Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 21, 1879, Image 5

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    T-yyf" J-asy:
DrlrUuc Asiand
The work on the Capitol building is
being pushed forward ripidly. Mr,
Hooro with six men is at work on tho
roof. Tho cornlco is now ready rind
will Boon bo put in place, whilo there is
an even dozen of men at work stucco
ing tho walls.
Large Cntlnc-
The Willamette Iron Works havo
turned out four of tho 18 sections of
pipo for tho canal and locks nt the Cas
cades. They nro 30 inches in diameter,
an inch thick and about six feet long,
tho largest weighing -1,200 pounds and
the smallest .'1,000 pounds.
Killing Wild HoEs.
The citizens in and about Round
Prairie, Douglas county, are generally
engaged in n wild hog hunt. So far 25
hogs havo been slaughtered, one of
which weighed 600 pounds. Tho wild
hogs havo becomo to numerous in that
flection as to render their killing by tho
farmers a necessity to preserve their
crops from damages. '
Mmrdaran from AUaka-l
The steamer California arrived last
evening from Sitka bringing passengers
and freight. Two prisoners, both In
dians, wero also brought in chains, for
the murder of ono Brown in Alaska and
turned over to tho U. S Marshall. Tho
captain informs us that the pooplo of
that section anticipate trouble with tho
Indians and are preparing to meet it.
CftBgkt at Iat.
It will bo rcraembcrcd,says thoStates
man, that during tho last week of tho
fair a young man by tho namo of Jer
ome Ingram, employed by W. J. Oliver,
as stablo keeper, spirited away with 840
belonging to Mr. Oliver. Nothing was
heard of him until a few days ago, when
he was arrested in Portland for larcony
and sent to tho penitentiary for ono
year. Just beforo leaving ho stolo a
watch from a trunk belonging to Mr.
Goodrich, which was in the Commercial
hotoL Ho was brought up on Friday,
tho 14th inst, and turned over to tho
authorities nt tho Stato prison.
A Kleptominlao-
Saturday afternoon young lady, who
has been stopping at Salem for some
months past, was arrested for stealing a
lace handkerchief valued at 825. Sho
denied tho charge, but n search of her
person at a friend's residenco disclosed,
not only tho missing kerchief, but about
a dozen other nrticloi, including an ear
ring and n pair of gloves, tho property
of a lady but recently married. Tho
kleptomaniac was released on her prom
ise to reform, return to her parents and
leave tho city.
Tfc Malhonr and Tkalr Nw Horns.
Tho Olympia Chroniclo docs not liko
tho idea of Oregon getting rid of her
fighting Indians at tho oxpenso of Wash
ington Territory. In this connection
that pacr publishes theso itoms con
cerning tho Malheura who wero recently
thrown upon tho Yakima people: "Thoy
consut of over COO persons, about two
dozen of whom arc warriors, tho balanco
old men, women and children. Fifty
warriors ran away ono night on tho
road, and havo probably joined tho rest
of thoso who huvo not left tho war path
vet. Sovoral of tho Indians froze to
death on tho way from Camp Harney.
Two companies of troops remain with
them on tho reservation to keep thorn in
subjection, it costs 7UU a uay to feed
theso vagabonds nnd their onies, and
as much inoro to tako care of them,
Thoy burn fifteen cords of wood a day
to cook their muckamuck and toast their
flhir.s. Thoy havo n thousaud ponies to
feed, for which tho Goldendalo mill has
just ground two thousand bushels of
grain. This is a new mode of civilizing
m washes."
Robber' Roost Captured.
For the past six months an organized
gang of thieves has been depredating in
this vicinity, and has committed many
robWies and petit thefts upon tho per
sons in tho neighborhood. Their vil
lainies at last became so annoying that
the fanners concluded to organize and
search for their den, and yesterday wero
.successful in finding their camp on tho
Columbia bottom, about five miles from
East Portland. It was built of bark,
comfortably arranged, and well suppliod
with provisions and plunder, consisting
of butter, eggs, bacon, honey, Hour,
chickens ami clothing in abundance, as
well as luxuries sufficient in all to main
tain them for an indefinito eriol Ono
of tho thieves, who was left as guard,
was captured at tho roost, but was per
mitted to escapa and inform his pals.
'Tho farmers kept watch until 1 o'clock
this morning with the expectation of
capturing tho wholo gang, but tho latter
was too wily to bo caught napping, and,
instead of surrendering, cautiously ap
proached tho beleagured camp and es
caped with nil tho plunder to boraomoro
secret and becuro retreat Thero is a
large number connected with tho thieves,
who, judging by their work, are well
organized and havo gotten their work
down to a system. Tho watchers wero
either overpowered by sleep or kept very
poor guard to permit themselves to 1k
outwitted by tho robbers. During tho
night tho latter wero frequently heard
wandering through the brush, and ono
or two wero seen, but tho affair was k
jioorly conducted that they wero permit
ted to eiscape. It is hoped, however,
that a clue yet remains by which tho
whole ciowd may bo captured.
Avtlolaa of IaeoiBsrattan-
On tho 17th inst. articles of itr
poration wero filed with tho Secretary'
of Stato by It. P. Boise, J. W. Craw
ford, John Minto, Lowis Pettijohn and
Eugeno Bnyman, which corporation is
to bo knowu as tho Marion and Wasco
Stock and Wagon Boad Company. Cap
ital stock, $1,000, in shares of ten dol
lars each.
Tho Oouatlou Land Law.
Hon. It. 11. Kinney, special agent of
the Land Oilico of tho Interior Depart
ment nt Washington, has been detailed to
examine all donation applications niid
proofs now on filo in the several land
otlices in Oregon and Washington Ter
ritoty, and report their status and con
dition. Mr. Kinnoy was in tho city
Inst Monday and will return again on
Low Wcn
Fifty Chinaman, says tho Walla Walla
Union, havo been employed by tho rail
road company to work on tho cut for
S25 per month. Tho Chinamon furnish
their own food, tho company paying tho
wages of one cook. Negotiations aio in
progress for tho hiro of llfty more China
men to bo put on tho same work at $20
per montlu
Til OoloaUtt la laualneat Dangeri
Wo havo been shown a letter from a
young man writing1, from Sitka to his
father in Portland, in which ho says,
"Wo aro flying from our homes every
other night. Last night it was piercing
cold and wo had to protect tho women
nnd children and keen back tho drunken
Indians. Tho forco had two whito men
killed. Tho Indians threaten to kill all
tho whito men nnd burn tho town. Six
teen men aro going away by this boat
and wo nil cxjicct to bo murdered after
tho Htcamer leaves. Wo can't havo any
wator as tho Indians threaten to kill
any ono thoy find in tho bushes.
Hearr Baow Btorm on Hood Hirer.
Our special correspondent writes from
Hood Bivcr, Feb. 12th, as follows : Tho
snow has been falling for three days and
nights n damp, heavy snow. This
morning it is from two to four fectdcop.
Last night it broko down Syrian Smith's
now saw mill, making it a total wreck.
It demolished old man Backus' barn
and knocked Dr. Adams' drug storo into
oven wood. Tho doctor wos sleeping in
tho Htoro nnd was awakened at twelve
o'clock by tho cracking of tho rafters
ovcihe.ul. Ho nrow, put on his pants,
and cot out before the building fell.
To-day, ho and six other men, are on h's
barn, hotel and other buildings, shovel
ing off snow. Thero aro probably many
moro buildings demolished in tho valley,
but nobody can como to tho front to re
port damages. Fiuit troes are bont,
broken, and nearly buried out of sight.
Tho doctor has taken it coolly and says
it will bo all tho same a thousand years
hence. Ho is only sorry for thoso who
are not bettor aula to stand tlioir losses
than ho is.
i ! i
A Conscientious Offloer.
The following is a copy of a lettcrjust
received by Ilufus Mallory, Esq., U. S.
District Attorney :
Custom House, Sitka, Alaska, I
Fobruary 10, 1879. J
U. S. D:8tiuct Attoiinky: I send
you per California to-day, two Indians
who killed Thomas J. Brown at Hot
Snrings near here, nbout January 1st,
They havo confessed their guilt and tho
pnanner of it, and tho fruits of their
crime were found on them. I can have
tho evidence sent on if, and when do
sired. There is no law to try thorn hero
and I can't kep them. Have written
and shall telegraph tho Secretary of tho
treasury, and you will iioubtless got in
structions what to do with them. But
on no account let them ho sent luck
here unless vith a power gun boat, suf
ficient to carry out their punishment If
thero is no authority to keep them, I
will kco mybelf tliut tho charges uro
paid in case tho Government declines.
In haste. Respectfully,
M. D. Ball,
Collector of Customs.
Frozen to Death.
Five Men Caught la a Snow Btoraa la
Waioo County.
A party of fivo men, consisting of
Thomas Parker, whoso family resides
near Oregon City, James Johnson,
Welch Carson, and another man whoso
namo has not been ascertained, left
Portland for Wasco county two weeks
ago. Arriving nt the Dalles, thoy
started on foot for their destination, but
being overtaken by a blinding snow
storm, took shelter in a convenient barn
on tho road. Tho following day Parker,
Johnson and Welch, essayed to return
to tlio Dalles, when Parker succumbed
to cold and fatigue and fell on tho floor,
saying lie could walk no more, ills
comrades concluded to take him back to
tho barn, but wero compelled to leave
him in order to provide for their own
safety as tho cold was inteuso. When
they reached the plaeo here their com
panions still remained thoy wero nearly
dead from exhaustion, and Welch's feel
were badly frozen. A farmer in tho vi
ciuity learning of their presence nnd
their story, sought tho man Parker,
whobo body ho found frozen in death at
tho place indicated. An inquest was
held on tho remains and tho projcr ver
dict rendered. It is feared that Welch
will loso both feet
Ever? country of Europe endures' a
condition of suspense nnd alarm, basod
"ton political or commercial disturban
ces, ogjjoth combined, of n most serious
character showing tho existence of
complication") that threaten tho pcrman
nnco of heredithiy authority, if not tho
advent of rovolutio'h nnd anarchy.
England has tho moxt stable govern
ment of all tho Kuropcah powers, be
cause it is tho most popular and liberal
of all, nnd whilo thero is no threat of
revolution there, still the nation is un
dergoing tho most tcrriblo financial crisis
ever known, her immense manufactur
ing interests being in common ruin nnd
hundreds of thousands of operatives
thrown out of employment. Tho finan
cial status there threatens overy evil that
can result from that cause, but England
will stand up tindor troubles of this sort
when almost any other nation would
endure tho throes of revolution.
Germany is employed legislating
against Socialists and holds her army in
hand ready to oppose revolution and
crush it with military power. Bismarck
is tho foremost man of his ago; ho has
consolidated tho German Empire; ho
has overthrown tho Austrian nnd
French powers and built up tho Empire
of Germany at tho expense of all who
stood in his way. Emperor William
with all his good and great qualities,
is only what Bismarck mado him, and
tho iron will of tho great chancellor
holds him on the imperial throne. Bis
marck makes but few concessions to Re
publicanism. Ho is an autocrat, an im
perialist, a despot, and his wonderful
genius nnd statesmanship aro not dovot
ed to making tho pcoplo free, but to
making the empire strong. Socialism
threatens the empire and in fighting it,
03 ho docs, Bismarck funs a flame that
will sooner or later burst in conflagra
tion. France has her troubles, but tho Re
publican clement is in power, und has
lately taken poscssion of tho govern
ment. There is financial trouble there;
but tho government Mill do all that is
possible to nlloviato it. Ah in England,
manufacturing interests are embarrassed
and thousands of operatives unemployed;
price of labor has decreased very great
ly, but tho pcoplo themselves nro sover
cigns in France, aud that country and
England will havo less to fear "from
communism and revolutions than tho
other nations.
Spain and Portugal do not cntor
largely into tho affairs of Europe, but
their antiquated despotisms aro alarmed
by knowing that socialists aro working
in their midst.
Italy is a very hot bed of revolution,
and tho King's lifo is very insecure, as
indeed aro tho lives of all monarchs of
Europe. Tho revolutionary clcmont is
strong in Italy. Tho pcoplo have longed
for political liberty and fought gallantly
for it Tho Kingdom of Italy is a con
stitutional monarchy and tho condition
of the pcoplo is much improved undor
it Tho despotism of tho church is a
thing of tho past If Italy can follow
the oxamplo of truly liberal government
set by Franco and England, she can
probably quiet tho people, but Italian
conspirators havo a chronic tendency to
revolution that cannot bo easily satis
fied. Austria shares tho common dread of
socialism, but seems to bo less threaten
ed from it than Germany, Italy or Rus
sia. Tho latter remains tho only nbso
Into powor in Europe. Tho Czar is a
despot whoso word is law. Ho over
rules tho courts and occasionally sends
tho Judge, without trial, to share tho
doom of his prisoner. Tho autocrat of
Russia sits upon a throno upheld by bay
dnets. His secret polico and his armies
are mere tools of his word nnd power.
Ho owes no consideration to ninii nnd
exacts from all his subjects actual wqr
ship of his own power nnd person. So
cialism, nihilism and conspiracy aro nat
ural products of tho conditions of tho
Russian Empire. Thoy are not confined
to its lower orders, but find their chief
support in tho army, among its highest
officers, and umong nobles as well as
peasants. Tho pride of the soldier and
tho nobility, as woll us of tho common
people rebels against ono man's dosjwtio
power holding tho lives and fortunes of
a bundled millions of people at his nbso-
lutu dihjttsal.
Such is tho condition of Europe, aud
it never can bo improved until constitu
tional liberty and popular suffrage, as its
foundation, dawns upon tho nations.
Every year this time draws nearer nnd
tho fruit ' grows riper. Gradually tho
pcoplo are being educated to nppreciato
liberty and moro qualified to posebs it,
and it is not trasiblo that it bhall long
bo witheld from them.
On Saturday tho Chincso Restriction
bill passed tho Senate by a decided vote,
which i3 published elsowhere, and thero
is no reason to doubt that it will rcceivo
the approval of President Hayes and
become a law of tho land. It met with
opposition, on high "moral grounds, from
such Republican-Senators as Hamlin of
Maine, Stanley Mathews of Ohio, Dawes
of Massaehubeet8,Conkling of Now York,
Morrill hf1, Maine, nnd 'others; whilo it
was championed by Bldi'nc, Thurmnn
aud Eustis, tho former making a splen
did effort, wl)Ho Booth of California
presented tho questions involved in a
manner to siioY that honest whito labor
ing men could' hot livo in nutagonism
with cheap Chinese labor, and therefore
tho very existence of our civilization was
involved in tho demand for restriction.
Senator Booth Very pointedly asked:
"What would, uo tho status of our
pcoplo to-day if Wo had boon receiving
immigration frim China as wo havo
from Europo for, a hundred years past 1"
That question should silence all oppo
sition, and theVntagonisra of races now
apparent in tho United States should
present itself with forco sufficient to
make argument unnecessary in this con
nection. Tho passago of the bill is a
great relief to the popular mind here
abouts, and its effect will bo to relievo
tho eastern btatcs from a danger that
threatened thtm in tho future, but of
which they hivo no consciousness as wo
have, who see whito laborers idle and
know that Chincso competition has
robbed them of bread. Chincso choap
labor his done us good in developing
soma interests othorwiso beyond our
reach clearing' land for cultivation, for
instanco but it is not satisfied with
that, nnd reaches out to control all man
ufacturing interests and enter tho ranks
of skilled artisans, nnd in that connec
tion it will, if unrestricted, drive idl
whito laborers out of the Hold. In this
it is moro to bo dreaded than tho plague,
which may also como in its train.
As a cousequenco of tho removal of
U. S. troops nnd vessels from Alaskn,
wo hoar that tho pcoplo thero nro terror
stricken for fear tho Indians will inur
dcr them. There is danger of an out
break, no doubt of it, and that danger
is much moro apparent and tcrriblo to tho
inhabitants ron tho spot than when
viowed from this distance Ono murder
had been committod, and two Indians
charged with it havo tafoly been arrested
and were brought down on tho stcamor
California. They aro now in jail in this
city waiting orders from Washington.
Tho whites thero are woll armed, and
though not numerous, can dofond them'
solves for awhile, but no time should bo
lost providing them all tho protection
thoy need. Tbe fact that Indian mur
derers could be arrested and sent away
for trial, does not show immediato dau
gor. No damage or destruction had
been done to create unusual apprehen
sion, but it is apparent that a portion
oftho Indians urojnoro threatening and
reckless, whito it is known that somo of
tho leading Indians are not only friendly
but oxert themselves actively 'to pi eserJo
tho pence. That too long neglect would
result disastrously to the sottlcrs there,
wo cannot doubt Thoir need is urgent
and no time must bo lost in sending them
nmplo protection, but wo may hope that
any moro dangerous crisis will bo aveit
ed until that protection arrives. Tho
British ship Osproy has already sailed
from Victora for Sitka, rcsiwnding to
the petition forwarded from that place
with a degree of promptness and kind
noss, our government, iui well as tho peo
ple of Alaska, must highly appreciate.
Yesterday 'tho Supremo Couit reversed
tho decision of Judge Harding in tho
Circuit Court, that tho deficiency ac
counts could not bo paid out of tho tuxes
collected for current expenses of tho
State. Tho Leg islnturo failed to piovido
by additional tax levy, for this deficiency
umounting to nbout $15,000, that ex
isted in September, and tho Circuit
Court held that without such special
provision tho Secretary aud Treasurer
were not authorized to audit und pay
such claims. Judiro Kelly, of tho Su
premo Court, holds "thut whether tho
sources of income wtro sufficient for
that purpose or not was a question for
tho egislntivti assembly, and it alone, to
determine. Owing to tho inaenso of
taxable property and tho probablo de
crease in tho cxiendituies of the Statu
uuimiiisinuioii, u nauiiiichs couciuiieu
that no further taxation was required to
meet mi demands kim'CiIiikI in the net
making appropriations for tho current
Wheal term of two yearn. Ah tho Legis
lature fuileJ to impopo uu additional tux
to &y defuioiieio, tho fair puumptioii
is that none wuh needed." Tho accounts
will, therefore, bo audited and paid
without delay.
Tho gentlemen who organized tho
North Western Industrial Association
assert that thoy havo no choico for loca
tion of grounds, nnd no disposition, oven,
to forco their organization upon tho
public. On the contrary they say they
havo done what they have only to put
the matter in shape for successful work,
anil nro willing to let others organize
nnd work with whoever will tako hold
earnestly to get tho matter in tho best
shnpe. Under these circumstances it
seems as if those most interested had
only to organize an association in this
city, and really show their determination
to make it succeed, to place the matter
on a sound footing.
Enjoy Life.
What a truly beautiful world w live in!
Nature givos as grandeur of mountains, glens
and oceans, and thousands of means for en
joyment. We can desire no better when in
perfect health) but how often do tho majority
of people feel like giving it up dlshcartenod,
discouraged and won led out with diseaso,
when there is no occasion for this feeling, as
every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory
firoof that Green's August Flowor will make
hem as free from disease as when bora.
DyipcjMia and Liver Complaint is the direct
cause of soventy-flvo per cent, of such mala
dies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Bead-
zinoss of tko Head, Palpitation of tho Heart,
and other distressing symptoms. Thru doses
of August Fiowor will prove its wonderful
effect. Sample botth , 10 cents. Try it.
Valuable Land for Sale.
Mr. Olarkc, of tho FArtMKR, having re
moved from Marion County, offers to sell 010
acres of land situated at a point whom the
Minto, Pass lload leaves the valley, in tho
midst of a thickly-settled aud very healthy
region, most of tho land being undor fonoe,
and at least half of it oan bo mado good whoat
Und at a cost of four or fivo dollars an aero
for clearing. It is woll wooded and watered,
and is a region unexoellod for health. The
improvements aro of value to a now settler,
l'rioo $5.00 an aero. $2.00 on aero can be
left on annual payments for a term of years
at low interest. This is ono of the best Und
trades to bo mado in the State, It is a favor
ite region for Germans, and several German
families could divido it among them. It
would make an oxcollcnt ranch for sheep and
Angora goats, with which it is now stocked,
In Salona, Orogon.
ThoiinderilgtieJIatelcMcd and an now running
tho drift Mlllln the
Agricultural WorkH UulIdlBp;,l
Anu are prcpireu io
G0E1.XNX3 3BOH. TOIsIs !
At reasonable rates. Will aim IU1Y WIIKAT at
the market price. UUUKINUIIAM & SMITH
Hutu, Or., Feb. 12th, 1S79. lebil tf
Thl very popular and good Method liu had ft tho
rough trial at the Conservatory, and ha been largely
utcil In ether place.
It differ from other Method Id being composed of
Tore Fart or Book.
PART I, for tha Flrvt drad ot Learner, has Tt
page, uio Mcmente, r lie nnger ami oiner raerouri,
)' Studies asd Tune, and U In lleolf ft good, easy
Initructloa Hook.
l'ABT If, for the flecond Grade, hu 83 psge. mora
difficult XerclM, Hcalwi and Htudlei, aud ft number
oi inecc irom me wora or ureal tiiMter.
PAHT III, for the Third (lradr, his 118 pans.
Grand ttcaln and Arpeggio, with few good Stuille
uu i.w uiini'ult riKHi
Trite of each part, ll.M. Complete, tt.M.
The Muilcal Itscord, Dtitrr Hmllti, Kdltor, nulled
fore cents, circulation 10,000 per month. Music,
iew, eie. ,4eryvir.
OUvor Ditson 8c Co., Boston.
711 & HU Kroadoay, N, V. ."l Chmtnut St,, I'hlladcl.
Importer and llreedrr of only the
Boat Strains of
Bark Brahma, Black OocbIbi,
And non-iettiar Black Baaburfi
Wl.NO (IAMK IIANTAIIrl. all Inserted by iny!f.
J. II. Thompson, Ilalsey, Linn Co., Or.
feb 14 tf
0. W. Walliigft Son, Proprs.
Oswego, Olackamaa Co., Or.
K.utcUl attention given Io 11am. Prune and Chetrv
Tree. Correspondence olltltod. lebllSiu
Erery Man
8 lrM rrt.Utf4i UWU.U
1118 OWN
F. bwlllU,.lrJMM',
ftilUo f V..MM.T1 14, 11
(&.H-..IM i iwr. "
1'iln. In the lint.
.Side fr f.oln are cured
hyllllKTrl IIKtIKIIY,
It l not a new com
pound, taring keen
ui by all cliuuoe fur 3"
fi'oar. ari'l uved from
iogcrlox (IWca'e and
ilrath Iiundrnl, who
lave been glteu up by I'lir.UUn. 11IJNTH It KM
F.Dr cure all dltuwoa nf the I.ltvr, Kl'lneye, lllvl I it
nnd Urinary Organ., Droiwy, llravel, I)1Ik,Uh. Inron
cure. Ilrlght'a Dlwuwi of Hie hidneye,
wan! lUUntlon of urine. Jiu
Ueneral fJel'll
lly. Fcuul Wcakno.4, Ni rvo. ilur, InUiiiper.
ante und exceaw.. IIDNTi IlKHKIlY curc4 llllloil
htrnutht'iia the UowiU and htouueh. und nulw tile
MeadiKhe, Hour WtoiitRli, Cu.IIivikm, aim livM.u,
lllno.1 iRrfoUly pure. lirhTH IIKMKIIY It prepm!
KXrilfJ-SLV Hr thuwi llieitim, und h never bren
known In full. One ulil Willi imvliiw you. IIUNl'N
HhllKDY I. purily Vrgetal.le, ie util by Puinlly
I'hj.lcU'K, ami Urn utuioat ri'l a'ice may lm pl-ve.1 In
tuuiaex alctp, irit.4
an apiwiue, iru up
lite sy.um, and renuwul
Hend lor PauiIM to
fifcallli 1 idh rvttlll,
WH r. i.'l.MlHi;,
Kuulu liUnd
Sold by all DrugBists.
Attafehiag twee.
It is the duty of overy penoa who has ul
Boscnsa's Giuwan Btavr to let it wonder
ful qualities bo known to their friends in ov
Jug Consumption, sovere Coughs, Oroap,
Asthma, Pneumonia, and In fact alt throat
nnd lung diseases. No person can tuo it
without immediato relief. Thrco doaos will
relieve any caso, nnd wo consider it tho duty
of nil druggists to recommend it to tho poor,
dying consumptive, at least to try ono bottle,
as -10,000 dozen bottles wero sold last year,
nnd no ono caso where it failed was reported.
Such n medicine as tho Okiimav Srnor can
not bo too widely known. Ask your Drug.
?ist nbout it. Sainplo bottlos to try, 10 eonts.
tegular Mc, 7" cents.
Guardian') Bale.
ot A llccnvo gnuital to mo !y tho County Court
ot tho HIaU) of Oregon, for Uio county of Multnomah,
on tho 8th day of January, 1870, I will sell nt public
auction, In front of Uio Court Houm door In uld county,
o'clock, A. M., of ulil day, the following described plrca
of land, belonging to Jamc J. ChaaUIn, an liuaae
wnon. altimtnl In Multnomah county, State of Oman,
In H-ctfon l (0) of Towiuhln one, south of Hango two,
rut ot the Willamette Meridian. The um being a
part of the Terry Fretlyraan donaUon rUlra, aal
bounded as follows : tleirinnlng at a atone at the south
weal corner of the homoatoad ! takl stone la fourteea
chains and Uilrty.acTen llnka north and thirty nine
chains and fifty-three links west of the southeast ooraer
of said rrcttyman's claim, running thence north three
deireei and fifteen minutes weit, twenty-one ehalas
and elity-aeren links to a stake In the middle of the
county road J thenoo north clghty-elght decrees forty.
nine minute rut along- the middle of said road, Irs
chains and forty-eight links to-a point ; thence southerly
parallel with the wertllne twenty-one chains and saveaty
finks to a point In the south U ne of the homestea4 ;
thence south rlghty-nlne dog roes eleven minute west,
five chains forty-eight link to the place of begiooUg .
aonUlnlng eleven and clghty-nlue on hundmltsw
"jw'lTrtw W. F. CnErBE, Ouardlw.
At the old stand, Griswold's
filook, opp. the Bank,
J.J.8MITH, M.H.V.C.V.8.
Car. Second and Taylor Street.
Oan Be round at AU Xwn, Might
or Bay.
Cor. Washington and Second Sts.,
P. R. All cue In or near the city nunctuxllr attend
ed to. Will treat patient with known dUnoM whs re
aide at a lUatancp, and All all orders for veUrinary uo4
1-Jiim. Cliargo rouonablo.
jarllei Yurchaitar
Corset Skirt Supporter
II AH NO III VAL, and I really U
moat perfoct Bklrt-Hupportlng Cor
tniad. For sal by all lead I ax
dealer. Manufactured by FO?
& HARMON, N.wlUren.Coaa.
II Is now ft Urge
32-Pai e Paper, Haidiomelr Uistratii,
Ably edited, and I sent out eUtoiwd and envelop la
granite cover. No family should be without Ik
Price per Annum, $2.00.,'
!. Iimnil, rubUshar, sTartUad, Or.
Hack Numbxr of TtlK
HIIOKK, equal to
fl AOO D lit CO ordinary book si, besac
apUOO I AUaQt) UuUy lUustnled, will be
sent, poatag paid, an romt of 11.00 In currency or
postage taoii. TbU U positively the large aotouitt
of good, InatrucUv and clean liUratur vr offend far
so low a, prim.
AddruM! U SAMUEL, Drawer 3, Port and. Or. .
1 auuuai I will eood ft oodv of ska
Oregon tiaeiUtor. tawing dal Ortaras
KJity. Feb. eth, IH46. It 1 In fn
number or m vcrr nrrt nemnar
puUkdiod on Uio 1 Vile Goac. ttkon
uaner are noi oruinau. Mil rvonaud
t aiact Uiat none but a printer eouM
10 Cents
and tho orurlnaL For U tint I will
leu Mi awerene between m rennnt
bend three copies, f
Aiinr: u nAMur.u urawac J,
rorUand, Ovegoq.
lly a rty of Uiree men In family, a Farm to Pent ot
Share or Uau fur ft Term of Year with U prtvtlem
of buying AddreM it. B. OHEKN, Portland, dr. '
Iteferenc given If required. hb7rt
wim, piiAcrrice in poituno iikjikaitMi
Having hki tin cibnulv pracUoalh Oregon fopUie)
but eight teAiSfU ultlctent guarantee of asjetltr.
tl III ..I .....f.jtu.....l lL...,l a ... - I .
W III aend prMieripUoni and Information for the beat-
mvnt of any dlame ou recruit of one dolUr. fltaai em
yniHtouw m nMT u puMtble, al mr tli ag, a4
weight of horw, Ortl. at
POP.TIAN3, OltKdOV, f.bMmp
Cnrr-Uo ami '(oii Ilanlwaro,
(,'arriigo ami Wagon JUrilwood,
Wliuel, HuUh, Hiiokcii, Axles, Ilovts, Iroa
Axled, Muring, Mallcnljlo Irons, etc. AddmH
Portland, : : Orogon.
C-'Jl.t I unt of I'ortUnd)
pi 'i ,T.. ash mi:i:i)i:ia of pi'iib hiieu
Poland China, aud
Berlcoliiro J?ig3.
Ctviir Br-Jr are from the lot btrdi In the I'nltu
iiutw. Pv4ar.il ttilut Jr ur turiui ntd
In April. CorriiipiMjiiite ilelud.
Idjan ly ItrlU.J iirrgen.
fffllTMl (
. K.tjBfeaiiilii ..
. --liU , .
ui, A