Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 31, 1879, Image 6

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    T- '
rtmuriuiu ND rxerniKtmi.
Tcrni of hnbterlptlon,
OteM?T,c.soycar(3:Jhrbc'rf )..... t.50
O1.0 copy, fix monthi (34' nnirAcrf ) 1.95
Oscevpykreo monthii (13 notnbcri) ?
" 8ALKM," FlUIUy, .'AN. 31, 167.
Farmers' Talk on Current Topics.
Farmer I). fJood morning, Mr. M .
3'Icae taltuflt-cat. We're having very
fine winter weather now. The effects of
our Into fiost arc leaving the ground
Mowly-tho best way It can, In my Judg
ment. 'ample bywomu of thu strijngest of tho
KarmerM.-(tai;lug a eatz-ys, thoJ5.1N) coloncM) uS Camilla, Australia,
weather Is good now; but, notwithstantl- K(jw Xculaml, and othois.i N at nine
lug It is as you say Hi rcgani lu ,no iiou.
leaving the ground, tliere.vlll, T thin!;,
liosomo Ji-Jury none to winter in
wet or spongy lamij hiiii, ino injury, ..jinrl(lr ,nRtrclH ()f jjnginnd. It
far. Is not great, I think. Any nows?
If. U.-Ves) I've been just looking
over tho paper", and, what with tho ex
ccuslvo cold weather rccontljk and the
jmlv cxdcbelvo high water, Insotiifof the
Htates east of Urn Hoeky Mountain- the
lmriitltneiiind political turmoil In, tho
fe'outhern Slates and tho atllfidurlter
shadow of poverty and illstress in por
tions of lluropo-mako mo feel as tho'
things geiienl'lly nro going to the badV
1 M. Itd6en look a llttlo that way,
taking a mar view of It; but, 1 tliliiu, to
us peoplo of Oregon, thero Is a ".a-liver
lining" to tliu ulnuit you seom to fee.
1). Weill I confess I can't sootmueh
llk'ht, but, as you seem to think dlllbr-
ently, I should like to know yotiview
of our present relations with (ircit, llrit
aln. Hero's ail Item takm from tho
London dispatches to the N. V Tinu.
"Jan. 17. Tiio '7nrV London special
say:' The dlstuss cif the poor increases,
ami wllh it tlie masters continue Uwle
rrujsu wagf, thu men stuivllug out.
'J'lieyhnw a lesson to leru' before they
itiiilerataml that trade Is K'avlng this
country. Ainerli-uu long -elotlis are
cheaper ami better than th Kngllsh
urtfle, ami nro iM in all largo drapery
stores In London. Tlilsslngleexampleof
tho utter futility of tho strugylo against,
thu now eoudltlou of things .might Im
press the worklngmcn If the politician
did not tell them that tho present gov
ernment mopped thu mills and brought
starvation to their tnir. While Hags
were Hying over American banks on re
sumption dav, tho black Hag of poverty
dominated the manufacturing districts
or Kuglaud. The hungry, despairing
crowd in Us shadow Ineicases dally, fry
ing for bread.' "
You are or Ilrltlsh birth, and can per
haps sco mom reason to hope, but It does
sewn to mo that if tho Ilrltlsh people are
becoming so pyor as this Indicates, wo
will not much longer havo a market
there for our wheat, and then what shall
we do'
.11. Your ijuc.itlou Involves a long
talk, and tho hit or nows you'vo read Is
very full of meaning to me. I've read It,
even between tiio lines, and, but for my
sympathy for tho poor and ignorant of
tho British people, 1 could yell out with
(Might over It. ,'
VI); Yod siirprl-o me! Wliy? ''
'M.'-For'mrtro reaxons'thaii I can now
slate', but I will give you somo of them.
I regard It as tho announcement of n
double, I might say a treble, victory for
I ho. United Htates government and pen
plj."ilMi know that one hundred years
wpi thogVive'inMiinVof Ureal Britain,
gMlded by the saint party of which !
tfcHl4tbi(lgMrirtbaiiiiml leader to-day,
mIih making war upon Jjio American
litiKv uutlqri tiiu UMtuned right (n bind
thcln by ItM laws and i"iwfi; rjlu-alt cases
whatlver." You know also, thai, later,
tlicWnWrory' uirty (iiado war upon the
UtilteUaAes,',iioi assumed right to
lutcrfrrti wllfi AmerliMifniiUs toKeareh
U)r hlilpM uui aju both goods which
Url(nlu fiullytl 'WHUrnbrtiid"' imd men
who Hiuuht thu shelter of our Hag, from
U'tRlr ileA'ji, on Ihu'hlgh oa. You know
aUo tbatlbj-oug'hMh" "lark dnysof mir
jvJLjyur, that ame 'Ivry parly did
teO t7'itd to lirlflnnitoMi1 irou-
Fie.'iiuil liivo aid and. eiieourageinent to
iho)iieioUs '(if-v"r nuib'iuilUy, wen to
TSui'5 out' alitl maiiiiiiig vesm' to de
fpvyoii're6liiniea,e,rlir which llie llrit
Jsli people, gilded iy a more asi P"i. Ujnhof tbose countries will prefer the
ftvo since In p.ui'p-Ud. you know ,,w,ir.lo of Kuropo, and their Intluenco Is
thfc stnpvu loiii, debt jwi' wcru compelled
lo contract during ourVlvU war hut been
regarded since by tlie' Toy element- ot
the UrllUh government, M well as by
inniiy of our own people," an aimed
tcftaltl means of leidlug U4u dlkhoiior
hh a iiailoumud pvo)i!v brmii a repudl-
mm oi diiroeoi
Yes, but, W Uv'orge! i don't 'm-l!
"ho toiineothm tariwtn'all t(.f hiiiIViImJI
M. - Neil Her could the Ortlrce you
twiilrby, (t lib wa- now alle, )icihipi-,
ifo) lie as a tyrannical fool, (ivhlcli, ox-.jjjp.-V
HU'( I djwi't ni-iln loMyuyoubro.)
1) reganl-he nvo MnvrluAti fuels of tile
rtm (' o lo BjVak AWflilt iirrvmefloii:
mnde cloths of Ititr .ifililtf. elll;,
f i,ni I'te Indou dr..p- r- lor, '.. c -
. .in t .c of Jlr't;' mis . und t! nit
' ,,k
t our national 1 1 ; t'j ' . r 1 v V
ilm unimaiii 'iiu t . fi'-l is tr il
,ii lllty 1 1 "tt re" rat' ins
11 y,in :' ' v f 0 : r ii
wo Id, aa J -te - - t'i
rlgtt of a British-born man who has left
Brlpln (or a man boru In any other
country) to own and control his own
labor and Us products, an against tho
n,s imcd dlvino right of King George nr
nnj other king to subject such expatriat
ed" man to IiIb wilt. These two facts
provoto me at onco tho wisdom of the
fonjiitcrs of our Government anil of
tlufc statesmen who followed nftertlicm,
whji, by Incessant effort (uot aiwuys
aiiduessfuli, havo now given tho trade
pdllcy of tho United Hlntcs such a Ineas
unj of success as I think must convince
iinyl reflecting man of tho wImIom of ho
(dinning tho laws as to defend tlie young
manufacturing Industries of u young and
growing peoplo llko ourselves against
tin concentrated capital of a densely
populated and wealthy old country like
Britain. ,
J). V'oii mean to tay 111 at tho item. Is
uvidenco to you of tho wisdom of no
much of our tariff laws as gives protec
tion to our own manufactories?
3f. Yes. And tho copying of our ex-
r ,. Ult,lr wjwohli nutm additional
; ca,,, r Uiu ,, )liu.lc ,iK of jVerty " tho
lulin noi trays na hanging ivi5r tho man
! shows that what. I call tho Atmrlrnn
Ideas of the rights or man and 1 1 trade
nro marohlng to victory among most of
the peoples speaking tho Kugllsh lan
guage. Jllspacll may shape his Tory
policy so as to dominate over such com-'
munitles as India and Turkey, and thou
lilgh-cla'M Hindoos may aid lu strength
ening a power which has by Its grinding'
pblluy toward tho poor and JguorauL
storved tens of millions of thetr country
nlen to dentil. Tho "Sick Man" may.
ttlru lu and help continue such rule lu
India by assisting to grind the ameer
and people of Afghanistan Into tho dust,
whllo his own people starve by tens' of
thousands, ns they did lu tho onco
prosperous district of Angora not many
years ago occasioned by tho free trado
system of Knghtud destroying the homo
manufactured of tho people- Huch a
ruler ought to be sick and dlel Hut Ilrlt
lsh colonists, not even our good neigh
bors of Ilrltlsh Columbia, don't care
about taking too much free trade, and
(he homo government will nevermore
rjrco Hon them.
!. Well! but you see thero aro tho
tlrikcti still going on, and these people,
who buy our produce' and somo or our
manufactures, aro making themselves
mo;- by contending for rates or wages
llielr employers! seem to bo unablu to
pay. i j, eo somo of our newspaper wri
ters tlilnl: this may go on till -thu Ku
gllsh market will be unable to buy of us.
, .Af. That is sensational, for tho most
part. Tlioso strikes aro a very costly
means of education, but John Hull, as a
laboring man, will, In many cases, learn
ih no other school but that of hard ex
perience. That Is where I graduated.
My father was a leader in a strike at my
earliest recollection. Ills being "black
booked "riut such by tliu employers was
a means or compelling mm to look to
OjJJiiIUmI States as a couutry where
ibor had moro liberty. A strike In
remisylvaula started me westward In
search o tho,samo.pbject, and I found
OregoiiM 'abor, aim Independence, togeth
er, r y, then, let tliu Kugllsli capital-
t, who lias made or Inherited aecuuiu-
filed capital, solve tho problem of his
local troubles arising out of thu fact that
thu balance of trade last year was $00,-
000,000 against llritaln. Let us rejoice
that tho year's balance was $1 ""1,000, 000
In our favor. Tills Is something to re
joice over but don't ictus deceive our
keivC". In a contention for the advan
tages of commerce w'o will llnd John
)lullatough old fellow to copu with. I
policed a very instructive cartoon In a
recent number of the .Now York Dally
(iftiphh; It lepreSented Soutli America
is u i-oinely young woman in a rich dress
of feathOrs iudlgb, cotton, coffee, and
oilier articles or a rich commerce at her
feet Kugluhd, Fiance, and Germany, as
UhIiK'si men, asklug her favor, John
Hull foremost of tho three, doing his
bct to, galnhor attention Urother Jon
athan lounging at one side, and saying
lo'hlotself, "Fine gal, and rleli. I've a
notion to go in and cut tlioio fellows
l).-Hul ha! lly Ueo No; by Jon-
uthuu' he'll be laggard if he does n't
hold' Ms i w 11 In this trado with South
Mf It would seem so; yet tho ruling
very great. 1 , however, our duty to
be ii)i and doing, for ( think wo have rot
a great fill ore interest lu the contest for
the trad
especially, of the new couu-
It Is u mailer of pride to me to
see an acknowledgment by a prominent
writer lu I-ondou of the superiority and
tj.limmu .4 tf tltit Alllirli'itll l-iuiiI.. maIiI It,
London, thu commercial center of the
tt,)rid. It U uot long since the papers of
NVv York city were acknowledging the
tuperlorlty of Oregon-made woolen
goods. Tliu great lair of our Centennial
mid that of l'urls Ju-telued showetllhul
Mo bavo the uicuus of producing raw
jWiVrbdsirf great excellence, and wo
ovv to ourselves, as well a to other?,
Uiuako.thumoatol'the.'n. l'tib.l think,
.-411 bu-bot dine by ooiitinulbg on l.i thu
(...dual way In which It has bwn goli-gl
I i U'M; ,w r, p.ist. Tor that long a tluto '
. Ieit it c Wist iutelli:.
eut and eiier-1
1 !.., ... i,v.
.'mu" r.'.V
i in ' ri-naii wor.i
, u. i.l ii " n or. -i. .much oi inn.
,s o' tne i'KI l rder, Iluurere
wiix A&Errik FARMER
harder, both in England and the Unltejl
Bta'ics forty years ago than they aro now,
notwithstanding tlio-nolso mado about It
In both countries. I am fcorry for those
nioh In Kngland who lead tbo strikes
that they cannot see tho wisdom of leav
ing England and transferring their labor
to those ccuutricu whei!o much of tho
focdcoiries that they W. They ought
to seo that their countrymen who have
accumulated niutfus are not hound by
that fact to do Impossible things- to re
verse the laws of trade-in their behalf.
Hu;thuy don't see It, and even their
uiifiuiicss is uot wituoui goon results to
itew countries llko ours, It drives capl
td.away from theso unruly communities
to eek Investment.
I). Well, by Jonathan! Slnco you
speak of It, I know myself several young
men from Britain who arc lu business In
Oregon oven, and brought money with
them, too. I begin to sco a good deal
more in that news Item than I did before
you name. Why, ovon that allusion to
tliu Hags llylngon account of icsnmptloti
of 'specie naymeuts by our Government
must havo a great Inlluctice among the
owners of money In Kuiope, and I should
think must, lead many to look to Amer
ica as a Held for investment.
M. The extraordinary sales of tho new
four-pur-cuut. bo.uls, since resumption is
a most tlofjuout endorsciueiit of our
Government's policy of resumption, and
1 have no doubt that somu of the funds
seeking investment In tho'e bonds nro
from Qreat-llrltaln and other portions of
.huropc. Hut I would rather seo it In
vested lu extending our manufacturing
and shipping Interests. For thero I
think it would do thu most good, both
for America and Kuropc. Hut I must go.
I've got my evening chores to do. Uood
I), Cliud byef Call again. It's been
raining ever siheo you eaino in, yet
things somehow don't seem so gloomy.
Ourront Notca. .
Donvor, Col., litis n population of H",-
Two hundred rioters were rccontly
publicly Hogged In fit. Petersburg.
Tho now capltol btilldliigof Mlchi-
gun, at I.ttti'jliig, was dedicated on New
Year's tiny.
Twenty-four western railroads havo
agreed lo i-jstio no moro pas.-o? to ship
pers of freight.
A SS-ton gun burst on a Drltish innn
of wtu- ft fow days ugo uml killed seven
seamen outright.
On thu first of Jnnunry tlie iloht of
tho United State?, less cash hi thu
treasury, was $2,028,0 IS,1 11.
A hank In Cornwall, AVnlcs, which
lias boon In nctlvo' operation 110 year?,
was forced to suspend pliymonts on
Jan. A. ' '
Klovcn land-grant rnllronds In Min
nesota report salosof land during tho
yenr ending Dec. Ill, amounting to
moro than .1.-10,000 acres.
On tho 1st lustnnt tho poitollleo de
partment reduced tho prices of stamp
ed onvolopes on nn nverago 20 per ccn
throughout the entire schedufc.
Fom Nov. I, 1878, to Jan. 0, 1S70,
Chicago p.ickors killed, wit uj) and
died 1,0(11,712 hogs, against 1,17-1,850
for tiio. corresponding period n year
Tho J)rovcr's Journal estimates upon
what It calls good authority that thero
nro now feeding fur shipment to Kug
laud nextsiirliig over 200,000 cattle mid
500,000 sheep.
Of tho $10,000,000 which Is the 03(1
muted valuation of tho Texas, cattle sold
annually, $1,000,000 Is credited to hides
uml $2,000,000 to beef. The value of
tho Wool clip of that stato Is placed at
Tho iYoi'ti JlrtlUhJoh'cutturhlnbtcH
tho refu-al of COO gumens ($0,000.) for
tho three-year-o'ld Clydesdulo bay Ally
"Daniel." Who lias headed her class
ut thu Scottish national shows fgnlho
p.isv iew years, 11 soniiuo nuy would
have been taken outf the country.
1 no I'arls correspondent bf tho New
York iwimartal 1 Utile tin states that
10,tKN),(KKl hfotolltqrs'6't foreign wheat
will bo needed In' Franco to imiko 110
the dellcloiK'v'Iif tho harvest. A lively
iMrt'fesr Is expected between American
and ittisfl.iu dealers to supply the
At tlie late iIiuiut et the tVntr.d Fsnr.er't
t'lub in Leniluii, Mr. J. .1. Mcclii in pruposing
the tcvat tif 'The Smitlifil,l Club," laid be
could ncellevt the time uheu thu ibons ot
that club i-rc liM iu the tide of a stable lu
Mdergato trit. What Mere then conniderod
U'nutiful auinuli werv iMounitirs with nuistri
of (.it put ea litie nutl there, and comparing
thi'in with the junmau of tho )retut'tim he
iiuut ny tli? latter khuMtil u great lulinnce.
The UodonUbU Truth.
You ilSNerva to sillier, and if yon lead a
mWrabli, iingithfiotury ltt In this bettitl '
fill world, tt Unulrelv lour own Nvitt uml
itierti U only ona hxcumi Mr yontyour uiu
itvi&nnaiimitrriniiieiiuiui kKentiaum. vrtucn
kts ktllOll thoimmU, IVrsiinsl Vunwleilo
hi'it coinuion ixnii(reannuig will soon show
you that OfeeiiM AiiRuat Klower will euro'
vim nf l.lviiprniillililnt. or UvytvamU. with
ill lu mblfaCls eUeot.", sucirslck treadcb9
ulplutloiiof too Lfart, aour atomaen, ba.
l connveuoN., uuiiueva 01 wm oeao,
ous imvstruluu, low spirits, Ae. Iu
Ml" now een ovry trwu on the We.'.ern ivwniicct
'Continent and notal)rut'Bltbut.wltl toll you ',,,'
ofiiHWondornilourin. oueau Day aSaia.,.! '??.
oav nt - am.i
re natilo ftr lOejuta.
Tbrwdoeii will ie -
I Trnpoiiant lecliloa.
Tho Supremo Court of tho United
States having decided the New York
Stato law regulating Immigration un
constitutional, upon the ground that
tho States cannot regulate foreign com
morco, tho several State Inns upon tho
same subject fall to the ground. Tho
want of it uniform and well-dlgoited
sy.ttum of supervision of emigrants has
Z1 . .
long been felt. True, (ho .sew York
system, in the main, worked well, and
will, doubtless, ho imitated, iu many
of Hh feature.", In tho natlounl sy.item
that Is sought to ho provided by tho
hill now pending heforo Congress.
Tho hill provides for tho care and
protection of emigrants upon urrlval In
this country, nnd Is designed to check
tho Inroads of criminals, paupers, etc.
It Is mainly intended to give tho Gen
eral Government control of trio matter.
Under tho Now York .system, ship
owners and consignees were required
to glvo bond for each emigrant in tho
sum of $000, for live years, to Indemni
fy I ho .State for funds expended on ac
count of the person named iu the bond.
Tho national system will contain a Min
or provision, mid 1:11 oIKirt will be
mado to procure appropriations ulll-
clent to cover any lo-ses that- (ho Unit
ed 8'ntcs may Incur.
It Is estimated that the population of
this country has been Increased ten
millions by Immigration, and the year
ly increase has tit times reached four
hundred thousand. It is reckoned that
the nvorago emigrant brings n capital
ontdghty dollars into the country. The
ntJorily nro well-to-do nnd havo ren
dered great sarvito in lllling up tho
vacant territory In tho Northwest.
Many, too, settle In the great cltlc?,
but among these nro many whoso room
Would be preferable to their company.
It is this class that necessitates the ex
action of penal bonds from shipowners
and consignees. At this time, when,
if tho signs aro uot misleading, wo will
shortly receive large additions to our
population from tho crowded countries
of Kitropo, it is in every way deslr.iblo
to mako provision fur the earo and
comfort of.deservlng foreigners and foi
thu prevention of the evils that follow
in tho wako ol the abandoned and
vicious who seek tiio now world to
ek-npo tho clutches of the police of
Kurope. I'hiUt. Jliwrtl.
KAHi.y C.vniiAtiiy. A correspond
ent of TYcA'a Monthly says: "Lust
October! sowed somo early cabbage
.seed, hecaiiHO I read Iu one cf your
hooks Hint thU was tho way to have
eahbifgo vory early in tho spring.
Early In December 1 put some boards
around thu bed, making 11 klud of box,
rind for it cover for the box I put ever
green houghs. Very curly in tho
spring I sot out the plants, nnd never
before saw cabbage so early nnd so
good. In Juno I had splendid cabbage.
This was my first attempt at nny thing
of tho kind."
Colo Wcvrma: No 11..- Never ban the back
upon anything that its cold.
Ne or bfgin a jonnivy until the lieuMait hat
Win catvn.
Keep the back, enpeiiallybttwu-uthc thoul
lrrblailv, well courvil, alii thu chut -well
I Necrgo to bed uith damper wit fiet; al
lays tuait them by the firo tin cr fifticii min
utes hcfuio going to bed,
In aleepiag in a cold loom, tktithlith the Lib
it ol breathing through the nunc, and mr
bith thu mouth open.
' Aftt-r exci cisc of any kind m er liilu iu tin
ejn carnage nor near tliu wim'niv of n car (or
inumeiit. It i iLiufertiiM to I11.UU1, and
Cvn tulil'u. When lio.mo penlc at little a
Iio.rililc until it -i ri covered fiuin, ebe the
nije may be permanently lot er ditUcuitits of
thu throat lo produced.
A Citv rou Mom: Soiia ltev. Dr.
Hurst, in tho New York Vhrlttiun
.UlvocaU, utters, n cry of distress over
"tho alarming disproportion between
the saved and the unwed," and sue-
gests, as u remedy, that, tho clergy
preach ChrUt more and science less.
'It takes ton minutes," bo "aye, "on
.-omo Sunday mornings to'nnnlhllato
Huxley; ten moro to knock Farrar's
Ktenial-Hupe' to pieces ten moro to
do away with Ingersoll, and about llvo
to wind up on tho 'Second Coming of
Christ.' What is going to becomo of
tho poor burdened soul, who has drift
ed Into the service with his bereave
ments and broken futuro and penitent
reeling". What light does, ho get?"
In 1S-10 Ilulla etporteit our pounilr cf tea.
That couutry now expert 40,000,000 pot.mU
annually, .and the cuttlvatien ia not ouly ex
temling then- bt alo in nil ftie iilaml uf the
lmlun aHhipibgo, '"
The tato grange of lima hi reduced thej
alary of tlie lecretuy from $l,NO to (ICO,
with (lriyUcu of r;niolug the otEce wherever
he may tve tit. The uuutcr'l talary is reduced'
to .SJlU.l. auil tke trtinurc r'a to r.'.'i.
' Tlie 'uturxUiilwtut ltCtio Vj:a.
Tta AVhlte It firthe ttmiiif.ia.1); it VclUiy"
I ur totrc, befi, iLi od.tr at.uult. Trttlia
uhlr of L iffecU'prvducl tjr I title rtciiknb)
are wiapnl ireutil nery lott'.f, am
- r"'" -"""-"' """ :'l " V , '
M-nl nf artv i1p,ilm1., ... Iw it.j l. in
noe va!'- itv.i.i.vicrT, nrj jhhi,
.A Bemarktblo Beralt-
It mftkea no difference bow many Fhys'c
Una, or bow much niodlelon you have tried,
It is now on tsuiblhbed IhoI Ihst dornun
Hyrup Is tbo only rotnedy which hax glvm
coniploto sslkfacllon In revrre esse of Limn
DIsohsos. It Is true tliprn nro vet IheUMi.nilH
or persons w bourn prt.!lpord litTlirnnt nnd
I.ungnireetlcns, Coii'iimptton. IlcmorrliRnt'S
Asthma, Srnr,('iliN i.itilii rm i!-..i "--.:,
1'ceilinnaU, neopiiig n:.:i, .-.11., vlio
lmvi no ptrsooul kimwliuiri, of llo-cb. d'i
C.nrinin Sprup. T.i ob e wniilJ say that
60.U00 dczi'il ttcMsoid liil jnr wlnout ono
' rmtiilatikP fiiBiiMirillfr4 I rv (itl ntiu
lItl 'jtpuuIarxMreeniT Se' iu 1. '
gists in Auitrlrd.
IV. A. Collvcr nf Coos liny, is imentor of a
pre for packing drid iir(M, fruit and veguta
hies of nil kinds that havo been properly dried
by nny proccon, ano A. II. Collvcr is now can
vnaiiag tho Willumetto Valley for tho sale of
theso machines. Thoy cost $'25 to S3.", accord
ing to finish, and will pick tho fruit in two
pound packager, in paper bocj, as fust ns a
nun 0.111 fKiiwibly weigh it out, nnd faster than
tliu name lurco can pick tliu vntnu mm iu luiy
Hjunil boxes, nnd at Iq4 euit, r.i thu waight of
tho p.ippr lix-s goes in uith the weight of tlm
fruit. 'Jluno xijier bases h.iiiibomely labeled
and printed, cm be ordsrud Iri.iu thu im.iI;itii
ut tlie Kvtnt n trilling cost, livery man who
hai .1 I'ltinuner dryer or nuy other likjiI dryer,
ahoulil hr.vu imo hi Hi i Colfver inncli.nua. Air.
A. it. ('other tiai'l'i with uu of hisiuai-hinci,
and (j en n pre tie-i! cxpu-itnui of it;i win king.
All who iiiircliari' tlicm ean nbo onler boxex nf
Mr. t'ullver. Too in.icliinn nro tuadu nnd rold
t.t the iuniitnru ui.-uiuf.iolury of F. J. llabcoek,
Snlem. f"jiecimcn of thu lacked fruit can lie
seen at thu ollice of tho NVillnncttu Farmer.
At promt Mi. 1'ollrer is caiii.isi.iiii; thu east
aulu of thu river, bttweiu Salem mill Purtlaud.
mictum or
rilAKES nlMnre In nlftrinij lo Hid Wool.Otnwtr of
JL uti.ini nil tboilolnlnirTcrrltorlr tbo ctimico
tuimrcljo TIIOltOUdlllUIKn .MMI1N0S, atiA 0-
turluiMiirtliplntcrfftcd tbBt Ihev cdn. Atitl will rn.
itenrof In. roll hlirep of Iho ume iiutlllr tntl MUnet
MfCII CIIKAI'KIt JIATK8 thin Vncli cen pofMblr
bo tmporteil. Itinmlmtleu incl roniirli)ii ulUintb
cr flier;, offered la Itiu uaikit r -rHU.Ily InillcJ.
Siloui, Orrcon.
N. B. Tho Ktmn tml Ran humht vt thu flock cut
bntvenou the INLAND 1'AIIM, r.djnlutn hnleui
Tho Kw ran bo ecn nt Ilm mrao place, or at Iht
IIII.I. fAUM foumuJnli.ill mlteaiODth cf U.OCH
Stlern, Si-iiltmbrr 10. 1H1.1.
Srifittifir Stmcrrctin.
Tiiiurv-i'otJHT:i viJAit.
Tbc MojI Poplar Scieallilc Paper in the
Onlyi0.20n Your, ineluding I'ostngo.
Weekly. M Numbers a year. I,b00
hook pages.
TuiUmxTiric Avtoiciv naUro tln.t-1'Uw Wiellr
c,prrolS'lxUi l(.-e, rrii.tiil In tin, mot Ikiu.
iiu )ic, irtjUMy uiiutiaua a iiJimlltl tnymc
iitjt, iciicMnUne ilia ncuct Imihtlom uiiil thuinmt
irtfiit AUrsncv In tht Art tml Kctrnet-; liicluilliif Niw
anj InUrr.Unj: W1 In ArrlctUture, llorUculturr, tho
llonir, llialtli, Mrdlml riogmi, hoclil KHvnie, Natuml
llUwry, UcmIojj, Aitronuiu). The iuo-l taluablo
piaitlcal p3n. by tiuinent Hiltrra In all ilcpaitir.iiU
cf bd.iuT, will Im (uiml In tho SrlruUilr Am, rlnui;
Twin., rt.au H-r )yt, l.iu iu.ii jw , umim ik,uiWi
Ui,-r. OtMount to Ai.ti.ni. IJIiikIo ooplca, ten nta.
SIJ by aJI Nt liutcr. R.uilt by ul orJr to
Ml-.SS A CO., PublWitt. 37 I'ark llo, Sow YotV.
IJ A TPMTki ln roniioi-tlon lth U
. 2VXJDL1 Ai3. Foimkic Alamo, Mer.
JU .S k CO. art Mldtori of Aiiiuiiin and I'urtlj-n
1-aU-ntt, hf UJ 34 ytara exrlcni, ami aow lime tiio
laryrat nUblltlinifnt In Iho orlJ, 1-uUuta aro ubUlnnt
onUiolwal kmii. A apt 11 notice U mnJo In tho
pciuunc atiiiica ol all Munition, p.tci.trO Ihrouuli
Oita Aicrncy.ullh Ihr name anj rt.WuKV J Iho ltrntrr.
Ii the Iniincnn, clrculiitlon lhu lin. (.uLnef.,,. niinn
! diiKU.1 to ll.o ukiIIk ol tho titw pulrnt, atnlaulMor
tHMINU.IH' VII. l .l.,T rUlllCIl,
Auy ptraonitliohiiaDuila a nv iUM,er-or Initn
tion, run aHrtAlii. (n ul clnnr, itliellirr u Unuai
proUibly bo cibulnnl, by ritinr tu the uiiJrtlzntd.
WealauMiiilr)our ll.vid llovV about Iho iMknt ui,
l-atanta, latent., Trude-UatVa, ll:clrnt,, and l.o rro-i-uriJ,
vlth IduU tor prueurlni tdiam. on InunUooa.
AddnM lor Iht I'aptr, or lonta rnlnv- l-ak-nta,
Mt'.VN . CO., .S7 I-ark Ko, Nai Yofl,
Uianil, OBtee, ti. I' i Jiu M. , Wailntun, l. V.
IM i'omt Mrtrl,
!..r K.waf,
'inft.. I'm.
IpipirtH a IborouRh nnd practical education
uTnll cominorchil nnd Kngllsh brouchen,
rrpnoh, Ounnn, HpanUb, Drawlnp; mid
liieKrapby. TblH ncbool hHYliio; Rretei
faoliltlen, nnd enjoying a mora exlenolie
imtronoRii than any floillar Inbtllutlou ou the
l)aeHl4 Contil, conltuuea lo base itaclaluia fur
recoRuUlon and piatronajio U)n the eocd
hnB ana enlliMiteuod Juiteiuoutof tho nut.
lie. .
LIT )!' 1-ACL'I.TV.
V- I jrnul.l
It. M.rlUMrni. '
SV. H.U.Valenllne,
.lrn, C, tVooiibtiry,
MrK. A.M. Hatch,
A. l'.Unlllof,
O. F. Morel,
K. u. Woodbury,
A. II, Capp,
T. It, Southern,
Mm. W. J. Hamilton,
K, h'ereunl,
Ueo. Jebem,
A, Vanderualllen.
ThontlenllonlOKentUrnanly itiaunsraand
correct bualnoso hablta, and Iho fact that tbo
ilualtioM rueatlon la not con deed to Book
keepliiK, rcnmaiitulp and Arilhmetlo, bat
Imparts uch broia culture M tho tlmea now
deruand for n high position la the Mercantile
The employment ofenly Urat-clMa Teaoh
era In every Department, aud lu antlloient
nntnberakoaa to give peraonal attention to
every pupil.
lla complete ayatem of
by which puplle are fitted lo enter the Count-liiK-UouMa
directly fioui the School,
The biuli aurfdlng of lu Graduate ln the
Bualnesa Oomrounliy. r
The I'alna taken to .eeaure poitdona for
Qradtiatmln frood Budneaa UblUbmenU,
The ailmUalou orwiBlla of both aana aiwi
of any ane, aaibat young boya are rendered
morn mjtnly'by the uaocuUlon of the pnpUa
of an older age.
..In havlna Itaa laroaiat ami Kt vntll.ia
'and arraKgedBebaol-roooia, and the lavrgeet
yvau,' aiMOlluaiiet, Ul Buy niiainaiia - rtlHIBg
fkhrx.l In America. .
Tbe lintneUate notlQoatl-n of parent In
caaaeofabaeucoof aoy pu'pll.'and tbaypaUn
Uken to keep tbem to formed of tbprogrea
aud ileportruitnt of tbolr on.
Tb Kact ibat each pupil become an !
Han l Uualneaa Penman before Grtijuatiog.
ItadeparttuenUof Modern Languegea and
nrawlotftltv" which .eaohnipupll can receive
Insirucliona freuofcharge.
Ita complete Departmunt of Telegrapby.
In which students am fitted to enter at onoe
op-in their tlnllea an Uperntorn,
Does noliMue.L.ifeScholaisblpi, but girea
tkonuijh InatrtictPln-M reiaonablo rated,
-liixlteinntl'tlnadou froui all lntereted.
The ''ColIeKn Journirr RlvlriK-full parties
ulars ret;iiri)loK eourae of instruction, terms,
n'o , may be bnd at tho Ofuca of tbs College,
21 Post Hut', or by addrouilnc
H.iHr'. V.ni-Mim h tlie Amerfctn li.lil-it I
liltrnturennJnrt. rtwiTn.ulLt.
Tiio mwt tw.-iuUr Mnt!ili In U'c ""'' 1 Ob
utrver. It lmi t ..,'telit .lnjonMi fir Hiejwiic, a ii.'j!lit
to tlie inolurr, ttlu lir itwl'iilnx iu iMimllfo
t'mirkr Jotniyil.
.Vo (illiir VoMli!) Intlj'iioilliui bowo brillluit
IMit icntilbiitnrti nrrrHi'an tutrUli it lu.d. nnltu
Kuerviita irui.;, u.4 lomipttloriniba.ii.v i' tlnratitre.
-Vtitifiiiiaii, l'u,toii.
T1i cluiiKie! til lirutiie Uylil vlth tbo Nnnlti
foriiinf unit IHwnnUr, il twhjiur, Win n no time la
kihiIHii, it Mill bo umliriilvil Hint the ulirltr wl-licj
t br-ln iltli tlm i-umiit .VuiuUr.
Jllltl'j:it? I'KItIOIICAD.S.
IIAKI'CII'H JiAOAZISr, one Year 14 P0
liAlil'UH'i; IIAZAH, " " 4 00
TlioTllIt!'.nptib!UsiUoa. ene)e.ir 10 PO
Any TWO, c..c jur 7 00
Nt. ubilt!oni, onaywr -. '.o oo
Tnm for tinrr lut rurnlhil .n ari'!.' atluii.
I'niUtre I'm to nil uVieilVn In Uir I tittt.il Mutu cr
f HTMlU.
A I'mnili'.B'-ctrf llnnrr.il M lo iix., nin mui.d.liij;
rrtoiuiiH. In neat illli llnilliu, nil' l wnt br r-
jirm, Ctrlifht nt ivjitme et pen Kmr, fur J Si pir ml.
nine. MiiRie lulUJ-m, 1) ii.ui, iniuiu, lit w.
eaa.il, fur blnillnr, JS rcnt. by null, tld.
nrmlttnni'ea !iouM l li'mlo l.y l'ot UlBco ilci.iyllr'i
d-r or UnJt, to mold cluimo ol !omi.
Nr.rip nro not bi .op,i thli iulvcrtl-i inert without
tlit i.pruaitJcrl lUduu i Iimitiiiiis.
AiMn-M llMll'i:il .V HIIOTIIKIW, .Sm York.
The iVctll) iainatmirjll,r at tbo bead cl llliotralcd
ain by IU Chs llteiui iuala, tbo biuut) ol Iu typo
and wooiKut". Sprlnjllild llipul limn.
IU plctnrial nttiactlnna nro tnpcib, nnd cinlmo eicry
larlity ol aiibj.it and of mtlitle traatuuiit. iUon'a Her
kid, lliaitOII.
The Werkl) la a ivtint amcy for the dliiinliitoii cf
tf)rrrelaiHtliul pom Ijilea, nml apuiitfful opnint of
Irani-, lrui.il,. and fiiltr prtttmra, hicnla Kprt,
Tlie Volumta uf the Wrikly tiirlil ultli thoCnt Xuin
lar lor Jirmari f ihIi year. When no lurio Ii in,n
Uunnt, It III I undrUl that tho Mib.irlUri.Wira to
eouiiutnivullli IU HmnUr livvt nllvr lb mil) I of hl
IIAIll'KlfS MAOAIIM:. nnc Ymr Jl W
iiAMiars vii:km., " 4iw
iiaiii-i:ii'8 iia::ai-.. ". tw
The Til ItKKpiibllcidlona, ono iir 10 ml
Any TWO, oi.r ycu 7 "
MX ubMriptlon,,CDf j i or 'JO 10
Trnna lor larje iluba fumMiid on aprllratlon.
I'uataire l'i toall mbHilUra In the I'nttid Malia or
' Tbo Annual Yolumta cf llaaraa'a Wiiklt. In neat
iloUi blndln,-, will U atut by lapriw, trro of taptnae
(proildcd tbo freight do not exited on dolhr r to.
unit), lor (7 00 ich. A toinrlrU ba t, teuprlalni; To en
ty.tiao Ycluui4. aantcn rutlpt of eaAli at the rato ot
.'. Sipirtclunif, fitUhtatan cf pliriblM-r.
Cloth Cuwa for iah ioIuilo, mltablo for bludlna", will
bo ant by null, tiJJ, cu rtetlpt cf 1 CO rath.
I'.tuilttancoi ibould U inndo bi IViat-Oiflie Henry Or-
dor or limit, lo mold ihaneo cf loaa,
.Vra.puprni aro uot lo copy tbla adirttl,n.tut lthot
OioriprvaaciiUrcf Ilia, in ft luoinat.
AilJrtaa UAHrat L UKOTIIUIlS, .New Yolk.
NOTICKS til" Till: I'llIM.
TodruiwtiniliitrtalIiiiwr' llarunlll le the aJui
mid ainbltlcnil lb tiomtii ot AiMiiia.--boaton Tian-
AaatalUifulthrcnlileof faiblen, and a ciIBr el
iloiiiraUcaiidaoilaliliarmkr It lanka ltbor.t a mal.
Ilrooki.ui Ia..
TbU i.ptr hi." ainuliid tilo pojiii-arlly for the rlia
aide en Joy mont Itatlciila, and UuUitir.o un t.UblMicd
itiithunt) ult!tbeUdlea. X. Y. Uituii'K lit.
Tbo YoluiiuM i f tho lUuar Ueln 11IU1 the tint Number
lor Jamuiycf eairiMar. Ml.mliu tiim-h aptiitUrd, It
Mill Wundirtuil that the aubxiiUr .aiUbt U ivni
iurnceltli tbv NiiiuUr i.it alttr tic rtlt cl bla
Harpor'o Foriodicals.
HAIiriMl-B IA(iA'INU, One Ylir 1 CD
IIAlirER'H WKKKLY, ' " 1 00
llAlU'KHb UAZA!-., " - 100
The TimlX publication., cue )ir 10 00,
Any TWO, oneyear 7 CO j
Sl aubarriptlona, ooe j ear 'X 00 '
Term, for bite iluba lurr.lvl.id on appUiatlon,
Pottage t'ue toall MiUiiiUr. In ll.e t'nttail etatea or
CaiuuU. i
Tie Ai.niundua.nd llaauk'a lUlia, In naat tloth
tindhii;. IU bewnt by capre-a, r of taptcae tl'O
ttded UK Irtlrnt dor not uJ cue dollar par cluuel,
fori? eOrarb, A louiplelo K-t, xropri.lni: Bum Yoj
utnev, Hntoniteaiotct cvbat tbt ratecla& '.& r aot
ume, freiht at eini ol purtbuVr. 1
Cloth t"ase lor i.ih loluir-e, aululla lor llnoing, tll
ba ant by mall, jtrald, on f dipt cf tl 00 tJi.
-lUuiUuiiceaiboiildW'miile by Foat tXEco Money Or
der or Uralt, to aiold ibanic ot low.
Kc vrnpapara aro not to iry I Wa ad, ertlac ma nt Itbout
tho r- order ei lliana & llaoniaaa.
AddrM UARftUl BKOTHERS, Xvi Ysrk.i
rupture: ,
Hat no anore JSWTtAtt
TltUSaErt, No moro mffirlni;
rrom iron Booj er aioej ipruja I
Plere Patent 3IagaU
ElaveUc Trua
la worn wiih'eaao and comtott
M .ar NIOHT aad UAY. aaaLwW per-
icrm'radlcal curt wbyq all oihera fall. Header. U
iBDtnred. in onojand jna wlU tiered regret It Punt
"r IlloiiiVted Oool aid lrko tlau. MAGNETIC
ELASTIC Tllt'hS COMPANY. 009 fiacramrstolt.,
N riUNCWCO,- OAU , CtV kj mail to all
panaoftUvioTld.atS - ' mttljJl
SccctaeortoJ. K.xilu & Co.,
ss itartjnt-a - r sr.vr york,
New York via lethatr, ia,ei2c lltUica d, atd
Up lloix, all Viz.it if 3erttu.i2!re, at-d Jo; tbe rale
cr VroCucu fna tU racte coatt, for IU rctlon
ta J
of isotay. ic.