Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 21, 1879, Page 7, Image 7

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Conducted by Mrs. Harriot I. Clarke.
Wo rode into tlio weoded ways
llolow us wide tho shadows lays
Wu rode, and met tbe kuceling day;
Wo said, " It is too late.
"Tlio sun lias dropped into tho west;
Tho mountain holds him to her breast
She holds) and hushes him to rest.
For us it is too lato
" To sco tho leaf tako flro now,
To see, aud then to wonder how
Tho (dory pauses on tho hough,
Wliilo panting grass-tops wait,"
When, lot tho miracle camo on;
A roadside turn a moment gouc
And far tho sun low-lying shonoj
Tho forest stood in stato.
Transfigured spread the silent space,
Tlio glamour leaped about tho place,
And touched us, swept from faco to face;
Wo criod, "Not yet too latol"
But one, who nearer drew than nil,
Leaned low, and whispered; "Suns may fall
Or flash; dear heart I I speak and call
Your soul unto its fate.
"Tread bravoly down life's evening slope,
liofore tho night comes; do not grope!
Forever shines some small, sweet hope;
And Ood is not top lato."
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, in Harper's.
For the Willamette Farmer.
nv n. Tiit'itsroN lockwoop, si. ii.
I'm in tho evening's coming,
Am its golden twilight red,
I'm in tlio dawn of morning,
Am to its splendor wed;
I'm in tho gorgeous rainbow,
I tint its various hues,
I'm in tho landscapa's giaiidcur,
In nil its lovely viows.
I'm in tho mountain's roughness,
In its gorges, dales, mid lills;
Alo, in tho woods nnd valleys,
And ou your tlowcr-clad hills.
I'm in tlio Autumn's richness,
In Summer's varied green;
Too, in tho Winter's wliitcnoss,
In Spring's flowers, am seen.
Whistlo and Hoo.
Thero is a boy just over tho garden fence,
Who is whittling all through tho live-long
Ami his work is not just n mcro pretense,
For you sco tho weeds ho has cut away.
Whistlo und hoc,
Sing ao you u,
Shorten tho row
lly tho songs you know.
Not a word of bemoaning his task I hear,
Ho has scarcely time for n growl, I know,
For his whistlo sounds so inviry und clear,
Ho must liud somo pleasure in every row.
Whistlo and hoe,
Sing as you go,
Shorten the row
lly tho songs you know.
Hut, then, whilo you whistle, bo suro that you
For if you nro idlu tho hriam will spread,
And whistling nlonu to tho end of tho row
May do for tho weeds, hut is bad for tho
Whistlo ami hot,
Sing na you go,
Shorten tho row
lly thu songs you know.
Mural Now Yorker.
: I
Tho Homo Clrclo has been under tho
weather for a month past. HIiicsh, with
Its consequent nervous nnd mental do-
preuslon, hiiH prevented our taking tho
care or Its columns thai, linn ix-en our
very pleasant duty for tho year past, but
Wo hope to brighten with tho coming
minsliliio of spring. Wo hnvo become
attached to this won;, and feel nliuost
acquainted with some of our friends who
have Interested thcmsclyes In theso col
umns MiMclcutly to give its iv helping
hand with nn occasional article. Tlieso
little helps, which glvo m much more,
interest to the paper, have not been fro-'
quent this winter, and wo hope thnt our "" can un. uruer. ior mo cnina
old contributors will hnvo homo coin- sho so exqulsltoly paints, from original
punctlons of conscience nt this neglect, designs, with wild roses almost Inl
and sit right down to write something to grnntly natural, with u humming bird
tho sUters of tho Homo Circle. We hnd hovering hero, or a butterfly alighting
startod In n month ago with thu Inten- there, orn ladybug 'on her way home,'
tlon of having frequent articles upon the , or a frog leaning indolontly up against
subject of hoiuo cookery, with good tried ' Homo nsplrlng bullrushos. Her vases
recipes, when llluess prevented the np- 8eom ullvo with autumn flowers and
pearanco of n second Installment. Now foliage, and tho leaves ol burnished
wo wlshsomoof tho good slsUrs would ROu an4 crimson seem to havo Just
help us along with this very practical l)een gathered from their woody
and uecessury object tho art of prepar- il0uies."
Inggood, healthful food In nn attractive1 '
and palatuble manner. I A Ciikiiiu'Ui, Win:. What n bless-
' lng to a liouechold Is n merry, cheerful
The following words of encouragement Womun-one who.io spirits nro notnf
nud commendation come to us from u ( focte(1 by wot (ays imil ittIo dha,,.
firm friend of the I-aiimeii. -hile we polntmonts-ono whoso milk of human
think ho overestimates the value of our k,HlllCM ,,oes not grow sour in tho
services m hiuuui umii m "sunshino of prosperity! Such
..r..n.-i . n n i..nn. .mil. ill un w ei n r . mi ...
.!!.. l.ta 11 ml InHon W'.i ll.A tit .iflr, li-
l .!'.... n.i.l lin..l- 1.1..
CIICU iu renew vu v.iun, " uwun imu i
for helping us along lu this pleasant
Slits. H. T. C..AHK1., Ed. Homo Clrclo
Esteemed Madam: As one of tho hn-
MKit'fi readers, T freely admit tho wisdom
ers from vour nuinues nierury iiuuiiu-
;h your editorial service, tor how peoplo nnnoy and worry liim
'!?' "'"'V.f through tho day, far ofT her presonco
to tuo paper. Wear out , , , , . . . , , ,, ,. .
life in such service, ami .shinos, nnd ho whlspors to hlmsolf, 'At
t your arrival lu Angel- homo I shall find rest.' So, day by
3Jo cucoiiruged,
this lit relation
.i rairl nf vnnr llfo
luitlentlv'uwnlt your arrival lu Angel-
world for compensation. . t. u
TJndku the Flag. When Her Roy-
al Highness tho Princess Louise visltt
ed Niagara this week, nnd passed for 0(Ulof ,'on you wlu Hnd ho has n wife
tho first tlmo under tho Stars und 0f this kind.
Stripes, sho beeamo enthusiastic, and -
. ,i i -.i .i, nmhinm And We rend thnt a mnn In Connecticut
actunlly cheered tho emblem. A l wa3 klle(l the other day " whilo try
when tho party cautiously, and with ,.,,, t0 iard a freight train." Thero
creepers on their heels, descended to
ir heels, desconcieu to
Falls, no ono spoko for
... ..,, ....,,. nt
10 Princess ns tho first
tho Horseshoo I-nll
somo time. Tho
to find words. Sho exclaimed, entnu.,nmJ tol)gj, i,eof three times n week for
siastically, 'Oh! Isn't It Just glorious!' ! dinner, tUl, In n fit ot dyspopsia, tho
Niagara correspoudent. ,
Home Work.
Tho following: sketch Is by Row T.
K. Beechcr:
" I declaro thnt tho woman who Is
nolo to systoinallzo nnd carry on
smoothly tho work of nn ordinary fam
ily Illustrates higher sagacity than is
cnlled for by seven-eighths of tho tniks.
dono by man. Men tako 0110 trade,
nnd work at It; mothers' nnd Iioubc
keepers' work requires n touch from nil
trades. A man has his work hours,
nnd his dcflnlto tasks; a woman 1ms
work nt ail hours, nnd incessant confu
sion of tasks. Lot any man do n wo
man's work for n slnglo day wnsli
and dress tho children having provi
ded their clothes tho night before; seo
that breakfast is under way, to suit n
fault-finding husband; tho wnsh-bollor
put on with water for tho washing; tho
dish-wntcr heating, and tho luncheon
brought out for tho school-goers; nnlco
dinner in tho good mnn's dinner pall;
tho beda undo, after proper nirlng; tho
father's convenlenco exactly hit for
family prayers; tho systematic sweep
ing of tho houso on co n week, nnd of
living rooms onco to thrco times n day,
according to tho number of men to
bring In tho mud-tho actual washing
and out-wushing of clothes; tho dry.
few ait! I.! litm niwl iniM ltin mill lt.
UB, or....n....,B ....v. .yj.y....,,, .,.. . -
morrow tho ironing of tho same; tho
sorting nnd mending of them, and pro
viding for now cro tho old gives out;
tho making of broad thrco times n
week, with enkos nnd pies intercalated
Judiciously; pickles, presorves, nnd
cellar stores to bo laid In, and not for
gotten in their season; children's man
ners to bo attended to; company to bo
entertained; her own person to bo
tidied up, to please his eye; tho tired
him to bo welcomed nnd waited on by
the no less tired her, nnd tho homo
made cheerful; his trousers to bo
patched after ho goes to bed, ' so ho
can put them on In tho morning'; tho
children to be helped about their lei
sous, und reminded not to forgot their
Suudny-school lesson; tho shopping
nnd marketing to be dono for tho
household; houso repairs to bo attend
ed to, and matters in general to bo
kept straight around home. Mean
while, 'Papa must not be hindered
nbout his work,' because his work
brings In tho money. Yes, man's
work brings in tho money. Hut man's
work does not so tax tho head, and
and hand, ns woman's work
Weak, hut Stiion(i. A letter from
Washington to a Detroit paper hits tho
following: "I have a dainty, dcllcnto
llttlo friend, tall und llly-llko In her
slender, swaying form. Her big,
brown, volvot eyes look out with
dreamy sweetness from beneath n
wealth of red-gold hair. Sho was
I Drought up in luxury to dress, to live
in Idlo luxury; hut tho sunshine of
' unalloyed pleasuro falls fitfully into
jinostf 0ur lives, and tho clouds of
reverses camo nnd left her mother nn
untinivldod.fbr widow, will, thron
children to support. Then tho girl
ro-so hopefully up nnd said: ' I inn al
most glad that poverty has vomo upon
us, because it forces mo to know of,
what material I am mndo and what I
can do. I hnvo n llttlo talent I know,
but I Intend Jolulng persoverlng en
deavor to it, and sco what will como of
It.' That luxuriously reared child has
,,rle" t-lll' her alocder
u wo-
i man, lu tho darkest hours,
- -
hoiiso Hko u piece of sunshiny
weather. Tho magnotlsm of her
smiles and tho electrical brightness of
Ioo,is and movements infect ovory
one. Tiiocniiuron go to scnooi wiiu
tho senio or something groat to bo
nci,,,IvIet,; tho hu6,m,ml fr ,"tot,,,
No mat-
iiuiiuiwtu. ,
homo I shall find rest.' So, day by
(jav sjl0 uternlly ronows her strength
nnd energy.
Aud. If vou know it man
with a beaming face, n kind heart, and
u prosperous business, lu uluo cases
js renson In nil things. No doubt,
is reason in nil inings. iso aouut,
when tho man took tho freight train to
board, ho gavo It saloratus biscuit, ryo
" nn(f 8trollg i)Utter for breakfast,
' frnii.ht train roso un and killed him.
. ..w.0... . .
Domestic Ecooy
IIi:amno Ointment. A correspon
dent of tho Country Gentleman gives
tho following ns good for chapped
hands: I made n llttlo ointment after n
recipe 1 had seen In nn old paper. Tho
directions wero to "scrape lightly
with tho point of a knife enough bees
wnx to fill n bear's groaso pot with tho
shavings; turn In enough sweet oil to
cover, nnd place on tho back o( tho
stove until melted." This I thought
too much troublo; so, taking oil nnd
beeswax in proportion of nbout ono
quarter or ono third of tho latter, I
melted thorn together in n small tin
box. When cold, Charllo rubbed It
over tho 8oro places on his hands, nnd
next morning lie said they felt better.
Two or thrco moro applications, nlso
being careful, after washing with soap,
to seo thnt his hnnds wero perfectly
dry boforo going out In tho cold, hnvo
cured them. I uso it to rub over my
hands when roughened by tho wind,
ana una it very good. It is also roe
ommcuded for sunburn, to bo applied
ns soon as po9siblo after burning.
OllNAMENTAIj Ff.owmt-I'oTS. Old
Mm P'lflQ trinl.'n AVnnllnnf flttfni itnla
Molt off , , 1M, R , , n '
,)ot,mi, ., ,.,, ,,. ,,,.. In llo.
. " "
.....,. .
ton cent can of black paint
nnd ton cent' worth of varnish, nnd
some pressed ferns nnd autumn leaves,
nro tho "needfuls " for a half dozon of
the3o Inexpensive but beautiful flower
pots. Glvo each can one coat of black
paint; lot this dry; thon varnish, nnd,
whilo tho varnish Is yot wet, putou
your small sprnya of fern or leaves, ac
cording to tasto. Press down careful
ly, nnd they will ndhoro to tho varn
tali. When tho first coat Is dry, varn
I3H ngaln. You will bo surprised nt
tlio beautiful effect produced. Tho
leaves nnd ferns cost nothing, nnd nro
ten times as pretty as anything you
can buy. Indiana Farmer.
Uiscuits. To each quart of flour,
tnko thrco toaspoonfuls of yeast pow
der, ono heaping tablespoonful of lard,
and either sweet milk or water sufll
dent to make it dough ns soft us can bo
handled; salt to tasle. Put tho yeast
powdorln tho Hour; sift it nil together
through u sieve; then put in the lard,
rubbing it in well; add the salt, then
the milk or water. I hnvo genornlly
used milk. Make the dough very soft;
spi Inkle tho bread-board plentifully
with Hour, the dough likewise; work it
n little while, until it is smooth enough;
then roll out about nn Inch thick, mid
cut with u round cake-cutter. Slick
with u fork; grease tho dripping pans
and put them in; or put them In tho
drl ping pans, and then stick In three
places with u three-pronged fork (I do
It this way). Ilofore you begin the
biscuits, fill the stove with fuel and
hnvo tlio oven hot. They bako in
few minutes; If they do not, they nro
not good.
Anothiiii Itix'ii'i:. To ono quart of
flour, tako ono teaspoons:! of soda, ono
nnd n half teaspooufuls of cream of tar
tar, ono heaping tiiblospoonful of lard,
a llttlo salt, mitl sweet milk sulllcient
to inako n soft dough. Put tho cream
tllrfar into tho flour and sift; then ndd
tho lard, rubbing it in well; then tho
salt and thu milk, having thu sot I a dis
solved in n llttlo hit of tho milk und
udded to the other Ingredients; roll,
cut und bake us described In tho first
Tiiuti) JlECli'j:. To each quart of
flour, tnko one heaping (ahlespoouful of
lard, ono largo tenspoonful of soda,
silt, and somo buttermilk. Proceed us
in former directions, only instead of
tho sweet milk, mix to u soft dough
with buttermilk, und dissolvo tho soda
in half a teacupful of tho buttermilk, to
ndd ut tho last.
Clabber makes them nicely. I uso
all these recipes; if I do not hnvo tho
Ingredients fur ono, I Uao auothor. Ono
Is ui good us tho other, I think, though
I oftonost uso tho first one. Tho chief
thing Is making soft dough. Do not
work them much, and havo tho oven
hot. Sour cream makes very nice
biscuits too, but they noed no shorten
ing. In making them, uso u heaping
tenspoonful of sodn to a quart of Hour,
dissolving it lu n portion of tho cream,
nnd lidding tho last thing. Always
mash tho sodn well In tlio bottom of u
sauror boforo dissolving It
Kmorsoii ilccluros that tho narrow
sectarian cannot tead astronomy with
Impunity. Tho creetU of hl.s church
Hhrlvel llko drlod leaves at tho tloor of
tho obsorvatory.
Ilrltlul elipperi iiiuy bu either of
white satin or white kid.
Solid Merit will Toll.
Tor all Ibo bitter oppoftltlon of Jealous
rlvalu, no better llluMrntlcn could bo liad o
Hi Is fact than the ImtnenHO aaln already at;
talnfd by the Kreat Throat aud l.tini; Ilemo
dy, Dr. Aub. Kalaer'a Uftrinan IClUlr. For
the cure ot UoukIih and ilrouclilal All'nctloiih
It in truly wonderful. evrn thotoHUtlerltii;
from Consumption in advanced Htauett JJnii
creat relief, and nutubtra of patlentH lmvn
louud,to ihslr dollnht, not only roliof lint
cum:. It being porfectly liarmlesH, uiulcoi
It at onco popular with mothers, wlioofall
otbera hae folt tlio iiocfekhllyofauch amedl.
clno. Tho genuine larH the J'ruhiiau Coat
of Arms, the fao-nmllo alnatureofDr. Auu.
Kaiser, and baa his nauiu blown on every T&
cent bottle. A trial Uo may bo bad at tho
Drug Store of foriU cenU.
Cash Paid for Hides, Furs, and Felts. &
order to maks room
being received. I will offer, for 60 days,
my entire stock of
Kubler Goods, and Kip and Cork-sole Boots, at Cost.
I havo nlso mndo n DEDUCTION IN PIUCE of nil my Philadelphia nnd
Now York city Goods plnclng tho host lines of BOOTS AND SHOES mndo
In tho reach of nil. BttT Customers will bear in mind that Goods sold at tho
following prices aro strictly for OASH.tBa
" KNKK " " 3.r0
" AUCTICH, (flno largo folcs) . . 1.1!.'
Tli tlfntlon of nicnlntiU U Intltnl to inr hnre anJ
ol tlio abate tarlctin. I Mtr Ihli )nr lniort(J Irom KnuUiul. Out rtnro ol
Und. lor ItliSi llrcrn IVM, all tlio aw. ami tin irr iorU lor UWo uic. I Imn
now ntxtrtn rle!lc, ulitch I will ncll to mrrcliinta In uch quintain a tilt)' r.v
iaut furthtlrcintomcni, SOlunJanilotr, ar niioir.iAir micM, or, K Ihcy ulili
to take my mI, anil mi ALOKnoniomnwioii, I Mill tend at m Mtr.mi, wioood avd
rnnr, that! nllliiutaAiaaatoany uiMiaADLKMiiRriiAMiaRoi.io tiakk. Ai ctl
dtneeof what I here .inert, I ma rrlcrto one ot my ruatoinera In OaUMO Citr,
KortholutcUhtiranlie hurcIUHiiiowiKHHU lor any
old ctd. (or nit, Tlio rwult uaa, thero Mere no liad cciH, u i r Mltli the gnc'
to turn aMay hi. trade. hen he notd oooo Kro botli in ami I cot the crwlit ( It
Nowuurk Uiertmilt, Tlio naiTTrAK, a. I nnu irom my iki, iiooiiioniyu,u
Mortliot f?ed.; Ivt year hi tradj hid crown tncVltli.St In thlt ono Item, and Hint
ton In the (ice ot eomiHtltlon with U or lUht other (tores In the lit), all nelliiiK
Ualltornli eed(. Tlie ham a of thl. merchant I Mill eh o to
erlfy theac tulemeuu. iy weeoi are novr riu.iy, yui uii
Ilm. Ami n.nliinfrAj(t nf the iiinutiLiltK pnnei.lil Mould
Tuavo, or mike order at once, lieforo tho rlu'r frocte.
M'arucd iroui.iwiiauu mui meir u wik ui gwo.
I hare-a!) a rood itnek of tiiairrif niootliifroln;rtreo. and thruh. of all the
apiroiel rariotU, for Orriron, Mhltli I can ill a. Uw a
iiunoranie atraiitni lorMiru nu.inw. i mouhi aay io iniiRranifl mho aiu niteiurj
l.irnu. tint you ean .end to me for any or all the i-svritrrn a nrlettoi of aiihle Iron
litnuxl In inrftitaloirur.orforl'llKltllV, I'l.UM, I'llUNK. rKAC'IIIX, I'I'llllANTS,
IIOII.ti:ilKltltll, IILACKniatHtl, lt.si-lir.lllttll. and H-ritAWIIIlltltllX. an.i
)ouhVlhaiothcmat rlociMhleli are fully don to hard time., andMliMimn
not tail to to mitt any nn.oniUa m m.
I can veil amde tree. 1 jriddat W.ooiKr 10): Mhtcli aro nloe well rooted tree..
They are oil. to thru f.it hUli; and tiro, 2 e.ir old 3 to
Ihe Urccl ler cvuUe clvcu fer ulllni; the alwio named
AUllie uuisr TJieno Hwira . I'IVUI .lUlli.l ihmw.
O. DICKINSON, Silei.i, Oreitun,
4 rTKii a rmiion op idlgnkh. tiiehk
IX. wo, k h.vo now for.evctal inonlha been In full
njieratlon minuracturlnit a auntrlor and Impnurrt
rtlcJo which 1 am able to offer to tho trado a of
JiMx-wt OixvHt:v.
My pte'rnt tnek 1 toperlor to anything macufic-
inrn ai inn i oucry ior nro yeare pi.i, ami m i-quai
to hcet carthenuaro for etrenxtb and Uurabtllly.
I Riiuraiitco MiillNlactloii.
Onl're, orm)urta for Informational to prlco lift,
f bould bu addrea to
Ilueni VltU.Aur. 3o-tf rroortctor.
Guns! Guns!
Htiluiu, Orcfuiie
Military Brcectwoaiiiiig Rifles
mh m the M'KNOKIt, SIlAltl'I ItKMINOTOS', and
n i.cur.M r.u. auo, a iuii auoruneni oi
SIIOT-OII.NS and MtJKTINU IIIKLIM, of all ttandard
iiuiti. a fun line ci
Pocket Uutlerr, Kul, Ilaizar., avd
SCIH.S0ILS,dlrvct f rora Inland. Ali I'lalilucTukle
Wil .ell aa low a anybody. Mitf
I If blh price, fir 1'rlnilac, at VI' fueaiu Trlnt
I n; llvimi, haUin, IIvitx raclllir fur iti neat aul
raf'i'l eKecitll.iri ir work at low rl. I.krsral u
l.f l.KIUI. IH.lNKrt In Ike Male. Uiluiliu all
prm. fur (areqti. 4oniy. I'rolMit anl Ju.tlr.
ouna. Btutui eircuuraui nice 1.1.1. A'lJrt...-
:. M. 1VAITI1. I
Nli'imi Prlulrr nMil ItoiiUliliiUrr,
Idraj'a lllock, Mate Mrwl, H I.EM, OliKdOK.
BncEbta or
CIIAKES plea.are taotretlng: to the U'ooldroner. ol
1. Orrtfon and tho adjolnlnc Tirrltorla the chance
to smrca.e TIIOUOUIIIIIIKKI) JlhlllNOS, and a.
urlns ptrtlea Interuted ILat they can, rod will in
dearor to. fell hheen of the fame quality ard llu at
MUCH ClIKArUll ItATKS than each can poolt.ly
be Imported. Ktamloatlon and f omparliwiii with otb'
er Kheep offered to the market are ri.niuily Invited,
Halem, Oretroa.
I.'. H. The It3. and Itara I.amba of tho Si-i ran
barren on tbe IHLANI) r'AICH, adjnl&loi; rlalem. '
The Ue.tan bo teon at the rame plare, or tt tbe
III!.!. PAItM four and a hall Kile, r outU of tbe clt I
Malum, hoteinbtr lu. IK75,
H :; nrw. iiino i'iuilmiared tiih
'nolo UjJluryo.ir Will'. bk(,kfjtore on hutd
lru.t, hairellUttltl' l,IUr uii ImiiUI ItooiMlllthe
Untvfttyle. Air. " O Tutt, htect California, Mill
UVe chance of the Glkr 111. rlioCM at tl f.t ol the
tUin, m ill fiwalc for ihenvtl, f Cill aud w aiieeliiiriu
Ulorf Uliii clwkre. Vui fsrtt the plfx, oter
Wilur SxkiUic lutiilml Ota ilctarn, SJ IvrW
vrat .Nsr. tt
Hit. H. V. C1IAMC,
BRBVETLLCol., lateSunfeooU.S. VolaatMre,
OIcc. Dut'jli'. tli-clcuiiiulrf, tsif
for myl Spring Stock, now
cll awortcil tnoV ol ffoo.1.
omra nmw wniid no
any ono Mho aMmtn
in m.at, rARTinoMto
do Melt to M'nd for
out, and Inn tlani for
any one Mho iloei r.ti
5 feet lilli, at iM lit
t rXi
aeuti or trice,
Stubborn Coufjhs and Colds yioid
promptly to tlio IiimiIIiik nnd rtirn.
tlvo proportion of Ir. Jiijiio'n IIx.
pre tarniii. It loosens mid promoton
tlio oxpoctoratlou of Irrltatlnp; mut
tor, mltlgntoH much p.iln and dU
tross, ami chockH Inllainmatlon.
Asthma, Bronchitis, and Throat
Tr0tlbl08 nro c onco rollovod by
Iir. Jnyur'n i:Mrtornii(. It ro-
movOH rotiHtrlctloti of tho Itroticldal
tuboH, loonon-1 plilogm, hooHioh nnd
ltoalit thointirotiH inombruiasarruntH
nny fuvorlalt todouoy, mid liolpx to
fonvnrd n gradual euro.
Consumption, Pleurisy, and Lung
Affections aro Konorally controlled
und amoliornUHi by Ir. Jnyue'n i:.
ptoraa(. It kaviw tlio lungn from
much Irritation and dUtreiu, by ro
Ilovlnp; thorn of tho Irritating innttorH
hy which thoy aro cloggod, It alao
aupproruioH inllainmatlon mid glvai
tho afluclod partt a cu&nco to lioal.
Whooping Counh.Croup and Hoarso-
nOSS aro olIlcucIotlBly treated by Ir.
Jiijiio'h i:iK-ctonuit. It roniovivi
dinimilty of broatldng mid ojiprcH-
hIoii hi tlio (hroat or lungx, promotoi
tho ejection of muciix and huIkIucii
tlio vlolouco of thoMO coinplalntx nt
tho ouUot. It 1h u Hafii I'umlly ('lira-
tlvo, of long-onUddlHhril ropututlon,
mid whero promptly administered,
hu.1 onablud inuny to osoipo borlon.i
Lung AtloctlotiH.
Iionoif, I)Am 4 CO., Vlilea!e Asinlt. Tort
land, Oreiron. lUhul
JCfeti'itv Notioo.
ONK III..MK IIOIt.ii: MUlt VIIMIS 0l.l. iJl'MI
round bl l.liiandelun l.i'U iiM t t.iln an Im
lUlloiiUanl I till 1 1,011 1 im
t uw f u
it N jilt
inr'T iniio.
KouthMi.tol Ar i en it kd.
I' A
HU'ral rcvsM mj ) h r. 'itirlum
or I it on) In.
formatun i ,-jrii & I... a j '
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Ainlt . ion '. 1. 1
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mJa.'. A.'. 14.'. a JO.. T, ii
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V.UcU.ifUl.l IIM..N.V.H
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W.P.JOHNSON, Artist,
Orcr Willi' llookitme,
Mlnlatnre pieinr to L.fu alie.
CCI'IKS KM.AIIUEU tu any .: Jt.lreJ.
Match 15. ITM
We uoiv occupy a posititn In tho del J ofl
journalism whero wo aro ablo to furnish tha
farmers of tho Northwest n newspaper devoted
to their interests and largo enough to afford
snaco for every topic which tlioy can wish to
havo discnased. Whcu vo purchased tho
WiLLAMCrrn RitiMrn, six and a hall yean ago;
it ai not over onc-thinl tho present ac, and
wo havo steadily enlarged and Improved It un
til it Is second only to tho grc.arc.it metropoli
tan journal published north of Sau Francisco.
tub "FAiwirn" tub rr.orLE's joor.XAt,
Tho peoplo of this region descrvo to liavo a
newspaper of their own, and this is tho only
ono that can bo called so. All others aro sect.
nan or partisan to a degrco thai prevents their
bciug accepted as exponents of tlio principles
wo should all hold in common, or advocates of
tho Interests of tho peoplo collectively. It g
notorious that tho papers that monopoliro ths
tiows and so most completely occupy tho fietd
of journalism, nro controlled and directed la
the interest of Portland capitalists, wheat
speculators and politicians, whilo the grasping
avarico of the most Intolerable monopoly that
is known to tho Pacific Northwest, only r
eolves from It wonts of commendation.
With tho space at our command at tho
present tlmo wo shall bo ablo to cover a mora
osteuilcd field than heretofore Wo shall giva
tho most tmportant news of each week, state,
national and foreign, bo that a reader of tho
I 'Alt Mi: it can havo no excuso for being ignorant
of all important events that transpiro at horns
or abroad. It shall bo a newspaper, and
peoples paper In every Important sense.
Tho r.uiMK.u is not only enlarged Vut It
wears n new tires, our typo being now, to that
tho ptiut Is plain to tho oldest eyes. Wo hops
to make thu matter published injits column
correspond with itssizo aud general appearance.
oon roiinoK.
Our editorial columns wilt discuss popular
questions on their iutrensio merits, standing oa
thu hro.ul platform of right and morality.
u here, unfortunately, political aud sectarian
journalism can soldom bo found, perhaps ho-
canto It is so wido and their ideas so selfish I
ami narrow, they would bo lost upon It.
coititK.iroNHEScK m.siitni).
Our correapoiulcnco from tho peoplo has !
ways been interesting, nnd with mora room at I
command and tho greater circulation wo aro I
acquiring with tho growth of tho Stato popukv
tion, wu can reasonably expoctthat Its interest
will increase. Wo Invito all interested In tho
uohlo occupation of agriculture aud stock-rail
fug to send us tho results of their ctpcncnce.
or to mako known their wants or send Inquiries
or suggestions to our columns, so to draw out
thu experience of othors for tho public good,
Tin; "r.UiMEii" a iihanuu oiuux,
Wo hoiMj to mako tho FArtUKn acceptable- tol
tho grange by furnishing now of tho progress I
of that great order in our own region and clso I
whoro, and wu shall bo glad to rcccivo comma.
ideations show lug tho progress of Its principles!
nnd tho good accomplished by its working!
members. c encounter, evcu among fsrmcrt, I
consiilorablo opposntion to tho grange, and fro.
quont objection to tho publication of grange)!
matter, but wo intend to havo room In thai
I'AltMnit for nil, and all tho good objects of thai
Order of Patrons of Husbandry have our carn-l
cat sympathy ami diviervo all tho support w
can givu iiiciii. u is io no regrcttcil that al
society thnt should havo for its object thol
social, intellectual and material advancement!
of thu whole farming population, cauuotboiol
conducted ns to command tlio support nnd ro
spect of every farmer in tho land. Prolallyl
lliero is a great ileal ol human nature both
sido and oiitsido o 'tho order,
riu: MAitKirm.
Wu havo facilities, through tho most rcliahlo
privato sources, fur giving thu exact nows of I
tho wheat markets in Sau IVancisco and I.lvcr-
jkk) Jrecoivcd up to tho hour of going to press. I
u can stato tlio amount nf tounago at com
maud for your uso, and shall watch all matter!
that relatoto tho price of product) and tho pros. I
wcts nt tlio markets lu advance in tho Interest I
of our ivadon. While wo hesitato to give en
couragement to too llattcriug hopes wo no ver I
liiMitato to givo all reliahlo facts to tho people.
inim wnom our support comes and whoso pros,
purity is tho measure of our own.
In addition to essays, original and contribut
oil, relating to agricultura and stock-raising ht
tuo racitio Aorthwvst, wo shall make selco.
tion j from tho agricultural journals and stock
publication., wo recelvo from all sections of tho
Union, with tho endeavor to cover all ground
ncccs.iary for the information of Lome pro
lucent and the advancment of home- agiicut
turu. A certain amount ot miscellaneous aud
scientillu reading will bu found In every Issue,
with touiho.1 of tho hiuiinroiiH occasionally ami
wmietimeaastory of iuteieat, suited to our
uiluiiiu.. Our Homo Circlo istonductcd by a.
lady vhaduxicnciiwaiiil literary t.vto acorns
toipialily livrtMjfwUlly for that department,
while many year uxperioiicu a.i a fanner's wifo
maku it po.dblu for her to comprehend and
minister tn thu social wunts of a farmer
Itishaidly ueoosoary to say to otir ivgulap
loaders that tho rAiisirn will always preacrvo
the bet moral toim aud cudoavnr to carry tlio
bat and imitut intltioiioes to thu family circle.
Wu IwiVM no bitUrtieu to vent, no angry wenU
to bandy with any, no personal Int'-rct to ad
vance at the extwuw of the gunorsl tooil, and
if w lino any etiumliM ho du not ratti ta know-
it, and oamiot affonl to publish It wo propose)
t) havo none, at leaat among tho rcnide, ami
wocaio tobsvit ii friends, at tt' cxpute,
iimong their opprewwrN.
People of Oieonl tliU 14 yiur 1:iw pajier.
and wo ii vd only your supp. -t to nulla it all
you can ileajre. Can wu lavo it: Will tacit
one ondoavor t kooutu us ono inoro cash tub
acritwr? If you will, wo can go ou prosperous
ly aud do you good servico. Mvcn svitli thtsu
"hard times 'ti uoiiteud aijaiiut w e ought to
iloubU our list, and vo Iuikj todoitwitli
your good help.