4i- TT. IBSCKD EVERT nUDAY. 1Y OXsA-XUtU OXIAXO, rum.ifliiF.iLi and riiorniEToni, TcrniN or Subscription! Onu copy ouo) car (52 numbcn), In advance.. ..$2 JO One copy tlx inontlu (SO numbers) .. 1 'It, Ono copy throe month (13 numbers) 75 KST It not lil within lx months, Kl w III be ehsrfnl for ono ) car's iubscrlptlon TELEGRAPHIC. l'.ystlrn .vmi:s. l.xlril (Session r unarms. Washington, March 1. 'I ho opinion irc vatlH uuong our Dent Informed members o! both houses tlml thcro in no prospect of tho flnnl passage of lnilispeiis.blo appropriation bills during tho Hliort rcmuintler of this kcs Mon. Senator Window, chairman of the ap propriation committee, sajs Hint it will be absolutely impossible to itcrt tho necessity for nil extra nession, uiiIckh tho Semite JiftHBCH tho sundry ciil bill unci also tho leg islative, executive ami judicial approprintlon bill hrforo to-morrow. Ho will endeavor to bold tho Sciinlo to an nil liltjht session with u view to coinplctini; tli'i coiiHldcrntion of those measures before ndjournnRtit, ho as to placo Hit m in tho lmmls of n eonfercncu eommitteo for potslbln adjustment of tho Iinportnut dilfi ronco bilwoenlho two houses by Monday afternoon. N'early '21 hours will bo rcnuisllu for tlio eiirullmoiit ami roc tlllciitlon of tho immensely lout" bills after (hey nio llnnlly acted on by both houses, 'I hrj Musi IJii-l.'usl. Nmv Yoiik, March 1. A Cincinnati paper ii.ijh that a mnu named ucmpsuy leaves to day for California to engngo u caruo of Chi iichc, which ho will work on his air lino rail lond contract, just received. 1'renkN r Fortune. Yesterday an cx-mcmbcr of tho stock ox- change, who 10) cars nt;o was a millionaire, mid who in his prosperous days yavo SI 00,. 000 to New York churches, was sentenced by tho court at special session to uvo days in mo city prison tor men. Doubling- Ihn Iimr. UALr.sTON. March 1, A 1'ortWorth snoc Inl says that tho outgoing Yuma stage was again stopped lusldu tho city limits, luo only passenger wan robbed, mall bags rlllod and valuable letters curried off. i:xHirf mid IinixirfM. Tho thief of tho bun au of statistics reports an excess of exports out Imports for .lauua ry, ?l!5,H70,8i!l, as ngalnst $::i,53U,71!i for January of Ihu prcci ding year, mid for tlio jcnremliiift January. 187!), S.VJ7,CH0,0fia, ns iigaliiHt$lI(l,7Hl,'J7l for tho preceding car. I'liclllr nul IteriiMiiiiriiilnlliHi. Tho comiiiittoo in ilnirgo of tho bill havo lccomtiicnded tho liihcrtlon In tho sundry tivil appropriation bill of an item of $.,00l) for tho eoutliiiiiillon of boring an artesian well nt Iknlclii, and SilO.OOO for tho piotie- lion of govrrnuii'iit intirtsts in Alaska, and SliU.OuU for tho Improvement of (ho military wagon road bclwmi Hooltnburg and Camp Ktowart, Oregon. IVdrstrllllllslll. Nl.w Yoiik, March 1. Daniel U'Liury, John Ktiuis cf Chicago, (I. A. llarrliuaii of Iloston, Charles Itowill of London (who has just arrived) arranged yisterday a six days walking match, Ik ginning at (illmoro'ri (Jar den, on Ihu 10th, for $11,000 and tho Astley t'haniplon bill. Ntirriiiiui In Hit Htiulli. (Jcntral Kin rtintii, formally received by 'King Carnival in Now Orleans, was dubbed and decorated "Duku of Louisiana. " Tho Genera), responding to tho speech of th Lord High Chambtrhiin, said that ho felt honored, and particularly by h s cordial re ception by nun who had worn tho (ray, ltlnrniiilluir Mrxlcitus A dispatch from tlaur says that Deputy HhorllTCurliton, with a pnsso, went after a party of Mexicans who fired on a citizen. IIo overtook them mar Mllanu, and tho .loader refused to surrender and was killed. Tho Mexicans then opened firo and thoposso deserted Carltton, who fought until rescued ' unhurt by n party from Milano. Tho Mexi cans have been nrrested, Ntmiarl'n lloily llrrnvrrnl It seems to bo tmo that tho body of A. T, Stewart has ben ncovtred and is now In tho cathedral, commenced by him or by his instructions, and kept thcro under strict guard. ,Ntt rlt Iiiriiu-ul House. New York mpitalists and philanthropists nro duYlhliig u Nynttmfnr Improvement of tone uicnt houses. A joint Motk cniupauy Is talked of to build a in odd block to tost J 1,000,000. tollleri'lll O lllllllllll'C. Wahiiimitos, Miiith 'J -Tho conferviieo eommltleo on the hiuulry iill appropriation bill lia.H agrc( d and an agretinint has also been reached in taiihttiiiK ou tho forlitlea tion bill, tho Sinatn y hiding its nun ml incut, Tho toiibrts mi tho d licit ney bill lmvo also arrived at an understanding. Ami lllll. Match II. At ft this aftitiioou all tho ton ftreiuo tommitliiH on appropriation bills liuvo i ithi r iittmlly or virtually agreed upon reports, except In rigard to tho legislative appropriation bill mid army bills, Tho prospect for ngrcuuiiit on tho two bint tinmcd roiitliims to bo very unpromising, there being apparent!) a dtadlooktm all their political features. Thero Is no ililll. unity about tho army loorganliatlon sections, for tho lltniho touf. red mo willing tu strike them out, to bo plated by a single, piovisinu that prouiotions shall bu stopped until tho reorganisation subject N llnally acted upon, Tho point of mutest in this bill Is tho chun.0 prohibiting tho pioriit'o of troops at the polls. tuuuenttf nearly to osatb'ftticlcort'cliTde'g'wlth a declaration of "Death for death, terror for terror, Thii is our answer to all threats and pcrsecutlomi of tho government." foreign Ilrini. Y'akoob Kalin, son of Shero All, Atrteer of Afghanistan, lolegraphn tho Viceroy of India that his fathoi Is dead. l'raueo iiudKnglaud will net togclhtr in Kg)pt nnd Nubir laKhi, will b? reinstated, 'lho Khcdho will probably submit. ItuiBlann art) proceeding to tarry out tin treaty of llciliu in dismantling Arabia labia, and nro futtiatiug the Ilulgation design ti burn Adrlanoplo. It is claimed that Germany must resort to indirect taxation to render tho implro finan cially Independent nnci rcllovo'lho Individual States from heavy contributions. Queen Victoria is to visit Italy tho latter part of March, and will bo handsomely re ceived and entertained by tho Klngnnil rovnl family. Mho will pass through 1'aris on her way. .tiuerliiiii lullle. I.omjos, March 3.- In tho house of com monn to-day Lord fleo. 1', Hamilton, vico prchldent of tlin eouiieil, replying to a ipies tion, mid tint at long ns plcuro-pncuuunin exists as it Is it would not bo consistent with tho contagious disease not to rescind tho ex isting ngulitioiis, Irmlo Tronliltt. Trade dlflluiUlcs continue', Tho eouuty miners atsociutloii rejects tho waces olfereil by musters, and CI) do shipwrights nro look ing to united action against employes. Iti'iniNn mid Itclrrnl. 'lho Viceroy of India tolegraphs (loncral BtoWHrt reports that (leiieral llldilulph's rear guard was attacked at Kushll N'okhud by y,000 Ali7al Dorouis, Tho enomy was ro pulsed with n loss of 1C0 men mid pursued till nightfall, llrltiah lost a major and flvo natives killed, and a colonel nnd cloven na tives wounded. I'lnirno I'reriiiilloiiN. IIkiilin, March, .'). Tho president of tho Imperial thanccliory, lion. Hosman, reply ing to an interpellation in tho rcichstag, said that tho government would not taKo for grunted that tho cuso of sickness reported at Ht. l'ctcrslmrg was not a coao of tho plaguo, but would resumo negotiations for tho estab lishment of tho International plaguo com mission. 4'omliijr Ihntttftt or Ciililiiet. 1'aiiw, March 3. An article in La Franco, signed (iirardliio, says that tho cabinet has lived Its tlmo and has lost all power over tho majority, nnd that tho situation Imperatively requires tho formation of a cabinet presided over by tho leader of tho majority. It also sajs Unit the present ministry has but a short time to live. I'rrtirli rjnnnrci. 1'aris loutiinls unlto in furious attacks against Leon Hay, Minister of I'lnanco. A rarls correspondent telegraphs that Leon May, who was formerly n elerk of tho Itoths child's, and known to ho their imitncr in many ull'afrs, is attacked for his conduct id- nlho to tho e'oiiverslou of lho per edit, rentes, with a viriilcnco which must proba bly Mud to his resignation. It is u notori ous fact tint tho llothschilds on Wednesday last inadu enormous purchases of lho per ('tills, and almost depreciated prlceii. Pronounced I'Iiikmc. St. IVrciisiiuiiii, Marcli . 1'rof. Ilolkln, declares, notwithstanding tho opinion to tho contrary of tho Medical Commissioner, that tho diseasoof tho footman in St. Petersburg Is n case of tho Astrakhan plague. A . uHiing runruary, ItfVItrtfiro'wW'fi-Hay -JPoH!.'irrd'IS jSitlf inroadf WfiRfiftolSfJ during which rain fell, with nu aggrcgato of 10.'.'!) Inches of water, 4 clear da) s, and 10 cloudy di)s other than thoso on which rain tint! it is to thn urcJiLof oir wealthy men mitl heaviest fax payers that they nto tho flimoit Auppotters of our freo Chas. . Btoprart, u member of tho Constitu tional Convention, wcro butned in effigy. Tlio Ilulns nl Iteno. llf.SO. ilarnll II. Tim unnaitlnn ln.,U li tho lato lire. Nearly all of 10 blocks wero i fc" destroyed. ino remains rt ono man wero found ou lho sito of tho Hour mill, makiug six kuewn to have been butned. A citicus' relief committee wbh organized lust night, nllll thoV (ire litlav tn.ilnv .!tBlil1n1((tr anr.. piles. ' Mean temperature for tho mouth at 2 o'clock Iri'itrauce men nro busy ruking estimated ' r. m -13.13 . Iliirhcitiecordof thennomcter I!!... li 1 Llui;c"l,il'11' ytttogho wnuy 3S. fit 2 ,,,, ou til0 13. avrei thoimomctcr' With us education is not compuboiy, nullrPH- l'lPiitr Inmii'isii ... f,At(it... lm. v-O.MO, raneull, 03.750. LycomaA 3,100. 27 . et p. m. 1th. Virginia sent several lliuiisnnd dollars', frosts on tlio 1st, l, M, Itli, nut, .III, ,1.8eJf-CrWth-akJfcncyJo.cqMoackpii public, acntiracnt ami .thwart tlio Ijcst Tho moan tempcraturo for tho month was ' Bchoo! .system, nnd the wannest advocates 1'J.OO i highest dally mean tempcraturo G.1", of a high grade of suhools that eniiiitToid on tho SCtln low et daily mean tomperatura , anv' percoli, who show.t nillbitiotl to 31, on tho ith. , , , , ,.,,, .... ,,,. V V.VI tllV IkVtJMUU 4ttiUII4V.llil. lilV UIIJ'Wl tunitj to Kaihfy that laudable desiie. worth of goods, and n lot ol bedding will nr-, 2.M and 'JOth. Thero wai ouo inch of mow rivo iioiu Warsou this evening. Tuloarn In. 'PutrinrnftiH 1 .. ,t. . i .. , 1 ..r ,!. -.,1. "("J ' '" rccpIvci . '." V ith prolTerlng , u . ,. . . ..,, . ,1V tnonf Tho provalllng winds for tho month weto renei, mu wo will not need nnv more Thoso who escaped nro doliu all thev can to , rcllovo distress, and nil nrc housed, llusl- from tho north: duriiu 7 days, southwest ncss men riro putllng up tempotary structures a di a, south 15 day. nn,VnnfKte.,ie1TU n, I , ''' Fehruarv, ls;8, there wcro 21 d)s Another firo occurred in a Clilncso wash , , "... . "', ... ,,..,, . , ', homo this moriiiug. Loss trilling. during which rain fell, with lO.'.'J Inchei of Aid ri-oni ihu I.rclslnliirc. water, and 7 cloudy days. Cuiso.v, Nov.. March 3.-A bill pasted ' . -Vc;l" '"""turo for tho month, 4I.02( both houses placing $10,000 in tho cover- highest mean tcniwraturo for tho iiioiitli,.i3, nor'-i hands to nfTor.1 relief to the ltono suf- c:l l '" i low)c.,t .'"??" '""Fraturo for the er.rH month, .i'J , on too L'Oth. S. lciliii:. I'ACiriCt'llASr. r'OKKKi.N MIHS. Noulli Viiirrlroii Airnlrx. LtiNiov-Mureh 'J, A Capttowu dispnteh savii that iillalru In 'I'rausMial cause eoiihldir able anility It U n ported tho republicans Intend to ncomi no tho "Old Volks ltoad" dissolved by Kir Tliopludus SchepHtono, and elect a l'rtsldcnt of tho r public, Tho coin mnudtr tit tho Dutch sUliou had seized and Hout back to .ulus tho eattlo c iptured and Hold to settlers, on tho ground that tho Zulus might bo exptcltd to invado Transvaal to ro capturo their cattle. Many lloers are srv lug ellU'lt utly with Col, ood's eolumu, and Truimvuul is itstlf tliuattnid, both by tho Heccocni and by Kalllrs within its borders, VVever' iVnites, Tho cotton umtcM of Livucashiro ro'.om mend that lllaekburu ttaudurd !lt gener ally adopted for tho rcguUtion of weavors' wages. Tho chango implies u rtductlou. Two thouMtnd weavirs at Couglttou ulriiuly U'fuso to submit. The Nrprel)ur 'lmkitir'i Dentil, lli'KLiN, March 'J, Tho publication of tho lluiiiau secret press declares that governor oak off tad been comluuued to dtuth by llrnii Hlllnrd, Wi.no, March 'J. At about a quarter to 0 this morning u tiro commenced In soma wooden buildings at Ihn wist end of tho bus iness struct, Hack of Masonic block. A gale was blowing from tho wist, and before water could bo got uu tho firo it was beyond control. Tho (lames leaped from housa to homo and from block to block, l'anio ilrickou, half clothed pooplo caught tho most valuablo articles nnd left all eUo to destruc tion. Tho flremeu wero helpless. Tho fierceness of tho wind and intensity of tho neat renuoreti it luipossiuio to get cloiu enough to do any good. In threo hours nil tho business part of tho town was in ashes. tho only house escaping being tho Masonlo imiiuing. two or three Central l'acillo trains, including a lightning train, wero do xtroyed. Tho condition of tho trucks lnado It utctHhury to transfer tho passengers to tho Virginia tc Trucked train across tho river to go to Virginia, Tho loss, ns mar as run bo calculated at this tlmo, Is about $1,000,000, with only about !? 150,000 1 nsnrnnce. I'ivo lives aro known to bo lost, ns follows: Mrs. John Heck, John Itiley nnd threo tramps. Tho gulo curried blazing nieces of timbor for miles, Soveral houses situatcdtwo miles down tho iniadows wero burned. After working till I'lhuttytcd tlio whites forcul tho Chliiiho to work ou tho tuglues. Citizens aro throwing open their doors to tho home' it ss, and aro doing all they can to relievo dUtrtss, Tho tiro only stopptd whtu all was df stroud. lit no Is now a suburb with nr.t a town, and great fears aro entertained as to lis ability to survivo tho shock. CoiihIIIiiIIuiiiiI Convention KikIimI. Mtv l'lUKCisexi, Munh 3. Tho Constitu tional I'oiiM'iitlon to-day adopted nu address to tho people, and aftt r n number of presen tations to rrisldeut Hugo and otlu r olUcers. and tlio resolutions and speeches, adjourned slno dlo. All Dill Htur), Joieph Koiintz, a butcher on 0t7 Mission street, t'omiuitted suicido this forenoon by shooting. Tho ball penetrated tho left breast Difllciilllca in money matters is its. bigutd as tho cuuso of tho utt. Ilellol lor Ittuo. Houutrio A- McCluro, grocers, have or dertd their agtlit at Iteuo lo supply tho wants of Kitttert rs by tho tiro to tho extent of his ability, It is piobablo that thcro will bo a mi i ting of luirchttuts to organize a relit f movement. KmIiiI full. At r.:30 this evening, W. J. Westhall, a well known utt'k.tlo manufacturer, in at tempting to get im n car of tlio Market street Hue, fell uudii tho wheels, which pained uver both It gs, cutting them otf abovo tho knets. Ills injuries aro probably fatal, liuitbKrs Mrlrrnl, Suhkton, Mnrch3. Jas. Hopkins, against whom tho lust grand Jury found thirteen in. dictmi uts for car robberies, and confined in thu county Jail a'lalting trial, escaped at 7 o'clock this evening, Hopkins and Clark, another car roblivr, who occupied tho samo cell, were this morning permitted to air their liluukets In tho luck vard. As usual to-nigbt both were locked up in tho ct 11. I'ivo min utes tin reader they called to Jailer Ainu for their blankets, pretending to havo forgotten to tuko them up ktutrs. Jailer (liuu allowed Hopkins to go out of tho cell for the blauk ets, lttturiiiiig, Hopkins and Clark grasped tho jailer, trying lo lock him iu the cell, but after a hard right and struggle ho freed him self. Meantime Hopkius escaped through a back door, climbiug over tho jail. When last heard from ho was traveling north. fcrers. 4'iilirurnln Constitution. Hi l'i(trtsco, March I. Tho working inen'rt ill legation to the eoustitutioinl con vention wcro ricchcdiit tlio ferry on their arrive! from Sacramento bv tho ward presi dents, headed by tho tenth ward Independent Hides, and escorted to Horticultural hall, where speechtH wcro uiado nnd resolutions passed endorsing tho now constitution and calling upon tlio worklngmcn's party to sup port it. l'nssliin I'lnj I'rodiired. At tho Grand Opera llouso list ovcnlng tho l'asflion play was produced. For several days past tho press and pulpit havo attacked tho undertaking vigorously, nnd thcro was Homo expectation that tho performance would not bo allowed to go on In fact tho Hoard of Supervisors this ovcnlng passed to print nn ordiunnco forbidding too production of any piay in which mo ino ol Jesus Christ or nuy scriptural occurroucs was portrayed; but as tho ordlnnnco cannot tako imme'diato ef fect tho ptrformanco is likely to run n week or two if It meets with sufficient patronage. Thero was n very rcspectablo attendauco this ovonlug in point of numbers and character, and tho performauco was received with ro Noc!ful atlonllon. Tho play was well mount ed, lho mimic excellent nnd tho principal characters well sustained. Tho last net, an nounced as tho tableau of tho descent from lho cross, from lleubcn'ri celebrated paint ing, was omitted, which caused somo little confusion, tho audience being In doubt as to wuetucrtiio ptriormaneo w mover or not uu. til tho mnttor was explained to them. Asldo from Ihoincoiigriiousuessof a representation of tho kind ou thtatiical boards, thero was nothing In lho performauco to shock tho sen hllilllllos of tho most fastidious. ItrlCMi Colniuliln. VieiontA, March 2. Cuttlo nro retorted dying win re a thaw has set iu. The idcamcr Dakota sailesl Saturday for Hun 1'r.iuclsco, and thu steamship Kmpiro arrived this morning from Han I'rauclsco. C'ONUUKSSIUNAli. Koi.it. Marth 3, IS70. Advortuers. In tub imuu will npin-ir tho advertisement of (ico. V. Mlv ester, wholesale nnd retail dealer in seeds, both garden and (lower. Ho h highly recommended to us by partiej iu San l'rancijco. Anyone desiring such things would do well to atml to liim for a circular. W. S. Failing, Portland's popular poultry 1 fancier, has an ad. in this week's paper. Let all who want to know whero to get good poul try read his ad. It. D. Montgomery has nn extensive notice concerning tlio buying and selling of horses, and breeding. Tlio carl in tliii issuo will bo of interest to all. Sco tho ad. of Dr. II. F, Swick in this isiuo of tho paper. IIo is an A No. 1 dentist, nnd wo candidly recommend him to any and all of our readers. Otlico at Salem, over Hroy man's store. Thoi. Holman gives noticoofhls Western Fanning Mills, 'iheso machines aro highly endorsed by all who havo over triod them. Call on or nddrcsj him for particulars at Salem, Oregon, and get information concerning theso machines. Seniilc. Wakiunqion Mar. 'J. llynvotoof yeas 21 nays 35, the Bcnuto refused lo tnko up lho river nnd harbor hill, and ou suggestion of vYindoni took up lho bill makiug impropriations for legislative, executive nnd judicial expenses of tho gov orument for tho fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1880, and for other expenses. On motion of Spencer tho Henato took un tho river land harbor bill, but without pro ceeding with its consideration took a recess nutll U V. M. SONDAT BK.1SI0N. Tlio Senate reossomblotl on Sunday at 2 o'clock. Tho credentials of Wado Hampton wero placed on file. Tho river nnd harbor bill was considered under tho live minute rulo. An oxecutivo sosniou was thsn hold. After oxecutivo session, tho non-concurrence of tho Houso ou Senate amendments to tho river nnd harbor bill was nnnounced. Tho Senate insisted nnd conference was or dered. Tho ceiiBiis bill was then agreed to with HoiiM) nmendmonts. Davis of Illinois called up a bill for the relief of totally blind soldiers. Conterenco report on fortlacatiou bill was agreed lo, mid tlio Pill pasted. McMillan called up the bill appropriating for tho payment of claims reported by tho southern claims commission; pasmuU. Wilson submitted a rrt-ort of conference on tho deficiency appropriation bill; agreed to. Wlndom submitted n ronfereuco report on lho sundry civil bill, but Kdnmuds obla.'totl to its present consideration, it was tempora rily laid aside, House. HITUUPAY NKUIT HIHSIOX. Springer presented u report and resolution for tho impeachment of (loo. 1', Seward, U. S, minister to China. Tho House rcfumjd to consider it. Tho veto message was then read. At first it was heard with close attention, but before half of it was lead but few niaiutaiued tho semblauco of listening. The amendment of comuiltteo for paying the southern claims commissioners at tho rate of $5,000 per annum each, iustead of $2,500, and other less important amendments wero agreed to, SUNDAY BKKStON, Tho Houso met at 0.30 A. M. iu continua tion of Huturdav s session, nnd after receiv ing sundry civil bill from Senate, non-concurred iu Senate amendments, utid appointed a comuiltteo of conference of Atkins, Hale and Hewitt. Houso then took a recess till 10.30. At th it time Atkins stated that the conter enco commilttoo on sundry civil bill would probably come to a conclusion in the course of the dsy, nnd upon his motiou House took lurlher recess till V o clock. The Housa reassembled at 0 V. M. wheu a message from the. Senate announced the con ferenco committee ou post office approprlu tion bill not able to agree and askiugnnothtr oomumice, Hlount, Clyiuer and llakcr were reap pointed, further recess taken for fifteen minutes. Hew ilt from conference committee ou army appropriation bill, reported that the commit tee had not been able lo agree, ami further conference was ordered, and Hewitt, Sparks uud Foster were resppoiuted, and House took further recess tor half au hour. Washington, March 3. The first hour was passed iu disposing of business on the speaker's table. Hills iu re lation to the Northern Pacific and Kausas l'acillo railroads wero referred to the com mittee of the whole. - The bill relating to homestead settlements on public Units witbin railroad limits; pas tsl. Choice Placo Near Salem For Sale. S. A. Clarke, editor of tho F.nvirn, offers for Bale n pl.aco in tho hills, overlooking the river, one milo and n half south of .Vilcm, containing sixty-three acrea of land. On it is an orchard of 3,000 plum mid prune trees that havo had several years cultivation. Fifteen acres in wheat, on laud now ly cleared. An unfailing well on the place; and fenced iu three holds. Tho orchard will soon yield a handsome revenue, being of tho choicest vanutiei of fruit for drying and tanning. Tho soil is best hill land, and tho placo com mands otic of the most beautiful lew s jusjihlc. To any person desiring a pleaiant loiatlon near town this nlaco would nmvu verv desirable. Wakeleo'a Srjuirrol Exterminator. Klsow here will bo found tho ad. of Wake lee's Sipnrrcl lMcrmlnator. ThU has stood the test of atrial extending over a space of llo years, during which time many different brand of poison have liven tried and only to be found inadequate. The manufacturers of tho Wakelco Squirrel and Uophor Kxtermin ator will send circulars containing testimo nials to any ono on application. l'lioTOdKAPin aro a blessing to humanity, as by them wo nro able to keep tho faces of our departed friends. AIlut oven these appear mora lifelike as they aro brought out by the masterly nana oi frank Attsll, 171) ami ITS rirsi street, rortlaml. AQENI8 FOR WILLAMEThPfaBMER Albauy , . . Aumivillo. Alsea Amity lluena Vista Hethol llutte Creek lluttuville.. Hrooks.... Hrowmvillo. Hellevuo J. K. Ilauuou J. A. Langworthy . . . . 1'ojtmastcT It. L. Shmison .1). M.Calhnath .1 II. K rarer .J. L. (lulliford . J. W. Hatcheller Win. Harris W. 11. Kirk ..Jeff D.vi Cottaee(!roe J. H. Shortndgo Cornelius H. O. Drown L'anby . . ..Wm. Knight Can)onCit) D. 11. I'mchluck Love John h. Clark Conallis K. Woodard Crawfordsvillo Itobert (llau T Chesher Damascus . . . Da) ton Dextir Dallas lloU Kllensburg . Kugcuo F.lkton Fox Valley... Forest drove. . tiOilicn . . . . Uenait Coldendalc, W Heppner Harrisburg Halsey . . lndeiiendeiito Jacksonville Jefferson Junction Uuig's Valley . . Lincoln Lebanon Lafayette IaihisvUIo Marion -Mt Pleasant Mehama Mouroj Miller's Station , . Monmouth. . . , MoMinnvdle Needy . North Yamhill. . . New burg . Newport. . . Oakland l'nuewllo. 1'ilut Keek Powells Valley Sheridan Seattle. W. T Tho Dalles Union Upper Ochoeu Vancouver, W. T Wtst Chehalem Wheatland . Weston , Walla Walla , Waterloo WatUhurg, W. T.. .(leo. Sluiltz K. ForUs l C Hadaway J. II. Huutaker J. D. Lee Thos. l'earco M. Uilcy J. H. McClung A. H. Halnca A. D. Oardner W. I Curtis . . . J. Handtaker .M.Mitchell Ames & Wet more . V. M. Mallorv . . . Hiram Ninth. T. J. ltlack . ..W. UHodgm Max Muller J. W. Ilowland Smith, llrasduld A Co . ...Conor A Crosuo L. Abram 11. M. Powers .... Dr. Pappletou ....I. N. Yokes .. ..It. II. Rutherford F.S.Thayer J. J. Jifair W. F. Hoen . t H. Newman . .W. Watcrhouse A. lleid . .Jacob D. Hitter .. D. C. Stewart . .Samuel Hobson M. Williams . .J. II. Shuts) O. M. Pringle K. Uiham I K. Williams II. U. Soirerville Julius Horton ....S. L. Hrooks John Crvighton Jos. Huiuaker S. W, Drown J. M. Coulee A. I). Pettviohn W. A. Whitman J. F. brewer S. D. Oager W. N. Smith anil tt is itiiposMlile that tliPif aio instance whore school iiiy is wasted time, but that can only bo tiuo whcio tho individual im no capa city for culture, no ilosiro for knowledge, uud it ii not to bo Htijiposcd that many Mich go through the dtudgery (to them) of education. Good ns our schools un doubtedly arc, tht'y ait not tip to thu Htntulard of schools in iloston, Wishing ton, and many other Kohtoui eitit-s, hXpencnct' ot m.iny generations has reunited in tho coiiHt.iut iinpitue-' lneiit nnd udvaiiecmcut of the common school nystcin, ho that it includes hut j'uaKes and sciences, nnd tho abstract principles of philosophy, as vt ell as tho rudimcntal branches of education. Wo hear no complaint theie of too much taxation and liot-houso education for the masses. If there is a prominent journal iu Iloston that would restrict education to tho primary principles wo tin not hoar of it It seems to be the great idea with all leading men and journals, that education is tho s ifeguard of thu Republic, that it will secure elevation of character and honest and iudejiendent action ou the part of thu masses, and tho lcsult must bo purer morals, less crime and better government. (icrmany stands foremost nmong tho nations becauso bIio recognizes that poj ular education gives a people bettor tiualitics as fighters us well as workers. The grent improving Men of our country is that the masses must ho educated. It is true tho business may ho overdone iu homo instances. There may bu some on whom education will bo wasted, but it is far inoio lihely that tho worst of thoso who may bo ro classed, ato less stolid uud depraved than they would lie without tho influence nnd remembrance of hchool associations, ami tho presence with them nlways of the great truths of nature, and thu education enjoyed in early years. It is hardly possible that in any instance education is wasted, whilo it is inevitably truo that, only for our common schools, many bright minds would bo unde veloped nnd thu pall of ignoranco hang over iutollccts that aro bom to illuiuino tho world. It is truo that occasionally tho world has seen men rise from inferior stations wiio havo acquired knowledge by hard study, in thu intervals of sovcro manual moor, aim navo given tlioir tellows proof that with thu mero rudiments of education at command a superior mind can grasp great thoughts nnd mighty problems and givo now truths to science. It is not rational to suppose that if Hugh Miller had been blessod with our school facilities ho would not havo achicvo.l more than ho did. Genius does not thrive upon ignorance, hut is developed by opportunity. Tho theory with us is, that overy artisan nnd worker should know thu truths of nature and understand thy works of God. Theieis impulses of our people, hut it is., incon sistent with tho spirit of progicss, tho lovo of education, nnd tho demand for u popular school system thai will illumin ate all lnnks of society, lift tho poor man's' children front obscurity nnd polish them for higher uses. Whatever ov ils thero aro in out common school system uic not found iu the pursuit of higher branches of stud). Tho striving millions of native nnd foreign born citiens Idol: to tho schools of Anieiicu as their hopo for tho futuie. They send their chil dren thcio hoping t hoy may develop a capacity for a higher life, and the life and ntieiigth of our nation iu u grvnt measure consist of this capacity for progress, this imnusof education that abolishes c.isto and makes all things possible to genius in wlmtover station it may be found. Portland ll.ic. no Cheap John feeling existing with re gird to common schools. With us thn avenue to wealth and povter is opou to all. There aio a multitude of instances bosides Vnudeibilt and Lincoln, to provo that this is no aristocracy of biith but that thu successful man makes his own way upwaru. Tho object of tho Common School and tho High School is to make the paths to eminenco more accessible to nil; to invito the poor man's son to compete with tho rich nun's heir iu the struggle for suo cms. it is this competition between mind nnd mind; this friendly nntagon. ism of intellect combating intel lect, that gives our ago its wondeiful usceudancy; dovolopa 1'dison's genius: has given the nineteenth century the steam engine, the telegraph, tho auto matio reajier, tho sewing machine, tho electric light, and promises to further unravel tho mysteries of nature. Are wo to relegato all theso back to tho jiast, closo our high schools, hedge learning in with a thousand difficulties for fear somo of it may bo wasted, or shall wo con tinuo to foster popular education, and placo within tho reach of tho child of poverty tho means that shall make him the peer of princes, and their superior, if ho has the mind, tho genius, tho in tellect to riso from tho threshold of pov eity and becomo a ruler of tho land 1 Tho question admits of no debate. The Oregonian has harped upon this theme for months and now questions tho propriety of a tax for the support of to-morrow VETO OP THE ItESTUICTION SILL- As might havo been expected, tho Chinese l est ric tion hill has been vetoed by Itutheifotd 1J. Hayes. TJio adminis tration is fully chargeable with hypoc lisy iu having given pretended sympa thy to tho pcoplo of tho Pacific .States and studied tho bill merely to lind somo excuse for its ilcfmt. Tho President is not forUumto in winning tho respect nnd confidence of tho people, nnd it cannot bo claimoel that his general courso meets with approbation from any respectable body of men or class of citizens. Ho docs not echo tho tamo nnd illogical ar guments of Eastern philanthropists, who ignoro tho welfare of tho laboring classes dependent on our own civiliza tion but constitute a most important element of it, ami favor instead an immigration of cheap labor from hea thendom that can add nothing to our grcatiifis, while it must destroy tho in dependence of tho hilxircrtiud tho dignity of labor. Yet his message, with accus tomed duplicity, is shaped to suit this class nnd satisfy the wishes of sentimen talists at tho Kast, rather than tho im minent needs of the ulllicted States of tho Pacific. Hayes intimates that his objection to tho bill lies in its abrogation of tho fifth mid sixth articles of tho treaty, providing thnt immigration be tween tho countries shall 1k voluntary, and that citizens of either country visit tho other "shall enjoy tho samo privi leges, immunities or exemptions in re spect to travel or lesidenco as may there bo enjoyeel by tho citizens or subjects of tho most favored nations." Tho message has no strength, for overvjhU.' Hayes does is weak and mediocrcF Ho ignores tho unanimous sentiment of tho Pacific States, and leaves Republicanism hero to take its chances. So far as possible, ho has killed tho National llepublican party, only, fortunately, ho has not much power to kill or mnko alive. For pusillanim ity, this administration will in history outlive Its day nnd bo a wonder of time. Tho work will go ou. Tho Chinese must go, or nt least they must not come hero in unlimited numbers to crowd honest labor to tho wall. Cheap labor is a ele lttsion when it takes bread from tho mouths of our laboring classes. Hayes will yet havo to sign n bill restricting Chineso immigration, for the matter will assumo shape and pioportions thnt ho will not dare to trillo with. Portland Hee. Supremo Court. Fkuuuaky, 28, 187S. AFTEltSOOX SESSION. N. A. Urown, lespondent, vs Mary Lord ct al, appellants j appeal from Yam hill county t'auso argueil and submit ted. Adjourned till Monday at 1 1 A. M. Tho following cases remain ou tho docket for tho third district, to bo ttietl before tho fouith district will bo reached: Ira Orton, respondent, vs Y. Yv Or ton ct al, appellants ; appeal from Marion count)-. J. K. Morrison, respondent, vs John A. Crawford, apjiellant; apptnl from Linn county. .uury j. iiuuoani et ai, appellants, vs Thos. 11. Hubbard, res pondent ; appeal from Marion county. V. AVatson, appellant, v.a"W. J. Smith et nl, resjiondent; appeal from Linn county. Ellis T. Jones, nn infant, by his guar dian, James Jones respondent, vs li. Dove, appellant. Tuesday, March 4. Ira Orton, respondent, vs M. U. Orton, et al., appellant. Appeal from Marion county; urgueel and sitbmittetl. A mandate was ordered to issue iu tho caso of Kech vs Palmer. Also n. mandate in tho caso of State vs S. O'Ncil, et al. A. K. Morrison, respondent, vs J. A. Crawford, appellant. Appeal from Linn county; argued and sulmitteeL Court ailjournetl till 9 o'clock A. M.. J