Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 21, 1879, Image 3

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    ,, j;,.s;
Tho Tramp Arretted
The tramp that stopped nt Hugcr'H
houso tho night previous to tho murder,
nnd for whom tho authorities have been
searching, vai arrested on Monday last
by tho assistance of Mr. Mummer, of
East Portland, who recognized tho fel
low. Slioritl Pillsbury was informed,
and yesterdny probably returned with
tho prisoner, who will receivo a prelimi
nnry cxniniiuitton atOiegon City,
Tho Dnlle Industrial Sooloty.
A permanent organization of the
Dalles lnduhtriul Society has been ef
fected by electing tho following ofllcen :
Charles Heed, President; J. 1J. Unnti-n
bein, Secretary; K. Wingate, Treasurer;
U. A. Stowelli S. M. Nye, Geo. Wright
and Thomas U. Merry, Directors. Tho
Dircctoro liavo concluded to give a course
of five lectures. Hon. M. 1. Doadylms
been invited to deliver tho llrst lecture.
Stook Dyinc-
A correspondent of the Statesman
from Monroe nays: .Stock is sullering
and dying. Mr. Nelson, whom 1 men
tioned some time ago ns having a (lock
of goats in the mountains, will lose nearly
all of them. Other parties aronlso great
losers. Mr. Jcmu 1 lanley, a farmer, two
miles south of here, has lost within tho
past month four of his be it woik horses,
by what ho supposes to bo lung lever.
Two other hows riri sick, and will
probably die.
Agricultural Outloolc.
Tho prospect for an abundant liar est
was never better at this season of tliu
year in Iloguo rivur valley than at the
present time. For a month past tho
weather has been mild, Ujjte mill falling
and tho ground being in nrrti condition
to receive seed. Tho time has been im
proved by the fanners and many hou
mud broad iicri'4 of lich soil luivo been
kowh in grain. A majority havo com
pleted thuir work, and others are still
engaged in enlarging tlwnroiof their
prospective harvest. Circvu is growing
iinely and stock is beginning to pick up.
In fact, everything pertaining to tho
fnrmw and tho ntoek miser piesents u
most ohwrful nppe.irnnce. dneksonvillo
Killed by r. Boulder.
A farmer named Buwnmii, residing
on Hock ei i"-!;, Wwwo county, lost hid
Hf in a hoim-wlm peiuliar manner on
tho morning of Thursday, March 4th. It
is tfttfltomnry with farmer i who havo
lnigo bouldent on their laud, to dig IiuIch
and bury tli rocks sulliciently deep w
ns not to interfere with tho jilov and
other agricultural implements. l!ow
man'ti farm was cuwred with u number
of rocI:n, and in order to bury one of
theso immense glacial deposits ho hail
excavated a very deep hole. Whilo re
moving tho dirt'lmne.ith tho boulder the
bank caved in and tho hugo rock weigh
ing thirty tons fell upon tho unfortunato
man, crushing him to almost u shapeless
must) and killing him instantly. Uoth
legs, ouo arm and his ribs wcro broken.
Deceased leaven n, wifti and family of
children to mourn his demise.
Contract Awarded
Bids wero opened to day at I o'clock
by Councilmen Andrus and Stephens,
for boarding city prisoners for ono year.
Tho bids were a.s follows: P. McFeely,
Ifig cents perineal; 1). Hunt, 19 cents
per meal; JI. J. Lynch, lfl cents per
meal; Lowistoiiit Fretlaud, If) cents per
nical and no extra clmrgo for extra
meals. Tho contract was awarded to
Messrs. Lowiston it I'lctlaud, and they
immediately entered into 5,000 bonds
for tho faithful peifornmnco of tho con
tract. Tho littlo item of "no extra
charge for oxtra meals" has quite a dig
nificunce. Tho ordinance under which
theso bids weio invited provides that
city prisoners confined in tho prison
idiall receive but two meals a day, whilo
if they work on tho street they aro al
lowed thrco meals per day, That clause
in Lewiston & Frctland's bid hecured
them tho contract as they aro liound to
furnish extra meals at tho samo price as
tho tegular rations.
Col. A R- Edtlr.
Tho Malta Times and United States
duetto of Fob. 1st has tho following
notice of tho death of an American
army otlicer who was well known on
tliN coast, nnd especially in tho military
dejaitment of the Columbia:
Col. A slier It. Eddy, of tho United
States A tiny, died suddenly at the lm
perial liotid in Malta on tho morning of
tho 27tli inst. He hud arrived but tho
day previous with his wifo and daughter
from Cairo, where for Boveral weeks ho
had been unwell, though not thought to
be dangerously to. with tho Egyptian
dysentfrj. Col. Eddy was bom in
Ithodti Island in 1S-M, and graduated at
the United .States military academy at
West Point in the class of ISM. Jn nil
his social udations, both among his mill,
tary coinnides and his largo cirel of &
tpjaintances, ho was universally unloved
and respected. Jlis wife was completely
overwhelmed bv the sudden and teiriblo
beix-avement which had befallen on her.
The milituiy comuvindant at Malta,
the Hon. Major General Fielding, with
die hearty approval of His Excellancs
the Governor, Sii Arthur 15orton, kindly
oiltral the American Consul, Mr. Hemy
Uuggloi, r. military escort to th funeral
.oitege, lttt the necessity of an iminedi
ote burial ure entoil the accepiam o of
tho kind oiler,
l)y the death of Col. Eddy, deneial
Hancock, of the United States Army, is
the ouK survivor of the class of lo.
Execution of Brown and Johnson
They Pay the Debt to Outraged
Society nnd Law.
"itum r.mt tnrldrula In mid around ihr
teurt Home Dorlnc Ibr
This has been a day of gloom to tho
fair city of Portland. Good citizens,
though Miirwful for tho fato which has
overtaken these unfortunate men, have
felt that, dreadful us the penalty w,
it was a just sequel to that other nwful
day, tho 20th of August, 1872, when
these men boldly entered a business
place in thiu city in broad daylight,
whilo hundreds of people were passing
to and fro, knocked thu proprietor down
with a nnnderous iron billet, robbed his
safe and taking their booty ehcnpcd t"
thestieetand, in face of an otlicer in pur
suit, seized a grocer's wagon and escajied,
after shooting at the ollicer and killing
a young man Impp'-ning, by mhiio mys
terious fate, to lie passing in tho track
of the bullet.
rm: lait sight
Of the doomed men on earth. Oh! what
shadows from tho past must havo ilitted
before and haunted their sleepless eyes,
for both men were rustles, sleeping but
little, llev. Father Fieivns called on
Brown and remained with him until 11
P. M., ongHgod in pious ministrations
for tho good of the hopeless man, endeav
oring to aid him in finding that hop in
the h"i-fafter which robs death in any
form of its terror. After the ;ood
Father had dcp.utod with tearful eyes
from the r.olemn veil, tho prisoner fcutuji
busily vrhiug over fcheet after hhvot of
paper till 1 o'clock A. M., when he laid
down and tossed from sdo to hide till
nearly morning. A littlo befero live
o'clock ho seemed to bo sleoping Roundly.
Johnson refused to teo Father Fierons
and wid tliat he did not wish to talk
with anybody, and spent an apinrently
niori' restlwa night than Brotvn.
nit; KINAL 1A.
llutli men left their ImhU at ubout i
o'clock and botii showed the terror of n
u dreadful niyht, in pallid facva a weak
ened voicn. Niiither one ate uny
breakfast, IJrown seemed tlie more
couqioed and scorned to bo making a
heroic efl'ort to appear lcsigued and
AKOU.Nb Till'. COL'IlT HOfhK
Light clouds overcast tho sky as if to
deny them u last look r.t tho sun. Pre
parations, for executing tho mitenec,
made by Shcriti' Nonlen wero complete.
Tho military consisting of tho Washing
ton Guard, commanded by Cupt, Hora
tio Cooke, the City Hides by Capt. W.
A. Hart, tho Emmet Guards under
Capt. Cox uud dipt. Tom Mouutaiu'n
battery of artillery, assembled at their
scparato armories at an early hour and
marched to tho Court House, whore
Copt. Cooke took command of tho wholo
and dispersed them us follow: Captain
Mountain'!) Imtterv, with loaded cannon,
at tho corners of Fourth and Main streets
and Fifth and Salmon streets; tho City
Itiflcs in thu north yard; the Washing
ton Guard in the south yurd of thu
Court House, immediately near the scaf
fold; while thu Emmet Guards funned
a patrol on tho pavement around tho
s(piar, outside o: tho fence. A large
concourse of peoplo assembled in tlm vi
cinity long betore tho hour appointed for
tho execution.
Ah tho foienoon wore away uud the
dreaded hour approached the uuxiety of
tho crowd increased, but there wax no
appearance of disorder.
With the doomed men the hours wot e
tediously away. Johnson being violent
ly ill and vomiting. IJrown ate a he any
meal ut 8 o'clock and nerved himself to
bear all bravely.
The la requires a certain numb-i 1
witnesses to an execution and the hlieril'
had issued about sixty tickets admitting
tho holders within the jail yard.
Kewreud W. C. Cliuttin mn.uiu-1
with the prnoners during the entire
forenoon. Doctors Hex and W. H. .Su
lor were th attending physicfuuy, i.p
pointed on the part of the State. Drs.
.). I!. Pilkington, Win. Pf under and W.
S. Ziclaud, of San Francisco, eru pu
tut. As tho miuutcs tickeil oti toward
two o'clock gentlemen present anxiously
referred to 'their watches. Wo haw
Shtritf C'rouen. of Wasco, Sheriir Jio
gan, of Douglas, and Sheriil' I!akr of
Morison county, among thov. present,
Kepiesenlatives wero present from the
Portland Uke, Oregonian, Standaid,
West Shore, Dcutuher Jieitung, New
Noith West, New York Police News,
.Salem Statesman, Washington Independ
ent, Frankforter Zeitung, FrMnkfort-oi.-Mair,
Pdcific Life, San Francisco.
At fifteen minutes to two Sherin" Nor
dn and Deputy Sheriil' Church walked
up the ktairs, followed bv IJrown and
Johnson, lies. W. C. Chattin and W.
W. Page.
Jron was neatly shaved ami dressed
in a plain suit of black, and during tho
rt-ading of the death warrant appeared
as cool and collected as any man
prei&nt, and the oidy outwaitl indication
of. his awful jiwition was a .slight pale-r.c-y-.
He tat with hib legs crosv?! and
hands tlasjl on his lap. whirling on"
thumb over tLe other
Johnson woro a light brown suit and
ornamented Blippcru, and snt curled uji
and quietly cool in his chair, look
ing very palo and weak.
brown's speech.
SheiiirNordcn asked Johnson if ho
had anything to say, to which he an
swered " No" in a clear voice. Urown,
when asked, stepped smartly on to tho
trap and said, "1 will try and say a few
words in behalf of tho people. Six
months ago I was tho chief of a gang
of highway robb"rs in California. I
camo up hei-e to see what I could spot.
Tohiihou was not one of them. We wer"
to make a raid on McLaughlin's bunk ;
go into tho town on hoireback. I never
saw the man 1 would take water from.
1 planned the loblsiy." Hero followed
ten or fifteen minutes of rambling, in
herent talk, exposing dark uud daring
robberies planned aud executed. Finally
the Shei llT nuked him if ho wished to
recount tho actions nnd incidents of his
life, and gave him until 2:30 to s,peak.
IJrown resumed I will simply bay
thatl'jave been tifainoushighway robber,
and I close by singing u song eallu".
James Kogcr.s, in which the chorus runs
'Come all you tender-hearted Chris
tians." Ho hang it in a very clear and
distinct voice, with good dramatic ell'ect.
He then continued: ''For God's sal:,
young men, listen to my ndvico and you
will never come to this. Mr. fsheritl',
I want to Miig another song."
Ho tuned uji and sang u ditty on "Hang
tho poor man and let the rich who have
money go free." He forgot a verse,
started up again then went on:
"Oh, pshaw," and continued, ''Go
on Mr. Sherifi', I am through.
Go on if you wish. Let mo kco; just
think of my poor father and mother to
day, and Johnson's here. I believe 1 am
reconciled to my God, but I don't know.
Tli"re is a right nnd wrong; wo can't ul
woyn tell. 1 thank those friends who
have dono so much for mo ui.d have
made cllbrts to havo my senten-.v oi.i
muted. I am wiry foi the hu,
and his father and mother.
As for Mr. Spraguo, I tired
at him with die intention of killing him.
I don't see how 1 missed him. I did
not listen to the teachings t my
mother; If I had I should not lie hre."
Johnson interrupted him and Mv-mrd
impatient nt thu delay, lie it'.ill talked
on and seemed to bo talking against
time to live ns long as jiosjililc. He
saw Spruguo nnd told him he didn't be
lievo he dared to face him with a
pistol. "I hold no gruikii igainst
tho Coernor. I forgive nil." Judg
Page Mopped forward, nnd roach
ing out his hand, mid: "Good bye,
IJrown." Johnson inline liately sprang
to his feet and said, "I wish to uiy I
have been no highwayman and ir.no no
notoriety, but I wish tho world to know
that this is a judicial murder." Tie
Sheriil' and his deputy rapidlv adjusted
black cap. oer their foceii, shackles on
their anus and wrisU, tho ooso in oacli
rope over each hand. Nov. W.C. Chat
tin ollered a brief prayer, nnd thu drop
fell noiselessly nnd uuddeuiy ut just .'10
minutes past 2 o'clock.
We havo seen scores of men die, under
all circumstances, including tho most
hardened nnd nbtndoucd u.cu used to
thu demoralizing initucnco of war,
but never expected to sao n human
being go to eternity with tho
recklessness of Archie. Every witness
to the execution will now mostceitainly
approve the firm htund t.ken by this pa
per in favor of law and order.
aitkii the TitAu:nv.
Tho bodies wcro left huspended until
within ten minutes of 0 o'clock, when
they wero cut down uud examined by
Drv. Saylor and Hex. who iiilirmd that
tho neck of Johnson was dislocated and
JJrown died from strangulation.
In seven minutes from the time the
drop fell Johnson's; pulso ccimud to beat,
whereas that of IJrown continued to pul
hato for fourteen minutee, Tho bluck
caps that covered tho disturbed
countenances of thu two men
were not removed and wero
placed in the colIins prerpied for tho re
ception of the bodies, which then wero
given to the friends in waiting. Tho
great concoun.0 of peoplo attracted by
curiosity then licguii to disperse
mid moralize over tho guilt and certain
punishment which crime is sure to
receivo iooner or lator. Wo will add but
little further concerning tho fate of these
two malefactors They were the most
depraves! and wicked of criminah, iin
ertinent and unforgiving. IJrown
was full of the mo't extreme bra
.ido and vanity to the hutt
moment, and notwithstanding occasional
bpurts of contrition, seemed to gloat over
hiti wickedness and tho fact that he was
tho leader of a band of the most reckless
rnbbeisand murderers, knowingnomercy,
and hod no consideration or sympathy
for their victims. He took u special de
light in recounting his exploits nnd in
tho opinion of diose who heard his ut
tcrame, had no borrow foi mis
deeds, though nt times hu unified
lepentance. That he has been tho vic
tim of dime novel and sensational read
ing was plainly perceptible, and that the
Jovo of notoriety was ouo of tho princi
pal causes that led him to ttid.aujciul uud
During the last Spring Mi. White
and his brother-in-law moved to Kastern
Oregon. Tho families conbi&ted of tvelvu
six of each. Whilo there industriously
at work, tho dread diseasi diphtheria
visited their families, ar.d in lus than
two months but four were left. From
there Mr. White removed w thf Wil
lametto valley, and is at prevnt living
at IJucru Vista, working at his trade,
that of shoeiuakin".
State and Territorial
Union Is to linvc a Scientific Society.
Sheep are poor and generally scabby
in Southern Oregon.
Over CO persons joined tho churches
in Eugene on the Hh.
Cougars and catumounts nre beliiK
killed In Jackson count r.
Whisky l raising a small war at
Carleton, Yumulll county.
A large colony of Oregon City peoplo
aro said to have located at Tocomn.
Wanner. Jackson county, votes a ten
mill tax to build n $1,000 school bouse.
A. U. Conloy, of Union county, lost n
valuable ninre, found dead in the Held.
There U a company of 27 members at
Alkali Flat, Umatilla county; J. Jacks,
It, C. Allen, of Weston, tho Leader
says, died In that place or appoplexy,
on the 2d.
Tumor Station Is partly under water
from oveillow of Mill creek, fays the
Town Talk.
General Mart V. IJrown made n rous
ing temperance speech In Albany tho
other night.
It Is rumored that a $2,000 nugget
has been found In Applegatu diggings,
Jackson country.
Tho Jackconvllle Times ays tho
motley on hand will run their suhools
through the year.
Indignation meetings have luen held
and eltlgles of Hayes and Chinamen
burned at many places.
Tho lteml.erays wheat was hi cents
ntlJueiui Vista .
The Odd Follow at Jcllerpon are to
build u Lodge Hall.
An Infant daughter of 1. O. Davidson,
of Uucna Vista, died lately.
The Lowiston Teller says Mr. .Swart,
of Camas 1'ralrle, lost feOO sheep.
A little daughter of Columbus Me
Farland died at Tangent of dlptberla.
The Democrat says the Uliio Illbbon
Is becoming popular hi the forks of the
The lilouo Gazette says the steel
cablo on tliel'eiiawawa ferry was broken
during the liluli water.
Little Fanny smith, of Dayton, W.
T., only seven years old, lately had to
have Iter leg amputated.
itaiicliuieu havo built a fort near I'llnt
Hoeli, Umatilla county, and have mi
armed company of r,o members.
A small boat was navigated down 'ho
Cailpooia, mid I'd miles atmv j; nun
vlllo to Albany In rear of adrlvi-of loga.
Dayton roughs tried to ludiiex the
Chiiitso to 'go," iiflng weapons to em
pliltbixa their feeling", uud gol tliu d ?-'"
There Is soon to bo a uteam .i-ny
ncrois tliu Columbia at thu Dalles. Ar
rangement are completed for bilMlui;
the boat.
The excitement aliout rich pluecr
mine Mippased to be found In tho l'u
loufu country doesn't reeui to lei well
Tho Ceo Uay wagon road was en
cumbered liy fallen trees nfter thu lute
htorm.s, and so were all other roads In
timber country.
The galvanized Iron cornice Is being
put on the Capitol building rapidly ami
oou It will look something belter tliiin
a mere brick pile.
Railroad surveys between Weston',
Umatilla county, and Whitman's Sta
tion, huve reached n point near the
Wnlhi Wollu river.
The new grade, which will dispouFo
with two brides on Grand Hondo river
Is being constructed. At present the
stages ford tho river.
Hev. L Uelulnger. of Dayton, will
soon return to lilsold home In the Kust,
iilsoiltov. Mr. Jones, or the Methoulst
church lu the same place.
Damage wn done at Mundiall's caw
mill, on thu 1'alniiH, by tlm breaking
away ot an leu gorge, that destroyed thu
iliuu mid eiit loo"o liOO.OW feet of logs.
Soap creek, Polk county, Is organiz
ing u Iliuu Itlbbou elul and thu Grange
organization Is lu full force there. In
that notion wheat bids fair foru Hue
Entrance to Hoguo river Is oald to) bo
favorable for shipping, with til feet of
water on the bar, which Is an argument
lu ftuor of u railroad with terminus
Dtimugesult brought by J. I. Wllluby
ngulust the City ot Albany lias been
settled. Ho fell Into luliteh and had
his collar bono fruetured which he
thought wus worth $10,000 and got
School District -J In Linn county
now holds from Tuesday morning to
Suturduy evening, so that tue children
cut help the old folks ut home on Mon
days, which Is wash day. So ays the
Albany Heglsier.
Wife DoatinK-
.V -ae of wife hunting occurred in
the .unity of tho Waldo Hills on last
Friday evening, ulnih so inteiistl the
people that they camo wry near taking
the brutal husband out, tying him to a
gi ub and whipping him severely.
An Oreon Invention.
Idr. Joseph Perkins, of Eugene, shows
us sn automatic ventilator, invented by
him, that can bo made of any size, and
operates by the means of rigoliiio con
fined, that it expands or contracts ac
cording to temjierature, and so opens
aud closes the door. It can be adjusted
to work at any desired temperature.
Mr. Perkins is 73 years old and liegins
role of inventor rather late in life. There
aro useful qualities comprised in his
invention and it may provu valuable.
AtttmsUd BorsUrr In Eut Portland.
A. Goodnough, a gentleman who re
sides in Holladay's addition to East
Portland, had an unexcted visit from
burglars last night. The hcoundrcls cut
tho lattico door and tried to pry olT the
lock, hut wero probably frightened away
by tho wifo of tho proprietor, who
hufl'ering from toothache, arosu from bed
to apply some remedy to ease tho pain.
Five houses havo been burglarized of
late in tho vicinity and u gang of fellows
camped in the woods aro nuspected, as
they are idle, good for nothing charac
ters who have no visible means of support
,.JT . M s. . " . f T VT T -r-B- r .!
ItV "" 2 V- 7Z. "
Hi fV
Corner i.ont:oracry :md Jush Sts, Son Prancisco, Cal,
Vi'f Miiu'.d ijK'ctfnll;. cstl nttentiMi of nil p.irtws inkritlccl m obtnlniiig
jE322:t3?oi3a.o XjO'vtt IPricos !
'r lciyMxtij ill tliu Line oi
ry Poods Plothing
rcrra., etc.
'I lint no ait iirnvnii) to Imiu- ohi
Spvi z I-rko-' ist for 1070 -iiotoniBhing ecltxotions !
iTutl.ux l pi ..su ni.ila' pulinii". wuctlur , pppp I Tn pari It t.inl.ny tlicir ad-
m I' ' .ii . i oi hum lit, mi.i miii iii.mi huju iirin n
X. O. Xloac 414. m.itlMui
'lin inxd liilli for Spi tig Aiii.iiuticvnicntr, nhotiM tend in thrirnnUn tr.rl The
lu-fc.ut St ci. ii Home Cuts ju tliu Statu on li.iml.
3B! 35ej 5k 3Sf 3ig 8 1
(If imty .iini-ti.nlli) variity'tlmtara uiid in tho tranwictioii of Txgnl; ( oianircial nnJ
Matriniui) nl llitiuti. lu stiuU b tliu thiriT.nd.
Matchless Printing;
rou uvKin jtitAxnt ov husinhss.
BooeiNDirr km paper-ruling i
1VU--M OI 1UT .ST lAbs
Dr3CS lEo 5S.",i7Se2Ett
oiiri.i.. uii"' i. 'am ami ni.ruu IllUIXIt IN
-k J mi sm na pt
wi vsa . fam m m 'VhBL
Lv tlsLA 3L& MJf wF
Allallit, (JrnsH anil (Mover Sicds, in Large Quttntitios,
and oHl'iwl in Lois to Suit Piirchasor.-:.
- .nm ni rtESJ
NSii' -?. IfftKrC
i ouitnr.iai
7b Middio
it-; o.
Bot. Morrihon
and Yamhill wt1
General Merchandise,
Boots and Shoou, GrooorlOB and Provisions.
OrderN Pro in tho Country Kullcltcd. All KludM oC I'lodiice
lluuulit and Hold.
in in mi
On Sooond
Tno Miffldlo
Bot. Morrison
and YamhilT
.-v -sa .
Aftl.t Kl . IU rl'liiij r.uLUr Vuu'inU'lin,;tV"-tan). I'ull Auoilnantc' H(mJ other klmli'ol llw
wi ItnUftt lv.il Tniti(lurciir A gooj J4wfluitnt cl t'cmtjril bt&fo Hmiumm. HUpihUxk -s
ai. Uilt v f U-l vvi' t cu luutj Al-o, fcirtii' r&! owcrttucbl ol luiu !UnH U ftil fctniU R lt
lifiit .r miitlj attituUJ to. JitiJUl
1.111 iiniioxurm rjrri tirBT'iTiTT'ga