Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 18, 1879, Image 2

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roBUsiiKna anii rnoriiiKroiis.
Term ofPubucrlptlont
One cepy ono year (62numtxr), loJtiLnco....ta CO
icpalic inonU-() Mimtxra) - 1 25
One copjrthroo months (13 numkcn) 76
KF If not pM wllhla tli months, 13 "111 lie thsrgod
lot one year's subscription.
PORTLAND, Al'llII, 18, 1879.
Yellow Fetor.
Hiw OntKANB, Aptll 10. Twenty day
qnarantlno will bo established on May let
ngalnst nil vessels touching nt tho West
Indies, tho flull of Mexico Houth of Texas,
or Bonth American ports an far as Iluctios
The Ilnllnlnl "Ilofitlnjr.''
Boston, April 10. Tho Houso rojoctcd n
bill to secure to women tlio richt to voto on
municipal n(r.ilrn In cities and towns. A bill
to givo women tho right to ot6 for membors
of school committees was passed.
t'Kiindliiii Tnrlir.
Ottawa, April 10. Tho Houso, nt C:30
thU morning, divldodon McKciizIo'h amend,
went opposing tho proposed proteclivo
policy; result yeas, fi'J, nuyB 130; govern
ment majority, bfl. Many persons remained
in tho gullerlcs tbrnuuhout tlm night. Tho
Houso mljniirucd to-duy till Thursday next
Murilrr nml Nulrlilr.
UiionoLA, Pa., April 10. (Ico. Hash job
lerday cut his wlfo's throat and then drowned
Tim Olive Trial,
Hastings. Nob.. Auril 10. Thn trial of
Ollvo nnd I'lslicr, forinurdcrinuaud burning
Mitchell and Kotchtiiu, in Ouster county, last
Jjcccmuvr, is in progress, nnililclemlaut'iaro
nslnn ovcrv moans which (heir wca t h will
nocuro for acquittal. Testimony to-day was
cuicuy as to nicniiiy.
Tlio llotisn Committer.
Wasiiinoton, April 10. Tho Houso ad
journed without reaching tho political clauses
of tho ponding appropriation bill, Tho
eakcr will announce committees to-morrow.
Ctilrr Mourn nml ivrlj.
Ohlof Moses and other Oregon Indians
art) now hero. They viHitod tho counnis
nloncr of Indian nil airs this morning and
bad an Informal interview. Motes declared
lilmsolf a frlaud of tho whites.
All Aiiirrlrsu Hlnif.
Nkw Yoiix, April 10. 'A Washington spe
cial nays tlio Htatu department has rccclcd
advices from Hauioa that Inn American citi
zen has bceu tendered tho position of head
of tho nation, with absolute authority. Also,
that war between contending factions Is ox
peeled, which menaces tho peaco of tho
country and threatens to jcopardiso tho com
mercial Interests of foreign nations.
HcU Devil Al It Again.
Dkadwoou, 1). T April 10. Ycstordoy
lven Indians attacked Horgcant Kennedy,
Wlo nigual observer at DcnclwooJ, nml it prl
vto soldier named lladt-r, of tho '.'d cavalry,
whllo thoy worn eating lunch at Mizpuh, 4G
miles from l-'ort Kcogb. llador was instant
ly killed mid Konncdy badly wounded., Tlio
latter crawlod Into tho brush and kept the
Indians oft" with n nix-shooter until assist
unco arrived, llador was scalped. Kenne
dy will probably recover.
tin 111 lUtr.
Washington, April 11. l'ostuinstcr-Uen-oral
Koy, In answer to n resolution of tho
Henatu, iiuiuirlng why a puprr publlshod
hero was discriminated ugaiust in tho mails
ns nil iidvortlsing Mhect says that wliilo thu
Heniilo has a right In call for any informa
tion required to facilitate! legislation, it has
no right to direct him to glvu his reasons for
complying with u law which is his duty to
oiccuto. Ho says ho has no objection to
Kitylng, howovcr, that tho enforcement of
tho law in question devolves upon local
Iioitiuasters, uiul tliut tho rights of tlio paper
mvn been referred to tho utlumey-genvral
for decision,
Airrut for tint Mlt'K.
Tho nomination of 1). A. Kwain, of Now
York, to bo Indlun agent at Kilctr, Oregon,
was sent to tho Heuato to-day.
Tnrdy Ilrller.
Uaptuiii Drown, comimtndiiii- tho Alaska,
has boon Instructed by telegraph to remain
ut Hitkn until nil danger has paused. Ac
counts from that quarter nro Homowlmt eon
Uictlug. Tho secretary of tho imy has ordered the
sloop uf war Jamestown llttod for soa as
speedily us possible, and put in commission
to go to nilka, relluvlng tlio Alaska, when
the latter till bo ordered homo, Tho James
town will bo provided with two largo iiteam
launches to bo until in patrolling tho Alaskan
const and making surveys uf Inland ehau
iiiIh Her nllleers nro not jot designated.
Sir. I.ol
The Indian question camo up for consid
eration at tho i-ublnet meeting to-day and tho
discussion took u wido range, covering tho
relutlous of tho Canadian government to our
own lu tho ovint of it hostile movement
southward by Kitting Dull and tils bund,
Tho habeas corpus of tftatiding Hear, now in
the custody of tlen. Crook, nud incident
thereto, tho wisdom of the policy of keeping
northern Indians lu southern latitudes
against their i Ish, if they were disposed to
bo peaceful at thu north.
Un.ro Mill Mtmnl.
A member of the cabinet said to-day, re
Kurdiug the President's probable action oil
tho army bill, that the administration is in
entiro accord with the Ktpullieans lu Con
gress on this quebtlou, and that tho l'resl.
dent will stand up like adamant against any
utteuiptof tho Democrats to interfere with
his constitutional riijht to control tho army.
Judge rliiolTord ut Louisiana, claiming reu.
ator K llogg's seat In tho Kouata, Is eontldeut
that Kellogg will bo muted, but it U not
hkely that tho committee on (trivlleges and
elections will make nuy report beforo De
cember next.
I'rt'i en 1 1 uif ililtiult'.
Tho select eommittee appointed to inves
tigate and report tho host humus ol pruunt
lug tho iiitrodactioiiiind spread of epidemlo
dioenses to-diy udoptid ublll for present.
tiou to CotigieSH ltgucs to tho rational
board of health plcnaty powers appropriates
050,000 to can) nut ltu pruvi-iuu.
I'UH.HOtl l till 3.l.t'.,
Ohw-f ilojen and Ids fellow chiefs had uu
jnltrMcw with .secretary Schurz to-day.
llnllriiiiil t miiulintlloii,
Htvr Yoim, April 11.- At u until meeting
of thu managers of tho truuk lines it was to
soludlliut trunk liue.i ahould not partici
pate ufter to-day iu nuy luwer than tho tariff
rates on rast-bouud busiiiess - that is, ou it
basis of 'JO ceutsper 180 pounds for grain
and -5 ranis for fourth clans from Chicago
a n, r-.hj.o..,, f. tin-y.y j-- trau-iit.
Tttc Texnn I.jiirhcr!.
Omaha, April 11. In response to nu ur
gent tolegram from Gov. Vanco, (Icn. Crook
this morning sent ono company of regulars
to Hastings, Ncbiasko, by upcclnl train, to
provent nn expected rescuo of Ollvo and his
nssociato prlsonors, by their cowboy friends.
Tho trial of Ollvo and his nssoclatcs for tho
burning and murdering of Mltcholl and
Kctchutn, is now progressing natisfactorily.
l'osltlvn cvldcnco has been adduced show
ing that Ollvo, Domliiicus and Qattrcll aio
guilty. Tho RCUBatlon of to-day was tho In
troduction as a witness for the Htato Dion
llrown, ono of Olive's cowboys, who was an
cyo witness of tho lynching on tho Loup.
Urown was indicted, but turned Htate's ovl
douco; he says that Ollvo led tho gang and
shot Mitchell and helped do tho hanging,
Chicago t'onlrlbntloin.
Cuicaoo, April 11- Tho flnonco commit
too of tho Dcak Society, n Hungarian benev
olent organization in this city, this morning
font a draft of 8,000 florins collected from
tho citizens of Chicago, to tho minister resi
dent of Hungarln, for the relief ol Bzcgcdln
Mtnntloii nt flzrffrillii.
1'r.sTH, April 10. Hovcntecn thousnnd
persons In Kegedln and in tho neighborhood
of that city nro still subsisting on charity.
It has brou raining for tendays. Tho supply
of bread Is becoming oxhaustcd.
Oitrltmlill on the Ilnllnii Situation.
ltoMr, April 10. Tho Capltalo publlshos
n letter written by Uaribaldl beforo leaving
Cuprcra. Ho says! Italy owes gratitude to
tho royal houso for having contributed to its
unity, but It did not accomplish it nloiio.
Tho country was inoro flourishing under thn
old tyrants than now. Ho condemns Do
l'rctls, and concludes by saying monarchy
Is not eternal. lit duration will bo iu pro
portion us It merits tho nffcctlon of tho poo
Iilo nnd rails to its councils, not flatterers,
lut capable nud truthful men,
A'rrncli I'nrmvrM.
l'Aiiis, April 10.- A deputation of ncricul-
tiirisls from tho department of Kuroot I.oiro
potition tho minister of commcrco in favor
of a duty of nino francs per quarter on
wheat, forty francs per head on horses, nnd
thirty francs per head on cattle,
Hllcklnar Hlrlkcn.
I.oNiioN, April 10. Ten thousand ftriking
miners at Shadows Hill havo votod no sur
n lUo Rersn'N Will,
Han I'r.ANciNco, April 10. .Jacob Itoscu
berg, Charles I.ux und Josoph ltoscubcrg,
exoculors of the will of Michael llceso, filed
n complaint In tho 4th district court ngalnst
Klslo Frank nnd other bcnoflclarics under
tho will, which sots forth that llocao died on
tho 2d of August, 1878, leaving nil cstnto of
tho valuo of J 0,000,000 or $7,000,000; that
tho names of tho legatici nro incorrectly
spoiled in tho will; that doubts havo nriscii
nud nro cntortaliicd by plalntlfTs nnd other
parties to this action, as to tlio trim iutout
nud construction of n!d will, nnd particu
larly tho residuary clause; nml that tho
plalntlfTs ask that n judicial determination
may bo made of tho various questions Aris
ing on said will Involvim; tho points and par
ticulars hereinafter montloBcd, nnd construc
tion given to same, so far as may bo neces
sary to guida nnd direct thn dlsohargl of
their trusts ns executors, nnd to Kcttlo nnd
dotcrinluo tho rights of nil parties.
At n meeting of ward presidents Inst night
tho strikers wem advised to go to work at
tho old rates. Contractor Ondcrdonk has
takon back about 100, but will employ no
moro of them.
4'oiiTlrtrtl til MniislatiRltU-r.
Haciiauknto, April 10. Henry A. Canflold,
in ins second trial lor mo murder or win. ,
English, was found guilty of manslaughter.
lion tli Hciitciire.
Han Kacaki., April 10. -Wm. Dcver. who
murdered Henry Kohlor, foreman nt tho
Htato prison, I'cbrtiary 7th, was to-day Hon
teuced to death by Judge Temple. David
llngllsh, iinex-ronvlct, has boon arrested and
Identified uu tho man, who, on tho night of
tho'Jil lust., attempted to liberatn Dorrfrom
fall here, nnd held to nppcur beforo the grand
Nouiiiriii s'Hi-iiir.
Ydma, April 10. A special from thu front
this evening announces that tho cud of tlio
track is 'S1', tulles east of Yuma,
'rii.lllnliiiinl fSorllirrn llnllrmtil.
Oodkn, April 11. Tho Utah aud Northoru
railwuy isrompleted to l:.igle Kock bridge,
Kuako ritrr,'ldaho,'JI0miles tioithof Ogdeii,
Itegular trains will ronimcuco ruuniug there
April lCth.
Washington, April 0.
Stephens, from tho commlttco on rules,
reportod n resolution for tho ro-appointment
of tho followingRclcctcommlttccs: Census,
reform of civil ncrvico, law respecting ascer
tainment and declaration of Presidential
election, prevention of epidemlo diseases,
ventilation of hall, causes of depression of
whlto labor. Also to Incrcaso committees of
membership as follows: Enrolled bills to 7,
colnago to 11, ways and means to 13, agri
culture, judiciary, elections, commerce and
nppropriatious to 15 each. Also n now rulo
providing that n motion to suspend tho rules
and pass n general appropriation Mil shall
reqnlro a three-fourths majority, instead of
as now, two-thirds. Tho report was then
Tho first proposition recommended by tho
report, for tho ro-appointment of certain se
lect committees, was then agreed to without
The second proposition, increasing tho
membership of certain committees, wob then
ngrccd to without amendment.
Tho third proposition, in regard to tho
now rulo having been reached, Kcnnn with
drew his amendment.
Tlio amendment otT'rcd by Springer, for
bidding tho reprinting of tho bills of ono
Congress when introduced intoanolhor Con
gress, was agreed to without division.
Tho amendment olTcrcd by Mills, abolish
ing tho commlttco on elections, and requir
ing caclicoutesledclcclloiicasoto bo referred
to n select commlttco which nhonld report
within 30 days, was rejected without division.
Another amendment offered bv Mills, giv
ing to tho committees on banking, coinage,
nud ways nud menns, lenvo to report at nuy
time, nud authorizing tho majority to fix u
day for tho consideration of any public bill
reported by ono of those committees, was
agreed to; yeas, 'J30; nays, 109,
Fort'n amendment, providing that tlio
morning hour shall not bo dispensed with on
any dny for any purposo excopt by n two
thirds vote, was ngrccd to.
On motion of Stephens, tho commlttco on
rules was nuthorlzod to iucorporato tho sev
eral propositions agreed to, , at tho proper
placo in cjtistiug rules,
(Jarfiolcl, from tho commlttco on rules.
siiLmittcd n report recommending that tho
rules regulating tho awarding of tho floor
iu tl.o Houso nud commlttco of tho wholo,bo
nut changed. Tho report was ngrccd to and
tin- Houso ndlourucd.
Hcnato adjourned until to-morrow without
reaching n vote on Boll's caso.
WAsniNOTON, April 10.
Soon nfter tho beginning of tho session
consideration was resumed of tho Now
Hampshire senatorial raso.
Haulsbury opposed tho admission.
Dcbato on tlio Now Hampshire caso ended
at four o'clock, nnd tho Senate, by a vota of
i)S against 28, adopted n resolution declaring
Hell entitled to tho scat. Ho was Accord
ingly sworn in.
Tho Hoaato then took up tho army appro
priation bill, but laid it osido temporarily to
allow Hereford to dellvora spcoch, of whlcn
ho gave notico last weak, upon Hoar'a reso
lution, denunciatory of tho Dctuucrullo-pro-'
Tho Now Hired Girl.
There is trouMo enough, moro than
enough, in tho houso for wccltH because
of tlio old hired gii'1'n sins of omission
und of commission; things nro nt sixes
nnd hovans from morning till night nnd
thcro is tho mischief to pay generally;
that is tho reason why tho old hired girl
goes away goes tvwny defiantly; with
her skirts closely about hcrsoai to avoid
contamination; goes away liko a raging
meteor hurling through space in search
of another and moro satisfactory uni
verse When tho old hired girl has gone nnd
tho new hired girl has come, there seems
to bo a reasonable prospect of peaco in
tho household. The now new hired girl,
who is to bo chambermaid and waiter, is
indorsed as willing, cheerful nnd good
tempered which is a great deal inotti
than can bo said of her predecessor. She
comes described ns docility itself tho
old hired girl was just ns docilo ns a
screeching northeaster or n full-blown
volcano. Kothe situation seems prom
ising. C'onlideiico in her is shnken a
little, however, on the ovening of her
arrival. In order to attract tho master
of the houso to u tender of bread sh
jabs him in tho shoulder with tho bread
tray, but it is observed with sattstaction
tliKt fcho gives evidence of her docility
by uccqiting with tho utmost meekness
the leproof called forth by this erratio
conduct. Her cheerful disposition is
manifested by her habit of singing nt
Iter work.
During tho morning her whereabouts in
tho upper rooms of the houso may be lo
cated with precision by the bursts of
song which swell up from her happy
soul and float lightly upon passages nnd
n thing
stairway. It is i
: to bo regretted
How to iSmoko a Pipe.
To tboso who u ro attached to tho iiiiio
it may bn a nutter of interest to know
how their lust puff or draught of smoke
may bo ns fresh its tho first. It is well
known that, smoking in the usual man
ner, tho last poition of the tolsieco lie
comes damp from the pivsonco of oil or
nicotinu from tho heated tobacco above,
which causes a sickening and nauseating
clli'ct, bitter to the t-uste, and uuploiiMiiit
and unhealthy as comp.iivd with the
first of a well lillod pix, A contempo
rary has found tho following to bo
oHectiml in giving good, fresh smoko
from first to la-it. l'luco a quantity of
tobacco in tho bottom of tho bowl, light
it, ami, when well ufuv, fill tho pipe,
and, beforo each draught, give a pull'
outward through tho stem, which causes
tho tolwttvo to burn upward, all below
being consumed. This is a sensiblo way
of Miioking tho time honored piK
A London Fog,
fog in London one
Tliem wit a bl.u k
morning it fortnight 111:0. About hull"
Mt 10 o'clock u reiimrkublo wavo of
d.uknoss suddenly spread over tho eitv,
ami for twimtv ininiitr-s it was as il.uk at
on a iiuHiiik'M night. Tho tVnturvi of
ci-.ous standing cIomi to ono another
could not bo dutinguished. Tim dark
nes.s dilVi-ivd from that of an ordinal)"
tog, iu distant iiJiitN could bo mvii us
ileal l) on a-, oiilinun night. A
liormj ati.u-hiii to ,t prowsuui merchant
cait ono ut tin i.i' stung UMiallv to
U found standing on l.udgnto llill
frightencil, piolmbly by the sudden
tl.itkiifi.-i, biv.mui ivstne, und, wheeling
suddenly round, dashed down tho biieet.
The driver, jftor u seven) struggle with
the tuiuway horsf, turned tho cart
io plttte-glassjuwelry, window, in which
it. had i.id trrriblii havo, '
Tho legislative appropriation bill was taken
up in commlttco of tho wholo.
MoMahon offered an amendmont repeal
ing tho soctlons provided for a biennial ex
amination of pensioners, and concluding as
ioiiowh: "iu oruor 10 provuo lor tlio pay
ruont of arroars of pensions, tho secretary is
directed to issuo immediately, in payment
thereof, as thoy may bo adjusted, tho ten
millions of legal tender currency now in tho
treasury, us a special fund for tho redemu
lion of fractional currency,"
Oartlcld raised n point of order which led
to n discussion,
Tho chairman finally ruled that tho amend
ment was germane to tho bill, In tho direc
tion of economy, nnd therefore in order.
It wns then further amended by a provi
sion oflercd by Camion, that fractional cur
rency may bo redeemed in any class of
money in tho treasury, nud ns thus amended
it was agreed to.
Atkins submitted an nmciidmont, which
was adopted for tho nppointiiiont of n dep
uty commissioner of pulsions, nt a Balary f
On motion of Diinuell nu amendment was
adopted making immediately available tho
'jo,uuu appropriated lor tho general unit
Tho clauso in the bill requiring the photo
lithographing wonc for the patent oulco to
no 11110 111 n asiiiugtou, was stricken out.
Mouey submitted nu amendment increav
lug tho force of tho post ollleo department.
Without actiou 011 tho anicudment tho
commute roso and the Homo adjourned.
, Nriitii-.
Waniiim-ton, April 11,
Hereford called up Hoar'.s resolution de
claring tho Democratic programme for tho
paksaga of the nppropr'atiou bill to be un
constitutional and revolutionary, und made a
speech against it, iniistiug that no a:tlon
wasicontemplatedas would justify suehji
The army appropriation bill was taken up
und Withers eipluiued its provisions.
No amendments were adopted, tho com
mitteo ou appropriations having agreed to
resist nil auiuudiueuts, and a majority of the
Senate terouding them arcordingly. Tho
reasous assigned by Withers for this i-ourso
was that mneiidmeuts would delay tho pas
sajje of the bill. Tho ilnk reached tbo Gilt
section, which prohibits tho prrseuro of
troops at fli'ftiuu plans, etc, when tlio
Senate adjourned nil Monday- )ras "i'J,
uays 23.
III comuiittte uf the whole tho li-ulstivo
appropriation bill was i-nutiuued.
Tho nmitultaeiit n.crtaiug the cltru-al!
force in tho jttolticiHlci.irluicut wu-. adopt-'
fit je.t 10j, 11.1.M1 00.
A proposition l inensisi- the Mlury of tho
t-iiiimu-,ioiur 1 f agriculture, after a i-hort
dlKi-iiuiiou, n. withdrawn.
AintiiduHUtn wereugreid todiitHtiug the
eiiiiiiuiKiiur tti Mipply a riasoutbln qium
lity of srisU, sin ul. in- . ti numbers of
Congress for di-tribulmu .iuiitig tbrir ngtl
I'liltmal eoiutituiuu and toiepoit tin qu.ii
lily of mh-iK tti.. distributed, Mate und
t'ouiitU". suit, from whom purchased aud
quantities The appropriation for pur
ch.iMi ami di.lnlnilum of seeds was m
cri'aisl from $C5.U00 to 100,000.
lluutou piibiuitled uu iimeudmeut lucreas.
lug the uppicpriaUou for eradicating infect
ious diseases atu'iug domt-sUoated animals
from f 25,000 to SilO.OOO, Without dispos.
lug of the amendment the committee rote,
tbo committees were announced au-i the
Hou- udjourut-d uutil to-morrow.
Whouver lieanl 01 u blacksmith foi-j;-
mg si uotol
that she does not sing well; in point of
fact, she howls dismally, inasmuch ns
theso woesome sounds really iudicatu
light-hcartedness, nro evidence of con
tent, they nro tolerated. At nn early
slugo of Iter term of servitude sho gives
evidence of thu possession of what may
lie delicately described as intelligence of
a peculiar order. Encountered on tho
hack stairs bearing buckets of water, sho
explains that she wns ordered to turn
tho water off from the bath-room tho
night before; that she hns received no
onier to turn it on in thu morning, and
that therefore, in order to fill tho sowers
sho must depend upon tho faucets in tho
kitchen, iler explanation is received
approvingly, mental reference being mado
to tho heroic act of tho well-known Cos-
kbiauca, and tho less well-known vigil of
ticn. llavelocks son, upon iOiidon
Bridge. Not so much satisfaction is
manifested when ncasual request to light
tho gas in tho drawing room ut
tho samo timo that sho clcscs the shut
ters, is interpreted as an order to start
every burner in that apartment at its
full capaoity, especially as thu careful
closing of tho drawing room doors, joined
to tho absenco of thu family from homo
during tho tiventne, results in tho bril
liant illumination remaining in tho full
blast until tho next morning to tlio
material ndvantogo of tho gas company.
Several amiable indiscictions of some
what similar character lead easily nud
naturally to tho development of a pro
found conviction on tho part of tho ad
ministrative head of tho houso that tho
iiiiw.iin.il girl is littlo better than, as
ho himself expresses it, "a imtitnil-born
fool." Tho executive head of tho house,
w hoso gentle nature resents such harsh
phraseology, ami who still bears in
mind it lively remembrancu of tho old
hired girl's cyclonic and volcanic ways,
puts in thu extenuating pica that oven
if bIiu is a littlo stupid sometimes sho is
so food liiiturcd, cheerful nml will
ing that her errors of judgment
should bo torsiven her. Unties go
along upon this basis of equitable com
pensations for fcomo time. Tho now
hired girl's good nature, cheerful
ness and willingness briug her forgiven
neas for telling 11 former caller. "She's
not nt home, ma'am; sho making jolly in
tho kitchen for the party to-morrow,
nu'in;" for putting thu claret in ice, on
tho occasion of the party referred to, be
causo that was what she had been
onlered to do with the champagne; for
assaulting with bath brick and ias tho
silver sho had lieen told to clean, and for
a wholo string of liko performances, cal
diluted to woik confusion and breed
trouble. Finally, when sho loaves Kil
room windows oihjii during a driving
mill storm, because sho had been told
that the bed rooms uve to 1k aired every
day, it becomes evident that she must
go. M10 takes her dismissal, as slit) has
taken tho vanoub ratines bestowed upon
her for her misdeed, with placid good
nature. Sho is docile, willing, cheerful
to tho hist. Calmly, amiably, the now
hired girl, with the dewy freshness of her
newness still uiwn her, iiacks up herbac
like thu Anib, and silent!) steal nway.
-Philadelphia Tinier.
Heaven a City.
A city not built with lnunis, l.or hoary
with the yean, of time, a city wlio-o in
habitants no .-oiiMi-. h.-o numbered; a
city thio.igh wlnivi snoot-, rushes no
tide of hiiMUi'is, iu-r n-nlding hear.su
cm is slowly thnuigh with its burden to
the tomb, a city w ithout giiefi. or graves,
without ins ur soirowe, witiiout births
or burials, without .manage or mourn
ings, a city which glories in having Jesus
for its king, nngeN for its guards, saints
for eititens; who.-o walls nro salvation,
and whose gates am praise, Guthrie.
Haw iOrccon is Represented p.t Sail
Joseph Carroll writes an interesting
letter to the Astorimi, from which wo
clip the following :
Tlio vast majority of the immignints
lauding in San Francisco aro en route
to Oregon. If California shows apathy
Oregon evinces tho mijst untiring activ
ity. At tho oflicc, ,001 Ilattery street,
opposite tlio post oflicc, I had an excel
lent opportunity to convince myself of
this fact. There tho machinery of im
migration is to bo seen 111 its perfection.
I found tho agent, Mr. J. K. Shephcnl,
nthis post, and not only willing, but
anxious to givo the fullest information.
The oflico is located in tho business cen
ter of tho city and convenient to tho
hotels usually patronized by immigrants.
It is filled to overflowing with tho mar
vellous agricultural, mineral nud me
chanical products of Oregon. Magnifi
cent sheafs of grain wheat, oats, bar
ley, rye, etc., lino tlio walls; tho shelves
nro loaned (town wmi maiiuiiie.iiiuo,
agricultural nnd iininml products, con
sisting of dried fruit of all kinds,
threshed grain, compressed mealy, cased
salmon, fish-guano, dog-fish oil, hops,
Hour, wool and dozens of other nrticles,
nil neatly arranged for exhibition nnd
provided "with plain labels giving tho lo
cality of culture or manufacture, the
yield, thojother information, by which
tho exposition may intelligently studied.
Fino specimens of Oregon wood mi.pl,
ash, myrtle, cedar, pino oak, etc., beau
tifully polished and in thu rough, nro
bIiowh as evidences of Oregon's enor
mous nnd varied lumber resources. Of
minerals there aro specimens of coal,
iron, gold-bearing quartz, building stone,
copper, silver and other ores, sufficient
to provo that Oiegon'H products of this
nature are not second to none in tho
world. It would ho impossible to
tnitmcrato tho products displayed here
suflico it to say that tho oflico is a com
plcto epitome of Oregon enterprise nnd
industry, nnd that short of a visit to tho
(State, nothing can givo a butter idea of
Oregon than n call nt this bureau, aud
an hour's conversation with Mr. Shep
herd. Ho littlo taste havo Californians for
agricultural pursuits, that two-thirds of
tho population of tho .State, or GOO.OOO
people, nro residents of towns and cities,
all of whom nro supported in ono way
or another by thu labor of tho insufficient
rural population.
Just now California appears to bo a
good placo to get away from. Our won
derful climato has given us threo years
of short crops, nnd ruined thousands of
hard working agriculturalists. Mercan
tile failures aio becoming so common, ns
to elicit littlo or no interest, except in
those immediately concerned. In walk
ing up Market street tho other day, I
noticed tho ominous bhcrifls lock on
fivo stores, in two blocks, that is to say
from Kearny to Stockton, north side.
It is, therefore, no wonder that tho Ore
gon immigra.ioii oflico here is overrun
witli business, or thut even tho magnifi
cent accommodations of tho Oregon
Steamship Coiunany aro laxed to their
utmost to provido transportation for tho
rush to the Webfoot State. During tho
live years of its establishment Mr.
Shephcnl iIom not remember n period of
greater activity nt his office than tho
present. Tho advent of thousands of
imrd-iisted toilois of Oregon must soon
begin to toll upon its material advance
ment. Too long has Oregon been con
tent to hide its light under a bushel; but
now sho evidently means business. 1 Iitn
tlretls of thousands of circulars, maps,
iamphluts and other printed informa
tion aro distributed broadcast by thu
Stato Hoard of Immigration, and its
branches in
Immigrants nrriving in Sim Fran
cisco aro rccoived by Mr. Shephcnl and
given such advices aud information as
may bo necessary to assist them in locat
ing. "Whilu iu tho city, they aro, so to
speak, under his guidanco and protec
tion. Ho sees that thoyuro not imposed
upon, ho procures them tickts to Ore
gon, and gives them tickets entitling
them to half-faro transportation to their
destination. Ho docs many other good
offices for thorn, and his jiosition is by
uo means a sinecure; but his heart seems
to bo in tho work, and his success is in
proportion to his restless activity.
A Vermont woman sold her two-year-oht
daughter for $!5. A pretty high
irw, considering that daughters of 18
years and upwards are bo often given
Too Homo correspondent of tho Dub
lin Freeman's Journal says : (,Leo XIII
is a hard worker and labors incessantly.
His admirable letters aro all written bv
himself, and ho dovotes many hours of
the night to solitary study. It is his
custom to dismiss his chamberlains n
little after 10 P. M., and sit down to his
writing-table. In tho inoiiiinc ho rises
early, divsscs himself, and summons his
MMiilains to asaist at mass. Ono worn
ninglast week, at 7 A. M., thu chain
borlain, in waiting, perceiving tho usual
hour to ln passed fot thu ringing of tho
Tope's bell, knocked lightly at tho cham
ber dour, ami getting no answer, entered
the room of the Pontiff, whom ho found
at the table with his head supported by
his arm, aud fast asleep Tho caudles
weiv still burning. His Holiness, when
writing, had been overcome with sleep,
und had never boen in lied.
A year-old baby is undoubtedly a joy
aud a treasure to his parents, and ut
times ieems to bo a perfect littlo cherub;
but when he trios to rako the tiro with
the best comb and sweep up tho ashes
with Uie Sunday hair brush, he is not
tar trout being an cmbryo'fieivL
i'ho threo hundred people ut Sitka
very naturally wish to know what tho
government is intending to do with them
and for them. Wo never heard, beforo
Alaska was ceded to tho United States,
that the llussinns had any trouble with
tlio Indians. They probably nllowcd no
occasion for trouble, but kept their peo
ple well protected. They also kopt tlio
Indians under wholesome restntint, but
our government cannot jiossibly conduct
any business that includes one Indian,
much less tribes of Indians, with judg
ment and success. Wo botch every
thing of that kind, nnd end by bringing
upon ourselves Indian wars ami massa
cres of wluto hettlers. J ho Alaskans
aro safe enough so long as thcro is a
good sized and well manned vessel of
war there, or would bo safe, perhaps,
with a small body of troops As it is,
citizens thcro nro not to bo envied,
Tantalus was not so badly off ns thoy,
and Damocles, with n sword suspended
over his head by 11 hair, wns not mom
desperately situated. Kvidontly tho
peoplo nt Alaska have no confidence in
being ptotcctcd. Thoy have been safe
with nu English mnu-of-witr to protect
them of late, and now have no certainty
that Undo Sam will spare, for any
length of time, one of his old hulks to
befriend them. What 11 pity it is that
our government cannot protect its citi
zens without leaving them to miller ro
much apprehension, and often no much
murder and spoliation. l!eo.
Tho citizens of Salem held an enthu
siastic meeting Thursday ovoning nnd
pledged themselves to raiso S3,000 for
a now pavilion on tho Stato .Fair grounds.
Considering the stringency of tho money
market and the generally depressed con
dition of business, this will bo very lib
eral conduct on tho part of Salem, and
very judicious also, as it is for tho peo
ple thcro to retain tho Stato Fair in that
vicinity. They enn well uflbrd to do so
much, but then overybody don't do what
thoy can afford to as promptly ns Salem
peoplo respond to this call. lice..
Catching a Son-in-Law.
It wns tho second timo ho had accom
panied tho young lady homo from ono of;
thoso littlo social parties which nro so
often gotten up to bring fond henrts a
step nearer to each other.
When thoy reached the tnto sho asked
him if ho would como in. Ho said ho
would, nnd followed her into tho Iioubo.
It was a calm, still night, and thu hour
was so Into that ho find no fear of scenic
tho old folks. Sarah took his hat, told t
him to sit down, nnd bIio left tho room '
to lay off her things. Sho was hnrdlv
gonu beforo her mother camo in. smiled
sweetly and dropped down besido tho
young man, and bho said:
"I always tlid say that if a poor but
respcctablo young man fell in lovo with
baraii hu should havo my consont
Somo mothers would sacrifice their
daughters happiness for riches, but I
am not ono of that class."
Tho young man gavo a start of nlarm.
Ho didn't know whether ho liked Sarah
or not, and ho hadn't dreamed of such a
thing as marriage.
"Sho has acknowledged to ino that sho
loves you," continued the mother, "and
what is for her happiness is for mine."
Tho young man gavo two iitarts ofc
alarm this time, nnd ho felt his checks
grow pale.
"I I haven't," he Mummorod, when
sho said :
"Oh, novcr mini.. 1 know you haven't
much inonoy, but, of course, you'll livo
with inc. Wo'll take in boarders, and
I'll risk that wo'll got along all right."
It was a bad situation. Ilo hadn't
oven looked lovo at Sarah, nnd ho thought
to undeceive tho mother.
"I hadn't no itloa of of " ho btain
incrcd, when she held up her hands, and
said :
"I know you hadn't, but it's all right.
With your wages and what tho boarders
bring in wo shall got nlong as snug o
bugs in n rug."
"Hut madam, butbut"
"All I nsk is that you bo good to her,"
interrupted the mother. "Sarah has a
tender heart nnd n Iovinc nature, and if:
you should bo crow or ugly it would
oreaK uer ttown within n week.
Tho young man's eyes stood out liko
cocoanuts in a show window, and ho roso
up and trail to say something. Ho said:
"Ureat heavens I madam, I can t per
mit" "Never mind alwut tho thanka," sho
interrupted, "I don't beliove in long
courtships myself, nnd lot mo suggest aa
early day for tlio marriage. Tho 23d of:
September is my birthday, and it would
bo nico for you to bo married on that
'"Hut but but I"
"There, there I I don't expect any
speeches in reply," sho laughed. "You
and Sarah fix it uii to-night, and I'll try
to bo a model mother-in-law. I lwliovo
I am good-tempered and kind-hearted,
though I did onco follow 11 youg man
t!00 miles and shoot tho top of his head
off for agreeing to uarrv Sarah and then
jumping tho country !"
ciio paiieu nun on tho head and slid
out, and now that young man wants ad
vice. Ilo wants to know whether ho
had better get in tho way of a locomo
tive or slido ofl the wharf.
A professor in Cornell, lecturing on tho
ciled of tho wind in somo Western for
ebts, remarked; "In traveling along tho
road 1 even sometimes found tho logs
bound and twisted together to such an
extent that a mule couldn't cliiab over
them; so I went around."