sup port of common schools within such county, Sr.c 4. Prosecutions for tlio violations e( any of tho pro visions of this act, shall b beforo any of tho courts having competent jurisdiction within tho several counties when in such violatioua may havo been committed. Sr.c r. Inasmuch as thcro is no law ly w bich crimes as abovo named can bo punished this act shall take effect and bo in forco from and after its approval by tho Governor. Approved October 1C, 1878. CHEAP TELEGRAPHY. Wo Jmvo litul something to Bay of lato concaniiiif; a nowly projected en. terinisc. of which mention has been nuulo in eustern oxclumgou ns well as ia tlio teleeiiiiiliio dispatches, which nrorn- iscs to cfl'oct ft revolution in tclotrmnlir I I ........ !.... .1 . ' ' nun hi mien nu uxicnt iiiai oniinary cor reHioii(Ienco can bo instantaneously cu- neu on ior u inning sum, so as to practically H.iten.c.Io tho two of tho mail ' for nil business purposes of any impor-1 tftiico. Wo havo given u statement of tho capacity chu'mul for tlio now Hvsten. which can transmit from 1,000 to 2,0W ,f woiiIh per minute, it is asserted. 'ft Uy tlio last mail wo nro in receipt of i a pamphlet of fifty pages, which is tU VI prospectus ot tho Aniorican "Itapid Telegraph Company, vjiich has orgu izod to mako ubo of tho recent inven. ttoiiH ami discoveries in tclography, and e promises 10 navo tno uamo in successfil operation within a fuw months, ana furnish tlio nntion with cheap tclegraplui facilities, nay, at not to exccrxl a tcnthof tho rates now charged. This prosnectui sets forth at length tho ndvantago of tit "Ilapid" system, which is worked by machinery, ami not manipulated by lb hand hoy system, nnd can ho onerateJ hy fewer hands ut less cost, iu lc. still is required nnd tho extrcmo rapidity of tho transmission Iciscim tho cost of MBr Blruclion, nw less numbers of wires aad poles tiro required nnd fewer lit needed to do vastly moro work. Ic (.tend of ordinary iron wire, tho new en terprise will nso stocl wires plated witA copper, ns such wiro has greatly in creased htrr-ngth nnd capacity for trans mission nud iifibrds much less resistance, ho that an ocean calilo thus constructed will woik much moro rapidly tlmuno. This pamphlet hhowa liy what con tinued watering of btock tho Western Union Telegraph Coinpauy has boea raised from 8100,000 capital stock to $1,000,000, ten times its actual and orijrinnl amount, and states that Mr. Orton, beforo ho died, snw tho need of J adopting tho rapid nystrm, hut could bo: mako tlio company ueo it. A comparative Ktatomontof tlio ant of construction nnd operation under tto two systems shows tho ndvantago in rapidity, certainty and cheapness, to U all on tho side of tho machino company over tho old Morno system. The- result of tho computation' i.s to show that machino telegraphing has nn udvanUR of at least 9 to 1 over tho present bnl key system. Tin's i.s sufficient to reduco tho cost to a low figuro nnd yet leave a good margin for profit with tho company. It is claimed that tho now improvement and inventions that mako this possible, soven in number, nro nil under tba control of tho newly organized eorpor tion and that thoy aro impregnable in their position. Tho prospectus seU forth that tho coa- htruction of tho now lines ujion tho pi described in tho work, is to couimcnw immediately; that tho now system bJ been tested nJroadv so ns to placo it capacity to do thn work beyond a doubt mm... :"..: e n .... i i... lit-s Jliu taouillg Ul vim jiruspvciu IUU" "" business, und tho world will welcome ti now system with enthusiasm, if it really bo mado to work ns churned. Aiw it is in operation them will-be less power of news monopoly and inoro room fJ journalism to thrive. It will mako news papers moro nblo to eompeto on equal terms, and wo hhall greet it as tho wean by which wo can nssumo u position th lull bitbf.rin lt.i .-r...A..Al:...1 1..- . Inrtree ........... w fc tjjtt uiuiiuifviitmi "J o n money outlay than Oregon novispanertV generally could afford to pay. -Hee. There is believed to bo onlv ono thinf siower uian uiolasse. in Januarj", OT that is n lady making i-ooia for anothor any in a street oar. 1 Jf " !-;- Ti,irMTnrfitinriiru,;r'r'vi-i