On His Travels Thud Welch, tho young Oregon artist, who lirw been attending ncliool nt Mu nich, has been tttivcliii!; recently through Italy nnd (Jermnuy, nnd disposes of his pictures nt u l-Pinuiicrntivo figure. Oini't Do Tiled Ifoiv. The citizen of Yakima petitioned Judge Wingnrd to hold n npccial term of court to try tho lYikins murderers, but tho Judge declined, not (hiding any fitatup authorizing a npf-cinl term ic;ui- ing tlio intervention of njury. Chmp Land. Ontninn nnd Tyler hitvo bought 1,000 acres of land about 10 miles northwest of Forest drove, tt is ,of 'excellent quality. Mr. T. lias 85'ncrcs in timothy. 'Mr. Jbs. Watt has' bought '.',000 acres of tho railroad company at 32 20 per acre. Speolmon Wheat., i ,v Wr. D..D. Frotlyiiiari has put 'up" four samples of Oregon wheat, raisod ou .his farm west of Salem, for Dr. L. L. How land, who propojes to tako them with Iitm to "Europe. Tlioy aro lino npecimcn, but not such as to glvo an erroneous opinion of Oregon wheat. Sonified to Death The Northern Star says : Mr. Nor wood's ehilil, about two years old, living at Oak Harbor, was scalded to death on New Year's day. His mother set a cup of boiling hot lard on tho table, Iio pulled it oil with his hands, and tho Inn! mn on to his face, putting out on9 of Ids oyes, ho undoubtedly swallowing a portion of it, its ho was in convulsions nearly tho whole timo until the follow ing day, when ho died. Probably Drownod- H. Allen, who conducted a restaurant in Itoicburg last Winter, is supposed to have been drowned. A week ago Mon day he borrowed a lioat of Dado West, of Garden Bottom, for tho purposo of crossing tho river. The man nor tho boat havo not been kocii since, although search has been made. It is to bo hopud that tho supposition mny prove unfoun ded. Dnd X.nclc Henry Shadden writes home from his rdioep range, ncnr.Camp l'olk, in Wasco county, that tho weather has been very , .severe in that locality, and in conse- rquenco his sheep havo perished by' tho hundred. Ho says tho troreU sheep lay v in piles of. twenty and thirty tinder- tho junipers where tho poorbrutes had crowded for shelter, ami out of his Hock of fourteen hundred ho does not expect to savo over tv hundred head. Yam- hill Reporter Depot at MilwaukU. On Saturdayjnst a dopuation, consist ing of Judgo J. K. Walt", Messrs Both Luelliug and J. II. Lambert waited upon President Koohler, of tho O. Jr C. It. It. Co., with reference to depot accommoda tion nt Milwaukio. The gentlemen re ferred to wero most cordially received, and wero informed that it was tho in- tcution of tho company to build n com modious station near tho old sito. Tho rumor that they only intended to build a platfouu has no reliable foundation. - . Sa-Iiu-Shln Cinch t and Confessee- From a correspondent at Okanugon the Mountaineer learns particulars of tho capture of another of Perkins' murder era, named Sa-Lu-Shiu, who liad crossed over into British Columbia for safety, and was puriucd, captured nnd brought back by thrco Indians who wens hiroJ for tho purposo by Mr. WillisUirp. The captured Indian has been sent to Fort C'oville, Ho confesses to the mur der; that he and two other Indians found Perkins nnd his wife cooking, that they asked fo food nnd received it; other Indians camo up, Win-e-cut said ' the Uostons must die. Perkins and his wife wero trying to escape on horseback, when they wero fired upon nnd Peikius ishot. She fell oil" her horse and went back to him; ho put his arms around her and asked that they might bo killed 4 together; they were both shot then nnd there. Moses knew of the murder and promised thorn his protection. Smohal la told him to run away as ho was in danger. An IntaraatlBg Family. Wo havo an old pioneer in Jackson county, Mr. James Savage, of Rogue river, who has raised a family of 'tbir teou children, nnd tho Jacksonville Sen tinel challenges Oregon to match it for musical nnd mechanical talent. The boys, four in number, are between tho ages of fourteen nnd twenty-three, nnd these fohr boys have ruauufactuied by their own unaided labor three violins aud a bass viol, all of exqusite tone and finish, and on which they execute difli oult music, having been without an in structor. The instruments aro made of cedar and maple, und but rocontly one of tho boys was offered forty dollars, which was refused, for his violin. The boys can make n rifle or a wagon, shoo u horse, mend a clock or watch, work out an ulgebraie problem, swing a nick in the mines or follow a reaper with equal success. The girls of tho family, nine in number, have the same musical talent and are not ashamed to wrestle with kitchen work, afraid to mount a bucking hone or row their skiff across the river even when it is dangerously swollen. They aro a specimen of Oregon "Sav agiti" that ask no aid from the govern- fnuiamiiLuiBi -tsthht so- day ns Food Mr. Shcnrmin has placed upon our tnble, says tho Lcwiston Toller, a sample of clay found near his place, nnd nlso n sample of c.ikp or bread mndo of four parts of this ilay and one part of Hour, winch utock will readily eat with a rejish, and it Is claimed to bo very nu tritious. We offered somo to a dog nnd. ho nle it readily. Mr. Shcnrmin nays that stock npi'il not sutler for want "of food where nu abundance of this elay ran be had. It i3 also good for whitewash. Railroad Item. Conpcmiiu: railroad matters in this .section, says the Jtcportor, wo havo no iicumto miorniritloh to present, further than What wo fiavo stated heretofore. Tho surveyors' nroUill 'tit work between .1. ... . .. i .J ' . I 1 McMinnvillo nnd St. Joe, nnd havo set stakes ou n route nbout ns wo located it last week. 2Ir,.Kcchlcr camo to Mc Minnvillo la8t'l'bveniug, and wo under stand will consult with tho land owners between hero nnd the present terminus, rolntivo to the right of way. Wc under stand that ho hits aheadv expressed his K)h'oy to ono of 'bur citizens, viz.: that tho company aro in' favor of bringing the road this way, provided, thoy can get the right of way peaceably nnd on reasona ble terms; but that tho cost of building the road on this hido tho South Yamhill liver will be much greater, and if thero nro likely to bo large prices demanded for right of way nnd nny trouble urise over it, tho roail will run on tho cast sido of the river. This is what wo may expect. A'fcw dnys moro will tell tho story. Wo olFer no further comment at present. Artioloa of Incorporation. Ths Western Oregon Railroad Com pany, with Joseph Brandt, Jr., P. Schultze nnd J. N. Dolph, of Portland, as incorporators, has just filed articles of incoqioratlon in tho ollicc of the Secre tary of State, tho capital stock taing placed at $2,000,000. The business of said corporation shall bo to construct railroad nnd telegraph lines from Port land by or near MoMinnville, Aniily and Corvallis to or near Junction City; also a branch from, ut or near St. Joseph to a point ou tho O. Jt C. it. It. between Salem mid Oregon City, nnd nlso u branch from Forest Grove to Astoria, nnd maintain mid operate tho simo ; to purchase, lease or operate and maintain on such terms as may bo agreed upon the Oregon Centrnl Railroad botween Portland nnd St, Joseph, nnd tho Ore gon nnd.Callfornia Kuilrond, as tho same map Ikj respectively extended, the former to Astoria nud the latter to the southern boundary of tho State, and to complete either lino ; to facilitate nnd ussist in the construction of either line, or nny other railroad connecting or iutcndiiii; to con nect with them, by the purchase or cimr- an tee of payment of stocks aud bonds of nny such lines of milroods. Dura tion unlimited, und principal oflico to be located nt Portland. The Northwestern Construction Com pany has also filed articles of incorpora tion. The business of said corporation shall bo the construction nnd equipment of railroads, or their maintenance and opciation ; to receive payment therefor in bonds, stocks, ral estate or money ; to purchase supplies, material and roll ing stock ; to borrow monoy on niort gago or plodge of any bonds, stocks, contracts, roiling stock, equipments, tools or machinery belonging to tho company ; to manage and opcrato rail roads; nud to do do all other acts inci dedtal or conducive to tho aliovn objects or nny of them. R. Kochlor, I. R. Moores nud Joseph Simon incorporators, the cnpitaUroek being llxednt $300,000, and tho principal business oflice to be lo cated nt Portland. Messrs. C. S. Millor, William Grant and Leo W. Corn m, of the Dalles, have filed articles of incorporation for the. Celilo nnd DcsChittes Wagon Road Com jiauy, for the purposo of owning, hold ing, purchasing, disposing of or keeping a toll road, commencing at or near tho mouth ef Fivo Mile creok, running thence up tho Columbia river to Celilo ; thence along tho river bank to the Des Chutes river; thence across tho Des Chutes and up said river to the top of tho hill, to the east termini of said road, Capital stock, $20,000 ; principal oflico nt the Dulles. A Railroad Car Inoldont. An amusing incident happened on a Now York aud New Huen train tho other day. When tho train arrived at tho station in New Haven, an old gen tleman got up nnd started for tho iear end of the car. Ho had gono but a few steps before tho old lady who had ben sitting with him roso with her hands full of knitting work, and followed him down the aisle, her hands extended. It was noticed by the jiassengera that her ball of yarn was jn her pocket. When he got up he turned around several times before starting, and in so doing had wound tho yarn around him, so that the old lady had no choice except to fol low him, drop her knitting or ceo her yurn broken. She said not a word, but a passenger, noticing what was going on, reached up, and gently taking tho un conscious old gentleman by the arm, turned him around so that he saw what he was doing, and the yarn was t aved. By this time the rest of tho passengers were roaring with laughter. Despise not advice, even of the mean est. The gabbling; of Reese once pre- j .i - . . Supremo Court Wednesday, Jan. 29. State of Oregon, respondent, h James Johnson, appellant; ordered tjiat n man date Iswo in this ciso to tho Circuit cgiirf of Multnomah county. State of Oregon, respondent, vs Archie Brown, nppellnnt; puine ns nbo e. State of Oregon, respondent, va John D. Whitney, appellant; appeal from Marion county; argued and submitted. Court adjourned till 9 A. M. tomorrow. Wednesday, ,J.ui. 30. On motion of Mnior Lord. 1.. L. Mc- Aithur was admitted to practice in this r..i Court, On motion of Judgo llamsoy, Guy Williams wns admitted to prnctice.ou certincato ot Uircuit uourt of Indiana. Counsel for appellant in f the, case of, W. D.' Henshaw vs. Jacob -Nosh eC nl. tnovod foru lehonring. oii,certaiupoinU" in Jlio case. Taken under lulviAWient. 1). F. Dowell presented a motion fnfa ro-henring in a.eauso submittal and de cided at last term of tho Court, relaiivo to tho taxation of the costs in tho ease of B. F. Dowell vs. W. O. Griswold el id. Governor Thayer appeared for Gris wold nnd the matter was passed for fur ther nrgument. Chas. Sweegle, appellant, vs. R. P. Willis, respondent. Cause argued and submitted. Court adjourned till 0 A. M. to-morrow. Fiiiday, January 31, 1879. Leoua May Gilmore, an infant, by William R. Gilmore, her guardian, nd litum, respondent, vs Hiram O. Burch, nppellnnt; appeal from Yamhill county; causo on trial. Court adjourned till 1 1 A. 51. Mon day. Ths Cental System. The following correspondence explains itself : New Yoiik Puoduoe Exchange, 1 N. Y., Jan. 10, 1879. f To William Reid, Esq,, Sec. Board of Trade, Portland, Ogn. Deah Slit. Referring to my commu nication to you of December 20tb, iin to whether your institution would co-ope-ratu with tho Exchange in elibrts to in troduco tho cental system throughout your Stato and tho United States, I beg to incloso the following letter received from our Liverpool correspondent bear ing upon this subject, nud remain, re spectfully, Asa Stevens, Chairman Coin, on Trade. LivEnrooi, Jan. 2, 1879. To Franklin Edsou, Esq., Prcsld't Pro duco hxchango of New York. Deau Stn. Wo had the pleasure of addressing youou the 19th ult. We then indicated tho approach of tho cen tal to a realization of its uso for nil brcadsttiti's. Tho formor is now nu es tablished fact, the latter is being practi cally applied, nnd wo propose to cable you, sav on the 16th inst., tho word "cental," which will indicate that nil quotations will read " per cental," thus uKn INDIAN COH.V. Four shillings, 7d pes cental, is equiva lent to 22s per per 4J50 pounds, former mode; 4s, 8Jd per cental, is equivalent to 12s, Cd per 180 pounds former mode; Is, 0M per cental, is eqivalent to 23s per -160 jiounds former modo; 4s, 10d poi cental, is equivalent to 23s, Cd per 480 pounds former mode. Flour This brings us to what is, however, of much importance, namely: The aid your exchange can give In induc ing your tlour millers to pack flour, 200 pounds into each baircl or sac!;. Wo nro uwnro some grievance is felt on your sido nt our now long established tare of 20 pounds to tho barrel, as shortago is exaggerated thereby. Our own private opinion is that if the barrel of tlour (when packed in barrels) was hold to bo 218 pounds gros, nnd quoted and sold for 2C0 pounds, or two centals, less 18 iounds tare for tho ban-el. substantial justico would lie done, and tho more so as sack tlour is now all weighed gross, tue two pouuu, tureo pounu, or lour pound sack, going at the samo prico as tlour, whilst nothing is allxwed, where barreled, for tho empty barrel. We in Liverpool shall uso our host exertions to get it settled on this basis if your millers would agree to pack 218 pounds gross, or 200 iwuuds of tlour to the barrel. New York ond Chicago undoubtehly should accomplish this great reform and universalize the' cental all over the United Stales before Januury 1879 runs out. Polloo Philosophy. A badly frightened stranger, whoso dress betrayed the fact that he hadn't much ready cash, called at a (wlice sta tion and complained that two men had been following him around for several hours wi h a view to robbery- " Well, you'd better leave your money here until you get ready to leavo town," suggested the captain " But I haven't got any not a dol lar," was his reply. " Then how can they rob you 1" " That's so never thought of that," chuckled the man as his face bright ened. "After they've gone to the troubloof knocking me down and dragging mo iuto some alley, they won't find a red in my pockets ha 1 ha I ha 1" lie went away highly delighted, de claring that a great burden had been taken off lib mind. Bob's Tca.Party. Robinson I.ittletleld Slater! Is not that n long "iiamo 1 You would expect to sco somo grand and imposing person answer tb it, .nnd I am sure you could "not help smiling when little fairhniied Bob, in his kilt skirts, rose before youir eyes. Bob, or nt the most, Robin, seems long enough for such a little fellow, nnd thnt is what wo call him except when papa says, "little pickle," as he does when Rob is naughty. "Don't oo mean sweet pickle, papa, dear!" one day asked Rob, ith u thought of tho peaches ho liked to sco on the dinner table; nnd papa had to i smilo down on tlio small, pleading face, although he diduot like tho naughtiness niiy better for his boy's speech. v "I'm 'vitcd out to tea," said Robin, with great pride. C"Folks.think'Tni n bl'boyj aiid don't ask ninmuia'br unyl body1 to conio hnd take card 'of nut I'm goinj; all' alone t6 toko'ton with the free Miss Pcndorgasts T ? . , "And (ire going to bo' tho best lwy H said mnmmn, kissing htm. ' ' "Of course. "Musn't' nsk for moro 'an free helps of cake, must II" "No, indeed," said mamma. In his now brown kilt," ith whito collar.anil a mtto of a rod-lordored handkerchief sticking out of his breast pocket, Rob looked attractive enough to kiss, ns thoy received him in a body nt their front door. "Ifopoyou nro feeling pretty well," said Rob grandly. " My mamma sent her coniplfgards no, her rcgnrdnients to you, nnd says that if I don't behavo you must correct me ; only I'd just us soon you wouldn't, you know," added ho with great frankness. For a time, however, thero seemed to bo no need of correction. Rob submit ted to bo kissed with cood irrnce. ans wered all questions politely, looked at tho pictures in a pile of old muguzinos with great interest, nnd stroked the pet cats so gently as to win tho greatest aj provaL Each Miss Pendcrgast owned a cat ; Miss Minty's was a huge gray one named Christopher; Miss Phemie rejoiced in u yellow and whito Arcthusn, ami Miss Hotty petted a lnrgu black fellow culled Dandy. Tho cats wero wonderfully well-man-nered. They sat on tho hearth rug dur ing ten, and did not beg for food nt nil, knowing very well that their turn enmo later. "I'd lust ns soon tako another tart," when tho last crumb of his third ono had disappeared, said Rob. " I'd just ns soon cut two more, nud I rnut to Ihi tick nud have tho doctor." But tho Misses Pendergiutt wisoly ilid not tako this mild hint, nud Rob had no inoro tarts, but was told that ho might get down nnd feed thu cats, while the la dies cleared' the table and carried the diihos out to the sink in the small back kitchen. "Shall wo leavo him in there!" nsked Miss Phemie. "Pretty Iamb, he is watching tho cats aa quietly ns need be; let him alone ;" said Aliss Jlmty, peeping in at the half open door. Robin was watching the cats, and meditating on what would never havo entered nny other head than his that Arettiusa was just the sizo of Dandy. nnd very much like him in everything nut color. "They would do 'znctly for twins if bhe was only black," inured Rob, his eyos roaming from Arethusa to' Dandy und then around tho room, A bottlo of ink stood on tho shelf by the clock ; Rob climbed up, took it down, and in a mo ment hnd the contents poured ovor Aro thusa'i back, nud n pair of mischievous little hands wero rubbing thu black fluid into tho whito nnd yellow fur. Such a mesj ns met tho eyes of tho .Misses Pen dcrgast when they enme in. Christo pher nnd Dandy were niching their bucks and growling, at diflWent sides of tlm room, whilu tho inky Arethusa strug gled- in Rob's grasp, and n black jool was soaking into 'he neat rac carnet. "Robinson Slater 1" gasped Miss Phe uiio. " Littlefield, too, that's in my name," said Rob, calmly. " Wouldn't ou liko to havo two of your cuta twins, Miss Pondergast 1 Oh I don't you s'poso my mamma'd like to have me come home nowl" Miss Phemie thought she would, and took him there speedily. " I was some good," whimpered Rob, on he saw mamma's grave look at the spotted kilt suit and. the blackened liands. "He was a lamb until after tea," said Miss Phemie, relenting. "I am bo bony ho was so naughty, ami he sliall make amends, or I will for him," baid mamma. Ho she send the Pt-udergats a pretty red uud rcqn caipct uext day, to itt ploce the ruined one, aud Rob wont without pudding, or pennies to buy can dy, for a whole month utter to help hliu remember, He is forgiven by tho three old ladles, and sometimes vuits them now j but ho has ne it been asked to tea again, aud all tho cats ruu away growling when they fceo him enter the dddr. Youth's Companion. We paint ourselves in fresco. The soft and fusil plaster of the monument hardeni under every stroke of the brush into eternal rock. Suspicion dwells innate in every hu man breast. Even the word of (Jeorao Washington would bo doubted if ho at tempted to uccount for a black eye by stating that a stick of kindling wood bnlo of Heal Eatato. Administrator's Notice, hotlcoU hereby given Hint the undersigned, ndtiilMlntrnlnriirihoealiitonl Kilwln V. Quldor, ilcctHiHCd, will mi Mimlur. tlio litli dny il I'ob rimry, A. !. ls:i, nt tho front door of the Court Jlmmo (if Mliuiinmnli Comity, Orecnn.nt leu oVIeck In it'C (nrciinnu nfftnld cljy, ncll tho fill lowlliK drrerl cm1 ronl r.tntp. nitimin In unlit ouiiiruul!jt.itf,fi wltt Tho north hnlr of tho mirth hnir nl necllon nix, In lowrnlilp ono, cniiDiorrmitrottirreoii), In tlioillKlrlr tor lnndH uhj'ct In dent OrrRnn City, Oregon, eontnlu put into hundred and Ulv nere nnd thlrty-nlx luitiilri'cltln of mi ucro.ns deorlbed In patent for tho ntne, lue J to tho mid decerned by tho Umerntuenlof Ihn I'nltcd Bttttesund recorded in iin-ri-.-i.rm in oeo.iii in inui county 10th dny or Auiriul, 1HS, boott Dlorde imife 111, nt public miction, to tho hlclie nu tho lerd. nt dcr lor eh, sold coin. Ton porcenuorthe tn.l 1.1.1 i'iiii-iiu'.u ,invw jiuynnio hi ino iiiiionmnie: iini iincn upon coufirtiiiitluu of nolo rind leader of deed, i.. i . . ?," ." HECK, Administrator. Woodward A Wixnlwntd, . Allortiejjfor Ailmlnl.ilrnlor. Jnn'8-w5t Ouardlan'N Salo. --VroTICR IS lIMlKBlf-JuiVKJ THAT llY Mirri'K - JL. ol a lkn4 granted la n by the County Ciurt -nf lh AtnfA fl flmirAi. 'll. m... u.. ........ on tho SUiiUj il J.nuwy, 170, I will rclt otiiuhllo tut Hon. In Iruntol the limit llouort-yrlnlJtountr, O'clock,-A. ,-o ml.l (Ur, th fallowing dcurlbrd pUoo ol Und, .buloBirliif to Jurnii J. Chwtaln. n bmno u--ihk iotii uai vr fkiiiiuaiiy. in), at ID tun uar, w ijiini if to Jamil J. C ii Multiioimh caiui iK-non, ItmloJ In lliiUiiontih county, hute ot Orcxan, - In oftlon ) (SI ut Tuwiuhln one. outh ot U.mii Uo. e.vtol the Wlllimttta MfridHii, Tim mno brlni iitrt or tli IVrr)' rrcttynutj tloiutleii cliliu, and iMuiuwu na ion )un i iwvinninir at ilono at the muIIi , uettoriiir ot tho bonicitcadvuld ilone Ii tourtevn ihiln. and llilrtj.Miieii Unk north and thlrt)-nlno clialm and nfty-tlircu llnVi nl ot tho Miithcut orntr nt Mid l'rittiillir iliiin, nilinlnit thrnro north Uinc deijrit'i and fifteen mlnutei went, tuciity-one thln and fUt.v-irmi llnki to a aUko In I ho inMJlont tho rouiity rovl ; tlicnco north cUlity-tUht droo Ijit) nlno minutes t.it olon tho mlddlo ot Mid roaol, fire rlulnl and lorty-tUhtllnkitoaolnti theni-o nmtliorly lnllet w Ith tlio h it tine t etiti -ono i lialn and koi i nty llnki to a point In the nonUi lino ol Uio lioniciteid; tlicnca .Milli il-ctit) nlno degree eUron mlnutei writ, Ilia clitlm tort) -vlxlit Hull" to tho phio ol WjrliinlnK, tuiii'alnlnt iloicu mil clghti-nlne ono hundredtlio aerua. jMil.5w ffT f. CIll-MW, OuardUn, LOOK OUT I Mr. V, Leonard In no longer authorized to receipt for tin, or to solicit 8tiWripUon. Alan a Knit named Sullivan, who, mo nailer stand, Is collecting for tlio Faiimkii. Auy ono tiliciui; money in tliolr hands do so at their own peril. Dr. MIntlo'i Nephreticum Works vinnilurs. In nil cases of Drquty, llrlglit's Ditcow, Kidney, Ill.vMcr and Urinary Coniti!ainU, or Itctciitioit of Urino, nro cured by tlio Xvpliruticutn, l-'eninlo 'iVoakncon, (I rav el, l)inliete, pain in tlio back, sido and tola aro cured, when nil other medicines havo failed. Sco what tlio tlnitfjjinU of Portland and Kim l'rnticUco say about J)r. Mintlc'i Koplirctlcutu and Kugllrh Dandelion I'illut "Wa hro aslol a Urgo mnoutit of Ur. Miti tic's meiiiohio, to Knulidi Damlvlion PilU -l. !. I I X- .. I .1?..... -..1 .. II alio tlio famed Ketiliruticiini, nnd in 91 nil cases liiclily rceoiiiiiicndeil Mm A. CliiM. driiir itit, nocgnil htreet, Portland. Uresont L'.ll. ooilanl V Co.. ilntL'tristK. cor. Kirat niul Alder. Portland, Oregon; Messrs. Alirams A Carroll, dnij.-Ki'ts, Km, II nnd C Kraut, .Snu l-'rauelv-'o. o regard Ncplirctlcuni aa tlio beat Kidney and lilaildir remedy bctoro tlio public." All druggists keep tliein, l'ornll iK-rntiganuiitMof tlio Liver, Uso Dr. Miutlo's Kugliih Dandelion Pills. Tor llilioitinesi and Dyapopslit, ' f IT.n lip Mint!ii r.nolMi llnnd.liiv, PIILi Iah It. ( atttil Aims vi a vivi itiisi tlM"vt Uso Dr. Mintio'a i:nKlish Dandelion PilU. Kvery family should not Dandelion PjlU hn hand. fail to keep the To Whom It 'may Ceaoera. ' Tills Is to certify that I liavo been atTdctcd for tlio last tliroo jtars vtith clironio infUmms tion of tho bladder and torpid llvor. Havlrlu f Spent n small fortimo with the bot medical talent i vouid oiiiam m nan r ranciscoaiid vult od tlio various Rpringii lit California, hotiius; to find relief, ll.ivim; found nono 1 iraro up all hopo of living cured and drojiKid all medlciiiuK and doctor. While readinji ono of tlio dally impvrs I saw an advortiicnmnt of a medicine callitl Nepliruticum, a ireiorntlon irvpanl by Dr. .MiutioA Co., of Kan Francisco. I v. at porsuadeil liy my wife to try it, and I v,cnt nnd bought a liottlo. Having taken that ono bottlo I found much relief, all. jiaiiis ceasing nud feel ing much bettor I took two mora Ixittlea and I am r.ow iivrfcctly restpreil to I-.oalth anil strength, thank (iod, for tlio sujvorior skill of Dr. MintU Co. Any ono who may doubt this statement can call to my residence and soo mo. J. F. Moiiiik, 127 Fifth Stroot, Portland, Oregon. September II, 1878. Dit. A K. Mintik & (. (iuiitsf I volun teer to say your l.'iiliih Dandelion PilU cqu.ils and ovon aurpoAs all ou claim "from my u jierionoo in their uso. Fancy thoy liavu no equal for Dyspupilu and Uvcr trouldeJ. J. A. KTitnwiiHimiK, Pint Street, Luatlior Merchant, Portland Sept. 17, 1878. Seo v. hat tlio dniKel'tsof Portland and Han Francisco aay about Dr. Militia's Nephreticum and lCnlisli Daudcliou Pills. Wo have sold a laron amount of Dr. Mintio'a modicineat 'l'io fjiglmh Dandelion Pi Us, also ths faniod Nejihreticum and in all exua highly recommended i Johu A. ChllJs, Druggist, Second street, PortUnd. C. K. Woodward h Co., Druggists, comer First ami Alder street, Portland. Measra. Abrams & Carroll, Wholesale Drug gists, So. 3 and S Front street, H. F. Wo regard tlio Noplireticumu tlio best Kid noy and UUdder remedy before the public. All druggists keep them, 'Dr. Mintiu k Co. treat all Chrouio ami Special Diseases with hucckm, No. IS3 Second Street, Cor. Morrison, PourMNl). Okkoon. RAILROAD LANDS. , H,Uoral Tonus.! LOW PHICRat LONG TinS! WW 1NTKHIUT Tne Oregon and tfalirornla and Oregon icnirai nanroaa toaifanin OPfER th.lr Lands for rsleopoa tko (ojlowlst; llbo mi wiiu: uii icuiu 01 iu price id casu; interett ol Uio balsnco at the rate of sovefi tier eent. mih vmi after salei and each following year one tenth oftlM pnsgiuai anil i meres i on uo oaiaoee at Uio rate ol Ten per cent ner annu-n. iiotn principal and Inter lit paable In U. B. Cnrrrncy. Adtscoiint of ten per cent, will be allowed fur cash IT Letters to be addressed to Y. bCUULZK, Lu Auenl O. t U. It. It.. I'oiltand. Oteiton. Choapost Flaco to Buy Boots The chesiwft nlwe to bur lour Iboii. or t .t a mil of tfud BOOTS MADE TO ORDER Anlltepolrlni-Nuitiy Itone, iiat 3MT. XXAA8', OppusiU ChennktU Heul, IV( OrlUe UlKk, fUloni. AUo, i HIGHEST PRICE PAip for HIDFSand fUB5 . JMiLmnmMnjjL'imm,)nii FOR SAJLE; 640 Acres of rara. ON TIIK I.INIJ OP Till! Kit. Jefforsoii Pass Road .e" fflttiato.l enetnlln ntiovo HcliMn, In Marlon County, GPOiwrcs iiiuUr fi.inv, well tlniWred, well waterod, sot-n Inmroitiiirtit. and a Imrtlen In cultltatlon. 11ils Luul Ii nlfuli-l on tlio edso nf tho CmtoI.i MOiiiiuilm, nt lt luiir ol It can bo cheaply tl.ared, anil l rl- hiit nf mountain soil It Ii rnulml in ftljiel ma! Iroin Halcirt, no lilll, Ao hniirr-nj drlie. It Is In Uio miJUol a lliL-hly-nt-tlfjl eomitry, Itli Roail iirbhlmni, and a more lienlthy reI Ion mnnotlw found. H.hoolliousoa lew roils from the line llteollent for sto.k nuige, and hundreds ol .1 i of land lliit ran Iio clo;iroil tor heat at a lost of tsVanairv. Thll Is a fAVOrtMo omiortlinltv tAt mamtt farmur tlnatr. mis pi Kolnu Into Uio utixk lmilnsM oUnlVoly, or lor a Sol aril i wnj vi kuivuiiT niiir laiuuics 01 iiomiins. inero many Hermans srtiiwi in tlio lclnlty, ui.l Ihey like iirt ol llid tiureliaso litlrn. k(n nn nrM ii lu. until ' . for a term nl jeirslu annual Innuhncnti, at low rate , o'lnl-reit, Ull on or wrlto In e H. A. ChAltKK, Kartncr Office, No. I W)ilni!toit PI., prI.WC.lA.flIBal. ,WW'UW"1 SELL EVIRVTMINQ rott GARDEN DtscrlptlTS Catalogues ot III pages sent Tree PETER HENIEMONJbCI. OS Corltnndt HI., JVeio Tork. HAWKIN8&COKER'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Corner First and II fjtrooU, Portland, - Oregon. All kinds n( Help KurnUliod. Farm lhuiil a sjicclaUy. janl'tf POTATOES FOR SALE. iiTjiuiArvK Mr3ianr,iMa IOrATOKHAT fl l'KIl IHrflllKL. HACKED .1, nnd doll ored. on core or boat. Other varl- eiira oi points ai mwioi nnoee. HOIIU cam to accompany nil orders Kir wimi ynu wanfcnnti i will I send prices. UasU A. V. MIM.RIl, East iMrtlauil. Jan 3 3m Itlinownhrno 32-Pagc Paper, Hanflsoinely Itlnstrated, Ahly s-il'U-iL and U sent out stltdioil anil nnviloiMvl In (rraiilto cover, No limlly should Im) lUiout It, Prico por Annum, $2.00. HAMPl.i: tXU'V, SSCKNTH. Xr. Snmuel, Tubllshcr, rortlund, Or. 17 HrrMtTfrTTTMl ,,,,,' N'limliers ol TIIH WEST MUNTHS 11'Ulli:, luM Ut IflQO D A fVQ "' orJ,'y ,,x1 'ei iw jUOO rAufisI tlftelljf llhi.tnite.1, will Im utit, Iao nlJ, on rei-elpt ol ll.oi) In currenry or p,Cu;e sUiiini. This ioilUvely tho lsri(osl amount ol irool, In.tructlvo and clean literature ever offered for so low a pnw, Aii-irow; U HAVIUKU Dner3, Port an, Or. 11)11 TKN CKNTH IN rotfTAIIK A Valnable Orngon HiwUtor, bearln2 iUw Orel bl stAuiMl will semi a cony of Uiin I wilt send a copy ot U0 n HixcUtor. bearing iUw Oreeoit Ulty. Keb. dth, Into. It Is the first nuiiiter ot the ery first newonapsr oublUhed on Uio PaiJfle Uotit. Tliesa RELIC! i rot 10 Cents juKirs em not original. Iiut roprlnUvl o asset that none hut a printer could Udl tho dlfforenco tMtween Uio reprint and tho orljlnal. For llwnts (will sun J throe ooplf s. Au-ireM- u nAur.ii, urawor 3, Portlan-I, Omioo. MILWAUKIE NURSERY, Milwaukio. Orogon. tVINHTANTLV ON IIANI1, U. KIND.H Or" Fruit Trees, SHRUBBERY, ORNAMENTAL TREES AND VINES, Only First Glass Goods Kept. ADDIIIHH SETH LUELLING & SON, Milwaukio, Orogon, jsil.1l If J. W. MEREDITH, DENTIST. :DX2XtTX,.tVXe xioomxM At tho old stand, Griswold'a Blook, opp. tho Bank, SAIsKM, - OREGOIV. Zsadleg farckastar CORSETS mouto siivisa MADAU KOVH IMPllOTK Coret Skirt Supporter. ItrKor IIKALTII. dOMKOHT. sul l:l.KllANL'K OK tOKVI. IT Il.tH Nil III VAL. and Is really (be nnut psrfsit Hslrt Hunuortlng Our. . -I mads. For uio fay all leojlar Iwlsrs Uanufocturod by KO? a II AltUON, Nov Haven, Cone. STALLIONS FOR S.ALE. r OI'KKIt roil HAI.K, AT MY PAHM NKAH L liervHhj.Wurli.il Couuly.lho followlui de crlixi I Vkluablu hoists 1 MnofJrry H'atllon, four yeaisold next Hnrlnr. w.ltlil IIXOM., sired by Wulte I'rtuce, P f Ono three ears old next Hprloir. elrod br H. O. IHed's Clydesdale home. ' Oiih two jenm old next Hprlner, aired by Trlda of 1 riehe. Allrftliealove am likely and cf Nrgoslio. out ill u line, itiKe l.loolieart uiaru. owned by me, llmtlvu ny fine treeder, 111 aro, oHfned by nervals, January 3, inn, MAMUKL BROWN. 'tm K" nTliuVJ- C01l!0,!n "fW.". TIIK C1UKAT aa, llrllMi Uniodi. Tlmre I. umiuiutioiufaly no 0U1. 1 reomly si ittUjii In lu fttU. AKrilUA. WIN. JKIt WlUflll. IIIIO.NCIIITW. and lll.-i i"k'ii or "T mOAfaUk.jlWJ toluinauenci? ThohUhi! iwdlidteiUuionysUU-s no better sure lor tha tons jLIii HeiUti(nour proved hy ovor hall a ctntury'o ex li le im ) 'flisy contain no oiiluiii, inonihi. or ear .obiil droit KKATI.NU-rt IX1UUII LOli.vilM. we Hircl fay fllOMAH KKA1INIJ. lA,u. uMSL' 1L :;y,hj,'iu,;lM;.A'! '.-. v"s j.k ESHEHSa .,.,.... sil If ,m J j.ewa e jrv