Imbc Ijjjomx ijirdr. Conducted by Mrs. Harriot T. Clarice. 1VIIEX I AM OLD. When I nni old ar.d o!i, liow ronii Will life sweet morning yield to norm, Anil ihdii'h Wool, earnest, fervid light JJo ahrouiicd in tlio iinlciuu night; Till like n ctorv well nigh told, Will acorn my hie, when I mil old. Win ii I am old -this breezy earth Will lose for mo iU voice ot mirthi Tho streams m 111 havo an undertone Of saducw, not by right their owns Ami Spting's sweet power in vain unfulil In rosy charms when I nni oUl. When I am old- 1 shall not caio To deck with (lowers my faded halrj Twill he no tmn dcoiio of mine, In tith anil costly drtrs to slime) Itnght jowols ami the brighlust gold Will charm mc nut when I am old. When I am old my friends will ho Old and intlini and bowed like me, Or else their bodies 'ncath tho nod; Their spirits dwelling safo with Clod Tho old chuteh bell will long hivo tolled Above their test when I am old. When I am old I'd lather bind Tints sadly o'er each buried fiieml, Than ceo thtm lose the earnest truth That marks tho friendship of our you tin 'Twill bo sad to have them cold Or straugo to mo w hen I nin old. When 1 am old oh, how it seems Llku tho wild lunacy of dreams, To picture, in prophetic rhme, i That dim, far distant, shadowy time; So distant that it seems o'er bold Even to say, "When I am old!" When I am old, perhaps oro then, 1 shall be missed from haunts of men; l'erhapt my dwelling will bo found Beneath tho green ami quiet mound; My namo by stranger hand enrolled Among the dead -no I urn old. Kro I am old! that tlmo is now, For youth cits lightly on my hiow, My limbs aro llrni and free, Lifo has a thousand chsimx for met Charms that will long their influence hold Within my heart cro 1 am old. Kio 1 am old, oh let mo give My lifo in learning how to live! Then shall 1 met tt with willing heart, An early tuinnx in to depart; Or tlml my lengthened days comolcd lly 0 od's sweet p.noc when 1 am old. A Milk) Willie. Ileyoild the smiling tho weeping . I rhnll bo toon i llcyond tlio waking nnd tho sleeping, lloycml tlio so-.vitu nnd tho reaping, I thall bo soon. Love, rest and homo! Sweet hope! Lord, tarry not, but come. Beyond tlio blooming ami tho fading I shall bo toon; lloyond tho shining and tho shading, Beyond tho hoping and tho dreading, I shall bo soon. Beyond tlio rising and tho sitting I shall lia soon) llcyond tho calming and tho fretting, llcyond remembering and regretting, I shall bo soon. , Beyond tlio gathering and tho strow ing I small busooni lloyond tho ebbing and tho flowing, Beyond tho coming end tho going, I shall bo soou. Beyond tho parting and tlio meeting, I shall bo soon) Beyond tho farewell and the greeting, Beyond this pulse' fever beating, I shall bo soon. Beyond tho frost chain and tho fcter I shall bo toon) Beyond tho rock wasto and'tho river, Beyond the ever and tho never, I shall bo soon. Love, rest and homo! Sweet hope I Lord, tarry not, but come. CATCHING UK SCUOOLMASIKR. 'Young nnd hnndsomoV' Yos, Juat ns nlco as can be.' 'Slnglo'?' Wliy, of course IIo In loo younc to bo married.' 'Then let's sco who'll catch Iilm,' lauehod tho pert girl or tho village. 'You won't,' Bald pretty Jessio War ner. 'And why not, I wonder?' 'Uoeauso 1 I don't think he'd tho hind to bo caught that way.' 'Oh, you'ro going to try tho coy and retiring young woman aro you'." said Frank. I lor namo was Francos. 'I'm not going to try anything,' was tho response, 'lie has only been horo a fow dayo.' We'll uce,' Kilrt Frank, tossing hor black eurR 'They say ho Is studying law, and I mean to marry a lawyer If I can.' Tho 'catching' had hlthorto been tlor.o by tho wiry, nervous, inucb-on-during school-musters, mudo tyrants by tho Idlonoss, and Insolonco, nnd in subordination of tho larger scholars. Thoy hnd 'caught' boys by tho collar; 'caught' tho oldor girls roadlng novels undor cover of well thumbed school books; caught them writing love-letters, Instead of compositions, and held them up to the ridicule of tho school, One who Is always on tho watch for mischief Is sure to fld it. This regime had passed away. A young and handsomo man, a very Chesterfield in manners, had met the scholars as a gontleman meets young ladles and gentlemen, and now some of the girls declared, as no girl with elf-respect would declare, that ho was to be caught himself. So enthusiastic, so really Imbued with his work was he, that ho rosily In spired the best spirits in tho school, so that they vied with each other In keep ing up in their studies nnd in general good behavior. But, strangely enough, the master seemed determined not to bo 'caught.' In vain Invitations poured upon him to parties, to all tho Haywood g.iyotie; In vnln tho nets were spread In Ills sight; In vain some or tlio young iadios dreftSPd for him, smiled at him, ho was apparently Insemiblo to all allure nuntf. Ho could ho seen only at school, in tlr ttrcot, or at church. 'IIo'sJih' a poki,' -nitl Kite, pout ing,' and I do halo a poke, young or old I' One pleasant evening, several of the girls unit together in tho sitting-room of Don. Tufts. Now tho deacon was n cripple, and iw he had been chosen postmuslcr. and could nut go out to the olllce, the ollice came to him. It was a plenant room, and generally quite well llllod with applicant for let ter?. As was often tho cneo in these informal little meeting', tlio master was tho subject under discuoiion. 'llavoyou caught him yet'." asked one of tho girls of Frnnl:, slyly. 'Oh, Jessie, hero, seems to bo tho favorite,' said Frank, 'IIo has eyes only for hor. llopo siio appreciates the attention, IIo ought to bo good to her or muybo his supplies would bo cut off.' 'Of couro I appreciate his kindness' said Jessie, with a laugh. -Why, only think 1 he's going to teach mo French' 'Indeed 1 Tho district doesn't pay him for giving you private lessons, though' said Frank, nlmost angrily. 'Certainly not,' replied Jessie, 'but his tlmo is ills own out of school hour.'. Of courso I will try to return his kind ness.' 'I don't doubt It; but pr.iy tell us In what way'." asked Frank, ironically. 'Oh, I put ilowcrs In his rouin to make It look cheerful, and on tho table, or make a little bouquet for his coat, that Is, I did make one, but ho would not wear It,' she addod. '(luiloscntiinuiitiil! You have tho co,it clear befnro you, haven't you'." 'Well, .if you mean lie boards at our hou!o, and no must bo treated kindly, yes. The night you wero all at the dance, !iu took mother and mo to ridr.' 'So that's tho reason ho didn't eonio tomy party!' cried Frank, her eyes rtd ii3 well as her cheek-'. Tartly, and partly because ho hates dancing, ho told me so.' 'How well you aro uutchr-d i' retort ed Frank. 'You don't dance, and ho don't liko it. If you keep on with your llowers nnd your rldos, you'll catch him, novcr fear!' Oh, but I neither wish nor intend to catch him.' 'Mnybo lie is engaged to somebody already; ho nets llko it,' was tho sug gestion ol Frank's cousin. 'I told Frank sho ought to find out.' 'Ho has plenty oflottcrs addressed in n lady's handwriting,' said tho deacon, holding ono up for thorn to soo, and ho turned away with a queer smllo, 'but I'm protty sure nono of thorn aro from a sweetheart.' 'Maybe he's got a sister.' 'Ho has, and n mother, too. His sis ter Is married, and tho mother is with her.' 'Oh, but then what docs ho want to hlro tlio brown cottago for?' quoried n quiet llttlo girl. 'Father has it to lot, you know, and it seems to mo I heard him say tho schooltnostor wanted it for his family.' 'Absurd!' exclnlmcd Frank. At this, tlio postmaster laughed aloud. 'If ho is engaged, bo's mean enough!' said Frank, with warmth. 'Tlio Iiioa of his coming hero undor falso proton- sosl 'Did ho ever tell anybody lie was not engaged?' asked tho deacon. 'I don't know as ho did, and I'm euro I don't caro if ho's engaged to u dozen girls! If ho's conceited enough to think I do, I'll soon undeceive him.' It was always polf with tho foolish girl. Her undue consciousness had led her into trouble moro than onco. 'Hush, Frank, there's Mr. Kvans I hope ho didn't hear us,' said Jessie, as tho tall llguro of tho clergyman entered. 'Who cares? If you supposo lam afraid of tho minister, you aro mis taken,' sho added, boldly walking up to him, heated with temper and cha grin. 'Mr Evans, you nro ono of the school committee,' she said, with tho assur ance of n business matron of forty. 'Will you please tell us what Is tho mystery about the teacher you have employed for tho winter?' Mystery mysteryl' said Mr. Evans, looking at her in surprise. 'Really, Mis? Frances, I havo never heard that thero was any mystory about him.' 'Well, there is, and I think It ought to be cleared up. Tax payers ought to know what sort of men come into our midst, especially when he has chargo of their daughters.' 'He canto with the best recommenda tions,' said tho minister, moro nnd more surprised. 'Well, sir, tho deacon declares ho Is not engaged to be married, and yet ho Is looking for a house In which to live, I understand, and ho Is at tho same tlmo playing tho freo oung gentle man among us.' 'lias ho shown any special attention to you, or trilled with tiny of my yo'ung flock?' 'IIo is certainly trying to with Jo-'.r, sir.' 'O Frank, how enn you ay so?' cried ' Jp'blo, hor face nil imp, her eyes pirk Hug indignantly. 'IIo f. a perfect go., tlcmiin,' sho iitldul, turning to tho minister, 'and 1 know till about him, anil meant to toil Fran it, alter having a llttlo fun. Why, he lias been married to a most beautiful girl. Ho told mamma, alter wo hud become u Utile ncqualntod, thai ho married her just after ho graduated) because sho was aloiio and had no friends or protector. IIo Is now studying day and night to get admitted to tho bar, and he Is anx ious to bring ills wife here; that Is why ho was looking at tho little cottage, as it hns a few roonn furu'shed. Now you havo tho whole mystery.' 'ou might havo told us boforol' cried Frank, with n scarlet face. 'You, too. Deacon Tuft?, ought to be asham ed of your conduct, for of courso you know It.' To bo suro I did. all your questions, Didn't I nnswer young lady? I thought I would let you run on awhile, and get all tho nonsenso out of you. Tho master rondo no particular secret of his marriage, that I know of, neith er has ho proclaimed it upon tho house tops. Maybe ho ought to; I don't know. You know ho was married, Jessie?' 'Oh, yes, I know It. He showed mother his wife's photograph, nnd It 33omssho can teach botany and con etiology and music. Blio can liolp him a great dual If sho comes here.' Then the minister read Frank nnd tho girls a short lesson, ending with these words: When you aro eld enough and wi-o enough to havo home.-) of your own, you will wait (ill some worthy man throws out tho lino and caMien you. And 1 am suro you will find In tlio young woman who is coming a beauti ful, discreet and lovable companion; and although nono of joti havo caught the schoolmaster, you ought to catch many n wie lossou from his manly, modest demeanor, as well as f-om Ills Instruction from tlio desk.' Youth's Companion. A Mcau Advantage. Thoro wero a wcoro or moro of women g-ithcrcd together at Mr. Johiiiou's house. Mr. .lolinson l-j a Kood-licarted man and n resiiectablo citizen, though h j Is rattier sceptical In noiuo thing-;. Too women had Just orjfanlzcd "Tho Forulgn Honovoloat Society," wlion Mr. Johnson entered tho room. Hu was at onco appealed to to donate a fow dollars as a foundation to work on, and then Mrs. Qnihntn ndded: 'It would 00' ho ploauaut, in after years, for you to remember that you gave this socioty iU flrit dollar and its first kind word.' Ho slowly opened his wnllot, drow out a ton dollar bill, nnd as tho Indies smacked their lips nnd clapped their hand-j, ho asked: 'Is this society organized to aid tho poor of foreign countries?' Yes yes yos I ' they chorused. 'And it wauts motioy? Yes yes.' 'Well, now,' said Johnson, as ho fold ed tho bill in a tempting shape, 'thero nro twonty married women horo. It thero nro llfteen of you who can mnlcu oath that you havo eombod tlio chil dren's hair this morning, washed tho dlshos, blackened tho cook-stovo and matlo tho buds, I'll donate ten dollar.-".' 'I have,' answered two of tlio crowd, nnd tho re-t ald: 'Why, now, Mr. Johnson!' 'If llfteen of you can m.iku oath that youi'liur-bauds aro not wearing socks with holes In tho heels, tho money Is yours,' continued tho wretch. Just hear hlnil' they exclaimed, each 0110 looking at the other. 'If ten of you have boys without holes in the knees of their pants, this X goes to tho society,' wild Jofuinon. 'Such a man!' they whispered, 'If thero uro live pairs of blockings In this 100111 that do not need darning, I'll hand over tho money,' ho went 0:1. 'Mr. Joliiiiou,' said Mrs. Graham, with great dignity, 'tho rules of tills society declaro that no money shall Lo contributed except by mombors, and as you uro not u member, I beg tint you will withdraw nnd let us proceoJ with the routino business.' Uoilcd bnioui aro rirocriU-d In 1 JigUnd for a cold in the cbett, &nd cnloiif, either cooked r raw, for chronic rheumatism. A Qtntle Hint In our atyl of clluiaut, with lu midden cbanjrwi of temperature, rain, wind, ud umulne often Intciraluttled In a alexin day, It la no wonder thai our children, frlrnUf and relative are to trrqutnlly taken frnui ua tiy neglected cxild, hair the dta'.ba reaultlng dirtctiy from tbUutuax. A hot tie ol Boachee'a Qernian Uyrup kept about your home Tor Immediate use will prevent aerioua alcknean, a larxe doctor' bill, and peruai daub, by the ns of (bite or four doio, i'or curing ConaUDiptlon, ilemorrbaxea, I'nrtlliionla, Severe CmiKha, Croup or any dlveaim of the Throat or IunK, It aut-cesj l 1 11: ply woiidbrfnl your drtijMjUt will tell you, Otinnmi Syrup U notv told In iivery low 11 and vIUkhoii thlHcontliutil Sample butllea (or 'rial, 10,2 ; regular aU-j 75c. MANUFAClTttER .N nr.Ai.r.n in- IiBAEHBK Aim SHOE FIJTOINGS, e)i..xiniYjc, - orxnoaxicr. Cash Paid for Hides, 3?urs, asad Palis. in osder to maks room for my' Spring Sfcocfr, now being received ? will offer, for GO days, my entire stock of Rubber Goods, and Kip and Cork-sole Boots, at Cost. I havo also mndo a REDUCTION IN PRICE of all my Philadelphia and Now York city (loods-placlng tho boit Hues of HOOTS AND SHOES made in tlio reach of all. tSiT Customers will b.nir in mind that Ootids sold at tho following prices aro strictly for CASH.'tBs MIAN'S I.OXO llUllIiKU HOOTS . .&I.00 MISSKS' Ht'llllKIlH i M) kxkk " " .... :i.r,ii " Aitrnrs 't.oo Aitcries, . .. . i.M) mkn's douiili:. sou:, l-'UM.. STOCK LADS' ItUnilKIlN, ,V) KIP HOOTS... . a.W) AKCTICS, (fine largo folos) .. l.M ItKAL (,'OHK-SOI.K HOOTS. fc7,iilw.inl GARDEN SEEDS, imxiiT TiiEiw, ;hass seeds AMD tiir iiet vxiin, yr.w and Thr attention el incnhvik l lutlltxl to my Urge out! uill n.wrtcj Html ol good, of thonWrtoiUUu. I Ihhu tlii car lniturliJ Irum Knitland. Out irtnco of liunWfor llli-h (Irco i IV4, (01 tl-o EAM.V Mid nrr "ikw urt fur n-p. I tuna tiiiu lxU'Cli lnrl(tli', wliKli t Mil Mil to Incrtli mU hi null qmntltln ai tiny nut .iiitforlliclrrtWomiT, SMj HtidiandouT, tir onot.rjiLK imuji, or, II tin) lli to tnko in) vci!, L-nl Mlir. al'mi o i imivimiox, I Mill fin J Kt ell ki mm, no uimu ami IVHK, tl.atlltt)-.AnA1TCI!IO&!l) IIOtOltAlilllHrilCIIAITBOROWIMI THIK. A rl- ilfntf hat llniirt. I tiuvrifrrto ne of mj rmtoinora In Onrnoi Citr For tlu bVcltitjcni lie nair.iul tci.M-llroU for any otiirit liouw -aMIu Iki KSanlfor im 'niurouliwi-, Ui ro, vtAiutr Ith tlic cnoO, toUiii liUtn'J. Vtiin I ko'1 w on ixi.tii Iwili imatnl I irot tlio ciTdlt of It Vow mirk tlm r.'tult, Tlio "nr Tt tit, n 1 1 find from my ludln, hu ioIi only 9ll,M wotfi ol M.til; It JiRr I.U a.ild) ,' j n to S!f,1 S In tliU ono Itrm, nnl lni tai tlMfMvvt Mm.tltl i u.ttitSxui tUlit othrr .tin m In tl.o i ti. all mlj i.Vlifunna Kt-I'. T.i av t U ihf bwr V a I if'l (;Uo t tiny ono )ii ul.i.. t tr.fy tho Utiw it. rl Hi-fi ure m-w imiIv, put tin lit mit i)r-tuimo lixt-i. Ami nii hmiS cat ot tlii uw jutalti-i -! 1..1I) muuM tl9 will to ..1111 lui 1CRM1, or iitke tr. 0i k 01. -, Itfuru tlio t;u.iiu oi-r, utnl li&w tim. fur ttilik-il ftxiu J'tf.lml villi U Ir fall ktixL if J-ood-l. FRUIT TREES. 1 hv9Iat.onil lUxk ol tiini'ir imwtli iTOMliirtriM, ami 1mili- of n(r..t)il, for utt.-uii, nliUli I 1111 Mil tu l m 1111J ono uln ik- en litftiotiiMiittriUcatfotuaidUu.lm-x. I unuM My lit rml;iint ho mo ivnnij t inw. tliat 3 r,u.-n ikmh) to n.s fur (iny or nil fie ik tin 1 it r 1 urlot im of umi'o in tm .!'mm n..t'(vtt'.rforCm:i:l'.V. I'LI'M, I'lll'SC, rKXCIII., I'l'llUXNTM, (l(ilii:i:i:illtil. liI.A('Klli:itllllJ4, IIAHI llhltltll.S, nml SnitAVllKHIUI, ami i,u rin.uait ir.cnu.i r.m umiiuro iuu) uu.ti 10 nnru 1 0: fill .) to Jt any n uoual t naii. I .An fttll Ai4it4 trr 1 vr ol-l &t So.tO ir 1W: thkli tiro Tl ry are our. to mm ti.t lil).-h; and titr, 3 ycant oM 3 to )uv. ml inv t-l ir .iuiii.- imiiivu ii i'ivjviiiviui fit. , Tlio Urrrtt Kr iititnjo rtt en for i)l.nj tl.o nLote i.nuicil mih1 or lric. no:ni3 AldrcM . DICKINSON, Micro, Uirgtrn! " Buena Vista POTTERY. A FTEIl A PKni'lD OP IDLENESS. TI1K8K J. hto now for pevcral inonllii been lo full operation mannfaetiirlns a fnperlor nod lmproiod article which I am ablo to oflvr to the trade at of 3BMjrt Ouftllty. My pte'ent Uvk la tnperlor toanjthlnt- manarac tord at tlil I'nttery for Uro year )at, and la equal to bttt eanheoware for ticniUi and durability. I Guarautcu SntlNlncflou. Crdrrf, or reqne t for loformallon a to price lilt, ihculd tie addtnted tu A. M. SMITH, Euena Villa. Au. at 1'ioDrletor. Guns! Guns! BEtNSJ. FORSTIMEiR, 11 AS A LAr.tin STOCIt HI- UlllAl' Military BrcccWoaiiBE Riflfs nil roll-" MliViMl, WUaril, ItMINGTOX, uid '.MM lll Aln, o tuUum.r'.mci.t ot XJxooXj w'lortcllxaj.; M'liT (It SS ami 610KTJ.M) IUI'U', ct ull ttvidird mjiVu. A full lire of t'yrln ( IJntlery, Knlvc. Kaznr, avd f ri.-SOliM .lite t (rem I-,-VmI Mi I'llilns Taiklo Will tell nalotv uamiyljody lo'.tt 7XT&ittVmiZZS23CMCmS3ian ER? pfl5h.ritMf-r l'rlnt!B-,t Walir'a Mrtni I'flr.l- li ns hiiiiiiu, ri.) -n. j vir luciniyir uii)inut aiu- ruiki tT!tiirn 1 1 work Atlotf iilr l.hrt itt. i. ht i.t.rnt. nr.tNitH , iti mhi. uiiiiim 11(1 iuiiii. iji .iivui,, ijouir, irmifliii SH4 u. it Oouiti. Ktutfcr CtiulcrtuJ I'lirdf.l.t. A J !, :. m. iriiTi:. Kfam Prlitlei- .)tl UookbtiiUrr)i 0.nj' CkKli.fttta ttrcel, HALKM, OKCCON. Willamette University. TnR NKXT TKJiM OP tiic utcrahy dk pfcttment, will htrln Mr.oay, KH- V, ItTlit wllh tba liillowlw tr.rtructoni: T. M. OiTcii. l'tmliuv, (aoaac II. Cot.nm. Mtltinatlct and Nat. bcitoce: 8iin ; (ittxainuw, Vitredictt; Mm, Jo, 1111 lloLKiK. Academical Iltranmtiit: audt'LLA M, AL lxm, Vu.lf. for lull liif jrmatlon addn a tie I'rMldrat. or J. A. BTKATTON, Jcce tl. 1H1 If Aittni, Enenj, utiles, Well Drilling, Boring, W W MmiiT nstrKzut 11 uuiiroi tocu. H.Wit award at l-tuuiuul tahloilloii. rksd for puUrlaloalalogu and re. AcnUautwt. NO tar day ruarantaad. Band, Uxildeu, awl lock aaUyaadlad. Addreaa, Vlh-RCK WELL KXCA VA10K CO.. aMOjtlm Art illadt!i.tta, Pw SOMETHING NEW. Xlond, ja :f m ittH, riu.(.iiAin tic J I'hoto fMllur ovr U)1. lAAi.Uiro 111 bfele -trut, jvitrtulth,(.al')-y rjul 'M.'-nl IU.1111I In tl t xt ot t jU- Mr. ? II. I11&. Lit. of LVdlfon.u. wtll t.krjiUu.-.of tit; li:Ji.n-tt,oi i-i tie ' r, 111 IMAtf ij II 1 H" i .) 1(001 'l 1 fur ' - . . r ) i ty -J, p'. ., y r ?IIY 3xrt.-( lU'til;I Cti 1 !-o, V r'C Sli ,Nv 4J , r?r EPSjSiatainsizafeajRLi! i aa rj AND IMPORTER OF old vaihetids tuiit-, ami MiUUion nice uill rootrd tim. 0 litt Mgh, itt .hiaj r Expectorant - Stubborn CouQhs and Colds yioia promptly to tho hcnllnp; mid rurn. tlve proportion of Dr. Jnyne'n Ex. Bctoriua(. It loofons nml prnmotrn tho expectoration or Irrllntltifr innt ter, inttlgntcH iimcli piiln nnd iIIh tresH, nnd chccJcs liillnintnulloii. A8lhma, Bronuhltls, nnd Throat Troubles nro nt oiit'o rollovctl by Dr. Jayii.'a i:sM-(-lornnt. It ro- movOH roiihtrlt'tlou of tho l!ronr!il4 tuboH, I00M011H phlrgtn, HnothcM nml heals tlio mucous ntonibrniio.urrt'ntii nny fuvorlsh tomlunry, helps to forward n grail mil euro. Consumption, Pleurisy, and Lung AfiCCllon3 nro gcuoraUy oontrollctl uud niiiollonitctl by lr. Jiiyuc-- V.x-IMH-torunt. It saves tho In ni from iiiurh nnd tllittress, by ro HovIiik thrin of tho irrlhitliiitiu-iltors by vw liloli thoy nro i-lo(r(otl, It nlao suppresses liillnininntloti nnd gives tho allectoU parts it chnnco to hoal. Wliooplnn Counli.Croup anil Moarso- n088 nro olllcuelously treatetl by iir. Juyuo'H lUfioctoriint. It romoves dlfllculty of hrcathliiK nnd oppres alon hi tho throat or lungx, promotos tho ejoetlon of iniieus nnd Hubdtios tho vlolcuco of theno eoniplalnts at tho oiitaot. It Ih a Hufo I-'amlly Cura tive, of long-CHtahllshed reputation, and whero promptly ndmlnlKtorod, has enabled many to t-ncnpo scrloua I.uug AlToetlous. llOUOt, IIM'IS & LO Whotelo AKtula. I'lirt U '-vin .M-lont lOaatrity 1NQM. O N'K m.ACK HtlMi: 10LH tTAIH OPi, Ii. 0 . .... I I. .!. 1 I ....! I .... al... t ,.., uhl. . I.. iUtl'Mi h j.luol. KiU hoiMi lift 11 y luiu, lltrt inlli. tvn ih w vm t 01 A:nlty.bii Uv bt'i U Krmlr, U7(J. A JlUifcl ifrd Milt U)L.'lrn Ivr I.U rituin, or for n lu lunikiiavu ritfuruiiiif im wutru.rguM, J II. HANIIKItS. Ainlly, Ntn.85, 1K8- I J fST&Amsssri C3W R e a a a . v. K !' ,T a.:..Mfm- ullUI inirr. l- li.Ur)la I-ukiUau SALEM PHOTOGrEAPH GAULfcflY. W. P. JOHNSON, Artiot, ottr W ttu- Jt-itk lurr, M'ATKSr. . HAI.SM ntfi'i hi:- Tun:- jv 1 aimt mvlfn no (. Vl.inoir oil. I.IOO. Ii ' rfi'iK ii Nohli iut) - Onr d. y.n - Mv'if yfial MM twHWm HmtfmBB HSaTatfali f liHHaHl UOYI'HKIt V w.l. lttTT Ma-11 f. L.l.. I.IHVr.l I4IIIT2 tJ.V, UJra.i, wlu,l-- KACMtli o i, lui yS'.i.mtit.. '..'J mBmmmmmmmmmmmM ADBHESS 10 OUR READERS. Wo now occupy n iioltin in tlio fieltl cl Jounialifm Mhcro mo nro ablo to fitrniuli Qi f.irtnci-d of tlio Xorthwest a nuwbpapcr tlcvtitttl to tliclr interests nml largo enough to aflord apace for c cry topid which tltcy caii wtah to linvo tltscuiseil. When wo purclmiett the WiM.MKrrt! KAnMKft, sit nml ftlmlf jcjtrsnjjo, it whs not over oiio-lhiril tho ptc'cnt'siA), antl wo lm 0 atentlily o-ihrgl anil improved it un til it i sceonil only to tho (jreaicst l-.tetroiiolt- an Journal published north of San rrtuicisco. 1MB "FUlMKIt" Titn rrOl'Ml'lJOCllNAf.. Tlio people ot Milt region tlosmo to luivon ucM'p.iper of their oni, nml this is tho oiy 0:10 that can bo called so. All others nro itcctn- rlau or partisan to n degree that provctiU their being ncceptcd n.i exponents of 'tho principles wo b'ioiiM all Iiold in coitiiuoii, or mlvocntaii ol tho iutcrvata of tho people eollcctbely. Tt is notorwui that tho papcrn that nioitotiollrxj tho nsws mid o most completely occupy tho lio!tl of joimtaliEtii, nro controlled ami tlircctut in tho interest of 1'ortlAtnl eapitalistc, wheat aiH-eulatnra nml politicioni, whilo tho gmsping iivniieoot tho mojt ititolcrablo nicnopoly that is Known to tho rncillo Northwest, only nv coives from it wouls of commendation. OUll KSt.tlUlr.MI.NT. With tlio dpneo nt our commaml nt tlw prcreiit timo wu tlmll ho nhlo to cover tt mora extended Held than hcictoforo. Wo thall ctvo the most ttnportant nowa of each week, tt ate. national nml foreign, ao that n reader of the Kt1tHi.11 enn h.-tto no excuso for being ignorant of all importnut events that trnnspiro nt home or abroad. Jt shall Ikj a nenspaiter, and a peoples paper in every important aenc. Tho Kaiimicii is not only enlarged hut it wears a now ilrest, our typolxjitig now, w tliat tho print is plain to tho oldest eyes. Wo hole to inako tho matter published in' its cottiuma cottvapomlwith itssito and general nppearancc. turn rosiTinx, Our editorial columns will discuss iiopttlnr tpicstioua on their Intietisio mciits, standing tm tho hroad plntfoim of light mid molality. whero, unfortunately, political nnd hcctniion jo.irnalitm can seldom ho found, ierJititH bo- cattsu it ia mi wide nnd their ideas mi ndlislt and tiniiow, they would ho lost upon it. eiimiwroNiir.Nrii niviiini. ()urcoiroioiidemo fnitn tlio pcoplu litis nb ways In en Intel eating, and with 111010 motu nt command nut! the gretter circulation Monro aeipilriug with tho growth if tho State inipuln- lion, wo u-nsounhly expect that IU iuti'ivnt will lucrvaw. Wo invito all interested ill tlto nohlo occupation of ngiieulttiro and atnutWaia- Ing to .ptiil im tho results of their espi-iiem-iv or to nnlio I.110W11 their wants or semi iinptiriea or miggentioits to our columns, so to draw mt tho oxpcrienco of others for tho puhllo gooil. rui: "rtiiMuu" a tnttsni: oiidan. Wo hope to mnko tho 1'aiimiu acccptftblu to tho grange by furnishing nuwa of tho iinigiTiw of that great order lu our own region And else where, and wu thall hu glad to rccoho commu nications showing tho progress of its plinclplea and tho good accomplished hy its .woihiujj membem. Wo encounter, oven among fsniiom, considcrahlo oppooltton to tlio grange, anil fre tpiunt objection to the puhlication of graiiR matter, but w 11 intcutl to have room Ititbo Kaumkk for all, and all tho good objects of tl Order of Patrons of Husbandry have our earn. est sympathy and deserve nil tint aupptirt utb eaugitu tlieiu. It is to Lu regretted that a socioty that should have for its object tho social, Intellectual and material ailrancvmunt of the wholo farming jiopulatioii, cahnolslio ao conducted a to command tho support and n spact of every farmir in tho laud, l'ndiahly theto is a great ileal of human nature both aide and otttsidu o thu order. till: M tltKKPS. Wo hate facilities, through the iuot rcliahlo pritnto Botirees, fur giving tho exact unwsol thu wheat umrkuU in San I'rnnelsco and Liver p) la'ceiMul up to thu hour of going to prt Wu can ttatu tho amount of tonnage at coin, maud for your lire, nml shall watch all nutttrra that iclatoto tho jiricu of produeu and tho pnn H'itM of thu maikutH in ndvnneu in tho inteitat of our linden. Whllu wu hesitatu to givo mi-(iiuriigi-iiiwit to too tlntteriug liopvi tro nctcr hesitate to gttu all reliable Lets to thu pi uph-, fru'ii whom utir H-apjHirt cnnwi and who.o pn- o.-ity is tho iiie.viure of our on 11. what wortinu, rum mil In ailditlou to 1'as.tys, original and cont ihttt oil, ichititig to ngrioulttuo nml ktiwk-nu'Miij; in tho I'aeillo Northwest, wo rlinll make mIi-o-tious from tho ngrieiiltural jounmls and e' oik publication wu lucoivu from all Hoctlons of tho Union, with tho ctuleavor to eovtr all pound laceseary for tho information of homo iiro. dueeiii and the mlvaucmcut of homo agricul ture. A certain amount of mlsccllanootin nud Kcienlilio reading will bo found In ovory iwiuf, with touclus of the humorous occasionally utii wjinetiines n story of interest, suited to iur columns. Our Homo Circla is conducted by a lady whoHooxerieuco nnd literary t.-uto m to qualify her oapoclally for that dtpartmit, while miuy years experience as a fanuer'ii .iIo Make it poaalblo fur hir to comprehend anil minister to the hociul wants of a fanner. family. MOKAI, TOSX. It la hardly nocomary to aay to our regular readers that tlio Kaiiuku will always pre tei-iij Die bet moral tone nnd endeavor to carry tbn bjst and purest influences to the family circW. We liave no bitterness to veut, no angry uunlsi to bandy with any, no personal interest to ad vance at the expense of the general good, aitst if o have any encinice we do not care to Lunar it, and cannot afford to publish it we propose to have none, nt least among the (icoplv, ami we tare to have 110 friends, at their exvuav among their oppresMirs. l'eoplu of Ort(,'on I this is your newspaper, and we nood only your supjiort to niaUo it af you can desire. Can we hno itt Willtacli one endeavor to secure ua ono mora cidi auh acribcr! If you will, wo can go on proiiiormu Jy nml do you good service. Mtvu w ith thuatr "hard times' to cuiitcml axdtis'. wo cught to doubloottr list, and wu Impo to do it t.itli your gotxl help.