Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 21, 1879, Image 3

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nici otmp.
evelaw, Feb, 12 Charles McQIU was
I'Oil nt noon to-day (or killing Mary
m In December, 1877. Tho inunler was
brutal, ills laBt words were, "wont
i any mistake nbout that roiie."
IikIIiiii Ilnlil.
adwood, Feb. 13. -Last Monday a band
Indians raided tbo camp of three httut
in tlio Cbejcnun river, 33 miles cast o(
il Citv. and captured nil their precisions
iihmLnH. Tim hunters ear tbu Indians
'in bnnd of 100 horses and wero tnovitig
Vashin-otos, l'cb. 13.
At 1:30 thovlco president lalel before the
Senate as unflnlslicil business the House bill
to rcntrlct Chlneso Immigration.
bayard remarked thnt lio would not an
tagonize tho bill by renewing Ids motion to
tako up tho tobacco tax bill tint gavo notice
that ho will ask for notion upon It as soon
as this bill Is disposed of.
Sargent called for jcas and nays, nnd tho
voto resulted yens !il), nnys t!2, aud the Sen
nto ndjourucd till morrow.
This Is by no means n test voto on tho bill
as n number of known friends of tho bill
voltd fur ndlourniiicnt stile Iv on iicmiinit nt
dioceses in tho United States in consequence ' tho latcuiss of tho hour and a desire to go to
The IMngnr.
A dispatch from Vicuna states that front
fifteen to twenty fresh cases of a disease re
sembling tho plaque occur dally near Xantho
In Thessaly, and that thcro Is limit mortal.
Hy from tho samo cnuso at ltaslog. It Is be
lieved that tho infection was introduced by
A Berlin dispatch siys that a case of tho
plague Is reported nt Uyssokoye, near Mos
cow. This is possibly tho revival nt an old
A dispatch from Khcla Ti Olallzal Bays
that tho troops there havo been ordered to
return to Caudnhar.
Tln Ciilhollf Clntre-li,
Home, 1'ib. 11. A decision has just been
reacneei nt tno Vatican to ctcnto certain now
Ice llrcMiluir tip. I of tho gronth of the church in that country.
r.wtcti, lull 1.). leu In tlio hiictuckrt (imnilliui I'mllle Itultutiy,
Yailtltl liVtrS broltO tO-day. lloth (JlTAUA. IVIi. II. Tlio mivnl-liiir.eniir.riil
ins overflowed their banks. Inundating In au oeldiess to narliuuient. savs Unit hn
'country. Tracks of tho Now Loudon will press for the most vigorous nrosccullou
flicrn railroad wcro bariedl for n tlmo of tho Canadian Pociflo railway.
kr huge cakes of ico. The wharves and i'olil Citiuulrt.
t8 of this city a.o iloodcd. Thermometer 31 deg below zero. T'o
iLAnELrniA, lob. U.-rho bchuylkll colJc8t wcntht,r of tho Mon Vftlu ,n (he
ft rose rapidly last night and to-day work vaIlo.. ., Bu. , ,,,,..,. .'... ,, ,,,...
suspended in tho mills at Mauayunk.
I Interior rcpoits freshets and somo nlarm.
Keiiitle lliisliirss.
isiilKciTiW, Tub. 13. llepubltcan mem
t tho Bcuato in caucus this morning,
cd a report presented by tbu committee
ntcd tn nrraugo tho order of business
.lio remainder of tno session, it was
id that
uro i
ktiKCil or, nnii luat prclerenco sliuli lio
In to other regular appropriation bills,
Riding tkorhcr aud harbor bill over nil
n business theroaltir. Tho following
rtrc nro to bo given consideration, not
,Mrfcro with appropriation bills, when
trWilho order named: Proposed const!
('-Wl iimi.ii,,1im .if n,i tlin unlit, nt ftf unp
w mmiHwmi. w.. ...v ......j.. . .....
.illll. (iniiriiiitliidl.
Xi.w Views, l'cb. J3. Kxtensho cow
stables nt lllissvllle. L. I., wliero pttirco
pneumonia exist t, nro strictly quarantined
by order of Uovcrnor Itoblnsnii, Tho milk
at tlio post oftlco appropriation bill " " "l 'btr distillery fed cows Is , , ,
taken up ii.s Boon as tho pending dM.r03th.by health cOIcon wherever found. )ri(ltioI co,al
u rrg.ua to Chlneso immigration is Soln VtUl,tri wcro flut'J M' i tho Volleo U "ciuly in
-ll'ill; for tho further distribution
aeva awani.
strlliP in I lie .Mhiri.
llomi:, Ciil., Ib. 12. Tho mechanics'
union Is on 11 strike for au increase of wages
aud reduction of hours. They marched up
the hill in n body this morning and com
pelled tlio mines to comply with tlulr terms
or shut down. Tho Mono company barri
caded their doors nud refused admittance.
The uiichuulc havo ulvm tho superintend
ent two hours to open tho doors or to havo
trouble Tho superintendent says lio will
hold tho works nt all hazards. Tho llodlu
company, with seveiul others, wero com
pelled to shut down. There is much excite
ment lure.
Careless IMtt lnsllli (Ins.
8 in Jose, l'cb. 13. A terrlblo necident
took place at tunnel No. 3, through tho
Santa Cruz mountains on tlio line of the
South l'aciiro railroad, four and n half miles
ubovo Alma station, at hulf-past 0 last niuht.
by which otio white man, M. C, Myland, tho
foreman, nud fourteen Chinamen wcro no
severely burned thnt it is thought that eight
or nluo of tho latter cannot survive 1 or
several weeks, owing to having struck petro
leum gas oozing from insures in iho rock
(The Teller Committer. ,
chairman of the Teller commltteo to
nolntcd a snb-commlttco to luitulra
e following brunch of a resolution of
unto, viz:
ithcr l tho year 1S78 money was rats
assessment or otherwise, upon federal
loldcrsor employees for election pur-
anil umlcr wnat rircurosiauccs ana
leans: and If so what amount was so
and how tho samo was expended; and
r, whether such assessments wcro or
violation ( law.
rirluln'N Ilrbt tn bo ItrfuMtlrd.
mond. lob. 1 J. A commltteo uasilc
p submit to tho general assembly with
Winmiiiniidatlon tho renewrd nronosl-
X tho American mm Liigiitn liimnug throuIt which tho tunnel Is being run. great
;jlons. It is that the debt bo refund caro ljM i,cou tBvU to ,iash or burn this nc
saj"1"1 1"'?""'" i wijii " cumulation between tho blasts which hereto
est us loiiows j ! urco per rem lor ion oto i,nil,iiovcr nccumulated to any great ox
ur per cent for twiuty years nud Uvotolltt T)l0 mll0uut of gas Increased o of
tor ten years. uto .1,.. luo (ou.mnu. fear nit danuer. milt.
Itit tllrrclor .N'dniliintc.1. nud n now foremau. lh laud, who is iimonu
iiton, l'cb. It. Tho president his tliu Injured, was substituted several weeks
Horatio 0. Ilurchnrd, of Illinois, 1 ago. Last night tho man sckcted an-
the mints, Ice Lludcrmau, llur : pioached as usual to touch fill' tho uccumu
member of the present Cougriss, iatid gas, tliu others holng iutlrcd some
ido tho iiublect of coinage nud cur distance. It is thought that tho blawt lust
pedal ttudy for years. previous had opened up n larger fissure of
ni'iimrratlf M-initurN. thau haa been known, nnil. nstead of
.. 1 Ti.-.,i. -.,...., n 1... tho usual Hash, as soon ns tho I ght touched
is of Democratic senators to-day ,rt ',.,,.. ,.....,.i .,
ly in favor of prodding for tho re ". - ? ' "X -- -; - ; y
shut through tlio tunnel mid from its mouth
to tho height of 201) feet in tho nir. A teu
ton engine used for supplying tho tunnel
with nir, which stood about tlfty feet from
the mouth of tho tunutil, was completely
tinned over, nud tho blacksmith shop, dis
tant nbout seventy yards from tho moutU of
the tunnel, was blown to pieces. A few
moments aftir tho explosion Ilylaud, tho
foreman, groped out, aud was soon after
followed by three or four of tho Chliiameli,
all of them lmlikxa and horribly burned
nbout tho lund, neck nnd hands, or such
portions ns wero nut covered with clothiug.
A hundred or morn persons from tho Olii
litzo camp contiguous and railroad grades
wcie soon on tho spot, and the work of get-
1 uug qui outers commenced, it was lonnii
t Krtiiiitu I Inn. that light could not bo nc.l for any dU
bu test oath In thu manner indicated
Dint Democratic cniinison Monday
IWhcthir it would bo better to attach
position referring to tho drawing of
amemimoui lor tno repeal 01 1110 i-icc
v. to tho appropriation bill, wero very
ly discussed, and the prevailing oplu
1 opposed to eucli action.
Tlio I'lnsiir.
I'ctersiicrii, l'cb. 12. Sinco tho thaw
tho number of plaguo-strickeu nt a.
1 has iuci eased, l'rof. Jacobl, head of
led leal Commission sent Into tho In
1 district, has been attacked with tho
iO aud was worse nt last accounts. '
Itriiiiiln I'lriii.
ii:nrooLl 1'ob. 13. Shipowners remain , tance, nnd men went In nud carried others
1 ut closed docks, where tlio men nro lea out, groping nbout niter them until they
housed. Mori applications for wotl: to
than coni.i uo nccommouauii.
Uemly l I.eir.
onuos', l'cb. 13. I.tisiinus in llnlgarin
u txcii ordered to hold themselves in
llness to loio ut tho tituo appointed by
llcrllu cougrcbK. ,
Adviinei' Dinitinileil,
iM.nrooL, l'cb. 13. Dock laborers, nnm-'
ng otr 40,000, held n meeting to-duy
decided that, unlois the masters agreed
'10 old rates by 3 o'clock this afternoon,
,- would demand au advance of day rate
of 0110 pcuuy per hour for overtime.
On the March.
ki.us, I"eb. 13, It is reported thnt Clcn.
llebtu on Tuesday ordered four regl
ts to inarch toward Arabia Tabia. Oer
iy nnd Italy advise lloumuula to ovueu
Arabia Tallin, Other powers ore dls 1
d to concur iu this ndvico with n view .
Uo maintenance of European concert.
W-lt Inille..
inosto.v, Jamaica, Feb. 12. A revoln
li.a liy.ilrnn nllt In TInvtl A nmrrn ,llu-
HH. U..HV .. ... ..... ..... K w 'I . .1 1 . . .
anco of an alarming character occurred K particulars, as ttio partus who were with
Ullll nitJ UUk MI.I'WBCll IU Kit? IUV1HUM1 UU
it is supposed that it was done by it China
Trouble nt UoJIr.
llonif, Teb. 14. About half past 8 o'clock '
this iuorn!nL as fieorira Dalv. siinerlntndf)nt '
of Mono, was coming from breakfast, nud
when nearlng Oillson k llarber's store on
Main street, he was stopped by James Tomp
kins and Phil, Meagher, who requested him
to go with them to a meeting of the Mechan
ics Union, nt Miner'a Hall, Some words
passed and Daly refused to go along. One
of tho party then said, "Hoys take hold of
him ttnd carry him along." Daly sprang to
one side, drawing a pittol and covering
Meagher, This caused n general scattering.
JJaly then went Into unison A: Darker s store
wtro found. AU wero alive, but burned to
such a degree thnt thoe who livu will 1k
frightfully marked. Seneral havo had their
eyes burned out, nud all nie unrecognizable.
It is probablo that n shaft will have to bo
sunk toviuttlato tho tunnel before uuy great
amount of drifting is douo.
Coltox., Cal,, Feb. 13, A sharp shod: of
ratth'iuuko was felt hero at about 3 o'clock
this morulug.
W'tirliliitfini'ti rierlKl.
Sax Luis Omsi-o. Feb. 13. At tho inuul
cipnl tlectlpu ye.terday tlio Workiugmeii fom of my licart." Jio h.iel: "you nro 1111
ciecicu mcir iuii iiciict over mo t : uzens- 1,,.,,,. . , ,,, ,, ,,, , ,,.,, - .
ticket by an nv lage majority of 4C. Mayor, 'P1111 "".". mtl '.,U Il0n,ot ,W '
Henderson! Council-Nichols. Walker, liar " convictions, is nioio tlajigt-rous to
ris, Kuapp aud HnrriuKton. JIarshn,Itob.niitocr.icy tliau an utiiMiiciiilt.'(I nisciil.
bins. Assessor. Castro. Collector, Small , Therefore, I must punish you, though
wood. Police Judge, McConaughy. 0Vcl. Wfts ti,jK ,jllty moro ,)aiful to 1110
Mormiiy Wnmiiirii I than now. (Joel lilusn you, my hou, mill
Mopesto, Feb. 14. Miles Painter was shot j judiju mo incrcifiilly if I Klioultl nppcur
:..' .I .' ... 7... . "1" -T .1 "f i ;..:::,.'.,.,. to bo in tho wronir." Ihoii onco more
1 r I IU I L klllH IL 1S,H lllllin UUI1UL u -iiiim. 1 -z
to Hiberia
Wilson from tho committee on foreign af
fairs, submitted a report In regard to tho
treaty with Mexico; ordered printed and re
committed. Wiggtulon from the commltteo on public
lands, reported a bill to determine the title to
n tract of laud knonn ns tho raucho Fmiocho
Ornude, in California: ordered printed and
Cobb, of Indiana, moved to tako up for
consideration tho contested election case of
Fiu'ey vs llisbec, from thu third district of
Atkins of Tennessee, antagonized that mo
tion, desiring to proceed with thu appropri
ation bill. If tho legislative bill wits not
cck did not seo how tho nniuo-
mitteo could get the eh 11 sundry
time to be imsseil, .notion to
liroceeel with tho election caso was defeated ;
yeas 113, nays IOC.
An agreement was Anally arrived nt post
poning the election caso until Wednesday
A tetter wns refcrreed to the eonimltteo on
wnys and means from tho secretary of tho
trcatiry stating that theio will probably bo n
deficit iu tho rovcuues of tho government thu
next tlscal year of $27,000,000, nud asking
authority to issuo i per cent bonds, to
cover such deficiency.
The Houso nftemard went into commltteo
on tho leglslntlvo bill,
Illackburn iu tho chair. After discussing
03 pages on the bill tho committee ruse,
Tho remainder of tho sosslon was devoted
lo memorial services for tho lato Julian
Tho Czar and tho Young Student.
"A Ituwiinii Nihi'ist" tells, in tlif
North American U-viow, 11 Htril;ing
Htory. A young htudeut, n rulntivo of
thu writer, hud, with a fow fi-iomls,
formed 11 Literary Society, in which tliu
works of contoinponiiy oliticiil econo
mists, publicist) and pliiiusopheiTi wm
.vim itml debated. The M'erut liolict tie
nouiioeil tliii society as u ruvottitiounry
oiganization, nml thu young stutk-nt was
iinin'woiRil nml condemned to Siberia.
All poisiblo influence was brouijlit to
hear upon tho Cz.ii', hut iu vain, hut ut
last thu young lunn'n mother, meuting
tho Czar ontxluy iu tho Stiiumvr gnnlcn,
knelt nml implored her hoii'h pardon, as
sei ting his iiinoceuci'. Tim C'nr heenieel
touched, nnd promised to give thu youth
a personal interview. The latter wns
brought to His Alnjuity tho next day,
mid thu Czar, forcing h in to his knees
before an iinaL'o of thu .Saviour, ox
claimed: "Can you hwear beforo tho Al
mighty (iod that neither you nor vourns
hoeiiiteH had nny criminal design itgaitiht
niylitol CauyoiiHWear you beliuvo in
thu holiness nud eternity of tho liussiau
autocracy." Thu Hitrpriscd prisoner nit
swercd: " I can Hwcnr to your 3Injcsty
that neither 1 nor any of my friends had
tho remotest iile.i against your Mtfuty.
As to thu autocratic form of (iovern
ment I cannot conscientiously Nwenr that
1 U'liovu 111 im t'tcriulv. llu history ot
other count lien teaches uh that tho timo
must tome, oven in Uiihsiu, when thu
people itself will taku part iu thu gov
ernment." Tho Cz.tr tenderly embraced
thu student, mid giving him it ring from
the Imperial linger, wiid: "This in a
token of respect from your Czar. You
have Uen hinceio nnd truthful to me,
mid there is nothing I hnto m much as a
lie." lie then went to thu wiitiiig-tnble
where lay tliu fctudeiit'ii Kcntoncu of exile
and with 0110 stioku of his pen, signed
thuinticr: "1 pttv you troin the hot-
jwa 1 u eiucK iuis , . ., .?..... ,,.
morning at Chinatown. It is impossible to e"n-ciug ' biuiieni, no iiismisscti nun
lie island of St. Vincent
Tlir I'litsur.
ABts, Feb. 14. Tbo oQlcIal journal gays
the latest reports of the phguo are re
iriug. It has not increased, and oner
a measures have been adopted for its
ire-huion, The French government has
atcbcd a physician to investigate the
ase, Reports that it has appeared in
key are unfounded. There is no ground
panic, and no danger for tho present
a arrivals from the Ulack Sea and tho Sea
zof , Nevertheless, the Minister of Com
ce has ordered a quarantine of two days
reuch ports on the Meditterrancan and
lgtria. iucludlng arrivals from the lilack
and Sea of Azof, even when provided
1 clean bills of health,
ImlUii ou Giinrct.
o.ndox, Feb, 14. Italian advices seem to
1 that Italy is more panic-strickou by
reports of tho plague than axe tho conn
1 nearer ltassla. Tho liubattino line of
men betweeu Italy and Egypt has been
outiuued and the importation of r.gyp
cattle prohibited. At Palermo a Greek
laden vessel, attempted to enter the
, and was warned off by a cannon shot.
Closluc or a Cotton Mill.
lie lower Heyea' cotton mill at Maccles
I, employing a thousand hands, has given
ce that it will close indefinitely in couse
uce of depression in trade.
Auierlrtta futile Abroaet.
ivKnrooL, Feb. 14. At a meeting of the
-rpool Health Cotnmitte yesterday the
n Clerk stated that the recent order of
Trivy Council would entirely prevent
mtnts of lire stock from the United
es to Liverpool, because Liverpool is
itered under the act as a lorcigu animals'
rf only.
How to Bocomo Graceful.
The Young Woman' Journal thinks
refined, graceful manner can be ac
quired hy any woman. It sayn : "Tho
bVt grace is perfect naturalness. .Still,
you inubt htuily yourHulf,and form your
manners by the rule of that art which is
but a carrying out of thu law of nature.
Hut if it is your nature to he for over
assuming somo uiipictuicsme, ungrace
ful attitude, pray help nature with a
little a it. If you are stout, avoid tho
smallest chair in the loom, and he sure
and not to lean hack iu it
wnero no remained kouuuinu in a sort 01 state 1 ju" l "1
of siege, the doors being opened only to em . with your hands folded in front of you,
ployts and Wends. James Tompkins drew a just below tho lino of your waist, esiiec-
pistol durisc the scufllo but no shots were
fired. Loud threats were made in tho street
against Daly's life, and that it was only a
question of time when they would gt him.
Warrants aro issued for Mecghtr and Tomp
kins. Leading joining men uro now dis
posed to bring inattem to a climax by de
manding that the Miner's Uuiou show their
baud aud take sides positively for or against
tho hostile mechanics.
Which is the most wonderful animal
in the farmyard? A pi, because he is
killed first and cured afterwards,
Snodgrais says if jou stick your finger
into the water and take it cut, it is in
vain to look for the hole, and equally so
is it to suppose, whatever space you oc
cupy, that the world will mis you when
you die. The water of obliion will at
once flow over the spot you filled.
ially while tho present fashion lasts. If
you are thin, do not carry yourself with
your chin protruding and your spinal
column curving like the howl of a hw)oii.
" Do not wear llimsy materials 111.1110
up without a rutile, or pull', or llounee,
to fill up tho hard outlines of your bud
figure, so cruelly defined by tho tightly
pulled-back drapfri'-s.
"Study tho art of drosi. We onco
knew a vary plain woman who dretsod
so tastefully that it was an ubsolute
pleasure to look at her.
" If you have Li-eu moping until you
nro sieic with tho thought of your own
hopelpyj uglinosK, h up ni.d doing. For
get yo tr iio--.pi'' iiti.iei.t', forges t!." jst
ondtucF uo: your 0...1 1 in o; r
the m'
1 tl- .t vot huc m..t'-'
Fopo Leo on Exccssivo Fasting,
IMi'm KditK lVter, tho only daughter
of Thomas Itnzley Potter, -M. P. for
l.oclitlnlc, mid the " fidus Achates " of
John llright, was recently admitted into
thu Catholic Church hy Cardinal Man
ning himself. She sooii substituted for
her ordinary domestic duties a Reries of
nscctie penances, and abandoned her so
cial circle, wherein she hail previously
ulionu anil to which she was deeply en
deared. Sonic months ago she left Kn
gland with her patents. She hardly
ever exchanged a syllable with either,
but was absorbed iitconteinplation, ami
(.hastened herself with pertinacious fast
ing. At Fldrence her health completely
hroko down, nnd she was immediately
moved to Itomo in the vain hopo
that J the chatigo of air and sceno
might bring: ''or round. Here, however,
her condition heenmo critical, mid when
she lay hoVertng between life nud death
nt the Hotel do Londres most providen
tially Dr. Krhardt was cnlled in. This
able- physician at once took 1111 accurate
diagnosis of the c.tsuntid stated uuetpiiv
ocally that thu symptoms wei-enttributn-bio
wholly ami solelv to mot hid excite
ment nud playim; unwarrantable tricks
with her constitution, milling that it was
hut oiu of a class which too frequently
eauie under his notice, and which re
sulted from an ill-judged asceticism.
The confe-fsor who came to administer
the last Mtenuneiit to poor Miss 1'otter,
Father O'JJrieii, ery honorably repoited
the meelical opinion tn his ecclesiastical
Nitiirriorx, nnd eventually it 1 cached tho
earn of the l'opo through tho interven
tion of .MoiiNiguoriMouer, Jus Holiness,
ou being infoimed of nil tliecircumstnn
ces, manifested the liveliest indignation,
and is understood to have e.xpicssed his
opinion that to submit nnwlv admitted
converts to rigorous discipline is th.i
surest way to produce a reaction nuninst
Catholicism, both in their minds mid 111
thoui of others who could not bring
themselves to approve of such pernieioiiH
asceticism. Motisiguor Stoner, so it is
said, addressed himself personally to
Miss Potter, ami pointed out that thu
eouiTO she had followed had been tho
outcome of ill-will and was unjustifiable.
As J write, Miss Potter is on tho way
toward recovery. Pope Leo is fully
alive to the unwisdom of jwrinitting
fenialo couveits to reduce themselves to
a state of hysteria or phthisis, mid he
has already advised the representatives
of the Itoiiiau church of Kugluud of his
decision. His action, as well as that of
Mousiguor Stoner nnd Father O'llrien
iu this case, has given thugieatest satis
faction to tho majority of the Kuglish
colony in i!oiiu'. Corr. Whitehall He
view, Jan. 18.
Tbo Ueo and Abuso of Coilco.
Tho following excellent pntvtic.il ad
vice is 'from the Mnnufui-turer and
lluildcr: "How strong should colleo bo
taken is an inquiry of much practical
imiKrtnnce How much should bu
taken nt a meal is scarcely of less mo
ment. Collet', like any other beverage,
may whollv ruin the "health; tho very
use of it tends to this, as certainly does
tho uro ot wine, cider, beer, or nnvothei
artitivial, stimulating drink. Tlieiu is
only 0110, juifu plan of using coll'ce, aud
that is never, under anv ciivuiustaii' es,
except of au extraordinary churuitiT,
exceed in quantity, frequency, or
strength tako only one eup nt the reg
ular meal, nml of a given unvarying
sticngth. In this svay it limy ho used
every day for 11 lifetime, not only with
out injury, hut with greater advantage
than mi cqaal amount of cold water,
and for the simple reason that noth
ing cold should bu drank ut a
regular meal, except by jiersonii
iu vigorous health. Wc have per
sonally k.iown of the ' case of a
lady who wits foi a long timo iu poor
health, to tho mvstilicatiou of several
physicians whom s'ho consulted, when ut
last wo discovered that she made most
extnuagant use of stiong colleo many
times a day iu fact she had a pot of
coffee always on hum!. Following tho
advico to abhtain f 10111 colfee lesulted in
au immediate, end of nil her tioulilev.
An Afghan Beauty.
The correspondent of a Loudon paper
describes au Afghan beauty its having
blue-black hair plastered still' with gums,
and either worn iu various forms on the
head or plaited in long braids down tho
back. Thu margins of the ears are
pierced and deconited with rows of
small silver rings, while largo rings hang
from the lobes. Tho neck and breasts
aro tattocd with little figures of stars
and JlawcrK, ami tho sparkle of tho lus
trous black eyfiu is enhanced hy coating
the lips with black antimony. The
checks are rouged and dotted with little
round moles of gold and silver tinsel
fastened ou with gum. A loose muslin
or silk jacket of jellow, hhw or red
hangs below tho waist, and wide trousers
o silk or other colored material com
plete the indoor costume. Ou going out
the lady wears leggings of cotton cloth,
gtitercel nt the knee; hoes of led or
ullov leather, nnd a boorknpoori or
cloak. Some ladies wear hotNchahi veils
and others fasten viunit'reUos to their
foreheads, ottnr of roses or otb. r scents.
Afghan ladies exercise much influence
over their seini-havago husband, and one
of .Shore Ali'a wives sometimes smartly
hoxi-.. him on the ear w uh r. ilpj er.
A get many years a?o a poor Lcsjgar
cxptaiueJ hU i.i.'tfrd apprarsi.ce by '
serving; "I h.e no money to huv new
clothing, and it. id i can' ' -.nJ hit
Ciat, hue uetn o hd rr.'iJ, . . cvci
.r.C". '
Position in Heposo.
Tlioro is a reason for everything, if
wc can only find it out, but it is some
times very hard to discover the reasons
of oven tho very simplest things.
Every one who has tnwelcd much, nnd
oven those who have merely looked
through books of travel, must havo been
stnick with the variety of attitudes as
sumed by tho people of different coun
tries. The Hindoo sits down on tho
ground with his knees drawn up closo to
Ids boely, so thnt his chin will almost
rest upon tlieiu; tho Turk squats down
cros"-!egsed; tho Kuropcnti pits on a
chair; while the American ofto'i niises
his legs to a level with hi head. Nor
are the postures nsstnned by the fnnio
people under varying circu instances less
diverse. Climate or season, for example,
will cause considerable alteration iu tho
posture assumcel, as well as shown hy
Alma Tailema iu hid pictures of thu
four seasons exhibited in tho Academy a
year ago. In his representation of
Summer ho painted a woman lean
ing backward on a leilgo, with one
leg loosely hanging down, while the
other was drawn up so that the foot
was on a level with the boely. Iu the
picture of Winter, on tho other hand,
wo saw a ilguio with the legs drawn up
iu front of the belly. Tho reason for
these ililfeicut pejstuies has been ex
plained by Rosenthal. Tlio temperature
of tho boely, as is well known, is kept
up mid regulnte.l by the circulation of
the blood through it, and 11 great propor
tion of the blood contained iu the whulo
body circulates in the vessels of tlio in
testines. Now, tho intestines are only
sepamteel from tho internal air by the
thin abdominal walls, and therefore any
change of temperature in the atmosphere
will readily act upon them, unless they
he gum ded by some additional piotec
tiou. The Hindoos nro well awaro of
this, and they habitually protect tho
Ix.'lly hy means of it thick shawl or cum
merbund, thus guiinliug themselves
against any sudden change of tempeni
turf. This precaution is also fiequently
adopted hy Ktlloprans resident 111 hot
cliuintes, mid is even retained hy them
after returning to Kuglaiid. Hut the
function of tho cummerbund may to a
certain extent Ik fulfilled by change of
posture n!one. When tin legs nro drawn
up, and the jrictuiti of Winter already
lefened to, the thighs partially cover tho
abdomen, ami taking the place of addi
tional clothing aid the abtiominal walls
in protecting tho intestines mid thu
blooel they contain from the cooling iu
llueiico of the eNternnl air. Thus it is
that iu cold weather, when tho covering
is inr.ulllcleiit, persons natundly draw up
their legs toward the nlx'.oinen, so ns in
retain as much heat as possible beforo
going to sleep. In hot weather, on the
contntry, they wish to expose the abdo
men ns much as possible to tho cooling
iulluenco of tho atmosphere. The pos
ture depicted by Alma Tiideum is thu
most olhcient for tins purpeixe. It uo
doubt answers tho purpose' to liu down
Hat 011 one's back, hut iu this position
thu abdominal walls uro moro or less
tight, whereas, when one of tho legs is
drawn up, ns the painting just alluded
to, the walls aro relaxed, and, the intes
tines not being subject to any pio.ssure
the blood will circulate moro rapidly,
and tho cooling process be cunied on
111010 effectually. In this attitude, also,
.1,1, I,1.,1U ll-k .llll,.1l..1l- L. ..I.U1 .,...1
,iu t.tii-, ,'.? .uiiiiii, n ', , nviH.tttev'l (III, I I
lovs of heat allowed from their whole
sin face. Nature.
Grant and tbo Ueetle.
Th American Minister hail a leoep
tion January !)th iu honor of (tVuond
Cmut. His Excellency is lecovering
from a somewhat severu attack of illness,
nud wus only present for 11 short time,
but his daughter did the honors ailuiira
My. Diplomacy, nristoracy, buieuei-.i-cy,
plutocracy and mobocrney wem nil
fully ivpn'sented. People never licoiued
tired of staring at (icucr.tl Ciant, and,
more curious still, ho never seems tired
of being f tin nd at. It was iustiuitivo
to listen to tho remarks at thoveieiiiony
of presentation. Tho Hx-Prcsident is
known to bo a man of fow words, but
his v inherit evidently (bought koiiio
interchange of ideas necessary. Hoyulty
ulouo is not addn.'ssed. Tlio remarks
hy twenty consecutive guests weie cam
fully noted with the following icsult:
"Nineteen said, "CSIad to sto you hack,
Ouwrai." One said, "You must reallybo
tiiwl, fj'eneral." The nineteen possibly
spoke tho truth; tho twentieth certainly
did. Tho object which, next to thu
ox-President himself, uttnictod the most
attention was a lady adorned with
scarabaebi. Klin had a beetle ou her
shoulder and a beetle on her mull'. Thu
first, au American said, wus man-muele,
tho other was (Jod-mudc, ami it wus thu
latter which every ono wanted to see.
Ministers left off their endless discus
sions ou tho EaMcru Question, mid In
dies theirs 011 the lust now fashions, to
interview this beetle. It was most tos
itively ulivo not n good niece of ma
chinery, but a genuine living, crawling
jM-t. Pound its waist wns a line band of
gold; attached to this what might bu
culled a golden crupper; a small chain
was tnsteueel to this minor, which pie-
veiiteel it Httttjing. Its owner staUs
that since its arrival from Mexico, six
mouths ago, it has neither eaten nor
(Irani: nor neon undiesseit. hho was
not mho if it wan all'cctionutc. I'n
D.tuio biix Kcnmbeea was extremely ut
tractive, her pet woudiously lepugnant.
l.',nlon WiiM dun. ifltli.
The Tivptian pyramid, may In cUs.cd
unicr ik h.d of "Old ?hlls" And
he brad found in the ruuu ot Jleru
Ln iiv o'd Pi'dic.
The boys wero coasting down Syca
moro Street Hill last evening, when
John Sanseript and his wifo came along.
They had been up on Paltimoro street
visiting, and wcro on their way home.
"Just see them boyit, now," Raid John,
as ho braced up at tho intersection of
Mulberry street, "It really reminds ino
of tho days when I was a hid. Do you
know, Jane, that 1 used to coast down hill
on a sled that way V
"Did you, John I"
"Why, yes; but thnt's fifty year ago!"
Sanseript scratched his head contem
platively, and then muttered, solto voico:
"Dura my graiuhuldy's buttons if 1 don't
try it."
"Try what, dear I" nnxiously asked
Mrs. S.
"I'm going to coast just onco to rovivo
recollections of fifty year ago."
"Now, John, if I wcro you "
"Put you are not me,so don't interfere.
Here, sonny," fto 11 lid who hnd just
puffed up tho hill with his sled). Hero,
sonny, 111 give you 11 qunitor to let me
Tho hartnin was eageily nailed mid
"Ho keorftt), old man," ttrgeel the boy,
as Sanseript squatted rather awkwardly
on thu sled; he keerfu), I say, and don't
let her flim one wuy or t'other till she
brings up, or you'll git mashed."
'Never mind, younker," assured John,
"1'vo been hero afore some years afore
but "
Hut what will never bo known, for
just then the sled, of its own uccorel,
startled down hill, and oven John him
self Iims not been able to recoil what he
was about to observe. Tho surprise nt
tho sled's unexpected movement was
"Uok outl" yelled tho lwy.
"Oh, John!'' scrcnuicd Mrs. Snnsciipt.
"Whoa, there!" yelled John.
Hut tho bled wouldn't whoa. Tt '
seemed to have set oil' down that hill to
lieat its time. John had 11 chance only
to clutch hold of Ik) th sides mid hold his
breath for tear tho wind would blow off
tho top of his head. Thu only thought
ho had timo to foster wiih that tho hoy
must have greased the runners ns a prac
tical jok. And if this was coasting, he
had never coasted.
Two-tliui.H of the way down tho hill
the sled struck au ice hummock, aud
immediately his course was changed to
a parabolic curve. 1
Whack! bang! crash! clinkl
Tho bringing up was awfully sudden
and uncertain. Sanseript nud tho shsl
disappeared as ubi aptly as a shooting
star. Tho latter lay shivered to atoms
au'ainst 11 lamp pod," and Sanseript Iny
shivering iu the grocery cellar just oppo
site. When the oll'-iuuuei of thu sled
collided with the lamp post ami stopped
the vehich', Sanseript rose like a circus-'
leupor and went light on turning twenty
somers.tulta to the iccoiul. lio went,
through tho grocery window at the ctr-cus-leupeir
goon through 1; paper hoop.
Tho grocer appealed soon after mid com
iiioiiiisi.sI upon John paying tlio follow
nig hill :
Vlnilor-.nli ....,.. 310(e)
Cru-livil elirrin It l
IIos.IihuiI iiioliutes. -.. ts Ve
tin li I mas Hood.. t 10
Tontl. ... . .-.Ml SI
Then the hoy came iu with 11 hill of
$3 for Ids sled, to i,ay nothing of the loss1
of 11 suit of clothes, a suigeou's hill for
plastering Hiindry skiumsl sin faces, nud
tho bill of a hitokiimti who conveyed tint
wife home. In thu cooler moments of
nftoi thought Sanseript leckouud it up
mid discovered that it had cost him
iJlOU 7 to recall recollections of fifty
yea.-sago, aud reepiiied hut one minute
nnd live sccomls of old I'athe r Timu iu
which to do tho iveolleeting. Cincin
nati i'uqiiirer.
How Minos aro Nnmod
Names of mines, like ono'u emotions
when eating I.imburger cheese for tho
lirst time, are peculiar. Thulloeator of
Dry Hash piobably showeel his prefer
ence for n dish that is a prominent fea
tiiio in a hoarding house, nud has n large
circle of acutiiiiiitmiccx. Little liilk
leaws one to infer that theio was 11 groat
many of them. Molly Darling shows
that, although she is getting to ho 1111 old
maid, she still hasadiuireiH. Thu Fraud
is 110 exhibition of human nature; tlio
tho locator wanteel to pique the ciu
aud spur it to Ix-liu its name. On in
quiring of ono miner why ho named his
claim "I Know All," he explain!:
"When 1 left the east, I left iny girl
thero, and some troublo with another
lady. When I got out here, I wrote to
uivgiil so, but you know how a fellow
will write. I wroto that 1 expected t
loMirn soon and cage her in a 'palate.
Hho said: "I know nil. Yours no more.
June. ', Asking another how he came
to naiiio his Terror," ho replied: "For
a lady." "Howl Didn,t not know that
was a femalo nuine." "Well, you see,
that's iny wifo; she's a terror, Iift her
in (Sold Hill." Tom Pike being ques
tioned as to his naming 11 location Joah
Johnson, said: 'Thnt that was my
name iu the States." I asked tho pin
prietor of tho Last Chanea if ho rutlly
considered that his lust chance for a for
teitio; if he failed would he tryngiiul
"No, sir; no, sir; will go to robhin' the
stages." To the man who win showing
me his two claims I lemaiked: "From
tlio iiiiiii", The Treasury, you must have
liojien of this I" That iui't why I named
it thnt." "Why thciil" 'Tliar'Hiiolliiii
in ,'t." "And this second one, Heitoi;
j.hi lilmirv thu aliftuti.T.,ojttn'i" ".'wu
eel for iny 1I04', Hector lie's dead j.i-n,
li'irtcd oxr thai', Cuii'' .i ' ..en i'
A s nwaway- 1 h ' 'uutn,