Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 14, 1879, Image 7

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    THE BE1B.
U hearts that never cease to yearn I
O brimming tears that no'cr aro dried !
The dead, though they depart, return
As though they had not died I
Tito living aro the only dead;
Tho dead live, nevermore to dicj
And often whan wo mourn thctn lied,
They novcr wero so nigh 1
Vet ovcry grave gives up its dead
Ere it Is overgrown with grass!
Tli en why should hojieless tears bo nhed,
Or need wo cry, "Alas"?
Or why should Memory, veiled in gloom,
And like a sorrowing mourner craped,
Sit weeping o'er on empty tomb,
Whoso captives havo escaped!
quiet Influence.
The blessing of her quiet life
Fell on us liko tho duw,
And good thoughts where her footsteps
Liko fairy blossoms grew.
Sweet promptings unto kindest deeds
Wero in her every looks
We read her face as one who readt
A true nnil holy book,
And half wu deemed she needed not
The chnngiiig of her sphere,
To give to heaven a shining one
ho walked an angel her.
Oivo fools their gold, knaves thoir power:
b'or fortune's bubbles rise and fall;
Who sows a Held or trains n llowcr
0' plants n tree, is moro than all.
For ho who blesses most is blest:
And God and man shall own lib worth
Who toils to Icavo as his bequest
An added beauty to tho earth.
And, soon or late, to all that sow
Tho tinio of harvest shall be given:
Tho llowcr shall bloom, tho fruit shall grow,
If not on earth, at last in heaven I
John (I. WurrrtKn.
Animal Intelligence.
A lecture delivered before tho Into
mooting of tho HrltMi Association by
J. G. llomiinos, on "Animal Intelli
gence," is attracting much Interest.
Wo mioto from it tho following Ah
regards tho particular emotions which
occur iiinoug tho higher animals, I can
rtfllrm from my own observations that
all the following irivo uiimistakiiblo
tokens of tnelr presence: Kenr. afTec-,
tlon, pas-Ioimtonc.ss, pugnacity, Jcal- ton. It Is u very exceptional woman
ousy, sympathy, pride and roverence, ' w, wl" "ot ,,(3 " IP "o to an
emulation, Minme, hate, curiosity, re- attentive husband, and a very excep
venge.criielty.cmotlonortholudlcrous.tlonalono who will not bo very (Upl
and emotion of tho biautlful. Now Breeab'.o If sho (IntN herself willfully
this list Includes nearly all of tho hu-1 "L'glected. It would be easy to hate a
lutm emotion-, except those which ro-' "UU1 wno "living bound n womnn to
fer to religion and to tho perception ofj hi IM, " t,1Iort to "lllI;o "-'r "up-
the sublime. These, of coure. aro ! Vi'i ,",r', ,10t to ,ovo cmo w,, l t0
noce.arily absent in anlmiiN, because 'atiintiinil tender, and when a woman
they depend upon Ideas of too attract ! u,vc sho lwnys strives to please. Tho
a nature to bo reached by the mind I -rout mc of thU worl(1 llilvt often
when unaided by tho logic of signs. In
highly Intelligent, highly sympathetic
and tolerably well-treated animals tho
germ of u moral sense becomes appar
ent. On tho whole, therefore, I can
only suppose that wo havo In tlie.su ac
tions ovldouco of as high n develop
ment of tho ethical fncultv as Is attain, i
ablo by tho Ingle of feelings when un-'
assisted by the logic of signs; that la to
say, a grade very nearly If not qulto as
high as that with which wo meet In !
low K.ivn..s. vmmr. ..i.ii.irnn. ...,
Idlnts nn.i iim.iii!n,ui.ii .ln.-.t ,.., i
l-'roin close observation of the mental
condition of uneducated deaf mutes,
wo learn tho important lesion that in
tho absence of language the mind of
man is nlmo.it on n level wltii tho mind
of a brute in respo:t of Its power of
forming abstract Ideas.
"Why I Mauiiiki) IIi:n." "Where "semi reading, and when night comes
did you ilrst meet your bride?" 1 said and the day's work is ended, Instead
to a young friend of mine, who had In- of running with other boys to the rail
vited mo to his wedding. road station and adjoining towns, they
His reply was, "A year ago I was! gathered around the great lamp and
ono of u largo dlnnor-p.trty of ladles became interested in their books and
and gentlemen, at which a young lady
was noticed not to drink any wine.
Our host observed It ami said,
"A glass of wine with you, miss'."
" 'Kxcusu me, sir,' said she.
" 'What! aro you a teetotaler'.' What!
havo wo a teetotaler hero'. Ha! ha!
Why, do you never drink wltiu?
"Novor, sir.'
" 'Why not'."
"From principle, sir.'
"Nothing moro was said. Her de
cision of character deeply impressed
mo. I sought an Introduction to her,
satisfied tint ono of her prlucinliu
would make a good companion. I bo
came a teetotaler myself, and now sho
has Just hecomo my wile. That's why
I married her."
Our friond was right. American
Children aro quick to perceive tho
standard of integrity held by thoo
around them, ami to catch tho provall-
Jng tono of moral feeling. When they
hear Injustice condemned in largo
things, and palliated in small ones;
when their own cnliuisii (icpreuaiioni
aro treated with levity, or pas-ed over I
with IndUletence, when deceitful prac
tices nro tolerated, and simply trouble
somo habits nunlshcd, It Is not strange
that thoy learn to measure tho guilt ol
dishonesty mily by the material loss or
annoyance entailed.
A.i you .sow, so bliall you reap.
t v
HOKUne W .-ti' nn"
religiously do their own washing and
general work such ns sowing, cook
ing, housekeeping, and cllsh-wnshlnrr.
Tho work of women is not spoken of
sonsibly by men until they hnvo dono
It themselves. Gentlemen readers, it's
easy to talk! But just try it on a very
modest sealo once, and you will honor
working women moro than over. Do
us I havo dono j do a wash of six pieces,
and thon remember that a woman will
turn off two hundred pieces in a dny.
Look at your watch and eeo how long it
takes you J Look at your soup, nnd sco
how much you havo used I Look at
your whlto clothes (hnndkorchiof or
towel), and sco whnt you havo dono or
not dono, nnd never again speak harsh
ly of or to n woman on wash day, nor
of laundry work as if It wero unskilled
labor. Try It. Don't talk. Don't snoot.
Try it. A sympathetic gentloman
having washed two dozen pieces will
never elinnrrn his shirt nmiin vulfiiniit n
glow of roverence nnd cratltudo. Sho
did this! A similar and salutary con-
8clousno?s will como to him who dnrns
his own socks, patches his trowsers,
splices his suspenders, and washes
dishes. Look not every man upon his
own things, but ovcry man also upon
tho work of woman. Such nn experi
ence In tho woods will go far toward
settling the woman question, by teach
ing us that wo aro all members ono of
another, and that there must bo no
schism." .
Oiwcuiu: Men Haitikst in Wed
lock. No woman will love a man
better for being renowned or promi
nent. Though ho bo tho first among
men, sho will bo prouder, not fonder;
as is often tho case, sho will not oven
bo proud. Hut givo her love, appre
ciation, Kindness, and there Is no sac
rlflco sbo would not mako for his con
tent and comfort. Tho man who loves
ia . . .. - .
cr wen is lier Hero and Her king. Ao
1 ' a hct0 t( "-'ri though ho Is not to
""V other; no less a king, though his
, om Kinjjuom is ner neart and Homo
It Isnman'.s own fault If ho Is unhap.
l-v with his wife, In nine case out of
oceu wreicnen in ineir uomestiu re.ii
tlons, while common men have been
o'ceodlngly happy. Tim reason is
very plain. Absorbed In themselves,
tho"o who desire the world's applause
wero careless to tho llttlo world at
home, while those who had none of
this egotism strove to keep tho hearts
l,lllt w-r tlloIr own, and wero
" l"olr "'luierncs.s.
l J Im 'T.-An Intelligent nnd
thrifty runner s;iys: Hut for tho co-
operation of my boys
I should havo
failed. The eldest is near twenty-one.
and the other boys In tho neighbor
hood, younger, havo left their parents;
initio havo stuck to mo when I most
needed their mtvIcci, and I nttrihuto
this result to the fact that I have tried
1 to make their homo pleasant. I havo
I furnished them with attractive and
I Friends of good, solid literature will l;o
; pleaded to hear of the continued pros
perity of the veteran publication, tho
Xorti Amerlcun Jievlew. After G'l
yeara' exlstonco us u imurterly nnd
I bl-inunthly, tho Jievlew, with tho
Jantiury number, commenced llfo anew
by becoming a monthly. This change
will produce much greater degreo of
I timeliness In the treatment of topics,
and will add largely to the amount of
matter presented in a year. Tho mau
jitgcrsbtnto that thoy havo secured us
i contributors for tho coming year the
, moit eminent statesmen, scholars.
literalcurs, and men of sclouce,' on both
sides of tho Atlantic. In addition to
articles on political, literary mid other
themes, the January Jievlew contains
Inn cs.-ay on tho preservation ot forests,
by Felix L. Oswald, which will bu read
with Interests. The Mirth American
Jievlew is publlihed by I). Apploton A
! Co., Ml Uroadway, New York.
A correspondent mentions a source
,l!"t'r '" " ,," of koB l-
which teems to have been generally
overlooked, namely, tho habit of al
lowing lamp-, to stand near hot stoves,
maiitlepleces, mill in other places,
where they become heated Milllclontly
' to convert tho nil Into gas. Not unfre
tueutly persons engaged In looking or
other work nbout the stove will stand
tho risky character of such practices.
Setciitljlc Anlertcatu '
Coloring blanc mange Carmlno and
violet isinglass Is sold for this purpose;
only n small quantity is used, nnd it is
added after tho blanc mango is made.
To produco yellow, mid tho beaten
yolk of one egg, or two rnw eggs; for
brown, uso grated chocolate; for green,
spinach Juice.
To clean whlto ostrich feathers Take
fourozs. whlto soap, cut fine, nnd dis
solve fn four pints of rather hot water.
Convert tho solution Into n lather; put
In tho feathers; rub carefully with tho
hnnd for about 11 vo minutes, After
tliis, wash In clean water, us hot ns tho
hand can bear. Shako till dry.
To tako out mildew Take tho cloth
' who" t,ry' wet thoroughly with soft
soap and salt mixed. Lot It romatn n
i sll0 time, then wash in good suds,
and lay out to bleach. If ono operation
does not answer, two will, and the
linen will bo as clear and us clean as
To remove tho lion tasto from now
kettles Boll a handful of liny in them,
and repeat tho process, If necessary.
Hay-water Is a great sweetener of tin,
wooden, and Iron ware. In Irish dai
ries everything used for milk is scald
ed with hay-water.
To strengthen the hair Dilute nn
ounco of borax nnd nn ounce of cam
phor, in two quarts of wnter, nnd wash
tho hair thoroughly twlcoa week, clip
ping tho ends off occasionally. It will
quickly grow long, thick, and even.
Flaxseed for cinders A llaxseed
placed in tho oye, will, It Is said, de
velop a mucilaginous substance, which
will enclose and carry away cinders or
othor bodies tlint may have found their
way into tho eye.
To remove broken or crushed spots
from velvet Hold tho wrong slilo of
the velvet over sieam, mid, while
damp, draw the under or wrouuJdo
across a warm Iron or clean stove plpo
poveral times.
Kitchen odors from boiling ham,
cabbage, onions, and otherartlcles, may
bo proventod by putting red pepper
pods, or pieces of charcoal Into tho
To tako out scorch Lay tho article
scorched where tho bright sunshine
will fall upon it. It Is .vild It will ro
inovo the spot and leave it as whlto as
To remove Ink stains from linen Dip
tho portion stained In pure melted tal
low; then wash out the tallow; the Ink
will come out with It.
To tako fruit stains from tho hands
Hub them either with lemon, sorrel,
rhubarb stalks, or apple and tomato
To rcmovo Iron rust Uso lemon
juice and salt. Several applications
may bo required.
Ink spots in books May be removed
by a solution of oxalic acid in water.
Lllcnir; Asplraati.
A young woman who was lately be
foro tho police court In New York as u
professional beggar, was discovered to
bu an educated, wclMmru lady from
South Carolina. She had, as she sup
posed, "a genius for poetry," and left
her homo with only money enough to
reach llaltimore, hoping to pay her
way to Now ork ami to support her
self thereafter by the s.tlo of her
poems. She loft llaltimore with a
satchel full or manuscript, nnd two
cents In her pocket. A-a matter of
course, sho was speedily reduced to
starvation and beggary. It would an
swer a gootl purpose If this woman's
story could bo held up as a warning be
fore the countless young men and wo
men who hope to cam literary fame,
unit thus secure fortune. Much
maligned "genius" Is to do till by one
mighty bound, without tho necessary
study, without oxpeiloiice, and always
without work. Kvery editorofa maga
zine or literary paper can testify how
widespread Is this delusion.
A Kentucky woman sont a novel of
enormous slzo to n publisher lately,
Utlng that sho "expected n prico for
it which would buy back tho estates
which her family had lost during tho
war." Tho book, as might havo been
expected, had not a slnglo spark of wit
or wisdom to lighten its dullness.
A young girl of sovonteon lately
wroto to tho editor of one of tho great
Now York dallies, saying that sho
"would graduate In u month, nnd
would liko to securo n position us
managing editor of n political paper."
There Is not probably n publishing
oillco In tho country, which does not
receive snores of maiui"crlpts in tho
year, from authors as Ignorant as these
of tho real work required in tho Hold
which they seek to outer.
Tho host cotirso of study for all of
them to pursue would bu the biographies-
of successful men of letters.
ins: artist, with whoso success persist
ence nnd hard, work had as much to do
as gqnlus. louWs 'Companion.
Duty. Tho shnrpest satire on our
present civilization Is the fact that tho
rigid performance of duty excites gent,
oral surprise as well ns admiration.
After a long and Bcvcro examination
a Vienncso lady has been admitted by
tho University of Zurich to the degreo
ol Doctor of Philosophy.
35 Pottery Pictures, 0 Sheets riper, 0 Kn
rrloprt, 3 Vtni, 0 Roup, II Itecelpts, postpaid. 15&
Crwe & AcWrman, 1017 Ufajctts av., DrooVt) n, N. V,
The Undeniable- Truth.
You deserve tn stiller, and if you lead ft
mlsornblo, unsatisfactory llfo In this beauti
ful world, It Isoutlrolyynnr own fault and
tliore Is only nneexcuso for you, your tin
roasonablo nrejtidlco Bnd skepticism, which
hits killed thousands. Personal knowlediio
ana common miimi reasoning win soon show
von that Oreon's Ausnst, Klowor will cure
you of Llvur Complaint, or Dyftpopsla, with
an us inisorHUio ellocls, sucli ns nick lioiuiacno
Cnlpltatlonof tlio heart, Hour stomach, ha
Itual cos'.lvonos", dlitlncss of tho lioad,
norvous nrostratlon. low nnirltn. .to. lta
salcr, now roach every trwn on tho Wostorn
Continent and not a lirupalet bufwllt toll you
ofliH wondorlul euros. You can buy uSani
plo llotlla Tor lOc-euts. Tlirvo dosed will ro
llovoyou. II i in ! ii mm
Cask Paid for Hides, Furs, aaid Pelts.
order to maks room for my Spring Stock, now
being received. I will offer, for 60 days,
my entire stock of
Itubbor Hoods, and Kip and Cork-solo lioois, at Cost,
hnvo nlio made u REDUCTION IN PRICE of nil my I'liilndelnliiii nnd
Now York city (loods placing tlio best
In tho reach of nil. D-iT Customers will lieur in mind tluit Ooods Mild ut the
following iirlces nro strictly for CAHII.'iEa
Mr.N's i.oNi; nuniiKU hoots $1.00
" knp.i: ' . :t.no
" AIKTU'S, . 1.50
LADS' nUIIIlKUM, . . ..71
" Alttrril'S, (lino hru soles) . . 1.'J.1
:ou.exxt Vista
AVTCit rnutoD op idleness, tiiehk
vroik hire now for terrral months bscn In full
operation raanufacturlnv a mmrlor ami Improwd
artUlo which 1 am ablu to oifcr to tho tradu at of
Ijlx-t Oxxnlltw.
nre'ent flock U tunorlnr to annlhlni: uanuhc-
turrd at tin' 1'ottcrjr for Uru yetr r't. and In i-qusl
to bft csrthenwiro for ttrenxth and durability
t nuariiiitou Satlsfiicllou
Order, or rraurttt for Information at to Krleo Urt.
bould be addri'trl to
A. Iff. SMITH,
L'uit. Vlita, An.', a) tf Pronrtetor.
CunsI Guns!
Wiilciu, Oregon,
i as a 1.AH1.1: stock or rin-M'
Military Brcecu-Ioading Rifles
tmh ai I ho M'KM'lil!, MIAUI'II. IIKMI.M.Tu.N, and
WINCIIICTi:!!, Ali, a lull awuitinciit of
xllOT-Oir.VS and SJ'OIITINO ltlKI.I, cf all tUmUrd
iiuAoj. A full lino of
I'nrlirt t'llllrry, Kiilira, llazora, uvil
M iNSOIIS.dlrnt troii) IjithnJ AM I'luhlllK Taikla
Will a II n low iin nil) hoily. 2tl
Inn lluomt, ulcm, lIviTy urllliy (or iho nrtt aii'i
rn.1.1 f M i,l.,n (,( vnrk l low rH. I.intit 1k k
'I I.KIM I, lll,NKS In Urn hitie, l.tl.i'lInK ll
ji man nrur lor rnni na. it waha'a hi am rnnt
Ouuiit. SrndM OcuUrwl I'Miel.M. AdJrot,
II. M. waiti:.
NUiiiil I'rlnlrr uixl llouUl.liMlrr,'
lOnj'i Illack.SUU itrrrl, KLE)I, OIIEOIIN,
BHiioin or
mAKEh' pleimro In offtrlnc to tbo Wool-Orowcra oi
M. Orcifoaand tbeadjolnlnir Trrltorl tbo chnc
toparcbafs TIlOKOUOllllltKU 11KH1.NOH, and
urine jiirilen Intcreitrd tbat they can, and will en
deavor to. til Hheep of the nmo nnallly and value at
Mi.t'11 CIIKAI'KHltATES Iban ucb can non.lbly
be Imported.
Kxamtnatlon and romparlmn with oth
er bhetp offered la the market are cordially Invited.
Biecp 01
Salem. Oreiron. '
M. II. The Ratlin and Ham Imbi of tho flock cac
ho hi n nn tbo ISLAM) fAltM, adJolulBg Salem. .
Tho Kwt run bo aeo at tho rama piste, or at tbe
uiiii. r.Miii mqr ana n nan mnca renin oiuiocil
Salem, binteraber 10. th7
Mi :i :i mss. iiavimi I'l.RrilAtiK!) Tin:,
IJ nolo liall.r) our Wlllli' kikUri 011 Suto
'tt. Ut Mfittyd the CMery and lKntl It-Krrj In the '
iamlaeol tboOIUrjr lilt hotutat Ui ft o tlm
'&in, win i.-aU lor tbvniM.tiM Call and k iJir.im
lM' lttliK ellri Vi. I'.nftt lh pU-uttr
WUht Vxrutu VjIciIk.I C l:tar, SdtorW
MOi No. II
' 'oikiiie ur 'i 11. 'iuitie. latter mu ioiou. uui
It. V. ciiani:.
Ij i)Kr. Ilnrblr.'i block, op ulm.
UtoSorKeonU.B. Voiasttere,
.vhmhi. au" our
prised way, Why, you don't mean to
eny you aro a church-member! Why,
10 am II" and thoy shook hands warm
" Formerly ono sormon converted
3,000 sinners," said Eldor Burgess, of
Ilutlor University (Ind.), In n sermon
recently; " now It takes 3,000 eormons
to convert ono sinner."
A Eomarkablo Bomlt.
It makes no difference how many Physic
ians, or how much modlolne you havo tried,
It Is now an established (act that Gorman
Svrun Is tho only romodv whloh hu avr,n
coraplnto satisfaction In sovcro cases of Lung
uiHUHm'H. 11. ia iruoinero are jot inousanus
nf porsons who aro pre(ll8po-.eil to Throat and
LunKairectlons, Consumption, Ilomorrhages
Asthma, .Sevorn CoIiIh sntilo on t'a.i lircaat,
Pooumonla, Wnoopibg cuuua, .v wbo
havo no personal kuowlmlco of Iloscheo's
Onrinan Sprtip. To such we would say that
fiO.OOO dozeu wero sold last yoar without ono
complaint, uonsumpuvos try just ono bot
tie. Kopular sIzoTj' cont bold tj
risis in America.
Sacceoor to J, M. Kbslir A Co.,
OS Llbcrtr .. NKW YORK,
OoiiiiuInmIoii A.jf out
rwi: liuviNo and ronwAiunNo phom
JC New Ycrlc tU Iflhmos, l'aelnc ltsliMid, and
Cape Horn, all kinds nf Me rchtndlte, and for tho rale
of 1'rodDCts from tho Pacific coast, for the collection
oi moiicv. ac. ocisu
lines of ROOTS AND SHOES made
mus's douiii.i: soi.j:,
S .40
$7, upward.
Stubborn Coughs and Colds yiow
promptly to tho licnllng nnd cura
tlvo proportlos of Dr. Jnyne'n !.
poctoraiit. It I00H0113 nnd proiuotm
tho oxprrtonitlon of Irritating innt
tor, iiiltlgatOH much pain nnil dU
trcsH, ntut t'liorJcs Inlliinimatlon,
Asthma, Bronchitis, and Throat
Tr0tlblB8 nro ut onco rollovod !y
Ir. Jiijiii-'h i:Mtoran(. It ro
movoi roiiHtrlctlnn of tho Uronclihl
tulic.M, loosons plilp(,'in, Hoothcs ami
lioals tlioniiK'otiH inonibmno,nrroits
nny fovurlHh tomlcncy, iitnl liolps to
fonvnn! u gradunl euro.
Consumption, Pleurisy, and Lung
Affections nro gonorally controlled
mill aiuollorntcd by Dr. Jajmr'N Kx-rx-rloruut.
It kiivoh tho lungs from
much irritation mid illHtrons, by ro
llovlng tlioin of tho Irritating matUiM
by which thoy nro clogged, It nlao
HiipprcHHPH Inllnniinatloii ami glvo
tho afTcctcil parts a chanco to heal.
Whooping Couoh.CroupandHoarso-
nB88 nro olllrocloiiHly treated by Dr.
Jnjue'n i:apcrornn. It roillOVCi
illlllculty of lirendiliiK "1 oppres
sion In tlio throat or Iiiiikx, promotoi
tlio ijoctloii of inui'UH nml Miibdiittt
tlio vlolcuco of theso coinjiluliiU nt
tlio outset. It Is n Hufu Family L'ura
tiro, of loug-CHtulillHlioiI rupiitutlou,
nnd whuro promptly nilmlnUtoroil,
lias cnublcil many to oscipo uorlou
I.ung AH'octlon:).
IIOIKJir. 1)AVIS i CO,. WholMa! AKent. Tort,
lunr), Orvcon. i 15ml
ii..i.i iiiiiuii. iui 11 11. mi in. i. i.kiij
round U.J 1. brmidu 1 uu tbo rliml Icr vlli un in.
luilou of a iil.tol IraM (ioro Utt mv fum, tiirrti inllu.
ftutlivtett ii Aui!t on tbtf at.i l Notumtxir, t7s A
liberal ruvmnl will 1 jImii for bu ruiurn ur r ai., in
foritiaii'm iixmUnt i" Iiere4il
' tl IVSIll.lts
Aliilti Noi t U7 iui .1
g3?. & A. MASONS, Ij
O rt T 7?TW
J OHM SON, Artist,
in Hiu.i. Ikiokitorv,
STAT., hi' .
I. Ml. 1 .10 r. pir him lo I .fe fclze,
CCI'IKh I VI 1I0MI to an) .1oJe.lre.l.
)lmt 'i, IW
.a4!' r.
- I fc I 1-
m m m A'
i" l.Mrn,v IVot.U')'.
tolholrlntefeaU nd'Targo enough to afford
apaco for every topio which they can with to
havo dijciiEecd. When we purchased tho
WiLLAMm-B Farmju, eix and a half years ago,1;
It was not over one-third tho preaent sizo, and
wo, havo steadily enlarged and Improved It un
til it Is second only to tho grcarcat metropoll
tan journal published north of San Francisco-
TIIK "faumi-r" tub rKorLE's JOOnKAt. -Tlie
Kopla of this region dcaorvotohavi.,
newspaper of their own, and this Is the oolyZ
ono that cau bo called so. All others are sect--rian
or partisan to a degreo that prevents tlitir
bolug ftoccptcd as exponents of tho prmclplla"
o should nil hold in common, or advocates of"'
tho interests of tho pcoplo collectively. It Ij'
notorioua that tho papers that monopolize the
now .mini o moit completely occupy the field
of journaliam, nro controlled and directed in
tho interest of Portland capitalists, wheat
speculators and politicians, whilo tho grasping
avarico of tho most intolerable monopoly that
Is known to tho Pacific Northwest, only re
celvca from it words of commendation,
With the space at our command at the
present timo wo shall ho ablo to co cr a more
extended field than heretofore. Wc shall givo
the moat tmportant nows of each week, state,
national nnd foreign, so that a reader ol the
1'aiimkii can havu no excuso for lieitig Ignorant
of all Important oventi tint transpire at home
or abroad, It shall be a nowspapcr, and a
jieoplcj iper in every important sense,
The Kaumkh it not only enlarged hat It
wears a now dress, our typo being new, so that
tho print is plain to tho oldest eyes. We hope
to mako tho matter published in J its columns
correspond with iUsho and general appearance,
oun iwitio.v.
Our editorial columm will discuM popular
questions on their intrensio merits, standing on
tho broad platform of right and morality,
where, unfortunately, political and sectarian
journalism can seldom bo found, perhaps be.
cause it is so wide and their ideas so sclfih
nnd narrow, they would bo lost upon it,
(.uitiibiruNUK.vri! uivtinrt).
Our corrcspoudemo from the ncoplu has al
ways been interesting, and with moro room at
command nnd tho greater circulation woaru
nripiiring with tlm growth of tlio Statu popula
tion, wo cau re.1wn.1My expect that its Interest
will increase. Wo invito all interested in tho
noltlo occnpition of agriculture nnd stock-rats,
ins to send us the ictults of their experience,
or to maho known their wauti or send inquiries
or iiugijcstioiis to our columns, so to draw out
the experience of others for tho putilio good.
Wo holm to mike tlio Kaiimkh acccntablo to
the grange by furnishing news of tho nroeress
of that great onler in our own region nnd cleo
w here, mid w 0 shall bo glad to receive comuiu
uicationi allowing tho progress of its principles
nnd the good accomplished bv it working
iiiemlHTH, Wo encounter, even among farmers,
considerable npiKviitiou to the grange, nnd fro.
tpicnt objection to tho publication of grango
manor, uui wo liiteml to have room in tho
I'aiimiiu for all, and all tho good objects of tho
Order of Patrons of Husbandry havo our earn
est sympathy ami ilescrvo all tho support wo
can givo them. It is to bo regretted that a
society that should havo for its object tho
aoei.il, intellectual and material advancement
of tho wholo farming population, cannot bo so
conducted ns to command tho support and re
spect of every farmsr in tho Lmd. Probably
thero is n great deal of human nature both
side and outtidc o tho order.
Wo liavo facilities, through the most reliablo
piiv.itusouniM, for gmng tho exact nows of
the wheat market in Snu Krancueo and Liver
Imk) Ireeeivod up to tho hour of going to prras.
Wo can state tlio amount of tonn.ii.-u nt com-
mind fur your u, and shall watch all matter,
that relate to the prno of produco and tho tiros-
Kcts of tho Markets in ndvancu lit thu Interest
of our riMilem. Whilowo hesitate togiuu.
eoiiraemeiit to too Ikitteriiig Iiojhis wa notcr
lu-witatu to gio nil roli.tblu f.u-tt to tho iicoplo,
irom wuom our supiMirt comes and whoso pros
parity it thu measure of our own.
III addition to esviys, original and contrihut
oil, relating to ngriculturo and stock-raising in
tho Pacifio Northwest, wo shall make selec
tions from tbo agricultural juuroali and stock
publications wo reeeivo from nil sections of the
Union, with tho iiniinMir to cover all ground
necessary for the information of home pro
duearsand the ndaricmvnt of homo atTieiiU '
A certain anion nt of luiwelkiii.ioiu mid
scientlllo rinding w.-:i be found 1 1 owiy Irmio,
with toiuhui of tlio liiiuioious oc.viioi.idly mid
Mimetiiiivs n story ol mtuiu.t, uifi I to our
loluiiitH. Our Hume Cuclu Is to.iihicUd by n
laily nliOA-juxpunuiiovHiil lit.rary tv,(i seems
tiiipnhfy her KsiK-ujdlv for t! at ilepiru-i-nt,
while many years exiK-rienco ns a fanner's wifo
1n.1l.11 it jiosmlilu for her to comprehend and
minister to the social wants of .1 farmer'
MoiiAi, iosi:.
It n hardly necossary to say to our regular
rr.Klers tliat tho Paiiukii will always preserve
the bent moral tone nnd endeavor to rarry tho
b.-st and purest intluences to thu family circle.
Wo lino no bitternesi to vent, no amrrv wonls
to bandy with nny, no ieronal interest to nil
vauto nt the expense ol the general good, and
if wo h.no auv eiieniivH wo do not care to know
it, and cannot nllonl to publish it wo proposo
tuliaonono, at host among tho people, am!
wocire to havo no friend s, nt tl.eir ix use,
among their bppioaou.
People of Oregon! this is jour newsjiapt r,
and uvnatil only jour supisirt U mako it nil
youcniiilumro. Can wo havo it' Will inch
ono endeavor to n euro us ono more cash sub
scriber? If von will, wo oan vo on unuisrous.
lyandiwyoii gotnl snic, liven with these
hard times Mo Ciuitoiul a-rainsr. n omtlit r.
ilqubloour list, ami wu liotw to do it with
your good (nip.