Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 21, 1879, Image 2

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ifoD itxbt jrapAr, nr
'CBUaunn i!rriuriiiflToii(.
H. A. (II.AUKK. . w. rii.iiii.
Torma nf Subscription.
Ono copj, one ycaH.53 nomhors)
One copy, rlx month (X n-nrbcr-) ...
Oai eopr, three months (18 numbers)
. .7K
SALKM, HUDAY, MAIU'll til, 1873.
If Wo procure n pear troc from the
mountain ash, which has been success'
fully dono, ns Is done by grafting pear
utockon tlio usb tonio distance from
tho ground, In such Instance as Is well
known nil nbovo tho graft Ih pear wood,
pear baric, pour shoots, loaves and
frullH, mid all below Is mountain usb.
tho trrnon bark on each Dirt poevdng
tho nower of giving the finishing touch
to tho descoudlng Juices and unking doubtful subject to n vetorn farmer. I HontiitIon In Congress, on tho plea that
pear wood In one case and mountain ; Minnow In tho western states, except-1 th0 negro Is not allowed to vote In uc
ash in tho other. In a t-.i-e mentioned lt)g possibly those who arc now for the cordanco with his convictions, it would
uoino tlmo ago in Hie (Sttrilener's
Monthly (he pear Juices appear to have
passed unchanged some distance In--low,
forsoven inches doun from the
union. In tho caso mentioned by the
editor u clear aud distinct pearnhoot
comosotil from the lnouiitaln clock.
It Is ii fact woll known to nil nursery-
nion that different varieties of apples,
nnd in fact all fruits when working on
needling stock modify tho character of
tho roots, wo will take Tor example
tho well-known apple known as tho
Tnllman Sweeting. This tree Is always
furnished with large, cowe shoots,
and tho Yellow llcllllour a mass of
Hinall libers no matter what tho char
acter or tho (docks may be. A curious
Illustration of this principle was noticed
In tho Journal A'jrlctilttire miiiio
years ago. I'aradlso sloekH which huvo
Hinall fibrous runt, wore budded with
tho St. Lawrence, which has wry few
mid strong ones. The article Muled
that tho 1'anullne root- received from
tho St. Lawrence Us own peculiar large
and strong br.inehei. Hut Ininlsease
there w..s one singular exception. One
of tho trees In question was furnished
Willi tho usual small l'aruille rooH,
except thatuboitt two Inches below the
hud a solitary SI. Lawrence root had
Hhot out, and become fully equal In
diameter to the trunk of the tree, and
a broad and very distinct ridge extend
ed from this root to the bud showing
plainly tho connection between the
Tho place whero the two slocks sepa
rate Is, as already observed, tho line of
(Inmiirkatlou dividing tho two kinds.
If nslioot spring out below the pear
top on u iiulurc bottom, that nhoot trill
Inuiuinec. Again Iheie Is fiomelhlng
very (lingular In regard to the liilhience
which extends below as Indicated by
tho libers of tho toots. It may lie laid
down, however, u general rule Tor
practice, that the essential dMInctlvo
character of every variety lemnlin uu-
fhangi-d no matter what liie Murk
may be which grow upon il. All
above will re-einbli- ihe graft, and all
below will bo th unchanged Mock.
It Is true, nevertheless that the fruit
Iscoiiiotlmcs modllled In ipudlly, bul
rolalns Its peculiar and dNinguMilng
ehuracterlstlcs, notwithstanding.
J. K. Kimim.
I'lea-ant View.
laughable Fani'li's.
It la ainusliii; to rcnil tlio arRiitiicnts,
or wluit Is supposed to U iirjiiiuietits,
by puttie of IIiom who oppoo tho
tlioiotiKlilireilhlooilln trotters. Driven
to close strulRlitH by the "Iiiexcomlilo
loulcor oventh'1 they have nilopti'il
illirerent tactics. Theilains nftrotteri
which have sprung from tlinroiiiihlireil
mares UKo John M orpin anil Tattler,
nro representeil to have hccii of little
uccoiintas racehorses, ami tliereforo
that Is the ciuiMiof their olVsprlnL,' trot
thiK. Dthiirs lieciuii-o thoy have hcen
pmctlccil at 11 trotting gait, ami still
others hivaii-f they luul strain- of Mes
Keiiger ami Kngllsli Manibrino. Xotli
ingwillilo theo i-avlllcrs unless tho
peillgrce Is a fashionable one as well
being thoroughbred, and Ifu horse liUo
Venture has oue-thlrty-M'coud part of
blood which N unknown, to that In
llnUoiiliii.il part must bo ascribed the
capacity to trot. Again while forced
to iiilinlt that the best of our trotters
liavo spruug from thoroughbred
ource-, that nil the blood further than
two generations luck shall not be
counted, and i.u mailer IT thoso Miow
11 iireiiiHidi'MUco of liamos of well-bred
horses they inust be discarded In the
calculation. Maud fi. Is claliued not to
huvo any Iwiioflt from tho iliorough-.
bred gr.uul.un. aud those who no
Iciiow'.edgo the ludoblednes.s sty that
It Is not mwvmry to begin nt tho point
whero Mr. Aloxtuuler did. IVrhaps
K jMarla Itus-ell had boon kept In
training shu would have shown tho
M...wiliiriieri!iuiKHier. Mr. Knox In-
formeil im that hn tried to buy her
when a four-year old, but Mr. Aie.
Hiidorlnd thou determined to keep
her Corn broodmare. IIo then obtain
ed a promUo from Mr. A. to cut her
colt. Most of breeder would bo until
fled If two generation's roturned such n
flyer ns Maud H. or In the first when a
proipuotlvo eolt was cold for SCCO. Ono
customer tircuci that becau'o Kmuug
ler and CJoIdamllh Maid trotted six
lieuti with u variation of IJ .seconds
Hint u thoroughbred should run that
innnyheatH with in little variation to
bo as game and enduring. A man
might walk u "mllii sit a time," at u
very lilgii raie in Kpecu inr many iit-uw,
without falling olf, but If hu ran a
mmrIerof.imllo.it Ills bent bo would
,iot be able to Keep It up. A racehorse
harnessed to u sulky would run tho
........, !,....,, ,vms uith.
oat n variation oVhalf that. But tow
nrn.,n wriinn. imvii iniv luinwlodco
of tho thoroughbred, and their lucubra
tions show their Ignorance In ti
ludicrous light. CVi. Spirit of the
l.lmc its a Fertilizer.
, Tho value of manure Is no longer it
Hrst tlmo breaking up now pralrlo in
Kansas, ebraska, or .Mluiiosotu, nro
now compelled to look almost as close- i Hlnlr takes tho ground that negro suf
ly to their manure supply as tho inostjfr.,g0 Is, nod alwaya must bo, a failure,
Impoverished eastern farmer. Among
manures wo musl include what in con-tra-dlstluctlon
uro known us fertili
zers, mid lime Is tho most Important
although tho most common of theso.
There Is no other mineral that Is more white neighbor, and that tho South
plentiful than lime. It Is found id- was better governed under negro rulo
most every where in tho west. From! than it has since boon undor white
western Now York to tho Missouri legislation. General (farflold thinks
river, the underlying rock Is aluiiMt I tliut colored suffrage has been mora
everywhere llniestouo, and It Is curl-' than fairly successful, and sayj that
ously true that (ho application of liiuo ' tho era or peace and good feeling will
Is equally effective on limestone hud I comu onjy when tho negro shall be al
as upon clays and sandy loams where lowed to cast his ballot without inter-
no lime Is to bo found. Terence of any kind.
There Is no cheaper fertilizer than This discussion is followed by a
Hino. When used upon tolls rich in , pllllL.r 0u the Philosophy of Jonathan
vegetable mattor but which have been KU wards, by Professor (Joorge P. Kish-,
exhausted by continued cropping, it1 ,-, 0f Yale, giving a summary of the
restores them at oucn through Us effect , works of Kd wards and nil nnalyuld of!
In rapidly decomposing tho Inert or- hi peculiar line of thought. Ceu.
ganlciiia'tci. and reducing It to solu-, Nolson A. Miles treats tho Indian!
ble plant load. When used upon clay I Problom ut fcomo length, stating many"
or Mindy Mills, of which iotiish rockc, 'facts, and his reasons for believing that,
such as mica, fuldspar, orgreensiono, tU) Indians can be host managed tin-1
formitcouslder.ibto poitloii, It Iseqtiid- d0r military supervision. .!. It. (i.
lyeffocttvuns It frees tho potash from I lassurd, tho ttaiislator iff tho famous!
lid combinations and render.! It Milu- cipher illspatches, presents a chaptcrl
ble. It has tho name effect upon soils ; Cryptography, In which he explains'
cimtalnlng Insolublu prosphorlc acid, fully the f-ystom by which secret char-!
and reli'iiMi It from Its limit condition
ami makes It available as plant food to
miiiui extent. There Is no oilier lor-
tlll.ur In be procured by the firmer so
cheaply us lime, that Is at fhe mime
tlnioso eirct'.tlvo, or that ciin bo so
(irolltiilily iiiuil. ICuriti AVic roc,'.'i'.
Tin: A.MiiiKA (111AT. The Angora
Koiit, iicconllnir to Mr, llnyus, mhtoIii
ry 0NI10 iN'iitloiinl Assochitlou ut Wool
.Manufacturers, Is the most valuable
.. 1 t ....1 1
SWMii-m-iiriiiK "mi"'", i ' i'.tu-
lug uu t a-oimere goal, wnn-ii pni-'Hiicccs.-i in nun uirci-wou, nun 11c iil
dun's only two or three ounces of the' Iloves Unit tea plantations will IhmiII
ii.i.'wi iifCil for making Indian xhuwK the rago in tmliort time, ami that the
Mohair, Ihe lleeco of the Angora, Is' JO,HOI),000 paid auuimlly to China for
worth, on an average, 7.i cents a pound lea can he kept at home. The Com-
more than double tho price of Ihe mlssloner Is shipping large numbers of
best Lincoln wool. It Is used for m.tk- tea-plants to tin .South every day, and
lug I'treoht velvtls, uor "furniture tho tea people believe tliey can grow
plu-di," the piles of imitation coal skin, them ut ti profit of S'J-'i) an acre,
the best cai-lago ami lap-robes, braids --
for bl idlng. black dress goods, laces, , Mr- Win. .1. Klaunlg, of Uichiiiond,
nnd for in uiy other purposes, the mini- V., has patented an Improved mow
bur or which in only limited by tho "f, having u wavo wheel or peculiar
limited supply-tho entire production form which Imparts to the kill ves u
ofthe world being only ulsiut -1,7.,000 1 ythe-llke culling uctlon, that pre
IKiuiiiN. The Knglish have obtained , vents the drofiplng or tho grain rrom
the highest success I it spinning mohair,
and owing to the stilfness of the liber, '
It Is rarely woven ulone, either tho ,
warp or woof liolng usually of cotton,'
mlknrwool. A pure mohair fabric Is ,
considered nearly inde.-tructlble. '
Hellable authority Infornu us that
the prtMtuutlon of wheat Ishleadlly on
the declli.e In Kiiglnnil, ulthough in '
that eountiv tho production of grain Is
neu In Importance to the nilslng of
meat. Thedecllnonient Is that of area
and not In tho quality produced per .
ncie. The ylehl has been Increased ,
from ono to ono and a half bushels,
within the present goner itlon, and llvo
bushels within one hundred years
ii.it. Tho yield is now estimated ut
SS bushels per acre, and it will prolw-
lily be pushed up to 5W bushels per acre,
for tho KnglMi farmers are exceeding
ly painstaking, and doctor tholr land
so as to got the most possible out of it.
It Is well-known by nil hunten that '
u rabbit Is never found In tho same
bed In which one has been killed tho
sumo ic.wu, e-iiicclally if one particle
of blood uis been cpllt; llivrofore, l(
you will 1:111 n Imro nnd rub thu blood, ,
viii -I vnrv- siu'ill ixirllmi mi llin limlv
i ,' . P nKUI porlton, m lliooouj
of a fruit tree, H will net bo molested
by them that winter. 1 have 100 trees
., . i . ., , '
I have treated thus for fourteen yciw.
and never had thoni Ktrkod, uuIosh 1 liouml.tr. tim r iluhKht, tot only telttf bm
iinimisiiml (n isiUu n ii.... ).,., i l ccilK. It iHiliig purfsclly tiatiuless, iiiakus
Itappoiicd to miss ono. Ono ltaro Is'UHuuu-;iMpul.r svitn motbwa, shoiirll
sutllclunt to rub fifty trees. Coleman's otiiurs u lolt iho iniaii.rofuctiaiUfiii
isiri? ll'.i.-;,; ' otii's. Tti' utiimlim lisrs tlie PrsUn i'ot
itiinu nortii. 'of Arms, tl tr.io utalls Hlsnaiuroornr. inr.
, , , . . , . Iv'jltir, ami t.as lun ii' mo blown on every 7.ri
inn uu. ....... .iit.i i.i vim i-miiiiiiiiiiK
"Hid North American RcTle."
The leading nrtlelo in tho March
number of The Xbrth American llevieie
Is ii symposium on Negro Suffrage, by
Senators Ulnlno itnd Lamnr, Governor
Hampton, Representatives Garfield
and Stephens, Wendell Phillips, Mont
gomery Mtilr, and Kx-Oovornor Ilen
drlck.s. Mr. Miilno opctw anU elosos
tho discussion. IIo claims that tho
negro was wisely and Justly enfran
chised, aud should not bo deprived of
his right to tho ballot, but that he is
practically disfranchised bylntimlda
"? uomanua lor mm nil 01
Hon; and lie demands for him nil of
""" "' i. .. .. -"
Morar. Lamar, Stephens and Hamp
I !n lns,at " tho Political liberty of
ino ncBro 13 not Honousiy interlercd
with, and arguo that if tho South be
lot alone all of tho difllcultios growing
out of emancipation will adjust them
selves. Hampton says that n qualified
suffrage would luivo boon better for tho
negro, and Stephens declares that If an
attempt should bo made to doprlvo tho
i Southern Stales of their present renro
i,0 tho most wanton outrage tnat over
was undertaken in any country. Mr.
and Instances the trial made with tho
blacks In tho West Indies by the Kng
Ush. Wendell Phillips asserts that
tho colored voters have exhibited as
much wisdom In politics ns have tholr
actors are read. Tho closing pages of
tho number are devoted 10 it rovlow of
rt,ceut Uiisaiaii novels, by P. K.
Published at i",l Hroadwiiy, Now
York, and for sale liy liooksellors untl
tiow.-ileaIers generally, at r0 cents per
(iciicral f.e Due, notwithstanding
the ridicule which has been heaped
upon him for cHort to Introduce tea-
1...... 1.. .1.1. ........... 1 , ....1.1....1....1
uiiiuiu 111 tin-, nimiii.v, - .m.j..i,jut. Ijyr. iltuj brother
uio ears, which is iiKciy to occur in
the ordinary machine from tho rapidly
reciprocating motion of tho knives,
which motion shakes out the grain,
compels, mereiore, mo cutting oi
"u Kri' l,oloro "n become entirely
ripe. ovienajic .imrncnn.
lAirmer.san often Imposed upon In
lmrehaslng tools, as Iron and teol may
lvo nearly tho same jxillsh and flnlsh.
A lletglau Journal says the liltVureuce
nwy be- quickly told by placing the
" l" """" ro upon "
dilute nitric- acid (four parts water to
one of acid.) If a black hpot Is nhown
where the acid touched, It Is steel; If
" "' remain", ciean, it is iron
Dakota will be Ihe next applicant for
admission into tho Tnlon oftitates. It
is claimed that thu Territory lias a
population or I'.Vt.WO, composed mainly
or farmers and business men from the
Northern States. On this showing, tic
' cording to precedent, Congress .should
pass the customary act of admission,
Solid Morit will Toll.
For all tho bim-r cppcslttcn of lesion
rlvl,iiq l-eltcr llluniilrn rcnia bohsdo
ht-i Nit ili.n itit Imuuns alo already ai;
i"sii" i'.v t.iw utrnt tiiium itnu siunit tiriiin
,y( l)P. A1K. KMir' (luriunn Kliiir. Cor
ttiocartiolCaiisiisaud nroiu-bll Atl'-x'tiniik
J J" '"h wondnrful. t-ven itoseMitWim!
llioiu Coiumptiiiu in mlvmu-stl kIiwki dnd
n - reat ridir.nd umuUn. or itUiiihs
reui iKi-.un aiiikihm may lx own ' njn
H.'iii; H-oro Cf Ur"i i-eiils.
PmI0!3 of HJsiAf,D1Y'
Stato Grango Deputise fmr 1878
Cum Co. Thomas fiicltU, Eaksr VJJ.
lsuvros A. Holder, Comllli
Claixamas-C' N Wrr, Cant).
rumor V. II. (Inr, Younj'a Miter.
IidOUs-ll. H. U. Ilulck, Myrtle Creele.
Jackm-J. N. T Miller. J'konvll
lo'inniii Josotili I'ollorV, UluiJ
I.asj -Koscm linos, Umviel!. Allot) llonl, Cusens
Mm U. A. Irvine, Albany.
JIauox-J. W. IivhoIIsr, lluttetltle: W. II. miliary,
Jli-tfioxiti I'ljmplon Kelt)' and Jamb Johnisn, hut
I'ott -r A. Pattartcn, Dlsle.
Tillimoo J. t". Ilewloy, Tillamook
Ukioi John Crclihton, Union.
Wasco John End.Tjijh Valle)
Wamiixitoi J. A. RlthaMion, TuiUtln; J. W. Sip.
flh(rtmi. f.vt.in
YAmiilL- Il It. Lauithlln, North Vamhlll.
vAsiimoros tmmtost.
CoLrvaiA ThomM Thrawell, Dayto'i
Clash Dvrld 8lmp, Vancourer.
ljwtin John 8. lloMrth, I'ekln
l.nns-W. II. lllller, Iloljfort
Walls Walla W II. Thomv, WslH VilU
Wiiitmas- W'llllsti Kin, I'alouis Oil)
Patroni la tho) counties In whkli 111 Iieputl'M luvc
livn sppolntvl wouM much obllirt mo u JnlgiutlniC
llrwthcrt sulubls to act In tint c.vpvtt .
A. 11. SnifLsr, XltKcr Or. St. Orwije.
Master 'samuel R. Adams, Monticello, Min
Overseer J. 1. Woodman, IMupaw, Mich,
lecturer Mortimer Whitehead. Middts.
Imsli, N. Y.
Steward A. J. Yauehan, Memphis, Teim.
........... I t:Mr L3i...- 1 1.
.isiis;a:ib niuiaru ? luiuiu runn, 1 ijiu...,
Chaplain A. 1'. Korsytlw, Isabel. Iiijir
cimtity, 111,
Treasurcr-r. M. MeDowell, Wajiie, N. Y.
.Secretary W. M. Irclaad, ' 1 ashlnptoii,
D. C.
tiate-Kecpot O. Dinwiddie, Orchard drove,
Ceres Mrs. S. M. Adams, Montlccllu. Min
nesota. Pomona Mrs. J. J. Woodman. l'arpaw,
Flora Mrs. S. T. Mnorc, Sandy .spring,
Lady Ass't Stoward Miss ('. A. flail, Apa
Simiiel !!. Adams, Chairman, Miinticcllo,
lfcnli'y James, Marion, InJ.
I). Wyatt Aiken, Cokwlitiry, S. C.
.1 If. Kills. .Springbor. Ohio.
Maftcr A. It. Shipley, Oswego.
Ovrn.eor -I). S. K. Uuiclc, Myrtle Creel:.
Ticturur- W. II. 'lliomas, Walla Walla.
Steward W. M. llilltiry. Turiur.
Ass't Steward- -M. I.. Nii'linlv, Hcvcrtun.
Chaplain -W. If. 1 1 ray, Astoria.
Secretary N W. Hatidal!, Orxyon City.
Treasurer -Das id Smith, I.eMnun
liato-Keciicr C. N'. Wait. Canby
iVros-M. J. Train, llarrisbarc
I'nmona C. K Shlpluy. Oswego.
Flora -8. Ji. Durham. McMinnville.
I. A. S. Irene L, Hilleary, Turner
i:Kitrrivi: cojisurrr.r.
A. H. Shipley, Chaiminn, Oswop
ii. XV. Hunt. Snldimity.
A. Holder, Ciirvallli.
The Influence of llic (iran;c.
Occasionally we uro tked by a do I
sponding member: "Is our order do
ing uny good in the world'."' ToMteh
wo reply: "Uo Into a township that Is j
blessed with iv live, working grange; i
nolo tho Increased social ties or that'
iipli'lilmrlinnil! Ilu linnrnvnil s-.4lini rf '
I farming; the brighter, better, nnd at- ,,u.i.-1.- wm e. iia.wn r. Ai.i.a.-iviao Tran
itmctlve homes; the many Instances of "'"'
.. . (a . i j ,t i
dispensing that charity that feels for
the wantH and relieves the distress by
the iidvaucc-
metit In temperance, morality, and re
ligion and in all good works that 'de
velop u higher and better unmhood
nod womanhood.' " The silent force
(tuned by our order In the hearts itnd
brains of the farmers of our land will
be perpetual in tholr work in shaping
the lives and tlostlnlcsnfour members,
of our class, nnd our nation. Few
realize the groat amount of goid that
has been brought about by our order in
nil the thousands of localities whor its
light has boon permitted to shine.
Urmer'-i JYieiul.
The tvnluur Llulnirula ie ol o kludi.
Tad While l f.ir llu Huiusn fjnilly; th I'rllow
Is ot boor, ritMp, nnl m!ir anlmsls, Toillnio.
nlib of lbs tilVcl- pru,lnci"l liy t.s rrmsrksble
PrupArsUonr are vrtstsl unmuil r tvitilr, cd
may bd prucurtit of 4117 itralrl, or bjr mill from
lb OJ'.ceof TuaCnaracr. limnM. Wi Dj Strift.
Nr York Oil)
limiifcn .irTii,yiTi psmi.iimi ii.iiiiiibmwwipi
O. C TAYLOli,"
Invent irn4 l iirticrcf TIor WonUtf il
Ditcliing Machine.
I'ropo.,, to f ut Jil 1 a w t l.l a li. top. or. aji.l
u lull teil u tho soit.UK, un.l tua It t!cci, thr la; I lis
illrttual. Kfru.d'.W 11 :tj il prr roil. Thu
h xiursiuc,, .r 111. iirs tie lui tliriv msrhlnf. now
In i I'srul.vir on, c.i. ii Ltmi lltt.i, ana ljintf iMin-tl-
u.tl-x t) ' SUtvhTml
The Celebrated Draft btalllon
Ns 111 nuit Ihs i.uui cl 1)1) a ( Uo
At my l'rin, n Willi lll'.U. Momliw ami Tuo.Jin
M'lt), )-IJa)uiaaturaA) .
Tl'nvB l... , ft. u.. A... l-...-. .qn.l
.....rf... wva,., f,U .'V IKi.i, fIU, tlt.Uia.itT, JVI
liivrirrw ' Ftddibi. Iu! Mij:cv U a Iwin
tilnl ibn'ln .-r-i) , lJlnna4hlh,jiJ wtUhi IMi It. II
slrej b thj ImportM .Sctnu.1 horw IauIi N)p!n,
aikl liU lUtu by l'.o 4I (utaijuon. Uiiwttnl by 1 VL Oatlr
ol TmvmiIUm.. III., hlsmtnldtui uasatrviuhCnai
tuiiure IVimi.n.ltthohs. brtjm miVIn; ridtr
frin.-vainiui, nuiTmai T. V. rJlKO.MeX,
lilt.VV'N .srKCIl'IO ?IKDIt'INK.
The II run lliiulUls Itemed)
TRADe MJRIC.An unlUiCi um f ,
(ft'liu iitSMietv
fr-miutorrhoa. 'P- nX . X
wUncr,unJ a:ilN rt.tlv"J?S
v. lit, tv w. 1 "jr j
Irt if IK'U bu '? -S
. U-M Of JiUllOt) ifiOS
LnU.hil l.ltt..).. j-42lL.
I4n la fi ltatli,,9ff
Bcfo TaklastKSirosJ Tn.M:cr TaW
inJ inuiy othtc Hi-u)4 ijii: iit i Inunltr or Coo
incision, s J a ITrnutiiN Orit t S" "ull )v4rtU-u'ar
l:i our iwwf hW, hl.-h Uoittoli Mid frw bv rull
lotitryonr. itTVi K,i4 UiJUin li otJ' It JI
druxirtiutt iitM.'.i.t, ii .s ju.lii (or ), or
will tr tin: f.-vo b) r i!U it t'? 0 the m.w.t b? aj
dr!iv Tin: iiiur .siicuhim: ;o.;
No. 1 Me jajwi' UUxk, IKrxoir. M .11
)!! in Silttu and vi r.ihwln On I'aiu-J ut.-d
an! Cuiaia ,j aa u..3:t'e 4-.J r.tail Jrc. !,
w t
1V1 .TV
Thoso oyes alouo are beautiful which
are luminous and not sparkling.
Home-keeping youths have ever
homely wits.
W. A. Collver of Com B.iy, is inventor of .1
proji for picking itrieil nor, fruit anJcgoU
bits of all klmU tint liavo tjoen proH;rIy dripJ
by any process, aua A. II. Collrer ii now can
vassing tho Willamette Valley for tho oilu of
these machines. They cost $23 to 335, accord
ing to finish, mill xriil pack the fruit in two'
pound packages. In paper lioxcs, as fast as a
mln cau jwssibly weigh it out, nnd faster than
Uio sama lorco can pack tlie saroo fruit in iitty
pound boies, and nt less cost, as tho woight of
tho paper boxos goes in with tho u eight of tho
fniit, Theso pajjor botes handsomely labeled
and printed, cau bo ordered from tho makers
at tho Kast at a trilling cost. Kvery man who
liis a rlummor dryer or any other good ilryor,
Miould havu uno of the Oliver macliines, Mr,
A. 11. Collver travels asitli ono of hts machines,
and Ljives a practical exposition ot ito working.
All who (lurcliasu them can also order boxes of
Mr. Cullvor Tho nmchine.s aro mado and sold
at tho funiituro manufactory of V. .f. Ilalicock,
Salem, .specimens ot tho packed iruic can no
seen nt tho olllce of the
I'illametto Farmer.
At present Mr. Collver is canraMiiu; the east
side of the liver. Iietsseen Salem and Portland,
ell Drilling, Boring,
imruiti rtsarzcTsiaui ovAumia soou.
IIlRhcst wnl nt Oen tennis 1 Kzlnbltion. Htnd lot
30 Mr dsr mitnmucd. SanJ, toolJ em, anil rock
iillr hsndlcJ. Address, l'llinnii WKLL i:XCA
VA't'OU CO.. C0 Urn Ass XhilsdelDhls. Tcuo.
Comio Opera by Arthur Sullivan,
i the most popular thing of the kind on or per
formed in this country. Music excellent and
easy, and uord unexceptionable, makimj it
very desirable for amateur perfornanca in any
tottii or village. Klejjnilt copy, sith vonls,
music and lilrctto complete, mailed anyw hro
for SI. 00.
1IY .IUKY is a laiiIialil.' Oiwrotta
liv the same author. ") cts.
Josi'ph'ii IloniIa;c. liy Ciianwn t:. Sl.rt)
licianaxznr. y hbtti'iimbmi. ai.oo
Esther. !! Hu iKutri'.v. .fio
Three Cantata ifhi.'h are majairicent srlien
civen van urii'iitai 1 tress ani scenery, mo
last out is oa.v.
"huiline" (j-.M
'Patomita' .3.'.)
mjer mond rut Diamond" 11.) "iluardiia
(CO cts.1 "H'sson in Charits" ii!) cts.)
Trviiia" (iHI cts.) arc Operettas rciiuirm but a
few (augers, .and are (.apital for Parlor Perform
ances, lite last three are .luviuue.
In l'rc. "The Sorcerer," by r.llu ui. and
"The Uttlu Duke." by Uuoci.
O. IJ l)llion.VCo
ttl UrmtiriV. N, ' ,
, :;. Diiiiin tVCo.,
Lhetnui nt.. 1'hlU
ILLUSTRATED. ' 1"' ! "I"- "3U"
iiuuiunir';ii.ivi nnnu, ant a iw"iiift vi
.i,i..n. on i .!! tUmtr it rtav. iuus riut
I - -.s , K'r" '" " " " ""
1 1 iru. mtfsis M aar r J', ami
tuiwsuii an atiiillr.cJ
s-ithont; ICi lb tt41.
S. V. Kinln tt
r... u'.iirc of Ux liawr ljln wtCi tli dm Nutnr
f.ir Jvii.ws vl !uUn-ir. Vlhvnn-) tluuU iixtlMv-l.lt
.11 ' ii-ultr-V-io-l tint 111 tuVottbtr liin t' com.
i.i.i.. e ,1 it.i Hi, NuaiWr nl aiwr th, rnt'ti cl lilt
Harper's Foriodicals.
llAlli'SU MAU.vr.iyK. On Vsr SI o)
UABl-Et: ITIXKIA, " 161
UVRFKU'a UAZAIi. " ' I v
Xi't TlllXUimVllfttluni. o-u fvtt to vl
An. TV.'ll, oi')3r..,.. TIM
IVuWr.itbn.. ci.ijett ?) 01
Vrt-au t it ly ; vlub turnlihai on aim'.lirtioa.
l'.i.tiJ ?r tjs'.l ub;rlVftath Un!!l suu-s or
7h Aimitit loli'did UtirssA Dtttn, In nis loth
tluJIm;, ill Ut nt li) ntyrwi, Irt'i "( iiktio (jito.
tUeJ Ilw IrtUlit lo IM xrv.lon ililltr r tuluit-el,
litCulmli. A i-oii-i.t "l, ivmirliiu MattuVol
uu.ci, Mi.tim rrlpt 01 cnh ut the r.U o( 5 Svrtul
uui, litlht at cine vl (HinhaMr.
t'lsth ln I r - h o!uu, stilus I trln Lin, UI
1 kiU ' n.sil tHt,ul U 011 rrtlito( 1 Kisfch.
'...u..,ttu.v. .l.mil 1 to u-iki b) lvt Or-Ku Morw: Or
!-.- -I tilt, ! 4l.il I . llll.i u(
V- .twisr r i, .1 ilu I .pi . 1 .tihiut
(.w in. -if i .liumi V II-ii:ilm
VU, - 1' ...: . a. '!r.i N . n..
Scientific American.
TlIIIU'i.iroi'IlTII VKA1I.
Tle Host Papular Scieatific Paper ia llie
Only SASn n Year, Jntludlng Postage.
Weekly. M Numbers a year. 1,000
IhjoIc page..
Tar Stwnii Asifirs u larje V'irt i ,. ttiwVK
.SovHwrcl ltwn I'trs, ivtinvl in UiimM betiili
lul twle, ;m;M..'y lUmtratwJ tedh i'JU ,i.grat
iJ' rvirw.entlnj the lieu At lniectln. anl Oir.iot
mviit Ail,aui In tlio Art aiv Mn.v, Inchuiinjr .Ne
anj tntemttn; Wu In A;rUuliure. Ilort! -ulturu, tb
Howe, lUa'.Oi, MeH-l I'rmfrt". So.tI sSniT. .Natursl
UUtori, 0!o; A.troi.oiut Tb ..i.t taliuUe
pm"tivli;)r,bi eminent rl(i- n !l demrtmeiitt
clSiUr,--, -.ill t.(rMiu.1 uilhf SlrnUtl Snieri'A-i!
Ttrr.ll. 151. JI lt r-l. Jll.r.l . .! .. ...o.lll.a
.uoita, Mitount'li) Aftr.tx Mnvle v)', ten cent's.
solj b all .NrMntftiler- l-.eialt b val orJer to
sil.N i. ls. ISjUiiher. l'arVnow,e crk
IA'PIOXTS; ,n -annettld-i iCi the
lliuJ 1 3. v-snni axwciv, )ter.
ill N a. rn st-j olHitor i
An.frl.ait aiu tvrtlfii
1'lt.t.ti hue btl" wr cxtwrlen -e. ir.J i:o has
te tb
Ixtiet', eitatl Uhniw.t III Uf nvrl J, IVcnt are obulne.1
0:1 the bwl urm, A wli! nolliv it niaJe In Uia
Ksuiitit Anr.i-M-f an InitnUoM Vat'ruithroujh
I -Us Ajen ) , .Ut the in-e oa J rtUins ol Uw Putentea.
U) UieianKiiw .-vultti-n tluu iwn, ji-ib!iv-attention
U iHrutevl,f the merits ol the ne ful.pt, an 1 tain or
tstroJurtien often eai e.1ttcl.
Asjrperson who bas uuJe a lies i!ii,gv.r cr lsrca.
Ikxn, tiut uk-sruin. (ma ol iharr. MlutbcTattentcan
rrobabl) U itulm-l. bjr T'.tin- to the unJinlrcoJ,
We alio ji.J frt otir IfanJ Book aiout t"i TaUat tana,
1'atenu, Cat eats. Trade Marks, tht.rct, ar.4 hsvpro
runs), lt! hint, lor vxunnj o4tance ou ImcnUunj.
A Jiieu lor the I'atwr. or cocecmln; fatecU,
ll'.NN Jt CO , i.l ivk Kow, New York
BruKb Oin, pur KiTthitt.. Wa.hlur.oi: l C
saa Hniif Paekmmm I. Ul
m wiiuv pii.niw rata.
raU. IkMUlai
tlwUtf, 0U t
7&m Sit Si.
1IM. . I
ioV co.it
IMMM WIHIup, -- !!-" ..."-"? ..KM..
sum IkmIM 11-w El;l la nw. . " l
Hi JumUi IrwA
Broadwar, New YorU
in ill M rV.H
m annlllnl. Il A
i iNslfsrs t-H' InOrnn
ki.rf. ljt i nt fill tirarribtlonl.
LfltlM ir V4bU ft',4 Mtwvr H"K riiOtl, Rl, SU.
bTUaU It nil. t-1 fe '. A11rrj
D.I FSnnYCO. Detroit Mich-
n tplerulld TOrUilei, your thricf, all li'jrM. for
tli HdrMi lUfnr3 Ofor9l .13 fr.Si
J.lforSIOt 100 for 91.1. OurtlretNiH'clnl(r
l UTiisslna mill illMrirMitliiir tliex, l)f llll-
JiliMSSi! Jn''ir our MEW GUIDE TO ROBE
CULTURE, 00 Mrei, elegantly llluitrnteil,
mitt rlinoM, (Vum over Hon flneiit aorta,
ttoii-Orowerf. Wet- Qrovo. Cboitcr Co., ?
nrt Iili In .
"fill lKtisi.il III IsH
. iitiiatilt In ,VVV I'nStHll.Vr.intrniphW
Inc !'' niiiflm nj" mij. tit llflt Jnr J't
mnnul. I in I (y or .ri Jrnlttirjil nnr.
Iuiniliinni Inrrrr- irntfn lltr tttit nnim
In llin ivinnto vnrli tf tli. 1Vtrltmif,
mill hn t. ti Iffi trw PifM(lloniMrriMl
imI ilm 4tJMriii(litUM i Uip vut'r)in(r.
rinnv vl
I (.11 1M
ff ti linwjiirft'lf tnvlnv
nt IO fo ti
1' W.'. leMH'J.S
W V1IJ f-tfA
T IS .i . S .lltMlil
FBIKI!. i'l'D.N AlM'Ml ,ni(JI. t ..-(
our :nMtH to fit! liimilt Ind a. i !mi1inhIi
tilirt In Tinnt(t Iti tiie. Ilrti'ivjicu
I'tml .4Moiiut 1 Hiti. hlCAXu
MSUTQSMEriY VAflD & (10.,
OrlliMl lrittcn Huply 3fonr,
iri ::iw Vi)j.ilAr.,4,ii)i'aS,l an.
-.) ii it:iiiiniiHifi)iiiiiiiMiiii aji mn mm iminiM
ll.3'l'l 1:0
Mrner.t or tug ' jk-
lUriK-r't Mntratluo li tho Ainsrlen '' ., lain,
ll'.erat'iri'Siiiilait.- II.1..M11 Irssl!it.
Tlw moil ii;iiilai
frer liiiahl; In !. w.-S Oh-
It liar I'vi-ellvnt tsmipanl in Ar U14 u.i-4, a ab'ihl
to Ute matntv. n n)1iis f ir tlertl.iin; ae LotusrUte
Oourli-r Jiniruil.
No otl-cr Monthl) In tli', viiiKIuiii il.otr m LrlllUrita
Hit o( rai,trlliuiori nor Ijc an lumUli lu rea.br. with
t-i uroal n , trlotj a.nl nt iili-nlir n .nt!!tT ut literature.
"I'.li'llt.lUI, lit.lll.
The t:ai.ii ul the Mi,,iuliig ljn wild U.e l.'uctbjrs
.,r June mi. I'lfisulx-r, vl iti- ! Jcir, IV Inn 1:1 tint I.
iwWHc.1, It hill Im iimlenloihl il at tin aniwriber wlihti
t) hevln wltli the isirrert Nunihcr.
IIAIII'Mt's MAOAXI.m; Oik, Year..; e)
HAIll'SU wiu:ui.y, ' - JOJ
HAKi-cirii iia.mi, .,ri
TluTIUtCnpuMIratlons, o,nesr ......10 W
AnyTlVO, imijitsr. ; 0)
il. ubiirliitlum, utir sxu tO 0)
Term, for lari ilut.i luriil.Iiot on Ojvli sttlon.
Im:uj 1'rco MhII iia.-rliir In tlw Calteil bUfctt 0
A lllllttfllHt Of llARI-Xa' IIAOAIIIK. ItlM AMUR
S7 sol-jinta. In mitt tlQth Ltiiitr.;, ell' w sen: ) ex
pre. InliditatvMH'iwiot nultair. In-tl IV ueetrJ.
ume. Miiilo suIuiiim, Ii) i.iall, lw cl I, iB ). ISoUl
iwwi, for IIimIIm, Ssixiiv, l-j iuiIU i-tnll.
lUuiltUiKve 'icnl I lie ma.le l.y hot tV.tee Jlener r.
dcr or Drift, to atchl tlunti ol .m.
S'u.-ra uro net to 0 ,(.; Vils u.in-rtti.'iiieiitlthoiit
the ekjifrt order, ol lUsiin . Iln.turp.
AilX.i IIAlll'iat A l!i:OII(i:iU, .Vev Yorii.
The Weelilj nmalnstuillt at Uw heaj oi llieitrat!
pawrs lie lb Une liUrary n,usllle, Ihe 'xaiiirt ol l' tttie
an'l oo.U-uU, - hirlnnM lU'iiu'imuii.
In ltorll attractions am snrrli, ar. 1 vtabrais, let ery
sarletfol subject and ot ertl.Hi- fuatment. Zlon's Her
all, lloaton,
The Woelly U a not ml a,-i-iu- .r th Ji-e-.lu:Ion o!
correct lulltlcal tmriv-li.I.
Innv-iic, ana a
lnerJl c:,:intnt of
ihinu, intud., an I fal
ItetetKee, -llrrnhif Rsjirvsi,
The oljnxxol tleWrtU. '.rla .i(h the 1rt .Nun;
IxrforJsnnart of tut h t air. Whm no Mne U iw
tlonvl. It will be uiiilent.i.l it.it tlw 1. hitilUrvlihee bi
oi-nnien.-o tilth tho N'-nuV- 1,.. , ttr the r.iit tJ till
(i.'c3 vvH PBv
' vjjjj- hjt hjctv vtrf
IH Wl Mtf ViJI -"ii liii-mtr
X1 rS if) iXI till.llncil.-. at
vSbi IH nsl rl'J iiini iii-io,.
IJX.1 H Ka lii. nx-l'le-iriltxiiiit
iiibL aiiJHl Immn imI .ir iim.i ...
kK. Rl.m.
IIAUIl.llS U.WIA2INU "11 fir l W
iiaihtu i v. ki:m.y. v ....,..,. ipj
HAHl-Klf.sIIA2.Vr.. " uxi
TI.eTIIIIKGiiubllK.tU.il, hh tiuf.. .. 10 W
Any TWO, one jiur J OJ
I" .uUerliitlJio.oiie fut ,..&)&)
Terms I r Isive eltil fiiruhM r; itisitl)'i.
l'.u,-e Pre lo all .uliscrlben In tlio I'nlteJ uts or
TheAn-iual VoIuiiim ol lllsrirt V. utlr, In nut
riothMmlli., il lw wnl b t'tuvi, Irte ol ctiiiM
(urotideJ the frrlsht Jjt not eviss-U ue ilolUr iwr so.
ume lor ; no ea.h. A nnimWw bet, cuniruln IM en.
ty.tooluuio, ttntoii rntijit ul t-tJi j. the rate of
ao 'ii tx tulunw, Irrlilit at t-twnte rf iunhaier.
Oath Caws f.veaili tolunie, .uiuble lor Mndir.c, will
be sent b riall, ot (ttlj, en rettl;t 0 ;i w taoh.
IlemlVSjiret ihmil.I be ma le b st4Si Slor.t Or.
der or I'ratt, to atoM thaiue ol Ion.
Npais.;r are i.ot to . thU AistitU-cwct ni-o-at
the eiprex onlrr of llaariA i HiotHeu.
Adlrese IIAKI'Kn i. M'OTllKKS. New YeiV.
l' no
more AKTaL
Nil InAla KtsesTvlb..
TJi fruits
from Iron hecpstr Heel tprUirel
Pierce. Patent Mazuetlc
Illaallc Trusa
...'iilE. "L1"1 r, "1 contort
NIOHT uil lias' ..,! in H..
form raJlral corea tihen all otUre tail. Header, it
ruptated. try one. and joa will nererreeret it. Bend
for Ulatiraitd Uoolc and Price Ll.t.. MAGNETIC
SAN PKANt'WCO, CAL. fST brat b Silts iB
partlofllitttorbl.ua mchlrt
W ' ' 1"-