iu mi ' It ! I :, .' M i. ft i ; ' 1. ju iAk.p i """"""" njuui,jiTv-ijJn. SStiHtimttt attrtiur. itHuru r.VKitr Finn iv, nv oxj-a-xuxi- on.-A.xo-, vuruinr.M ami wioriiiKioiw. Trrmi orHubscrlplloiil Ono copy nno Jcar (53 inimler In a.lraiico....t2 .10 Onocojiyilx inoiitlu (SO numbers) - 1 !15 Ono copy thruo munlln (13 number) ... 715 fiT If not psM within (In month, M sill be tliarjiil lor one cir's mbierlptloii PORTLAND, l'Kll. II, lt7'J. OrConStatoTompornnco Al.linee. Tho eighth mutual session of tho Ore-.-ron Stnto Temperance Alliance will meet in tho city of A limn on Wednesday, icbrtiary 19, 1870, nt 1 o'clock 1 M. Commissioned- Ti. II C. Taylor, of Portland, has just been commissioned aiflo-tlo-camp on tho Covurnor'x stiill, with tho rank of Lieu tenant Colonel. Mr. Geo. Williams, of aluin, a Notary public. . , Sntoldn at CorvallU. Tho Stntesi..an'n special correspondent jit Corviillh, under ilato of J'ub. .th, wiites that n man by tho niun'i of Char ley IJniley comiiiitted suicide by shoot ing hiiiHi'lf in tho head on Tuesday hut; no cause assigned. He was wel Idreswl, but left no c-iiecbi, and has no relatives in that vicinity. Ho was u nviu about !J fi jtom of nv. . Another Good Mini Chamber, lliu penitentiary jiet par. doiied out of that institution leccntiv by Gov. Thayer, hut not prolltod Hindi by bin imprisonment, hiuio wo liuin that ho was wrested in Marysville, California, charged with tho lotiiiiiission of h'-veinl Inirj-larirfi in that city. Thl i is thu kind of reformation jicoplo may expect fiom jicoumlrel.i of his character. -- Mountain Howlt-er- There were received" ihis week at the U. S. arsenal at Vancouver two breech loading cannons of the IloichkUs pat tern. These Run? arc made of steel, very light in weight and simple in construc tion, and carry a projectile a distance of three inilei, liding casilv picked upon tnulci they arc piilicuUrlv valuable in Indian warfire, and General Howard lias secured these two guns the U. S. government owning hut five in all to be rcidv for any trouble that may arise me coming .Summer. Too Muoh Avoirdupois An indlidual name I John I'aiue, who had imbibe.) it Miponibutulunco of tanglefoot, became noisy an 1 abusiv o tit tho Uccideutul Hotel lust evening, and tho proprietor, Air. '''hos. .Smith, fell upon tlm man, whom ho threw in the ricullle, and biokti l'liiuu'it leg. A couple of waiter, ignorant of thu man's injury, caught nnil ejected him very unceremo niously from tho, piemises. Young Price, who was u nilrnt witness of tho row, at this juncture h tiled in and gavo tho flunkies iv sound thraHhiug. l'aino was subsequently conveyed to his rooms nt tho Clarendon Hotel, and tho limit lrc:vsed Cook npeuteil. James Cook, the man who was tried and convicted of the murder cf George Craig, a few wreks ag-, ptid the remit ol h s otf.'nsc by lianeliis; liv the the neck until ticiti. 1 nc miimters 01 me gopci . nll isited the doomed man, but none jl( rjtj. ja5,M ' were atle to nnke anv Impression on ' u Ia uiliuitfH past 1 tho none was him except hither Gaudion. pastor . 1 1 , , , , k (.()()k ., his bl. Pete.s church. Af.er v.Mtmg hm., J, fo,.Wlini t , wist the SherilK Ho evrry a .y anil somct mes mice ji .'IlKll.w, nfMim sky with a calm mnilo or. tie ,u,tfw uecks he. ithtthucce,.le , , , Sl.oril-.Irww tho black cup in bringing the hardened sinner to sec ... f. i.iu ,..., 1 1:1 the errora ol Ills' way, hit I en Tue'ibv . . . a. . I b.'t'z;d Mil. A petition was circu lated at the Dalle-, aking the gotcruoi to cotrm itc Coos's scu'cnce to "impif onment lor life," and it n.ccicd 125 signcri. Lifn Jj.iitoncn. In Omi'.oti When V. II. Watkiuds took ilmrge -of tho p-nitenti.tr in 1370 there iw Iheii in the- institution thiitivn pris oner heiiteutt'.l for life. In 1KI7, when bo turned tho prJNiin oxer to his sueevs rior, there vns not 11 siuglo ono of thtwa life men in imprisimment. I!.teh and all hiul Invn ptrduned bv exeoutivivt. Matt llltslsoo ha.l served tho lnngest tenn of any term in the St.tten' prixou, nnd that was only eight years. Wilson, of .luck nonvillej oiiu of the most thorough wreUhes oer convicted in the Statu was M'liteneeil fr twenty-two yeaw, and ho wiih pardomsl recently by Gov. Thayer. .So thu people may draw their own con clusions as to tho mlfipittto punishment of crimes in Oregon. - Wheat lu Alb-njr. During the past few weeks consider able wheat has leen taken out of this city, 15 000 bushels being taken from the h'atmeis' Warehouse itlone, and our dealers (excepting the (louring mills) now have 011 hand only about 45,000 bushels. Still iho price remains at from 80 to Si cents, and no indications of an advance, ior the reason that the Liverpool market .till 0vemsus. The surplus amount still in our State is about 250,000 bujh els, and we cannot look for a raise in prices until this is reduced somewhat, and the mills forced Into buying at fancy prices. Truly this has been a bad year on the farmer; at no time during the season has he got what is generally con sidered a good price lor his giain, and at the present date wheat rates lower than ft hat done lor .0 years at inn time 01 niwdwwi Oregon Pioneer Association. The Hoard of Managers of tlto Pioneer Association met in H.- Oregon lent pursuant to call of President, and amongst other business transacted the following: On motion thu following resolutions were adopted: Wiieiikas, Samuel C. Upliam, of Philadelphia, has presented to tho Ore gon Pioneer Association his valuable book on early days of Culifomia, entitled "HI Dorado, or Days of '19 imd '50 in California," therefore, Hesolvrii, Hy tho Hoard of Manngcm that tho th.tnks of the Association aie hereby tendered Mr. S. C. Uphnm for his kindness and hopo that hi.s book may meet with tho nalo it deserves. llESOt.VKD, That tho thanks of tho Oregon Pioneer Association arc hereby tendered tho .Sacramento Pioneera of California for tho magnificent collection of photographs of 109 members of their society, nnd that wo hopo to bo ubjo to reciprocato tho favor. ItcsoLVcn, That the thanks of tho Oregon Pioneer Association are hereby tendered tho Territorial Pioneers of Cal ifornia for tho present of one of their magnificent memliership certificates. On motion John W. Miuto was nu thoib.cd to orguuio the committee to make urniiigcmcuts for the annual ball. The Secretary was authorized to cor respond with the v.uious transportation companion in reference to the fare of uifiiihu's to and from tho reunion. Oii motion the following committee on arrangements was nppoiutcd: John W. Miuto, Mr. S. A. Clark, Mrs. W. Hreymati, Mrs. .)h. Ilolmaii, .1. A. llaker and Lewis Savage. On motion the next reunion will be held nt tho fair grounds near Hilem. Tito Secretary wan authorized to print badges of the iisssociution, to bo worn by the members in attend. nice. On motion tho Oregon Pioneer His toiicnl Association was invited to attend the reunion, also thu Southern Oregon Kcunion Society. On motion the Hoard stood adjourned tiuu die. Hanging at tho Dalles. Jamil Cook Closes a Xdfa Crime on til Qtllnwi anil Ixplates .the Murder of Cralc- Tub I)ai.i.rm, Feb. 7, 1879. .James Cook was executed here to-day ut 1 o'clock. Ho alo 11 hearty breakfast thl 1 morning and talked freely to every body that canto in to seo him. Ho slept well hist night, mid acted like a loy let Ions.) from a long term of school. A guard of ton armed men was posted about the jail at 12::)0. Fnther Gaudun, thu Catholic titiest, went to CooVj'h cell ut '2:'.)!i and remained there until 1 o'clock, when they walked to the scalTold, tho jirlest lirst, followed by Cook.tlien tho Sherill" and deputies. Cook walked with a lii'in hte, bareheaded, and was neatly dressed. On reaching thu scaffold Cook nnil the ttriiMt sat down on the bench. .....i slier ill" Crossen lead tho death war- r.ti,t, nftir rending which, ho turned to Cook and nuked him if ho had anything to stv why the. warrant should not bo executed. Cook unswornl, "I hnvo nothing to say." C'rossen told him to step 011 the trap, which ho did, and his tinkles w eru strapped. Cook then took leave of SheriU'Crossen, Father Gauden, Ml Kl,nym ,i o..i.i,f..nnn.i ii..i.nt..- . . . : . Ilk I'l III I II1IIT. a lllin 1111 nillllll 111.11 11 nillLllli At li minutes last I clock tho pi.st I o clock tho trap was spiting and ( 00k fell tlireo teot, ily- , nig without a struggle- His neck was , nut broken, but the vertebra were dislo- ji'.tlel At l minutes tho pulse ceased j to h.'.tt, -ml in . minutes the attending pliysiii.tus, Moirisou, l.ng.tu and ltich ardsoii, pnmoiiuccd life extinct. His b'idy was then cut down and given to hi.t friends. IJuilo 11 number of spocta tow, including a doen women, witnessed the iipp tiling spectacle. Good order was maintained during the execution. Conk died as he lived, an enigma, and his 1e.1l name will never Ih know. Tho foregoing dispatch was received last evening tint late for publication in yesterday's Hr.K. Trip bt Number Twelrei. Sam Clark has taken editorial charge of tho Hee. This does not please the Oregoniau a bit, and Scott goea for S tin iu the mo.it approved stylo of the big schoolboy trying to scare the little one. Hut the 'little fellow, like little fellows generally, don't scare worth a cent, and if the big one don't "look a leetle oud'' Sam will tiip up his number twcUes and the little end of him will be down most. Clark U u valiant knight of the iruill, and Scott knows it, I-tfayetto Courier. The proprietor of a building site in Wisconsin advertises his land for sale in this wise: "The town of Poggis and sur rounding country is the mot beautiful which nature ever made, The scenery is celestial; also two wagons and a yoke of steers." At Ann Arbor one of the students bet the crowd that one of the professors iu tho law department would treat them. After the money was put up, some ono askcl: "What will the professor treat us on?" "Treatise on international law." TELEGRAPHIC. EASTKKX STATES. Oregon i:ih in Cnnrrts. Wasiuuotok, 1'cb. 15. Tho Heunlo rullilnry nffulrs eomtulltco (o-dny reported favorably on a bill for pnyimnt to tho Stato of Oregon tho amount expended by tho authorities nnd citizens In nld uf tho suppression ol the Mo doe war, with on nmrmlinent reducing tho totnl omotttit from $2'JJ,O0U to about SUV 000. Tho H.imo committee nbo took fnvotnblo nctlou to-day 011 n bill to appropriate $Z0, COO for improvement of tho lniiitnry wngon rond botvtcinHcoltsbnrgand the Cnmp Stow art, Or., and reform! it to the committee on nptiroprlntioim with a ricoinmeudntion for its incorporation in one of Iho general ap propriation bills. The coumittco also agreed (o recommend tho puRnnpo of tho bill giving tho court of clnims jitrisdictlou of tho cUlm of Ilobert Dunbar, for losses occossloued by breach of contract on the part of government regard ing the poaseaalou and euro of buildings on Port Orlord military reservation. All Olil Vnp, TI10 Houso committee on public lands to night authorized Representative. WlggliiRtuu to report to tho Houso for piisnngo n bill sub. stnntially identical with tho measure recently introduced iu tho Heunto by Uurlaad, pro viding fur Iho adjudication by the court of clnims, nnd ultluiutely by tho supremo court of nil connecting titles on claims to llaneho l'nuocho Urn'ide, which iucludes tho Now Idria ipiiiksilvcr mines of California. Tho vote upon tho question of recommending the p.tss'ijo of tho bill was C to II, iir followti ayes," fuller, Wlgglnstou, Happ, 1'atteMon, of Colorado nud Mnjum; unyn, Krtcham, Hewitt, of Alabama mid Wiiglit. The prin cipal partlon to tho contemplated suit would bu tho United States tho Kcw Idrla Co. and McUarrahuii. Tlitlr r.oss Our (lain, There is much dissuasion en produce r.x rhangr nnd In llnnncial elides as to tho if feet likely to bo produced on the buiuucxs interests of thin country by Iho ravages of Iho plnguo iu Houtbcru ItitsHia. The intnb lishmout of n military cordon around tho infected district, and the measures being taken by tho Ktiropcau powers for prevent ing tho spread of the disease, nro spokuu of as 1m lug an embargo uli Iho export of ItUa slun grain nnd other produtes. Tho dread of tho plague in infected districts Is also thought likely lo prevent tho sowing of seed fur u future crop, Theso elements of tho situation wero thoroughly canvassed, mid as far as yet observed, that from tlieso truublct will spring an extraordinary Huropoan de mand for cereals of tbo United States, and causa a consequent rUo In prices nud a bridk and profitable, business lu their transporta tion from tho West to tho seaboard and to Europe. Work of Our U'Nrits. Omaim, Feb, S. Hews was received hero to-day that Mr. Moorouoad and three other cHltlo men were killed by tho Indians on tho Uppfr Niobrara rnngcu. Northwestern Neb., .January 17th, and that 80 head of cattle were run off. I'rnm fori Itoblnsoii. 1'onT ItouiNsoK, Nob., Feb. 5. To-day CI Chijennn prisoners, consisting o( 7 bucks nnd 1 1 women and children, guarded by two companies of thu 3d cavalry, under Captain Yroui, left fur Sidney en route to Leaven worth. Prhato Hproal, of Company h, 3d cavalry, died last night ut tho post honpital, having been shot on Jnu. 0th, within PDO yards of this post, while driving an ambuluuce, by sumo unknown perse a.' In Nno I.OSI7 Nrw Votis, Feb. G. Tho steamship Celtic heneeJuu. 'J 1th, not reported, causis some anxiety. ritlllThrr (Jo. Notwithstanding tho expectation that Kug laud may prohibit Iho importation of Ameri can cuttle, two steamships, henco this week, fur London take 350 head. Mnrtlrrrr Slnhbril, Cllictoo, Feb. 6. A torrlblo doublo trap, edy Kceurred at WrighUville, , viilugo iu Southern Illinois, on Monday night. Chas, K. MeAitlitle, a nhyslciati, invited Ids wife utul herbrotlter, Mr. Ilonvencr, Into his drug store, and after drinking with llravennr, shot him tie td with n shot gun. Tho doctor tied, but was found by constables; but before they could get hint to j ill, nn Infuriated mob of sixty pvrsous siuoa niw ami uting mm iu tho limb of a tree Noiilherii S'.trltle llntlruml. A story U current en creditable authority (hat tbn Southoru l'acitlo ltailre id, instead ol btitig pressed forward acrons Texas, Is lo be rapidly pushidsotithwurd toTubte, Mex ico, nud thus reach mid control Iho large 1 Mexican trade, and that the Texas l'acitto ' nnd KalKorula Southern i'acitlo Itillro.ut (,'ouipauleM have ugrred iipnu a cumpromise nnd will Jelutlt urgo tho puswtgu of a new' bill providing s itufacturily for the intercuts ' uf both. Itnlr.vmtii' 'out eulloii, Cutovuo, Fib. fi. Tho National Ilutter, CI ee Hud F.gg Association have, through thu national committee utid board of vice pri'sidmit, seleotid Chicago us the place unit 1 rem mo otn 10 me an el aisreu iu the time fur the annual convention. Complete lUiuugements will be made. Delegates are vxpeited from tho l'acitlc Coast IiiIkIj Art'lilrnl, Cinctno, Feb. 0, This morning a pity of Ave workiucn, wulkiug en the railroad truck at I.awndale, were run into by uu lu comlug truin and two Inatautly killed. HHlmmlUKiao Mllrs, Oil Citt, l'a.. Feb. 0. Capt. Paul lloyn ton eouiuieticid his swim between here and Fittsburg, u ilUtauco of 1J0 miles, ut tl o'clock this morning. He expects to reach Kittannlng to-night, and l'itt.burg to-morrow night. Tho river shows a temperature of 1 degree below the froezlug point, and is run ning nearly clear of ico, UrrtfOM WntruiLlloHd. Wasiiinoton, Fib. 0. Tho Senate public lands committee have uuanlmously agreed to recommend the passage of the bill author ising tho issuance of scrip, locatable eu lauds in Oregon, to indemnify tho owners of the Oregon Military Koad graut for that portion of their graut which, after being duly listed to them, aud sold to them by third parties, was taken poseslon of by the government nnd used ever slncejts a part of the KUmath Indian reservation. The committee are sat Wiled by record evidence that the Wagou ltoud Cumpauy'e title to these lands is per fect, and they are en-tiled to possession aud compensation; but lu view of a mssa of otfi. clal correspondence on the subject, includiug letters from the governors of Oregon aud California, in which it is shown that any at tempt to remove the Iudiaus would be ex tremely dangerous, the committee recom mended that the company's proposition to accept ludetuuity scrip in lieu of tho choice lands thus occupied should be complied with as the most feasible menus of adjust iug the claim, without threatening thu public peace, NMilaaltoSM. The president has nominated Decius S. of Montana, nnd S, II. Allen for U. S. attor ney of Washington Territory. Tnenty Millions More. Secretary Sherman has called for tho re demption of another twenty millions of o-'iO bonis. TliilK-rlnx AVI 111 ttip Army. The Houso In committee of tho wholn has Adopted, 101 to 1)1, the amendment offered yesterday by White, comprising inoBt of tho features of the army reorganization bill, A Texas I'iiilir. Oomid, Tcxas. Feb. 0. Two men, Hen derson nnd Locltbart, quarreled, nnd both drew revolvers, JjocUhtut caught Hender son's arm nud fired six shots into him kill ing him instantly. Henderson's brother rushed at Lockhart with n pistol nnd they closed in n struggle, nud Henderson emptied six chambers of tho revolver Into Lockhart's body, causing instant death. L'ulou l'nelUe Kiiinncrs. Bohtok, Feb. C Tho Union Pacific Rail road Company's statement for tho year end lug June 30, 1B78, shows a totnl income of 312,759,351; expense, $5,807,751; Interest, $33J,3'J0; bonded debt reduced $091,0000; surplus iu treasury over all outlay, $2,705, Ut. Chines Restriction Hill. Wasuinotom, Jan. 7. The Senate com mittee on foreign relations in accordance with previous Individual promises, formally nuthorized Chairman Hamlin to-day to re port back tho Senate bill for tho restriction of Chlueso Immigration to bo placed on tho calendar with recommendation neither for or against. Hamlin, iu doing this, however, took occasion lo giro notice that when tho bill is reached for election by the Senate, he will movo that it be indefinitely postponed. S trgcut thereupon put nn luqulry to Ham lin to prevent uuy misunderstanding of tho real signification of this notice, nud promptly dc eloped the fact that Hamlin, ia giving it, spnl:o only tor himself nud not iu behalf of the committee. Sargent then referred to tho gleat Importance of tho bill, and said that utery l'acitlc Coast senator nud upresenta the, without distinction of parly, earnestly d-slrcd its dtouipt passage. Ho therefore gave notice that iio will call It up for action next Wednesday. Hills In Oinimlllce. The Sonnto flniucu committo will order to bo reported to the Senato the Houso bill amending tho Internal revcuuo laws, Tho committee, live to four, recommend concur rence lu tho Houso provisions reducing tho tax on manufactured tobucro to 10 cents per pound. The committee fix thu tax on suuu ut 121 cents, aud strike out uli provisions rel ative to tho tax on cigars, cheroots nnd cigar ettes, thus leaving them subject to taxation nt cxlsiiug rates, and strike out tho provision repealing the tax on matches and tobacco iu tho bonded warehouse clauses. Tho bill is further amended by tho addition of n section to remit uli taxes upon Insolvent savings banks, aud lu exempt from taxation $'.',000 of each deposit made(by ono person or associ ation iu any savings institution. Tho Homo has agreed to tho conference report on tho Indian appinprintlon bill, and tho 1 1' a!. e, committee mi Indian affairs has ureid In report .1 bill prepared by the Iu ill 111 buro 111 fur th J truufer of Chief Joseph and otheis, c.kt ,iriin :i-uii)ii inn. litre, chairman of the pensions committee. lmvlug discussed tho question with Com missioner Ucntley, concludes that over $10, 000,000 will be required for pension clnims under the now bill during the coming year, Tho committee will probably report a bill for that amouut. FO1U10N .NEWS. From t'nnnilit. Ottowa, Fib. C Sitting Hull Is declared to be 'J5 miles north of tho line, at Headwoed mountain. Touonto, Feb. 0. Cattle trade with Eng land at u standstill, wnitlng decision of llritish government sohoduliuj the United States as nn infected couutry. Cauada has for three months past prohibited import-.tlou of cattle or pasisge through the domiulou. Mlrnijctll r thl- Nos-litllsu. Londox, Feb. 0.. A dispatch from Dreslan states that at a supplementary electlou there for u member of the ltelchstag, the Socialist candldato received 6,175 votes ; Liberal, 0,501; nud Conservative, 2,815, A second ballot is necessary. The government Is much annoyed at tho strength luauifosted by tho Socialists. Urn ut (Jolnir lo Imlln. Ex.I'resldent (3 rant aud party have left Aden tor llomb.iy. I'ruuee on (Jimnl. l'ARts, Feb. 0. Tho goterntneut Is taking measures to prevent the introduction of the Ilu&siau plague. Itrr.irmril riiurcli In I'rl. Monseigiieur Oiliburg, Archbishoii of I'nrU, tepljlng to a letter from l'ere Hyaciutbe notifying him of the opining of the lie formed Church In l'aris, writes that he regaids his vjrnspotidcnt us dmnged aud n dreadful example, of dlviue chantlsesieut of iniuunty, lrej' M(nc. Vkiisaillks, Fell. d.---l'ri'ideut Orevy's message sajs: "Ida not remain below the level of whut France hss a right to expect from mv efforts and devotion. Sincerely snbiulsslvn to tho great law of parliamentary government, I shall never enter iuto coulllct with the national will couvo.wd through the constitutional organs. In the bills which it will submit to the vote of the chambers, the government will be guided by real wants aud unmistakable wishes of the couutry. Now that two great powers of state are nul mated by one spirit, which is the same that actuates France, the government, while tak ing account of the rights acquired aud ser vices rendered, will take care that the repub lic is served by functionaries who are neither its enemies nor its detractors." Mnrtlrr nt Hen. StMuroHK, Feb. 7. The Chinese crew of the Australian bark Kate Waters, from Hong Koug for Foo Chow, mutinied aud murdered the ottlcers and scuttled tho vessel. Vrwtel Stunk. Hvkupooi. Feb. 7. The ship Vandleman was suuk by collision with an uukuowu ves sel. Two of tho crew were picked up iu a small boat. They report shipmates and crew of the unknowu vessel probably drowued. Tbe Plague. Vienna, Feb. 7. Tho Hungarian govern ment will dispatch a commission to report upon the stato of the publio health iu ltou niauia. llessarabiu, llulgarla and Itoumelia. The Hungarian and ltoumanian govern ments have agreed to adopt protective meas ures on a large scale on the llessarablan aud Tntusylvanlan frontiers, and to shift the llussian line of magazines in lloumauia eastward behind a double cordon, St. l'KricwsBPBO, Feb. 7. General Mellkoff has left for Astracbau to superintend meas ures for nrrestiug the plague. Arrumuy sail Ueunmrk. Utr-UN, Feb, 7. It is reported that the German mluister at Copenhagen has been recalled. The people of North Schleswig propose to issue u protest agalust abrogation of the filth article of the treaty of Prague. Scaleswlg deputies wilt torally protest Ut rAClFICt'OAVi. t'rop 1'rospecls In CnllTornln, Sax Fr.isc!sco,Fcb. 5. Crop reports from nil parts of tho State show that In tho south ern counties, nnd lu nil coast counties, Indi cations favor n flno crop, San Joaquin val ley prospects bad, especially in the upper portion. Hautn Clnrn valley will likely pro duco much less thnti ntotugc. Sicrauieuto valley will ptobablybo not up to tho aver ng. Tin foothills generally promise ngood yield, Itnln In California. YunsA, Feb. 5. Total raluf-ill hero since the 1st of November, three nud nlnoty-flvo huudredths. Weather clear aud pltusnnt; very cold night nnd morning. Can tell noth ing'nbout tho crops jet. Farmers have not yet commenced to plow aud most of the Summer sown grain has been frozen. Murder nntl 1'lre. MincxD, Feb. C. A murder was commit ted at Ilornltos, Mariposa county on Monday the 3d lust., by a man named Joaquin Alva rez, Antonio Silva bolug the victim. Dbttown, Feb. 5, A disastrous tire oc curred here this ovoning. It originated In tho two story brick storo of Titos. Soracco, which was completely dotroyed with all Its contents. Loss estimated at $15,000; insu nnco $5,000. nroward. Santa Cnur, Feb. C This afternoon near Olmsteiid's ruueh. six miles from here. II. Thurber nnd another man, wero gathering mussels on the beach, when n wave knocked 1 Thurber from tbo rocks into tho surf, where ho was drowned. Killed In 11 .VI I lie. llontK, Feb. 0. It. L, Itjun, employed as bucket man nt llodle, slipped iuto tho shaft, fell to tho bottom and was instantly killed to day. O1I1I yellows" It a nil. San FnANctsco, Feb. 0. Tho stockholders of the Odd Fellows' bauk held n melting last evening, Moses Heller, president, presiding. It was voted unanimously to put the bank into liquidation, for the re-turn that it wns impossible to pay the scinbiinittinl dividend now overdue, nud that the bauk commis sioners bad decided that they could nut le gally pass It. A vote of confidence lu the 0 Ulcers nud directors was nlso passed unan imously, and it was resolved to eutrttst them with tho work of liquidation, After the ad journment of the stockholders' meeting tho directors met nnd resolved to nt ouco take steps to convert the nssets Iuto cash as speedily as possible In tho coutso of the stockholders meeting the bauk commission ers wero severely scored for their conduct In connection with tho affairs of tho bank. Tho I.lck Kstnlr. The case of tho Academy of Sciences agalust the trustees of the Lick estate, cover ing tho question of taking tho amount of money offered John II. Lick as a compromise from tho residue of the estute left to the Acu datny of Science nud Pioneers, which was ngreed to by tho latter.nnd contested by the former iu tho ltith district court, uud which was taken to the supreme coutt on appeal by the Academy of bclonces, was to-day by counsel of both parties dismissed, n compro mise having been effected by which tho su preme court will Ax the pro-rata on which the nmouut at issue shall bo contributed by various beuellciarlcs 01 mo trust ueeil. Whisk? FUli I lu Neviuln. Euto, Feb, 6. A terrible tragedy occurred vesterday evening at a wood camp near Moore's station, nbout four miles from Hum boldt Wells. Two men procured n gallon of whisky nt Wells nnd returned with it to tbe camp. They cot drunk uud weut to the cabin of n wood chopper threatening bis life, opeued the door and shot ut the niuti with u rttlo and a revolver. The man seized au nxe aud resisted tho attack, cutting each of his assailants soverely. Tho assailants wero ar rested by deputy Sheriff Chase who started to Klkowith them. One of them died 011 the train, oud the o'her is now lyiug iu the hospital in a critical condition uud cannot survive. The party attacked is geuerally exonerated by those familiar with the cir cumstances of the care. Murilrrrtl. Ban Francisco, Feb. 7. About hilt-past 11 last night William Forsyth, living on Dora street, betweeu llryunt nud llrauuati nud Eighth nud Ninth, came home, somewhat under the lntlitence of liquor. A woman named Mary O'Hrlen, who was living with him met him with reproaches and vile lan guage, uud finally, picking up a stove litter. followed him into u bedroom nnd assaulted him. A struggle ensued in which Forsjth got tho lifter away from the woman nud struck her over the eye with it, felliug her to the lloor. Forsyth then called Mrs. Chirk, who lived in the samo house, uud with her assistance pi teed Mrs. O'Hrien 011 u lud on which ho then threw himself uud went to sleep. In the morning finding tho woman still lying motionless, he called lu n physi cian who pronounced her dead, Forsythe weut to the police olJlce, reported the case, surrendered ulmself uud was locked up. Tho parties had bevit living together several years as man aud wife, nud accordiug to Fcrsjtho's account had led neat uud dog life, the woman being very jealous, quarrel sumo aud abusive, IlrltUti Columbia. VlCToniA,Feb.7. The exports for the past three mouths nggregated $892,011. The leading articles were gold, tlvh, lumber and coul, A very extensive dogasbing establishment is in course of erectlouou Qneeu Charlotte's Island. la Hi3 Stocking. They shoved along o tho window-sill iu tho post office to qive Wicked Jack room to bit down, mid then rvsumed their conversation ubout Santa Glaus giftA Ono boy got n knife, another a pair of skates, and the third stammered a little as he stated that he received a diamond pin. "Aud yon traded it for a dog 1" in quired one. "Well, no; I gavo it to the baby to play with nnd he swallowed it." "Diamonds is good 'enutl' for common buteblacks," observed Jack as ho cleaned his nails with a tooth-pick, "but you ortcr seen the gold watch I got 1 I tell you tho fourteen diamonds aud twenty ono jHiarb in tho cased made me scream right out wheu 1 hauled it from the stocking I I was weak in tho knees I could lwdly walk down town.'1 "And is it up home 1" inquired a boy with a frost-bitten ear. "Up homo I Do you think I'm 'lasses candy I" scornfully replied Jock as ho got down. "Not much I I rented it to a member of tha Legislature ut two dol lars a day." Detroit Free Press. There are two kinds of sen who tell the troth oac frosm force of tirom- CONGRESSIONAL. Kenntr. Wasiiinoton, Feb. 5. A bill was plnccd on tho cnlendar provid ing for n now nnvnl observatory nnd the ro- moval 01 tno present one. A portion of Saturday next wns set npart for bills repotted by tho committee ou mill, tnry affairs nnd the Japaueso indemnity fund. Matthew's resolution, providing for acorn rallteo to luqulro Into tho claims of citizens against Nicaragua, was ugrccd to without discussion. llaton moved to adjourn; rejected -yeas, 22, nays, 31, Ilnyard nud Kernau voting with tho llepubllcans against adjournment. tt House. Tho speaker nnnounced tho regular busi ness as being tho consideration of tho Miss issippi lovoe. Itobinson withdrew his amendment appro, priating $3,871,500 for strengthening the levee. Tho bill then passed: yeas 155, nays 73. Tbo report of tho committee ou elections in tho Florida contested caso submitted in favor of Jcsso J. Finley nnd adverse to Ilornce Ulsbce. The minority submitted dissenting views, Iloth reports recommit ted. House went Into committee of tho wholo on tho army appropriation bill. The num ber of aides do camp to which a general of the nrtny shall bo entitled was increased from threo to four. , Ilanning moved that the commltteo rlso In order that the amendment mizht bo nrlnted. This was opposed by Uarflcld nud other Ite- puoiicaus wnowisncii to nave a vote taken nt once; but It was agreed to: nycit IOC, nays 97. Adjourned. Neunip. Washington, Ib. C. lllnlne presented n memorial from the man tifiicturlng companies of Maine, representing twelvo millions capital nnd employing thous ands of persons, asking 1111 appropriation for a mail service between oue or moro of our Atlantic ports nud South American ports. The memorialists say this will bo returned iu iucreascd commerce; Iho memorial was re ferred. Paddock submitted a resolution Instruct ing tho committee on agriculture to Inquire lu regard to reports concerning Infectious diseases among cattle: agreed to. Wallace submitted a resolution requesting the commltteo on commerce, to report tho House bill known ns tho inter-State com merce bill nt tho earliest possible moment: laid ou tabic llo gavo notice that ho would call it up at an early day. Tho vice-president laid before tho Senato a joint resolution proposing an amendment to tho constitution prohibiting tho paymsnt of claims to disloyal persous for property iu- jured in tho robclliou. Ho also presented a message from tho president with the report of the l'aris mon etary conference; referred to committee on finance. Adjourned after executive session, Iloiioo. Hayes Introduced a bill for ?H,0)0 to 1m provo tho Illinois river; referred, Cummlngs introduced n resolution asking for n Btatemcnt from tho commissioner of pensions regarding the amount to pay the arrearages of pensions! adopted. Kdcn, chairman of tho committee on war claims, reported back a bill making au au- nronrlation for lmvment uf claims renorted by tho commissioner of claims, but ffrttiued; " "l" lo yield to Waddel's amendment, that no war claim shall hereafter bo paid to anybody. The bill turn passed. The Houso went Into committee of tho wholo ou tho army appropriation bill. On motion of Hewitt the provision of the revised statutes was expunged, which per mits tho army to bo at the polls ou election day to keep tho peace; vote, IM to 00. iioono submitted an amendment ior mo' Iran-fer of tho Indian bureuu to the war de partment. ltandall said that rule ISO had saved $20. 000,000 to $30,000,000 to tho country iu three years, and was adopted to prevent extrava gance and cucourage economy. A colloquy arose betweeu the speaker and Garfield, in which each uccused the side of his oppono.t with want of economy. l'sge offered as a substitute nu amend ment authorizing tho president to transfer the caro and control of uuy tribes to the war department, temporarily whenever he deemed it advisable, cither ou account of hostile action on their part ngahst the United States or in caso of any difficulties arising betweeu them nud settlers. Scales rnlsod a point of order, and during tbe discussion tho Houso udjourued. Hninii-. Wasiiinoton, Feb. 7. Hamlin, from tho committee nu foreign re lations, reported back Seuatu bill to restrict t1 e immigration of Chinese to this country and tho committee was discharged from fur ther consideration. He thcu reported back House bill for same purpose, uud asked that tbo committee bo dUchurged fiom its further consideration, and that tho bill be placed ou llie caienusr. .ie gave nonce mm much iho bill came up he would move for its indefinite postponement. Sargent gave notice that ho would call up the bill for consideration nn Weduesday uext and spoke of the importance of the subject to the l'ttclfio Coast. The select commltteo on the prevention of epidemics reported a joint resolution for . commltttee to sit daring reccs and have three experts visit Havana nud other places and learn the history of yellow few r; The resolution requests tbe co-operation of the Spanish government; placed nn the calendar, The following calendar bills were passed: House bill pensioning the widow of the late Cant. Thos. II. Watkius, of Maryland. This bill causes considerable discussion re garding the probable nmouut required for pensions nnder tbebill lately passed. Opin ions were as varied as auy yet expressed. Keck said the commissioners of pensions told the committee on appropriations that twenty perjeeut. of the peusluus now paid are fraudulent. After discussion the bill passed wiUout amendment. House. f The amendments to the naval appropria tion bill were not concurred in. The conference committee on tbe fortifl cation spproplration bill reported disagree ment and furtner conierence was ordered. Sparks submitted a report from confereni on the Indian appropriation bill, wnicn w substantially that passed by the House; agreed to. The conference report on the bill fixing the terms ot tbe district and circuit courts of Colorado was agreed to. Tbe House then went into committee of the whole on the private calendar. When it rose a number of private bills were passed. Although a night session had been order ed for reports of the committee on coinage, Dunnell moved to adjourn. Carried, 69 to 57; but the chair ruled that not less than a qucruat could set aside a previous order, as4 declared the Host U teceu UU 7:90 '1 a- ri ed M