Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 14, 1879, Image 6

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fpiUamttt armr.
IMOKH vvriiY ll'.IIUY, nv
ruDMSiirns am riioriurroiis
Term riibirrlplloiil
One copy ono r (WnumlM), Hi ixlianrr ...2 SO
Onoiopynl" month (."1 ntimlcr) I 'M
Onotl7thrtKinoiilln(13 nuinUrt) "
JTII not I1 mllhln l inonlhn, tr. ill e-'H,e.l
for nc)tai'iiut'rlptloii.
Jllvrr mill llnrlor Iiuiirniciiiriil.
WAMiiNeiTos, Mnrch 3. Tho river nnd
harbor 1)111 ns panned by the Keinrito provides
for tbo follo-wlni! increase in tLo nraouuts
granted by llio Houko for tho 1'aclfio Const
improvements! Hncrnmrnlo rircr, increased
from $ 8,000 lo llio full nrnount of tho elo
nurlmml mtlinnti'. (.'anal and locks nt tho
cascnelcs of tho Columbia ririr ham JKOpOOO
to $100,000. Tho following "urns wcro in
serted by tho Keuntei; l'or tho commence,
went of n hrenh water jml hnrbor of refuge
at such point be-tween Hon PraiKsVo. GiI
nuil tho btrnits of l'ncii oh n ninjorlty of tho
ltoaril of rnc,inetrs may determine, tho ulu
urol aiul local Interest eif commtrco being
ronalil rcil. $160,000; to continue) tho stir
vcyaml lliliil obsertiitinns ..t tho bnr of tho
Columbia river, "?r,,uu'i. 'J no nenrno uiso
rninrii.il now iti ins nrouclim: for nccurnto
BurvejH of AUtn ImilMir anil bar imil tho
Uinpipui river. Other I'licillo Coast itcmKin
tho IIoiiko bill remain unclmtigtil, except
that on motion nf .SnrRctit, llm Hciiatn in
sorted thf requirement that tho 40,000
grautuil for llm continued liiiprnvcinoiit of
Oakland harbor hhoiihl In returned to tho
U. H. treasury on the tlrst eluy of next July,
unless tboriijhtof tlm United KtMrs to tho
bed of tho ntitary and Induing wnlls bo xc
cored at tho timo frto if expenses to the
pavcrnmciit, by milking theiehitei September
tut iimteudof .Inly lit. Tho Ileum which
hnvei been nsrowl to by both Jleiusos, with
out chance, am tho lolluwiui! Wilmington
harbor, Sl'.'.OOO, Lower WIIIfl.irn.ttn and
Columbia rivers to tho sen, $15,001, Upper
Willamette, $'.',000, Upper Columbia and
Hnalm rivers, 2O,O00, and nlso provides for
n Harvey of lVtalumu creek and for a survey
of tho Columbia river at tho Duller), includ
In); plant and Hpecitlentluns for locks and n
canal nruund sttld obstruction.
I'olllli'iil IMiintlrr.
Nr.wYoitK, March I -Tho Tweed munition
at Greenwich, Conn., built with money
plundered from Now Yorlt, wan suld to-day
by Mrs. Tweed to n New Yorl; broker for
I'iijiiii'iiI l'r''iil'ti.
AtthoHUit of Henry W. Oluudiftd, assignee
of Ollnhant ic Co. Chln.1 commission iner-
vbnutie, nnd who also hold n contract with
tho 1'eruvian ijovcrniueut, against Drexel,
Morgan and (;., JtulKo iauuiuorn ko a
temporary Injunction to-day, restraining tho
ileleinbiuts uud nil others from paying over
to thu Peruvian e;iiYorniueiit any portion of
tbo proceed from certain Miles of nitratn of
Notfu mentioned in tint complaint.
Hrimlillriiii ltovlvul.
Tho municipal elections held throughout
Malm) to-day hIiow tho usual i;eneral Itopub.
llcau victories except in Portland, where tho
Ucinocratlo Greeiitmck combination candi
date for major Htiiirerul lu hy I'l majority,
I'HIol I'ritrCli'C
OtCNS rMJ, N. Y , March I. l!cv. Hid.
ney M. Htray, pastor of tho I'reiibytcriau
church nt ImIo Ht. (looriC, whilu exhibition
bin roYolver to hln uifo hut nl(;lit dinuhari;eil
if, woundlnK htr. Thliiklnt; ho had tliu
accidentally lulled IiIh wlfo ho placed tho ro
Yolvcr tu Ida own head mid tired Tho
wonndu uro not thouiiht fatal.
'll'tllll 'lull".
A Ncwh Hiiivial from Hhermau mju K.
Ajcr, niamhal of Whltetiboro, wa mm.
dircd by denperrtdoeii whom ho wun trying to
llvnlli In llio llttirW.
North Troy, VI., March 1 1,- lhirliiK ad
jourument of court at Muonvillu yenlcrday
u crowd collccUd on tho pout otllco crand.i,
when tho roof i;uii way uuder tint wi lull t of
Miiow bun Inn micral pentoni Iit'ti. Walker
was hilled, Custom otlicir (innn fatally in
jured, and it number of pert-out ncrloiiitly
Cmirl t'om.'iifil.
Wakiiimuos, March II.- Tho V. . Hu
prouio court con.cneil to-day ufter n rcccim
of four wi'cLh All thojustlccawcioprciient
ciccpt AHHOclatn .luntlco Hunt. Mrn. lleha
A. I.ockwood waiadiuttted to practice
iiller t'oiiiiiilllco Minority llriurl.
WAHiiisiiroN, Mrch 1 The lepott of tho
Itepublicuu mumhcru of tho l'ottercoiumlttco
In ouito lout;
They promint their wowi. uuder tho diwul
vautai;oot not pmneKniiiR any iiulhation of
whut tho ioua of tho majority will be I'ln
o;l;luul (subject of their iuvoitti,: itum una
tho ho.teitty or dinhoucHty of tba b tiou in
I'lorlih, l.imihininui, ami Hoiilh Carolina,
l'or two carn .prior to October, Ii7f. Mr.
'Pillion and hu ni;utii in mm-oii uu.l nut of
touKou haditirdted uud rcittuted 'liurK''n
that tho caut.ttuiiii; boanU of tho doubtful
HtatcHhadttctid fraudulently utid o.irruptly
iiulUeliiuuo of thelrdutit . If tl. ocli.iit;t'H
had been (ottllUd bj any prool, tho charao
Icr of thoo who madn tlio cli ir"- w.uM In
of no consciiut ui'o whatiocr No man had
I'Otuu fomaiil to say that auj hr.bc v.n no
copied, or that any inembtr of uiij . jiin.uh
iui; board iudtcatod unydihirx u bnir.ij hi
trmt. Kvcry iullmutlon of thut Kind lad
lieen traced to komo Democrats an I iu- ru
i inli,
lloucra! Harlow, whone coudu l u.is u--cvived
tuocouiplliucntaof the luujnntj, after
I nil kuowlodo of tho worklu,1 of 1'ov.tjiH'K
mtu, tuluiitH hla boutkty of aipon nud that
pf all othiw. An to the oulh Carolina
board, tho full freo and uiuvLtradK".e I ttti.
raony of Mr. I.inn Kuti.ned eMrviuauwho
kcanl it of tho iib-ieuce of 'rauJ in South
Thcito charge then of fraud ni col roptiou
wro uothim: but uiinui'Ported kttertunik of
lillL-aut Siialuat whom tho cocrW haw d
elded. The tribunal iu three St Up decided
in favor ot llaycu. Straightway tho dtfcited
1 tty uud itx ut;entH iiet vp the an.eitiou of
wruuK-dului;. Tho coiutuitteo Uo toiled
from Au.;ui lat to )oLUr up that ueitiou.
October tho jmbitcatifn ex tipwr iuh
lea nhowcd concluHhely htt tho very
uha havo bvU tLo loudot IQ drU8UCI4
f tbo tribuuaU brfore llej hud failed
euuelves mdeaioied ' c r:u t thr.e
iU with money
i accutioiut thn nppeurttl tv L
i oouulaiut of touft laet, Lat thi
at beaten ctornrii of perjury
bri of Uej;ed fraud thut fallen wiu
i report of Ui uiajoruy in euaeTor
uild up in, Mid upon tho old
i mi. No woaaer uia ii-ej rrrirr
I lnlt tko receipt and IransmlnBlon of crimlnal-
ing diBpatcriCH, cacn ana nu oi incni.
Col. Tclton, whoso nppearanco beforo tho
cororoltUco waa really pitiable, Bccme to
havo been selected to bear tho largest
Miaro of tho burden, Monton Marblo
occupied a diflercnt sltntatlon. Ho bad
prior to tho month of October, 1878 taken
n, Aery conspicuously hiRh-tontd position.
Ho hnd written tho "Ark and Hhekluoh"
letter and had othcrwiso conducted himself
loftily befor" mankind. Ho could not,
thcrcforo nvoid an attempt to prcicr.o him
K, If. It wot not for him to tako tho bold
position of Jlmitli Weed, that It was ri(ht to
hi irr Rtolm goodB from robbers. Huch on
ark of refute would havo wrecked blm long
i.f..rn rnur-liltifi Ararat. NMcrthclosi, tho
I eommltten had two propositions to buy tho
'riorlda rctnrnmt boards, in hii own hand
'writing, two replies of l'elton i.nd hiB own
1 rejoindro. Thciio ho wan obllejod to ndmlt,
I and also to admit tho substantial neenracy
of tho translations.
Colored Children In Culm.
Havana, March . Tho government has
advised tho municipality lo establish schoeln
for colored children, and wherever thiH can
not bo promptly elonc, thoy should bo od
milled to whlto schools,
IIIIIn Thnt Were Killed.
Wamiincitov, March 4. Among tho bills
of distlnctlvo TacUlo Coast interest which
expired with tho Torty-rUth Congress to
day, nro tho following; Hooth'M bill author
izing iutcrchango of Bubsldiary Bllvcr coins
aud legal tender notes; bill authorizing issu
ance of Bcrln for n portion of Oregon rail
road grant included with Klamath Indian
rcsorvutlon; bilU for relief of C. N. Fclton,
l'nttik Koulo, Horsey k Kheppard and Heed
A- Dougherty; lull to rolmburso tho Htato of
Oregon for i-xpimliturcH in tho Modoo war
and providing for ascertainment of tho
losses of citlnna of Oregon and Idaho dur
ing tho Indian IiohIIIUIch of lestjcar; also
numerous bills rotating to sottlcra and laud
nettlerH, gcnciid bills to aid tho construction
nt tho rortlaud k Halt I.ako railroad, tha
I'ortUud, McMlunvillo road, tho railroad
around tho Dullcti, nud authoriting tho l'a-
iflerallroad to extend Its lluotothu Kl l'nso.
Seerrliir.v Mirrninu HpraUx.
ThoHccretury of tho Treasury has issued
tho following circular concerning tho issilo
of four per cent, bonds, cousola of 1007
TniiAsvnv Dm-AnTHKST, Wakiiiniitos,
March i, 1870.
Nntlco is given that whuii outstanding
fi-'JOsix percent, boniln "I tin 'lut. l Htntea
iirocoered by subscri II ii i ' ill. h ur per
cent, consols, tho latter wi I ! withdrawn
from Mile upon tho ti run pn-, m. l by tho
ilejiartment circular of latiiu.. I, 17'.', nud
upon ttruiH Htattd tu th" nnitii-t with
HotliHchild audotlnrHuf Januurj Jl. 187'J.
Tho amount of C-iU i per nt. bunds out
Btundlug nnd embrienl In calls lo this date
H tBH,O7'J,H0O. When this auni is coered
by KtibicriptionB under tho existing circular
and contract, till further huIch of four iif r
ct nt. cotiHols to provide) for refunding tho
10-10 tho tier cent, bonds will bo mudo upon
terms which will probably bo less fuorublo
to tho purchaser, unit in nccorilaucu Willi
now proposals and contracts. This notice Is
givcu bo that all parties wlshlug to Htibscribo
lor consols upon terms Matca tu tno circular
and contract may havo an opportunity to do
so until tho tV-!() bonds nro callod.
John tiiiKnuAy, Heo'y.
(t:io,aoo I'l re.
Kr. I.ouis, March 1, Tho BtcouifM I.ako
Kuperlor and Dubutpio, belonging to tho Ke
okuk Northern line, lying just ubovo tho
mouth of tbo Missouri, burned at noon to
day. Tho boaU wcro uilucd at $lfi,0()0 each;
no iiisurunco.
i:iiiinrt'N lllrlliduy Vlrliriillou.
Nkw Yoiik, March I. Tho lUlst iuiiiImt
hary of tho birth of Hubert Ummct, tho Irish
putriot, was celebrated at Cooper Instttulo
to-uight. Tho hall was handsomely decora
ted, and on tho platform wcro O'Donovun
HoKsa. Chas. Underwood, O'Connell, Judga
Hhea, .ludgo Chartes, A. 1'. l).iley. Hem. W.
11 ltobinsoti aud many others.
t liiiiinroiiM Creditor'.,
CiM'iNNVTt. March -1. -I'.iuht moro units
havo been tiled agaimt Archbishop l'tucell
to-dar. nu'iire uatinii S'JJ.UUli. 'I licro was con-
Bidrrablo incitement in tho vicinity uf tho
ArthhiHhoiiH rcsldenco to-utglit among clam
orous en illtors, many of whom forced their
way into llm building, but beyond angry
words nothiui; serious occurred.
Our i:-Senutor.
Wakiiisuton, March t. -Hx-Senator Mitch
ell gota to rcuusjlautaiiinfcwilayHto(;ia
attention to pritatobubiuess thero fornomo
time, nud will return to Oregon in about a
.tu i:lrn srssloii,
Tho l'rctidcnt will issue) a proclamation
convening tho l'orty-idith Coupes: in e-xtr.t
seksloii on tlio KSth of March,
Maumii, March i. Tho resignation of tho
t-aliiuet iscousidtri'd inevitable. It IsKtated
that tho King agriss with Maitlutv Campos
that n chuugo in ucco'iary.
Iltsiio)t-tl b I'l re.
I'ln- c.othi of Toronveu, wluro Carlotta,
late KtupiesH o Mexico resided, was do
ntroyeil bj tiro March 1th. Hho was safely
ii-tiioved to tho lojul palaco of I.ucKen. near
I'o tViltiitrai.
I'tkik, Maruh -t. 1'nincj will i.dvuo
vlriwit tu withdraw her comuiisoiouitH aud
appisil to tho powers with lefeience lo her
trouble. withTutl.ey.
u Ml'ii f I'tiK'i-.
lll.nuts. March i. -Tho l'ost concludia
(mm kpeechts of tho Vopo to jourualints
aud cardinals, thut there is but n flight
prospect of peace between tho vatlcau und
tho V.urnprim Htates, especially tlermauy,
uiiIihs tho Tope- considerably moditlis his
ki mimeutk.
A Necrel I'rrn.
hr IVTSKMiinui, March . An otlicial
uiiHiugrr s.ija that tho police have din'ov
ered u nvret punting prekS at Kictl'. On
enterlmi the unarliurut tliey 'er met by a
storm of bulleih. One olUci r . t thr g n-do-
aruits aud two priv-itea ti'tro killtd. hleveu
men aud tlio women wno arrtttd. Tour
of tin' foriutr wttt lUiiatroukly wtmudisl
Ht-volnllouftry Kuulsun.
It Is certain that there U uuusual activity
among rri)lutiouary cbu iu lluula.
They dlpla aluot luiredible lioldutka, A
publicalinu dtclarin thut the Governor of
Charkotl had U'in toudtiuued to death by
the Itukkiau part fer iuhuitmu treatuieut of
political priout x. and that the act of assat
kiuitiim wak iii.epK'ut)y tveouted by one
of that part), wan ojHuly potvd iu ike halls
of the uuN'rst) on thn diy utttr he was
UusU nud ItulKikrllk.
London. March 4. A dltpatch trout Tier-
uova, saj that there etui to be little
doul4 that ltuaaisn occup4tion of llulgoria
will be prolci-getl six isoctl.c,
LtMrlikv TroukUv,
II iU Top mill at Uurnley, lunuicg COO
to close this week. Masters in tho Forest
of Han iron trado bavo Riven nollco of a fl7c
per cent reduction in wages. Tho cotton
trado at Todmcrden nnd Walsdcn is gener
ally enforcing without rcslstanco reductions
of from live to eight per cent.
ItrdnclloiiN Arrrnlfil.
Bolton cotlon operatives havo decided to
r.ccept a reduction of 10 per cent, in wages
Slennislilp Hunk.
Tho htromer Austrian, which sunk in col
lision with llio Spanish steamer Gullicrmo
off Hkcrrin'A Island, has been towed to Liv
erpool, much damaged. I'ivo of tho crow of
tho OuiUerrno aro missing nnd nro believed
to be drowned
Kltcr 0cr(Iou.
Trsru, March -i. Tho river Theiss has
ovcrtlowcd its banks and inundatid an im
rnenso tract of land. Hzegtdin and many
othor towns aro greatly damaged. Troops
with pontoons havo Btartcd to bivq life.
Horses llnlered-
Han Fi.ancisco, March 4, Nominations
for tlio l'acltlc lllood Hurso Association
number 41. besides nearly ns many for em
bryo stake s. Tho mooting is expected lo be
n great bucccss,
Serlnuslj Slitliltcd.
About three o'clock this morning whilo a
wako was being held over tho body of n man
named Dwycr on Natoma streot, near Third,
a stranger, uamo unknown, introduced him
self on those nsscrnblcd nnd was put out.
Ho laid in wait outside, and when threo of
tho participants left tlru house, ho Attached
thorn, stabbing two of them seriously nnd
tho third slightly.
NliiMitlutr .srrtwu.
SaitIjIKI'. March 4.- Yesterday at Talk
City .lames Morey shot and fatally wounded
Jacob JMultli.
shipped n Ken.
Han 1'i.am isco, March 4. - A dispatch from
1'urcku. Col , says that tho sparser Los An
geles whilo crossing tho bar yostcrday
chipped a sea, which atovo tho pilot house,
Hooded tho decks and washed overboard
William Qulnn, seaman, n native) of Dub-
lin, nged 'J7.
Murder mill Adultery.
Tho trial of Daniel Sullivan alias ltod
Mlko, for tho brutal murder of Mrs. Ann
llorrj, nenr I.ono Mountain Cemetery last
November, began iu tho Fourth District
Court this altcrnoou.
Tho trial of Dr. W. F. Smith, oculist, on a
chargo of ndultery began In tho city criminal
court this mornini;.
Ilrslrnetivn I'ln-.
Viw.iNtA, March. 1. At four o'clock this
morning n tiro brol.o out In Silver City in u
wash houso at tho junction of Fifth with
Main street. It burned tho wash house, two
of Mm. Dlsdalo's lodging houses, tho city
jail, another wash houso nud Orcycr'a brew
cry. Crosslug over to tho cast sldo of Main
street with ti htroug wind, it Hwcpt away
Strauss .1 tioetz' meat market, a vacaut
houso nnd tho re-sidencos of T. It. Farr, 1).
F.. Harkln, .1. 11. Martin, Mrs. Maloncj',
Theo. llatubrock. J. Holley. James Lyden,
dames Dunnlcau and (leorgo King. Thu
total loss is about ?.u,uuu. iieuei measures
havo been taken nt Virginia City for BouiC'
less families.
Wasiisniitov, March t.
Chandler at 0.30 A.M. mado a report from
llm committee appointed to investigate tho
charges contained iu tho letter ot xpccial
agent Williams against tno i.pcaKor, uar
llslo occunvlug thu chair ns speaker pro tern.
Tho report which was read aftlrraH that every
Malcmcut of wrong mado iu tho letter was
without oven the scmoianco oi truth,
llutler otVcrcd a, resolution rccitiug that
thu Bcmi-ollicial letter of Williams, Bpccial
agent of tho trcasurj department, showed
bim to lio unlit lor tno position ami request
im: his dismissal.
Tho Seu.ito bill for tho appoiuttucut of
Tames Shield j ns IlrU idler general on tho ro
tired list was taken from tho speaker's tablo
uud passed; j cas 111), nays CO, tho spoaktr
voting in tno ainrmatno to mauo mo neces
Bary two thirds majority.
Wakjiimiton, March. 1.
llcforo taking tho chair, Ferry returned
thauks for renewal ot general confidence
A number of bills on tho calendar aud tho
pension bills wcro iiaskcd, including n pen
sion of $.10 a month to tho widow of It. C.
Harris called up tho Hocse bill If) prevent
tho introduction cf infectious or contagious
diseases in tho United States, and to cstab
lisli n national bo ird of trade
About twenty private bills passed, and then
after 11 o'clock, executive hfsslou, lasting
half an hour, was held.
When the) doors were reopened Windom
kiibmilteel a resolution contalninc appropri
ation for the nrmy and for lfglklatlvo
judicial, and itcntio t xpeiito of thegov
irumetit for ix luouthx, from July Ut, t) as
to avoid an e xtru sesioii i-f Congress.
SiuUbutv eibj.'cted to It present ooulder
i.tion and it went uvir
At iwuii. lVrtj, ptifiilcal pro Urn, Mild
that the time tUt for Cie lln.il adjourtimenl
of Courvks hivitu aiiivi'd, tho ihair di'
ilaros the foitj-ilftli CoU;riks iveljouruetl
without ill lay.
The closing hours wore characterl7d by
more thau usu il contusion and disorder.
Tim Semite chamber was deiikily crowded,
luth on the tloor aud in the galleries, uud
eight or teu Senators addressing tho chair ut
tho mine time, it was with d'fllculty that
i.njthiug could U' understood
Tho spin e in front of the kpe-ikers di tk
was tilled withn crowd ot t;ekticu!atiug mem
bers who with bills iu their hands demauded
recognition. Objections, however, were
made to nearly every bill, among them the
one makiug appropriation for the pajnieiit
of urrears of ptusious uud that providing for
treaty with Mexico.
Atkins moved that the House iusUt on its
dikugreemvut to Stuatu ameudmeuts to the
U'gi.l.itivo approj nations bill aud that a
new coulere uce l nppolutd.
Durham uud Fostir weieuppointed con
fe rrs.
The bill kuowu ns the McOowau health
bill wssjiheti p.i-Hl, jeas lelJ, nays 03.
Sparks moved In siupeud the rules and
concur iu Seuate bill appropruting $'J5,0t.X),.
000 for urrears of pensions for the next fis
cal jcar.
The uuiendiuruw to the arrears of the reu
nion bill motion, which were mUlued by an
overwhelming vivii voce vote, brought to
their feet, Mills, McKenzio aud few other
members on theDemortatio idde, who loudly
protested agsiukt the measure u one that
would rob the jople. For a few luomeuts
there was a horrible uproar. The wildest
Kestlculatiou were to be kreu, but not a
word uttered Yeas uud nsjswss ordered
and a motion to rutiveud tha rules and pit
the bills were agtevdto; yeas 153,uajstil.
Atkins at 11 10 report! d tha the confer,
euce oomudttee ou the letiikUtive appro-
....... .. ".
n uusMe to !' ana lie
GsrCcld, Carlislo being in chair, offered
a resolution of thanks to Speaker llandall,
and it was unanimously adopted.
Atkins began an nddrcss to tho House, but
was interrupted by hovcral messages nnd by
a resolution lo admit lodjcs of j members'
families to tho donr Tho privllego was ac
corded and generally availed of.
Alter n stormy aud exciting bccuv, and tho
Houso was adjourned without daj.
Tho following is Speaker Ilandall's ad
dress. Hi rnnsr.HT vtivi s Inn moment this Con
gress will expire. Its nets whether for weal
or woe, aro indelibly inscribed on tho pages
of history. In this hall party has been ar
rayed against partj-, nnd interest ngainst in
terest in flcrco nnd bitter struggle; but it is
dee to truth to say that on ovcry sldo there
has been honest ambition to win popular es
teem by hceking, each in his own way, ac
cording U) his beet judgment, tho general
welfare. Whether or not tho desired end of
publlo good has been successfully nttalucd
is for timuto prove; that such has been tho
desired end of both parties cannot Justly bo
disputed, Oenttino concert between nil tho
States aud citizens thereof is tho corner
stono of our national prosperity. What
prostrates or clovatcs ono at tho expenso of
another must ultimately work tho Injury of
all. Although each representative has cham
pioned tho immcdlato wishes of his immc
dlato constituency with earnestness nnd cn
ergj", yet during tho period of tho cxistcuco
of this houso thero has not been n single
breach of legislative decorum. That lioblo
respect born of generous rivalry In common
good causa has softened nil asporitlcs. I
feel that moro words aro Itiadceiuato to thank
fully this Houso for its resolution of appro
val of tho nintincr in which I havo discharged
llio duties of Speaker, nbvajs responsible
aud cucrous, nud ufteu met delicate nud
dilllcult. I havo elono my best. Long ser
vice hero has taught mo that hatu or veil
gcauc-j has novcr raised nny causo to endur
ing honor, while on tho contrary, Justlco nud
mutual regard havo often given the weaker
sldo an easy victorj. With recovering busi
ness mid restored coutldcnco wo may look
hopefully to mi early dawn of r. now cm of
Inrrcasi el prosperity and happiness of the
country. Such is my fervent prayer. To
ench nud every member hero 1 touder my
heartfelt acknowledgement for kindly for
bearance extended to mo ns moulding ofucor
of this House, nnd to say that I shall over
gratefully cherish the honor of which I have
been the recipient. With tho wish that yott
nil may return HMciy and in ncaltli lo your
homes, it remains for mo to declare iu ac
coielanco with tho constitutiou of tho United
States that tills Houso stands nljourned
without day
Intermission from Labor.
'ViiiKriiiiu'iits hi'i'in te iHlI'or very
wiiK'ly in tlio ele'pue- in which tlioy ro
iiiiiv inter. uls of itite'i'inUsioti from
labor. Not to Mn-.tk of tho familiar va
rieties of constitution with lvfpirel to
hlevp, tlicro is ne) tloulit a (iimilar variety
with re-tfirel to tlio power of continuing
uny one kind of dibit for months or
yi'iirn. Wo havo nil hi-tinl accounts,
which Kounilwl almost fabulous to ordi
nary miuels, of writers, of fiction who, us
ono novel is ended, lie-in another with
no moro ceremony tlmn tliuir neighliorH
making of taking u fu-sh sheet of writ
ing ji.iier. Wo st'o constantly licforo
our eyes tho nmmifacturo of homo kintls
of intellectti.il tissue) which jirocooels ns
uninte'i ruptetlly as if liy inncliinen. If
thu proeluct iu Mich cases is not of tho
very highest typv, tho facility of tinin
tcrmitting proiliictioii is almost as won
tlciftil a thing in its way us tho jiowerof
occasional Roaring, which lielongs to a
iliU'erent orelcr of iniiiiln. Tho iiiiiids
which proiluco groat works at long inter
vals may, how over, ikisscss, for aught wo
know, as groat u iiowcr of continuous,
labor ns thoso vviio turn out mental
slittiiily liy the jure!. Only thn power is
inorv couiilo ; antl if wo may haranl a
gm'hs nliout bticli utattera, ionhoulilKWi
H)so that its llow, oon whim hte'iuliost,
was likely to ho coinposesl, ns it wetv, of
many currents, which m give place to
each other ns to atlbret intervals of relax
ation for each. In any gitt woik of
imagination, tor iustaiuv, tho creative)
otlurt liuikt ho much moro rapiel nuel
transient tlmn tho labor of working out
eh'tnils, ho that tho imagination may fold
its w ings for a long rest while tho hauil
is cai lying out iu orxlor, A highly
organized miml is like a gie'.it shin,
which pursies its appointesleouihowitii
out )i.uim, though tlio olllccrs bleep by
turns. Smaller craft may havo to lio to
altogether whilo tho tUheriiieu take their
rest, -yatnni.lv Ituviow.
Hack Pensions,
The I'oimniMhmur of 1'oiuioiui eti
m.iti'i that for arrears chnigctiblo up to
tho elato of tho piv-ugo of tho Pension
Ativan, net, tho Mini of 5:11,000,000
will bo nHpiinNl. For cases neltloii lu
tvveen the pavsago of the act and tho
clei.se. of tho fiscal year, willl e-.ill for S'.',
.100,000 more, ami for nt rears for no.t
ear, for v Inch Cougivi-s must provide,
.'i.OOO.OOO will bo noeleil. The) total
to bo provided on this account is $41,
.100,000. This however, is not thu end.
Senator Da is, of WVit Virginia, atateel
in elebato that thero wero httll 100,000
crboni to go on the tension rolls. Tlio
new law dates their pensions back to the
time of their discharge'. Some of these
now pensioners will bo entitleel to from
$1,000 to $1.'-00 at tho first payment.
Assuming that tho average is $500, tho
biiug sum of $50,000,000 will be wiuir
ed to iuv luck pensions to thoso not yet
on tho rolls. Wo havo then $91,500,000
to pay in Kick pensions, whilo tho pen
won list will bo incrvaseel rapidly to tho
extent of 100,000 now ones now under
tho inducement to como forward. This
is ono of tho legacies of tho war, and
then is a certain justico in providing for
tiioao w ho wero injures! in such bcrvicf,
but it is a round sum to add to our na
tional expenditures anil diminished rev
enues. Fortunately tho reduction of in
ten'st through tho solo of four-p?rnts
will in the long run more than meet the
mcrvaso iu pensions For two or three
years, imtil lck eiuuons aro mostly
Wo have sutllcient ovidenco furnisheel
tis that the charge) mailo ugainst Gov.
Thayer, of having use-el his personal in
llunico ngainst tlio passage of nn net to
nid the construction of n portage io.ul
nnvitn'l Hi" Dalles of the Columbia, is
correct. Whilo wo hnd an intimation
that such wns tho cm', itcnniont hccouel
liiinel, but now wi" havo high authoiity
from legislative1 iiienibor, to convince us
that Mr. Tlmyi'r eliel give plniu intima
tion that n certain bill peneling, for tho
f,pecitic object of nieling tho building of
that jiortngo lonel, would not receive) his
approval. Tho tlicoiy in favor of tbo
(lovernor's position if, that tho duty of
tho government is to protect ami govern.
It used to bo n Uomocratis principle, in
old tinms, that whilo tho States could
undertnko internnl improvements', tho
general government nhoitU not, but in
our timo-itis genanilly accepted that
both State anil general government shall
niel improvements. Tlio theory that tho
State shall protect anil govern is not in
consistent with the fosterling of internal
I iuipmvomentH. In what respect do tlio
peoplo of Kustern Oregon need protoc-
1 tion nioio than against tho strong hanel
,of monopoly thai tuxes liver tnivol und
transportation to mtch mi extent that it
, is'iv heavy burden to all producers ?
l'liili-ctinn n 'ainst monopoly nnd tho av
al ico of corporations is as much noctled
as against burglaiies anil incendiaries.
Tlio State uiileel tho construction of
tho Cnnnl antl Locks at tho Falls of tho
Willamette? uud it is easy to perceive tho
goexl results that havo followed. The
river is now nn open highway for com
merce; competition is possible, nnd inde
pendent lines of bouts hold in check tho
monopolizing tendencies of trniiHiwrln
ti in companies that do tho carrying liy
i ' nil ni.woll as on tho river. Thoiigli
v only making n beginning for tho
el 'i.pinent of thn W illuinotto valley
in t continue) on an enliirgeel sealo
t'le'so leicks havo many times over paid
back their cost to tho people, nud with
out them tho fawners of tho valley
would not havo the prosperity thoy en
joy, or tlr ir lauds possess tho valuo thoy
now have.
Xo Ronsiblo man can doubt that Now
York Slato eliel a great work for its own
interest!!, and for tho far West nlso,
when it constructed tho 1'iio UaiAl.
That was a great enterprise nnel laiel tho
foundation for other nnd greater enter
prises. Gov. Thayer's view is that tho
Stato must not interfere) with private)
ontei prise. Only for tho Stato tho
Willamette river woultl bo to
this day controlled by corporations. If
wo iceognizo good results heiv, wo must
conceelo that similnr expeuditui'o by tho
Stato will accomplish still moro wonder
fui tesuits ou tho Columbia river. That
region is much gtvater in oxtent and
vaster iu its varied ivsources, and tho
necessity for homo relief of tho kind is
much greater. Tho weak pretense that
piivato cutcrpiiso must Ihj let nlono to
woik out such results, will lenvo us for
u generation to como without railroad
communication, for what Is trito of tho
Stnto is truo of tho National Govern
incut. Wo curso tho gre-ed of tho
Central l'acifio railroad monopolies, but
wo do not wish tho general Government
had novor helped to construct them.
Tho National Government aided thoso
roads as a measure of pro tea ion for tho
people of tho Pacific Coast.
Tho arguments that Gov. Thayer and
liis supporters bring up ngainst Stato
nid for any project to mako competition
five ami possible ou tho Columbia river
aro just Mich as tho O S. N. Co. will
uso if you go to them; jtistsuch ns their
attoinovH will urgo if you go to them;
just hucfi ns their paid lobby will ring
tho changes upon if any incasuro is
pending before n legislature-, anil thero
is something unsatisfactory uud oven
suspicious, iu having tho same xenseless
ami formal nrgunients brought up by
Governor Thayer aud his fiieuds. Un
let priso on tho part of tho Suto is as
necessary as on thopaitofau individ
ual. Private entci prise will not make
competition freo on tho Columbia liver
nud tho works cairieel ou by tho general
Government will not bo completed for
iiianv vears Portland Uee.
Two-LeRged Hens.
Soiihj cars ago a certain man whom
we will call Hoggs, living in lsethany,
Conn., and ono day ho was e-alkil with
a number of other men, to go quite n
distance to mow n largo lielel. His as
sociates delighted to jwster and play
harmless tricks upon him ami his wife
was uwaio of tho fact. As tho field was
epiite a distance tho put up u good din
ner ior her husband and ho went to
woik. When ho got tlnro ho put his
dinner under tho fence and went to
work. Whilo wot king a lot of hens
got to his dinner and ato it all up. When
noon caruo ho weiu for this dinucr, but
found what the hens hael done. Going
homo iu not a veiy pleasant mood, ho
snarled out, "Give mo soma dinner-"
"Dinner! Dinner: I gave you bomo
elinneri" said his surprised bpouse. "I
know it," said tho surly fellow, "but
the 'tarnal hens got at it and ate it all
up." His wife doubting his storv, and
believing that his associates had been
playing another trick upon him, scorn
fully but innocently responded: "Hens!
hens', two-legged hens, 1 gues." "No
they warn't, by George P instantly
shrieked the now furious fellow, and
neither seemed to see what mado thoe
who listened to the conversation con-
Wo drum, with romo pride, growth
nnel prosperity as a State, and iurrrabc
of population. In ten years we in
creased from 80,000 to 150,000, nnd our
comtnerco was greater in proportion.
An exchnngo speaks of the inctoaso of
immigration e'xpectod from Kurope, in
consequence of thn hard times nnd pios,
tiiition of business there, and alludes to
tho ellbrts thnt will bo mado by differ
ent States to secure a share of this now
population. Thn Southern States will
bo in tho iiclel, looking to necuro their
full piopoi tion, nnel the States west of
tho Mississippi will continue to put
forth nil tlio efforts necessary to keep up
tho immense tido of immigration they
have been onjoying for years past. Wo feel
elated ami thankful nt receiving (in in
crease of 20,000 in ono year, whilo
Kansas gained over 115,000 in twelve
months ending Match 1st 1878Mantl
fiom 150,000 to 1200,000 in tho nine
ending December 1st 1878. Our gain
looks insignificant beside theso HgurcK,
but Knnsas is more convenient of access
and possesses a wide area of pr.iiriu
hinds. Uvon with nil tho drawbacks
incident to grasshopper plagues that
Stato has grown wonderfully. Theto
has been nn earnest ellurt made to pre
sent tlio advantages of that Stnto to tho
intending emigrants from abroad, as
well as to tho thousands of Uttstcrn
families who aio constantly moving
west. Tho result lavs been that tens
nud hundreds of thousands havo found
their wny to Knusno, whilo only a hand
full havo como to Oregon.
California exceeds our growth, as hho
stands between us aiul the coining tido
of population, anil stops most of it.
Still wo havo n healthy increase, anil
gciiuraliy thoso who como horo havo
soino mentis, fair intelligence, nnd a good
sliaro of enterprise. They mako valua
ble citizens.
Wo can justly claim that for average
qualities of citizenship, anil nil that goes
to mako up n community possessing ster
ling qualities, tho population of Oiegon
is not excelled on tho faco of tho lobc.
Wo uro peculiarly unfortunate in being
remoto from tho great avenues of travel,
and distant from tho sources of emigra
tion. It costs greatly in lime ami monoy
to move thus far. Wo neeel not regret
that, because wo possess compentntious
of climate and ceituinty of crrjis thnt
tiro equaled in no othor State. Mako
tho means of travel equal and Oregon
would em pass Kansas, or Texas, or nny
other State, North or South, iu growth
and development. Considering that to
little has been elono to induce immigra
tion, tho results already achieved nro re
markable. Thero aro actually among us pcrsous
who nro satisfied with tin past nud look
with moro doubt than satisfaction to tlio
future. Tho great sentiment of tho peo
ple, however, favors grow th uud devel
opment. They look forwanl to commer
cial greatness and political power. Am
bition is as natural to States ns to indi
viduals. Vioweel from this btantl point
it is us necessary for tho Stato to culti
vate success, and strive for it, as it is for
its individuals. While it is well enough,
for tho Stato to practico economy, it is
truo that parsimony is not econo
my. Population ami production cre
ate commerce ntul wealth, and in
crease tho publio revenue and iMources,
and remarkable ellbrts mado by tho Stato
to secure) growth and prosperity nro
proper and light. It wo look at Kansas
wo seo tho results ot Statu effort to fo
euro population ntul wealth to bo very
satisfactory, unel v cry simple reasoning
shows us that Oregon couhl btand far in
advance of its present position, if tho
Stato had for ten years past displayed
liberality and energy iu sotting forth its
advantages and inducing immigration to
como hither und mako use of thoin. Bee.
It is to bo regretted that tho Northern
Pncitio railroad bill, granting ten years
extension of timo for construction of
that road, could not pas the House.
A bill that was nt first accepted by that
company as satisfactory, did pass tho
Senate in the Winter of 1S78, and it is
not denied that it couhl havo passed the
House, only that the company gave out
that it would not bo acceptable. Thero
was at least inconsistency in this change
of opinion on the part of tho nllicers of
th company, mid while it is much to be
regretted that something has not been
done to' strengthen Uie enterprise and
encourage the prosecution of the work,
it is to bo regretted that tho railroad
company did not understand its own
interests and work for them cousistentlr.
The representatives of tho company will
probably understand what they want c7