Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 11, 1879, Image 3

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    Stye monxt mvtlt.
Conducted by Mrs. Harriot T. Clirfce.
The whlto tails fly, tho lands lapso by,
Tho rivor widons ovori
And over you tho tides go on,
Tlio tides go on lorovcr.
A soft sccno here, a swoot econo there,
Revising, melting, rising;
Hut over yon it'a dtoar and brown
Its drear and brown forovcr.
Oh, dear the days! Oh, glad tho ways!
I sauntor down tho water!
But orer yon tho vovago is done,
Tho voyage is done forovcr.
Pair lands, farewell! We own thy spell,
I motion to tho ocean;
For over yon wo all are drawn,
We all aro drawn forever.
Oood frrendi, good-bye! the harbor's nigh;
We'ro coming home at gloamings
For over yon thero 'a rest and homo,
There's rest and homo forever.
Paul Poatnor.
it. P. HrorroRD.
tieforo your atoms camo together
I was full-grown, a towor of strength,
Seen by tho sailors out at sea,
With great storms measuring all my length,
Making my mighty minstrelsy.
Companion of tho ancient vcatlicr.
Yours! Just ns much as tho stars that shiver
When tho frost sparkles overhead!
Call yours as soon thoso viewless airs
That sing in tho clear vault, and tread
Tho clouds! Less yours than theirs
Those fiah-hawk swooping round tho river!
In tho primeval depths, cmboworing
My broad boughs with my branching lmcrs,
My gums I spilled in precious drops
Ay, cvou inthoso older years,
Tlio eagle building in my tops,
Along my boughs tho panther cowering.
Jiencath my shade the rod man slipping,
Himself a shadow, stole away;
A paler shadow follows him I
Races may go, or races stay,
The cones npon my loftiest limb
Tho winds will many a year bo stripping:
And thcro tho hidden day bo throwing
His fires, though dark tho doad primo be,
lleforo tho bird shako olT tho dow.
Ahl what songs havo been sung to mol
What songs willyct bo sung, when you
Are dust upon the four winds blowing!
Harper's Magazino.
ur k. d. kkllt.
The light of day is failing fast away,
As night her sablo garmcuts now unfold;
They meet each other in dissolving cays,
And tint the sky withcrimson, blue and gold.
Proud Luna still is shifting through tho clouds.
Though now she's hidden from our anxious
ll... ,.!. t.Aa ai.t a.aA.. Lab ...nl.a (..
And's not ashamed to show her borrowed
Throughout tho day the weary mother know
ne rest,
From caro and toil alio feels thero is no end:
I'rom morn till night her cheerful words ware
To give a charm, bo gently they descend.
Tho vesner bells did rinc some hours aso.
But still their echoulingsr on tho bracing air
As II to lull tho wcarieu souia to roai,
Commingling musia with their evening
Thoso dying echoes have at last expired,
And low tho taper light is burning on my
A world f weary toilers seek rctioac,
A day's march nearer to that nappy land.
Tis night on co more; so hail! tho welcome
That comes to greet us at tho closo of day,
Beliov'd from toil the weary hio to rest,
Whilo silence reigns, so gentle is her sway.
0, God! we pray Thee, hold us in thine arms,
Till another day is borno on winqs of light
Athwart the sky, to be ushered in with songs
Of joy and praiso to Tnce! Oood night.
Orwiojj Citv, March ft!, 1670.
SInco no much of our happiness de
pends upon what wo gat, it Is qui to
worth whilo to dlscusri what is best to
cat, und how to cook It witli Lost re
sults, To bo happy, it is necessary to
bo healthy; and, to preserve health,
wo must consult that tyrant, tho stom
ach. A hungry man will forget iovo,
ambition, or duty, whon dinner-time
comes. Tho heart and tho stomach
sympathize, but tlio stomach rules, for,
without it Is sustained, bruin, nerves,
and thought glvo way. Bo it Is very
important that food should bo prepar
ed, palatablo and nourishing.
Wo have discussed Dread, a little, as
tho first and most important, being tho
staff of life. Meat comes noxt; and
wo think that, in point of excellonco
and nutrition, mutton is tho most prof
erablo meat for farmers, being easily
dressed and cheaply, raised tho sizo
of tho nnimul being such that any
moderately-sized family could uso It
all whHo fresh, whilo tho diiroront
parts, if proporly cooked, will glvo a
pleasing variety. Tho ham should bo
boiled, and thou, if preferred, it can
bo roasted a llttlo In tho oven. Tho
water in which it is boiled should bo
saved in it Jar for soup tho next day
if it stands In tho kettle, It lias a slight
.brackish tasto when cold, skim tho
fut oft", return to tlio kettle, season,
and add a llttlo onion, sliced potatoes,
and other vegetable, and a llttlo rice.
This makes it very excellent dish for
thoso who llko soups. Tho ham should
boll about fifteen mluutes to a pound
of tho meat; an hour ttud a half will
cook a moderute-rized oue. To mako
a nlco dressing for it, mix n couplo of
tablespoonfuls of buttorand flour, and
pour on boiling water till a thin gr.wy
is made, and sllco In n couplo of hard
boiled eggs or two tableopoonfuls of
capers. The pieces that aro left after
tho first meal aro nlco mado Into a
atow for breakfast, making a llttlo
gravy of butter, flour, and milk.
The loin is nlco roasted with n dress
ing of bread crumbs, soasoncd with
sago. Of courso thcro can bo a fry or
so, but wo do not rocommond fried
moat of any sort; it is indigestible,
and greasy, tho best way ono can fix It.
It Is better to boil or bako in largo
pieces, and then eaten cold, or warmed
over In tho shapo ot stows or meat
Tho shoulder is best put in a salt
plcklo a couplo of days, and thon boil
ed with vegetables. It is very nice.
Tho only troublo is that it is not a very
economical way; as it is so good that
nono Is left to warm ovor.
If mutton hams aro put In brlno a
few days, thon smoked and driod, it is
hardly posslblo to tell them from first
class vonlson hams. Mr. Thos. Gross
once put up a quantity In this way for
market, and they commanded ready
sale at twonty-flvo cont? n pound.
With tho low prlco of Bheep, It would
soom as if It might pay to put up reg
ularly for tho market in this shapo.
Tho cook books glvo claborato di
rections how to cook n sheep's head
Farmers generally would not bo pre
pared to dress tho head, or caro to do
It, yet it is a very nlco dish, though
wo never tried to cook it ourself. A
good cook knows that u pleasing np-
pcaranco, when placed on tho tablo,
nud an appetizing odor, add to tho
digestibility of food.
For tho Willamctto Farmer.
Religion Then, and Nov.
Whero Is tlio grand old stylo of ro
liglon to-day? Is It scon or heard in
our fushlonablo creeds who claim
Christ us their Icador? Do wo And It
tho samo as fifty years ago? Tho only
similarity botweon tho church service
then and tho church service now, is
nominal; it was worshiping God then,
and it is called tho samo to-day. Tho
stylo of church-jroors nowadays has
chungod sadly from thoso days. Tho
church pows of fifty years ogo woro
different from now; then, they wero
straight-backed and stiff as tho roll
glous notions of the occupant; tho
seats always had tho hard sldo of tho
board turned up, to impress upon wor
shipers tho sinfulness of tho pleasures
and luxuries of this wicked world; tho
sermons from no flno rhetoric calculat
od to plcaso educated hearers; no nice,
smooth subjects, to suit tho audience;
no cautious nvoldanco of thomos spir
itual that might plerco tho hearts of
worshipers. Nol tho minister of oldon
timos spoke plain, whother It hurt
their feelings or not; wrestled with
tho dovll In a very diiroront fashion
from what is taught by most ministers
to-day; then they didn't hit him with
a feather, nor scourgo him with a Illy;
they meant what thoy said, and wont
after him In every way he presontcd
himself, with shovel and tongs; thoy
sorved up perdition red-hot andstoam
Ing. Ono could almost smell tho brim
stono at times when tho speakor got
fairly awake to his duty. Well might
tho youngsters' hair stand on ond
with fear whon tho preacher would
portray in brilliant colors tho awful
pit, tho torturo of tho lost, and tho
wild rovol of Satan. Yes, thoy might
look around half expecting to sco tho
old fellow, with his imps, march into
tho church and carry off tho wholo
Professors In thoso days spoke with
fervor. " Halleluiah! " and 'Amen! "
woro heard from overy corner In tho
house. When " Lot us pray " was said
ovory ono in tho congregation dropped
on his knees, with head prayerfully
resting upon tho seat, with thanks
giving. Worshlpors of thoso days bo-
Moved it was sinful to array thomsolvcs
In costly apparel, and us for Joivolry, it
was unknown among them, (at least
this was trun of tho church my grand
mother belonged to.) Their strict re
ligious notions taught them that flno
clothing and Jowcls wero an abom
ination in tho sight of God. Is this
characteristic seen and felt to-day In
tho churches? Ah! Is religion hold up
In Its purity and simplicity ns It was
oven twonty-nvo years njjov wnon
wo look on tho old bright sldo of tho
past, wo can but exclaim, Thoio has
been n sad chaneol Itcllglon itnclf
novcr changes, neither should tho pro
fessors change with tho current of tho
world by going adrift, and departing
from tho religion of their ancestors.
If tho world know moro about priml
tlvo Christianity now, a marked differ-
enco would uo seen in our eiiurcnos
nud felt In tho world throughout. Hut
tho primitive mode will uover havo Its
effect as long as worshipers sit In rich
upholstered pows, for which they pay
a hundred or upward, with a nlco llttlo
foot-rest, a place for their hat, to in
sure its safety from milling tho glossy
silk; heavy carpets on tho floor, and
seato so soft and cosy ono might fclcep
on them with as much caso tw If It
was a f-ofa, If thoy felt so inclined; and
a Huo organ, to drown tho sweet natu
ral voice of tho Dingers; pay u way-up
salary to tho minister, besides a froo
parsonrtEO and animal presonts enough
to Kiipport him. And churches that
prwf. n. hunrtrnrl thminnnrl find run nn in !
millions of dollars. Whon tho holy
day arrives, thoy pour In tho costly
cdiflco to worship tho Lord como In
with their imported broadcloths, do-
gant silks, costly laces, glittering dia
monds, fixed up to ploaso tho eye, In
all tho lato fashions of tho day. Toll
me, dear wor'shlper, Is this tho way
you should appear in tho houso of
God? Whom aro you worshiping?
God Js ro respecter of porsons, when
all this parado is not in harmony with
His teachings.
What is to bo dono to bring us back
In tho religious notions of our fore
fathers? you may sllontly nsk. Dear
rcador, tho question is a simple ono,
and a plain ono at that. Tlio sllont
monitor lies within yoursolf; only ro-
duco to nractlco what you confess is
gospel truth. Whon you accomplish
this, tho good work will movo slowly
but surely on. Many will speedily
follow in the narrow way that loads to
happiness hero and Joy hereafter.
Such religion Is always tho same bright
beacon, guiding tho weary wandcror
of earth to tho bright and happy
My homely hints nro ended, with
tho hopo that all who praiso tho Lord
may find a sufo landing In tho haven
of rost, whethor their church-pows be
mado of velvet cushions or only tho
soft sl'Jo of a plank.
Plain Juana.
Fashion Notes.
Uluish-gray Is tho stylish color in la
dles' kid gloves.
Tho latest dinner cards aro in tho
shapo of a horscshoo handsomely deco-,
rated. -.
Striped velvet must bo cut straight
to bo stylish for trimming on plain
Among tho novoltios nro somo hand
somo French plaids in now designs and
Tho fashlonablo wedding ring is a
plain gold band, with a diamond deop
ly Imbedded in it.
Porcatcs in the handkorchiot effects,
so popular last soason, aro shown
among spring importations.
A rumor from Paris hints that moth
er of pearl will bo used for tho orna-
mentation of evening dresses.
A novelty in stockings lias a medall
ion of lacoupon tho instep, in which
tho owner's monogram is worked.
Haudsomo now wraps are of drab
cloth in circular or Dolman shapes,
and can bo worn with dresses of any
color. .
Pretty now bsws for tho throat havo
a Jabot of Breton laco on ono Bide and
loops of hand-pmlntod ribbon on the
All tho varied forms of plaiting aro
still In vogue for dross skirts, both of
thin or thicker goods. 'Ruffles and
flouncos, flnlshod with narrow bind
ings, nro used.
Breton, Valonclenncs, and Smyrna
laces aro very fashlonablo for all thin
dress materials, and with tho samo
amount of care, tho Broton will laun
der as well as either of the others.
A French cotcllino cloth, with wavy
ground sprinkled with tiny blossoms, is
mado up without n combination and
ruffled profusoly with flno wido Valen
ciennes or Smyrna. As wo look at
theso dainty, protty fabrics and graco
ful fashions, wo cannot refrain from
thinking thoy aro modern Illustrations
of tho elegant rustic toilettes in which
Mario Antoinotto so ofton appeared
nmld tho Arcadia at Trianon.
Ginger Snaps Ono cup of butter,
ono cup of sugar, ono cup of good mo
lasses, ono tablespoouful of soda, and
ouo tcaspoonful of ground cloves or
To Clean Mirrors To roiuovo finger
marks from looking glasses, put, a fow
drops of ammonia on n moist rag, and
It will mako short work of removing
nil greaso, fly specks, or othor dirt.
For Rough Hands Tuko throodrams
of powdered borax, threo eighths of
an ounco of glycorlno, six ounces of
roso-water; mix well togothor, and
apply frequently. It will make tho
skin smooth and white.
ir. m.s. PiN-Ai.-niiR.Wii imvi.
ceived from Oliver DILson & Co.,of'ed llko Ht.lo.,.ovca, and I kept them
Uncoil, tholr elniruiit edition nf II. M. I
s. Plnuftint. or Tho Lo that LovmI
..n, ,. ...... n,nii. ,., . a -.I.,,,,
..w.,.. ..v, vv,....v. ,.w, v ""!..,. ,, ... t ,.,
UmIMimii lP,.n 1 'IUiIj n-nrl- U'niif r
.JU.. ....... l"lV" ...J .,u.. ..,..w
only vory protty and comic, hut unex
ceptionuhlo lu moral, and I worthy
of special commendation. Thcro Is hut
ono hcone, tho deck of Ilor Majesty's
Ship. Ah this can ho easily rigged up by
amutour-f, and tho sailor' uniform of
tho hrS)'o tars that falng may us easily
bo prdcurcd, thero N no reason why
this popular opera hhould not ho
brought out In ovory town having an
average number ot boio ami cnorus
hlngers-. Tho excellence of tho music
is liidoHdu by tho bcel critics.
ludiro not from appearances, lest
you'orr lu your judgment.
pOr TrJE CrlLDrE(.
Well, dear littlo mortal,
Sot down on lifo's portal,
With ncvor a question of choico or of will)
Small pilgrim, set out
On n jonrnoy of doubt,
With your shrinoatthotopof atroublcsomoliilt,
Look about with those eyes
Full of grave, sweet surprise,
And say what you think of tho world, now
you'ro in it.
Is it best worth your whilo
To meet lifo with a amilot
Or a frown, that yon oyer wero forced to begin
Ah, "lifo" is tho uamo
Of a ourious gams!
And whother we smile, child, or whother wo
Wo must each play In turn,
Though wo scarcely may learn
Tho rules of tho gamo till the cards aro thrown
'Tis a qusor hurrv-'kurry,
Full of bother and worry,
For each player comes in with some trick of
his ownj
Hut the sccrot of winning
Lios all in beginning.
So bo sura you aro right, child, thon "Play
it alone."
Whon bod timo comos, and curtains fall,
And round I go tho doors to lock,
Kro lamps go out my wife doth call,
"Remember, dear, to wind tlio clock."
When Loots aro oft", ami for tho day
All irksomo cares aro put tn rout,
I hear my wifo's voice from dreamland say,
"liotuiojou put tlio kitten out."
When stretched between tho sheets I lie,
And heavy lids havo ceased to wink,
From trundlo bed thsro comes a cry,
"I want a dwinkl I want a dwink!"
Chicago Trihuno.
How many of you havo ovor seen a
horned frog? When I was about cloy
en years old toy brother wont toToxas
and tor a long tlmo I did not hear from
him. Ffnally thero camo through tho
malt a llttlo box addrossod to mo and
marked "horned frog." I was totally
Ignorant as to what a "hornod frog"
might be, so I decided not to investi
gate tho mattor until I got homo. I
was mado to wait, howover, until I had
caton my suppor and thon tho box was
opened. Tho roptllo leaped out on tho
floor and soomod qui to lively, (and
who wouldn't need a llttlo oxorclso af
ter riding from Toxaa to Wisconsin in
a hook and eyo box?) Thinking that
many of you perhaps havo novor seen
u horned frog, I will try and descrlbo
ono to you. Mino was about flvo Inch
es long to tho tail and had a palo yel
low color. Ho had tho shape of a liz
ard and acted very much llko ono, on
ly ho novcr climbed. Right 'ovor his
eyes wero two horns and back of theso
was a seml-circlo of nino moro, which
woro much larger and very sharp.
From tho mlddlo horn on his head to
tho vend of-his tall a distinct white
strip extondod straight through tho
mlddlo of his back.
On oach sldo of this stripe woro four
black spots which wero round and un
dorllncd with bright yellow. Each
sldo of his body was edged with two
rows of sharp whlto spines, and tho
month, which soomod to bo a silt from
ono sldo of tho head to tho other, was
surroundcd'by sharp littlo thorns that
roach to tho back of his head. I wish
you could huvo scon him drink. Somo-
times I put him Into a basin of warm
water, when ho would drink till ho
bloated out llko a rubbor ball. Whon
I first had him I was ut a loss to know
whoro to put him, but ono day papa
brought homo a wooden box with a
sliding pano of glass in tho top. This
I partly filled with soft whlto Band.
Froggy llkod his dominion very much
and showed his approval by burying
himsoif in tho sand, as was probably
his custom in his natlvo country.
I After I had kept him two months
I began to think It was tlmo ho should
cut something, but all my efforts to
mako him eat woro frultloss. Ono day
I had been to church and coming homo
11 IUUI1U Jlilll III UiU li'i30 "J? UIU UUUI.
i no swrieu 10 run, mui, uoing niraiu
he might getaway, I ran aftor him us
fast as I could, und finally caught him,
though with great dllllculty! On an
other occasion thero seemed to bo
something tho mnttor with my little
pet, and 1 thought ho was going to
die. Hut how great was my surprho
ono morning to find him in n new
skin aud as chirp as ever. Tho old
ono which no nan crawicu out oi lay
'on tho sand bcsldo him. Tho skins
,thnt camo off from his llttlo hands
rn-hvorohoboftaud whlto that thoy look-
r l0"B l""u' '" "UK u,-,1 umf
(about 8lx months; lu all that tlmo lie
scarcely tasted a morsel of food. Oc
luuri"--"" ..... ------- --
je0rca8lonally ho would lick homo fat pork
" v.! or lard, or ho would 6crumblo around
alter flic among mamma'ri houso
plants, but tho flies deemed moro llko
ly t'j cat him up than ho fo cat them.
If any of my young cousins havo a
brother in Texas 1 itdvlso them to send
nt onco for ono of thoso curious anl-
Ijnals. Franklo M. Urooks In llurat
lA'cw? iorker.
No ono U moro profoundly sail than
ho who laughs too much.
I.lfo is common properly; but famo
belongs to great souli only.
ConvorJKtlioii is thu ventilation of
tho mind.
Simplicity in Living!. To IIvo
simply, and to master and control our
expenditures, Is a euro nopd theso
hard timos. Tho influences which sur
round us, tho habits which wo fall into
as a second nature, nil sway us in a
dangorous direction. Every family
and class scorns to havo caught hold of
tho skirts of tho ono abovo it, and to bo
desperately holding on to thorn. Tho
best thing they can do Is to lot go
tho only thing Indeed which will glvo
themselves comfort, or mako tholr
lives usoful and happy. As soon as
they commonco to hvo rogardloss of
iho stylo In which theso Hvo who pos
sess perhaps doublo their Incomo,
they will find that thoy havo tho
moans of living happily. Tho most
noodod reform Is tho ono which It Is
incumbent upon many of us to carry
out tho coming year. Wo cannot
swoop tho wholo stroot, but each ono
can koop tho roiud from his own door
step. If it Is dono regularly and qui
etly, others will soon follow tho good
oxamplo, and in this way many will
bo rcliovcd of heavy burdons and cares.
Simplo living! To it ovon tho groat
housohold quostlon of sorvants will
yield, becauso wo shall not bo so sorely
subjected to tholr exactions, whon wo
aro not so dependent upon their labors,
but have found out that wo possess
hands and feet that can minlstor to our
needs. Daisy Eyobrlght, In tho Coun
try uentiomau.
JOHN 137.
Cash Paid for Hides, Furs, and Pelts. !
In order to males room 'or my Spring Stock, now
being receivedi I will otter, for 60 days
my entire stock of
Rubbor Goods, and Kip and Cork-sole Boots, at Cost.
I havo also mado a REDUCTION IN PRICE of all my Philadelphia and
Now York city Goods-placing; tho bost lines of BOOTS AND SHOES mado
In tho roach of all. WBT Customers will bear In mind that Goods sold at the
following; prices aro strictly for CASH."
KNKK " 3.00
" AHCTIC3,.(Qne Urge soles) 1.20
I 1 II I I
woikshars now for nrl months ba In fall
operation. Buanhctsruis a snpsrlor and ImproTtd
article which I am able to effar to the trada as ef
amx-sBt outputs'-.
Mr pretest stock Is superior to anything ounarse
turta st this FolUry for Are jesrs psit, siul Is rqa
to bt tsrUenwsrs (or strength and darabUltjr,
I OuartsBfcc HallMlactltxi.
Orders, or requests for Information as to pries list,
should be addreeeod to
Dnrna Villa, Aug. -tf
Guns! Guns!
Hnlous, Oregon,
Military Brcccli-loadiuc: Rifles
uhM the m:Ncnu, biiaiih:, IIKJIINUTOK, nd
.Mfti,iirnir.ii. aim, iuii oMgruncni w
SIIOT-mi.NH and HI-OIITI.no llll'IM, ol kll .UnJird
iiMtra, a iuji una ui
I'ockrt Outlery, KuUee, lluiitra, avil
hC!S.SOUH,dlrcct from IJiitUml, A-o I'lklilUK Tackle
Will sell aa low ua an) body, mSU
F)f tilth prhce lor Trillins, st Will1 Hum Tilnt
ns lluoiui. Halm. Kvrry laftlltr Ut I Mo iirel "
k-ertl titruilou o wort ti low rim. I.ttml lw k!
I.f I.LI1AL HMNKrt In tti NIaI l.il.Mn alF
rornii U' (Inult, IVnntjr, I'roUte and Ju.tTriV,
r.jufi. pvu.ivr i:r(uurtui rn l.wi. A'urrM,
. . " " WIITK.
Hltum I'rlnlrr uvit Itouklilndrr.
i'.r.T'illUl.fiUto.lml, 8W,i:m, (UIKCiO.V,
snisntn or
m.WCKH (.tenure In offering to the Woo! (Irowtrsol
L (Iretfon and the adjolnlni; TtrrltoiX the chance
lopgrchate TllOIIOLillllll(KI) MMtl.NO. and a-urlngpirtlelntcreiti-dtlat
thejr ran, did nlil u
deavor In. at II httevii of thu aarfi nuall'y sud . aluo at
MUCH CHKU'KU ItATKM than Wh can x..e.ti'j
bo Imported, Kjainlnalluu and uiupirtiii with bth'
er Hhvrp urfrrcd ta tfco inajk't amr.rdl1l lnvlud.
Addrcai JOU.V MINTO,
Halvin, Orci'nu,
J'. II. -The Itamasnd Item I.amtaof tho flock can
he tern on tho ISLAND !!IM, adjoining Halcm.
Tlie ISweacan tm ei a. Iho aame plare. or at the
llll.l, KAItM four and a hall mllca aouth ofthedt
Haltin.HUJtemberlO. IMS,
ell Drilling, Boring,
mnua nxsigtm ui wasitcij zms.
Illsheat awld at Centennial Ktbibitiun. Htnd for
Iiictwlalcataloeuo and pricn-Iitt, fiei', Agtnta wanted.
9'.jO xt dty guaranteed. Rand.huuldcia, and luck
eaally handltd. Additaa. I'lf.ItCU WIII.L KXCA'
A101t CO.. VM Xa Am 1'UIaJiIU-u. 1'cuu
lilt. If. V. CJMNU,
HKKVET lUVo)., UteHawon U.U. Volutsers. -lidlce.
ImrUu'a biuck. to lULm. sell
Capt. Boudalro is at presont busily
employed in M. do Lossops' ontorprlsa
of creating a vast inland soa in Africa,
in tho gigantic natural basin which lies
to tho north of tho Desert of Sahara.
Tho country through which tho pro
jected canal would bo cut is, it appear
ontlrolyfrco from rocks 'or other ob
stacles. It has boon carefully surveyed,
nud Is found to bo composed of santt
and soft earth.
Wo havo rocolvod from A. M. Par
dy, of Palmyra, N. Y., a very instruct
ive 20-pago pamphlot, telling how to
grow small fruits, successfully, do
scribing sorts, &c., Ac. Ho sonds lt
free to all applicants, as also a tptcimen
cony of his monthly paper on fruits
and flowers.
To-morrow is tho day on which
lazy folks work and fools reform.
The scarcity of Diamonds, Gold and Htlvar ,
and the dlftloulllea met with In securing
them, la a sure Indication oi their value.
Thus It la with valuablo; medicine: Dr.
Aug. Kaiser's, celebrated German i'ulmonls
Elixir, through tho Jealousy or rivals, hat
met with tho most bltlor opposition, and ap.
parently almost insurmountable obstacles
havo boon thrown la Its way t but Its oppo
nent might a woll try to obanse tho course
of tho Hun, sweep hack tho Ocoanwltha
broom or put out it pralrlo nro with a tear.
For tlio euro of Throat and Lung diseases,
such iui Couubs, Colds, Consumption and
Ilronohlal Affections, It Is unequalled. Its
cures nro truly magical. Ask your Drug
gist for It. Tlio gonulno bears tho Prussian,
Coat of Arms, tho fso-Hlmllo slgnaturo of Dr,
Aug. Kalsor, and has his namo blown on
overy "6 cont bottle. Trial botUo. 23 cents.
& se3
Ague mixture
ChHIt IHJ FeV6T aro permanently
cured by Dr. jrysioai A(He Nix
tare. With a llttlo caro on tho part
ot tho patfont to arold exposuro, and
thooooasloiudusoof Jatnk'h Sana
tive Pit.u,thla romotly will lio found
to bo certain In Its oporatlon, und rad
ical In its effect. In many sections
of tlio country subjoct to Aguo and
other malarial illsoajios, It has an es
tablished charoctor as a popularspo
clflo for theso harrowing complaint,
and tho numbor of testimonials ro
colvod dhow that Its reputation la
constantly increasing.
Intermittent and Remittent Fevers
Akbo Wltnrf. In tlioso com
plaints caro hliould bo taken to follow
tlio dlroctloni clOHOly, and ospoclal
attention rIvoii to tho llvor, which
hliould bo aiilsted In performing its
functions by I)n. JayniVhHanativii
HO'" U.rt'H X CO., Who:. AnaU. Tort.
I.nr, (l"vi.n i-lSmI
W. P. JOHNSON, Artist.
0m Wiu.it' Ilookttore,
Mil latureiilnnrd li I. Utrltr.
Cfl'll'.H KNI.AIKiKI) man) t ro tlealred.
t Mnh 13, llrtf
gg Pa & A. MASONS, &
vacrxta asiiii,
b.ccmor t" J. M Kishtii A Co.,
US Libert)' ht., - - NliW VOUU,
woinritlht.Iui jV,7)ir,
17011 UUVINO ANII FOnW.tlifll.NU FliOll
. Wiw Vcik tin Illiciar, I'acUlc Itallroid, and
i.ap.- Horn, all Linda nf Mctct andlte, andforliiuealo
of I' iJutla from t!iu hacISc coatt, for thq colWUiat
of EUicer, Jte. winu
t-.,..!'. .:,im iMir.u w !. iit'trv vi;
F.IIIil(.ll f. I , C.l.lot.. UluMful laMlr:i
B-. klu.t.r Mi.o.i, alxM, .llMU MAUlUj
H.IIIO It AI..Nil(.'ir.l'l"r"4"Mca -.