Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 14, 1879, Image 5

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bate and Territorial
Travel through Pomlloton !s quite brisk.
Tho Kugcno Htato Journal !a just awect 10.
Indcpcndcnco firemen givo a lull on Febru
ary Uth.
- Hovor.il ilojp hrvo bcn poisoned at Imlo
tpondencc. ,Only cijjlit marriages in Douglas county
during Januiry.
Cold wcathor BtjU continues at Uosoburg
and slocl; sutlers.
Tho rovls near Canyonvillo tiro caM to ho in
vcryliad condition.
K. !'. Wnlkcr hai 10 men at worts on his
Gr.tvo creek ditch.
Jackson county is diicussing tho matter of
holding a county lair.
Veudleton wants a now schoolhouse, and
they ought to havo it.
Tho young girl who recently shot herself at
Harrisburg is recovering.
Scab is said to bo rather too plentiful among
tho Jackson county sheep.
Tho coyotes aro still killing sheep in the
forks of tho Luckiamutc.
S. M. Pennington and 0. M. Benson havo
bought tho Pendleton hotel.
Sercral horses hat o died of tho epizootic
near Lonisvilio, Polk county.
Tho body of Allen, who was drownod in tho
Umiqua river, has been recovered.
Mr. Jcromo Knox, of Cottago Grove, acci
dentally shot himself in tho leg last weok.
Langoll vallny furnished ISO head of beef
cattlo last wcolt for tho San Francisco market.
Mo William &Ashhao sold their mining
claim on Coyoto creek to a Portland company.
Tho Scntinol says that cattle aro sulTering
much from cold on Hutto creek, Jackson
Tho Masonic fratomity of Harrisburg will
givo n nan ami soclablouii thouo ol Wash
mgton'a birthday.
James Wriuht and I). C. McClallan aro tho
sub-contractors lor carrying tho mail botween
Koscburg and Coos lUy,
A Ilosoburg harncM shop Is going to turn
out a 150 aaddlo. With it and a ti cayuso,
a fellow uuuhl havo a bang-up outfit.
A son of James Matlock, of C!ohcu, had to
tiavo nu arm ro-brokon and re-set on account
of tho "skillful treatment of an eminent
Ore assiying i2,000 per ton has lcn struck
in llyo Valluy.
Hundreds of ducks aro !c!ng slaughtered
by tho IJnkvillo people.
A llluo lliblion Club with 01 members has
' lwcn organircd at tacking 01.13.
Drain's .Station nconlo want n nirrow-ciuao
railroad lictwccn thcro and tho coast.
Thu lato cold snap ban caused much sutler-
Ling among tho Block around Coos Uty.
A cavo has been iliscovcred on Cheney
I Creek, near Wildcriillo, in Southern Oregon.
Hon. Matthew 'ouutuin, a member of tho
I fosislaturo from Jacktou County, died ou tho
F'Jd Inst.
Money orders to tho number of 1, 020 wcro
issued by tho Jacksouillo I'ostofllco during
187S, valued at nearly CI7.000.
Tho Knlinli tourist sailing from Gib
raltar to C'a'Iiz begins, 1.0 .soon ns lio in
out of tlio bay of Algecinu, to keep u
Hhurp lookout to bturbo.iril. Not for tho
world would ho miss tho Niulit of tho
'.lontj, low, sandy liills of tho "l'roiiion-
'jtorium Tunonm" of nntiquity tho over-
Ia l.n ... ....n... l....-l.il I . frt 1 Mrt 1 Inll Ml
lorrisoy, tlio only veteran on this milo
t tho Atlnntio who fought with NoIbou
JJS.iflainlinomoiublo occmion, anil who Raw
that hero full, tliou at ma homo in Hali
fax only n few (lyn since. His death
IcnveH only kqvoh Trafalgar votoronu liv
ing. Thu victory nchioved on tho 2lnt
of October, 1805, was a triumph un
paralleled in tho annuls of luivul warfare.
.Following UK it did ko noon nftor the
qoKtructton of tho French fleet at Abou
kir, it not only hurled confusion on tho
foc of England but uhowed all thoso
manly qualities which havo ever char
acterized tfritiaii seamen. Tho combined
Vrench and HpanUh UectH were under
command of Admiral Villencuve, who
sailed from Cadiz with tho determination
of giving buttlo to tho English fleet.
This rnc.iu.uro was contrary both to tho
viows and iiutruction of llonaparto; but
tho Admiral wiw impelled by motives of
porwonal nncntment and wounded honor
to act in opposition to tho wihIim of his
master. lleMdes, ha know that in otfi
cer wan on his way from Paris to super
sodo him in tho command, nnd under buch
circumstance ho piobnbly felt tiiat oven
x defeat could add but litlto to his dis
grace; while, on tho contrary, a victory
over tho taut naval hero ot tho ago
would wipo off every other stain on his
conduct, :iad cover linn with immortal
glory. Tho particulars of tho grand
conflict need not bo reported. It was
wliilo Nehton was fighting tlio Htintiaai-
rO& Trimuaua (then thu largest ship in
tho world, carrying 1IJ6 guns) with his
nwn flu? Hhiu tlin Yictorv. that hu ro-
o i
ooived his mortal wound, Early in tho
morning hit lordship put on all the htars
of hia ditferenc orders tho badges of
honor ho had gained in many a hard
fought battli and, thus dresled, he was
exposed to thu fire of tho cnoray's shorp
shooters. Tho hero of many naval en
gagements was struck down by a gun
shot from the maintop of tho Redoubt
able, and in another hour ho sank to rest
in tho midst of a victory which
crowned tho 1m t achievement of his lifo
with a glory that oven eclipsed tho luBtro
of all his former exploits. Ninotoen
sail of tho liuo wero tho prizo of this
doar-hought conquest. Among tho pris
onura was Villenouvo himself, who at
firs) was inconsolablo with grief and do
spai. Ho could hardly bo pursuaded
(hat hid tine fleet hud, in the short space
iour houro, been consignea to towu
ruction. N. Y. Times.
w to produce a telling effect Com
ate a secret to a woman.
odgra-s says if you stick your finger
the water and take it out, it is in
vain to look for the hole, and equally so
is it to suppose, whatever space you oc
cupy( that the world will miss you when
u die. 1 ne water 01 ooiiiion win at
ice Bow over the spot yoa filled.
Daatlt ky DrawalaB-
Oscar, only son of Councilman John
McCann, of Astoria, met with an un
timely death by drowning on Saturdoy.
Tho little fellow wui four years of ago.
Itoof Cnvntl In.
Tiio he.ivy accumulation of snow itton
tho roof of tho cook houso at tho Cas
cades caused it to envo in with a fright
ful noUo nbout 0 o'clock yesterday morn
ing, but fortunately tho cooks had
cmergftl n few minutes bofore, a. circum
stance which saved their lives.
A. Chlnoiu Soonudrol.
Albany has moro than its sharo of
lato of disagrocablo misdomoanoru. Ye
tonlay, 03 wo nro informed by Conductor
Bellinger, tho wifo of a business man
was attacked by a Chinaman, and when
sho resisted his insulting demands and
maito n bravo tight ngainst him, tho
scoundrol followed up tho assault with a
knife, and her clothing was badly cut.
Finding detection inevitable, tho villain
ran away, and at last accounts could not
bo found, though hot pursuit was made
after him.
A Ca of FoUonine
Undtr date of the 8th inst., a writer to
the Statesman says Mr. T. O. Waller has
just received a letter from Eastern Ore
gon giving an account of a case of poison
ing which occurred there, near Deschutes.
It seems that a Chinese cook at a Mock
ranch got mad about tomclhin? and pu
strychnine in the coffee, and when the
"boyi" tasted it they discovered something
urong, and failed to drink enough to do
much harrr.; they, however, suspecting
poison, compelled the i'-moon-cyed ce
lestial" to drink a portion of the eolfee,
which was not lung in sending him to
"that bourne from which no good China
man returns." The boys, though made
very tick, recovered all right.
Sonth of Ool. Wallneo-
Ex-Governor Wm. II. Wallace, says
the Experiment, died at Stcilacoom, Fri
day evening at seven o'clock, after a pro
longed Illness. Deceased was Gj ycais
of age, hiving been born in Indiana,
July 17th, 181 1. He served several
terms in the Icgisla.urc; in 1861 was ap
pointed eovcrnor, and a few months af
terwards was elected delegate to Con
gress. He returned wi,h a commission
as governor of Idaho, and after serving
out his term, was elected delegate by the
people of that territory to the Thirty
K'ghsh Congrcsj. He was a member of
the national comini tee to accompany
the remains ol President Lincoln to Il
linois, and a delegate to the Philadelphia
Union Convention of 1S66.
Salcldo Lore
A rumor was circulated through town
this morning which, if true, will bo sin
cerely deplored by tho wholo community.
Wo refer to tho reported suicide by
drowning of Mr. William Love, tho
well-known dairyman, who lcsides on
tho Columbia slough. It seems a Hon of
Mr. Iovo was in tlio city this morning
delivering tho usual mipply of milk,
when a messenger arrived post hasto
from his homo, informing him that his
father had just thrown himself into tho
slough opposite his houso, and was im
mediately drowned. Mr. Lovo has been
laboring under temporary domontic in
sanity for tho past two months, and it Ls
supposed cnd(l his lifo while suffering
with an attack. Capt Lovo, brother of
deceased, says tho report is but too true,
as tho tracks of William wero plainly
visible this morning in tho deep snow
leading to tho water's edge, and his hat
and coat wcro found in tho vicinity. A
number of men left Uiis afternoon with
tho necessary nnpliances to drag for tho
body of tho untbrtunato man.
A Noted Rascal
Perhaps wo should not permit any
grave mistaKCS, says tho Astonan,
wero wo to class this fellow, C. M. Mo
Crcury, arrested by Chief Barry on
Thursday, as a notorious nBcul. It ujh
pears that wliuu ho camo to Uregon, sev
eral months ago, ho wormed himself into
tho good grates of a widowed lady of
this city bearing tho namo o iUcUrary,
and passed himself oil' upon her its n
nephew, Thu old lady was iMsscsscd of
too much good senso to belioro all that
ho had to say, and with tho exception of
a week's board, smuggled out of tho
family, ho loft Astoria not financially
advance! in coiisotpienoo of his visit here.
But whilo in Astoria ho managed to con
noct hiuibolf by implication with T. Do
Witt, northeast comer of Fifth and
Olivo stioets, St. Louis, and was very
solicitous at tho post office for mail mat
ter belonging to John D. nolmes. His
transactions with Hodge, Davis k Co.
will undoubtedly securo him steady em
ployment in tho Oregon penitentiary for
a terra of years, and ir tho revolutions
mado respecting tho names of DoWitt
and John D. Holmes will servo as any
cluo to unravel tho mystery of his ori
gin, tho authorities aro welcome to use
it. He was quite frco with Mr. O. P.
Whitolaw, claimed to bo acquainted with
Mr. Whitelaw's friends and family in St.
Louis, also with friends and relative of
Col. It. It. Spcddcn at Scdalia, Mo., but
as CoL Speddeu was clerk of tho court
here, perhaps thw protended McCreary
dcomeJ it imprunent to make his ao
quaiutanco too cheerfully. It is our
opinion that ho is not alono in his crimes,
but that hu belongs to a regularly organ
ized gang, aud has filled the doublo ca
pacity of thief and spy on his present
trip to Oregon.
Tho fashionable muslin for a ladv or
ganist is the organ day.
Mr. Ed Ilorron has been appointed as
agent for tho O. S. N. Co. at Salem.
Hereafter all tha boats of tho company
will land at tho Partners' warehouso and
no freight will bo rocinvod at tl 0 old
Ios Broke.
Ous Anderson and two orthreo others
started out from Sheiidaa a fow days
ago 011 a hunt, when about two milcr
from town Ous' horsj reared up and fell
backwards, falling on Anderson break
ing his leg below tho knee.
Second Contraot.
J. N. Fishor, of Beavortou, and W.
u. okxji, or inis city, navo taken a
second contract from tho railroad corn
puny for furnishing ties, this timo, for
50,000 iu number, which will, in con
nection with formor contracts, ox-
tend tho Oregon Contral Railroad to
Corvallis this Sumuior. Messrs. Fishor
and Steel aro going into railroad con
tracting very extensively of lato, and
aro now receiving bids for sub-contractA
Hero is a chanco for thoso out of em
ployment, who aro willing and ablo to
wiold the broad axe.
Meat and Wheat Thief.
About 20 days ago Marshal Minto, of
Salem, passed through this city on his
way to Eastern Oregon, and after going
as far South as Princvillc, returned from
an unsuccessful pursuit of a man named
Shoffer, who seems to be one of those
chronic law breakers, whose pasilon or
propriety is the committal of bold rob
beries. If we arc correctly informed
this man Shoffar was convicted of steal
ing wheat in Linn county. lie went to
a stack of tacked wheat, waiting to be
hauled from the harvest field to the gran
ary of some firm, pa:kcd a number of
sacks into fence corners along the road,
then came along with .1 wagon and loaded
in the sicks and sold his plunder to the
nearest warehouseman. Last Scntcmber
he drorc up to the meat house of the
McCully's, in Salem, and loaded up with
2,600 pounds of cured meat, selling the
sune whenever the market offered, sell
ing one load to the settlers neir the
mountains. This seems to be his sptciil
way of committing depredations. At
Princvillc Marshil Minio got an inkling
that Shoffer had returned to Benton
county, and returning home he called in
the aid of J. H. Ilencti, late sheriff of
Linn county, who soon notified him tint
he had caught lid bird. This morning
Marshal M'nto rcttt'ned from Alb my
with his prisoner, and it is prohibit: that
he will soon meet with his deserts.
Supremo Court.
Monday, Feb. 10, 1879.
B. F. Bureh, superintendent of tho
Oregon Penitentiary, appellant, vs It.
Earhart, Secretary of State, respondent
Appeal trom .Marion county; argued
auu submitted.
Joseph 11. Bentley and Sarah Bcntloy,
nellants, vs Itobecca F. Govea and
John Kldin, respondents Appeal from
rolt county; argued ami submitted.
Court adjourned till to-morrow at 9
o'clock A. M.
Tuesday, Fob. 11.
Lconn May Oilmorw, by W, It. Oil
more, respondent, va II. 0 Burch, appel
luut. 8YLLADCS.
1. A deed to land made by a woman
to her intended husband after tho con
tract of marriage has boon entered into
between them, will bo set asido in equity
unit it shall appear that tho convoy-
anco was without fraud or undue influ
'J. That whero the husband voluntar
ily pays tho dobts of his wifo contracted
Ixiforu marriage, after her decoaso ho
cannot churgo them against tlio estate of
hor heir.
3. That whero tv deed to land is mado
by thu wifo to hor husband lieforo mar
riuge, which is after her death set asido
for iK'iiig obtained uuder undue influ
encc, tho husband will bo entitled to
courtesy in tho land described in tho
-1. That tho husband of a deceased
wifo is entitled to courtesy in lands of
which sho seized In equity during mar
riage. Dccieo of court below affirmed ; opin
ion by Boise, J.
Beii Hollailuy, C. Temple and E. Ben
nett, respondents, vs S. O. Elliott ot al,
appellants ; appeal from Marion county;
causo on trial.
Court adjourned till 9 A. M. to-morrow.
Go West.
Among tho communications to tho
Lima Kiln Club was on from a colorod
man in Chattanooga asking thu Club to
aid him iu scouring materials to practioo
tho art of whitewashing and stovo black
ing, ho having had much sicknoai in his
family and being obliged to part with his
implements in trad a
"I can't underst.111' dis system o'
livin,' nohow," said tho President, as ho
filed tho letter on tho hook behind him.
"Why doau dat man take a farm I Why
am it dat poopla will live from han' to
mouf in town or city, roastin' dar backs
iu Summer and freozin' dar hoofs in
Winter, when dey can skip into thu
kcutrcy, take, a farm an' lib like nabob
ob do vulloy; why a xx man will lib up
stairs or down cellar an' not bco a sweet
cake onoo a y'ar, wkou do fortilo valleys
ob do West am fairly aching to Ihj
rippod up wid a plow, am u mournful
connundrum dat I can't guess. Do
Srckretary will write to dis man datho'd
better walk out an take a farm tn' have
somo style about liuo. Free Press.
Women's Convention.
Porti.and, Fob. 11,1879.
The Oregon Stalo Woman Suffrage
Association met in tho parlors of Dr
Agues Burr, ut 1 1 o'clock A. M. Tlio
President, Mrs. Alug.ul Scott Dutini
way, in tho chair.
Minutes of previous session road and
approved, after which tho President de
livered hor annual address.
Dr. C. A. Cisto, of New Era. was
called out, who gave a, brief but fitting
speech in favor of womon's enfranchise
Itcmarks rclativo to tho work of tho
association wero offered by Mrs. C. A.
Coburn and others.
On motion tho Prosidont appointed
thofollowing committees: Onprogrammo
-Mrs. u. A. uoburn, Mrs. W. II. L.
McCord, Mrs. Augur; Resolutions Dr.
J. Casto, M. A. 0. Edmunds, Mrs. II.
A. loughary; Finance Mrs. N. Hem
broe, Dr. Agnos Burr, B. C. Duniway;
Music; Mrs. D. V. Pi entice, Miss Ida
Leslie, Prof. Clark.
On motion tho Secretary was author
ized to furnish copies of theso minutes
to tho daily papers, in rosponso to invi
tation from editors.
Adjourned to 2:30 o'clock.
IL A. Louqiiaky, Seo'y.
Meeting called to order at 2:30 P. M.
Kirs. Duniway in tho chair.
'ilio reading ot tho minutes of tho
morning session was followed by tho let
ters of Itcv. S. C. Adams of Salom, Mrs.
II. J. Hendorshott of Covo, and Mary
Shuno Smith of Astoria. These letters
called out aoruo remarks of an encour
aging nature.
Mrs. 0. A. Coburn read for tho edifi
cation of thu association tho resolutions
adoptod by tho National Woman Huf
frogo Association at tho recent session
of tho Baino at Washington,
Mrs. McCord read a lottcr from the
Laruniio Sentinel, written by a lady of
Cheyenne, relative to tho workings of
woman sutTrago in Wyoming.
Tho committco 011 programme mado a
report for tho evening session, after
which tho convention adjourned to meet
nt Masouio Hall at 7:30 P. M.
Tlio association met in Masonic Hall
at 7:30 in tho evening, and besides tho
members a very considunvblo number of
visitois wcro present. Tho meeting was
addressed by Mrs. II. A. Imglmry,
Mru. Dr. Burr and Mrs. Duniway.
Tho hpcccchos wero received, all being
devoted, of courso, to tho consideration
of tho objects of tho association, namely,
tho enfranchisement of women aud thu
groat reformations which aro oxpected
to follow.
A choir of young people, rendered somo
songs in imitation of tho Tennessee jubi
lee Mngors, and tho nudtenco was im
mensely pleased thereut.
Unavoidable circumstances prevented
Hon. F. 0. McCown, of Oregon City,
from being present and addressing tho
audience, but ho telegraphed that hu
would ccitainly Iks on hand to uight.
NmmI Dar
Convention mot as per announcement
Minutes of tho previous oession rend
and approved. Tho names of Mrs.
McCown and film. Combs was added to
thu Committee on Resolutions. Port
land was, uy vow, sciecteu as tno place
of tho uoxt annual meeting.
hmwtioh or OmCKBS.
This being noxt in ordor tho rules
wore, on motion, suspended, and tho
following officers choson by acclamation:
President, Mrs. A. J. Duniway; Secre
tary, Mrs. J. DoVoro Johnson; Corre
sponding Secretary, Mrs. M. A. Ed
munds; Treasurer, Dr. Agnea Burr;
Exeoutivo Committee, Prosidont and
ltocording Secretary, momborsojc-ofllcio,
Mrs. C. A. Coburn, Mrs. Combs and
Mrs. McCown.
Adjourned till 2:30 P. M., to meet at
tho rooms of tho Y. M. 0. A.
We have suffered enough at tho hands
of Chief Josoph nnd his band to tako
391110 interest in their wolfaro and the
provision to bo mado them by tho gen
oral government. Tho tulkod-of arrange
ment contemplates tho cession by tho
exiled Nez Poroes of thoir interest in
tho Lapwui roaervation, 4,800 square
miles of land, perhaps consisting of their
claim to tho Wallowa vaJloy, as well as
tho other portion of reservation occu
pied by Joseph's bund, for it seem.i that
they claimed entiru districts as their
birthright. Thoy aro to roccivo six sec
tions of land in tLu Indian Territory,
and four or cent, interest on ono hun
dred thousand dollars, or ten thousand
dollars annually. As' theru nro about
three hundred and fifty of theso Indians
left, this will give thorn four hundred
acres each, big aud little, old and young,
and about thirty dollars coin each 01111
annually. With this snug little income,
and that much land for tribal homo
steads, Joseph and his band may got on
in the world ; that Ls, if thieving Indian
agoutii aro not allowed to invest tho an
nuity for them, and it can bo honcatly
expended for comfortable, clothes and
other absolutely necessary goods.
Which is the most wonderful snimal
in the farmyard? A pig, because be is
killed first and cured afterwards.
K. J. North rup k Co. annonnoo that their
epocially is woodwaro and hardwaro for car
riages, wagons, ole.
Aiken ft Farnhia, at Salem, invito Atten
tion to their Iwgo and woll-solcctcd stock.
They aro doing a largo bnsiucss on a cash
Kricdman, ofStlcm, U selline out: nrrat
bargains offorod, and when ho Mya that ho
means business.
J. W. (iilbortitnctY advertisement is in
ptaco, and ho puts prioci of boots, ehoea and
rubber goods low down. Hu is ono of tho
livo man of Nuloui.
Scatt's Barbed Fenco Wire.
Messrs. Newbury, Chapman ft Co., of Port'
laud, aro agents on tho Northwest Covit for
Scurr's Patkkt Potm 1'ointkii Stum.
llAiinsD Punch Wirf, for which superiority
is claimed, as follows:
It is plaitod instead of Mag twitted, there
by preserving tho grain of tho motal.
Tho wire is mado by machinery, and 11
It is plated by patent process, and is weath
er proof.
It is four-pointed, 12S points to tho rod.
Tho wire Is wound on stronir snooli. am!
can bo shipped any distance.
it takes ;iou pounds singio strand, for ouo
nine, and halt an many posts as uoaru feno
Thoso nocdini: fences and ohlicod to trans
nort Ions distancon. will bo iutonuto.! In Ui
difference of cost botwocn barb wiro and lum
ber. And oven whero timber ta abundant.
ruiny may prefer to uoo tlds light and durablo
material. janlv-lm
A Litorary Club.
Ornkm Orrr. Or., Jan., 27th, 1879.
l'Mitor Willamette Fanner:
Tho Country Hoys' Literary and Debating
Society, P. S. Noycr l'rrsident, hold its sec
ond mooting on tho evening of tho "5th
inst., at Mold la flrango hall, and disonaietl
tho subject of a Narrow-guago ltailroad. Dr.
J. CnsU), of Now Kra, wax'prccnt and de
livered an able address on thu subject rail
roads in general, aud ono for Clackamas
County in particular.
Our .Society is yet in Its infancy) but wo
bono it will Im a henofit to tho licighNilhood,
and lx) a place for good civil amiwoment and
instruction Wo hivo nliout twenty mem,
lon, and Iton. V. V. Iteatioand Dr. J. luto
as Honorary members. Itesiwctfiillv,
A. W. Htssna.
Enjoy Lifo.
What a truly lieautiful world wo livo inl
Nature givoi us grandeur of mountains, glens
and oceans, and thousands of means for en
joyment. Wo can deiilrc no liettcr when m
perfect health 1 but how oftou do tho majority
of kh)J foci lil.o giving it up (lilioartencil,
discouraged and woriied ont with dliwiaiio,
when thuro is no iiccaslnu for Uds feeling, as
every auirurrr can easily obtain satisfactory
proof that Onsen's August Flower will inako
thorn as free from disease rut when born.
Dyspopwia nnd Lifer (Vmplaint is tho direct
ctuso of Kovcnty-flvfl per cent, of such mala
dies aa ItiliousnCMS, Indigestion, Hick lliviil.
ache, Costivcnrss, Nervnim I'rostration, Dis
aincsx of tho Mead, Palpitation of thu Heart,
and other distrcsMiuBsvinntoms. llireodowrf
of August I''iorcr w ill provo its wonderful
client. Msinplo liottKs, lllcenta. Try it.
Valaablo Land for Sale.
Mr. Clarke, of tho Faiimrii, having re
moved froni Marion County, oilers to sell CIO
acres of land aituatod at a point wliero tho
Minto,I'aas lUad loaves tho valloy, In tho
midst of a thickly-settled anil very healthy
region, most of tho land being under fence,
and jktloMtkalfotit can txi madn good whoat
land at a cost of four or livo dollars an aero
for clearing. It is well wooded and watered,
and Is a region unoicellod for health, Thu
improvements are of value to a now settler,
Prioo $5.00 an aero. 2.00 an acre can be
left on annual pa) racata for a term ot years
at low Interest. This la ono of tho best Land
trade to bo made In tho State. It is a favor
ite region for (iennans, and several German
families could divide it among them. It
would make an excellent ranch for sheop and
Angora goats, with which it is now stocked.
ImporUr anl llreodrr of only Uis
Boat Strains of
Dark Xratamai, Black Oochiai,
And nowsettlnp; BUck Hamburg
WINU OAJIK UAhTAVW, all luiporteU hy naysuU.
egos Ann fovFls in hbasoiv.
J. II. Thompson, Halsey, Linn Co., Or.
0. W. WalllDffk Son, Proprs.
Oswego, Olaokamas Co,, Or.
Eptal attnUon (irtn to I'laoj, I'ruaoand rherry
Trees. Correepoudeoos solid ted. feblOu
B PrM MitUfsJtlWJiaU
iMlftfaavtin lllvmrusft.
fm biwlMa.rlif, MKirfkJ
K H f sb Ve brtOaM.D mm
I'l"s li Hie lutk.
IIJo r lolntare cur
wiKiiifVT niiinnv
It N nbt ntw c m
IOU'hI, htlii( Ikui
uwd hy all cMi f if W
sean, nil stiel fmin
HWMnx uuea-e 'vi
hundiM who
hue b-en nu uu liv I'luslcUni. HUM IH I; H
KIiV cure mil iIivum i, ilwl. vrr, Kiln yi, HUlur
iindUrlairv OrM, l)rony, (Intel, lllt'iubi, Inoun
cu lVrl.'hl's DUu iwi ,f lh hldntyi, fllntiile'l
luicney uiu k unuon cr unne nuni.i iir.n&u
I'y, Ytvti WnJicuu, h'irroue liUvs-n, li.lrinii 1
M 1,11 aiwiu. llU.Vl'rt IIKHKUV cu lull iu
ItciJ ,(Im. Hour ht rawh. I:(lif nm. anl l'ii'l.
Hlr r?VK n h I-jU anil htimacb, tndmikra V e
iuwl iri-jiiy pjni, mitt 1 n r. i cii 1 it 'rrjroa
KXrKKK.1l.Yrcr thtna iieer, nj Is 11 nr l--o
an"- nil. On tilO 'illcnnxncey -u 1 1 1 1 N -.-t
ISKUEnV la purtly V. ici,l, it u J hy Pint I y
lliyitcivu, aod he illmo.t rrl ance My lie plicvJ In
Jly IV snivv iixy 'tr pt-evw III
iiuktu REMEDY a
(bu ajt- iIumi, crvatce
aa ii iw, crtite up
1 he sikUtu, and renewal
du a is i imuii
IttndrMl-ua kWlo
K'lOde U'ud
Sold by all Drusgiata,
Astonishing Bbcocm.
It is tho duly of every person who has naed
Koscukr's (IrjiMAN Sruor to let its wonder
ful qualities bo known to their friends In cur
ing Consumption, eovero Coughs, Croup.
Asthma, I'nmimonfa, and in fact all throat
and lung disr.vics. No person can oso it
without lmtm-diato relief. Three doses will
roliove any caso, nnd wo consider it tho duly
of all dmegiats to recommend it to tlin joor,
dying ronsunint'vo. at least to Irv nnn boltln.
as 40,000 dozen bottles cm sold last yoar,
and no ono cano where it failed wan reported.
Such a medicino aa tho (Imiman avnur can
not bo too widely known. Al; your Drug
gist aWt it. .Sample bottles to try, 10 ccnta.
ltoiiular t.ire, 75 cento,
Uaardtan'H Sale.
Norton is itKiip.nvc iiivkn that nx virmm
. .. 'l,nitruitc.tto me by tho Count (Jourt
ot the State o On-iron, for tie county ol MulUionish,
onUisSUiOayol Juuwy. IH79, I will sell atpuNia
auction. In front of thoOnurt tlotuedoorln sal J county.
ON TlfK IJni DAY OK FKIIKUAIIV, 1879. al l
o clock. A.., of sill ihrt tho followtnf ifoscrlbed rl
ot bnd, belocTiHnir to Jamce J. ChMtain. an IKkm
or und, oeionipnir
hrunH ail. .....I l ...... t . . .' . -
creon. suiutod In Multnomah county, SUUot Orwroe.
I socUon sis (0) ol Townihln one, soiilli of lUiurs tw.
.v., .i.unwu in muiuiuman county, ntateoi I
nut of the Wlllunetto HcridJ.n. The iu fwn
C" ?'. . .lrrr '""Myman Monition claim, and
hounded as follows 1 ItcRlnnlnir at a itono at Un eouUl-
comer of. the homwtat ; salil stone Is foartena
ohana end thUly.eotfn links north and thlrty-nlno
chains and flfty-Uirre links wwt of the southeast octaer
of mid lrvttrmiui's claim, running iinnm nnrih ,..
ilnrtTM anil fifteen rnlnutoi wait. Unl.in. rhiTn.
wm HALT W1VII UHU 111 It
..., .!. . ni. - . .... .: .. - . . .. - -r
Uko In the middle of the
county road i Uirnco north cljthty-elirhi degrees forty.
nine tnlnutei eut alonff the iiil.liliaAf uMnu,i iim
the mh
parallel wlUi the wmtline twenty-one chains and sovwtr
Inks U) a point In .the south II ne of the homettead ;
V. . . '"'.'J-'K'"1 nn w a wim : uicnce souuiony
jlwl" 7ut" cl'i i" urijivcii rioToa minute wni,
flvo chains forty-el!ht links to the plus sf twinning,
conlAlnlnu cloren ui eighty nine one hundrcdliu
am. ,
JanlT.Sw W. V. CHBTt, Ouardlaa.
spupjTcyx Ti1 nooaca
At tho oil stand, Oriswold's
Block, opp. tho Bank,
ladies Fnrcbnainfr;
siiftuio ituon
Corset Skirt Supporter.
II H NO KIVAU and U really the
m wt perfect HXIrt-Suuportlnr IJo
ailnixk-. Kor mle by aU leeillaa-dili-ni.
Manurertund by ro2
O.IIA11MON, N,w Heron, Oono.
Cor. Nccunil nmlTnjIor Strccln.
Can Bo round at All Hours, Right
or Day.
Cor. Washington and St-cond Sts.,
r. H. All cave in or nftir the rllv nunrlufcllv kUaiiA.
od to. WUI Ucat iwtlonU with Inuwn illeeanee who re
side at a ilManee, and nil all onion for veterinary mod
Iciaoe. Charges reaionahki.
32-Page Paper, Handsoiel? irostratei.
Ably edited, anj Is sent out stitched and unloved hi
CTanltcoonc. No faally enoulj be wMJtost II. '
Prioo per Annum, $2.00.
hamvix oorv, v. crorra
ti. Mumwl, gnblliher, Vortlaod, Or.
UrniTPrTTTCf "" numlwr of TIKI WB7T
IU 00 Dl GVQ '""a book stae, beau-
UOO lAullO tlfally Ulurfseted-, wul bo
seat, poHaxe peld, oo recelnt ortt.OOU currency er
peetaire stempe.
law u imiuvvij
UiolanrMt amewai
of cood, liutrucUre and clean literature en ofTeml for
so ww a pnos.
AAdnm: U BAMUIIL, Drawer 3, rorbsnd.Or,
JL1 leUnpal will send a eopy of Uw
pm ttpeewor, ueatlar daU Oncea
, l-vb. (Ui, lM. A U the Orti
aunibur of the viwv lint mmmmi,
publUhed on the I Vide IteaeU TNieo
Ukners are not oclxlaats. but notinltJ
aoeiaciUiat none bat a printer oouhl
10 Cents
w uwwHfiww oetwtcn im reprint
na tno englnal. Kor is cents I will
end three copkw.
niurtai: u dahuku Drawer I.
Portland, Orvgoa.
Ily a party of tnlee men li bmlly, a Yvm te Pent en
MiwveorLrtMMaTertniif Veacs with the prltliivn
of burlnr Addn
IMonnoe given!
n. ii. iihkiui, i-ortauvl. Or.
febf M
lltrinz bed an eit
ln pnctloe Ih Onwon fw Mi
leetelnlil yn. U
tmrttlcnt fuarante ol abMlly.
and InlorenU-m fie the Ireai-
fcyinntomi si nar
mtr,oi an oj.
recuin or mu noiur. mate Ui
wHjbtof ir,
pniiuc, al.) Duilhi ageaaj.
rOUTlAln, 0IIB0OW. It lm p
Oun'ajJ and Waf;wlardwArj,
Carriaso and Wagon mlwooJ,
AVJiooU, IlnbH, KkArVxliu, Blwa, Iror
Aalu, Hprinn, Ma1IiUo Vonj, otc. Aiidrcwa
E. J. N RTHR.VJP &. CO.,
(JOKNSi; Ml'.fl' AM) U
(Kljht nil), aut of
uroimuui and r.iixcDrr.i ok vvvf Br.m
Pol&od China, and
Bork6lure Pigs.
(Y.ur IlneoVn an from the UhI ktrU in trie UnMsil
Htttee. llUnd (iln paliv t artarsa tul
la April. UurrMpoadenca) MlkVee!
Kldnu: IILKUTOTON nnoc
lJw 1 I'ontaod, tfrages.