!.' W l r i f?,i t. u in a hi V r- . i LX iilfatncttt tTtnwr. .; hvit.e rarnAr, or f 'I'm a AM jjnratri.' Terms of hijtucrltitloni isvs e); c- yea.' I 2 tent tore), In adtt a-i- Osecc,iy! month, (if numtr) sjKoeepjf tr-oi-ifil.'w(ia nuri'ien) J2 r.n i U'. .. 75 .IB It Hpl t "tU lit I moulU " 'V.Ui charmd votr, r.,Ni, KK3. V. ira TELEGBAPHEC. KASn;itN filATCS. Alter Mllll IfHtl, .New (Jct.vNJ, Feb B -The mi it, ullc 10 eara, re-started to-day. 7alrl JimpjiIi hi Itoitl IMnlf Agent. Wasiukoxov, Feb Q Olilef Joseph nud Cio Intirlor tteiiartinciit bavo itrrniigcd for :hiicc.(o:i to the rioz I'erccs o( about 1,800 feetauro wiles In Idaho Tho terms inn lx townships in tlii' Indian Territory nnd :?.!.'(', CW in mom y, t bo plan '1 in tho Ircm nry sd to draw fo -percent Interest WHIf .'s Hull I (ill l'lrc. 'tho gucb' f Willard'a hotel v or' greatly f.uib-d liat evening, owing ton lire mi tho topllunr. Tho principal lorn, na by water. Mlnlsb r 2'ostcr. DlepatthcH nu'l recent nrrluili from Mexi. i Mate thut tho oi triune nt notion.!) medl ltr asking tho withdrawal of Minister JTrntor en th ground of hlu uiiiwimliirily with th? cabim t ami bis diplomatic coiiihu. 'orro)'r(on'lrttico with tho iiciican mlnlntcr fit Washington haa bem begun on tho sub ject. TrciiKixrj Ilr-porl. dh la tho treasury. iW.1. 150,003; gold Aiilr-llvr ctrtlllcutcH, ?'J0I,'J71.80: U. H. olc hrhl for redemption of ciMlfluittri of alt-poilt, ?i),90,000. 1'osliil C1innit"j, Post otlictrt ctdnbllstud. Vcttpc-r, Clatsop county, Oregan, Win Johnson, postinatser Tnkillp, Hnohomish county, v. T J. (J. iirath, pontinaater. Postmaate Reappointed! T. JJ. J'owditig, Wlllamlna, Yitinhill, Ogu.; L. H. Woo J, Weston, Umatilla couuty,Ogn.; Kickola Hmlth, Willow HpringH, JiioIihou county, OKii,,rrnnk N. Waturbury,CluritiHto, riwiii connty, W. T.J W, O. UarUelitf, Kow h:ui;rac-i, Clnllatu count), W. T,; Jnuum ifcXIilUu, Hutnnor, I'lirrn county, W. T,; M. D. bmlth, Whatcom couuty, W. T. (Itilrr'fi I Jiit Ia!H. Otic u o, Jim, !l. Tho Ilrtio onwo w.ih con- tinned lo.il;ij, Col. lloulon riltnaUil lita tnliff that Ciiittcr iiimluctwl thobittlo bmlly. TIki boillfriof hlu otllcirx, hiivo four, trn Vinnd ljfhi togUln r anil njmrt from llu pti vnlu hollU'rv, hhoMini; bml oruanlatiou. Dr. I.onl nnd MimiIm. Kturijlii, IIiirrliiHloti :iiul I'ortor -cro nut found, uiul may lo cup tltVh. t i,...i u u r.1,,,,.1. ii. '... .i... i.. .ir wvit in iiviij, ,i iiiiiii;, inii"i iou in it itriiu n I'liuuiiLi wan u&ciuii niu do Jlrxt mm the fmlliiui. ()iist(r'ri llrlny tin illxtinclly hoard from Itouo'a htadiiii'ir 'orit, hud liutul thrcoMunrton of an hour. ItirrcuiK co rcAHon tulxllevo Ciiatnatiil oi (Ciixrit illracciully ali.indoiu-d tli.'if jinn, Drnlh of nnnit. tkTos, IVb, U.-'ltlchurd Hour' Dana, juct (ind ibmyUt, illwl jitjrdy, u(ixl 9J. Hiabiip rarrrirn riunnrUI Troublrm Oiiicaoo, I'vb. 3. Tho Trlbuno nummar iit'H it Clndunttl spvciul thuit: further i'i nmlnitlon into tho ontanolrd tltntniHit of ArehbUhop nd lllahop l'nrccll nl Olncinnu ei repeals a most ntifortunato aid dcplorablo . trcpt for crtxlitors, mainly persons whoso ' uroiMt for crtxlitors, mainly persons whoso ' iant.raranl savinss from mase'er wuae vrcro deposited with Iho two prolate. Claims Jotho amount of overt 1.000,000 bavu al- Kan army. 7rdy ben presented, and tho llabllltleti of lurMntlnr Rr;ulill. the Archbishop will uggrigato not lesM than I Viinni, r"eb. 3. -Tho port announces 11,.0,000. Thupropirly iu tho bands of that Kussian ports will bo quarantined MM) trustees has u market valuu of not moru agaiust all TurLish porta on the European than ?B00,O00, and other means will liuxo to coast and Hlack Hes. Tho vast Boumelian ?o forthcoming with vhleh to llqnldatu all commission has proposd the samo measure claims. While thuru is no hint of any ro- aloug tho coast from Custouia to liaugar. isction niK)ii tho integrity uf tho vtnetsblo llomanlu baa di-crt-ed a alullar course In Oalholln dJguitary.thero is maulfrtel among tho delta of tho Danube and the coast of Do ?ndltorit considerable iinpatiwicv at tho do- crndsvhit. and baa issued regulations identi fy to which thoy aro enbjuctcd, and threats cal with those put in force by Austria In ro i units aro Ix'gliiulDg to Im heanh gard to traftio and importation of goods across nir. Bcna Vhsc. luo i:usiNii frontier. ,'oicno, IVb. t. Iu tho lUno inqnln', An otliclal dispatch says tho governor gen ii. J Chuichlll. a rancher nosr I.illlu lllg rul of Moscow i-ontrudlcts renirU of tho Join, testified that tho battle oociiirttl sov appearaucei of thu plague iu a tillages near oral hours earlier (hsu ahown by prwijus Ht. IMirxburg. k-vldence. Ho Mluved that ltono w.ea nndi r Tho (iern.uu ambassador at St. Petersburg ho Inline ncu of liquor, and bolietrd this on has aih.ued his gomuuunt that tho plague icoiint of ouoiirn iiiim nf that day. is tpreadlng rupldl. !ol. llelitin and I.fuut. IMgirly la Ing k- rrosiivrlsnrit yiRtiC calleil. tislllled that this iildeiu-o was in. A (i-p,te)i from Vlenua a)a is occt.pkd rorn-rt. Iheyhad noier hesnl that lliu.i t u ,,,. MQt u position near KilUtrii, rut lutoxieutMl. j which isisllinu the) tlalmns heluugliu; to IM.nlH.rnii OI.I Menu. w nirllJJll. .lhlj ,m rc,luw, ?,,,.. i"".V,TI.,,u l ' ' '1".' r'.wf,:" ' "'" n mplory si.uimons of Uusla to gito up tho aldir illtl this uiuriioon, aged .J ,,IUV( ,Mi n lllslon in apprt handed. lwv..rl.,tr..lll.-. , I Tliil-a. N 'i on. Fob. I. Cattlo upoiteirt, , , , 1....1.... 1.. ...... .. mtrkcr. mul tho board ..1 health unit ml -f. ..(.!.... ..-!. I .. ll. ....... ,"Sf? . r .'"". " ' ' ' ' """..: .V. rw" ',' 'l lllstUMn UllliUlll UU ivniiii in iiiu nrni, M Pi ' vai 'i niiii'ltiHr) ' iini' iionths, that ns cattle aiomeist likily shlppeil 'tn r irom Aioniri'iu, anil nun aswaur irans. xiltalloli it ilosPil and busiuiMS kilspciuleHl, ind during thu tiiuo of prohibition tin) Can idlaus will Is) unabled to dispe'se of their 'bttlllory fed catllu. Th steamship Canada 'k out to-da) 170 head and shipments will loutiuuo without interruption. 4'ttloritilu I'rulrila. LV.VWU, Feb. I Thu Statu l.o.;ikl.ittui' is iiuaiilmousl) adoptetl, and Doveruor itXin has Mtgiud, .1 memorial tei Couniiss .wotestlng against tht 1 hango of Iho system it land nareH propis.i-1 by the unions! sftdeiiiy of heli'HOe'U, Tho memo! id seta 'ortl. tho Kculiar hardships which tbuibaugo grould work to mlmrs vspevially and to tho ilii geiierallv, and e'oneludca with h sum aaryol the elitilculties whiehwtiuld nltoud tho tr.uwaction of business, at Washington, mtoad of at tho local uiUcch, till of which vuld Iki abolished by tho proposed now sjs inn, Tho oxpenao and delay thus ocea aanixl would lint, In Iho oiilnlou ol tro mo JMiialists, Iwi ewmpen mletl by any fio arable jrsjsults whatovur, It is also fearetl that tho cw systim will iuterfero wlih uilitlug stir vw, and lhro la 110 doul t that It would rrrato a great deal ol unmauco and con fuaon among miners aud prospectors, TU Aru, Wamiinuton, FeiU. 4, Tho House in com wiltooeil iho whole on thu army appropria tion bill, de fiwtesl by n large luajeml), au aar.i udmotit reeluelug tho un-y to 15,WJ. Kfilnrlax Hio Hre'ittlon. Commissioner llajturgew the passaga of IL'prewcntvUtoHcali'' till protidlng for the oonsolidaton of Indian triW, whereby It reservations aud 3d Agriita will bo reduced to IU riMr ulloin and agents, Ttis Uelrlcllim Hill. Owing lo the fatigues of yesterdaj 's iev. ctivo e.aiou and other 1 unies, only flo of iUt uiue members of the Seuato committee ...a .... ..1 ie" .1.11.11I.,. f., ii..;i'.w workmen. JU t .. At J. . j( foreign rolntions ntlondcd t-day'a meet na. The Ghlneio immlnAtlon bill van taken tip, but on account of tho meager nt tortdnuco mid nhotliifwi of tlmo rmninln Ik foro th hour for tho ticnAto to iiidcinblo, it was laid over for notion nt a xpecial meet ni, .Lich Chairman liiimlii) and fiunnt'irH Ciiuhlirg, II ttthtWH, ralon and Morj'fiu, tlu meii'l"" present to-ihj, p iil ivcly prorcnn uliali Le lictit uist 1'ruloj 'J hiy also rum Iho th it thu lrfll hhull be lomptly icmrt(-l back to tho iicnatu on thaVlny withont ro toinmtnditioii for or ngainnt it, unkht ! hich ih nntuoiiiiidnred robal ) n lunjor. ily will tiL-rcn to rtport t m. thou ib', fa. oiaIIj ruui u.:i Ns.rts. I U'nn nti'l Itiiiiior-iol linn, 1 I.omo, I'ob. y. It la ulfncult to buy what gacio ItniHiu is pluylnjt. While the ur ifl pucidc tho prem again briathea fire. Tho GoIoh HHyd that KBIand In an implac ablu foe, und liiIU for tho btrvntthiniuu of Iho Cauc i9iuh mill tho ro-orgHuizntlon of Central Aula, at the aamo timo pointing; out that tho pri sent operations of the ltrHUli nru intiiultd to develop that power aa n pro- ttttor of Aniatlo 'Iurkey Troopx coutiuuo to npliao ttifisofiitcli leate TmMKh tern ton, thouuh tho czar nssurei Knnlund of coiupleto fijcuation of Uoutnolia, Menu whllti tho UulgiulaiiH nro arming nil handu ami hhoMluu their bitter hostility to tho Ku ropcuu communion. Hit lx.lltf lnt;rolni tnni mtro will lie u ri: rising ngaiimi (lit-Tutl.-i win n tho ItiiHhiani go. Thin in mild to unit thoiliplomatio platis of Ituiwia, It uillcrtato .1 m v, xituation. (ihc will then inn'di frth ih in iinl i on Turliy, hllo tho llrlthhopiratlouH in Aula - ill bo iin eicmo to no ouot ar iin for Couitutitlnonolo. It iu lu.irnul from u irl,ito Hourco that an army of 1R.0C0 men in Kitlmit ready to leao be- bnhtopol for th" C'aucamut ut tho end of 1'cbruary. Origin of tlii? I'Ihuiic. I.oxrxi.v, I'iAi 3. Tho oriqlu of tho plague iKtlmsgnrii A CoMuch returning from tho war brought hit lady lovo a nhu?l, which nIic woro tuo Jiivh and bickencd Tttth .ill tho vuiptouitf of thu dUviiKO, and dint. Daring tho four dijn following other member of her family died Tho dlaeaso apread rapidly tho local atithoritlLH not pajlng any attention to it till half of tl.ti liihabitautd died and tho rimaindcr wero unbalo to bury tho victltna, 'J'lion, when the ipidoinlc had osuumM nerl onn dimemrioiiH, imrgetlo meunn werotahen for preventing itn Hpreadlug and strict cpiur untlntH wero vitablUhed. f irtttly' In tho towiin and villager, nhuttlng off ntreeU where tho plugua nigna from tho rent of tho place, and necondly, by ourroondlng tho vil lage with troop.H, ho that nobody ih allowed to pam in or out. Tho panlo in IliiHsia li nlmoht incredibly, Krrry clied and stiitlon in llfu Iihvu potltloned for an entire cohttutiou of all Inti rcoiir", oen pontal comruunlca tlon bitwiin the re-nt of lltuula and the olgn. ' Am on llio nilln. Tho 'ihujtro ltoal wiih iletroyi(l by flro tlila uiuruing. .No liven lout. The riuhC (u on. Capetown aihiceii tn Jan, I Ith report that llglillug with ZiiIih hlu been renew eel, A Itrlcii of Terror. LotltH Hcnt from Antrnchan and Zarltiln mo not received by the persons to whom they nro addressed. Sbmo peoplo men refuse to take paper money, fearing that germs of tho disianu may In) CAnimuuicattd through it. It is alinoit impossiblo to discribo tho ter ror which baa taken possession of the people. Tho KiiHsian suultary roinralsslou ban pro poseel to shut olf the Volga lino from all in- tercuurso with wrstvrn llussia and permit commnulotton only umlor quarantine. Ilns- sluu railway cars aro not aeimltte'd to Urr man territory. Kinort of erraln froniiPolsnd will antler m- vurely from this rentrictlon. Thu Ronanain government is dUcosidi vurely from this restriction, niu iionanain goTtrumeni is imcushiii(i the exivodlency ot prohlbitluu the transit of Kusslau proviilous sent to victual thu Bl- ,." " '".S.V" it.T....:.J "'C". ."r.i i Tvuo snip building iaidH. This will nf. Ikrill tlUI ll'IU t'l ill'lHHI -vx M 'i'JU , . i ...... - 1 u 1 m Of U'J cotton mills iu lloltiui district, 'l't un eloseel and 2S work- 111-it em short time in coutoqutuco of depres sion of trade. I'renrri AIUr. I'll i, Feb 'J. Paul de Cassagnac, whoso eleelion !! Invalidatil by the ehamUr of deputies, 1 as be-e a ro-electisl by a majority ol 1.00. Camtidatm of tint left were unnpposi'd, in He'vni out if twilvt kuppiuiiieutary eletiiua In Id (ti'dat furdcpullts, I'ams, 1'eib. U. Iu t atipplomentary elf c tiuii estida) for member of tho chamber of deputie s, Do Foiulon and llarou llulle, Oon seivalitis were cleeted. Count Duuiiu, Coliseiiatlii', was defentml by Magnel, He pubhem larquls do la llooho Jaqnehn, Conseiiitivi', was d.'Kateul by Joutlrunt, Ito publicaiir Fledrj, lie publican, is probably ilectixl, Duo il'Aumtle, eHtmmander of tho htvfnth army corps, is to Iki placed oil half pay, (leu, (iuenlsy, present minister of war, is to mid e'e'esl Duo d Auuinlv. aud (leu. Farro is to bo minister ed war. Tho opiuio n joins ground that the ehambera will speedily abaudouTer Mlllea for Paris. 1'orelX" Noli". Tho Times atatea that 10,000 Mock VlaKr cm are 011 n strike in Liverpool, and lo.OOO moru aro out of worV in oouaoquenco of slackness of traelu. , EllorU to show that American beef seut to Kuglaud is dlseaseel, htvo boon made with uu success, Tho meat waafuuudhealthy. Oladstouo consents to stand (or F.ulia iiient to represent tho Liberals of Midi -hian. A rnlrlol holtllrr Utxtil. OatctTTA, Feb. 3. Ool. Perry Windham, a distinguUhctl soldiir, former!) with Uati laldi aud with tlie northern army iu tho American chit war, has been killed at ltan t;vu iu uiieui'iei(, u imuuvu ieeiiiuu. IxsiHK, Feb. t, A Paris ellsiwteh says that the couipoditlon of the new cabinet as Kiven Monday oTCRin3 nhi,-i that it organ i.cd with tho bopo of n durablo majority. Tho now rooruboM arc Honator Ijcroyer, ininhtcr jf justice; Dcpnty Inpirfl, mlnlater of commerce, and Jules Terry, minister of elaLitlon. Tho "ow cabinet will bepazollcd ' Wednesday It if..rev"cd il will meet in tho ouxmbaia villi tho sjino programmn wlii-h D'ifauto jrm nted It ia probitih that it will rr, --t Roneral atuncjty i A th return oi tho ch-irabyra to I'.irij. Tlic S'lriaiw. A diapatch from Paris reports t! it hjii chl prtcttulious Hgaiimt tho plagu-i uro -tog tiiei-i it SIiujcJIcb ti. J other t nthern pjintt isiiToini " 'ulu. A Vlttitn r rrcrionJ v. r, "rlo th it it is evrlain that Iiuuu.uni'i ,1ll dumow tho ue- tlun ot tho frencral e-ommitiditir; troopn uenr hilUtrii and will refer tho matter to the power., 11 III Mrmorallre. Tho council of central and UBMOclated chamber of agriculturel has resohed to me moralize tho privy council tn Kchcdule tho United States under tho cattlo dluMie act. The MerjXMit Hlrllii. LjVKirooL. I'eb, i -The ulrike of dock laborcra iHgiiiig troublo to hblpprs. Steam ship owners Bny thoy vrill dlnpatch their Tea sels on nppointcd days without carrroci if necessary, out aro conudent they Mil ioon bo relieved fnim iho pre-aent annoyance by laboiera comlny from other places, jlajlit triteswilt punlohull iutlmidatitn fcoerely. A CI II Wnr. Jeu.itiniK, Ib. 1. -Civil alrlfo has broken out iu Cabtil. Yakoob Kahu U ahell Ing Chatidol, the Klzllbanh poitlouof tho city. Nnmerous Hudira have left Cabul with their fauiillcx. IWCiriCCUAbT. Cllvo In Hie Shlp.V S iv riUMcurn, Feb. '1. Commodoro Olana, of tho training uhlp Jamcutoun, bus nvivcil ordera from Washington to turn tho ahip over to tho Navy Yard authorltlc at Maro Itland, in conformity with tho request of tho board of supervisor. Tho tiausfer will bo uiauo next Thurxday. niieket lliislnrss, Ilernard Lando, proprietor of tho I'coplta Stork Hichango "bucket shop," at Xo. 0J2 and yjl, that collapseid on tho 14th of laat month, was nmatod this afternoon on a warrant from tho city criminal court for em bezzlement. Tho complaint is aworu out by W. D. Oarablo, who saja that on tho 17th of January, tho day when tho concern failed he unto Lando $115 with which to buy stocks on margin, bat which Lands appro priates! to ins own uso, iiiinrti) cavo euii in the sum of (1,000. Shortly ufterwanlJohn Morgan, another of tho "bucket shop" vic tims, procured n warrant for tho arrest of Lando on 11 charge of embezzling $100 un der lllio circumstances. Ii is undiratsod that tho two warrants itemed this afternoon aro only foreruuuers of n score more th it aro to follow. toniirniiillny. Sen Fiivnoihco, Fob. 2. -Uefcrring to tip acnsational rumors iu Virginia City eotir. ru ing tho war between tho Sutro Tnam I Com pany nud the mines, the Stock lbHirt says "Ono of tho gcutlemui e-ouuee'led with tho arbitration committeo utithorizisl tho Stock Kcport rtpresentatlvo to pay that tho matter would no elonot bu arranged by tho tlmo tho Savago and Itorcross compsnies were ready to nso the tunnel, or at least 11 tew da) s later, and that though he was nat at liberty to aay how far matters had gone, In) would any thai negotiations now ouly depended upon tho approval of a certain proposition iu aovaeia mock. Monlhrru PmIb1 Hallruml, Yumi, Feb, 1. llegular trains ob tho Southern Pacific ud Ariiotia IUilroad began running to-day oaTeiaa 1111!, a new aution ty, miles east ol Yuma. Grading Ucum pletd IU mllea beyond th end of the track. MboolliiB Hit) Moala Ob. OoADjeLocrr, Feb. il. About eight o'cioek this morning thu town was thrown into ei tltement on hearing that U. lladlch has! aU UmpUd suicide ly cutting bis throat with au ax, aud then piiciug a Chine-se bomb in hla mouth And llrum It off. AUiut tbrre or foeer weoks ago ho wa svut to Santa Durham to be examined by pbylduus sopposiuu ho wan inaomi, and wat dlsmUacd by them aad retaxnvd home to take charga of bi bsad usim. It is the third timo that he has at tempid his life. Kuuliiuil la t'rlrsHlt7, TIm U, S. ship Conatitutiou, naving ruaio near shipwreck on. thu KngUh coast and be-e 11 repilretl in Uugllsh dexk yurds, was only ebsrged by tun udmirnlly tho bare ixist of labor mid material used iu saoh repairs. Ttii- (llnsrioiv llaiile IWrrtr. Th Glasgow link ellre'eturs havu Wti ti nte ce'isl to from H to IH months irapriaou. uieiu. King let ot! lightly, as it uim shown that thi) had not falsified their neouut for their own 1 eruuuul bene tit. Nan 1'rMiielset.i lU-uis, Sa-hFiuscisOo, Feb. .1. -Mannuerx ol thu Julia mine bale arrange d to eouttiet with tlu Sntro tuiitie), aud dlib ugu water through it. The French Hayings bank will re-aiuio btu Itiesa ou n new baMs. Tho bank elalim that tho oldns.tawil not'pay tbu depo-tllw, but thu bauk oomu.iu,ioiis think, iho bank eln ciaUhaio nudertalaisl the pr 'petty to-be on iuo waio Biiio, Jacob Shew, an old photographer, bbw hla brains out; c Hilary tmbariaSfrntnttho catuo. Kduird Myera, of "bucket shop" notori ety, was iirrtslesl ou eMiaplaiut if John Morgan, a Mctim. Mliiinir vtnlU'rs touijiruiulsol, Sa.v FBA.ieio, Feb. 1. Tho Slock 11. pott to-elay hus the following Wo aro t lutblesl to announce' thi morning, upon uuquvsUonablu uutlior.ty, thai all mat ters. ef UitTercncto betwesn Satroj aud the mining comisiules, with rvfertivo to tho Ut. Ur's uso of his'timuel, h,.vo Ihmu ikljiuted, btitro will ui onco withdraw his oblei-tiou to water b(in; pumped in, aud all will hence forth go on eiuoothlv. Wo nru uuablo to state the fiaet terms e4 udjuxuueut, Iwt it is Mild to have uiiolwil only slight conces sions on t ither side, Pape ra will U' drawn up at ouev, uud ua soon ua poa-Jblo will bo sigmxl, Realeel aud delivered. Adolph Satio, in au interview this after noon, cvutlruuel thu statumeut pre'llonsly tehgraphesl to day, tint an uuderatandlug had bee u reaoho.1 bvitaexiii himself and the mluiuij compuilea of Iho GeiuUck, He de elluM Atprtstnt tagivo detiiUoi'tbo ar rangement ami said that aomelntiior matters fctlll remained to Ki iMtleel lsfure papcra would bo slguealt but thai it might bo ;ou aiderexl that u ceunproiuiso had l.eiiellc-tel. It is reported em the authority of n gulle. mau connected w th tha committiti en the part of thouuniiij ev:np.ml.s that out of the conditions of thu airiCBinenl is tttt iho e-ompany w ill p iy a roj ally e f ?- j e r te u on nlloro hoUl.td worth SV) orupyards p r ton but tint ou oro ot Uter grad r sit.-J.rr royalty will bo p lid. Papers t-ill r V-1,11 bo signed in the course m a wH'U. Man Kraucl-.fi Vhisb. Interna) re-venuenUors las tvcuiug d.s corel an illicit d.stdhry iu tie barmen Jlwt'yi i' of n restanrant on Danont ctrcet, conducted by Louis Mcnuicr, with npparatnn in full working ordnr. Spirits, implemcnta, etc., wero carvtnrod, nud tho proprietor lodged in jail. Iho property which will bo forfeited to tho (jovcrnneiit, la valued nt $10,000 A Veteran of 1812. rri Journal, in nu intor.'iow - ith CnptAin Tbotniw Uetouriu, n vctoian of 1M12, no.v ?f yourn oh), i;U'iincs! tho foltovir n j ir'j inTi o." tltui war. Un rnitl : "1 "...VJ I I'U tir. llitOil tstition, ivtileti wnn hut u. I.(jrt dutniitn from tho priM ont pits of tlio ntiehorflgp. J don't cup poio nnyiKeJy but inytclf knows that there nwr Mns hitcii a place." "Do you know of nny other urt Ivors" "The only jersous I hnoiv of nro .Tatnts Austin, Andrew Crowe, und Abmhim Utliiy. "Whom did you servo under 1" "In the Northwest cntiipnigu Isened under Captain Kelly, nwl in tho houth- orn Cnptnin Funk. I luil to range from the extreme not th to the extreme south, and during uiy trumps I hud rough timo of it, with the eold wvather and tho scant supplies." "How nianv buttles did you ttifco part int" "Three. 1 wnH nt the buttle of the ThtitneH, in iihich CoL Tohnnon whipped l'roetor and Teeunisoli 80 hadlv." "Did John kill Tecumseh 1"" "Thnt is homi'tliiiig that nobodv can telL Col. Johnson neier claimed that ho killed tho chief, nud in tho noiho of lh-ini and iu tho tumult it is mtnply im- K)S4tbIt) for any man to establiah the claim that he) killed him." "You haw T-cuiiiM-h. 1" "Vo; and I remember sotntthing in this connection which maybe of inter est Johu yiaughter, ono of the bol diern, cut a ctrip of flesh ftoui the dead chief anil used it for n nwor-strop, and nn evcedlent one ib made, it lieing itoft and oily." "Ih the rtory about tho hog following tho army to Lake Krio truo 1" "lost, mr; truo ns gosjel. it ntartcei from Nowjwrt, Ky., and followed our army nil tho way to Portage, IJiko Krie. Homotimc-H it would get several miles behind uu on account of tho muddy io.uln. hut it nl wajh turned tip when wo wero camping. Tlie men roginlc-1 it as a gooi omen, and of counio the animal was vrvll fed by them nil nlong the route. I'eople vi.li 1.1 tUJiTetltlOUII IlltOtlt HUVll iii ift -- Itri'.toh vUor that I kept .,. lr 1 , .r, Nc a c)-'.fii' k told mo that ots I . t1 'bi'tl'tn. bil.e Krie, while the I'.ntisli shipt wiv n-s'.ing initetly on Uu) hike1, tt bjieg hi ick sn.iko wn well atretchtNl letwei'n two of tho Bhips. 'Jlio wiilor.s got tho reptile on Itoard 0110 of tho ships, lockisl it un in a room and never saw it iigaiiu In a few days tho licet wan scattered to tho winda by tho Aineticun squulron. Tho Hiiilor main taiiusl that tlw difuipjieMnnce of tho black snnke wru 11 hurhingur of the 1I0 Htrnction of tlio British ileot. lie told mo that he hod never Keen mich a light na that at Lake Brio 1" "What about Now Orleans T "The 8th of January, 1H15, wah ilampv foggy tloy. Tlierv wan a drinl ing rain all the morning. Wo wore armcel with flint loclu, which were of couriv very iiuperfoct weapon. If wo hud Itaei modern wcaona 1 don't think thnt any of the enemy would ha o ev- cnpetl, so deoadly vml rexLUesH wua our aim. Vu gavd them a wfirru reception when they came on with our -wiuirrcl' giinn, and 'bear' gunn. They marched in three coltimn.s. Tlio central force co-ru upon u; ono of tho wings enmo along tho Ici-ounil th other struggled through ti Hwnirupish wcxkIs. Tint hretiutwork, eotnpose-il of cotton, we-re- about siv feot higlu A lino of bales wua uinccil im mediately behind the bivrihtworkH for me hoiiucn 10 mount iuiii uni irouu Tliey could he 1.0 u during tho fi"ht lumping upou theso lmh-s, lrring, jump ing te tlie ground and reloading. Only a itry fow of tho British succeeslcd in mounting tho olmticles wo hud thrown ii. Their frU was doeideel quickly and oftcntimea te-rriblv If not taken prisoners, thoy diad. I saw twenty avin dead melt above- thu bnrnstwoifc which had belongc-d t thu tuiddlo ctl urn n. Tho battle labted mi hour and n half. A great deal nf blame luul Us,n cast uj'Hin (reineml Jaeksou for not pur suing tho enemy, hut I think he acto I prudently and rightly. Tho Uritish wore dcchis.1 out in tho gaudiest sorts of unifonnu, wo prfM'Utesl ratlicr a shab by uppeanince. Wo were us dirty as wo could tie, but that didn't Livp u.s fixun fighting, Tho enemy called iw Slirty bhirK but wo didn't care'." "How did tho holdiers like OeniT.il JaokRonV' "Ho wan a great favorito with tlio sol diers getucnilly, but ho certainly did not trvnt thu Kentuckions right, 'llio 111 in whom wo liked abovo nil others, wan General Oarroll, of Teiuietooo." "How were you off for proviMons on tho march to Now Orleans V' "Wo wero well pro ideil, Qf eourho wo diet not luvo the facilities nud eon venienceM thit soldiora to-ilay have. Tho provusiona had to Ik carrieel on pick hon.es, and thero'wus nn uncut t.iinity about their arriving, ishieh was jnisittve ly ilis.igreetblo. Iu those elaya whisky hi Id the place now oecupieel by whisky, e-otlev and test combined." "Doyou rvmruilier Any tiling e4oiiliout thelsittloof Now Orleans 1" "I recollect seeing tho bni? inls hln ei--iu- nronud tho uauip; and when tho lxliert of tho (had wero buried the.-o v.vea!rj would frctjuently pull them troui tho grouniL" Jes'.ing is good (or ttu digestion. Tncrefore, live digciing, and die jesting. A Literary Club. OnviOM Crrr, Or,, Jan , 2711). 1ST? IlJilor Wilhmetto Fannofi Tho Country Lioja' fiterary ncd IMitiia I'lsiety, P. S Noyer l'rcaidint, held itu oca im 1 t pedui; en tko eivcJiinj of t'm 115th, tnnt , a'. Mnltlh (Irutgo hill, and ilijcsued tho cultjort nf a N.irruw-guAi; Jlsilread IV. .1 C-fcto, c( htw lira, w.11 pieeent and de livered au able vhlrcvi on tho stibje.'. nil lixnU iu iit-rnl, trid ono fcr Clickaieaj County in 1 irtlouUtr. Our Sorfi'tv li vrlin it mfipcv: but we bono it m'l Ixi bunj.it to i'.o iK,ighholli(i9l, nit'i he n p.a 0 'or erjoel t il 1.1 ir.n-n nt Mid iwtine'ioi. Ve 'n .-Vol Uea'y - m lore, and K011 C V- ' li and IV, .1 'v.U tj Honorary motr.bsrs Ucsp'cb'iilly, A. V. !iwi.w One More. ilr 1. V. CVwtlcman, fannerly of Chimjwg and lately cf Portland, adertl!S thit he will attend to tho dlaeasos of horses. Mr. Cai'.lc man has many friends who know hli nbibtici in connection with votcrinery practice, and they will bo glad to know that he ha.i located in this city. Wo rail attention to his card, aud bcapeak a fair show of buincsa for him. Votorinary Surgeon. Dr. Jw. Withcomlte, who lias for avcril years IimI an extensivo veterinary practico in tliU and Waahington County, Iias perma nently lecateil in Portland, whero ho will Iw glad to treat all ellsoasoit that horso "rlMh ii heir to." Mr. Withcombo comos to ua huhl) rceommeiidcd. Our readers ivill do will to eall on him. ExrjuUlto Faotojrap&S' Mr. Frank AU1I, of 107 ami lO'.l First Street, Portland, furnishes some of tho ne iteflt and best ilnlshctl photographs to lie obtained of any photographor in tho State, Mr. AW I! carried oil' tho laurels at our lato fiUto Fair. Any of ourrcalcrs when In Portland would do well to call on hha. Local Notico. Seo notice nfMr. 11. It. Green, in another column, desiring to rent a farm. Mr. G. la a now coiner hero and dculrca to rent thla season. Anyone deviling to rent for this winter and next year, would do well to addrcHS him. Another FnHt Dryer. Mr. Lewis llrookn, of Itrooks Station, in forms us that two Kelly A. Colo fruit dr)ers aro at work in his orchard making a mi;rior quality of dncsl fruit, undor mniigcmcut of Mr. Allen, who rent tho orcliard Uils yoar. Stato and Territorial. (To)otrs are killing shisip near Dalla 1. Shoting serajw nt l!iigeno. Nodunag;. Tlio Willametto U "full" at Independence. Spring salmon aro Ifing caught iu tho Ump qua. Hixjdlunu oro getting Iroi.blMomo !a Indo pindtncc From six to twelve inches of snow nu tho Coast mountains. IloMeburg takes 173 share, of sto-.k in tho llluo Itiblxm butiuttM. HberilT Hogan, of Douglas county has col lectcsl V'Jd.uuu taxes to date. Monmouth, Polk county, will soon lay 36, 000 foct ot sldowalk lumber. Tho Newport, Southport and Faitport mmea aro again la operation. Coos county now has a regolar lino of mail earners, a lie jicnrHc nru iwjj. The Yroka Jonrnai wants Undo rmra to make the Klamath river navigable. Itosehurg wants a bank. Can't somo of the boya sell their jowolry and ntart one! The Lucky Qucn mine ha been lestaed to Mr. F. S. ltoelabaugh for tho term of one year. itoaeburg is going, to have a course ot lec tures delivered for the benefit of bjr Library Association. The Plaindealer aa) a that Um prteut Win- icr nas isien an nnuauaiiy itertre one on stoen in Southern Oregon. Green lSros.,o( Douglas county aro rununig ewu ameseros niKn& auu tiayvu wie nugar inu Ledge, and crusliltig quarta worth $30 a too. At a meeting of tho Lucky Queen Mining company, at lhMohurg, nn niMeaAment of oeui half per lent, ou tlie whole stock wa levied. George MilWgau, of laigeun shipjxsl a car lo.vl of stall fed Isvvf to this eity last wruk. Portland can ataku their money on Rotting juicy steaks now. Tho third term of the Stato University com mences to-day (Monday). Tho jiaAt week ex aminations liaiu taken pi ve, and tho Guanl sa) s tho geiur.il avvrago is good. There is a liuly iu llo-o-burg wlv Uv ex eesidingli' inkiest tliat it mak(4 her blush to ajieak the naked truth. -Plaiadealer. Yes, and somo (I tho Ihigeru girls arcsn inoUt, aa to object to the hauling of t:ndri-oi lum Iter throiiih the street, Kugeno Guard. Not so w ith Portland girls. Send your girl dow n hero anil thoy will find enir girls "plainer" in their modesty, Tacoina. has had her pictuni taken. Thu Drowiuiille Adiertiaerhu anapended publication, which wo regret. Tho Dakota carried 1,000 btuliol of potatoe-a to San Francisco from Seattle. The. V. S. rvvenue mttor Curwin has ro turneel to atoria from her northern trip. ThKucletiJ Najs several more buildings are to tie eoiutnicteHl in Harritburg early in tho Spring. Tho Seattlo Post ay! Ou tho 2il tho house, bani, aud uutiru accumulated crop of tho year bclougiug to V. C. WeUtcr, of So quim Prairie iu Clallam county, were dutroycel by tiro. During tho mouth of lccetuber tho light koeporn, of lMgct Sound report, gives 31 s'uid, 61 barks, 3 bngs, 14 schooners and 12 steam. rs as having puaseid Tatoooh light, making a total ol 1J0. Attention to small things is the econ omy ol virtue. Enjoy Life, YVhat a truly beautiful world wo Ii'to ju! Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glena and oceans, ami thousamls of means for en joy iiuiit. Wo can desire no better when in perfect health; but how often do the majority of voplo feci bko giving it up dithearteneel, elbswuraged and womed nut with dilate, when there is no occasion for this feeliu, as every kutlerer ean easily obtain tatiefaetory prooi that Green's August "Flower will make them as free from disease at wheu born. D)pia and Llier Complaint is the direct cause of soieuty-iive percent, of such mala dies as ltihoiKiiess, Indigestion, Sick Head ache, Costiv eius, Nervous Prostration, Put ziness of the Head, Palpitation of tho Heart, and other dittreasiug symptoms. Ihnedoats of August Flower will prove ita wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cent Try it. Valuable Land for Sale. Mr. Clarlte, of the Fatutfit, having rj. moi-cd from Morio 1 County, ollcra to call G40 acres of Uml rllnatetd ,vta KHnt whoro tho Muito.Fav) Jtoael Ic.avcj tho aalloy, in tho wnUt of n thiokly-sittlcd and -cry healthy region, moat of the laud being under fence and at leant half 01 it eau be mviogooel wheat land at a cost of tone or five elollani an ncro for clearing. It iswcll voIod .inel v atcrttl aud is a regain unixcellcl for health Tha improvcmmit 1 are of vil j In r i-oiv tet'.Jcr. Pnoo Oo.OO nu w-c J-01 inoero can bo left on iinnnal pajMitnw lir.i term of jcari nt low mtcieet. Tina 11 one nf tlio beat kind trmles to bo made iu ths Mile, It is afavor ito region for Germans, and wvcral German families could elivido it among them. It would make an cxcollei t ranch for sheep and Angoca goatB, with which It la now stocked tf "' Astonishing Success. It is tho duty of every person who ha? used BoicittK'a Oekm in Svnurtolct its wonder ful qualities bo known to their fricuda in cur ing Consumption, wicre Couglui, Croup Asthma, lneumonla, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No twrsoii can uo it without Immcdiato relief. Threo doses will relieve any cat, and we ceuiiider it tho tluty of all druggiets to recommend it to tho poor ilviinr cousiimiit've'. at lca.il to trv ono Imitt.' as lO.OIX) dozen bottles wero sold last )carj and 110 ono caso whero It failed was reportod! Such n medicine a the (iMivwSriiof cm. not bo too widely known. Ask your Drug, gist nltout it. Sample liottlcs to try, 10 ecnti. llegular slw, "" cents. Scott's Barbed Fouoo Wire. Messrs. Newbury, Chapman ft Co., of Port land, nru agents ou tho Northwest Coait for SlOTT'll P.ITE.VT 1'oVn PolNISIl SlKKt 11 linn n Fi.ver. Wiiik, forv-lilch superiority is chimed, as follows: It is plaited instead of hciug twisted, there by preserving tho grain of tho motal. Thowiro is maila by nuarhiiiery, and is uniform. It is platnl by patent proccsi, and is weath er proof. It Is fonr-poinUd, 125 points to tho roil. Tho wire Is wound on strong spools, and can lo sliipltcel any distance. It takes 300 pounds singlo st-and. fur ona mile, and half ai uuny pMt-i ai board fenc ing. Thoao needing foncoa and obliged to trans tort loog diatanocs, will be interettcd in tho liiflerctioe ot cost lx-tween barb wiro and lum Iter. And oven whero timber is abundant, many may prefer to uso this light and durable material. Jan 17 lm WANTED--FAMTORENT 11 a ptt ot three trn 'it f I i', a Vam tn IVnl en Shared or UMtfor Trr) M V"s.--ltli thsnrliUrn ut l.ujtnif Aslrei- K. II. (1PKK.V. Potliml. Or iuitnr.ro intra 11 rvpurt-i. aur : Dr. JAMES WITHYCOME, VETERINARY SURGEON, W ILL I'UACTICE IN I1)l,TVil) UKKKArTSR IlAtini had sn evtrniira rnstlcUi Ororoa tor Ui lulelj;hi eanr, U a seiffidpnt iruanuilits ol abllllj. WUI wnl pnaKripllons anil latonruUon for th treat nwat of any Juriie on rroHpl of one elollsr. Huts Hi )-mptonu a nrtr as possible, al iKar Um Of? Inl wcim cs aone. un se BLACK HAWK STABLES, IOHTLA.VD, OHKUON. frlTlnf IHSa. 1NT9. EXCLUSIVELY Carriage and Wagon Hardware, Carriage and Wagon Hardwood, Wheels, Hubs, Spokes, Axles, Bows, Iron Axles, Springs, Malleable Irons, etc. Address E. J.NORTHRUP & CO., coiusiae nturr ami main Knuomi Portland. : : Oregon. fb7K Xjq- ftTlT. J.J.SMITH, M.H.V.C.V.S. oit:s T CORBETT'S STABLES, Cor. Second and Tuj lor Streets. FOIlTTi ITJP. Oaa Be Found at AU ZXours, Night or Say. leW P.F.CAS'XEHIAN, V. S DEXTER STABLE, Cor. Washington and coaJ Sts., PORTIs.vNii. I'. 8. AU raw. la or ivrir the Atj punctnallji tter.d ol to. M IU treat )itient with le.-iot.ti ilsue. Abo rt 1.U at s. elUtaneV, uij ml a1! orJoo. for veur'r.ar) raud IdnM. Charrrs rttuionaW. -ia. OA-xin. To all who aro .uflsrtnir frettu tha enors la I lailKro tlons of yvulh, nsivous tv)iifc-. ualy .koir, ls of raueliooU, ste , 1 U1 svnj a rwlps that fill euro you, fKKrtOk'cltAltOK. Thl. vrt-at rveil u .lucov ensl by a mlMlunsry In South Aisorioi. S rsl a st If btilrtMed ovi4oti to th llNT, JoswiiT l-e.,bt. Uon U, HibW llow, Nw Vers City. JnAl-ly East Portland Poultry Yard. A. F. MILLER, Prop. Afw ftbnurv 1,1 M I all cutlers for f.-.- e-f tv.e tolVmlni; vailitlos ol fosU: Whito Leghorns, Brown Leghorns. Light Brahmas, Dark Brahmns, GoldonSeabright BontaniB. Try Os- Ct- 13 - $3 for a Senilis; of 13two Settings for $5.00. Abe, coattantly on hlri, EGG FOOD AND fiEBM&H ROOP PILLS AddroBS, A. F. MILLER, East rarllaHtl. - jsaUSn WOODLANDS FARM. (Klgtit miles wait ol le)irA) PILEINGTON BROS, Turoirrnui .d BEaaviaa oi ytiitv: m.m Poland China, and Berkshire Pigi. Our Crecekn. art from Um best bonis bi tho Unllo.1 bUUa. IVIvo.i Cbio pairs sot ssiatka rtvly la Apru, OotrtApoadears aouctted. AAlrejs. PILKIKOTeXV EROS. ljao ly rwtlsn J, 0WJ91. Wwpw"1lWI!ffi!ls'w Trfrri'J3"HfKttH'