It is rumored that tho 0."ferK"t'o." havo purchased tho amps valley Torgo and Garibaldi, how.iat Antoruy and will place tliom iu tho coal trado botwecu Puyallup and Astoria and Portland. Drowuod Soldior The leiuaiiiK oi a drowned soldier wero washed up by the hea at Swag Island, on Shoahvntcr bay, on tho UOth ult. Tho body nhowcd that it had been in the water a long time. A belt of cartridges nnd buvourl weiv found on the remains. - Child Drowned A child of tlirco ycam belonging to Daniel McCoy, residing near St. Helens, toddled into tho water-ulojpt one day last week and, falling in, was drowned or axphyxiatcd in a short time. Tho body of tho littlu thing was not discov ered for some lioura afterwards. llndly Bnvuoil. An infant child of Mr. ami Mr. J. C. Neeue, of Happy Valley, wai rocked from a chair into the fire-place by a small boy who was attending it, "last week, and shockingly burned on one nido of its head and body. Dr. Young, who is iu attendance, informs us that It L) a clianco if tho child over recovers. Stnto Printing Exprt. AVo nro pleased to aunouueo that our friond, Mr. Giorge Himes, the gcutlo maii of tho big list, has just rocoived the appointment of Stato Printing Ex pert. Mr. I limes is a thorough printer, -who understands tho business iu all its branches, and will dischargo tho duty honesty and conscientiously. In Raoelpt of Sad News Tho Jacksonville Times says: Ilov. Father Waiichet this weok receivol tho Had intelligence of tho death of his aged fathar at Quebec, Canada, on tho 7th iust. Ho was a brother of tho voncr able Archbishops Dlanchct of Portland and Vancouver ami in tho 75th year of his ago at tho time- of his death. Triennial Mooting At tho triennial meeting of Oregon Lodge of Perfection No. 1, held at Ma sonic Tomplo hist Wednesday evening, tho following olllcers wo elected to servo tho ensiling three years : I. V. Pratt, 33d degree, T. P. 0. M.; H. L. Hoyt, 32d degree, Sr. . W.; b N. Shurtleli; 32d degree, Jr. 0. W, J. N. Dolph, 3l!d degree, Orator; John It. Foster, 3!M de cree, Almoner; II. 0. Whitehouse, 32d degree, Secretary; Theo. Wygant 3 2d de gree, Treasurer. LoiIro Institutml. 11. (J. Oliver, 1"). S. M. "W., instituted Sensido Lodge, No. 12, at Astoria, on tho 1st of March, with tho following ollicers: "W. I). Hare, P. M. W.; I. W. Case, M. W.; J. H. I). Gray, G. F.j C. P. Upshur, O.; Daniol Welch, G.; .0. J. Tronclmrd, It.; S. T. McKean, F.; James W. Welch, Receiver; Columbus "Brown, I. W.; Goorgo W. McLean, 0. W.; C. J. Trciichard, C. Brown and Oeorgo McLean, Trustees; W. T). Hare, . W. Caw and Jus. W. Welch, Itepro souUtivt'H to tho Grand Lodge. A OlerKTman Beaten- Tho clergy of Eugene havo a dillicult time with their congregations, as tho fol lowing from thoStato Journal will servo to illustrate: On Satnrday evening Rev. Spanswick reproved two girls in his congregation, whether justly or un justly wo do not know. On Monday, tho girls' brother, John Drown, met Mr. Spanswick on tho street nnd assaulted htm, striking him threo times and foiling him to tho ground, llrown appeared beforo J. 11. Alexander, J. P., anil was fined tho nominal sum of ten dollars. Chareod With Attempted Rope. Last week W. C. Hicklin, who lives down on tho Tualatin, iu the Heef llend district, was arrested and brought be fore Jucttcn M. L. Nicholas on n. chargo of tin attempt to violate tho person of otie of his own daughters, only 15 years of age. Tho crime, it is said, howover, was committed nearly threo years ago, which looks a littlo suspicious. Hicklin waived an examination and was held to appear before tho grand jury in tho Mini of $2,000, and in default of bail was put in jail at this place. Iostt Mon day ho was taken out on a writ of lialmus corpus nnd taken to Portland beforo Judgo Uellinger, who examined the matter and has it under advisement. He is gray l"lrel mul abo,,t (!0 -vwrH old.Hillsboro Independent. Deforeuoo no JnKP Duo. Miss Lovens, tho young lady who has boon in this county for Home time hollo Utng bignaturcs for tho commutation of ' Brown ami Johnson, says the Yamhill Reporter, receives our pitj and com iniscration. We thought she was ncting from good and merciful motives; that sho was simply allowing her fooling of sympathy, kindness and mercy, to over ride her better judgment. All this has been changed sinco we heard that sho was "employed" to perform this "errand of mercy" 'by "firm in. Portland," which one, wo aro unable to learn. Our feelings toward the lady are no longer of a charitablo nature. We think her con duct is mora mercenary than benevolent. It is but right that tho authorities and tho public should be made aware that she obtained some of tho bignaturcs by her pertinacity, some because sho was a lady, nnd a few spoony individuals af fixed their autographs because she was pretty. ,Tn6'U6untycoiil:'E" ut vniiunuuicw p!Te'rTfoWaW50rftrhc'ttpiffrtitfn sion and 'ctinViction of' thd person' or jiorsons who munlcreil Mrs. I lager on tho '21st day of Fcbiuary, 1879. His aiothor Can't CouiO' Word has been received from Water town, Wisconsin, that tho nged mother of Eugene L. Avery, r.lins Archie Brown, cannot como to see her con demned con befotv hia execution. Grief nnd excitement have had so great nn ell'ect upon her that bhe in unable to un dertako tho journey. A Brnvo Woman One night dining tho first heavy snow storm this Winter, Mrs. Keath, living near Leachville, started from tho house of ono of her neighbors on horseback, accompanied by two ehildron, for her own homo some two miles distant. Just us they had arrived homo tho horse on which tho trio wero riding slipped and fell, dismounting tho riders unit ui raking ono of Mrs. Keath's legs. Thcra being no ono in the house, nnd tho extreme youtlifulness of tho children rendering them unable to assist tho Buffering woman, sho, writhing in pain, and shiv ering with cold, crawled to tho shed whero tho Lorho had gone, took tho halter iu her mouth, and led tho beast to n wagon, whero sho assisted tho ehildron to mount. Sho then crawled on her hands and knees for two miles through tho deep snow iitid pelting storm, lead ing tho horso on which tho children wero seated, and arrived lato nt night, suffering intense agony from her broken limb, nt tho house of tho neighbor which sho had loft early iu tho evening. Had not tho bravo woman been capable of enduring extreme hardships, it is moro than likely that sho and tho children would have frozen to death. Pnlouso Gazotte. i iii i Terriblo Accident. Last Monday, says tho Walla Walla Union, tho boll tower of Tiger Englno Company No. 2, n strticturo of timber 60 feet high, which set on tho bank of Mill creek in rear of tho City Hall was placed on rollers and moved back several loot from the creek, because tho water was tearing away the bulkhead and creek bank. Shortly after ono o'clock tho pooplo standing on the Mnin street bridge watching tho rush of waters, noticed that the bell tower was being rocked violently by the heavy wind which was blowing. Suddenly it top pled over, the bell falling in the creek and tho stritcturo breaking to pieces. Seven men were standing inside and around tho frame work of the tower when it fell. Two of them, Patrick Furroll and John Welch, wero caught by tho falling timbers and prestcd to tho ground. As soon its possible tho horrified spectators lifted thn timbers and released tho men. Mr. Welch, who it was supposed at first was instantly killed, was stunned and considerably bruisod, but not seriously injured. Mr. Furroll, howover, had his pelvis broken, his shouldor blado ruptured and his body below tho nbdomon broken opon. Ho lingered in great agony until Tuesday morning, when ho died. Mr. Furroll was ono of tho oldest settlors of tho val ley, and was much respected. Ho loft ii wife and fivo children to mourn his sud den death. Ho was buried with mili tary honors by tho Walla Walla Guards, to wtnon no belonged. A Grave 81tuetlon A few days ago Fnthor Wilbur, tho Superintendent of tho Yakima Indian reservation, received orders to havo Chief Moses iu readiness to go, with other prominent chiefs, from tho Uma tilla roseivation to "ashington. This information was imparted to Moses a day or two afterward, but thu chicftnu looked upon tho mutter with considerable suspicion and betrayed considernblo un willingness to itccedo to tho proposition, thinking it a device) to get him to tho IuJiuu territory. In ordor to relievo Moses' mind from any suspicion, Father Wilbur gave him u furlough of 30 days to go and visit his people, under a promise that at the ond of that timu he would return to the reservation. On Thursday last Moses left tho reservation, wltrre ho had been held a prisoner, for tho purpose of taking thu furlouglu Ho had been absent but about three hours when a crowd of citizens from Yakima City arrived nt Fort Simeon, tho agency headquarters, headed by an officer and nrined with a warrant of ar rest for Moies. Tho grand jury of that county had found an indictment against him as accessory to the Perkins mur ders. Tho posso of citizens wero aston ished at the action of thu agent ami strongly uxpien.-ved their indignation at tho proceeding. A meeting of citizens was held to tako hteps to re-arrest Moses. Father Wilbur was present at tho meeting and promised tho citizens that if they would remain quiet he would dulivor Mo3es to them within twelve days. Moses has gono directly to his camp beyond Priest's Rapids, and is doubtless aware of the intent of tho people and will prepare himself accordingly, Ho, if pursued, will look upon the matter as a violation of hu parole, and surmising treachery from tho first, he will be loth to return now, and any precipitated attempt, at the expiration of the twelvo days of grace, will involve the entire country in a relentless and bloody war. Tho situa tion is ono of great peril, and it is uow looked ujon as almost certain that war with Moses and tho other tribes, is. inevitable. r Bilap.aiqnopejaJlugAaouCoo Bay. 'Wheat Is worth 81 icontsttt Btieua Vista. Wheat Is'wortli 83 cents ntriulepcu deuce. There tiro 320 school children In the ltoeburg district. A military company lias been organ Ized tit l'rlnovllle. A silver mlno lias been discovered In Pcrrytlnlc, Poll: Co. The Grand Applegato Company now have flvo miles of ditch diij,'. A Jacksonville man was lined $10 for trying to make the Chinese go. Astoria church people nro having n little Miuabblo among themselves. Considerable wheat Is being shipped from Independence to the Snictn mills. The Ochoco peoplo think they have somcgoodnlcklclcdgesltithclrcountry. Job Hlnton, of Prlnevllle, was bucked on' his horse and killed on tho IStli ult. The Gravo Creek Milling Co. has levied nn assessment of four cents per share. A few 1 1 u m! red goats have died In Benton county, having no shelter from storms. Au eastern buyer recently bought 1,000 head of cattle at l'rlnovlllo for$10 ahead. Quito ti number of able-bodied men nreunxlous to serve tis marshal of Jack son County. A miner named Brlggs was stricken with parnlysls and died, on Applegato last Sunday. A;ChInamett was accidentally killed near AnkcnyJ Landing last Friday Still they go. Mrs. Abner Fickle, of Buena Vista, was trampled upon by a cow and se verely Injured. Havo you scon Mr. Jus Emery, and If so, how much? His wife buck hi Maine wants him. Curtis Manning, u miner at Gravo Creek, hail a leg broken by the caving ot a oaiiK iasr. wcok. Floods havo caused considerable dam ago In Puyallup, Stuck, and White Itlvor Valleys, w. T. Another unloaded pistol went off at jjctnoi ino oiner nay, wounding James Burnett in tho thigh. Josephlno County miners aro work ing nlglit nnd day. Make money whllo tho wutor runs. The Ilnsoburg mid Coos Bay peoplo wuui, u ruiiniuu, iwt mo not noxious to havo it controlled by foreign capitalists. Many sheep have tiled In Southern Oregon this Winter. Mr. Dear, of Butto Creek, has lost 1,100 out of a baud of L',000. Hon. N. B. Wllley, preslJentof tho ituii'o council, was preseni"U witli a gold headed cane by his fellow mem bers. The Southern Oregon stages have to change their tluin table so as to strike tho worst part of the roads by day- ngni- Tbe Idaho legislature has created two new counties: Cassia, out of tho east cm portion of Owyhee, nnd Washing ton, out of the western portion of Ada. I'euco fight at Fair Oaks, Douglas couniy. niuiiu put up a lencu on bum crlin's laud In tho night. Tho lattcr's men tore it down, wero arrested, tried and discharged. Costs of $100 taxed to, b until. Good sleighing at Fort Klamath. Ashland property Is assessed at $122,' 000. Salmon aro running up Southern Or egon crooks. The Port Blakely mills are running uay una nignt. Spring grass Is getting a flue start In jucKHon county. Tiio juoKuonviiio Times illsnea up tots ot local items. Diphtheria has appeared in tho vl clnity of Jacksonville. Coyotes nro go ting away with tho siiccp on Kogtio rlvor. Strychnine. Three ounce nuggets havo recently been found on Wolf and Foot's creeks. Tho Olymplu Experiment will try tho experiment of taking a three weeks rest, ThoOlympIa Exporiinontsees signs of Spring Iu the revival of baso ball business. The Jato snow storms in Northern British Columbia huve been the most hovcm for many years. Over 1,000 brail of sheep havo died from starvation and scab on Butte creek, Jackson county. Horses In Josephlno county nro stag gering around with the still' staggers. Some huve staggered over and died. The Jacksonville Times says the county Jul I mourns for nn occupant. Isn't there a mouse, or even a greybaek la It? ' Tho Georire Washington Literary So ciety has Jtitt been organized ut Inde pendence. Every member has n little hatchet. Mrs. P. Bmchey, of Jacksonville, has raised und cured some tigs, which are pronounced excellent. Crops never fall, etc. Tiio Iiu pio vcu Order of Red Men hud u grand ball at Jacksonville. The un improved order will probably open their ball boforu long. As the ucoustlo properties of the Walla Walla City Half aro not very good, It Is proposed to furnish the au ilicuco with car trumpets, Iminenso quantities of gold dust aro being taken out of the dnuko river placer mines. The electro-plated ma chines for saving the dust cost from $2,000 to KJ.OOO. Mr. Harrison Hartlep, of Sllvercrcek, a few days ago, Killed six deer at two shots and two at three shots eight at live shots, all inside of u minute. Gat ling or Hotchklss gun? Tho Experiment says : Puyallup having failed in the Imp enterprise, Is going to have a tobacco factory. Any thing to save producing our great man uals, grain, hay, potatoes and fruit. Jacksonville people petition for the appointment of T. U. Iteames as Brig adier General. Ills command will con sist of himself and four stall officers. Uniform, white shirt, open behind, three studs In front. Brass spurs. The Jacksonville Times says the road to Silver creek Is now open unJ there Is a porfect stream of miners flowing into that r-.'glou. A few have returned after COMPENDIUM OF BUSINESS AND ORNAMENTAL WRITING ! FOll Contains examples of I1USINKSS WHITING of every stylo, LAWKS HANI), i il, from which any stylo of writing limy Ikj rapidly ncnulrod AT 1IO.MIC, by old or you r bookseller, or address W. IIIVN WII1TU, A'ntlonnl IlllslncsM Coll Method ot your Pltor. W. Ij. Wlirrn: I havo received duction of Its kind that it has ocrleoii my privilege to sec. In motliod, nnalysis and artistlo merit, it is, la my opinion, superior to any manual of tho art yet introduced. I cannot too highly recommend It for thoso who desiro a comnloto guhto for Bclf-instniction. mar7-lm Very rcspuctfnlly, L. .1. rOWKIJi, Superintendent Publio Instruction. supplies and glvo a favorablo account ol thoso mines, Tho melting snow bns raised tho waters of the creek so high as to render effective mining Impossi ble for tho present. Tho Walla Walla railroad has had too many washouts to run to good advan tage. Ilcppncr has a flouring mill In opera tion, making an excellent quality of Hour. The two main bridges across tho Qrnnd Rondo river have been washed awy. Tho lowest bid for furnishing wood ot Fort Lapwnl being $13 10 per cord, all bids were rejected. Tho Astorlan savs the Orecou ran down to that phico In six hours. The Republic wns seven hours. Rotnnlns of n man, supposed to bo a soldier, wero lately discovered oil nn Island in Shoalwatcr Bay. A nevvstago road is talked of between Owyhco and Wlnnciiittcca that will shorten the distance 00 miles or more. Tho Idaho Statesman says the gold In Pnlouso country Is too thin to pan at wage, and thinks the excitement won't pay. Mr. Porter and two other men wero drowned Iu White river, W. T., while attempting to cross in a canoe last Tuesday. Tho brldgo on Main street, Walla Walla, was swept tiway by a freshet am! damugo caused by high water is placed at $2,000. Tho Puyallup coal roa'd has been troubled by high water, being four feet deep on tho track in places. Consider able Injury done. New Zealand Iniuranco Company. Tho company was organized in Now Zea land In tho year 1 MO with o capital of $3,000, -000. It has grots assets of over $2,000,000. Tho company has dono a very successful bull nH4 ilnco its organization, and Hi stock now sells In London at a largo premium. Tlio shareholders and directors of this com pany aro tlio very first business men and capitalists of New Zealand, and aro the samo as those of tho Hank of New Zealand, an institution, which shows hy its last statement, October 20, 1878, assets of $37,771,877. This grand corporation is also ono of tho host managed financial institutions In tho world) as a proof which wo will noto that iu London, whero it has a largo branch and docs au im mense business, the Hank of Now Zealand stock suHurcd lets la tho crisis following tho hank of (ilaigow collapse than any othur bank stock on that market. Tho same Directors also manage tho Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Com. pauy, another largo financial institution, withassuts of $17,000,000. Tho company has dejioiited $."iO,000,000 in United .States hinds with tho Treasurer of tho State of Oregon, and a largo bank audit for the immediate payment of lojtei that may occur. 'Iho company liabilities, including a sum to reinsure nil their risks, amount to SilOO.000. whilo their assets amount to $2,000,000 leav ing tho hamlsomo surplus for tho protection of policy holders of $1, 100,000. Sinco tho extension of tho company's wpera. tions to tho Pacific coast, it has commenced tho creation of a special reserve fund which now amounts to 3200.000 to cover any extra ordinary losses in this Held, Tho shareholder aro individually liable fur all obligations of thu couiau. Tho results of the failure of tho of (Jlaigow, when tho unlimited liability of shareholders played so prominent a part, the grtat woilth of the shareholders controlling thu New Zealand In surance (.'omiany should socially locommend tlilt company to tho insuring public. Tho company has dono jbusinon hero since December. 1876. and during said iwriud havo met with ipiito a numher of losses, all of which wero not only paid aud settled prompt ly, but each and every individual having sus tained loues, speak in tho highest terms of the company, and through their intluenoo and thu general manner of doing business havo acquired a No. 1 reputation, and already have a splendid business on their books. Thu company has appointed Mr. V. 1'. Drown, agent for this State. Mr. llrown has long been identified with the insurance of this city, and has, by his courteous manners and strict busiuess habits, gained nn enviablu reputation ono that will do much ti protect the company's interest and add to its already large business) lor Insurers knowing that whilo he will protect tho company' interests, will rust satisfied that their interests will bo fairly protected and all losses incurred be iiroinptly and honestly met. Commercial He porter. The Lloyd Combination. Mr. J. Kasatll June, General Agent for the Northwest, Is now canvassing Oregon for this useful littlo Invention, and will soon visit the towns on the Oregon and California Kailroad. Don t fail to net one at the nominal aunt of two Hts. Look out for Jones. SELF-lNSTRUCTIONe nnd voitm?. College, DKr.v er.VKTMr.ST or Kducatios. Sukh, Oregon, Fob. : l'KN KINO, and unhesitatingly prououiico it alysia nnd artistlo merit, it is, la my opinion, i and examined n oonv of your l'KN KINO, and WAKELEE'S PATENT SOLD BY ALL. DEALERS. H. P. WAKELEE & CO., PROPRIETORS., . Corner Montgomory nnd Bush Sts, San Franoisoo, Cal. Woodburn Nursory. J. II. iScttlcmicr, of Woodbum Nursery, Marion County, Oregon, is doing a thriving business In tho trco Hue. Ho has Just com pleted lllling his sixth order from Walla Walla Valley, whoso nvorago is It.GOO each) pretty good for ono season. Scud for his catalogue and prico list. A Homo in Balem For Sale. Any leron wishing for a good homo iu Salem, as for instance some family from tho country wishing to educate tho children, will do well to look at tho residence lately occupied by H. A. Clarko editor of tho Pah mrr, advortiscd for salo in this issue. It is a very comfortable home, ono of tho most doslrablo and healthy locations in that beautiful cityi tho welt Is sunk forty feet in bcXbrock, and fumishos puro and delicious water) tho stables aro extensive, there is abundanco of choico fruit growing on tho place, and in all a full acre ot ground. Read tho advertisement. Said an old gentleman: "I don't liko a man who is Intimato on short acquaintance, because ho is almost sure to bo 'short' on In timato acquaintance'.' Dr. Mlntle's Nephroticoni Works wonders. In all cases of Dropsy, llriyht's Disease, Kfduey, Madder and Urinary Complaints, or Retention of Urine, aro cured by the Nephroticuni, Pcmalu Weakness, Grav el, Diabetes, pain in tho back, tn'do and loin aro cured when alt other medicines have failed, Sco what tho druggists of Portland aud Sau Francisco say about Dr. Mintio's Ncphreticiiai nnd ICnglish Dandelion l'illst "Wo havo sold a largo amount of Dr. Miti tio't) medicine, tho English Dandelion Pills) also thu famed Neiihreticiim, nnd iu all cases highly recommended. John A. Childs, drug. uist, Second street, Portland, Oregon) (J. II. Woodanl k Co., druggists, cor. Kirst and Alder, Portland, Oregon) Messrs, Abrams & Carroll, druggists, Nos. .1 aud Ii I-'ront, San Francisco. Wo regard Nophroticum oc tho best Kidney and bladder remedy boforu tho public." All druggists keep them, For all derangements of tho Liver, Use Dr. Mintio's Knglish Dandelion Pills, For biliousness nnd Dys(iejiaia, Use Dr. Mintio's Knglish Dandelion Pills. For Fever anil Ague, Uto Dr. Mintio's Knglish Dandelion Pills, Krery family should not fail to keep tho Dandelion Pills oil hand. HO 1'OH UHLIANOh.! Till: CKLKIHIATKD Black Norman Clydo STALLION " RELIANCE I" Formerly owned by .loieiih I'earl. of Linn County, will uiaku thu coming Houum eutn inencing March l!lt und IMd ut LKIIANONi IMth ami Mth at IIAI.SKVi '.'llth und -J7th at tho farm of W. I'. ANDKKSON. two iiulti oaat uf Holwrt's bridge, on thu (.'ulajwjia. Torms, $25.00 for tho Season, Secured by note payable on or luforo Nop; 1.1th, 1870, und i'M by insurance, ulsiMi-iind by noto payable ou or boforu April 1st, IHM). All notes will Ihi required at timo of servieu, and to bear interest at tho rato of lit percent, per annum from tho time they bocuiuo duo until paid. All mares bred by insurance and afterwards traded, sold, or taleu out of thu valley, will bo considered iu foal, and tho notes collectable, unless satisfactory proof is produced that such marcs are not in foal. Pasturage will bo procured at reasonable rates. We will not bo responsible for any accidents, but will taku reasonable care of alt mare left in our charge. All inquiries ad dressed to J. T, Stewart will receive prompt attention. KOUTIIK.KN & HTKWAKT, Proprietors., Or,, March 7, 1870. mar7-0w OKNAMKNTAL l'KN-WOltlv. with Ncwi of cither sox. IMIICI;, S2.00. Inquire Portland, Oregon. 12, 1S70. unhesitatingly pronounce It tlio finest pro SQUIRREL AND GOPHER Valuablo Property For Salo. I offer for salo my homo iu Salem, ono at tho most desirable locations hi that city, very comfortablo dwelling housn with ono aero of ground attached, valuablo fruit on tl(o placo, good stables, excellent well of living water, sunk docp in tho bed-rock, I'rico .$-',500. Alio sixty-throe acres ono inilo aud a half from town, ono-fourth In plum and prune orchard containg 3,000 trooa In good cultiva tion, one-fourth In wheat, ground nowly grublied. This is a valuablo property, with a well of living water on it, fenced In three fields) cabin and stable From it thcro U one of the most bcautlfal views to bo found in Oregon. I'rico $20 an aero. Tonus of paymont can lsi mado easy on both these piece of property. ' Address, S. A. Claiikk, Farmer Ofllce, Portland, Or 1). W. Craio, Fanner OOioo, Salem. NEW ZEALAND FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Co. CAPITAL, $5,000,000. si u to pri Marino tosses Payable at Option of A mured a'f at any of tho Company's Hritlsh, Colon- ln'1' lal or American branches, WW p, p intei o giro W. F. BROWN, AGENT, ". No. 7 First St , Portland, Or. JJ mar" I in THS AUSTRALIAN SOAB EXTERMINATOR ! tOT!t.ri( t-rawin A I'oi.ion for Kxtirnal Vvi, for Proventionjtte s and Lure ol thu ncab, 0UJ i ,1 Tho fleliur.ll Health ft,r0U J Condition of thu Sheet , Promoted by iU Use. Uon" nu agrl KiniiMc urt L C F. WILLIAMS & CO ,.. ceoit every V GILMAN Sl YOUNG. ouaiiv! 42 First Stroot, Portland, Or,lit0,1 -A.imTrTiai uluctol For tho .Manufacturers for Oregon uud WaaK t"0 nur7-!li:i Ingtuii. dopartn W. 8. FAILING, fArmr'" sru mo to musr MiRTiK, aprwieiK Wholesale nnd Retail Dealer iu f a far' POULTRY.GAME.riSIl AND OYSTER And Dealer iu all the Vurletlcs of ir m I TUOUOUnilliHIU) FOWLS AND KWwayapn. J For breeding. Has for sale Fisher' Hrec to fan1 lug nun Mliow uoops, tueil Hoiiiicra and f,,milv ? I ter rountaiu, ami will keen on hand all t requisites of the Poultry Yard. I nm hre. iT? iu tho following pure-bad fowlsi inturvnt J WlfllU I.VllllnuV llpnu'hl rvniinuvu lt.l'rul 1M.J,.. ......n ......w.t ., .......... ....t...u.,,in, .SA- c j llHIIHAM, I'LVMOUril HOVKH, ANII W CSiru tsl f IlKOMK TCKKKVH. tt- WO pi, ll My brooding stock is w oil aolccted and piih pph j and I guaranteo satisfaction. Kggt warn: thrir eat ed pure, and carefully packed, Orders sc - J VMtMISHHIVWIUIUI Vt.tli W V Ioultry buiinew will bu jiruisptly Aniwe?1 r tv "? Stalls llaii 12 CeitrdlNarlei.FM'.t. ' wi uiarT-lm t moro uu.1 'I I I ll t j-1 A Us ICO rie ou. lot; H clj ami ilpl rkh met air; Inti oft real iort cctt I ccrai tbo and I robal both! Ireha inowl ion pcoxrji'l F.wi wil f I lut ;u nil) r to da i) H,