i ' A fjr !-,.-; ry u . ? A .7 I I c) r f --MABKKT REPORTS, WILLAMhTTF. FAHMFII OFICE, 1 rearuuvs, (Or.), Thimdit Montno, r Muib C, 1879. J Iral tenders In Portland, hu)lnr, WJ, and Mllinc Bttter tIn In Portland the lar.k. ijunt at HtS per teat iUxount. Homo X'rotlucc Itlnrkct. Oorrecttd wctUy t y Ccinviwk A Iflurer, rorIituni ei Uicllrmt American Store, fiteonil f-triit, Mwtru , Morrison and Yamhill, Portland. The Jollowlmr rcttrcnt whn'a)e rnU (rum jirrtlj ,C eta or first baud, FLUL'R- In jobbing liu Miiin.iiii i rani., !. , utt country brand., tl .M t WIIUAT l.tl tc?1.70, ii'i l.lUr lie it OATS nlill, VJoMOi V hiuhil. NIO.N CetliV J'OTATor.S tjiot.il l( n- c,'n c t.-nh, Hit .MIMII.INOS-Iol.Uni,-, lur !1, rtl!KS ; r, tM i f Urn i 1IIIAN Jollin,-atei(Vi17lP tm 1IACON - Null, Of ; Horn.., lltrlllc; .boulderi, U LAUD-In hi g and tin, 10c. IILTTKP. Wc quo'.o tholcc frrli rotUlSOr; j-maI pliklcil roll, SOr; iblld In Icfiri, Hiwsoe. CHEKeii -Orison, 1IJH3; Callfornli.llic. CUMIN Flll'ITS- Al, cwl kuilnt',.r 1jx, MftOoc DKII.'I) r'ltflTB- A.t., aim dried, Iwlt; nuvhlno dried, 7(rrM', dull wdc. liar', irjxdiltio dried, Tft 1'lumr, miti Until, 12 frl . I.IXJS 1M. I'Ot'l.THY 1iiikm, ounK, Wwl M(du: o'd, 3 tA' Ml (Kf, Jlnnil HO i'i llu', U 10 and 45 Ml TuikiJ, IDandlUiU. VB JKXIS lrtil, It ; nn fool 4 IIF.IIF I. ti i ight II and 5 .u. lor . ho, r mii:i:p ij-r xdiit ij BTi-i a.t. Wool, l.tn'.riitiMpnn, nn': Wlllanvltc allcj, 10jl HlllHH ilry holtr. Id. . u!l, Or; itnn Kilttd, tj TA I J.I'W (jm.lahtt' at li and (I ct HAY Tunttl i, tmltd, lujln; ulSH and fliM1 ton- Kcuvrul illercluinillNC. ItoriMtiill, t'l.iMtwk U PfltiKit lllt'll tlilna, Nn. I, none: China, No '.', I J it, Jan, 7 it. Kaiulwlili IvUtiil., r TI1AH Jaian, 1' awl 4I; lilt it, l,f mull, V II . Me. COITIX losbtllia, H.J and Id , Join, 8uJ7 HUOAItH Mirl.it mil mpiliut; CnMiid A, 1? : flno rnirliiil, 1: 1M1, II-: IMra C, IC;0.,IJ-u C, Ojc; rUmlHi' li lhtn, 7 and (i hvnti' ti-unii. OANlll.l.S llundlK. I1AIHINS liiioitnl, 1 JOand U ! IMi Ciuli.r lila, tJ and W 81) A I'd lliwl, 7tc and 1 Ml. YIIAhT loWIHJ! Iloiii.ilt), n uil Wj . V tro-, 'rrtii ft irrlll '.'Ji nri:ruH Dili) Onllnar) ImrnU i.l rail, lt , l.lph trUt, DuwrnriCo., .17; aiMH.'c: IMlid IJiimI, (Ci; IW.u MiimI, lic. I'uit Urd, II Ki and) 40; hU.r, Tl 'J. nnd tl 4(i Tnix nlliir, I'l and It, (i nil. Dry (.fHiilN, lite. ("in lull j t u.wtuil, & lllupr III lull ami .' 1 1 Iiik lUtii fuUtl, A , K. Culwt W ,7i,('li ii. Uift;r..i,tUin, JZt-, (lillrllwk MikIIii, OJoliK )iilr Iii,dlAlc, du VJtflO; Clin r I rantl c f hltn lu!ln, 7(llr;rl all woul rianiii I, vXsin . uliito all unl rlaiiinl, lVI", (anUn llUiititl, I'liiulml niul iiiiMuJhI, (nv-; 4'hrtluti, lur thlituv, I4MC, TuM Lintn, 3ICc VaU rji'" I, 7tn!V, I'rvli towillnf, lftrflll Kenttickj Jiun,a3;, trdalloind llUnkili, K'iH 10; xhltr all ool ldankit, V.K'i ColU.ii llattlni.', VOvtUc It,, ahlrtlnp llanntl, C2t40c, Motk and roloridfUMilinirrl 4kM1.7tilliit(rwicChunil(,lli1(.a7ciHrJMliMSkf, Ur;llaMliiHrrMitiiloth,tKMaI.U;TI(klii;, UluSk-, IKnliM uid Duik, IKu'Afi I'anmra' IlooU, JS.76 a ! 00, ilo )(!, Uiik', tlUadOiiluilo IjulUt', lalt akin, tl.76a2.i do du tldldrtiu' Khoo, tall rkln, II. Uu 1.t0;H.7'l)l,fl.Eiat.W;O(JU, Wc.3;Jump r, fA' ol.lt; tlonntl OttrthlrU ft.vaaS.TSt Mini' I'ndrrtlilrU md Drir, 37 c fiU'; OrrrroU and UUUrt, rr.tO a IK. t; Ckilhlr-, wtlln, f7 W 00; Cul uirrrl'MliiUtMae.KI flan Fi-hmcInco Market. H I'uniKV, Mwih4, Vhdt wfcdi lody, hut inarkit U flrin, Mr York inotkrt ttroni.'. llAikj-KiTdiuoUUi) at tfMiOv; ciUu ihoirr, "U Com Ii(f jrllow M' ultinil. hinall paid at V Klctif (julit lulflnn, iccnu ririnn. Iiclt-luiit tut r.nn; dcuiand It mottl lor irigltr; nttlni,iul thUair rry tuuttl; rjuolnUe Icr lalrtonood CuU hllii to (holm to rttm i holtr mllllncll.teiMfl iV( OatA I'lfd, l.o diuiand for tonnnon, iholii to Ira cholm dull, and iuottll at I.t.''41.W. I'otatoi Cala Mrakrr at tl. 10(1. 11! lor (hour Chicago Market. ClllCiW, M.tlJl 4 Wmt llilrlu wild lorMar ililmrj Itccrtiuliiii'N Wlu-at 3lurki;t. UiMii, Urf h 4 Moating t-aii;iKii tnn. tVrcoi i iiurav and lorhlunnl, iiuut. .lark IdmittivJ), fjuoUtlvhi f itotnl mrfci'i, if 4kmI, 4n) Hm ma lUiiiOtft' fiT Mlltr 4auuii,liMUiualTl KrtTnt. torn inMun, MkI . (li ir Mil, 41 ; KM lntr. 4U (aliforiiU, miiii- Ooml ahl.iliiK t'aldornU (in vwlt,, rr (to It. (Jimnituun lor idi, )nt .IiI'hI ur to lw a'in'U) ahl-pl, 45 d, i.iul) dm', 4!.n; awrjo 'h ir Mil (or klilnni,tiiuriiia tli" I'rrxnt month and follow Ins '"r V 4M1 t. mi Amrruuii li run, "0 f d, il 404 rlnallh untiy inarkit, L.vnratly iti.vir ririiill o'.udl) H4iikil, lum d.unr jiiil Whifll, not llrni C'ouiincrcml. Tn i . w Muiim.mi, Maivh mil, lsU. Sinn- ".hi vv.il, iut.itvi'h.'ivtitlro'iili ttic itvnuiiil J'i I..! Mini.v tvttl 1'u.u (lUiut iivci' iiiul th ) i..ru rvguUti-l I) Kuuin ilw Miami, ill) t u. . tit ptr l-i.a'.i ! n j Ui ttu niliro.lt"' I....I. pr.iv, vvu'i ? iitKxiki lilo il ti i k 1 1 1) n .hurl 0:vU H' ;. ii- ivitliuut .'li.n - t li im hull tti(; linn i n.auil at 4? ,!-ji I i.ln-l, vvliilii 411 ti '. i my t'w ! i' ' .: .1 .I-N-. jvri fur fviil tut. i-umt' imt- i".j.;.ft u o:n tlmo lai'K, nrv Uinj; 1iipiv.I t r.ilrirma, but lUalvra.ay tli.v will Ih).M at .1 lvi r.t prv.cut tl;uis A'ili' arc 111 ilv 111.1111I, av n.ijv .ulta nml iiiality vvurtli M cint vvlitli . Uv. varie ties, 111 f-uinl urilcr. t"i vi'iiu -. 1 ' . l . 1 -au ln hvl, liny is iJuitiful, vvoith $1(1 1 $I'J jhi tou; K'lliiiij nt $ Ho JI5 ii'r ton. Thu humu i!t iniuil rvjjulatcs tto Jirico nil over tlir .State, unit luro ns ilnmlurv it xU clvtap vvlun atocks aro full, liny is too I ul' to v luiil.t ami atorxil vuutiuf; for n ili-n..vi.l Iluttir liii. ilroj'ix-il tu 'M tint. jr lb Ur choice lull.; K'ktiil ri'lls .i wct V.gg aru wurtli IS miU ru.ii with lownwnl ttiiiltiiey a tlu- nv 1. alvuira. 'J'lio w in t, that hail Ik 11 luv ulir.v day or 11, vvtro worl.ui; WiilmiL i.aJ vvu learn rum thu Cuiuuitrcl.tl Ki.ttr tl at t-t uhf.it urkvt nbrx'iul was film wit'i prcijict of im iruvi'iucnt. The ainoiiiiT )ui.t uluij; liipincnt i iiicuu.hli'raKi. u (.a . vjruu oil whoat luijor thiuka thor- art to: out two ool cargoes V bo lii.il, tliv-wli w tluuk lat an umliivatimato. Ti w Lavo Utu sov- riTtJi. Jron ahlps sro preferred iuiJ are held for 60b lo V. K, Wooden Vceaclii nra not in dcrnnnd, and evcral of the four in the rircr oro not ealiifactory to ghljipcrs, if iron shljii can Jio lmd. However, they hold for n high figure, Tho wheat along the river has mostly lin brought down on tho lato high u.itcr. There may ho a thousand tons nhoo t'orval lis, tie aro informed. Probably thu tcusilsiu tho ritr (six in nil) can eicuro cargotn of wheal or Dour. Ordcrn for imtiicdiatu sliiji tnent are d7i ler quarttr of r.W) lt., nnd firm at that. Whint iiuaijiitii imlicato it good yield lor 1S70, in much tvhrat wnn full 'ovvl nn I im.w look" l II. I Astonuhlrig Buocces. I Jt in the duty of every jkitoii wliolins uumI ! Hasrnri.MliKMt.'r Kritrrtokt its wonder ful ijn.iliticK he Known to their friend) in cur ing CoiKimiiition, aevrio C'oughi, I'roup, Anthmn, l'neumuni.i, and in fact all throat and lung dUca'Cfl. No vreoii ctn tuo it without lmincdiata relief. Tliriu doms will relieve any cane, and no consider it tho duty of all druggiatH to recommend it to tho hhit, dying coriMimtitivc, at leant to try onu bottle, ai lO.lKK) ttoLii hottlca wcru anld I.mt year, and noono caw whero it failed vtim reported. Such n incdit'ino an thu fiMiMAK Sriill tan lint I hi too widely linnnti. Ak your Unig-L-ift nlKiut it. Sample bottles to try, lOeciitit. Kepular i", 7" cuiitn. Enjoy Life. What li truly beautiful world vn In. m' Nnttiro givei tm grandeur of miiuiitains, glens and iKji.aii, and thouMnds of mcani for cn- joymtnt. Mucin ilcsire no better ln in perfect liraltli; Imt now often do tliomnjority ot .oplo led like giving it up dishiarlciicil, rliriourngcil and worned out with disease, when thero ii no occaiion for this feeling, as every Riiirercr tan easily obtain satisfactory proof that 'Jrccii'n August Klovver will maku tin m n.1 free from disease ai when 1 ki rn . Dyspepsia and J.ivcr Complaint is tho direct cause of n'venty-fivi' per cent, of such mala dies n.1 lliliousnew, Indigestion, Sick Head ache, ('HlivcticK, Nervous Prostration, Dm intss of thu Head, 'aIiitation of thu Heart, and other distressing symptoms. 'J'hrtudoicH of August Fiowcr will prove its wondirfiil efTect. Sample bottles, 10 tents. Try it. Vnliinblo Land for Sale Mr. Cl.irl.e, of Up- I 'm:ii , having u miiveil from Mai ion ('unity, nil. ito sell Ir 10 acrn of lnud situated at a joint ulntu thu Mmto Pass Itond leaves the vnlliy, in thu midst of a thickly-settled and very healthy region, mint of thu laud being inder fence, and at l nst half of it can Ik- made good vv heat land at a tost of four or fivo dollars nu acru fur charing. It is well wooded and watered, and is a legion uucxu'llcd for health. I lie improveiiuut aro of value to a new settler. Price $.V(K) nu acre. $!,00 an acru can ho left on annual payments font term of jears at low interest. This is ono of tho best laud trades to bu mudn in thu State. It is a favor ite region fur dcrmaus, and several German familm could divide it among them. It would make nn excellent ranch lor sheep and Angora goat, with which it is uuvv stocked, tf -A. OAIID. To all who am .ufTrrlni; I rem tho error, wid IndlvrC' Hon. of outh. nrrvou. wtaknrM. eily dray, low of manhood, ilu., I olllarnd a rrtliw that will cure, vou, niKKOl'cllAIKIl; ThU i-Te.it moody was dUoov. i red ty a mMonary In Kouui America, rlend a self. tddnwH envelope U the llav.Jn.aru T. Isms, Ma. tlon I, IUM. Ilouw, N.w York tlly. JanlMy MILWADKJE NDBSERY, Milwaukio. Orogon. 0NKTA.Vn.Y OS HAND, AIJ. KINDS OK Fruit Trees, SHRUBBERY, ORNAMENTAL TREES AND VINES, Only First-Class Goods Kopt. MiDllCX SETH LUELLING & SON, Milwaukio, Orogon. uil 11 liadios rurcbailng- COKSBTS ruoiiD sitviiss madwi itn-s lui'ittnui Corset Skirt Supporter 5TKor IIIMI.TII, tHIMIOKT, nnd III.KIANCI: 01' HIIIU, IP HAS Ml lltVAU and I. rtwllj the moat h llf t hVIrt r.upis'itlni,- for t t maili. Kir ule f.y ull livaillnjr ....... ,-'"""""' ' HIV ( IIAUMl'. .T.W UJVV'il I lllll East Portland Toultry Yard. A. F, MILLER, Prop, 1. I u.l CIl ud.n lor . il lul Whuo l.oRliorns, Uroum LoRhornb. LJKht Brnhmas, Dark Brahmas, Goldon Soabright Bantams 33 3r 3-Jb , fi.'S for a s itlnj; tr III two Sellinjis lor "jj.00. i), tviiattitb on Juno, EGG rOHD AND GERMAN ROUP PILLS Address, A. P. MILLER, lUittt I'urtluud. mil win POTATOES FOR SALE. II l' II II A NIC H1313I11NJ" 1 )(M vnil H ,VT U rKlllHTSIKI..HACRKn 1 Niniuen.priM.oii ouranriuMi uwiervari tile. 111 on ntue.ai murkel irlct. Heiht rant itir wn.vyoii want aim 1 will aeiui nci L'Hlll w mu:iu.aiy ull orders. V. MlU.KIt. Hn.l liirtlnnd. Jan Hill I JalraaLraVl 'l uvBvi WOODLANDS FARM. it.hl null, vrnt cf prrtlwd) PILKINGTON BROS, I M.il.THOi AMI PhiXlil.KS in ll'KK HKIUI Poland China, and Berkshire Pige. ( i ii.i. ii air from the It-.! Sud.lntio liilte tut.- ItUud tliliu pair .tT I aiiro rtd III .VU tV4ltllltltbtt lUU.id. 1Uii' PILKlMtTON IIIIOS. irjw ty Ponlud ttryvr. CUSTOM GRST MILL! In Balom, Oregon. The undcrswniM have leased and are now runnlnt the (Irlvt Mill in the Agricultural WorkN Ilullding, And are prepared to At riiunnahlc ral. Will alio 11L"Y VYIIKAT at themirkitiirli. HlitKINOHAM A hMITII Hai t, Or.. Feb. Kth, 17V lot.Xl-tf J. W. MEREDITH, 13 JES .BaIST I : d l!r -i' . 'i-cldhtanil. (.l.'hUdMr-, 1 lJi K OPP. Till: HANK- SALUM, ORISUGIV. P, F, CASTLEMAN, V, S O EXT KH STABLE, Cor. WashiDKton and Second Sis., PORTLANlJ. P i AlliAcslnrrmrthot(t )um uollv attcmW cd to Wllltrtat tkntsultU known dieuiho ru side at n diftance. and fill nil orikrj for viUrtnarv mid klni.. Cliarf,es roavmaldo It I now a larire 32-Page Paper, Handsomely Iilnstrated, Al.ly i-.III.il, aim u rrnt nut stitihiu uno iiimIck.iI in IfraniUi our Nofurnd.v should tm Without .' Prico por Annum, S2.00. ?II'U. COPY J' (I. NTH Ti. Samuel, rnblisher, Tortland, Or. XT irnirmfrm '' vuiiir of Tin, wiw MONTHS i"f:.'iio 1,088 PAGES;' rdlnary I'vk m, Wan dull ll'iilntid, will Ik; sent, st-vo paid, nn rcitipt Mtioitn nimni) or to! rtainn, Tlih I" lticly the Invent amount nf iwoil, liMr.iitlK and tlcan U nture enr ellcrud for so low a prliT. AddrvM: I. r'AML'K!.. DrancrS, Port and. Or. V IK TIN CIINTH IN POrA(IR i ..III....1-.JJ... .1 it.. '"rrttjii pti tutor. Nvir.nif iLiio Orrffon Valuable (it). I'k Mh, 1M It N tho lint nutmr hi i Ma uy nrnt noMmprr nuliUh(iI on U.e JVIRl Wt. T)nr RELIC! mil 10 Cents. japcm iuc not orijfinaU, but rrprlntnl o exact that riom litit a printer couM tell tlivtlilTi retire Iftwiui Uhj rrt'rint and Uio crVlti-iJ l-'nr Uccnt I will uil tlino cfijtk. i AiMrcM: I.. WVMll'f. Im,r 3, IVrtLvitl nn ven J. H. THOMPSON, Inportir ti.il Prerdrr of "n' Urn Best Straina of THOROUGHBRED POULTBY Dark Srahmas, Olack Cochins, And non-icttlnr; Slack Hamburg Alio, HILVEK hKA-lllllOHT find fULVIirt lit'UK WISH OAMi: I1ANTAMH, rJI Imported jf ui)e. ECJG8 AND FOWLS tX SKASOX. COItlU:SPONI)K.VCK MlltCITfcU. J. II. Thompson, Ilalsey, Lion Co., Or. f.bMtf FOR SALE. 'A- 640 Aoroe of ON THE UNK OK TIIK Mt Jefferson Pass Road. SituaM one mile alois Xelunia, In Marion Count, UOun. under funev, well UmUred, well ml ml, aoniu IninrotrinenU, and a rtltn In rulUeaUon. Thl. land I. aituat.-d o-i the edire ef the t'uead. Mountain., at lia.1 half vl It tan I ihtaidy cleared, and U rlthit of mountain Mil It U reached l.j a level road from Kvlem, no hill, tire "-" i uinr. ,, i. in me nuutv 01 a iruckiy.Mt lint tountry. ulthcond ntlrlihor.. and a mor. hntlthe rmloa ciuvnot I found. S hoolhouw a few rmUlrcm Uiellne t:nlleutfor.Uxktann. and hundred, of arre.of Iind llut tun I .Iiari-d for wheat ata toatot rl Kll MIW TliU U a f.vonl.le r iwrtunlly fi r kiim farmer de.lr on. of KOlnirUhillitato-li lnl:iirtett.iiltl),cr for teuton) ol thnwor four fainll.e" ol (Irrroan Thero aroiiun) CrnuaiuMtlrd In the ildnltv, and Uuy like IVirt of tlic urihae .rtie. fS.ui an aire, an 1 iall for a term ot ) ear. in uniuul In.Ula.tnU, a low rato of luLmt. IV1I on or Millr to v riAUKI' Iaimir0n"'e No VV a.hiii.ti.n M , oniwiiMia.tKm ''"-'-'"n-i. WBMLL CVEaVVTMIMO torthbI GARDEN rVKrlpllreCatalocucivt 173 rei lest Ic PETER NENIEMONACI. sia voruatult lit., jfeiK lorlt. .vju:wi .mm immm nr. jmks rnnroMi?. VETERINARY SURGEON, il.t I K Tu ! i I i.liTM liUl AlT:it . .in k'. nAtn ir.iitici ij Orrvon for trie !' (jut j n, 1 s .flUleni tf imt tx ot !.. V 'lMt.il 1 uwnptioii jJ mtoii iktuni tor tho iriut I) III j! et, lljlV.1 I II li- itJ- a lf U lal UV th 'iittu:i v itrr (.' i' i'-rtt ri t 1 wtu.Lt vt lur tnii. t. k II I. ICH, HOIK 11H.TI N .Mi sTiin.r.s, 1 '.'Mini' till 1 j 1 14.. lattAV, ' ". III., .- S4'l'" !'' ' pptrrP' JStTSat'K.iHV l.M..I.'cn lJ '" lei.', l OH! MY ii l'ir 114'., ar- r . l t M - 'll-MKliy. nn i.i'K.r kiuvpv a'Hl . IV Ki, JlKvip I.m: tt it not a neiv tvni round. IiavIiil- rnvn BACK! urit l all rln.Mi fur 90 Mar., ui'i ...veil Irom '.icguini ill.ii' and nam nuuureui who have tevilrivc'iui t riijaUU-i. lll'.Sr'S l'.hV: I.l iv nuea all ainu. 1.1 he l.'vrr. hull nev.. Iliad ler midlriiiiiiv Or;vu, t'roi) lira.ti roi of I IMtlietti.. Inccu tilin.i) and U t.ution of I line. III STS liDUKin cur llrlilif. tU.et.f Ihe hidiiti. luerallitlll It). Ivnule WraViie... Niiioui Immou , Inumper aiuTkidtatt 111 . SI'S IIKMPI hum lulinu. Kili.he hour Mi lu li, I'xlittli.. a d t).xru, htiriitn.ii. ihe 4i1. and Mointh .nil diAiv the liln.Mli.il. li) .arv lll.TMtl.'ui:i) pien.rtd tJVPtlliLV lor iIhim .liee., .nd la nt.erU.n aim xl I'nr trial r. rwi.'iiT u HL'M'S lit.Mll'Y '. luftl) Nti.-v'uMt u rltyFHinl) 1 h)U il.r, ai u ,e a miit rt I atut' -) In- ila.vd III - It taai.v jJ '..V4 mi HUNT'S HfX.-.SIir.Mt.M rouia. .Utli iiitlt-. an a lir, I ru r oi i rv v .leiu. .tnu n i ru hr.lili t'.. .. pa II J lur 101 U.I VV K t'l IShK iaovit.MI REMEDY i; M .. .4. Sold by all DruggiBt?. lebllly CEO. E. AIKEN. SAIjEM, OREGON. AIKEN & FARNHAM, HAVE REVOLUTIONIZED TRADE IN SALEM! BEFORE WE GAME TO SALEM, EVERYBODY WAS COMPLAINING OF HIGH PRICES Now thoy aro Happy, and prldo themsolvos that THEY HAVE A RESPONSIBLE HOUSE, Where Goods are sold strictly for CASH, at one price, and that price lower than anv house on this coast. It is to our interest to sell at the very lowest R rices, as, bydoinc: so. we retain our present trade and win new. customers, o person, with reasonable judgment, can price our goods without being convinced that we are selling goodartlcles at the very lowest possible prices. Our advantage in buying enables us to offer extra inducements. Mr. FARNHAM remainsin San Francisco, constantly getting bargains, and we give our customers the benefit of those he gains. Remember, we deal in Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Soots, Shoes, & Notions. Wo aro not soiling off our old Stock-wo have none but wo aro constantly receiving NEW GOODS, and selling at prices that will doubly induce you to buy now Goods instead ol old trash. When visiting tho Post Oflico, you aro respectfully invited to stop in tho noxt door and exam ine our Goods, and all thoso who wish to save from 25 to 40 por cent, on a bill of Goods, can do so by purchasing them at AIKEN & FARNHAM'S, ja24 Opposite Ohemclcota Hotel, first door couth of the Post Offico, Salem. FREE r THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE in worxiriunsnrp is equa! to a Chronomotor Watch, and as otogantiy fimsnod as a first-class Piano. It rocoivod tho hlghost awards at tho Vlonna and Contonnlal Expo9 8itlon IT SEWS CSE'FCMth FASTER than other machinos. Its capacity Is unlimitod. Thoro aro more WILSON MACHINES sold In tho United Statos than tho combined sales of all tho othors. Tho WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT fordoing all kinds of ropalrlns, WITHOUT PATCHING, glvon FREE with each machine, v??.;?., WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO, '827 820 Broadway, New York; New Orleans, La.;N CoNState & Madison Sts.. Chicago, Ills.; and8anFjpiji.-gtr B. PORSTNEtt. Gunsmith, Agont, Salom, Or. SWEET Ctewii NAH Tolacco iW Aaaa- pi Hv fMlilM a pe i.ial lag 1 ui CMlrnnltl KnofriileB tor 4 Jlastplwa. Tt ttil iebMo AM mt Mm afaHra PavanAvh la alaaal 9 tTwyjrtof. . Hold y M taklf V4 Ur tmtit. Cr-fc. C A. Jaouoi A Co,, Mfrt., Iticnsvrr. Vfc tdA K'Wcrtkclmer.AjtU.UaoKrAOClico J. A. BTRATTOJV, Attorney at Law, SAliKM, OHKOON. Office on HUlo Street, opporlio the Uecr.ett Hocm OREGON STEAMSHIP CO. KKOULAIt LINE Between Portland and San Francisco. TIIIIOIIOII TIOKKTN Can be vurchaeed at the principal Hiatloc. of the O. ,t C. li. It., at rtocluoocl Hixtom. rUramer. If avo both Portland and ban Frauclrco about Evory Fivo Days, carrying Prcci're and Firlcht at tho I.OWK4T ltATKiT. It I. tho tinlr Hue r.rrylnjr the I'. H. MAILS anil WKLLS, KAKIH) A CM.'S EXl'HtftS). Tho Httan.ldp. of thl. Company aro r.vleil A 1, and aro new, elei-ant. ai.il tomplilu tu every itlloolr, and conrlrtof the State of Oregon, New .'.pnii ton. burden, George W Elder, ITiU 10c- City of Chester, KM tor. AjftXa iSVMonn Kor (men' or lu.n.-t', apply at tin. t'omii.y' ol fjco, con..r l"t.r. I ni eucite, Phiitijimi. uoStf t.KO W WK11U.KH. Aircnt. 'TH 'MIEI1 I IM- WILLAMETTE NURSERY, G. W. Wjlllnj; & :on, I'ri)ir. OBwego. Clftokanias Co., Or. Kk-i at., t. ii .( ti nil.. P II .' l!tl ui i mm Tree.. I I. Ml -. cri:Ti:n.i2r.x.-sr. J.J.SMITH, M.H.V.C.V.S. iinnr t CORBETT'S STABLES, Cor, Sftuiul ami Taj lor street n. 3?on.TXiAsa;r. Can 3Dc round nt .ail Hours, Night or S)ny. IH.-i. IS7J,. EXCLUSIVELY Carriage nml Wagui Harvlwivrr, Carnago ami Wagon llanlvvootl. Whcfl, Hul, SikIi-, Axlt, llovv., Iruu AxIck, Sjirmg, Mallcnlilc Iron., etc. Aildrvn E. J. NORTHRUP & CO., CORNMl PlltfT A.NP MMN sTKECTS Portland, : : Orogon. fell II Xcsting's Cough Lozenges. Kr.Tisr.-s coi'oh lozum.es. the oru.t l'ritl.h Itcusedy Then U vimkelonably no oth tr r.ulr o teruln la tu elnU, AsTllUA, VV ISTEK CtH'Oll, BKOM'IIITI.S and 1T1SOH DI.Jjl OF Ih.TIIUOAf !le .vkM la lulutlwnce. Tte hlhct tiieUUtvl te.tln.onv UW no In Utt cure for iht eoiuikiau t i.U (no proved V) over halt a eentuo'a tvwntiut V Ttiti eonuln no cinuin. moriiU. or any violent dnv. KIUTIM'.S 11HV.II UIZK.MU?, pn .VI AS KIUT1M1. UnJa. llritain, are iuiJ l THOMAS Mldtv a1) dru.-vitf. A.-ri.U tir the Pacidc lvut. JUII.N II. hr'.lIM.IOX.t n andl'lHS UVM'.L A BUS A VALUABLE INVENTION. WORLD RENOWNED iWOODBURN NURSERY, WOOUIIUnX, MAIIION CO., 011E00.V. J. n. 8ETTLENIER, Proprietor. 300,000 Fruit, Shado. Ornamental, and ut xrooB, ana vines and 8hrubbory, In the above Nurwo'. 'or aide, at VEIIV LOW riQUItCS. Choice Tree, 35 ctn. each; Or, llOIT.It I1UNDHKI). (Htllmi J, If. cl.-TTIXSllEJ'.. Salem Flouring Mills. DK8T TAMILY rLOUlt, BAKKIt'B KXTKA, XIX. hUI'ERFINE AND GltAIUM, MIDDLINOS, UltAN, AND WlOnTB. OoitHtimtl ou Hand. IXiijrheHt Prloo In CASH Paid for Wheat ATAXX.TXM2S. K. C. KINNEY, Bcpt 13tf Agent B. F. M. Co 1870. PRIOE REDUCED. 31.50 THE NURKERY, A Monthly 3Iapnlno Tor Voungrst Headers. hl'IT.Illll.V JI.I.VaTKATKK. balaerlUi now, anil ctt ivi nuiutHr i tni.vear ra.r vnu iu .vn:Iorar-ti intit ivyy and Premium I.l.l. J.L.Shorey, 30 Bromfield St. Boston, Mats. PlANO.'r.'.tT.'.ro.rORGAN u MllKlli liriml Guitar. Piann. v.t Sl.lllllnnlr ii..i .......... ..i. " ..'...... ---r --.-- urAiit t I'riiit i-i rriuit I'um.-. .1 S 00, ouly II 5 S New t)li t'r.k-lii ru-. jiii inraii. ij. or iron, PJ .toe, 'j.'i ihunli nrxani, lis ttoi, imt .a--, tiu eu. i A,-4ni ei.. .-uri . .; irryvtw, cni) ilus. Tren.Dlou. atritlkv lo ku ojr frewnl totl. Illiuuil.l' Vtv n. ii . Itor i, to !.. i retted NtTriMper ttt. it i. ni.-mjitioii alnu .il 1 aros ard t'riraii.MlSl 'Ull. i',tjj audroti IM.I, I' IIIMTTV. in W'ahln.-tan, x J. aawO!r-jyW t." M .luiiuii rataloeue ot V.s.ui.;e anJ , JToMtr ed fur l"u, rl-li In enk-r.iviny, will U rtMul) In Januirj uw nm FMX lo a uho applj Cutrn.er I ot but Mami nv.t not rile for It. I oiler one of the , arvv.t colle.t.oa. t,t viv.wUe M-jdtter eent out l an' hd Iwux la mtri.v. a luce iwrlion of vihlch er , irrovm on my tl t.rm. 1iIdi.iI dlrttn for cul tivat.on in ta.nia.kikt vi .e.-d uarranted loUtoth , (rei aid tru tu name o lur that .hculd it rrove I oU.erwue, 1 : fl.l the vrjtr smtui The onjinil Intro- i . r ;rr "u Jm "li-ar, ii.mnt . Melon. Marcle head t at Ut., M.vdui Cvn.. andaeort.ot othtrtree tail... I Invite the lutrotuce of all whoare aniiou. to liav e their J dirt til) Iron, ihe cruuer, freh, true, and f Uk ui) U.t .triJi Saw Vkiniiu. a .ricuirr JAMtVS J II RKFGOKY. IK -X, lima Xlarblthfckl, XIaai. English BERKSHIRE PIGS IKNTTJU P I Ui! T 7HF LAST SiTiTK FAIU totk rtiLUr icr tut Utter. Uj for Utt boar -n tfccCimAl.. U,ai r.'fcwn iu- on ir) entrie. tf I can rurm.h bhCI.M.in eOWS, joucif and ajtd, to order .x', iluic jourj 1.0tl, u 11 IreJ aa any 11) ta ktt AddrtM JOHN WEST. ;a-or ,N', Meit i-'iiktt, il4LK.il, Or. JCHTf FARNHAftt TAN)PIiA'NblSCO, Railroad Nursery. H. W. PRETTYWIAN, nnitllS I'MIAblllti: INIINFOHUINU HIS CtVTCM 1 tu Uiat he haa a Urge ttocli of FRUIT TREES on band for It Winter", trade, 1S?, couiitni; ct Apple, Pear, Peach, XXiTT3VI ,VTrX XH.TXLr338 nd a larire quantity of HllllUIIIllinV. ALSO, - A few Uiovuand tree, of thu new jaxxjiXjuJu. xjxi.ujji3. tST KKAIi what the lt Judo, ol Fruit nay alout ti o Klvtr I'runi: Sraia FlR flaoor., ) Sairu, IXtober 14th, lb7lj. f We, tho undir.Ii.-md, hereby toitlfy that we have ei amlned the fruit ol the Silver Pruno In a irreen atata; alM, dried by the Hummer proeoM. Wo haee alio ea amlned thoroughly tba Cou'a fklden Drop Horn, and wo find tho fcllrtr llun. far nperior to It In every nrpt-ct, and entirely a new variety; and e recommend It to the fruit rrowera ot Orcsron aa a mjnerlor prune, loth In a cmn and dry .tate. AUTIKII 11. CtlLLVKK. Manh&tU, Coo, rounty, Ortvon. IV. B. PLUMJIKlt, Irrulirrjer. A, P. llOIlKilTBON, WbeaUand, Yamhill count), OgD. WM. PF.In', IVofuulonal Prune r and Orchardlit, Balim, Opi. .iTPend for CaUlrvua and Prleo LUt.'Vl H. W. PRETTYMAN, Prorrietor of Itailroad Nurcry, Fit Portland, Oyn, ' dov 1-U GRASS SEED and SEED GRAIN rJ FLOWER ani GARDEN SEEDS, AT MY SEED 8T011K, rOItTLAND, NEAU bTAItU BTItEET FElillY. Trees, Plants, Fruit andOrnamen tal Trees, Shrub bery, Roses and Vines. Cfl AT TIIB- l'OKTLAM) EAST NURSERY. CALL AT TUB STOltE. OU Adt!rf. II. HANSON, Eait Portland, Ur. Drcl,1fV 4ra. HI T. C. SIVISTH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, .. AND ... Xlxxxvxrxncintsi, l'attoa'. It'O.ii, Star.- .ireet, Salem, Oicccd, PAIITICULAH ATTENTION tHVEN TO TRB Krtptlon. , ir.d all order, by mall or eiprtn ClliU promptly nnd accurately rhv.ldan. and Country Dealer, will rare mocey by examining oar tok, or procarlcg oar price., before parcbailcg tl.ebtic. LorV.J, t xr nTT.TJWurii PayN CiinIi for Hides, Furs, & Pelts, se21 CoiumercUl st., SALKM. ly RAILROAD, LANDS. Lllionil Terms! LOW I'lllCKS! LONfl TIJIK! LOW IMTEKIiHT Ine Oregon and California aad Oregon Central Railroad Companln OFFEK th.lr Land, for rale npoa the followltc Uto ral term.: One tentb of the price In caib; lntereit oa the balance at the rate of .even per cent, one year after aale; and each followltc year one-tenth of Urn principal and Inter. t on tbe balance at the rate ot tTcn per cent per annn-n. Both principal and lEter. t payable tn U. 8, Currency. A dleeoant of ten per cent, will allowed for tub VT Letter, to be addree.ed to V. bCIiULZE, Lao Astnt O. 0. K. li.. rortland. Oreeon, 8. FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer, Commission XoroliM nt, anil Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General merchandise, it chartoni of Utt, ai. or tv. u ,-.r- vW.&vn llant,A. junli !n; j- MALUM, OIIKCO.V,