Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 07, 1879, Image 2

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    -c u..ci
in in ii !! im mrr
I !
V i
Will'amtih ifotrnwr.
I8UM I.VKIIV iiiipav, nr
rtitiusiiEM and rnorjiicTiui.
Term iiI'Mitjwrliillniii
Onoooji;. 'iitu jcur ('.2nunilrl, ltiadrutiie...v$? .'()
Omeoj'j fix months (') mimVrn)., 1 125
Ojio coii lliroc nmnlln (It nmnW) TJ
'XV If "t l'l USln W mutilii", Kl nlll U- clianral
tor Oflo ) car's n'i!''ripti'ii
fohtxamj. ri:n. 7. !;. "
Our Cx txirlt.
W'asiii.niiton, Jhu. S9."KtporlH over im
..ports for December, lb7H, d-'t16,U0U; (or
. jenr 1878, $301,512,000.
Cipher IMsjmtclio,
Waminotox, Jan 20. -Ileforo llio Foliar
committee to-day W. T. McCleiiimn, tin
idstniit chief ol the warrant tilt IhIuii of llio
, truisury departmotit, staled llmt in eioniiu
' " iptenoflpf, a loll r from Hccrotnry lihcrmuu
ho iitlitulcil in ho Motion rntntnlltoi room.
u Ho examined .Iio O retain flthfr dliipitcht
, . uud succtte! . ill deciphering them by nltl ol
.s n "dlctlotmry key." Tlio coiniiilttuo wns
" v lint in session nt tlio time bo Jnaile llio cxnm-
in.ition, but other experts wcro at work on
v .tlio dispatches.
, llccesfi.
f- When tlio commlttco reassembled (Sou.
f llriuly resumed the Maud iiikI Rate In tlio
-chnlriimti tlio telegrams referred to in histcs
(imoiiy of jvstirdiiy. Traiishttid they rend
ns follows:
Talmhasskk, Dec. 1st.
To John Wins, Washington: Florida will
" (jo for IlayiH. (Hlyncil) Ilittpv.
' To (Son. Ilrndy, Tillulmtuec, l'lnrlila: Flor-
Ida in troublo. I kjx alt advisedly, lluvo no
other fours. (Signed) .lot. N, Tinkm,
To (Sun. Slraily, Tallahassee: llcliiiblolu
fiiriiintion lure hut Democrat claim tun of
.Florida returning bonnl. Do yon bcllnvo it?
(Hlgucd) Wjnu.
To John Win;,', yahlngton: Wo havo no'
ntimntion of treachery except on tho pint
of ouo of oNrown members; (if uo como to
grief It is Ihrougli him thn Now Yorker.
Wo nro itdvlsrd that ho recommemlH con
trary to our iiiterthts. His many uud iiivn
(crlotis Interview iinnijie HUsplvion.
(Signed) IIiiaiiv.
Hy tho Clmirmnn Who Mint meant by
'Now Yorker?"
Answer (lfiier.il llnrlow.
Si'jcral ntncr teh'gratiM ero read, but
without Hlijiiillvatiev. Tho l.iht ouo related
lo tho conclusion of th count, and stilted
Hint tho (Statu had gono fur Jlayrs, etc,
John Wingwaiia ticlitloui namti for Jnd;n
Tyner, unit the Hake cipher used was ariaiig
td licfiiro (len. Drady It It Wanliln '.ton. i
llrius y IVIfjiiiiili.
New F.nuhind iihlii owners liiuliiu vessels
nt Kan FraucUco, havo ngreed to hold fur At tho opening of this sesdon of tho
C(). n ton bright to I-iverpool. , ehnmberil tho ministry presouled to you a
Jauunry2Uth there was a llioat Kt. Joseph, ' urogrammo which, whllo alTurdiu gatisfno
Mo causing lmavy dauuigo. I lion to public opinion, uppeared to tho cab-
Thn llouso judiciary t'ommllten Is impilr- 'inttsueh n might be voted without danger
ing into charges madn against U. S. District '" lood security or good ndmlnUtratiou of
Jndgo lllodgttt, of Chicago, that lie inado ' "10 eouutry. Flitting nsldo all person nl
order uith intent to ilrfr.itid creditors of vionn, I had glveil th'i progrnmmo my appro-
Ucrrniiiilu Insurance Company. , batlon, for 1 was sncrillciiig uo princlpto to
American laborers who han been engajj'il hleh couscienco commandoj mo to remain
liuildliu; a railroad In tho Atuazou, aro in faithful. To-day thu ministry, thinking to
great' distress, no money and many of them respond to tho opinion of tho majority in tho
tilck, i two chambers, propose to mo, in regard to
Fnrtles nccusod of violation of election '''nh military commands, soma general mens-
lawn nro continually being arrested In Louis- uwa which I consider contrary to tho inter-
iairn. . A , ests of tho army nnd couieiiueiitly to thoso
IntviMlnle t'oiunii-ref. of tho country. I cannot subscriba to them.
Wash iniitom, Jan. 30. Tho Senate sub- Any other mluUtry, taken from tho mulority,
committee on commerce heard statements would Impose upon mo to sumo conditions,
from various gentlemen on thn bill, to tegu- ' consider nit self, therefore, bound to shorten
luto iuter-Hlato coiiinieree. Tho arguments do duration of tho mauduto which tho nu
wcro mainly rvpetltlun of those already "on.il assembly coutlded lo mo, and I thero
made. Tho siib-coinniltteo meets au-ulu on 'oro tender my roslgunllon.
Wednesday, when opponents of I lie bill '" l'iltting power I havo tho consolation
will 1 hoiiul. i of thinking that during tho flfty-threo yean
.Milt nl t'niirl .Miirllnl. that I havo duvoted to tho service of my
Tho naval court martial convened to try e'ouutry, cither as n soldier or citizen, I have
Lieut. Commander Hell for rillug tho in- "over been guided by any sentiment other
Mulling letter to Senator Kellogg, lme ree- "'"" honor uud duty nud absolute devotion
ominended that ho bo dismissed from tho ,0 "0' eouutry. I request you to commuiil
Met vice. The seuteuco will bo npprovtd by jl'u,u my decision to thu chumbora.
tho jtesldert. -MaoMaiio.n, Duko of Magenta.
I.oiiii ItKpiirl. J I'ruiu Hit- front,
Subtcrlptlons to tho four percent, loan London, Jan. ill. A dlsp.itcn from Khutt
siiico yesterday's rejiort, is $5,711, 150. ' saya that General Hoberts had no Boouer
J. 71. Wellx.
Oui.KtN.i, Jan. 30.
It Is rumored
(hat J. -Madison Wells, sunt,) or of tho port,
mis uoeu iiiiiieun in ino L . M. giiimi
for in.dfe.iMiuoo in oCUv.
Tlilrlet'ii UiillilliuK lliirneil,
Mitviiiis, Jan. :I0.--A ilr. thti morning .t
Miisoiii'lVnii,, destroyed 1J buildings.
'the iilnr laaerr.
OinoAtio, Jan. 30.- Lieut. Do Hmlio, in
tho ltuuo esse, litis iiioruiug testltled that
Custer and hi two aids lud mounted on tho
top of a hill, si en tint leuo uis nieuaeiMl by
(ho Indians, had cheered on Hsuo's men as
they wcm iidvaiieing iu tho Indians, ud
then, with his eominsnd, h.id ridden away,
leatiug iteiio in his precarious position.
Wltiien could not s.sy what was Custer's idea
iu this uiot'iuut.
I'ruui the Whuop-up t'ounlry,
Osutral Sheridan has a communication
.from Foit Hulknup. Mt T from Indian
Agent Lincoln, ditcd Jsnuiry 1th. confirm
"lug the iioh's of Sittiug Hull having croased
tho border. Ho says that ho ia reliably in
formed tlut thoro nro 450 lotlges ol Flegnns
iu tho Hoar Faw mountains, about 40 miles
ttouthcast of that pout, and probably as many
more Hritish lll.ickfeel Woods ana Fiegaus
itro ou' their way to Hear Fn tuoiuiluliis,
und Were In closu proximity ut last accounts,
Tho Cret's,(Hrilith lndlaui) urn also iu thu
luoiuitaUis, Tho Hritish Assiuiboiues have
ramped with the American Asaiuibolnes.
Hitting Hull is on Frenchmen's creek, this
sido uf the line, ith his whole camp, Tlio
ostensible rousou of this intluv Is tho pursuit
of butfalo, which they justly claim are not
now to be found north of the Missouri river.
They claim lo bo friendly, but Auent Liu.
coin regards their presence iu such numbers
as a matter of grave import. He is sure of
Ui tiros ventre, but tint of the Asinl
toines, who uru iutlueuced f or bad by their
Jirltlsli namesake. Col, Hrooki, of Fort
tihaw, iu forwarding intelligence promises
later news from hi scouts in a few days,
ttlcaco CuuutrrfvMer.
Tho police havo captured u gang of coun
terfeiter ami forger who, during tho pant
two yearn, have by means of couuterfeiliug
letter head uud signatures, obtaiued great
number of passe from railroad corporal ion
and to held them to scalpers,
Blocks lu Nw York.
New Youk, Jau. U0. The Block market
m, jreray "ruF iv imcfd wt&fflgi!
v. I irp.i,i.t
Inwards 3 o'clock, under gorous selllne;,
tlio movementof prices broko l(ntiV Xorth
western loading tlio downward movcmtnl.
This wns silccecdid by recovery IMIJJ, tlio
latter Noilhwcr-t common, mill ntilf later by
a partial reaction, Tlio market cloned fovor
lull mid unsettled nt n decline of Yt(i 5 fiom
tho highest point to-ilnv,
IliMj iilil li.
l)i'Ab.om, (I). T.;, Jan. 80. A jury to.
day reiuli'ii'd n .rdlet of guilty of murder in
the JliFt ileinco aifnlnsl N. Jl. Ford, known n
"linlely" lord, lor Killing John Itussoll nt
Klurtjiu C'.ty la.t October.
I.oiiNIiitiii Nonnlor, .
Niw Ohi.eami, Jan :!. femes was to.iluv
tlcctptt United Httlcit Hcdntor.
Kuiiiilnr Ironi Uiiiisiih.
Toikk, J.m :il. 'Xhoiiutl-rii miiH clement
in Hip Iiefflslatiirc. ufter cailcuniiiK nil niulit
nnd till 11 o'clock tlio next day, centred on
Chief Jilutico llorlo-j. On tlio llmt ballot to.
day IugnlN recchtd 80 votes, Horton 70,
(loodniu (Dcui:).S, Slltchcll ((JroHibackor)
1. . InjjalM wan declared elected.
Wnilli to litt I'orli.
I'onT Itonissos, Jnn ill. At noon to-doy
It wa discovered by n Hcullnel ((Harding the
building wherein Wild Hog, tlio Choyonno
chief Ik confluod heavily ironed, tliut tlio
deancrato Indian wun lylny on tlio lloor in
IiIh prinon covered with blood, hiivlnji
stabbed hlnihelf in four idacen in tho region
of the heart ith tho intention of putting an
end to hi.) life rnthur than bo tukoimoulh
Tho iiont Hiugeon iirououneerf tho wouudu
very danserouK, if not fatal. Thlrty-thrcc
h1Uuwm mill Iwpiity-twii children loft hero
this luorning for l'ea Itldgo nRcney, nnd will
be turned over to tho Sioux nt that ngincy
a their natural iirotcctorH
Moxlrnu Iliirluirliini.
Has- Antosiv (Tk.iamj, Ju..!ll. A pally of
.Mexle.iu luuditrt recently robbed threo wo
meii mid two men on tho Mexican sido of
tho ltiodraudo, thon bound them to treex
nnd left them to ntarvc. When found bit.
aid wcio hovcriii); around them, Threo
of tho b.uidit.H wcro raptured.
'Ililllcr CvIiIonIoii,
Citicioo, Jan. ill. A boiler explosion oo
cttrred lit Hccor, IlllltoiM, yesterday, In (Sbm
ner'H grlt mill. Tho mill win lintantrt.
ucoualy dciitroycd nnd four normnm klllid.
roitxKSN m:s.
i:uroii'iiu llrms.
I,oxno.v, Jan. 21). Tho fatnlno In Upper
KtfVlit is ronorted to Im li rrll.ln
'I'Ihi lilnli v.nrl f liwll,.n l,u ,ll.na...1 .
motion to arrest tho United Htntes frlcuto
Conntiliitlou and cargo.
A larui) nuurrv in tho suburbs of Oimrtn
hns caved in, burying Hoverul houses. Tho
ruin i took ilro and innnv ticrsons nerlshed.
, Four hundred lockrd-ntit ngricttUurui la
borers left Hunt for Austral In to-day
Hr. l'jtrMHiiumi, Jan. 20. An ofllclnl re
port bl.itrs that there have been no cases of
plague in Astiachnu niiiev the 21th of Jan
uary. l'.Miis, Jan. 20. Fver thing Indleitestlmt
I'risidtut McMiihou will ruhigti. It may bo
considered that he has iilrrudy morally .ilono
o, To-morrow tho i;oeriimeut will' for
mally iinuolllieo tho sltilaMon to llio cham
bers. .'Jr.MnliuirN I.eller or Itolvuiilliiu.
Vi.u:mu.ui. Jan, 110. Tho follolngls the
text of MoM.ihou'ri letttr of resiouallon
eMiciiated Matood. canltul of Khostaf. than
it Mas surrounded by thousands of Maugals
Tho Hiillsh returned nud rescued tho chief
wliom they had left iu authority, burned tho
fort and then returned lo rami). In their
retreat they were harnissed bv MiiuimI.
Genera! Hobeits has abandoned Khost for
i an iireseiu, us uu is conwuceii mat snch I
dlaturbaucts will bo incessant.
'.,01)0 .Mm nil Nlrlke.
Liigineers ami dotk meu at I,lverool
nnd illrkenhrad, uumlierlng 2,000 struck
The Aiurrr la ItiiMln.
Sr. Fkttiishuiiii, Jan. 31, -The Ameer of
Afghanistan has arrived on the Uusslan
froutitr. Ills follower were diiisjmed, and
the AuTeer alone wa allowed to retalu his
arms. The Uusslan authorities endeavored
to persuade him that it would be useless to
go to St. Fetersburg, but the Ameer ImtltU,
aud unless prevailed upon to abandon hi
inteiitlou, may be expected to roh the
Hiissian capital by the snd of February,
though every effort will be' made to eloter
him. He appeani to bo astonished at hi
t'lfflillng It Wills rirs.
It I stated that Frofessor ilolkln, physi
cian to tho Cr, advise the burning of Wet
lllsukasiul other village where IheepUlewlo
has broken out, together with all tho furni
ture iu tlKUi, aud the removal of the inbabi-
taut to nealtuy places. In spite of the
heavy expeuse which ueh a schemo would
Involve, tho Claris said to be disposed to
follow Frofeuor Hutkiit' advice,
. luulilteUI I'ollrr,
Homk, Jau. 31. A coultory Is fixed for
lriul)lill a! f..tkall.ii. ffl. .. 11 . tit
'""'' vuiuij, tuo tope win retrace
tho pontlfl-Jal tolicy of tho year and give a
sketch of hi scheme for the future.
lrrslileulor Ike c'hniuker,
VirsAiixx, Jan. 31, (lambetta has been
elected presldeut of tho chamber of deputies
by UU vote out of a toUl of 405. It is
still uucertoiu whether Dufaure, president
of tho council, will retain tho position; A
messagtfrom president (Jrevy will be com
munlcated to tho chamber probably on
Thursday next,
MkcMkIiou' Letter.
Fiats, Jau. 31. At a cabinet conncil
Thursday morning the minister oiVen-.l to
resign if president MacMahou thought ho
could comj to a compromise with the cham
lem. MsoMshou replied with some emo
tlou that he deenie.1 sueh rilnn n..!...
Wlml I 'IlioiiRht ol (tie (Miilns il"cn.
Sa; Fhancikco, Jnn. 23. Col. 1'. A. Hoc,
Chinsso consul nl tbl3 port, Bays that tho
bill rctrli'tlii Chinone Iminlarntion. which
yist-rdiij pagjod tho lwir Ilotteo of Con
Rrcvi. hai crcitoil but littlt intcroit nmonii
tho '. hlnesc, who merely oppose It ni mi up.
pnrmt concession to tho d'tnand of a clns'i
of i(oplorho bavo been prosecuting them.
Chen Shu Tans, Chinese consul general, on
lii'lny informed of its passage, inertly smiled
and riT.nrkcd that it was curiotti. A num
ber of the niori' intelligent Chine .' of the
city regard the I ill r.t n pood thinj; beenUH.i
itwlllulop immigration nud perhaps nsilst in
sniisiyiug pumie HPntlmcut no tliat tho quci
tlon of their roidcuca hero will, for ft lime
nt least get rest. Tii addition, thsy think
that tlieroaro already enough ChlncHo'haro
for tho good of both Caucasian and Mongol
ian, nud if Immigration now censes, thcro
will bo n (jreater demand for Hie Inbor of tho
present inhabitants, nud wages nlll there-
At n largo meeting of tho 10th wnrd Work
itigmcii's Club last night, Kenrney made a
speech in which ho said: "Contrress hns
just passed a bill restricting Clilncso immi
gration. Tins Ih only political capital.
Wcro it not for tho coming political cam
tiaian iu this State. the would suv liotbint!
about it." Cries of "Thnl't so."
I'rotert Alnshii Netllers.
At u meeting of tho chnmbcr of commerco
n memorial to Congress was presented by
Caleb T. Fay. It asks lor tho pissago of
tho bill authorizing tbo Bending uf another
roenuo cutter to Alaska to protect settlers
nnd llshing Interests in that Territory.
Inry t'liiinot Airree.
Splson, Jnn. CO. In tho caso of Jos. Low
ther, charged with the murder of John
Thomson nt Hlo Vlstn in Juno last, tho jury
nftcr remnlnlng out for 27 hour.s, failed to
agrco. Tho Jury stood 10 lo 2 for acquittal.
This Ih the second trial. At the September
term tho jury stood 10 to 2 for conviction.
Murder In Second Dearer
WooiiLi.Ni, Jan. 30, -Tho jury lu tho
O'Connor murder enso returned a verdict nt
11 o'clock to-day of guilty in tho second de
gree, having been out tinco yesterday nftcr
noon. Defeudant will be sentenced on tho
7th of February,
Hum lil it.
Han FuAKctsro.Jau. 31. Yesterday Charles
G. Fonc, a imtl vo of (Serinnuy, nged 30 years,
nnd tlio nromlctor of n croccrv store nt No.
23 (,lnrn street, was found dend, limning by
his neck behind n pllo of goods, iiu hnd
been sutTering for somo time from delirium
tremens, ami on natunlay last ho attempted
to j:iii iis who ny snooting nt tier, a per
son wns cmploytd to watch him, but yester
day morning the watchman fell asleep, nud
it wna during this lit of h tiinoloiu'c that the
deed wns accomplished.
Tlio Nutro Tunnel.
Adolphilutrn iitatesin an interview that no
nrrangnment i has yet been wido for cotnpio
tniuiug allairs between the tunnel company
nud the mining cotnp.uiiei of tho Comstock,
Ho further slates that u- hat had uo formal
interview with the committee appointed on
behalf of tho milling uoiupuiiies, ilia mutter
has been Informally discussed by bun and
the llntinniu firm. J. (i. Fuir holds thit
Sutro had no right to ell'ut connection with
tho Snvngo wlnrowltli a view of turning
back into the Savage any water sent into
tho tunnel of other mines, to which Sutro
responds that the act urantimr a franchise, to
the tunnel company .rfiklently cover Uiat
ground. He also claims tliat if the Savage
company bulkheads the winzo ho his several
other Mays to dispose of water sent into tho
tunnel. It may be considered probable that
some amicable arruugement will ft' leached
at nn early day.
Nellllnir with Nulrn.
Itcpreicntntive of the loading Comttock
mining companies and Adolph Sutro held
another council in the Nevada bank to-day,
but nothiug can bo learned up to the present
writing of the result, if any,
Udil IVIIiiii'h Hank.
The commissioners h'lve officially notified
the directors of tho Odd Fellow' bank of
their violation of its by. laws lu pasalug the
seml-unnual dividend, und luvo also notltled
them to comply with the law in that respect.
Should tho notification go unheeded, the nt-toruey-generul
will at once take legal steps
to unto mo maiier iiiciuea ny tuo proper trl
WisntNOTON, Jan. 29.
Fenslon cases on tho calendar disposed of,
tho Senate went into oxtciitlvo session, ou
motiou of Coukling.
Iu exeeuthe sesslou Tburman wlthdre'w
his motion that tho Seoato should consider
thu New York Custom house nominations
with open iloors.
coiiKiing expressed n desire that thov
"hould take them up for consideration to-day
" i" nciiuu as soon ns practicable
Matthow suggested that Secretarv Shnr.
man'a rejoiner to Gen. Aulhur'a reply would
probably be ready by to-morrow, and he
therelore moved to postpoue consideration
of the uouiluntious until that time.
Coukling moved to amend by postponing
tho subject until Friday, and thl was agreed
to without debate.
After short executive session adjourned.
After a short struggle tho Republican who
desired the morning hour, were voted down
and by a vote of )ea lit), nays 115, House
went luto committee of the w hole on the post
ofQco appropriation blls,
Foster submitted an amendment repealing
a provlslou to the bill nuking an appropria
tion for deficiency in tho appropriation for
postal transportation by railroad for the
fiscal year ending June, 1878, which forbids
auy increase in the postal car service be
yond what existed on December 1, 1878;
Haker, ot Indiana, moved to iacreaso the
appropriation for route agent froth, $1,075,.
000 to 1,125,000; adopted-yeas, 100, nay,
The committee rte and reported the bill
to the House.
The amendment increasing from f l.PtK),
000 to $3,000,000 the appropriation for let.
tor carrier was adopted; yeas 137, nay. 03.
The following amendment were agreed to:
Increasing the appropriation, for tranpor
tation on steamer route from $5,600,000 to
$5,000,000; yea, 173, nays, 53.
For railroad transportation from $8,715,
000 to $9,000,000; yea, 118, nay, 05.
Aud for steamboat transportation from
$760,000 to Jl'OO.OOO; yeas. 120. uavs, 80.
The House then, without final action, took
a rece until 7:30 F. M the eveulng ses
slon to be for the consideration of report
from the committee on commerce.
Washington Jam, ;tot
Flumb called up llouso bill iirctul.u for
pajment of counsel fee in the Oiaje ceded
land suit, asgregiting $30,000.
The resolution of Edmuuds declaring tho
validity of tho 13th, llth nnd 1GIU nmend
incuts to the constitution were tnkeu up nnd
Morgan advocated his substitute of Jan. 20.
Hill presented n petition from his Slate
praying payment of tlio bnlanco due on ac
count of the expenditures in tho revolution
ary war, tho wnr of 1812, and the various
Indian wars; referred.
The post office nppioprlntiou bill passed
nftcr ninny of tho amounts weio increased.
Tho Btrugglo of yesterday for tho moruiug
hour was then renew ed.
A motion to go into cocimittcn on the
wholo on the nrmy nppropnatlou bill wns de
feated, 101 to 98, and the yeas nnd nays were
! ordered.
The motion lo go Into committed wns de
feated, but Hewitt changid to Degnllvo and
moved to reconsider the vote. This was
promptly followed by a motion to lav Uo.
wit's motion on the table and that vote was J
Washington, Jau. 31.
A letter from tho sccrolniy of the Interior
rcgnriiiui: tuo increase ot salaries of gover
nors of Territories was referred to committee
on rtppropilatlons,
Saunders, from joint committee to iutiulro
Into tho expediency of transferring tho In
dian bureau fiom the interior to thu war de
pertinent, reported that tho commlttco had
been able to agree, nud mihmlttcd n report
accompanied bv a bill lo nnthnrizn tlio nrnal.
dent temporarily to trnusfer tho custody, con
trol nnd management of certain Indian tribes
from tho interior to wnr department, and for
oilier purposes; lam on me table.
Mr. Saunders gavo notice that ho would
cull It up for consideration nt au early day.
VocrhecH from commlttco on pensions, re
ported n resolution Instructing tho secretary
oi luoimeuor to report nutiitiounl clerical
forces necessary In tae pension, oflleo, to so-
euro to applicants prompt examination of
their claims nnd speedy nud cftlclcnt trans-
snciiou oi tnc business of pensioners; agreed
Frudcn, assistant private secretary to the
president, Appeared in the .Senate chamber
with a messagu from llio president. Ho uas
nccompauied by n messenger, bearing n hugo
bundle of documents, 8tippo."ed to lie from
Secretary Sherman, regarding Hip New York
Custom appointments; but tho bundle was
not disturbed iu open sesslju,
Hamlin from the commlttco on foreign ro
tations, reported adversely ou llouso Joint
resolution in relation to expenditures of tho
Industrial Imposition in Farls, and it was
Indefinitely postponed.
On motion of Couklliig the Senate went
into executive session,
Conger, from the Committee oil Judiciary,
reported a bill in lefereueo to the proceed
ings of the silo of captured nud nbnudoucd
property; printed nud recommended.
On motion of Whlilhorn Henato nmend
ments to abolish the V. Is, volunteer uuvy
were not concurred in.
Senate bill for tho erection of a military
puat at Kl Fiiso, Ti'.us, was p.isscl.
Tho Ilottto went into Commiiteo of tho
Whole .Covert in the t'hnlr, on the prlato
calendar, tho peudiug bill being one kuowu
'is Fairfax's inlnorltj bill.
While opposo.l the bill as n war claim.
Hunloou advocated it.
Fottcr favored the bill. It was not n war
claim, nud not subject to thu objection that
It wu for proporty destroyed lu tho euemv's
country. Tito property lay within iho de
fences of Washington cily. nnd not lu Insur
rectionary territory in tho least. It lay lu
territory excluded by thu proclamation of
Fresident Lincoln.
A motion to report tho bill to tho House
was defeated jens 70, nays 78.
On motion of Harchnrd thu enacting clnnso
was stilckou ont nud tho committee, iu ac
cordance with tho rule, rose and reported Its
nctlou to bjie House which by u voto of yeas
121, nay 89, concurred In that action.
Praotlcal Suggestions.
Fur, which was consielorcel a luxury
a fuw yi-nrs ngo, is now ho gcncrully
&i"irii ti tul (fitttiitti! it!l in uj .....!. I..
lists kVIIUIKV lUiU tit (iJ itttlllll iUl V
imitatol in the elydnj; pieiaMs, thut n
u iuii- tuiici-i iiiiijj ino cuoiuc oi n tur
garment will prove useful to purchasers
in Paris. It is the fashion to wenraeal-
skin, otter, chinchilla, lynx, black mar
ten, silver-tipped sable, .Siberian wpjirrel
and gray krimmer. Seal, otter, mink
and silver fox nte nmong tho most
envied, but sial aud otter are pre
eminent. 1 leaver Iwnlers aro set with
white hairs set in with a needle. The
beauty of nil fur ctmsists iu its density;
velvet is certainly rendered richer by the
application of fur on or around it," but
even then iloeM not possess the depth of
softness imparted by natural pile. In
the choice of a sealskin attention should
be niado to tho way the lleeco turns; if
upwind, it opens slightly, and shows in
these natural partings n succession of
rielgo-liku depths a glossy, smooth seal
skin is not elesirable. Quantities of seal
sohl in Paris nro full of seams on tho
wrong side, and as tho fur wears off iu
the seams those furs should be avoided.
Shetland seal is tho most expensive : it
is rare. The others, from Alaska, are
stronger nnd more attainable. As we
have machtne-mailo lace, so havo wo
spurious fur, anil this cannot be other
wise when it is fasluonablo to trim all
sorts of cloth with fur bands. The
sliades chosen form a contrast, such as
beaver or otter on drab, sable on ruby,
ettuino on blue. All bands aro lued as
borders, but instead of several narrow, a
single wide one is preferred. Tito long
coat is tho popular cut for winter cloak
iugs, but looo jackets aro made entirely
of weal. Seal is also used for outdoor
cajis and hats, bonnets and deep collars,
rovers, culls aud pockets, lu millinery,
sealskin is trimmed with ostiich; also
with real birds and binis made of seal of
u lighter shade, SlinwI-fdiaped caps of
otter aro sold iu beta, eouipleted by n
muff and cutis. Haw and until' also
form a fcet, for cull's of fur are some
what heavy iu aspect.
The woman who confu'es to one man
her partiality for another seeks advice
less than an avowal.
They who irvad life's pathway ever
bearing on their faces un expression of
cheerfulness are radiant ministers of
good tti mankiniL They scatter sunshine
Stato and Territorial.
Peattlo has a new steam ilro engine.
Astoria is livened by the holding of circuit
Tiio Mountain Sentinel says J. Fowcll
lately killed 20 fat desr, when on n hunt.
Snow and lee, tiio Walla Walla Union cays,
don't interfera with trout fishing iu that vi-
A ilro at LMSnndo destroyed tlio livery
stable of Allcuson & Cox; supposed defective
tin.-: i., t-:uo.
Mnj .1. s. Mamint nn I D. A. MeAlliitcr, of
Union rminty, liao g'iio lust, intendii,r to
brinjr back Willi them jodio gisid stock.
It et Umitilh county 11.1 to hang two
Indians, nnd tho slierilPs other accounts, in
samo connection chlclly, wcro fJ.CO:) 31.
Marshficld, Coos county, is out of dtbt, and
ha $.'13 M in tho treasury. "Tho saloons
paid a rcvenuo of 000 into the treasury last
. II. Gray, of Klakkanl, was In tho way
ot a saw lo? tliat rolled iiiun him. tho As-
tnrian says, and than was pulled over lib leg
without hurting him.
Frank Allen's dwelling, near Dayton, V.
T was burned January l"th, while himself
and wifo were gono awny from home nnd tho
hired man at n neighbors; supposed incendiar
ism. Mr. Charles Oakcsand family, who l'vcd
in Oregon and at Walla Walla until 1875, ami
then returned to Iowa at solicitation of friends.
tired of plowing com without any profit, havo
leturncd to mako their homo .luaiu at Walla
ft nu.k.
Soveral now residences aro to bo built at
Mrs. Duniway was lecturing on "Liberty"
at Vancouver, last week.
Mr. Ambrose C. Ihiloy will tako charge of
tho Harlow Home, Oregon City.
p Thomas Nyo sold a fine lot of beef cattle nt
Vancouver, for siv. cents n pound.
Tho Ciiluimau charged with cutting a
brother celestial nt Oregon City, wai thied
$20 nud costs.
Seventy ncres of land, a mile above Van
cover, on tho bottom, says tho Independent,
sold for $30 an acre.
Wm. Collin, postmaster at Shell Hock,
ntsno tho Cascades, will put up a wharf 200
feet long ou tho riser.
A reception nnd supper was given to Judgo
ii, rviinns ciiioi justice oi mo territory,
that was a brilliant aflalrand largely attended.
Tho Seattle Fost tells of a robbery com
mitted ou tho wharf in the evening. Iao
Howker was knocked down and robbed of 13.
Tlio Oregon City Knterprise says Mr. J.
Ilhodci, of the Clitr Hotiso. -joes to tako
charge of the branch of tho iron works nt Oi
wego. (I. W. Joncj, of Mill Flaln. has brought tho
Vancouver Independent a stalk of corn 12
foot high, with one car a foot long and three
inches diameter.
Sam Hcnthcim, known as I.ittlo Sam, lir.il
hi.i skull fractured nn I may not recover. Ho
w a injured at .Stouni mill nlsivt the (Cascades:
autse, a runaway team.
The Mountaineer says Cook, tho murderer
who is to be hung ou the 7th of nett luoutli
at tho D.-.Ucj, has rucoverad his nppctitu and
takes his regular meals again.
Hev. Whileoinband Kooutzhavo been hold
ing revival meeting for tho ut two weeks
ormuruat the Methodist church in tho Dalles,
and wo lenru have met with great success.
Captain J. D. Miller, of Oregon City, has
sold one third interest in the Oregon City
I'ioiirintr Mill to CiliLaln John Cuohrsiuv fur
controlling Interest iu steamer A. A. McCully.
Wheat nt Albany, 82e, oat, 30c.
More 'Illuo Itiblwn clubs" in Southern Or-
Mrs. Atviua Whitacer died uddu:dv at At.
kali Hat near Colfax, W. T.
A militia company is lcing organized at
Spangle in Faloueu country.
A deep water vessel arrivo I at Seahjok ou
Tuesday night, to lod spar for Cliina.
The North Facifio Times, a paper recently
published in New Tacouu, ins suspended.
The Falnuse (Sazctte ajitativi tlm ini..timi
of a railroad from Colfax to Siuke ris er. That
will como by and by
tioist enough, Dougus.
The Kvaneclical mil M. K. churelipa. nf
Albany are holding revivals, aud they are
said to bu well attended.
Mr. Ilritt, of Jacksonville has an orange
tree U-ariug fruit, hut not iu quantities sum
cicnt to atlect tho fruit market.
Tho Albany Collegiate Institute coinmcncod
another term this week. Mr. Hewitt aud
Mis Finlaysou aro tho teachers.
During January 33,000 Jitfihot, of wheat
was shipped from the Albany FamierVarc-
lwiMah I lis.j t -i A!,.. lABh-kK ..!..& ??.?a.-.
..wm-v. ii i ,itv iiaiiuvr wiie.s(,couiit.
Some sheep havo died and sorncstook havo
sutlered iu tiio Falouse, and the weather has
been very severe downto 6 deg below: zero.
Senator Colvig, of Douglas county, who
was taken with typhoid fever during tho last
session of the legislature, lis liinlly recovered.
Thoro i a demand at Astoria (or neat cot
tage. The Astoriao" auggasU.th.it some one
uuuo. mem win w lumber is at "bottom prices."
Ihi roiwr of the ship loNear are 'fully
naile, and the vessel Is ready for charter.
.m -, iruum iivawn uoiu sna is cnar
tered. The firemea of CorvsJIU are going to have a
ball on February 21st. A Corvalli imvuf
does thing by halve so a good time maybe
Dr. J. VT. Watt, the "Blue Ribbon" man,
who i at present in Southern Oregon, intend
visiting this section, aud will go as far north
as Astoria.
Captain Charles LaJjens is building a
schooner at tho Onoa(U mills, on tho Yaquina
bay. The schooaor Kill bo used for tho coast
trade and sealing. , ..
An exchange. informs us that citizens in
tending settlement in the Falouso country
. w..v.mmvu uachbio iu IUD viciuuy OI AS-
noti, as that vicinity promises a better and
warmer climate.
Stwkane falls is said to have made a good
start toward prosperity. Saw aud grist
null, other mills and shops, stables and
store, school houses, a hotel and cabinet shop,
are all at work there. Of course a saloon.
The Albany Register says that on Tureday
evening of last week. Mr. John McFarland,
near tangent, received a kick from a home
which broke and badly shattered his right
arm. It was fearful that amputation would
lw iieccry, but we hear that he is now-recovering.
The sting tha comes with insult
through ignorance, is much keener than
when it comes with design. It unarms
the victim, and roha him of his self-defense,
"Whoever would be sustained bv tho
hand of God, let him constantlv" lean
upon it. Whoever whould bo defended
eJlv repose himself
imsmmuLLi.wumj3ren i
IMnrslint ilciMalion hiii -rrsigiiutl lie
rrcsiilcucy of Francv, liuhcr tlirrn com
jily witli tlio ilcmnnilH nmiio by tltc
cabinet in com cil, iu response) to tho mr,
jority of tlii two C'lmnilii'r.f, ivntdinf
for romovith nml clumqns in t!i" aviny.
Mnralml jroMiilion elfclati'd thai In touM
Hot sign this elcciw. -T i-ini'"," i0
Haiti, "sign it iIoctco Hiipersi'dini; innvo
CIcnorulH, my own frioutln und compan
ion, wlioso legal tonn of cninuiftiul only
.cxjnroi iu five or hix months. There is
no ilangor in my refusal. I cannot con-
sent to stay nt such n cost. I blush nt
tho thohghi. I assure you, on my
honor, I. will not iio it." The two Cham
hew then met in Congrow, nml Jl.
Gievy, Preiieicnt of thu Ohainlier of
Deputies, was chosen Prcsieloht of
France. Somo in-egulurcilies in tlio do
inestio relations of M. (hvvy's family
litivo led to the belief that iu caso of
McMnhoit'K resignation, 3I. Orovy
would not becomo Tresiilent. He and
Gamlicttu seem to share between them
the leadership of the llepublienns ,of
trance, iind wo read that CSnnibetta pro
posed his friend's jinmo in vhat may 1
tcrmctl cnuous, nnd lie mus unanimously
nominated. In joint eonveution, or
CongrcM of both Chamber, M. Gravy
received CIJC votes, ngainst OD, which
shows tlio esteem in rliicli ho is held by
nil patties. I In has liecn for several
years permanent President of the Cham
ber of Deputies, Jias shown capacity as
a statesmnn, anil hns cooler iudsniicnt
anil u less ncutmliomtl niitutv than lib
friend Gambetta. It is possiblo that lie
is the best man in France for the tiosi-
tion, and his election shows that states
innnship, and not radicalism, is apprecia
ted iu France. Wo havo itllutleil to 31.
Grovy's elomestio relations, quoting from
memory of what we have read. Jt np
pears that whilo tho lady who presides
at his homo is licit his wifo iu tlio strictly
legal sense, bIid commands respect of
ninny good people and makes his domett-
tie life happy nml eontenteel. Portland
Oregon wheat makes stronger tlour,
and better Hour fitted for bakers' uso
than that made from Cnlifnniiu wheat.
Tho difference is iu the soil that pro
duces the-wheat. Something, perhaps,!
iu tho fact tlut Oregon wheat leaves lcssl
weight of bran in grinding nnd yields
mora tlour to the. bushel, but it is also
true that San Francisco bakers offer a
regular market for Oregon Hour, and
that from Salem mill has always been a
a favorito brand. Theso mills frequently
ship flourdirect toKngland, and English
bakers mix it with English wheat onac
count of its strength and capacity to make
light liread. Thu wheat from some parts
of the Willainotto valley has more
strength than from others, and there is
again it differenco iu tho variety of grain.
tlowcll Frame, Marion county, raise.
wheat that is of prime excellence. All
of tho middlo portions of the Willamette!
valloy raise very choico wheat, whilo tliat
from tho heael of tho valley is said tot
possess less strength and not bo of quite
such excellence, as that raised north of
them. Walla Walla wheat does not.pos
sesslho same excellence as that of the
tho Willamette, though it is fully equal
to that .of California. The quality of
wheat raiseel iu Oregon last vear was
generally buperior. Tho amount of
yiohl was considerably below thevrjjJ.
age, but the quality was all right. IhsV
character of Oregon seasons enables th
wheat plant to grow more steadily, ripet
more gradually and perfectly mature, m
a rule, and wheat grown under such cir
cumstances contains all the excellent
thei soil can bestow. Our Spring wheal
is far moro valuable than the Spung
wheat of Iowa or Minnesota, as wheasl
quotations show. What we say of Sa
lorn Mills is doubtless true of all ou:
best mills, but we happen to have a
hand to-day information from that source!
and not from any other. Oregon wheat
is therefore worth more nnd brings wore
in England than California wheat. Or
ders received from Liverpool for wheal
just shipped, or ready to bo shipjfcd fron
California aro not a fair index of whn
Oregon wheat is worth, for Oregon wheal
rates ouo shilling to ono and sixpence
higher, and Oregon producers are enti
tied to know what standing thei
ducts have in the world's markets.
Portland Bee,
Joaquin Miller's "Songs of Italy" at
nothing as compared with those sung b
a little ditty faced citl. with a beautify
note, for a week's wash, a voice like I
taw being set, eyes like silver skin oniori
in a bed if black loam, and fiddle thl
ought to be in Venice among the instrJ
ments of the inquisition. And there m
many people who will think Mr. Mlilerf
ppok is simply a translation of thesoni