Tfrnwuii it Hi) k l i I '! J ;?,;"'" xsr iasokd nvRBT rnmKY, nv ronwiiirna aho raorimrroitfl. Terms oi'Niiimcrlplloiii 0n ovr ono J-oar (B2 nuinbdH), In vlranio.. . .12 fid OncoiiH nonl)n(W nuinbcri) 1 i!5 Onoimpjr tlinumonUi(IS nmnlwr,).., 73 tir If not till 1 within nix month, ii will bt clureJ tor ono yfti" iiuliscrlitlxi PORTLAND, Fill!. M. 1873. TELEGRAPHIC. EASTERN STATES. Ttip Noble tlrl Mini. OnxitxntT, Fob. 8. Mr. Banders, who If ft Poor's ranch, on Iho Niobrara, February Int. with dispatches, renchnl North IMatt last hlgbt, baring boon tlrlvon CO wiles by In dians. Ho confirms tho news of Iho killing of Moorhcad and Ashbauijb, on January 2(1 by 13 Indians, nnd ulso reports tho nnmcN of two allien killed lit Howard's upper camp about tho same ditto, ono a herder. riamucl Jlriggf), and tho other a man lately from the .agency called Ji tiller. V- ,o mill t'imter. 'Cnicioo, 'An, 8. Mnjor lteuo was again on tho stand to-day, uud answering u ques tion replied that It was net couiirdico Unit made htm more from tho timber on tho hill, nnd ho bnd it lliisk of whisky with hi in, but didn't drink n drop until Iho bnttlo wuh over. It was used on the 27th, when on Iho Custer battlo field, whuru tho htcucli wim no suvero that tho olUcorn drunk it. He was proHsod as to hid opinions of Custor, nnd finally con fessed that ho hud no conlldonco in him iih n noldlrr, but mild that hi rolition with him worn friendly. Hud his own brother been with Custer ho could nut huvo dono dillor cntly; woald do Ihu simo ng.iln under the namo elroumttiucis, with Iho l.uonlcdgo ho thon had, The long nu then cloned by tho do fotiHO Hubmlttlnii homo documents, "nnd Iho arguments will bcHuhmlttedoii Monday, nrd tho cuso ended. So Trniislcr. Wawiinotcs, 1'eb H. The House of Hop ruseritativcs, lifter u long discussion, linn re jected Harms' muundmeut for Iho transfer of tho Iudinu biiriuu lo tho war diparlincnt. Thu voto wits 83 nyo nnd 101 uooh. ThiH hills it for Iho preKcnt CongriHK, luillnii AicrnlH, Among tho nomination lo-day wero John II. Smith for the Warm Spring ngericy, Ore gnu, and John A. Hiuimoii fui thu Colvillu ngeney, W. T. I'uiiil I'lain. MoIiKtroinono, l'eb. H Inn dispute hint ulgbt ubont thu iUvIhIoii of sumn luhuritiil propirt) Frank Morriii nnd hit brother Oharlc vinrii Lilhd by llnlr binUicr lu-htw, Wm. Hale nnd Mr. C'rnig, whom liny hud assaulted. No nircst. I'cusluni In ln Itruxucit. Thu House comuiilti'o on intulid punlons will uuthutlzii it npirt In Urn IluiiHD with favorable ti'toimiioiidat mi fur u bill resttir- lug nil invalid iiuiimiiiiii lit ilmpptd from tint rolls on necount o( iii.idineiiiliiriiii; Iho re bellion, mid providing fur pnvim lit from tho passant of tho bill. Thu lull uiubhit Muxi i'Iiii wnr pensioners, n hIiIi iiIh in thu Koiilh itnrlng tho lobellion, lo lucelvu I lit I r pen. nious oh befuro the vtitr. Miirciftifiil Nitlniiuer. 1'rmncMi, Feb. l. Cuptidii I'aiil Iloyn tan, who entered tlu Alleghany rlitr lit Oil City 'riitunday niorning, iirrived Iicti ut 'A:'M o'clock 1. M nnd was onthuMlaHtlenlly grcited by C0,W)0 people. Nhrrmnii uti rel Iliuitrn. Wasiiinotok, l'eb. '.). (leiural Kherinun ban written to the Atlanta CoiiHlitullun n long letter warmly coininoudiug tlu noil, ell mate, hcidthiiiluoni uud rtHourcen of north orn Urorgiit to emlgrnntri. No ntnglo region on tho continent holds out hh trong Induoo mcnU. Tho preiicnl iiopulutlon hit uot dons junllcn to tho region, ilii ilepreciuoit dm JiitlnrtionH, rtnd hujh that tho attempt lo build an arUtoorucy on thu grooutl of nlaro holding unceatry will reault u ridicu lous failure. Ho adrimta to lot up ou carpet buggery. Not ono of the men whu built Kan FrancUro aud other great Wenluru cit ioa wero natircv o' Iho phtoo. They wvro Mubitautlully carpet bagger. A I'ltlllilena Wire. 'fnor, N. Y Fob. 10. 0. V, HlminonH, crurol by the elopumeut of hi wife, iwlii'iiied hi time children and nit hi own throut. V. N. Neunlur lleolvna. Iunhimi, Mich., Fob, 10. Tho rcHlgiut liou of Heintor ChrUtlaucy I in Iho hand of Governor Orosiuell, lo titku vlTuct nt noon to-day. Tho gomunr will thin ironing tranmnil thj uutillcatlou ot L'hrUtiuney' rvHlguation .to thu legiiilaturti, drclarlng tho oflloo vacaut. Murine l.isi-s. Nkw Voiir, Kill. 10. lMImnted lorn of tho merchant mari.tu In the foar iriueipal U4le of tho pint HeiikOU ii otr $1,000,01)0, it heavy drain on thu iiuderwriti I of Ilii mid other eitlej. (lunhuiidriil mid twenty no veil live Mere lott, In thu Htnrm of October uud Dis-ember, 'J'.'l veeU wero lot itnd COO dauiagi-d. Tin- Oirjrniien. Ou:ia, Nib,, Feb. 10, Chteuuu prinnn ir, no vi n buckH, U kiptauH and nil chil dren, pinmed ihrough Omaha tbl uftcruooii in chargo of Lieut, Footo nnd leu Holdler for LeavtUMorlh, Kaunas, whero they nro to )xi tumwl over to Ihu civil authority. Alier lliibraoti. VAiutNnio, Feb. 0. A isajority roport of thu llouau naval rommllteu prtfer upo ciflo charges iigalut ei-Uocretury Kobesou for mal-.idmlulalratlou in oQlco. Our litleriiul liiiproveinritlM. WumtNOTMN, Feb, II, Thu river nud har bor appropriation bill reported to thu lloimo to-day couUln Iho following appropriation far tho l'ncltlo Oowl; O.iklainl, $00,000; Wilmington, $1I.0(W; Willamette uud (!. lumbla river. SIS.OlK); Coo Hay, $10,000; Upper Columbia river, $10,000; canal nt tho tWttdea of tho Columbia river, f r.0,000, Nla Mnu KllleJ. XiNUH Citt, Fob, II.- Karly tbl morn ing tho wall of a rnt being mitdu for the Chicago A Alton railroad ut Iho fool of grand avenue, caved in nnd 1'tirled workmen and team under 0,000 yard of fulllug earth, I'tter IWgloj, Jame lltgeu, Thomas Canny, KJward 1 linen, Dan, Lueett uud Hlolnml Xonr were killinl nud veveral other wounded. AU the other bodita h.tvu been recovered, Nunlhnin Nlrkitrsn. LooiiviiXK, Feb, 11, Tho Courier-Journal' corrmpoudunt reiort no jellow fover in tho rloe'h, but ho mo nort of alckne oooit to hwvii beeu cauttd by Ihu dUiuler meut of tho botlio ot pemoiu who died ot yellow fever. Im, the loor mlmuf it!, 111,, F b. II, (leo. W, Hie-. Clair rouuly, ia de-, ber, Ireanurer of Hi (a-nltor for ubout (30.000 ; auvUi. $15,000. JIU bocdameu will settle the bahuieo, j Millnmittt ffittntr. 'iTTTiMtill... UtcmtDKD, Va., Fob, 13. In the caso of Adolphu Olllman, on trial for ejecting n deputy U.S. Marahal from a polling room nt I'eleisbiirp, Judge: Hughea rulid that U. H. Murshnls liavo no right in nn election room during Iho voting, milesH ucded to quell netual dlHturbanco, or tho (Supervisor bo in noed of protection, nisvnirJ Ciittle. New Yom:, Fib. 12. The Hoard of Trade lo day nidon-d tho arriht of Jncob Hoyt nnd Abiiihnm liliin, charged nith bringing into liniiliyii herd of cloven discaned ctvs. Ihcy wiro xhipped hero from fonneetlcut, unit td.Ulghtorpd nnd dlapoie'l of til offil. Norllieru rnelllc 5-Tiitis. Vasiiisoioh, Feb. J'J. It iH rumored hero that tho men urging tho pnaxago of tho bill extending tho tinio for building tho North ern 1'acitlc don't want it dono thin aesalon, nnd they nro buyiug nil tho bonds of Iho road thoy can nnd will try it next year. The laud grant ban lapsed, but cannot be thrown into tho public domain without action of Congress and thcrcforo is Mill rescued. Tim Cliiiicao KealrlclloM mil. The bill restricting Chinese immigration went over in the Hcnato its unfinished busi ness, without any limitation of dobate; but, nevertheless, there is reason to doubt that ita consideration will bo concluded to-morrow. Nor dooa thoro scorn to bo room for apprehension that it will fail of passage. On tho contrary, from nresont indications. it is likely to obtain n handsomo majority without being amended in any particular af fecting its usefulness. ItepuMlcnn Prnarnramr. Wakuinoto.v, Feb. 12. Republican Sena tor in caucus have agreed that, boil If h tho nuutial Appropriation bills, Kdmunds' con stitutional nmendment to prohibit tho pay ment of disloyal chums, shall bo proHsed to final action. llrle mill II rent Mitilern. New Yons, Feb. 12. -A speolal from Lon don says that tho Krio Railroad Co. has limned the Atlantic, nnd (treat Western rail road, the Hrio guaranteeing tho interest ou seven million.! of Athmtio nnd Oruat West ern bonds nud making nil equal division of rat turning with ILo Atlantic nnd Clnnt Wistcru ronl. Thin give Rrle ported con uecliou In Chicago, FOKKlfiN NEWS. Tim MtiTiinl hlrihe. Ionuon, Fib. 7. It is rstimalcd that frjni thirty to thlrly-iho thousand men urn now ou n strike nt Liverpool. Tho demeanor ot tho crowd during tho day wan most threatening, in conseipicuco of sailor join ing tho htrikcrs. Laborers employed m tho prnrinioti trudu itlso struck nt Waterloo dock, mid broke, up it staging, and did much dam age. After Ih -ir expulsion by tho police they cndtitvond to storm tho gutt. At l'rlucess dock nhe uiuu boirded tho bark Cora, from Wilmington, N. C, which wiw unloading her cari'o of resin, nnd evlin- gulsbed tho flriH In her donkey engines nnd cut the holsllng gear. This mob nuiabend ubout Ihreo thciisatid. Hmallir luob Ur rorlztd laborers nt Qiiein's, Kelsnn'ii, nnd Ilramley works, The pollen wi ru ninforcct! lust night, (wpei'inlly near Hie Huilore' Homo, A niiiuberof iknlura mint tuLtvrrpool from Wolti ilmniplon wi ro iimpulli.d to return by threat ol iminlir. Aineeienn t'ntlle. A commilleii of tho Cattle Tindo Anocia t.on of Liverpool otl'ur to iroct tho necessary lalriigoaud iilmttolr to comply with thu ro (iiiirLiueut of the privy council. It In be lluvvtl, howivir, tlutt in consequence of tho iinpoitaucu of Iho trade of Livirpool, either tlio corporation or dock board will under titko Iho work. The government la not In climdto interfere with tho importutiou of cattle from America, provided there i nde itmto Inspection before shipment. The 1'lnnne. A dispatch from Vienna states that from Slfloeu to twenty fresh casea of n disease re sembling Iho plague occur dally uear Xantho in Thessitly, and that there I groat mortal ity from the same cunsu at Ruslog, It Is be lieved that tho infection wait Introduced by Kurdrrdlf. A llerllu dispatch aiya that a caao of tho ptaguo i reported nt Uysiokoye, near Moa cow. Thia i possibly tho revival of un old report. A dispatch from Khola Ti Olallzai says that thu troop theru havo boon ordered to return to Onndahar. The 1'laKOn In Iluanln. St. 1'ktkihuodo, Feb, 0. No casoa of the plagno at Aslrasohn sluco tho Clh insl, uemttcrlo uro uilug arranged for thu dead. Tll I.Ieriool Nlrlke. Livkiii-ool. Feb, 0, No disturbanco hers to-day. Au force of 300 infantry mid hO cavalry arrived to assist, if nec'sary, in preserving onbr. A l'eeneli llnihrsilcr. Ilonntux, Feb, 10 Dolbncqiic, n direc tor of thu mint, has been heulencvd to six yearn' iinprisonmeut and 25,000 franc fine fur niubeizllug 1,100,1100 franc bullion, lodged in thu mint by KotltHchlld. Del beequo Miibtltutd galvanized copptr bam for thu bullion tmboiltsl. Hull Time. Lonpon, Feb. 10. Three of Iho Urgent juto factories III F.orfarshlre havo stopptsl owing to depressed trade. Four in Dundee nro expected to stop, 'ntlle lliialuess All lllvht, LuruwoL, Feb. 10, Tho steamer latrian, from lloston, nrriud to-day, and her cattlo wero nil admitted without trouble. The llritUh goveiinnent has Issned no such order it that published iu New York Katnrday, de chrlng that tho landing of live cattle from thu lluitisl Statist after tho 28th of February w..h foiblddeu, The I.lveiKMl Hlrlkr. LivicuroflL, Ftb, 11, Striking laborer have appointed a deputation to learn tho views of the Steamship Owners Asiociation, but tho deputation is prohibited from rusk- ing any compromise. Not it single vessel allied from Liverpool to foreign porta on Monday, Seviral hundred sailor havo formed A union, Thu number of strikers ot all cl.iNca now hero is estimated at from CO.OOO to t'0,000. lie HIIII LIvm. Oii.cvm, Feb, It, A report of tho death of tho Aineir of Afghanistan i untrue. It l tho Ameer of llokhitra, Tho Ameer of Afghanistan will eiuleuvor to reach Herat, Yukoob Kahii recently svut a '.nvalry regi ment to KhaisUu to quell dls'.urbanoe among the In be theru, whereopon the fac tion suspended heslllitiea and attaoKed and routed thu regiuieui, llrillsb Defeat lu Allien. LostxiN, lVb. 11. On thu 2Ut nit. a llritioh oolumn wa utterly annihilated near Tuquela river by 20,000 Zulu. About 600 llrili.h soldier wvro killed. Thu following roiuuiuuU-atiou has beed received at tho War OlUeu from Lord Chelmsford i ' I regrtt to have to report n very disas trous cngottuniciit ou the 22d of January be. tween the Zulus aud a portion ot No. 3 col. umn. which ws hit to cuard Iho camn. About leu mile in front of Rorko drift tho iiulas c-uuo down ia overwhelming uumber, WP Ol- ..CHi.ot. i,nl oompnnlos, the 1st batUlion of tbo 21th reg iment, ono oomnany of tho 2d battalion ot tho 21th regiment, two guns, two rocket tub", 101 mounted men, nud about 800 na tives, thoy overwhelmed them, and tho camp containing nil tlio pumuus ammunition ami transport of No. 3 column wan taken, nnd bat low of its dofcnderii escaped. Our Ion, I fear, must be set down nt SO ofllccrs nud about COO non-commissioned cfUceri rank and file, of tho imperial troopi, nnd TO nou commissioned ofUvers rank nnd Glo of Uio colonial troopH. It would stem that thu troop wero enlin d nwi.y from their camp, at tlio l.tion took Pi trn neut i i o and n qirt'tir ontsldo nf it Ti-n rmilndnr of (Jul. Ulvn'a coliiran rnrrup cd the camp nficr dark tho name night, having been with mo twchomllcH away nil eliy. un tne lol lowing tnominr; wo arrived nt Rorko'a drift, which for twelve hours hid been attacked by from .'1,000 to 4.000 Zulus. Its dofeuse by some 800 men of the 21th regiment was most gallant ; 370 bodies lay closo nronnd tho post. I compute the Zulus' loss nt 1,000 Mere mono. At camp whero tuo disaster oc currcd, the Ions of tho enemy Is computed at overxuuu. uol, l'earson, attacking no. i column, has been attacked, but he repulsed tno Zulus." HIIII on Hlrlkr. LtTKBroot, Feb. 12. Trade hero U par tlally paralyzed on neconnt of tho strike. The atriko among sailors has become so gen. era! that it is diQlcult to obtain crews except at liicrcasod ratc. It Is stated that there ore thirty craln-ladcn ship nt Qnocnstown. and that owners do not know whero to send them. Mcnnwhilo tho grain may bo heating in tho vessel holds nnd rendorcd valueless, Theso nro many reports of intimidation by dock laborers nnd others to prevent men (rom working until tho dispute is settled. Htrikcrs lo-day refnsed old wages nnd one honr longer work dally. Tho proposition of shipowner for arbitration wes ulso rejected. Aimirs In France. VjfiuutM.M, Feb. 12. In tho Chamber of Doputicn to-day Albert (Iruvy was elected Vice President of tho Chnmhcr. Dernarcere, Minister of tho Interior, presented n bill granting amnesty tu Communists, iicon Siy, Minister ol I'm nn co, declined to make tiny statement relative to tho conversion of tho ilvo per cent, tentes, saying that bo would discuss that matter with tho Committcoon iho Iludgct. Lnlor lu the diy, an iutrpcllation on this subject being pressed, tho Chamber, to avoid prejudicing tho qui stlon, passed to Iho order of tho day. Bureaux appointed n Committee, on Army Reforms. Nino of tho eleven members favor reduction of the period of service to Ihreo years and Iho abolition of tho system by which tho educated class serves only ono year. I'Ants, Feb. lu. It is expected Hint tho ofllcial Journal will publish to-morrow n de creo transferring: seven and dlimisslug or re tiring twclo procurator geuoral ; four com manders of iirmy corps will bo tramlerrid nud lime dismissed. I'ACiriOlOAM. No Assessments. Ham l'r.ANctsct), Feb. !). Raymond ,t Ely his rescinded u one dollar ustesiiucnt. Unlit in i'liliriiriilu. It has been raining here nt Interval nil the forenoon, with n prdipict of ooutiua unco. Killed bj- n Hlgn. An Mr. Mary Fhung.iii wa going ilown Market street, betwoeii Seiond and Rcker, this uftt riioou a sign over Iho storo of 1) titer, Tobriuer & ( o. ft 11, striking htr ou Ihu bend mid shouldeis, indicting injuries from which hIio died within mi hour. Deceased wa.t u lutlvo of Ireland and aged about 30 years, .. Hitlrlilp, Dnmr, l'eb. 10. Joseph Potter, a sport ing man, well known lu Virginia City, com mitted hiiicido with morphine this evening. The Chinese Gains. 8 in Fba.n Cisco, Feb. 10. Two Chinamen got Into rt light .n Oakland last night, iu which ono struck tho other over the head with a cleaver, indicting a f.itnl wound, Tbo murderer was orrested, Kellluir m Vertllct. H. I). llusselman, charged with embracery In offering to sell a verdict when he wa a juror in the llodgdon abortion case, waa found gu.lty to-day, I'lunrr'a IVcnlntlon. Han Francisco, Feb. 11. Th itnpaueling of n jury to try George M. Pinnoy ou the first oi lour tnuictment lor iraurtuleuuy issuing navy pay certificate wo begun lhi fore noon in tho United Htnte Ciroult Court, and Ihu understanding between couuh1 I tald to Ihi that the verdict iu till case I lo decide whethur the other threo are to Ihi brought to trial. Tho evidence to bo introduced will bo Identical with that given on tho trial o ex Paymaster Hpanldlng, who was acquitted. A regard Pinner, Ihu U, H. District Altor nev claim that tho fact of his tilling out blank cerlltlcatea of payment already bear ing Hpiiuldlng'a signature made him legally guilty of fniud. The defense will bo that theru is no uvldeuco io connect him with tho payment, nud that tho filling ont by him was it clerical duty of the paymaster' clerk, tor which Iho head of tho department wa re sponsible. Jnurnnllsl llrml. Geo, W. Oilt, editor of the Nupa Rjporter, n captain In iho Confederate navy during tho war, died at Napa to-day. forriiinti mi Hn Quritllii KltteJ. Han Fiiancisco. Feb. 12. Uenuau Koeh. lor, foreman nt Sun Queutln, who waa as saulttsl with n hammer by a convict named SL-... 1 .- .11... I 1...., .l-l. . II. 1.. I,,,, vivi, mi-it iiMt niuv irutu uia iu juries. ."liirslercU. , lloi.uirncu. Feb. 12. Last Bundav morn. ing thu body ot an unknown man wa found I) ing near it ditch on tho roid between Hoi lister aud Trt Pino. Death had evidently resulted from a aevero gash iu the right sldo et tbo neck, a though mado with a blunt inttrnmont, A termster named Simon Wootl. in whoso company deceased left Holllater on Haturday, baa been arrested, charges! with tho murder. Circumstantial evidence is strong against him. Woods de nied any knowledge of the affair. Hlrtkfi ia the Mluew. Ropih, Co!., l'eb. 12. Tho mechanic' union i on it strike for an incrette of wage uud reduction of hours. They marohetl up the hill in a body this morning and com pelled the mines to comply with their term or shut down. The Mono company barri caded their door and refused admiltanee, Tho mechanics havo given tho superintend ent two hour to open tho door or to havo trouble. Tho impcriutendent s.ts ha will hold tho works nt all hazard. The llodio company, with hoveral others, wero com pelled to shut down. Thero i much oxeito. mint hero, Hlldolu the Hierrivi. Siaaiu Cm, Feb. 12, Yesterday it rained to the very summit. To-day it i soma cooler, though it rain high iu the noun tain. About 7 o'clock this morning some thirty ncrea of tho eastern side ot Blew, Rutte was loosened by tho deluge of water and msbed with irresUtibla fores) to thu river, carrying tree, rock aud telegraph wire aud pole, and for some time daamins tho river with it huge mass, Senafe. WAsnrrraTON, Fob. 8. Wlndom from conforcneo commlttco on tho Indian appropriation bill, submitted n report; ngrocd to, and tho bill passed. Total amount appropriated, $1,713,200 $33,UC8 less than thu appropriation ot tho current fiscal year. Ihynrd reported back, with nmendment Hntisa bill to nmcud thu liws rclntlug to In terinl rovtnue; ordered printed, with Iho atncndmontp, aud placed on tho calendar. Tho conforcneo on the bill abolishing tho volunteer navy xras agreed to. It allows uti ofllcer mustered out one ycar'n pay: It it feels ono lino ofllcor nnd.SC medical men. The report of the commlHiion making no gotlatlous with tho Uto Indian of Colorado wa ordered printed. House, bill providing for the payment to officers and soldiers of tno Moxlcnn war of threo months extra pay, provided (or by act of July 10, 1814, passed after being amended to provide that tho act shall Include officers and men ot tho army, navy and inarino ser vice. Senate bill to confer atuhority upon boards of tho U. H. army, organized by tho president to rov lew sentences ot court mar tial, snch authority to compcll tho attend- nnco of witnesses and to send (or persons nnd papers as now given kby law to cour ta martial; passed, ticuato bill tu provide (or tho statement ot accounts with certain railroad companion was taken up. Pending illscnsslon tho Henato ou motion of McMillan, by votes yea 33, nay 2 J, ad journed till Monday. llonse. A bill reported (rom Ibo commlttco on coinage, w tights and measures, was laid on iho table; yeas 127, nays 101. Tho Houso thc.3 went Into commlttco of tho wholu ou tho army appropriation bill. Windom, Hirgent nnd Heck wero appolul rduow conferees on then.tvuljnppropriatloii bill, and Windom, Wallace nnd Dorscy on foiliucntion appropriation bill, llruco reported with amendment, Houso bill to provide for tho organisation ot n Mississippi river improvement commission; placet! on tho calendar. Tlio original proposition of lloono for tho transfer of tho Indians to tho war depart ment was then rejected; yta 88, nays 11)1. Tho rivtultwss applauded liy the Republican tho proposition received only 0 or 8 affirma tive, votes ou that sldo nnd only about a dozou ncgatlvo vote on the Democratic, sldo. Tho speaker appointed ns conferees on tho navy appropriation mil, uiymer, mount unit Hale. Tho yeas nnd nays vole on Whit a amend ment to Incorporate in the nrmy nporoprla tlon hindmost of tho rcoruauizition fiat una of tho Rurnsldo committee bill, resulted in lis niloptlou by HI! vcasngnlnst !'J nays, and tlio till Adjourned. M-nnle. Wasiiinotos:, Feb. 10 Morrill introdmled a bill nuthoriziug ihu conversion ol imltonnl gold luuks; reur red. Also it bill amending Iho revised stat ute rtlativo to the deposit of bund by itsso ciatiuns; referred. Huuvi bill nnthorlzlng tho Issue ot cerllfl cato ot deposit of Ihu denomination of ten dollars, in aid of th rifiliiding of tho publio debt. Pnssid w ith au amendment increasing tho intend to 1 per cent. Aftor passing mivind bill on tho calendar McOreary spoko iu favor.of Iho transfer of tbo Indian bureau to tho war department. Withera presented u petition )t tho Young Men's Cutliollu Union protesting ngainat 'ho discrimination iy iho u. n. government in tho appointment ot chaplains iu tho army and navy, by which Catholic Mildleia nnd seamen uru deprived of tho bencllt of their religion, and lu tho appointment of Indian agent, whereby vast uiimbrrs of Indian who are Catholic urn placed, lu charge of denomination In which they havo no inter est or confidence; referred. Matthew presented it petition (avoriug Iho patsago of n bill allowing tho uso of tho rail road wire for commercial purposes; refer red. The nrmy appropriation bill waa received (rom tho House and referred to commlttco on appropriation. Oarland gave notice that on Saturday next ho would move to lako up the Texaa Pucifio Railroad bill. After executive session, adjourned. llousn A motion to snspend tho rule and pas Iho bill to establish postal Having baulu wa defeated. Acklin introduced a bill to realoro tho (ranking privilege a to letter sent or re ceived by members o( Congress; also n bill to abolish tho mileage of members of Con- gresd aud to mibstituto the payment of actual traveling expenses; returrtsi. Whittborue moved to suspend tho rule nnd adopt a resolution setting apart Febru ary 20th for consideration of ihu reports of tho naval committer on matters recently in vestigated by it; defeated. Yeas 123, nays 107; not two thirds. The House thon went into committee of tho whole ou tho legletnlivo appropriariou bill. The bill appropriates $1,5101, 17r,ni against un estimato ot $10,000,001, and 'as against un appropriation last season ot $15,351,234. Atkins, chairman of the committee on ap propriations, made a report iu regard to the bill aud state of fluanco. The discussion wa interrupted by adjourn ment. Hennlrt. Wa.siiino.ton Feb. 11, Morrill reported without amendment Hen ato bill authorizing the conversion of na tional gold bank and also reported without amendment Henato bill to amend sections 5,157 and 5,171 of tho revised statutes rela tive to tho deposit of bonds. Windom, from tlio conference on naval appropriation bill, submitted a report; agreed to and the bill passed. A number of oilt wero pissed for the re moval of political disabilities. Oockrell from the committee on military affair, reported with uuieiulmsnta, Sonato bill to provide for ascertaining aud reporting the expenses incurred by the Territory of Idaho aud lha people thereof in dcfondlng theuuehett from tho attacks and hostilities of the Nei Perce Indians in 1H77. Ctileidar bill to provide additional accom modation for the library of Congress led to a long discusaion. On motion of Thurman an exeeutivo session waa held, and when the door were re -opened the Henato adjourned, llnusr. Conference report on the naval appropria tion bill wa agreed to. The Houso went into committee on tbo legislative appropriation bill. Patterson, of N. Y opposed that portion of the bill which proposes to transfer the coast and geodttia survey from the treasury to tho interior department; that the provi sion, would virtually abolish Ihu system of publio laud survey. The bill would throw insormounUble obstacle iu the wav ol set. tlemtut of publio domain. the transfer, and Winnlnglon, Hewitt, N.O,, Brit lor and Onifleld favored it. After soino progress in Ibo bill Iho commlttco roso. Reagan, cnalrman of commlttco on com merce, reported tho river and harbor appro priation bill; ordered printed nnd committed. Adjourned. Heitnlo. WAstiiwnnoM, Feb. 12. en.ito bill to regulnto applications for res toration lo Iho active list of tho navy passed. Hcnato bill to nuthrir.o tho establishment of it naval station nud depot nt Port Ilojal, S. C, was indefinitely postponed. Allison (rom tho committeii ou Indian af fairs leported back n resolution inttruelln tho committee toinqulro into tho recent is cape of the Chcyenno Indians (rom Fort Robinson, and submitted on bohalt of tho commlttco a resolution providing (or a select commlttco ot Senators to Inquire Into tho circumstances nttsnding tho escape of tho Indians, their subsequent slaughter, otc. ; agreed to. The morning hour of tho Sonato was ex tended until 1:15 to allow Saunders to finish his speech on tho Indian question. At 4:30 tho military bill waa recommitted with inBlructiona for commission to report concerning the practicability of extending capital to provido all necessary accommoda tions, and on motion of Sargent took up tho Chlnsso immigration bill, but on account of tho lateness of tho hour, debate upon it wa postponed till to-morrow, whon it will como up as unfinished business immediately after tho morning hour. Adjourned. IIllUM. The confcrcnco bill to abolish tho volun teer navy of tho United Statos; ngroed to. The tesllmouy taken by thu judiciary com mlttco in tho matter of Judge Dlodgott of Chicago; ordered printed. The Houso thsu wont into the commlttco of tho whole on tho leglslattvo appropriation bill. Tho item in regard to tho publio print ing gtvo rise to n discussion of the manage ment of tho government printing oftleo. After progn sslng us far ns tho 03th pngoot tho bill tho commlttco roso and a struggle took place between thoso favoring and thoso opposing a night bcsslou for tho business, of tho committoo on public land; opponents provalled. Adjonrnod. " Dat ralpytashun." Old longer nmiltcsl Si lingurod around tho firo than usual. At length ho ro- "Deso nr mouglitr unsrtrtm timon in sum 'parttnents of biznosH." "YVJivHor "Well, of nil do folkcn wliat hiwdono hwo' oir futu tlrinkiti' liclirr got rfcro Imnils well KAiulid beforn (ley ootch hold ob ilero ri'zcrlitiihuii, ilar'll bo ft uliinkiu' cb tr.ulo in e!u nioonxhiuo dcintricl; ilia ye-ah." "Tnto onougli, HI" "Yiw, kiIi; an' I'ao win ob tlem in ttr k'wino tt hontribit for tlu un uittlad i.titto ob do tnxtlto I" "We'll 1 You haven't tnvorn ofT ru ally I" "lif you jem go down tor elini liouso I bet (iu priut ob xny han' nr wot ou lo bookyitl 1 dun tuck do of fivu tin g(M wililo nn' tnit, sho' cr. you boinM 1" "Ami you nro not going to eltiulc tiny more V "Dem's do words only dar'rt wnn lectio 'mundinunt dat I got old Mist tor lemma put iu nt do ond." "What wiwtlmtT' " 'Oeptin' dat I won purty b.ul oft' vrid tlio pulpytusliun ob do hivirt. Dat'ti er (l'zrnzo itnt trubblcx mo powerful xomo timca." "Jrowroftonl" "Well, yor Hes, I haven't been good well aensu do iviih, nn' a iiiouf full ob lickcr is moughty quiotin' on palpytn nhuiis, an' licucowiso do 'mondmontdut I preferred; do cole weather alius ketches Lit on m' er less, nn' " "You hnvo got it nowT "l)t'8 hit, Bftrtiu I You's h pow'ful guetwor, fer er fuck 1 'k&so do oldor I git do color my blood giw, au I hruut had no rent 'journmout ob do palpytanhun seiiso frctslitm un' " Tlio old uinn took the quarter in it hurry, nud remarked , "Thunky aah 'koso dat palpyUshun fling1! tho onf every timn doy ntzxlca I Atlanta Constitution. Doomed to Eternal Sllonoo. A pytliigorom philosopher Inn just diesl in Utien, N. Y. His namo was Hayes Hininan, who doouirxl himself to eternal silenou fifty yearn ago, and cam'eel out his soutnnoo so far on is known with tho exception of two exclamations which wore involuntary nnd pardonable under tho circumstances. Ho waa tiixty-six years of age. When ho was a lad of six teen ho heard his father swear nt Home member of the family. Shocked ot this perversion of upopcli ho mado a Holomn vow nover to speak another word during his natural life. Thus oolf-doomed to dumbness ho lived among his talking feilows for fifty yours. During that time hid but two slips of tho tonguo. Meet ing with nn accident which bruised his fingers, ho ejaculated "Oh I" At another time ho saw a tmako crawling over a sleeping child, and said "Soo I" Theeo two uonls won tho oxtentof ins uttered vocabulary for fifty years. And so he kept his oath that he would not speak, and consequently nut swear nt nlL His many devices to avoid couvonwtlon, undor tho impulso to sttcak, with tho power bohind it, mado him n bundle of eccentricities. Yet, with them all, ho was a groat favorite in a lareo circlo of friouds and acquaintance Hiuman left a small fortune of $2 1,000 to a nephow, with tho admonition; "Keep your mouth shut," This recluse of the tonguo was a closo student, aud kept a diary of his thoughts and sonsatious and experiences during half a century of forced silence. A female Hinman would be a moral and and physical impossibility. Guinuro laco is quit" stylish among tho ladies, bat gentlemen prefer golden "lays." On Sunday tho farmer's mothar cornea tho J an! and wants mo to ait down with M ntno L. and herself f ,r n tittlo gossip, wants mo to a can. 8hc sav.i that I thin, and I rcprovo her for not boiug comi montary. Sho offers mo a tuuch of nmift', a iizalll wants to know whether America, is part of Franco. Hho docs not work in tli i gardou, bko our "Pennsylvania Dutcli women, but hern aro woikimr handn. On! .In, t.a. b1. ttt .,.-., I...... iiiiIIIh.. 1... !!.! ..i.jr net hju i. v-ij ,iioa i.u,uu II Mia) UJIt . of rvo. and thov havo eloven oxtra men. 1' eco none of our great reaping nnd mowini' I machine here, Mad.imo thu farmer hta u great deal to do this day. llcr domestic is in tho field In tho morning guarding tho oxen. cow a and cilvcs that aro crazing, Whilo eho ia thus ncting as shepherdess sho sows, knits, or spins (or tho (ainlly. To see her going out with a distaff of hemp was quite uovol to me. At 1 1 o'clock sho comes in to help Madam lha granger with tho dinnor. Madam will givo tho men vegebvblo soup, or occasionally nco soun wun inn in it. Alter tno soup thcro will bo omelets I am told that it will 4 tako three or (our (or so many men and " i thoro will bo bread nnd cheese, stL-id and wine. Tho cheeso is mado (rom milk after tho cream is taken off, or from goats' milk, pure, i no saian is tircsaou wun vuiegar, wal nut oil, salt, pepper and a little, garlic. Mad ame L. tells mo thoy nro not ill ted. At noon tho domestic milks the cows and goat, for she does it threo times a day. At threo sho will go to tho fields again with tho animals. This caro must lo nsod. m thero aro no fciicen. At four o'olock tho men will havo n lunch in tho flold; somo one will coma nnd help tho rnomcr nxo u out. ino win tuvo hroad, choceo and salad. "And winot" I ask. 'UTiat is matter of course. They drink wino at tho four mcalsj but i( thoy nro thirsty between they tako pitpiette. They do not drink water they don't liko It," says Mad ame L. Harvest hands get meat onco a diy at breakfast thero is a bit of btcon in tho soup, ' except ou Friday nay something moro than a pound for so many men. Then thcro io bread and chccH) nt breakfast. Thu supiwr is at eight and is soup, bread and choeso again. (Madamo L.'s cheese ruscmblo Hutch cheeses, or llttla pats, mado in Pennsylvania from smcarcasc, or cottico cheese,) After harvest in finished they will havo tho rovol (rivnllo). This.lm supper whero madamo tho farmer will have a ham nr shoulder Imilcd for thoy call shoulder) hams. Then they will havo somo other meat; if thcro arc so many men, perhaps thcio will bo a couplo of rabbita rabbits stowed with wine; an I thoro will lie, moreover, bread and Br. la 1 1 rr I w ino at tho r! olio. Tho farm is planted in tho following man ner! In vines, about teii acres; in meadow there aro twenty; in rye, twenty; in wheat, flvo) in pntatocr, fivu; 111 oats tuo .tint a half. Mnlro or Indian corn Is also sown, but only to bo fed green to tho cattle. It is cut at tho holhtof about twoand ahaltfuot, when quite tender, and is given to thu animals in their ktthlcs, (ras seeds nro never sown in this district; but when a lluld Ins been cultivated ami tho harvest gathered, whether tho Held is of wheat, oats, or anything else, then thoy do not fntiguu tho ground, even in tho plain, tho cccontl car, but allow iho natural gi.-jncs to grow, and thoro animals graze under tho caro of a shciihord or shophorduis, pcnorally of n elupherd'a dc. l'iarro values tliolr shepherd dog ut ono hundred francs; but bia mother tolls mo that ho Ij worth about half that sum; that her son puta that valun on him becauao ho loves him; ho was worth it onoe, but now ho i getting old, Tho shepherd dog is only taxed one frnno a year, tho others flvo. I havo spoken ot thcro being twenty acres in moadnw ou thu IOtnonUncj farm, and Pierro tells mo that meadows in Franco aro never tilled. They endeavor b water them, and if thoro I no stream, thoy try to find a spring, whero thoy will make a deep hole or pond, ami thenco conduct tho water by moans of littlo ditchest or canals. You can sco morulows on tho sides of tho hills crosaefl ,,:m longthwiso by tlicso ditches. Thoso mearJrtJCs 1 aro rarely manured, tno manuro being wancm (or tho vines, which pay bettor. Ono-thlrd of tho manuro is put upon tbo "wheat, and two thirds on tho vine. Generally by tho Itegi li ning of Juno tho water ceases to flow through tho meadow ditches. Thoro aro usually two cuttings of gnus taken from tlio meadow, one in Juno anil July, tho other iu Hop tembcr and October; but if not well enough grown, it can bo postured. I havo said that ' these meadows rao nover tilled. Pierro thinks that theirs has not been ploughed for threo hundred years, and conjectures that some in Franco have not been brokon up for a thousand. Phoba Karle (libbona iu Harper's Magazine for February. Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas, on tho 23th day of January, 1879, at 8 o'clock, a, m., death took from among us our worthy brother, I. O. Robinson, Reoolved, therefore, that Hall's Prairie Orange, No. 101, has lost a worthy member, and, with his family, foela in common tho void occasioned by his death, and sympathize with them iu their bereavement. ltesolvevl, that in commemoration of this sad ovent, and rut a tnbuto ot respect for our worthy brothor, our altar be draped in mourn ing threo months, and theso resolutions be spread on tho records, Itesolvcd, further, that tho Orange returns iU thanks to Capt. William K KackleiT, and tho neighbors of our worthy brother for tho kindnce extended to him aud his family be. foro and after death. Resolved, that copies of theso resolutions' bo furnished the Coos Bay News, Coast Mail, and WiLLAxrmc Farmeji for publication. Ano. II. ScuuerpxR, Secretary. NonwAV, Coo Co., Or., Feb. I, 70. An AwfUl Pun Ishmont. "Ten days or ton dollars," said tho Judge, aud tho prieonor, a sullen-looking; tellow, chow tho latter alternative, paid tho fine, and was discharged. He walked moodily out of the Court room, but when ho reached tho door tuniod nnd showered a wholesalo tirade of profano abuse upon tho magistrate. Then ho ran into tho corridor, but before ho could reach tho street the officers gavo chase, bo was soon recaptured and stood again at tho bar, "Ten dollars moro," Baid tho Court. Tlio money was paid. "If you had used moro chaste and refined! language," tho Judgo continued, waving tho fellow away, "you would not havey. been chaste and refined." Tho prisoner fell dowii dead! Detdl my lords and '' la''iesl Dead! Right Reverends and Wrong Raverends of every order! Dead! Men ami women born with heavenly compassion in your breast and hundreds uro dying thus around us every day from tho etfecta of similar atrocious puns! Puck. A costly war The boudoir. H 'V ul - I fi smmMm tuwit Wt4Vt(f .gWTn .TO