MAEKETJREPORTS, UlLLAMRTrii FAIIMI'R OH'IUII,) I'OSrMJIP, (Oil.), '1 lll'UMY MORMID, f April 10, 1S7D J I(ril tenders In Portland, bujlop, 00), ami Boiling iar. Mirer coin In Pot ILin I tin bank, quote at 3j per cent, illionunt fSomc I'roiltico JMmliei. Corrected co!iljr b A Pfl'iifcr, proprietors tha (treat Aincrlaui Store, Rccotid Mritt, bituocn Morrison nnd inihlll, PorlUiul Tlio I tlkmlii,! rrprotcnt holculo rate from prwlu crior first bin It I'MlUU-lii Jobbing lots ttmlvil InsiiiN, J'i, lt eountrj brand., $1 Oorfl fA Hull, downward tendency. UIIKAT- l to, ilull OATH white, (0ll V Innlnl. Dull ONIONS HtVIV PtlTATOM-tJuoU d at KWitTDc V I rash , ilwlce. t'omlntf In freely MIDDI.INUS-Jabliliv, lor feel, 92t' . fine, M OCT V ton hltAN-Joblilnj at fll', .'li ' ton IIACOXHklei, Oe , lltnis, lKttSc, ulioiil Km, (1 toTc. I.AIU)-In kcirt ami tint, 1(V. MJTTKIl Wo qioU iholco fresh roll at 50 to Mo: ;jood pickled roll, 15c, solid In kcic, IBe. (JHKESE Oregon, lltllS. California, 10c OIIRKS HIUITS Apples, good helping, per Imi, C04T76O. DRIED r'ltum? Applet, sun dried, M&c; machlno dried, 7'Sc, dull sale, Pinrn, mathlne drleil, 7('c Plums, tun dried, 12jl3 KCH1H 13c, downward ten lencr , roUInir-UilckeiM, Jouiiif, MvM '.Op-rilon olt, $MJ, and antl IIOOS llriuw.l, U.; t,n foot le W.f.y Mrs weight J and 3) d. tor (holm MIKKT Uto weight 3) and 3 cts. WOOh Eaitcm Oregon, lSuilO; UllUnw-ttd Vellcj, HIDES ISc TALLOW Quotable at i an U) ct. II A V Timothy, laid, bujlng at llOand tltV ton. (.'client I JticrcliuntllMc. Corrcitid by Oomstock A Pltugcr. RICELldna, Nf. I, nons I China, No. t, 0) et,, Japan, 7 ttt, NtndttMi InUmU, 7c. TKAH Jin, 3.', ami 40c; lllaek, M and is), Y. II., Sic. (JOmX OosU lllea, IS anllClc; Jma, 2l,i7. HUOAIIH Market mil supplied, Cnuhcl A, Ke: On crushed, l!c, Unl, lie. Kttro I', 10, Oollr C, 9e; Kandtildi Mandt, 7 and U e HYIllll' UgaluOo, . CANIll.CH II and It). IIAIM.SH lnirkJ, W 60 an I HI f 0 a hot; 1'allfor nla, tt and (3. SOAPf (lood, Ttcanll M, YKAHT I'OUIIKII Donnell), 19 and :0e. Vpuwi (Pralon & Merrill 2lcvr grow. OILH-Ordlnai? bramlt of coal, 2So; high grades, Ikmnsr A Co., 37 and 4Sc Hollel IJiwetil, Vic, Ilaw Uiueed, V; Pure Urd, II K and tl 40; fwtor, II U rid It ; Tun' ntlne, CO and ti rent. Ilry fjouiln i;tc. CurrKCU.Nl by C'unutotk A I'llUKtr lloUII and Jobbing Italca Ualiot, A , B"; (Vklxit V To, (Vllci, tvif', Climlnni, ltU12t,hlUIUiik Miulln, Ik; whllo tiudUI, di Dc; ntlirr hnndt ol uhlUi Jlii-lln, 7vt:)e; ml all wool KUnntl, 9X(Nu, whlto all u I PUnnil, SOrjiOOi., Canton tllaiiiitl, bliwuhcl and uiddrachml, IMJOc, Chetlole, for thlitlnir, l((IOc, Table IJntn, 34iil.'; Watcr)roif, 7Sne, t'rwli towillnu, lOgilt, lUnliuky Jiwtit, Kcj;; nil all wind llhuiWU, K-"8 W white all wool lllanktti, Kul W, (Vjtton llattliik', VOi.lUc tl ; hlrtln PUiiik I, 'vt-die; bUk and irjlnrcd Cuhmcre; eSeatl 74, llntlcrandtlicwwtloth, U7c, Hiuiik-Saliii, Kc;(HlmcreuiUclotli,lcal SA.TIiklnir, 12) a Sic, Itenlmt and (luck, KltiCiV, fannepi' Ikmlii, ll'inlw, tin Hlioet, Hem', ll.20aK.WI, ilo do Ia.II', mil kln, ll,75afn, dodo ChldniK' Miom, relf akin, ll.'i&a l.W; llo) ' lkU, ll.U a t.60, OteralU, Wo a I.Sfi, Juin an, MValVi, nannel lltenhlrtt fl.tfa2.7f, ltna' Undenhlrtt and Urowm, 37ea liOil, OtcrrmU and UUten, ir.60 a 18.00, (lotldiiK, ulU, 17. W a 'Ji (a), (Awjl iiieraPanUtdOOaUM Nun t'runclNcu Murkul. Man I'kamimxi, April H Wheat Mlller'e want are ercedlni(ly miutll, there l ft KOodeioit demand loriholcv, of whlih offiTlnm are email, and tUlble tupply In HUI l prvbably jmall, liurkit Ultt but flrui lor rhnlcr, In dull and owy lor Inftrlor Anionic lulei were N toiu Cala good ehlpplntf at It (U, and we alto leani of a Uocu ale p. t. uf irlctly tholee, width tertalidybruuifht full tVmre, Wallt WalU rr mutty old at II 30. Klour Marktt U hardly attlte, hut there U an in iirot ed I-vIIiij U M trkrt well euppllnl unl deuuiid It a til lie better; Uute m brfore I'oUUat HrcclpU arulArKtr today, tlurv It trry little denund, market iuoUblu at II.KTvfll 'ii for rool lit thoioe CIiIoiku .llurkut. Ciiicauo, prlt H. Mhrat OJJcper bu paid for Uiy dillitry lluurbuliui'H Vlieut ?larkol. lumioN, April M Y .allnjr cariet, quUt but ettatly, rari,ue on u ae and for hlpmcnt, tor) little demand, Mark lue UtiUL (juotAtlom id Ku"d rarcotw, oil ttttil, 4I B4. Ma tlanMe ft r wlltr'e iteeounl, tn u.iu) J) pirctiit. eom idathei; Misl.Chir Mil, (3 M, llrd Winter, V 91; (VlllornU, ftxi tu, (UI.I (lood khlpplntf CatllernU on imtMe, jtr C-tt n, (juerntttiwn for trdre, Jutt khlp)Knl or to lie prom (I) atilppvd, 4(4 tvl, luutl) due, (It, atiruKeCh i.r till for jihlpiiient (luring the pn-erut month and following one, V 4d0 B.t. wi AiiKrhan leruu, UH lU(H. llriru for hlpnif lit, 4il (LI IJwrol heat, t, quiet IJrtrKti f.i'r tocluUxi hlppln club r etuUl.W J taJe 7d IJer)Kiilfalr to eluIie ehlpplnrf (U ptr teulAl Oi ai3d IJfrHd Unl Am tqirUij ahlppln No. 3 to No. 'J r ctwiUI 7e (Mas 6d. rVIr to Kuod ehlppluf Orwon, pt r tvulal, Oe 3AirO (VI, ,f Jod totholvehlp(iln Oreou, ier toiUl, ocdrOelM como from. Up country warcliotmcs nro clcancxl out, nml what wheat comca from tlio tipper Columbia (joes to iton I'r.tnclsco to pay for agricultural line Inn cry. It in poeultlo tint wlicn tlio country roaJa improve, fnnncn will limit in their remaining Burpliio, ami ,u can ujlinmto liow inucli tliat will amount lo, or ulictlitr thoy will Belt at current rate), ft may lw flint cunridcralilo It held liy poraoin nljlo lo liolil for licttcr price. I'rom tliU until liarvcjl it in jiouitilo that lion.o tr inaml Mill liaM; inoto tu do with pneco than foreign (piotatioin Thcro are tlitto wooden nlilpt in tlio nor lwMIno; for W)i freight, hut tin ono can ulli'i it urgo fur mio nhl)iallhc present time lliuio tloii nut m ui.i to lit any Kiiriiluii in flight nhiotil mure th in u ill liu ruipnrcil litfoto nuxt liirtiat, liuttliu AnariL.ui miiiply It the unUuonti ipinnlity that inakoi tlio prolilom of tupply nml ilumnml of liriaitatulfit ilillicult of olutlon. With tlio opcnnig of itpring navi gation nit tlio ulaat in tlio Wtnt will bo oct looto nml etnttul tounnln l'uroo, nml tlio iiuppciition that tlio American supply will prove largo, liolilt the market tlown. Wo lunr of acreage in l'nglaml, ami doiiio fuuml hopun on this report that tlio tlumaml Mill improto prices another year, hut much dcit.mli on tho comlition of tho crops c cry where, anil ,i greit ileal ilcpcmls iijioii tho liujinutf 'outlook. Dcprcs noil of trmlo in Dngtaml will iloulitl continuo, for it nsults from comlitions tint only timo and enterprise) tan change. If husincM remains dull there, and nil induttrios continuo do pressed with tho toplo who nro our hest cu. tunars, wu latil not expect high priccii for bread to rule, iiiiIihs a remarkable, dclicitncy in crops shall occur. Another point that may ho nnd probably, will bu against us in another season is, that ho cannot ex ct to secure freights nt the re markably low ligurei that liavo ruled tho past wiiiUrnml fall. Hut wo may coulidontly hope for abundant crotM, and that will im ptoNo our circumstances if wo liavo only fair nverngo pricus. Col. Fansh told us, somo weeks since, that ho was almut to Hvturo correct ipioLatioiu for Uregtiu wheat in his cable dispatchos, and week thu market ipiotation-i from Murpool, funiishitl by him, show tho ad vance iaid for Oregon wheat in comparison with California wheat. Wo commend tho en terprise of Col, Parish in that matter, for years twst tho Wii.lamktti: Kaiimkh hat lcen tho only journal that has given trim quota tions fur Oregon wheat, und our showing of thu facts has doubtless caused correct quota tions to bo furnished. Wo are mode t enough to want all thu en dit that belongs to us, Tin: wool, MM1KKT, 'I he wool marktt interests many of our readers who ow n sheip, and will soon liavo their annual ilip to tlhqiuso of, 'I ho Com mercial Herald of April 'M rays; "Thu spring clip is now arming to somo uxtt nt from various localities. 'Ihu market pruu has not jet liccti fully ostahlisliod, llujcrs do not appear at nil anxious to pur chaau nt priit'i ilemaniUd by receivers. Prices promiso tooK'M low, nml tho following figures may apiiroxnuniu current rales i Houlliurii, THE SCAB A AUSTRALIAN EXTERMINATOR I l'mson for External Ueo, for Prevention r.nd Cnro of tho 15oali Tho Ocneral Ilualth and Condition of tho Hhccp I'romotcd by its Uw.- Manuff-'ured hy V WILLIAMS Jl CO. GILMAN & YOUNG, 42 First Stroot, Portland, Or., jQt.3r333n?St 1'or tho .Manufacturer for Oregon mid Wash-tnir7-3ni int-ton lUV'MfcM.'fM t'jJs'. tSSZ.A'-yiH J. W. MEREDITH, Commercial. Tumsiiw MoHNlNit, April 10, 1HU, 'rum tho Commercial Herald wo Kuril that trxlawM dull in Sau Krancieco April CI, which is attributed to tho distrust pervftdlng business urcles at the probability of tho adop tion of tlio now coiutitution, but it is equally jMMuible that tho dullness is natural to a jpring follow in-; a season of low prices nml aot very productive crepe. Thoamtna) lo M,ld of Portland, and tho dullness is no doubt duo to tho abaeuco uf com iu tho coun try, for It is evident that money is ncarco in all trado ilrvlce, at will as in (armtiV pock t'U. Kan Krnucisoo quotations show that tuts continuo to rule low, Mtatoe aro pltutiful and cheap, onions scarce and high, lu and feixllovt. Wool of tho sprmuilip was com ing in freely, but prices not fully established. Hides and tallow were low, and tho samo is jaiil of all other products. Tho wheat marktt remains without ihangf. UvorjKHil ndv iocs are tho samo tu list week, or almost identical, nml prices hero show no variation. Thcro is uo wheat moving on tho railroad or down tho nwrs, or iiouo to con stitute a business of importance-. Two iron vvuols hao eximpletetl their cargoes of Hour for tho United Kiugdom, and tho Valley Korg w ill bo loaded with wheat this week, but no otio knows vtlure tlio tuxt largo will from IO i Angeles nnd vicinity, 80PJa for hurry; Northern rotate, short staple, IHiJ 1 1 o ; good to (boko free, loVJiUHo. Theso aro only nominal rates (milling actual sales. Wo hopo next week tti liavo something reliable to pro si nt to our readers." Tho lltistuii Shipping Utt of March 15th H.l)S "Iloldirs nro anxious to eloso tin stocks as fast ns ixiaaihlu, nml ri'stmiuiblo biivint rind no ililhculty in ininliaain nt concessions. 'Ihu mutt matki'il ileeliuo is in Texas, Oregon and California wools, silus of thtso wooU having Ikcii ma lo at comparatively low prices. Parties who Invu carried California wool since last Spring mo now selling nt a loss of l(i'.5c t' th; several lots h.ivo been takiu during thu wtik at thu prices paid in San 1'raiaineo marly a jcar ago, holders hero submitting to the lots of freight, interest, storage, shrinkngo nml other uxHiiacs, equal to about fo I' Ih, '1 ho only iusib!u rhanco for any favoiablu thango is that goodc may tako a start in tho Spring, but there is no i' ilii'.vtlon at pri'stut that Ills iliango will take pl.uo, ns gtMsls aro mov log olf slowly at low mid unsatisfactory prices. Tho stoiks on hand are not large for tho hoosoii, and somo dealt rs htvo Uinfoneil to buy to kicp up assortmints, but this is otlset by thu fact that a few nnuufacturcrs, who have more stock on html th in they ri quire, nro sellers of wool instead of bii)irs. 'lliu stocks, hovv iivt r, aro believed to bo quite, ample to bridge ovt r to another ilip mid bujert nro quitu in ililfert'lit alHiiit lutcre Hiqiplits. '1 litre has Iniu more iloitit n I', Colorado, Oregon and tinvviishiil i.iut ii'inur haut.tblo tlccees, tho sales otiiipriinng .'IWi (KX) Pa nt various pruts ns to iqualit nnd condition, but get i rail) understood at low tlgutes eoinieenl with previous transactions. In California fall nnd spring there has also bevn n fair biisuitsi doing " that is ns much as wo can give in tho way of Information this week, and we regret that tho outlook has not more pronuso in it. W. auk In receipt of tho tlrst niimWr of tint Kural 1'rtss, published by A, ltnou, in this city, tditt-d by W. W. lUkcr. It it a small sheet, tt nns $lfU a )ear, alwut thu siio tho WlLUeurrric Kaiiuik wad ten) eon ago. It )roMsts to stand upon its merit, and as Its Jiauio uuliratt'ji, is In tho interest of sgn- iiilture. Dental Itooms at tho old stand, GKISWOLIfri 1tIX)CK, OPP. THIi HANK, SALliM, OREGON. . fel-ly K8TAI1U8IIED IN lsi5. WILLAMETTE NURSERY, li. w. wailing & Sod, Proprs. Oswogo, Clackamas Co., Or. E(cU Attention L-ivcn to Plnm. IVimiinr1 rKr Trei. Corroipornicnco ollcItctJ febll 3m HO ! FOR RELIANCE ! TIIK Cr.LKIIIIATKI) Black Norman Clydo STALLION "REtlANCEl" Pormcrly owned by Josejih Pearl, of Linn County, will mako tho coming season com incnting March '-'1st nml i!Jd nt I.KIlANONj 21th nml 'Jfith at IIAI.SKVt 2llth nml -,7tli nt tho farm of W. P. AN'llKltSON', two miles cast of Robert's bridge-, on tho Calapooia. Terms, $25.00 for tho Soason, Secured by note piyablo Jn or lioforo Scjit. loth, 187U, nnd $.'!() by insurance, also socurod by nolo navnblo on or before Anril 1st. IHSO. All notes will bo required nt timo of service, and to boar interest at tho rato of li! iorceiit. per annum from tho timo they becomo duo until paid. All marcs bred by insurance- nnd afterwards traded, sold, or taken out of tho valloy, will Im considered in foil, and tho notes collectable, unless satisfactory proof it produced that such marcs aro not in foal, Posturago will bo procured nt rcasonablo rates. Wo will not bo rcsjiotisiblo for any accidents, but will tako rcasonablo caro of all marcs left in our charge All inquiries ad dressed to J, T. Stewart will roccivo prompt attention. SOUTHKUN & STKWAItT, Proprietors. Lmitwoy, Or., March 7, 1379. mar7-0w GOOD CURE for HARD TIMES a mm-riiix ok kiklk fiiutiKiuaitiitKiUMi- liAHr M K K N I Rt I'Unt l rill MIK a1to3.n0.000 Clndorella norel and rare. Irleas low. Sesd for ItoncrlDrire Clr FOR SALE. 640 Acres of on Tin: unn nr ntn Mt. JeScxaon Paos Road. Situlted ono in la ihore Xehima, In M trlon CountT, COOaciet iimlcr fence, well Umbered, ell tiaterod, some liniirouments, an I a portion In cultlratlon Tlitt find It situated on tho cihro ef tho ('i-kI Hoi.nt.alni, nt least lialf ol It run ho cheaply cleared, and li richeitt rd ruoitntaln soil It It row bed by a lend roa I froi i "Salem, no hlll, fire lioun c-etyilrlto It It hi the mlditof a tlilckly tt tleilcojntn. ttltlieool nelirhbort. nnd a more healthy re slnn mniml Imi foond Schoolhoiito a (cf rodt from the line Kxnllcnt for utock ranu'c, and hundred' of acre of land that can Iw leareil lor tthtat at a cot ol SV an acre, Thlt It a ftrorabte opportunlly for somo farmer dcnlr out of ifolnjr Into the stock butlncts cxlentltcly, or for a enlonv of Lhree nr four families of llcnnant Tliere aro nuny(lernunsiicttlel In the vicinity, an I they like Part of tbe price, tl 00 an acre, can Is) paid for a term of years In annual Inst Umcnts, allow rate of internet. Call on or tt rile to M A l l.ailhi;, I"armcr Odke, So ft W athlnirton St , Portland, Oregon Or U. W Cn.MO, Salem. 1 - Farmers l Meekmcs 2m WBvkix EVERYTHING ronTIIB GARDEN U DeKrlptlte Catalogues of Its pijct sent Fret PETER HENDERSON ACU ,T3 Cortlamil Af -a etc iotk Dr. JAMES WITIIYC03IE. VETERINARY SURGEON, W ILL I'llALTICK I.V l(IIITI.MI IIKHKArTKIl Hating had an catemlre practice Ih Omfon for the hit cUht yvan. It a utlle-tent Kusntnloo of shlllty. Will send prrncrlptlont and Information for the treat ment of sne dlte-VMi on reteint of one dollar. State th syiuptcHrs at near as Mtible, alto near the aoand weUht of horse Olllce at lil.ACU, HAWK sr.tnxs, IHIItTI AND, (IIIKHO.V feb7 Im p inn nnn ri IUViUUU and Continental Htrawberry llanU. Mil iivii-ui outer i lants, trees, ete. Kter norel and rare. Trices low. Sia.i for tin! cuUrtoUIHKItt A BKN1HKTT, IMirterymea and s-rall urvwers, tiooiioury, n i ituru am B B. F. SWICK, D iota l r.ooits Ovor .Broymaii Bros. Store NDVR IILT KINIIIIKn OTIIIIATIO.VS i'EIlTOIUtKD febM tf NOW IS YOUR 1 IME! EGGS FOR HATCHING! Of the Pure-Ilred llroan Uhom I'm Is, They are hardl'MVHwhenyotin They are "lion wtters." We warrant all mi sold bt lit to he true to mine Orders a mm MM Bfl WSKWir tolita ucurNi Uir.NTH UKMBDY. viii mi lsliu In the lUra, by 11 U.ST!t HKMKUV, Till: 11 UK AT hlUNKV andLIMHMBHICIM'. II Is not a new coin pound, having been ued by all claoM for 90 lean, and saved from lierlnc tlUoate and ilralh liuiidrrds who luvu been kiten up by I'liytlcLuts. HUNT'S It KM t IIY turvs all dutuaes of I lie Liter, Kidneys, III.! ler BACK! Hml rhnury tfrmuw. Piviwy, tliicucy Ami UMrtittoa u( Orine. ii..i ii . t. . . ...... 1IIH1TI. 'lsliral, iiivthi Ine. HUNTS KMlt'liY rurre Urikht's Pim'iim of the Kidneys, (leneral Ptbil II), tcuutle Wiikuts. Ntrtous tiae, InteuiMr ancundescrw llllM'li IIKMI.HV cures llilloua llra.lsrhe, hur Moiiiach, (Vwtli enoai, and lyKU, hlrt iijitheus the ItotttUaml htontach, and makes the iniaKi iwiiAiiy pure iiu.vra hi;mmiy u prepare! lAI'lllJlA lor (Iuimi -HktfMs. Mud has ntvtfrUgt known n, full One trial will convince you. Illl.Sr.S "'.'inn la purtiy Ci.-oric, is uttsi oy rsinny I h)lelaita, and Hie utiuo( it'llanco ituy Imi planl In HUNT'S llt.UI.DY in rouUk'es sin is crtatts su a pe'lle, I rtkxw tip I he ) ttrui, an I rent teed neaiiu i me Ittsll. Jttiu lor l-anii lil,l lo WM K CI.IIKI' I'aotiiiskts. ItlliklO ItUlld. ivwi ,-,iitw iimj .m .,-. t. HUNT'S REMEDY J. W. GILBERT PuyN CiimH itr Hides, Furs. & Pelts, drill CoimiiBrolal at., SAML ly East Portland Poultry Yard. A, F. MILLER, Prop, After Kebruan 1, 1 ttl.'l All orders for ivft of the foiosln varieties of fowls Whito Loghorns, Brown Loghorne. Light Bralimas, Dork Brahmas, Goldon Seabright Bantams no-a-s, $3 fora Seltlns of 13-twro Settings for $5.00. Alto, tonttantly in hand, EGG FOOD AND GEBHAN ROUP PILLS Addross, A. P. MILLER, Kant I'orlltind. Jan II Sin WESTERN FANNING MILLS Warohouao "Soparators ! Polton'Horso Fowors! I lute manufactured an I sold hundreds of the ttw ter i I aiinlii- Mill, that arelu general uio nml irire k-ikkl sjtltfactlou. Price, k). Mill and Uanhoute Separators made Ui or Jf r of anr d.siredeapatlt) (.'ost, rAJ loli'O. i outr ion sau:, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, 20 PELTON HORSE-POWERS Whlih are known to be tb Best Ever Used in Oregon-A Great Bargain THOS. HOLMAN, MILWAUK1E NURSERY, Milwaukio. Orogon. CONSTANTLY OS HASI, ALL KINPd Or1 Fruit Trees, SHRUBBERY, ORNAMHNTAL TREES ANB VINES, Only First01as8 Goods Kopt. ADDIllXS. SETH LTJELLING & SON, Milwaukio, Orogon. JanJl tf I Sold by all Druggists. Ifttlly Xoating's Oongb l,oxenios. lUTIMre (Ml'tlll UUItir.S, THE CRKAT llritlkli Itemedy There Is un pjotlooaMy no oth er rtniedy so tvrUIn In Iu trtetts. AsTHMV tCIVTkl, ,.,,..,1, IIUIIV..IMTM .... ...I IIKItS OF the TIIIUIATall'.e t-tild lo iu lnitii. n.S Th. KUhet i1iedUtl ttwtlutony iliUs no bIUriureforUKe eowpUInUeUts(now proted by oter half a ixntury s esperience.) They txtnutn no i piiun, iuori4iU, or an? tkilcot dnus hlUTIMlt: nu (III LOZiLmiIS, pre ared by rilOMAS KILVTINtl. London. UnUlii, are old tr all dnc-eUU. Agents lor lite l'ainfle Umil JUIIVII. RUI.SUTO.V4,lM.,inJCHAS. UNOLYI k....L- 1 . .. . CO.S tun Tancisco. JicrttJta welt Vnoan for Oielr suinrlor Uylrur qualities, ami roinptly filled. I'rlcu, $2.00 por Sotting of 13 Eggs. We w'll tnd hy exorett lo ane ad Ints earefullr lRlie. on receipt of price, Urns, SI 04 each. No maie mnu on run I. AiKiress II J, nitOOKS, rafeft IS, 1S7 Chtlullt btatlon, Lewis Co., W. T num-int J. H. THOMPSON, l.nporUT ami Ilreed'r of only U Boat Strains of THOROUGHBRED POULTRY Dark Brahmas, Slack Oochlni, And non-iottiog' Black Hamburpi Alto, HILVER HUA IlllKIIIT nnd 8ILVKR DL'OIC WINO OASIE I1ANTAMS, all Importotl fcy myself. EGGS A.l FOWLS Iff SEASON. COHItrStrONDKNCi: SOLICITCD. J. II. Thompson, Ilalsoy, Linn Co., Or. P. F. CASTLEMAN, V, S DEXTKR STABLE, Cor. Washington and Second Sts., POUTLAiVii. I' M All caws In or near the city punctually atteiid nl to. Mill treat ttlrnU with know n dUctucs w ho re side at a itUUnce, and till all orders tor viterinary med Idnes Cloiv-sreojwnalile LUTHER MYERS, SALEM, oxibooht. X1ZUJ23XZ2XI. OS IMPROVED POULTRY I Soud throe cvn'. sUuip for Desorlptlre Circular and Price List l.biWtn custom mm mill! In Walom, Orogon. The undonUned bare leatwl and are now runnlni the drill Mill Tn the Agricultural Workt Uulldlatr, And are prepare.1 to o-x.xzrx oeox. Torocs : Atmuonabls rates. Will ali IIUY YIIKAT at the market pihe, IIUCKINOHAU A HM1TII. Biuut, Or , Feb. lit. ISTH. ,ebll U HORSE MARKET B0ARDIN6STABLES Cor. Third and Ash Sts , poiitxajmid. W Mt rrotii a 8. N. Co's W harl three blocks. Cuitral location In the city, sUbles new, laiye and eonimoiUous, with plenty of lliht aad air. Larye, roomy subte, quiet nelrhborhood, hanl and good slreeU, niaklnc It a Uetlrable place for boardiDK road horses, which I pull a specially, particular atUntion paid to buying and selling horses for parties In and out of Ihecily Parties tiling at a dUUnee, who will aend me a minute deecrlptlon of stich hones as the) hare for aUe, and (ite tho ak-e, lusghl, weUht, color, tiUiusition, sttle, price, etc, which I wlllioeton a bulUtln luard at the stable, and talto record In a book for the reference of parties within; 10 purchase, so that when I tnd n purchaser I w-tfl notify the owner of stock Hut Is desired, gttlng them chance, at leat, to find a purchoecr, thereby taring much time and cipene. I hare uudo an arrangement with V Y Outleinan, who has an experience of more than io years as a Vet erinary hurveonvtd Teacher ol llor.nun.nJu. and Is author ol "The tXimuwn Hensc M ttem ol Educating and IKxtorlng llooei," who will Vo in attendance at all times u look afltr Ihe welfare of Intalida, AUo to correct or eradicate any tktd or tlciot-s habit that any beat may rate contracted, such as lungtbg, kicking, 11 king nr running away In lumesa or Nicking, thytng, or not standing lo he mouuud or hltche-1 up Iu lur netis, pulling on bridle or halters, cribbing, carrying the tongue out of the mouth, tie. He will prescribe for hones si a diaUnce, sending Ihe medicines If de sired, st cost, sud elurviog II 00 for prtweription Kith out the medicine, A liberal share ol your vctrotuge U nwpct.UuUy soil;. Ited. H. D. MONTGOMERY. IHrevlUcureol P. 1, CWTLEitAX, V S., ItUi PortLtaJ. SU&O) ?inro Uio nhort timo tint wo ore m taMl steel, our burin-mi Iim crcrvicd that wo fmin I It n ncicvttj In hac n fitaniilnj? Iltijir in Ncr York, unci I am hippy to Inform tho I 'ul ilia that t tare succeeded In nwU InK tho ncwi7rnnffemcnli wltli my brother, Mr. Wllllum l'ner, of Ntw York City, whcriiby rSf R r&. mid oronnv riv nnnno I .- W uun oiuuiv ur uuuuq;,-, i i Tor tlio TToar 1U79 ' Will dp nDPATPD V? Than Ever Before ! sjbeft He $x:Emsry r sw -I r. sjbsi er. ,v,ii .-1 m )3M4 iisftVii mmam ESS11.?, Wonroditcrtiilrid t otlor nmjnnt induccmsnbi, wi I tJ carry it t!n of GOODS SUITABLE To Meet Ills llcnin id of the POOREST WEALTHIEST We shill tarry u lino of Uio FINEST QUALITY fioods ! To Ira found In any store In tho city At Moderate Prices i Tliankln? tho Farmers and Mechanics, Laborers on I Worklngm in, as w oil J tho public In general, for the liberal patronage of the past, 1 beir lento to assure all my customers thlt the reputation which tho Farmers' and Mechanics' 3EI lias aopilred In the putt will be carefully maintained In the future. Our OnoFrloo l3ytona. will bo strictly adhered to. Alt Ooo.Lt aru plainly markod the SKM.1N0 I'llICK, .ind as low as legltlmtUi business will ennlu CuBtomors will Always bo Givon tho Advantage of Dopro- oiatioti in Goods, An 1 wttli facilities now obtained will bo enabled to undersell any Iloato In Oregon. Inrltlitf an Inspection, FARMERS' AND MEOHANIOS' STORE, pi mi 183 First St., nbar Yamhill, Portland. Orogon. THE NEW "VStew THE NEW lfe. aPF.AT 97 Establishment On 8ocond Stroot, Tho Middlo Storo, Bot. Morrison and Yamhill Stroots. ItCTAIlt OKAM-niS IN General Merchandise, DRY & FANCY GOODS, SILKS, LATEST NOVELTIES OLOTHINGANDFDRNISHINGGOOO Boots and Shoos, Grocorlos and Provisions. Establishment Contonnial Blook, Tho Middlo Storo, Bot. Morrison and Yamhill Stroots. IMI'OKTKItS, AND WH0LK8ALK AND KlndMnOl Produce OrdorN Iroin the Country Sollcltcil. All touRlst and Sold. 00MST00K AND PFLUGER. JanH tt AGAIN IN BUSINESS! MANITACTUIIKU AM) IHroilTKR OV SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, WHIPS, SADDLERY HARDWARE, ETC. XIO JPXIONT ST., XlAat IBtXcSLo, XOIX.TXANTD. Agent lor (lutta IVrcha and Hubber Manufacturing Campany, Full Ataortment ol lire and other klnds'of Hose on hand at ban Francisco prices. A ood Assortment ol Uoncord HLke I larneM. htaxtl blocks and Lashes ol Ihe best quality on hand. Alto, a general assortment ol I'ami HarneM ol all kinds. N. It Its- palilsir promptly attendnl to. JanJltf H' MROOERIES MROOERIES IfROOERIES Iro-jDor-tssyxxl; 3rotloe ! FARMERS, STOCKMEN, MECHANICS AND OTHERS Wu would rcsjioctully call nttcntton uf all pirticj intcrcstwl in obtaining For K cry thing in the Lino of OODS fHLOTHINGr OODS MLOTHING OODS I .LOTHING OODSi M LOTHING WrOOERIESi That wo nro prepanng to issue our Spring Prioo-List for 1879 Astonishing Hoduotions! IN AM. CLASSIC OV GOOD.S, AND XxirrcLl.-VLct'tyi.G mrormation ro thewo desiring to mako purchases, whether I tJDIJT1 iu l'orthucl or otherwise, and will taail f sVlJuJj P WT -" n sm - jm -?-a. ninrlUm XSSSQM Dry m( RY 1( RY lf( RY U I To parties sending their ad- unsd to SELLING, PORTLAND, OH. mnrM l'i Salem Flouring Mills. OREGON STOAMSHIP CO. ItEQULAH LINK Betwwn Portland and San Francisco. TIlltOUGII TICKKTS Can be vorcbaeed at the orlaclpsl fl 1st Ions of Ihe u, o. v, it. u , ai Xloduood Xlntoa. bteamers leare both Portland and Ban Francisco a boot Every Pivo Says, VZli?? JlVf?"". .?a 'lht at the LOWEtT KATtW. It Is the only tins carry ni the U. b. MA1LM and WBL.L3. KAROO J; CO,'b'KXrHE8, The Uteamsblps of this CoronanT are rated A 1. sud are sew, elegant, and complete tu eeery ptrtlcular. anil consist of the State of Oregon. (New S.OOO tons harden, George W Elder, ilTOO tons City of Chester, (l&O tons AjaX, lUOtons.) For frelffht or nkttAae. anntv at tnurv.n.n.-.,. , flee, comer F and Front elieete, 1'ortui.d. ""U UKO. W WBlDLElt, Agent. RAILK0AD LANDS. Xlborul Terms: low pricks: LONG TIME! tOW INTEIIRST Tne Ortspn and Miramla and Oregon Wnlral Kallroad ComnaniM b 2X?t'XUaittor lopon the following libe ral terms: One tenth of the nrlc in ,.! ,... '.' the halnV. .7".k.".v.' """ m c.a;u after Mi : and ,i, mi.S.IV ?I ?! " J SJSJJSUSS ''i: "S "eoaVr.0., Sffief1:' "A"'1 't&ZtV VwineTenlS" principal andlntere.t on tbS balance at th.. ""BPr..0IE'nna'u. Both Drlnclnatandint.. "tpajraoietn U. S. Currencj. ' A discoont nf tn Tin ,n t. .i,A . BK8T FAJULt FLOUR, DAKER'S KXTRA, XXX. SUVKIIFINR AND ORAHASs, MIDDLIN08, BRAN, AND BHORTi. Oonsstuntly on Hand. flltfliUMt Prloo lu CASH Paid for Wheat ATAXX. TXMSS. nepiiau R. C. KINNEY, Agent B. V H. T. C. SMITH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....AND.... ZlxnrxkXAolaitB, ration's Block, Bute street, Sslem, Oresoo. PARTICULAR ATTENTION OIVKN TO PRB- uiaiuaoi ana vxiqntrr lies er. will saee mens be purchaslOK else here. H0Tft-tL English BERKSHIRE PIGS i T ENTERED PIOS AT Tiir r .err. ,, .. JOHN WEST, Pi -New sleat Marktt, 8AI.BM, Or. Ant O. a C. B. H rorUand. Orecoa.