WILLAMETTE FARMER ltd v6 cr Jour flaird. Conducted by Mrs. Harriot T. Clarke , Twcnt)'0nc. I it own to inaiTis stature ! O my littlo child ! Mv bird that Mmvl.t tin- '.hies mi lung ago' Mv fair, r.veet blow m. n-re ami itndi'W''d Diphtheria and IU Cure. Diphtheria has nlwityM plnyed havoc In Gicut Hritulti; but liitliurio no more attention has been paid to It tlinn to scarlet fever or any other acute license. The dentil of Princess Alii'O hit? excit ed general iilarm. Nun th.it a ilnuirh- ter of tin- vjieon lias Von carried away been to thee? if thi'ii Mcit I... tl !. . .1 I. I. ..I.... I.. ...I.. I. ..I lh hj flown smc, wo law! thee " " l,,u ""u " , " ' ' '" ' ,,K,,,",J loft! Tno liapi-rt am lull of jiupular t'lswys and Ii'tlcr-' mi the Miujecl, somw 01 which are nut without Interest fur Ainerle.ui readers. I-'nr example: Diphtheria Is essentially an liillani- ' ii.itMKit ,i..(lr.iwfli. iitiioiiiii iiimitliiMititi IIJ.iLMlJt sllllUil 11 (III! UlUlWlt IIIWIIIUJUIIV, of the throat, hack of the neck and S liat hav e thoy hero Staiiitiu;: beside th brothers, tall ntul fair, W ith bearded Hl, and 'lark eye thinim; clear, And glints of siiinmcr sunshine in tliy Itt-ir, I elioitlil look up Into thy faco ami Bay, Wavering perhaps lictAcon a tear ntul smile, "O niv sweet son, thou art a man to-day !" And thou uuutd'it stoop to kiss my lips tho while. Hut up in heaven- how in It with thee, dear? Art thou a man to man's full ntntutu nil carth'4 changes hast tiou r.r ay ; ires ha LTOWIl' Doit thou count time as wo do, yearly yeai? Ami what uf known? Thou hndst not linmcd to love inc. Dulit tlioti take windpipe, excited by a para-dtle orpin hm. Its most remarkable character istic Is an exudation from these mem branes of a i ndhe.lvo character, so that they become coaled wllh a layer of to..ai!ous material le-dubllni; a very thin MutviiiK of chamois leather, , I whence the name "diphtheria" "Ihu j Which Kilty to Keep? leather dNease.' iiU membrane Anj small Ki'rni of love to heaven with theo, i blocks up the entrance ot tho windpipe Thai, tlnm hist wauhail ftud nurtured for my im, m.j, MilhVatlon the mo-t Im-' oitSv till 1 iu perfect Cower may pmt i '"fdlately ihreateaiu kaluru of the m .'.i i- iii,mm,iM. malady. If, however, tho danger of A hit ih ,t to haw lived in heaven alvaysT " ' " Jo have no memory of imbi or sin? iHilllucatlou is ocapeil, thero will super- t Vi ti have known iu ml the calm, imut veno it wpeclllc nervous nllectloii ot tl tla. paralytic cluracter, .vhlch atl'ects the i iiririiiw fif tii.ir.t mwl tin. Iiolirlilwirlm ' , parts, iiccompanled by the most utter I pro-lratlou of tho jjeiierat MytMii. These latter charaelerMies illstliiytiliii diphtheria from a much more cotnmoM yet less dangerous dNeae, namely, croup. It N, moreover, of all Ills to which flesh Is the heir in iiomc the i most insidious, and lias MipicIous rela Tho jar ami fret of wttli'a discordant din? 'Jliy brother -they r.ro moital they tread Oft-timcn in tough, hard wnjs, with bleed ing tcit; Must light with dragons, mutt bewail their l'-.ld. Ami tierce Apollyoa face to face must ini.Lt. I, who would give my ery llfo for IilIjt, I can not save them lin'.u earth's pain, or loss; 1 .... ... ul.ti.1.1. li...i. fr.i... Om .ri. ft hi rnrf.. IIMI IIUt DIIIV-Ill- IIV.I.. ".it - ft.... i . . f t . ICicli humaiijheart mu-,t bear iilono il ero: nui" vuii fftiiiiui ic.rr, i nr iiiil-uiuii Was (IinI, then, kinder unto tl.ni than them, which has been o often a,ked ti- re- 0 tliou whoso little lifn was but a span? , (,'iiitls the ciiue or cat XL's to which It ,li. think it iiotl in an tils iiin.iein , t.., uo lorurietl ticems likely to receive an iiu-Aver fiom the case of the Princess Alice. That iniijust l.uly ivsldcil occa- .sloually In the old modheval palace of tho Grand Duke of lle-)e, in lite lower 'part of the town of Darmstadt, In preference to the new pahce built for No htar shine blighter than tho kilijjly man, Who nobly earns whatever einwn lie uinm, Who giamlly cuiujium, or as a'amlly iliwj Ami tho white banner oi lai mauhootl beats 'llnough all tho yi.au uplifted to the sl.iei! AVIint lofty peam uliiill thu victor greet I wnat ciomii iisiimiiui in? iiiu iiion- uu in. ucai.t, leartiiiyi..UiK,i.iuer..v,i-ei, . .,...,,,..,, lir,,Mlt Or.m.l Duke. i in liiiMiujf , - : liatt thou not fonittliim; i.iitvcd it?' Julia 0. It. w.miMi. This vonenibhi Htrujturo Is honey Doir. -combed with drains and ce-spools, iiud tho most commoa cui-e nf diphtheria Is tho inlliieuco uf thu air on i-ewai;e tMta to w.lt-fo'a i-anleit leaf en, ' pnnltu-N, whereby i.-riini uviiur.it- C'ounril, perelinnee. tluough bllmling liaift ell, llllil altUOUK'll Hie UIM-MVJ Itiell 18 While thu hcE-it-threhs unilly echo I o tho tread of pa-.uii! Jeais. Learn to wait hoix'i slow fruition; l-'aint nut though thu way m-oiiis lone: Thero li a joy in each tomlitloii, llu-irts, though liiitreiiug, may grow struiit'. Conitnut Hiinihiue, however welcome, Xo'ir would rlii fruit or llower; (Want oaks ouohalf their gJeatiHts To tho scathing tempests poutr. Thus a koul untouched by sorrow, Aimi not at a higher Unto; Joy seeks not a brighter morrow Only sad hearts le.uu to wait. Human strength and human grcatucit .Spring not from lifu's sunny side; Heroes must bo moru than driftwood, floating on a wnvekni tide, Victoria Magarlue, i niL'iiiy iiiiccuou-', heaj;e inny ue sum ' to bo the 'cmw ct oriyo intili. Tlie reme dy which has been found m.it etrectu- i ill in KiiKlaiid Is Milpluirous ucld, i speclllu wlilch inuit not be confused I wlllt sulphuric acid, . c, oil of vitriol. If thu patient Inhales Milphurous acid constantly, and applies it to the mem brane with n spray, the chances of re covery are almost certain, und when 'ever this specific has failed tho rentilt ihas been obtained by it needed of iislne; I it with Huftlciont frcipienoy. Thu ef fect produced Is tho destruction uf tho j parasitic form. Hac Women a Monopoly Xcries? of Weak One would supKio co, to read all that mulo authors have to say of tho proncm-ai on thu Tried lU'clpt-s. HV ItKS. WAIUitt-N. FlllDAV t?OlT. I'llt in butter tho sizu uf a htu's a kettle, a piece of t'gi Jieiiery liot nartof women to induk-u iu hvstericsaud other1 add two onions slicul ery thin, cook tl.eru inopportune demomitration'i when threatened ntil red, then add a half a tcampful of Hour, with suddon death, and of tho strength and ! Cook again until red add ono pint of boiling calmness which men display in thu faco tf water. Let It boil ono imuiitv. Sit on thu danger; yet, judging from thn-o occurrences i back of the stovu until almott ready to sirvt; which took place during Thanksgiving wyik, then add one ami a half pints of boiling milk, men with unieliablo ncma aru by uo iiuaus and to or threu w til mashed, loilcd iotatovi. Kcsrco, and it is possiblu for a women to i-xer- Add a littlo of thu soup to thu pbtatoe at tint, ciso coolness and courage in soul-trying times, then more until perfectly smooth, thin stir Kbit, there wan tho case of tho l'omerani.v ' into thu toup. Seavon with alt i.ud i epperi It is claimed by the survivors that tho officer ' simmer a moment, and tlii.ii i rc. (uxcept tho captalu) nud criw of, thu steamship ; n,:.lKrtsr fAKKS.-Ono .juart of butter. lKica.no uttarly .lemoralizcd, and, onii.g toi,ni,k( 0E(J ica,,inj. tablespoonful of butter, or lack of discipline, and abiolute brutality on Uri,t mt,,te(li 6m t,.a,J)OOI)(Hl t,f !, one-halt thu irt of those in ehsrgoof thu vessel nuiuy tca,IWI(lj of wU( aollr KUWt t0 InaLo lt M pi.songers wero lost who could have Win kk M TOI1 bo stirred with a si.oii. Ikike saved, uau auyiuuig nsu uroer neeu prennun. Again, tho storo of ltogers I: Orr, ilrygools merchants in Kcw York, was brniied on the Kittiia iK-o had Dimplu and lk-ai, - A basketful ot happinc::, A b.iskitful of shiny fr, Ami little, tails raid pawn .itid pui-M. rho merry livui had jmt Uuii, lit'.'." wei'l-. ni pretty fun, -And tlun a m.e ti.os maiataVj voien; "I'l.ii i . ehililivn, uu ini.st maku your ihoi t-!'' And o;i, tiio little gnli kn-.u uliat that lmuut' And l'i, tl'u .Mutlu-r lvittiu tinned so faint: And ell threo Meiit, .") fad ai ad LiAild bu, Ami by the sweet cat-basket mi thu thtuu. Down willy stooped thu little, tender Hess, And took om-, snow -ll.iko white, with uca ns "I would keep that !'' Said .Mother Cat! llut Dimplu sighed) and then they chose Another kitty, like a Biift uhitu iosu "0, do keep that!" .Mid .Mother I 'at. "Hut ec," tnid lies', "thin purrs liku any- thing It U to dstir to ti-.-ar a kitty ideal'' "Von must keep that! Said Mother Ult. "And this iu, iJetsl is juit an whitu n. milk .'in warm, naA just as sliiny-soft in silk!" "Vc, yost ltup that!" ' Said .tlother lilt. So Hen hold nji her little apron, and Dnuplu laid fuut down in with circtul handt That, that, that ami th.it?" Su tl .Mother Cat. Then iu her mouth tho caught the other one, Ami pa with it an fait aa .lu could iuii; Aud liku the cat both lkst and Ihlnplu did, And in thu haymow all tho kittlm hid. lUhy-ltMid. Chaites linigsh-y oiicu said Vt iilittlugitl li'j asked iiim to cing to her: -Myfaliotehlld, lhaiuno uoiig to ghuyou, No lark could pipu to t'kiui fi uuld und grey; Yet eru Me put, ouo h'X.itl I eau leaiu ou, Tor u cry day. iiugooil, succt uiaid, ami let wliu will bo clown Mil uo'ilu dee 1, nut ilream them all day long; Aud so maku life, death, and that Vut for t-VLr, hiu grand, sneit ouj. !.., IIHf.llll.Pl.llM Parental Affection fu Sparrovrc. I taw a touching little incident sl.owluji thu all'ectiuii uf spaiTows for their young on the Keiiiiiugtoii Uial iriekit'ground last Thuriday aflLruooii, n dejcrip'.ion of whi.h ou may, per il ip, think it woith whilu to record. Tho afternoon uai line and thu ground was surnmiidud by a ikino ling of tpectatun., when a ;. oun pi.tu-cuSorad spanow, under thu guide of both its parents, uai tiyin to iicipiiiv tho list of its wug. A alight wind was Mowing touaids tlu fpcctatniK, mid tho pour little bird, iu iti n-c.ik attemj t to fly, iva to tie uvldent cuustn nation of its paix-uts, caniid stir.ight into tin laps of thu Itimr ring of spec tators, ouo of whom taught It gently in his hand and held it. When taken huld'of, tho young bird gavutno or threo chirp or calls for help, and the old birds llew to within a few feet uf thu ring ni pectators, ami, alighting on thu gra.is iu front of them all, began to "big" for thu young bird iu the must touching aud beseeching manner. This tliuy did by loirlm their heads and making the peculiar flutter of tha wingx by w liisli young birds beg for food fiom tha old ones. This singularly touching aupeal moud thu heaitsof many in thu crowd, who called out, "Lool.1 look at tho old birds!" "Don't hurt tho young bird!"- "Uic it back to them," etc. The anxiety and thu lioldness of tho old birds, and their humble beseeching for thu young weru so evident as to cunio home to tha hearts of thexo tomeii hat rough spectators. My nun feeling certainly was that I could not liiwo lielleved that a p.o'r of sorrows could possibly havu "begged" with suth touching humility and tenderness for thu safety of the young bird. Their manner clearly displaced their seuso of their own want of wwcr to help tho object if their affection, they thcrcfoiu prayed for mercy in their ouu way, aud with so much felling, as to excite thu full sympathy of thu crowd looking on, and to nuke them, for thu time, force t tho game of trifkit they hud come thelo tv see. JOHN CT. GILBERT, eAXa-niMC, - OHBGOKT. MAS TUB- e im; BOSTON" HfJBBER COMPANY'S (iOOS)S c. irriELD's tine hand seved $mmm & g,& T. EMERSONS SONS' CELEBRATED HERSOBEE GAITERS, AND HoJbrook & Ludlow's Superior Grade of Xn,ilies,' Misses,' and Gliildvon's Slices. All ot whlcti ultl bo hold nt tii'Irrs wlilcli ticty cutttjicf Itlmi frum utty xotii'L'tvH tlialL'wr. mniqTtti.-ae-T'l-inKfjponrrT.fcj'i iibiwwi fiw wii U'J.Misii.iMiiff GARDEN SEEDS, rrWUtT tfUKK;), CJltVHSS WKEDr? fill: UKT l'Alt?l (.KAIMN, NliW AMI OMI VAItlltTirS I liku biscuit rAliitl.Is'H I'l'lililMi. Two eggs, one cup of eve of Xov. 27. Ono of tho tinn, while tho fire "wct miV"' w" l'ict b( Cour two tablesp-n was in progrtss, was so overcomo that fritnds wuiu compelled to send him homo in a eainage, aud within an hour another one of tho linn suc cumbed to fright and anxiety, and ho alto was takeu to his home. At no time was thire the lent danger of any lies being sacri tiled, and thu only horror which confronted thise gentle men was teeing their property (which was near ly cou-red by iuiurance) destroyed. So much fills of melted butter, two of mgar, two tea cptoufuU of baking owder, Sunm fiom tweutv to twenty-five minutes. Servo with a sauce madu of butter ami sugar, or witli sweet ened cream. For those who ha e no steamer, a good way is to turn a baiin up side- down, in a kcttlu of water enough toeoitrit. On this, set thu pudding in a covered dish; covtrthe kettle tightly, replenishing with hotw&ttrif for tho self-jiotseiision of tnanl Now for an I Hctucel. exhibition of the timidity anl nervousness of . MiMrre I'cimi.vo. Htat ono (juart of milk, W0,Ilnn' I add a small tablesnoonful of butter, when boil- , Hardly srero tho opening exircisea at lublic i,,j.f a,ia onocoffeu cup of rlour; rub smooth in one of cold milk, Lit it but up one. i-t-ne with sugar nd cream. School Xo. 39 (Now York) concluded, on tha moruiug of the 27th ult., when the Janitor dis covered the felting around the steam boiler wax fire. Ho notitled tho principal, Miss Falvcy, A correspondent of the Boston "Journal of wno immeiliateiy gave tfte signal lor tlismwsal,' Comment," wrltine from this city, tells of an- and tho children joyfully prepared to leave tha other invention which has been kept secret pending the procurement oi patents, and which, with power derived from u springlike that of a clock, furnishes an tin trie light of great brilliancy. It is slid that the whole ap paratus occupies uo more space than an ordina ry lamp, that it can be sold for sir dollars per lamp, and that the light itself will only cost half a lent Tier hour. Washington Taper, building, thinking that their early release wm due to the following day being Thanksgiving. The principal staid calmly at her lot and watched the happy children troop by. When about two-thirds tad' pasted out, the alarm of tire was given and the littk , ones who were still in the build became panic-stricken. Miit Falvey cloied the doors, calmed the 'children as best she could, and by her admirable manage. meut succeeded in getting til of the" children ou X curious report hat been iniiu.l from Kit- rf the "itchool-houM unhrrt. Hero was a wo- j roue that leading Jew s are jtrfecting a plan man 'threatened with a fearful death, t1.c for thu punbase of I'ali-tt'ne. ludied, it is neither descrttd her chargo, as ili4 the sailors j said that tho project is completed, wid that 'Or th & Feme ran. jirivor flowed fright to deprhi)' Messrs. Kothschild, Mouttrlorf, and other htrof her senses, asjviw tho case with the dr j promhient Snancisrs and patriots have hue gootbt luercliants. Kxchange. I of eueceiru "their unJert&k.ng from tvtry h - i .. I point of view. The vecietry, who i r. (."lint- Merely r.trm theiick by a Krc, atd sever J tion in faith, rajs e .e.y ev ut,. v. ..f ippert to continue keeping the back exi ie 1 1 J het,t ..f tur.tluuile ar.o ccinfortat ',y .rr 'jo 'o othcrw. e is dcb.litatin?. I. lop;' Vt ," t-.n f.-e.l j :i 1'ws or the Ciit.re w rli , jet .i v -j -.. e.'t e t I I ? Vr s ii '"iat -' Tic ntU-titfon et uitnlivi'.i li ImlUil to in)- liro am! ttc'l ftvirlil txl ol KJ of tlijitlKiu-tnrirtlt'o. limit till. Jr lniirl.il (rum Knliml, Hut prime ol lunlid-r IM.'.'i Unfit IVa, sfl the rahiv mi.l I Mr.w sorts lor Ul-la u-u. I linn now U u vailttliK, whlih I Hill nit In iiicnlionU In tm.ll iiiiuitltlcs u tlic) iijii Haul lor llii'fr iiulomcr., 9) -ounJi ami uicr, nr wugi.KALK rla, or, II lliry v.lli to tale in)' my-K ami miss tLoici'ii lujtauiios, I Mill scml Mini sksks, mi uouii ami rrnr. thai 1 will uiTr. Many ii(nniiLinu!rscilAirOMiiu Tttts. As vt ilnmeul lut I htruavrt, I liny ntcrlu ins i( my eu.Minors In Oslons L'IP. I'ur the twt tlKht rwrs h hi' n mni to ll wil fur any ornrs dnux. l;ie liu M t.j tor me. ' 'Die m.iU un, Hit re were no Iml mwI, miifu i r i.lih tin ki, tliirtinv hlitnur. Iki ho ilJ uouu nrri't Uutli ur. sml I cot llivemlltof It Nov, nuilk t!i ru.ilt, Tlio tiur vrAK. I r.n.l (rum m IxkiIo, Im mM mil) f ll,l worth of il; l.vt ffrhUt,-il. Imtowii InMltyilln Hilt I'lio Itiiii.siiJ Ihtt to In tlio LMMiif toiiipntlllmwltiirlxi.rilxlil "tlicr torrs III Ihe tils. all wllli ltell(uiiiUMl. Tin xamkoJ lhtii.nrtli.itit I ulllghe to iuiv ono wliu ltle-ln leilfir llit-vslauinciits. MyKrd. r nuw rwuly. mt ni In smi, rtarniuwi bu', siiiliiierelianUia!cl the meunViiis eieeClly wniim ilu will l Mini tr Tsnsi, ir male onlwit At oo-r. lfofw th rl.er lrjii uirr, unit hate thtm lor watdul Irinn I'urtUnU wllli thtlr la'l too I. uf tow!.. FRUIT TJILQISS. I lux sIm. h nii -i.M uf iitioir .nnitli nrlni; tnt, slid thrill of nil llio np.itutr.! ,m- iU-, f.ir OrtiMti. whlih I eun mII ui Uiu m an v.ie wlui ilot-4 mt honinMi-MtnM firv4rilbii-lne,.. I uouM n Iu vuiltrruriU who uif. niriir-ir Unui.tli4l iiirunkiuiiuiiicliirkiiv urnlltlisuktrMV nis tailrllrtnl soiili. trm luml in in? .-iiiUorii-, it l.irl'IIKIlUY, I'l.I'M, I'lILM; ICAI'IIO, rl'ltllA.NTH, iiio.i ni-.niiiiJi. ili.Ai'Kiii.itiin.s, i;AM'iitimiii, i.J htiiawiikiiiiii, umi )onel'..il lnt tli'i.ial prUtttiliUliare lull) ilun to lunl Unit--, hinl which ran not f..ll t.i tu .ult tun rinwiiii.Lla litan. I uui nil miJ.t lii- l.vrklstr..OUr If); whtrli tie nliv well rootnl trif, Tlir) tin ikk t'i Tliti-r fnt I1I4.-I1: und tnt, 3 vsr olJ X to t fret hfxil, sl IS.O11 r leu. Aiita.-tiiiH-r luiitnrs nunum ui iirtnionsi ritt. 11i-lvin-. iriTi.tv'ti"" "" v1ltttjr tlisBwitauuJmlior urn. wiiich? A llttln k'lrl with tun mints, 0110 mar ried, with a vvholo lot oi children, ntid lots of worry ami bother, nnd tho other fiinglo und linvlnx quite it coinfortidilo time tcncliiiijr K'hool. Tho child hml contruited tho reipeetlvo ultuiitloiH, but was not old enough to undorstitud thodlirjrcnco In tho positions of tho two relative. Ono tiny hho throw her doll aside, anil assumed an itttltudo of (irofound thought, which was inter rupted nt last by tho question: "Well, Julia, what uro you thinking nboutV" The child let loose a ten-acro lot full of erudo philosophy by answering: "I wai flnkln' whevver, when I growed up, I'd teat tool or Jutvo a baby." Kiigliih journals are despondent over thu fu turu of stock breeding iu Great llritaiu. The Journal of tho Jiojfa! Agricultural society says that in IS" the value of animal food and tere al graint imixirtod was .'15,000,000, lu ISTC it had risen to 1' 1 10,000,000. Tub scarcity of Diamonds, Quid and (Silver, ana Hie illilliuitlet met wuri in securing them, Is u sum liidlcadoii ot their value, 'Ifiut It Is with k valutblu iued!cln: Dr. Aug KlfrV, telbbisltil ljriuu i'liluioiii Klixlr, lurough ito Jt-alou-y of rivals, tin. mot w ttti llio most ldt.tr opposlilon, and up pirtn'.ly almost insurutouiiubln obsuclut ntvotiten lii row 11 In It- wav: but Hkoddc neuts inlhtas well Iry lonhanKtithecoiirso ortbosuu, Htvfwp uo.: 1110 uciuiiwitii brixini r.r nil' ou'. u PMfrfa II ro wllh u Irar. For Itiooiiro of Throat und l.ung iIIsijm , ucli a (oiiyfit, e.ol!, Con-utnptlon si llr-jucbial Alt'u'ions, 1; ! utitqusllwj. J: cure-tara jr-i'y jnsgl'al. .J: your I)rn aiUfirl?, T'K i:eiiii'uo 1mmi the t'russlsi Coat of Arms, h Uf nri'te slgntlurM of I)r Auf. ri-f r. and hi VU oatne bloivn on ovury "j vtlivlfcit C. tt.i) ..., - C03U. iiiii.'iii" AiUriM U. Ill(lKINKU.Alii,Orr;-ou. Mm Jos rmmFz ( TrrJafcr rMMrfr21vmm9H mm Km Htiena Vista POTTERY. AFTKit k rKniin or inr.ENr.i. tiibhr wo U turn n'nw fur lateral monllis heen la full OiH-ritlnn ir.smihciurlBK a inotrlor ami Imiirnved article which I sm able 10 cITir to tha trails as of mMx-mt OxxrvXltv. Mr i.re'rnt rtnek Is saperlor loanytblnz mrufao IutmI at 111 I'ollery fur Ore ytsri sit, uu It equsl to Urt rarthciiw are fur niccttb eiitl durability, I Giinrmilou VtillNlnctluii. Rnl-ri, or rrurti for lofumisllon is to price lltl, thiitild he actlrriieil tu A. M. SMITH, Ihu t VliU, An. DJ-lf I'rourlttor. Guns! Guns! H BEIMJ. FORSTNER, HultMii, Orcoii, AS A l-M'.Oi: STUCK OF CIIUAI Military BreccWoailni Rillrs tu.ln. t) M'l.SCIllt. MIAIU'K. UKMINOTO.V, ami WINCIIUSTKII. Mm, a full auertintnt of 33xoooli-loclliifS fclllT-fii:.SS ami MOItTINII ltin.l', ol all aUniJartl nuke, A full Una of I'oi-ket t.'ullrry. Knives, Itoxnra, nvd M.iSOUS,ilit.t fiuu IJ.jUml. Al-o 1'lalilUK TkI-Io Will sell us lou'aaauibotly. wtlf URDER !l )( Will rkM fir I'flnllur, at Walo'a f team lYInl-1 nk- IliMiiu, ftkttm. Kiirr lacllltr Ul ilia l-eal aul ruSI i-TM-etti.fi nf vurs at tow raup. lAfyvit au k .1 l.r.CKU III.VNKH !u tha t-lata, licln-llns all ronna lor einuii, tajanrr. 1'nn.aia an juiihm ixruria. muj hi er.rteuf aoi riu-a J-ui. AQJrr. K. Sf. MTAITR Stvacu Prlnlrr rU Uabblndr, rr.raj'. UUk.SUU atrw-l, SALKM, (1REC0M, I Willamette University. mnK NKXT TKItM OF TUB LITERARY HK X Oi'tm.ut, will brrln Msnoay, frt. V, IWH. wllh tha foiliiwliik" Inairnctiirt: T, . llaicu, I'rwtlriit; (i anas a II. I nLtitu. Msir-eraailct sad Nat. gtienrr; Kilsn J CiiixatKLiM, l'rrctiuca; Mm, Joaaru MnuiAK. AcadeioUtl llr'Snu.tnt; sulELia M. ! UK, Jru.lr. For fall lufaimstlen tiiilicra ll.f I'rMldml. r 3. A. HTHATTON, JoneSi. ISTrtIf Aktoi, taitra, eitron, WaVXllTXJMi Xa.IT ell Drilling, Boring, UwUett wnl ml tuUruntI hsbibitiou. hutd lor piotoritlcaatttUjtfuti n4 yriovfUtt1ive, A$ntM ui, AafO per dar auravat4J. Haml.takKiMfii, nI rjck r.ilr l.inaW. Alrt.i. l'IKIU 1, WKiX KXCA VA10U CO,, C03 l'.lta Are JUUaU'U. Hun Expectorant -eifisn s ADDBlstts xv - 7 Stubborn Courjhs and Colds yioia promptly to tho boallng nnd curn tlvo propcrlle'H of I)r. Jujiicn !. Iterlortust. It lonncitn ami proniotci tho expectoration of Irritating mat ter, mitigate much pal 1 1 and dis tress, ami choukH inllammatloii. Asthma, Bronchitis, and Throat TrOUhlflS aro at oniti rcllovt'd by Dr. Jaxj-nc'n Kxprrlontnt. It ro- movos coruttrlctlnn of llio llronrhlul tulcn, Ioohciis phlegm, koo'.Iiph and heals thcmueoiiH iiicmbraur,Hrri-nt nny TovcrlBh tondency, and hidp'j to fonvurd n graduul cure. Consumption, Pleurisy, and Lung AffoCtlQflB aro Ki'iicrally fontrolloel and nmollonitotl by Dr. Jiaynr'n i:. lcr(ornnt. It Huve-H tho lilllgH from much Irritation and (ILHtrcwi, by re lieving tlwjiti of tlio Irritating mattcrH by which thoy aro cloggod, It alo mipprcwiOH liiUammatlon and given thu alToctoel purU a chanco to heal. Whooping Cough.Croup and Hoarse- nS88 aro ofllcacloUMly troatod by Ir. Jttjnr,'m Eatttertoravnt. It remoTCH dlfllcully of breaching and opprot Bion In tho throat or lungs, promotoi tlio ojoctlon of muouH and subdues Iho violonca of thcBo oomplalnU at thuouUet. It U a Knfo Family Cura tive, of long-esiUbllshod reputation, and vrhcru promptly lulinlnUtorod, ban enabled inauy to vaospe aerloua Lung Aifvcllonu. IIOIKIS. IIM'H A CO,, Wholttals A(dU. Port U'i'. 'i-r-tfon. ixlAmJ ICastrity JNottfM). Osk niJicK iioiim: ioiu veaks pt.i. l.oo ruui.il bod) f It UsndMt Hi lh aiioulilt r ilh ln lui iUlbn uf a tiUbJ, Said horw Itll uiy larto, Ihrta inllta Uthvi.tef Auilty,un Ihe SO, ot .-voVriuU r, IstH. A llbcrul rerd lll U stien In ! ift Jfii, el lor uiy lb loinulloii rr4idUiv his khiiiAouut', V" j it. uaxukks. Amity, jot.S, fi7J- , iJmli-l Wo uow occupy a lxxiitiian in tho field journalism wheru vio aro nblo to furnish the farmcra of tho Northwest a newspaper do voted to their interests and largo enough to afTonl space for every topic which thoy can wish to haw discussed. When wo purchased the WiiXAMtrn: r.vtiMKii, six nnd a half j earn ago, it vvni not ver out third tho pt cf.cn t hlro, nod Mf have ptt.idil. enlarged mid improved it un til it is itvond only to the greatest inetrnpoli tan journal published noitli of Sail l-'ranciseo. TUB "rillMKIt" 'IIIB l-IMII'LU'H JOUIIXAI. 'If 10 people of this region tlcscrvu to have a. nowspaper of their own, and this U llio only ono that cm bo called so. All others aro secta rian or paitfaaii to a degree that prevents their being accepted as exponents ot tho principles vvu should all hold in common, or advocator of tho Interests of tho coplo collectively. It In notorious that tho pipers that tnonopolizo tho nuns mid so most completely occupy tho Hold of journalism, aru controlled and directed in thu interest of i'ortlaud capitalist', wheat spoculatora and politicians, while tho grasping nvaricoofthu nimt intolerabtu monopoly that Is known to tlio IVu-iflo Xoitlnuwt, only re- ccivei from it words of e-ommcnilation. ont r.M.MiiiK.vir.vr. With tho apnea nt our command nt tho present time uo shall bo nldo to eovcr n luoro extended Held than hcrotofniu. Wo shall givo thu must tuiiortniit nuvra of uaeh week, state, national and foreign, so that a reader of tho l'.uiMKit can havu no excusn for being ignorant of all important events that trauspini at homo or abroad, lt shall Is) n iiuwspipci', and a peoplcj p.iper in every important sense. Thu I-'.u:m:tt is not ,only enlarged hut it wears a now dress, our typo being now, so that tho print is plain to thu oldest eyes. Wu hopo lei iiMku the matter published in' its colttmiui corresihimlvvith itssiio and general nppear.-viiro nun riHiTlnv, ()ur editorial columiis will discuss popular ipicstlous on their intrensio merits, standing on iho broad platform of right and molality, where, unfortunately, iolitical and sectariau jtitirunlisui can asldum bu found, icrhnps lie Mttso it ii no vrido and their Ideas soM-lfisli and lisnow, they would bu Inst upon it. i onui'.wisiii'.MT. nt'.siiir.ii. Our corrospoudeiico from thu jivoplo has at Uiis beeu iiitert'stlng, mid with moru room t command nml thu greater eirculatioii wu aro aeiiuiruig with tho growth nf thu .Statu popula tion, vvu tan reasonably ex pic t that its interest will iiicreatu. Wo Invite all interested In tho ddbluiK'titpatiou of ngriciilturu and stock-raising to send us tho lesultn of their t'Xn'Hinrr, or to make known their wauls or wild iniulrias or suggt'stious to our columns, mi to draw out thu uip.-ricncu of otheni for thu public good, 11111 "rAIIVIKIl" A llliANlli: oiui.iv. i hopu to maku the I'.viiMl'.lt acccptahlo to thu grango by fiiruisliiitg uuwa of the pmgrusn of that great order in our own legion mid clao- when1, and wu shall be glad to receive rouiino nlcntions allowing thu pmgrciu of its priiieiploa and thu good accomplished by its working uu-uilieni, Wu encounter, even among farmer., considerable oppo-atfou to thu grango, and fre-ipit-nt objection to thu publication of graugo natter, but wo intend to havu room in tho Kaiimku for all, and all tho good objects of tho Order of Kit rons of Husbandry liavo our earn est Myiusithy and deserve all thu support wo can give them. It is to lie regretted that a Hociity that should havu for its object tho social, intulleitual and material advancement of the whole tanoing Kpulatlou, enuiiot Ihi ho conducted ns to command thu support and re spect of orcry famif r in tho laud. 1'robably thtiu isagitat deal of human nature both in side und otttsidu o the onler. 1IIKMAIIKKTH. Wo havu bwilillea. through the most reliable private sources, fur giving thu exact news of the vvluat maiketH iu San l-'rnucisco and Liver- xm Ireteivtd tip to tlio hour of going to preiu. Wu can statu thu niuoiiut of toitungi at coin maud for your life, aud shall watch all luattun, th.it i Into to thu pricu of prislucu and thu prist Mits of thu maiketH iu ndvaueu in the interest of our nadcrs, While wo hesitate tu givo en-i-ouragciiiciit to too tkitttiriiig hopes vie uuvor hesitatti to give nil reliable facts to tho pcoplo, fiom whom our supoi-t couu-s and whote proo-pe-nty is the lutnsuiu of our own. WHAT VVI. SlltLI. Illll.lMI. Ill addition tt'an, original nnd colitlihiit ed, lelatiuy, tiingriiultuiu ami stock-raiaiug iu the Pacific Noithwot, wu ahull nuihu soldo tious fivui the agricultural journals and stock publicntinus we lecoive fiom all tectlous of tho Union, with the endeavor to tovir all ground uenssary for the infonuatioii of home pro. dutirs and thu ulvancmtut of homo agricul ture. A tertaiu auiount of miscellaneous ami scientific reading will be found in every lue. with toutlirs ol the humorous octvuuonallv anoT aouiftlmrsa ttory of lute-nst, suitetl to our columns. Our Homo Circle is cotiducted bv sv 1,-wly whose eisjrieiirc and literary tate svenut to ipjuhfy htrtsSM uvlly for that department,? while uiauy ytars tineuce as a fanntr's wifo) maku it powible foi her to toinpitheud n''d uiinitter to the social want of a fanue-ia' family. ' . ' 'moiulvk. ' g F.&ICASONS, i f4rtj iui ta C Y I'M i:it u uc r Y . : rlail tftai iw;j .t1.'.' :i(,tt J ML Atlf. j m CfttM.i.t .! u-rf-il MM, Mdl.W, . M . SOMETHING NEW. IlOaVd. I Dt! !f J! RUi, "llAVIMf I'lAcirAtto TUB1 1'hoto Lullrry our Wllu' Ikxk.tore fii SUt imt,lurtl)tt4fht(!!!rry J'l tuntal Wftium in tha Utof ttjls. !r. T. el. Tnttlv, Uwcf IjJIuniU, Hill UtteUrViJOf thadilkry. llti ..otutat UuIMllha iltln, ttlUtpcu!. furU.'. rta. lull an.l Kai Iiiitna' Uforr n.Uin aUaatcit fee t.ift Ui ' r, ever Hull! Btcdutm lUUlllttl C(X lltloiu, IfsrtO nCaVl bit, H , SALBM PHOTQQWfiPH gallery: w. p. Joi3.'4o Arti3tr Over V Ul- ltoiUto;e, hTATt HV . MI.E5I, "IJHTl'HEH TAKEW IS' I.ATtST UTYbU. .Ton I. Mir f urn ii i r- to I. lu t.i-r. C'l'ILh l-.'I.AIi KI tu sty s.tt On ltd. Wtr ul",:v, -t Itish'aidly nteyttary 'to say to our regular" rentiers that 0.0 Fakmxk mill aTiav(a.reirvrf the Ut moral t'onti ay) Vndi4v''to'4lEaU- t(o bst and imrts-t ntini'T.Ui) tii the fathikytirt1B We liave no bitterntu to vent, no iinry vrerji to bandy with nuy, no )rinal luijiiiyn ,i., vance nt the- eiptiAo (.f tli:ittiyUoot1, ,ini if we have aiiVbii.s'at6Ujrrt) to lctov4 it, aud cftiitjir'nirifftj V. lmUeftJt v o pr -c r tohavv noti fit iuii wiLjtho p.-ipl, , t vtt-'arotol.avjrjuoJfirtli, at tL.irexjH. ,., -irr.ong thiTrTTptU.voJv. r ,. J'tvpUifiidvoui this U .yfur mwvvif r, aiiiLs'te iiJedt'Iilj jr,i.r s.lpjsiit to make -ll m can tluairc, (tn,'sit hiivo it Will - J cneeiulvf.vorto se.1 iro u i-ue mom tzsh. i j,-n-1.1 1 rt If yja Mili,'ve,(i.n,gu-riipirMis.iK u. iy nml do you t.tiiHl -tt rucc l.Sui witL'tat o ' l.r.id tiinea-tp eatl.Und ;ji.t vwfwJL.it t ilbaMe our Ut, ..ul v,c hvpo to do it Mi je.r (ik'tlhrj',