Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 11, 1879, Image 7

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    Llfchthoasa at Tillamook Head.
Tho Autorian Chamber of Coramcrco
haa received n letter from Col. GilleHiuc,
stating that it has been determined to
build tho lighthouso on tho lock in front
of tho head and about ono milo from tho
shore, should it bo found practicable
That Congress listened to their appeal
and appropriated soventy-fivo thousand
dollars for tho work, is certainly a mat
ter of which tho Chamber is proud.
Fair Exchnnce.
About ono month ago, 31r. J. 1).
Prcttyman, of Salem, sent a few pounds
of screenings gathered up at tho Ki n
noy Him' llouring mills, to n friend in
Kansas. Yesterday ho received a reply
which was laconic enough. "Send mo
ono hundred bushels of thoso screenings
and I will forward in return 100."
Mr. Prcttyman also tcnt him sovcral
specimens of Oregon wheat.
i ii
Death of Oapt. B- T- Smith.
dipt. Hcnjamin F. Smith, an old resi
dent of Portland and u Pioneer of Ore
gon, died this morning at his tesidenco
on Taylor street, between Second and
Third, aged about 75 years. Funeral
services will bo held at tho Unitarian
Church, on Tuesday next at 1:30 P. M.,
and his remains temporarily interred in
Lono Fir cemetery, whence in a few
weeks thoy will bo transported to his
relatives residing in tho Stato of Maine.
Before tho Maat
Four young men in tho employ of L.
A. Tree, of Seattle, burning with a do
Biro to "plow tho raging main," "bound
o'er tho billow," "steam tho howling
gale," etc., have shipped beforo the mast
on tho Carol ino Reed bound for Austra
lia. They all had good situations, but
tho sea, tho open sea, etc., has greater
charms for them than tho lnpstono and
paring knifo. We havo had soma ex
perience in the marinct business, and if
they don't sigh to cbango tho swing
yard for a leather cushion and tho raar-lin-spiko
for a pcggirig-awl, wo aro no
prophet Post
i -e
It will bo remembered, says tho Salem
Statesman, that somo time during last
Fall Mr. Itiley MiTnkcrs wont away
from his homo on business. During his
absence his house was burglarized and a
largo amount of household furniture, in
cluding bedding, taken away. No cluo
was ever got to tho thioves and tho
critno went unpunished. But "murder
will out," and the men now confined in
tho county jail admit committing tho
theft They stato that tho bedding and
a greater part of tho other tilings taken
wero burned to escape detection. They
also admit committing quito a number
of thefts which havo occurred about tho
city during tho last month.
A New Chief-
Since tho humiliation of Chief Moses
a now Sampson has been developed in
tho person of his brother, and ho now
claims, tho Walla Walla Union says, to
Iks tho great leader of tho fragmentary
tribes who have hitherto looked upon
Moses as their chief ruler in peace and
war. Thcro seems to be, says our in
formant, n good deal of unrest among
tho Uppcr Columbia Indians, and the
now chief is spoiling for a fight m bh to
distinguish himself and create a furor
that will causo tho disaffected to Hock to
him as their standard bearer. It would
bo well to keep a closo watch over this
usurper of power, who hat for somo
timo been jealous of his brother Moses.
April Fooled.
A smart ) uung man of Olympia thought
ho would play a practical joke on tho
lirst day of April. Calling upon a g.y
young l.uly, hi formally pledged hit
heart and hand to her, and thereupon
asked her to marry him. imagino his
Hurpriso and consternation when his pro
posal was instantly and politelyaceepted,
with tho rdiii.uk, on tho part of tLo fair
ono that hho should name nn eaily day.
Now it happens that our .Sir Knight is
engaged to another girl whosn dad holds
in rcservo a Henry riflonnd several shot
guns vv ith which to shoot him if ho does
not como up to the scratch within the
timo already specified, the expiration
which is near at hand. Tho young man
is halting between two opinions, either
to marry them b'lth and go to Utah or
commit suicide. Kspriment.
Columbia Bar Improvements.
Tho steamer Shubrick, of tho light
lioufi'j service, Captain Korts command
ing, wilt-el Monday, the 26th ult., from
San Francisco for the Columbia river
bur, with one of Courtney' patent signal j
buovs on board, which will bo anchored
on tho bar to mark the middle tf the
channel, and will le distinguished from
others 'ry vertical black and white
stripes airited on the sides. This buoy
is about 50 feet long, 12 of which are
put of water whon it is in jsitiou; it is
about 12 feet in diameter at tlm widest
part. It is made of sheet iron plates
three-eighths- of an inch thick, put to
gether in a manlier similar to a steam
toiler. Tho signal is a whistle of a deep
bass tone, which can be heard some
miles, blown by air w hich is inhaled by
the buoy when raised by a wave, and
is expelled through tho whistle on it
descent The mushroom anchor which
w to hold this buoy in placet weighs
three tons. Two ordinary buoys, to be
anchored ut suitable points along the
coast were tftken along. Tho trip of
thu Fhnbrick w ill last six o.- teveii w eeks.
What's Her Name?
Tho Independence Itivcr Side, in
speaking of the incidents of tho firo of
March 21st, says: "A young lady caught
an idlo Chinaman, and by forco of threats
compelled him to mount a ladder and
work just whero ho was needed." Now
if somo young Polkito don't catch that
" young lady," and by forco of wooing
compel her to mount the ladder of matri
mony "anil work just whoro she is need
ed," there is no justico in this world.
.hmctioii Kepublican.
Thcro is no KH.sili!o show for us to
"cut out" that "joung Polkito" without
wo nie first furnished with tho liamo of
tho heroine.
Harbor of Refuge.
Salem Raise Hor Voion In Favor of
Capo Fonlweather.
Tho ireoting held Inst evening for tho
purposo of considering tho advantago of
locating the Harbor of Kefugo at Capo
Foulweathcr was called to order by Gen.
W. H. Odoll.
On motion, Judge II. P. lloiso was
chosen Chairman and P. II. D'Arcy
Secretary of tho meeting.
Speeches in favor of locating tho Har
bor of. Kefugo at Capo Foulweathcr were
mado by Dr. J. K. Bayloy, of Corvallis,
Gen. E. L. Applegatc, of Albany, Judge
J. N. Thompson, of Eugene City, Gen.
Odoll, of Salem, Hon. D. Froman, of
Albany, and Judgo It P. Boise, of
A committee of five wero appointed
expressing tho sentiments of this meet
ing on tho location of a Harbor of
Rcfugo at Capo Foulweathcr, consisting
of Messrs. W. II. Odcll, E. M. Woite,
Win. Armstrong, J. It Bridge and P.
11. D'Arcy.
On motion, Judgo It P. Boise and
Hon. E. N. Cook were added to tho
On motion, tho meeting adjourned
until next Monday evening at 7:30
ii .ii-, m m
The Hager Murder.
Arrest of a. Mas at Bridgeport Ore
Boat I Suspected of tho Crime, tho
Evidence Axalatt Him Betas Al
meet Conclusive
Detective Hudbon is on his way to
this city with a man to whom circum
stances point almost conclusively as tho
murderer of the unfortuimto Mrs.
Hager some months since. The man
stopped in this city on Thursday night,
and on Friday between noon and 1
o'clock P. M., he was seen at Oswego,
and had borrowed a boat of an Indiajt
to cross tltu river. Hn owns some rail
road land up tho valley and told somo
parties ho was going to stay on it, but
was seen at BridgeKrt on Saturday
after tho murder. lie told parties at
that placo ho had como directly from
Portland, and other stories that havo
been proven incorrect Mr. Hudson
has been on this man's trail for somo
timo and has him under araest now. Ho
is it German and was spoken of as tho
man who had some blood on him, but
ho suddenly disappeared and had not
been seen until recently. Ho is tho
6,11110 poreon whom tho linger family al
ways havo and still do suspect of tho
commission of tho foul deed.
Tho "Cavaliers or Coveo."
Tho other day, after a strapping
young man had sold a load of corn nnd
potatoes on the market, and had taken
his team to a hotel barn to feed, it be
camu known to tho men around tho barn
that he was dcaiious of joining somo e
cret society in town. When questioned
he admitted that such was tho case, and
tho loys ottered at onco to initiate him
into a now society called trio Cavaliers
of Coveo. Ho was told 'that it was
tw ico us secret n Free Musonrv, much
nicer than Udd Fellowship, and tho cot i
wasoiuy two miliars, in case no nail her hu.baml to Jacksonville, is rocoveiing
the toothache he could ilra-v five dollai.s ' from a seveie and protracted illne.s.
per week from the relief fund, and ho Mr. J. 1!. Springer and family, the States
was entitled to rem e ten dollai-H for I man sayj., ha returned to .Salenuigaiu from
, , , , , ,. LewMtoii, Idaho. Mr. Springer is daughter of
every headache, and twenty dollars for a tlt0 ,tU,r8 i&niUor.l of tLe Commero.al,
soio throat. ' Wtstly Craves.
Tho young man thought ho had.
siruck a. big .thing, mid after eating
a hearty dinner ho was taken into n
store room abovo tho barn to bo in- i
itiated. Tho boys poured cold water
down his back, put llom on liLs hair,
swore him to kill his mother, if com
manded, and imbed him around for an
hour without a single complaint from his
lip. When they had tinished ho in
mined: "Now I'm one of tho Cavaliers of
Coveo. am 1 1"
"You are," they answered.
"Viifliin" innnim tft-irn U tr..l'
nothing wore to Iwrn, is tttr.) I
"Well, then I'm going to lick the
whole crowd !" contintinued the candi-1
date, and he went at it, and before ho
got through he had his t,o dollars in-1
ltiation feo back, and three more to boot,
and h id knocked e eryloely down two or
thieu limes apiece. 'lie' didn't seem
greatly disturbed in mind us he drove
outoftheb.ini. On the contrary, his '
hat was sianteii oer, he tiaci a Jresli live
cent cigar in his teeth, and mildly slid
to one of the barn boys :
".Say, boy, if you hear of any envaliers
asking for a Coveo about mv size, tell
'em I'll be in on the full of the moon to
take tho Royal Skytugle degrees."
Will r.oi o-tinytpevk very cl&v; to our
vinion blot out ibo glory of tie world,
a:.d leao only a margin by which we
see the b!ott 1 know no speck so
troubViouie s-s felt George Kbot.
. ....;
State and Territorial.
Houllirrn Oregon.
The wife of James M. Stow, of Lakoview,
is lying dangerously ill, caused by tho fright
sho received during tlio raid uion tho Chum
Mr. lleiij. Hutchinson, tho young man of
Silver Lake, who cot his feet badly frorcu is
recovering. On Monday last, Dr. Wright
amputated the toej on tho right font, ram it
is iioiied tnnt no may soon no permitted xo
lay the crutches aside
Tlio LaUu county Herahl tells of a luffiauly
attack made ot inula on tlio I liin.i wain
house nnd tlio lusitlttieu of several citizens,
pistol shots being 1 1 ml nnd other missiles
thruHii through windows'. Arrests were
made but co persons could bo convicted, A
number of citizens publish acard saying that
they w ill sco that such offenses shall be pun
ished. Ono dark night, last week, while tho stage
from , Straw berry vnlloy wns passing along
tho grade abovo tho Sacramento mcr, tho
Lako county Herald says, a huge bowlder
camo rolling ami crashing down the mountain
and .struck tho stago between tlio front and
hind wheels with such violence as almost to
precipitate tho team, itago and passengers
down thoVecp bank into tlio river. Assist
ance was called, tho rock rolled out of tho
way, and tlio roach passed on, but little dam
aged, WeMrrii Ort'Knu.
Dogs aro killing valuable sheep at liellom.
The river at Albany went up to -4 feet
above low water mark.
Mr. Joseph l'aqiict, of Oregon City, intends
soon removing to Portland.
Through Yamhill tho prospect Is only and
always of good crops cvcrywlitre.
Some vandal stole a choice geranium plant
from a gravo iu Albany cemetery.
Dr. A. Sharpies has left Salem for Kugcnc
City, where he will reside iu future.
Joseph Young, of Haste Creek, Clackamas
county, died lately in hastcrn Oregon.
Mr. A. J. Klippiu, of Washington county,
had tho misfortune to break a log lost week.
It is feared that tho bridge at St. Joe, part
ly swept away, will not bo rebuilt this season,
Lafayette has no erist mill and the Courier
says there is no better point for one in the
Miss Luper has secured the school at Ton
gent and will commence to Ulcli, tho middle
of May.
Dr. D. M. Jones owns tho right to make,
sell, and operate Mummer's fruit dryers in
Linn County.
Dr. Watte is busy presaring to leave La
fayctte to take possession of the land office at
Oregon City.
Tlio Statesman sayri Prof. H. K. Dennett
has been employed to take charge of the
school at licthel,
The Chemekcta hotel, at Salem, is being
cleaned up and put iu trim for the Spring and
Summer campaign..
During the late high water tho boat at
Cham's terry, on tho Clackamas, was carried
ofTond not rendered.
The Albany Democrat U-lls of a brave
Young lady who stopped n runaway horse iu
the streets of that city.
Jasper Crabtreo will return from Host ot
the mountains, to Ins old home sear Scio,
which he likes the best.
Owing to high water the Woolen mills at
Oregon City have not len able to run all tho
time and ut full capacity.
Tho dam of tho Standard Flouring Mill, at
Milwaukic, which gave way some weeks ago,
has been thoroughly repaired, '
Nieliou ii Uird's s'tore, at Lain otto, was
burglarized and ninu revolvers, thrte jiocket
knies, and some money taken.
The Vancouver Independent tells of a Sim
coo Indian who has ahaudoncd his tribal tela
tivts and is on the lookout for a homestead.
The Yamhill ltcportcr says, tho late flood
left the north end of the bridgo across the
North Yamhill, iu lud condition for teaming.
1'eoplu at Albany are woudcriui' whose bus
iness it is to make and keep up bridges over
ttio .Ntntiam ciiiai wliere It crosses tiiu streets.
Tho llillshoru japer says that tome wheat
fields were damaged to a limited extent by
the Winters fronts, but a princely Spring crop
is expe-ctvii,
Albany people are artieulnrly intereste-d in
thu construction of a Hntltor of Itcfugu lit
Capo Koulweather. A public meeting will be
held, April Oth.
J. S. Thompson, torucrly of l'oll; county
and late of Salem, leave- soon for a visit to
his old homo in North Carolina, to lie nbxnt
several month.
Suncyor.i have been f.t work locating a
dcKit ill Yiimhlll, for thu West side lailroail,
ami selected as tlio plate-, si isiiiit about two
link's from I'errydalc.
Squads of grftdeis ere at work, says the
Yamhill Reporter, along the line, ln'tutcn
Mc.MinuvilIu and St. Joe-, and the bridgo is
being pttihcd along rapidly.
Mrs. Dr. Klla lord Kobiusou, who wait
ut.Iltjy married ot halem nnd moved will"
Tho liluo Itibbou I lub has taken iharue tf
Soap Creek, ami reform is the won! to apply
wierc. tnat Mciuity waj ouee rougn lor so
ciety, but now shows great social and moral
Dennis Madden, living about midway U -tweeii
Duiooml lUthil, was thrown from a
horso last Saturday night nnd sustained a
fiacturu of lioth lonei of the wrist and dttlo
eajion at the elbow,
A "fanner' write thu Kuterprise that in
stead of spending &.'IO,(iOO to bring a narrow
track, rauroan to uregon i;iy tney tioii better
sj-nd that much making good iol to p'ltfer
t,lt lu "' ' county. '
i gentleman by the i.auie of Morris will
' wlt trm soon to make arrMigimtiit lor
tmenug largely into the manufacture of
'caviar He will arrange to buy all the apawn
: of sturge-ou that tULcnuin will siu.
On Monday a little son of (' W. Marrwu
' p!aiS with a pocket pi.tol, whin it wett off
tiJ$S;$? ' .."M
, cut t)(U uu 0lU Jn,j ,)(n, iu't llt,B U)J .
nothinn wre to du with j-ocktt p.tc U
j A IlaJton vWitspon.liM if. tU- Cojr.er
say. It iieurmit that our mail tin. m w,il
he changed irom a daily to a xmi.wu.-U) ne-
livery. 41.1 is t iiunisuiji iiueu i.mi iui
ought to occur, a it i u change thu will
cause gnat itcoiticmeuce t" our i-crel-inN
and the eciniuunity in gemial.
During tLe fre-sbet a portion of tl.e M. Je
bridge wcal.cd awsy&r.d Ixlge-d agauut the
Day toil bridge, Lbttruct'tg a pai;:e Uiro-h
the tents Olid draws, aj'iilwt which a gle.it
Hum of dritt Las also lodged, tLticbl, eimu
genng tl.e structure. Tm or l.t'.cu. isous
FiateLeto tti-&geet sneifcl d.ys iticot eg t) e
AW Lt octi UiuuLjiu e f Lt Uuiuul dolwirs
Lake a tubcjU'u lor tl.e Mintu 1'm
mo.iita u lead, r.:i I ti.x .inorir.teirn w.i.
seen lr u nntj -: ;tr !u lie pur .c
of electing a Hoard of Directors and taking
tho necessary steps toward commencing work
on tlio route,
A gentleman who was at work on tho river
bank during tho high water of last week, in
forms tho Salem Town Talk that ho saw a
medium sued collin floating down tho current
of tho river, and just in front of it a harrow.
Tho collin did not appear to hae been much
soiled, and was neatly trimmed.
Another railroad meeting was held at Oregon
City on Saturday to hear tho final st.ali.nu nt
of Mr. Vcngrn. Thcio was a large attendance,
but no further action was taken in the matter
other than a determination to make n success
of tho scheme. -Kntcrprisc. Mr. Pcngra was
not nblo to givo tho dcllnitc amount required,
bat said that it would at least amount to
'Tho Enterprise says In January, John
MeKcrti was arrested near Pleasant Hill and
lodged in fail at this place for house-breaking,
to- await tho action of tho graud jury. On tlio
4tli day of March lastlio mado his escape. Tho
report has now como from llalrpws Oatc,
Wasco county, that whilo breaking a young
hdrsc, ho was thrown and kicked by tho fngli.
tcued animal, death being the result, liis
parents, who reside in Yamhill county, will
regrctto learn of the fate of their wayward
Utl ol I he Mountain.
The Dayton' (W. T.) woolen mills have
started in operation again, having been re
paired, Tho l'alousa (l.vetto hears numerous far
mers iu that region pronounce in favor of a
herd law.
The Dayton News says the Touchct was on
tins rawpago last week with tho recent rains
td aid it.
Tho Colfax Academy is said to bo popular
and flourishing and a very excellent school.
Miss West is tho principal.
Tho California store at Tho Dalles has been
attached and closed by SherihT Croescn, for
$10,000 by Son Francisco merchants,
Chas, K. Drown died suddenly in his bed at
Lew is ton, and tho Teller says it was suptweed
ho had taken an overdose, of morphine.
The youug man Hudson who had his hand
seriously crushed In lllakcslee'e mills, Un
ion county, is improving, and his hand will
be saved.
The leg of 11. Tabeau, aged 70, was ampu
tated at Walla Walla- by Drs. Uloloek and
Cropp, Tho troublo was gangrene, from
fracture 33 years ago, Tho prospect Is favor
ablo for recovery.
Judgo McArthur has been holding an extra
session of his court at Tho Dalles during tho
put week, says tho Mountaineer. Tho busi
ness has been principally iu connection with
tho Leonard estate.
According to the Boise Statesman tho pla
cer mines at Glenn's ferry, Snake river, are
yielding well. Different parties are working
machine that savo tine gold and yield a big
pro tit to tho owners.
The Uoiso Statesman tells various tales ot
a ghost, on Dry Creek, that visits tlio ranches
saws wood, beat a drum and plays a banjo,
promenades the country dressed in white rai
ment like a priest, and is bultet proof, also
anishes and reappears at will.
Captain James Troupa ha mado a trip from
Wallula to Lcwiston with tho steamer John
dates, in a little owir twcuty-IWo hours dis
tance 334 miles, up in i hours and 35 minutes
and down In 10 hour and 30 minutes. This is
the best time ever mado on this route,
Thu Idaho Statesmau, think tho gold pla
cers on Snake river will prove valuable, sinco
tho introduction of tho new process, and says
the sand and general deposit extend along
the river for a distance of two hundred miles,
and many miner are doinsj a safe business.
11. W. Griffin has taken ckargo of tho
stago line from La (Irando to tho Dalles, and,
tho Mouutain Sentinel says, George Quimby
has been appointed division agent from La
( Irando to Hoise City. Tho U, 1. k (). Stagu
Cumpany's time from Kcltou to the Dallos is
litodays, while the old company's time was
seven days.
A corrcsjioudciit writes tho Mountaineer
from ltuttu Creek, Wasco county t A little ex
otenient was created the other day hyouo
Condin, who mado ouu Gardner look down a
rovplvc-r. He said it looked as big a a wagon
wheel. Our daring constablu brought tho
despeiate man bofoiu our worthy Justico of
tl.o l'euce fur ltuttu Creek precinct, and he
was lined i'M and costs.
The half-blood l'c relic roll horse "llielur, '
owned by Mr. I'eiry Watkina, of Fifteen
Mile Cm 1 1., wait sold on last Saturday to
Messrs. Taylor & laiwis, of Washington 'terri
tory, lor tho sum of SI, (KM). This line hone
was purchased by Mr. Watkius of Mr. Dan
It.tymoml, of Douglas county, thrcu year ago,
and bioughttu his Minion 1'ilteeii Milu Crick,
where he las ucr since be-cu used for brooding
puriotc with lino icrulu. .Ho is i -olt ot
Myer "Old Wluto I'mice.
I'ii;i-t ;s'iiiinl.
'Ihoie h eeury piospcct for a line crop uf
fruit over "ii thu hound.
Old Kitsap, tlio imiiderer of MuKuy, on
the leeervatiou, laws asl.miwlcdgod the crime
of killing I is mat doctoi.
Kit ICnbiii'oii, a stinluit at "cuttle, dislo
cated his iiiiklu i.ihI it is fvaied muiiu small
Luiie of thu foot i.ie lnokeii,
'Die lnduilis oil I'll) allup lit suituliun alu to
have IGO r.erm of land, for twenty )eain, fire
of taxatiou, to each head of a family.
Dr. Ii. II. Atkinson will bo relieved of his
labors on thu Souitdi by tlio servile of Mr.
J. A. llenfield, of Snohomish, who will ra
i..ovo to Seattle.
In conscipieiicu of thu latu rains, White
Uiver has Ken eighteen feet abovo low water
mirk. A jtortion of thu county toad has
been washed away.
(VI, 0. II, Larrabco fonneily of Portland,
and lately of Seattle, was lately married in the
Hast to Miss Lillian Turner, who visited
"cattle last .Summer.
lliltish Columbia feels that (ho is being
tntiid witli by tho Dominion Government, us
the matter ol the l'aciflu railway Secessiou
is ficely talked of in consequence,
The steamer Comet lately went further up
White river than any boat has been in twenty
three years, A new light draft boat is to be
buiit expressly for White liver trade.
'the farmers of the Sound, the Tacoma
It ei aid P4), ate now very busy, waiting for a
dry spell tu rush in the spring crops. (If
they are waiting wo taut tee hoA they aru
hn. J.)
Jimmy Lewis, guilty of a jruue on the
yiaj.oi! Iteservation, that ot living witli tl.o
supposed wife of Joe- Youii,;, . was tint) need
to impiiwiiiaei.t to Jiay the penult), a few
etjys since.
While Mr. John Nolop, who l.vctun l.il.i
Ci ion, ner 'cttle, was wuy iro.-u In ine, his
ho so wn set du die unilrr one corner. The
family uwaktmd uiid with the uistaiuu of
neighbors the llames weie ektingiiiihtd with
- 'e4 ofsW, mostly in i.irimtsiiinll.imiture,
lie IVIhrigham Hay Mail av ll.e ikw
In iian sgeLt is on an otLc-tul visit t the Lum
liu itfmuticn this we.K S e .n ii.fonnoil
a v.t amount nf uiuuite p-wlt l..i Ueii ci.s
tl.l llttd Mllolig the Illil !.!, wh eh i' el'.lli
I ibsde ttiem icrr npunu.i jSy tjp)
Lvl Liv.ngstoi.e, yu ng n-ui .iu gt- w
In in i ' i.unooil to tnau iitte ea t-'. W r :
lUver, h ii ur.ty, uii - trw-M i i u
tl W6 Jl ' t ,rt kUKl tie vv.n t' t.. ; .
McNeils Island, whero ho was serving out a
sentence for counterfeiting.
The Scattlo 1'ost sayst Tho receipts of coal
at tho chuto for tho week ending Saturday,
March 30th, wero'.'.OlO tons. This is tlio
smallest showing for a long timo and is owing
to tho lack of vessels to tako tho coal, Tho
company has often received over 700 tons in
ono day,
Tho steamer Josephine is doing a rushing
business on the Skagit river. On a recent
trip sho brought up from tho Sound thirty
bend of cattle for dairy purposes, for a gen
t Ionian named Abbott, who lately located in
that locality. The Josephine intends to make
a trip somo sixty or seventy miles up tho
Skagit river next May, or as far as tho same
is navigable.
Tho Olympia Hxperimcnt says : Tho dam
owned by Mr. Foster, on tho creek flowing
into South Bay, used in driving log, sudden
ly gavo way last Monday, permitting a largo
volume of water from Patterson and Hart
sock's lakes ro descend with irresistible pow
er to tho outlet in South Hay, Tho dam at
Corbctt's mill, a milo or two below, was al
most instantly swept away, and much dam
ago done to tho mill and contiguous property.
Mr. Foster's loss is stated to be about $.1,000,
while tho wholo loss will not fall short of
$8,000. Mr. Corbett has Just been to great
expense in fitting up his mill with new ma
chinery and was about ready to set it in mo
tion, when'the disaster occurred.
Did Barnum 3vor Try This?
Ono of the most extraordinary dis
closures in tho trial of tho Glasgow Bank
directors was tho fact that in ono instnnco
80,000 had been advanced to n bosom
friend of theirs on tho valuo of four livo
elephants. I do not wish to add sup
plementary zest to tho penalties inflicted
on tho soven unfortunate men, but it is
certainly to bo regretted that tho four
(henceforth legendary) elephants should
not havo been endowed with tho intelli
gence just ascribed by the Indian papctr
to n certain member of their sjiocics,
Tho brute had been left by his master to
tho care of a servant, with tlio projKi
supply ol corn (or its food. Ho sooner,
however, had tho master taken his do
parturo than tho servant began reducing
tho rations of tho poor beast by one-half,
and selling tho other half for his own
benefit. After ono month's absence tho
master camo back; his first rare was to
witness his pet's breakfast. Of course
this time tho ration was entire; but to 1
to tho servant's confusion, tho elephant
had divided it in two parts, eating only
one, whilst it left the other untouched,
and thus denounced tho theft.
Valuable Land for Sale.
Mr. Clarke, of the Faiimkr, having re
moved from Marlon County, offer to sell WO
acres of land situateel at a iwiut whero the
Minto Pass Koad leave tho valley, in tho
midst of a thickly-settled and very healthy
region, most of tlio land being under fence,
and at least halt of it can lie mads good wheat
land at a cost of four or five eloUwr an aero
for clearing. It is well wooded Vid watered,
and is a regioh unexcelled for health. Tho
improvements aro of value to a new settler,
l'nco 93.00 an acre. f-'.OO an aero can bo
left on annual navmcuta for a terbi of vear
at low interest. This ii.one ot tho best land
trade to bo mado in the State. It is a favor
ite region for Germans, and several German
families could divide it among them, It
would maKo an excellent ranch lor sheep ami
Angora goats, with which it Is now stocked.
Albany. .. J. ! Hauuon
Auiiuvillo . . J. A. lingworthy
Alsca Postmaster
Amity It. L. Simpson
llueiu Vista . D. M. Calhreath
llethel . . I'rarer
llutto Creel: J. L. Gulliford
lluttovillo J, W. Ilatehelhr
llnioks Win. i'arris
Ilrownsvlllu W. It. Kirk
Ik'llevuo letl Davis
Cottage Grove I. II. Shnrtridgu
Cornelius II. ). ltioun
Canby Win. Knight
Canyon City D. II. Itijiclmrt
Covu Inliu h. Clark
Corvallis ' Wnodanl
Cartwright C. K. Itussell
Crawfoiilsvillu Hubert Glass
Cluwlier Geo. Sliultr.
Damascus , i:. ForUs
Dayton i:. ('. Hadawny
Duxtcr J. II. HtiiiMkcr
Dalian . J. ). Leo
l'.nl.i 'I'Ikh I 'can ii
r.lhiburg I. Itiley
Kugene J. II. M Clung
Klkton A. II. 1 1 in inn
Fox Valley A. D. Gardner
Finest Grove W. I.. Curtis
Goshen S. Ilaiiilsaker
Get-vain ..'. M. Mitchell
Ooldcndale, W. T Aim s A. Wetiuore
Heppncr C, Jl. Mallnry
llanishurg Hiram Smith
HaM T.J. (Slack
HilUboro W. D. Pittenger
Independence W, L. Hodgiu
Jacksonville Mm Mnllcr
Jeirenou J. W, Itowland
Junction Smith, UrasfieM & Co
King's Vulley Conor A. Crosno
Lincoln . . L, Ahrtims
Iichnnou It. M, powers
Lafayette Dr. I'appleton
Iuwisvillu .1. N, Yokes
Marion It. II. Itiltherford
Mt. I'leasaut 1". S. Thayer
Meliama J J. lllair
Monroe W. J', Iloeu
Miller's Station II .Now man
Monmouth W. Watcrhouso
Mu.Miiiimllu A Hi id
Needy Jacob D Hitter
North Yamhill I) (J. Stewart
Ncxvhtirg .Samuel Hobson
NewHrt M Williams
Oakland J II Mum
Prineville O. l Pnnele
1'eerta William Holder
IMiitlUick K. Giham
Powell's Valley I.. K. Williams
Sent II. 1". J mini
'hendaii II. II. Sim rvillo
cittlu, V. T Julius Morton
1'lie Dalle S. L. Itrooks
I limn John 1'ruigtitdu
Upjr OcI.ock Jos. Huilsaker
Vancouver, W. T S. W. Ilrow u
Wot Cbthalem J, M Coulee
WlxatUnd A. 1 1. I'cltyjohii
Vtt.U.n W. A. Whitman
vSUUNnlU. J F. Lvw.r
Waterloo S D Oieer
M-iKlmy. W. T W N. Smith
Von sJ'-i ... ., J It. KlUiwi
1 4. iiitf, v.ifvnuj ffom 11 s wrcis wi'l .tuitn
w . -i tli. Milo asii, ter'; ilo ijviiyf
1.14.1 v.i iU I I.UI wtf.a i, rel I-.1 U1 (an- juj,
I'.U.v vltAl.ill! It.U irru.1 rui . C.n
fl I) u u-i-,ior.ry l-i naiUi Ao.trtiu. vil l. u.
i lf,alriiirf to the ftsv JeKSf-i T tves IU
t JJ l I 'irltv.. Ar Vvll. I) -.-JI 1;
TRADE, 187!),
One or mm rnut now iiki.no in san hian
clico, we are hippy to Inform til our ciulomcrs
that our Roods ore now arriving on every steamer,
llnlnr ticuitht tlio same at unnrccnlcntlv low nmrra
on account of stagnation In butlntss anil heavy tailurm
there, e Ran (ri our utrona tho benefit tlicreof. As
aro only buying for cash til hand, ne ran hold out
txttcr Induccmrnls Uian most any other homo in tho
country, as well as In I'ortland. We are alrcaily In r
relpt of a largo lot of Domestic and
Mens' and Boys' Clothing!
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
Groceries, Crookry,
Carpets, Oil Cloth,
Window Shades, Fixtures,
Etc., Etc.,
All o which will U sold at (strtmsly low rrliw. He
so-oallsd cash slsrt tictpttd.
To our farmer friends and patrons generally! Anyoae
winning to buy owls In quanUtlee, He Mil glsa you an
laductments to buy Ibem right her, In place of I'orl
land. As 111 rouatry Is flooded with printed catalogue
gotten up by I'ortland lloiwes, elllgleyouUieb.
dt of Uielr printing the same. Ho bring thtru aJoeg
The facllltlr s hats for jetting gooda from the Fsi
and Man rrancUro, we art enahleifto hold out ettn bet
Ur Induorments than therein offered, no niattei whet
they publish In their so-called catalogue, and besides,
will not gits you auction trash nor arcond handed
goods, but all reliable as usual
Wo Mean What We Bay !
Oime In and be (omlnccd, and tars by It Itallrossl
Steamboat and Hotel bills at I'oitland.
Multum to Psuvo.
Kcnd ii rents to J. ItuMell Jon. 1'orllai.d, Oregon,
ami get bg return null the neat littles "Uoyd VouWsss-
X" t'ss-Kairs. I'sciL, llesssa and Clous I'm
n one handsome nlckal-platsd holder tao all el ssa
ordinary pen holder, and rontenlent fur the lady's week
table, the business desk, or the teet or coot ixxket.
All the rags In Portland and the lint. arn Jt
Farmertr, Attention!
Wiiltlmin mid Elgin Watcliun,
mrrAiLi:i) at w iiolmali: riticm
llentilne l.lgin Moviiih nt c roni'inctir IVjuiii, four
Jcxii". tlbaUtVM', fK".
Mum movriiit nt In tucioiinir K.lur tvm, tliw
Wallhani Wt lira at the aims pilcee. '
A Impi.m .n.ll. nf hit I I...I. .f 4....... t,.... ...
liili.tantly mi lun.l
All notches Harriinli'd. So'e .VgiiitlurtlivctM.ralnl
I'O'lfViV's tMIKv,Hlilih rurlvcl first mt.Uls In
all l.iiltlum In Hn world
Watch Uopairln? A Spocialty.
Alli.nlcrs fnrwardnl tlirjugh ,lli, lun-o L t'o's
i:rr,l (I i
r.-Uil A)tintloii .ul Iu l.rulrlng I Inu '.Vktelus.
108 Firut St., - Portland.
i.4 In
i mil tun n.lu.tiuuiuii w
omplMiid ly'lir I'ltrcu's UW
limiitlnii jStMuul fi.r mpli.
Utai.tl Hir t eMagueUcJniiriuJ.
tii . IiU 1-mrniitcnlii M ,Kun I'riiiiii'wn Iwl itml ly
I)" (i-VliliH. all I liriiinua, nr ."' st)lie, btiowtluki., Uaiii.
LJ Jili, tit , i(Ii luini, IUr, Nassau ('aru Co.
S.ii, S' V inurtHl
Stump Puller
In i.Hirinj lime mulilhn to I ho farmer w do s
Mlthcitry toiiAdtiico a to their umiirity over any
other slump i.uller Introducx-d on the Northwest L'nwt,
and would liter to notices of work done, etc., and pub.
Il.hed this week In this and other papers. WoaUt
wMituiall slU-ntloii llat wo supply only Wrought
Iron Kcrrws with null slw, and are ottering Ilium inn
chlnraat iirlres Hal aro within tho rewli uf all Inter.
e-Ud In tlearlng land. 7' ' ,m
Price f.-r Irons only according to strui-tli and sl
from uo to an. V oudlLg-.'6 extra if di.lrtd full
Information. uopli!ets coiiUlnlng UstliiiuiiLb. etc,
will bo eu.pUtd by spplliatlon to
hAL'MiMIS . (lAltUKI),
., . ... AgtnUlor Nurlliwitti'iuut.
OBlie, 18- ' oluinb'A ht , I'ortluid spi (t
1879, STALLIONS, 1879.
rUi. M iiU!llrii(i)i!giUstu.it nrt hi
tiniifkr II r li-t iri;-.ttol.r ttu- urn v,itu i t A
bcvUi i, m- , oMfc'.,,, .j, iri l.misii-w im 4ji
ntj - ii utt .,t nit t 'i W ti4 'i jtjr
Jkl tm r.ytr - uk ut nlt lor Cri.fi AL j nn
t-)ia.r .ii ard i ,mt v 4 uuiImIh -;, ji
A'l'ii.tjn i'jii i) f r-t tftfsxir ttut .l if VtW
Jtirt t tr.ti miAt, 1 1. , 4 li . ,(
La .v 1 huiJ t u ii 1(!7 Un.i I, U..,-,'
fi M'f i..n li ft ..r ut sj, rJ i AMm u, rvt
t l lJAl .1 I Mt I ...I Mfi 1' '! 4 I' I ftll
I .1 II ( , Jl . s i HNI'l.lll l i I I
i. i i , 1 1 ,sviuii 'i w I li' 4 tm
f I . tt ( . J I , JV' I - ' 1 ,
.Itii tt, w rm.M.tffu. .'.J j t i' n is- ls,
. t ! j t. , J r - h ' 't -
.: ii ti rl ul r I1 Uvtrii r lr( Ti r ftf
i t . 0 i .tus; i ., I ii' .Ur.
- ,) u .t -- 'M',