-?al hh.Alntv.-.hnnf.-'On-HtCOUCii MARKET REPORTS. WILLAMPTTK HAIIMKU OFFICII) r roKTUtwe. (0.), TurimmT Moamao, ,, Matth 14, 1870. J ltl tender. In Portland, tuylnr, WJ, and edllng pa. tjUtet coin In Portland the lanla i.iiutr at 3Jy2 'r tt. dhcount. Heme Produce market. Corrected wtttly by Comatotk fc I'furf f, proprietor. the Great American Btere, fcond (Street, Utaren McnlMn and Vamhill, Portland. -The lollowlni? rrpriacnt lioH!e iati (rem profil er, or flrrt hamla I FLOUR In JobWnc lot ttah&n) I rami., i; lt country branda, (I Wat to. WHEAT fl.C") to 1 70, ith bUr liil.ni- OATB-aihlte, 42xti: V bmhil ONIONS-Kee1!. POTATOIW (juoUble at (i'rllC V l,ii-li , iUi-i MIDDLINGS JoMjIiij-, tor fnf, J7Jll3 1 llni-, tt V ton. MlANJobblnK at tlf.alT V ton. BACON hldta, 9o j llama, 11'rtlS' , heull r, t LARD In Vi-fi and tint, 10c. BUTTER We quote il.olce frith loll at 3:; ipod pickled roll, jta; .olid In kri, UkwSOc . CIIEESG-OrrL-on, 11H13: Cal.lornin, 10r (IREF.N FRUITS-Applo, I'"1 aiT'il'i P" '"" Oc DRIED r"RUiTS-Ap'ra, aun drill, 4wrtr-; mwlilfi. OM, 7fl8e, dull a!r . Piora, n a bine ilrll, It'St, I1un, iun dried, 1W13-. EOOS-16C. FOULTRy-ChUkitia, jmific, & 00 fir do: old, 3 Cf 10. 0 w, tH and tfO 00. IM In, (I M and 1 10, Turkrj , 1C and SO U. V n. 11O0B Drraacd, oe; on toot If BEEF Lite wil(iht 11 and S tin. for.dio.T BIIEEP-Ute -At'slit 1! and 2 ita WOOL EaataniOrririin, 1(R, rtillanutlo Vallry, 1(17C HIDES-dry choK-r, 14c culli.ti -ienaalliil,tJe. TALLOW-tjuotAMe at ti and t ' te. HAY-Ttroeth), UltU, bujini: at til and tli V ton. Ccaernl JWcrcliBBdlNc. Ccrmtcd by t'oirato- a K If lugcr. HICE-Chlna, No. I, none I China, No. ", M t. Japan, 7 cl; hatidalth t.Ianda, 7r. TEAS-Ja an, Si and 40-j Ilia., t! and 91; V II., Me. COFTEE-Coata like, H and Ht , J&i It, 24.(27 btlOARS-Maiktt ill uf pllr-tl; ('rutlml A, 12cs fine cniehtd, 12o Oil, lie! FUiu C, 10, (faldm I!, Sc; hendal.h lalanda, 7 and c. HYRtT-S rl to. CANDMM- 14 ami 18. RAISINn-linportid,!'.! Miami 11 im, tWIIor nU, tl and t3. HOAPB-dood, is and 1 M. YEAST KlUHL'll Huiiinllt, W u. tt, VctuM; I'mlon i. lltnl'.l 34c 4t M'1-'- OILH-Ordlnary tianda ol yMl, i! , hl;h i;rli, Donr & Co., 371 ""' i'! !n,I,,, l "'""' Kcs lUw Unatrd, 00i" iMrr Ur.l, U ft. amlf I 40, Ci.Ur, SI SJ and 1 40; Turpentine, (flandi-rntx. Dry fioodN, VAc. Corrcvttd t' VomttOi M fu- r v Retail and Joltlnr Rnlea. Catot, A., ic; Cabot W , 7'-,(a;i , tSf,4jlnnluin, UJcj white lloil Mu.lln, OJalOr- Mto ljmlOile, do H10; oUitr t randf cl i.WIe tnl.ii, 7kI7K; rr-.l all. wool nantxl, C(v.i(K'i xlille all wd rlannil, 30V"IO; Canton fllannel, UiMhul and unMahl, OuJ''0,i ChetlotJ, lor ihlrtlnr, 141(..( TuMe linen, 35clf J Waterproof, ;!; Crwli Uiaellnf, 10v)l; Kentutly Jram , t37i; red all il lllaiikeb, un8.(0: olilto .it. tail. -I... ,l..Bln. I'.il.. Ilnlil.. !.. .rt n iU-VQU lllinMVi) VMI.v, wiiwn iMiiiiiK, "Vw n-, . ahlrtlnc llanntl, ticHOv) Link and colorrd CaMluierr; I 4(catl.7t Uutter and Chei m t loth, U7c; huault-M hiwke, UeiCaailnirn uiU cloth, 00c a l.W;TI( k litar. H SI", Denlma and Imik, IBaWrj i'anncn' llooU, tiSa6 00; do fchore, Htm', 11.51 a 1(0; ilo do ljullr,', call kln, 1.7(at.!U; dodo OitMttV Mioen, ill akin, II. Ua l.M; lloya llooU, ll.tta I.W;Oicrall, Wk al.U; Jiunp. en, Wcal.M; llannel tltenhliU ll.taaZ.7o; tlrnV Vadenhlrta aiulllravrn, 37Jea J.tO; Oirrcoatx and I'Utera, tlM a 1H.CC; CloUilnit, aulU, 17. W a 35 CO; IM nwrel'aaUll.OOaO.W Ran FraacUcu Market. M fainn, llarihll, WhMt-Offirlni.'a, hU1Ij ol cbol.e, aio tnuller; demand kctter, and moalijr lor iort; market nu.nl leeUBrm, andateady feeling, lth treat lonfldcnco In pmentpriY, at there la no eellliik proMirv; iiinta tlonaanlalr to k-uod ndlllnr, lltJIl.to; thokv, f1.74l.70; etlraiholo, II hujer laiil(l In etery way, he pa)t lt.J lair to Kood thlpplnir. II itfltl.t; thole to rtlra thnk-e, 41.70. We lirn ol Urn m" ol tholes Walla Walla r.iihouw at II TS aluuictldo, tlonr Superlliie avid at 1 to; other rtlit .llhout thoni;. Oata I'ted, aalea to-iUy of inotl hwi v linn nlkkrl at (1.73; nurktt tak and alull. CtilCHKu .lltirket. ' ClllltiiO, tUrill Id. Whettt-ttl'U t hu aiVtd lor April drlnrry. Beerbuliiti'M V lie til .tlnrki't. I JIM ON, JUtill 10. floatlnc rarnea Uriuer, In Id hlhtt laiiroea oil w K and lor ahlpnieat, American la iiiImIikI, ldlat then It rood dainand lorothti aorta, klaik l.uio tin fcltnaJ. tjuoUUoiia of kmkI fark-oea, t.fl uat, 4h) B4, a a damayt for arller'a anxnint, Ice. tiaual 2 er ivnt, com ndaalon; Med., Ch or Mil, 43 a; lied Winter, 4U Cd; Calllorula, Mune, (lood ahtpplni; CallfoniU on lutaar, ier (00 Ita, (Jueenatowu lor ordcra, jutt ahlpixd or to kc proinptly ahlpatxl, 43 11; ntarl) due, 4ta, ur- I'll or Mil tor thlpinentdurlnirthepreaent month and lullovilii one, V 4U0 t. on American lerma, 41a u 4? M Uwriool Wheat, eut atroiii CoBimercu). Thv coiitiiiut'il torm, fur wctl jutt, b.tvu vuule buaiuraa tmrally dull ut l'ortlaiul ami rlKwIterv, tuiil it H alo truo that timea ro )irl ami motley ao.iri'o througli the country. A revival of Luiiuvu ia niecttil on tiKiti u leather jKnniti the rtiumitioii of work, Imllcatioua for txtter weather mo already i.t luuiil, ami thu faruiera will iniirtiMi tl.c l.it joMilile iiioineut to put m tliutr lrni; ut The outlook fur tlio futuiv ia (awnnMo wi n.i M crop pniaiiccta urn coiict'riitil, Wti tumM if there ever nut )ar mIu-ii fall iu n looktHl Utter, or aa mucli of it li.nl Urn p. it is. With a gwxl vicUl, I'U'ii if thu nct i not high, wo aball aee mure ricroua tun. in the Statu, Kaniicm Iiumi liarmil tl.c Deceuity fur pnuK'nce, ami muat iiiuiiupv their affair with leaa outiciuitiou ol li.g yieliU ouJ high price. With guml mai nv. inent iu keeping out of tleht, Oregon l.r;i:er houlil never hae to coinplaiii of hut) tiiuva. liut it ii a great deal caaier to preach tl.un to practice. Thvre i uo change to rvconl in tin (mi trade, Vvueli hoM for higher puovt, unJ the late impnrmrut in rUigliah pneet it wallowed up ly advance iu freihta, It ia not probable that Me aball bae tull.citnt ;mln to tbip at to make tonnage acaicr. It ia vwu probable that wecouuot tpitiv wlitt to load the ahip now waitmy iu thv nvtr, but they hold together and tleiiiand a price that it IncoiiaUtcnt with the demand fur touruit.'v and the price ruling at &ui Kraucit.-u, There uo decline or weaknt-M iu CngUnd, but the market i reported tirm ut former quotations. What inay hapeu to iU.Ue the ituatiou it not vay to fore. Milltr need a good deal of wheat to keep their mills at work, and tho home demand may influence the market, as it did two years ago. Statistics from the New York World, which wo publish below, ahow that winter wheat only looks will in our own r-tntc, and has mf fcred heavy damage by the winter. If fall wheat suflcrs in the United States and Kuropo na thiro stated, there may be n deficiency to affect the prico after next harvest. The pros pect ii mora faorable forOngon than for any other known country, Tho Woild publishes Uatisticu ol the first half of the crop year as now made up. lie riucing flour to wheat and partly estimating tho mocm;iit from the 1'ncifi Coast, wo exported for tho nix munths ending on tho lirnt of Manh aliout 74,000,000 linihcl of wheat, leaving 45,000,000 bushels yet to go forward between tho 1st of March and tho 1st of September. The reixnts front Atlantic ports wtro about t",000,000 bushels, of which 32,000,000 went to the continent, i!8,000,000 to (Ireat Iintain and the remainder to other r.n,in4rira. In t)i mrajitimo our visible sup ply has increased to about 21,000,000 bushels, I against about 'J.000,000 bushels nycar ago, This seems a heavy loau to carry, ous it ap pcare that, large as the exports havo been, tho foreign markets have not licen fully supplied. There has consequently been a sternly ritie in price?. It is ytt too early to sjieak of spring wheat. Of winter wheat prospect nowhere but in Oregon are flatter inf. Much has been winter-killed in tho United .States and Canada. California has suffered from drouth succeeded by storms and llovdr, and tuounts from (Jreat Dritaiii and tho west of Europe are indillcrent. Tho pro gress of tho plague excitts alarm regarding the prospects of supplies from Hnssia. Tho export demand for our wheat can thercforo sutfer little ftUttwnent for r.t leat another year. Ordinary produce shows r.o change, except that frit.h buttfr is more plentiful and prico for thoico quotable ut '.'"1 cents to HO cents per iKiiiml. Eggs are plentiful and chcop, IC tents jnr dorin licing the ruling price. In other rtsjuctxthe market remains as last week. NEW ZEALAND FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Go. CAPITAL, $5,000,000. Marino locus l'nyablo at Option of Assured at any of the Company s llntish, t den ial or Alniricau branches. W. F. BROWN, AGENT, No. 7 First 8t , Portland, Or. lnar7lm THE AUSTRALIAN SOAB EXTERMINATORS A 1'mkoii for External Uae, for Prevention and Cure of the Scab, The Oenvral Health and Condition of tlie Sheep Promoted by its Ue. Mamifk'turad l C. P. WILLIAMS ft CO. GILMAN & YOUNG, 42 First Stroot, Portland, Or., A.o:Bmx,aa Kor tho Mnnufacturers for Oregon and Worlr m.-r".;im Ington. East Portland Poultry Yard. A, F. MILLER, Prop, Alter I 'i I nui t ), I fill fll enkia ler VP ' the Mtowlorj tulrlna ol fowl: Whito Loghorns, Brown Loghorna, Light JBrahma8, Dork Brahmas, Ooldon Seabright Bantams. noo-ai, $3 for a Setting of 13-two Settings for $5.00. Alao, ronatanlly on luuid, EGG FOOD AND GEBMAN ROUP PILLS AddroBS, A. F. MILLER, Eait rorttaBd. P. F, CASTLEMAN, V, S, DEXTER STABLE, (or. wa.sumcion and second bis., POKTLAiNlJ. I p. All lawea in ot nvmi ua nj .uimiiwij wim- r.110. W III ttrat UnU lUi Inoan Jawii ho r aUta at a dUUnie, and All all ordcra lor tctetlnarjr oied U Iihi. t'harv.'va naMluat4 Xt-ating'ia Cough Uoxenpe. Kl TIMIh' 101 till Toil'-MICH. TIIK (til EAT liiiiUhltimrilj Tl.irc l.uii.u.lUumt.l( nooth rr iluld) Mi'ivrtUn lit Ha aflrtta. ATIIUA, M'VIIM (lll'tlll, lllltl.M'IIITIM, and IHWMI. IHI.MI ihv rillllTalllileMtoluln!ueiice, The l.lkli.t ii i-.Ium1 t.-tiuuHi ikUnaUturriitvlorthr iviu'uiiUiUia(nua protiil I) our lull a itntur)'a ,iuM. 'Ilia tvuuin no oiiinui, inurUiU, or an) ilolinl.lriu.-a. KKATIMIIt IMUIII UiZlNllM, r"' lut.al In TIKIMAK hllTIMl. Umdon. Ilriuln, are uld Ij ull OruinrUU. Aivlita for the IVnOo lwat, JHII.S ,11. HLUlSllTtaN til., and CIIAS. LAM1I. CX., Stn rVautUv. fnt( 3ni SWEET Nin TOKCCO Awaaaei 1 Hm al CaalaM KsiaaaUaa (at 2m. aa.1 nnOmni kwy aOar. t U jaai iiM Ua aa tataan M I mmmila , mmm mt J - ' ' Tk . bm& a . Um aula tfii walk la eaaaatr aasaul Ukctoa fwla. taal ! tn a Mml U aveaafjatM lnUVy all aal.ia. aai aat aaaaaS ens aa VTZ Juaaia A Cm., Mlta., raaanavf.Ta. L a B Werthelaaer. Acta. Son rrancUc WOODLANDS FARM. tEWht uillaa rat ol rortUud.) P1LKINOT0N BROS. IHUH-.TaHK AM) UKU.IUJIS II f 1'lllE HHkUt Poland China, and Berkahire Piga. Oil 1 reedere ai Irom the Uat harda In the I'nlte Mu. IVUaJ ttUiu pain. in- aalira rea.1 in Ari' Corraaaudiue aulkluU. AddreM! I'lLhlNUTOX UKOM. lljkii 1) Itortland tlrevou. CUSTOM GRl1jT MILL! In Balom, Oregon. The m.drralpied hare leased and nre now running the Onat Hill In the Agricultural WorkH ItulldlBg, And are prepared to OHXKTD 3POH TOIiXi ! At reiwonable ratea. Will aim IlllY WHEAT at tho mr.tkct price. IH'CKlNdllAXl k HM1TII. Hals, tir reb lsth.mo fehZl-tl J. W. MEREDITH, Dental JUioms at tho M stand, (.lUVOLIVN BLOCK, Ol'l". THE BANK, SALlfim, OREGON. V OiJLXUD. To all ho aro anfferlni; from tho errors arid Indiscre tion ol youth, ntrvoua eahneea, early decay, loan ot manhood, tlo , I will aend a recipe that will cure you, FIIKKOFCIIAIUIK. This fruit remedy was illxv' tred by a miseionary In Kouth America, Bend a self addrraed envelope to tho Hsr. Jonarn T. Ikmjin, Sto tion I). Biole llouae. New York City JansMy It is now a large 32-Page Paper, Handsome? Illustrated, Alily tdlted, and la sent out etlUJird and cntc loped In granite coicr tlo lamlly ahoukl bo without It. Price per Annum, $2.00. SAMPLE COI'V, SCENTS Zr. Bamuel, Publisher, Portland, Or. MONTHS' flack Numbers of THE WEST HIIUIIE, eual to 1AOQ DA flVQ ' pri'inar' lr,lc '" ''"' UOO A AUUIJ tltully Uliialruted, will be. rnt, poataCT paid, on receipt ol tlOOin currency or tAre aUinai. Tlila ia aialutely the largest amount of rood, InKructlao and clean l.k rature eaer ofti red for no low a iirlre Addnw U HAMUhL, DraarrS, I'ortuid, Or, FOP. TEN (TKTB IN rOOTAflfl atatni4 wIllMndaoopy of tha A ValDdlilc RELIC! City, Feb fth, 1M0. It la tho Grit uumner 01 ine .cry nrai newspaper nubllahed on the faciftc Uooot. Theae uapera ars not oritfinalu, but reprinted no exact that none but a printer could U.U the difference tftacrn Uie reirlnt II1U 10 Cents nndlha original, for 2stenU 1 will acmi inrcoeopiea. Addreaa: L. MAUt'EL, Ilrawtr t, Portland Om-on J. H. THOMPSON, I lirporhr and llteeil-r of nn'y Uie BoBt Strains of THOROUGHBRED POULTRY Dark Brahmai, Black Oochtnt, JLaA non-sottiuff Slack Kamburga Alto, 8II.VKU hKAIlltldlll and BII.M'.U Iil'CK WINfl (IAME IIANTAMM, all imported hy H0a.ll. EGGS AMD FOWLS IN SEASON. COItUI Jjl ONIjKNCE l-OUrlTKl). J. II. Thompson, Ilalsey, Linn Co., Or. lib 14 U FOR SALE. 640 Aoreg of ON TUB LINK OF THE Mt. Jefferson Past Road. Hituatetl one mile above ilctuma, In ilarlon County, tOOacres under fence, rll limbered, well watered, some ImprovemenU, and a portion In eultliatlon. Thia Urnl aa aitnatrd on Uie edge of the Caaeada Mountalna, at Iraat half of It ran be cheaply cleared, and la rii heat of mountain soil. . It la reaciie.1 by a level road from Hulcm, no htlla, Ave houra'eaaydrlte. It lain tiio mid.tof a thickly ait tied country, with foal nclirhbora, and a more healthy rtpionianiiot I found. hnoolhouwa few rcalafroiu the line Excellent for ets ranire, and huDitrcla of ai rta ot land Uiat ran bo iloattd for w heat at a cit of j an acre. Tliia la a latorable opiwrttinlty for aome fanner dcalr ouaof i;oini: lato the atu k bu.lncMeiUnaivrly, or for a colouy of three or lour famlllea ol (lennana. There are n.in tlinnanaaettlnl In the vicinity, and thry Ilk l"nit of thi. pun Iiam price, Vi.W an a re, tan be paid tor l U rm ol jeaia In annual instalment., at low rale ol llltereat (.all n or rile lo H. A CLAItliE, Earnwr OKir, Nu i WwhUiirbm St.. I'ortUnd, llirren, Or I) W (ilAKI.h'alcm. fa7iaTH'.H.l:l.at't'''-aajas; EVERYTHING ronna GARDEN Dcacrlrllt ic'aulneaol ivipaccatcntire PETER HENDERSON fc 80. turffandl til., JSne lor. Dr. JAMES WITHYfOME, VETERINARY SURGEON, win, 1'iiAcria: in poiitlami iieiieaiteu HatinirhiulaiieiitenaUe prwitheih Oregon lor Uie but elf lit )ean, la a eiitticlent inuranUe of abllili, VWIIevndrrrarrtptione and Information fur the tnatt mant ol any dietae oil receipt of one dolUr. Htat til a) niptoiua aa near oa tealblc, oIm) i.eur the v-e and aright cl liorae. Ottli at HliACK HAWK NTAHXE9, POKTI AND, OIIKiOX MMuiii KhT.VIIL HIIKll IS IHV WILLAMETTE NURSER7, '!. W. Will icj; Mil', I'f0ii. Osweeo. OI&okamaR Co., Or. ! ilel alMillini; mi In 1 1 hi. Pi line un Cl.e-r) Tv, I uiivmii iv acil'.v la-l vbN Hoi OH! MY I'm-, i iha Itaik. rttk . ivuaareturt l.i r.VTh U'MhliV. tliril T lilll.tKY iaid Ll Pit Mr Kl INK. It la iiul a new irvui- litnil K&vin Imb BACK! M uwdby allc'aaaeaforSO " atura. ami aavctl from lltyarW diaeaa nd naa'h liuuJred abo have bew fnn Ul by PlijuUiia. Ul'NTW BKH UlYeiirraialldiarttK'aii.f ilw liver, Mdnye,U)aildr and Vrtnary Oryiuia, liroiv, timet. DiarwUw. laoun. tllieno an, rurealWht'a tiuehaeof the hldneja, (lencral Debil ,U Kelebllon 01 l line, main neia. life Duehae of the hldnrva. General Debi!- Ily, t'euiale Vt.akne. Nervoua Uiaewea, lnlenir IIT, fVUIAJV ni.lWI.. ,1I,VM .i--, ,mk.k,-, ameandesceMr. IIVNTri HtlLUV cure Udloua lleadathe, Sour Mniuvh, ltU. nr , and l)-apetaua. riireiurthenalhellottlaanil htomah, and ruake tlie III.mkI wr(r.U,i pure. llt'.NTri UtMUlV la rreaual alPKthLY lor thc .il-in-, urnl haa ue.ee bee a kni.wn KiVII, One trial will ixKiemvyu. lli:Nt"rl KKMIHY la purvly Yt-vlaide, U u-ed by KaadJ) I'roalciana, and I be u'moat la I inn nu) be- placoj la It. ill'.SrsitKimiYen HUNT'S oouiaea alecis creatM on appe'lte, tnkva iiii '. y I he a) ate in. and rrn wed health la the leeult. Nuidfor lunphletlO REMEDY vi u. n luanM, Paoviraara. Kbodo 1,'iiii Sold by all Druggist. UU ; BjaSflutBa CEO. E.AIKEN, SALEM, OREGON. AIKEN HAVE REVOLUTIONIZED TRADE IN SALEM! EVERYBODY THEY HAVE A RESPONSIBLE HOUSE, Where Goods are sold strictly for CASH, at one price, and that price lower than any house on this coast. It is to our interest to sell at the very lowest Prices, as. by doine so. we retain our present trade and win new, customers. No person, With reasonable judgment, can price our goods without being convinced that we are selling goodartlcles at the very lowest possible prices. Our advantage in buying enables us to offer extra inducements. Mr. FARNHAM remains In San Francisco, constantly getting bargains, and we give our customers the benefit of those he gains. Remember, we deal in Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Soots, Shoes, & Notione, We are not selling off our-old Stock -we have none but we aie constantly receiving NEW GOODS, and selling at prices that will doubly induce you to buy new Goods instead ol old trasc. When visiting the Post Office, you are respectfully invited to step in the next door and exam ine our Goods, and all those who with to save from 25 to 40 per cent, on a biU of Goods, can do so by purchasing them at . P AIKEN & FARNHAM'S, Ja24 Opposite Ohemeketa Hotel, first door touth of the Post Office, Saletc. COMPENDIUM OF BUSINESS AND ORNAMENTAL WRITING ! FOR I'ltor. W. L. Wlirn.: dnctiou of it. kind that it ha. manual of tlie art yet introduced. I cannot manual oijio an. OREGON STEAMSHIP 00., nBOULAU LINK Between Portland and Sab Francisco, j TllHOllUll TICKKTM ! Can fco (luicbatMl at Uie trlnclal HtatiOLa of the it ate v, .. .. . . Hod.ucod IlAtoaj, etcaictra Wato both I'ottland and hau 'racclc about Every Five Says, tarrying I'ani8r and KkIitIi' at tl.. L(lVt'i:T ItATIW. It lain. only iinca"y.j 'i.n i d. aii and WKLLS, KAHUU A CO.'S KXl'llKn-. Th.tfliamatilpaiif tliia Cumnr vv ral'i. A 1. at.d are lirw, eln-ai.l. and tonipli-ir In ai)r -oitiibbr and font latoj ttic State of Oregon, i New S.l0 tour buidi'k, George W Elder, ,l7(OtOI.a City of Chester, il30 ton. AJBX, .4Mton. For Iretcht or paauite, .l'l al in Ccniparjr ol life, corner K aod r'ront rUrne, 1'ohtuimi. Railroad Nursery. OaUBBST: ESE3E? jfiCi H. W. PRETTYMAN, TAhra I'Ltubiiiii: isrisivhiic. mt- citcu. ira that be 1 a Uryv at.Kk ut FRUIT TREES on UikI Im th'a Uhitrr'. tiaH lUTt, iv.ii.Ui;u,- ul Apple, Pear, Fetich AiHlaUryriliwuitit) el MlllliU H t0, A l. Uuaauul ttrra t tb uau AT HEAU bat tb lt JuJvrt et I nut aaj alcut tb SUrar I tut.: (Tit. I'aia (i.vid. i bau., IVtoltr lUi, UT. I ., ih uiioi,iiaJ, baraby t.tlf.v Uat liai t. awlMal th Iniit d the Nlur Ituiw la a mru .Uil; aWi. driaj br tha lluuuuar pnt. We U.e al av auilkoJ thorouxhU the (Aw floMrti lr l'Imn, aud andtbWrriTun."aurlrtolt In raAt, au4 entirtb a new tartrty; ul e nwaomena It to the nutsreaxr.olOR.-en a. a ra .""V.'fi.'i, " ma and dtj aUU. AU RU) U 11U. Ut, MarahtWld, Cuoaeunt, t'nvvn. W H. rLUMMtR. ITdt lirjrr, A. I" llOUFKTSOX, W haatland, auihUl euuit; , V" WXI. IEKCV, -rolfHMUk) Trunrr and Onhid.l, KJ.m, Oi-ii. Tai.l h)f OaUlcfue and Wie LUUtai H. W PRh'J Vk', -iorartor el luulnud Kiir-r), I'-t JStlud, tVn. uo I II Contain, examine, uf HUSINKSS WMTIN.8 of eviry rtyle, LAWKS' HAND, ami OUNAMrTAL I'hN-WOHK, with .Vw Method from which any tyle of writing may bo rapidly acquired AT HOME, by old oryoutig, of either ex. PRICE, 9i.9. Inqulto ol l'l&UwMa.Jwii W. fcwWwiliTK, .atloBHl BuiiIbcnh Ciillese. furllitad, Oregon. Dfcrjtirrar.NT or Udccatios, S.tiKJi, Oregon, Fell, j", 18711. & FARNHAM, BEFORE WE CAME TO SALEM, WAS COMPLAINING OF HIGH Now they aro Happy, and pride themselves that leVHITXi'S iELF-INSTRUCTION. -I hnvertceitedandexa-niiiitUcojiyof yourl'UN KINO, and .!.... n,u ..nulla,-.. n ... Iii inclliol analraia anil artiatio too highly recommend it for thoae who .le.ire a complete gnido for aelf-inatructiou. e ry rci,lwctfBjy L. J, I'OWKLL, SmerinUndent lMblto In.truction. WOODBDRN NURSERY, WOOUIIl'HN. HAIIION CO., OIlMiO.V, J. II. Mi:iTa,i:Mli:K, Proprietor. o o . o o o Fruit, Shtdo. 1 tiamental, and Nut 'Trees, and Vinos and shrubbery In tl. aUv .Vmxri, fur tuW, at VKI'.V IOW I'lCt ltl Choice Trcen, '2!i cIn. each) Or,lcrCH lirM'IIKU. (Ktlluit J. II. SLTTLKMIEIt. Salem Flouring Milli. BIST FAMILY FLO0U, ISAKWt'S KXTRA, XXX. UUFKBTIMI AND OHAJIAM, MIDDLLNQH, BRAN, AND BBORTt CoiiHtnntly ou IIhucI. IIlirrtOMt rrloe In CASH Paid for Wheat ATAXaX. R. C. KINNXT, Aient 8. F. M. U haptlSti Jtii . iiKlial a niBlnKlir ol tn'rtaUt anil IVvl c..t . iH.li iltl-lnensr...H-a, Kill l rtod) In aiao . j .. I.l.li ti iui l. il.v, liVmr I 4 U'l i--"'.-. i-...i .ut lite lor Ii. I kfl.r one ut IU- I .rv t .I.' t).ui.c MnUlilv MJntr nt "il b) an) tl Iwi-r In Anicrit., lam puitlen ol vht.h cro L'nmn tm mi li mi1 lanna. lnnUl dimtlona for rul th atlun mi iu. h I. k if. All aerd rranUd to be both . ...! .... ... ..a.ow. hi hr .hi. iKaiiLI It rtm.M othtrMiM-, I viU r.ll the ontrr gratia. Tbe criirliul Intro- ituv-vr er the nui-i-iu Ua.n, i ninn a i-ion, jiAriia head CVI.U4C, MrahM IVni, and in ol other rc-UtU-a, 1 ltulteth itttrunH'e olt.Il uhoarr annoua to hair tr.rlr m-nl dimtl; Inim the roTr, Irrab, tnw, and I tbe irrv U-t .liln. .Nam biltibu. a arnriUTT. JA1 J. II. (ilUXJOIIY. IVs, CO, Suit. U.ilWhtttd, Mmv English BERKSHIRE PIGS IK.Vn.RUl 110N AT THE LIST fcTATE FAIII t kixiuktrurUt litUr, alw lor l4 uti ou th ground, taking alhUvn ru-a on mijt vntrtaa .J IcMilumUh ll.U.IUM. 0S, -oiu(and acad. m ordtr. 1, ih.i)ouni- tUAI!s .all bred aa an t!) tu.s p't. Adtl. JOHN WEST. alOlt .S. .Vl MAl'a.t. (LV Or. JOHN FARNHAM SAN FRANCISCO, PRICES unhraiUtingly pronouueoit tho finest pio merit, it 11.111 tnv opinion, .upenor to 61)1 GRASS SEED and SEED GRAIN FLOWER SDu GARDEN SEEDS, AT MY bKED bTORB, TCRTLAND, NEH STA11K STIIBET FE1IHT. Trees. Plants. Fruit and Ornamen tal Trees, Shrub bery, Roees and Vines. AT TUB EAST I'ORTLABiU NIKSKKY. 09 Q HI 09 tt P w V CALL AT THE BTOHF. OR AOdra.f II. HANSON, Kan Portland, Or, Dec J, 1. -Im. 09 T. C. SMITH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....AND.... XlXM.XXXla.Olataa Fattoo'e Block, State rtreet, Kalem, Oifi. PARTICULAR ATTKNTIOS OIVKN TO TUB icrtptlon., and all ordere bjr mall oreipretf Obrd promptly and accurately. Fbarlclant and Country Dealer, will rate morey r J examlnlns oar ru-k, or prorurtns oar prlCM. Ufcre partbaalns elieatbere. toib-U. J. 4. HTRATTON. Attorney at Law. BAL.KM. URF.OON. Ofllre on BUI Street, oppotite tbe Dennett EttM RAILR0AD LANDS. T-ltaritl XrmajT LOW faHCRr.! S.ONU TinBt LOW INTEHEST Tie Orcg or UllfeniU sad errgoa Ccatrai Ksllrw CHBalet OFFKR tbelr Land for aict Ike lollowUc ilb ral lerma: On. tenth of tbe price In caab; lstereei en the balance at tbe r' of ttien per cent, one y.r after aale; and each inltoaruc yrar ooe-tentb or lie principal aedlnurtal nu II e Ulasre at the rate cl Hituw cent per annu HotL principal and liter trl iwtyaM. In II. t fLrr'l ry. A diro.irt ol t.n wo M tl allowed fr caeb - Letwr. to b addm.ic fo F. bCHULZK, Lac Ava-i.l 7 h . T..flii ; f'-acoo. 8. FRIEDMAN. Auctioneer. Commission .MiH-c'.int, mid Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Oeneral Merchandise, it HiLlil, 4.R1-C.ON. fimm