Y I WILLAMETTE FARMER. IHUXD ZTXHT J-atTIAT, BT CLARKE & CBAIG, ruBtintn Ann rnorniETosf. 8. A. CLAIIKU. 1). W. OtAIU. Term or Sutmertplloti. OM copy, one year (53 number-) $2.50 Oneeopy.Mx month (30 nntrbrrs) 1,'25 One copy, three months (18 tiiiiaberM 76 SALKM, FIUDAY, KM. 14, 1679. How did Life Begin? At U10 bcKlnnliiR of it now your, wo nro niuurnlly reminded of tho outset of llfo. How did Ufa IjfirlnV Our lim ited apico will nllow us only to par tially nnswor tills IntcrcstliiK question. "Vo And tvo forms ol life, vi-jrc'tiblo nnd nnimnl. Uoyond nil (juchtion, vcfjotnblo llfo wns crented nn unknown period of tlmo bofbro tho nnimnl. Anlmnlsdoiiond for llfo nnd lienltli on vegotnblo. So let us Inqulro how vegetable llfo began. In wlmt form did llfo nppaar In thcmV All plants, nil VCBOIIIUH!", nro invmtu iiiiiskiuuio, thoso tlint Imvo flowers, nnd thoso tlmt Imvo not. Tito simplest vegota- bles nro thosu tlmt nro floweness. Tho jjrent purposo of llowors Is to generate 11 fluid, tho fovllln, Hint inny penetrate tbo ovnrles, or feed vessels, nnd vital Izo tho ovule". Tho llowcrlcs plants Imvo n simpler way of production nnd nroiHitriitlon, by cells. As wo wish to know whero llfo begins, uummtox amino this earliest nnd simplest class of tho vegotnblo world, n class com imsed of colls. Ton glass of molasses nnd water mid n toifpoonful of yeast. Hot It In n warm plato In 11 few hours formontntlon will begin. Vesicle, or cells, will bo rapidly developed. Theso nro cells rotoiiiblltii; tho culls of plants, ho far as tho naked eyo can see. U'lio elementary Htructuro of nil vegetable tissue Is this cull. IvXHinliiy tho bud of A growing slVrn, and wo find It com posed or cells. Knelt cell consists of nu outer wall. Within It Is 11 oft mass of protoplasm, n ultrogunotm material, containing tho element of life. In thu wlmplest plant or animal, 0110 simple coll forms tho Individual and the means of growth, health, and repro duction. Theso cells multiply In va rious ways. Tho moans of growth within tho coll of animals nnd plants Is protoplasm a plastic Hubstiiui'o con taining tho elements of vitality. Oth er elements may bo found within tho ioll-walls, but nono Is mi absolutely es Kontlnl to llfo aim growth as thlaself fuiiim protoplasm. It is tho starting point ol life. In It nro contained nil tho elements needed to form cell-walls and celbcnp. In soino living plants 0110 cell Mono porformH nil tho functions necessary for ItH oxlstonee. Tho cell, then, Is nn example of vegotnblo life. In this way the lowest forms of vegetable llfo liogiiti. These died, mm supplied tno means of growth to their MiccosMirH. Wo kco now nn expression of this llfo on nil tho objects that onclrclo ti, upon tho hardest ro.-kx, upon the lurk of tree, mid upo't nil umterlals, dead or living. Not 11 drop of water long oxposed to air, not tho niniill bits of vegetable tissue, not tno sinaiieai par ticle or matter, but supplies food to Its peculiar people. Tho Miifnco or thu ' -1 ....1 ..iii. ...t,.-,.. earill IS liuiiny oiiuni mm iiiiv.w hcoplc plants that aro wonderfully til tt'il to their native place. Tho hottest Hjirlngs and tho i-obli-nt snows have each their peculiar plants. Wo llud hfo oeri'here. in tho vnlleys nun on tho hills, on tho walls mid on thu trees, wo llnd nn unlimited iitnuuiit of vegetable llli'. Wo may obiiTVu It, if wo will, In tiny tuftr, and ,;r.iy Htulii-, iMblly dried by tltoMiit'n r.trs nnd t-nsi-lyi'Vli'd by tho gonial mIui. And tu, tin Magnuiit, and isvwi on iiiovuig. uiler-. vvvMiUHorvon green tviiiu thai tho mlcroL'tipo reveal'' as till ol life. Kxiiiuliiu llio l.iU'ii n tlvuiiyln;. leave, nnd ou may .'. iilnutf gel.iti noui IsKlb s of Various funis itmt sizes. Tlii'Mi nil. and many nure, belong to tho primal lire. They In lensj nnd multiply not by mhIi ptopuiy i. called, but by niluuto iiiur,ii piaiiK or fpurf-i or ininiiio i-t-K Tiie-u i-eil-multiply 11111I nlvo tlvjto otliei fiiriu tli.l lmvii ruulM'il it-mn-ilt 11,11111 h M lichens Ui.it 0110 ray mi in ,:h.ui. pitelmv on iluiies tml oiln-r ui'ji-iM having nn icivi", p Mi-iii-, .if iiim-ej Hun ouo may tludoii n If ami ImiJv, liuOng b'.eins nn leaes. This film ol only I In-, tin cellular, iibounds In iVcry bveiiono lliucitrtli. How lo 'j; Xoso cell-plan repreMinted tbo .! ltu ol lite 011 earth, wo do not Uiunv. lWmblensuie tbiMj pilmal olltcet of llfbnt the pnent time, In tbo car IxmiroNui it rerun, moses, nnd other CGUulnr lauts were distlnguMi od for thil- iiuin lei numbers Hie! inaislvo foriH", and their r.inkluuil M)o, iovorIV,vtho whole euth wtm 1 iimullo or tlnMlurlu'ot green. Tlie.x formed fores s mat were nilucrd to a carboniKcoU'', or lillutuliious, cnidl tlou, and by tho n.ny etiulbo-if our earth nro now deeply b'irled Hi Hi bow eh. The, now in the fo.tu oi coal, contribute largely to our comfort nnd our health. This class of plants, tho earliest liv ing tilings, nro called cryplogamie, be causo they do not flower or propagate as others do. Thoy have spread and multiplied, and cover now tho surAiee, whero no other plants can grow. Im mense, nreas or tho surAiee or the earth, unoccupied by other plant-', are covered now, nnd Imvo been tor myri ads or years, with lichens, mosses, nnd other cryptogenic vegetables. They nro not limited to the land, but nro moro extensive In the waters. This great profusion or humblo and minute vegotnblo llfo was obviously Intondcd to preparo tbo surfitca or tho oarth for tho higher family of vegetation the flowering plants. Our romfort nnd health, nnd oven our lire, depend moro our less directly upon theso minute beginnings or vege table lire. How many tronoratlons or lloliniiH nnd mosios havo helped pre paro 11 soil on which wo could ralso grass and grains, our means or cloth ing, and many other neccsr-arlcs or lire, wo do not know; but that their mlnuto cryptogamle plants havo aided in this grand prepaoatlon, nono can doubt. Wo havo only tlmo to sny that Urn In tho animal world begins in precise ly the same way. Tho outset or nvery nnimnl is 11 cell, n vesiclo containing tho protoplasm, In which is round tho starting p-ilnl or lire. So wo reach nn nnswer to tho question, How does llfo begin'.' by saying, In tho cell contain ing tho starting point of life. In all animals or tho proper mux wo may find tlieho cells nicely packed nwny In ova ries, ready to bo developed under nrntmr circumstances. Alt lib; tits and anlmnls, then, begin llfo In the name wnv. In ibo cell. Tho seeds or plants previous to vltnlhitiun by tho fovlll.i, tho vital contents of tho pollen, are littlo elso than cells. Tho etrtrs or mil- Hints nro cells. Lire, then, begins In culls. I'rdlrto Farmer. Horeos for Export. JPaT0!3 F HN0' Humorous. An elevated railway conductor One that is 11 littlo "high." Tho most honest, cfllciont nnd dis interested employee or tho (Sovern mont is tho Uovernmcnt mule. Tho Indlanupolls Journal sys: There Is no particular necessity for Mjarehing far tho North Polo Just now. It Is tearchlng fur us.' A munuracturer or artificial tiles had n lino exhibit nt Paris. Thus u long- roll wnnt nt tho Hummer boarding- house will bo supplied by man's genius Mayhap it should not bo nsked, but tho question nrlsos, and will not down, Did that faith which Is ublo to movo 11 mountain over try n balky horMJ? Tho doctors say O'Keary has dono his Inst walking unless ho takes euro of hlmsoir for mouths. Tho world hopes ho will forget lo tnko enro of hlmsuir. Owing to tho oxtromo cold weather tho Philadelphia VlnonMc expects that next year's crop ot Now Jersey mosquloes will bo born with fur collars around theli necks. Thu tlutr.do ltximn warns Its load er not to try to nkntu on tho back of their licnds, but such talk would only encourage 11 Mlehlgauder tontraphls skates 011 his ears. Ifthureis unything moro cheering than to hear tho barber shout Noxt,' It ii to hear tho pruacher say 'Finally' In an extremely long pennon. I'arrlo t'ahlll challenges any wonvui to 'pity her on tho banjo for $100 a aide,' whereat tho Philadelphia Timet liniulrcs why Carrie wants to bo played mi tho banjo'.' A tramp was arrested nt Nowburg, rs. V., ei'uiitly, In whoso pocltot was limi.il a dried miake. Poor fellow! he ;i, i,t money to buy whisky lusteaJ. ( i.miterfelt pennies have appeared m iiptnlt. This Is u diabolical cchoiue 1 .I'fraud tho printers and lompel fin loj'o to church to got rid or the liliglU stlltl'. A dNi'iiteh from Huffalo m,v there nro lour feel of nuv on it level at that place. It neglects to mid that tho care iei carpenter who left tho luvi-loutot doora has been discharged by his em ployer. When a man dies suddenly, "with out thu aid of the phyolclati," the lnrnnur muht iieca ltd In. irtho man ilU- regularly, ufser I elng treated by a doctor, uwrylKidy knows why he died audit Coroner' Inquest is not neces s,try. I'll. a-iri'i" v of DUiiionil, (lotit hii1 Sll wr , Hit III. I lini'Tll'-s inn, wiiu in aiunriiK 1 Haul, It Ml'tl IIIIIIOrKIII "I llll'ir inilir. iini- It U wall ' vliMt!t uipiboliii 1 llr An ICit",,'MmmI nmnitn I'lilnuim I; lMiin uk'i inn jKiluu-ynf rljN,lm in l til'.li iti mrtst lilli-r iiiuitiloii, Had in mi'lv iMin ii tiis,nu.Kiiiiiili!o utis ioii 11 vtlwi-ii il r w 1 Id 11 .M tuillJsiH'H 11 n 1.111 'J imvoll ry 'ooliiuKntliii nnim lirilllMUl, k Vll I ll'k lllrt OiMU i ltd 11 Iim mi or pa. 011 .i f iir.u Urn w 1111 Mi, rf lliumiiKut XUfoit umi l.iiti'iilUf.uts, mini us (iviv.Mi, ('J'.il-, I nikiimptlo'i ami iri it'll l A'r "uniN, U 1. iiiitquiillr'l l. cii 1 iim mi y iiKtil'til, Asl. tur l)ra U: r-r it, V in uaiiilUiK lwr tlm I'riissku 0 1 of An, til" lo H'uil.e tlftmlurti of Dr. MU Kslknr, Hint iius tils nuinu liitinrunn OiDfy W Lvft bottle. TrUl b., 2J coats. Tho exportation or American horjes to ftjreign countries already quite an cxtensivo trafilc, bids fair to bo ono of groat Importance. A single concern In Now York annually f-onds 2,000 horses nnd mules to tho West Indies. Many fine bred Kentucky hor-cs have been shipped during the past Tow years I to Franco and JJngland. Tho Com 1 mlssloneruf Agrlcti'turo has recently j received n letter from Gen. Stone, at 1 Cairo, J'gypt, In which ho says: "ing llsh and Scottish liorso-ralsers, who , have been In tho habit of rurnlshlng carriage horses or high quality to this country, now stnto that thoy cannot compcto nt homo with tho horso-rais-ers or Kentucky und Ohio, who mjikI fine horses to England and rar under sell tho native English raisers. This being tho case, it seems to mo that u good grado or carriage horses might be exported rrom llultimoro to this conn try, making uso or tho lino or steam ers which trado directly with Gibral tar nt Genoa, pud transfer cargo for Alexandria ut Gonon, especially us the shipments should always bo made in tho latter part of summer, In order that tho horses may land hero at the enu or tno hot season. Tho voyugo would bo moro likely to bo In calm weather on tho Atlantic than during nny other part or tho year. Perhaps Amorlca may profit by tho export nnd Kgypt by purchnslng cheaper than In Kngland." Sovor.il llbornl nnd enter prising patrons or tbo turf havo re cently shipped somo of America's finest horse-llesli to Kngland, to com pcto with tho English thorouchbreds on tho raco-course. According to re port from tho other side of tho Atlan tic, It pays to breed thoroughbreds In England and sell them oven ns year lings. During tho past year, M5 year lings were disposed of there under the hammer nt nn nverago or over "51,000 a head. Prices Tar in excess or this mini were obtained for tho got or sorno or the most fashionable stallions which, or course, bonis to swell the general average, yet carorul brooders have almost Invariably received remunor.i t.'vo prtees for their intimitis Tlioru Is 110 doubt Hint American horso-hrendors may proilt by this KuglMi demand, not only in horses for tho turf, hut for tram-car, carriage, nnd buslne-s ser vice. American Cultivator. Remarkable Clocks. In tho French horologlcal section nt tho Purls Exposition, were two clocks remarkable for their mechanism. On tho top of ono or. thorn is seated n handsomely attired Grcolc woman, 0 figure hardly 11 span high, with n small barrel organ held by n boy, resting on her knees. With tho Inst stroke or tho clock tho iiiliilntiiru organ Is set in motion r.ud plays n tune, thu boy keep ing tlmo with Ills head. On the left arm or tho flguro is n bright starling, which, as soon as tho piece is played out, repents tho melody, accompa nied by the movements or the woman's head. Tho mechanism of tho second clock Is still moro wonJir fill. The clock is Mirmountiil by 11 llgtiro representing 11 Juggler In Orlont id costume, .-cited behind 11 gt Id on table. To bis right baud stands three l.i run silver bells on 11 plate. Tho Jug gler rUos us tho clock strikes nnd ges ticulates with his hands ns If in prepa ration fur lib feat, takes up one of the bells, shows it to tho spectators us If to convince them that It Is empty, then belr.es .mother bell, nnd puts both on thu table. Ho lifts them up ngalu, and under each now lies a golden egg, which appears un I disappears ropeat wily. Sometimes both eggs disappear, sometimes they increase In number, and three or four eggs nro seen. The littlo inaglcl 111's performance reaches Its dim tx when ho turns up thu third bel nnd displays 11 broiuud ball to thu astonished uuilieme. This bronr.u ball bursts Immediately afterward, nnd 11 llllputliin bird, aluut tho length of a lluger-nail, makes its nppearatico I'.tid pipes 11 tune. Tho next moment all vanish ugaln, and tho clever perfjrm er, nfttr u graieful bow, resumes bis sent. A Hemrkible Result. U 11 nkcw 1 r. i'iiImi 1 ft. bo1, iiihuv I h s r hiii, nr l.o I111n.l1 mt-itioiiit- mil lm ul-it, Ills imv. hii iMsIi)iLmI Ikt'i iIimI (iiiii 11 -yni N tl iMiiiix mildly lilcb hn i:iv n ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 taiLlit'tt'iii In kt-trrfCHio-Miri.tink, lil,. hkhs. h l mini In re nt HI 'tuHisiiiiU if lrsoti" wlint.rr prull-po-i it tnTlirn.it r nil I.iiiij; Htlroili im,('iiiikiiiiiiitiiii, llfiimrrlmi.H' AsiUnu, "t-vstN 'iliU H;ilrt tin .;.. "-":, I'm iiitH'iiU, Wliciipin i"-n, .vo.t v.lio hurt 110 1 i-rotiniil kimwliMlirti tif Ho-i'hi (' (Ji.nnsti S-irup. fo siH'U wh Html 1 sv thnl W.Crt) itoau wirn-iiUt l.ikt r uliliout one 0iiiiiUImI, Ciitmiiini'ilifslry Ins' oi lot-ii- lt)tltjlrsMT''cHlt sXtn i" 'it bUts in Anglic- The Uadenlablo Truth. YoiitlvurrMiininilfr, a if you lml 11 mitr.ihl, misiiUUi'iory llfii tnilu Imsiitt fill iiril, It Utninnly ourou rauli mul it.tira tioiilv nut hpuo Mr you, our 1111 ii'iis'in itilo prrj iln-iiui'l kktnioi!i), Mhlcti Ii.m klllil liii'usiiit'. I'irfiiil kuowlf-ilisd itid intiiiiion'iii'rMsiiuH u 111 oon how jon llulU'CMiiN Austisl 5'.onr will oiiro iuol l.litir to m isliu, nr HyuiuiimU, with ii 1 lu inl-tiral.il 1 tt-i"i, mvlisiisicklii'iiJsoUt 1 ilj'UMkmol tln Ot irt, knur uluni.ich, In 111 ul cos Ivnit's, ifrrltiifss tif itm liiil, ilftous i)Nsirsltvu, turf npirl's. Ac. I 1 ..... ... ...., .... .. .... .1.. u'uuii..n -Situ ll'l v R. I r-.i.ijir .! I'll IVll ' -I CoDtliii'iitAiiil mix lifii,,"lttit' 111 It'll joy nt lo wpnrti-rlul i'' o,, Y u 0111 out Sui om jijitis lur tv u.ui. iiinvuviriniii 10 Jovoyoa. To tho Patrons of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Drin IS111.T1111LM In n few tl.ijs I cxicct to tart Hast to attend thu incctingcf thu National (Jrangc, anil iirojioso to lie tuVcnt from the jurmllction nhotit ten i.xeks. Questions of InM or titngo nrm'ii( iluring my alutncc may be rcforrul to my ilcputici in tho ihlTutnt cottti titsj or, in cato tlicru is no tlcpaty in tho coun ty, to tho Worthy Uiereer of tho State Orange, lira. D, S. 11. lluitk, Mjttlo Cntk, Douglas county, Oregon. Ihcg to call the attention of all ircmbcrs of tho Orikr to a resolution of tho hit State firango enilorsnig tho Willamitti. Faiimfii, ma!lng it tho organ of our Onlcr ami calling upon Patrons to give it n lunrty ami united sujjiort. HrLtlircn, Monccd n imjitr tlexoted to the intcrctts of tho farmer. It shoulil at onco furuUli us au account of tho lurunt c cuts of imiiortance, tho ttato of tho iroi', markets, Kc, give us a medium through which to (Aclinngo our idtas anil experiences, nnd furnish our families a weekly jcp-int of such pure and wholesome miEcallantous literature as is best suited to thyir wants. Such a paper re 'tiircs a largo outlay of mians, labor, and talent, and cannot io furnished us without aditjuatc support. Lit mo urge jou, therefore, togivoonr own jap.'r a lordinl supiiorti tub scribe for it, wnto for it, work for it, fo that we may havo n fanner's (taper worthy of tho name and second to none. fraternally jour, A. It. S111n.1v, Master Oregon State Orange. Oswego, Sept. !!., 1878. Stato Graago Deputies for 1878 Hum Co. Ilrsws Clachamas OUM.1, Thn-nu Kmlth. tiiktl Rtr. ,. iioi'icr. iphkiii. insr. -Jo-rjh 1'ullo.k, liUml. -lloiiwi Kiiox, L'rci!l; Allen I'.cn.l, .ujtnc N. Waii. CisI y. Cut.ur W It. lira), Youngs Rhtr. lloious-ll H, It llultk, !)ttlerlf, JAtkxjs J, .1. T. Miiitr, jutkwniiuc. jesKlliisr. MSK flt. I iss ii, j, mine, ywriiny. Masi'is-J. IV. I.nlitlkr. UJttcll!c: W. U. 11,1'iar). Turnur ill LTov til r jmpton M'.i aim juu jounvon, i,ui I'ortU'ut I ik K. A. futkr.oti, lililf. TiLt-mwiK -J. (.'. Ilewlcy, Tlllaniock, t miii- JiJin t'rcl'iUm. t'nlon, WA.to Joh'l Kiiil, Tjiili alUi. WA.Miiiirox J. A. IIKUrilion. Tusbllni J. IV. tsis rlncUiii. t.a.ton I A-JI'kl. -I. II. ...U'IUH, ..VI..I .MI1II..I1I AIIISOMS trSMTOKT, Cou MtiA Tliomvi TlirLwc'.l. IHij ton. ll-Atnn I'jvl.l MUtii, I sncomir. l-VisuTJ Julin H ljaith. Kl.ln. Ikwi, -H H. .Miller. l'Worl. WaUaWaui W II. Tli'miM, IValti Walls. Wnii! ax -wll!!m Klnx, TalmiwClty I'Atro i In Ihino ro iii'Im In mI.IiIi no Drl'iitlfl hale lei mvp'i'il.l mil tu i (i1jII.-o iiio l) .It.lnkUnu urJ.iiita ir-i i' I'Jaii n inai i-iiaruj A II. ! 1 1 utr, k'vki ur. m. iiranri DZrkSOTORY. ivi'in:nsioriii national jican:i:. Master Samuel K. Adam', Monticel'.o, Mln- Itl-Olll. Oicrsfcr -J. J. WMMlniati, Paw paw, JIUli. Lecturer Mortimer Wliitehea.!, Middle bush, N. Y, Stiwanl" A. J. Vauchan, Memphis, Tmn. Auistant Steward William Sinn, Topoka, Knnv.. Clmplain A. 1. I'onjtlio, Imbc I, Kdgar county, HI. Trtosurer V. M. McDowell, Wayne, X. V Somtaiy V. M. Irelaud, ttosliiiigton, I). O. flato.Kccior O. Dinwiddiv, Orchard (iroie, Indirna. Oi tes Mrs. S. M. Allium, Mouticello, Min iiesota. I'onn'ii Mrs. J. J. Woodman, Pawpaw, Miclilpiu l'lou-Mis. S. T. Mooie, Sandy Spu'm.', Mich. Ijuly Ant Steward Miss C. A. Hall, Apa lachieoia. XVtl'TIVR II1MMITTIK. amuel I!. Atlams, Chairman, Mouticello, Minn, lbn'cy Jtinrs, Mr.rim, Ind. I). Uj.iti A.kkii, l'ul.iktinry, S. C. S. II, l'.l.ii, hpnncl oisi, Ohio. oFi'icnus oimnns NTATi:;t:.MiK. Matter -A. It. Shiplet,, Oiwtgo. Overjur I). S. K. liutck, MrtIo Creek. Lecturer -W. II. Thomas, Walla Walla. Steward - W. M. HiHeary, Turner. Ass't Mcward-M. L. Nicholas, Itc.iurton. Cliijilam W. II. (iray. Astoria. Si-cnt-ry N. W. ltandall, Oregon City. Treanirr I)aid Su.itli, IajIiMioii. (atv-KmiH'r C. N. Wait, ('aiiby. (Vre- M. .1. Train, Hanisburg. I'oiriona-C. K, SMplny, Oswego. Vloia S. I. Duilum, McMinuiille. L. A. S. Ir-Jiio U. Hiiliary, Tumur. r.LCCT:K lOMiUTTKE. A. H. Shitiley, Ohuimuui, Oswego. 11. W. Hunt, FuMimlty. A. Holdir, Ccrvalbs. How to make Krnnse Mortlngs Pleasant aim rioiuaoi'. In tho first pbre, let us till r.ttuml tho meetings regularly, nnd let each nnd every ono contrlbuto to mnko it Interesting, It nothing moro than it bouquet of flowers for tho desks of tho otllcors It Is to bo presumed that tho master Is personally acquainted with tho members of his grange, nnu knows what enuh ono makes a specialty or, for there is no mail but that makes n spe cialty or oomo ono branch or farming, and cotiseuuentlv ho can talk or write on that subject tho best. Ho let tho master nmiolnt two or moro brothers at each meeting to preparo an nddros or an essay on that subloct. Lot It bo over ho poor at first, they will Improvo by practice, nnd it will teach them to havo contldenco in thoniselves and bo it great benefit to ull. Thero Is plenty or Intent talent In our granges, if wo only devlso means of arousing It. Let two or tho sister.-" also bo nppulnteil to i end n selection or wrlto un eJ.iy. Thero nro various biibjects that would bo or interest, such ns Ure.ul nuKing, butler nuklnc. making Jelly, canning fruit, poultry raising, preserving fruit, how to inako homo pleasant, etc. Ami all granges havo omo morabors who nro good singers-, mul they should get together us often m practicable and practice thoso beautiful songs found In our song books, und If wo e.inuot all hnvo Instrumental music, wo can have vocnl music. So lot our exercises lie plentifully Interspersed with song. And, foriichunge, It would bo well to select n subject ror discussion. And let not those dlscus-dons be coufliiPtl to a Tow (r tho best speaker, but let the master call upon oi'h member togho his or her opinion, und you will I o surprNed to seo thu inteiost manifest ed when nil take part. Let us nlsn Imvo rofrcblunonts rh often ns coti"en lent, und lot it bo understood they nre to bo plain and Inexpensive, such ns nlco bread and butter, nlain cako or plo (or both), cold moat, pop corn, and apples. Lot us dlseourago extrava gance In nil things such ns trimming our cakes with cniidfes nnd frostlngs, nnd nil such useless oxpenses but let ull contribute something, ror when the providing or refreshments is left fcr three or four It becomes very utiplous tut for them, but when wo know that ull will ho suro to bring something, It makes It easy ror each onu. Lot us bo punctual In nil thing-' punctual to tho hour or meeting, punc tual In tho dlscliargo or every duty Imposed upon ih, punctual in paying our dues quarterly; never let them run longer. There is no ono but can, ir he will, lay nsldo thirty cents ror that pur pose. It Is so much easier to pay such small sums than it Is when they nro let run until thoy become quite n debt. Let tho master insist upon promptness in nil things. I wish I could create thu lnvo I bear tho grango in tho hearts of ull my brothers und sisters. It would not rail, then, to bo interesting und profitable. Anything that Is worth doing nt nil Is worth doing well. So, dear brothers nnd sisters, lot us lovo our unblo order, und .support It, and bo proud or It. I never look into our manual but I nm moro nnd more sons ibly Impressed with tho beauty of Its teachings. It is the noblest order on earth, and let us never .stand by nnd hear It assailed without raising our voices In Its defense IKiirona' Hdpcr. 'Ah, by George,' groaned young Mr. Lethcrcd, sinking wearily into an of-iico-iiuilr; 'ah, by George, my head nchcH fearfully.' 'Possible'." nsked his employer, old Mr. llaidfax, with a look ol curious interest und sympathy. 'Possible '.' Something must have got into it.' And then for u long tlmo no body said unything, and the room .seemed to grow nbout fifteen degrees colder. The Centaur Unlntrut tie of two kictti. Tho While Is for ttn hnmin fumlly; tho Yellow Is or horses, shet-p, and other anltntls. Tetllrao nlils of tho cCtds proJntrd bjr tht rrmtrkible rrcptnUons sio w ripped snmnd every bonis, and mi? bo procured of any drnsslit, or by maU from lt OftUcofTilB CfNTACIiCotiANT, 4t) Dey btrset, ;t York City. FltUir-PACKING MACHINES. W. A. Collier of Coos llay, is inicntor of a prciu for paeking dried nop, fruit and igeta i uf all kind that hae been properly dried by any procois. an A. 11. Colli ir is now can v.uniri; tho Willamette Valley for tho ialo of theso machines. They cost $-J.t to $3. accent Into finish, and will pack t!.c fruit in two Kuud jiackagcs, in pajs-r Lout, as fiut as a nun can jx-n'iLly weigh it out, and fanter than thu tun-.u force ct.:i pac thu tamu fruit in tifti I .or. nd boxes, and at lis cu.t, an the weight of tho aper boxen goes in with tLo weiKht of tho fruit. 1 heo pajwr Uues handsomely labeled and printed, can ordered finn tho makers at tl.o liti.t a triilmg c i.t. Ktery man who hs a l'lunnr.er drj-i- or any otlur cood ibrer, shoulil liiiooLuu! ths Collier naetiiues. Mr, A. Ik Collier travels with ono ot bis rraihices, ami g.iis a practical exposition of its working. All who purciUM tnna can a)-o order boxes of Mr. Collier. The nucbiiiui aro na.lv and sold i.t llio furniture' mauufucU'iy of K. J, liabcock, Sakin. Siis.imir. e'l thu pser.td fruit cu be en at tho otlico of tho Willa'r.ctte Farmer. At pnsent Mr. Collier i c&niauiuc tho east side of tho liver, between h'alein and Portland. Nov-JO-TS-tf W&.fi.'X'JEiiax.A.xikr ell Drilling, Boring, xsmiL rusicrnis ui triunva neu. IlKbcst swutU si LtnWDMsl tibltllion. hBd lot PKtorlslotsu(visBaprin-lul,fr, Agents wsuuil, aO psr dsy rasxsntcd. fUnd, boulders, sod rork MsUySAdltd. Address, HtHCE WELL EXCA VA'lOU CO.. COS Um Ast IbllsdelihU. Pcun NEW OPERASI CANTATAS! II. M. S. PINAFORE. Comic Opera by Arthur Sullivan, is tho most popular thing of tho kind ever per formed in this country, Musi; excellent and easy, and wcrds unexeeptioiialde, making it very desirable fcr amateur jtr.'oimanco in nny town or villas. Klegant copy, with words, music and libretto complete, mailed cnywheio for $1.00. T.tlAL I1V Jl'HV i a laaphalle Operetta by tho univ) author. Ui cts. JoirpYt llotulase. li- Chacwick. Sl.ro Utflsliaxzar. Hy lSrrrii.nu.D. Sl.(0 Esther. y hkaiiscrv. .no Thnsj Cantatas which sio aiajujtictnt when tjiveii vv ith Oriental dreu ard scetery. The hut ins iscaiy, 'Paulino" (.) "Palouiita" (:.) "Div mend cut Diamond" ($1.) "titianlian Ancvl' (JO ct3.)"lcs.on in Caarity" (t0 cts.) "Mend lrviri"(C0cts.)aro Onorottas roouinng but a f ju s.ugers, and aro capital for Pallor I erforai nucv, Tho bt three aro Juveniles. l-i Pros. "Tho Sorcerer," by SuP.tiai, tud "Tho Littlo Duke," by Ltcoco. OLIVER DITSOXl Co,, Boston. THE D3333EE & G8HAHD i nr:.vi;Ti.-itM:vr.ii-r:r,oo:iir i $5 K?'3 (5 rv CS .1 T'?k ir-' .-"' a i&aif Si' .fen tut r.-'?T in i utr. went r ilrllTer btritiirr lc.l llu tim.iirims n(dlvclxl,tJrly I yuiixlI,r.tnlliOi.l n spirnuici vnriciii t, i oitrcttoicr, iu 1 1 SI i UfirCUl lOfnrcdt "iifiirnJli II' 7irnrClO10OfirSta. nnrria(nai Ttm i:;iir.rj a co.v.itt a Rr.CreT;irs, Vtst Creva, 0i:t:r JvL's5:S7ti.i'sT7jArco"55 HifeggirTjypnicggJ CT3fSfSiTersiSViTil -151bK3HUS1X -ujiT"frik,MiimjT m cJVLT1rASl trtii hS mtiisxi rftRR Lb sill slhDltilinl. f I MB" tUli tfolorsHj tUti. 600fcirTlntt be a I 1W rtt-. ft hi full deriMlanfl. ttiM ftoJ "tlrceiliMit for ilinilot or I 00 virtftlr of rfftftlli nd Howtr Hdit PIabu, nil latftlBkll Ii ftir Ondi fnr It. AllrcM I D. K. FERRY & CO. Detroit I Wr tonut i v&H entnlu 9x9 eonts n, ( JeHJ ii'll-ri jKf'A r lllrifcli JSVnplii'lf O pimiiipiisib- nw i-rjil ni-i nlimlilrto ATSV I'llllHtii. rnnii-C tnff lltr tiitictinrnr nil.vril III lo M koiinl, Fmiilli nrAcrli iiltm-iil iihs hnsmlonr n liutti-until ltiiji iM In llio rrinnfo imrti ill Stir nlcrrll mul hnvp. iv I 111 1 1-u cM-riitloiis. m ril l tic- rtprrtntloiii uf fill, tiiiri- mnnr rliiiiutnix fo linvi, miitJi, is . nr so in no mi.. rm. 11 f mollv S'lT.tl.lKJl'ilM Tl A1V AIHsj VHIIK. UI'OS At'1-l.ll'ATinX. ii our ffomlM tnnll inniiUltiil ut vtti in ll m In ininnllllr lo "lilt. ISPIrl, li-kt .nlluunl llniiU.l'liliiisu. P MQNTOQMERT WARD C0.,f Orlcliml SJrniiitP Hiiiiljr Ilui atr MO WnUnsli Avr..Clilris' BO OK' ciunx met aiiurtsTtiiTo Mwmlsu imtJm,, t.l.fMb.tTk.tr4 IJ. SjksU,wili-k J. BRIDE,1 MI IrMSnr,'.' Kn lll.ih.uj M.T.IUMftM. HARPER'S MAGAZ: IteTO. XI.I.I,STIlA1l;l.fa' ya h MriuiJi or tiii: usi UlrDJr'i Mnarliip h llio Im.ilisn Ma.l nurbiuro anu mi, iviien inn.iir n Th.or.i5it iulir Monthly In M.c ort ; Knir. M.a It iHBncswlli-r.ti'mputilcn Icr the jii'f. In llio nutjil, u ihlu lur Oeclm i a r' CbUilrr Jeuriikl. I"1 Soother MuttM) h theoilJci -hn-f. ,' llt cl eonlilbub i, ii r ilci, sn fuml-li lb1 '' Mic-int.i varli jiuim i.i.iurat,t.a!llj(iu ntiiinM.il, li,tn. to a w. The votiiniM cl the Vanillic Wf'u vvltS sii Icr Junottid iui.Ur, il ih)isr, Ik (,, vrcllUil, It ul'il It kiiilimtiud tbsl tl o sun to brstn v. lUi U v eurniit Sumter. rJ K1 nuir.ns ii:KioDHa IIAIirCn'tJ MAOiriSK, One Yiar Kro IIARPKIlti UKLKI.Y, " " R. IIAI1I UK'S liAKAI., " " K The THUUi: pulllcatloni, onej-cr TV Anjr Til O, one j MX subscription , ono ui C. II Dllsnn V To. I3 Urosdwair. N.' . .:.C DUsou A Co., Cjsslusi si , fails. Win Ttrr.n lor urjo hum lurniiiau m si'l'iKSU .. l'oitavv 1'rcc toa'I iubilbr In do t'l Cjiinli. 9I.IO A Coeii'lite fct ct lUr.ini'. Mor.r, M , t7velunir. 11 msl iibth UiiOmir, IH M T'., IlllfhlH. cxixr.mot funliawr, fiirlr, una-. tlnlocljlur, by uisil, io-.tik.ilaj i ,, ijh, for llniiln,-, Mitiitu, I) mill. ,wi lltmlttaim, ihwiil b inaJu by roiltntt 1 .S'nIs;Hti art i. t to ec y this sdu-rtls.. thuespiisoii!r,it llseiitH u l'KeTiirn4"u AUiJ:.s IIAHI'KIl i, r.KOTlll.lat" HARPER'S WEE! IiSTI. ILLU8TRA.T1 .soTicn ok Tin: rr.M Tho IVtelly lrnJ.ll i isl'y st the h-B pspeis t v it. r.ne 111. ran cuiwy, uie i anil woolut. triliVCtM IxpubUcani Its ktorUl stti actions sre mjxlb, anl vsitriy ot uijtu uim ei miii.c irtjuis SJO, IUV10Q. Tbo Wwkly l a lwtsnt siency tor th'i ecrrnt rxiatlcal 1-r.iieii li s, sen afouis ihfuu, Irsuds, will Ui pietenies, i.oior,ur. Tho Volames ot t!i M'wlily U i-ln wli tr lor Jsiusry el ili jKir. whtUM,ilut tlo-iJ, It U1 f c imJtr.t'iwl Ihtt ths suta ' , ia.uitoui vi 1th lbs S'uaiber Lent klUr ' - HARPER'S PERIOffji, HAr.rnis magazine, ono Vi. IIAIiriX'SMCKKLY, " IIARi'LiVa EAZIR. " TheTlllll.i:ut:io4ttons,cno esr. Any TWO, cut jiv bl subKilpCou.tne car I Tines Icr tarijc iluU lurnUhn! en l'a'ije 1'ree to dl vuWriUrs In thj Liauo, Tho Annual Y litres tl IlirM'sB ileth bliiiS.i.y, vi i khi f ipif (J lOVbltil tl.t Illlj.llt ill- 4 liCl tv.irrj I I.UCI, IPT f ivisaii. . wir.j'icic ,--i ly t.u loluiues. Kit en rtvui't cl is. siper vuiuae, irei,i.vi.ipi i Clth Cci I -r ca h v ulunie, saltall bl sunt by cMt, n ll J, in lUt.JJt I Hemlttiuiivsk'ioaMlDisiwoly Ix ilsr or lirr.lt, to uie.il il a.m) el Ium. St sftcilAri ve net to cy this sJ Uisexprertuuir ii uasi-ik aivi. AJ Jnsi UAUI LK A. Ll.OTf lg01, !' no rsuic in T riito. Naliv rniM rrvt Ii niiJB " "- - p-kkS t H vjj Meree's I' U!al isrnrn wit! i.v ir riiiiiir ana f.M. vill. nt Fcr.i vfi.n all lllb reptBred. try nt-. std yoa will nej f..r It' jt rated lioo ai.rt I'rieoJ tLTIU IMIVI 11IMI-.V.TJ. i kaN ril-l.SCICV, CAL. 1ST pans of itt vreiiciil CT SJ.I tc i M ?&y e non- he u legj- tlet. be u Mr hicl i 'Ik gent now