r a. .& i t a- ,." 3?"" r- i 0a 0 I' r ' t. b. V r lc 'C V t L -H r It MARKET REPORTS, WILMVITTTK FAItMKR. nFFfCK.1 rOMLlKD. (OR.,) TlllRMliT MOKNIMI, . - Feb. 0, 18t f 111 tender In rortlaml. Iiuvlnir. 091. ami telling lr alt par. f BUyer coin In 1'ortUml the tank! f)tioto at 3f.2 per tf ' Vent, dhoount. Jf Cold and currency at pa' In New York, , ' (T3 Herno Produce Market. Correctwl wceJcTjr ly Comntoek A lllugir, proprietor. I tho flrr.t Amrrtrfln blnrn tnnif htrorf. IvtuAfn ji Jlorrlaon and Yamhill, I'ortUml, yr inoioiiowitig riprCKnl holt tare rate Iron proiiu Jf.j, er or first hand.! it' FlJim,...,. i1.I.Tn, !a. atntxTntil iLittnl.. 4., . Iirot r "" ; " '"' , - country brand?, l K3 10, WHEAT-41 05, dull. OATS-whltc, Wrf.'Ic liurtil. Jt f ONIONS G!7c V , rOTATOLS-OuotaMe at 1 6 tf 10O ft, tliolco M1DDL1MIS JobMny, cr feed, 2.!py23 ; flue, MS ,Vton. DItAN Jothlnc at 1C(.M7 V ton. IIACON-Sldcf, 0c i llnxjf, lH'12c; .liouldert, 5 LAHD-In kig. and tin, 10c. BUTTEJl We quote cholte Ircnh roll at Kcj food trickled roll, 2Jc; .olid In kcgn, lW20c. ,' CHF.ESE-Orrgon, 1113, California, 10 GREEN mUITB-Atplce, ptr lm, Hpltrcnburg, toW; Jlaldwln, ; Iloihury lluwictt, 60jWci Bwaar, KKgCJOcJ Yellow Newton 1'lpplnv, MM0; lied Cheek nppln., IpOjiOOc, Wine Sap, ton W I'ear., V hot, , DRIED FItUITB Apple", mm I'rlol, 4$'6c; machine dried, 7gc, dullMle. Pears, rruuhlno dried, 78"c. Plural, tun dried, 12rtl3t'. 008 Kc, but tending lower, POULTRY-Chlckcn", young, 3H 00 wr tln old, f 60Q4 to. (Iice, UandllObD. DuiL, l CO and 5 60. Turkt) , 1 and V) ita. V It.. 1IOGS-triicd, tc; on loot 4c. I .REEr'-MtewilihtHandtlU lurilioko. ' B!IEEP-Uetlirhtland2iU. W()OU-ritcni()r(i-cn, 14IJJ16J Wlllamctto Valley, 1(W7 lllllrJi-dry chohr, 14c: cull, 9"! Ifretn riltfil, o;c. TALLOW-QuoULIe at ft arid 0 iti. IIAY-Tlmothj, tiled, luylnir at12and(13 Vton. Ocaeral 9fercliandlno. Cormttd by Coumtock U I'Ougcr; lllCE China, No. I, none s China, No. 2, Ma ! Japan, 7 cU; handoUh lulanda, 7c TEAS-Jn, 15 an.l 40c; ll'ack, (.5 and HO; Y It, lc. COmX-CoiU nira, 1C and 18c; Jaia, 2127, HltnAllrl-Marktt well tiipplleil, Crinlml A, li!o: flnocnuhrd, l?cf C.MU, llci Ktm C, 10; OolJtri C, OJc; Kandwlch lilatida, 7 and 0 c. HYUUP-6ralic. I CANDI.li-14 and 10. KAIhlNrt liniorUil, 32 COand (3 Mfi lion; Califor nia, 12 and (3 , HOAPS-doml, Tf-candl W, YEAHT POWDI II-Uonncllv, 10 and 20a. Vxr'"! I'rniton ft Xtrrill 24c r fjroH. OILH-Ordlnary braniU of ccnl, 26o; Idnh urodc", IomrftCo.,.17iand47c: Doilul Un.ti.l, (.f.c; lUw Uniwil, )e; Pure Urd, 11 25 andll 40; Ca.tof.Sl 25 and II 40; Tur'tlne, U) ami CS tinti. II ry Ciooiln, i:ic. Ccnwttd by Cknutcxk b. I finger Itcta.ll and Jol bine lutif. CaUl, A,, fcc;UUt W , 7c;Calli-of, 6fc;(lln!haiii, lllc;hltIUxk MikIIii, OJluc whlln lxndtil,do t)'rtlO; oUitf Irandtof hlle Miitlln, 7JI2r, red all wool Hannel, lOitCOc; ldte all wool 1'lannrl, anidOi; Canton ftlannel, tlnwhtd and unblcwhcil, OsfltX, tlalot, for thlitlni:, 14(lCc; Tablo Uncn, SdDir; Waterproof, 7M!'VJ Crali Uiel!nK,',lO(ll5; Krntutky JcAiia , 25(17; rtd.allwool lllaukifai, $0(8 M! hllo all wool IllankeU, 5u8.U); Cotton luttlni;, 20(25!l, hlrtliR Fkantl, I5'it40cj black and lolored Cawlintn) 4Cca11.75;llutUrandCh(etetloth,(a7c;tlramlrHHarka, Uc;CualmtrenU(loth,tiOca1.35;Tlcklnir, llJaUc; Dcnlinaand Duck, la25e; Panrcn' Iloot, 12.75 a & 00 do Hhow, Mn', 11.25a2.M);dodo IjuI lr', ralf kln, 175alM; dodo Chlldrtut' rlhon,ialf tkln, ll.tia 1.00; lloya' llooU, f 1.25 a l.W;()Tfrll, tiOcal,25; Jump- en, Wcal.M; Ilanml OurihlrU l,28a2.7o; Mini' Uadcrthlrt and Urawtri, Mloa 1200; 0trtoaU and VlaUra, tl.ll a 18.00; Clothing, lulte, 17.50 a 35 00; Com ( (MtltranU(3O0aC.5O, Mam ft'raBcldce Market. Vt J'aaMiKO, Feb. 18, Wbeat-Utikct (.ood and (jiioUl Is tor i holm nillllntr t tl.Coortl.TP. and ihippink' at Jl.mwii tp. now York mukttlroni-. Ilorlry-lvw aaki; Coaat fcitl, HM iti; luyOtfe (5c) brealnf diO at ll.l5al,H. Corn-Urga )tllow, uo'; tniall at tl 03 Hour-.oUrkil unlniruttd, icod ui.rmii. . Wheat Thrri) luu Udl inerited luiulr; lift li, but miMtly iriia); Kllei I'tncrJIy iiuxlliur ,.i...J tUU-tlintral tiaturtlof the market umlutiKCil. C'IiIcuru Market, ' o Cnijlua, l'eb. IB. Wheat OSJcU vr bil Mktd tvrtlardillierX. Deerbulini'M Wkcat Market Iainpoi, trh. Iti. Moallnc; ,iar;oj firm. trroea on kuik and tor ktdpimnt, firm. Mark Iaiih alrady, i (jugUtlwn ol tl carvowi, off onl, ) ttx. o daman tor Mllrr a acivunt, ItM u.iml i r ituit. nu inlMlmil Med., til vr lil, iH M and 40 ; IWU Inter, oM tu: camornu, . i Hood I klilppluir (VllloniU on uwae, per ( R', )uM-mtai.ii tur ordt-ri. Iut khliitetl or to btf itriniildh Oueriutown lor ordrn, u.t thlppnl or u rliilitl) alilrtml, 44iiklnrly due, 43Cl;acra;t t h if till ftr hlimicut durlnif the preM nt, iimutli and f Jlonir or v, f 4MI tw. ou Atntnimn irnni, ait, KiijIUIi tvuntry umiktU, iiultt, Freficli country uuikrte, duly, Liverpool MMal, t tum Utaitr. . . i . .c Commercial. Tlll'RMlAY MOHNIMI, Kilt. 'JOtll, 7t. ' Tliu Ulnr of tlio lMitor provonta any ox tiiuled market r'iort tin wci'U, Tlivro nvmi tu Ih ncitliiiih' fniKirtaut tmniiriiKi wliiMit it romiiif; ilown rapiilly on tlio lilli water, luulit in imnorod that aucrnl laroi' ncl wcro rvovntly clmrtcrwl. Tlio torrvc tiona in tliu innrLt t irjMrt iinlioatotho ni'e.tt Uto of tlio nutlet. 'I'liu lulitor luva toln alilo to tlu tint matter junticn next wnK Velvet Urau Seed for Sale. Colk'm Vaiiky, Or., Till. ITtli, IhT'.t. Klitor Willamctto 1'annen Woato by your iuu of Out lltli mtt. that several of jour jvitremi iliim tu put chaao aoino Vrlvit (Irnu aeotl. Wo vill m to you that no huo on liaml from lat yn't crop about aitty bunhvU of uumlxroiio eiil, that xo will t'U for 81.1'JJ r l.,i.lul tlrlicri'l on the car at Oakland, Origun The mul will bo put up in two ('.') hii.lul Haul ami will Iki worth $.'.'.'. per wck. t'uKki: ,V IUku; f omological Society, Thl eubjvct ha K' occoaioually tourhnl upouuf lato, ami it it ouo that miikt tutuxtt great many, ami that will grow m iutcn-it uour vrchonl ilcilopc, ami fruit lulturr iMKOinri ft mow tlellnito buainen. Th necl o' aociety of thi kiml i tin) riltnt to need ftrguuitut, ami wougit thM it n n giwJ auhjtxt for corr'pomU'iico ami di.cu.iiioi:. J..t u hear from tlioo ilirectly interrttol. Siock MkN, ami ull other intortitiJ, houU carefully wail tlio pnlamatim of Hum, the l'nutcr, of I'ortUuJ, i!m'i w.ll j j)ar iu tho l'Anxikit uet wi-k. GEO. E. AIKEN, HALEM, OREGON. AIKEN fe FABNHAM, HAVE REVOLUTIONIZED TRADE IN SALEM! EVERYBODY THEY HAVE A RESPONSIBLE HOUSE, Where Goods are sold strictly for CASH, at one price, and that price lower than any house on this coast. It is to our interest to sell at the very lowest ".'' a... -i i.... , ua vAaiM miih MKACAM4- m4a sm tail h nauf piisrnmnrR. nriPRR. as. U UUiriK SWa TTC iBiam wmi uigociii, t,iauc . No pefson. with reasonable judgment, can price our goodi ".fi.vrf that tAfo am 4alllri9 fvnrtri art rIab flthfl wrw Inwent r r m a w . n m- a. km a. iiu m.m m to 4bv m m m ov w m . mm m w w mm w m -mr wa j - -w Our advantage in buying enables us to oner au li a aa .airiti na in aan rranniicn. onnarnnriu ive our customers the benefit of those he gains. Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods. Clothing, Hats, Gaps, Boots, Shoes, & Notions, We are not soiling off our old Stook we have nonebut we are constantly receiving NEW doODS. and selling at prices that will doubly induce you to buy new Goods instead oi old trash. vwirr. ' T .. . P. S . - - ? a.r.it JL j la l 1. .1.- 1. 41.. .4 rinnr and ovum. When viHting ine jrqn umoe, you mb loaiiouuuuy utvuuu .u amp a -o.ww. - ine our Goods.Njuid all those who wish to save from 26-to 40 per cent, on a bill of Goods, can do so .--.&- juem & FABNHAM'S, ja24 Opposite Ohemeketa Hotel, first door south of the Post Office, Salem. FREE WILSON SEWING MACHINE In wontiiiarianrp re ecjiia. to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a flrsfrtalass Piano. It received tho hlchost awards at tho Vlonna and Centennial Expo sitions IT SEWS ONS-PCtm PASTER than other machines. Its capacity Is unlimited. Thero aro more WILSON MACHINES sold In the United States than tho comblnod sales of all tho others. The WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT for doing all kinds of repairing, WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. AGENTS WANTED, (WILSON SEWING MACHINE GO. '827 820 roadway, Now Cor, state & Madison su Chicago, B. FORBTNEH. Gunsmith. Agent. Sales-u Or. FOR SALE. 640 Aores of ON TUB LINK OF TIIU Mt. Jefferson Pass Road. MtuaUri one mils .bote Mchama, In Marlon Ctounlr, KMarrra untltr timr, tll Umtorcd, fll atrtd, omo linrroemit, anj a portion In cultivation. Thl. UikI U .ItuaUJ on the fJrfe of th 1'aafo.le Mountain., at trait half of It fan tw cheaply tlrarcd, Mid I, rlchrt ot mountain ooll: I It I. rtachol hy lcrl road froio Hakm, no hill., flu hour.' oy (IritT. It lain th. ml.Mufa thltlly-Kt. tin) country, IUiCJ mllhlir,anainoni kcalthy rra-lon ranm tw louml. Nhoolhouwa f. roJ.from thollnf. Kxwll.nt lor .UxWrtnir, ami numlfwU of urtacf anilUiatciuililcariJtorhit atajewtof fnanarrr. , . , I , , Thl. I. lorall ojiortiinlty for im f.rnict dftlr ouof rolnif lUllioatck luwInrMinUmh.ly.'or for ..nAnuj lhrMir fmir fAililtlr. of flcnitan.. Tli.r aro many (If rman. Milt J In tlr. It Inlty, auil the y Ilk. w.t ., ii.m hiki ku. i.rtr. ..via on or re. ran I paM for a Unit ot )tarln annual lnUl.itnU, at lijuf rato ol inicrni. .,,. vn .,.,. Mrilnln R. a. ri.AUKt:. t'ntmrr mii-. No. I Wa.lilnk-toii M I'ortlaml, Orl tjn, Or I), W ( IIAIU, Niltin. HAWKINS&COKER'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Corner Firtt ml 11 Strict, Portland, - - Orogon. All Uiml if lit lp Kurnwhtil. Farm Haml i .jHi laity. jf'l'tl POTATOES FOR 8 ALE. MIUUHA.M: HI3iairlN" POTATOKH AT li 1'KU "l""' 1 nuililellverU,oucMrlKil. Ulvi tllea of iMtiutuMHl niHrket price. HeuJ car I lor wliil yu want U I will enU rrlf.. CU l-wciupauy nil order. y MLI(E, j3iiu Kutt furtlnoJ. MILWADKIE NURSERY, Milwaukie. Orogon, IMNSTASTLY OS IIANU, ALL KIM'S OK Fruit Trees, SHRUBBERY, ORNAMENTAL TREES AND VINES. Only First Class Goods Kept. Aiunuis: SETH LUELLINGr & SON, Milwaukio, Orogon. JanJl U V OAIUD. To a.1 ho are ultrins troiu the trn're an I ImUvre Igti .I )tutli, lunoui v imV new, ,rlj UiMij.toucf .uh.Im.hJ, .U, 1 l!naariNll that III rurv )vu, fhKKomiAUiH:. Thl rrr.t nuioly , dU. ,nd tyaiolulouuy lu South Arutrita. SnU a '.( utrrMvUentrloM to the Hl Joauu T, lavas, bU t K3 LUVlc lluu, ,N Vera Olj JanJl ly 1 GARDEN B U DtKrlDtlt. Catalogue of l?paa tent m. BR H PETER HENIEItiNJtCi.B H 31 CrlUrWI HI., JVeig rk. J I BEFORE WE CAME TO SALEM, WAS COMPLAINING OF HIGH Now they are Happy, and pride themselves that A VALUABLE INVENTION. THE WORLD RENOWNED York;" New Orleans, La.?- ills.; ana an fi LOOK OUT! Mr. V, I. Leonard i no longer authoriicd to receipt for u. or to aolicit nibacriutloui. Alao a man named Su1livMi,'wbol wo under tanJ, i collecting (or tho Kahmkr. Any ono plating money in their handl do o at their own peril. Dr. Mlntlo'i Nephroticttm Work wonder. In all cam of Dropsy, llriglit' Diicow, Kidney, llltddcr oiul Urinary Complaint, or lUtention of Urine, aro cured hy the Ncphrcticum, Female Wcaknvu, Grav el, piabetei, pain in tho back, ndo and loin aro cured, when all other iiedicinehao failed. Seo what tho drugjjiit of Portland and Sau ,Francico ay about Dr. Mintio' Ncphrcticum and KofUafc Dandelion I'llUt "W kar (old a large amount of Dr. Min tio' medicine, tho tjigliih Dandelion l'llltj alao tho famed Nephrcticum, and in all caaca highly recommended. Join A. Child, drug git, Second trvet, Portland, Oregon; O.li. Woodanl& Co-.'-'dniggiat, cor. Kint and Alder. Portland, Orcgoni Mcnr. Ahram & Carroll, dniggiit, No. 3 and fl Front, San Krauciaco. Wo regard Ncphrcticum a thu beat Kidney and Madder remedy bctore the public." All druggitt kop them. For all derangement of tho Liver, Uw Drl Miutio' Uigliih Dandelion Pill. For llilioume and Dyipeptia, Ua Dr. Mintic Kngliah Itaudclion PilU. Fer Fever nud Ague, Ua Dr. Mintiu' Kngliih Dandelion Pill. Kery family thould net fall to keep the Dandelion Pill on hand. East Portland Poultry Yard. A, F, MILLER, Prop, Alur rbruari 1, 1 lll fill enler lor cl the fol'owtui; tarittua of lol: "Whito Logliorns, Brown Loghorns, Light J8rahma8, Dark Brahmas, Goldon Seabright Bantams. XJG-Gfr-fa, $3foraSeltlnKor 13--two Settings for $5.00. A Uo. roiuUntly en bind. EGG FOOD AND GERMAN ROUP PILLS Addross, A. F. MILLER, Eaat Portland. anll 3ni STALLIONS FOR SALE. IOFKFlt roil BALE, AT MY FAIIM NEAK nerval., Marlnu Coouly.tho following do crltx4 alnable Uoneas rn drey Rlalllon, lor year old next Sprint, bt low tt,.lre4 by U'ulte l'rlnce. welgul On Hire, year ohl lext Spring, lre4 by . Q, Heed' Clyileidalo bone. On two year old ueit Sprlnc. 'rd by Pride of l"erche. Alloflheal'OTe aro likely and tf lance (tie, out of One, largo Uopbeart luare, owueduy rue, that I a veiy on breeder. MAMVKl. HMUW.-V. J.1T. -hn Oenrali, January KEATIMl'S COUGH U1ZKM1ES, T1IK OKtT Hrttlh ltcuifdy. Thee U unquoatlosahly no olh ernwnl) to eerUin In lu effect.. AHTHalA, WIN Till Oil'Ull, IIIIOMIIITLS, and UlbURULRS OF TIIKTIIKOVTalikeyltUlolUlnfljenc. Thehlthe imdloillliu)nylaU'enoUltriur tor thwo com. pUluUeUU(now proved t-ywei hail century ei-wileu-e.) TtieyeonUIn no opium, morphia, or any 'loleiildnrira. VKATINU iSlUOH LOZKNlUa. Jte liawd t TII01I S KK.VTIN0, London, llritaln, an JJ hy all dnuvuta. AjrnU for Oi IV-iSo Ctoaat, JOII.V II. HUU.NUTON i IX.. and CJIA3. UNOLV a CO., Saa llauoKW. Jn! ! JOHN FAR N HAM HAN FRANCISCO. PRICES s witnoui oeing doss ible or Ices. extra, inducements, mr, ornrr ntr nnrpninH. ana we Remember, we deal in Railroad Nursery. H. W. PRETTYMAN, Takis rLisum: inii.nfokjiino his ccstcm en that ho ha. a larso .toclc ot FRUIT TREES on hand tor th'a Winter' trade, 1678, conilttlne ol Apple, Fear, Peach, XXjT7X6X V3NTX XH.UJMEBI And a largo quantity ot S1IIIUUUEKY. ALSO, A few thouund tree el th new SIIiVBH 3PH.XJTJ33. tST M'Mt hat th Ut Judse ot Fruit aay about th HUur 1'runc: Star Fata Oaocsn. I Sauk, October HUi, U?4 1 We. the unlerlcnfd, hereby t.Ufy that have ex- amlnil tho fruit ol the SlUer ITuna In a KTn Ut. abo. ilrlcl by the Hummer procea.. hare alM ex- tSdntd thoroughly IheCWa Golden Drop Hum, and w and tnurtiy a new mj, " "!"":.Gk i. . fruit Ktowtr, of Orrson .; -u.rio J75& jg ' (Teen anu ury .. " - -r-. W.'s. rLUMMER, ITult Dryer. A. P. IIOIIEHTOON. Wheatland, Yamlilll county, Ok-o WM. I'RRCY, IroleMlonal rruner and OrchardUt, S alero, Op. iJTSend tor Catalogue and Price LUtUl H. W. PRETTYMAN, rrorrleUr el llallroad Nureery, lit Portland, Ogn oor Ml GRASS SEED " SEED GRAIN FLOWER ant GARDEN SEEDS, AT MY SEED STORE. rOItTLAJn), NEAK STARK 8TREET FEHRV. Xfl Q W1 Trees, Plants, Fruit and Ornamen tal Trees, Shrub bery, Roses and Vines. at Tin EAST PORTLAND M'BBBKT. CALL AT THE STORE. OK Addrti II. HANSON, Ea,t I'ortlaBd, Or, Dee 1, 18TS. w 0Q 09 P 03 T. C. SMITH &CO.y DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....AND.... Utton' Block, State tret, Baltin, Oresoo. PARTICULAR ATTENTION fflVKN TO TRB Krlctlona, and all order by mall orcxprcM flUed promptly and accurately, rhvelclaa and Cosntry Dealer will tare money by eiamlnlDE oir no-k, or procnrtBC our price. . befor Dnrehaalne eUewbere. aovi-tf. STALLIONS FOR SALE. H AVISO MOKE STALLIONS THAN WE ,Nr.EI, WE will ku one or io oi me ivuuwuik ,iuiv.w cw Hon.: YOCXG EXGLAXn, Sired by Old Encland, dam by Young Arthur, a eleatent la,toa!tdlIthut Aprtl, 1871, 18, hand, high, weight l,ua) pound. Dark Uy, black point. BELMONT JAKE, Foaled In irTJ, 16 hand, high, velghtl.tOO pound.; golden lay, with tw a MM b.fU and .trip in the face. Slredly alaitln'a ClldfU!e, onl In California, dam by llelmont, the celebrated trotting nurw. ThUUallne tooting borve, aell broke to harm.. ONTARIO CUAMPIOS, AerenlghthCI)d.lal, foaled July 17th, 167a. dark ty. wtUtht about 1,W Iund., Iiuported from Canada U.tUay. JOlth KEDMOSD, raiuiuii VQ. d.U alcMinntllle, Oregon. J. W. GILBERT PT CnatH ttr Hidei, Furs, dc Pelts, m21 Commercial at, SALEM, ly eKEi.eS IHiliN WARS Or ISM, 'SStnl 'M. AU penona who rendered e rvk cr furnUied aupllr or truuportatlon In tli above wan, or the heir, ot euch nruu, can obtain valuable Information by addreatleg ALLAN HUTHEKFORO(UU)Sd Auditor U.S. TmMuryk, Attoruey and CotuueUor at Law, W Grant Vitft. arf. Ugton, D. C. deiltaJ THE NEW Establishment Contennial Blook, Tho Middle Etoro, Bet. Morrison and Yamhill Streets. " Stroots. 1MP0JITKIW, AND WHOLESALE AND HCTAIL DEALKUS lXZu'ZZl General Merchandise, DRY & FANCY GOODS, SILKS, LATEST NOVELTIES, CLOTHINGANDFURNISHINGGOODS Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Provisions. OnlcrH From the Country Solicited. All Kinds of Produce Hough and Sold. ! 00MST00K AND PFLUGER. AGAIN IN MANL'FACTUHEH SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, WHIPS, SADDLERY HARDWARE, ETC. no aBrd.iwrT bt., nt sicio, poutiiAND. Agent lor OutU Tercha and Rubber Manufacturing Company. Full Awortment of Fire and other kIndoMIoe on hand at Han Francltoo price. A good Amortnient of Concord (stage Itamc... Stagp Stock. r-m and Lahe. ol Uie beit quality on hand. Alw, a general aMOrtmcnt of 1 arm HarncM.ol all klndj. N. D.JBe ,lrlng promptl) attended to. JanJIU WOOD BURN NURSERY, HOODDURN, MARION CO., OREGON. J. II. SETTLEMIEIt, Proprietor. ,5 0 0,000 Fruit, Shado. Ornamental, and Nut Trees, and Vines and Shrubbery, In the above Nur.tr, lor tale, at VERY LOW FIGURES. Choice TreNt 35 ctfi. each; Or, 410 rEU 1IUMMIKK. Octllml J. II. BETTLKMIEn. Salem Flouring Hills. DKST FAMILY FLOOlt, BAKER'S EXTRA, XXX. SOTRRFINE AND ORAIUM , MIDDLIN08, BRAN, AND BIIORTt Constuutly on Hand. IXllioNt Prloo In CASH Paid for Wheat ATAXLTIUXf. R. 0. KINNEY, Beptiatr Agent 8. F. X. Co 1879. PRICE REDUCED. $1.50 THE NURJSERY, A MoBtkly Mtpailne Tor Toangf t Reader. SUrKKIlLY ILLUSTRATED. SuUerlb now, and get but number ot thl. year r. Send 10 cent for a tpwl men copy and rremlum'LUt. J , L. Shorey, 38 Bromfleld St. Boiton, Maw. decUttpd PIAN0MlSS3SqR&AN liJfiTHuKrb Grand bquar -lano..f0.tl.lOonly nSS. KUnnt Cprii:htllino..t).t 1800, only II 5. New rtil Upright Hanw, 111S.W. Organ. tt. Or guj. 11 itori, 7S.M). Church Organ.. 18 to-, ct faW),' Only 1115. Kltgant 1375 Mirror top lnrw".only 10J. Tfemendou. aacrlfloe to clow our present atock. iBimeu.e New hleun Factor)- toon to bo erected .Ncwnaper Ith much hilormatlon about coet llano and Organ oLNT "'JfJSJTjBAXMr. ' nOT-OmJ W uhlniton, N J. UT My Annual Catalogue of egttabl and Flower hted lor 1MI. rich In tngratlng., will be i ready In January, and Knt FilU:, to all who appl). Curtomere ol U.tiea.onnw'd not write lor It. 1 oiler one ol th argrrt collection, ol tegtuble wl eter ent out by any Htd hou In America, large rtlon ff wldch were grow n on my lx ed farm., ltinted direction for ctil tltatton on tath packige. All eed warranted to bo both Ire.h and true to name; w far, that .hould It pro clherwUe, I will fill the order gratia. The original Intro ducer of thellubWard Suuh, Fhlnne)' Melon, Marble. hMulCabtgM, Mexican Com, and iKxirta ot other ego Ulln, I Imltelhe tiatronage.olall who are aniloua to hate thtlr fcd dlrwtly trout the grower, lre.h, true, and ''" l"U,rlln- A'MliTVl'EOOItvr Pec. , Sn Marblehtad, Maae. Englisb. BERKSHIRE PIGS I ENTERED TIGS AT THF. UST STATE FA1H look bwetiwtakM for U-rt litter. aUo lor bet boar on the ground., taking eighteen prUea on my entrlta of "PdaiilumUh IHIEEDINO SOWS, young and ageJ, to order. Al. chol young 1IOA11S, a well bred aa any- iMXjy iw. gv- awuivb. JOHN WEST. New Meat Market, HALEI, Or. JalOtl OREGON STEAMSHIP CO. nsauLAR LINK Between Portland and San Francisco. THROUGH TICKETS Can be purcaaied at the principal Station of the O. C. li. It, at Xloduood Hate. Steamer kaie both Tortlaiid and San Franclico about Every Fivo Days, carryleg raeoger and Freight at tho LOWEST HATEd. It 1 the only Una carrytn? the U. 8, MAILS and WKLLS, FAKQO & CO.'S KXl'HEtiS. The Steamihip of thU Company are rated A 1. and arc new, elegant, and complet la xry partlcaiar. and condtt of th State of Oregon, iNew 5,000 ton, burden, George W Elder, City of Chester, 040 ton Ajax, 1250 ton.,) For freight or pms, apply at Uw Companj' of :e. comer F aai front .ueete.Po.Tta mo. ace, noiU wim, .. n ..., w- THE HEW 3 Establishment On Second Street, Tho Middle Store, Bet. Morrison. and Yamliill j BUSINESS! AND IJIlOIlTEn OF CLEARANCE SALE t Between this and tho Holidays, AT THE WELL-KNOWN HOUSE OF Breyman Bros Salem, Oregon, Of Oar .Cargo and Well-Assortea Stock of Mens' and Boys' Clothing ! rAIlTICULAltLV ULSTERS, OVERCOATS, AND ' CASSIMERE SUITS! We offer (pecial inducements to tho trade, r as wo havo reduced prices to San rrancuccT"'-. cut, in order to make room for our Spring. Opening. Alto inclusive a large stock of LADIES' CLOAKS! WHICH WE OKFEIl AT SAN FRANCISCO FRIGES SPECIAL NOTICE I To Our Farmer Friends ! A there teem to bo an iniprcs!ou that good can lo bought much cheaper in l'ortland at present, owing to tho circulation of catalogue with price, uent out by I'ortlaml house, xve invite all who have received such catalogues to bring them to u and wo promUo to sell you neither damaged nor auction good, FOR CASH, as low as therein named. You will save thereby freight, railroad, steamboat and hotel bills, and keep your money at home. BREYMAN BROS. SALEM, OREGON. declSal -- EAILR0AD LMDS. ZUlborul Tornw! LOW PBICESl LONG Tin El LOW INTEREST Toe Oregon and tialironU and 6rfgo CeBtral Ealtroaa Conpailei OFFER thlr Land for rale upon the following libe ral term: On tenth of the price In ca.h; Intereet oc th balance at the rate of texen per cent, on year after aale; and each following year one-tenth of thu principal and lutere.t on th balance at the rat cO men per cent per annn-n, Iloth principal ana inter Mt payable In U. S, Currency. A dlecount of ten per cent, will h Jlojrd for cash W Letter to be addre..ed to P. SCIiULZE, Las I Agent O. , C. R. It.. Fortiand. Oreon, SWEET Ba im Ton AmmtmtA IM Hm at CwUboUI KspiMlUoi for g tA4 Jlmori Th tcit Ubrco ( ---J- tmtiUt mmtrntrnmima mmA AimHm tnlUlMi mi Ibftrtof rHMt. m tbU JdcrWt'i Bm M W7 bLff. SoU f tH dclrm. 8m1 far MiW tn, M tt . Jacuoji A Co., Mfn., ftunlwrr. " Ms BWcrilictaticr Mtt, Stn Frtwdico J. A STKATTOIV, Attorney at Law. SALEM. OREGON. Offlea en Bute Btreet, ovpotlu the Beonett Botu F 8. FRIEDMAN, J Auctioneer, Commiision Slorobant, and Wholesale and Retail Dealer i General Merchandise, jiZi SALES, OREGON. f