Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 31, 1879, Image 5

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    PatraiIr ni ttilsBArinnv toattnln. If ho shown lilmse ffllted for
RTW8 r nU81MIDIT ti.-tilac by his conduct In tho over-
To tho Patrons of Oregon, Washington,
and Idaho.
Diuu Knrnnic.it In a few days I expect to
tort Kut to attnd the meeting of UioKtitiounl
Grans", and projvwo to li nVncnt from Uio
Jnrwtctloa about ten vcoks. Quoeticsu of
liv or usago tirisicg daring my aloonco may to
refoncdtoiuy ifaputica In tho dlfletimt comi
ties; or, in awo thero is no deputy In tho comi
ty, to tho Wo.lhy Overseer of tho Stat
Oranrjc, Mro. . S. B. Buick, Myrtle Creek,
Douglao county, Oregon.
Ibej tocatl tho attention of all members of
tho Order to ft resolution of tho last State
Orango endorsing tho Willamette Fahmeh,
making it tho organ of our Order and calling
upon 1'atroiuito givo it a hearty and united
unport. 1'rcthrcn, wo need n paper dovotcd
to tho intercut of tho fanner. It should at
onco furnish ns an account of tho current
events of importance, tbo utato of tho crejn,
markct!, A.C., givo im a medium through which
to exchange our idea.! Mid ixpeiicnocn, and
furnish our families a wtokly repast of inch
pure and wholosomo mlsceUiuemis literature im
in host suited to their wants, Hudi a paper re
nulrosa lariro outlay lf minus, labor, and
ji1.miI. and cannot Ijo fuillidlild III) without
mdcuuato iiiiwirt. It mo urw you, therefore,
to give our own jupcraconli.il supporti sub-
scribo for it, write for it, witk lor ir, wi mai
wo may h ivu ft farmer's mjwr worthy of tin.
name and second to nouis
Fraternally yoon.,
A. It. Smn.v.Y,
Matter Oregon State Orange.
Oswego, ft.pt. U5, 1678.
i i i t
State Grajfjo DopntliH Cor 1878
mum Co.- Thooiat Prelth, bkn City.
Ilsrru A. Holder, CornllU.
n imiui. .n. V. Wait. Cntrr.
CutrW. II. tiny, Vuni; ITlrrr.
li. I, iu ihuck, irrcisi n.
rk.friii 1A.
Jicwnw J. N.T. MIIIsr.JwMonMlit..
Josnmsa JushhlMlork, lUwl.
AHea limd, l'.ujvm
La IIu-j Knox, Creiwtll
Hrmpton Kelly in JamS Jotnwn, Rul
UW-R.A. tnIiw,AVtui.
Mitlos -J. W. lluhsller, ilirttyisin.'j W. ll.
Vet P. A I'Jttcrnsn, 11I. ,
Tuumi.'K J )'. IktwIejr.TUlvnooa.
limns - John (Yeliilit., llnl in.
WAiMJuhn lUi'L, Tjmti Viltr y. , ... ,
Wajuhkotuh- I. A. UliLjJilKia, TwlMlnj J. . Fop
rs'll'-tl.M. OtwtOIl,
.NiiiLb-R. it. lAiirWIn, Nertti Yam' ill
wwnenit; tiaimat.
CotcmiA - Thimvi Ttiroi1, pnrtan.
CLAnAn- Ihinl sinn-p, Vni"iivrr.
Co. lit 4crtm N, l)uirtli. IVUs.
,.. V II Hill. r. Itr.Lforl.
WW W All I W. II, Tlwmu. V.Vli Wtl.
Wunii ix- V llll-v-n Klnir, litoui I'lly.
rln.M In llin.o iwmUoi la wWfh no lVii;itlM lir
Vccnapi.lnM vm1 much eblljo nw l.y dUnUnil
A It. ftnrwr, iljlr Or W. (Irons.
Matter Samuel K. Adams, Moiilicolli), Min-
Ovoraecr J. !. "WcKi-lman, l'.iwpaw. Mich.
Lecturer --Mortimtr Vliltelical, Middle
busli, K. Y.
Steward A. J. Vnucuin, MemjdiM, lemi,
Aiitant Scw.ird -William Bims, Topoka,
Chaplain A. 1'. rorsythe, Iiahol, KJgar
AAiintv. III.
Trcfwurur I'. M. McWowrll, Wayne, N. Y.
SecretaryW. M. (rufantl, ' ajhington,
D (
Oate-Kccjoi 0. Dinwiddle, Orchinl Grove,
Indiana. . ...
Coies Mm. S. M. Adams, Manlleclb, Min
nesota. 1'o.iiniia Mrs. J. J. Wooduna, l.wpaw,
Michigan. . ,
florn Mr. S. T. Moero, Sandy filng,
Mich. . ,,
Ijiily Asi't MiarJ- -Mitw . A. Hall, Apr.
Uchuola. I Y( I TIVS rUMMITTI'lt.
Pamml 13. Ad.mu, C'halrmvi, ?.!cntlcel!o,
He nley .T.iino.., Iarinn Ind.
1). Wvatt Ailu-ii. CokMliury, S. C.
fi. H.'KUIs. .Sin-'-' 'Miii.
Maftir--A. H. "iin.-J( Oiuejo.
Ovorsixr-H. S. h. lluiok, Myrtlo Cro.k.
Icturu- 15. Tlwraiui, Walla Walla.
Ktcuanl V.'. M. Hillearv. Turner.
Aos'tStannnl- M. L. IncLclas, IJeavcrtcu.
Chaplain- W. H. (Iray. Aton.
ScvTitiry X. W. liamlall, )regon City
TroMurer l.i id Smith, Ulauiiii.
Gato-Kcewr-C. N. Wail. Cabby.
('m-l, J. Train, Harrishurg.
Pomona C. K. Shipley. 0'go.
Ploia 8. I. Dilihaui, McMinnilb.
L. A. f. Irene L. llilloary, Tunicr.
A. It. Shijdoy, Cliairman, Oswego.
0. W. Hunt, SiiWimity.
A. Holder, Corvallis.
socr'd chair. 8tewaid and twelatflntl
li.ive Impnrlnnt clutlos to perform. In
Initiations they must reraoiuVor thiti
imttli of thcftocmnlty if tho rltutil le
d siroyi'd hy an ollU'tr not liolnr; Ihnl
otiflily woli ui In Iris pm t. Kjcchamj.t
Will You go to "Work ?
If tho jv.itious of hiiahnudry would
kcon tlu'insclvcs from hccomliiK n
luughlrif,' stock mid hy-wortl, they will
nu'. forth ovor.v otwrey w hulia up uio
order and mnke a perpclunl liiHtltutlon
for tho nRrlcullurlstfl of this country.
Thoro can ho no jioiillilo doubt that or
Kanlziillnn and wull-dlroclod co-opera-livo
f.xcrllon will ovuntunlly hrlnu the
result bo ardently desired hy tho
farmorx. Potty prejuillecs and per
Mural Jealousy must ho laid aside; eavh
inemher of tho order must determine
for liliiviuir to do all In IiIh power to ae-
eouipllth bouiothlng. If each memlier
in Kungiu hhould dutermlno to bo the
meaiiti of BultliiK ono now member
into tho order, wo could wifely wiy tho
membership would bo doubled in tho
next sixty days. Willi a largely Its-
. . .. i. ......
ereiibeu memoer.-iiiip, huw niin-n
would siirlnjj up, wo ehotild linvo tlio
benefit of the luurcusod brain power lu
tho order, new iiliins of eo-oiHiiatlnn
would bo HUfjKestod, farmorri In tho tlir
feront nelghborhoodri would beconio
bolter acquiilnted with each oilier, con
fidence would Ijo established, and ero
long social, 'ducatlonal and jieeunlary
lienelltH would bo tho res till. Patrons,
will yon go to work ? Spirit of A'im.
Tho Alfnlfu, now so famoui, H only
tho lucerne of England, ucdimated In
Chill, and from ther.eo wuh transferred
to California. In Knuluud It hud tho
advantaged of u very humid climate;
in Chill, tho disadvantages of very
drv ono. Hut when il hud tieou made
TUF, HVE"rT rs
Booked OatB for Hortas.
Often I uoticv tho nfTa! of horscfl to
foutaln iiutnuniuH gMlm of outift wii'rt
U. llccker In tho Gvnnanlown 'Jde
jrapti, pii-fled whole, b.nely willent'd
i.i liin Miiiimcu. TiiU results paVily
from tho onlrf having loo lough a husk,
partly from tho iinlnial being loo
young or too old (prematura age) to
inae-tlculo BUfllelently, unit a Ioh.i obtalna
two ways tho hoo, mt to wiy, Iwlng
dobited for tho oal.s given and expect
ed to work; next, and tho animal oup
posed to bo fed, and often thought to ho
lazy and dull, Instead of Btnrvcd and
weak from tho lack oi nultablo proven
der In eufllcloiit rations. The Boonor
such Illusions aro dbpolhd tho better.
Tho margin between poor food waslod,
llvo stock Injured and u good artlclo
thoroughly tilted for speedy consump
tion and complete iit-Blmilutlon, leans
largely toward having tho latter, ub en
suring u depo-dt agiini't which It l nafo
to draw. Young hur.'e-) (less than three
or four yearn) as well as tho;o with fall
log teeth, nut only but moa-uiroably,
all may bo fid oats and promptly get
tho good ot them by Bleeping tho grain
In boiling hot water and covering tho
vessel several Iioum before tho regular
time, bo that n jroiicr tfinpomturomuy
ha had 'tiy tonld. Tho water ought
not to lie thrown av.ay; It Is not re
fused, but valuable on the contrary, as
having absorbed desirablo properties.
It might bo sprinkled ovor the bulky
portl':n or provender, like hoy, corn
fodder, millet straw, etc.
Whoro clean, white, heavy onU
(those wolghlngnbout forty-two poundB
and over per bushel), and good hay free
from dust, or oven bright, well-cureil
lopping of corn aro so prepared, Ihey
will soon tell on tho animals; and tho
mora If along with carrots, parsnips,
to thrive there, It w Just tho grasi Hteumod pntu oi-H.MIml timber, turnips
for tho dry ellmalo or Callfornls. It ( mrl apples by tho way of relish,
would not llourMi everywhere. It Is with a plenty or ryo Htraw at hand,
very ooniltlvo to frost tn tho early 1 1 11- may bo chaired, moistened with
Binges or Its growth. Yet In hnglaiid, Water, poured off thu snaked oats, and
anil In Punuslv.mi.i wliuro It Is pro ,jxi., Wiih tlio grain, sivlng hay anil
duced, wo hear llttlo about Its being ,rt.Voiilliig hotting hy nulcl; feederA
killed iy frost, lu Chili lla cliaracter rlil sleeping obvlatcH nail flly an
was changed. It did not muko the hW(,M fr blushing, recommeiled by
battle against rrost, but against drought. jritr, Broomi. lngestlnn, dl.estinti,
li bears tbo bjiiiu charneter In C'aillor-.U, uppiopriutton aro thus secured, mid
nia. .V. F. IMlclln. t,H m,Kj,t to repay the labor of scald-
log and .stepping.
One or tho adjuncts to the workshop
or every inrui ought to bo a bet or tools Hokhii-Shokikh in Vakioit" Coun
needed In uieudlug harness, no l"''tlTitiiy. In ihe United Btates, England
the Iwys may, on rainy days, learn u aml i.'nmco ,tio horso-shmir tlmply
now trade, and save qulto an expense. ,.,!... j10 ,orpt.s foot on Ills kneo to
With harness, a stitch in time wives, l , This depends to some extent
not nine, hut nliiuly-nlno more. The',,,, the nature or tho breed or horca,
easuntluls are, two awls, needles, wax- wj,c, it, Homn countries are, on Ihetiv-
oil oads, and n clamp to hold tho pieces vn,,v moroMiy.and 'iio-ttorthemcoutd
to ho sewed. The hmt may lu Hindu ll(lt W(.i iiu treiited lu thltt way. Thii,
oat or a uiuplu or barrel staves lasteiud i .iu, Ni-therlands, and In parta of
ton block, and tightened by a Hlrap Germany. Iholmr-e It plated In niinr-
around tho middle. Home mending .... H,i whero shorl chains aro at-
will have to go to tho shop; but, in the tachud to tho upright: then ono or
course or thu year, iiultu a htiinean be tltc-so thitiim is jdaced around tlio
sived by meifly sewing op tlio rlppid home's itnMo mill the fixit lilted and
unit torn places In thu lituneonor md-"t(., j, t0 convenient night for the
ding. Wo huvu round copjier rlvt, mj, 0 do his work. In Turkey and
aoldinhairpour.il boxes, or great ad- ns,.rvl.i the horse's head Is held by
vaKtago In tiifiidii.tr hariwss. Uutr- one iiiau, auotlier hold the leg on his
loch rivets eiimo into play olteneM, min, lillo the tlilitl oper.dos on tho
though a Tow three-ijuarter-lucli ones r,mt, j,, uuln tho liorsn Is plated lu
nmy bo nettled. lit. ! Mjunrocngt', m.atu or tough wooden
". ,", "' ,'jiliuiKs, and l-ifttrapped Hroiiud tho liel-
Winter Is the time lor reading and ,y wlh w,0 hither straps atti.elied to
Mini;-iii-u. -u. ..-... ..., (.ril i,..rH r i).u fr.iiim-vM.rlc: his head
Istdnosaii'ly tletl, tbo iisit is Uxed ton
Btako III tbo erouutl, and held by an
VdrMlNrWrat MUM MrMbsdMl.
Iu'hdaAt Iit4rtclr5al com
mutilty, whlh depends otit ono crop
Its kilo'iinurca'of'lncoteo, W6i ldco'nie
rea Jjyfcrj'nrid prnsporousi Tb& ktates
of.hV:ssmth.viHcroiotton Is tho 'ch'tf
mil tlUtuMt' Only rtihnlo' show far W-
evl 'ef:i'o nfintnfoliiltli living, dr Wl
prjporily, nptVUlhslrthdlngthvli' Ijrge
farms iiutl the miignltiido of their ope
rations', tfian do tho Kow',KngUnd and
Mld'dlo Blalea with .their binallcr fsrms
nnd mixed hMbftnilry. A mtxol hus
bandry Is tho true secret of agricultural
ou'ecetw. Alt tho regions of ttorlhern
lo'a, and nearly all of Minnesota, Iirb
had h practical oxompilflcatfpn ofthls
nicl the.prcacnt Boasoit. Wficat In tlip
Bta)Iacrop tbo crop dopended on tor
n'rlney roturua and tho. acreage nown
this last pprlntf w.h Immonjo., There
wiw.never In.tho early stMisoit puch n
promlso of nn nbundaitt harvest. Thu
grijwlli of ntrftw'iwiw dnUually large.
Insects' seemed toboAlccplng.Innd ov-
erv ono Was encoiirajred. Hut on tho
21st of July, nt thocto-o ofswver.il day
tr heavy and excessive, ml nu, J t came
on scorchlngly hot welithcr, accompit
nlod hy heavy fogs nights, and vlt
Into tlio mornlnc;.- It was what old men
would lulP'hut, muggy weather." The
straw was ull of sap, VIth tho grain
Just well Into tho mltkvnecdingU Trco
circulation to maturo tlio itemei. 'mo
seorchlngBunBcaldcdthaBtraw between
tho heml and tho flrsfjolnt, turning it
black lit spots, cooking and drying It
so that thero was llttlo or no rurther
circulation between the stalk and head.
The result) was tho kernel dried down
without maturing. What, was cut gave
an Inrerlor shrunken grain, weighing
train rorty-flvo to fifty jmunds to tlio
measured bushel, and yielding from
threo 'o ton bushels per acre. A very
largo porc6nlago along the lino of tho
Mllwaukeo fc St. Paul rallro.ul, nnd ror
two counties on cncliMdnaf tho htalo
line, w.w not cut, Mmply because it
would not pay Tor cutting ami lliresU
lug. It does not require n vivid im
agliintlmi to comprehend the wide
spread i!iMtor which would result by
taking out oTu eommtinily its only
mnuey crop ror the enllro year. I-'atm-ers
nnd business men alike suffer. It
Is trno that tho very Tow r.irmcrs, scat
tered horo and there, who liavo adopt
ed a diflcrent system, and have not had
all their eggs in ono basket, have not
had a prosperous year, but their condi
tion Is rar letter than thtwo whoso solo
dopondo'nco'lsoii wheat." Willi butter
at ten to twelve cents jor M)tind nnd
pork KTOtH two dollars nnd iwonty-llvo
cents per hundred pound, and cattto in
proportion, the outlook Ih not brilliant,
yet the excluslvo wlicut grower ta In
llultely the worse off, ;rhjo only- thing
to ho dniie, however,, Is.to.prnlU by cx-
roerlenco imtkot our priducU inoro
1 .. " 1 1 .il
general, uive uio impionieui. (leaiew;
Thoro is no ol m dark aod eott',
Ux gtjrmJi of worth it may oaf oM
Tlicruis na lifpsoeoars and rudo,
' ll it'loro oAo teaks' it bravo and goo.'
. T ttiili'n&'Aij wllh'carcli to fiiff.
)fi 4tic t libnrt may iMir their tMight)
Wo night i dark U watching ejros, :
I?t atw or n'lJn.ur'uu may rloo.
Tiicro in Jiu ilortn so flcrco and loud,
n peaoo may light ita Siinso ctoadj i
No winter e'er m.IiImI: niid cold,
Jlut Uprlug will dock thdnddswlth rjH.
Thtva Is no hoart'ao fnll of 'gr'6'-.
Hut sleep Mid timo may bring relief
T(o hour of painjso sad nnd long.
Hut God may, end lb with a song.
Wry high, narrow back combs aro
Tho ouuiidiaieiiU of tho soieon aro rataof
cohl, . ,
MuiTi are inoro in stylo than Jiioy wero Lwt
winter. ' '
I)r, liewiriAu isiaJJloiba Mm. Ifayni' tolo
onrmy. .
it. riuU y oio nehopl-chtld snoro than
A wilty niraCTnil calls CahaiU Iko undo
fl.itaUf Conldinie li aald to work nuthtucn
nourj n nay.
Tlii) worst lomaW eomimuon for a youiut
ui,vi Hot. ,
"TuiiIiIza'1, is b'to.'kcoooy ekin, 'dustnd with
whito pniuU
jt Is reportrd ftinl llrct Harto wilt teoUnu fn
Nollio t'.raiib sad huahaad. aro coofag l
America in May. . .
"Tint V iotim" is tho coming hat. Hit at lia
coniuit; man.
DestgTH of clirrnaotlicnfims aro frlugod
with feather eras.
Virginia is getting crturty, and throatms to
cave in sonio cay,
Mr. O.itrlcH is a magintrato at Ctcb, audMr.
Whaln is a hwjrr.
Tunos'H wifu wanted ioint ttcc txit ho do-
nied her joint blank.
In tho rago for birds, thq parrot coracii (u for
ito shftruot glory. '''
Tho German cavalry offiocrs, as a ruli ail
mire Anurican horse.
Krrrybody ajvjaka well of thu doid notolisi,
OIiIo'h now capital fa Already tudJy brwund
with tobneiu Juice,
GoliK'n-lineil linmortrjlnn aro aonrt now on
many Now York gratis).
When vnit eonto to it gmdo-board that is
ilhgiblo tint in "a bad ilgn."
Tim tipilcslrian (over has attacked tha hoys,
but thi I must bo lltopjHMl.
Ten ISnxtl. nill prolably bo nca on Uio
trvok no it hi.-woii, at Chicago.
Titers are nnrino jitanta whieh grow on 209
fact from tho lutUim of tho hoiv
Tlio tipiT mil of tortolio-shcll fana fa com
p"c.I of (dace ostriih featbero.
About forty jwr cent, of Iho world's papula
tion aro adherents of lVddhlsns.
An lhiglish Diichosa baa not ohaogud.Uio
Uap pf Iter Ismuot in eight yoam.
A jsiliro-naii in Switzerland fanamnl Polite,
le iMiluug-i to the olril aorvlco.
While lialr is falhidnablo at twoptr.-llva, but
mil to unlaslilonalilo al aUty-llirro. ,
Orllio lkMicol.ol"wUUin HtaQord nc
iy, Vermont, a jicar troo prodncod two ci
Wintkb FbwuinOct Theie?
Poultni Journal bnyst '"In Bainirrfcf
ftAi Is reaiilri.fo"whllohwinolit5
tli production ol rtitfelViii.tJ.tl'hlloM
nt winter tnoy roquiro ioihi t u vv ;"
ii. ii,,n- tuiiiipn ti iiifn44riiiitf rekiaai
..,,...,., ........v .- ww , i.-CH
tlincoMHltliough' it should Iwe'w
noBtooHlicrally. or olso they will bo-
coiho too fat: "niul tho rood should be,
cMged at regular Int'crvats tooblnl
.l.J . . . t... r...lM Al.i ...fnA.
inu unti rwioiB, jxrariiijf nu w"i"a ,q
months It will bo found to bo a good
plaji to warm tho grain and othor.'food
bqfsro feeding It, and not leaving the' '
fowls nin out in tho morn boforo tlte
wciith'or has becomo warm. This latter u
is very necessary with Leghorns and
other large-combed birds. A fldpply of
moat Bcraps, ora mush made, of core,
mrialw'lth'n fair proportion of finely
cliipiKHl moat, Bhoukl bo given durlnr
wiiiter. to suprily tho itliHetioo or bugv,t
worins, tttid'ho'ppors, whlcli flio ura- r
tridr alTordS;," t
Bkluotino IiituitmKi Toiikmyh.
While all brooders llko to havo an 1
breel ' hoavy, weights," nuiKcustom- t
,,. 1. , .!... l.t,n..B oil miII r.ip l,ifn-At
via iiiiijiiitt iuini-i uii v-iii iw --t.w
birds, 11 Is a ract that, for nrarkot pur
Hwea, moomto Ir,bd nnd oven amal
turkoyii command a mora roady enlo
(linn do largo ones. Wo liavo walchoe;
tlio markot for a few days past, and
know this; to ho n fact, lfowovor, we'
do not wish to discourage brooders
from' running up, tho weight, oven If
they nltach tho much coveted weight
of a. arty-pound' goblber at throo oc
fovr years old,' for ns long as thero
fa ft lively domniid among brood
ers for heavy birds', lot thero bo bird (
tq supply that domand. To sccuro tbo, lj
best result In that direction, uolect am i
early- hatehoi!, Rtrong, and vlgorontt,
irobbler of this year's hatch, nnd wliloa'r.l
Lsof Ono imniortlon. long In tho body t
and properly marked, and titato' him U
to as tiihny two year old hens u,V yoist
Intend to koej from two to flvo lions,,-1(
if properly- handled, will produco a i
flpocnip of young birds each Hoaso,lj
and yon cannot liolp but Imj absolutely ''t
Hitlsllcd with tho results. IbullryX
' al
Tho Grango nnd Its Officers.
shouldn't tnl.u tliuu for liitellietiial
culture us well us anybody else. It
ri'ibheiis Ills mind for inoro active du
ties. No rear or being it "book farmer."
If ho don't rend uji, hu'll soon tlud
himself railing behind thu times. Nor
will it do to forget or i.cglcct the social
duties altogether. None or us can avoid
tht-m without positive detriment to
ourselves. Cultivate neighborly reel
ings, therefore, and do something ror
thu comfort and happim-ns or others us
well as yourself. 7i(7iiye.
ISaltlinnro Is making a bold push ft r
tho liU'lnessor shipping Western eattlo
tollngliind. Haifa dozen Iron steam
ships nre to Imj put on the llnu mio i,
and tho railroads will havo convenient
yards ready, so (hat initio may ho
taken directly from Chicago in tho
steamship wharf with tlio liuat possl
b o demy. Tills roiito Is likely tn.-oiu-
m ind a lurco proportion of the export
eattlo trade of tho West.
The now Tour per cent, government
bonds aro becoming very populsr wlili
tho public, ns tho InereHslnghUbscrij)
tloiis therein plainly show. On the
1th of January tho sales amounted to
over $12,000,000, tho Isrgest amount In
the history of tho loan. Tno Hecndary
of tho Treasury Is about to call iu fur
dim prepared each oven.1?""1'011"""" another Installment of
ers of Interest and profit $10,000,000. of tho six per cent. O-C
ivhilotho smith mills on tho
Aft tho Hum is at hand when the
newly elected olnYors i.f the different
irubordlnatt' granges nro entering on
their several duties, a word of wlvlet
any be if homo use. Iu (ho first plsct
they n-ut-t remember Hint on tiieni
roots Ihe well-being of their jurtlrul
grange. Tho muster has it in Ills (Min
er, to a very great extent, tn make
meetings eiu-h evening, dull,splrllle ,
unlnten sting and void or prolit, or full
r llre, pleasant and beneUeial to all.
The lecturer should remember that he
is not simply put In his placo to e:o
through tlio opening and closing core
monies, hut that ho has actual datles
to perform, whieh require much grave
thought uiul otiidy to properly carry
out. llohoul
fng wlili" matters of Interest and profit
"to the members.
The secretary's duties aro very Im
a pear tree prouncoa vwa crops
o jiit year.
' ' ckaiskin h'ats for'ladies art turned un on tbo
ld. to rcoiliblt tho Kur.llth!. walklmt bat.'ao
a wldo berth who want, to oell 1 that I -,'"!" yrpf W"Mw. mtfwl. ; '
' , . , .'. .a.'h ,... la i.lO.iXW nn rtjinroil for ilio nsk and liuiigry
"nuw Improved nwclildts" t,conomIr.onitii;ttjjtvtJOJirt J
m every icgiiin... m.wiijr ..u ih.i.v i.r ,BWl, tllfl wn,
better crops ami .heifer prices "Ml jou'.Mill, at I'all llhcir.
year. Colorado 'firmer. ' . jtwyawjllpnjoy thfal
i ' ii' i l I The lal, tliatmuch'son.
Caster nit oaitssd tho reent fim fn tins ter
How Ui littlo
nght-far fish, tlyoa
d grow tig- feel tig In every hetillhyl ,,,. , ,) , ' . . t -.
,. . irtf...i..,t tl.n o.irm.1,. which' W ',i tho Mmo r?r pe.1.1 era ,,f now
.v.".""rV'. : ..s- a, .,' ,r.j ... ,..u.l
. i ..... .....-..... .. .,...i r, . ' i ii
m,,.. f . 1. 1 m K'pivmi.ai.hi. Tlir.ro U ,".'"' V- i" "r) uo -, Mi?rmen .(u
A...) Vf.... ... .,., .I1, ,,.,,,,
n every hetillhyl , , , . ."?..,
in Jntirriiilti which ' ,
npil-.e t their 'spil .olijoiit fn minister H,
to pervpU'd tnstd by weklng nit,ni)ll ,."
Palut nil tools exposed to tho wrath-
eortant.asmut.h of Ih. work de.yol vis -I,,,f,,:vo!ie1;ea;,,;Sc!,,;!,,,r,t!,,t:
an him A good secretary, dlvo to his n(r Wrtr,inff or cracking them.
resp?.i-ibl'iih, isuneechslty iiiai'n'h-, Novvr 0Ullt r,.KUir bathing; for,
pern us null uouri-iung grni'(:i'- ll10 unless Hie hKin ih in un nuive cniitn
duties or tho (ivcrsir are iiupnriimt.
Ho wantt l Ih prmiipt in his move
muni-, wntth iroietdliigsiJirefully, bo
prejian d steji In If there Is tiny lag
King i" i lit wor, and rt'imro him-i If
bvehi ulteiiti'iii for the duth'-inf tho
t'oii, tho cold will cIomi tho pore-, and
favor coiigi'ition or other dfauiisos
John It. Fentrfas, of Delnmiro cuuu
t, Iniliiitiii, gets, thosifaer Iieher for
tin- hiit Kid item Inrui In ihut is.-uuty.
W. II. Lame: fillies iu fur u cup fur
ciK-diid U-st, and J. Ii. NoMe gets thu
Tlio Terrible Science.
Tho pos-ll.Illtles of ehemfatry nro al
most ton terrible to bo contemplated.
As the science at prcis'iit stands any
student can, If ho havo nccess to n
well-stored lalwratory, carry away in n
pillbox matter enough to Isy London
lu ruins, or to mi1miii thu whole com
munity of Its Inhabitants. Thu chem
ist enn, us every Hchoo.hoy knows, eon
vert w.ter Into ico lu thu center or u
red-hot crucible, lioc.iu construct n
nhell tho sizo or cricket-bull which
will explode tlio moment It touilws
thu water nnd overwhelm in (Junes a
liipitllo licet. Indetfl, tuu cht-ii)..st r-
dittos tho world to iin original nnd pri
mal tlemeuls. I'nr him, oseu none
than ror Iho engliuor, nothing Is im
possible, mid yet bin power, vnit an It
li, Is limited. Ho can more easily de
stroy than construct. lie can lako life,
buthe cannot i;lvu it. Ho can luel
the city with the plain, but ho cannot
build it again. IIoe.ni create orus-ic
acid, but he is ignorant or Its antidote.
Hois llko tho ifahermuu who rashly
opened tho ves.se! scaled with iho ri tg
or HuleJnian Hen Dsoud. Thu rinve
nt his control are beyond hfa command;
the jMiwers ho can uvokolm laiinot l.t.
It Is thu old otory of Cornelius Agnpp.i
thoio who trifle with nuturoVrecrfis
do no at their jh-iII. JjohUoh (jbrivt.
Tho Prairie Farmer nay the hor-e
market of Chicago is a thliiir of the
pat. It doesiiiiupar.iilM'fa II t e bu
iters now. rit. Iiouio Is tho iiiieiial
hoth;mirl:it nt tho et.
I'llllipn'l iepr'sIjii in the tiifs-
soil urotiiid the liuililliiy, so Unit (in i
nmy ho no situiidiuv w iter, tin m itu-.
huw much rain m iy f.dl.
. j ..a..' ... ..
servljig up m a onueiive loriu ui-gusi-
igscahdidsiiut! licentious rovelailom.
hero Is goixl reason Jo holluvo Ihut
thu clean newspaper Is inoro highly
itT.i'il tii'day Unin It 'was four or ilvo
years' ago. It'lsalso safe to" predict
that as pcoplo In all r'auks or lire, who
protect their own at least from m--tamlnatioti,
hoeomn moro.consclous of
tlio pernicious (ufluonco or a corlain
class id Journals, called enterjirlsing hi
cause they aro ambitious to servo up
dirty scandals, they will be careful tn
heu that the Journals they penult to bo
read iu the family circle am or the
class that nevor forget th iniprlullof
an I nxrv.faijiLiudsnf-fruita nt fibiifaun jirf.
' I " t .. L '. ,, ' .
us. ilios who nain, Lseu only nia n mv
times &ui (rv iji'n, nn(d they n'is itiLJ,
I'orrfl ratal at Inst.
Frrderlck llert nnvt Orangv, N,
J.,' died recontly from a singular enusr.
At tIAi M-cotid Initio of Hull Kuu.Iu
tbo summer of 1302, Jkkerl, wlso wafla
member of thu Berond Now Jersey
regiment, was struck by a mluto-bidl
In thu buck. Tlio ball uulured his Ixaly
an Inch below tho short rib and two
liu'hei from the rlsrlit side of the spinal
column. The bullet could not Is) found
hy the surgeon1, and tho wound won mi
serious that thu man wax tils
chargod.awl returned to his homo
IClfMlMNU POPl.TUriMOllOUAltW.-; 1
This U n mitttor that Bhould bo prao- '
Heed If nobble. Wo hollo vo that ifu,
furmers nnd fruit ndscm know tltenf
benollUt nrlslng fnrtn Buch manago-.J
ment, thoy wo'utdatoncqndopt It, Last J
fall wo visited t orchard iu whioh-(
fowLs'wero kept, tho owner of which J
toltl us that boforo the fowls wera con- j
nned lii it, the trees made Utile or nej.J
irrowth. mid only n corrospondlnflr)
nmount of fruit was obtained. Hut
what ft chnngo wna evident now.
enuu was kont down, tho woods killed b
hn,d tho troqs prcscntod an nppenm.nco'!'
jif tlir'irr, which the most, onthusIuHtie
horticulturist coulir but ntlmlro piid
envy. Tlio .growth or tho trceii wn f
most vlgnrotisuntl the follngo remark- .;
obly luxuriant. Tlio fruit wss ubnnd- J
mil, id largo slr. unit freo from worm-'
nipt othuf ImporrectloiiH. Tho oxeol
)unco was aivouiitetl ror by thu proiirloty
liir, wins reiunrKLMi iimi, inn nun ,u,
till thor worms uud curculln In tholjr
reach', oven tho canker worm." II
found less trbublo with their roosthi: J
In dees tliiiu ho expected, und that Ay
picket lento dx feot hlgl kept thfiiBj .
wftliln isiuuils. His orchard wis dl-
vltled Into three seclloiiVind Ho rowWJ
wore chnngod-from ono to another, nsu
tho tumditiun of tho Co win or Ihorir-.')
chard seemed U) rcsiulre. Th YxdfV
H'urld. tr
.. vwmmmt
Pie. Already men and women of ro-jmvurk. The orllleo llnlly closed, nnd
(lnemeni nnii he.uiny worata uuto nan n-'kwrt ls'o.ime engigetl mi the groenry
their attention called to Uio pernicious huslnoss In Kast Orango. Tho ball id
Influontoor Iwd literature, nnJ havt'lniost mipereepilhly crept around the
made commondiiMo eflorts toeonnter-
ucttbowun by causing sound litera
ture to bo puh 'hod nntl told at popu
lar prl-es. The efforts am w-jrkhu
silent hut fnro rovn'utlon. I'ho bent
authors are more generally roid to-thiy
than at any previous time,
soiiilmeiitid story iipcr
r-ltlnof his body to a point Just ulsive
the pit at III) sioiinch, whoro 'i caused
him miii'h n.ilu and trouble. Thopolq
fln,ill.v emie in coiilacl with Ihe right
luiiir. uud f-ir over a year before hU
death he was iiimMo to siieak wiHiout
Thnb'hkly '.tiviigsi vera pilu. KrM.i. iiioriilng
and wild hu was f mud end In bed. Afuwttas
raiu.r and pirate story famk nro slowly , iK 0m hfa dijalJi lie told bfa allenillng
yielding Iho field to worthier claimant, physician wliero tho hullo totild iki
To tho praiso of tho decent nowsp per,
It may bt said Hint where It has n placu
In (ho family and lias been reatl for
years by young nntl wld, it lias tlevil
found. When tbo pint-morloui exami
nation waa iiiMtJeihe mfaMlo w.isfoiititl
Ttlililn liHlfnu Inch nl HiosiK)tdiig
iiRtitl by the tteec.iied. '1 ho poliu 'as
oped such a healthy tone imd snrh n liobeilded lu Die right lung, uud tho
discriminating taste that tlio literature hollow end was tiliuil with u Tilly sub-
ortlio slums his no n'rnlrtirs Fiirtu- ht.nn(., The physicians decHed that
uately, the number or lucb ftudllenis jifadeutli w.ise used 'y tho bullol shot
Increasing In the bind, and ns ilu-y In- in hi luck mUii-hu y.nr.s ngo. V. I .
ere.se thejimpml that dovntes liseirto 'Jmn
sickening revelations of Immorality "
will lo compelled to find n supp irters i Dr. Wm hsuiutl , of Merlin, says thst
solely nmonif f'ti-i't'tive" hit irttflleo Ifone-lhird prin ofllionllof lurpmnltm
ViieorenttK'iirari' tiniiuuous in leuru Uudttitl In ' " ornionn, too latter e-n
in follow such ways.
Aimrlcn r'tiiiis that don't find u
nun ift-t tun fA in tn I'Jur-ie, i,d bring
it ii lixli prfiews V.'esir.illuro 'inius.
(Ibisscini Imm-iis'Iv a o) in ally drllleil
v iili :i t-lo, ill drill, lei.-i. !,.! hy u bi ,
0 il l.ij in M bj rpir I' turpe'i
iNlllllliUlliMPM1') Jr.ll. lltllOntheliU Wltll-
oulU.i'H-- uniMll.v alliMidlllg it. Tlio
toisoii iis-!iiieil fa thai Ihe stimulating
pr-perilo- ot tl e iiiri'diiilne imeieept
in' h in irk' 'I jphiu r Ihu pulmonic
Jthl'Ol -v I- wllit'lll li- ilnliii i-il
t x , , , I, t: . i- , i It' S W 'll -a IS O.I' II
lltl' l-UI-e f '
JeAim liivvu It Is ncoinmon.cwnw
plaint that lie f'trnt and farm llfq are,-
not opprecliiled by our pcoplo, wq
long for thu m'jro clegnnt purontts, ,oc
tho wiiyn Hud fnshloiis of thu townr
Hut tho farmer Inw tho most Hunoos4)
natural occupation, und ought to fladi
tlfy sweeter, if less highly seasoned,
than uny other. How can a unto Uk(
risit and thrlvo without 11111(11' IU)
writes his history upon hlx Held. Holsy
many ties, how many resources hehwsi
-his friendships with his entile, huV
team, hfa dog, Ids trees, thu Hatisfaeit,
lion iu his growing crops, In his Im-J
iiroved Ileitis; Ills Intimacy with nutnre,'-
inl and boa-it, and with tho ijolokon
ing eloiueiiMl forces; his eonpi r.itluitr
.vi. it tho cloud, tho sun, tho MXiftonw,
heit, tvml, i.iin, frost. Nothing will
aue (110 viuioiis mh'iii iiihieriijHira
.vhlch tho city and iniilKial III breed,
mt of a man llko forming, lUo dir,-ui
iiidloin.; contact with tln-holL It
traw n out tho poison. Il huitililon him,
ti-.iei es linn iilleuco and roveruuee,
and restores tho proper tooo i UU
sB'.em. Cling to thu firm, iimIui truck
of It, putyoursolf into It, hustuw.your
heart and your hruiu uiou it, w that It
shall savor ot you nut! raiii.it vur
vtritio after your dai's worn i-vtUno,
John Jliirroiijlm, In ticrtbnet.
Ah showing somuthlug of Ih valnu
of canals in Iho traiisjiorlsi. jiks
tloo, the report or iho audi' i u i tho
lonuaji or tho canals nr N Vorlr,
both ways, Tor 1B7H, Jr- in l, i 'un
til tno il'istug of navig.i howB
that Ihe aniotiui eariiioi i f was
.'i,i70,rt'2 tons, .iiiltist l,ll i.,. I'i77;
mi tin r,-iso nf uH.efth tons wrc
inisiriaiti nril.'U'i of In i- rtoro
1 1., i i-i-.tit ul o a-lit.iiliiii lei,
r, o, it it , corn, a;'ji. .s , 1 u.t
lui'il ii ttl t.ilie.
waller's im-Iiitm, to which he fa likely -amu prlo for the thltd best.