Ilfc teal iUitnuttft Sfarmtr. ISSCKl) kvkiiy FIlllMY, IY tib CHAZO, rOBLlRIIFI'.S AMI IltOPMtTM.. Term erPnbMrlplloni Ont ojiy one jcor (Cnunibtn), In ...2 SO Ontccpyili month (C numWro) 1 '25 Ontoj7 throctnoiiUnOJ iumlr; 75 MT II not raid within tU monUi, SC l'I bt charged for cneiear'iiubnriptlon, PORTLAND, MAUC'H ill, !!'. TELEGRAPHIC. EASTERN hl'ATl. .Viivlirntloti lirniit. New Vor.K, March 13. Navigation of llio Hudson opens two weeks later than lart jear. The- stcamboating season bids fair to outrival thntof inaDvrroiouK vcars.bothin elegance. and number of boats and in competition in f l..l. t -...--.. .1 .!!. T. I jiriccn, uuwi lur juinncut;t-j ii.m iicixuit i ik rumorcil tlint n mammoth iron steamer in tended or night travel lt now building, and in clfgnnco and outfit will cued any boat en jtnrjed in llridnoii trartl. Ill I.iist Wnlli. Coromr Wnlttnan mid I'ollc" Captain lirogati found OXoary lit ti. o rlock this morning in nil upper room nt Gilmoro's e,,u den. Instead of beluR tied, O'Leary wns found still'ering from nnt-xtr'Die bilious at tacit, llo was in nu aim -t unconscious condition, but Informed thn i tlint ho would nevtr wall: again. Tho score- is ns follows . t 11 A. M.: Itowill, Ml mllis; JIairiiu'i. 290 j HnnU, Ilujnril Tnylor'N llcniittiix. Circmouiis over tho remains of tho lati llayard Taj lor took place this t.!ttruoi:i in tho prtsenco of n laro utiuiticrof Tho remains wrro tnhen on board the rove mie etittrr nt Holiulun uud iiaeyi to the foot of Harclay street, from which point tbo precession started. Wiicn tl.o j.caMO drew up In front of tlm city ball tl. societies sunt: ndlrcu nml Aldirinaii H. H'lllnan tltlliered an ndilrJKH. IW Nu. II-', (i. A. It., nct'-ilas n (tanrd of honor during tin night. I'ulnt i:ilolon. Dannvii.i.i:, I'm., March Ii. - V terrible ex plosion occurred IhiH nfleiii'io.i nt tho Mn honing powder uorlts of 1'. M. Uall.icbcr A Co,, near this place, curupb tl,v d-euroying tlio building and instant!', Killing WIIIU J.loyd, nuo nf tho proprietor . .1 hn J. Kvaiw nnd .lohu H. Mower. 'IV i Mangled re iniilus wore ncattireil in . iy dirntioii. Cause- unknown. llynii efplnxnui leiterda: near St. Cliilr, .(ones lliie u- lulled mid H.imnel Jleriuinitu Hciioii-!. l.'-.r .,,1 Wing, of Ohio, Grecnbnry Fort, of Illinois, win. reiton, of ueorgia, donn iingnt or u. 0. Young, of Tennessee, each of whom, by their public record on tho financial question, has secured the confidence of our constitu ent; or any other member of tho IIouso of experience competent to conduct its busi ness, who, by his previous ndheronco to our Erinciptcs, has shown that in their behalf e can raise above, former political afSUn tlots. WlilrlltiB WliltcnU-r. (IcKTn.vNK, March li. JJeraocratlo Congressman-elect Whiteaker of Oregon, who left San Francisco on a special train Wednes day at 10 A, M. passed hero nt noon to-day making unusually fast time, nnd will reach Washington in timo to participate in the or ganization of tho next House, The Wrnry WnlklaK. Ni:w Yons, Mnrch 15. Hnrrimonflnibhed hls380lh mlln at 11:39, nnd then went oQ tho track n Terr much used-up inpii. Knnls camo on nt 11:37, looking cry fresh, nnd started off amid great npplauso at n rapid gait. JIo finished his 403d mile- nt 2:17. Ho was then but twenty-two miles behind How ell, and tho excitement was intense. Howell, who went off at 9:33, camo on nt 12:22 and commenced walking rapidly. Mr. Frazei. nsslBtnnt trainer to Harrinian, and a mem ber of tho Hcoltish-American Club, openly stated that in his opinion Harriman had been drufced by his other trainers. Tho matter , will bo fully investigated. Tho scoro at 1 o'cioch stood Jlowell tlitm : Jlowcll, -iW, Harriman, 390; Hnnis, 405, I'rnlrli' Fire. Tom;ka, March 15. -A pralrlo firo near Abilene ou tho night of thn 13th, enmo near dostroyiug the town A high wind which provoiled drovo the J amen directly into tho town, destroying u largo ntnount of ftneing and ii couplo of houses iu tho suburbs. A man named Lcbold, n prominent banker, lost 7,000 bushels of wheat, which was stored jtiht outrildo tho city. Tho total loss of prop erty win uc mora man fiuu.ouu. Itlark Irlilny In 1 ti Kant. Huston, Morch 11. William II. Dovlin wan hanged nt Lou ell to-day for tho murder of his wffo nnd infant child on December it, 1877. Henry Grnvcliu was hanged to-day nt Wiudior, Maine. Hit crimo was tho mur der of Herbert O. White, in October, 1870. Ho died protesting his inuoconco. lohu Q. Hiukhnm wan hanged to-day nt Concord, N. II., for tho munlur of Mrs. Marion Horry, niur Durham, Jan. 8, 1878 Victor Mmiz wni l.'in,;. I t Fnm 'o, Col li-ilny for tho mnr.lT ,.i . uU Kiiouer in October, 1H78. Th iu i w.ih ...;, mitted t obtain Hnicou'w' , , u.m , ojierty. Tim prisonir di'cla: . .! 1. . uu i . ou the gallons. mi' I'ropiiHi-i; Tin- . . Ottawa, March U In lh lion of com , .. inoiH, Til ley, fman iuiiiint r, nit.t- n llnnn- ' ' , .. . " -imI Btntemunt on th" iiLHittiun of tariff. Hu al(l that tho governmi ut had uudvitakin to icniljust, icorgnnizo and t-oiiKtruct an tu- Iti-liiiiillutr Crt-ililiMti-i. tirily ne7 tariff, lmiug not only for its ob-, March l."i. U. Ik.u nv lt i J'Ct tho jcalizitlon of i,000,000 more rev- pnittncnt issued to-d.iy an . a-rndrd Hriulnr mie, but nlio with a. view of meeting what imitlni; colltctnrH mill inuttn vl public I has been and is to-diy dcclnrcd the policy of imilit'VH, piittiiiisterii hiiil All fthir publu i " i.iajority ol tlio House protoctiou to tlie 1 1 111 ens to lifetime ngotil f i th ' snlo nf Uu dollar 1 per eiiit. rifuuduit; tcrtirlckti'ii. Any hiiih ullici i ruijUixtiug it mil be prompt ly id klgnatcil lis n ileiiSlti r . , and ujiuii hii llliug tho iitcessnry bond wii. i(.i.ive a Mip ply of cirtltleutcN. A eoi-iui-i in of one i ight (it (ma per cent will In- allowed on icr lillcattH, and liko,coiuiiiliiHi m to I .inks uuil others purchiising thiiii dir t!y ( tl." treas urer or Huinu asnlNtaut tri'Jtir'r in rum of not ! than jlOO.OCO, Viiimnnl riiiauir-, Hecntury Klieiman nay 1 have nud n number of letters from bank r and dtuleis in goumnifut HccnrlllcH uprising npprii heiniioii that this department v.ill call upu .natiimal bank depositors (or liirge mui: to meet calls of iix per cent, bcndi uinturlug In April nml May, lu'ndvani't. of their actual presentation for payuiint, tUus j'Mdutiug at tho busy season of tbo jenr ti hoarding of money in tlio treasury in luh.tnvi of its need for uich payment. Fonr iseipreifid that such hoarding will interfer with th current IiUkIih ih of tbo country, an. I 1 am appealed to relieve thn public from th pir hcusion. It is not thn pnrpono of tliN ibpartmi ut to rail money deposited with put li lU-ponitot- leu into tin treasury oxcfpl a- enleit tor p.iyiiu ut of Hilled bondi.. ll-i body of (tit xo bunds is jiuw in pi eiou of the gotrrniucut mid their payun-nt Mill be made by slir.plu credit. The uppri-Leu-j-'U, tin re fori', is in great iiii'iiHuru gio'iud -. but o.i may give iihsuranco tu nil mt- i(ted that pro letiUof four per cent, builds will not be inlliil into the treasury until uee.iry to iiiiiLii payment of called bund-, nud tlint biihluess will bo bo conduct! d u uot uuuec- 'esHiirlly tu inti rfere with the iceney u.url.i t As n public olllci r 1 cniiiiKt w,.iw the liitht .r.... ... . -' itiui uuty to iui'ko oi tii industries ot tlio country, Amoii't many proposed eliangiB nru tho following: Farm uliimiils, 20 percent.; barley, 15 cents per bushel; buckwheat, 10 outs; Indian corn, "!',; ontk, 10; rjc, 10; wheat, 15; peas, 10; beans, 15; commeal, -10 cunts per barrel; barley mull, 2 cents per pound; Hour, 50 ciuts per barrel;,, V, cents per pound; huthr, I cents; chcutie, a cents; tlax cul, 10 cents per bushel; meat, ,1 to 2 cents pr pouuii. roiiKuiN m:i.s. 1 lie I'looil. 1'iHTii, March 13. The danger in Szegdiu is Incrciiiting. ltesculng boats continually htriko ruus no that iu many casos to rescue tho sufferers Is Impossible. A boat canslzed uy which Hoven women wero iirowruil. A violent utorm is raging nnd the Hood is con tinually rising, nud is now two feet nbowitho level ot IlirMs. Unsulmicrgcil area lias been reduced to 000 xijuarc uictrcn, which centiuunlly decreases. At the llrst Irruption of tho water thirty-tlvo soldiers wero drowned. The htato railway carried gratuitously 10,000 rii'itives yrkteriiny. iuo (lovernmint uu tliorities report 300 peisous have already neeii iirownru. .l noon mursilav tnero v.rru still persons ou the roofs of houses nnd in tho colJ. A number of incendiaries have bit u nrristed. The towns of I'oiigrnd nt tlie continence of tho rivers Tlieiss mid Ho rns, thirty-two miles north of Hzegediu, mid Rentes, two miles near Szegediu, lire nlso threatened. Six thousand persons are still surrounded by water. Itctolullou lii .M.'tiiiiiMnn. Tho New York 111 raid has a cable tele- perhaps escape, as tho storm has ceased. Hzentes, a town ot 20,000 inhabitants, is en gaged in n similar struggle with the waters. rortlrnlXotr. (3 AU llusslan troops in ltoumanin nave been ordered home. Cotton mills in Franco havo stopped be cause of depession In trade. Tho Greek frontier authorities havo cap tured armed bands attempting to enter Tur key. Tho German Government proposes to lav a duty of 70 marks on foreign tobacco nnd 50 on nntlvo tobacco. Accord is established between tho delinea tion of Austria nnd Hungary ns to tho reso lution sanctioning expenditures for the oc cupation of Hosnia. The members of tho censured cabinets, of tho lato French government intend to publicly protest against the censure passed by tho chamber of deputies, Uismnrck proposes to give Alsnco and Lor raino nsnecial cabinet nnd mnkn thn vntn nf the provincial assembly decisive, and n ma jority of tho relchstng have resolved to sup port his bill. Fngland has instructed tho British min ister to St. Petersburg to lay stress on tho necessity of strictly upholding nil tho provi sions of tho treaty ot llerliu nnd that the Han stciano provisions must not no revived. PACIFIC COAh J'. Klcclrlc I.lKlil. Sv.-i Fiiancisco, March 13. S. D. Field superintendent of the Eloctrio Light com pany of Him Francisco, has combined tho principles of sovcral electric machines so as to work nn electric Uitht and telecrnnh line at tho snmo time. To-day in tho western Union olllco iu this city one of tho machines worked 15 linos of circuits of from 100 to 400 miles, Including a duplex of IDS miles. This is tho first timo on experiment has suc ceeded in working telegraph circuits. Anollier .Mexican Iiu. San Dn.uo, March 13. A Union special from Tucson says; A gentleman just arrived iroin hlnalon, passing lliroueh bouora, re ports n strong probability of Marical's over throw by Zernn after comparatively brief fighting, and that Diaz supports Zerna with edornl troops. Itelstlux Mnnojiol.l . Sin Fiiancisco, March II. A Hauford (Tulare county) dispatch states that settlers there who have been threatened with litiga tion nnd ejectment by tho railroad company, hnto formed n battalion of tix companies, regularly officered, mounted nud armed, to rclst the netioti of the company. Must of the men hfivo sen actual service, and nver that they menu biihine, s. Aniillicr llnrilc. The Fnctuu .Mail htcnrashlp City of I'cltlng, duo fiom China and on tho 21st iuit., is reported to havo CO'J Chlncso passcugers on iinnrii. i litis is uu unusually largo Hit, but it is said tho greater portion uf them eoiiio under contract to'go to tho Hawaiian Islands to v.oik ou sugar pluut.itioni. trnuieil. At Sail H.ifiii'l, Wednes lay tulit I .t Hum. Supreme Court. Ira Orton, respondent, vs V. V. Orton ct nl Decree of court below re versed. Opinion by Boise J. X. A. IJrowji, respondent, vtt Mary Lonl nppcllant Decree of court revers ed ruid bill tliHmisfecd. Opinion by Kelly C. J. Unice Ilees respondent, vs Geo. ilecs nppcllant njipeal from Vinatilla cause on trial. A mandate w ns ordered to ismo in tho case ofj IjmUI t Hush vh .'. M. Cart wight. FRENCH POLITICS. Tho Chamber of Deputies of Franco hnvo been much agitated of late, nnd tlio grcjitcBt interest has been felt by tlio Krcnth peoplo over tlie report ruodo to tho Chamber by tho Electoral Commis sion in favor of impeaching tlio Do Broglie and Koclicbouet cabinets. Thcso cabinets, it was asserted, in MacMnlion's timo conducted affairs against tho peoplo and had prepared for u coup d' ctat, nnd thcreforo impeachment was urged against the members of thoso ministries. Thero was a general sentiment nmong .Repub licans in tlie Chamber, mrninst tlirse Court adjourned till nine to-morrow j ministers, but a stron-' sontiment nlso forenoon. existed in favor of peace nnd quiet. Vi:.NEhiiAY, .March 12. heading Ilepublicnns, including Wad- K. A. J'cts respondent, s O. Ilecs, 'dingtou, President of tho Chamber, took appellant Appeal from Umatilla I tlio position that tho country was tired county. ot purely political questions; thctr ot- TiirngDAY, March 13. , fense was great but their prosecution J. C. Trullingcr, respondent, vs N: would produce agitation diflicult to allay. Kofoed et al, appellants Notice given T,1C Oovemment asked the Chamber to of a motion to dismiss tho appeal for PIaco on 's orAov important bills upon want of ccrtilicato ns to undertaking on puoiic worK, insirucuons to mo nriny, niippal. and tanlls. In other words tho Gov- Peter Kuncy, respondent, vs Geo. W. Ilea, nppcllant Appeal from Clatsop county. Notice given cf n motion to dismiss appeal, iliram flrown c t a!, respondent?, h eminent opposed impeachment in iho in terest of pence nnd harmony, nnd gavo notice that defeat of that view of tho matter would causo the present cabinet to icsign. Impeachment was defeated Mary O. Lrown et nl, nppellants Ap I "' n vot,,, two 4? 0Uf' A I(-,lioIutlo iieal from Clntsoii conntv. .Motion to . paiwii nxing a Migtna on memuers o: id gr.itu that gives news of n rrolutiou iu Afg- t.iuuutil I liiui-iiui. iuu hickuiss una iteutti nf tlie tn.. i( money to bo drawn. Mull Mailer. 'iVahiiimito.v, March 14 "..u-i I, ..pit. of publications of the HioLiUi.ts v Lnli f tir May 1st, will lm untied t trnntii.ix.ion through the mall nt two ei u: per poi.nd uu i.illiuil by tli J poit oltUo to be niiik neiit to persons not u . nbers for the Sinn ui ndwrtlM. Iu i. ji.ln.Mtiou. or 0:onwl'd o tUodeft-aUHl imrty and tho a.i.tNur whom a pububtr w wi,h to ' "-uy mMini uvi uays. no r.ugitMi pi induce to net us agents, i" te In, thtiu in procuiing nibseiltiiTK or ..dvtrtiiiaeutk uy numbiT of copies nl hu number tf dif ferent iditions of n piibl, a. en tf the second class, may be sent nt an ..i.t t n-t h ample eoples, l'ublishirs will : le ptnuittid, howejer, to usa tho excijiiu ial a.limttge iven by law by mailiug us copiik xtr numbers of their publication otiiind by mlvertistrs, or by cniujitii;u utamittfii, or by other ptrsous, to li Kut to prctsed ,iddnss nud npjmrrutly .cttudtd, from the nature of tho contents or i' mar ltd perilous uxreo!, to M'rvo lnilnik. political or per gonal iuterest of tun pciu ! ptroocrdn- n.g me same, much ci'J'h. j-.aiivr. Au Arm) Miulille Vmi i r laiuid three nretenders t fctrne for the Ibroiie. llained a nephew of Iho Auieer wt iu communication with KligUud. nud bit MipporteM consist of the Fiiglikh part). Hu was partially huciteiful, bringing oer u.aiiy uf thn Afghan tioopt and lemlers, one .irtisou ran against him nud defeated liiu th ti suit being that Yakoob Kahnwnsiti- inroueit as aimer. tireat outrages were HI) uait crusueu i.y me patrioiioyany. Niirrenil llxllc, I.ONIKX, March 11 tLe French ucadimy for juilgcd to a comiliuuiit now a professor iu I.ouittar..i. I'urkltli Tronbtrt. Ai cording to im'.oui.U from Si-Ca in van tious for uU'ithei iiiturrectiou in Maiedouia ate in mtivo prn,:ifMi. 1'J.e leaders aru the blthopa of Hofin and dchiida, tho Kutkisn chivf of police of Wiediu. theltulmnan bnu- ilit -Storko and l'ctko, two Austrian deserters nnigarlan elil fuueiionaries, phrey Kennedy, Uretiiau ou tho sti-amer Situ ltafiul, htruel: lilt htiul aiiust tho guards nud was precipitated irlo tho water, whence his body was recovi u 1 th following diy. C.illliir.ilu't C'lintllliilloii. As far as can be . tccrtniucd by cous'.der nblo dcsultoiy ei versnlion with lending bankers of this e.ty, tho new constitution meets with but littlo favor with them. Their objections aro morn particularly agaiust tho articles on corporation nud taxation, which they hold will have, if Iho instrument is adopted, a disastrous effect ou general busi ness interests. Ono very prominent banker, lifter a littlo general conversation as to the condition of business in tho city, remarked that if this constitution is ndoptcd thero will bo n ery long Hnuday hero and everybody will have u good chanco to tako a rest from business activity. Olio .'tore (lour. Mariswlli:, Cab, March 11. Ah Hen ex. plated hisculltof thomurdtrol John Mc- Daniels, nt Marysvlllo park iu November last to-ilay ut 1 U i', M. Tlio gallows was erectca iu tuu cuuu uouso yarn. I'nl.ll AeelUenl. tlnAss Vallkv, March 14. As Fdwanl Thomas, n miner, was siukiug an air thatl in tho Ceutciiuial mino yektcrday evening ho w as caveii on aim tnstautiy Kllleil. deceased leaves a wife nud four children. .Mliicrt Miirilrreil. Viwoma, March 1 1.- -Tho stciuuerTrappc r from Fort Wraugtu has arrived. Slio left tho fort ou tho 0th iubt., down to which date there was no tiding from Alaska. The col lector of customs at Wrangle informed per sons ou board the htcauier that traces had been fouud ot three or four men who left Wrangle three or four e.irs since on a pros pecting oxpedition for Sitka, with some three thousand dollars with them. The traces found bow that they were foully murdered for Ibm luomy. Two Indians who were with thi m are MHpectod of tbe clime, aud if 'lf!i -i. nt tidence can be ft'tiiid ngtr.t thuu they will be arrested on annul of mi AturtK ,m guuboat.. A Printer's Blunder. dismiss tho appeal for want ot sufficient service of notice of apjieal on respondent, V. .S. Lathi, argued and submitted. Ii A. Ilce, respondent, vs. G. Ilees, appellant Appeal from Umatilla coun ty. Arcument concluded and caue sub mitted. Adjourned till 1:30 P. M. Fisuuy, March 14. Hiram Brown et nl, rcspondente, vs Mary llrown et nl, appellants; appeal from t'latsop county Motion to dismiss appeal o entiled. Opinion by lloine, J. J. ('. Trullonger, respondent, vs X. Kofoerd t-t a), uppellunt Motion to dismiss npiivul ovcrrttlfd. Opinion iy Kolly, r .). Petor Ilunov, romlondciit, a (pj. W. l.en, uiinollunt : appeal lrom county Argued and Kubmittetl. tno old ministries ana tuo samo was or dered to bo placarded in every cominuno in France. This increases thuconiideuco tlio world must feel in tho stability of tho French ltepublie. Wo see it in conducted by prudent men, in tho inter ests of the nation and not that of indi viduals. Portland Uee. Remarkable Acoldont. One of tho mot romarkablu accidonta wo havo ever heard of, mivh the Plain dealer, happened to Mr. G. V. .Smith, of Douglas county, on Wednesday lust. During a temporary lull in tho rain storm, when tin- sun shoivt and warmly, Mr. Smith took hi.s Henry rjlio mnl stilillitl nti' np flm bill AffnH Intsoji I hunting for hoiiid g.tme, and seeing none, hu tinned his steps homurard. Whilo CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Tliat thero is n feeling against capital punishment in tho land is shown by th fact that during tho post year there wok only one execution to twelve murder committed, and it is very possiblo that the ratio wns even less than that. Juries are seldom bloodthirsty. T1m law, is not i avengeful, it is only intended to punish as a means of restraint to the criminal element that exists everywhere and that would run riot nud break up all semblanco of law if not held to strict accountability. Theio is a hcntiinent that holds life as priceless, while tho law lays in cases of premeditated murder die penalty shall be, n life for a life. Hut lor all that tho law is merciful and de mands convincing evidence to sccuro conviction. It iu safu to believe that criminal law deals mercifully, for it de fends tho rights of tho prisoner so well, that under its safeguards hulf tho crim inals Hint aro arrested und tried go free. As to tho necossity of capital punish ment let us Iooi: at tho closing scono in life of the man known ns Archie Drown, whatever his true name may havo been. Thousands of people labored with a zeal tlint must havo bevn biuceie, to havo his sentenco commuted. What do they think now, after leading his closing dpeech on thu gallows, where hu Wisted of bin exploits as a highwayman, lc elared tlint ho planned tho O'Slien rob bery, nnd recounted his achievements ns nscoundiell His conduct was n blas phemy upon Immunity. His dying words wero not only uaicpcntaut, but they wero exultant over his criminal ca reer. In all the records of criminal ex ecutions thero havo been no cases recited that exceed tho biazen tmsurance of this despoindo who sang ribald songs upon the scaffold nud kept a disgusted audi unco listening and waiting whilo ho di lated upon his many ami friiptcnt i! lninic. Johnson was more tlccut .i hi.s co:i duct nnd went to his di-ith without !i-t- "usuii',' bravado. , . urcs in rrencn History, in point i IJStr?SS?B" "ever reigned and m3, never refugee. F Iteuard, b- that title save once --by Hi i two nnigarlan iiu luucilon&rics, ami r.u l.urhhhiuau named Coor-er. who served with mi ttird clis-s i lieu. Tehernaieu in hervia. The Turkish (io eminent is perft clly aware of what is go . .U'J on and la takim- uiratures on the Iron. iieneral ilazi u aspires t. I imr.rteruaiUr , tirr lu'ordiugly, ! tlio anuy and Iboso . L ippo-e It bale I atnl CullMun. ,;!?.a Ma.,ir",i ialu,tlL',1 f 00BBri,i '! The n-itii.Ii hteamer Seven, from Quebec, ".""P' 'A11' lf.M.,.M 0( ' i.udper- uu aowii. uff Duuwnes. a vilot lutter ji.ry in tlie lielkunp tin! Hft.tu makes countir iliargisusaiu; i.ttrm San of faltihoed uud coiulual uubtv-emiug a gentle man. llaren is coloue: ' ih ,utnutr Till- hi.ll,ertllli. that Tildeu k .ppirts Kai.oVI (it jiiiLir .no deelurtd to te i.ufimudri) The On ciibai kern, r . waul, won : figure as a '-uiy iu ,li(' ergan. -u uf tie Huu.e, bus will iii'he tlum.n.o i 1 'sto iLeir iilgim.1 polltiial atlluu.r' lllaikburu's fileuds 1 .k-e lU iwue I itwuli l.nuand lUuiiu" 1 '.talti ruble, aud that Mu'iburiiNull imt ..tbtlrHW I: ph. the i .tiilldjey for the i.l tL'!. Hepitniit.iliMt of 'Le Nutjcu.)! l.alor l..r:y male publlo a I'.itueictitm to the lltjuUiuui and li lue.'iat.c urtcNr iltd it the lUiiue of lteprecta:ie( of the iJtb Cingii, whl.h We proline to o-uptrstiwithim thel.Uo.aspeaker : yiUij ,s, r. tin, in .rw lori; ir j.iuiei I J.)!', t'f tlOtlUI CtlC'lt. 1 i bi k It. Wilght. i'. w. y. Ksiiy Mi!iui. a, Tlos , ha lug twelve pilots aud a crew nf eight ou board. Ten pilot uil ax cf tho crew were iliowurd. I lie I'ldoil, The I.erd Majrr ef I.oudcu. at the r? iUCt o: the Aiutrisu Amhattador, has I'pcned ibser.ption fur the relit fot Srege din. A toirespcudeut ut Szej;edill tele grapLel rhurnday that l.l'CO people were tuning The cotrikpoudeut paHil iu oce of the rule) beat 100 pereu who hudUktu efngo iu a iburch. 1 he Unit vas unable to render Ihnu any brln. I hire were hanlh an .orw.tU'It vu'. le. lua chool houe l.wiH) iKoiilr had ta'MU itfug. i.ud wfte without food l.artfe tuuibert of toats miiicu Mri proeeiliiig to tLe atd ol tie kUU ldet:ed eiiy. Ltdtitn :oppl by a torm, whi.'h bad iijt t tt" oflmiur.iiiratiou by riw r. Iit uight's n.athtrly etctia droie tie ATis tl ittr jiouxung CoiietJil, whivh cuntiUb Ib.liK) ll.Li.bituuts M.d the town . pirtinl'y mumUtiO. fhe peple i t.- !-. i .! ,v i,s ut way N'.ipolcon 11 is one ot the fjiniest of fig ures in French history. In point ot fact he recognised executive committee of the chambers befote tlio ac cession of Louis Will IIciwn known as the Kin of Koine and uttt r.i as the Duke of Reichitadt. ill's lile. air- the six years of roval babhooJ in tne Tailer les.'wai spent in Austria with m muih cr's amiiy. In iSj;, at theag ofi.hc died at Schonburn, many said oi K)ion. A weak and effeminate cca u-- it was absurd to give him place atuo' t .ue rcignimr monarchs of France. Win.n tne Second Kmpire was established many wondered at the title assumed by the Kmperor " Napoleon III". It was ex plained then that he desired to be considered a sovereign by legitimate heiedit) and had thus recognized the claim of his cousin, as that ot the poor Prince in the temple was recognizeJ by the Uourbons after thi restoration, Hut it appcarj now, upon the authority of tlie historian Kinglakc, that the intention of I.ous Napoleon was to call himself simp ly Napoleon, and thai a printer's blunder was responsible lor the chan;e. Just before the coup tl eta; a Minister of the home office, busy prepairing provincial sentiment, wrote "Ouc lemot d'ordre sou 'ie NapuhAu ' " The primer tool the exclamation for" HI, "and so the proclamation wer.; out, was copied by the pres and iiKc-rnieU in public speech. It was no utjc for explanations JntneH W. ' nlch ot al, respondent, walking along a shadv hill sido where n vs James Taylor, apiwllnnt: appeal from iittl08110W vrt ,.IV -,l0 ,i:JC0VPIoa tho CltopeountT-Cauo on trial. freli imprinu. of 'rt bear feet. Thoy . iv. .lomaon, mpmitiir, vs J onn ,,,, over hill and valley for about .. ( mwfonl, appellant :iliK nni, .Hpf , tl (ll.I1S0 sVLLAUrr. jungle. When half way across hu hoard Whfiv a paper or judgment r.iil orii Blight noiso behind liiin. Ho turnixl other document offered in u videnco mid ! mMV "1 "w t"0 "'".inet ho was in rejected by tho court is described in the ",!l,v h walktii; loisttrely tow.ird him, bill of exceptions, mid rpfemjil to there- ',l Jl0t, mo'" t!lrt thirty feet distant, in ns exhibit I), hereto attached. KUt., 1 y that Mr. .Smith was slightly agi- description uud reference urosulliciuiit to I J1-,.wol pHiaps in supcrllttousj but makoit a jiart of tha bill of excejitionB. Where n creditor attaches the prop erty of liis debtor in an action to secure his debt, and Mich attachment is dis solved, such attaching creditor becomes a trespasser and may lw sued by tho debtor for tho conversion of tho "i.ron- ei ty attached. Hut if the creditor after wards wires tho projierty on a valid at tachment or execution, nnd tho property is in duo courso of law sold and thu pro ceeds applied on u judgment obtained by tho attaching creditor against his said debtor, the attaching creditor may iu nn action by tho debtor for n conversion of tho goods plead m mitigation of damages that the proceeds of taitl propeity has been applied toward the pavmeut of such judgment. Judgment i oversea and a new trial ordered: opinion by Hoise, J. Court adjourned till Monday next at 9 A. M. Principal More Than Profit. More than tint ty yearn ugo John CI. Whitticr, tho Quaker poet of Now Eng land, wuspliadlnj: with nil thoolomieneo of his gifted pen for tho abolition of African hluvery in tho American Union. Those were tho dark days just before Chut leu Sumner rose in tho majesty of his young manhood to mould mid crys t.illizo tho heiitimeut of Ma-ssueliUHetta in hostility to tho ttuUic in human flesh and blood. It devolved mon Whitticr to hold up to tho light of day, to tho scorn of every lover of freedom, tlio iiicrcenuiy, cold blooded spirit uf the New cotton manufacturing in terest, which, liko tho traders of lltistol when Knglaud sought to abolish the hive trade, cried out that it would bring ruin uion them and the country. It was then that ho l.laroned in letters of living light this Kutliing denuncia tion of the memo whom l.utimnitv was nothing, thn almighty dollar everything: WouM ) Untr nun fur ivsien, thl jour ur.t nuy urn un hiw-titr r Jluttve klit Ue lul . t, p.., our ih Wnn thruu.-l. Iho I're It tin-ttulUr mil) nnlT !ol i.J trutl. .ij rl.-lt a urcamr ho raised his gun nnd lireil. In his ex citement his aim was not unerring tho ball but grazed tho cinnamon's Hunk. This wound, though slight, aroused tho nnimal's ire, and in n moment, before the ritlu could be aimed, he sprang nl tho hunter. With one sweep of liis powerful paw ho sent tho weapon Hying through uiuce. Just as bruin was about to comiiwnco tho sausage-grinding oiieratioii tho clear report of n rillo was heard. Tho bear gavo a convulsivo shudder, staL-gered toward tho I hunter nnd tlropped dead. .Smith was of 1-uurMj overjoyed assistance nau reached liiin, and wont to the spot where ho supttosed his rescuer was conccnled : out no person met las sight. Thero lay his title, but no human was visible. Ho picked it up, and walked to where tho bear lay. Tho animal was stone dead, shot through the heart. Ho Uion unload ed the rille and fouud but eight bullets. Ho was confident that ho had placed ten bullets in tho inncazino before startiiiL j from home, nnd that ho had shot but once, it was plain then that a bullet from his own gun, which had exploded when it struck tho ground, had saved hislifo. Mr. Smith has tho bear'H hide, which ho intends keeping as n memento of tho light. The rillo ho will never part with. He Contemplated Suicide Juilor Barry mado n watchful guard, and was on duty night and tiny for two weeks preceding the execution, keeping a strict surveillance over all who ap proached, i-o that no person could give tho doomed men nuns or poison. Jno day last week Mr. Hurry discovered a small btonu in Urown's cell that appeared as if used to whet a knife on. Jim searched the prisoner thoroughly, but no knife, oi implement of any kind did ho find. Vesteruay when drrn-sing tho bod v of Drown, a Miiall two-bhvled knife dropped from the Mocking on tho right foot. Ho may lutvo intended to end his own life and prevent a disgraceful death on tho scati'old, hut lack of neivo or hopes of commutation stayed thn execu- WiU-hM r-!nt M-LrljliiBldVtrt.nuitouriaintooJl tion of his pl!ri0ie lllitiVt wua too late MA ll.e U.,111" I ' J le, ; :., wa. voitiit.', but knowing Brown to L tho outlaw hu wan, ho his nccomplic", und was probably tho deeper scoundrel of tho two. Young as ho wa, In- had more than oucii served uttt e m iit'-:i-j m tlio California Stato prison. Wo believed that th''..e im-.i il'Morved their fnto from the liiiit, mid i.ow .o hnvo no reason to doubr it. When life ii so depiiiveil thut munler it found nil handed, it i. fortillul t t'. law, and not only to modern n.. , mi nvm nil timo nud from all nations iiicludini; that furnished us in th" Sacred Scrip tures, wo hato handed down tho stern decree: "Ho that sheddeth man's blood by man shall his blood bu shnl." Tho world is well rid of miscreants so hato that no right of life or property is resjwc: cd by them and no reasonable Iiojhj re mains for their reformation. We naturally shudder when wo re ulizu that a human lifu is to end ou tho scatlold. Wo err, however, when wo estimate such life us valual.lo and look upon such depravity as human. Wo cannot justly rate such ti criminal ns within tho nalo of Immunity. Ho has forfeited all that, has thrown nwuy our sympathy and scorned our eiibrts to keep tho social atmosphere pure. Wo are never safe froin him. He is constantly an outlaw, never liesttuting to rob, and determined to kill if wo oppo&o his rob bery or his dibits to escape. Capital punishment is a terror to cut doers nnd n protection for oiusulve. Criminal prosecutions double taxes and grievously add to tho public burdens Something is duo to oumcIvcs, and to our safely as citizens, and when such u life as that of Archie llrown is at stake it has no moio vnltto and is more dangerous than n ven emous serpent or n wild beast. If man can become so base that his lifo is n blot and his presence a scourgo if ho is to bo ns much dreaded as a wild beast and his existence- stands ns n con stant threat to society, it naturally fol lows that wo have it light to rid tho world of him as wo would of a pestilence. Tho millennial era 1ms not progressed so fur that we can judg human dopravity less sternly than when the law was given at Sinai. Capital punishment is a ne cessity now if it ever wa necessary, and its visitation upon iriiuiuals is a solemn judgment of tho law in tho interest of those who obey the law und preservo the State. The sentiinettt that opposes it is wanting in that stern srms- of justice that is bom of principle nnd inn bedeaf to sentiment. Sentiment is unsafe und oilers no protection u'-uinst outlaws. ' The strong hand of law must hold the robbers nnd murderers in check, and tho best security against the latter is tho de mand, n life forti hie. -Pouland Bee. And in this year of the united voice of the people of the l'uciiio Coast goes uji for the abolition of nnothei form of t-crfdom even more barbarous, even moie destructive to the community in .which it exists, are not these- truo noble lines which Whitticr wrote ;ernly applicable to the attitude of New Kngland U-on this question! The barter which it would now perpetuate is not the butter of the I.U..1. ...... .v- .-... i . ,... l ... .-. . ui.tiit. U..H1 im .vuilli-l i iviiuij, uut U IS ince 1871', wi.m I Courting in High Latitudes. Ah, yes, fond youth. It nia le verv nice to court a girl in tlie fur neithern countries where the nights ,,. hlx months long, but just think of tho .it amouut of peanuts and gum drops the young man, when going to see his girl, must lug along with him in order to kill time, and induce her to lieliovo that his affection for her is us warm as ever. And then the sad leave-taking a few weeks before sunrisof H wbieiw. tho barter of the white man for Chines-.- tea und riie and silk. The cause which 1 " liool night, love ;" nnd she softly niur we plead to-day isno le noly, no less murs "liood night, dear. When shall righteottt, than that for which Whittier ! bt' 0l ag1"" ' ' " To-morrow night,'' wrote and to which tLe statesmanship "e implies, as he kisses her upturned tiuv of Sumner heroically devotril ! " To-morrow nicht." she reulies. with a ..... . -" ot emotion; six long, wean FROM WALLA WAX.LA. Mr llobert McCully, ofWa'l.i Wulla, informs us that the Winter Lus been very severe in the upper couutjy, and of late waters have been crt high. Tho loss of sheep is estinnited in one-fifth of cattle and sheep. Tlie loss was htill greater in tho P.ilou country, und at Camp Cour d' Alen. , Spokai.e vountiy, the snow lay on the ground, i.t one time, 30 inches deep on the level. At Walla Wulla there were two Winter epUudes. Eight inches of know fell the last of December and lay t,:. t,r tic wtek; tho last fell in Februars ,.nd lav oti for twelve days.- Purtiuiid Bee. ' N. Y. WitueK. "With all thy false I love still," niur iillivd a voune mans.s he e.iluilv linmbl and so.the nephew i 'i unci? adopted iiis girl tuo artifioial tenth that tdie had MieeAil into hu lap. voive lull months ! Can't you call around a few day before breakfast, Charles 1" Finallv tharle tears httas'?U nway, with a protu is to ivriw hr ICO letters before ;.. nt ouy draws to a close. at th udJ, "I Let me A beautiful AUaciwmu ., cuufessional. 'Father." ln have committed a great hiu." hear. "I mairiml a PmUj.. mi Weill" "I decehel him. -For your repentance you will i-tum to vour hits-hand." "L,.