en j . rs mt gome mitdt. Conducted by Mrs. Harriot T. Clarke. tiWOKD AM) PLOW. 1 Tliorc onco was a, Count, to I've heard it said, Who felt tli.it liis t'nil diew urnrt And liu called Ins tons before liio bed, To I'.ii t tlictn Ms goods nnd gear. Ho called for his plow, ho called for his sv.ord, Tlint inllant. rood, mid brr.vat Tlicy broiiglit liim both, nt their fnthct's word, Ami t:un no jih mossing g.ivcji " My first-born son, my irido nnd might, no tlwu my sworn tcinui, My castlo mi tlio lutdly bight, And all iny broad domain. "On thee, my well-loud younger Loy, My plow 1 hero bo-tow; A iwaeiful lifu shalt tliott enjoy, In tlio rptiit vnlu below." Contented ank tlio giro to rest, Now nil was given nw.iyi Tlio tons held true his liut behest, K'cn nit tlieir dying day. Now tell its wlint camo of tlio steel of (lame, Of tlio c.istlo mid iU buiidi'l And tell us v,-iat ciunu of tlio valo to tame, And tlio liumlilo peasant wight. 0, ask not of mo what tlio end uiny l.cj Ask of tlio country mound. Tlio caUlo is dust, the sword is rust, Tlio hight is Lut doscit ground. Eut tlio valo spreads wide In the golden prido Of the autumn sunlight now. It teems and it ripens lar nnd wide, And tlio honor abiilis with tlio plow. From tho German of Wolfgang Mullcr. fr'or tho Willamette Fanner. UK KIND TO TUK TOOK. r.v r tiiokstox wkwooh, i. n. Forget not, forget not lov'd Autumn is gone, And drear inter is on us onto more, And tlio hearts of tlio ixxir nro sad nnd forlorn, While thin ti:t of Winter's c .lit stirc. Hence, open your nearts, of your huuntio1 give fno, Thus driving dread hunger nwny, Thru gratitude will your iccouipiiiso he, And yuur touts na tho roes of Mny. In tho life that is futuio, tho rich will ho jwor, For tho want of dtiociiarily here, As Justico assigns them noinu desolate moor, Itcmoto front all tint is dtnr. Whilo tho good of this life shall h.ivo pleasure nnd joy, For thu food they so kindly havu done: Their AnreMiomis frro from lortow's alley, Illum'tf by tho gratitudo wen. For thu Willamette Farmer. nil' will u.1: noxi:. I feel so rail, t lonely, I wcept I onto was happy nnd full of Joy; Now my watch nt my window 1 Keep, And n:n miserable w ithout alloy. I clasp my hands I moan I nigh; And look nt tho waters calm ntid bright; 1 sadly gazo nt thu water calm mid bright; Oh, bow I lovu thu sad, silent night! I think I co'itd bo happier nliore, Where (iod lives, with nngcls so fair, And thero is hinging, and joy, nnd lovu; Tnuro's no sorrow or weeping up there. Hut hero below thcro Is ifaught but grief, And so I think, weeping hero tu-mght; And our souiuing happiness is so brief. And joy vanishes (loin our sight. , Just ono year is gono sinco tho day I am tliiiikiuc of, hcio in thu starlight, And Carl said tho words all lovers tay, And tho future looked gay and bright. How I lov'd and trusted him then, As wo wandered in hniiiiiucfsl Hut our parting camo soon, so soon, ah I then Lainu tlio torruwing tear and kiss. Twelve weary months I waitod for him. Then camo tho uows that ho was dead; My heart seemed to break, my head tokwini, I was borne in a swoon to my bed. I guo oncj mora nt tho blue sky nboye; J tlmi.c ol tlio happy days now gone; j wtu) as i iitink ot my Wulitul loe. aiiu wiy, nuinoiy, "i-aiiier. tliy will lo . r . . . .-. . . ... duliol L. S. OIK BOOK TADLK. Scribncr". Montlily for February Is a liana- noma numUr, with tho titln-pago illuitrutiiu; mill-winter, utul orwus with a jiortrait of Ralph WaMo Kmonwn. Tlio "Tilo Club at Flay," Is a humorous account of tho travels of taiaclub. Tlio "Glacier Meadows of the Si. crra," by Jolin Muir, is worth tlio subscription prico for a year, at least to tlioso itlio are in- j terutcil in sdcntifio research, "llio Cliincio Question," wo on this coast probably know mora of than any Kastvrn people can tell us, bat nevertheless it is interesting. "Aerial Navigation " is a uice article for us who aro now on tho stage to speculate nKn, ana prolia My our descendants will ride in tlioso aerial cars. St. Nicsolas, the youthful companion of Scribner, is a delightful number, and is full of matter Isstli instructive and useful for young eople. It has for contributors some of our leading writers. Tho departments are all full, and it is, as usual, fully illustrated. Oliver Pitson & Co., who havo branch homes in Now York, Chicago, and Philadel phia, tend us a l!ook for the Piano-Forte, for Kginuers. It is especially gotten up with care for tris class. Also, a monthly sheet, ctllcd Tho Musical Record, containing r.ovand popular instrumental and ocal music, alco I gcod literary productions of a musical charao tur, for $"- a year. Vick's Floral Guide, for the first cpiaitcr of ho year, has arrived, end shows progus aud imptovenicnt in its general make-up. Tho tol ortd plate is a gorgeous liouquet of peonies. Tho li.t ot dcsirablo t!ouers and plants in creises year by year as Vick intriHluce them to the world. Vick is a hou.eholil word in connection with llowcr-cultutv, u ahu with tho kitchen garden. All kinds of the very ltt and reliable seeds may bo got by sending to him. His illustrated magazine U only Sl.i") a year, and is worth tho money. Kelly & HopUinr, of the I'alouse Garettc, stnd us a pamphlet descriptive of V, hitman uounty, in tho Fa'.ouso country, Washington Tenitoiy describing the soil, bunch grass, timber, and productiocs, of that largd and growing section of our country. To bo had of 1. nnl.C.V.H fw UK ma ,a m Ana. .i.C IIUUIKlltl. 4v im VVlak M VViV IIIUUUMIUS ULlMlKKS. As ipcclnicwiH fif typographic"! errors there nro imiooj others tlio follou'inf;: Hy tho in-vrtlon of omi lottor In tiluw ofuuothor, u m-wspjipor, not lonj since, rep'jrllnj tho danger tlmt nn express train hud rim, In eoti-equoneo of a cow pptlliiptipon tho linn, wild: 'As tho safest wny tho engineer put on full slonni, da.-hed up tigalnst tho tow, nnd lltornlly tut It Into wtlvusl' A Scotch iiow-papor, reporting tho r-peeelios nt n Scott centenary nicotine:, niiido ono of tho orators exclaim with moro triilh than accuracy: "0 Caledonia, ttem nnd wild, Wet nurro for a i oetic ilulil." Never, perhap, was tho word 'aus tore' moro niNcotistrued thnn In tho lntancoofii clergyman lu Lancashire who pot it wholesome warning In to ward to pulpit articulation hy discover ing in ono house which he visited tho dnynftor preaching from L'Jko.lx,2l., tlmt tlio servant had gone homo with tho Impression that, his text had huen, "I reared thee, hecnuso tiimi art mi oyster mini!' A Hampshire Incumbent recently reported In the I'M Mall Gazrltc miiiio of tho blunders ho hud hnird niiido in tho marriage service by that duss of per.Hoim who have to pick up tho words uu best they cart from hearliifr them repeated by oth vr. Ho Haiti that in hi.sown parish it wm qulto tho f.nhion for tho nvtn, when glvlnj,' tho rlne;, to nay to tho woman: 'With my body I theo wash up, and with all my hurdle poods, I thee and thou.' Ho said tho women were Konorully hotter up In thl- part of tlin Mirvleo than tho men. Ono day, however, a brido startled him hy promMiifr, in what she suppoied was tho Iimruiico of tho prajer-bcok, to take Iter husband: 'To 'avo mid to 'old from this day fortnl't for bcterer I horse, for richerer power, In simonies1 iienlth, to Iovo eherrleJ, and to bay.' What meatiliif,' this extni'irdiimry vow 'conveyed to her own irhid, tho In cumheut .!?ald it bullied him to con Jeeture. Tho stories of tho blunders made by Oxford undCambrldKo underpr.iduates In tho .Scripture examiiHtlou aro al iuot Ii.crodlblo. One of (Iioh, when ackeil who was tho IiM Kinp ol'I-rael, i was h fi.riunatu n! to stumble upon t tin latuuof'Saul.' Ho miw that ho hud hit tho mnrl:, and wishing tonhow tho examiner how intimaio his I; lowledpo of tho . Scriptures w.w, added, eonlHen. tlally: 'S.ul often called I'atil.' .An other was asked to (jlvo the p.i-ahlo of the Good .Samaritan. Ho did po with tolerable necurncy till Jio came to the place whero thu .Sninari'an H.iys lo Iho iiiu-kteper: 'When I iciiuu npaln I will repay tlice.' Jleni the unlucky examinee added: 'This ho said, know ing ho should eo his face no more.' Though not so numerous as thoso of tho him.rald Iile, .Scotland is not with out its specimens of this kind of bluu- (I IT. Two operators In ono of tho bor- 1 der towns wero heard deputing about mi now cemetery, besldo tho eiignnt ralllngof which they wero standing. I Ono of them, evidently disliking tho 1 continental fashion in which it was he lug laid out, sMd In disgust: ru raiuer tice iiiau uu mined li iliifii ' lll.l ..!.. .1 . t . ale it Wee!, it's Iho verra reverse wl1 me,' said tho other, Vor I'll tsj burled nauwhero else. If I'm iunil . A story of Dean Jtauiay's Is given of H half-erackod mini In tho parish j kirk 01 'Alild Ayr,' who got his head jln between tho Iron rails In front of a j seat, and startled the congregation by crying Ut ill tho middle Of tho her- mon: 'Murder! murder! my head will mV0 to bo CUtlit Utf. Jloly minister! O my head maun bo cuttltatr. Ii'sa Judgment for leaving my godly Mr. Peebles (his former minister) at thu Newton.' When ho had been extri cated and quieted, aud was nuked why ho put ills head tliere, ho said: 'It was Julst to look oa wl' another woman.' Among the iu&tanccs of blunders from abtotuo of mlud aro tho follow ing: A clergyman, walking ono day In tlio country, fell Into thought. Ilo was bo accustomed to ride, that, when ho found himself ut a toll, ho stopped aud shouted to the man; 'Ilere, what's to pay?' U'ay lor what?' wked tho man. For my hore,' nulil tlio clergyman. What hor-e'.' There's no horse, sir!' 'Bless me!' excl.Umod tho clergy man, looking down between his loirs 'I thought I was on liorel.tak!' Sidney Smith was not In general absent-minded; but ho euy that onto when calling on n friend in London, ami being asked by the eorvaut, "Wno shall I tay has called'." ho could not for tho life of him recollect his own name, and Mured in blank confusion at the j man forfcomo time before It camo la.-i: to him. ! .... .. . v . . .. . , nio nrst jwr.1 j.yuiotou was very ! nltnt.niini1i.il T ..-.j .,.. .1 . . iiuruiii-utiii'.t-ii. v io uuviurril 01 him that when ho fell Into the river hy tho upsetting of a boat at Hagiey 'ho .sink twice l.efuro he reco'iected that ho (ould swim.' A New York paper gives tho follow ing story in illustration of ttieab-.cn.. mindediies' of tho great Joint b.iii Edwards. When out riding oue day, lltlio boy very respectiituy buwed nnd oponcd tho gate for him. 'Whoso boy nro you, my little tnauV lie asked. 'Noah Clark's hoy, sir,' was tho mi swer. On tho return of Edwards, the ime boy appeared and opened the gat.' lr him. Ku thanked tho llilie lelkw. and again asked: WJkco boy are you'." 'JVu.ihClur.tV, sir; the sune man's buy I mis it quarter of an hour ago, sir.' For IXmbands. Don't think, when you huvo won a wife, tli.it you have got also a -lave. Don't think that your wife has Ies feeling than your sweetheart. Her relntlon-hlp to you is simply changed, not her nature. Don't think that you can dNpense With all thu Utile civilities of life to; warn ner on marriage. Sho appro- elates thoso thing! quite as much as other women. D.ni't be gruff and rudo at home. Hail you been that sort of a fellow be fore marriage, tho probabilities are that you M'ould bo sewing on your but tons still. Don't make your wife feel depend ent on you by giving to tier grudging ly. What she needs, give as cheerful ly as If it M'oro a plea-auo for you to doM. .Sho will feel much better, and so Mill you. Don't meddle with tho afflilMof the house under her charge. You have no more right to be poking your noso Into the kitchen than sho has to walk Into your place of Imslnu-s and give direc tions to your employee-. Don't find fault with her exlrava g.-.nco lu rlbhins, etc., until you havo shut down on flgars, tobacco, whl.-ky, ote. D:)ii'l leave your wlfo at liomu to nur.o the children, on the M-oru of economy, and you bolt down town to seo tho rhow and spend a (hilar on billiard-. Don't Holt your supper, and then hurry off to .-.pond your evenings lounging around away from your wife. Uoloro marriage, you couldn't spend your evenings enough with her. Don't prowl ah iut in tho lolling re ports till nildnlirlit, wasting your time in culpable Idlene-s, leaving your wife lonely nt home to brood over vour iii'l-. , , ,. ,, , .'-" I-. lent and her liMipiKUiitineut. Don't think that the woman whom you have SOleilllllv IirouiUod to ' Invi. eherlih, and protect," heroines a ser vant for you us her part of the con tract. Don't think that her lsmrd and clothes nro Milllcient for -til that a wife does for you. Don't expect a wife to love nnd lion- or.you If you prove to bo a bruto and unworthy of her lovo and ho lor. D.m't caress your wlfo in publl. and then snarl mid growl at her when you aro In private. Don't wonder that your wife is not as cheerful as she iiicd to be, when die labors from early morn till late at night lo pander to the comfort and c.ijirlco of itM-lllsli pig who has not miu! enough to appreciate her. Christian fitumU aril. Volvktixu IIi:i.i'. "Yes, observa tion has couvlnceil mo of it. Neatly every good hoiio. keeper tloes more work than is neccMtry." Tho old lady wiped her glasses." ' You know, Mrs. Melton, Colorado housewives have fewer conveniences than eastern ones, and the open houses frequently act as sieves only, against the tliist storms. "Yes, yes, I know," rejoined tho old lady. "Moro's the pity If they uro not forehanded enough to chalk all the big cracks, at leant, ngulnt the dust. As to the want of conveniences, husUiuds and ons have to Ihj educated to fix things up so as to mvo steps, nnd to take a few steps themselves to mvo mother." "Mrs. Grimes always 'kind n com plaintive,' as sho says, anil begging tho men folks to help her." 'My kind aro n't tho Mrs. Grimes kind." The old lady nodded iter head suggestively. "My kind don't grunt much, no matter how they feel. Hut tho Isiys take it as a mat let of eour-o that 'mother' wu't go to thu cellar If they are within call, and thu coal hod and wood-box and water pall belong to them to All. My kind nro n't Orlmes. No, no. They don't wait to ak for help till tlio tired men fol!; havo oettled down to rest, behind a book or paper, and then clatter away till tho readers wMi them in tuphet." "litit you mnt know, Mrs. Mellon, that all men aro not llko your Dob." "All men aro pietty much what al! women mako them, Cynthia Ann lA'pciiuooinai. uvgiu rigritaim i;ec ,(il ,,,,,,, ,,,i ,,e average in in N J.w ... rt as ready to put up a clothes Hue a- you aro to cook his supper." Mark Twiin, describing iho beauty of a certain evening lu the Domuidu. -ys It whs M-fiicIi'iit to Jmvedl.'ci'ied hN thoughts heavenward hat! therf not been lut ennuerli of amateur tilano iiiu-le to keep Jilm loiisliidvi! of tin- other place. JOHN OT. ' MANUFACTURER m)mm i i an m:am:i: in LEATHER AHD KSSLrjEIIWC, CasZi Paid for Hides, Furs, and Pelts, order to males room for my' Spring Stock, now .n u.emj t'cceiveu i win oner, Toruu uuyo, my entiro stock of Jtnbber Goods, anil Kip nnd Cork-solo Uoois. nl Cost. I have uIst made a REDUCTION' IN PRICE of all my I'hiltdolphia and Xew Yor): city flood-- placing tho lost lines ofltOOTrt AND .SHOES made lu tho. reach of all. t2f Culonipis will bnir In mind that Ooods sold at tho following prices are strictly for CA.SII."tL-a MK.sy i.oxfi uriiKKit wcunv i.oo Misses' iinnn us s ,.io KNKK " " .... 3..VJ Aitene-. i.w lads' uur.ui:i:s, :.o " AKCT1US, (Knc Uy,o iulca) I .'JS WHtT1l ltWIIWWfIMItlWMWIWMWMgWllMWM GARDEN SEEDS, ITHTJXT XUMW;, CiXlA.HH HKHlfe tux: iiit iMim r.tt.M.Ni, m;w and Tlio nttctitloil of intnlin'it.lil'nIU'l to nil Un anJcll.HntttJlni:'c(cooil4 p lliLihototarlrllc. I Imiu Oil. )at l:uortnl Iruui Diclfttiit. Hat plii.ti n( Un.ljfor IlliliOrvrii IVk, nil Ihor.lM.r anJ , MsWmiiH U't tnl.Ia iit. I hu nuMr nlxln raricl!., wtiUii I H1 nil ta linnUnt. 1 1 ui'!i qiuinllllr n. Il. uji n.t (or ll;lriniituiiH','.'Oyij'i.lmi.l mir.nr imtMO.X mkm, vr.lt llir.v nlii to UVv my rf4, bill l.t.K aui.koii coni.it,f, t lllnil faut !!., hohmiii ,i Hinr. Oat 1 will inumirrr tjnv liinut xr.nclliTkUKiiiiu Tiutbi- At tlcnrarr lut I limovrt, I liny r.-fer to tint (if my cit.tomtM In (kmhi Or . I'or thoU-ttlit)ijnlioti'M riM-i.l torll -vrdi Uruy OTiirn Iiuiimi vl.Uu lv C'U t4td4 lor inc. Tlitf rr-'jlt .i. thrrt wrro tm m "v,U, hhko i I Mill t!t Bx-I, to tut li Ai lilt tri'Jf. Ikii ho wM flonti i ';:.. Iiulh lir. Mid 1 get tlio rnult I It. Novr niaik tit re4uit. Th iiR-r tk, n I find fiimi my north vt wil.; Uttymr til. trmli. ImilRroMii Iuk.I.In, In .t on tttrn, ai.t tm.i ttw In Uia liu ul cttiiintltlan whh pU oritht f ll.tr turit.i tl tltt.all -I'lut! Catllnnil :. Ti WKt tliUii)-rii.iit I wiairlu-to rrll) llniiiutcttcit. jlyKitJ.iiii, mrtf rtil, (mt m li jtit, urt'ruMti Uii4, onil tmn?U..u.vt ot lliw Liutiiitaln4i'-iv-ta:ly wimm tlj u.ll ti -ttil Ijr Trs, ur n'.c or.'c nt.toiiM, 1-u'dK'ilip ilrrr irmut uur, ur.J luit O.iti lui irirJtil troLi IWlLuiJ villi ll.ilr hl .ituik ul &Ai. FIICIT TI1EKS. I Imt Inicj4txlc,l t!if.i'triiiootliinolnj.,trt"i. ami Ki'4 i.i ') 'l( op?iv'4l ArlrUv. (." Orvan. vihlilt I i.n rll ht f.v u. mi tmc !ij ill- n,i liutiDMetrutvlatciwii4 l'Ui.inpk4. I tumid m to 4Mii'iATit4 uto it n,.! tkrt.4. trwt oUi.n.ndtonrtlirun ir idlthe vrrv r.v u-utl 4t.l a.iiiKi tifu. iumnllniriHi-o'.-iio.cirl.ir('lll.l:ltY. 1'IA'M. 11(1 M. 1 1 M lil. CI lillWlS. CiKl.KI;KII, I.MCKIilJIMCS. ltM l'l:M!ll-, niid '-iii-'iiawMiiuaticM-hWii. ini:j dm.n t'j i.ra ,lrftnaiJttiiiltiuiy r-jiulli man. i tumcii -, jiyrcM.t n.onpor 'w: ''i' " 11j U-rjtwt iHrtiili..iihiiif.ru.linitlHklj.TMii.) tiotd'.U AdJrtM r. DICICI.NSO.N'. fiili-m, 0111,-vi POTTERY. VFTKK , ntll III or IDIRNK. Tr. 1(4 i.iui.ii f,,r eti-Ml niciniL.liH'n lu full it inttiot.frtnuUe!nrlei! tuif.-rlor snd tmrovird srtlcio wliuta JuMatilu f tffvr to tbo iriao cf Vy rr'fel tock lrwrlo tosntthtr.il tsurf-tor-d ntll I" I'omr rr ilvji-ar -t, siiS l iqutl tu bv.t r.rlLtiit.ur f-r .luilb iim! liuisMHty. I CJniirttnlet! satlxfuctliiii. Ou1t, of rHjurtl f r Ihf.jiu.iliin ts in -rlc llt, Loiiiii tv&.dii.ius tu A. Iff. EDTITrj, . W if l'ri't.rlctr. Hoc Vl-U. f.u GunsIGuns! BENJ. FORSTNER, 4iil.iii, Oregon, rrAS , UI10K STOCK OV CUKAV HIHIary B rei cn-lns c iest mflrs uihai th H'l:.S(-l.n. tillAllir. Ili:MI.'Ui70N', and V.'IWC'lll.'il UU Alw, u lull rvuituint of nrooch-lonclluc EUOT-flC.SH and FI'OKIINU lltr'LIM, cl sll .tandud tiuOtw, A lull liim fcl P.xkrt I'ullt-ri', ICultrx, llarnra, evil EClSSOItS.dinttdvui li;U.i.d. Alx I'tslilUK TiuVIe Mill srlt u Iowa mil butly. k:U MURDER !j frlfhlffti frifarir I'rlnt'ru.. t Y.)l' Mcam IMnil Ine ttfsiin. Kslnn. KvnvluUlvLr Dim lMt isU'l iJilMtMVwi nt work t low 11. IHs-s-l ktwk.1 lif I.l.flll. lir.4NK4 n tr.M Wl s. .udiiliiia a.Ili1 lnu jr I'lrri.tt. Oneniri I'mi-st n4 jukirc'j Couru. ttuUfwr tv.ULl-iia PiUi-I.U. AJJft. K. yt. wait:. WGnst I.Uxt.8lftt itrrct. SALKM, OIlEGON. JOHN MINTO. rntinsa or TIERING SHEEP, '11A KKS i'lcs.r In efferlni; to IU Woo'.-Orowcrs ot a LiriLtji. z.id thu ..iMutiitr.ir Tirirltiirii tL clones tirurtr.' 'niOllOlOllllltUIt WhhlliOH, sni ss- r'T'i; i'4nitnicr(riwi ir,; iLty ru, uo win tn ll.lM IO. rrll kll 4-ti of tl Miar cssllly and slc St 'IVT1I illKAl'tii: MATKS I'j.li .ach cn i..lbly ' - niiirH'l. I uir.lij.iHin (.1 U lonii'kriKii v-lihotL--r .(. iiCrvd tL U. Ptrltt tic ro. cully Invlttd, AOJre.. JOH.N XIU'CO, rslrm, Hrnroo. V, 11 -'li- Uirtid Hin Mn.lrul lt dtk ess v. -.i.iii, ., lj,.jj r.MOl, aaie'ulti' hsltm ' -i- 1 , ri l -rl,S' 'is c. V'dld, r t lbs ill.'. 1" A I'll f .-it ns t. I.VI ilIIls i.uta ufttocU -.i m.H.,'.iiWr tl irv aOSWET H.WG NEW. D ! nihil, llvr j't.r'ru'i m: t.rvt, U fUWtrJ Si limlU, $ 1 "C..U. H' ' ..(.' It U..uOua)iV tl (a'ltTr. Il'. tuu Uf.lV.6l -U ( m ii. . mi, j, . j 4i-; , j.iv li 4 uiifyii, .j 0, Wl,) -t l.f Idmalrhti. -Jlfc.t. K tf;Mi. i--t.s ,Ht liili'tti VttHi. Crr l,titk, ' -r ") itn. OKEVrTt4 ri.l, . . 1'H.HC, Iti r-!WHi S. Vc!'rv'. GILBERT, AND IMPORTER OP & g:m SHOE FINDINGS, OSIEG-OW. " AKITU S 1.00 MKN'S DOUlll.P, SOI.K, rUI.I.MULK KM HOOTS ;iv) KRAI. COltK SOI.K HOOTS.. .$7,iipBiih. old VAitiirrii;N 1m, i u i4J cii'v i,tl so .it urp m,v vl.li. JTI..W. ri.llllO-. iiml tiu..-4, undi:i.iu-ai. iif rit roitrj tnr., wiIor tit, It."" Expecto S7 STr f c-;s -.e.t Stubborn Coughs nn:l Cok'a yicia promptly to tho lioalini nnl rum tlvo properties of Dr. J.iyui'. i:v Irctornn(. It lonM-ns nnd prcmo'.'M tho expcctorntlon of Irrllfttlcj; mat tcr, inltlgatcn much pdn ntnl Ols triiHt, and chocks luflammatioc. Asthma, Bronclillla, and Tliront TroublB3 nro ot once relieved by Dr. Jnyne'n Ilipftlomuu It Ti) moves constriction of the Uroiidilil tubcH, loosens phlegm, Hio:ht- and heals tlicimicotiH inonibrimi'.nrrcilii auy fovcrlsh tciuleticy, raid helps to forward a gradual cure. Consumption, Pleurisy, nnd Lung Affections aro Kcnorally fontrollcd nnd ameliorated by Itr, Jnj n' i:x pMionuil. It naves tho lung from much Irritation nnd dltrcHn, by re lieving them of tbo Irritating matters by which tlioy aro eloKod, It iiIho bupprcMtos Inflammation cad give tho affected part's a (-.banco to heal. Whooping Couph.Croup and Hoarse n088 aro oUluacioiuily treated by Dr. JaysMt' Exprctomnt. It remove UIQlculty of brcuthlng and oppos ition In tho throat or lungs, promotes tho ejection of mucus and subduos iho violence- of thoso complaints at tbeoutxet. It Is a Nafo Family Cura tive, of long-oxtabllshod ropnUtlon, and whero promptly tulmlulNtored, lias enabloil many to tucipo serious Lung Aflectlous. nonav. n.wn a cu wmiIvmi. aii 1.4-, Orfffllli, l'..rl ... KrilrilV rsntici' i.i.Aci: iioksi: Font vnuts oi.n. i.oso 0:; ouud Uly: 4 branded u.i tho -liwijtdur v Ith bri lin lUtlon ,-f a iil.icl. IJ Iiofm, lilt hiy Ij. in. Ihrti-11.II44 nit! V".t ul Amity, un Hi B li M .Suuii.Ur, IH7S, A tiUrst r .id lii li iri ntuxtiU iitmii, ut 1. uny In i.rii.t .ti 1 luidlnu 1 11 ul1.1t14U.u1 J li. KAVIii'JtS. .in.' .ot ., e-ii 'i tiJ-tti 1? X, A 7ASi"VrTS n f. ) -r? J- . Uf A d.UAllJWAIU. 3 T.li P 7 ' n i I, A t m rMWMWWisi'" ijst..rissi i wmrz.K-mrMmmm , ! -.1 .iei'ii:U ur jaITV Wf! ii i l f.r t C v... '....' '". 1.':::J. it-.'.''- i',7'",j ' - -.':--:. . .-. '. yir,Tj filALElST JHOTOC-PvA?H GALLfMY. VV. P. JOHNSON, Artist, 4'Vi" V. iLII-' Kh k i,.i, PTATRST.. - . . HALEM. 7jHTITp TKKV IS LAT18V hTYLEH, ficm I iuuri-1 ic iiih'ii t.t l. fCI'llH ( NI.Mil, tyuij ! tlcttrtd, tii l i t , ffK tmvwwU ADDKES3 TO ODE READERS. Wo now occupy n position in tlio field of.' journalism whero wo nro ablo to fumislt tlm farmers of tlio Northwest a nowspapcr tlorotal to tliclr interests nnd largo enough to nffortl Iaco for every topic which tlioy can wish to havo discussed. When wo purchased the Wilumkitr FAr.5tr.it, six and n half years ago, it was not over ono-tliird tlio present siri', aoil we have steadily enlarged nnd impnH cd it tin til it is cccoud only to the greatest inctroioli t.iii jouitinl publitlied tioith of San l'lancisco. ins "iwiiMKit" tiii: l-cori.r.'s Jocn.NAJ.. The pcoplo of this region deserve to havo a newspaper of tlieir own, and this is tho only one that ean bo called so. All others nro secta rian or p.utisnn to a degree tlmt prevents their being accepted aj cMponcnts of tho principles we should all hold in common, or advocate ot tlio interests of tho people collect holy. It is notorious that the pajicrs tlmt monoioliro tho newa ntid po most completely occupy tho fioM if journalism, nro controlled nnd directed in tlio interest of IVitl.tnd cxnitallets, wheat Djieuittatiira and iHiliticinns, wlillo the graipingv avarice of the most Intnhroblo monopoly that is known to tlio l'licitio Northwest, only re ceives from it words of commendation. Ofll r.NI.M'.IIKMF.ST. Willi the space nt our command nt tho proLUt time wo shall bo nblo to cover n mom extended Held tliau horutofotv. Wo shall givo the must tinportant news of c.ioli ueelt, state, . national nnd foreign, so that a reader of the KlliMKlt can have no excuse for lioing Ignorant' of ull iinpurtnnt events that trnuspiro at horoo or abroad. It shall lo a nowspapcr, and a jisoplcs paper in every itnMirtant sense. The Kaiimkii is not only enlarged tut Itr wears n new dress, our tyiws being new, so tluvt Hie print is plain to tho oldest ryej. Wo linjisr toiualto the matter published lu its column, correspond with its sire and general appearance, mm romioy, Our editorial eoluniiis will discuss popular (inestlon on their intrcnsic merits, standing oa the broad platform of right and morality, when', tiiiforttinatcly, iMillticnl and sectarian journalism can seldom bo found, purlinim lie causoitissowiilo and tlieir ideas so selllsh aud narrow, they would bo lost tiou it. coniicxroMiiiNYi'. iiKsinrii. Our corrrniionilenco from the pouplo has al w.iy Ihmm Interesting, mid with mote room t coininand n'ld tlio water circulation wonrt aoipiiiiug with the giowth of thu State popttbv tion, wo ean re.tMin.ibly expect that Its iutrrcst will t'ncrenie. Wo invito nil intereiled hi tho ioMj n.'ctipation of njrieiilturo nn.l stoclc-rais-nig to send us thu romilts of thoir xperieiicfr or to mal.u kixuMi their wants or soml iuipiin'cK or suggestions to uur eoluniiK, so to draw nut tho uxpcrieiico nf otlurH for the public good, nn: "r.uiMr.it" a (iiiAMir. one as. Wo liou to inalio tlio I'aiimi.u aoo plab'o to the grniigu by funihhiug nuws of tho ptxijjrosa of tlint grout onl.-r in our own ru3ion nnd elie nhero, and wo sliidl Iki glnd to receive conimti uicntions showing the progress of lt principled and thu gKl neeomplialu-d by its Aior'.ing niemlieni. Wo encnuiitor, evoiinmniig fannirs. eoiislderabld opjitisltloii to tlio grange, nnd fro- ipient olijuctiou to tho puldication of grange matter, but wo intend to havo room in tbo KliiilKli for nil, nnd all thu good objects of tho O.iler of I'.ttioii'i of Hiubaiulry havo oiir earn- eet nynijiatliy nml deservu nil thu sepport wo. can givo them, it is to bo rogrottcd tlmt a society that should linio for itt object tho Hociid, Intellectual nnd material ndvancument of tho whole fnrming KJp.il.itIun, ciunot ho ro. conducted as to co.nuii.iint tlio support nod ro speet of every farnt'r in tin land. Prolmhly tlmro is a great deal of human nature lioth side and outside o 'the outer. Till: MAIIIO.TX. Wo have facilities, through tlio most reliablo private sources, for giving tlfu exact news of thu wheat markets hi Hau IVancisco nnd IJvcr jioo huceived up to the hour of going to premu We enn state the nmoiiut of tonu.io at con maud for your tine, and shall watch all matter, tlist relate to thu price of produce nnd tho pros pects of the markets hi advance in the inter of our readers. Whilo wo hesitato to givo en couragement to too flattering hopes wo never hmitatu to givo all reliablo fscts to tlio neoido.. from whom our sujiiMirt comes aud whoso proa purity is the measure of our own. WHAT VK SHALL I'UBI.ISII. Ill ailditlon t4 esny, original and contribut ed, itlatlng to ngrivtiltmo nnd rtotk-rainiu;; iu- the I'acillo North.est, wo shall inaUw elo tious from Ilia agricultural Journals ami Mock, publications we receive from all sections of tho Union, with tlio endeavor to cover nil (pound uvcecsary for the information of homo jn ducers and tho ndvaiicuient of homo agricul ture. A certain amount of miscellaneous and scientific nailing wKI bo found hi every issno,, with touches of tho humorous occasionally aud.' sometimes a story of Interest, suited to our columns. Our Homo Circle is conducted by lady whoso cxiieiieneu ami literary tiuto socitr. to qualify her especially for tlint department, w.'iilu many years xiwrienco ns n fanner's wife mako it jxjtuiblo for her to compiliend auil minister to thu social waiitj of a farmers family. lion ti, KINK. Itishaiilly nocniji-y to say to our regular reailtrs that the I'ai.iiuu will ulnars pretorvc Iie 1m t moral tor.e nnd tndtavor to eirry tho n -.: n:nl luiv.t iiillueneui to the faiiill oirolo. Vo li.iv no bittemti.. to .il, i j j4.t ry wonls i iMiuly with any, no jiersonnl Inter t t'J ml v.uice at the oxpjnso o! the geiiuinl goi I, anil if w.i havo nuv onemiem we do net care to know It, end er.nnot nirord to publish it wo popflra Ir : 'IK .'! hrst n.ildi!,-; tl.c i,,.t ( ,, aII w ..i I avo i,.i Jr.etu'.., at I'nlr ijicitso, " " " ' tl.! . ,'i . i ' ivnwr. nnd wo i led only your siipjxjrt tu mako it oil youeandJsire. tan wo havo itt Will cook one ciultavor to rco tro ns onn mora cash sub- ycnUr? If you will, wo can go on prosiwrotu. lyanddojou good servico. Kven with tlieao "hard timts" to contend against we ought to double our list, nud we hope to do It wltln jourgcodhtlp.