Wirfc Irregularities' Tlicro is unitl to bo soiiiu ii regularities in the passenger btisincsn txt Otnalia, tlis criininating ngainst Oiugon. To prevent imposition upon the traveling public passenger for Oregon via U. V. I'uil road should Im uiuiiwl. Barn Blown Down During tin- lic.xvy stuim Thurmlny morning last the lurgf barn In-longing to Mr. (ii'onjo Aplin, living near St. l'uul, was blown down. The b irn was a very largo one, ami contained ronsMciiililo feed, but fortunately no i.to !: i. hut time. Tccijioranoo Imotnre. Dr. J. V. Watts will deliwr lcctutes on tomp"MHCP at the following places at the time indicated : Lafayette, March 8th and Oth; 1'orw.t Urove, March 10th and 11th; ( 'ornelius, Match 12th and 13th; Hillsbnro, March 11th lfltli and lGthj lleaverton, Mnirh 17th and 18th; Portland, March l'Jth and 20th: Actoriti, March 'Jlnt, 22d and 2!!d. That Tolccrnph Lint Mr. ileiuy Spaulding, of Almoto, in forms the Pulinuo Uazntte iluu Unit. Uraig f ivuis tho line from l'utnlm City via Ahnota nud Colfax, and the citizens of Patahi have oll'ered to mipply tho polos one-liftlf tho vuy from l'ataha to Almotu, and Almota peoplo will furniidi tho other half. Tho lino can be tcaurnd from I'uulia to Colfax via Alinoti and l'alouse City, it' tho citizens of thiH place and l'alouse City will furnish their pro portion of poles. Throo Ken Drowned. (Jcorge Porter, John Xowell and l'raul: Lccliky attempted to crtm White liver, nearTacoma, V. 1',, in a mtiall Hkitl', nbout ten dayn p.ince, and when they had iilnuxi. reached tho opposite fchoro an oar was lotc in the tapid stream. In tho ellort to secure it tho bout ran on a wiagand up let, and iU occupants wore washed beneath mi enormous drift. Their IkmIIos wero noun no more. A brother of Newell ntood on tho bank tw witness of tho fearful catastrophe, unablo to ren der assistance. Ono of two dogs that accompanied tho paiy Hwnin ashoie, tho other was lost. Tho To'ivth Streut He.orvoli' Tho windstorm prevailing to-day, in addition to its other froiics, vihited tho reservoir on Fourth street and prostrat ed with r. fe.iiful crash tho board fenco nunounding it. Tho fundi was about 15 feet in height nnd extremely heavy. It fell on tho Htablo belonging to Street Superintendent Unuleii nnd demolished that structure instanter. Williain'a horse, which stood nt tho manger calmly munching his morning feed, was crushed to tho ground, and would have been killed in a Bhort time by tho weight but for tho presence of his master, whocamo to his rescue. Tho animal was forced to his Kucoh, when William procured a stout scantling and, with tho nssistanco of fourmoie gentlemen, began to pry up the timborrt. livery inch they gained was held by tho horse, which, being an intolli-'ent animal, nided his friends by gradually rising, sustaining tho weight on Ins Kick. At last, ny a uniteu euort, tho horse was released from his danger ous predicament and taken to moto securu quarters. 3r J. I.. Barlow. With sincew sorrow wo chronicle tho hiidden death this morning of l)i. J. I.. Harlow ono of Otegon City's oldest nnd mo.t respected citizens. So deplorable nn event was entirely unexpected by tho community, moro particularly as the doctor was on tho streets yesterday, ap parently in his ordinary health, llu had been complaining for soveral motithe, nud was not so robust as in years gone by, yet was sufliciently well to attend to his regular business. Ho retired tolas loom at tho regular hour last evening, but, as hu neglected to appear at break fast, las relatives becoming alarmed, pto cceded to his chamber and, on opening tho door, discovered tho puUclcss body of their lamented friend extended on tho bed, his countenance expressive of com pletu repose. Heart diseave, from which ho lrul been sullering, was tho immedi. nto cause of his death. Tho reuuins wero cold and btilT, indicating that the snirit had passed to tho better land so oral hours before. Deceased was aged about 50 years, and eamo to Oregon in 1852. SnrornoClty- .. .1 . 1!. -.! r no neiii" XTOUl W1U llllt'CllUIl UJ JUiCiUU WJVJ, Oregon, conies tho cry of a lost soul. Tho editoi of tho Sentinel, of that thriv Jrw. nn(..s.ilnnn.an(l.two-sawmill metroim- lis" is aghast and dumbfounded by tho awful discovery that upon tno u. J5. ntTif-;,il mniiof Orefon. iust issued, there U mi mention whatever mado of said town. Theru is somethiii!.' dreadful in tlm l'rlca nf :i whole community beill" lost or mislaid by tho general Uovern ment in this manner, and tliir editorial castaway in question has called a mass meeting of his eighteen fellow citizens, and arraigns Congress and tho Washing ton authorities as being engaged in an obvious and nefarious attempt to inflate rual estate in the neighboring town of Scoggs' Landing, which, though possess ing one less head of population, is on tho map. Meanwhile he asks the aid of the journalistic fraternity everywhere, to denounce this crowning outrage of the nineteenth century, and to bring the expatriated Szeracians in out of the Beoau-3yeJJVlHS"4JU.wwtwsi Tho Flood at Colfax. Accidental Drowning Prnnlan- of a Bravo On the nights of tho 2.'ld and 21th of February the highest water ever known since the settlement of tho Puloiisii country, causing immense loss of property, piovniled in the neighbor hood, of Colfax, 'J'. Tho Palouso liver, ncai that town, ovei flowed its banks nnd swept everything before it, li'inolishing three linages m tho city limits nnd demolishing houses, fences and barns. The bridges destioyed, there was no means of crossinc the stream, and in order to cUnblish com munication u lino was thrown across. Tho Gazette says: Wm. Pwoitr, a Prussian, employed in J. C. Davenport's flouring mill, mado an attempt to cross on tlm ropo on ins minus ami Knees, ins back linuiritig down. Tho ropo was new, and naturally stretched. As Pwoitr. n.-aied the middle Jim sank under tno water, and becoming chilled and injured bv tho floating ice, was unablo to pro ceed. Ho now seemed to realize tho danger of his mtuation. His eyes tolled back m his head, and tho horror depict co in his cnuiiieii'iuce will not soon bo forgotten by thoso who witnessed it. Ho hung to tho ropo but u shot t time, dur ing which ho did not upeak, then ie luxwl his grip and was carried down stream, too weak or unconscious to mnku but a poor attempt to swim. A boat which had been made for crossing tho stream was lying on the bunk with in reach of nil, but not an oar was yet made. Mr. I. 11. Huiris, with n brav ery almost bordering on recklessness, jumped tho earless boat and pushed out into tho foaming current in pursuit of tho unfortunate man, nnd overtook him just in time to see him sink for tho last tuno in a liuucli ot willows, about Jmlt way between tho Kwart house and tho flouring mill. At this timo tho body has not been found. Pwoit.: was n sin glo man, aged 111 years. Au Iudlnu Rlurilnr. Some of the older Indiam.on the Puy- nllup reservation yet hold tenaciously to their superstitious notions, and nro will ing to risk thuir lives, reputations and fortunes upon tho results of their hea thenish practices, says tho Tneoimi Her ald. Old Kitsap is'iin Indian of over seventy Summers. IJoclniius to bo n doutorj as did also a native named Mo Kuy. Theso old savages practiced tho heathenish modo of laying on of hands, beating tho devil around tho stump, ami other questionable remedies. They wero also rivals, and despised each other. During tho past fow years Old Kitsap has lost ninu or ten childien. He claims that McKuy occasioned their demiso by the process of " mosaachio tainnnuous," although his professional services hud never Itceu solicited, and ho wns not present at their death-bill scenes. Kit sap boldly threatened toavenjo the death of his children by taking the life ot tho ono whom ho deemed responsible for his rorruw. A short timo ago Kitsap col lected soino fins, and with tho price of the hiuno purchased a roolvr. On Sun day last, while witnessing tho burial of another Indian, McKuy was present. It was generally known among tho Indians that Kitsap would have his levengo on on that day. While sitting upon the ground at the giave, McKuy was but n fow feet in advance nt Kitsup, when tho latter quietly took his revolver and shot MeKuy through tho heart. Ho then arose, fired tho deadly missile into tho heavens with an air of triumph and dis appeared in tho forest. Dr. llostwick held a coroner's inquest over tho body of tlio slain Indian, ami tlio jury touua a verdict in accordance with tho above factt.. Kitsap has been arrested, and is now in tho custody of tho Indian police. Suit for Salvnco. A. D. Wass nnd Capt. Geo. Flavol, of Astoria, havo instituted suit in admiral tv in tho U. S. District Court ngainst tlio Uritish ship Allegiance, consigned to Halfour, Guthrio .t Co., claiming $25,000 forbalvago in rescuing tho Allegiance from tho sands on Columbia bar. Hal four, Guthrio & Co., as agents for tho owners in Liverpool, havo opposed thu suit on thu giound that tho tug llren hain was tho nctual cause of the strand ing of tho Allegiance Tho ship was at tached three days ago by tho U. S. Mar shal, and today" was released on bonds bring given for 5:10,000 by William Ileid, of Poitland, and Thomas Mon teith, of Albany, to abido tho result of tho suit. Duck nnd tho Owl. A novel battle with a fatal, tormina tion, occurred at tho Chalybeate ami Auburn Mineral Springs, near Lewis ton, Me., recently, at a small jiond pre pared for water fowl, and in which wero one wild goose, tluvo wild ducks, (wood ducks) and six Pekin ducks. A very larje red'Msh gray owl had been noticed, apparently taking an inventor' of this stock of water fowl, and wishing they would spend a night on shore which they never do, even with the mercury at 18 degrees below zero, although snug houses are arranged for them at the waters edge. Uut Mr. Owl, thinking ho had got a duck near enough on shore to answer his purpase, pounced upon him. The result of the battle was plainly to bo seen by the first visitor the next morning, as there lay both combat ants owl and duck stark and dead, hed to head, within six inches of each other. They were on a sand bar, in about two inches of water, pwtly frozen Stato and Territorial. Tratllo on tho narrow gaitpo (West Sldo) was stopped by land slides, but has resumed again. A militia company has been organ Jzed at Dayton, W. T., and steps taken to secure arms nnd nuiiiiiiiiltlnu, Crop prospects nt Walla Wnlla are gord. There Is mora hind than over fn cultivation, and wheat not luj tiled by the freezing weather. The Hast Oregonlnn saysbtreiinis have been nt destructlvo helglit in Umntllhi county. Snow Is all gone there and stoek'ls poor mid money scarce. IVrry Adams an old resident of Mt. Scott precinct, Douglas county, died lift week very suddenly. Ho had been nlllieted with cancer in the iieelt. C. II. l'otter, since driver from I'niii tlllu to Walla Will In, was thrown from his seat, run over and received severe Injuries, but not considered dangerous. Tho Lowlston Teller says sheep and cattle tiro dying slowly hut surely In this section, nud there are hundreds now tottering that neither liny nor salt can save. The Owylico Avalanche says W. 11. Hanover lately got lost and perished while attempting to go from lwilrvlcw to Umpire City. He tiled within .".00 yards of his own place. Tho Phil nilealer say n move Is being nitiilo towards tho Itosebtirir nnd Coos ltay Jtullroad Company, nud ti new or gaulatloii eU'ected representing men of character ami llnnuclnl ability. The Lafayette Courier says petitions iiroolrculatlng In Yamhill, nnd recelv l.ig numerous signatures asking eom mutation of sentence for Johnson nud Drown. Tho Seattle Post says the new steamer Chehulls Is receiving her Mu lshing touches. Tlio rsorth Paclllo Iron Works nro busy turning out tnnuhlnery for thu new steamer. One of the largest ships ever built on this const Is now In process of construc tion tit Kcabeek. She Is intended ex clusively for the lumber t 'tide, anil will bo nblo to carry nearly 1 00i),000 feet. Tho Astorian says during thegulonf Sunday night tho barn at Ilwaco, In which Captain Wllllnms of the liny View House keeps Ills stock, was ut terly demolished, nnd a valuable bull killed. Kdgar Williams it Co. nro canvassing tho counties of Washington, Yamhill, Polk, Ilcnton nnd Lnno fur subscribers to nn Atlas to be published by them, of those counties, similar to the one pub lished of Linn and Marlon counties. Dalles City has appropriated $500 low-arils n steam tiro engine. Cliules H. Dodd, nf llawley, Dodd & Co., was In LaUrandu last week. Sherlir Crimen' brother, William, has chargoof the Wasco county Jail. Tho new hotel nt thu Dalles will be finished the middle of this mouth, the Mountaineer sayf. Kitflit persons wore admitted to the membership of the Congregational church last Sabbath. Sound bridges on the Ulo Gruudo river wero carried nwuy by tlm Ice. They were below tho Hobbs & Soy at saw mill. Ice Jammed In the Lower Grand Hondo river moved out last wclc and the bridge at Oro Dell escaped almost by a miracle. Tho LnGrande Gazetto says that since tho loss of bridges on tlio Poster road the malls aro packed part way over the mountains. The second trial of J. 1). Whitney Is being held nt Salem. Ho wns convicted of murder unit sentenced to be hung, nud the supremo court granted thu mo tlon for n new trial. The Kuterjirlso says Itev. .1. 11. Teal, formerly pastor of Ikptlst church, Vic toria, has accepted u eall to the Huptist church, Oregon City. The Congrega tional cIui.tIi of that city has engaged tho services of Itev. Mr. Dower, of Salem. Milne Urns,, Hlllsboro, will mid more power to their lluurliii; mill and greatly Increase Its capacity. Captain Alnswortli Intends to fence his land near Tueoma nnd stuck It with animals ul good blood. Wilson, ox-cook at tho St. Chailes hotel, Albany, has been caught steal lug bedding from the house. Georgo W. Gray was on Tuoulay evening elected mayor of Salem, to (III the uuexpiied term of Thomas Gatoh, resigned. Tlio Governor will havo to pardon out n low more convicts In order to keen the number down to the "economical'1 maximum. Wo haven't heard of uny pardons or commutations at the penltuiitlur.v last week. What can be the matter'.' says the Mercury. Tho Hlllsboro Independent says Mrs. Welch mid family, living three miles eas' of that plaeo uro lying very low with typhoid fever. Tho narrow gauge i West Side) rail road Is to Ui lelnoorpo rated and the new scheme includes tho route from Ptutlnud to Dallas. Iteavertou Graneo Kn. 100, P. of II., will hold another Pair next September, when premiums will ho awarded all meritorious articles. The Albany Democrat says Sherlll' Dlekcv now bus seven prisoners in our county Jail, niitl It Is probable that the entire Jot will bo Kent to Salem next week. ' Tho Mercury says: Wo pity the next lenuw wiiii columns u uiurucr hi iiiu vicinity of Sllvertou. He won't cet two trials, and he will be in luck If ho sets one. A man named Wilson an t a boy named Foes wero charged with ruhMug a Good Templars' room in Polk county. The boy turned State's evidence mid the mail was sent to D.iilus Jull. There cleared from l'liget Sound fur foreign jiorts during the year 1878, 10" foreign and 273 American vessels. Mur ing the tame period tho entry from for eign ports were 00 and 274 American. Mr. Keene, for many years pilot of the revenue eutter Wolcolt, is golui; to live on his farm on Skagit river. Cupt. Hayes, of the lirltlsh steamer Grappler, will resign and lake the position of pilot on the Wolcolt. Albany publlo schools commence Spring work with t3 pupils. Mies Howard teaches (he lower school, Miss Hundsaker theunjier school and Mrs. Ililyeu now has charge of thr room of the central school which has been va- j- Supreme Court. Wkp.vkspw, Match '. Jos. K. Hentley, appellant, s Ilebecca Jones, et al, respondents- Appeal fiom Linn county; onleied th.it inundate bo issued to Circuit court. W. S. Ladd il A. Hush, co-p.ii titers, nppellnuts, vs C. M. Curtwright, respon dent Appeal from Marion county. Itcspondeut was not nn original sub scriber of stock in the corporation known as the Pioneer Oil Coniputiy, nor was ho the holder of nir stsck therein nt tho tinvi when this action was commenced; but it in sought Vo maintain this action n"iuust him upon the ground that ho j was tho owner by purchase of 1 10 shares of its stock on and from April 2U until April 211, 187;!, at which said last men tinned ditto he iiiudo a voluntary sale of tho same; and that at said date the said corporation was indebted to appellants in the sum of $1 1,500 for money before that timo loaned and paid for said 'cor poration, which sum it is alleged was duo and uupnid nt tho timo when this action was commenced, and that upon each of the said shares there remains nn unpaid balance of SCO, amounting in thu aggregate to the sum of 1?8,-I00, nnd for which amount appellants demand judgment in jurt satisfaction for the said debt, due thetu from said corpora tion. This cause was heard by tho Circuit Court at tho Juno term, 1878, and a general demurrer to tho complaint sus tained and judgment rendero I dismiss ing the cnuo at appellant's cost, and from tint judgment this appeal has been taken. SVI.1.AI1L'H. Under tho constitution the liability of stockholders for tho indebtedness of tho corporation is limited to tho amount of stock subscribed and unpaid. All sales of stock in a corporation transfer nil rights therein to the pur chaser, who thereby becomes liable for the payment of tiny unpaid balance duo or to become duo thereon when duly deiunmled by the directors of the cor poration. If tho sale be oluntary the seller is not discharged from liability to existing creditors for such unpaid balance un less tho sum ho duly paid by such pur chaser. Thu liability, however, of such seller is contingent, and tloes not become abso lute until there is n failure to pay such b.diiuco by the puivliiuer after thu sumo has been duly demanded by tho proper ollicors of tho corporation. The creditors of tho corporation can not proceed in thu first instance ngainst u stockholder upon his individual liabil ity, without first having shown that ho has exhausted his remedy ngaiutt the corporation. Tho remedy of n creditor of a corKiratiou ugaiust a stockholder iijkiii his individual liability is in equity where tho rights of tho corporntnm, the stockholders and all tho ci editors may bo adjusted in one suit. Tim decteo of tho court below, dis missing tho complaint with costs, uHirin en. Opinion by Prim, J. Mary ). Hubbard, etui, nppellnuts, vs Thomas H. HubbarJ, respondent Appeal from Marion country; cnuse on trial. Adjourned till 1:110 P. M. Vi:pm-sp.v, March ft. AITKU.NOOX KliSION. Mary .1. Hubbard et al, appellants, s Thomas II. Hubbard, respondent Ap peal from Marion county; cause on trial. Adjourned till 9 A. M. to-moirow. TitL'itsPAV, March 0. Couit met pitrsuent to adjournment at 0 A. M. Present Chief Justice Kelly and Justice Prim. Mary J. Htibb.tnl et al, appellants, n Thomas II. Hubbaid, respondent Ap peal from Marion county; eauso on trial. Adjourned till 1:30 P. M. TjiuiiHD.vi, March. J. AKTIIIINOON MISSION'. Man J. Hubbard it id., appellant, vs Thomas 11. Hubbard, lospondent Appeal from Marion county; argument concluded and cause submitted. Gus Matasce, lospoudeut, vs Geo. H. Hughes, appellant Appeal fiom Linn county; ordered that mauilato issue to Circuit couit. V. Watson, appellant, vs W. J. Smith, t al., respondents Appeal fiom I. inn county; cause nt for hearing on Monday, March 21th, as per stipulation of (ui ties. IL T. Juiius, impendent,). Dow, appellant Appeal fiom Denton county, set for hearing Tuesday, Match 25th. Adjourned till ft A.'.M. toinoriow, l'niPW, .March 7 On motion of Judge i.iwson, Jo.eiili I'lthian, Kmi.. was udmitted to piuctice on u certificate from the Circuit Couit of the United States for the District of Nebraska. I'L A. ltees, respondent, sOeo. Heel-, apjiellant ApiealfromUtnutilla county, cauR-j set for hearing Wednesday, Murch 12th. Adjourned till (I A. M Weuntsd.iy, Mutch 12th. Tho big drive of saw logs belonging to Allen, HobliiHon & I'm., of Albany, commenced arriving last Saturday and the lull end of It got In on Monday. Lumbermen give It as their opinion that there Is a little over 3,000,00a feet In this drive, euough so keep the saw mill running for about ono year. f"With all thy false I love still," mur mured a young man as lie calmly handed his girl the uititlcial teeth that she bod m mwI intn hie lan WAKELEt'S PATENT SQUIRREL AND GOPHER SOLS) BY ALL DI2ALI3KK, H. P. WAKE' GE & CO., PROPRIETORS , Cornoi' Ivlontgoraory nnd Bush Sts, Sou Francisco, Cal, mitt ltu Sh STOCK MEN! Wlni ut vd llilli fur Spring tiiii)itiictini'iitr, rlmuM cml In tlinr orders rally. Tlio largest stok of Home Cuts in the "tatn on Intnl. ,-fcJl 3El 83 2T Of vwry I'utiiiiialili) tnruty tlibtaruussl lii Hie trnimctiuu of I.t'gnl, Cimiiiercinl an4 .M.iiriiniMinl iJ-umtMi, in Ik-U y t'lu tlui'imnd. Matchless Printing roil lvnitv liitA.NTii or uuhinks". B00MI1IG AID MPEMIM ! IYIi'JS OP IlKsr STYLUS. itirui'.Ti.i1 witoi i- vi.i: sn iiitui. ni-.M.i.n in jy jy ii o 9 G'.HDEN SEEDS - FLOW e II i'EDS, FRUIT AND EVERGREEN TREES, PLANTS, ET0. Allall'ii, (ii'iiss nnd (Jlt.vcr S 'cds, in Ltirgo (Jtinii titles, mid olli'i'ed in ints to Suit l'lu'clnisor.v OltEAT REDUCTION' IN I'iMCES. SEED W REH USE 31(5 AND 317 WASHINGTON ST., SJciira. Francisco. TEIf'1- ' U' Establishment ( ontunaiai Block. Tho Middle tore, Hot. MoiTifcon acct ' amhill btv.ott: IMl'OKTMirs, AM) WIIOI.I-NAI.K AMI JSiri'AII. ii:.VI.I.J(S IN General Merchandise, DRY & FANCV GOODS, SILKS, LATEST NOVELTIES CLOTH ING AND FURNISHINttGOOD MootH and Kudos, Orocorlon and Provisions. Oriltjh I'liiiii tlit Country Sollcilcil. All UIikIk Product) ItuiiKlit iwul Moltl. G0MST0GK AND PFLUGER. 1'ilE NEW Establishment n Second 'Jtroot, Th MKldlo htoro, Bet. MorriBon .ud Yamhiir Stroots. AGAIN IN LrRINIiSSS! JlASLIAlTtlUIlt AM) IMIIIIlTlIt Of 8IDBLBS, HABHBSS, BBIDJiSS, WHIPS, SADOLKRY IIARDWAIiK, ISTrC. liO X'TlOriTT NT., Bnut 31clo, ICDXLI'Xjja.rJX. Av t ' ' '..' 1.1.11" I 'nawr J!l'u!tturliilVwi i-,i full Anirt'iieit ill I liv a; J i.'ltir tint uf Hum ! J ' -) I r,;. IHU ,'flMH, A Utl AW llllilllt Of ('CIHOf'l hU IhfM-.. tli'M'V'14 I kiiu ! ' n v .. . j Wi lu.J !', ii-nnr.l . Mrtmuut l 1'ullli lUm. tori kliula. N II. lit uliini; prim rf atttiiiltxl ta, m Jltl gP CT A VALUABLE INVENTION. MtmMmMX THE WORLD RENOWNED WILSON SEWING MACHINE in wonoriansnrp is vijUai io a Chronomotor Watch, and a elegantly finisned as a first-class Piano. It recoived the hlehest awards at tho Vienna and Centennial Expo sition, it 8EWS CSS-rovfTM FAOitK than other maohines. Its capacity in unlimited. Thero aro more WIL80N MACHINEfi sold in tho United States th' tho combined salo of uli tho others. Tho WILSf MENDING ATTACHMENT fordoing all kinds of repair!' WITHOUT PATCHING, qlven FREE with each mach SSStt WILSON SEWING MACHINE 1 827 ft 820 Broadway, New York) New Orleans, U Cor. State k Madison St., Chicago, Ills.; and 8an Fef?rlm'" . . x .i- i unmith, Agont, 8ales2. Of. V- Mlll v.1,01 Utr