Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 21, 1879, Image 4

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tillamtttt Jtarmer.
rtlll.MIICM a ritormiTToiv.
Term orPubacrlptlom
Unoitij cnuycir (53 numtcr), In lTan..,,t'J .",0
One cop) nix tiionth(M mim'iers) 1 US
One copy threw montht (11 numbers) 75
rTll not paid within Mtmonlht, W wUII-i-iliarsf-l
lor ona nr's subscription
" I'OKThANI), MAl'CH 21, 1S7!.
l'rnlrle 1'irc.
Toif.KA, March 1C A prnirie tire iicnr
Abilcno on tha night of Iho 13th, enme mar
destroying tho town. A high wind which
profiled ilroo tho tinmen directly Into the
town, destroying it large nmount of fencing
and a couplo or houses in tuo BUiiurus, a
man nnmcil heboid, n prominent bunker, loot I
7,UUU bujticls ot wiiont, widen wna Hiortu
just outside tho city. 'Ihe total loss of prop
erly will bo more than $100,000.
roital liiiiise-,.
Washington, Mnrch 10. Iho following
poNtal changes havo been nutria for tho wcls
iidlng Saturday lait lNtiibllaIipd--I.niiri I,
Washington count, Origon, Alfred Mutiny
postmaster; Auucortls, Wbuttom county,
T., Amos llowman postmuitcr; Chowoluh,
Htcuns county, V T James O'Neil post
master; Discontinued Milton, King county,
W. T. I'ostiniMtM nppolntcd Sylvoslor
Campbell, huko'Vlcw, hko county, Oregon;
ltobcrt Whipple, Plevna, hake county,
Oregon, Win T. Caplt, Cla'pitti, howls
count;, W, T,
IltirliiiKiiuie Trt'iilj.
Humor hiijk iip;otliitlouH torn iiiotlllUi
tlun of thu lliirlingamo tr.'ii'y nro luuUiti';
mieh tincipoctedij rapid proguss that tho
pri-Blriint will probably bo nbln to Hind to
tho Heiialu during tho extra session n proto
col of n revised treaty with China, which ho
thinks will Hint tho reasonable desires of
(ho enlightened cltlous of tho country nt
large, though it may fall short of tho tie
mntiilri of the l'atlfli' Coait sentiment
I I ok l.nn.
Cisun.sati, March 1C. Tnoro has been
couslricrablo excitement nt Nowport, Ken
tacky, nil day to-day, caused by tho nrrcHt of
l'ttir Klein, n trump, who outraged Mrs.
Truosrialei ufowelajs since. A crowd has
1(0011 in tlio lielgliliorJiootl nil day, but no
demonstration van ninile until nftcr six
o'clock, when about 25 nun iiuirchril through
MoninuiitliHtriet Jail, ovirpu wired the Jailor,
knocked down two policemen iiuri the inaor,
Hcciiuil Khlu nnd inarched nth He waH
taken to .Mm. Tiueidalo's houio nnd iilentl
lied by her, then to tho wood nnd midoiibt
dly hung, nllhough at tlii-t time tho body
him not been found,
Ilin Uri-iil Miilkllil? .It null.
Nl.w Yoiik, Mnu.li 15. Tho last night of
thu great pctlcstrlnu contest ciptahd, ludeul
oxcLcdod tho opoulug night In point of I nth
numliors nml iiuthiisinstu. At sot on o'clock
fully 7,000 peoplo weie present, harly In
tho nfternoon It wot conceded tint llowclt
would tuko tho belt. Tho interest was then
upon Hurriman in iking the 150 miles noccs
nary to secure n share of tho gsto money.
Itarrimun walked very lame nnd appeared to
millor great pain, but ht struggled along
l(amol), nnd Htourilly iKiired IiIm gotl. At
iibont O.UO thin nfttirnoou ltowell, llarrinuin
iuiiI DhiIm wero nil on th trick together,
mid Howell OTertnkln llnrrlmmi, linked liU
right arm nnd walked nruund talking with
hi in. Tho choeritg wim loud, but when Ku
nln 1'iiino along nml linked with Harrimnu
ou tho other niile ttiiplauwi broke forth in a
(Ivafeulug ror. Thoy marched around ami
In ami. and ilncim of houqnvtH worn hurled
ill tin in. Unwell fiuUhid liln 4DUt lullo nt
4:1J 17, nnd kept on walking Hint running
ltcruttely, HnUhluii bU trl'itli mile nt
fill J 41, remaining on Ihotriu k. At 7:39 110
ho hd cotnpletnl hin 191th mile, nml nit
Harrimau Heart d IiIh 150th mile mid ltowell
wiih vltwing up hin GOOth tho hpccUtoni were
porftctly wild with oieltement, nml a Mar-
ilninn turned UU I i()th mile, and grtut
white lltir en on the bhtekboarri nniiouiicetl
tho n xillt, u storm of iipplaUMi itelrioDi heard,
liuritt forth mid hmtttl 10 nilnilteri. He com
pleted hit I .'Oth mile nt H I'.', and a man had
to carry around before him Meter il luuiuiisc
liouiin tl preeentiil h ht l.i.ly friends.
('iiiiuiiiilil In Jie York.
Ni.w Vouk, March 17. '1 he eighth mini
oisary of tho rnYiilutliui of March 1H, 171,
wiih k lubrntetl hint night by nertisis under
tho niiMpieeH of th l'reuch rtfugtiH in Clar
endon hull, ltetl, Iho commune color, pre-
ailed t Miry where llttl kiinm .ind IIiii-h
wero un Urn walls.nd niMetti liiineii'n eoali
nml led libbolnt mid Iuwh In uumiii'it hulr
Among thu Inscription-. vi re " Vholbrii war
liy orpmllnj; in.liisiij 'l!it laui must
lio huIiiuIiIimI to (lie people, "Our tibjtt't
H ri'iiranutitoiu of smlfi unit pimdi ill of
IHo prlenl, Klug, t'ipil.tliat in iiinter, ' The
fliant of tint enuiiiiuiiti witt siuitintlne ritylo,
iilsn 1 nhibertd Den proUtiitlis and Allunn
tiot'iiiliaitoa by ii Nocitl'st singing sot lot j,
ml iitlilrt'htiH imide In ki'eml I ingH igo-i l'i)
Iho vt 11 known 'unimiiiilktn .luhli tiwlnton,
lustiiH Schwab ami others AbiuiUit and
Kill followed the txerclsoa,
Uieil l'ro-nifol'.
The Tribune toil tr on tho w heat proipectn
wijh that er) well Informal wrllem nml
tltult rs on the other hKIo of the ooeau believe
tint Iho rcquWiiucut of rrmice nloueuill
exetftrJ0,0o0,(HK) busheU The detlcleney
of iuiorUtiuu from thin country by (In n't
llrituiu thiiH far ilalul) ludicatei that an in.
ciemmed ile'unml from that country must
mioiit r or liter b felt. Ou a.-count of the
plkgue, tratllo with the lllack e ha bet u
nnd m likely to lie tery much retricted,
Mot mi uU of wheat from Southern ltuint,
nud Iho regioiu o( the lower Danube can
loudly h relied upon In meet the existing
tletloitiiey of llret llritaln. Tho truth u
that tho llritl.h market U relylni- upon a
imn-tltnlly utillmlttxl mipply in thU country,
nnd iilicuM it proe tlutllie demand come
clone to or ciceedi the nctual supply our
priocti may rl nomewhat sharply within tho
next two monlhn One promlneut merchant
tttrtttd ou Haturday that wheat wa two centa
lower tbau It fll durlnrj the Keeiie exclte
iniiiit wan absolute proof that tho report of u
poi tiou ef hi wheat belui- sold w us true
Nejcrur a Ibr lac
hT. iocw, March 17 Th ateamcrOraud
Towir arrliisl her to-day with about 600
more plantation uegrocn front tho south.
Many of theru acerutxl to be In comfortablo
clrcuiustancea, a about one-third ot them
iiumilinttJy boarded tb kteamer i'annle
hewls, bouuri for Katuti I'ity, and n like
iiiuuIht will go forwanl to liausaa City by
itUlroad Tho remalader an) now iu charge
if the Colored Ucnetolent Society here, nnd
will bi carod for until ome other tllio.
f ion cm bo motU of them
fenrmrai lloiu UarUahl.
'ilie World to-U), ou tenement hoiuo re-
furiu, whi.'h U now euixiug the attention
of prominent men here, saya that people
who bare been shocked by toloa whioh Cali
fornia han sent us, of overcrowding in the
Chinese quarters in Ban Francisco, will do
well to consider tho description given In this
fiaper of one tenement region In New York
n which 7C people nro packet! no densely
that the average space occupied by Iho whole
tenement house family la lOfectby 11, while
tho averago space allotted them to sliep in U
8 feet by 10.
There nml Hero.
hoULsviLLK, March 17. A furious xlcut
nml snow storm his prsvnlled hero slnco G
o'clock Sunday morning. Siternl Inches of
snow now covers the giotinri
lleiiiit, Until tniitus,
Wamunotov, March 17, -ltcpublicuii iLp-
riflcntutlvcs at caucus this nftcruoon, unani
mously nominated tho following candidates
for elective offices of tho Hon to. 1'orKpeuker,
Oon. Garfield; Clctk of the House, ex-Congressman
ltaitiQ), of South Curolinu; Scr-geant-at-Aruis,
Jiromliih M. ltusk, of Wis
consin; Doorkeeper, James Melton, ot Ten
nessee; I'ostmaster, ucu. iiarry nuerwood,
of Michigan; Chaplain, Dr. N'aylorot thuM.
h. church, Washington,
nrmorrHllv .iHtitus.
In tho Democratic caucus to-night tho first
ballot for speaker resulted a follows; Itau
dull. 7o, Illaekbiirn, t7; McMahon, U: Morri
son, 'J; Cox, I This insures tha eleition of
liamlull for speaker of tho Kith Congrens ou
tho first ballot Thu xote for clerk of tho
House resulted. Adams, 7fl; Caldwell (Ala.),
01, Ihompsou and Field, present incum
bints, wero tiomiiiutid for scrgcant-at-arms
and loorkeeper, rispietUoly, byncclamition.
Jlenlenn I:iiohIIIoii.
l'tmt'r, our minister to Mexico, sends lo
tin ilepartmxut of Slate u circular issiitd to
the govirnois of tho Hcieral states of the
Mexican fetliiution by thu minister of public
works, uuiinuticing that tlur" will bo held in
the ( ity of Mexico mi interuatlousl exhibi
tion of iigrhiilturnl and itiduHttlal products,
luglnning on the 15th of .Inuu.iry, ISStl, to
toiitinuo thru months.
Siiullirtn Seiillmeiit.
h..ciliiu.ii, u., Mnieh IH.-'lhu U.S.
Circuit eonrt fur the Western district of Vir
ginia cotututtiiiri usissiun to-daj. Jt.dgc
HIvi'H, in ,t clmr'i' to thu grand Jury on the
Htihjcit of mixed Juties and iiidictmtiit of
ccunty Judges, said it was tin duty of the
Jury to enforce uniform ohedionee and exaet
unitersnl respect for thu l.ius. If this shall
be faithfully add fearlessly doni throughout
my wholo district it will arrest future resorts
to fi flcr.il courts for rioni it in this respect of
the equal protection of the laws, and I'iim
Stato courts in full and free exercise of their
appropriate Jurisdictions; but if this bo not
lone, nml n nlniu tlntr is oiarictl under art
fully dovlsed und mispbieed heruplis as to
law, you will be fomoutlng further disorders
und conflicts. I am at n loss to conceive any
molhtion thu part of honorable nnd inltlli
gont citizens to undertake iu any way to ob
struct tho great orgtnie measures In which
jour faith ns n peoplo is plighted iu the most
solemn mnunir, or to thwart the mission of
tho general government iu nil its depart
ments to glvo i quiit protection of the laws
to all Its citizens, without distinction.
Ctitiitlerlellt'rs (orrnlril,
hoi'lsviil.i;, March IB. -Twehe pusuus,
recently convicted of eoutittrftitiu, were
to-dtj uvntciicfd t various terms in the pen
itentiary nt .Toliit. Ills., by the t . S. eonrt of
Iltislm- llrliitileiiliiu.
Nkw Yoiis, March IU. -The Times to-morrow
will publish rt ports of tho actual condi
tion of trades, manufactures nnd other in
dustries in It Slates nnd from business cen
tres In these States, show lug that the condi
tion of business luterests of tho country us
compared with tho outlook n your ago at this
timet gives promise of a profitable m-iisou,
the bogliiuiug ot the return of nttlonsl
prosperity and nsiurnneo of a general and
apparently lasting revival ot IjusIuohs. Tho
Times sa)s that the uusuimity of expresdon
as to tho favorable outlook is more trust
worthy bcoJiuo eaili enquirer was putsulng
his investigation entirely unbiantsl and in
iljpeudeut of uuy other.
llrlatloiis Wllh tttxlro.
hr. Iicis, March 13.- Seuor atiuicona,
Mixirnu miulstrr. was on 'Cbarure this noon,
nml In reply Io nu address of welcome by
l'residont John Wahl, mado u brief speeth
ktallug that .Meileodoslted to estubllsh more
Intimate couimercisl relations with the
United Slates, that sho produced many
things largely consumed by this country
which she wished to sell us, and was anxious
to ptirchii.e many of our products, tspts.-i.tlly
mnchinerx nf all descriptions ami manu
facture. Ullslt',1 llnuu.
Nrw Oi'lkins Murvli IS. -The South ru
Hank has suspeutsl.
Simple .Simon.
WjtNiimoTO.N, Manh IH --'Iho Olner-tani-eron
case was cuntitmol totliy Mrs. Oil
er testified that, rehing ou the promise ot
I'aiiit-rou to iuan her, h p rmittid him
to hae iiiiprnpt-r prlvilig-'s with her at his
rooms in this iit
Witness said Iu the Winter I jnurou
stilt for In r io I'omo to his pirl.irs at the
tonuri'ksiouul Until When hlie intirtd he
locLt-il the dour mid kept hi r in all ubht.
Cauieriill s-ild khe w.is to uurry him, and
sin- Welded in ma solicitations
I 'JKiii erosK-exiiuiiuatloii witness said She
has iiwd wflh Thomas Muishal01iir as his
wife mid had two children by him, though
ho had u wife lit in,;, ho subsiipiently pro
cured a illtorio from his wife, and the Judge
told her that it divorctd hiralso, after the
divnn'o Oliver It ft mid she nevir saw him
again At this point Mr, Oliwr entered the
court room, nnd witness said, "That is Mr.
Olhtr, ho has changed iime hat, but that
is hint '
'lhr lre '(-,td.
Sr. ho cis, March l'. A Dimoir.it snecial
r)s that the town of lllneil!c, county scat
of McDonald count), wai tntlnly tiestroyetl
by lire Wfore daylight this ruorulug. Onl)
tho court house, one hotel ami two tmsluess
houses uio vsid to hat tsojped destruclloti,
The fire is said to be the work of .in incen
diary .uiitlnnllons,
Wasiiimiivn, March 19.- The following
uomhutious were ssnt to tho Senile to-day
by tho president: John It. Mortou, of Cali
fornia, consul to Honlttlu, James ltellly
Weaer, of West Virginia, Vienna, David It,
llalley, ot Ohio, Shanghai
The Array .liiirtttrlillou Hill.
ItepreseuUtho Sparks will submit to the
House nt tho flist practical moment the army
appropriation bill, nud esll for immedUto
actiou, The bill will be Identical iu Its nro
visions with Ihst passed by the last House
and which f ailed ot enactment iu consequence
oi tne incoporatiou men in ot a clause pro
hibillni the presence of troopj at votiug
Mbnl Our Men .ire .
Anion,; tho l'acitlo Coast members ou tho
Senate e-ouimittees uro Joues of Nevada, on
fiuauce; Uooth on appropriations; Jones on
commerce, flroer ou mauufacturt, chair
man; Sharon nud Slater ou agriculture; Uro-
erou military attain, tar ley on nusj nt
fairs, drover on post offices and railroads
dUu artlr, patents and terrltoriiM-, Fsrley
oooiuamt union public lands, Mater ou lu
on pension and mining; Teller on claims,
railroads and civil service; Hill on mining;
Sharon on education and labor; .Tones to
audit and control Senate contingent expenses
nnd oti engrossed bills.
I'oiBTtn', (ne.
Tho Ollvor Cameron breach of proinlw caio
was continued to-du7 and the cross examina
tion of Mrs. Oliver by Gen. Butler resumed,
A number of letters written by Mrs. Olive-
wero produced ana read, nnd acknowledged
unci read, nnu ncitnowieugcu
ug them was one stating that
lor 350,000, but was willing
as hers. Atnn
she would suo (or iKn.ooo.1mt ,, willlmr
to comnromlsn for in nnn Tr. H, to tniier
was added a ponts-.rlpt saylug' "1 am going
before conrt and swear to tho truth, that you
ure tho father of this batlv, ho that it will
not comolnto this world uuprotlded for."
Witness slntnl ilini ii, , ,u nn M.n.t i,i,
sho believed herself in that condition ut the Ihirloy hns malntaluod recent lalues.with
tltuo sho wroto tho letter. Others Judged bo 1u" trnJo 'or D0,n waiting nnd grinding do
nnd she was obliged to leave tho treasury on scriptlons. .,,
that account. Cameron forced her to take fno 8,lleH ' English wheat nro JJ.JSi
medielne she belle isl at the tlmo to destroy quarters, at TJs 7d, acaiust 32,203 quartera,
her. Sho afteward had u miscarriage. ' at t3s Cd, during tho corresponding period
Hlnty Persons Dr.wae.1. , .'"? 1P"T,lon" .ye,nr' ,im',0r,.in'01l!,h,e
KirwrnM vl ltiv.u. f.,i. io ti. Un,tei1 Kingdom during the week ending
camo in collision ivith the Haytion steamer
Michael. The latter sunk and to persons
wero drowned.
Hliooltnir Merupo,
Vitxsticaa, March IV, haat night, n
shooting alTruy occurred between dipt W.
V. 1'itzgertild, dipt. V. It. Andrews nud W.
t. Greono. Andrews jnd Greeno we'9 al
most instantly killed and Fltgerald woiintl
edituugoiously. Andrcw-H was Iho head ot
tho Urm of W. D. Andrews A. llro., nnd was
Vrcsldeut of tho Honurd Association after
Ifockwood's deiith last Summer. (mine
was n clerk ot Andrews A llro. Fitzgerald
is u proiniuont lawyer, nnd once reprisenti.il
the State' ns District Attorney
Mill lliej- Unit.
New OaLKtts, March 10. -Tho Mi eh lines'
nnd Traders' Hank has susocmled.
lie AVrole II tn Ills Mln.1
Kkw Youk, March IU. Tho North Aim ri
can llevio. for April, contilns the first of a
series of articles written by Chief Josenh w
Iew1tigthe goviruintnt'stlcilitigs with the
iSvt 1'erees from tho cl'ijs nt hawis and
Clarke to the present tiuie. llishop Hnro.
of the P.pisc ipal Church, among thu Dakota
Stout, writci, nu Introduction. Joseph's ne
eniiut ot the late war dlfttrs from official and
otliir piihlUiiud ascouuts.
six Iliniis.tiid I'rrs-iiM Dniunril,
I'srit, March 1. Tho vuuu it inl'v lie.
In-vSicgedlii and liuiisvsi i tlih
ciravans of peoplo. All it i
oughs htite hospitably ope.i- nut.
and stores to the rcfugcci. Uitn.-.i u....
yestt relay took to Tomisvar ubout 5,Ui)0 fugi
tives, while- TOO people went b hteauin :
SegiuWk. hogliieers and soldiers me bu .;
with their relief pontoons mid botts, there
being still great nted ot theui. The Knipct
or Iuih contributed u fitrthir -utu nf 10,000
rlorius. Of y,700 hous-s in Hzegedin, all
eseepl 01 have been destroyed. Moi.t of
the habitations destroyed were those ot the
lower classes of population. A dispiloh
from Vii'ima states that it U thought lluit
(J.ttK) persons havu been drowutl.
'J'ne M'nr lit Airieit.
Ix)Ms)s, March 10,- Anotnor uiail with
one wcek'n later uowshas arrived at Madeira
irom Capo Town, tho latest riati being I'd
ritary'JSth. Tho Zuliis hne remuiuesl in
active. Tho ouly fresh fighting resulted iu
the eitpturt) of some cattle. Drltish reinforce
mctits have arrived ou tha frigate Shah from
St. Helens, it hud bi-ou determined to effect
tho relief of Col, Pearson from his Isolated
position at Kkuwo.
Tim Urvnl t'louil.
Hzosnis. March 17. -Tho low est estimate
now current thes thu number of drowned ot
3,000. Many persons bellete that 1.000 per
ished, ns thu gate prevented tho msjorily of
thu liihiilutaiils from hearing tho first alarm.
There have been lost 10,000 horses and cuttle
nnd 00,000 hluep. Tlio water fulls very
slowly, l'rost Is causing great HutTering.
Women on board rescuing Usuitrsrefuso to
part with tho corpM-s of their children. Ac-
condiments occur in boats and on railway
tracks. Zeutes is now the only place iu
i;nroM-iin Miir-lloml,
hoMxis, March 17. The air is thick with
disturbing rumors. Thu telegraph fisshis
ugly news that Kussla is angry with Germuny
and Austria nnd ofilclally declare that thu
plsguu has ceased, und requests her neigh
bors to remove the restriction on her com
merce, Fruuro make n strange concentration
ot her troops nu the llelgiati frontier ltns
hiau agents help to retire reports tint
Germuny desires to. tnntx Holland creating
quite a panic among the better i-Ium, of the
Dutch It is cun reported that war is ex-
petted nud that France will strike at Ger
man) 'a liower b taking HeUlus: nud thu
latter Holland. Where thtre is so much
smoke there must bo fire, hitterly Germain
has bit n imperious toward Holiiud. Thit
iH-licfthat lhiglnnd is having ' ir hinds full
iu Asia and Africa promotes expectation
that another nttumpt will be made to neon
struct the map of F.uropo,
Thf llllts.
C w Toav, Feb, 25. -lleinturccuients
ure anxiously awaited. There urt symptoms
of nitivo hostility in all directions, iho
powerful tribo of llssutos ure showing a
ribillious spirit. Volunteer ami available
troons hae bteu seat to nerswe them,
heycleuburj is hourly expectluq.in attack by
I'npnl lrreiil.
Hour, March IS. The Pope has ent
5,000 lire to Siegediu for tho relief u( tuf.
Iaimion, March lit. Charles Stewart Mills
A Co., uierchuuta of hiveqiool aud 1't.uiatn
buco, huo failed, hiabilities estimatrtl at
tUplorer i:aplrt-tl.
The llelgian explorer, Wauthier, dletl of
dyst ntt ry in Central Africa.
Vr Iebt lnld.
Plats, March 18. The French minister
of finance yesterday repaid to the bank ot
Fruueo 05,000,000 francs, the last initslmeut
of the milianl borrowetl from tho bank dur
ing tho war
Ilruis Irunt Urrsunni,
lliuLts, March IU. The tariff commission
seems particularly anxious to securo German
industry uaiust American competition. It
nas propoxsi Heavy tlutlss upon most articles
now imported from America, its last deci
sion is pi faor of a duty of twenty marks
per huudrtsl weight ou leather goods. Pro.
tectlonista are now attackiug the pretHint
coiuago system and recommend the issue of
pieni) oi money.
Herr helbknecht's sjHH-ch h sadly in
jured the scKialist cause.
The F.tupcror is still obliged to kisn his
roomiu consequence of his resxnt fall, butU
Priuoo I'nxUric Char Usi, brother of Em
peror William, is seriously ill.
KaulWb Umlti Trade.
Lokjov, Marvh 19. The Mark Lan F.x
prtJ says that the stronger tone of London
and provincial exchanges has farther devel
oped business, which is marked by n gradual
Improving tendency, Prices of all sound
qualities of homo-grown wheat havo steadily
advanced, and values nio njfnln quoted uno
shilling per quarter higher. Tho generally
Improving state of trade is largely felt in
foreign wheat, of which itupoits into Lon
dou amounted to only 10,000 quarters.
Trices nro upheld by tho legltlmnto action ot
i "-ii-j --, -: , ,-
l fOVpott of speculative onterprlso.
' Matze has been bteodily declining ai
HUliliiy nun iieuinuu, uutiuiuiui'icu u, iietr
' Maize has been bteodily declining until
I prices hale reached it point seldom touched
rlU npiars to havo been due mainly to the
I continuance of largo Kuppllei both from
. America and the Danube
' Oats have likewise re-ceded sixpence to ouo
shllilnu tier uuarter for nil turiettos.
it less i a iter inning,
The hxamlner learns, on good autherity,
that negotiations are in progross between
tho courts of St. Petersburg and Madrid, for
cession by purchaso to Russia of the
l,adroue islands.
Avnlsnehcs In Tyrol.
Mnuy aalnnchcs have recently occurred
InAustriiu Tirol. At llleiberg ten houses
wero crushed, 10 persons killed, 18 seriounly
Injured and 15 missing.
I'liCiires of I lie l'loml.
I'Ks-M, Mar.-h If -One hundred und
tw.'iitj thousand persons art- rendered home
less I iy
htimlri I
the recent overflow. KLdity-two
ntitot ttu ttioussnd nouses nave',.! sens roiumeueed t Irvine anides. It
hilli-u iml uliieteeti hnndred persoiu
'drowned Tlio w iters arc siibshllng nad the
I id jnt cut towns out of danger.
Smites is giln in great danger from Jo .J
I ou account of high wind.
' Tti.i lnimlrnd ,.tl i,itlr.nll, t-ift-n ,r,..r
I J, , ,. b-eii ricuvcretl at Segudin
." . .---., - .- --.,
Tilt, Trouble nt Mllndltliij,
(. iliCTIa, March 10. Tho origin of tne
trouble biUce-u llurmeso nnd llritiih re-si-
dents nt Mandaliiy is thit the latter protect
nuri refuse to deliver tin to slaughter two
rojni princes nnu ineir Minutes wiio li.te Mversiy iieiruig tne jbio storm-,
taken refuge at the resiliency. p. Olwell, who hud a hanu crushed In
tviieu i ti i-it .m,.,.', tirt-eii. , his mill, ut I'liOMilx, may liuve to sutler
Ilartis, March iy The -owers utuul- amputation,
muusly opposo Turkey's courso with regard A twenty-ton retort, of an Improved
to tho Greok frontier question. Franco anil j kind, recently Invented by Dr. Chase
Germany lu conjunction at first espoused the' of yalem, will be ptit Into the New
ciuuoof Onecewllh utmost oimrgy. Ku-.IJnnti quIckllUvr mine l'i Douglas
glind bus just united herself with them. county.
pwn.-miMit.t- The Jncksonvllli' Sentinel iy: Onu
i At iriii i.'.ini . nf Mu .., t,,,,..),,,! i,. ,,.,.-, ,,,i i,
from Alailtn
Vx. uHti. 11. (' , March 16. Thu
o htcamer
IU1S ,, Ai, I
l alifotula f.ota tnlkii, arrives! hero
. ..i. r irom asiMciai eorrespoueieni wun .
Iho iMt I-ioi, ,f Ouprey states that the ' '' V, ''i7 , t K ' ,' ,,..,,
vistselariuel i,-iUka on the morning of the , rl,"-' ntnte Journal speiks In the foU
!ld iust., luiviiM had a Micctsslon of dense, hiw lug Irrji Went stylo (ifeuir Cpngrest
and violent htorim all the way up tho coast "w: 9. J? '" WMnl ullowed time to
Tin revenue cutler Woloott arrhisl the next ? ' "blrt tir gel ilrllik at S. !' ,
tliv. Invlngalso encountered heavy weather. ,,lU,l l"lltirobAblllry he will be hurled
The Itiiliuns saj they have no fear what- in,01 ushlngton with the Clove-rdnle
utrofthoWolct'tt but tho big ship makes d still sticking to his feet
them wiakiu. They lioast that they can .The breaking up of Ice in Big
tuko the cutter whenever they please, aud ! Klamath Lake ia deAcrihed us a mug
there seems to be some truth in this nsser- iilflcent scene, uctuully fearful lu Its
lion, as tho Osprey dosst not consider the "randeiir, ns it was piled by tho force uf
Wolcor;, sufficiently strong and nblo torcn-lthe wiiitl lu tloes twenty or thirty feet
tier the necessary protection. In (net the thlok. The horse ou which the observer
commanders of both these vessels have so i silt shook with terror US the Ice broke
telegraphed tho United States Ooiertimint, up with heavy reports,
nnd neither of them will lemu until man- A private letter from Lake county to
of-wnrlssent. The people of Silks nro gain- the rientlnel brings the melancholy In
ing confidence, nnd aroelatwl and pleased at. telllgenco of Uie death of the wife of
the generous und noblo action of her iiiajt. Cftpt. O. C. Applegate, liMo Miss Kll
ly s represoutallve-. The O.prey aud her Andenon, nelce of K. IC. Andcnou of
gallant crew are now looked upon as part Wagner creek. It seems but n step
and parcel ot Alaska, nut! they feel that old front the brldul to tho tomb, us her
Lnglaud not alono has a bi,t unvy, but n marriage with Mr. Applegate only took
bigger heart. pUCe last Christmas, and ehe has too
... .rv'on,,wr Sticl"swb. twoof tho soon changed the bridal veil for the
Sltkuchlefs, were given two hours to produce shroud,
a certain woman, u wiluttta to the Urowu ti... ii r, . s,r ..... ... ....
murder. They prtte-n.1,,1 that tho woican
was absent, but lu much its time they
brought her iu. She confessed that she hail
seen the body uf llrowu after he had been
shot twice; that Kal-koo-ut, her husband seir-1
ed an axe for the purpose of chopping up the
corpse, but was preventesl through hir Inter-
ference. He, how ever, immediately knocked
her down us a gentle reninderof her ixisl-
tiou as se.cond'in thehou.hold. Tho Lly
was then rolled up In bl.ukets, a rope fast-
med to the neck und it was dragged down the
rocky trail to iho water, witness protesting
nil the while. They placed the desd luauiti
a cuuoo and flually tLrcw him overbounl in
twtatj fathoms of ufcr, weighted elowu bv '
stones. Tho Osprey h id uot bit u in port the
minutts befort the luillatii brnie-ht iu
Iirowu's gun. ne. books, etc. Tho Cilifor-
nlalns three witms-s to the murder aboaid.
IVril straits to intercept the uuioes . n route
to Silks, and headed (.y K.illuu, cou.mg for
tho purpose of murder nnd plunder The
Wolcott has a brow comiaauiler, two rattling
Galling etuis, mi
.1 the chances are that if
the Indlsns don't go homo and bo good bos
some of the in, and may I e all, never will L,et
home. The 0prey will not leave uutll some
larger vessel nrrits thin the WoUott
Aid lor AlHsklt.
Sis Fuavcim-o March 17, -Order haeo
been receivetl Irom Wsshluglou for the V. S.
rtn.,.. tlut.. .. t.I. 1. -. !... , M ... ...
,wu CUV
ago from
tie Alaska which arrived u few days
rom Fauania. to sail at once for Slika
is now taalug in stoies, nnd wilt li-ato
as soon as that is done The Alaska is
cuiupirsthely it powerful vessel. Shi is a
second rate screw, carries Invito heavy gum,
bevldes howitzers and Galling nud 300 men
and Is a fast ship under either sail or steam
The hltlru Tuuurl.
Siv rBicuco, March 18. -The Chronicle
this morning reports tho final settlement ef-!
lectetf citwftu tne mining nnd the tunnel "" ""! "
companies. The statement Is somewhat General Howard ami Governor Kerry
premature, but practically tha agreement mav Te at Walla Walla, ou their ruladou
be considered reached between Sutroandth'e to securo peace with the Iudiaua of the
llonauzu firm, though some of tho parties to whole upper country.
tho agreement have not yet given In their. Workmen near Walla Wallu. struct
adhesion, lti preventatives of ths mining in digging ft bonanza, consUtluK of a
companies are holding meetings to-day and 'brew kettle, which only held the head
it is exprcted that a eouclusiou will be ' of an Indian baby. No stamrde to th
reached there nnd the papers signed shortly. I new diggings. 'leto tne
In consequence of the settlement ot the . , , ,
Sutrotunuet coutroterey it Is reported 'hut I i . 'e,e8rrtI,,1 at Boise City, tm.
three shifts of 400 men each will soon be set , Ue.r00K ' "do Col. Green's war horse,
to work digging a mb-dralu, and also that JU,le cylnK some- apparatus. The
work wll shortly be commenced ou thai .orse Pdt 8Uoclc "d so did the oper-
lateral drifts which are designed to conuect , a,0r Wl,cn he st"C the ground.
the tuuuet with more distant mints north. The Walla Walla Union aVM-nMiu
Mtul Hntllri. 'Ihil nrfllckki nt u,r ..t ..III 1 ut
not be made publle until formallv ratified by shooting. General McDowell Is encoS"
all the contracting parties, but it is under-1 aping target practice, and best shots
stood that they ary but slightly from the. will have a chance to m,mw at the
,'.u,v,iij ic-iu,vu tvtuts ui i-utuiirvimise. , rveuuiore rule
Two young gentlemen named Uwls
Allen and Joseph Hare saved n little
child front itrowniug lu the bay at
Astoria Sunday evening. Youug Allen
took ot) hla coat and vest, and while he
was saving the child some sneak thief
!toh his watch trom lib vest pocket.
Btate and Territorial.
Eugene Is out of debt and has $187 15
in the treasury. t
EIIba Hughes of JnoVson Co., has
killed 122 denr within a year.
The Guard nays ulue persotw weo
baptlrcd In the Baptist church, of En
fjene. Ben HellinB of Butter creek Umatilla
county, Wlntored 3,500 sheep nnd lost
none, and didn't feed n ton of hay.
The Itosicburg Independent tella a
ghost story, or:t splrltnul ninnlfontntloti
story to long to repeat ami too 'lensatloti
nl to he true.
A HttlueouorMr. Jerry Bttrnhart llv
lii(? near I'etnlleton, Uuiatllht Co. was
frightfully scalded by sitting down In n
pull of hot water.
Dry Creek, CuiatllU Co , Is to build
two new school houses. Snow is till
gone; hills green; loan of cUtle small
er tluiti was expected.
I Lust Friday a hind slide occurred in
the I'mpqtta canyon that caught and
killed a stage horse, crushed under a
J tree that formed n part of the slldo
All but 200 of tho population of Ku-
I Keno school district havo Joined tho
I Hhio Illbhoii Ribbon club. Those must
I be tho babies, but where are the whlsltv
drinkers tuul sellers
The Pendleton Independent snvs the
Butter creek peoplo have selected u
place for n fort and work on It will be
commenced irlght aw.iy. Huttlcrs havo
good Bemingtnu Ill.'ic and lrive sent
for 2,000 cartridges.
The I'lalndeale'' .-ay.s- Wednesday
last W. H. Pliiiuini-r , t tin the drier he
,nhl to B. J. OrtlblK' .t.til before a lot nf
, took mi hour unci 4 minutes tn dry n
j bushel and three peek.
, ., ....
I,u; AtorIat, -.iy We h.n, seen
Mtnples of a splendid quiilttyjof eo.il
tahl'll .'roll I It U'ill right lltTl' 111 tllO
,,...-. .. i,rt.i, r-., . .. . f I i..
.IV.1I. ,'. ,-,,,,,. t' tl ,-.,9 ,lf,4,(l, (l
the f.niit locality as long ai;it a lvs.
It Is from Coc-Ucouib hill
Itlch cinnitti.tr ore is found tn the
Itockfcllow rial in. ucr.r Ar-tilur.it.
Mock in Jackson county .'tillered very
V O - ...... ..V-. ... , vn ...ti. , ,,
wasn't riirner. ami e have felt so
liniitiv mill i-nt mi so lilirli riiiimii' flu.
Svi.r- C0U(N ,)f OIUt,y ,,jN, thilt )t
,.. ,,,, ,ur,l tf. n,.,.,,. .!,,. ..!.. n
... ,i....i.......
vv...-- ... n. v.'.i. -n.r.,, ib,,in 4,,
w .' " "" ,"" ." '. ".. '"A"1 "u,,a
', . .? . . .
1U"V ,l"" rvlvl at rialem with the
"rst streak of .tiinshlne in March,
Diphtheria prevails at Sllvertou,
where emtio dentils huvo occurred,
H. D. fci.iiiborn Is making a pilgrimage
to Wallit Walla and .troutid there
u r- c, ....... i.. i . , . ,
ronior''of Z to m i v SvH' ri'"
t0,ri l5 "vtvnU M vacancy.
Irl,M'! pltlitfnf at Astoria celebrated St.
' ck's day iu a tpilet way. but pleas-
aM"y -
Slierlil Baker, ot Marlon county, lost
little boy 10 years old, elletl of conges-
tlve chill.
Tl. Vlrst V.tHn.ml tt.,. i.,ii
Walla, Is building a new home'of brick
and Iron work.
ffi" IiJ bfrtbilov '
'rl "" "', . ' "" ' , ,
.V,' "''"C"! Salem, lias been
" with paraly.-ls, and fe.ir are
''"" - riaiiifii oi ins recovery
Walla Walla relolces nt the excellent
performance of the New Market Theatre
troupe, now acting In that city.
Thoiiius Bariium, who was a member
ot the Hayt-H Arctic expedition, was
lately drowned near Port Fowuseiid
It Isfuniored that Judije Harding will
ri.;, ', , , ",1 Govror Thavnr u
& ' V V s VtImii nf ltf i
Vi.Milaee 'stM". AlliAity, to
Bullion Is being shiptiist fniut the At
liiuta mine, Mltiille Bolt.. That mine
Mill astonish the world xiuietlttv We
have bivu there
The Ciilnem? desecrate the dAbb.ith In
Astoria by raw tin: cord wood. ti.
s,orltt'1 thinks the city council ought
I. v .... -t . . J " "-
ran p.. h la ntnt m,ih..
il.a uat.n.: -"'i'iiius
- . v- - ItJIUlU,
wife at .Spokane bridge, after drinking
and gambliug at Bonauza city, lodi
all his money pawning his team, wg0n
and plow, weut and hung hlmwlf to a
pine tree. He waa a halt breed, but a
good neighbor and not a bad man
Wasuwotok, March 10.
Boon after the Senate was called to order a
recess waa taken, and upon reassembling a '
motion to adjourn prevailed.
Objection waa made to tho admission of
Senator Bell of New Hampshire, appointed
by tho governor to fill tho rancancy caused by
tbo expiration of Senator Wndleigh'a term,
and his cae goes over (111 to-morrow,
In the ItoiihC this morning a grout crowd
was present to witness tho opening sessbu
timl(orgaulatlon. Ouly.ltcpreieutatheJamcj,
of Now York, was nbsout. llnndtll win
chown spenkor on tho first ballot, receiving
lti votes; Garfield 125; Wright la, and
Kelly 1.
The clerk gato Hull, Dciu., of Florida a
seat nnd allowed tho Ohio delegation to come
In Ills ground In both cases waa that a
Governor's certificate and the seal of n State
gave the holders prima facie right to seats.
As to the Slato of Kansas tbo clerk Bald he
had not put on the roll tho numo of porsorn
claiming to havo been elected from tho State '
at large, the SUito only being entitled to three
meiuixrs. '-
Garfield nud Ulackburu conducted Itnu.
dull to thu chnlr. Ho made n brief ad Jrest
nud then tho oath of offico was administered
to the spenker byKellcy of Pennsylvania, )
ufter which, oath to members was ndmlnli. .
tered by tho speakor ingroups of States. '
1 rye onjectctl to ntlintuistcrltig tlio oath to
Hull, aud thu matter went over nutil to-mor j
The following officers were re-elected, '
Adams clerk, Thompson scrgeaut-at-arms, j
Field door-keeper, Stewart postmaster; Itev. i
. it. Harrison clinplnlu.
McMahon sent to tho elcrk's desk nnd
nfked to have rend n pctitiou signed by 23
prominent citizens of Cincinnati ngainst the
right of lluttcrworth nnd Young of Ohio to
occupv,thcIr Heats.
A discussion nroso ns to whether tho peti
tion should tako tho ordinary course or hi
rend nnd printed lu the llecord. Without
actiou the matter went out.
Drawing for scats wm then procecdel
wih The Honso adjourned,
Th ommnndcr of the Biitish steamer
Osprey, writing from Hitku, furnishe
particulars of tlm Ititliitu situations
there, showing tliAt tlio whites wero in
tin giro t cit danger, nml tltnt one of the
chiefs amh expected, at tlio time of the
arrival of the Osprey, with reinforce
ment cf Indians from other tribes, with
the intention of murdering the whites
and robbing the town, 'i'liey lind ile
stniycd the palisailo, despoiled the
public buildings, niul some wero torn to
pieces uitil burned. Tlio citizens were i
subjected to iusolencouiul lived in teiror
of their lives, always subject to black
mail, jinny fmt nro given to support
the statement that danger was imminent.
Some of the Indians were friendly, but
most of thim wero ripe for murder und
outrage, nnd it is Ix-Hoved tltut nuttten
woulei luo culiuinnted in massacre and
robbery had not the Osprey and Wuhotl
put in an ati'H-iirancc, nnd it is conceded
that the revenue cutter wm not strong
cnougu to auoni protiction. loo much
praise cannot bo gien tlie British
authorities for their imiuptncs.s in
responding to the eitizens' appeal and
relict ing them of their feaia and terror.
The corrt-tta Ahtskn, just arrived ut .San
Francisco, is ordered to bail nt once for
rjiiKn, anil is n vessel powQrrttl enough H
in size, men and -mnamimt tn .-itiVirri' .
suilicient protection.
W, B. J. IVngr.i is iu town and in
form us that preliminary surveys for
this nnd will bo completed to Oregon, f
t uy to night. The j.topIo along In
line of road are rct-ponding freely to the
dein mil for subicriptious; it is thought
tlio ".'.OOO rttptifcite per mile, will bs
s ediiy stibncribesl, and nearly till of it
i. already subrcribi'tl. With that much
of s-ubscriptiou a.s u uiaigin, ciijiitiilisU
of this city will mo that tho load is con
.strticti'il. Thn piojtct now conteuipliitei
,u early commencement of work at
Oregon City, mid vlicm commenced it
will U rapidly pushed across the Mo
Ulla and towatd Silwrton. Neither
Salem nor Albany lute . plstei iu the
pre.-ent progr.iiiune, us they lute not
accepted the projKisitioits mado to them. '
The rout" us pwspevted will cross th
Waldo Hills considerably east of Saleu,
ami promises to reliete the capital city
ot a part, at least, of the rich traded
thooe hills, than which there is no better
farming land to be found, or richer
fanner?. We shall nrobihli- know.
early in April, what is to ho done, hut Cj
the prosiiecto seem to be favorable jjj
for tho building of the Host Side Natro
McMivnili.k is happyf the West
Side railroad is to go through that
place, and that is n wonderful sight
better than if burglais went through it.
IU citizens have contributed liberally,
not willing that the road fchould mi
them, and their wishes nro satisfied b
Allowing tha their place is on the road
to promotion. The building of the
ttcst Sido road through Yamhill and
through Polk counties, will make a
great improvement in tho life and vari
ety of tho good people of that pant) of
tr nuev.
They have excellent schools over ou-
tne Bound, and aelinnUnfTiviini tlsb.'l