TELEGRAPHIC. EASTERN STATES. Flsli Culture Overou Fifth. Nbot Yowt. Feb. 27. Tho American Fish Cultural Association clostd a two days' bob alon vrllh n dinner laRt OTonlntf. Tho tuoet inRa havo boeu well atUmdcd nnJ tho Infor mation elicited lutcrcstinc uud valuablo In ilsb culturo East aud .Voht. California Kalmon und trout hio been Introduced with success in many part of KtiRlaud. llarnct l'hllllps. in ft paper on pro-historic flahlnR, know of only hool: of bono which can bo traced to oaily Affiirleun Indians. Tliimvas found nlHintn I'm. Onl. Jantaln Miller, at tho iliunor, told mich itondurful stories . r ,. ... ....1 ...... iit.nriinlil 7ltll .. oi urepcii iixii. "" m..u... .. if nueli iuarednluiis mmuh Hut tho President '8 1.-.1 ... lrt finlfi- .-.itim-klmf Mint nthcr. uuu iu ji-nwu.u ...-"-. -- wiso thi) poet could lint proceed. After n motion that Miller bo allowed poetlo license, tm vm iicrinlttiHl to no of. eoiicludine bis remarks by maintaining tho truth of nil that LT ho said. .. foxiut Ttilevr. m Gauvjutok, Feb. 27. Last night n Btago tft VUUfcUIUIUfj IUUI jlios.( -it... ..- m- l'eg Leg station by two biphwaymen, who ordered tho passengers out Kingly and took tnelr valuables. A Title til Hip ffrii. UaiiksiUT, N. J. Feb. 120, The hchooncr W. H. Tolck cnuio indtoro thin morning Bouth of hue. Tim kcii bolnu very rotiRh sho commenced to break up rapidly. Her crew of 11, Including u womau and child, tool: refujjo in thn rlRtfltur. Kiibieciuently tbocrowol station 17 uimi-d utthu wreck and four of tho crow wcro lauded in n dyluf? con dition, milking tho number of saved fllx. Two, while being drawn ahoro in it buoy, oro drowned, tho lino brcakiug. Tho cap UIu'h wife died In thy rigging, nml tho rest, If not dead, .nro supposed to bo iu u hopeless stalo Ktill on board. Election 1'rninlN. l'mukBLLrciA, l'ob. 27. Hydncy Tliomas, cloctlou judgo, John lloyd nml Hark Seldon, inspectors ut tho rocont olocllou here, nnd Thomas Steward, local politician, wero to day hold in $a,00O ball for misdemeanor and conspiracy iu conducting elections. Lire Primmer., l'ob. 27. JntueM Turplu, of thk clly, convicted of raping his own daugh ter, wan to-day eiittnccd to tho penitentiary for life. .In Auki'1 ioan Ui. Cuicaoo, Feb. 27. Chan. W. Angel, de faulting Hccretary of tho l'ullman l'alaco Car Company, pleaded guilty tht morning in the criminal court of tho two indictments against him, and wan sentenced by Judgo Williams iu tuu jears iu tho nonltrnliary. Aracrlenn Grain In 'ainiin. llOKsncAi., l'cb. 27. A petition to Parlia ment, praying that no duty Iki Imposed on American Brain imported into thu dominion, is being extensively Blgucd hero by shippers of grain, inland and ocean carrier aud deal er, ns they maintain that the oiport trade i of this city would bo seriously interfered with as well as irado generally. Improvement Iu tlio NortliwcM. Wabuinotos, Feb. 28. Tlio Senate com mlttoo on commerce, recoguUInu tho impor tnnxn rr c.fiilillnlilnir n Lronkwater nnd har bor of refugo on tho l'nciflo Count, tho point to lo iteloeU'J oy mo uonru oi vugiuijurii, bavo determined to recommend commonco- mout of the work, uud havo fixed tho amount for such commencement. t4U0JM)0. Tlioy havo also nmcudeil tho river andTiarbor bill lu n.l.llnr.O 000 io tho Houso item for tho canal at tho Columbia river cascades, thus making tho total iinount in tho bill as re ported to tho Scnatlf $100,000. and by adding $20,000 to tho Uousu appropriation ni iv, nnft far tmnrninmcnt at C'OOS lluV.. Hruulci Connnnllofl"vrt( T Tho Senate to-day confirm(4IOLi Mollow ing Homlnntioni: D. 8. Wsde.'chlcf justico supremo court of Montana; Ij. H. Scott, postmaster at Salem, Oregon; Ij. Coftln, reg ister laud ofllco, tho Dalles, Oregon; C. N. Thornberg, receiver publlo monoys, tho Dalleti, Oregon, aud following Indiauagouts: Oliver Good, of Ohio. Quluault agoncy, Oregon; Lluus M. Niekcrson, of Oregon, Klamath ngency; John O. Keane, of Wash ington Tr Tulalip; Wyrann Ij, Lincoln, of Wisconsin, flros Vontres, Montana; Thomas I). Ellis, of New York, St. llcrnard, Dakota; Josoph A. Htephan, of Intlinua, Standing ltock, Dakota; Henry It. Mollory, of Now York, Colorado lliver, Arironn. tAblnet.ViCHM i lltn HcMlrlcllaii lllll. Tho report published that Secretaries Mo Crary and Sherman nro opposed to tho ap proval of tho nnti-Cblneso bill aro not trao. McCrary is outspoken in its favor, and both Sherman nud Thompson privately express themselves In n maimer indicating that they also deilro Iti slguaturc. Dovcns and Schurr. tro unmistakably opposed to it, nnd Evarti remain non-committal. I'romliicnt Krnuilx- Cjiicaoo, Feb. 28. Deputy U. S. Marshal Jtoe resterd ly afternoon arrested, ot I'ckln und 'l'corin, somo fifty persons, under in diotment at SpringOeld for complicity In whisky frauds. Somn of them nro promi nent uud wealthy citizens. Uentli iu tun I'lnuiri. An luttr-Ocean special nays: Tho resi dence of J. 11. Conlson, at Ccdirvlllc, Iowa, burned Wednesday night, nud three chil dren perished in the Homes; ages, 'J, 7 nud 9. AtMUiUonrU. HiLirn. Teb. 28. Tne Dritlah steamer Aberf eldy has keen abandoned at sea , Crew saved. Hun on n Bank. New Ouunxs, Feb. 28. A run com menced Monday on the New Orleans aav inmi institution, ainoe which time half a minimi tmbeen naid out. To-day the maU' ttirern decided to pay IS per cent, cash to de rjUltnn and the balanoa after the 90 days' ilr sllowed bT the charter. The officers report the bank aolvent. Tne January - meot showed depoaiU aggregating $2,050,000. Ou To 9f exleo. New Yom, Feb. 28. The mefitlng laat uisht at Cooper Union of merchauU and manufactures interested In the extension of trade with Meiloo, and South America, was not tlarge The Mexican minister spoke and ald ths Mexican gocrnment nnd lu people nxe determined by every posnbla eftort to eitabllah more intimate relations with this country. Tho priclpal drawback between the two republics was the lack of a sufficient knowledge of each other. .Ulnliiif Mmrli Arrest-'!- i i i., I.. ..! iirrested here yes- terdiron k bench 'warrant of the district iudga ot Wyoming Territory, lor oiiegeu fraud in lulvertiKiug and representing the Semiuolu gold una silver mine, Wyoming no hnch organization existing. I'furful 1'atc. A diMiMch from Nelsonville, Ohio, sUtes that.the nousoof J. M. Lnnsfonl was burn 1 r.t 12 o'eloek this morr.iuK. Mr Lucsford i .1. ., M i.lil.ilrpii. who wero sbUci) . .,.,,!!, trr.l or burned to death. HM wif uud ooe child o.eaiKl. V.awd A Hfo boftt tlmt T.ill fliwt ojk m a of troubloj. rW.lGRHBVTS. TBS l'luBTOP. Br. TiiTirESTOBO, Feb. 20. The aalo of tho Ooloa on tho etrects has been prohibited, tho outhorltlcB declaring Its plaguo now falso and exaggerated. An official messenger statoa that a footman hero Is suffering from n slight attack of tho Astrachan plaguo. Ulmself nnd his associates have boen iso lated nnd their effects burned. Tlio Zulu futile. 3..0SD0K, Feb, 20. Stall advices from Capo Town explain tho recent disaster to Ilritlsh forces, Tho Zulus attaoked Col, Duruford'a column brforo It reached tho en campment whem Major l'nlltino wns iu com mand, llnjor Fullclno wont to tho nsslst mica ot Col. Durnford, and was himself cut off by tho Zulus. A olitiiterr. Frinco I.nuU Napoleon nnd his retinue hnvoKoua to join thu British forces In South Africa ai oluutecrs. He says for eight years bu has been ft guest ot England, was educated in nil English military school, nnd ho wishes to show bin friendship with tho English army by taking part In this cam paign. Thn Plncue. ViKNiu. Feb. 20. A telccram from tho Auatro-UVrinan glagno commission nt Tsarlt zen snys that tho commissioners meet with tho greatest opposition from the Rustian au thorities in tho execution of their duties. Spotted typhus is announced to provall iu Eastern Galielii. I'atnl llmiilU ritiiiimw. Fob. 27. l'rinw KoDotklur, governor of Charkoff, Hussln, who won shot by nn unknown aHsaBsin, has died of hla wouiubi. only reen Nitru. Pun Vb. 07. Of 4'J naHscnL'ers on bonrd tho ship Atlantic, wrecked near Dun kirk, Bovcn ouly uro Known to no ratcu. War Money. London, Feb. 27. In tho houso of com monii. Nnrthcotc. Kubmlttins n Mupnlcmen- tary credit for 1,500,000, whlcb ho proposes to obtain by exchequer boudu, said that ho anticipated an excoisof cxpcudlturo over tho rovcuuo of 3,000,000 sterling, 2,000,000 of which nro provided for. A portion of tUU credit is to bo used for tho Transvaal war and tho b.ilnnco of th Zulu war. Tho credit was adopted by tho houo without division. Tilt KiMmMi Ksblbltliiu. Madrid, Feb. 27. Work has been com menced on buildings for tho international exhibition of 1880. t.'iiliUIll Cook. Stdnxt, N, S. W Feb. 27, A Btatuo of Captain Coolt wni tinvtllod yesterday In tho proseuco ot 20,000 persons. Kltirui In Italy. IIomk, Feb. 27. Tho great Rtorm of Mou day night was most disastrous. Tho whola coast is strewn with wrecks, nnd at many ports itnall crafts wcro blown out to itea and lost. At 1'raggluolo, near Sienna, a church was blown-down whilo pcoplo wcro nt mass, killing two prlcsta at tho alter and threa other person, nnd wounding tweaty-four persons. Kitty ait Iron. llKnuK, Fob. 27, Tho German tariff com mission to-day passed n resolution favoring a duty on raw iron ot CO pfennigs per bun drcd weight; upon iron bands, 1 mark, aud upon Iron iu bar, Vt mnrkt ptr hundred weight. itakftlnu KUKirtlon. London, Feb. 28. A new Uusslan nuto to tho powem itupgesN that tho uppointment of a foreign instead of nn Ottoman subject ns Governor ot Eastern Iloumolla might obviato many difficulties. Tlio futile Qncwtlou. Sir George CampboU'H (Liberal) motion in tho House of Commons, that tho sum mon- nronioiuon oi tno importation oi "J'U from tho Untied States is calculated to l.troY an important trade and to deprive England 01 I no nuvantago ot cucap mem, wan Dostponou ni wo earnest request oi iu- fluentlal members of his own party, who thought tho subjoct was not yet ripo for dis cussion. HnbliBtll Htrlcturct. Tho House ot Comuio.s. after dlscnsslon, voted down n resolution declaring the neces- eily of fctriet nud uniform obacrvancen of tho .bora a liay in nil department oi ma puuiio service, and that nil postmasters bo permitted to closo their offices during tho whole of tho Habbntu day. Hlurtnllnu Iu Mtellleld Tho mavor ot Sheffield states that in ono district of that town thero nro 4,000 persons destituto nnd 40 families actually starving. Tlio relict fund, except nbout 600, has been expended. Klonuv uuil Flood. Paau!, Feb. 28. On tho French slope of tho eastern l'yreuees, there U more snow than tho oldest inhabitant rcmembeni. In undatlonn iu tho southeast aro subsiding, but tho foundationu of houses havo been so undermined that around Agnetown, in thu department of Lot ct Garonno quite a pnnio prevails. Twcnty-thrco Spanish sailors on tho way from Ferrol to spend ft carnival in their na tivo villages have been drowned. Their boat was capsized by a squall. rrt-ucli Amnesty VuuuaxEe. Feb. 28. In the Scnato to day, Victor Hugo udvocsted a full and com plete nmnesty. Minister Leroyer replied that the eovernmeut was stronc enough to grant such amnesty, but would not ullow themselves to be draggod into a course they did not npprovo, A proposal made by Iter eager, whlchjwos Usa liberal than that of tne government was niso rejociou PACIFIC COAbT. AnU-Cnuttae MM VMtlnx In Nan Fran claco. Has Pkamctsco. Feb. 27. TUenaaa meet ing by the mayor and board of supervisors at the request of the chamber of oommeroe, at Platt'a Hall this afternoon, was an impos- ing demonstration. Long before the doors onened Montcomenr street was blocked by thousands awaitinc tntronoe. Several bun- dmd. including the vice presidents, promt nent citizens aud representatives ot the cress, were adinlttt-d by tho private entrance, filling seat on the platform end In the body of the hall. Shortly before to o'clock the doom wero opened, and in fivo minutes the building waB packed to it utmost capacity. Nearly live thousand were in the hall, oud as many morn on the Mutt unable to gain ad miKHion. The p! Ufomi seats were occupied by leading Merchants nud bukiuess men, and iirofesslonal men of the city, and three- fourths of the audltnM wero composed of subttantial tltlz. us, while the worsingmtii were represented by a 1(.tk attendance, At 3 o'clock Mayor lirycnt tailed tin. i... l,.. n.'.. r.K-mr... ....!.. ,. Ll.Art nml fi.r.Jl.lo crucr nada abort and ioruulo fellius uriou tbo magnitude ot ito; id tbo projiriety n( calling sucb . coiiTinco tbo President ot tbe J address, dwe oteasinn nn iutwi.Bf ""-" "" -"-v " United States mat uis noi, es nau ueen tntimaUdby ainember ot his cabinet. inert tlv a uooaiuw iomtnttuai uemauxwi restriction of CWnaaa ImmlfsratiiD, Ut I tolid men, property bc.Wi.ri atul the mercau- 'tileeltlsaiof CaUfornta. ' ii IV torock. Seertnar.- of tht I'..jihMI. tbe can State Central Committee, read resolu tions re-affirmlng the resolution reoontly passed by the chamber ot commerce and tel graphed to tho President. Tho resolutions wcro adopted with tho greatest enthusiasm. Tho folllowing gontlcmen then nddressod the meeting: Irving M. Scott, of tho firm of Frescott. Scott A Co., Hon. FhlUp A. ltoath, A. P. Williams, of tho firm of Liv ingston 4 Co., Lieut. Gov. James A. John son, Col. W. H. L. HarncH, Wm. T. Colo mnu, Uev. Dr. Oox, of the Methodist Church, nud Hou. Georgo O. Perkins, pre, ident of tho chamber of commerce. It was strongly urged that whatoer tho nctlon of thu president might be, ngltatlou should bn kept up to inllueuca Congress if possible, to paM tho bill over tho veto, or, failing in that, to rousfi tho people of tho whola country to appreciation of tiio impor tance of tho issue, that will eventually end in obtaining tht desired relief. Governor Irwin adjourning the meeting. Bald that It wns called for ono purpose, and that purpose had been accnmplUhed. It was to let tho president know tho true feeling ot tho pcoplo on tho subject under considera tion. Timo alouo would tell what Its effect might be. It could only bo hoped that when tho president learned that all classes of peo plo wcro unanimous on tho aueetlon ho would put his signature to tho bill. Bliootlnir HcrnrMV. IIomk. Feb. 27. A desperate shooting nffalr occurred this evening between Goorgo Taft, an engineer at South Uulwcr, and Henry Heath, a miner. They had sorao difficulty last night, aud meeting near tho post olllco this evening, Immediately com meucod firing, Taft whs Instantly killed, Heath was shot through tho wrist, aud Con Sullivan, n bystander, was shot through tho stomach aud is supposed to bo fatally hurt. AssrHHiiient. San Fr.ANCtKco, Fob. 27. Exchequer lev ies Bn assessment of &1. Mllcltl)'. Vallkjo, Feb. 27. A man named Joues, n niUBiciau iu tho U. S. Infantry Bond at Ucnecln bauackr, committed suicide ouTucs day whilo laboring uuder depression super induced by (.xccsslvo drinking. Ho placed tho butt of a rlflo against the corner ot tho lloor and tho wan oi ilia mces-room aim pushed tho trlggor with a cane. Tho ball passed through his body, killing him in stantly. Powder Work llurneil. Sam Fiuncwco. Feb, 2. Yesterday uf- ternoon about 3 o'clock flra broko out nt tho works ot tho Giant Powder Company, sltua ted about two miles frjin town, ou tho Central road, tho samo placo whero tho ter rific explosion occurred ubout thrco weeks ago, resulting iu the death of seven em ployes. Tho building iu which tho flra orig inated, contained valuable machinery for grinding ultra and clay, used in tho manu facture of powder. This building, with tho machinery, was ontlrcly destroyed, ns well as Homo other outbuildings, aud n part of the stable. The damago is estimated nt $10,000. From Arlsoun. San- Dimio, Feb. 28. Tho Union's Hpoclal to-day from Tucson, says that hundreds of Sonorous arc coining Into Arizona to nvold a part in or tho effects of tho revolution. Many aro destitute. CapUiin Eafferty, with n company of troops aiii Indian scouts, left yesterday for a month's scout ulong tho bor der southwest of here. This scout was or dered weeks beforo thu Sonorn revolution was known, heuca it has mi rcfereucu to It. The HIiMitly llont. Tbo mystery of tho blood stained boat found ou Monday morning at the Jlorkcley shoro has been partly solved by tho nrrest of one of tho two mon who ombarkud in tho boat at Valljo atreet wharf on Sunday after noon. Last evening Captain Stouo and Lcch and detcctivo Meughcr, whilo following un some of the clues obtained by them con cerning the dark deed, arrested Nicholas Michaels, a Grock. who is believed to bo tho man that embarked iu tho boat in company with its owner, John French, or "Jonnv tho Greek" who hasnot boon scon since. Michaels was arrested at Fisherman's crck, a small stream about 'fivo miles above Martinez. Tho prisoner was brought to this city this morning nnd locked up. It is reported that tho prisoner bus admitted that ho was In tho boat with French and killed him during n rcwaud threw his body into tho bay. CONGRESSIONAL. NCIltUC. Washinoi-os, Feb. 20. Tho credentials ot Senator elect Hill of Colorado wcro placed on tlio. Edmundi reported a bill fuithir to pro tect tho constitutional right of citizen and to punish violators of thntaimo; placed on calendar. Tho committee, on public bulldiug ana grounda reported back a resolution directing the committeo to innuiro in regard to the buildings rented by government in tho Dis trict of Columbia, togetner wuu a letter from the secretary of tho treasury on tbo subject; ordered printed. Sargent from committee on naval affairs, reported back tho petitions of Pareue, Seeor and others, asking to bo compensated for losses in constructing Iron clads for tho United States, together with a bill for the tho relief of builders ot iron clad vessels for the United States; placed on calendar. Morgan from committeo on foreign rela tions, reported back tho House resolution rovldlng for a treaty with tho republic of iexloo and a message from the president in answer to tho resolution of the Senate in relation to rescuing prisoners in jail at IUo Grande, Texas, by an armed band from Mex ico, and another ineeaago from the president respecting the terms aud conditions under which the surrender of Cuban insurgents was made, and In relation t) the future pol icy of Spain in tho government of the island ot Cuba. The committee was discharged from further consideration. Conover introduced a bill amendatory and supplementary to tho act to Incorporate the Texas Pucifio Ilallroad Company; re ferred, llavanl from the conference on tho bill to amend the Internal revenue laws, submitted a report, which wa agretxl to aud tbe bill passed. Tbo bill making au appropriation to nay tho claim ulloweil by the sautheru claims commission, was dissciiiwed until the expira tion of tho morning hour, when It was laid uMde without action, aud consideration resuiutd ot the deficiency appropriation bill. A lone discuwion euued upon tho amend. mei.t appropriating $i;o,IWO to hupply tho ! of the drMtlttlifllt t'f justice ud I tlw. t uviiitiit rf denutr luainliulH. On is tun of AtliHou th'i five mniuie role nuH iiilfcriti 1. Ml Vt Jl. i-oUBimi: -.! ujj f - .... ... i Ml. . - - 1 - ... t.ltb tbr Usmt"T4tS uud IlkVU of JllluOM t.itb tbr UsmtxT-it unci ;. vtitb tie n",mMiMi.. Kirlt-"l .-buntl.d .iu i tbnrlinu tb jutiuastr a i.miiudu,- lit ..u- rUra! to tbtd- - vvrr-..;. ..r ,f,.,,.-w. ..t th-.-u : juik .-...-. r --- - :,-: Nib uwl 5th claw-, n.t bewWrJ,-4ju4od i u -- r T.iTjii T lb- bdlwaathei. r.-poriTt uud atwaiwiiU wl. iu conaultteoi U UhoU ewsswried .-. nMtttoAvtKnfW atif f.?J0 fi-r iktwJtiw tJ y&Xi$it ii l m IL-'gg- r"" , was stricken out. The Scnato by a vote of 33 to 31, retuRcd to striko oat tho amend ment appropriating $2GO,000 for tho depart ment of justico, Tho bill passed. Dtitlne, Alllsonj and Withers wero ap pointed n conference on tho array appropria tion Ml 1. Hull or. Alter ordering a session for to-morrow night for reports from committeo on ways and menus, tho Houso went into committeo on thx Heuto eeusti'i bill, which has been bo amended ns toxesttho nppnlutmcnt of su- portisursiu tbo president by nnd with tho ' consent oi tuu numiv. After tho committee ro6 tin bill pasicd the Ilour-a with the amendments mentioned re-1 tnliird M-nnK-. WAsnisttiTov, Feb. 27. Teller from tho special committee to in quire into tlio alleged violation of tho consti tutional rights of citizens during tho lato ' elections, submitted a report ot n majority nud tho minority reserved the right to submit n report; ordered printed. Uy a veto of T27 to 4, tho Seuato refused to tako up tho Geneva award bill, nnd took up tho Houso bill innklug nn appropriation tor tho payment ot arrears of pensions. Hefore disposing of tho bill tho Senate went into ex ecutive Reunion. When tho doors wero re-opened after exe cutive seKslon, Spcuccr from thu commmlttco on commerce, reported Uiu river nud harbor bill with nmeuduients' placed on tho calen dar. The vcubuh bill, us amended by tho Houso, was referred to tho census committee. Consideration was resumed tor tho pay ment of arrears of pensions. Pending discussion tho bill was laid asldo temporarily. Wludoin, from tho committeo ou appropri ations, reported wllh amendments thu sundry civil bill; placed on tho calendar. Withers called up Houso reholutlon in memory of tho lato lievcrly 11. Douglas. Sullablo remarks en tho lifo and character of tho deceased wcro modo by Withers, Thur mau, Hereford nnd Hansom, and tho Scnato adjourned. llOIIM-. ItAndall made n personal explanation In regard to tho charges made against hlra In n letter written In September, 1870, by Bpcclal ngent Williams to Mayor W. 11. Mooro in re gard to appropriation warrants Issued to thn bureau of engraving nnd printing and offered a resolution for tho appointment of n com mitteo to investlgato tho charges. Carlisle, npeaker pro tern, annouuccxi tuo appointment of Chandler, Lyndc, Throck morton, Fryo nnd Monroe ns n select com mitteo authorized under tho resolution offer ed to-day by llandoll. Springer moved tho previous question on tho resolution to havo Geo. !'. Soward brought btforo thn bar of thn Houso. Tho previous question was sccouded and tho malu question ordered, thus leaving tho hour for debate. Tho conference report on the amendment to thu tobacco bill was agreed to by 147 to 1 14. Tho tax on matches remain nn now. Springer called up tho question of tho con tumacy of Geo. F. Seward ot tho China con Hubite. After considerable discussion tho first voto was takqn on tho resolution offered by tho committee, to tho effect that Seward was justified iu bis refusal; it was rejected yt as 111), nays 142, a party voto. Tho (mention then rccuircd ou tho major ity resolution, directing tho sergeant-at-arms to arrest Geo. F. Seward forewith and to bring him before tho bar ot tho House. Conger Interposed n motion to tako a re cess, aud tbo yens nnd nays wero called upon it; rejected. When the Houso was broutiht to it voto on the- resolution tho lUpublicans at first declined to voto, but 24 ot them declined to loin In tMs obstructive policy. There was still, however, uo quorum. Springer stated that thoro was no inten tion to do nuy lujustico to Seward, and if tlio resolutions woru adopted, tlio warrant would not bo delivered to tho nergeant-at-arms till to morrow. Conger said that ho did uot kuow Spriner had control of such things. Springer said he would tako tho responsi bility of giving that assurance. Tho voto was taken and tho rcnolutlons adopted. A ROKslon mm ordered for to-morrow oven ing for thu biulntss of tho committeo on I publlo lauds. Tho Houso then look a rcctss. Tho evening session was on rtports from ' committeo on way and means. , Si'llHtC AVamukoton, Tcb. 2i. , A communication irom David T. CorMn, contestant for n kcat from Koutb Carolina, was read und laid on tbo tabic. Ho bad boeu beforo tbo ficnato for two years actively as scrtlnK bin riRbt of baring been duly tlctted. and tbo committeo on irivilcKoti and elections ho roported. After passing n number of pnvato bills on tbo calendar, tba bill making an appropria tion for tbo payment of arrears of pensions vraa taken up. .... Vending discussion tbo vlco president laid beforo tbo Kenato Houso bill to amend tho revised atatutos of the United State with respect to tlio interest on surrenderor called bonds: but Edniuuds objected to its second reading to-day, and It was laid aside. Wlndom moved that tbo Benata tako a re cess till 8 o'clock, and sold that it might bo necessary tor tbe Senators to remain here most of tbe night to pasa tho appropriation bills. lie gave notice that unless a vol should be taken ou tbe ponding bill imine illiUv niter recess, be would move to lay it aside and tako up tbe sundry civil oppropria- tlonbill. , , , The motion of Windoni as adopted and the Kenato took a recent. IIuhm. In the course of a short debaU as to tba priority of business, Atkins, chairman, and Jlalo, a member of committee on appropria tions, made statements as to tbe condition of business to tbe effect that only four of the mnrmirlitilnn Mil bad iiasl into law. and thut thtre wero eight ruoto to bo completed, ot which two thi fortification and army bills, icm In conferencu, Tbo ueit ijtiohtlon vas on the Btnate ameuduitut for clMItlcatIoii of mall matter. After uu hour of discussloii, everything re- j iiuirlngthH r-gltration of ptriodleals, was on niutiou if Cannon, struck out. IVnd'iig furthtr iHsctinsion scrgcant-at-unns i jieared at tbe bar having iu eutody Geo. 1". Heward. Srward was ou motion of lint'.er dUcharg td from ciMody ou bU ov recoguUanec. 'fun iiiiiuiiiiug Hcnuta amendments to tho l-vit ollico bill wtrii l ou coniurieu ai iwiu:i)iiWk o! ijurijaj- nrd-trul. Ilue tbi-it toofc a rK-. 'I nu rvriia ht'ivn H cut Jim d tu the ,uu-yiJAw ul 'I'" lJOI LW d io billi Iu r. .j oval of polities! dlaabUitlei. ISM M. V" j .. irn,.'. ir - 1 i.i Kio mm - '. violators of tho internal creaca aws; tibT1 rnvHiSl STOCK Who need Dills for Spring Announcement;, Largest Stock of Huiro Cuts In tho State on hand. OJ nu ui.unalilo vnritty that arc used in Matrimonial 1. ikuum, hi ito:U by tlio thouvand. Matchless lOU BVElrt UIIAM'II B00K-61NDM AND Fcb23 UK llR-r iMPcm-mi, vritOLMALi: ami mxiti. iiuu:rt i.v SEEDS. GARDEN SEEDS - FLOWER SEEDS, FRUIT AND EVERGREEN TREES, PLANTS, ETC Allulfn. Ora. nnd Clover .Scuds, in Largo Quimtitio?, ami ollerod in Lots to Suit l'lirdm-'ors. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEED W REHr USE, 315 AND 317 WASHINGTON ST., Scixdl Francisoo. ftos..xi the n:w Establishment Contonnial Block, Tho Middle Store, Bet. Morrison and "Yamhill Stroots. IMl'OKTElt.S, Mil) WHOI.ICMAI.i: General Merchandise, DRY & FANCY GOODS,, SILKS, LATEST NOVELTIES, CLOTHJNGANDFURNISIIINGGOOS Boots and Shoos, Grocorlcs and Provisions. j Order K'rom ju-U tl tlie CouBti-y Snllcltctl. All KIiiiIh o( I'roUucc Iluticlit si ml ftoltl. C0MST00K AND PFLUGER. A G A IN LN MAhL'i'ACTUItMt nyU SADDLES, HARNESS, SADDLERY HARDWARE, ETC. iio itiomt &T.f 23nut AncbtfcrUuturu'li4Lt.'lr.i.Ur)lwulutJ!liiclV)in!iaDi ttvl lAvhn cl It Uit i:ui!y ci Uid Alio. ajctntnl (ilruiR yiuluyll) LUTIIKtt MYERS, SALEM, OIIBOON. Z3XU3XXX3BIXt. OX IMPROVED POULTRY! SrD.I ajissttJi.pfMDi4! trjUf uid rikLIl. Itll-Sia B. F. SWICK, IJUiTAb WKilW Tver Broyman Bros. Storo. .vom, hit itxtniun t natinosH ujiimu r.w tt ,'. .. i itiuiMn niiiv v f : W V . 'VKIN t MtttinVt Mllld Warehouse SeparatorB! Polton Horso Powors!' I U n-aalis no4 uJ u U Iivj.uU cl U e Wi -i tsr'i tuuMrUOU. u In (i-i.nU u- awl ante IfOoJ M.t.ltloii, fmt, W VI' I ul WuiUwt iJii4tcn ifi!e to oi 1 r ti tiy iV.irnl(.(uJt) i,mlMUiW i on nt r!t ialk. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRlCfS. 20 PELTON H0HSE-P0V;E- ? i ' li i r- n.ti t( t t' OtHt Evo- Ulfdi' t;r)(ei G'k.l b.lif in TH05. '.-iOUTA bow- ..' CI rjjill M nia I ItJKlM&l fruxw, n A.VJmiw,ifc vi .iiikvtu rm,-. ,i,iti. nu.K" nw. f " wrj MEXT! should tend in their orders early. Tlio r tho ttntisaction i.f Lt-gnl, (. umtnervial an4 Printing OK UCSIXI-nS PAPER-RULING ! STILES. THE NEW Kstablishment Ou Hccond Btreot, Thn Middle Storo, Bot. Morrison nndYamhiU" Stroots. ItliTAII. DHA1.IUIS IN AND BUSINESS! IMl'OllTKIt OF BRIDLES, WHIPS, JSlclo, XOIXTXjA.2JTD. I'"1! Awiilimntnl llrraml nthtr llmNol (u av,rtfiinit i-l I'tum Ifurmvi of nil klinK N. U. fltv uiuiikj iu. ;aiuui HOR8E MARKET BOARDING STABLES Cor. Third and Ash Sts., POIlTIiAWD. Wctt froui O. H. H, Co'. Whuf thria Ciitnil louutlun In th (II)'. coniMMjilI'fu.. kith ilrrity ut runny tulle, uuJft iititrhu kliHrU. miJtbiir It s dtirlile UU. nt, larK ami Unlit utd klr. Liuvt. tortMXMl, lutril ftnj igod f It dttlralile iUv lor tirdlii( ruad horMra. w & 1, 1 lukW a .bccUll) 1-aitlcuUr ntUnUoii jmlil to lu) tiiir and mIIUik tionw for lull Im In mill out of the lit), llutlt. liiUiir at oXiUivw, lu nlll m ml iihi u inlnut dm-rlpllon of Midi l.oiw. tiny lutu fur ulf, miJ tl" ma ;, litlalit. w.ljlll. loivr. uliuMiiiun. .inf. ii. rir,. wiutll I kIUhmIoii a l.ulltllii UunI At tin .tul W, atitl IsImj irnli'i a loos for llio rrlemnril iwitln wUlilnt- UiI'iimIiim Hi Unit uImii I ii4 h .uri hiucr I ltl iii.tllj timi'Wiurof itink IliAtl. lUtritl. iflvlnx Uirui m ln at lKt, Iu llnil LiirOioM-r, ihtrtby taln( I 1-1 Ii Iiu1h 111IM., I tti i. m.,(t ' mi uirunir.inciit with P. 1 Cattli-uiiii, nlofi n 1'11-ilomvtf mom tl.oii '.si)tai amVvt rli.i riiiK'ii inilTiwhtr of llorMiniui.tiiit, auj 4 .1 of 'I'tn t' u.uioa Henui MiUtu of Muratlnjf u it Ii ciiiiln.' I lor ," I iu ulll W In tittiuUnraat i k ii vi tii l"ok ufirr llwi Hilfarvol liitoJUl. AIM Iu i jrri I or unuViitu liny tail or tlilou.liuMt tl.Kt on) k.i i.ui,. lam i-ontiattcil, uili m jil'iindl'V, tlikliiK, ir 1) inir nr runnliii; away In I irr or rt-i Klnit, li)ln.', I or l.ol .UlJIi i; Iu U iiiouiitcil or I.IUlril Ui III lur niw, ili:nif mi IrMIe ir lutttn, tiiM'iii. itiif)lui.' toLonout of tin- nioutli. io. IU will jftnirtU i.r IIOI.. HI a IIUUIKO. miiuiiiiiiu UltklU huh ii u i.iu, it t,iunlilir'lni; tl.wkr tr - U.t(,u wiUi out th .iimJUIiic. A lll-triLuirniif your rtxuua.- i" tfulh .ln lt.l. H. D. MONTGOMERY. IUn t ti mri of I'. Y. VASTLUts.., , l.ltl VmiU I Aihnlnlotrator'c Wotico, :v ;:i i. i ;! aii.i i. II. T Tl! ,i (X. 1.1. 1 tj iimlftl KVIBO.JMl -. nil tpu t . i :'. Iit lllil. Vl'.t, 1h i.f Kr .1li 1.9 thv uis lA i in t vita, ili't. "tiV-'l A ! ! &Maw. i Jw m" SlU.Ti.. i.i1,. (risn tit Kiit UU' ''ftj AilwUiKIi It. A I a': i li i ? t; it ' i al 6 tl ; .J pif: all ! m ! in riil fi trill in ;3 i 8"il w W 4 y aw to' ran Irtril JTJI It Ol for rrtl PM "I !" I iiyd '1)1 . i FwH at.)! I W PT'S Duml naL-i WiJ Cllfcl HI l WOllS tloi -i