WILLAMETTE FARMER. raPV Atf " EAIm issuid irinr nuroar, bt CLABKE & OBAIG, rcnumiiM and rnorniiTOB. B. A. CLAIIKE. i. W. CIIAIM. Term or flubacrlpllon. One copy, one ytsf(5J numbers) 12.50 One cop, tit month! (Mnntriers) .... 1.25 One eopy. three months (II nnmbers) 78 PORTLANiTmDAY, Al'KIL 11, 1879. Bow to Train n Colt to linrness. A wrltor In tho English Atrrlcultural Gazotto rivos tho following as an onsy and practical method of nccustomlng young colta to tho restraint or har ness: Put on him nn easy collar, having n pair of reins attached, or add two ploc os to lengthon tho traces, and lot n ntrong man walk hohlnd him, holding those Aftor a fow minutes tho leader may order tho man to pull tho traces vory gently, ho as to pross tho collar but slightly at first. In n lltllo time ho may pull tighter, wlillo tho leador keeps his oyo on the colt, mid If ho Hhows any signs of flinching, let him order tho traces to ho slackoncd again, nnd tho Hiitno courso gone over repeat odly, hut stopping tho colt occasionally to gontlo him, taking care, however, to slack tho traces Just as ho stops mid to turn u llttlo to ono sldo when start ing each time, wlillo tho man pulls tho limoslto traco. Aftor thin oxurclso let him bo taken to tho cart or other vohlclo for which ko Is intended, allow him to sinolt and xamlno it; then push it nway and raw it un to him sovcral times, raising nnd lowering tho shafts, until ho takes no notlcoof Its noise, or of tho differ ent nppoaranccs when raised and low orod. Now turn him around and put Mm between tho shafts, rub thorn against his sides, push buck and draw up tho cart, striking him behind and on tho sides with It, until ho allows himsolf to bo "knocked about by It," no to spoak. This will do for ono day's lesson. Noxt duy let nit his harness bo put on, leaving chains or straps to hang andstrlkoagalnsthlm, wlillo tho whole of tho provlotis day's lesson is gono through stop by htep. .Sumo on third nnd fourth days. Ho may then ho yoked or hitched to tho cart, and should have at least ono hour's oxer ciso at going up mid down hill, turn ing, otc. First, start on lovol ground. If thoso directions bo carried out tho colt learns that tho vehicle ho draws Is not meant to hurt him, and ho will novor try to "kick It away" or "run oft?' from It. llulos for '1'rulnlng: First Never try to beat u colt into doing a thing, or, if nervous, ho may turn out a vicious horse, and If stupid ho may hecomo stubborn, llemombcr, that by patlonco and gentleness ho can bo got to do anything that will not hurt him. Boconil When n horso shows signs of shying at any object, do not lxmt him, but load him up to it, allow him to stand and look, in ho comes closer; and aftor ho examines it u fow times Iio will not fear anything of tho kind again. In p:mlug by hedges with a colt throw In stones mid stop htm until ho takes no notice of tho nol.se. Third lleforo putting on any article of harness, let your colt smell it, ami then rub it against his head, nock and txjily. Fourth Always stait n hor.-'o with tho voice, never with tho cut of the whip. In starting, turn a llttlo to ono side, and In stopping, when going up a hill, do tho sumo. pinions and tho bill, and tho coarseness of tho skin. Ducks oro distinguished by the sumo means, but thoro is tho difToronco that n duckling's bill Is much longer in pro portion to the breadth of tho head than tho otd ducks. Young Ilcirers as Milken. W. J. F., a correspondent of tho Country Gentleman, makes the follow ing vory correct statements in refer enco to tho milking and management of young cows: A young heifer with hor first calf should bo milked us long as posslblo, for it will bo difllcult to mako hor glvo milk lator nt any subsequent calving. To sccuro u longer flow of milk sho may go farrow tho following year and mcanwhllo bo fed bran nnd roots rath er than meal, so as to dlscourago secre tion of fat. If holfors calvo at two years old, as thoy should, tho year nftcr should bo devoted largoly to Increasing tho slzo of tho animal. It Is impor tant, whllo this is being dono, that tho growth of tho milk glands should also bo encouraged. In this way tho cow will bo ns largo us needful, nnd also bo developed to her best capacity ns a milker. I urn strongly Inclined to think that tho full Is tho best time for u young heifer to havo her first calf. This, of course, is only where warm basement stables aro provided, with plenty of rich, succulent food tho first winter. Tho first ilow of milk may not be qultu as largo as It would bo if she calved In spring; but coming to grass feed after Going milked all winter, u continued largo mess will bo Insured until midsummer. Then, with n llttlo oxtra feed in August and later, sho may bo easily kept in milk until cold weather comes or u full year nftor calv ing. If u young heifer calves in tho spring, this Is much moro difllcult. Tlicro Is nlways a good domand for now milch cows In tho fall, and thoso which tho farmer wishes to sell should bo timed so as to ciilvo then. The succu- lent food which cows got in summer Is bettor Tor both cow and calf than the dry hay, straw and grain which aro their usual winter rations. MILK Yir.I.I) Ob" Till'. Dlr'PKllKN'T JlitKKim of CattijK. Dr. J. C. Morris, in a papor prepared and read by him before tho Philadelphia County Medi cal Society, says In relation to tho dif ferent breeds of cows and their milk products: "Wo have around us, be sides tho common cow, tho Durham, Ayrshire, Dovon nnd Aldernoy or Jor pcy, Tho yield of theso varies great ly in quality that of tho Durham or Short-horn being large, but poor in buttcrnnd modoratcly rich in cosine tho best yield Increases and tho quanti ty diminishes In tho order named. Thin, eighteen quarts of Durham (and often of common, which aro mainly grado Durham), fourtoen quarts of Dov on or twelve quarts of Jorsoy milk yield ono pound of butter (Flint). Tho Ayrshire and Devon milks aro rich in casino and butter. Tho latter yields its cream but slowly, and is thoroforc, in my opinion, tho host for family use. Tho Jersey milk Is rich In butter, but comparatively poor In casino, whllo ttio Durham Is too watery. Tho Ayr shire is hotter than tho latter, but still hardly in rich or in evenly balanced in Its constituents as the Devon." rERBONAL. Paul Boyton Is 3fl years old. Mosby will meot Grant at Hongkong. V. H. Vnndorbllt gives art reccp tlons. President Grovy hns but ono daughter. I-araday'8 widow died recently In .England. Sonator Bayard of Dolawaro has nlno children. Mmo. Grovy Is an invalid and lives in seclusion. Talleyrand said that happiness do pended on a hard heart and a good stomach. Tho Khcdlvo of Egypt has Just or dored a now sot of harness from this country. Victoria Woodhull is said to havo bo corao a Sunday school toachor In Eng land. Tho Empress of Brazil has present ed to Quoon Victoria a dross woven of. spider webs. Gladstone's admirers pronoso to build a hospital to ills memory that will cost $110,000. Ex-(iueen Isabella lives quietly in Paris, alio Is cheerful benevolent, frank, winning and slmplo in manner. Tho monument to Victor Emanuel which Italy desires to ralso will cost not less than $1,000,000. Father Abram J. Byan, tho poet priest, Is very III at his homo In Mobile from a partial paralysis of tho throat. Tho Princess Loulso, following her mothci's example, pays a bounty of $5 apicco for triplets Iwrn In tho Domin ion. It Is stated that Henry M. Stanley, tho explorer, will lead tho Belgian ex ploring expedition which is soon to start for Africa. Archbishop Purccll was ordained to his Cincinnati diocoso In 1833, and has been in continuous authority for forty six years. Mrs. John Jacob Astor has spont nearly $71,000 In ton years on tho poor children of tho various Industrial schools of Now York. PTIofJsop HdsiAtlDHY, DisiioitNiNO CattIiK. Some' tlmo since, this papor called attention to tho brutal practice said to bo in voguo in Ireland of dishorning cattlo intend ed for transportation to English mar kots, and showed an easy remedy that of disbudding whllo tho animal Is young. This is easily performed. Hold tho calf securely, at an ago of from thrco to four wooks. With a hot Iron, touch tho budding horn until it is seurod well down to tho head. It will kill tho gorm, und thorcforo tho animal will havo no horn, or but tho rudlmout thoroof, according as tho op eration has boon woll or Imporfoctly accomplished. Bind over tho soared portion a llttlo cotton lint saturated with oil, and tho calf will suffer no in- oonvonlonco from tho oporatlon except tho limited ono from tho burning, not so sovero as In tho caso of golding. I'ratrte lunner. State Orange Deputies fur 1878 OU90J. lUKr A Co. -Thomas Smith. Baku City. IIsxtox-A. Holder, Corvallls. L'lacxaiui-C. N. Warr, Uanby. OiATsor -W. II. Oray, Youngs Itlvcr. Douotas I). H. II. IMlck, Myrtlo Creek. jArmwi J.N. T. Miller, Jacksonville. Jowruiiir -Joseph Polio, k, IJinrf. Lur Itoscoo Knox, Cruaell; Alhn Ilond, I.ugcno City. Ijxn-n. A. Irvine. Albany. ., , Mariok-J. W. UacheIIr, lluttorllle; W. M. lllllcary, MultVohaii Plympton Kelly and Jacob Johnson, Hut Portland, l'otx - F. A. ralterson, Mile. Tmjwoos. J. C. llewley, Tillamook. Union John Crclghton, Union. WASCOJohn End, Tygh valley. , , , . Waiiiiiioto J. A. Richardson, Tualatin; J. . Bap. plngton, Oaston. YajhiIL-R. II. Laughlln, North Yamhill. STASIIISOTOX TSSSITOSV, Colombia Thomas Throsscll, Dayton. Ctasss-Davfd SUtnp, Vancouver. Cowim John S. Doiatth, Pekln. Lsis-W. II. Miller, Ilolsfort. Waua Waila-W. II. Thomaa, Walla Walla. Wiirmax-waUain King, Falouso City. hhn.. u thMj. muntlitt In which no Deputies havo been appointed would much oblige ma by designating uroiners suiiaoie w act in ma. uut-i.j. A. II. Sinrur, Matter Or. 8t. Orange. DIRECTORY. OFFICEHSortho NATIONAL GUANOR. Master Samuel II. Adams, Monticcllo, Min nesota. Overseer J. J. Uooilnian, raupavr, Mich. Lecturer Mortimer Whitehead, Middle- Inish, N. Y. Steward -A. .1. Vauelian, Jicnipius, iciw. Assistant Stottanl William .Sims, Tonoka, Katms. Cli.tplain-A. V. Hon)' the, Isabel, l.lgar county, III. Treaiurcr I. -l. .vicimiyiuh, vvnync, is. 1. Secretary W. M. Ireland, ' niliinton, I). V. (latc-Kceper O. Dmwuuuo, Orchard drove, Tmlinii.l. Certs -Mu. S. M. Artann, Monticcllo, .Min nesota. Pomona Mrs. J. J. Woodman, Pawpaw, Michigan. Flora Mrs. S. T. Moore, Sandy Spring, Mich. Lady Ass'tvStoHrard MisiC. A. Hall, Ana lacliicola. kxkcutivi: uiMMrrm:. Samuel li. Adams, Chairman, Monticcllo, Minn. Henley Jamos, Marion, Ind. I). Wyatt Aiken, Cokosbury, S. C. S. II. Ellis, .Hiiriui;lort, Ohio. OFFICKUS ORBUON hTATK OIIANUE. Matter A. It. Shipley, Oiwogo. Oversocr-D. S. K. lluick, Myrtlo Crock, lecturer W. II. Thomas, Walla Walla. Htoward W. M. Hilleary, Turnor. Ass't Stownrd M. L. rlicholas, lkavorton. Chaplain W. H. dray, Astoria. Socrutary N. W. Ilandall, Oregon City. Treasurer David Smith, Lebanon. (lato-Kcepvr-O. N. Wait, Canby. Ceres M. J. Train, Harrisuurg. Pomona C. K. Shipley, Oswego. Flora S. I). Durham, McMinnvillc. L. A. S. Irene L. Hilleary, Turner. RxictrrivK cuMMirrr.K. gatdlcss of theso prognostications tho grange has boon a success. Tho far mer has reaped pecuniary rewards whonovor ho has followed Its precepts. Tho notion has again entered upon nn era of prosperity, hastened and strengthened in large measure by tho thrift which follows tho observanco of tho principles It Inculcates. Orange llulletin. Tho uso of mustard water for de stroying Insects In tho soil of flower pots has recently boon recommended. A tablespoonful of mustard to a gallon of water. Hot wntcr nt 120 degrees Fahrenheit will kill typhus gorms, and soap acta A3 poison to thorn. A machlno for cutting stono paving blocks has been invonted. Ho preaches woll who lives well. The Vontaur UnlnitnU ato of two kinds. The While U for tho human family; the Yellow It or horses, sheep, and other anlmsls. Testimo nial of tho effects produced by thco remarlcablo Preparations aro wrapped around every bottlo, and may bo procured of any druggist, or by mall from tho omceofTiiiiOi,TAcneoirAur,M Dey Street, Hen York City. A. It. Shipley, Chairman, Oswrgo (I. W. Hunt, 8ublimity. A. Holder, Corvallis. The Orange Progressive. Agricultural Notos. ToTiu.i. Tin: Am: or Kowi-s. Ifa hen's spur Is hard mid tho scales of tho logs aro rough, she Is old, whether you sco her head or not; but her head will corroborate your observation. If tho under bill Is so MM' you cannot beud it down, ami tho comb thick and rough, leave her, no matter how fat ami plump, for sumo ono less particu lar. A young lieu has only tho rudi ments of hpurs; the r-enlos on tho legs aro smooth, gloM-y ami fro.ih-colorcd, whatever tho color may be; tho claws tondor ami short, mills sharp, tho un derbill soft, and tho comb thin and tsmouth. An old turkey has rough kmIcs on tho legs, rallniltos cm tho s-oles of tho feet, und long, strong claws; u young ono tho ruvorM) of till those murks. When tho feathers aro on, the old tur key cock has a long tuft or beaul; a young ouu but i Kprnuting one, ami when they aro oil' tho smooth M-ales on tho logs docldo tho point, besides tho difference in sizo of tho wattles of tho neck and in tho elastic shoot upon the neck. An old gooso when allvo Is known by tho rough logs, tho strength of iho wings, particularly at tho pinion", the $'ilck'ic.is and Mrongth of tho bill, ami fineness of tho feathers; and when plucked, by tho legs, tho tenderness of tho skin undor tho wings, by tho Another man has smoked in his stable, ami there is ono barn less. Ten cows happened to le in tho yard and wore saved. Hverythlng in the barn burned. A gill of raw (unboiled) linseed oil given to a sow Just before and uftor farrowing will prevent tho disposition to eat lierotfspriug. This habit Is an acquired ono ami Is caused by keeping tho sow with others of her own species who worry and annoy her. Perfect (pilot mid Isolation tiro considerations which should not bo neglected. Xew Orleans Home Journal. Wo ferment manure for tho same reason that wo decompose Iouo-dust or mineral phosph.ites with sulphuric acid mm convert them into super phosphate, or tho samo reason that wo grind our corn mid cook tho meal. Theso processes add nothing to tho amount of plant-food in tho bones or tho nutriment In the corn. They on ly increase Its availability. So In fer menting manure. ThN process ren ders the plant-food in tho manure moro immediately available. Obituary. Tho many friends of Mr. John King and Mrs. Caroling Killing will regret to leant that their only son, Mr. John W. King, met with an accident, causing his death in about twenty aix hours. Deceased resided near tho Dalles, Wasco county. Ho leaves n young wifv, .t fa ther, mother, and tbrcu tiisters, to mourn their untimely loss. Tho youug mau was twenty two years of ngu. Tim circumstances aro about as follows: On tho "tth day of February last ho went to let a homo nut In tho pasture, when tho horso wheeled around and kicked him iu tlio stomach. He lived twenty-six hours, w lieu death camo to his relief. His re mains were brought down and buried in Kock Creik cemetery, in thu southern part of Clack amas county, Tho deceased was Ik loved by nil who know him, anil had many lino traits of character. The writer knew him well, having sustained tho relation of teacher to linn. He ixisscsscd more than avcrago ability, and gave ewdem-u of unusual promise. Ucmcmtar, boys, as you pais by, As you aru now, no once was 1 1 As I am now, no you must Iks I'leparo for death, and follow moJ Oregon papers pleaso copy. . W. H. Sswos. A venerablo patient, u retired foun- deryman, tells us that, during his up- prontlco-dilp to a shipbuilder ol Phila delphia, ho became acquainted with it nover-falllug remedy for, bums and hoahlx, and that iu his subsequent fouu dory life ho siw Innumerable such In juries relieved of pain ami healed as If by magic, by powdered charcoal. Tho Nifter it Is tho better, ami th.it from pine wood Is the best. It Is to bo tulckly sprinkled over tho buruud or tnuldod surface as soon as possible, and renewed tii It become iuolt or drops oil'. Louisville Medical Journal. A Remarkablo Heju.lt. It nmkoH no dlllorenco how iiianv 1'livalu. laiiH, nr bow much moUlctno yon liava Irlotl, It U now an ttlltbeil laot tlmt (leruiau Hyrup U the. only remedy which ban kIvou oompleto millxl'ucllou In stuoro ci.Mi of l.uiitf inapastui, uimruoiiipro aro ytt inousamls of iwrtmna who Aro prt'dWpoiod to Throat kihI I.iuigatlfcllatit), Consumption, llemorrhiiirps AMtlima, bVviiriifnlili KBHi.t on i;, ;i PnemnoiiU, Whooping Liuya, ,;o., vIio liny.! uo porhoiml knowlttdgo, uf Uoschfe' (lermati Sprup. To micli we would say that 60,000 (lczt-ii weru hoUI last yoar without one csmpUlni. CoiiHtimplUes try fust oui hot lie. Hegularslza'l'eouU boil i -.MTV s.j gists In Aiuerlni. Tho Undonlablo Truth You ilosorvo tohiilljr, uiul if jou load n inUorablH, niuatisfactory lifts III tint boatitl fill world, It Uiiiitiruly your own fault and thorti Is only oiw excusa for you, jour uu reaHmubln iirtjndlod timl uUeptloltm, which tu kllloit thousand"', Peranat knowliHlo ami I'oniinoii muuu nvuiHiini; win soon show you tiiatUrean'i AuRUat 1'lower will I'titu you of f.lvor Coiuplnlut, or DyiipopiH, with nil IU mtstuitbln eltcH-ls, mc'i ns sick hcudaebe imlpltulciiof Iho heart, miur stom.icli, In bltual ooatlvMiKo', illjtaliuwis of tho liu.id, nervoUH pro-ir'i-n, law plrlt-, Ac. It mWn now reach every irwn on tlm Wpsteru ContlniMit ami not a Druut.t bufwill tell you of ttn wouderlul nifiki. You can tay itSum nle lljtll i for 10 csuts. Thrto dow will ra-liooyou. Tho grange, in tho first instance, was instituted mainly for It social advan tages. It Is truo social Intorcourao nec essarily carrios with its an educational valuo but to mako tho order an edu cational factor as ono of its main purpo ses was nn aftor thought. Tho samo may bo said as to its business feature?. Theso sovoral alms have grown out of tho necessities of tho case. As a mon- oy-making machlno it wns natural that unduo prominonco would bo given by many perhaps by a majority of pat ronsto tho saving nnd making of tho almighty dollar. Tho times wore hard, creditors needy, monopolists extortion ate, rings common, money scarco, tax es high, crops abort. Tho farmers all over tho land, with here mid there nn oxcoptlon, were In debt. Thoy felt that thoy wore mainly tho producers of wealth, but llko tho shop were shear ed for othor people's prosperity. It is of no uso to say that all business mon were in tho samu boat, ami that it was not so much a question of success in trade us success to keep afloat until hotter times should return. Whllo this was truo tho farmer bolloved that ho was mado to pay too dear for his whistle, partly by combinations to ox tort tho last posslblo cent, nnd partly by a vast army of middlemen who, to oko out u modorato subsistence, were compelled to take a tdlcu from tho cheese, or pound of buttor, in tho shape of commissions, ns It passed through their hands Now, these facts havo nuvor been denied. Tho manu facturers claimed that they received no more than a fair remuneration for tho labor und capital invested, und tad- died tho apparently lareo nrollts and extortionate charges over prime co-t, on royalties exacted, and iu tho main tenance of u'gencles. Out of theso were dovelopcd a limit to tho renewal of letters-patent, and tho purchasing of first hands. Out of this latter fol lowed tho maxim of worldly wisdom to buy iu bulk und pay cash down a simple law of business worth wholo volumes of finance. We will not now follow tho Work of tho grange In pro moling Its success iu tho matters taken iu hand. That It has been successful, every farmer, whether a member of tho order or not, who has bought an agricultural Implement knows. Hut another result followed which has had tho samo result ns tho fellow had who sheared Ills pig more noise than wool, A common howl went up from overv cross-roads grocery, peanut stand, cob- ler's otull, from overy iut-trap patentee und from tho army of agents, whoso u.unu Is legion, th.u tho farmers had combined to ruin trade mid drive tho Industrious poor to tho poor house. Ho- The Celebrated Draft Stallion LOUIS NAPOLEON Will mako the season 1S7D as follows: At my Hums, In WaUjIIIIM, Mondays nnd TuexU) t. a ft a isn, o.inciaj ami inuriay. NUIO, Frlda) sand Saturdays. TKIIMH -Leap, IO Season, 815( Insurance, 30l The Reason will brain April 7. DiuKRimoK add I'soiosrs. boul Mapolonn U a kvi tlrut dapple trray. 10 hands high, and weighs 1(00 lbs. Ho vsas slrrd by Uie lmiortod Nonnan horso Louis Napoloon, and tils dam by Itoyal Sampson, Imported by Ool. Oakloy of Tazewell co., 111.; tils irrand dam was a French Canadf. an mire. Oomo and aeo the hone More malting other arrangements. (mh7m3 T. J. KOMONDSO.V. O. C. TAYLOK, Inrentor and Proprietor ol Taylor's WonJarful Ditching Machine, proposes to cut a ditch flveTeet wide at the top, one and a hall leet at the bottom, and two It deep, throwlngthe dirt two feet from ditch, lor 331 eta per rod. This he guarantees, or no charge. Ue has three marhlnoi now In operation one each In Linn, Ilenton, and lane coun ties. Junction City, Or., Manh 7ml. UHAY'S NPBCIPIC ITIKDICINK The Great EnclUti Ilcmrdy TRADE MARK. An unfailing cur. for AD!jfSubL,C Hemlnai vseaxnoM, 8crmatorrhea, lm putencr, and allDU. eaasy that follow as a as lom of Memory, Unltcnal lusltude, laln In the Ruk. Boforo TaldngKaTur.0 oid'': After Taklnir. and many oOier lllscases that lead to Insanity or Con sumption, and a Prematura (Irave. tir Full lartlculara In our pamphlet, which o desire to wmi free by mall to every one. CtTThe Spvclllc Medicine Is sold by all druggists at tl er package, or sis irksgM for ii, or will br sent free by mall on receipt of the money by o. dressing THK URAV KIKBICINK UO., No, 10, Mechanics' Ulock, Dstsoit, Micil. staTSold In Salem and everywhere In the United States and Oanada by all wholesale and retail druggists, fty 9f H'jT tXXr3HBH DO yalaaklat AsTY rataMMl aiuwnnaaH Baa Sis ssan aasaal.aTasallT tisrsra stoaa a la NOT FAIL taafaSfjpaM Calaleauit. 1 1 contains prleiaa aadslaacsliiUaa ar asssal asraa-sr article la n- rstSMJI roalvmatat- iraavarilrla rap . r Acrlrallural assi. Its el Slia aaaartatlai aassr rlalaslasr ta la aarehs as. au '-.Asaiii Allflfl7 ar rlmlaalaar la kisi m o( 40 ta Bar rent. Ws iiTAUMirn rmn aw AkBkaBflas itkbbc. vrox ACs-f.itrATtnsi. uTVl.if "r traaaa la all mankind at whalrsala vrlrswln quanllilr ta aalt. Kefercuce, First Xallonal Hank, Cnlrao. MOITIBMIIT WAR0 k CO., Url(lnal Uransja Mapaljr Haass., 7 et iu WabaaU Ave., Chlra.ro, IIU THE DINQEE& CON ARD GO'S sIKAiVTIFDIs KVEIt-OLOOMINO ROSES ... THE BfST IN THE WORLD. tviiiafeUnom,aa(lrbymaU,ntallpost-olllces, n aplendld TitrteUre. your Molr, alt laltltil, for li Ufortsi lOfiirWi orarl 33 forSsi 7ft fur $10 ,100 for ia. OurUreatHprclalty Is irrawlasj and distributing these beauli Vi?,t: "'"TOHr NEW GUIDE TO ROSE CULTURE, 00 paipts, eiriranllr Illustrated, aud rhiMMe from asrer BOO tTneet sorts. n THK DINIIKK A COMAHD CO., SoivOrowort. Wctt Orovo. Cbestcr Co., I vbb13 aTSBBpSBmBmBmBmBBl-sWAB? I aaaBaVr ssjsjfi TaaBTaVliaTii a1 stall a a asj SS WlUlW- uttlirSKHw an treUstata. II re. tsiia I olsrJ eUSM. S00 ifeinslsis?' t-et IU esi-s. saj f.U S.ievlftliAaa fnt aai dlrrlUK t.w Hull., hn 1 on .ii.ii.. .( vmsusis 4 n..t n4. ruau, tu.,. itt UstlkktU u ell. ttirCL li4n.a i -. D.M.FERBYftCO. Dttrolt Xlcb, Tixm mUniific s&mmtun. TIIIIITV-FOUIITII VK.VU. The Host Popular Scieatino Paper io ibe World. Only S3.20 1 Year, liicludliig I'ostiiL'O. Weokly. fi'J lumbers it year, l.uoo boolc paxes. TiiBSdTiru AiricA i, abr.-e Imiai UsvLIi esp.irofMxtnIViiMl printed In thj nuist brautl ful t I... imuuly UlutiiiM ult tpUtM t, vjrav taps, rwirrwnUio; the ne.t Insontljru in. the most recent AdianMs Ci the Arts an I Menc., Imludlr.g .Sew and Interivting Fa.U in Agriesilture, Horticulture tho I tutor). (lriulin. Aairaiuitiii Th .... ..i...i,i. praitluUurrs.b eminent wriVrs in all .Uparlments ol Holemv, will 1- loim 1 In the !s lentiiw American PCMtra DuiMiuit I., iiir. .i. .i. ...i... . . ft?,.. all Nelealrs lleinit bj wsul ordr to . ?.. '" "V"""" :7 ''"'' l'-. 'w Vork, W.l'P V'HC In connection with the msiiT". . .. ' "" 'iisnTtno Anssicaa, Slcors. :. .' . 'V01' aru SoUltors ol American and: Vsmltn I atenu, h.vu ,xi m )Cir, f nxriewe, and now hJe tin Ur.-Mt o.Ul iuhment in tho world, intents are obulnej ontnabwl terms. , :UI iioil.M is UJdo In the K-iuvrim Ar.ictof all Invehtlons utenU.I through this Agency, w,tJi the name anil resident of tho ratenU-e. liy tlw Imnienw elixulitIo.i that siien, pjblic altitloa Isdlr'tcdtothei.urlucf tl now ruUnt, tuij -akj iiiLrodi-t,ai oft. n cailj ilfisled. Any peraon who has made a, uew dUjoitry cr Inien Uni, eun ascerUi.., frte u clvu-c, utHtlicruik.tcutiui ;roub!y U i-t-twi.wa, by wrltiii- r.i the undirjucj. ealjfc.-4--uur Hand Hook about too l'at. nt U.t, Patenta, (UvtuU, Trade Marks, Uwlr eo.-t , on 1 ow pre. i4n!, villi U11I-' 'at irvvurlng nt, ui.s to mv . atioiis. AAireii lor Ou ilpxr, i.r eont-niuk. I aUut'. ilL XS .i IX) . T. lMrjr It,,,, -.f. V-.l (,l)TncliOiRe3,C-r t Su., Uuhlrrun ,.1 1 HARPER'S BAZAR. 1879. ILLU8TRATED. NOTICF-S OF Till'. l'RKSS. To dross according to Harper's tlaurwtll bo the aio and amblUon ol tho women ol America. IToaton Tran script. As a falthlul chronicle ol fulilon, and a newspaper oi domestic and social character It nnks without a rival Iiroohtyn Eagle. This nape' h" acquired a wide popularity for the Are side enjoyment It affords, and has become an osUbllaheJ authority Willi the ladios. n, l. r.Tcmng rvn, Tho Volumes ol the Daxar begin with tho first Number for January ol each yoar. When no tune Is specUed, It wilt be understood that the subscriber wishes to com mencewlth the Number neat after the receipt ol his order. Harper's Poriodicals. HARPER'S MAOAZ1NE, Ono Year 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY, ' " I 00 HARPER'S DA7.AR, " " 00 The THREE publications, one year 10 00 Any TWO, one year 7 00 SIX subscriptions, one year SO 00 Terms for large clubs furntshod on applloaUon. I'ontage Fres to all subscribers In the Ujiltod States or Canada. The Annual Volumes of llasrsa's IUus, In neat cloUi binding, will be sent by cJtprrM, frco ol oipenss (pre sided tho freight docs not exceed ono dollar per volume! for 17 ou each. A complete Bit, comprising Eleven Vol' umes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of t& S3 per vol. ume, freight at cviuo ol purchaser. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will lie sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should bo made by I'ost OOlco Money Or der or Draft, to as old chance of loss. Ncwspiwri aro not to copy this advertisement without tho express order ol llARrsn .V Uhotiibbs. Address IIARI'ER & IIROTHKHS, New York. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. 1870. ILLISTRA1ED. NOTICES OF THK TJESS llirjxr's Magatlne Is the American Mtailnt la literature and art, Ikwton Trsttllir, The most popular Monthly In the workl. N Y Ob server. It Is an escellent companion for the young, a dt.lght to the mature, a soUco for declining sue. lAuisvlMs Courier-Journal. No other Monthly In the world can show so brilliant a list of contributors; nor does any fumUh Its readers with so aroat a variety and so superior a quality of literature. Watchman, Doaton. Tho tolumesof the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and Docnuber, of rath year. When no time Is specified, It will be understood that tho subscriber wtaaes to begin with the current Number. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One You 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY, " " 4 00 HARPER'S DAZAR, " ' 4 00 The THREE publications, ons year 10 00 Any TWO, one year 7 00 SIX subscriptions, one year 30-00 Terms lor large clubs furnished on application. Puetage Free to all subscribers In the 1'nlted State or Canada. A Complete Set of Haarsa't Manillas, now comprising STtoluniM.lnneet cloth blodlng, will be sent by preas, freight at expense ol purchaser, for tl 24 per vol- for bindlnr, 3s cent mngiv .IHUmw, ur mall, poeiptuu, ai w, IIQU For bindlnr. 3s cenu. bv mall. uMtnaJJ. Kemlttancet should be made by Poet Offlce Mooey tr- dcr or unit, to avoid chance of lose. NewscaDers are not to codv thla aJi ertWment witiiaut thteiprees orders of llasrsa Uaoriisui. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York. HARPER'S WEEKLY. 1870. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. The Weekly remains vaally at the head ol Illustrated papers by IU line literary quality, the tauty ol lis typo and wood-cuts. Springfield Republican. IU pictorial attractions are sujwrb, and embrace every variety ol subjeit and ol artlstlo treatnu.nt.-Zlon's Uer aid, Uoston, Tlie Weekly Is a potent agency lor the dluemlnatlon of corroctiulltical principles, and a tiowerful opponent of shams, trauds. 1!ok he U-r sua niw prttcmee. evening Exprcae, I The olumee ol the Wt-ekli tk-cin with the firat Nua her for January of each ) ear. When no time Is men tioned, It will U uaderstoo.1 that the subscriber wishes to commenco with the umber next after Uie rectlpt of bks order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, HARPER'S MAOAZIXE, One Year. . .tco . 4 0) . 100 .10 Ou . 700 .WOO HARPER'S WEEKLY, ' " IIARPlUtS 1IAZAR. - ' The THREE publications, one jear Any TWO, one )ear , SIX ubv.riptkvns,on er Teru j f r lane clubs furnished on application. 1 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or C11H.I4 The Annual Volumes ol IlttPka's VUrair, In neat elnlh l.imltn . ulltlu , 1... .v... . .. (provided the freight doew not exceed one dollar per vol. mu-Mni wcotu. rt winpiew oti, comprising iwen-t)-two Volumes, sent on nttipt of mh nt the rate of " &6 & per volume, freight at citne of purchaser. Cloth (lues for each volume, suluble for binding, will be tent by mall, post paid, on receipt of 41 Ou tiuii. Remlttancvs should be nude by 1'o.t-OltU-e Money Or der or Draft, to avoU ttts-nce ol loss. ' Newspapers are not to copy thle advertisement without the express order of Httrtn e. Ilsonisss. Address HARPER 4. BROTHERS. New York. KUPTURE ! Vie no more .11BTAL TltUSSEb. No more suffering rrom Iron boops er steel sprit gsl l'lerce's l'atcnt nacnetle i:iastlc Tru ..JiSorn w"n "J cctifort NIOIIT enrf liav .n.l .m .. '- ; ----- - wi "iu.1. jail, jicaacr. n rupinrwl. try onHaul yoa will never reeret It. ttend iir llln.lrati-d Uook nnd l'rlce 1.1st.. MAONET10 hN FltAM'teCO, CAL. ZSf Sent by mall to Jd ' ptrts of ibe vv orld.aj ' ' mcMsV f.vrtn rsftlral rnpi. uhnn all a,,... .11 n-.j y ,m sjXvaJS J3S OX33M1 tiuuM liicnoscon:. etirj tax in r m wotxo WtJIiIMUpm. TeulU l-. l one-tonth U e-l fclS.ru.i-us.-cu. fu le y kuJ, p..lftil, m suu. J. DRIDE A CO., tT BresSesy, . . X.w IlliaWUd Clmlar W hnvJNSw, .