Sit Some mitcU. CorfacteH by Mr. Harriot T. Clarke. BAYABB TATLOB. UT llrKUT W. LOXHVEUflW. 1 1 load by Oliver Wcmlolt Holmes, at tlio Taylor Memorial, ircmoui lcmpie, noatou, January 10, 1570. Dead ho lay umoug his books! Tho peace of God was in his looks. As those statues, hi tlio gloom, Watch o'er Maximilian's tomb, 8o those volumca, from their shclycs, Watch him, silent as themselves. Ah I his hand will novcr more Turn their r,toricd pages o'crj Never more his lips repeat Songs of theirs, however sweet. fxst tho lifeless body rc3tl Ho is gono uho wu Its guest, (ono, as travelers hoato to Icavu An inn, nor tarry until ovc. Travolcrl in what realms afar, lu what planet, in what star, fu what vast aerial space, Shines tho light upon thy face ? In what garden of dcliidit Host thy weary feet to-night ! I'oct! thou whoso litest verso Wni a garland on thy hearse, Thou hast ming with organ tone In Duiilcalion's lifo tliino own. On tho ruins of tho l'asi llloom.1 tho perfect flower, at last. friend 1 but jestcrday tho bolta Itang for thco their lnd farewells, Lying doad nmom- thy books; Tho peaco of (tod in nil thy lookat IIOl'SKWOUK. Washing, mopping, baking, oliuming; Next da irouing mint bo done, And tho buny houiowifo llndcth Llttlo rent tilt net of sun. Then tho knitting and tho sowing With tho buttonholes to make; Oh, tho patching and tho darning, How they m.iko our fingers ache. Kiit of all tlio varied duties That wo busy housewives tlnd, ( do think that washing dishcx Is tho most provoking kind. Why, tho times they must bo handled, O'er and n'er, day after day, Almost makci ouo wish tho china Weru in biU for children's piny. Xow, don't tell mo I am wicked I know that a well aifyou j Hat oomchow, when I am weary, Dishes mako mo feet bo bine. And tho only euro I'vo found yet Is a paper or a book, When my family arc settled Each In his own cosy nook. I know well that very many Hayo obtained the needed grace; With n patient, cheerful spirit, All llfo'a pcttf ills to face. Oh, that I wuru of that number t Then, with heart for any fate, 1 might, with cheerful spirit, "Learn to labor and to wait." M Tbo Chinese question. Kd. IIomu Ciuuiii'.: I will ncknow- Ibdgo thrT$ubno of y6uc7old"conlrlb--ulors, I hWe been rather' ncgifKont'ln my efforts to help you along-, ami now I don't think of finytlilnc; that much -Interests mo, ninonf: tho topics of tho 'day, excepting tho "great plaguo" that is threutunlng tlio world nntn, ' ind tlio piitangtHrf tho bill by Coiigrosn prohibiting tho emigration of CIiIiioho to our ishbrcH in, such number. Tho great Influx of "Coleatlala" mnynltto ,lo called a plaguo it moral plague. I hco by tho papon that Jo rtcph Cook, of Boston, tlio great lecturer and preacher, bceins to think that thin Is tho way God has taken to Christian l.'.o that great nation. Henry AVurd .Xlcocher also thinks that there is great injustice In passing tliln bill; that It Is thwarting tho grcut work of dlssoml ting our religion among thorn, I sup poso that I may oxprosa my opinion on tho matter in tho Homo Circle. I am glad, In u modified way, that the bill has passed. There is no doubt that tho presence of these foreigners crowds out and cheapens white labor, yot I know our folks would not have been nblu to have much of our farm grubbed and put into crops, if It had not been for this cheap labor. Wo got just uhout tho money buck that wo paid tho Chinamen, In tho tlrJt year's crop, while, if we had hired whito labor, It would have cot fifty dollurs an nifre, and thon I should liavo had to rook for and wait on the men while thoy wero at work. Tlio Chinamen cloared the land for ubout twelvo dollar an ucro, and I was put to no troublo wlmtover grout Item for us pojr women, I can assure you. Then wo tjold them some fat hogs for u bg prico, also omo flour and chickens. It seems to mo that they could not have saved much mouoy out of the price to send back to China, If the wear and tear of clothes and tools wero aUo to be taken into considera tion. Many compluln that our boy cannot get work on account of there being so many Chinamen in the coun try! which I daro eay Is partly thocaso, yet I think theso trades unions do moro harm In this matter than tho Chinese do, for It is nowadays almost impossible to got n boy In to learn any trade. It heeras us 'f thoio who are proOelent In tho mechanical nrtu wero afraid of filling up tho ranks and thus cheapen skilled labor. Tho Chinese, -rrw,'iwMnr-trjiL , ; as a general thing, only do tho work that calls for mere physical strength to accomplish, or work in tho kitchen, which last employment, I nm afire, no white man wishes to eontond for. They nro'howcrsor wood and drawn ors of water." T liko to flay theso few Word-i, for I lllco to boo both sides of a question. Thoy certainly do help ub poor women in housowork, and washing nnd irou ing those ovorlasting ehlrt-a that re quire so much strength to givo a good polish to, doing it all so cheaply us to mako it posslblo for every woman to bo rellovcd of this greatest burden of housekeeping. There is very tittle uso to think of Christianizing thom. Thoy care to learn tho Biblo nnd to read only that it holps them to make moro money. They will never, as n people, to any oxtont, leavo their own Joss. I am willing to think that thoro is plenty of thom now in tho country for nil practi cal purposes, nnd um glad tho hill has pasecd. M. C. Instinct In Itlrils. Uy Instinct, I mean "u propensity prior to pxperlouco nnd independent of instruction." It is found in every department of the uulmal kingdom, but least of all In tho human species. Human ro.isun is presumed to super sedo its necessity. Hut it 1.4 humiliat ing to know that instinct is u moro un erring guldn in the nniuinl thnu reason in man. Hence man often degrades himself beknv tho brute, by indulgonco in narcotic polsonu which tho nnlmal cannot bo induced to touch. Tlio in stinct of birds Inclines thom to build their nesto, brood upon their oggn, and feed and protect thoir young. Some birds protect thoir nests with such ex quisite skill that they sot tho art of mnn ntdoflanco. And it is worthy of special notico that ovcry bird of tho samo bpccles build n nest In tho siwno form and usually of tho samo sort of mntorlnls. Tho robin, wren, nnd quail, for lustunco, nlwnys build their nests so exactly liko thoir kind that no dif ference can bo scon botwoou thom. No nuiUer if'tliq bird has migrated from jt'diatunt .country, or has lived a solitary life, his nest is liko others of tho samo species, oven to tho. laying of tho lust straw; nnd the location of that nest is always similar. Tho robin al ways builds upon u tree, tho quail upon tho ground, tho woodpecker, in a hole. This nest Is 111 way b prepared be foro tho bird lays her eggs. Instinct has glvou this nnlmal fore sight, skill, and, iwiselom. Hence, ho providoH for tho future, oxecutjs his plans, and directs nl his movements to tho attainment of a doflnltd end. Af- tor tho oggs'are deposited In (lis nest, this salntf nflopeholty1 induces tho bird to brood iipoir'thom' until they uro hatched. How'doca sho know that tho gorm of tho future bird Is deposited in tho egg? Who has taught her that tho warmthfrom-tho' body-will develop and bring to lifp-thnt'gorni? Neither experience, instruction, nor reason can have anything to do with this Htrango work of tho bird, yet all thcuo com bined could not. hecuro the same re sults with'puch undovlatlng certainty. And, when tho brood uro hutched, In stinct manifests Itself in tho affection of tho mother for her young. How sho caresses them with hor tender notes; lulls ami quiets them with her gentle voice; places food In their moiitn; cherishes and keeps them warm; teaches them to gather Lfood for themselves; pushes them oil the limb, that they may learn to fly. In a word, this mother bird performs u part of to many nurses employed to help such young and shiftless creatures. Hero is it remarkable fact touching tho af fection and care of this mother for tho young. Just no long as tho young bird needs the mother's cure, (his af fection is cherished and exercised, but Just as soon us ho can shift for himself, this atfectlon ceases. Now tho mother knows no more of her own oflnprltig than of any other birds of the same Hock. Hero observe tho self-sacriflco of Instinct. Count tho cost to tho bird of hatching and fearing her young. Hho was formed for liberty, yet she volunturlly submits to confinement, and at tho very reason when all nature invites her abroad. Sho remains upon hor not without food or recreation until sho Is wastod to skin and bone. Then mark tho suuacity of tho bird in escaping danger. Tho hen knows tho hawk as tin enemy, oven whllo sailing iu mid air, and warns hor chickens of their ilangor. fcJho knows tho harm less dove, and expresses no fear at her approach. Tho quail uud partridge leijjn lameness to attract attention whllo their young are escaping from danger. Tho night-hawk seeks a place un the ground as near tho color of her- gulf as possible, to escapo observation. Endless Illustrations might bo adduced to show tho wonders of Instinct, he- ana Farmer Have a clean kitchen, a neat wife in It, a clean cupboard, a clean dairy, and a conscience. Knrleh your soil according to its wunts. IT ,1 , AMPETTSHARMER vaiwrv- Trt FMfM M'MATI. .OS i3 I Tho Lut Hnrtlror of tto lewis' Clarke Expedition. CuAitLOTTWWiLiiE, (Vn.), January l.-Capt. Tom. Lewis, nearly' 00 years old, was found frozen to 'death last night in tho public road iu Albemarlo county. Ho was farming In a small way In tho country, and it is supposed that ho had gono out to cutsomo wood. Capt. Lewis had led an ovontful life, and was famous as tho last survivor of tho Lowls and Clarko expedition to ex plore tho Missouri rlvor. Morrlwother Lowls, tho oldest eon of Mrs. Marks, of Locust Hill, by her former marrltigo with Col. Wm. Lowls or tho Itovolu tlonary nrmy, was prlvato Becrotury to Prccldont JcfTerHon shortly after tho purchase of tho Louisiana territory, nnd was selected to oxploro that purchase. Ho had permission from tho President of selecting his aid nnd companion, and ho choso Lieut. Clarko of tho regular army. Tho company was organized with about thirty prlvato soldiers nnd commanded by Captains Lowls and Clarke. Capt. Lewis also took along ono of his slaves, u youth of-.lO, named Tom. Tom was remnrknbly black, and nelthor comely in person nor nttrnctlvo in manner. Tom was Captain Lewis' favorito Iwdy servant, and ttuck by his mastor to tho last. Captul i Lowls often told how Tom had saved his lifo after the expedition had crossed tho Rocky Mountains and was about to descend tho Columbia river. Lewis was in the wilderness with no companion savo Tom, who had been christened by the soldiers " Captain Tom Lewis," which uamo stuck to him to tho day of his death. Tho two wero attacked by thrco Indiana from hostilo tnbos then in that country, dipt. Lowls was seriously wounded iu tho thigh. Ho eonl tho only hall in his rlflo through tlio head of ono of his assailants. Tho other two rushed on him mid would havo slain him had not Tom hurled one Insonslblo to tho ground, and with tho butt end ef tlio gun of his prostrnto mastor brained tho other. Ho was herculean In strength, Ho went through all tho trials nnd hardships of that groat expe dition without rflinchlng. Tho Lowls and Clarko expedition terminated in 1800. Capt. Lewis camo to his mothor'a home, near Joy Depot, In Albemarlo county, and wont thence to St. Louis, tho capital of Missouri Territory, of which ho was thon Governor. On his roturn ho stopped at a llttlo Inn on tho roadsldo somowh'erojn Tennessee. In tho rnbrnliig he was found' dead in his room,' with' his throat" cut,' whoihor by another lor somd uiiaccountabto pur pose, or by himself, romalns a mystery to this day. Tom was his body-sorvant then, and know moro nbout this mys tery than any one oho, but lio always shook his head when asked, "and said, "This Is a matter tho less talked about tho hotter." On tho death or his old master, Tom rcturnod to Albemarlo county, nnd wl(h savings bonght a small farm, which he occupied on the day of his death. It Is supposed that from fonblenoftS and exhaustion ho foil In the road, uud, not being ablo to rise, was frozen to death. His death cuds tho list of survivors of that historic expedition. "Hoy Wnntfd." A tracloiiiian once itdverthctl in tho morning imperii for u boy to work In tho shop, run errand, and mako him jii'tf gouerully useful. Iu n few hours tho Miop wiw thronged with boyaof nil iige, hWxh, hortu, and condltlond, all wantlt.g to find u Hltuation. Tho Mhopkeoper wanted only one boy, but how to get tho right ouo was a great dlfllculty. He thought ho mubt dud (tome plan to lc&on tho number of applicant, and give him u better op. portunlty of belectlng a good one. So ho went them nil nutty, and thought tho mutter over a llttlo. Tho next morn ing tho ptiper.i contained the following udvortKeuiLnt: " Wanted u loy who obey hl.t mo ther." Now, then, thought tho trademnan, I hIiiiII w-o noon who will apply. Ho ulso put u bill in his bhow window with theHO wordd on It. And how how many do euppo&o did come? Tho story Is that there were only two of all tho numerous lxyj (.coking employ ment in that large city who felt that thoy could honestly como and ay, " I oboy rny mother.' Tho crowd of lad was indeed quick ly thinned out most eirectuully, and tho tradesman hud not much troublo in .selocting a boy. Such boya iw thoso boy. that obey their mothere aro In great demand. My llttlo boy, if you buw un advertise ment for such a boy, could you truth fully go and ouVryou-belf for tho hltu- atlonV If not, I tear thcro Is oino- thing wrong alxut you. Children' fYiend, A HuAUT-itKKuirm Stouy.-A heart- aickening btory comes nil tho way from Wisconsin. According to tho chronicler, n light-haired young wo man and a dark-halrod young wo. man, who were room-mates in u Mil waukee boarding houhc, arwo 010 morning, and, dressing iu tho dark, thaUght.halrerl'gtrt, twisted. tho dark haired girl's switch In with what ihere was of her own insnfflclont hair, and the dark-halrod girl made similar uso of tho light-haired girl's switch. As soon'os thoy got down to the breakfast tablo, whoro thoro was a light, each saw that tho other's bond resembled n confused checker board. After it had finally dawned upon them what tho difficulty was, and thoy had screamed as much as tho occasion Beomcd to call for, thoy retired without any special premeditation. Tho lucky horsoshoo has bocomo n wedding guest; in wedding invitations tho cards ndmlttlng guests to tho church nro made in tno shape of a horseshoe. Imitation feathor trimmings inado of colored muslins nro used for orna menting Inexponslvo ball dresses, tsu Uvor is King. Tho Liver i tho Imperial organ of tho whnlo human Hyntoui , nn It controls the lllo, hnallh nml linnnlnim nf mnn. Wlinn It It dlaturbad In Ha proper notion, nil klnda of Aliment are tho natuanl result. Tho iIIkoh tlon of food, the movomunUorthe uonrt and blood, tho action of tho brain nnd nervous system, aro all Immediately connoolod with tho workluci of iho Liver. It has bcon imo cessfully prored'thatGrpen'oAiiKust Flower Is unrquallod In curing all porsons allllotod with Oysnspsla or Liver Complaint, mid all tho numoroui npniptons Hint rostilt from no unhealthy condition of tho Liver uml Btntn ach. tiainplo bottle to try, 10 oonto. l'ote lively told In nil Iowiih on tlio Wostern Con tinent. Thrco doses will provo that It Is Just what you want. JOHN W. MANUFACTURER AND DKAI.KK IN LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, Gash Paid for Hides, Furs, and Pelts. In order to maks room being received. I will offer, for 60 days, my entire stock of Rubbor Goods, and Kip and Cork-sole Boots, at Cost. I have also mado a DEDUCTION Now York city Goods placing tho beat linos of BOOTS AND SHOES mado in tho reach of alL tar Customers will bear In mind that Goods sold at tho following prices nro strictly for GASH." MKN"8 LONO ItJJlllJKK, BOOTS.. .WOO " ,KMKK " " 3.80 T?" ARCTICS. . ... 1.50 LiD3' UOBBKKfl, .. . .M ' AKOTICS, (Ono largo sole.) 1 .'23 '!' V. BuenaT' "Vlmta, , POTTERY. APTEIt A PKIttOD Or IDLKNK3S, TIIXHK wo. ks hT dow for rsrtrtl months bwn In fall operation mnafictuilmt a rntmlor and lmprred nrllcta which I am bl to offer to tho tndo as of X"lrcst OxxaJLlv. Mr reenl stock U saptrlor tonjthln imnafte torM st thli Potterj fur flra 7r put, sud Is ciusl to titvt cartheuward tit tlnaUi sod durability. X Ouurnutce MnllNlaclleu. Ord'r,or irqufti for lofunaoltoaM la ftlct lUt, boakt rn sidrmMit to A. M. 8MITH, TtaftA VliU, Aitv. CtV-U 1'rourietor. T,. H--. CunsMUunsI BENJ. FORSTNER. Huiuui, .Oruiion, TT.W A UW5K STOCK O.CTIKAP i Miliiary (BreectloailiDii RIAps ' latii i lb -HrKHCHR, 81IAUPK, ItKMIMimiK, aul S IHttl KtTtlif Al), full worttwnt (4 Bn07-1VKH m4 M-OUT1NO llini, b( all lUmUH nwkM.' AfuUUMOt rofktt t'ntrtrr, Knlrtm, Hazan, mvd SaSbOIW,Mril from KngUnd. Al I'UUlUK Tuklo Will sell Iowa. unjboilr MURDER !l vhbud rncM lor nisuni, si wii'. mttm iTini-fj ni Hnu, rm. r.rtrr iicuiijt ror w !. buu KH'tlftxraili'moT wnri i low riu. lniflwcK . t.Y.ilKL IILAHKJ4 !n Uw rtlait, Utlallnif all rnul for Qrcull. Ounnt-. lroltla ab.1 Juttlor', iKuu. B4B4(or UlrcuWr uul !Ttu LUt. Mittu K. ft. WAITK, Nttiaut Printer surd tMMikblna.r. Ilnj't Clack, SUM trMt.S.VLKM, OREGON. ammmmmmmmmmmmm JOHN MINTO, hsisosu or MERINO SHEEP, TXltzS pleK In offortfu; to tho Wool Orowtrt ot OmronsnJ thodJoUiliirTerrttorl tk chtnc to porchuo TIIOHOUUllUKKI) WkUlNOH, kl as orUff pwllM totcrcsted Ittl Utj can. and wBl to desmr to, Nn Hkeup of tho mo qulllr and vaino al MUCH L1IKATBII HATKH Ittta sock CM porrlbly U) Imported. EtsmUutlon and rompsrlMio with oth ir bv offend la tho uarkot r cordltllr lolt1. AdiRM JOHN MINTO, Sslmi, Ortffoa. K. U. Tho rumi sod Jam Lambs of tho flock csa be fo oi the ISLAND KAIIM, adJotnUie Halcm Tho Bwt can bo tvn at ths rzut ptar, or at th HILL, FAHM four and a bill tnlUsHiUth of lbs ell fJalno, tk Ktmbtr 10. IKn, SOMETHING NEW. DS II. 5f. Ill's., HAVINO KURCUA8rj THE lluxo UaUr ortr WliLU" IbMiutura oil btela mn, h rtsuoil Ox (kJlrrjr mJ ltonul llanau Iu Iho b.:ofirl. Mr. T. U. Tutllo, Uli4 (UxnU, wiu Ui, chxr-t of ttg Uollcrj, 1IU kiVxu at tlri lc ol tho tain, wtij rpoak f9r thrataolvt. Coll ail vc ickaoru tefott ilnJi; tfnrhoro t"T l;rt tho yiv, or WUlk Sxili( itsttifrctl C.c litaiw, HIH t, st DU. at. T. CI1AKK, OK3VET LtCoU, UtsHarKeonU.B, VotiaVxts, mj uxro. i.xiq biocs.cp nun. oo7 rtrirt v jr v ' 3 The patterns or oversktrts forvWMh dresses are riven with i few gores fea possible, as bias scorns do not wash as well as straight ones. If the fabric lis not wide enough It is best to Join tho 80lvedgos together, and thus' mako Arm, straight seams. A novelty In beautiful rtbbona Is plain gros grain ribbon with flowors marked wltti gold threads. A glided horsoshoo, beautifully paint ed, is found In nearly ovcry parlor and library. Drldal slippers are ornamented with pearl bead buckles. A Qentlo Hint- In our stylo of climate, with Its suddoa cbkDRM of temporature, rain, wind, and Bambino often Intermingled In a tingle day, It Is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are bo frequently taken from ub by neglected colds, half tho doaths resulting diroctly from this cause. A hot tlo of noscboo'a German tiyrnp kopt about your homo Tor Immediate use will prorent serlou sickness, a largo doctor's bill, and perhaps doath, by the nss of threo or four doson, For caring Consumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, Severe CoughB, Croup or nay Ulsoaao or tho Tnroat or Lungti, Iti success Is simply wonderful, aa your druggist will tell you. Oormati Hvrun Is now Aotd In uvory town nnd village on this contlnont. SamplobottloM for trial, ii)3 : regular him .uc. XiTTOXUft UTITiT., Saecewor to J. M. Keiliu A Co., 95 MtMl-tr ( - - NISW YOIIK, CoiiimlNxlon jVfront 1JWH UOYINO AND VOIlWAlUltNO 1TKOM 1? New York tU Mhmof. ldfic lttllrold. ux! Cape Horn, all kinds of McrchtnJIic, and for Iho rult or iToauai" iron ma l'aciac comi, lor uio couecuov of moner. Ac octfctf GILBERT, AND IMPORTER OF & onztooivr. fcib for my Spring Stock, now IN PRICE of alt my Philadelphia and MI&SKS' IIUBBHRS i40 ABCTICS 1.00 MKN'ft DOOBLK-SOLK, FULL8TOOK KIP HOOTS 3.00 HHAU (X)RK-.SOf.KinOOT3....7, upwardj. Stubfcern Coughs and Colds yioi.t promptly to tho lionllng nnd our- tlvo projvortlw of lr. Jnjnt'n Il pcrioraa i. It loohoim and iromotvi tho ozpM-tonitlon of IrrlLttlng mat ter, inltlratoa much ruUn nnd (IU troM, and checkri Inllam motion. Astfaiwa. Bronchitis, and Throat TfTHrblBS nro nt onoo roHovod by iBr. Jarave'a Kapcctorant. It re moved constriction of tlio Iltonelilal tubed, looeorut phlegm, Hoothcti nnd heals thumucoiin niombrano,arrwU any foTorUh tondoiicy, anil liolpw U forward a gradual euro. CoHumption, Pleurisy, and Lunrj AfJBCti0H8 aroKOuerallycontrolIoU ami ameliorated by Br. Jajnar'a E pvctiit. It Bavra tlio lunfrit from much Irritation and dhttrearf, by ro llovlng thom of tho Irritating matters by which thoy uro cloggod, It abto nupprcHAeo Inllunimatlon and glvux tho nffoctod partH n chonco to hoal. Whooping Couah.Croup and Hoarse- fleas nro otllcaolounly troated by Dr. Jojmo'w KifctornoC It roniOTOi dllTloulty of breathing ami opprui hlon in tho throat or luugu, promote tho ejection of mucun and huUIuoh tho vloloncu of thono m plain U ut tho outixit. It la a Hafo I'amlly Cu tlvo, of loiig-ofttablUhcd roputntioti, and where promptly administered, Itan onublcd many to edenpo Horlou X.ung Affoctiona. ilOIKC. OAS'IS A CO,. Wholt.ile AKvaU. I'ort- unc, uninm. .:lim i. "" lOntrnv JVtl. vBK'irca,iriii" Tsrar swgsaMai i I I . t . I 1. . I. ..I .1.. l..u. I.I.. u t). an l.n. lutlon of at-lvL laid Iwrw Ut my turn, thmi mllro xithwwiif Aj.ilt.uf tbo Wh of NuvtsiuWr, Iffli A liUnlraardullIIKliriilurlil return, or fur any ln foruiatluii rtifHrilfiii; liu hnrtb,it. J It. JW.NDIilW. AriillJ , ,Vor, V; loTt Uiu!;.l l ASDB 2" .wsaiaaaiwvaiM. r? R.-. A.-. M. & K. fc n LSTiuti vUoltli.aaUdTraiCM to KuWo Mqarri iliilUIII. wt'iiiiir' "1 imfftf- HTlfl ni(xv,izzzX' m SALEM PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. W. P. JOHNSON, Artist, Or?r Wruio' Hooktir, hTATKHT . HAI.FM. PICTt'IIK4 TAKRS IS LATEST riTyLKH, from HlnUUiri.lciin In I, IfU'-r. tUnh HiliTHtf Expectorant V, Triftitai. -4 ' AlMUWTOCWm Wo uow oocnnr a positim in the field ot journalism where wo are able fc f ornloh ths farmtrs of the Northwest a newspaper devoted to their Interests) and largo enough to afford space for every toplo which thcy! con wish to have discuaicd. When wo purclwMd jj,8 WrxtAMBrTB PAititnu, riond a half y cars ago, It wtm not over onc-thlril tho present A, and wo liavo steadily enlarged and improrod it un til It ia second only to tho greatest ractropoli. ton journal published north of Han Francisco. tub "lunatea" TDK rnorLu'ri JOlTlUfAL, Tho peopte of tliU region deservo to havo a newspaper of thoir own, and this U tho only one that can lx colled so, All others oro secta rian or partisan to a degrco that prevents their being accepted as exponents ot tho principles wo abouU all hold in common, or advocates ot tho intcrcsU of tho people collectively. It ij notorious tliat tho papers that monopolize the news ami no most completely occupy thq field ot journalism, aro controlled and directed ia tho intcrcat of Portland capitalist, wheat speculators and politicians, whllo tho grasping avanco ot tlio most Intoleraolo monopoly that U known to tlio I'acitlc Northwrat, only ro ccin's from it wonLs of commendation, tier. With tho spico at our conunaiid at tlis pnMcnt time wu shall bo aide to cover a mora extended field than hcrutoforc. Wo nliill rivn , tlio most tinportant nows of each woek, state, natioiul and foreign, rm that a reader ot the Kaiimhii can havo no excuw for heirnr imnrtint O"- of all irajiorUut eventn that transpirott home orahroad. It sliall Ih a newspapor, and a peoples paper in every important nensc. . mo I'.viiitKit Li not only enlargwl lout it , wears n now drwK, our typolteing new,, no that i tho print is plain to tho oldest eyes. Wo hops ' to mako tho matter nubllshed iul ita eolnmni correapondwitli Itasizo and general appearance. Oar editorial columns will dlncusa iwpular questions on their Intrcnalo mcrit, standing on tho bnad platform of right and morality, wherv, unfortunately, political and feectorian journalism can seMom Ut femnd, perhaps be caum It is so wide and their Ideas so selfish and narrow, thoy would bo upon it. connisroxiiKMcr. nr.inir.n, Our corrcspoudonco from tlio people has al' waya Uwn intonating, and with moro room at command ami tho groatrr circulation we aro, acquiring with tho growth of tho Htato popular tion, wo can reouonably cipocttliat ita interest will increaao. We Invito all intcrostod in thi noUo occupation of agricultnro and stock-rais ing to aenil u tho resnlta of their experience or to mako known their want, or aend intuirie, or suggestions to our columns, so to draw ou tho experlcnco of others for the publlo good. Ttut "rAitiucn" a oiUMaa oiuiak. Wo hopo to mako tbo Pajutkr oocepUfclo t. tho grange by furnishing new. of theprDgrei of that great order in our own region aod el where, and wo shall bo glad to reoetvo commi nicatiooa showing tho progrosa of itsprino'pl. and the good accotupliahed by iU workii member, We encoanter, even among formei. conaldorable opposition to the grange, and fr quont objoctiou to tlw pulUcatka of gran.' matter, but wo intend to have room in t, rVllutan for all, and all the good objects ot t Order ot ratrona of Husbandry havo our cat est sympathy and drMcrvu all tho support I can givo them. It ia to bo regretted Uuti $ wwlnlv iliftfe iilinnLI linm. f ita aMa1 ' ' -"-- -J . awH4 WH.W .V. WJVM m.wm, uiwiiw.,u4i iuu uuicnou auTanccraii of Uio whole fanning population, cannot bo) 1 conducted oh to command tlio support and ! niHH.'t of urorv f.irni-r In tLa Un.l. IVnlial thcro m a gnxvt deal of Iminan nature both 1 sido and outnidu o .tlio order. , nut MAniti-TH, Wo have facihtien. through tho moot reha private bourcmj, for giWng tlu exact now I tlio wlwot markeU in Kan I'ranciBco and f.iC poo IrooviviHl up to tho hour of going to prj Wo oan slate Uio amount ot tonnsgu at r mand for your uio, and tihall watch all mat j Uiat rvloto to tho priiyi of produce and Mm p) poctu of Uio uiaHictH in advonco iu tho int of our lYOilcrn. Wliilo wo hmitate togive! couragunicnt to too battering Iiuikhs rrq n hesitalo to givo all reliahlo facta to Ilia pen from whom our supjiort comes and wlioi p irity m tho measure of our own. WHAT WH 811 WJ. rUUUXIl, In addition Ui riuay, original and cemtrif eil, relatiug to agriculture and stock-rakun mo i-acuio noniiwvtit, wo sliall snake n. tion from the agricultural journal and at piihlioatiniut wo rwiw from alt section of. (Jnion, with tho eiuleavor to covtr all gre iitx;eury for Uio information of honra ' duu-rs and tin advAiicmunt of homo ogrj turu. A crrUin amount ot uiiacclUncoiu aclentifia reeling ivi-II Im fwiuil in overy Lj with torn bed tif tho huiuorou ooiuuonatly Llinililtlnlu i .t !......... li .1 & 1 puiM.,linu,..l.,l ut IUV.1I1VV, MU1VU4 VOJ (.olumiu. Our Homo Circlo in conduct..! f lmly uliodexporiVn-4 and liUrary Uotoa toquolify licir o-cij!ly for that drpartn whllo many years exiKirieiiOii M a farmer. , iiukn it ouJblu for lu r to comprelieoc iuiniotr to tho .octal wanU of a far family. UllllAl, TOMf. It U hardly nitciMHary to saytomirrv ' reoduni that tho 1'AiiMfK will alwnppni J tlui liout moml tono and tiidmvnr to enrr li.vit and imreot iiifltk-nciM to tho family t Wu havu no bittcrneoa to vent, no anry , j to ii truly uitli any, no jwrsonal intvrvut t , J vauoo at the oxju'iuw o tho gvr.i-nil g'wj ' if un have any unomivs uo do not euro to, it, and cannot aflunl to ptihluli it- w. pi, to iao noiu), at leott niiuiiij thi idi wo caro to liavo no friend, '. tln-ir esi among tln-ir opjircnwira. j I'eoploof Oromil tin. is yot r n vmt ami wo noon oniy your aunpi r. m maui you can iLwe. Cn vo lave t Wit ono en leaver to ;uro im ono more uu. acrilior! If you will, wo cm j;o vt pril lynnddoyiMi gijol aervict. Kwn wi'l "lard times" to ivntend ajaliutvoni iloublo our list, and we hopo to dt v your gooil help. ' Ajte r4A.