F v. .ii It - i. it ; VV Ail -xxiJ j. x a i 4 - IJIH Mmnrtte durmer. harm nllliflr, hut olIiorOroKoniana arc, antl 'luy Inwo bulh uml cwr far huihu rior to tint Ool.'fl. Tliun, why not iU roniM tlmm? A Htcl liir hold hi tlio mturul cllroo on of it ini.'Ulf, mill ntriirk mviiiiI iM' with it liMiitiior, will hoi oiiio ini i iUi'l. Wtiou a unit trtiM u full tvitli.iy 00,. 0 iiiitiu aro oi'iici m iliiink liu, iiv r im'o oi luortUlii liusiiitiH or UUfll js. l'Oim.ANI), KKJUAV, JAN. 31, 1H7U. Impoiition on Faimurs. gponkliiKorfriilNtn'HSwIiHlli'r.-, Mr. It. C. (! it, f Wnltl IIII'h, n.yn 'Lif.1 ui.ilor, wht-ii t:iy wc-r. nroiiixl I I ,, -' ihoui hk'hJm'I tln up, t Ihi-lr fnwi), pujicfliilly oik of tlioui, lit ii lirlili'-r.kMnr; iind I noticed that lliey did not bilk ii nJiiglc mnn ill tluilrnl.il iif?. I think Iho pen riloln till-! county will ho hard to Mil; Ofrnlii, In Ohio fruit trtMis, lit Irimt. From whut I hoo In tho Fakmkii, I urn Inclined to hollovo tho ni'Xt tree rtwlndlo will ho tho Silver Prune,' to called. I sy 'Mii-allid,' huciiuno I urn pcrftrlly Milhflud that the On'roii Silver I'riinu In thu (' "'h (Joldun Drop plum. I ImiiikIiI the ' .u'aOnlik'ii Drop plum nearly thirty years iiro. and have Iind It lienriiit; fruit for at least twenty flvo yi'iii, and within tho hint year threw or four per.-ons luivo wild to ire ' Why, yn Imvo Rot llie .Silver Prune.' I told them I 4iud Oici'h Golden Drop plum, that Is the .Silver Prune. Now, any perioii that known anything ulioin prunes or Coo'h (iuliion Drip plum, ulm Idinivs that Coe'.s (Joltlun Drop plum 1 fnr Jlieadof any pruno for drying, u It Is rich and hlirji-llivorod, about tin rlclie.it fruit that (.Town. One mnn whorunHii dryer nimo here last fall, mid I allowed him miiiio Gold on Drop plums that jrrow on u tree I It it was unified on n pouch root. ' That l the Hllvor Prune.' wild he. ' No,' mid I, ' that Is Coo'h (Inldon Drop plum.' You are certainly niNtaken,' hiiIi! he. 'No, I am not, for that tree Is over twenty yoarM old.' I ean't help It,' wild he: 'It lookx Just like thu .Silver Prune.' And I concluded ho knew rtboitl iih much 'ihoui hllver prunes n.s a certain darkey did uhnut lion. One Huniluy iiioruliiR, n clergyman, In old Conneutlciil, had tnkeu uiuimiiiI p.iln toll hliiiself up In perfect trim hulon roIiir to church, mid when ho cihiic Into tho nlllln, room Ms hcrvuel wio thci , mid llm uiluinter fjy, Muck, how do I look'." "I'iciidid, Mim-n, 'plondld,' wiiyn Juek; 'you Inn!! Jlntu hr.ivo lit .i llnul' A Hun'.' -why, yon noversuwa linn In yoiullfel' (), jci., I have, ikfatsii; I wen emu elteiy diiy Ii. du lurii.' ' Von foolt that In not it Hon that's ujackims 1' 'Can't help dm, Ma-cu; you look Jit' llko lilint' Now, from my utiind-iolnt, I think hcIIIiih (lolilon Drop plums for .Silver prunes li mit thu fair thliiR, iinluis Mild ut the Mino price. Now for unolher litiiuliupr, mid n hit: onuat that. I mean no other than thu way thu hKhik-mI-um of Oregon mm boliiR HWlndlud every yeiir at thu .State Fair hy California itliiirj er.s In hheep, cattle, and ho;;s. I.uit Fiilr, Col. Rim w.h on hand iirhIii with eattlo mid hotfs, IIIhIiorh, with imiiiy other'', I think wero a perfect lnio.slllnn. T.dk about thu eheek of u IIIiIiiIiik-ioiI jiutfillur. Well, thuru Is nu iimi lulhlii;:! He Inn muni cheek than nil tho 1 iimi r unco iii;cutM uml a'l the Invite ugoniH and all tho lightning-roil .igciilt tlt.it I ovor m.iw, all pat together. Hy the way, tho Col. h..d llm Impudence h nty holdly and uhovn Ito.ml lln.t hi worn the llrit and only Ilerl.lilrt Inif that wero ovor hrmiKht to Ori'Kou Will i ho knew belter, for ! Ii.id eei H. H. Kei'dM illlplirtilllli!! or us tin. Ilarkiluros a.s conll tm hoiiRht of Hi., gtldi hreodi'M in Canada, uml IiihiIm Iciiuw that Thomas Or -is hid there, in Die croiitid, us Hue llerk-tldres iikcnci worn shown on any fdr ;iound, mid ii tiun.lrud H)r cent, tlm'r than any tl.m Kkxo hud on thu ground ut thu tiiuo In ini'ln tho aierllon, Tho Col. mor (;ro.i lun bred hit Iiors In and In uml' hi) h h BjHilled them. Now, In-iiiuMi tiroediiiR Is thoroii;h hreedliiR. Well, ir thu t'ol. villi bleed his IterUhlre out and nut a few times, his pls wlh nut waul to e.it uuyih'iiir hut neoriis oi itetyh iiiitx. llow thu t ol. iii.iuaue.i h trtit such tluu bristles on bli Pi rkMil"v, I hu.inl Huvenil my they lumhl lilu ti ktiuw, when looking ut tbn. T.i.vlor thu Col.'.s fivorite. (tniViiiid Iteed'o liiip.irtalloas urn n afar ulie.ul of K.i iV hoirs that hi) had at tho Mtutu I'.ilr l.m fall as his (8.1x0'") uere iiheiul nf hlaei HOru'H th it can bo pi 'kid iipnuywher. In Oregon. Wo all leuicnibcr tin Wank fiend Kontueky Improved tdieei that Sivo sold a, fow years ago at tin Xi '. for nuro Cotswold, and his Khorl. iiunii I'.'Dro Inferior .iniuitds with Info or :Hidl'roi)s. Now, fellow faruiui, w)y will yim Might your own breeder vd p-itnmUn hucIi men, when you can got Isittor hhxKl and bettor nulinuls for onu'fourth tho imineyV I am nut now brtMsJIng Uorkshlres'.orfull I lood Short Agtioultutal Notee. Good foneo.1 nro cheaper than law suits with ueighbirt). Ho 11 neighbor to your nelghlwra. Many uro only near duellers. Langilntn fowls nro tho latest hoiiw t fori iiueiug puuliiT fancier.--. Musty bay and damaged grain enn nut Ih) led to nun. I: with impunity. Working tenuis hIioukI bo well fed, wi ll cleaned and have plenty of bedding. It cosla much nioro to bring nn nril mul Into good condition than to keep It. It was I'dgoworth who defined a fool as a man who never mudo an expurl inunt. Keep n diary or dally record of your firm work uml products. Umi Improved luiplumonta. Thoro Is no economy in working with null- (ju.ited tools. A inn 11 In North Argylo, N. Y.. raised this yo.ir 2,8W buuhel.s of polu toos on Niiveu ucres. I'eul turnln to milch cows Just after milking. Tlie milk will not then ho turnip Unvoted. Ahoft, llitn, velvety t,k lu Is neatly always found on ti good cow, mid a ililck hard hide on ti p.mr one. tJoiilbeu.slern Fraucu Is full of rosi farms. Aalnglo aero will yluld miiio two Ibouaund dulbirs in money. Kxpotitre weakens Itiblead of milk ing .stock hardy. Tho toughetilog pro cess l.s not beauty food wi.hntit uhulier, Ilerr Mohltid expresses tho opinion that abortion In cows Is often caused by giving Itio itnimalt) too cold water to drink. Ashen mako Hplciidld iminuru for po tatoes mid every particle made 011 thu farm should be saved lor this purpose. Additions Nhould hu miide to (ho manuio pllo on usury pnsrdiilcoccniiou. i'no iimutint of fenlli.iug material reg ulates ihu faiiuer'a propurity. lu tiiakliig iirraugetiiuiits for lalrr lur the toiiiing ju.ir Hear in iiiiud that iiio leat hauils uro llie cheapest, nil iliiuus eoiiildirtd. Wo may re.isim .ii-O iiiiiiiio if 11 poor hand 1, noidoar at any pi Ice. The heavlu.it turkoy that wo Imvo heaiitofls thu ouu hunt to J'ronldout .lohusou lu i)() hy thu Union Club, of .Hiaiiloiil, Conn. This bird turned thu -ealuiat foriy-N-jveii puundj, alive, and ant yet two years old. lire cdlug owns should ho fed 11 dally ration of about ouu gill of corn, or. bet ler still, about ouu pint of out. They ihotild ho warmly sbelteied from cold nIii isiud drunchltigialn.s. audi treat meiit will givuntroug, heidthy lamtxs. All who till thiiHoil hhould look upon o cry dead animal mid plant us 1,0 much fund fur animals mid plant-. of the iireentnr future. Thu depriva tion nl lift Is thu beginning of decay, or, lu other words, 1I10 btigiunlng of n return to the miueml Klugilom, which applies phutrt with wli.it wu call thulr OKK, aUNT Iff iBKIiAND. Cork, Ireland, Is a queer place, or ut leio-t thoro uro Homo queer pcoplo therein. Qen. Grant though't ho would run over from Dublin, whero ho was viiitlug, and In wht'li latter city ho had been received with gieat honor. Ah i-ooe as tho council of Coil: roeclved word that, tho cx-Prc'ideut Wiih alxait In drop in upon thorn, they ut ouee lit :l a meeting mid uechKd that llioy did not want tohoethe niau.from America. Ono of tho members, nn extreme nn tlunallst, said Gen. Grant had " Insult ed tho Irldt people lu America; hud got up tho ' no popery' cry there"; and for ono ho didn't want hlui in Cork. Another felt that It would be "unbe coming for tho Catholic constituency of Cork to welcome nuch 11 man. IIo aw nothing In Gen. Grant's career Unit called for nympathy from the Irish nation"; and ho the expre-slons ran through tho entire body of "city falhers," thu conclusion reached being that It would bu an "impropriety to pay uny murk or respect personally to Gen. Grant." Naturally that action c.iu-ed 11 Hoiniitlnn throughout. Ireland, tho majority of people there being grieved at tliiiviol.-.tli.n ol thu rights or luuplltilliy, and expressing the opinion that tho net wa.s hut the maul Testation of 11 delro on the part of 11 ' knot of noisy follows" to nchlevo a llttlu nolorluty. Wlion told of the ac tion taken hy tho Cork council, Gen. Grant Hhnply smiled, mid pointedly remarked that ho was "sorry the folk peopio Know ho. llttlu or American his tory." Tho liberals and conservatives or that region regret that Gen. Grant did notdotermlno to go to Cork, uny way, and y that ho would ha"o "received mi ovation from the holf respecting op'ilaco." Tills Is tho llrnt instance in which thu ox-Prusidcnt lias been (snubbed during his travels In tiurope. I'rulrlc'unncr. The water In theHlraltiof Gibraltar, at tho di p h ol i70 fathouiH, It four times us mil. ns at the surface. Miucm mentions an iron furniio 1 11)0 year. H. O. NEW OPERAS! CANTATAS! Comio Opom by Aithur Gullivan, 1 1 tho moit Kipnhr tiling i.f tin 1 i 1 nvcr r-(onui-l 111 tin 1 country. Mnii cxcllnit mul wy, aii I wonU iincxccjithai.tlili-, inaldn it vary ib nimldu for amateur j!rfuiiianc.i in ny tnnuor villnio. Jllcuant lonv. with irnnla. uitiio ami hbrvtto (-ainiilntu, inulhil aiiywlivic for SUM. CEO. E. AIKEN, SALIiir, OREGON. JOHN FARNHAM HAN FRAKOISOOy im "'s&irww M, 'hMP ijaika5 HAVE BEVOLUTIONISEB TRABE IN SALEM! BEFORE WE CAME TO SALEM, EVERYBODY WAS COMPLAINING- OP HIGH PRICES Now thoy aro Happy, and priilo thom3olvoa that THEY HAVE A RESPONSIBLE HOUSE, Where Goods are sold strictly for CASH, at one price, and that price lower thnn ZinV nOUtiC On uni uuusi. 11 iu iw uui oiLLiuat i.w sen ai iiiv wry luwest Dripfin asi bvaointr so. we retain our present trade ana win new. customers. Wo person, with reasonable judgment, can price our goods without being ponvinced that wo are selling good atticleo at the very lowest possible prices. Our advantage in buying enabled us to oficr extra Induccmcms. Mr. FARNHAM remains in Ran Francisco, constantly getting bargains, and wo trive our customers the benefit of those he galnii. rtemember, we daJ in Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods. Clothing, Eats, Caps, Soots, Shoes, & Fotions, W aro not calling off ntiroltl Stock -wo hove none lut wo ao roDRtantly s'eoeivJrg NEW GOOD, nnd rollijng at priceo that will doubly uiduco you to luy new Goodo luotoad ot old amah. Vhon vlsltitiu tho I'oab OiRico, you aro renpootfully invited to atop in tho next ooor and c::nm ino our Goodu, and all those who wish to save ix;oo 25 to 40 per cout. on a bill of Goodo, cun do so by purchasing them at AIKB-N & FAMHAM'S, ja24 Oppccito Ohorsoheta Hotol fust door touth of tho Post Office, Salem. 8. FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer, Commission Merc-Hunt, mul Wholosalo and Retell Dc-alor in General lMerchuiidiso, Jill n.I.l!.t, oltllCII. uMvaxmsanxxnom J.W. GILBERT Hides, Furs, Sc Pol-fcs, t'ninmfroi"! i saMI. Iy Englisli I RiTKiinn tins t 'run t..it htati: r.ia- 1 lk Hwitimiakm fur l-.i llll.r. !i lor lKl Utj ' U10 KMunu. Ukln-uU'litwn jvlhjuni.j tutdn ti 1 tr. I itui fiirnl.h tll'.ni'.flM'. MiVf yminritnil nl, to " ilcr. AJ, t'lu.lm J 'Uiivr 1 ( Mid, iw vill Irv-I iu unf loljr liu't- AiMnu JOHN WEST, JilO-.t He Miv.1 Mivrkit, 1 MtiTI, Or. TltlAfi HY JUKY U a LiuliiiMc OxKtta liy thn b.iuio nutlior., Mti. Jotrpti' IKinilflRe, JJy Ciiiiiwick. Pl.to lli'lkkuiir. Hy isrriniru.ui. ?l.i0 UntlllT. H.v HiUIUIVIlV. .M Thivo riit.tt.i wlilili nro mi.iirii:unt wluni (ivin v.itli Ciiu.t.il il.'M an 1 Mi'iiurv. 'I'm. Lul 1 11 ) u fy. .till I'llllltlllll'lltM. Nntinlmal nlinnlil In Icillol fur food iiiiiiii-illiitoly nlt.r Iulunt i.xirulre. (TiiiU-j-Hiu-H I'inuliiliiiH ihu meat villi K(iit hue 11 vi-ry Minrt tliun uml miiiiu iiuii'slt is liiiiiiivj'itiln to loi't It HU'rt't vmiIi alt tli.i N.itl tli ut inn UmiucI. HiXm, L'n'rliilly, nliiiull he liiiti'licrcil ..irly in tlu uinrulii iifli-r 11 inili t n nt luring tho tili.Ii t. (I.oil U'lN fur nil klmlsof iIiihimHii .iiIiiiiiU, ilurinc tliu Imli'iniit ui'iilh r iiou- jirivulliiur, nru 11 prirfni ncritl y. l'lm htiuw, rn.itto hy, Ii'iivih, li'., M.ivi'il fur llm tiiir)H) cm now l-o rnlitiiltly utllli-il. Htuhlui slinnld lio ti'pt Htrfiftly dry und Hweot uml a H1tT.1l ii-o of Ixildlu will ho proline ilvn of fooil ri'iiilt.H. Corn liu-iklnt; is 11 .suljcct of Intercut it thin linn) iiiiiiiii thu liiy-. An luwn 1 (ipi-r ri'imrts tli.it Wlllluui 11. Juinc, of Iiliiiolu lnvnlil, n'rr.irini'l tho iciit o' hu.l;ln 113 -t b.Hholi uml Co l tiiiicl.s of faint In I'lnvi'ii hours mul 11 (tinrU'r. TIiiiooiii viisiiis!I, "Afl,'li- I mul iiihltcil In tho uli'ivi luted .lint-. A Uii'k Nliiiul uiiiii cI.Uiih to i.ivu hiihKfd 1J6 hii-.it'ls In cloven u.iirniiud it Ii ill', hut It min cul',mhI nt. .Si-itu.it), JlMi U uliiiost thu only liliioo in thu ruuntry wheru c.irr.if'nt'r., r IrUh moss, iiM'd in jfllh'o, lilnim niiiup) nnd lu 11111UI11K lucr Ih or, Ih tr.uliurt'il iiiuli'tireil. .ilxiut loll fund. Ik nru tnpiK'd iu tho linrvcst, tho moil tfitln'rlnj; tho iiioks with lon ruki-H lutiiilnrliw, wliilo tho wIveHiinii diiutthtow pri'uiro it for niurkoi. Tho iniiiml priiduct is lO.lH)! to I6,0) Kir ri'U, worth to thu K'hurcra nlxitit $.'0,tvoo. Tho luri'nt wull-iuitliDtitl-iUfil yhld of corn wns ouu of HO bunhola to tlui ucrc, hi South tJirllin, u Kt.ito vhvn tliiMivonip U tint fur from twenty huh'K This hIiomth, hi it UiVjrt, tho tosslhlthis of this woiulorfnlly'pro iluitlvi'trrdu. Tho't nro ttioo uho Im'IIi'Vd Iu thu HiiIi hlu'lior posilhlllly of prudnoln,', with owry ohvur.isi 1 ut rivuriu;:, n imioh, ovi-n, us -uu bili fliofilry, clu'littl Kf-ili o'l a alible ueru ot l.iud. "I'.tilim." (32.) -"P.ilomlta" !.) -"Dla mimJ cut Dmmoiiil" (i.) "(tii1rili.n1 Aniji'l ' (.'( it..) "I vou iu O nrity" (M) il.) "Mnnl Irvlu'' (COcti.) nro 0.'rnttai iviiiriiij l.iu n lew inj;i ra, ntirt nro caj'ilal for I'.ir . 1'i.rfn -u-n"n '' ! 0 lout tlirvo nru JuvjiiiIcii. KKT2C3 ... . "Tho So i nr," liy .S.iIHvih, nn.l "'J'liu Lit 11 lhilc," liy i wio-j. KicwpTlvVpW)gfgfer3i jiwuji,!!:! rr-v iCT VlBlrBi ffiri Ml Will- Mkiud rftKHtA kll knllllkli. fl ititfwlMMlrUiiN tfOmtrint. Kkii I VI mim. kJ lurl itwriuUwt. I llnilfi rW tj&kllsi mtmt liOD rtrW f VrMU4 4 nr HK tlttU, IUm, StA. UtJw144 I kll. (! t it. 4lrv D. tf. FEBEY Cs CO. Detroit Mich. rti'Jl Attorney u t E- a v, mmm&wmmfm BKAWaari Evi;u-iii.oosiiHo &, ffi" ?&V Wm BBSS THt DiiST ITJ THE WORLD. . W ilehi cr h Iron 15 Vol I'lnnU.HitUiUerrlA mrJiWtyno'O.matcirvy SI, lilfjrS'Ji 10rnr(iiit0far9I3' tit So t tflWll.IH4HMf;iTW- uU.Mnllito.ttullcr. n rplrlKllil vnrlcUro. wvrclAlcr, all MiinLtcit SI, Ufor&'Ji 10rnreiJU0rar9l? n.reoi VIfbr9ir JOO fir (fill. iirCirIHrlilr irlir.VOUipETOROSn .(Irciinlly UluMiutcd, t4 frnnvltir itntl illatrllnillll ftiYr.oM-.. Ffnitfornur lir.V OUipETO ROSf il rlinmv 0-.nu mrr OOO llnwl ort. Tina iiinmci) u. roNAiin co., Hv-OTov7eri, 'West Grove Chetcr C0.1 r TAKE dnI CbtDj NOT! H i-.fcA5SfB M, I'nwj, Qu rui riM JlTiTjr..u: Cbai-U4M(ilUfUtf. WU tlti i.nj)l rAni Kbkl3: HUttr IUm4 Ihr tl)U i )!), mi a4li. OMVKIt UTS -)S & t. II llfnnii .V l' .-.. M.11l.-i'l' . N. ' . (V),, 1iir", II. llltKUU A C0 ll.. rtuai -I I'ull v. J.BWiuKavo.,ju7 urouuvvmikcwVoflt, 1)11. K. V. CIIAHK, HltK VET Lt.Ool.. lMHan;conU.U. Volaateen, omm. l)rtrWn' tlnck.ao ruin. MTr D1A IN SOUI D GOLD ONE DOLLAR lift NOT FAIL fonrnit fortmr ChIhIosiiis 1c ran!) irfrri atilili-rtlitlin tf limit 'vrry iirtlrlt- In ffi-'i. nl ua.....t l ulll.lliloto ilXV l'i:ilHI).1l-uiilriiiiiiit. Inst llipiiurrlniKwor nuy nrllrlr lor I'rr outtl, Kmiillr urAnrli iilltirnl imr. linti Urtiin Ii,i itrt 1 ml i tlitiint n.noii lu llm irmiili- in r lli- Tri't'llnrlr. mill Imw, ttlth r.U' i-rritlull, rkrrr.l h ilia rir'illoiin .r I lii- iiurrlmarr. ninny rlniMiliiB In tme iiaJm m n.tlnB til jll. t i. imt .in, U k,u ikntS CIT.tl.mu'b TO .V AllllllIM, flll.-i;. rcfN AI'HI.KWIIO.t. IUm.iI imr aooiu 10 nil nniikliifl ut thulfi,in 1iilrrliiiiHnllllr-.li nmii. Ilrlrruuts lil .Villunnl Hunk, ;iiliiiau. M3NTQ3MIRY WARD 0. CO., OrlsSmil .ranirnrtiiipljr IIuuk, C37 A IJJ3 VulMU A Vtv, 'Jllmc. IIU SWKETratSSHAn iRtJbu v iiii -x ttSfxesa h tr NiS IOUNXING S. ONE DOHA R lt.?r .lnj. !. l-clrlul.l. ll.l iui, , Uum Kr irf, tl. THE ONLY PERFECT FAG-SIMILE OF THE REAL DIAMOND IN THE WORLD. !ronounce-l tT llit Acidtmy pf Tranc ltil t, l.rn-rt Ajt trjlli rH.xinti 1ijU 1 Hrtr tn44iliamtmJ. TIh Uuii i.f IIm-m. cvnn ftrn immcmuti futintl lit llii.Hlrru NfH.i, fr.wii nliviuihty nrr -tMirtf. lolhi L.'fH l lotliontliiry In I1trl, KruiKv, u h. ro tn.'r ur. iilimlllisl 1.1 a i-iirinUul n. m.IihIc l'fi-sJ, iiv Hiucn tiikiii hTitciris auk rorniKii with a mutin w itiik nmiovs. Imiiiirlliiriiittirtunlllho IIiiili nvcv, II im itv nifl n-rpirtiMnii.illii.irilir tnrnli)iiiiiiiil,iin. ruklnt tiirro m u.lruhl ftr Wrr, llrllltinrj, nml llrncii.i. hi iimi vi-rliil ri-iim (Iw-nm-lvf-s TIh- III", hm.K nnj iUu DrviM. iu iliHplurl lit tlih Kir.ioiii.ivniiil, mi- nivnrni.- rncrle ( ocirs c:i3 tenrrom atiTianio Tzvmrzzzrr isctse :u::n. Kni:t 1 1; ttnsia'.i v. 1 ajat ar. nu dtpcidt nu nur nmi ai mi -mi i. i.yni-.MTmM Murium n.ijn- UIV nCuCIrl UT UrlC UULintl In Amrrli-t. .n-r hhIM.. liv r..n-."lr. Our - Hook pu HI uiimvit," llh llutriillontif nrtltllo lil.iiminit Ji-ui Iry In x.ll.l ill W.) cull, tiiull.il Inf 1tni..wnpMlMlf.lt.r.lh.MMM1. Mtn-iTTIiaf l.tH.Url I,l(rw rrnUm U rt.l.ttnv 1iN.K.nt ri, I .lirlpt.r4ip(lll UMbfM1r)lli' llnM t4H.4d!lkr, Hit tbt I ftu .lnM4 IH IL.14 litrllr lltUtU t4It,I..WMM h k ?. M I-H WIIKIH. lnelUHll. N . Tw Klrrttal !. rlUn.t Klaf. ,4 M .k.l.r . t J IMlw-riitrf It I. rttf rVt.rti!v( rttllf .U.r44lf t 'W)'lMf naK.M AMtn.lbii tnM .11 win. !. U. II ItrtllY trtll..lH.- tt i ThU(HT mM1 pMillt vH14t. n l.lf irrlMtK Y AKUY MP rfMtl r.rw. mMI rr, 1 MKv.tf .w.ht ivlpu f it. 11.. r .Ik.Mi kit .bt vl Ik. brttxUl nirwJ.tUu f lt uv tft.txitj. U. I'll mi M)V. IS. r .1 In. lMrll.l. Th. Ifrtw IH-.UUM. I u4t ,r rlwllr .liirtM t. .ItMKpri rrtM M.wf CMtlf ftni iri.l .f ftWttm, HIT Wonmmnlr Iho WiinWftit I'A-n nUinniKlt for One Ilnllnr t"l' mnnntnl In Solltl ColiL l will rlMN-rrul y n-fuml llm inumy Ifruunil tinwtUfactury, AJUr.-.all on) ra In lli AMKUICAN JEWRLRY COMPANY, 5 Arniilc, CINCINNATI, t. SREE A VALUABLE INVENTION. THE WORLD RENOWNED WILSON SEWING MACHINE In worKYiiatMmcft Jo Tti io a Chronomotor Watch, and as oiosnruiy nnisnod as a firs'c-class Piano. It rocolvod tho hlshcst nwardo nt tho Vlonnn and Contonnlnl Expo oltionfl. IT SEVS cas-rc-'cru t-si'i than other mochtnos. Its capacity to unlimited. Thoro aro moro WlLfjOM tVlACJiSHtUl ao.f n tho United States than tho combined salow ar r.n tho others. Tho WIUGOTJ MENDING ATTACJirMCKY t doinall klndaof ropatrlna WITHOUT PATCHJWG, qucn FREE with each machine &s.r wilsqn s'EJsas mmm sa, ff?.7 &CZD Eroaawoy, Nov Yorkr How Orleans, La.?. C r i t:Ja li Madison St:., Chicago, Ills.: ana sntt ,w-- v'uubuiitht Soul, HaXQttU Ot, Nfc. gM.M.I.H-'.l I IOTW. ii. u.'t'.i. vu. T. Al.l JIWI p-i M ratilnwial rin!llva (k M M.f, 9riM.n mil KYdwt mimi Imm. eir. u ViMI.-i-iialjlimlw lt.9 Iwt WUr.U t naibv a. nr blu .trip i"v),. m.,k i rWto nll.lM m InrvW rl, Dim Jtlmn't IkH f. ffn la CS A. Jirunn i. Co., Mfrt, Mtmtmrr;, V k. a. I. It t'a u.iliuvr. A t, riuhi.Miini IMnilLIMlRC 16SS. Willamette Nmrsorv. a.W.WAn-ING&SON, t'noriuKToiw Oowego, Clackama co., Oregsc WALLINGS Railroad Nursery. H. V. PRETTY MAN, riuKRn rLKAtriu: tM'i.sTon:rso nsciviuM. X i'lU.l lie hit a Ltyt .tin.1. ol FBUIT TJGffiES en Iiatid tn th! Wliitpr" tr-d, tT. cuorlrtiij ii Apple, Pear, Peach, .Vod luvo qutntltj of SUUl'IlMir. Al-fif), A fi- i;ouiut'J trci ot tho rt SIT IIUAD "tit Um iv Jtnlw nl Fruit r -boi.t Ik Elixir I'nuie, ?tT rl OrKHIMK. ) FiLry. IKilMr tlllt, 1F7S. f M , tho ttndrnlCTol, hnt bj lwtlf lh.tt ve hnwi t. amlnul Um Iru't u Ihr Mltrr rri.w In irrrxn M. l, tlrlnl liy Iho lliummT linxcji. D'u litfii nhi amliK.I Ihorwttlily thu Ow'i lloluon l)ii,t lliitn, unl tn ltn.1 Ilia Filter llunf l.r tru.-xrlnr l it In ttrr rfjw, uml rntlrrljr n n.w turret; ami u nnun mil 1 1 to Ih fmlt ktwiti ol Onvon uia miifilor pruno, both In r'U and do tUt. Al.t IIKI) ll rotJ.VMI, MtnhfloM, l Miui.ty, Dn'jon. W. H. VLUHllKlt. Knilt rh7r. a. r. nnr.KRRiuK. Wbmltml, Yunilitll muutj, 0j. wit. m:iu)v, IVfotil r. Prune r ami On LunIM, Hit. in, rn. JiTSnii'l fur (ntaUijruo anj Trltn Uit. Ml H W PRWl'TV W YN", rrtrrliHrfe' lfc!Inu. .Nnrrciy, Hu t PMUitrl, 0. liov 1 U 05 j GRASS SEED wi SEED GBAIN f-ower Fed gardkw m;ed ATMVfKEI) SlOliK r-BTI.N!-, m: bTAiti; hTiti t;r v um. j Trers, Plants, x jtcue ana urnamen t:tl Trees, Shrub bery, Rosea and Vinos. PI1ACH PLUM. rX't Itulitiu Pmuo And th om trlt(to t'luut, t'ruue, 1'cacli. Applet. I'ear, Cljerry Nut and Shade Trees, IN FULL AflSUBTMEKT. SetiQ forDoacjiptivo Catalogv JCW JBRtTOV NURPE&IE?, Wcoatjwy, XX. J. Oxi: in"UREu TKoufcAMi iiu.TO.va t.m;lv li4'a j iw 1UJ:.i To lrry, JviOVk) C'uficri, U ml CVitlii.nHtl cUtTj It-irH, i'',vt f run the url ! nv'M I Knii.-?- - YttcLttr.. etc. K DMcrltti&otrU 5irmtA:. t.tc rf Pi KAHT AT tnii- I0KTUM) NUKSKUV. CM. ATTIIK blOHP. i K Aodr II. IltnnilN, K..I futtUnl, llf. Dee t, lra. ,au T. C. SMITH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CH1WMS, ....ANP.... .Utter,', lltock, Utate tivt, t.km, Oir-on. 5A!Tinrt.AH ATTKS1ION ttWKA TO ITIK I .crlitlitn tril llorJir l.i'ic.ilur jpr,i aiittt nun, t y and aretiraU'ljr. Ph lcl'ia nd t'nuniry pptlrra nl nw vmnnv t tttmliili4 tnt la 1, tirnruitttli.irnur iilcii-, .fow ur lit'lui; t.l.tihrri nutO-if. Tor Gale. 'jwentt tiR'nor iin.nivni.TniiK J. fn.T year. nbl. t ltya. llr mi hwt. f'V ne(lcan broo.1 inan. Iub DlIXM ACtf Id lhTS.- ANI) o i, I'tiuci;. STALLIONS FOR BALE. nAVITCG MM1E BTAU.IOS3 TOAN WT. K1SO), WH will m'J oim or two of th foUovfcif lucartul KU1-Ion-. YOm EKGLIIVn, Jlrwl hj- Old EnUnrl, dim iy Tonaj ArUmr, a cIcAwnt V,v. ftole.1 ITth of Ann!, vn I. W) tiattdj ldstt, vMit ' A Jcnd. lrk Uy, tilack l9la-. HVIiMOXT JIKK, Foaled In Wi, If J huAt hUh, i!til 1,109 ivmndi; r&tasUy. ilh t wti hh-ti and 1'tu tn tfx) tut, e jvj l.j Vartin Cljdcklale, iwdI kt CUIKkiim, itiui y tV'Imrxt, tbi rirlebratul tivttla; ftn. Tot. U a flna bi)i1ji; lirire. veil broke to hamcia. ONTARIII C'llMIl!f, A Mrren-elclith Ctydodiht, foalM July 17th, IffO, ibrk hay. "vljbt atoat 1.HD tMund, totttl In Cuudaj lAlUj. JOUN liCTVOND. TaoJUn O. HcMiiuiTii:, Ornjo. detH 0KOO?i IKDliX WJUW OF ISil.TnTMl '30. AH pr.vm Trt9 rntdwed rieorf.nit.lvd ivprtllci d- tnta-tiali vt in Uir nlit ui, nr Uw Wj-t .4 n.tl, ,K?rvvi rut ohtniii TahiaM hr nwtl n by bUJr.fi7 ALLAN lUTIIEUFOKtttVJto.y AudAv I .Troa.ur), AUumer .nd Ujunjtllor t lajr.W llrast I1, Wxh- llf'i-a, l. C Vi.iltwZ