Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 28, 1879, Image 6

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iv i r
tillamttt Ifarmtr.
flT.ATlTI tt3 OIIAXG-,
I'UlltlklirRS AND inOWlltTOK"
Term of Hubucrlptloui
Ono t-opy ono Jiar (G2 numbers), in ulitntc ...(2 SO
Ono copy l montrm (20 numbtn) . ... 1 25
Onocopy ihroownntln(13 numUn) 76
tiT It not ialil within 1 inonlln, fj will 1 ihatijdl
(or one year's nilmrlption.
WnlklitK for Wni',
Ni.w Yonit, March SO. Howell received
yesterday S1B.30B 31, Ennls 11,338 98,Har-
riman 93,079 CO, Kowoll takes away $4,000
moro than tko total goto money for tlio first
Mix days ot tlio contest lor tno dch id i.on
ilon, begun ono year ago yesterday.
Heltel Tor New Orlenrn,
Many orders for enrrency wero roccived
hero to-day from Now Orleans, and largo
amounts Hklppcd. Tlio order of suspension
(jxplrtri on tin) 29th Inst., and beforo that
tinio funds from this city will havo reached
llio bnuks.
Narrow Kirnjio ul Hoy Ion.
Iioitisvii.t.r, March i!0.- 1'anl JJoytou had
n narrow escape from death hero thin after
noon, tlio swift current of tho Ohio sweeping
lilm past tho city. Ho was severely bruised
mid is thankful that his lifo wai not lort
New trritl In t . .llllll.
1 n Dl ka poms, M arch HO. Tho congrusnlon
nl apportionment bill passed tho Senate to
day with mi ntiicudiiiriit proposed by Sena
tor Davis, of tho National party, and was
concurred In by thu llouso. This will givo
tho Democrats iilnn districts nnd thu Itcpub
Ileum tour 'I'll no of thn latter uro doubt
ful if llio Democrats mid Nationals combine
,trchlililioi ruricK,
Uinuinnati, March 'JO A letter fioin
Archbishop 1'iircell was published this
morning. Alter reciting the strugghn of his
early life, his iemoiil If this diocese, tho
nucurHlly of going into ilabt to prowtlu for
tho wants of the dloriHi', etc., he dwells ou
his present llniinciid troubles. Ho states
that it can bo nifi ly s.ild that moro than
SGIJO.OOU was money ili'positcd. Tho rest i
tlio result of compound interest. Ah n
proof, ho citis an incident which occurred
yesterday, wliero n eiedilor called with n
ilaini of $1,101). In presenting It !iu ad
mitted that $H00 of It was interest, and im
pressed it wllllliguess to iicecpl $.100, tho
mount of tho original deposit Hundreds
of c'aiiiM mo of tho sanio nature, 'i'ho in
debtidnisi of thu diocenu in (iiiity docs
not ninoiint to more thau n luilliou dollars
to iilaco it at tho highest llguro Tho arch
bishop then nhcarsts tho situation, declar
ing thnt but for tho gcuerouii sympathy of
Catholics nml 1'rnti stunts alike, ho Mould
havo sunk under tho weight of his troubles.
Ho then appeals to all I'ntholics nml
otlii rs who feel for others vvoiil to help him
out of bin emlMrrassuH nts,
Tlio Mysterious Murilrr.
'I Ik to Is much excitement over tho mys
terious murder of Harry llaldwlu last Hatur
day night. Tho coroner has not vetllnUbod
his Iiirpiest, mid tlio iintlro dctoctivo forco of
tho city lima been nt work, although with
scarcely a thread of ovldenco upon which to
baso their operations, To-dny a numbor of
nrrenls of suspeetcd parties hnvn been made,
chiefly among tho demi-mondu whoso houses,
It Is intimated, youug llaldwlu had becu vis
iting when shot.
County JitiiK'o indicted.
Linciiduiio, ilarth 20. Tho grand jury of
Judgo Hives' court to-day indicted tho fol
lowing named county judges; Hnythc, of
Campbell; .Menry, of Amherst; .Simmons, of
Ilotetourt; Drown, of Nelson; Wharton, of
Iledford; (Irillln, of Iloanoko; rarrluli, of
Ilnckinghnm, and Howies, of Fluvanna.
' A .Miirilerou Trinu.
Marsium., March 'JO. Last night after I
tlio Wnrdo and llnrrytnoro combination had
finished a play, tho company went to tho
depot to await tho train, Maurico IlerTymore,
Mr, l'orter nnd a fernalo attacho of tho com
hlnation, wero in tho lunch room when Job.
Uurrlc, a detective, entered nndmmlo soruo
slighting runarks nbout tho lady to which
exceptions wero taktn by llerrynioro and
l'orter. Aflir some words, Currla drew a
pistol nnd shot l'orter in thn abdomen, kill
ing him nlmost instantly. Turning, ho shot
llnrrymorii through tho elbow, tho ball com
ing out undir tho hit shoulder, making n
novtro if nut a ilaiiuerous wound, l'orter
nnd llarrymoro wi ru unarmed, Currlo win
Jail.. I.
1.11 ul IIiikIiiI llnnlm
' Nl.w Omkivi, Marili 20, rollowiugis n
list of now bnuks vtlioMi it uiiornry suspt n
hiou is annoniii'iil to-ibo tUrmiuiia Na
tional bank, lliliri.il. National, l.uuisiuun
National, ll.'.il. if 1 ..f...tti. Citizens' bank
of I.oulsinui., '.ti.-in havings bank, Metro
politan haul.. NiwOrlu.us inualaud Hank
ing (Jonipui... V, oplw'M ml., Vorkinc.iin n's
I Hill ll NllllllllUlltlll.
Wihinsu,. , Maun 2u . L. bciialo i).m
ocratio i ik its nomi n.it ul 1: J Hriglu of
iiiiuuua, it:iirL'.iui-iti-iirii i;.i;ougtes.
Tho victory feportcd over tho Zulus by
tho liritlsh troops is not eo. Tho Zulus got
tho fctory up for effect.
Tho Khedivo of tgypt nnd tho money
lenders nro nt outs. Tho Kothschllds liaTe
shut down his nuppllcs.
Tho National pntty havo issued nn ad
dress to tho people urging the need of finan
cial reform.
Tho New York Sun soys tho stories from
Alaska aro got up for effect and for specula
tion by tho settlers and traders there.
.Mitchell on OrrKOii I'olltlnt.
New Yoiik, March 21. Tho Tribune in
terviewed Mitchell, of Oregon, yesterday,
who said: "Wo shall carry tho IStato next
year without tho slightest doubt. Tho Dem
ocrats havo got into a family quarrel that
will bo fatal to them. They aro in a great
stew over tho recent report on extensivo ex
penditures and in bad condition to mako a
light. My preference is decidedly for ISlalno
for next president nnd bo is thnt of most of
Oregon Ilepnblicans,"
The Chluesn Question.
A Tribuno's Washington special ripeaU
tho statement that tho Pacific Coast Senators
will introduco durine tho extra session a
modified Rchetno for tho restriction ot Chi
nese immigration, nnd adds that it is prob
able Hcnntor lilaino will tako occasion to
explain moro fully his position in regard to
tho question. Tho measure, however, will
not bo pushed to finul action nnd Is only de
signed to keep tho subject beforo tho country
nnu in a position in wnlcn It can bo reached
rnrly next Winter.
Iiitrrnnlloiiiil Itnrr,
Tho Herald to-day says : If probabilities
aro fulfilled, as they seem in a fair way to be,
Jeromo 1'nrk will next Tall bo tho sccno of
tho most exciting International races Ameri
ca has ever known, Tho famous English
colt 1'eUr, who has nover been beaten but
once, nnd against whom no Kuglisu turfmen
would caro to wnger, except with enormous
odds ui his favor, is expected to como over
nnd run a inllo nnd a half against Kccno's
.Spendthrift, who has novcr been beaten nt
nil. Doth thesn hort.es aro under tho manage
ment of men who mean business and unless
bonio provions accident to cither nniuial pre
vents tho race is suro to como off.
Tin- I'liinncliil l'iillitre.
Dispatches from New Oilcans report tho
rxtltiin nt our ami tho condition of nllaiis
favorable, 'i hero has been no further .'nils
for currency from this clt.
t riillx nl .tin- lulliire.
Niw OiiiKiS", March -'1. August Hoard,
liajing ttlkr of tho Muc aulcs'iiud Tinders'
LiuiiL, has committal mi d.-.
Amittirr I'mlrl- l'ri,
S. I.ocis March 21 Vnothtr turrihlo
iiraino tiro has occurrul in Mncoin (ouuty,
Kansas, burniim tho house, nil thu nroucrtv
of Mr. Montgomery living on Hitter creek,
mid doini! much other ilaiiinue. A Jittlo son
of Mr. Montgomery, 1'J yeiirsold, jierished
in the flames, and Mr, Montgomery and
Isaao rfuff, a neighbor, who ntlcmptsd to
snvo him, wtro badly burned nnd diid a few
nours later.
Mr. Oliver Is not .Mr. Oliver.
Wasuinuto.n, March 21.- In tho Cameron
Oil vi r suit to-dayThomas M. Oliver testitled
that m lHiiO in Now Orleans. La., and Ka
lelgh, N, C, ho was doing business ns n
merchant tailor ami clothier. In tho Spring
oi jbuu no went to -Tew i one to nay goods.
Ho met plaintiff, Mrs. Oliver nt Osborno's
Mnsouic-rt'gnlin establishment, whero sho
wai working. Ho visited that city ngaln in
tho Tall of thvjeor; visited tho store nnd
found her absent. Ho visited Now York
again in tho Spring of 1851, Whllo in tho
city that time, in company with other gen
tlemen, ho visited uu assignation house.
While waiting iu tho parlor for somo girls to
comu lu tho plaintiff camo in. Ho passed
that ctght and sovvral other nights with her.
Hlio told him that she had been seduced
whilo employed at Osborne's by n man
named Jchuuy l'latt, under promise of mar-
riago, nnd that sho had a child by him,
which was born allvo but afterwards died.
Ho took her south to Jtalolgh nnd nf forwards
to Louisville. Ho lived with her in different
places from August, 1854 to June 1st, 18C0,
nt which timo ho left her. On Juno 5th,
16C0, he married his preseut wife. Ho never
lived with plaintiff iu his mother's houso in
Louisville His mother had nothinc to do
with her. No ceremony of inarrirgo was
over performed between him and plaintiff by
his book keeper. Ho had denied publicly
mid repeatedly to several persons beforo ho
left plaintiff, that sho was ever his wife and
nt no Uina did he call har Mrs, Oliver, or al
low her to bo called by that name with bis
.t' NaiuluullauH.
Tho president has nominated Clarenco
King n director of tho geological survey;
. tiw.wn ... IIIUACr u. nujicriiucil.icill Ul cru
HUII, and David B. Strother, ot West Virginia,
consul general to Mexico.
man Hhnvrr u' Neuth CauIili., ua the fourth
ballot wuHiii'Uiuutid f t ebiet ..ul, mid II.
II. IV) tin i. Viri.ni.ih, Ti IL tLird Killot
for .'Xi'initiw .!rk
I III- Wilu' U.ir.
Ill tin' tJl.vir 'uiriL ut t-da, the
cross cxatt.iL.iUiii.if Mr- Clini i,i am
linil.il, AuuU.b-1 f 1. tti Wire iiittudlK'
ed which w.tut.s ... If iwitdid t huviug
bifll written bj lui lii n a.imitiid
Hlgnlng a r.'cupt lor j-l.mm frtm .-.mon
Simurun iu full leu i.ll ilsim which i-bf had
mi htm, t-ln had i'iw-id uu.lrr tLe uaiies
of t'reiper, K ft 1. tier, Unkir and Olivu Mie
iiitroducid hrtttlt asMrx. (ieu Mermun in
thn jwiler if tb.. i miKU'lor.al hole' SLn
wuii tberi to e ("ttiiieroi., i.u.1 wl.ni the
waitir Mini win. oalltd si.. tLougl.tles.lv
Mud Mr. iitu Mitmai li hiippintd I at
niice The mtvau ui tin b.'tid did uot ie
lu.i adiLK.ion to e.'iet ron riciu until nl.i)
lold him tLat bi v. Mi ru Shmiiuu.
llo.v riir Ih. TIiIhit. 1 1, AvUimiw
A depenido ur.mvd Uu, wl UJ a fneud
iu;.dl at luyettnv lib but wouhlu t bhii Uiu
out. loll.iMd i.u iitHcrr mu tin juil nud
knock. .1 h.u KUtan. hri. tLt ,ilor
i in nut lid on Utiil iu Il.uImV. uud luckily
killed biw. A inn iulliii ji ju.naUo Loiu
ieido, but l!i e.1 Jrii m'. organized to ch-an
nut till' Dtputv h:riC. Cituruk Ui lo or.
i'..uii' ssuiiiut to pro:., i thi ten
Mllrlikln in Wi.'iliikitin.
Um liiaio'riitlo cauctk i.i. uctunuttd
d, . Halio L ' AlnLcdru, ikpu.u oi the
.oiui oJ tt.t xpi.ti. ed itni.tn i. loyis
Hit) to li KtnlLiil in pckitii u b'.! Ibry be
not ,M t deeldi). which i uiu bUl U It'; t
Irlrirrikink lu Krlrf
Tl.o Kipubliiviii t! y.UhU U.n.u b..v
nuouiniuted th j kf nt ratals itt n.
lit lu ri.l Thi'3mi i r-'Lsru'uli wi,. dvr nl
.v Nfuj. J. ' 'ttriut'illj X i.r t .t
I'lrriUK troui thel'looU.
1'iiiTi., March 20, Twelve hundrtnl ot
thu peoploof Szegedlu havo taken refuge at
Teuiesvar, GtV7 famlllrs end 814 atngla per
sons havn taken refuge nt Maks, Nona of
tliiMo miss relatives. Six bliud beggars
reached TVmesvar.
llu 'I'ronlilo In Iluriuiiti.
I'Atiun-v, Jlarch 20, The llurmah kiurf
Is I'uusiructiui! fortitlcatlous uud mukini
olln r warlil.o jireparations. llurmeho ri'dl
limits ai Itaugoou have bcci summoned
hoiui) TIik kiug thrri.teus to have their
fauiities executed in case of uoii-cniupliauce.
i rllli'lslui; ( iiiiuiIIiiii I'urlir.
London, March 20. The Tunes criticises
siverelv the now Canadian tariff mid sajs in
concluding n long islitunul oil the subject .
" The t.iiitl that has been produced iu obedi
ence to the cull of n geutrul ilivtieii is its
unwiko us It cau be. There is uo biiiuch of
iiidiutry which will not be crippled by it."
Cuttle SIhuuIiIitimI.
I.osixiN. March 21. A cargo of cattle ou
the kti oiuer llrazilinu, from lloston, were
slaughtered in the course ot trade according
to the privy council regulation, and the meat
sold in tho London market, which could uot
have hem deue if the cattle Lad been slangli-
it m.i ou ncooum oi ittseate,
hnbuarrtfe.t hirnrdln,
iiiki)n, March 21. Many more coreh
hae boeu recovered. A fearful smell of de
nitupoklug IhiiIIis comes from the ruins.
Mkwre and lAirrnlne.
LivLis, .March 21, The Alkuce-Lorraine
debate will be continued ou Weduesday. Iu
the debate HismarcK said he was ready to
grant thn higln t measure of iudepeudeuce
cout.ttiit with the tafety of the eiupirr He
eviiely ceinured theirvmarkv made by Dep
v.t ilmi iiguii which ueeined to imply that
tk rlauus of 1'rauce were still justifiable,
t'loiiiliikT ItHllrry I'uiiuilrrrd.
I'oi'loN. March 21, Tl.o French floating
iktier .rrogaute lonitdenit on uyerei,
Wedudaj. r'orty-sevsii uiru were drowned
out oi i. errw of lii. A ktorm arose during
flriw; pri.otice uu.l the Arrogaute spruug a
leal Tt ship Homi-ralu near by was uu
able to lender nu a.iiluiiee. Ktlorts were
iuiuh te Waijh the Auogaute, but she sauk
alu; h Kilometre from the Isle of Hyeres,
Tte Arrogaute's iiiuu was tlvn in.'hek thick
at tb.' wfcin )iue. rtt-i nrr-d uiue klx ton
Will Itesume Ilnnclni;.
Beiine, March 21. Tho Swiss Stato coun
cil, by a Toto of 27 to 15, resolved to restore
capital punishment in Switzerland,
Attnck on UcnriiPX.
Anaueiv, March 20. Dennis Kearney
spoko in Santa Ani this afternoon, nnd in
tho courso of his speech took occasion to
grossly nbuso sovcral of tho prominent citi
zens. After he had eaten supper ho was ap
proached by n gcntlomau he had vilified and
asked his nuihority for his statements. He
said that ho was n publlo agitator, and any
local griovnnccs he could pick up ho gavo
forth in his own way, nnd that anyone hnd
a ngui to get on tno platform nnd reluto It.
While ho was speaking n man named Itule
BirucK mm a powerful uiow in the face, nnd
in tho meleo that ensuod Kearney diow n
Elttol but it was token away from him, nnd
o was severely beaten. Ho presented a
pitiable appearance.
A Marderoa Mcxlcnu.
Los Anomjss, March 20. Wilson Heach,
an extenslvo sheep owner, was stabbed this
morning at Hpadra by a Mexican in his em
ploy, whilo ho was sitting nt the breakfast
table. Wound serious.
The WorklUffinen' 1'nrlj.
San Fjiancisco, March 20. At tho session
of tho Stato Control Committee of tho
Worklngmcn's party to-day, nlno counties
wero represented. An address was issued
to tho common tieonle of Callfarnlu. snllelt.
ing them to voto for tho new constitution.
A resolution was offered requesting Wedlock
to resign as vico president of tho party, on
tho pound of not being a voter, aud using
abusive language. Wcllock refused in n
speech, defying tho committee, aud claiming
ho had been elected by tho Stato convention,
n higher power thau tho committee, aud ho
would npponl to tho peoplo if tho resolution
was carried. Tho resolution was then
adopted, ten to ono to rrmovo him from of
fice, and Clitus L'arbour was chosen iu his
OlltktH.'U .Mllllk.
lur.iMA, March 20. The first tflect of
tho compromise is to causo tiio shutting
down of tho Savngo nud Halo nud Norcroqs
mines, nud the Kcuuo suaft. Orders wore
yesterday received from below to shutdown
uu tnete worus and let tho water tako its
course. Tho instructions were to fcecuro nnv
parts of tho underground works that might
require thustieiigthcnlng, nnd then stop the
pumps uud let the water seek its level. When
tlio pumps nro stopped tho water will riso to
tho 2,0O lovol whero it will How through tho
lightning drift to tho Kegun shaft, nnd run
nut through tho shaft which connects the
Hcgun shaft and tho Sutro tunnel. Tho rcn
sou for tdiuttiuaduwu tho works of tho Hood
ed mines is, that it would be n needless ex
penso to continue pumping when no benefi
cial results may bo expected. It is reported
that Sutro will nt ouce put to work threo
shifts of 400 men ench at . utting out tho sub
drain nnd nlso that strong shifti will bo set
to work ou tho north nnd south lateral drifts
ono of which is to mi south to tho New bel
low ducket shaft uud tho other north to the
C. k C. shaft.
1'iri- In tlm I'nliu-o Hotel.
San 1'r.ANcisco, March 21, A flro broko
out iu tho drying room of tho laundry o! the
l'alaco hotel last evening, ami lief oro it was
extinguished domngod tho room and contents
to tho amount of about $5,000. There was
uo excitement in tho hotel. Most ot the
guests wero at dinner and not uwaro of the
tiro till all was over.
Another Ae Mment.
Another assessment of $1 00 has been lev
ied on North Con. Virginia.
Too Mnuy Wive.
Tho caso of Dr. W. F. Smith, charged
with adultery, wns before the city criminal
court to-day for trial. This case is the out
growth of the divorce of Dr. Smith from his
former wife, Mrs. tudora V. Smith, by the
jegisiaturo oi Arizoea, nnd ills almost Im
mediate nioirlage subsequently to Miss An
nio O. Carpenter. The complainant in this
case is W. F. Neilsen, nnd tho allegod object
of trial is to test tho validity of Dr. Smith's
marriage to Miss Carpenter. Tho complaint
as rend by the prosecuting attorney alleges
that from Fobruary 14th, 1877, up to tho
timo of making too complaint, which was
dated soma dsvs after tho mnrriago ot Dr.
Smith to Miss Carpenter, accused has beeu
living in open adultery with tho -woman
whom ho now claims to be his wife.
Miutlicru 1'nrllle ProKrensIng;.
Ycxu, March 21-.Tho end of tho railroad
track last night was ll'J miles east of Yuma.
Light thousand six hundred feet of track w ere
laid yesterday. The avenue for tho last six
days is a littlo over ono and one-half miles
per day. Grading will be finished to Mari
copa summit next week.
ly cancelled. Ho suggested, therefore, that
nelthtr of tho applicants bo sworn, but that
tho case bo referred to tho committee on
fllFryo moved to amend the resolution of
fered yestcrdny, that the oath be now ad
ministered to Hull, by providing that the
prima facie ns well as tho ultimata right of
each contestant bo referred to tho committeo
on elections, and that In the meantime
neither bo sworn in. Frye's amendment
was rejected, yeas 137, nays 140. As betwoen
ltcpubllcans nnd Democrats it was n strict
party vote. As to Grecubackers, Harlow,
Do La Matyr, Ford. Forsythe, Gillette,
Jones, Keller, Lowe, Mursh, Russell of New
York, Stevenson, Weaver, Wright nnd Yo
cum, 14, voted with Republicans, nnd Lndd
with tho Democrats.
Tho original resolution that Hull bo
sworn In was then adopted yeas 140, nays
120, and the modified oath wns administered
to Hull.
The Speaker announced tho appointment
of tho following committee on rules: Tho
Speaker, Stephens, Hlackburn, Garfield nnd
Tho Houeo adjourned.
WAramoTON, March 20,
Can We Over-Produce.
Tho most rftnitl improvement, of any
sftvnge, on record, is that of Chief Jo
Bcpli, who furnishes articles for tho
North American Jlcivicw, reviewing the
government dealings with tho Nez
Perces from Lewis it Clarke's tfme, to
now. Before going east, chnsctl liy
How. ard'ij troops, JoPeph never wioto
his name with anything but tho scalping
knifo, and now ho lias become nn essay
ist. A change 1ms como over tho spirit
of his ilreftni; ho htqis out of paint anil
feathers into famo and literature. If
Captain Jack lmd lived to go east nnd
join him in a literary partnership, tlioy
might rival Matk Twain nnd Charles
Dudley Warner. This is a most ie
maikablo caso of literary success or of
mistaken identity. Chief Joseph should
go to Washington nnd help Meacliam
build his Council Fire, or he might
cross the sea nnd rivnl tho fnmo of
Joaquin Miller. Ho has left
lus rolo as a gentlo(l) savage, and pluck
' I puru and unadulterated English. That
Mouse. I was a roll-over, indeed. It only remains
Mc Mahon called up petitions of citizens for him to get into Congress and mako
of Cincinnati in relation to tho election of i blu fnm,. ,i m, nvntn,. nml tint, ,..,,,.,
uuuerwonn ami louug, and tne wnolo mat- c:lu. KtWMitli Inmli.d in AinenVi nnd
tcr was referred to a select committee, with ' , " KossuVl, nm,t,1 "? Amc"ca ""
leave to sit dtirlntr rn9. Tim rnm.nlilrn I nlmost on Sight Spoke better l.nsllS'1
wns also directed to inquire into the operation i tjinn any of us, tlieio has been no such This tiouliles liiin. Ho calls ono m
Tho do.'toiBof political cconoiuv
just now very busy explaining tho c
of the continued existence of wl
i called "hard times." Ono nvcrs
"over-production" is tlio chief ci
another blames "under-consuinjit
There may bo a uico distinction heb
tho meanings of these terms, but tt
mind the duTeicnco between the
hardly nppaicut. it is it question i
can possibly produce such a surjili
products ns will check all tho avenu
trade,, ieduc prices to a point bel
living profit, aud cause "hard ti
through an excess of what is usunll
most substantial wealth wo can po
It seems clear that to do so is simnl
possible. Let us supposo a case:
men, who may represent four hunt
or thousands, or millions, or foui
tions, if wo wish, exist upon an if
in the ocean. Ono of theso men
vates tho soil and produces moro
ho can consume or oven gather nud
for. Tlio others nro laborers or
clmnics, and find ing no employinci
dem.ind for their labor, they
idle. Now, the limt man i
ho)) to handle what ho fears is his
product. What will ho do with
of the supcvisors of law iu Cincinnati nt tho
last election.
Adjourned nnd Democratic cnucus held.
Washington, Mar. 21.
A largo number of bills wero introduced.
Ono by Deck, repealing eo much of tho re
vised statutes ns prohibits tho appointment
to tho nrmy of any person engaged iu the
lato rebelliou,
McMillan submitted a joint rciolutlon pro
posing an amendment to tho constitution
giving tho president power to nccept in his
limiroral of bills, cither tlm (fuma tif nmirn.
. atlou or spcchl legislation, giving his rea
sons to t'ongrOfi. Items so disproved to be
treated tho same as if vetoed.
Hoar offered n resolution condcmnlnc ns
unconstitutional and insurrectionary tv o at
tempt ef cue llou-io to mako the passngo of
tho appropriation bills conditional nh the
consent of tho other House nnd the president
to provisions thoy do not approve.
Wallace objecting tho resolutlouwcutovir.
Wallace called up tho resolutiou 'calling
upon ti.0 secretary oi tno treasury tor n de
tailed statement of the amounts paid mar
shals in New, York, I'euiisylvaiiia, Ohio and
Maryland to dato, aud a description of tho
service performed by deputy marshals nt tho
elections In October aud November 1878.
Coukllng oflered an amendment to iuclndo
ertker States, which, nftcr debate was rejected.
Conkhng lolfcrcd another amendmen'. which
was agreed to tovering nil StatCB, but infor
mation as to Now York, Pennsylvania, Ohio
nud Maryland, not to bo deferred beforo ad
ditional information, and additional resolu
tion calling upon tho secretary of tho treas
ury to report fully oil information iu his pos
session touching tho occasion and necessity
of such expenditures, and tho provisions of
law under which they wtro inadoj rejected.
l'dmunds then oflered his amendment in
a modified form, providing that after the res
olution as'offered by Wallaco should be an
swered, tho secretary report tho information
desired; rejected,
Wallace's resolution as amended by Conk-
nun win incu agroca to.
Lxecutlvo session was then held and when
tho doors opened, tho Senate adjourned till
Kills offered a resolution increasing the
number of membership of tho committee on
elections from 11 to 10, and said ho did so
in tho interest of economy nnd correctness
of representation, since it often happened
that owing to press of business the commit
tee wero not nble to report on election cases
until the last days ot the session; referred to
committeo ou rules.
Iyo tald ho wished to npollgoze for a re
mark ho made the other day, that he did not
bclievo in total depravity. The Democratic
vote on tho Florida case shows he was mis
taken. Laughter,
iteagau desired to refer several bills, but
Conger objected. Ho also oblccted to the
reference jof in resolution which Young
desired to offer for the reappointment of a
yellow fever committee.
Adjourned till Tuesday.
Northern Paclfio Railroad.
literary piodigv us tho development of
genius in Chief Joseph. No wonder
tlio government wanted to givo him
.5L'riO,000 to mako him comfortable
which means, no doulit, that much hul
sidy for his facile pen. If I.u has tho
success of homo modem nutlioiv, wo shall
seo peoplo itui after him now us fast ns
Itelp him gather it, another to car
to a safe pluc; and another to mn
fctoto for it. Ho pa.ss tliem with
of tho product and they are immedi.
supplied with what they havo lai
Tho fanner then wants it worn oft)
which lie never know of before, um
find nun nr thn r.iliot- nfr them, inmi
they ran away from him when lie was ,nbIo to supply him witli what lion,
on his way Kast. Portland itoe, So, hy-nnd-by the whole four nro
nml hoon they nro m it comfoititblo
tion of dependence tioii each other,
llio next year the fanner docs not
to plant mon1 than ever, became ho
it way to dispose of his products,
ulld-lnu tin- pioplo o. an adjacent is
learn the fact that there urn iimiiy tli
in nbuiiilauce ueioss the water, ami
Mr. I. N. (iilbeit, of Salem, who was
stricken with paralysis several dajs ago,
di .1 nt his residen " in that place last
evening (Thursday. March -'0). Mr.
(filbert luiH ii-Niilud nenr Sulniu inr nvi i
thirtv voars, having u donation claim on co,n" ,nt'1' ''i"1 oxchiuige productx,
tlio iit'iiutllul pr.imo northeast tit tho I ""l"' Bum ol wiuetiuni; eiso tney
town, wheio his homo has been a scene I ',nv,J roIuctl by their labor, for
of much delightful hospitality. jju jfanm-r's sujierabuiiduiice
married a daughter of Mr. Alfred Stan- J sWi !t ls evident that so long as :
ton, another old resident. Though not "K'n c, -t, ench and nil, inoduc
active in public life, Mr. Gilbert was a : of every pi od tut of their In
man of standing and influence. ji0 that it cannot ull be used, thcro cai
was piomineiit in connection with tho " ' "production, oi too mueii ot
Congregational Church, of which ho wns ' ol1" '"'fe'! '" speciiilly there en
n consistent member. His only son,
Mr. Frank N. Ciilbcit. is in tho eninlov
of tho U. S. N. Co. of this city. Ho
bo too much of the fanner's prqdi
bocauMj everybody wants somo of tli
and they reipiiro so much labor to t
had several daughters, most of whom nro caro of '.c'' Jt ii piecixcly ( in ac
now crown to matuntv. Ho wns um
verstilly rcs'iectcd, and his death will be
a loss, not only to his immediato family
circle, but to tho community with whom
he hns been so long identified. Ono by
ono tho pioneers jmss on to tho land of
Mm lllilrnnutt 'ri.Ai. I.n.'n .ln ,Mn,l
...v. i.....w A,vj ltU UUilU UUll
work, and their memory .will bo cher
ished through coming generations. There
was embodied in tlio community founded
hero beforo 1850 a great deal thnt was
admirable, much to bo held up as nn ex
amplo to coining generations. Mr. Gil
bert wns in all respects fair, honorable,
a good citizen, a good husband and
father. Portland Bee.
WAsnisaros, March 'JO.
Hill presented the ciedeutials of his col
league, Gordon, who is sick
Numerous bills wero introduced
One by Latou to revive the court of com
uiihilouers of the Alabium claims
lly llarnsidn to rcorgnulro the army, and
by lleck to remove nil political disabilities
imposed by the ljth ntlicle of the constitu
tion. M, n bill to repud the net requiring
thn test oath
LMinuud nth ml a nreamble nud resolu
tion with it view of coullulug tho business of
tno extra session to oDjects tor which it was
called, laid ovir.
Wallace submittal a lUt of otaudiug com
mittees, which, under fcupi'Uiou uf the
rules was ugrml to.
llillswere introduced uuthorfeiug the lo
cal tiuutiou of legal tinder treasury notes,
aud to esublith n branch mint at Omaha.
The v loo president laid before the Senate
a memorial signed by i unmix r of members
of the legislature of Kausas, aertiug that
the electiou of Senator lugalls w us secured
by bribery nud corruption, nud askiug the
Seuste to give them un opportunity to oiler
prooi; reierren to tno comtutttee ou elections,
Wallace introduced a joint resolution pro
viding for the enforcement ot the eight hour
law, leferred.
The credentials ot Hell, appointed Seuator
by tho governor of New Hampshire during
recess ot the legislature, were referred to the
commute on judiciary.
At l'J;45 u recess was taken to await the
president's message.
The presideut'B iuesge was received at a
quarter to two o'clock aud read. On mo
tion ot Whyto it was referred to the com
mittee ou priutiug and the Heuate adjourned.
The disputed ease irom tie Second Con
gressional district of Florida was takeu up
uud dUcUkSrd.
Ihe dlscusttou was interrupted by the re
ception of the l'nsudeut'a uiet.nge, which
wasre.ulaud referred to the keomn.ittee ot
the whole,
Discussiou of the Honda e'.ie was then
Speechex iu f.ior ol Ihe riht of Hull
were made by Coll, I'miiKou, lluckuer and
Mills, and in fsMiref Umbee b l'r.vu aud
(iurtlrl'i (IhtCtld tiHk tho grouud that
Hull s ert u j'-1 r. on hml beuu legal-'
Work ta be Commenced Immediately
nnd to Continue Until the Road la
Tho following dispatches will explain
Nus Yoi.k, Mar. 19.
ToCai-v. J.J.. AiNhVioimi : Tlio Hoard
of Directors of tho Northern Pacific
I'ailroad Comj'.tny havo ordered to-day
twenty-tivo humlrcd tons of rails, to bo
purchased nt onco and shijiped to Kastern
wnMinmton lerntorv.
t '. ).Vi:ifHi. President.
Nk. Yor.K, March :.'0.
To J. (.'. AiMiwOKTii : Tho Hoard has
oiilered tho purchaso of twenty-itvo hun
dred tons of iron or stol tails, to com
ineitiMv building rastwnrd from tho head
of navigation on tho Columbia liver. T
opwt tho work Wgun on tlio Pacific
side as well as on this not to stop until
tho entire mid is completed.
!lnI,K HlLUNGls
Hard Times.
Hard times must be overcome bv far
mers by haul work, hard study iu their
leisure hours, hard thinking ami calcu
lating, hard ivonomy. There U no uso
of whining, crying, complaining. It will
bring no relief. "Heaven helps tho&o
w-l-o help themselves." If ono is in the
mire, ho must get on to haul, solid
grouud as soon as iwaible. Spend less
than you earn. If in debt so much as to
give you great trouble, make some far
nuigements with your creditors that will
1 1 mtisfactory all around, or throw- up
the sponge and begin again. If you see
no cluuico to get out of debt, this is tho
liest way, A louel of debt is tho heavi
est load a man can carry. It kills mind
aud boely. It makes a bravo man a cow.
nrl. It stifles all aspirations, all hope:
Get out of its clutches, and for ever keep
out, if possible, Indian Farmer.
C'ALiroriNiA rejoices over her lato
rains. Tho hopes nnd fwus of her ikx-
plo wero balanced, if anything fears
being tho heaviest. Tho lato and abund
ant rains mako them very happy, but
after all wo doubt if tho wheat fields of
that Stato will turn out a rich harvest
for 1879. Tlioy may do much better
thau they expected n month ogo, hut it
is too early for them to mako certain of
Into sown grain. Thoy havo nothing to
contend against, and Spring rains may
not support their hops. In view of
the improved prospects thoy aro shipping
abroad all tho surplus on hand, which
has created a demand for tonnago and
advauco in freights. Portland IJcc.
fact. Hunk for a moment of who
involved in tho fact of I00,000,000bi
els of wheat, for instance1. What a
of Inborcrs of all kinds will this i
amount of grain call to work! 11
ate, for ono thing, about twelve mill
tons to bo freighted, stored, sold, tr.
fcrrcd, receipted for, milled, hugged, I
reled, shippod abroad, or used at ho
and every ono of tho great anny of i
engaged in handling it, will uso n
tion of it for food, and wear out sh
clothes, machinery and a thousand ot
things in tho doing of it, to rep
which will uso up mote of it. If
surplus of our crops w ere nn idle, use
thing, it would bo diiFerent; but it is
bread of lifo to tho wholo world. .
there is scarcely uu individual in i
civilized country, whcie bread is eat
whoso labor is not stimulated and
cieased by an ithunduiico of it, Tho
litical economist should look clbcwli
for tho causo of hard times, than to
over-iroduction of w hat is necessary
our lifo or comfort. KuralNowYoil
An eccentric friend of ours, fond of
pickiug up good bargains, on one occas
ion Attended a sale of old military stores
in Edinburg Castle. A lot of twenty
drums with theie drum-sticks were of
fered at the rate of sixpence a drum
Such a chance was not to be missed,
and at hi$ nnd the hammer fell. He
had to hire a rart to take the the drums
away, and then icjnembered ho had no
proper accommodation for them; so
he called an open air meeting of the ju
venile population and distributed his
prizes among them, more to their de-
light than that of the older inhabitants,
who were nearly driven distracted by the
A Pressing Want.
Tho members of tho order of Pntr
of Husbandry havo much to learn .
much to discuss, and it will tako a 1
timo to bring farmers to a truo kno
edgoof the different subject!) that cil
their interest in common with tho int
ests of every other industry. Wo w.
to know how bettei to wo'ik our so
fertilizonud piesoivo our lands, prep
tho products of (Tur farms for marl
Wo w.uit to know how Ix-tter to adi
our houses, plant gat dens and law
mako orchards mid viupy.mls, and r
derour homes attractive "nnd happy. A
want to know how betiot to educates
children, and tenth tin-in science a
sound morality, without M'ctarianism
fallacious superstitions. Wo want
Know-now- uoiier lojuugo uieniuui le.i
their motives, when designing del
gogues attempt to use us for their self
purjiosos. Wo want bettor to know lu
nations and lieoplo are governed, n
how taxes nro levied und collected.
constant din of the jpirit-stirrinc drum want to know w!lC,',, n11 we,ltl co
a more prontaoie deal in military stores
was effected by a Constantinopoliian
Jew, who bought some Coo rusty old hel
met; that had long lain the in church of
St. Brene, from the Turkish Government
at the rate of about sixpence a pounJ,
He cleaned them up, and was rewarded
for his pains by discovering that the des-
piscu inaiuai relics were made ol line
steel, and adorned with Arabic inscript
ions, showing that they were of very an
cient date. The lucky dealer sold a few
for twenty piasters apiece. Finding they
went off readily at that figurehe raised the
prce to thirty, then to forty, and finally to
fifty piasters, until an Armenian offered
to take the lot off his bands at something
like eighteen ihllling per helmet, and
he closed with the offer. The purchaser
put them up (or sale at the bazars, and
then the authorities, waking np to their
folly in parting with them so heedlessly,
bought them back again at fiom 2 to.t'3
apiece, and thought they did very wisely
a proof ihey had made a shocking bad
bargiin in the rtfi instance Chamber
from who creates it nml who hoards
Wo want to know- how monopolies or
inate, whero they me vre.tteel and
whoio benefit they aro itsn Wo wi
better to know the eheajiest way
which government can lj support
whence comes tho 1 ttWnue, and who i
the beneficiaries of tho national treaxuf
All this and much more may lm lean;
by association aud dixuMion in i
granges, if wo h.uo ih patienco ij
energy to attend tht mtings rcgtilai
and each ono do his or Ler part in '
grand work of educutiou and clevat
of the agricultural uus.s- o: this cq
try. r miner 8 riitiul.
.Man- says sb wa a littlo dowij
tho mouthy when John ki-jsej her
otner evening, it is needless to W
to what John culu his mustache.
is ream- ot no e.onequn.e, you krJ
Hirdi of paradise, butterflies and
sects ot all sorts 111 the form of gold
Bito uiu iinpere.,!! leather ornamJ
are worn in tho ha r t.' f- drc&t