Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 07, 1879, Image 1

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' euros tits
Willamette Farmer,
1 izsaj ti 4ru a VIA If FilM
82,50 Per Annum.
UTWIUi U imV)1 uttw" ol an fa-
I largnl liue o cuniHH UlorU U, (vip- r
j wlltonl ro-ftjiiMU ! Uisa
I HeiralU t our Sin trihUe eluge trill be
$2,50 in advnee, or
$3,00 after Six. months,
And we Hr la bare potf Id athance.
On tho fifteenth day of this
lonth wo shall mako out ac-
)ouuts p gainst all who owo
ovsr ono yoar's subscrip
ion and plaoo thorn in tho
ids of a Commorclal Bu-
jroau, organized for that pur-
(7poBo, to bologally colloctod.
VThlH will bo troublo to us and
iexponse to dolinquonts, and
fwe hopo Ihoy may respond
without tho demand of an
To Oar Rcadors.
Wo arc sou hi l tie J in l'ortl&ml, ami Ui.v.ig'i
cur bttamrsi i tint tystcmatizoil in all rviiK-ct,
jtt vc Wgiu to fcl r.t liotno In our now
quartern. V meet villi a kind inception
from the f.inncpf in thin Mclnity, and hopo to
mrjic mora itititcato acquaintance with fa.
mcni all over tbu Httto and to lo Ma tu
rcprcitnt Uiclr icttrcit tu tho xml ruhan.
Ugu. For tliiK mrt0Mi wo iirorxwo tu ttudy
thu market and if)ortthcm ax fully a may Ik
Wes,uy on corj' important jioint. Should
any of our friends ent pirticuhir Informa
tion uc do not give, e hi!I Mith ploaiure
luirwcr Ml rcMonalilo iunuinof. Wo ara at
their M-nHcc and wiU do all wo ran to benefit
thun. llic corcuicrclal intervsU of tho
urtlmikt center here, and o feel that In all
uportant rfjKcU wo caa Imi of mora iih horo
thxwhcjc Uumocm men recognlro the
aljo of the Fxlikuui iu an adxcrtiuuc
icdium, and we rJudl hare their atronage
a iibcrul extent when the prlng trade
If our prMot h't paid np, and we had
pay in advance a tho Oregooian doe,
h Taunt itcn with with ao much ire
rtance, we could make the people A the
Pacific Northwctt all the oewavaper they
IVAIlliI TkctKlv MNMMr fiMjl Mfnltlil I.A aa.wA
WWW... g-wB..J l.iHMU Wl.t VU.N tv P4 i w Vv
o rt. We ehall tire to attain thli point by
imaxt fall, and after thli year no one can get
fltbo Kuiuiu without cash iu advance. Many
.'wu i.viv vmm aav ! u u w J W.M
k Jf)kn kiatm 4im nm 4Af In a kk. At..
M uitncnomMo to UircviIre ana dithonrn
toward, cr. They keep tu cut of tho pbaeo-.
ion of ineane that cripplcji our effort, and
prevent ut from hung u uieful a wo wtih to
be towardi them.
From all part of tliia SUte and Wotldng.
(on, we rv;uft cornmunictticwii oo all mat.
iera of Krneral inUncit. Hardlv a farmer In
Ifttheland but )iaomo idea worth communlcat
Ingl Lry lanr.or. wife couIUaay iomUung,
r could ut fur nemo information, Mid one of
the mot Uuitutant duties of tho farmer.
L1pair ii to anirwer question!, or prtMnt them
lor oiuera txiicr iniomicyi to aniwer, tieuil
en jor cotninunirationi.
Moro WUdom About Wheat
It vaa a wonderful eviiciJcnoc, that the
-ay after the Kaiiku; huued iJiowIng
xthat the OregrnUn wat not giring correct
reiorU of Oregon wheat tnuuactiona. that
B pajier jA a e-ahlegram from Liverpool that
ill i "Oregon average wheat range from
one nulling to one ahilllng and niptnoo
higher than Califonda average." Kow the
ftndoubtud f&ct in that no tueh telegram cama
with the Liverpool quotation, but it waa in
Tented in the office of that paper, and 'pub
lished ai an aritwer to the facte we etatod.
That ort of JouruaKm will receive proper
reci&tion no doubt. The editoriuhief
tucii cave lorvivcn uu, lor a wetK later we
IT find an oditorial where he aayt, in the etyU
rI elegance liie reader are accuitoued to.
itbut which abowe lack of culture a reach ai
liaoa oi uncanoy.
& "It Lae required an entire wk for trie
,Ullnt of the moribund Standard to iuvect
fa cuirk on which it rdcht be able to coma to
S;Uie -ujiport oi tn mcuctebanw l mmxh on
Jeuotationi of the Engliah wheat market; and
tnii it tind at Ut in tre amazing diaoovtry
that the beet lete of Oregon wheat will aell
for something mere In England than average
lL ttifA4jr fltfnrvil ln 4a mtA ili lujnt
t aaeerta In it blundering way that while
uctationn forCalifoixia wheat aro44),quo.
Batipns lor Uregou are 45 OJ. Tnia i a mi.
Mnifing ttateineot, for of cxjUtm the exact
Sprite of either ikpends on quality and coo
Hitiou. Mcrh of the wheat shipped from
California i good a any t hipped from
Oregon, though the average "Oregon product
K h tter. A matter of fact, however, our
Ipruduceri do not hae their calucUtioni on
Khe quotatiout cf the Engluh inaarket, which
Ln aiibject to many condition not readily
nnderrtood here. They want to know what
hey can ovt for what in 1'ortland and Kan
It may be pouilW that hi reader have
eea o thoroughly educated In hi. ttyle that
Bhey can tdl what thi reexn. It i worded
amhiguoualy, and i ao involved, Uat mot
cple will conclude it to le a itring of
V s W r ii iiiiiiWti ii' IMTi'ri "ilTffT Til ri llTTiPin iwiliii r.l.-j rm
word meant to avoid direct meaning. How
ever, it doc plainly deny that overnge
Oregon wheat va not tuperlor to that of Cali
fornia, the very fact stated iu his pretended
cablegram from Idvtrpool Jannary !Mth and
It alfto ilvnics, in effect, that Urcgon wheat i
worth 45 Cd jcr 500 tt, juit shipped,
This man rwsinibj us of the other vrl
could nover epon his moutlt ithout putting
his foot in it. At tho vory tiiuo ho quoted
wheat just shipped at -Us uu .bowed tliut
0e was offertxl for a cargi) jut cleared,
at.d that nrilars from Liverpool for cargoes
ready for shipment vicru 4.'x CI. Ho had
1crt leav u tlw wheat market out of his part
of thu editorial work, nnJ confine Ills mighty
intellect to Mttiethlng ho knows motu about,
if there is Anything ho docs know inoro about
Whan he invested thu phtaoo "MounteMiank
r.iUMtr," perhaps his I'lteiiect M over
straiurd by tho clTort.
Mlrod Farming.
A ine'rthont in Salem, Mr. J. W. (Jiltxrt,
vvno wm brought up to know how to furni,
u-d hi. a (,nvat tarto for country life-, hi a
farm a few milea from town man-god by ono
laid wLo understands hit buiincw, and in
additiuu to regular frm work carries on u
yiUsi of teprovetnenU. IIo grows wheat
L'i ootisidcrullo quantity, u taw noros of com
Ut year gave a rativfactory yield j raised over
ZOO bushela of potatoco, a pooil lot of fruit,
take caro of o:no blooded pigs and has cows
luul poultry that J Idd n giiod rover.no. Thi
SaUai mcrcLant ndvocatos mived fanniai;.
At his own t&blu he e,t his own meat and
vegetable?, wheat Hour and corn bread, butter
uid eggs, and find all viy a rcas.tnshla profit.
Hi o k c! hrono turkeys are fine follow.
He lately sold 10 lkrkshlr pit; for 8120; has
calves and colts, benidea skeep, and considers
thr.t mixed husbandry is rsential to truo suc
cess Ln agncultural pursuit, even In farming,
Of lourse the fanners of Oregon look upon
thk thing very much U he iloes, and maoy of
them realu all possible success iu so doing.
bat irxny more deTOte themselvus more to one
purruit than may be advisable, and when tho
ono product they cliluly depend on is not a
good crop, cr has not a pool price, then they
HiOer from hard time.. The groat secret of
the rcucM of the French people is that they
own small farms, ccltlvato them well, and
have a system of careful rotation that pre
euro the soil in good condition. A little
f.rrn well tilled, is good property, and a coun
try made up of tech is rich and prosperous,
when one that exists in large plantation hu
neither strength nol prosperity. From the
Hew York Times we dip, and publiih else-
hLv, somc-tUD which shows that fanning
on a gri-t scale Is nut remunerative iu thu
West It is not desirable that it should be-,
but that the country should be possessed in
smaller farms, and that theso should be care
fully tilled and made to produce tbo greatest
pouiblo variety r.ited to the wants of the
country. Mixed fanning vtill be moro con
veuleutly carriul ou when we havo greater
home demand for produetti not calculaUi for
A Waito of Time,
We have r.o time to w asto iu onsv criug the
Oivgciiui's low tliLhO. If t.o Kakvui. had
not tltu Lewtnf the controversy about market
reportr, that self-important newspaper would
not Ioao its temper tnd showtucli indecent
iU-manntna. There is nothing to bo made
baneljing words with a blackguard and dema
gogue. It will be tome Mtl'fvction to the
pvople cf Oregon to know that they will not
always be dcpenlett on the Oregonlan for
news, and the time U approaching when its
odious new ujonopoly will be broken. The
editor of that paper has the exttue that he
was uuule of coarse aud vulgar material so
far as it goes.
Since the above was written, an iafitumtial
business man in this city informs us that
within a few days farmers who have busi
ness with him have repeatedly asked him
If ocr assertions about wheat quotations were
correct, as they and their neighbors want to
know the troth, and upon learning that wo
had the facts on oar side, declared they would
not renew their sebscription to the Ore-go-
Exit the Ttm Swindler.
The legal gtntleman of this city who was
employed as attorney for Ilobinson and Finn-fan
in the rut commenced in the name of
L. Green sgaicst John C. Jory, of Salem, in
form ns that his clienta have left the coun
try, leaving crdeni that tho tree they had
should bo sold for what they would bring.
The fanners and others who were to be vic
timized by them are therefore relieved of all
obligation. Thi journal did all it could to J
unito the faru-eie to join in defendiug all
suits, aud was the only one that took strong
ground for it patrons. It I more than prob
able that the nn stand taken by the Wil
lamette FaJUtfER had much to da with their
sudden leaving. We take pleasure in rtndtr
it any service w e can to tho people w e sen e,
aid thai never 1 wasting when oar aesnt
ance it needed.
Mora Whomt QaotaUont
A correspondent of tho Standard cenikilus
that tho Fakmxh mure-pre"cntii the- wheat
market, and it defends tho wheat rin at
our expense, though not much at our expenhn
cither. Ho My S j Taking tho highest quota
tion as mentioned iu any newspaper ycti
4.1s Gd.
Cost of wheat frvo on boird 0. 51.7'
(exeluuigu 49jd Vij M
Freight, aiH Cd, U. K SsW
Iii5iirancf, lOd
Cost of cargii (pr qr. of !X) Ho) 4.r,H CI
Hu says tliat freight is .'19s 0.1 L'cJtol Kin-
elom, wherevM w o havo for tnii week jat told
of charters modo at Sos to United Kingdom,
which nuke n trifiim: diuVrencc of 4 td on
'.'ODD twunds, or thrco emit n huoliej to UrtJ
on. Vlicnevcr ho wants to talk a'.xmt n
"wnkly editor," an he eloeu in this defcuso
of tho w belt ring, he had better tack'o iccc
ojo who caver Mint to ;hoel and id
n ovitdidvto for tu Insano Asylum. Tho
Standard ought to examine their commr.n.c.t
tloni lwioru it mikes thoir authors redicaluuH
by publishing their barofaced untruths.
Wo h.ivo explained fnijiiently, tkis yexr,
that fanntivi havo much in their favor, or elo
tho priruof whevit would not be over ev mo
tive cents per buidiul, ou an average, through
the Willamitto Valley. Low frvlght havo
co mo to tlii-ir rvlkf and glveu them adiOercnco
of n least 12 rents n buthol on other yi.irs.
While vru tiKak of a wheat rinc, wede u.t
eondemu men who open to in vrhe.it for mak
ing all they honorably can in thot hni.ii.uui,
but wu do hlamo the Orvgonlan for uut giving
the facts as to what price v eve! an) chartered
and what Oregon w-hevt ready fur sldpjjnent
or just shipped is worth in Liverpool. u
cause it doe not give thent n reasonably
avjumo thst thu Oregonlan wrks for the
wheat buyer, in preference to Uie farmers.
t The editor of the Faumkk doc not prrUnd
to bo snore capable in Ids buslncsVTllian any
other newspaper man ought to be, but to far
hu fails to see how his aavailanta aie his
equals. Judging from what has occurred, we
claim to be either mora honovt or more cr.i&bic
than those who traduce us.
Sleeping, Hunting Uoont, Etc.
A gentleman called at our office- the other
day, and after informing us that hu "mA n
pleco of writln' he'd like to Hick in," handed
ut tho following rrmarkablu production:
To the Iklitor of thu Wallamtt Fanner I
taw in Your Tapper aliout sleep the CiH ten
Yean I was in Origon or.u half of the tlmu
only four hours of a Night there wax A Hoy
his Ntreo was llurzn Motto wee hunted llao
Coon 10 Nights wcecamu in utter the locond
Xvignt a 1. o?Iock aim toock a lunch ono
morning started at unu oolncl. Dargj Kays
lets go iu the barn and by dov.na half hour
wee sleep aliout two hours 1 nuvcr laid down
in the day timo to sleep I done a gxId days
work every' day except Sundays I wa run
inug through tho woods with my Gun, wee
would go into the Woods and start tho Hogs'
a hunting woo would lay down between tho
lloots of a large Tree, tlw Dog would net
bark no mora than tivo tirutv 1-o'oro I wi.uld
wako ho might have barke.1 tillhuws gicy
beadod Uforo llcrga would wako I aulnays
worked about five ralnits t-iwako Him wee
started to go thrco mile to a Creek wee
came to a l'lase there was a lleJd en the r.ortli
tide of tho ltoad Ilurga says they luUod CVm
there the Held wai sawed in S'htat we started
a cross the Held and came to a Flow and Har
row Ilurga says this is no plaso for u Flow
and Hsrrow I says there is twainp in tbo
west end of the fit-Id wee grubed thu How
andstartod in the Swamp wee cair.e to the
small end of along lofc- wee weuta far an weo
could and thrved tho Flow ilx feet from the
Log to the North wee took the Harrow and
threw it on the other tide wee utver cut a
Tamarack Tree I climbed the Tree and
knocked thu Coon out he never woald (limb
to the top of thu bighet Tree he Vis to
Chikeu beartod I have climbed to the Up of
the highest Tree in the day time I could nee
for IS miles around Wee caught 'XI Cucur,
Swindling Oanvaaaexi.
We have received information that ft.6 t
our subscril-ers have been snindk-d by a man
calling himself Whltworth. Wrhuvo no mch
ageut, and cannot find oct who it is, to have
him arrested. Last fall we lovt over a hun
dred dollars by dishoneit agents, for all the
money paid W, 1. Leonard wai stolen by
him. We liavo now no agents iu the held,
and when we put ono to work wo v. ill be miro
to announce it. Thi Whitworth U eald to
havo had ono of e.ur receipt bookf, l,Jt if to,
ho gut it dishonestly.
In The Dil'.&J, Jan. 4th, part.-1 this life
Mrs. Klnora J, Toinpkius, wife of J I).
Tump! .a. Ageid 'Jl years, 1 mcr.'.t; till 'SI
Tuciuuav Mokkinu, Feb. Cth, 1S7P.
ijiiKo laitwecktbc wheat market !iows
sxime deptcniuii. There is general weakne-ss
abroad, owing toC:ur.cIalttrictlon in I'.ngbuid
and the Uiuwletlgc that jOenty of wheat will
bo offered its needed. Orders Live declined
to 4, .Id to United )AuV-duro, though those
iute'rercsted claim that they hate- declinol
4.r and 44t Cd ti Liverpoil direct, but ss
usual they are- a ttiuc. below Uie teal tlgtlru.
Freights hov ii stiffened, owing to prwnca of
few iron vessels and action of Atncncati ship
owners in )Vtton, who ivsolve to hold for lt
trrate. 'Hie freight nmrket in San FraccUco
is also stiller. 'J'lie ri!ijruUr fact exiits iu
I.ivrriHVil, that wln-.t ou tlic ijiot there is
worth ono rhiliibg hud rU joueun qiuirter
kss than wheal jest rtdjiputl here, which
tliow derioraiireil finance- and more faith iu
tho uluit tuarket :u-jv nr n've mouth from
now than now. '-"Abu: on the wlmtf here,
may U- que te-d aSI.C7, ficon Ivard f 1.72J,
which ii not more de-ohuo tluti the dlffereoro
In order and iieljlht would InJIc.ito. Thu
"AUcgito.' ha len rocharti n-d, suppo-te-d to
bo at from 37 outo 4w j-er tm p-.rbapi tlic
latter "
Oiti i.ro dull and n tri!e- lower, piU-et hav
leg decliui-d U permit r-lujiuenUto C.-.lLoi-uU.
Fotaioos mo tlnaer, and gool lot IJuly
Ilovo have lately Sold for me-d in CUlifornU at
SI. 75 to SiOO per cental. 'Ilo Urt Kecd
oUtCM' nre woitl. he:o 51. M pereental, witli
good denuuid, .thugh inferior lota r.rc not in
de-maud. TLfie It local cotr.petitiou that
helps th rite for ehoico lots.
Aplei are in deujind at our quotativm.
Ociot.t are narce and high; mervliant- here
will iay Ce to 7c per j-aund for thun. ,
Iiriwl apjdes ani oventocked ou the market
and can be qi.c-iJ at i7c per pound for those
frem lli.uimr'IMrifii upAhlsns.V Th tMison
". evfdrnu Utfrot'vppU cosao In ILse 'whtn
thu green fxuit is all gene, and that is not the
case either here or at the Kast. Last winter
prices, went elown the rumu way, belt in the
spring oreiers werem-oked fromCldeago to
ship at 14-;t per pound. It will pay well to
hold good dried fruit for a demand, acd good
interest will be made on the money by r-o
Fresh rell butter comes from California, and
tho market i-i well supplied, with little choice
of houiu maVr, Hie tupply of salt and in
brino i abundant at quoted rates nod no good
Owing to the continued cold weather ergs
are in demand at SOs r doen.
llacon is low. and will continue, fo. The
foreign supply is shut off by thu low price
and iucreae of boat i roduction. When our
! pork packers taknthu tamejuiLith.it Kaitern
packers take', euro their meal m well and
pack a well, and jut. their lard in equally
good shajv, they will kt-cji foreign meat and
lard out of the ii.irl.et all thu ncaron. A it
is, we shall ro ('hircgu u.eati acd bird in Or
ecn ii.aike.ts evry sun.Tj.cr end fall.
The Wool Deficit.
It is eatiruated that the total wool clip tf
1877 wnounUd to l,4'J7,.'OO,O0O n The
wool joduot of 1875 falls considerably short
of tbli-. Australia, for instance, come-i in
with ii deficit of about 4,000,000 lieeces,
which at the low aver&gu of Uui-e pound.-:
jx-r Jleeve, is equivalent to 12,000,000 ft.
Califonna in 1877 had foinething over i,000,
000 Bi, 1 than in 1870. This year the Fa.
cif.c 8tat tliow a d ffcit of about 0 r-r ct nt.
on the tliji of lcf". The Texan clip ihows ui
increar-. In New Jvnj-land altd the thie
north Middle Statei, there is a docre-ine of
about live perctnt., wuie ttiero is a tUetit In-
creae.'leay from one to four jr cent. In
the rcuiiiiun State.-. Notwithitandiug the
deficit, wool does not advance iu price.
Maiiufaeturtis i-lslm that there it yet a fur
plus of production over the demands for rou-urun-tloii,
and thst any great advance caanot
j t-t be lwled for, -Chicago Keview,
Poultry Atttocutlon.
Ltt week the 0:-gon State l'oultry and
Pet t-'tock Aocittioii was organ7d in thin
city, cocjititutieri and by-L.w atlojited, tnd
officer elected as follows;
Fresident, W. K. Failint, Milwa-klc, 0-').-anjw
Vice I'ie.dit, If. D. Or:tL, Foitland,
Capt. J. F. Apjvrvo, Ojt-cn City, Ite-U-rt
Imbie, Hi 10-oro.
Ktcretarv, A. A- Uynou, FortUol.
Aiour btate- dfi!opn, it is la'.ursl and
proper that surh no.iatioss should form, and
theydiene to lx- well sujijortcd. Iu all
ceuntriei ttie pio-iuctlou of fowl-i and efga is
a great bi&uUi rf er)(M.ii-j. Alrtaily wo
hav-oai. i-ttnuvi trle in Iwth with Califor
nia, wh. eh will giow r.ud jccnam-, ami as
Fortlii-i ui i.ther to-an groi in vcalth and
jopu'atioi., t!. lju-'..-it.i of f applying theso
j.r.lnc'.r .-.il rd.) in-rta.1:- ami Uesir.o im-l-orto
t. N tU-ii"! low Is ar ln-tti r e'j.jro
decors w 1 i.ue t l-etter c-etin-; thtn thooidl
nary, ami eari ,'i liri'tiin-; prj 'uce-i ntl.e-r re
sult. o shall tn I ".vor Vieivt. fir-iperetten-
tio-i to t lis hr-j.' Ii if fjj-i li-jtbaridry. and
werlll, o ti Jiave-on.mualaticris'ro!n thcia
u .. .liii.ui.
A Bad Spell From Tillamook.
XivrtociOA, v'wii. lOUi, 1879.
Mr. Kdeatw: I joit thet bcin' as it Is
anoin' honr in Tiltimook I wood rite and tel
yuvv how it loolj hwvr, I ne-vt-r did sea tho
beet, it sucM-d narly 3 inrhe draji. lh'd yow
ever sea e-ny tnot if u ever liar the yew kan
no jctt how- -' pity nit-. It was moiii for nl
the-t ski rout, an awer c!e iliantio tue-k aOi-o
and jup wusgonond uie, aud mother, and
the uugone-s w itr rJ bi ower se-lvos, and wet 1ml
a orful time uvu hl a idoc ihet the do thing
wu Kolu '2 l'itn doun, Int it is standin yit.
Vel i be t'i!o u enufi' i.bnwt ml self,
sow i wil tel iii'ii thin nUmt Tillarnojl: I hev
li.-i near tit-ony -j ye-ers an l tlio ulnnel ns
dclitlful, it rane- muff to Kdj-o the aro klecr,
and inaku gtuding tnik p-o nue, an pa'itors
Ijrctn. Tliotsn ihture enuf to Le.iji the-ertli
n&nu. The priue)-o)u prtiduckh of thi
cownty U cheuu uul butur. Tnero u luts of
nU'j stok-t hear al klndi exeept koni t-to.
Tharu U a good delu ov will tliijit owt ov
hear, evry ye.ir, Tiie folkn i-teel sum jierta
tor and jnirk mid in-lit owt lust fill, yuug
gentlemt-Ji U viry i-l:are liur-'but there ii lots
ov gTodo tip boil tlst claws terlakei and
drinks wlukir.
Lirxii K Co hev a tkr-oi.t r luiuJn hnr ruul
Hamilton and Itie-L-ui tuv . vmal ikennvr
kale-d the Kate- 1.. Ilerriti Mr. Jid.u Cralucn
has saltt-d turn vefia nito -...ininen and scuit it
ov t ttiare to w 1 it, if y t-w ftllert liho ratntsin
I adviro yew to giti-.im mid tri Tillai.iook
sjlvertydti. WU uuiior got ktr of l.lr.rr.s
tnd krub-j and iu fact al son-1( shelC!-, roi
if ever Jew cuta tew tltu nek o tbo wodt vro
will ho ye-w sie-h tlifh ov Llam t.io and Lrcd
and buttur as ytvr nevar ren btjtmr, Onae
in a while a lode of fcll-ere starts to Tillamook
and beoiir tha Mart tha go round tu the
komer and get a unjity lxtle or milk and
seimhow or u-tlier tha itar.ig U nin tliare teem
ollov tha grsid about zigzag sail, to I thvt I
wood tel u not t! Iro cawt in that lode ov
chickens, a n other thing wl.tu yiw dew cum,
the sumer U Uie best 'timu to come, then
Charlie Miller big tale bote ir. r-anniu and
then tho Uams and the hoed!um is ut ,tLue
hiU-. 0, I had moot fore-ot 2 U yew that n
man bi the naini ov Trowbridge iz teachin
tkool hear without any books and lie Ion-ea
them more iu 1 weal: than tiiy uthtr
tcecher dote in 1 tunu an if ynng jejle want
tu luru tha hedU-tergo tew hit skcwl eye
think I wil go to hit tkule. Amoat al thu
old setlsrs hev moved owt of erwrr art ov
tho country, and rm wuns cr.iu in, cicej.t Mr.
au Mrs. Tniinan Harris he staui tu bo very
much attached tu tliaru j.raiy l.ou.o in the
woxls. If you tl.ud na Hunilten t.n Higgliis
oTjiortland jctt roe cm fur ine ef ttui no what
i thu matttr erv tleir .keoncr. it kt&t utt
any further the u Tillaicook Ui.
We live 1 mile from thu juet ofis, an tbu
ruiJy comes in onson weak frrin north 3 atnhll,
and altow from Artoria, wo he bed n long
frcze np, but now I fu-e it will l.ltir uji au
rone, it ii rdiiio'o diner tira an I lauss Uore.
Ax evry body hear no.o n.e ;.ti nuto I kaut
tjel I fen tlui vril tkrj my mirtr.l.u.
C. M. S,
Norv. We can't taz.d .1 gre-t deal cf thi
sort of iuiormatiou, toid uiutt ay that ood
commou tejue talk Wocld tvad 1-e.ttcr, but ax
it corner from Tillui.ool, we cemtlade to let (t
go iu. li'J.
Eesolnuona of Condolence.
At thu lat last regular meeticg of Turner
Orange, F. of II,, the following preamble
and resolutions were wdoptod. and a copy
ordered sent to the press for jmblieation.
Whereas, Death ha spread Us sable jll
aod bore from our midst imx worthy brother
Charles, llruoej thcrtfore,
lUsolved, that our Grange ha lost uot
efficient iMmber, the eouununity a kind
friend, the home cirele a dear father and
u.ot aiTectionaU husband.
eolved, that we Under cur most heart-
flt sympathy toourUrtfttlsUr, l'tmiit us
dctr sistor, to mingle our tears wKh yours.
Then rest thee, elusr brother from toil and
care, at home with the Master, away from
life) pita; thy harvest is gathered. Like
earth's ripened urain thou art gamed on the
beautiful thuru, Thei why should we
mourn, knowing so well our lot i hi gain.
we thall loon crosa to tliat beautiful shore
and meet with our dear brother again,
W. M. HitxrKT, Secretary.
The o-JJod editor of the Oregonlan will
lind himself billy mlsttjeen, for on:e, in his
crusade agaluit what lie tuns "thu so-e-lled
I-Ar.ur.it." The W'tuMicnn Fajiviui is
taken aud ae-.-eiUl as a tal.iablo journal by
tie j-wjpU-, r-.i valunblti to bet induce ntly
smiruhul by ts.avtiigeis lUt. Fojtt. Astsr-
Pn. .1. J, .V-Afrr, . 14., lai an wl. 1:1 tMs
iaeue, Mr. 8. hai l,al roiwi It rrtlc pracf loo In
this vleinltv. and vL.uld 1.- nlcjte.f to seoativ
nml all, wl.o t-.ay have hnt'.Jading with any
Sa.SO rcr BXontb
reran Inch it tiitrtwio,; r;r. J
the. (list mni.Ue,
$4,00 Per Mtcnth
T.ir two InoJ.w,
Ul.'r.OO Tcr Iclontt
ct Uirto in he i, Ifi n.io'i;a Un t
lor lonp tiaic .vlitrt.va.iin.
' Cm
Lrtral 4lverttcmi nt
I 1'i.l.iiWI c I .iicf.it 7,mj
During I.lrul ,- ';i lwiir (Uv.
terms; r ct lc- tM.-i Ci m iucrII, Ut
ftiehrauiof Uttitj lvLt,
NO. 51.
Ohio CorrcpotirZpnt.
Kdllor Wlllrjuotte F.vnien
It lia been rtnotin.e r.iicv you have hcsi.f
from DcLnvare-t'ountv, Oldo, and tld U(u
attempt to bn.i thi iee nain.
Fortixond oue-hUf wie'soytiu hr.vo liraul
no emn ro yery pri-sa'njitu-V-,-1 i. to niuj-"Deoeinlx-r
ii a ple.Avnt . May," i-o inattci
hovT Jilou they Were1, itl I Ule'vu it roquimi
a goexl nmount cf graco to tint flat titu vitU
the thcrmctue tt-r dim n to tw e ut t w o di greet
below mm, Mid tnov. Li.n ilei ji, iiitli nu add!
tiou of a couploof inch.Atve-iy twenty-foiu-bourn,
w itli a lirci-2ir itl.-n-nt tu blow 'tho hair
ou" n cait Iron mule. Now whui vim arn
tJJ tliat fioia the -H-.-iitl, of July itraiuoul
two days moro than over half tho eutim tini
until Nuvenib--r the'JOth, whui to' K l-ichi-
of snow right on top vf it nmd Uittxni, .mil a
jiierving wiud for an ucevi upaninetit, tt.ld ui
that the voice of tin- turie- would not very
roon l-o he-r.nl nani In tho '.v. J, iud ugeiS
men nro ree-Le-n.i.g thi the- u -t nv r- wlnti
sinco Ixnru nr.d CUrke- iMtnl tho I.'ocJ.y
Mouiitaiuri. A fenrliiln1('it,tlityiimiiu-,hnr-H
In some Iocnlit-'o-, and mtiinps itltt fove r awt
iiii'mIch n-nmip't the o'i v. no rujijivtid tu
bo some of tho results f t" -t-n-ly culsl
weather. This -ticnm -. I in l't'i, is m ttfit-
uji tlio lltft ri-lit.Uu i.p-'irnii. cmr iv clirengu
of we.itlur wide., wu Ib.o !.a.l nin.irly sqie-u
vvceka, I litar.i n -.. ! iwlmj r.l)iit thu
we-nther, and .nilsi'Jg thu Lurd by fi-ebln
e use, than ivt-tlhl.vo lie.l-il l.-rfoio III tlio
sjuuo le-ugtli of t.tiui. J'..r ighix-ttliit hnx
be-on c. gala time-, f . r :h iu -Id ,.n- fool
enough to fnn.o tin r ' -i for tb tuU of
thuenjiiymrnt from i.tij'i jig In ll. li.uain
for thu last month r.n.l i. 'u. J a h(.ri- uu
sle-i(li cou:uirjn'.i a ileiUr ;r Iwtir re-iulily,
nnd tlio de-ir.:uiil hat Iwn a t-xvej of thn
snpiily. Wo iIj not vtsli mother such
winter, tdtliotij-H in so.-ntt r.vj-.ts it M-etiietl u
ueceisity, ns It wan the" ord t-ji j,: that ,oulol
bieak up colored cxrap uee'ti.ps ca lkloware
Fair Orotiad. ICejiiiii; tint -ixy l-v i.tful in
tviely, for to st ttlo thi) vrt'f wmo di
satiitied buclcv o In it.r --Hate-, f lemaiii still
a friend to j on trl j o..r rcper.
Lro.-iAJixiMfii.), OLio. ,Ia. S'a7X!k.
rkuidridge Orivngo, No, .'-7. Luiu Ci-unt i ,
installed otticern on Jauu.iy ''-'u w),v r.re h
follows i 1. Swank, M.-dt-hn UumtJiry, O.j
Ira Taylor, lj Ielvln Mili-r S.i .las. W.
Swank, A. S. Ji llam.r C.,J. II. Miller, T.;
Fut Kntter, H.j ,T. AIn.e-d, ii. K.; Mrs. M.
jUrdwell, U.j Minn Kmrui Sr.k, 1'.; MitM
Melvlca Miller, l'.j MhW MlUer, U A.
S. After the iiifitallatii'U dir.r.trwut fervml
iu the hall, win h an tho joul irte-rs iily am
g!t up. 'JTie ii.-iti.lla: in v ti"-.f)b.-, wit! all
partook of thu good thirt(-t t. tli a tuli-h,
tnd li I ii gci.uul good t.!iu
llie olfieeik of Chasitv (Jrum-i', No. iOlt,
Halsey, arei .l.tftngci, M j ll 1. Mull.O.i
Mary r-Mclman. lt .1 M. Tham. S.t
Josph Fearl, A. S.j li Kir, C.l I.. (1. Kdel
m.vi, T.i I". 11. Wu-U-, F.t F. M. Klin,
(1. K. E. Keller, (J. 1 Mi.ry Hiche.il. I'.;
Mary ICizex, F.i I. A. Warner. L. A. ..
The iuttalUtlou took pk.iu V-wy 4th.
UmjMjua (lrani;r, No. 2H, li.-tiuutl't-d the
following ullU-etft G "A Ji-iws, M ; I.
Cooper, 0.1 T.J. lloil,hh, Cliapjiell, S.
F. Fetors, (!.i 11. Conn, 'V.t ,7, V. Vuar.m. H.i
C. Smith, A. H.s Hrtt. t!au, F.; hjr. t)i n,
C j Mrs. Lr.ty A. luuuvi, K.t Mrs. rk 0.
Ihutr, 1. A. H
Weather Report lor Juauj-y 1870.
Daring Jitnu.iry U7J, tltx- ueiu ilevtu
days duriug wl.Uli rain ft.l, n.vug ,ui tiyn-j-uteof
Xl'i liwt.uiol vti.ter, hxe'tur -Ijjn
tnd fourteen elonly t.ajn otlur i);j thrsM
ou which rnJu le'.'.. Vhe un ti'ujoctuni
for tlie inenth w.M X' (tj . IUght.iit daily
mean teun(e rat 1.10 Jjr t'jo luontli, V5 on the
Itstli. IOirekt i'j.i!y im u:i tti;inrtjrv '.')' uu
thu 4th. llijlrf-ot rteorJol -j 1 -nauue tu- fiu
thu month, W .'it tiro u U.c ?. u. , t.;i thu
10th, lowe the.nucu.etcr it ut ix-iun o'rloe-l
A, m., oatlie 4th, mean teu.jejatart- for th
month at two o'clock 1-. m. t,'y. A very
little soow fell en tho lf-th. ?juntii (ecurre4
on the 1st, 2ml, fml, 4th, Cth, f-th, 7th, 12tii,
14th, ICth, 20tb, ttnd, 2C'.b, Wlh, Wth, firth,
90th, 31tL Tl picvaiht' -s-incv for thn
month were from tlio wrth daring eleven
days, touthwit f.fUen day, soi.th five dsye.
lhiring January 1676, thuo were 1i1tee.11
day during which ram fell, and C 38 ir.chex
of ytiiUr four clear tLtys u.d iIuviji eluudj
Mean tfiu-eraUto fur the inotth 40.7'.
Hijfhett daily tntan tt.te mtuif dr ti
mouth 4V, lowest uie-L t.ii'.t(.tuii. fiu
tho month 21. ,
Kou, Feb' 1st. 1870, 'JM'tvARCit
To Ykrmere.
An old fritud write uu "Ttit rt . u deo.
of nonsense mittt 11 hho-.X apj.k- tri en nvuir-
ing cult I rated j.;ieund. "I.C njtm why tin-
trees do not do to well whru toe j-inuiid is in
grass, is IweauMi H is not gra:il ,u.i kept,
short at it Is in Kr.gk.ud wht-ro i.'.l the
one. hards, or ;it least iine ty-i.mo ot 1 f .1 Lmi
are kept in graut, mil ncvir nmed. Uut
the gra is gral with (-hee-ji nr.d irJvce
Slid UfrVer mowtil, mid it is wll, I im,, ,
ls wroin; tiivrnm 'lr ,i not r-tit-Mtl toilt
o I In soiuv I. ..jo, vuii 1.J.1 ,r no -.1 1 nr.i ir
stand the il'ivn 11. litwetu tin l.iu' (.1.1 u.'
winch i m.-e pinwi 1 f,-,d ti.c innoM.y ,1
viovera l.tin, Vi j.in IM' cvn.iil ,txx,Vi
ill ill';' Out, 1 1.1 ro IS J Jtliil.f to JlitVtlit u
ind .virro J ' fumj' tiM 11 ;-U :,inl the h) -ei
boaji-at iit nndir tip ii.i.i i.i.d ,unt
iliopu.n ) ;u t vii.ti,' tN..ttti . i.tni.e